Observações Iniciais


Observações Iniciais
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Observações Iniciais
Este arquivo contém as cláusulas analisada e/ou revisadas até 30 de junho de 2009
1) Na medida do possível está determinado na coluna TIPO o uso da referida cláusula em relação a:
- Cláusulas normalmente usadas em Contratos Não Proporcionais.
- Cláusulas de Contratos Proporcionais.
- Cláusulas que podem ser usadas tanto em contratos proporcionais como não proporcionais.
- Cláusulas usadas em contratos com cobertura de catástrofe.
2) Não transcrever para o Contrato notas ou observações, pois muitas vezes as mesmas são explicações para referência técnica apenas.
3) Ao transcrever uma Cláusula abaixo para um contrato verificar se os termos usados na mesma para as partes contratantes (ou qualquer outra definição acordada)
estão de acordo com os termos definidos no contrato que está sendo formulado (por ex: Companhia, Ressegurado, Cedente etc.).
4) Na produção da versão em português foi decidido, na medida do possível, retirar as redundâncias ou incongruências em relação à realidade legal brasileira.
5) A versão em português não substitui nem se sobrepõe ao original em inglês no que se refere ao objetivo técnico da cláusula.
6) Detalhes do Contrato, conforme usado em diversas cláusulas traduzidas, significam a parte do Contrato onde são especificados valores numéricos, prazos,
características dos riscos e quaisquer elementos específicos a um Contrato de Resseguros.
7) Este trabalho não tem como objetivo abranger todas as possíveis cláusulas ou todas as necessidades ou interesses das partes na formulação de um contrato de
Original em Inglês
The Reinsurer or its designated representatives shall have free access at any
reasonable time to all records of the Company which pertain in any way to this
The Reinsurer or its designated representatives shall have free access to the books
and records of the Company on matters relating to this reinsurance at all reasonable
times for the purpose of obtaining information concerning this Contract or the
subject matter hereof.
The Company shall place at the disposal of the Reinsurer at all reasonable times, and
the Reinsurer shall have the right to inspect through its designated representatives,
during the term of this Contract and thereafter, all books, records and papers of the
Company in connection with any reinsurance hereunder, or the subject matter
The Reinsurer or its designated representatives shall have access to the books and
records of the Company on matters relating to this reinsurance at all reasonable
times for the purpose of obtaining information concerning this Contract or the
Versão Livre para o Português
O Ressegurador ou seus representantes nomeados terão livre acesso, a
qualquer tempo em horário comercial, a todos os documentos e registros da
Companhia pertinentes a este resseguro.
O Ressegurador ou seus representantes nomeados terão livre acesso aos livros,
documentos e registros da Companhia referentes a assuntos deste resseguro, a
qualquer tempo em horário comercial, com o propósito de obter informações
referentes a este Contrato ou sobre o seu objeto.
A Companhia colocará à disposição do Ressegurador, a qualquer tempo em
horário comercial, tendo o mesmo o direito de inspecionar através de seus
representantes nomeados, durante a vigência deste Contrato e após, todos os
livros, registros e documentos da Companhia referentes a qualquer resseguro
aqui incluído ou seu objeto.
O Ressegurador ou seus representantes nomeados terão acesso aos livros,
registros e documentos da Companhia em assuntos referentes a este
resseguro, a qualquer tempo em horário comercial, com o propósito de obter
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
subject matter hereof.
The Reinsurer or its duly accredited representatives shall have access to the books
and records of the Company on matters reasonably relating to this reinsurance at all
reasonable times for the purpose of obtaining information concerning this Contract or
the subject matter hereof. Except as provided in the following sentence, access to
premium records is restricted to within _____ years of the expiration of this Contract.
The Reinsurer shall be permitted access to premium records subsequent to the
aforementioned period only on the condition that either a) there are no balances
payable hereunder by the Reinsurer which are overdue as provided in the Remittance
Article of this Contract or b) the Reinsurer has funded all balances due hereunder in
an interest-bearing trust fund or with a Letter of Credit as hereinafter provided.
Should the Reinsurer choose option (b) of the foregoing paragraph, the Reinsurer
agrees to provide the Company a Trust Agreement established at Morgan Guaranty
Trust Company of New York, New York, or at a mutually agreed successor Trustee, or
a clean, irrevocable, and evergreen Letter of Credit, issued by Morgan Guaranty Trust
Company of New York, New York, or by a mutually agreed Bank, of which the
Company shall be the beneficiary, which shall secure in full all balances due from the
Reinsurer to the Company with respect to this Contract. Such Trust Agreement and/or
Letter of Credit shall be established under the laws of the state of New York, and
meet all requirements of the state regulatory authorities applicable to the Company.
The Reinsurer is responsible for all costs associated with providing such Trust
Agreement and/or Letter of Credit as required under this Article.
A. The Reinsurer shall be afforded the opportunity, at its own expense, to appoint a
duly accredited representative of its own choice to assess the Company’s claims and
claims procedures and to report to the Reinsurer the results of such review
B. The Company shall also permit the Reinsurer or its duly accredited representative,
for the purpose of obtaining information concerning this Contract or the subject
matter hereof, to visit, inspect, examine, audit or verify at the Company’s offices or
elsewhere as appropriate, original policies and claim files, accounts, files, documents,
books, reports and other records belonging to or in the possession or control of the
Company or any other company relating to business covered under this Contract.
The Reinsurer or its duly accredited representative shall also be permitted to request
copies of relevant documents, identified in the course of reviewing such books and
records. However, any such requested copies will only be released to the Reinsurer
after execution by the Reinsurer of a separate confidentiality contract containing
terms mutually agreeable to the Company and the Reinsurer.
C. The Reinsurer or its duly accredited representative may exercise such rights at any
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Versão Livre para o Português
informações referentes a este Contrato ou a seu objeto.
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
A. Ao Ressegurador será dada a oportunidade, às suas próprias expensas, de
designar um representante devidamente habilitado e de sua própria escolha
para avaliar os sinistros e os respectivos procedimentos da Companhia e
informar ao Ressegurador os resultados desta revisão.
B.A Companhia também permitirá o Ressegurador ou seu mandatário
devidamente habilitado, com o objetivo de obter informação relativa a este
Contrato ou seu objeto, visitar, inspecionar, examinar, auditar ou verificar nos
escritórios da Companhia ou em outros locais, conforme adequado, apólices,
processos de sinistros, contas, arquivos, documentos, livros, relatórios e outros
registros pertencentes a, ou de posse ou controle da Companhia, ou de
qualquer outra Companhia e referentes a negócios abrangidos por este
O Ressegurador ou seu representante devidamente habilitado serão
igualmente autorizados a solicitar cópias dos documentos relevantes,
identificados no processo de revisão de livros e registros. No entanto, essas
cópias solicitadas só serão liberadas para o Ressegurador após a assinatura de
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
time during the term of this Contract and thereafter so long as the Reinsurer shall
consider necessary to protect its interests.
The Reinsurer or its designated representatives shall have access at any reasonable
time to all records of the Company which pertain in any way to this reinsurance.
The Reinsurers and/or their nominees shall at all reasonable times and upon
reasonable notice being given, be entitled to inspect all books, relevant records,
correspondence, documents and vouchers in possession of or accessible to the
Reinsured and in any way connected with the adjustment of a loss applying to this
Agreement, it being understood that the Reinsured cannot be called upon to supply
documentary evidence other than that which they themselves have received, or to
which they have access. The Reinsurers or their duly appointed representatives may
arrange for copies to be made at the Reinsurer’s expense of any of the records or
documents containing such information that they may require.
It is agreed that the Reinsurers’ right of inspection shall continue as long as either
party remains under any liability arising out of this Agreement.
The right of inspection being provided shall not be construed to allow Reinsurers the
right to delay or withhold payment for any losses which fall due under this Agreement
in accordance with terms and conditions as stated herein.
The Reinsurers or representatives duly authorized by them may at any time during
normal office hours of the Reinsured and at a place to be mutually agreed between
the parties, inspect and take copies of such of the Reinsured's records and documents
which relate to business covered under this Reinsurance. It is agreed that the
Reinsurers' right of inspection shall continue as long as either party has a claim
against the other arising out of this Reinsurance or whilst any liability remains
Existem três Cláusulas com o titulo “Inspection” adiante neste documento, que
tratam do mesmo assunto (Direito de Inspeção)
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Versão Livre para o Português
um contrato separado de confidencialidade contendo termos mutuamente
aceitáveis para a Companhia e para o Ressegurador.
C. O Ressegurador ou seu mandatário devidamente designado poderá exercer
esses direitos, em qualquer momento durante a vigência deste Contrato e,
posteriormente, por tanto tempo quanto o Ressegurador considerar necessário
para proteger os seus interesses.
O Ressegurador ou seus representantes nomeados terão acesso, a qualquer
tempo em horário comercial, a todos os documentos e registros da Companhia
pertinentes em qualquer forma a este resseguro.
Os Resseguradores e/ou seus representantes, a qualquer tempo em horário
comercial e desde que tenha sido dado pré-aviso em prazo razoável, terão
direito a inspecionar todos os livros, registros, correspondência, documentos e
comprovantes importantes em posse ou acessível ao Ressegurado e de
qualquer forma relacionados com a regulação de um sinistro referente a este
Contrato, ficando entendido que o Ressegurado não pode ser solicitado para
fornecer prova documental que não seja aquela que eles mesmos receberam
ou à qual eles têm acesso. Os Resseguradores ou seus representantes
devidamente habilitados podem providenciar cópias, a suas próprias expensas,
de quaisquer registros ou documentos contendo tais informações que eles
possam exigir.
Fica acordado que o direito do Ressegurador de inspecionar continuará
enquanto cada parte permanecer sob qualquer responsabilidade decorrente
deste Contrato.
O direito de inspeção, uma vez concedido, não será interpretado como direito
dos Resseguradores em protelar ou reter pagamento de quaisquer sinistros
devidos por este Contrato, conforme os termos e condições aqui estabelecidos.
Os Resseguradores ou seus representantes devidamente habilitados podem a
qualquer tempo, durante as horas usuais de trabalho do Ressegurado, e em
local a ser acordado mutuamente pelas partes, inspecionar e obter cópias de
documentos e registros do Ressegurado, assim como outros documentos
referentes aos negócios cobertos sob este resseguro. Fica acordado que o
direito de inspeção dos Resseguradores continuará em pleno vigor enquanto
qualquer das partes tenha reclamações sobre sinistros decorrentes dos riscos
cobertos por este resseguro ou enquanto existirem quaisquer
responsabilidades decorrentes deste Contrato.
Existem três Cláusulas com o titulo “Inspection” adiante neste documento, que
tratam do mesmo assunto (Direito de Inspeção)
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
The Reinsured shall not be required to furnish bordereaux to the Reinsurers.
It is however understood and agreed that the Reinsurers hereon or their duly
authorized representatives, shall have the right to inspect the books of the Reinsured
on all matters pertaining to this Agreement at all reasonable times and upon
reasonable notice being given. It is agreed that the Reinsurers’ rights of inspection
shall continue as long as either party has a claim against the other arising out of this
The accounts hereunder shall be compiled at the dates specified in the Schedule, and
shall be rendered by the Reinsured to the Reinsurers as soon as possible, but not later
than eight weeks after the close of each accounting period.
The accounts shall be rendered in the main currency specified in the Schedule and
other currencies shall be converted at the same rate of exchange at which they were
remitted to or paid by the Reinsured or failing this, at the rates of exchange ruling on
the last day of the month in which the relative account was compiled.
The accounts shall be rendered on an underwriting year basis, broken down between
Fire, Accident and CAR/Machinery Breakdown branches.
The accounts shall be confirmed by the Reinsurers within thirty days after their
receipt and the balance on either side shall be paid within thirty days after receipt of
such confirmation.
It is agreed either party may deduct from any balance due to the other party any sum
owing by the latter to the former whether under this Agreement or any other Treaty
Agreement between the parties hereto.
Ao Ressegurado não poderá ser exigido o fornecimento de borderôs aos
É, no entanto, entendido e acordado que os Resseguradores deste Contrato ou
seus representantes, devidamente autorizados, terão o direito de inspecionar
os livros do Ressegurado, com relação a todas as matérias pertinentes a este
Contrato de Resseguro, a qualquer tempo em horário comercial, desde que
tenha sido dado pré-aviso em prazo razoável. É acordado que o direito de
inspeção dos Resseguradores persistirá enquanto cada parte tiver uma
reclamação de sinistro contra a outra advinda deste Contrato.
As contas em questão deverão ser emitidas, nas datas especificadas nos
Detalhes do Contrato, e apresentadas pelo Ressegurado aos Resseguradores o
quanto antes, mas não depois de oito semanas após o fechamento de cada
período contábil.
As contas serão apresentadas na moeda principal especificada nos Detalhes do
Contrato e outras moedas serão convertidas na mesma taxa de câmbio que
foram remetidas a ou pagas pelo Ressegurado ou em caso de impossibilidade,
nas taxas de câmbio vigentes no último dia do mês em que a referida conta
tiver sido emitida.
As contas serão apresentadas na base de ano de subscrição, detalhadas entre
os ramos de Incêndio, Acidente e Riscos de Engenharia/Quebra de Máquinas.
As contas serão confirmadas pelos Resseguradores dentro de 30 dias após o
seu recebimento e o saldo, para qualquer parte, será pago dentro de 30 dias
após o recebimento de tal confirmação.
É acordado que qualquer parte poderá deduzir do saldo devido à outra parte
qualquer importância devida, seja neste Contrato ou qualquer outro contrato
entre as partes.
The provisions of this Agreement are based on the benefits payable and other terms
as provided for in legislation relating to the business protected hereunder in
{COUNTRIES} at the effective date of inception of this Agreement. Should any
alterations to such benefits or other terms be made subsequently materially affecting
the basis of this Agreement, the parties hereto agree to take up for immediate
discussion a suitable revision in the terms of the Agreement. Failing agreement on a
revision this Agreement shall operate from the effective date of the change of law as
if the change had not occurred.
Whenever the word "Company" is used in this Contract, such term shall be held to
include any or all of the affiliated companies which are or may hereafter be under
(Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Sempre que a palavra “Companhia” for usada neste Contrato subentende-se
incluir qualquer ou todas as companhias filiadas que são ou poderão vir a estar
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
common control, provided that notice be given to the Reinsurer of any such newly
affiliated companies which may hereafter come under common control as soon as
practicable with full particulars as to how such affiliation is likely to affect this
Contract. In the event of either party maintaining that such affiliation calls for
alteration in existing terms, and an agreement for alteration not being arrived at,
then the business of such newly affiliated company is covered at existing terms only
for a period of up to forty-five (45) days after notice by either party that it does not
wish to cover such business.
Whenever the word "Company" is used in this Contract, same shall be held to include
any or all of the affiliated companies, which are or may hereafter be under common
Note: Adding a reinsured company, without notice to, and approval of Reinsurer.
sob controle comum, desde que o Ressegurador seja informado tão logo seja
possível quanto a qualquer nova companhia que venha a ser filiada ou passar
ao controle comum, com todos os detalhes de como esta filiação poderá afetar
esse Contrato. No caso de uma das partes considerar que tal filiação requer
alterações aos termos já existentes, e um acordo de alteração não for atingido,
então o negócio da companhia recém- filiada estará coberto sob os termos
existentes somente por um período de até quarenta e cinco (45) dias após
notificação, por qualquer uma das partes, de que não deseja cobrir tal negócio.
Sempre que a palavra “Companhia” for usada neste Contrato, a mesma será
entendida como incluindo qualquer ou todas as companhias filiadas que estão
ou poderão vir a estar sob controle comum.
Nota: Permite adicionar uma companhia ressegurada, sem notificação ou
aprovação do aprovação.
Sempre que a palavra “Companhia” for usada neste Contrato, subentende-se
incluir qualquer ou todas as companhias filiadas que estão ou poderão vir a
estar sob controle comum, desde que o Ressegurador seja informado tão logo
seja possível quanto a qualquer nova companhia que venha a ser filiada ou
passar ao controle comum, com todos os detalhes de como esta filiação poderá
afetar este Contrato. No caso de uma das partes considerar que tal filiação
requer alterações aos termos já existentes, e um acordo de alteração não for
atingido, então o negócio da companhia recém-filiada estará coberto sob os
termos existentes somente por um período de até quarenta e cinco (45) dias
após notificação, por qualquer uma das partes, de que não deseja cobrir tal
A primeira companhia filiada nomeada será considerada como agente da
A retenção da Companhia e a responsabilidade do Ressegurador e todos os
direitos em favor da Companhia, como estipulado neste Contrato ou qualquer
endosso, são aplicáveis às companhias filiadas e à Companhia como um grupo,
e não separadamente a cada companhia filiada.
Sempre que a palavra “Companhia” for usada neste Contrato, incluirá qualquer
ou todas as companhias filiadas que estão ou poderão vir a estar sob controle
comum, desde que o Ressegurador seja informado tão logo seja possível
quanto a qualquer nova companhia que venha a ser filiada ou passar ao
controle comum, com todos os detalhes de como esta filiação poderá afetar
esse Contrato. No caso de uma das partes considerar que tal filiação requer
alterações aos termos já existentes, e um acordo de alteração não for atingido,
Whenever the word "Company" is used in this Contract, such term shall be held to
include any or all of the affiliated companies which are or may hereafter be under
common control, provided that notice be given to the Reinsurer of any such newly
affiliated companies which may hereafter come under common control as soon as
practicable with full particulars as to how such affiliation is likely to affect this
Contract. In the event of either party maintaining that such affiliation calls for
alteration in existing terms, and an agreement for alteration not being arrived at,
then the business of such newly affiliated company is covered at existing terms only
for a period of forty-five (45) days after notice by either party that it does not wish to
cover such business.
The first named affiliated company hereunder shall be deemed to be the agent of the
The retention of the Company and the liability of the Reinsurer and all other benefits
accruing to the Company as provided in this Contract or any amendments hereto,
shall apply to the affiliated companies comprising the Company as a group and not
separately to each of the affiliated companies.
Whenever the word "Company" is used in this Contract, such term shall be held to
include any or all of the affiliated companies which are or may hereafter be under
common control, provided that notice be given to the Reinsurer of any such newly
affiliated companies which may hereafter come under common control as soon as
practicable with full particulars as to how such affiliation is likely to affect this
Contract. In the event of either party maintaining that such affiliation calls for
alteration in existing terms, and an agreement for alteration not being arrived at,
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
then the business of such newly affiliated company is covered at existing terms only
for a period of forty-five (45) days after notice by either party that it does not wish to
cover such business.
The retention of the Company and the liability of the Reinsurer and all other benefits
accruing to the Company as provided in this Contract or any amendments hereto,
shall apply to the affiliated companies comprising the Company as a group and not
separately to each of the affiliated companies. Any payments by the Reinsurer to any
of the affiliated companies comprising the Company shall discharge the Reinsurer's
liability under this Contract.
Note: Adding a reinsured company, with notice to, and approval of Reinsurer.
então o negócio da companhia recém- filiada estará coberto sob os termos
existentes somente por um período de até quarenta e cinco (45) dias após
notificação, por qualquer uma das partes, de que não deseja cobrir tal negócio.
A retenção da Companhia e a responsabilidade do Ressegurador e todos os
direitos em favor da Companhia, como estipulado neste Contrato ou qualquer
endosso, são aplicáveis às companhias filiadas e à Companhia como um grupo,
e não separadamente a cada companhia filiada. Quaisquer pagamentos feitos
pelo Ressegurador a qualquer das companhias filiadas à companhia libera o
Ressegurador de sua responsabilidade neste Contrato
Nota: Permite adicionar uma companhia ressegurada, com notificação e
aprovação do Ressegurador.
Sempre que a palavra “Companhia” for usada neste Contrato, incluirá qualquer
ou todas as companhias filiadas que estão ou poderão vir a estar sob controle
A primeira companhia filiada nomeada será considerada como agente da
A retenção da Companhia e a responsabilidade do Ressegurador e todos os
direitos em favor da Companhia, como estipulado neste Contrato ou qualquer
endosso, são aplicáveis às companhias filiadas e à Companhia como um grupo,
e não separadamente a cada companhia filiada.
Sempre que a palavra “Companhia” for usada neste Contrato, incluirá qualquer
ou todas as companhias filiadas que estão ou poderão vir a estar sob controle
A retenção da Companhia e a responsabilidade do Ressegurador e todos os
direitos em favor da Companhia, como estipulado neste Contrato ou qualquer
endosso, são aplicáveis às companhias filiadas e à Companhia como um grupo,
e não separadamente a cada companhia filiada. Quaisquer pagamentos feitos
pelo Ressegurador a qualquer das companhias filiadas à Companhia,
desobrigará o Ressegurador de sua responsabilidade neste Contrato.
Relativamente à responsabilidade incorrida pela Companhia por sinistros que
ocorram em apólice ou apólices com cobertura em base agregada, a
Companhia poderá extrair de tal apólice ou apólices em base agregada o valor
da perda sofrida decorrente de qualquer ocorrência de sinistro, de forma que
tal perda possa ser adicionada às perdas da Companhia decorrentes da mesma
ocorrência em outra apólice ou apólices, caso existam.
Para os fins desta Cláusula, o valor de uma perda oriunda de uma ocorrência
em uma apólice em base agregada será considerado como sendo um
Whenever the word "Company" is used in this Contract, same shall be held to include
any or all of the affiliated companies, which are or may hereafter be under common
The first named affiliated company hereunder shall be deemed to be the agent of the
The retention of the Company and the liability of the Reinsurer and all other benefits
accruing to the Company as provided in this Contract or any amendments hereto,
shall apply to the affiliated companies comprising the Company as a group and not
separately to each of the affiliated companies.
Whenever the word "Company" is used in this Contract, same shall be held to include
any or all of the affiliated companies, which are or may hereafter be under common
The retention of the Company and the liability of the Reinsurer and all other benefits
accruing to the Company as provided in this Contract or any amendments hereto,
shall apply to the affiliated companies comprising the Company as a group and not
separately to each of the affiliated companies. Any payments by the Reinsurer to any
of the affiliated companies comprising the Company shall discharge the Reinsurer's
liability under this Contract.
As regards liability incurred by the Company for losses on a policy or policies covering
on an aggregate basis, the Company shall be permitted to extract from such
aggregate policy or policies the amount of loss sustained by it arising from any one
loss occurrence in order that such loss can be added to the Company's losses from the
same occurrence on other policy or policies, if any.
For the purpose of this Article, the amount of a loss from one occurrence on an
aggregate policy shall be deemed to be that percentage of the aggregate loss to the
Company that the total loss from the particular occurrence bears to the total
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
aggregate losses to the insured or Company on the business protected by such
aggregate policy.
This Reinsurance may be altered in any of its terms and conditions either by “slip”
endorsement or by an exchange of letters, facsimiles or emails, which shall be
regarded as an integral part of this Reinsurance.
Any alterations which may from time to time become necessary to this Agreement
may be made by addendum or by correspondence the documents embodying such
alterations as may be mutually agreed upon being attached to this Agreement and
forming an integral part thereof.
It is hereby understood and agreed that any amendments and/or alterations to this
Reinsurance that are mutually agreed either by correspondence and/or Brokers' Slip
Endorsements shall be automatically binding hereon and shall be considered as
forming an integral part hereof.
It is hereby understood and agreed that any amendments and/or alterations to this
Reinsurance that are agreed, either by correspondence and/or Broker's Slip
endorsements, shall be automatically binding hereon and shall be considered to form
an integral part hereof. All amendments and alterations will be promulgated by
Addendum as soon as possible.
It is hereby understood and agreed that any amendments and/or alterations to this
Agreement that are mutually agreed either by correspondence and/or Brokers' Slip
Endorsement(s) shall be automatically binding hereon and shall be considered as
forming an integral part hereof.
The Reinsured undertakes not to introduce without prior approval of the Reinsurers
any material change in their established acceptance and underwriting policy in
respect of those Reinsurances to which this Agreement relates.
This Contract and the reinsurance provided hereunder applies only to those policies
of the Company covering _______________ business underwritten by (hereinafter
called the "Manager") and produced through the Manager's agencies in
Any dispute or other matter in question between the Company and the Reinsurer
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Versão Livre para o Português
percentual da perda agregada sofrida pela Companhia igual à proporção
existente entre a perda total oriunda de uma ocorrência específica e o total
agregado de perdas para o segurado ou Companhia nos negócios protegidos
por tal apólice em base agregada.
Este Contrato pode ser alterado em qualquer de seus termos e condições, seja
por endosso ou por troca de cartas, fac-símiles ou e-mails, que serão
considerados como parte integrante deste Contrato.
Quaisquer alterações que, de tempos em tempos, se tornem necessárias a este
Contrato podem ser feitas através de endosso ou por envio dos documentos
que incorporem tais alterações como mutuamente acordado para serem
anexados a este Contrato e considerados dele integrantes.
Fica entendido e acordado que quaisquer retificações e/ou alterações a este
Contrato de Resseguro que forem mutuamente acordadas, seja por
correspondência e/ou no “slip” de endosso dos corretores de resseguro, serão
automaticamente aceitas e consideradas como dele integrantes.
Fica entendido e acordado que quaisquer retificações e/ou alterações a este
Contrato de Resseguro que forem acordadas, seja por correspondência e/ou no
“slip” de endosso do corretor de resseguro, serão automaticamente aceitas e
consideradas como dele integrantes. Todas as retificações e alterações e serão
realizadas por Endosso tão logo seja possível.
Fica entendido e acordado que quaisquer retificações e/ou alterações a este
Contrato de Resseguro que forem mutuamente acordadas, seja por
correspondência e/ou no “slip” de endosso dos corretores de resseguro, serão
automaticamente aceitas e consideradas como dele integrante.
O Ressegurado compromete-se a não efetuar, sem prévia aprovação dos
Resseguradores, qualquer mudança significativa em sua aceitação e política de
subscrição relativamente àqueles resseguros objetos deste Contrato.
(Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Qualquer litígio entre a Companhia e o Ressegurador, decorrente ou
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 8 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
arising out of, or relating to, the formation, interpretation, performance, or breach of
this Contract, whether such dispute arises before or after termination of this
Contract, shall be settled by arbitration. Arbitration shall be initiated by the delivery
of a written notice of demand for arbitration by one party to the other within a
reasonable time after the dispute has arisen.
If more than one reinsurer is involved in the same dispute, all such reinsurers shall
constitute and act as one party for the purposes of this Article, provided, however,
that nothing herein shall impair the rights of such reinsurers to assert several, rather
than joint, defenses or claims, nor be construed as changing the liability of the
Reinsurer under the terms of this Contract from several to joint.
Each party shall appoint an individual as arbitrator and the two so appointed shall
then appoint a third arbitrator. If either party refuses or neglects to appoint an
arbitrator within sixty (60) days, the other party may appoint the second arbitrator. If
the two arbitrators do not agree on a third arbitrator within sixty (60) days of their
appointment, each of the arbitrators shall nominate three individuals. Each arbitrator
shall then decline two of the nominations presented by the other arbitrator. The third
arbitrator shall then be chosen from the remaining two nominations by drawing lots.
The arbitrators shall be active or retired officers of insurance or reinsurance
companies or Lloyd's London Underwriters; the arbitrators shall not have a personal
or financial interest in the result of the arbitration.
The arbitration hearings shall be held in (City, State), or such other place as may be
mutually agreed. Each party shall submit its case to the arbitrators within sixty (60)
days of the selection of the third arbitrator or within such longer period as may be
agreed by the arbitrators. The arbitrators shall not be obliged to follow judicial
formalities or the rules of evidence except to the extent required by governing law,
that is, the state law of the situs of the arbitration as herein agreed; they shall make
their decisions according to the practice of the reinsurance business. The decision
rendered by a majority of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on both parties.
Such decision shall be a condition precedent to any right of legal action arising out of
the arbitrated dispute which either party may have against the other. Judgment upon
the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Each party shall pay the fee and expenses of its own arbitrator and one-half of the fee
and expenses of the third arbitrator. All other expenses of the arbitration shall be
equally divided between the parties. Except as provided above, arbitration shall be
based, insofar as applicable, upon the procedures of the American Arbitration
relacionada à formação, interpretação, cumprimento ou resolução deste
Contrato, quer ocorra antes ou após o seu término, será resolvido por
arbitragem. A arbitragem será iniciada mediante a apresentação de aviso por
escrito de pedido de arbitragem por uma das partes à outra, dentro de um
tempo razoável após ter surgido o litígio.
Se mais de um ressegurador estiver envolvido no mesmo litígio, todos deverão
constituir e atuar como uma única parte, para os fins desta Cláusula, sendo que
nada aqui contido poderá impedir que os Resseguradores apresentem defesas
ou reclamações individuais, e não conjuntas, nem ser interpretado como
modificando de individual para conjunta a responsabilidade do Ressegurador
sob os termos deste Contrato.
Cada parte designará um indivíduo como seu árbitro, e os dois indivíduos assim
designados deverão, por sua vez, designar um terceiro árbitro. Se qualquer uma
das partes se recusar ou não designar um árbitro dentro de sessenta (60) dias, a
outra parte poderá designar o segundo árbitro. Se, dentro de sessenta (60) dias
após terem sido nomeados, os dois árbitros não concordarem quanto ao
terceiro árbitro, cada árbitro nomeará três indivíduos. Cada árbitro irá, então,
eliminar dois dos nomeados apresentados pelo outro árbitro. O terceiro árbitro
será então escolhido por sorteio entre os dois remanescentes. Os árbitros serão
profissionais, ativos ou aposentados, com conhecimento da matéria objeto do
litígio. Os árbitros não podem ter interesse pessoal ou financeiro sobre o
resultado da arbitragem.
As audiências de arbitragem ocorrerão em (Cidade, Estado), ou em outro local
mutuamente acordado. Cada parte submeterá seu caso aos árbitros dentro de
sessenta (60) dias após a seleção do terceiro árbitro, ou dentro de período mais
longo que tenha sido acordado pelos árbitros. Os árbitros não estão obrigados
a seguir formalidades judiciais ou as regras de apresentação de provas, exceto
no que se refere às exigências da legislação aplicável, ou seja, a legislação do
foro da arbitragem, conforme aqui acordado. Os árbitros deverão tomar suas
decisões de acordo com a prática do negócio de resseguros. A decisão tomada
pela maioria dos árbitros será final e obrigará ambas as partes. Tal decisão
constitui condição precedente a qualquer direito de ação decorrente do litígio
arbitrado que uma das partes possa vir a ter em face da outra. Poderá ser
ajuizada demanda com o fim de fazer cumprir a decisão dos árbitros no foro
nomeado no contrato
Cada parte pagará os honorários e despesas do seu próprio árbitro, e metade
dos honorários e despesas do terceiro árbitro. Todas as demais despesas da
arbitragem serão igualmente divididas entre as partes. Exceto conforme acima
previsto, a arbitragem se baseará, tanto quanto aplicável, nos procedimentos
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 9 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any irreconcilable dispute
between the parties to this Contract will be submitted for decision to a board of
arbitration composed of two arbitrators and an umpire meeting in (City, State),
Arbitration shall be initiated by the delivery of a written notice of demand for
arbitration by one party to the other within a reasonable time after the dispute has
The members of the board of arbitration shall be active or retired disinterested
officials of insurance or reinsurance companies, or Underwriters at Lloyd's, London,
not under the control or management of either party to this Contract. Each party shall
appoint its arbitrator, and the two arbitrators shall choose an umpire before
instituting the hearing. If the respondent fails to appoint its arbitrator within four (4)
weeks after being requested to do so by the claimant, the latter shall also appoint the
second arbitrator. If the two arbitrators fail to agree upon the appointment of an
umpire within four (4) weeks after their nominations, each of them shall name three
of whom the other shall decline two, and the decision shall be made by drawing lots.
The claimant shall submit its initial brief within forty-five (45) days from appointment
of the umpire. The respondent shall submit its brief within forty-five (45) days
thereafter, and the claimant may submit a reply brief within thirty (30) days after
filing of the respondent's brief.
The board shall make its decision with regard to the custom and usage of the
insurance and reinsurance business. The board shall issue its decision in writing based
upon a hearing in which evidence may be introduced without following strict rules of
evidence but in which cross-examination and rebuttal shall be allowed. The board
shall make its decision within sixty (60) days following the termination of the hearings
unless the parties consent to an extension. The majority decision of the board shall be
final and binding upon all parties to the proceeding. Judgment may be entered upon
the award of the board in any court having jurisdiction.
If more than one reinsurer is involved in the same dispute, all such reinsurers shall
constitute and act as one party for purposes of this clause, and communications shall
be made by the Company to each of the reinsurers constituting the one party
provided, however, that nothing therein shall impair the rights of such reinsurers to
assert several rather than joint defenses or claims, nor be construed as changing the
liability of the reinsurers under the terms of this Contract from several to joint.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
bear with the other party the expense of the umpire. The remaining costs of the
arbitration proceedings shall be allocated by the board.
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Como condição precedente a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, qualquer
litígio entre as partes deste Contrato será submetido à decisão de um tribunal
de arbitragem composto por dois árbitros e um árbitro desempatador,
instalado em (Cidade, Estado).
A arbitragem será iniciada mediante a apresentação de aviso por escrito de
pedido de arbitragem por uma das partes à outra, dentro de um prazo razoável
após ter surgido o litígio.
Os membros do tribunal de arbitragem serão profissionais, ativos ou
aposentados, com conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio, que não estejam
sob o controle ou administração de qualquer das partes deste Contrato. Cada
parte designará seu árbitro, e os dois árbitros designarão um árbitro
desempatador antes do início das audiências. Se a parte demandada não
designar seu árbitro dentro de quatro (4) semanas após ter sido solicitada pela
reclamante, esta última designará o segundo árbitro. Se os dois árbitros não
concordarem quanto à designação de um árbitro desempatador dentro de
quatro (4) semanas após as suas nomeações, cada um nomeará três indivíduos,
dentre os quais a outra parte eliminará dois, sendo a nomeação final feita por
sorteio entre os remanescentes.
A parte reclamante submeterá sua petição inicial dentro de quarenta e cinco
(45) dias após a nomeação do árbitro desempatador. A demandada submeterá
sua defesa dentro de quarenta e cinco (45) dias após a inicial, e a reclamante
poderá submeter uma réplica dentro de trinta (30) dias após a submissão da
O tribunal tomará sua decisão com base nos usos e costumes do negócio de
seguro e resseguro. O tribunal emitirá sua decisão por escrito, baseado em
audiências nas quais as provas podem ser apresentadas sem cumprimento
estrito das regras de apresentação de provas, e onde será permitido às partes
conhecer, questionar e impugná-las. A decisão do tribunal será tomada dentro
de sessenta (60) dias após o término das audiências, a menos que as partes
concordem com uma prorrogação. A decisão por maioria do tribunal será final e
obrigará todas as partes envolvidas. Poderá ser ajuizada a demanda para
cumprimento da decisão arbitral no foro nomeado no Contrato.
Se mais de um ressegurador estiver envolvido no mesmo litígio, todos deverão
constituir e atuar como uma única parte, para os fins desta cláusula, e a
Companhia enviará comunicação a cada um deles. Entretanto, nada aqui
contido poderá impedir que os Resseguradores apresentem defesas ou
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 10 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any dispute or difference
between the Company and any Reinsurer relating to the interpretation or
performance of this Contract, including its formation or validity, or any transaction
under this Contract, whether arising before or after termination, shall be submitted
to arbitration.
If more than one reinsurer is involved in the same dispute, all such reinsurers shall
constitute and act as one party for purposes of this clause provided that
communication shall be made by the Company to each of the reinsurers constituting
the one party, and provided, however, that nothing therein shall impair the rights of
such reinsurers to assert several, rather than joint, defenses or claims, nor be
construed as changing the liability of the Reinsurer under the terms of this Contract
from several to joint.
Upon written request of any party, each party shall choose an arbitrator and the two
chosen shall select a third arbitrator. If either party refuses or neglects to appoint an
arbitrator within thirty (30) days after receipt of the written request for arbitration,
the requesting party may appoint a second arbitrator. If the two arbitrators fail to
agree on the selection of a third arbitrator within thirty (30) days of their
appointment, the Company shall petition the American Arbitration Association to
appoint the third arbitrator. If the American Arbitration Association fails to appoint
the third arbitrator within thirty (30) days after it has been requested to do so, either
party may request a justice of a Court of general jurisdiction of the state in which the
arbitration is to be held to appoint the third arbitrator. All arbitrators shall be active
or retired officers of insurance or reinsurance companies, or Lloyd's London
Underwriters, and disinterested in the outcome of the arbitration. Each party shall
submit its case to the arbitrators within thirty (30) days of the appointment of the
third arbitrator.
The parties hereby waive all objections to the method of selection of the arbitrators,
it being the intention of both sides that all the arbitrators be chosen from those
reclamações individuais, e não conjuntas, nem ser interpretado como
modificando de individual para conjunta a responsabilidade dos
Resseguradores sob os termos deste Contrato.
Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro, e as duas partes
deverão arcar conjunta e igualmente com as despesas do árbitro
desempatador. Os demais custos do processo de arbitragem serão alocados
pelo tribunal.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Como condição precedente a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, qualquer
litígio ou diferença entre a Companhia e qualquer Ressegurador referente à
interpretação ou execução deste Contrato, inclusive sua formação e validade,
ou a qualquer transação neste Contrato, quer ocorra antes ou após o seu
término, será submetido à arbitragem.
Se mais de um Ressegurador estiver envolvido na mesmo litígio, todos deverão
constituir e atuar como uma única parte, para os fins desta cláusula, e a
Companhia enviará comunicação a cada um deles. Entretanto, nada aqui
contido poderá impedir que os Resseguradores apresentem defesas ou
reclamações individuais, e não conjuntas, nem ser interpretado como
modificando de individual para conjunta a responsabilidade dos
Resseguradores sob os termos deste Contrato.
Mediante solicitação por escrito de qualquer uma das partes, cada uma
escolherá um árbitro, e os dois escolhidos definirão o terceiro árbitro. Se
qualquer uma das partes se recusar ou não designar um árbitro dentro de trinta
(30) dias após ter recebido a solicitação por escrito de arbitragem, a outra parte
poderá designar o segundo árbitro. Se, dentro de trinta (30) dias após terem
sido nomeados, os dois árbitros não concordarem quanto ao terceiro árbitro, a
Companhia solicitará a (INDICAR UMA CÂMARA DE ARBITRAGEM) que designe
o terceiro árbitro. Se esta não designar o terceiro árbitro dentro de trinta (30)
dias, qualquer uma das partes poderá solicitar ao Judiciário do foro nomeado
no Contrato que designe o terceiro árbitro. Os árbitros serão profissionais,
ativos ou aposentados, com conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio, e sem
interesse pessoal no resultado da arbitragem. Cada parte submeterá o seu caso
aos árbitros dentro de trinta (30) dias após a designação do terceiro árbitro.
As partes desde já renunciam a qualquer objeção quanto ao método de seleção
dos árbitros, e reconhecem a intenção de que sejam escolhidos dentre aqueles
apresentados pelas partes.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 11 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
submitted by the parties.
The arbitrators shall have the power to determine all procedural rules for the holding
of the arbitration including but not limited to inspection of documents, examination
of witnesses and any other matter relating to the conduct of the arbitration. The
arbitrators shall interpret this Contract as an honorable engagement and not as
merely a legal obligation; they are relieved of all judicial formalities and may abstain
from following the strict rules of law. The arbitrators may award interest and costs.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall share equally with
the other party the expenses of the third arbitrator and of the arbitration.
The decision in writing of the majority of the arbitrators shall be final and binding
upon both parties. Judgment may be entered upon the final decision of the
arbitrators in any court having jurisdiction.
The arbitration shall take place in the city where the Company's principal office is
located, unless otherwise mutually agreed between the Company and the Reinsurer.
This article shall remain in full force and effect in the event any other provision of this
Contract shall be found invalid or non-binding.
Os árbitros terão o poder de determinar todas as regras para a realização da
arbitragem, inclusive, mas não limitado, quanto a exame de documentos,
inquirição de testemunhas e quaisquer outros assuntos relacionados com a
condução da arbitragem. Os árbitros deverão interpretar este Contrato como
um compromisso honroso, e não apenas como uma obrigação legal; e estão
desobrigados de cumprir quaisquer formalidades judiciais, podendo abster-se
de seguir estritamente os ritos da lei. Os árbitros poderão decidir sobre juros e
custos. Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro, dividindo
igualmente com a outra parte as despesas do terceiro árbitro e da arbitragem.
A decisão majoritária e por escrito dos árbitros será final e obrigará as duas
partes. Poderá ser ajuizada a demanda para cumprimento da decisão arbitral
no foro nomeado no Contrato.
A arbitragem ocorrerá na cidade onde está localizada a matriz da Companhia, a
menos que seja de outra forma acordado mutuamente entre a Companhia e o
Esta cláusula permanecerá em pleno vigor e efeito no caso de qualquer outra
cláusula deste Contrato ser considerada inválida ou sem efeito.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Como condição precedente a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, qualquer
litígio decorrente deste Contrato será submetido à decisão de um tribunal de
arbitragem composto por dois árbitros e um árbitro desempatador, instalado
em (Cidade, Estado), a menos que de outra forma acordado.
Os membros do tribunal de arbitragem serão profissionais, ativos ou
aposentados, com conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio. Cada parte
designará seu árbitro, e os dois árbitros designarão um árbitro desempatador
antes do início das audiências. Se qualquer uma das partes não designar seu
árbitro dentro de trinta (30) dias após ter sido solicitada pela outra parte, a
parte requisitante poderá escolher dois árbitros que, por sua vez, escolherão o
árbitro desempatador antes do início da arbitragem. Se os dois árbitros não
concordarem quanto à designação do árbitro desempatador, qualquer uma das
partes terá o direito de submeter à pendência à (INDICAR UMA CÂMARA DE
Cada parte submeterá seu caso aos árbitros dentro de sessenta (60) dias após a
nomeação dos mesmos. O tribunal tomará sua decisão com base nos usos e
costumes do negócio de seguro e resseguro. O tribunal emitirá sua decisão por
escrito, baseado em audiências nas quais as provas podem ser apresentadas
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any dispute arising out of
this Contract shall be submitted to the decision of a board of arbitration composed of
two arbitrators and an umpire, meeting in (City, State), unless otherwise agreed.
The members of the board of arbitration shall be active or retired disinterested
officials of insurance or reinsurance companies, or Lloyd's Underwriters. Each party
shall appoint its arbitrator and the two arbitrators shall choose an umpire before
instituting the hearing. In the event that either party should fail to choose an
arbitrator within thirty (30) days following a written request by the other party to
enter upon arbitration, the requesting party may choose two arbitrators who shall in
turn choose an umpire before entering upon arbitration. In the event the two
arbitrators fail to agree on an umpire either party shall have the right to submit the
matter to the American Arbitration Association in effect at that time.
Each party shall present its case to the arbitrators within sixty (60) days following the
date of their appointment. The board shall make its decision with regard to the
custom and usage of the insurance and reinsurance business. The board shall issue its
decision in writing based upon a hearing in which evidence may be introduced
without following strict rules of evidence but in which cross-examination and rebuttal
shall be allowed. The board shall make its decision within sixty (60) days following the
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
termination of the hearings unless the parties consent to an extension. The majority
decision of the board shall be final and binding upon all parties to the proceeding.
Judgment may be entered upon the award of the board in any court having
jurisdiction thereof.
If more than one reinsurer is involved in the same dispute, all such reinsurers shall
constitute and act as one party for purposes of this clause and communications shall
be made by the Company to each of the reinsurers constituting the one party,
provided, however, that nothing shall impair the rights of such reinsurers to assert
several, rather than joint, defenses or claims, nor be construed as changing the
liability of the Reinsurer under the terms of this Contract from several to joint.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
bear with the other party the expense of the umpire. The remaining costs of the
arbitration proceedings shall be allocated by the board.
As a precedent to any right of action hereunder, if any differences shall arise between
the contracting parties with reference to the interpretation of this Contract or their
rights with respect to any transaction involved, whether arising before or after
termination of this Contract, such differences shall be submitted to arbitration upon
the written request of one of the contracting parties.
Each party shall appoint an arbitrator within thirty (30) days of being requested to do
so, and the two named shall select a third arbitrator before entering upon the
arbitration. If either party refuses or neglects to appoint an arbitrator within the time
specified, the other party may appoint the second arbitrator. If the two arbitrators fail
to agree on a third arbitrator within thirty (30) days of their appointment, each of
them shall name three individuals, of whom the other shall decline two, and the
choice shall be made by drawing lots. All arbitrators shall be active or retired
disinterested officers of insurance or reinsurance companies or Underwriters at
Lloyd's London, not under the control of either party to this Contract.
Each party shall submit its case to its arbitrator within thirty (30) days of the
appointment of the third arbitrator or within such period as may be agreed by the
arbitrators. All arbitrators shall interpret this Contract as an honorable engagement
Página 12 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
sem o cumprimento estrito das regras de apresentação de provas, e onde será
permitido às partes conhecer, questionar e impugná-las. A decisão do tribunal
será tomada dentro de sessenta (60) dias após o término das audiências, a
menos que as partes concordem com uma prorrogação. A decisão por maioria
do tribunal será final e obrigará todas as partes envolvidas. Poderá ser ajuizada
a demanda para cumprimento da decisão arbitral no foro nomeado no
Se mais de um ressegurador estiver envolvido no mesmo litígio, todos deverão
constituir e atuar como uma única parte, para os fins desta cláusula, e a
Companhia enviará comunicação a cada um deles. Entretanto nada aqui
contido poderá impedir que os Resseguradores apresentem defesas ou
reclamações individuais, e não conjuntas, nem ser interpretado como
modificando de individual para conjunta a responsabilidade dos
Resseguradores sob os termos deste Contrato.
Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro, e as duas partes
deverão arcar conjunta e igualmente com as despesas do árbitro
desempatador. Os demais custos do processo de arbitragem serão alocados
pelo tribunal.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Como condição precedente a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, se
surgirem quaisquer diferenças entre as partes contratantes com relação à
interpretação deste Contrato ou seus direitos a respeito de qualquer transação
envolvida, mesmo surgindo antes ou após terminação deste Contrato, tais
diferenças serão submetidas à arbitragem mediante requisição escrita de uma
das partes contratantes.
Cada parte deve nomear um árbitro dentro de trinta (30) dias a partir da sua
requisição, e os dois nomeados selecionarão um terceiro árbitro antes de
entrar perante a arbitragem. Se quaisquer das partes recusar-se a ou
negligenciar nomear um árbitro dentro do tempo especificado, a outra parte
poderá nomear o segundo árbitro. Se os dois árbitros não entrarem em acordo
em relação a um terceiro árbitro dentro de trinta (30) dias de sua nomeação,
cada um deles deve nomear três indivíduos, dos quais o outro deve recusar
dois, e a escolha será feita por sorteio. Todos os árbitros serão profissionais,
ativos ou aposentados, com conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio, que não
estejam sob o controle de quaisquer das partes para este Contrato.
Cada parte deve apresentar seu caso para seu árbitro dentro de trinta (30) dias
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 13 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
rather than as merely a legal obligation. They are relieved of all judicial formalities
and may abstain from following the strict rules of law. They shall make their award
with a view to affecting the general purpose of this Contract in a reasonable manner
rather than in accordance with a literal interpretation of the language.
The decision in writing of any two arbitrators, when filed with the contracting parties,
shall be final and binding on both parties. Judgment upon the award rendered may be
entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Each party shall bear the expense of
its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally bear with the other party the expense
of the third arbitrator and of the arbitration. In the event that two arbitrators are
chosen by one party as above provided, the expense of the arbitrators and the
arbitration shall be equally divided between the two parties. Any arbitration shall take
place in the city in which the Company's Head Office is located unless some other
place is mutually agreed upon by the contracting parties.
da nomeação do terceiro árbitro ou dentro de um período a ser combinado
pelos árbitros. Os árbitros deverão interpretar este Contrato como um
compromisso honroso, e não apenas como uma obrigação legal. Os árbitros
estão desobrigados de quaisquer formalidades judiciais e poderão se abster de
seguir estritamente os ritos da lei. Eles deverão fazer seu julgamento com uma
visão que tenha efeito no propósito geral deste Contrato de maneira razoável,
ao invés de fazê-la a partir de uma interpretação literal da linguagem.
A decisão escrita de quaisquer dois árbitros, quando arquivada juntamente com
as partes contratantes, será final e obrigatória às duas partes. O julgamento em
cima da decisão restituída pode ser levada a qualquer corte que possua
jurisdição a cerca disto. Cada parte deve arcar com as despesas de seu próprio
árbitro e, juntamente e igualmente com a outra parte, arcará com as despesas
do terceiro árbitro assim como a arbitragem. No caso de dois árbitros serem
escolhidos por uma parte, como previsto acima, as despesas dos árbitros e da
arbitragem serão divididas igualmente entre as duas partes. Qualquer
arbitragem deve localizar-se na cidade na qual a Matriz da Companhia está
localizada, a não ser que outro lugar tenha sido mutuamente combinado pelas
partes contratantes.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Todos os litígios decorrentes deste Contrato ou relativos à sua interpretação ou
validade, que ocorram antes ou após o vencimento ou término do mesmo,
serão submetidos a um tribunal de arbitragem consistindo de dois árbitros, que
serão executivos na ativa ou aposentados de companhias de seguro ou
subscritores, que atuem nos mesmos ramos de seguro ou resseguro cobertos
por este Contrato, cada um a ser designado por cada parte, e um árbitro
desempatador que será nomeado pelos árbitros imediatamente após terem
eles mesmos sido nomeados; e caso os árbitros não cheguem a um acordo
sobre o caso, o árbitro desempatador assumirá a decisão do caso no lugar dos
Se qualquer um dos árbitros nomeados por qualquer razão não puder atuar, a
parte que o designou nomeará por escrito outro árbitro em seu lugar; e se
qualquer uma das partes não designar o seu árbitro dentro de um mês após ter
sido demandada por escrito pela outra parte, ou se os árbitros não
concordarem quanto à nomeação do árbitro desempatador dentro de um mês
após terem sido eles próprios nomeados, o árbitro ou árbitro desempatador,
conforme seja o caso, serão designados por escrito pelo presidente ou
All disputes arising out of this Contract or concerning its interpretation or validity
whether arising before or after its expiry or termination shall be referred to a Court of
Arbitration which shall consist of two Arbitrators who shall be active or retired
officials of Companies or Underwriters carrying on a similar type of insurance or
reinsurance business to that covered hereunder; one to be appointed by each party,
and an Umpire who shall be appointed by the Arbitrators immediately after they
themselves shall have been appointed and in the event of the Arbitrators being
unable to reach agreement on the reference the Umpire shall forthwith enter on the
reference in lieu of the Arbitrators.
If either of the appointed Arbitrators for any reason whatsoever fails to act the party
by whom he was appointed shall by writing appoint an Arbitrator in his place and if
either party fails to appoint an Arbitrator within one month after being requested by
the other party in writing to do so, or in the event of the Arbitrators failing to agree as
to the appointment of the Umpire within one month after their own appointment
such Arbitrator or Umpire as the case may be shall be appointed in writing by the
President for the time being of the American Arbitration Association at the written
request of either party.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 14 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
The Arbitrators or Umpire as the case may be shall determine any reference in
accordance with current reinsurance market practice pertaining during the period of
this Contract and in making their award shall at the same time decide as to the
payment of the cost of the arbitration.
The Court of Arbitration shall take place in New York and the law applicable to both
the aforesaid Contract and this arbitration clause shall be the law of New York State.
This arbitration clause shall be construed as a separate and independent contract
between the parties hereto and arbitration hereunder shall be a condition precedent
to the commencement of any action of law.
secretário da (INDICAR UMA CÂMARA DE ARBITRAGEM) mediante solicitação
por escrito de qualquer uma das partes.
Os árbitros ou o árbitro desempatador, conforme seja o caso, decidirão o litígio
de acordo com a prática corrente do mercado de resseguros durante o período
deste Contrato, e ao emitirem a sentença deverão ao mesmo tempo decidir
sobre o pagamento dos custos da arbitragem.
A Corte de Arbitragem deve se localizar em ____________ e tanto o Contrato
acima mencionado quanto a arbitragem serão regidos pelas leis brasileiras.
Esta cláusula de arbitragem será interpretada como um contrato em separado e
independente entre as partes, sendo que a arbitragem constitui condição
prévia para o início de qualquer ação judicial.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Todos os litígios decorrentes deste Contrato ou relativos à sua interpretação ou
validade, que ocorram antes ou após o vencimento ou término do mesmo,
serão submetidos a um tribunal de arbitragem consistindo de dois árbitros, que
serão executivos na ativa ou aposentados de companhias de seguro ou
subscritores que atuem nos mesmos ramos de seguro ou resseguro cobertos
por este Contrato, cada um a ser designado por cada parte, e um árbitro
desempatador que será nomeado pelos árbitros imediatamente após terem
eles mesmos sido nomeados; e caso os árbitros não cheguem a um acordo
sobre o caso, o árbitro desempatador assumirá a decisão do caso no lugar dos
Se qualquer um dos árbitros nomeados por qualquer razão não puder atuar, a
parte que o designou nomeará por escrito outro árbitro em seu lugar; e se
qualquer uma das partes não designar o seu árbitro dentro de um mês após ter
sido demandada por escrito pela outra parte, ou se os árbitros não
concordarem quanto à nomeação do árbitro desempatador dentro de um mês
após terem sido eles próprios nomeados, o árbitro ou árbitro desempatador,
conforme seja o caso, serão designados por escrito pelo presidente ou
secretário da (INDICAR UMA CÂMARA DE ARBITRAGEM) mediante solicitação
por escrito de qualquer uma das partes.
Os árbitros ou o árbitro desempatador, conforme seja o caso, decidirão o litígio
de acordo com a prática corrente do mercado de resseguros durante o período
deste Contrato, e ao emitirem a sentença deverão ao mesmo tempo decidir
sobre o pagamento dos custos da arbitragem.
O tribunal de arbitragem terá lugar no país em que estiver localizada a Matriz
All disputes arising out of this Contract or concerning its interpretation or validity
whether arising before or after its expiry or termination shall be referred to a Court of
Arbitration which shall consist of two Arbitrators who shall be active or retired
officials of Companies or Underwriters carrying on a similar type of insurance or
reinsurance business to that covered hereunder; one to be appointed by each party,
and an Umpire who shall be appointed by the Arbitrators immediately after they
themselves shall have been appointed and in the event of the Arbitrators being
unable to reach agreement on the reference the Umpire shall forthwith enter on the
reference in lieu of the Arbitrators.
If either of the appointed Arbitrators for any reason whatsoever fails to act the party
by whom he was appointed shall by writing appoint an Arbitrator in his place and if
either party fails to appoint an Arbitrator within one month after being requested by
the other party in writing to do so, or in the event of the Arbitrators failing to agree as
to the appointment of the Umpire within one month after their own appointment
such Arbitrator or Umpire as the case may be shall be appointed in writing by the
Secretary General for the time being of the Court of Arbitration of the International
Chamber of Commerce at the written request of either party.
The Arbitrators or Umpire as the case may be shall determine any reference in
accordance with current reinsurance market practice pertaining during the period of
this Contract and in making their award shall at the same time decide as to the
payment of the cost of the arbitration.
The Court of Arbitration shall take place in the country in which the Head Office of the
defendant party is situated and the law applicable to both the aforesaid Contract and
this arbitration clause shall be the law of that country.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 15 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
This arbitration clause shall be construed as a separate and independent contract
between the parties hereto and arbitration hereunder shall be a condition precedent
to the commencement of any action of law.
da parte demandada, e a legislação aplicável tanto a este Contrato quanto à
arbitragem será a daquele país. (NT: ESTE PARÁGRAFO NÃO ESTÁ DE ACORDO
Esta cláusula de arbitragem será interpretada como um contrato em separado e
independente entre as partes, sendo que a arbitragem constitui condição
prévia para o início de qualquer ação judicial.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Como condição prévia a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, se ocorrer
qualquer litígio entre a Companhia e o Ressegurador quanto à interpretação
deste Contrato ou direitos em relação a qualquer transação, quer ocorra antes
ou após o vencimento ou término deste Contrato, esse litígio, mediante
solicitação por escrito de qualquer uma das partes, será submetida a três
árbitros, dois dos quais apontados por cada uma das partes e o terceiro a ser
nomeado pelos dois anteriormente apontados. Se qualquer uma das partes não
designar o seu árbitro dentro de trinta (30) dias após o recebimento de
solicitação por escrito da outra parte, a parte que fez a solicitação poderá
designar os dois árbitros. Se os dois árbitros não chegarem a um acordo quanto
à seleção do terceiro árbitro dentro de trinta (30) dias de suas designações,
cada um indicará dois nomes, dentre os quais a outra parte irá eliminar um
nome e a escolha final será feita por sorteio. Todos os árbitros serão
profissionais, ativos ou aposentados, com conhecimento da matéria objeto do
litígio, que não estejam sob o controle de qualquer uma das partes deste
Os árbitros deverão interpretar este Contrato como um compromisso honroso
e não meramente uma obrigação legal. Eles estão desobrigados de quaisquer
formalidades judiciais e poderão se abster de seguir estritamente os ritos da lei.
Eles deverão fazer seu julgamento com uma visão que tenha efeito no
propósito geral deste Contrato de maneira razoável, ao invés de fazê-la a partir
de uma interpretação literal da linguagem.
A decisão por escrito de dois dos três árbitros, após ser notificada às partes,
será final e obrigará ambas as partes. Poderá ser movida ação sobre a decisão
dos árbitros em qualquer corte competente. Cada parte arcará com as despesas
do seu próprio árbitro e deverão arcar conjunta e igualmente com as despesas
do terceiro árbitro e da arbitragem. A arbitragem terá lugar na cidade em que
está situada a Matriz da Companhia, a menos que outro local seja mutuamente
acordado pela Companhia e o Ressegurador.
As a precedent to any right of action hereunder, if any dispute shall arise between the
Company and the Reinsurer with reference to the interpretation of this Contract or
their rights with respect to any transaction involved, whether such dispute arises
before or after termination of this Contract, such dispute upon the written request of
either party, shall be submitted to three arbitrators, one to be chosen by each party,
and the third by the two so chosen. If either party refuses or neglects to appoint an
arbitrator within thirty (30) days after the receipt of written notice from the other
party requesting it to do so, the requesting party may appoint two arbitrators. If the
two arbitrators fail to agree in the selection of a third arbitrator within thirty (30) days
of their appointment, each of them shall name two, of whom the other shall decline
one and the decision shall be made by drawing lots. All arbitrators shall be active or
retired disinterested officers of insurance or reinsurance companies or Underwriters
at Lloyd's, London, not under the control of either party to this Contract.
The arbitrators shall interpret this Contract as an honorable engagement and not as
merely a legal obligation. They are relieved of all judicial formalities and may abstain
from following the strict rules of law. They shall make their award with a view to
effecting the general purpose of this Contract in a reasonable manner rather than in
accordance with a literal interpretation of the language. Each party shall submit its
case to its arbitrator within thirty (30) days of the appointment of the third arbitrator.
The decision in writing of any two arbitrators, when filed with the parties hereto, shall
be final and binding on both parties. Judgment may be entered upon the final
decision of the arbitrators in any court having jurisdiction. Each party shall bear the
expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally bear with the other party
the expense of the third arbitrator and of the arbitration. Said arbitration shall take
place in the city in which the Company's Head Office is located unless some other
place is mutually agreed upon by the Company and the Reinsurer.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Should an irreconcilable difference of opinion arise between the parties to this
Contract as to the interpretation of this Contract or transactions with respect to this
Contract, such difference will be submitted to arbitration upon the request of one of
the parties, one arbiter to be chosen by the Company and one by the Reinsurer and
an umpire to be chosen by the two arbiters before they enter into arbitration.
Should the arbiters fail to agree upon the choice of an umpire within thirty (30) days
of the appointment of the last arbiter, then each arbiter will nominate one umpire,
the selection will be made by drawing lots, the name of the party first drawn will be
the umpire.
In the event that either party should fail to choose an arbiter within sixty (60) days
following a written request by the other party to enter upon arbitration, the
requesting party may choose two arbiters who will in turn choose an umpire before
entering the arbitration.
Each party will present its case to the arbiters and the umpire within thirty (30) days
of the appointment of the umpire and the written decision of any two of the three
will be final and binding upon the Company and the Reinsurer. Judgment may be
entered upon the final decision of the arbiters in any court having jurisdiction.
The arbiters and the umpire are relieved from all judicial formalities and may abstain
from the strict rules of law, interpreting this Contract as an honorable undertaking
rather than as a merely legal obligation. By agreement between any two of the three
they may extend the time intervals contained in this clause.
The arbiters and the umpire will be active or retired disinterested executive officers of
insurance or reinsurance companies, or Lloyd's Underwriters.
Each party will pay the fee of its chosen arbiter and half of the fee of the umpire; the
remaining costs of arbitration will be paid as the written decision directs. In the event
both arbiters are chosen by one party, the fees of the arbiters and the umpire will be
equally divided between the parties.
Unless otherwise mutually agreed between the Company and the Reinsurer, any
arbitration will take place in (City, State).
Página 16 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Caso ocorra uma diferença de opinião irreconciliável entre as partes deste
Contrato, quanto à interpretação ou às transações efetuadas sob o mesmo,
essa diferença será submetida à arbitragem mediante solicitação de uma das
partes, devendo ser um árbitro escolhido pela Companhia e outro árbitro pelo
Ressegurador, e os dois árbitros assim escolhidos nomearão um árbitro
desempatador antes do início da arbitragem.
Caso os árbitros não cheguem a um acordo quanto à escolha do árbitro
desempatador dentro de trinta (30) dias após a escolha do último árbitro, então
cada árbitro nomeará um árbitro desempatador e a escolha final será feita por
Caso qualquer uma das partes não escolha o seu árbitro dentro de sessenta
(60) dias após ter sido demandada por escrito, a parte demandante poderá
escolher os dois árbitros, que a seu turno escolherão o árbitro desempatador
antes do início da arbitragem.
Cada parte apresentará o seu caso aos árbitros e ao árbitro desempatador
dentro de trinta (30) dias após a nomeação do árbitro desempatador, e a
decisão de dois dos três árbitros será final e obrigará a Companhia e o
Ressegurador. Poderá ser movida ação sobre a decisão dos árbitros em
qualquer corte competente.
Os árbitros e o árbitro desempatador estão desobrigados de quaisquer
formalidades judiciais e poderão se abster de seguir estritamente os ritos da lei,
interpretando este Contrato como um compromisso honroso e não meramente
uma obrigação legal. Por acordo entre quaisquer dois dos três árbitros, os
intervalos de tempo aqui previstos poderão ser prorrogados.
Os árbitros serão profissionais, ativos ou aposentados, com conhecimento da
matéria objeto do litígio.
Cada parte pagará os honorários do seu próprio árbitro e metade dos
honorários do árbitro desempatador; os demais custos da arbitragem serão
pagos conforme ditado pela decisão por escrito da arbitragem. Caso ambos os
árbitros sejam escolhidos por uma parte, os honorários dos árbitros e do
árbitro desempatador serão divididos igualmente entre as partes.
A menos que de outra forma mutuamente acordado entre a Companhia e o
Ressegurador, a arbitragem terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado).
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 17 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, in the event of any dispute
or difference of opinion hereafter arising with respect to this Contract, it is hereby
mutually agreed that such dispute or difference of opinion shall be submitted to
arbitration. One Arbiter shall be chosen by the Company, the other by the Reinsurer,
and an Umpire shall be chosen by the two Arbiters before they enter upon
arbitration, all of whom shall be active or retired disinterested executive officers of
insurance or reinsurance companies or Lloyd's London Underwriters. In the event that
either party should fail to choose an Arbiter within thirty (30) days following a written
request by the other party to do so, the requesting party may choose two Arbiters
who shall in turn choose an Umpire before entering upon arbitration. If the two
Arbiters fail to agree upon the selection of an Umpire within thirty (30) days following
their appointment, each Arbiter shall nominate three candidates within ten (10) days
thereafter, two of whom the other shall decline, and the decision shall be made by
drawing lots.
Each party shall present its case to the Arbiters within thirty (30) days following the
date of appointment of the Umpire. The Arbiters shall consider this Contract as an
honorable engagement rather than merely as a legal obligation and they are relieved
of all judicial formalities and may abstain from following the strict rules of law. The
decision of the Arbiters shall be final and binding on both parties; but failing to agree,
they shall call in the Umpire and the decision of the majority shall be final and binding
upon both parties. Judgment upon the final decision of the Arbiters may be entered in
any court of competent jurisdiction.
If more than one reinsurer is involved in the same dispute, all such reinsurers shall
constitute and act as one party for purposes of this Article and communications shall
be made by the Company to each of the reinsurers constituting one party, provided,
however, that nothing herein shall impair the rights of such reinsurers to assert
several, rather than joint, defenses or claims, nor be construed as changing the
liability of the reinsurers participating under the terms of this Contract from several
to joint.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own Arbiter, and shall jointly and equally bear
with the other the expense of the Umpire and of the arbitration. In the event that the
two Arbiters are chosen by one party, as above provided, the expense of the Arbiters,
the Umpire and the arbitration shall be equally divided between the two parties.
Any arbitration proceedings shall take place at a location mutually agreed upon by the
parties to this Contract, but notwithstanding the location of the arbitration, all
proceedings pursuant hereto shall be governed by the law of the state in which the
Company has its principal office.
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Como condição prévia a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, se ocorrer
qualquer litígio ou diferença de opinião com relação a este Contrato, fica aqui
mutuamente acordado que tal litígio ou diferença de opinião será submetida à
arbitragem. Um árbitro será escolhido pela Companhia e outro árbitro, pelo
Ressegurador, e um árbitro desempatador será escolhido pelos dois árbitros
antes do início da arbitragem, todos devendo ser profissionais, ativos ou
aposentados, com conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio. Se qualquer uma
das partes não designar o seu árbitro dentro de trinta (30) dias após o
recebimento de solicitação por escrito da outra parte, a parte que fez a
solicitação poderá designar os dois árbitros que, a seu turno, escolherão o
árbitro desempatador antes de iniciar a arbitragem. Se os dois árbitros não
chegarem a um acordo quanto à seleção do terceiro árbitro dentro de trinta
(30) dias de suas designações, cada um indicará três candidatos dentro de dez
(10) dias, dois dos quais serão eliminados pela outra parte, e a escolha final
será feita por sorteio.
Cada parte apresentará o seu caso aos árbitros dentro de trinta (30) dias após a
nomeação do árbitro desempatador. Os árbitros deverão interpretar este
Contrato como um compromisso honroso e não meramente uma obrigação
legal, e estão desobrigados de quaisquer formalidades judiciais e poderão se
abster de seguir estritamente os ritos da lei. A decisão dos árbitros será final e
obrigará ambas as partes, porém, se os árbitros não chegarem a um acordo
deverão chamar o árbitro desempatador, e esta decisão tomada pela maioria
também será final e obrigará ambas as partes. Poderá ser movida ação sobre a
decisão dos árbitros em qualquer corte competente.
Se mais de um ressegurador estiver envolvido no mesmo litígio, todos os
Resseguradores envolvidos deverão constituir e atuar como uma única parte
para os fins desta Cláusula, e a Companhia enviará comunicação a cada um
deles, ficando entendido que nada nesta Cláusula poderá impedir os direitos
dos Resseguradores de apresentar defesas ou reclamações individualmente,
nem ser interpretado como modificando a responsabilidade dos
Resseguradores, sob os termos deste Contrato, da condição de individual e não
solidária para conjunta.
Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro e arcará conjunta e
igualmente com a outra parte as despesas com o árbitro desempatador e os
demais custos da arbitragem. Caso ambos os árbitros sejam escolhidos por uma
parte, conforme acima previsto, as despesas dos árbitros, do árbitro
desempatador e da arbitragem serão divididas igualmente entre as duas partes.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 18 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any dispute arising out of
this Contract, whether arising before or after termination, shall be submitted to the
decision of a board of arbitration composed of two arbitrators and an umpire,
meeting in (City, State), unless otherwise agreed.
The members of the board of arbitration shall be active or retired, disinterested
officials of insurance or reinsurance companies or Lloyd's of London Underwriters, or
underwriting members of any Exchange formed for the purpose of writing insurance
or reinsurance. Each party shall appoint its arbitrator, and the two arbitrators shall
choose an umpire before instituting the hearing. If the respondent fails to appoint its
arbitrator within four weeks after being requested to do so by the claimant, the
claimant shall also appoint the second arbitrator. If the two arbitrators fail to agree
upon the appointment of an umpire within four weeks after their nominations, each
of them shall name three, of whom the other shall decline two, and the decision shall
be made by drawing lots.
The claimant shall submit its initial brief within twenty (20) days from the
appointment of the umpire. The respondent shall submit its brief within twenty (20)
days thereafter, and the claimant may submit a reply brief within ten (10) days after
filing of the respondent's brief.
The board shall make its decision with due regard to the custom and usage of the
insurance and reinsurance business. The board shall issue its decision in writing based
upon a hearing in which evidence may be introduced without following strict rules of
evidence but in which cross-examination and rebuttal shall be allowed. The board
shall make its decision within sixty (60) days following the termination of the hearings
unless the parties consent to an extension. The majority decision of the board shall be
final and binding upon all parties to the proceeding. Judgment may be entered upon
the award of the board in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
If more than one reinsurer is involved in the same dispute, all such reinsurers shall
constitute and act as one party for purposes of this Article, and communications shall
be made by the Company to each of the reinsurers constituting the one party,
provided that nothing therein shall impair the rights of such reinsurers to assert
several, rather than joint, defenses or claims, nor be construed as changing the
O processo de arbitragem será realizado em local mutuamente acordado entre
as partes deste Contrato, porém, não obstante o local da arbitragem, o
processo estará sujeito à legislação do estado do escritório principal da
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Como condição prévia a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, quaisquer
litígios decorrentes deste Contrato, que ocorram antes ou após o vencimento
ou término do mesmo, serão submetidos à decisão de um tribunal de
arbitragem composto por dois árbitros e um árbitro desempatador, que se
reunirão em ____________,_____ (Cidade, Estado) a menos que de outra
forma acordado.
Os membros do tribunal de arbitragem serão profissionais, ativos ou
aposentados, com conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio. Cada parte
designará um árbitro, e os dois árbitros assim nomeados deverão escolher um
árbitro desempatador antes de iniciar as audiências. Se a parte demandada não
designar seu árbitro dentro de quatro semanas após ter sido solicitada pela
outra parte, esta designará o segundo árbitro. Se os dois árbitros não chegarem
a um acordo quanto à escolha do árbitro desempatador dentro de quatro
semanas após terem sido nomeados, cada um indicará três, sendo eliminados
dois pela outra parte, e a escolha final será feita por sorteio.
A parte reclamante submeterá sua inicial dentro de vinte (20) dias após a
escolha do árbitro desempatador. A parte reclamada submeterá sua réplica
dentro dos vinte (20) dias subseqüentes, e a reclamante poderá submeter uma
tréplica dentro de dez (10) após a apresentação da réplica.
O tribunal tomará sua decisão dando a devida consideração aos usos e
costumes do negócio de seguros e resseguros. O tribunal emitirá sua decisão
por escrito e com base em audiências nas quais poderão ser apresentadas
provas sem obediência às regras de apresentação de provas, e nas quais será
permitido às partes conhecer, questionar e impugná-las. A decisão do tribunal
será tomada dentro de sessenta (60) dias após o término das audiências, a
menos que as partes concordem com uma prorrogação. A decisão por maioria
será final e obrigará todas as partes envolvidas no processo. Poderá ser movida
ação sobre a decisão do tribunal em qualquer corte competente.
Se mais de um ressegurador estiver envolvido na mesmo litígio, todos os
Resseguradores envolvidos deverão constituir e atuar como uma única parte
para os fins desta Cláusula, e a Companhia enviará comunicação a cada um
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
liability of the Reinsurer under the terms of this Contract from several to joint.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
bear with the other party the expense of the umpire. The remaining costs of the
arbitration proceedings shall be allocated by the board.
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any dispute arising out of
the interpretation, performance or breach of this Contract, including the formation or
validity thereof, shall be submitted for decision to a panel of three arbitrators. Notice
requesting arbitration will be in writing and sent certified or registered mail, return
receipt requested.
One arbitrator shall be chosen by each party and the two arbitrators shall, before
instituting the hearing, choose an impartial third arbitrator who shall preside at the
hearing. If either party fails to appoint its arbitrator within _____ days after being
requested to do so by the other party, the latter, after _____ days notice by certified
or registered mail of its intention to do so, may appoint the second arbitrator.
If the two arbitrators are unable to agree upon the third arbitrator within _____ days
of their appointment, the third arbitrator shall be selected from a list of six individuals
(three named by each arbitrator) by a judge of the federal district court having
jurisdiction over the geographical area in which the arbitration is to take place, or if
the federal court declines to act, the state court having general jurisdiction in such
All arbitrators shall be disinterested active or former executive officers of insurance or
reinsurance companies or Underwriters at Lloyd's, London.
Within _____ days after notice of appointment of all arbitrators, the panel shall meet
and determine timely periods for briefs, discovery procedures and schedules for
The panel shall be relieved of all judicial formality and shall not be bound by the strict
rules of procedure and evidence. Unless the panel agrees otherwise, arbitration shall
take place in (City, State), but the venue may be changed when deemed by the panel
to be in the best interest of the arbitration proceeding. Insofar as the arbitration
panel looks to substantive law, it shall consider the law of the State of __________.
The decision of any two arbitrators when rendered in writing shall be final and
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Versão Livre para o Português
deles, ficando entendido que nada nesta Cláusula poderá impedir os direitos
dos Resseguradores de apresentar defesas ou reclamações individualmente,
nem ser interpretado como modificando a responsabilidade dos
Resseguradores, sob os termos deste Contrato, da condição de individual e não
solidária para conjunta.
Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro e arcará conjunta e
igualmente com a outra parte as despesas com o árbitro desempatador. Os
demais custos da arbitragem serão alocados pelo tribunal.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
Como condição prévia a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, qualquer
litígio decorrente da interpretação, cumprimento ou quebra deste Contrato,
incluindo sua validade ou formação, será submetida à decisão de um tribunal
de três árbitros. A notificação requerendo arbitragem será por escrito e enviada
por correspondência registrada, com confirmação de recebimento.
Cada parte escolherá um árbitro e os dois árbitros assim escolhidos deverão,
antes do início das audiências, escolher um terceiro árbitro imparcial que
presidirá as audiências. Se qualquer uma das partes não designar o seu árbitro
dentro de ___ dias após ter sido solicitada pela outra parte, a outra parte, após
___ dias de aviso prévio por correspondência registrada, poderá escolher o
segundo árbitro.
Se os dois árbitros não chegarem a um acordo quanto à escolha do terceiro
árbitro dentro de ___ dias após terem sido nomeados, o terceiro árbitro será
selecionado de uma lista de seis indivíduos (cada árbitro tendo indicado três)
por um juiz estadual que tenha jurisdição sobre a área geográfica em que a
arbitragem terá lugar.
Todos os árbitros serão profissionais, ativos ou aposentados, com
conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio.
Dentro de ___ dias após o aviso de nomeação de todos os árbitros, o tribunal se
reunirá e determinar o cronograma de submissão de petições, produção de
provas e datas das audiências.
O tribunal arbitral estará desobrigado de quaisquer formalidades judiciais e
poderá se abster de seguir estritamente os ritos da lei quanto à formalidade de
processo e apresentação de provas. A menos que o tribunal decida em
contrário, a arbitragem terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado), que poderá ser mudado
se o tribunal entender que a mudança de local for no melhor interesse do
processo de arbitragem. Na medida em que o tribunal de arbitragem tenha que
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
binding. The panel is empowered to grant interim relief as it may deem appropriate.
The panel shall interpret this Contract as an honorable engagement rather than as
merely a legal obligation and shall make its decision considering the custom and
practice of the applicable insurance and reinsurance business as promptly as possible
following the termination of the hearings. Judgment upon the award may be entered
in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
bear with the other party the cost of the third arbitrator. The remaining costs of the
arbitration shall be allocated by the panel. The panel may, at its discretion, award
such further costs and expenses as it considers appropriate, including but not limited
to attorneys fees, to the extent permitted by law.
se referir à lei, considerará a legislação brasileira. A decisão por maioria,
quando emitida por escrito, será final e obrigatória.
O tribunal arbitral interpretará este Contrato como um compromisso de honra,
e não meramente uma obrigação legal, e tomará sua decisão considerando os
costumes e práticas do negócio de seguros e resseguros tão logo seja possível
após o término das audiências. Poderá ser movida ação sobre a decisão final
em qualquer corte competente.
Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro e dividir com a outra
parte os custos com o terceiro árbitro. Os demais custos da arbitragem serão
alocados pelo tribunal. O tribunal poderá, a seu exclusivo juízo, decidir sobre
outros custos e despesas, incluindo mas não limitado a honorários de
advogados, na medida permitida pela lei.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
NT: A expressão do original em inglês “The panel is empowered to grant interim
relief as it may deem appropriate” não foi traduzida, pois a lei brasileira de
arbiitragem permite aos arbitros a decretação de medidas cautelares, mas sua
aplicação somente poderá ser determinada por juiz togado.
Como condição prévia a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, qualquer
litígio decorrente da interpretação, cumprimento ou quebra deste Contrato,
incluindo sua validade ou formação, será submetida à decisão de um tribunal
de três árbitros. A notificação requerendo arbitragem será por escrito e enviada
por correspondência registrada, com confirmação de recebimento.
Cada parte escolherá um árbitro e os dois árbitros assim escolhidos deverão,
antes do início das audiências, escolher um terceiro árbitro imparcial que
presidirá as audiências. Se qualquer uma das partes não designar o seu árbitro
dentro de ____ dias após ter sido solicitada pela outra parte, a outra parte,
após ____ dias de aviso prévio por correspondência registrada, poderá escolher
o segundo árbitro.
Se os dois árbitros não chegarem a um acordo quanto à escolha do terceiro
árbitro dentro de ____ dias após terem sido nomeados, o terceiro árbitro será
selecionado de uma lista de seis indivíduos (cada árbitro tendo indicado três)
por um juiz estadual que tenha jurisdição sobre a área geográfica em que a
arbitragem terá lugar.
Todos os árbitros serão profissionais, ativos ou aposentados, com
conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio.
Dentro de ____ dias após o aviso de nomeação de todos os árbitros, o tribunal
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any dispute arising out of
the interpretation, performance or breach of this Contract, including the formation or
validity thereof, shall be submitted for decision to a panel of three arbitrators. Notice
requesting arbitration will be in writing and sent certified or registered mail, return
receipt requested.
One arbitrator shall be chosen by each party and the two arbitrators shall, before
instituting the hearing, choose an impartial third arbitrator who shall preside at the
hearing. If either party fails to appoint its arbitrator within _____ days after being
requested to do so by the other party, the latter, after _____ days notice by certified
or registered mail of its intention to do so, may appoint the second arbitrator.
If the two arbitrators are unable to agree upon the third arbitrator within _____ days
of their appointment, the third arbitrator shall be selected from a list of six individuals
(three named by each arbitrator) by a judge of the federal district court having
jurisdiction over the geographical area in which the arbitration is to take place, or if
the federal court declines to act, the state court having general jurisdiction in such
All arbitrators shall be disinterested active or former executive officers of insurance or
reinsurance companies or Underwriters at Lloyd's, London.
Within _____ days after notice of appointment of all arbitrators, the panel shall meet
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
and determine timely periods for briefs, discovery procedures and schedules for
The panel shall be relieved of all judicial formality and shall not be bound by the strict
rules of procedure and evidence. Unless the panel agrees otherwise, arbitration shall
take place in (City, State), but the venue may be changed when deemed by the panel
to be in the best interest of the arbitration proceeding. Insofar as the arbitration
panel looks to substantive law, it shall consider the law of the State of __________.
The decision of any two arbitrators when rendered in writing shall be final and
binding. The panel is empowered to grant interim relief as it may deem appropriate.
The panel shall make its decision considering the custom and practice of the
applicable insurance and reinsurance business as promptly as possible following the
termination of the hearings. Judgment upon the award may be entered in any court
having jurisdiction thereof.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
bear with the other party the cost of the third arbitrator. The remaining costs of the
arbitration shall be allocated by the panel. The panel may, at its discretion, award
such further costs and expenses as it considers appropriate, including but not limited
to attorneys fees, to the extent permitted by law.
se reunirá e determinar o cronograma de submissão de petições, produção de
provas e datas das audiências.
O tribunal arbitral estará desobrigado de quaisquer formalidades judiciais e
poderá se abster de seguir estritamente os ritos da lei quanto à formalidade de
processo e apresentação de provas. A menos que o tribunal decida em
contrário, a arbitragem terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado), que poderá ser mudado
se o tribunal entender que a mudança de local será no melhor interesse do
processo de arbitragem. Na medida em que o tribunal de arbitragem tenha que
se referir à lei, considerará a legislação brasileira. A decisão por maioria,
quando emitida por escrito, será final e obrigatória.
O tribunal tomará sua decisão considerando os costumes e práticas do negócio
de seguros e resseguros tão logo seja possível após o término das audiências.
Poderá ser movida ação sobre a decisão final em qualquer corte competente.
Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro e dividir com a outra
parte os custos com o terceiro árbitro. Os demais custos da arbitragem serão
alocados pelo tribunal. O tribunal poderá, a seu exclusivo juízo, decidir sobre
outros custos e despesas, incluindo mas não limitado a honorários de
advogados, na medida permitida pela lei.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
NT: A expressão do original em inglês “The panel is empowered to grant interim
relief as it may deem appropriate” não foi traduzida, pois a lei brasileira de
arbiitragem permite aos arbitros a decretação de medidas cautelares, mas sua
aplicação somente poderá ser determinada por juiz togado. (artigo 22,
parágrafo 2 e 4 da lei 9.307).
Como condição prévia a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, qualquer
litígio decorrente da interpretação, cumprimento ou quebra deste Contrato,
incluindo sua validade ou formação, será submetida à decisão de um tribunal
de três árbitros. A notificação requerendo arbitragem será por escrito e enviada
por correspondência registrada, com confirmação de recebimento.
Cada parte escolherá um árbitro e os dois árbitros assim escolhidos deverão,
antes do início das audiências, escolher um terceiro árbitro imparcial que
presidirá as audiências. Se qualquer uma das partes não designar o seu árbitro
dentro de ____ dias após ter sido solicitada pela outra parte, a outra parte,
após _____ dias de aviso prévio por correspondência registrada, poderá
escolher o segundo árbitro.
Se os dois árbitros não chegarem a um acordo quanto à escolha do terceiro
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any dispute arising out of
the interpretation, performance or breach of this Contract, including the formation or
validity thereof, shall be submitted for decision to a panel of three arbitrators. Notice
requesting arbitration will be in writing and sent certified or registered mail, return
receipt requested.
One arbitrator shall be chosen by each party and the two arbitrators shall, before
instituting the hearing, choose an impartial third arbitrator who shall preside at the
hearing. If either party fails to appoint its arbitrator within _____ days after being
requested to do so by the other party, the latter, after _____ days notice by certified
or registered mail of its intention to do so, may appoint the second arbitrator.
If the two arbitrators are unable to agree upon the third arbitrator within _____ days
of their appointment, the third arbitrator shall be selected from a list of six individuals
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
(three named by each arbitrator) by a judge of the federal district court having
jurisdiction over the geographical area in which the arbitration is to take place, or if
the federal court declines to act, the state court having general jurisdiction in such
All arbitrators shall be disinterested active or former executive officers of insurance or
reinsurance companies or Underwriters at Lloyd's, London.
Within _____ days after notice of appointment of all arbitrators, the panel shall meet
and determine timely periods for briefs, discovery procedures and schedules for
The panel shall be relieved of all judicial formality and shall not be bound by the strict
rules of procedure and evidence. Unless the panel agrees otherwise, arbitration shall
take place in (City, State), but the venue may be changed when deemed by the panel
to be in the best interest of the arbitration proceeding. Insofar as the arbitration
panel looks to substantive law, it shall consider the law of the State of __________.
The decision of any two arbitrators when rendered in writing shall be final and
binding. The panel is empowered to grant interim relief as it may deem appropriate.
The panel shall interpret this Contract as an honorable engagement rather than as
merely a legal obligation and shall make its decision considering the custom and
practice of the applicable insurance and reinsurance business as promptly as possible
following the termination of the hearings. Judgment upon the award may be entered
in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
bear with the other party the cost of the third arbitrator. The remaining costs of the
arbitration shall be allocated by the panel. The panel may, at its discretion, award
such further costs and expenses as it considers appropriate, including but not limited
to attorneys fees, to the extent permitted by law.
If more than one reinsurer is involved in arbitration where there are common
questions of law or fact and a possibility of conflicting awards or inconsistent results,
all such reinsurers shall constitute and act as one party for purposes of this Article and
communications shall be made by the Company to each of the reinsurers constituting
the one party; provided, however, that nothing therein shall impair the rights of such
reinsurers to assert several, rather than joint defenses or claims, nor be construed as
changing the liability of the reinsurers under the terms of this Contract from several
to joint.
árbitro dentro de _____ dias após terem sido nomeados, o terceiro árbitro será
selecionado de uma lista de seis indivíduos (cada árbitro tendo indicado três)
por um juiz estadual que tenha jurisdição sobre a área geográfica em que a
arbitragem terá lugar.
Todos os árbitros serão profissionais, ativos ou aposentados, com
conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio.
Dentro de ____ dias após o aviso de nomeação de todos os árbitros, o tribunal
se reunirá e determinar o cronograma de submissão de petições, produção de
provas e datas das audiências.
O tribunal arbitral estará desobrigado de quaisquer formalidades judiciais e
poderá se abster de seguir estritamente os ritos da lei quanto à formalidade de
processo e apresentação de provas. A menos que o tribunal decida em
contrário, a arbitragem terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado), que poderá ser mudado
se o tribunal entender que a mudança de local será no melhor interesse do
processo de arbitragem. Na medida em que o tribunal de arbitragem tenha que
se referir à lei, considerará a legislação brasileira. A decisão por maioria,
quando emitida por escrito, será final e obrigatória.
O tribunal arbitral interpretará este Contrato como um compromisso de honra,
e não meramente uma obrigação legal, e tomará sua decisão considerando os
costumes e práticas do negócio de seguros e resseguros tão logo seja possível
após o término das audiências. Poderá ser movida ação sobre a decisão final
em qualquer corte competente.
Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro e dividir com a outra
parte os custos com o terceiro árbitro. Os demais custos da arbitragem serão
alocados pelo tribunal. O tribunal poderá, a seu exclusivo juízo, decidir sobre
outros custos e despesas, incluindo mas não limitado a honorários de
advogados, na medida permitida pela lei.
Se houver mais de um ressegurador envolvido na arbitragem e havendo
questões comuns legais ou sobre fatos, e existindo a possibilidade de sentenças
conflitantes ou resultados inconsistentes, todos os Resseguradores deverão
constituir e atuar como uma única parte para os fins desta Cláusula, e as
comunicações serão enviadas pela Companhia a cada um dos Resseguradores.
Não obstante, nada aqui contido poderá impedir que os Resseguradores
tenham o direito de submeter defesas ou reclamações individualmente, e não
conjuntamente, e nem poderá ser interpretado como modificando a
responsabilidade dos Resseguradores da condição de individual e não solidária
para conjunta.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 23 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any dispute arising out of
the interpretation, performance or breach of this Contract, including the formation or
validity thereof, shall be submitted for decision to a panel of three arbitrators. Notice
requesting arbitration will be in writing and sent certified or registered mail, return
receipt requested.
One arbitrator shall be chosen by each party and the two arbitrators shall, before
instituting the hearing, choose an impartial third arbitrator who shall preside at the
hearing. If either party fails to appoint its arbitrator within _____ days after being
requested to do so by the other party, the latter, after _____ days notice by certified
or registered mail of its intention to do so, may appoint the second arbitrator.
If the two arbitrators are unable to agree upon the third arbitrator within _____ days
of their appointment, the third arbitrator shall be selected from a list of six individuals
(three named by each arbitrator) by a judge of the federal district court having
jurisdiction over the geographical area in which the arbitration is to take place, or if
the federal court declines to act, the state court having general jurisdiction in such
All arbitrators shall be disinterested active or former executive officers of insurance or
reinsurance companies or Underwriters at Lloyd's, London.
Within ____ days after notice of appointment of all arbitrators, the panel shall meet
and determine timely periods for briefs, discovery procedures and schedules for
The panel shall be relieved of all judicial formality and shall not be bound by the strict
rules of procedure and evidence. Unless the panel agrees otherwise, arbitration shall
take place in (City, State), but the venue may be changed when deemed by the panel
to be in the best interest of the arbitration proceeding. Insofar as the arbitration
panel looks to substantive law, it shall consider the law of the State of _________.
The decision of any two arbitrators when rendered in writing shall be final and
binding. The panel is empowered to grant interim relief as it may deem appropriate.
The panel shall make its decision considering the custom and practice of the
applicable insurance and reinsurance business as promptly as possible following the
termination of the hearings. Judgment upon the award may be entered in any court
having jurisdiction thereof.
If more than one reinsurer is involved in arbitration where there are common
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
NT: A expressão do original em inglês “The panel is empowered to grant interim
relief as it may deem appropriate” não foi traduzida, pois a lei brasileira de
arbiitragem permite aos arbitros a decretação de medidas cautelares, mas sua
aplicação somente poderá ser determinada por juiz togado. (artigo 22,
parágrafo 2 e 4 da lei 9.307).
Como condição prévia a qualquer direito de ação neste Contrato, qualquer
litígio decorrente da interpretação, cumprimento ou quebra do mesmo,
incluindo sua validade ou formação, será submetido à decisão de um tribunal
de três árbitros. A notificação requerendo arbitragem será feita por escrito e
enviada por correspondência registrada, com confirmação de recebimento.
Cada parte escolherá um árbitro e os dois árbitros assim escolhidos deverão,
antes do início das audiências, escolher um terceiro árbitro imparcial que
presidirá as audiências. Se qualquer uma das partes não designar o seu árbitro
dentro de ___ dias após ter sido solicitada pela outra parte, a outra parte, após
___ dias de aviso prévio por correspondência registrada, poderá escolher o
segundo árbitro.
Se os dois árbitros não chegarem a um acordo quanto à escolha do terceiro
árbitro dentro de ___ dias após terem sido nomeados, o terceiro árbitro será
selecionado de uma lista de seis indivíduos (cada árbitro tendo indicado três)
por um juiz estadual que tenha jurisdição sobre a área geográfica em que a
arbitragem terá lugar.
Todos os árbitros serão profissionais, ativos ou aposentados, com
conhecimento da matéria objeto do litígio.
Dentro de ___ dias após o aviso de nomeação de todos os árbitros, o tribunal se
reunirá e determinar o cronograma de submissão de petições, produção de
provas e datas das audiências.
O tribunal arbitral estará desobrigado de quaisquer formalidades judiciais e
poderá se abster de seguir estritamente os ritos da lei quanto à formalidade de
processo e apresentação de provas. A menos que o tribunal decida em
contrário, a arbitragem terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado), que poderá ser mudado
se o tribunal entender que a mudança de local será no melhor interesse do
processo de arbitragem. Na medida em que o tribunal de arbitragem tenha que
se referir à lei, considerará a legislação do Brasil. A decisão por maioria, quando
emitida por escrito, será final e obrigatória.
O tribunal tomará sua decisão considerando os costumes e práticas do negócio
de seguros e resseguros tão logo seja possível após o término das audiências.
Poderá ser movida ação sobre a decisão final em qualquer corte competente.
Se houver mais de um ressegurador envolvido na arbitragem e havendo
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
questions of law or fact and a possibility of conflicting awards or inconsistent results,
all such reinsurers shall constitute and act as one party for purposes of this Article and
communications shall be made by the Company to each of the reinsurers constituting
the one party; provided, however, that nothing therein shall impair the rights of such
reinsurers to assert several, rather than joint defenses or claims, nor be construed as
changing the liability of the reinsurers under the terms of this Contract from several
to joint.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
bear with the other party the cost of the third arbitrator. The remaining costs of the
arbitration shall be allocated by the panel. The panel may, at its discretion, award
such further costs and expenses as it considers appropriate, including but not limited
to attorneys fees, to the extent permitted by law.
questões comuns legais ou sobre fatos, e existindo a possibilidade de sentenças
conflitantes ou resultados inconsistentes, todos os Resseguradores deverão
constituir e atuar como uma única parte para os fins desta Cláusula, e as
comunicações serão enviadas pela Companhia a cada um dos Resseguradores.
Não obstante, nada aqui contido poderá impedir que os Resseguradores
tenham o direito de submeter defesas ou reclamações individualmente, e não
conjuntamente, e nem poderá ser interpretado como modificando a
responsabilidade dos Resseguradores da condição de individual e não solidária
para conjunta.
Cada parte arcará com as despesas do seu próprio árbitro e dividir com a outra
parte os custos com terceiro árbitro. Os demais custos da arbitragem serão
alocados pelo tribunal. O tribunal poderá, a seu exclusivo juízo, decidir sobre
outros custos e despesas, incluindo mas não limitado a honorários de
advogados, na medida permitida pela lei.
NT: Os diversos textos originais em inglês que exigem que os árbitros sejam
executivos de seguradoras, resseguradoras, do Lloyd’s ou advogados, foram
adaptados para permitir que sejam indicados como árbitros pessoas com
conhecimento específico do assunto em discussão.
NT: A expressão do original em inglês “The panel is empowered to grant interim
relief as it may deem appropriate” não foi traduzida, pois a lei brasileira de
arbiitragem permite aos arbitros a decretação de medidas cautelares, mas sua
aplicação somente poderá ser determinada por juiz togado. (artigo 22,
parágrafo 2 e 4 da lei 9.307).
As a condition precedent to any cause of action, any and all disputes between the
Company and the Reinsurer arising out of, relating to, or concerning this Agreement,
whether sounding in Contract or tort and whether arising during or after termination
of this Agreement, shall be submitted to the decision of a board of arbitration
composed of two arbitrators and an umpire (Board) meeting at a site in _(City, State).
The arbitration shall be conducted under the Federal Arbitration Act and shall
proceed as follows:
(A) Submission to Arbitration. A notice requesting arbitration, or any other notice
made in connection therewith, shall be in writing and shall be sent certified or
registered mail, return receipt requested to the affected parties. The notice
requesting arbitration shall state in particulars all issues to be resolved in the view of
the claimant, shall appoint the arbitrator selected by the claimant and shall set a
tentative date for the hearing, which date shall be no sooner than 90 days and no
later than 150 days from the date that the notice requesting arbitration is mailed.
Within 30 days of receipt of claimant's notice, the respondent shall notify claimant of
any additional issues to be resolved in the arbitration and of the name of its
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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appointed arbitrator.
(B) Arbitration Board Membership. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the members
of the Board shall be impartial and disinterested and shall be active or retired
lawyers, familiar with insurance and reinsurance, or active or retired officers of
property-casualty insurance companies, reinsurance companies or Lloyd's
Underwriters. The Company and the Reinsurer as aforesaid shall each appoint an
arbitrator and the two arbitrators shall choose an umpire before instituting the
hearing. If the respondent fails to appoint its arbitrator within 30 days after having
received claimant's written request for arbitration, the claimant is authorized to and
shall appoint the second arbitrator. If the two arbitrators fail to agree upon the
appointment of an umpire within 30 days after notification of the appointment of the
second arbitrator, within 10 days thereof, the two arbitrators shall request the
American Arbitration Association ("AAA") to appoint an umpire for the arbitration
with the qualifications set forth above in this Article. If the AAA fails to name an
umpire, either party may apply to the court named below to appoint an umpire with
the above required qualifications. The umpire shall promptly notify in writing all
parties to the arbitration of his/her selection and of the scheduled date for the
hearing. Upon resignation or death of any member of the Board, a replacement shall
be appointed in the same fashion as the resigning or deceased member was
(C) Submission of Briefs. The claimant and respondent shall each submit initial briefs
to the Board outlining the issues in dispute and the basis, authority and reasons for
their respective positions within 30 days of the date of notice of appointment of the
umpire. The claimant and the respondent may submit reply briefs to the Board within
10 days after filing of the initial brief(s). Initial and reply briefs may be amended by
the submitting party at any time, but not later than 10 days prior to the date of
commencement of the arbitration hearing. Reasonable responses shall be allowed at
the arbitration hearing to new material contained in any amendments filed to the
briefs but not previously responded to.
(D) Arbitration Award. The Board shall make a decision and award with regard to the
terms expressed in this Agreement, the original intentions of the parties to the extent
reasonably ascertainable and the custom and usage of the property and casualty
insurance and reinsurance business, which decision and award shall be in writing and
shall state the factual and legal basis for the decision and award. The decision and
award shall be based upon a hearing in which evidence shall be allowed and in which
the formal rules of evidence shall not strictly apply, but in which cross examination
and rebuttal shall be allowed. At its own election or at the request of the Board,
either party may submit a post-hearing brief for consideration of the Board within 20
days of the close of the hearing. The Board shall make its decision and award within
30 days following the close of the hearing or the submission of post-hearing briefs,
whichever is later, unless the parties consent to an extension. Every decision by the
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Board shall be by a majority of the members of the Board, and each decision and
award by the majority of the members of the Board shall be final and binding upon all
parties to the proceeding. Either party may apply to the United States District Court
for the ______ District of ______ for an order confirming any decision and the award;
a judgment of that Court shall thereupon be entered on any decision or award. If such
an order is issued, the attorneys' fees of the party so applying and court costs shall be
paid by the party against whom confirmation is sought. The Board may award interest
at a rate of _____% simple interest per annum calculated from the date the Board
determines that any amounts due the prevailing party should have been paid to the
prevailing party, but may not award punitive, exemplary or treble damages.
(E) Arbitration Expense. Each party shall bear the expense of the one arbitrator
appointed by it and shall jointly and equally bear with the other party the expense of
any stenographer requested, and of the umpire. The remaining costs of the
arbitration proceedings shall be finally allocated by the Board.
(F) Evidence. Subject to customary and recognized legal rules of privilege, each party
participating in the arbitration shall have the obligation to produce those documents
and as witnesses to the arbitration those of its employees, those of its affiliates, and
those of any Intermediary or underwriting manager as any other participating party
reasonably requests, providing always that the same witnesses and documents be
obtainable and relevant to the issues before the arbitration and not be unduly
burdensome or excessive. The parties may mutually agree as to pre-hearing discovery
prior to the arbitration hearing and in the absence of agreement, upon the request of
any party, pre-hearing discovery may be conducted as the umpire shall determine in
his/her sole discretion to be in the interest of fairness, full disclosure and a prompt
hearing, decision and award by the Board. The umpire shall be the final judge of the
procedures of the Board, the conduct of the arbitration, the rules of evidence, the
rules of privilege and production and of excessiveness and relevancy of any witnesses
and documents upon the petition of any participating party. To the extent permitted
by law, the Board and the umpire shall have the authority to issue subpoenas and
other orders to enforce their decisions.
(G) Equitable Relief. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any participating
party from applying to a federal district court of competent jurisdiction to issue a
restraining order or other equitable relief to maintain the "status quo" of the parties
participating in the arbitration pending the decision and award by the Board or to
prevent any party from incurring irreparable harm or damage at any time prior to the
decision and award of the Board. The Board shall also have the authority to issue
interim decisions or awards in the interest of fairness, full disclosure and a prompt
and orderly hearing, decision and award by the Board.
Note: This is the same clause as 6 Q but without the Consolidated Hearing paragraph.
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As a condition precedent to any cause of action, any and all disputes between the
Company and the Reinsurer arising out of, relating to, or concerning this Agreement,
whether sounding in Contract or tort and whether arising during or after termination
of this Agreement, shall be submitted to the decision of a board of arbitration
composed of two arbitrators and an umpire (Board) meeting at a site in (City, State).
The arbitration shall be conducted under the Federal Arbitration Act and shall
proceed as follows:
(A) Submission to Arbitration. A notice requesting arbitration, or any other notice
made in connection therewith, shall be in writing and shall be sent certified or
registered mail, return receipt requested to the affected parties. The notice
requesting arbitration shall state in particulars all issues to be resolved in the view of
the claimant, shall appoint the arbitrator selected by the claimant and shall set a
tentative date for the hearing, which date shall be no sooner than 90 days and no
later than 150 days from the date that the notice requesting arbitration is mailed.
Within 30 days of receipt of claimant's notice, the respondent shall notify claimant of
any additional issues to be resolved in the arbitration and of the name of its
appointed arbitrator.
(B) Arbitration Board Membership. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the members
of the Board shall be impartial and disinterested and shall be active or retired
lawyers, familiar with insurance and reinsurance, or active or retired officers of
property-casualty insurance companies, reinsurance companies or Lloyd's
Underwriters. The Company and the Reinsurer as aforesaid shall each appoint an
arbitrator and the two arbitrators shall choose an umpire before instituting the
hearing. If the respondent fails to appoint its arbitrator within 30 days after having
received claimant's written request for arbitration, the claimant is authorized to and
shall appoint the second arbitrator. If the two arbitrators fail to agree upon the
appointment of an umpire within 30 days after notification of the appointment of the
second arbitrator, within 10 days thereof, the two arbitrators shall request the
American Arbitration Association ("AAA") to appoint an umpire for the arbitration
with the qualifications set forth above in this Article. If the AAA fails to name an
umpire, either party may apply to the court named below to appoint an umpire with
the above required qualifications. The umpire shall promptly notify in writing all
parties to the arbitration of his/her selection and of the scheduled date for the
hearing. Upon resignation or death of any member of the Board, a replacement shall
be appointed in the same fashion as the resigning or deceased member was
(C) Submission of Briefs. The claimant and respondent shall each submit initial briefs
to the Board outlining the issues in dispute and the basis, authority and reasons for
their respective positions within 30 days of the date of notice of appointment of the
umpire. The claimant and the respondent may submit reply briefs to the Board within
10 days after filing of the initial brief(s). Initial and reply briefs may be amended by
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the submitting party at any time, but not later than 10 days prior to the date of
commencement of the arbitration hearing. Reasonable responses shall be allowed at
the arbitration hearing to new material contained in any amendments filed to the
briefs but not previously responded to.
(D) Arbitration Award. The Board shall make a decision and award with regard to the
terms expressed in this Agreement, the original intentions of the parties to the extent
reasonably ascertainable and the custom and usage of the property and casualty
insurance and reinsurance business, which decision and award shall be in writing and
shall state the factual and legal basis for the decision and award. The decision and
award shall be based upon a hearing in which evidence shall be allowed and in which
the formal rules of evidence shall not strictly apply, but in which cross examination
and rebuttal shall be allowed. At its own election or at the request of the Board,
either party may submit a post-hearing brief for consideration of the Board within 20
days of the close of the hearing. The Board shall make its decision and award within
30 days following the close of the hearing or the submission of post-hearing briefs,
whichever is later, unless the parties consent to an extension. Every decision by the
Board shall be by a majority of the members of the Board, and each decision and
award by the majority of the members of the Board shall be final and binding upon all
parties to the proceeding. Either party may apply to the United States District Court
for the __________ District of ____________ for an order confirming any decision
and the award; a judgment of that Court shall thereupon be entered on any decision
or award. If such an order is issued, the attorneys' fees of the party so applying and
court costs shall be paid by the party against whom confirmation is sought. The Board
may award interest at a rate of _____% simple interest per annum calculated from
the date the Board determines that any amounts due the prevailing party should have
been paid to the prevailing party, but may not award punitive, exemplary or treble
(E) Arbitration Expense. Except in the event of a consolidated arbitration, each party
shall bear the expense of the one arbitrator appointed by it and shall jointly and
equally bear with the other party the expense of any stenographer requested, and of
the umpire. The remaining costs of the arbitration proceedings shall be finally
allocated by the Board.
(F) Evidence. Subject to customary and recognized legal rules of privilege, each party
participating in the arbitration shall have the obligation to produce those documents
and as witnesses to the arbitration those of its employees, those of its affiliates, and
those of any Intermediary or underwriting manager as any other participating party
reasonably requests, providing always that the same witnesses and documents be
obtainable and relevant to the issues before the arbitration and not be unduly
burdensome or excessive. The parties may mutually agree as to pre-hearing discovery
prior to the arbitration hearing and in the absence of agreement, upon the request of
any party, pre-hearing discovery may be conducted as the umpire shall determine in
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his/her sole discretion to be in the interest of fairness, full disclosure and a prompt
hearing, decision and award by the Board. The umpire shall be the final judge of the
procedures of the Board, the conduct of the arbitration, the rules of evidence, the
rules of privilege and production and of excessiveness and relevancy of any witnesses
and documents upon the petition of any participating party. To the extent permitted
by law, the Board and the umpire shall have the authority to issue subpoenas and
other orders to enforce their decisions.
(G) Equitable Relief. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any participating
party from applying to a federal district court of competent jurisdiction to issue a
restraining order or other equitable relief to maintain the "status quo" of the parties
participating in the arbitration pending the decision and award by the Board or to
prevent any party from incurring irreparable harm or damage at any time prior to the
decision and award of the Board. The Board shall also have the authority to issue
interim decisions or awards in the interest of fairness, full disclosure and a prompt
and orderly hearing, decision and award by the Board.
(H) Consolidated Hearing. Upon request of the Company made within 30 days of the
umpire's appointment, the Board may order a consolidated hearing between
Company and all affected Reinsurers to this Agreement if the Board is satisfied in its
discretion that the issues in dispute affect more than one Reinsurer and a
consolidated hearing would be in the interest of fairness and a prompt resolution of
the issues in dispute. If the Board orders a consolidated hearing, all other affected
participating Reinsurers shall join and participate in the arbitration at the Company's
request under time frames established by the umpire and shall be bound by the
Board's decision and award unless excused by the Board in its discretion. Any
Reinsurer may decline to actively participate in a consolidated arbitration if in
advance of the hearing, that Reinsurer shall file with the Board a written agreement
satisfactory to the Board to be bound by the decision and award of the Board in the
same fashion and to the same degree as if it actively participated in the arbitration.
In the event of an order of consolidation by the Board, the arbitrator appointed by
the original Reinsurer shall be subject to being and may be replaced within 30 days of
the Board's order of consolidation by an arbitrator named by the Reinsurer with the
largest participation in this Agreement affected by the dispute. In the event two or
more Reinsurers affected by the dispute each have the same largest participation,
they shall agree among themselves as to the replacement arbitrator, if any, to be
appointed. The umpire shall be the final determiner in the event of any dispute over
replacement of that arbitrator. All other aspects of the arbitration shall be conducted
as provided for in this Article provided that (1) each party actively participating in the
consolidated arbitration shall have the right to its own attorney, position and related
claims and defenses; (2) each party shall not, in presenting its position, be prevented
from presenting its position by the position set forth by any other party; and (3) the
cost and expense of the arbitration, exclusive of attorney's fees (which shall be borne
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Original em Inglês
exclusively by the respective retaining party) but including the expense of any
stenographer requested and the fees of the umpire and arbitrators shall be borne pro
rata by each party actively participating in the consolidated arbitration or as the
Board shall determine to be fair and appropriate under the circumstances.
A. Unless both parties mutually agree to waive arbitration with respect to a
particular dispute, the parties to this Contract hereby agree that binding arbitration
shall be the sole remedy for any and all dispute(s) arising between them with
reference to any transactions, terms or conditions under this Contract including its
formation and validity. Arbitration proceedings brought hereunder shall be referred
for final determination to the majority decision of a Panel of three disinterested
arbitrators. Notice of demand for arbitration shall be made in writing and shall be
served via certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, on the Respondent to
the Arbitration at the Respondent’s current address. The notice requesting arbitration
shall identify the contract(s) involved in the dispute, the issues to be resolved in the
view of the Petitioner, and the arbitrator selected by the Petitioner. The term "days"
as used herein shall mean calendar days.
B. The Respondent shall appoint an arbitrator within 30 days of receiving a request
by the Petitioner in writing and served via certified or registered mail, return receipt
requested, to do so. At the same time as the appointment, the Respondent shall
identify in writing any issues which in its view must be resolved in the arbitration
proceeding and which were not identified by the Petitioner. If the Respondent fails to
appoint its arbitrator within 30 days of being requested to do so, in writing, by the
Petitioner, the Petitioner shall have the right to appoint the second arbitrator. Within
30 days after their appointment, the two arbitrators so chosen shall select a third
arbitrator to act as umpire. If the two arbitrators do not agree as to the selection of a
third arbitrator within 60 days after their appointment, the third arbitrator shall be
selected from a list of six individuals (three named by each arbitrator) by a judge of
the federal district court having jurisdiction over the geographical area in which the
arbitration is to take place, or if the federal court declines to act, the state court
having general jurisdiction in such areas.
Each arbitrator shall be a disinterested, active or retired official or officer of an
insurance or reinsurance company, or an Underwriter at Lloyd's, not under the
control or management of either party to this Contract, and shall have experience in
the class and type of business subject to this dispute.
C. Within 30 days after notice of appointment of all arbitrators, the Petitioner and
the Respondent shall each submit a statement of position to the Panel.
D. Within 60 days after notice of appointment of all arbitrators, each party shall
provide the other with its relevant books, records, and/or other papers not protected
from disclosure by either the work-product or attorney client privilege. Other than
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the exchange of relevant documents, both parties shall refrain from engaging in any
type of discovery including, but not limited to, depositions and interrogatories.
E. Within 30 days following the exchange of documents, the Petitioner and the
Respondent shall submit re-hearing briefs to the Panel.
F. Unless some other location is mutually agreeable to the parties, arbitration
proceedings shall take place within the municipality wherein the Home Office of the
Company is located. Arbitration shall commence as soon as practicable but in no
event longer than 120 days after selection of the third arbitrator with notice thereof
to the parties. The specific time and site of arbitration shall be promptly agreed to by
the parties, or if no Contract is reached, then determined by the Panel.
G. The Panel shall be relieved from applying the strict rules of evidence and/or
procedure and shall make its decision based on the custom and practice of the
insurance and reinsurance business with a view toward effecting this Contract in a
reasonable manner. Should either party fail to appear at an arbitration and/or fail to
furnish the Panel with any subpoenaed papers or information, the Panel is
empowered to proceed ex parte. The Panel shall make its award within 60 days
following the close of the hearing. The majority decision of the Panel shall be final and
binding upon the parties and shall be reduced to a written award, which may include
factual findings, and shall be signed by any two of the three arbitrators, dated and
delivered overnight to the parties. The Panel may award pre-judgment and postjudgment interest, but in no case shall the authority of the Panel extend to awarding
punitive or exemplary damages. Judgment may be entered upon the award by any
court having jurisdiction.
H. Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator, but shall equally share
with the other the expense of the third arbitrator. In the event that the two
arbitrators are chosen by one party, as above provided, the expense of the two
arbitrators, the third arbitrator and the arbitration shall be equally divided between
the Petitioner and the Respondent. Unless mutually agreed otherwise, a court
reporter transcript shall be taken of the hearing with costs to be divided equally
between the parties. The remaining costs of arbitration shall be allocated by the
I. The Arbitration proceeding brought hereunder, any or all provisions contained
herein, and arbitration awards entered pursuant to this Article are specifically
governed by, subject to and enforceable under the Federal Arbitration Act (Title 9,
United States Code, Sections 1-14, as amended.)
J. Each party agrees that time is of the essence with respect to all terms and
conditions referenced in this Article. All deadlines contained in this Article may be
extended by mutual Contract of the parties, and if the Panel has been selected, the
Panel's Contract must also be obtained.
K. Each party agrees that any arbitration award entered pursuant to and governed
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by this Article shall not have any precedential or collateral estoppel effect on future
arbitrations, proceedings, or controversies, if any, between the parties. Any claim of
res judicata or claim preclusion shall itself be subject to arbitration.
L. This Article shall survive the termination of this Contract.
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any and all disputes
relating to this Contract, including its formation, interpretation and performance,
shall be resolved by a panel of three arbitrators and such arbitration shall be initiated
at the written request of either party. An arbitrator shall be chosen by each party and
the two so chosen shall choose the third. If either party fails to appoint an arbitrator
within ______ days of being requested to do so by the other party, the requesting
party may choose both arbitrators who shall choose the third. In the event the two
arbitrators are unable to agree upon the third arbitrator within ______ days of their
appointment, each of them shall name ______, of whom the other shall decline
______ and the decision shall be made by drawing lots. All arbitrators shall be active
or retired executive officers of insurance or reinsurance companies or Underwriters at
Lloyd's, London, and not have a personal or financial interest in the parties or the
outcome of the arbitration.
The party requesting arbitration shall submit its case within ______ days of the
selection of the third arbitrator and the respondent shall submit its case within
______ days thereafter, or as otherwise extended by the arbitration panel. The panel
shall make its decision with regard to the custom and practice of the applicable
insurance and reinsurance business. The panel is relieved of all judicial formalities and
may abstain from following the strict rules of evidence and procedure.
Each party shall bear the expenses of the arbitrator it selected and shall share equally
with the other in the expenses of the third arbitrator and the arbitration. The panel
shall issue its decision as promptly as possible following the completion of a hearing,
if there is one, but in no event may punitive damages be awarded. The majority
decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding upon all parties to the
proceeding. Judgment may be entered upon the award of the panel in any court
having jurisdiction thereof.
The arbitration shall take place in (City, State) unless the panel deems it in the best
interest of the arbitration to conduct all or part of the arbitration at another location.
As a condition precedent to any right of action hereunder, any irreconcilable dispute
arising out of the interpretation, performance or breach of this Contract, including
the formation or validity thereof, whether arising before or after the expiration or
termination of the Contract, shall be submitted for decision to a panel of three
arbitrators. Notice requesting arbitration will be in writing and sent registered or
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certified mail, return receipt requested.
One arbitrator shall be chosen by each party and the two arbitrators shall, before
instituting the hearing, choose an impartial third arbitrator who shall preside at the
hearing. If either party fails to appoint its arbitrator within 30 days after being
requested to do so by the other party, the latter, after 10 days notice by registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested of its intention to do so, may appoint the
second arbitrator.
If the two arbitrators are unable to agree upon the third arbitrator within 30 days of
their appointment, the Company shall petition the American Arbitration Association
to appoint the third arbitrator. If the American Arbitration Association fails to appoint
the third arbitrator within 30 days of being requested to do so, either party may
request a justice of the federal district court having jurisdiction over the geographical
area in which the arbitration is to take place, or if the federal court declines to act,
the state court having general jurisdiction in such area to select the third arbitrator
from a list of six individuals (three named by each arbitrator previously appointed).
All arbitrators shall be disinterested active or former executive officers of insurance or
reinsurance companies or Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London.
Within 30 days after notice of appointment of all arbitrators, the panel shall meet and
determine timely periods for briefs, discovery procedures and schedules for hearings.
The panel shall be relieved of all judicial formality and shall not be bound by the strict
rules of procedure and evidence. Unless the panel agrees otherwise, arbitration shall
take place in (City, State of Company domicile), but the venue may be changed when
deemed by the panel to be in the best interest of the arbitration proceeding. Insofar
as the arbitration panel looks to substantive law, it shall consider the law of the State
of (State of Company domicile). The decision of any two arbitrators when rendered in
writing shall be final and binding. The panel is empowered to grant interim relief as it
may deem appropriate.
The panel shall make its decision considering the custom and practice of the
applicable insurance and reinsurance business as promptly as possible following the
termination of the hearings. Judgment upon the award may be entered in any court
having jurisdiction thereof.
If more than one Reinsurer is involved in arbitration where there are common
questions of law or fact and a possibility of conflicting awards or inconsistent results,
all such Reinsurers shall constitute and act as one party for purposes of this Article
and communications shall be made by the Company to each of the Reinsurers
constituting the one party; provided, however, that nothing therein shall impair the
rights of such Reinsurers to assert several, rather than joint defenses or claims, nor be
construed as changing the liability of the Reinsurers under the terms of this Contract
from several to joint.
Each party shall bear the expense of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
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bear with the other party the cost of the third arbitrator. The remaining costs of the
arbitration shall be allocated by the panel. The panel may, at its discretion, award
such further costs and expenses as it considers appropriate, including but not limited
to attorneys fees, to the extent permitted by law. However, the panel may not award
any exemplary or punitive damages.
All disputes arising out of this Agreement or concerning its interpretations or validity
whether arising before or after its termination shall be referred to a Court of
Arbitration which shall consist of two Arbitrators who shall be active or retired
officials of Companies or underwriters carrying on a similar type of insurance or
reinsurance business to that covered hereunder; one to be appointed by each party,
and an Umpire who shall be appointed by the Arbitrators immediately after they
themselves shall have been appointed and in the event of the Arbitrators being
unable to reach agreement on the reference the Umpire shall forthwith enter on the
reference in lieu of the Arbitrators.
If either of the appointed Arbitrators for any reason whatsoever fails to act the party
by whom he was appointed shall by writing appoint an Arbitrator in his place and
should either party fail to appoint an arbitrator within one month after being
requested by the other party in writing to do so, or in the event of the Arbitrators
failing to agree as to the appointment of the Umpire within one month after their
own appointment such Arbitrator or Umpire as the case may be shall be appointed in
writing by the Secretary General for the time being of the Court of Arbitration of the
International Chamber of Commerce at the written request of either party.
The Arbitrators or Umpire as the case may be shall determine any reference in
accordance with current reinsurance market practice pertaining during the period of
this Agreement and in making their award shall at the same time decide as to the
payment of the cost of the arbitration. The Court of Arbitration shall take place in
{CITY} the law applicable to both the aforesaid Agreement and this arbitration
agreement shall be the law of {COUNTRY}.
This arbitration agreement shall be construed as a separate and independent contract
between the parties hereto and arbitration hereunder shall be a condition precedent
to the commencement of any action at law.
All disputes arising out of the above Agreement or concerning its interpretations or
validity whether arising before or after its termination shall be referred to a Court of
Arbitration which shall consist of two Arbitrators who shall be active or retired
officials of Companies or Underwriters carrying on a similar type of insurance or
reinsurance business to that covered hereunder; one to be appointed by each party,
and an Umpire who shall be appointed by the Arbitrators immediately after they
themselves shall have been appointed and in the event of the Arbitrators being
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unable to reach agreement on the reference the Umpire shall forthwith enter on the
reference in lieu of the Arbitrators.
If either of the appointed Arbitrators for any reason whatsoever fails to act the party
by whom he was appointed shall by writing appoint an Arbitrator in his place and if
either party fails to appoint an Arbitrator within one month after being requested by
the other party in writing to do so, or in the event of the Arbitrators failing to agree as
to the appointment of the Umpire within one month after their own appointment
such Arbitrators or Umpire as the case may be shall be appointed in writing by the
Secretary General for the time being of the Court of Arbitration of the International
Chamber of Commerce at the written request of either party.
The Arbitrators or Umpire as the case may be shall determine any reference in
accordance with current reinsurance market practice pertaining during the period of
this Agreement and in making their award shall at the same time decide as to the
payment of the cost of the Arbitration.
The Court of Arbitration shall take place in London, England. {OR STATE CITY AND
This Arbitration Agreement shall be construed as a separate and independent
contract between the parties hereto and Arbitration hereunder shall be a condition
precedent to the commencement of any action at law.
All disputes arising out of this Reinsurance or concerning its interpretations or validity
whether arising before or after its termination shall be referred to a Court of
Arbitration which shall consist of two Arbitrators who shall be active or retired
officials of Companies or underwriters carrying on a similar type of insurance or
reinsurance business to that covered hereunder; one to be appointed by each party,
and an Umpire who shall be appointed by the Arbitrators immediately after they
themselves shall have been appointed and in the event of the Arbitrators being
unable to reach agreement on the reference the Umpire shall forthwith enter on the
reference in lieu of the Arbitrators.
If either of the appointed Arbitrators for any reason whatsoever fails to act the party
by whom he was appointed shall by writing appoint an Arbitrator in his place and
should either party fail to appoint an arbitrator within one month after being
requested by the other part in writing to do so, or in the event of the Arbitrators
failing to agree as to the appointment of the Umpire within one month after their
own appointment such Arbitrator or Umpire as the case may be shall be appointed in
writing by the Secretary General for the time being of the Court of Arbitration of the
International Chamber of Commerce at the written request of either party.
The Arbitrators or Umpire as the case may be shall determine any reference in
accordance with current reinsurance market practice pertaining during the period of
this Agreement and in making their award shall at the same time decide as to the
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Original em Inglês
payment of the cost of the arbitration The Court of Arbitration shall take place in the
country in which the head office of the Reinsured party is situated and the law
applicable to both the aforesaid Agreement and this arbitration agreement shall be
the law of that country.
This arbitration agreement shall be construed as a separate and independent contract
between the parties hereto and arbitration hereunder shall be a condition precedent
to the commencement of any action at law.
All matters in difference between the parties arising under, out of or in connection
with this Reinsurance, including formation and validity and whether arising during or
after the period of this Reinsurance, shall be referred to an arbitration tribunal in the
manner hereinafter set out.
Unless the parties agree upon a sole arbitrator within fourteen days of one receiving a
written request from the other for arbitration, the claimant (the party requesting
arbitration) shall appoint its arbitrator and give written notice thereof to the
respondent. Within thirty days of receiving such notice the respondent shall appoint
its arbitrator and give written notice thereof to the claimant, failing which the
claimant may apply to the appointer hereinafter named to nominate an arbitrator on
behalf of the respondent.
Before they enter upon a reference the two arbitrators shall appoint a third
arbitrator. Should they fail to appoint such a third arbitrator within thirty days of the
appointment of the respondent’s arbitrator then either of them or either of the
parties may apply to the appointer for the appointment of the third arbitrator. The
three arbitrators shall decide by majority. If no majority can be reached the verdict of
the third arbitrator shall prevail. He shall also act as chairman of the tribunal.
Unless the parties otherwise agree, the arbitration tribunal shall consist of persons
(including those who have retired) with not less than ten years’ experience of
insurance or reinsurance as persons engaged in the industry itself or as lawyers or
other professional advisers.
The arbitration tribunal shall, so far as is permissible under the law and practice of the
seat of arbitration, have power to fix all procedural rules for the holding of the
arbitration including discretionary power to make orders as to any matters which it
may consider proper in the circumstances of the case with regard to pleadings,
discovery, inspection of the documents, examination of witnesses and any other
matter whatsoever relating to the conduct of the arbitration and may receive and act
upon such evidence whether oral or written strictly admissible or not as it shall in its
discretion think fit.
The appointer shall be as stated in the Risk Details. If for any reason such appointer
declines or is unable to act, then the appointer shall be the Judge of the appropriate
Courts having jurisdiction at the seat of arbitration.
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Original em Inglês
All costs of the arbitration shall be determined by the arbitration tribunal who may,
taking into account the law and practice of the seat of arbitration, direct to and by
whom and in what manner they shall be paid.
The seat of the arbitration shall be in the place stated in the Risk Details and the
arbitration tribunal shall apply the law of the country stated in the Risk Details as the
proper law of this arbitration agreement and of the above Reinsurance.
The award of the arbitration tribunal shall be in writing and binding upon the parties
who covenant to carry out the same. If either of the parties should fail to carry out
any award the other may apply for its enforcement to a court of competent
jurisdiction in any territory in which the party in default is domiciled or has assets or
carries on business.
This Clause shall form a separate agreement between the Reinsured hereon and the
Reinsurers hereunder from the main Agreement (the terms and conditions of which
are more fully expressed heretofore).
All matters in difference between the Reinsured and the Reinsurers (hereinafter
referred to as "the parties") in relation to the Agreement, including its formation and
validity, and whether arising during or after the period of the Agreement, shall be
referred to an Arbitration tribunal in the manner hereinafter set out.
Unless the parties agree upon a single Arbitrator within thirty days of one receiving a
written request from the other for Arbitration, the Claimant (the party requesting
Arbitration) shall appoint his Arbitrator and give written notice thereof to the
Respondent. Within thirty days of receiving such notice the Respondent shall appoint
his Arbitrator and give written notice thereof to the Claimant, failing which the
Claimant may apply to the Appointer hereinafter named in the Contractual Details to
nominate an Arbitrator on behalf of the Respondent.
Should the Arbitrators fail to agree, then they shall within thirty days of such
disagreement appoint an Umpire to whom the matter in difference shall be referred.
Should the Arbitrators fail within such period to appoint an Umpire, then either of
them or either of the parties may apply to the Appointer for the appointment of the
Unless the parties otherwise agree, the Arbitration tribunal shall consist of
disinterested persons employed or engaged in a senior position in Insurance or
Reinsurance Underwriting.
The Arbitration tribunal shall have power to fix all procedural rules for the holding of
the Arbitration including discretionary power to make orders as to any matters which
it may consider proper in the circumstances of the case with regard to pleadings,
discovery, inspection of documents, examination of witnesses and any other matter
whatsoever relating to the conduct of the Arbitration and may receive and act upon
such evidence whether oral or written strictly admissible or not as it shall in its
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Original em Inglês
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Versão Livre para o Português
discretion think fit.
The Appointer shall be as specified in the attached Contractual Details under
Each Party shall bear the expenses of its own arbitrator and shall jointly and equally
bear with the other party the expenses of the Umpire. The remaining costs of the
arbitration proceedings shall be allocated by the Arbitration tribunal.
The seat of the Arbitration shall be as specified in the attached Contractual Details
under “SEAT OF ARBITRATION” and the Arbitration tribunal shall apply the laws of the
country as specified in the attached Contractual Details in relation to the common
practices of reinsurance' as the proper law of the main Agreement.
The award of the Arbitration tribunal shall be in writing and binding upon the parties
who covenant to carry out the same. If either of the parties should fail to carry out
any award the other may apply for its enforcement to a court of competent
jurisdiction in any territory in which the party in default is domiciled or has assets or
carries on business.
All matters in difference between the parties in relation to the contract to which this
agreement is attached, including formation and validity, and whether arising during
or after the period of that contract, shall be referred to an arbitration tribunal in the
manner hereinafter set out.
Unless the parties agree upon a single arbitrator within thirty days of one receiving a
written request from the other for arbitration, the claimant (the party requesting
arbitration) shall appoint his arbitrator and give written notice thereof to the
respondent. Within thirty days of receiving such notice the respondent shall appoint
his arbitrator and give written notice thereof to the claimant, failing which the
claimant may apply to the appointer hereinafter named to nominate an arbitrator on
behalf of the respondent.
Before they enter upon a reference the two arbitrators shall appoint a third
arbitrator. Should they fail to appoint such a third arbitrator within thirty days of the
appointment of the respondent's arbitrator then either of them or either of the
parties may apply to the appointer for the appointment of the third arbitrator. The
three arbitrators shall decide by majority. If no majority can be reached the verdict of
the third arbitrator shall prevail. He shall also act as Chairman of the tribunal.
Unless the parties otherwise agree the arbitration tribunal shall consist of persons
with not less than ten years' experience of insurance or reinsurance.
The arbitration tribunal shall have power to fix all procedural rules for the holding of
the arbitration including discretionary power to make orders as to any matters which
it may consider proper in the circumstances of the case with regard to pleadings,
discovery, inspection of the documents, examination of witnesses and any other
Todas as matérias que representem diferença entre as partes em relação ao
acordo ao qual este Contrato é relacionado, incluindo organização e validade, e
caso ocorra durante ou após o período do acordo, serão referidas a um tribunal
de arbitragem na forma descrita adiante.
A menos que as parte acordem a um único árbitro dentro de 30 dias após uma
das partes receber solicitação por escrito da outra para arbitragem, o
reclamante (a parte requisitando arbitragem) nomeará seu árbitro e fornecer
aviso por escrito ao respondente. Dentro de 30 dias do recebimento de tal
aviso, o respondente nomeará seu árbitro e dar aviso por escrito, deste modo,
ao reclamante e, caso falhe, o reclamante poderá referir ao nomeador
nomeado abaixo para nomear um árbitro em nome do respondente.
Antes de iniciarem a análise do caso, os dois árbitros deverão nomear um
terceiro árbitro. Caso eles falhem em nomear um terceiro árbitro dentro de
trinta dias da nomeação do árbitro do respondente então ambos os árbitros ou
ambas as partes poderão solicitar ao nomeador a nomeação do terceiro árbitro.
Os três árbitros decidirão por maioria. Se não há decisão por maioria, o
veredicto do terceiro árbitro irá prevalecer. Ele também atuará como o
presidente do tribunal.
A menos que as partes acordem do contrário, o tribunal de arbitragem deverá
consistir de pessoas com não menos do que dez anos de experiência em seguro
ou Resseguro.
O tribunal de arbitragem terá poderes para fixar todas as regras processuais o
julgamento da arbitragem incluindo poder arbitrário para fazer ordens em
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matter whatsoever relating to the conduct of the arbitration and may receive and act
upon such evidence whether oral or written strictly admissible or not as it shall in its
discretion think fit.
The appointer shall be the {TITLE OF APPOINTOR, e.g. The Chairman for the time
being of ARIAS}{ARIAS = AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society} {AIDA =
Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances}.
All costs of the arbitration shall be at the discretion of the arbitration tribunal who
may direct to any by whom and in what manner they shall be paid.
The seat of the arbitration shall be in {CITY} and the arbitration tribunal shall apply
the laws of {COUNTRY} as the proper law of this agreement and of the contract to
which this agreement is attached.
The award of the arbitration tribunal shall be in writing and binding upon the parties
who covenant to carry out the same. If either of the parties should fail to carry out
any award the other may apply for its enforcement to a court of competent
jurisdiction in any territory in which the party in default is domiciled or has assets or
carries on business.
relação a quaisquer matérias que considerar apropriadas nas circunstâncias do
caso com relação a súplicas, descobertas, inspeção de documentos, exame de
testemunhas e quaisquer outras matérias relacionadas a condução da
arbitragem e poderão receber e agir sob tal evidência tanto oralmente ou por
escrito estritamente admissível ou não como considerará melhor de acordo
com seu julgamento.
Todos os custos com arbitragem ficarão a cargo do tribunal de arbitragem que
informarão para quem por quem e de que maneira este será pago.
A tribunal de arbitragem será em {CIDADE} e o tribunal de arbitragem aplicará a
lei brasileira como a lei adequada deste Contrato e ao contrato ao qual este
acordo está relacionado.
A decisão do tribunal de arbitragem será por escrito e vinculado sobre as partes
que acordam em cumprir o mesmo. Se alguma das partes não cumpra a decisão
a outra poderá requerer execução para uma corte de jurisdição competente em
qualquer território em que a parte inadimplente esteja domiciliada ou tenha
ativos ou faça negócios.
(Nota: Esta assunto também é tratado nas Cláusulas de Commencement and
Este Contrato tem efeito em e a partir da data especificada no anexo e se aplica
a todas as apólices subscritas ou renovadas após esta data.
O Contrato é firmado por um período indefinido, mas pode ser terminado na
data especificada nos Detalhes do Contrato por qualquer uma das partes
mediante aviso prévio de três meses por escrito, através de correspondência
registrada ou por meio eletrônico à outra parte. Durante o período do aviso de
cancelamento, e até seu término, o Ressegurado renovará cessões existentes e
subscreverá novos riscos do mesmo modo e sob todos os aspectos como se o
aviso não tivesse sido dado.
Cancelamento Especial
Qualquer parte tem o direito de terminar este Contrato imediatamente dando
à outra parte aviso: (a) Caso a cumprimento de todo ou parte deste Contrato se torne proibitivo ou
impossível de direito ou de fato, sem prejuízo do acima mencionado, em
conseqüência de alguma lei ou norma que esteja ou venha a estar vigente em
qualquer país ou território ou se alguma lei ou norma impedir direta ou
indiretamente a remessa de parte ou de todo o saldo de valores devidos a ou
por qualquer das partes.
(b) Se a outra parte ficar insolvente ou impossibilitada de saldar seus débitos ou
This Agreement takes effect on and from the date specified in the schedule and
applies to all policies written or renewed after that date.
The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period but may be terminated at the
date specified in the Schedule by either party giving 3 months prior notice in writing
by registered letter or telex or cable to the other party. During the term of notice to
terminate, and until its expiry, the Reinsured shall renew existing cessions and take
new risks in the same manner and in all respects as if no such notice had been given.
Special Cancellation
Either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately by giving
the other party notice:(a)
If the performance of the whole or any part of this Agreement be prohibited
or rendered impossible de jure or de facto in particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the preceding words in consequence of any law or regulation which is or
shall be in force in any country or territory or if any law or regulation shall prevent
directly or indirectly the remittance of any or all or any part of the balance of
payments due to or from either party.
If the other party has become insolvent or unable to pay its debts or has lost
the whole or any part of its paid up capital.
If the other party should reduce its paid-up capital.
If the other party should go into liquidation whether voluntary or compulsory
or pass a resolution preliminary to liquidation or suffer the appointment of a
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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If there is any material change in ownership or control of the other party.
If the other party should amalgamate with or be acquired or controlled by
any other Company or corporation.
If the other party shall have failed to meet its obligations under this
agreement or to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
If the other party should commit any breach of the conditions of this
If the country or territory in which the other party resides or has its head
office or is incorporated shall be involved in armed hostilities with any other country
whether war be declared or not or is partly or wholly occupied by another power,
always providing that the circumstances detailed herein have the effect of rendering
the performance of the whole or any part of this Agreement impossible.
All notices of termination in accordance with any of the provisions of this paragraph
shall be by the quickest means available and shall be deemed to be served upon
despatch or where communications between the parties are interrupted upon
attempted despatch. All notices of termination served in accordance with any of the
provisions of this Article shall be addressed to the party concerned at its head office
or at any other address previously designated by that party.
Should the Agreement be cancelled in accordance with any of the foregoing Special
Cancellation provisions, the Reinsured shall at the date of termination cancel the
whole of the Reinsurance ceded hereunder and the Reinsured shall be entitled to be
repaid by the Reinsurers a proportionate part from the date of such cancellation of all
premiums paid or credited to the Reinsurers on the cancelled reinsurances in respect
of any period extending beyond the date of cancellation. Furthermore the Reinsurer
shall remain liable for losses occurring up to and including the date of such
termination. Thereafter the liability of the Reinsurer shall cease outright other than as
far as outstanding claims are concerned.
perder a totalidade ou parte de seu capital integralizado.
(c) Se a outra parte reduzir seu capital integralizado.
(d) Se a outra parte entrar em liquidação extrajudicial, voluntária ou não, sofrer
regime especial de fiscalização e ou direção fiscal ou sofrer a nomeação de um
(e) Se houver qualquer alteração concreta na estrutura societária ou controle
da outra parte.
(f) Em caso de fusão, aquisição ou alteração do controle acionário
(g) Se a outra parte não cumprir com suas obrigações, deveres e termos e
condições deste Contrato.
(h) Se a outra parte violar os termos e condições deste Contrato.
(i) Se o país ou território, em que a outra parte resida, seja domiciliada ou
incorporada, envolver-se em hostilidades armadas com qualquer outro país,
tendo sido declarada guerra ou não ou esteja parcial ou totalmente ocupado
por outro país ou grupo armado, na medida que tais circunstâncias
impossibilitem o cumprimento de todo ou parte deste Contrato.
Todos os avisos de término relativos a qualquer uma das disposições desta
cláusula serão feitos de forma mais rápida possível e serão considerados
atendidos mediante o envio ou, caso as comunicações entre as partes estejam
interrompidas, mediante tentativa de envio. Todos os avisos de término
relativos a qualquer das disposições desta cláusula serão endereçados à parte
interessada em sua matriz ou em qualquer um dos endereços informados
previamente àquela parte.
Caso o Contrato seja cancelado em razão de qualquer das condições
precedentes de cancelamento especial, o Ressegurado cancelará, na data de
término, todo o Resseguro cedido e terá direito de ser reembolsado pelos
Resseguradores, proporcionalmente, a partir da data do cancelamento, de
todos os prêmios pagos ou creditados aos Resseguradores referentes a
qualquer período a contar da data de cancelamento. Não obstante, o
Ressegurador permanecerá responsável por sinistros ocorridos até a data deste
cancelamento, inclusive, e a partir daí a responsabilidade do Ressegurador
cessará imediatamente, exceto no tocante aos sinistros pendentes.
Com exceção dos riscos expressamente excluídos, este Contrato se aplica a
todos os negócios aceitos e classificados pela Companhia como
______________, que estejam em vigor ou tenham início em ou após (hora)
(data) (ano), inclusive as renovações.
Nota: Se somente “novos e renovados”, elimine “estejam em vigor ou”.
Se somente “em vigor”, elimine “ou tenham início em ou após” e “inclusive
This Contract applies to all business, except as hereinafter excluded, written and
classified by the Company as __________, in force at and becoming effective at and
after (hour) (date) (year), including renewals.
Note:If "new and renewal" only, delete "in force at and."
If "in force" only, delete "and becoming effective at and after" and “including
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Versão Livre para o Português
This Contract is to indemnify the Company as set forth herein in respect of the net
excess liability which may accrue to the Company under all policies, contracts, binders
and other evidences of insurance or reinsurance, whether oral or written (hereinafter
called "policies"), classified by the Company as _________, in force at and becoming
effective at and after the inception date, (hour) (date) (year), including renewals.
NOTE: If "new and renewal" only, delete "force at and."
If "in force" only, delete "and becoming effective at and after the inception date" and
"including renewals."
This Contract is to indemnify the Company as set forth herein in respect of the net
excess liability which may accrue to the Company under all policies, contracts, binders
and other evidences of insurance or reinsurance, whether oral or written (hereinafter
called "policies") heretofore issued or which may hereafter be issued by the Company
Note: If "new and renewal" only, delete "heretofore issued or."
If "in force" only, delete "or that may hereafter be issued."
Este Contrato tem como objetivo indenizar a Companhia, nas condições aqui
estabelecidas, no que exceder a sua responsabilidade líquida de outros
resseguros em todas as apólices, contratos, certificados e outros documentos
de seguro ou resseguro, orais (NÃO SE APLICA À LEGISLAÇÃO BRASILEIRA) ou
por escrito (doravante designadas como “apólices”), classificados pela
Companhia como _____________e que estejam em vigor ou tenham início em
ou após (hora) (data) (ano), inclusive as renovações.
Nota: Se somente “novos e renovados”, elimine “estejam em vigor ou”.
Se somente “em vigor”, elimine “ou tenham início em ou após” e “inclusive
Este Contrato tem como objetivo indenizar a Companhia, nas condições aqui
estabelecidas, no que exceder a sua responsabilidade líquida de outros
resseguros em todas as apólices, contratos, certificados e outros documentos
de seguro ou resseguro, orais (NÃO SE APLICA À LEGISLAÇÃO BRASILEIRA) ou
por escrito (doravante designadas como “apólices”), em vigor até este
momento ou que venham a ser emitidos a partir desta data pela Companhia e
Nota: Se somente “novos e renovados”, elimine “em vigor até este momento
Se somente “em vigor”, elimine “ou que venham a ser emitidos a partir desta
AGREEMENT dated as of the _____ day of __________, 19__, between
__________________________________, a _____________________
corporation (the "Reinsurer"), and MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW
YORK, a New York State banking corporation, as Trustee (the "Trustee").
WHEREAS, the Reinsurer has entered or will enter into one or more reinsurance
contracts (singly, a "Reinsurance Contract" and collectively, the "Reinsurance
Contracts") with one or more insurance and reinsurance companies (singly, a
"Reinsured" and collectively, the "Reinsureds");
WHEREAS, each reinsurance broker listed on Schedule I hereto (singly, a "Broker" and
collectively, the "Brokers") served as intermediary between the Reinsurer and certain
of the Reinsureds for the negotiation of certain of the Reinsurance Contracts;
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
WHEREAS, the Reinsurer wishes to establish a funding and payment mechanism to be
used in the event of one or more specific future claims arising under one or more
Reinsurance Contracts which the Reinsurer will have agreed to pay by means of the
arrangement established hereunder;
WHEREAS, the Reinsurer wishes to provide for the establishment of a trust account
with the Trustee (the "Trust Account") to serve as the funding and payment
mechanism referred to above;
WHEREAS, the Trustee is willing to establish the Trust Account and to serve as the
Trustee thereof;
WHEREAS, the Reinsurer is willing to appoint the Brokers as intermediaries between it
and the Trustee with respect to the Trust Account and to authorize and direct the
Trustee to deal with Brokers; and
WHEREAS, the Trustee is willing to deal with each Broker as intermediary between it
and the Reinsurer with respect to the Trust Account and the Reinsureds for which
such Broker serves as intermediary;
NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows;
1. At the request of the Reinsurer, the Trustee hereby agrees to establish the
Trust Account with sub-accounts for such Reinsurance Contracts and such Reinsureds
as may be specified from time to time in one or more writings from the Reinsurer to
the Trustee in the form of Schedule I, hereto, a copy of each of which shall be sent by
the Reinsurer to the appropriate Broker. A separate sub-account of the Trust Account
(singly, a "Sub-Account" and collectively, the "Sub-Accounts) shall be established for
each Reinsurance Contract specified for a Reinsured. The parties hereto agree that
any funds deposited in a Sub-Account are and shall remain the property of the
Reinsurer until remitted to a Reinsured. Neither the deposit of funds in a Sub-Account
nor the execution of this Agreement constitutes a commitment or agreement on the
part of the Reinsurer to pay any claim, or to the waiver of any right under reinsurance
2. The Reinsurer hereby appoints each Broker as its agent for purposes of
communicating with the Trustee in connection with the operation and administration
of each Sub-Account of each Reinsured for which such Broker serves as intermediary.
Each Broker, by signing a copy of the Notice of Broker Acceptance substantially in the
Form of Exhibit A hereto, will accept such appointment and will agree to receive,
monitor and transmit instruction to and from the Reinsurer and Trustee only with
respect to the Reinsureds for which it serves as intermediary. The Reinsurer hereby
authorizes the Trustee to accept and act upon instructions from each Broker and to
transmit instructions to it through each Broker with respect to the Reinsureds for
which such Broker serves as intermediary. The Reinsurer agrees that, except for
instructions with respect to the remittance of interest earned from the investment of
funds pursuant to Section 4 hereof or the remittance of withdrawals from the Sub-
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Original em Inglês
Accounts designed by the Reinsurer pursuant to Section 6 hereof, the Trustee is
authorized to accept instructions only from such Broker; provided, however, that if
the Reinsurer sends the Trustee a notice terminating such Broker's appointment as
agent hereunder, the Reinsurer may give instructions directly to the Trustee or
through a new reinsurance broker designated in such notice of termination.
3. The Reinsurer may from time to time deposit funds in the Trust Account by
designating any Sub-Account in its sole discretion. The Trustee agrees to accept such
funds and to hold them in the SubAccount designated by the Reinsurer. The Reinsurer
and the Brokers will give the Trustee one business day's prior written notice of the
deposit of any funds in the Trust Account. Any funds to be deposited in the Trust
Account shall be sent to State Street Bank and Trust Company (ABA 0110-0002-8),225
Franklin Street, Boston, MA 01220, accompanied by the following money transfer
State St. Bos/Attn: The Pierpont Money Group Market Fund-Morgan
Guaranty Catastrophe Claims-Attn: Mutual Fund Division Pierpont Group [Trust
Account No._______________ ] [Sub-Account No.______________ ].
4. The Reinsurer authorizes and directs the Trustee to invest and reinvest the
funds held in the Trust Account in a registered, short-term, taxable money market
fund, including, but not limited to, a fund for which the Trustee or an affiliate of the
Trustee acts as investment advisor or performs any other service or functions for
which the Trustee or such affiliate is separately compensated. Interest earned from
the investment of the funds held in the Trust Account shall be held by the Trustee for
the benefit of the Reinsurer and remitted to it by check pursuant to the instructions
of the Reinsurer at the following address ______________________________, Attn.:
__________________________. Any loss incurred from the investment or liquidation
of funds held in the Trust Account shall be borne by the Trust Account. Such
investments shall initially be made in the Pierpont Fund.
5. Upon receipt of a letter or tested telex from a Broker in a form substantially
similar to that attached hereto as Exhibit B, the Trustee will make a withdrawal from
each Sub-Account designated by such Broker in such amount as such Broker shall
instruct. Upon such withdrawal, the Trustee will transfer the funds withdrawn to the
account of the Reinsured to which such Sub-Account relates in accordance with the
information specified from time to time in a writing from the Reinsurer to the Trustee
in the form of Schedule I hereto, a copy of which shall be sent by the Reinsurer to the
appropriate Broker. Any funds deposited in a Sub-Account may also be remitted to
the Reinsurer pursuant to the instructions of a Broker, or, if a Broker's authority as
agent hereunder has been terminated by the Reinsurer pursuant to Section 2 hereof,
pursuant to the instructions of the Reinsurer or such new reinsurance broker as was
designated by the Reinsurer in its notice of terminations. Funds held in the Trust
Account may be withdrawn with one business day's prior written notice.
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
6. Upon receipt of a letter or tested telex from the Reinsurer in a form substantially
similar to that attached hereto as Exhibit C, the Trustee will make a withdrawal from
each Sub-Account designated by the Reinsurer in such amount as the Reinsurer shall
instruct. Upon effecting such withdrawal, the Trustee will transfer the funds
withdrawn to the account of the Reinsurer specified in such letter or tested telex. The
Reinsurer shall send a copy of such letter or tested telex to the Broker acting as its
agent in connection with the Sub-Accounts from which funds are being withdrawn
and shall give the Trustee and such Broker fifteen (15) days' prior written notice of its
intention to effect such withdrawal.
7. The Trustee will give the Reinsurer and the Broker acting as agent with respect to a
Sub-Account and advice of each transaction affecting such
Sub-Account, including the deposit or withdrawal of funds, and of the payment of
interest on invested funds.
8. (a) The duties and obligations of the Trustee shall only be such as are specifically
set forth in this Agreement, as it may from time to time be amended, and no implied
duties or obligations shall be read into this Agreement against the trustee. The
Reinsurer agrees to hold the Trustee harmless from and to indemnify it against any
loss, liability, expense (including attorney's fees) or claim arising out of or in
connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, except in
the event of the negligence or willful misconduct of the Trustee. The foregoing
indemnity shall survive the resignation of the Trustee or the termination of the
Agreement. The Trustee may consult with counsel and shall be fully protected in any
action taken in good faith in accordance with such advice.
(b) The Reinsurer agrees to pay the Trustee as compensation for its services a fee as
determined by the Trustee and communicated to the Reinsurer in advance. The
Reinsurer hereby grants to the Trustee a security interest in the funds held in each
Sub-Account for any amounts owed to the Trustee hereunder or in connection
(c) The Trustee may resign at any time by giving written notice of its resignation to
the Reinsurer, but such resignation shall not become effective until a successor
trustee shall have been appointed and shall have accepted such appointment in
writing. Upon such acceptance by the successor trustee, the resigning Trustee shall
transfer any funds held in the Trust Account to the successor trustee.
9. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New
York. It may be executed in several counterparts, each one of which shall constitute
an original, and all of which collectively shall constitute but one agreement.
10. None of the terms of this Agreement may be waived, altered or amended except
by an instrument in writing duly executed by the parties hereto.
11. (a) Any notice, consent or request to be given in connection with any of the terms
or provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by tested telex or
Página 44 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
by registered mail, postage prepaid, or delivered as specified below:
(i) if to the Trustee, to:
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
Wall Street
New York, New York 10260
Attention: Corporate Trust Administration
Telecopy No.: (212) 837-5103
Telex No.: 620106 MORGAN NYK (Domestic)
177615-RCA MGT UR (International)
(ii) if to the Reinsurer, to:
The Trustee is authorized to follow and rely upon all instructions given to it in writing
if it believes them to be genuine.
(b) All account and transaction statements relating to the Trust Account shall be
sent by the Trustee to the Reinsurer at the following address:
Attn: ____________________.
12. This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto upon the giving of
written notice by one party to the other party; provided, however, that a notice of
termination given by the Trustee shall not become effective until 30 days from the
date when given. This Agreement shall not be terminated by the withdrawal of all the
funds in the Trust Account or any Sub-Account. Any funds remaining in a Sub-Account
upon the closing of such Sub-Account or upon the termination of this Agreement shall
be remitted to the Reinsurer by check sent to the address specified in Section 4
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed by their proper and duly authorized officers as of the date first above
By _________________________
as Trustee
Schedule I
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
of New York
60 Wall Street
New York, NY 10260
Attention: Corporate Trust Administration
Re: CATASTROPHE CLAIMS TRUST FUND AGREEMENT dated as of _________ between
_______________ and Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York.
Dear Sirs:
With respect to the above-referenced agreement, please establish Sub-Accounts
of Trust Account No. _______________ for the reinsurance contracts indicated
Very Truly yours,
(Reinsurance Company)
By ___________________
Reinsurer Name:_______________
Taxpayer ID No.:
Address: ____________________
Telecopy No.:
Reinsd. Bank Name/
Broker Broker Reinsd. Address/ Address/Acct. No.
Name File # Contract Desc.
for Wire Transfer
The undersigned reinsurance broker (the "Broker") hereby acknowledges and
agrees to the terms of that certain Catastrophe Claims Trust Fund Agreement dated
as of _______________ (the "Trust Fund Agreement") between (Reinsurance
Company) the ( "Reinsurer") and Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York (the
The Broker agrees to receive, monitor and transmit such instructions as are given
to it by the Reinsurer or the Trustee, to do so only with respect to the Reinsureds of
the Reinsurer for which the Broker serves as intermediary and to comply with the
applicable provisions of the Trust Fund Agreement.
(Reinsurance Broker)
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
of New York
60 Wall Street
New York, NY 10260
Attention: Corporate Trust Administration
Re: Sub-Accounts of Catastrophe Claims Trust Accounts
Dear Sirs:
In compliance with the requests of the Reinsurers listed below, we, as the Broker
between such Reinsurers and their Reinsureds, hereby instruct you to withdraw the
sums set forth opposite the Sub-Accounts listed below or the Trust Accounts listed
below from such Sub-Accounts and transfer such sums to the Reinsureds to which
such Sub-Accounts related. Such sums shall be transferred to the reinsureds in
accordance with the instructions contained in a writing in the form of Schedule I to
the Catastrophe Claims Trust Fund Agreements between such Reinsurers and
yourselves, as Trustee
Reinsurer Trust Account No. Sub-Account No. Reinsured Amount
Yours Very Truly,
(Reinsurance Company)
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
of New York
60 Wall Street
New York, NY 10260
Attention: Corporate Trust Administration
Re: Withdrawal from Sub-Accounts of Catastrophe Claims Trust Account
Dear Sirs:
We hereby instruct you to withdraw the sum set forth opposite each Sub-Account
listed below of the Trust Account listed below from such Sub-Account and transfer
such sum to us at our account no. _______________ maintained with
___________________ . We understand that this transfer will take place on
__________________, which is at least 15 days after the date of this notice. The
Authority of the Broker to direct withdrawals from this account will be terminated on
____________________ *.
Trust Account No. Sub-Account No.
Reinsured Amount
Yours very truly,
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
501 A
501 B
501 C
Original em Inglês
CC: Broker
*Date of this Notice or Date of Withdrawal
Once an authorizing reinsurer has agreed to participate in this reinsurance contract at
certain specific terms, that authorizing reinsurer is obligated to participate at those
terms or, at the authorizing reinsurer's option, final terms
Once an authorizing reinsurer has agreed to participate in this reinsurance contract at
certain specific terms, that authorizing reinsurer is obligated to participate at those
terms or, at the authorizing reinsurer's option, final terms, unless a material change in
or a material addition to the underwriting information becomes known to the
Company after the date of the reinsurer's authorization, but prior to the effective
date of the Contract.
Once an authorizing reinsurer has agreed to participate in this reinsurance contract at
certain specific terms, that authorizing reinsurer is obligated to participate at those
terms or, at the authorizing reinsurer's option, final terms, unless a material change in
or a material addition to the underwriting information becomes known to the
Company prior to the date of the reinsurer's authorization
This Reinsurance is governed by and is construed according to t he law of the country
as stated for this purpose in the Risk Details and subject to the provisions of the
Arbitration Article, the Courts of that country shall have exclusive jurisdiction over
this Reinsurance.
In the event of a claim arising hereunder notice shall be given to the Reinsurer
through {NAME OF BROKER}, as soon as practicable, but inadvertent error or omission
of such notification shall not prejudice this Reinsurance.
All loss settlements made by the Reinsured, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer
provided that such settlements are within the terms and conditions of the original
policies and within the terms of this Reinsurance and amounts falling to the share of
the Reinsurer shall be payable by them upon reasonable evidence of the amount paid
being given by the Reinsured.
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Versão Livre para o Português
Uma vez que um Ressegurador tenha acordado em participar deste Contrato de
resseguro, sob determinadas condições específicas, ele se obriga a respeitar
tais condições ou, a seu critério, os termos finais.
Uma vez que um Ressegurador tenha acordado em participar deste Contrato de
resseguro, sob determinadas condições específicas, ele se obriga a respeitar
tais condições ou, a seu critério, os termos finais, a menos que uma alteração
ou inclusão significativa nas informações de subscrição chegue ao
conhecimento da Companhia, após a data da autorização do Ressegurador, mas
anterior à data de início de vigência do Contrato.
Uma vez que um Ressegurador tenha acordado em participar deste Contrato de
resseguro, sob determinadas condições específicas, ele se obriga a respeitar
tais condições ou, a seu critério, os termos finais, a menos que uma alteração
ou inclusão significativa nas informações de subscrição chegue ao
conhecimento da Companhia antes da data de aceitação do Ressegurador.
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não é aplicável ao mercado brasileiro, conforme
artigo 9º e 12º da Lei de Introdução do Código Civil nº. 4657
Qualquer sinistro coberto por este Contrato será avisado ao Ressegurador,
através de {NOME DO CORRETOR DE RESSEGURO}, tão logo seja possível,
porém erros e omissões inadvertidos de tal notificação não prejudicarão a
cobertura deste Resseguro.
Todas as liquidações feitas pelo Ressegurado serão seguidas pelos
Resseguradores desde que tais liquidações estejam dentro dos termos e
condições das apólices originais e também dos termos deste Resseguro e os
montantes referentes à participação do Ressegurador serão devidos por este, a
partir de evidência razoável do montante pago pelo Ressegurado.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
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Versão Livre para o Português
A Companhia notificará prontamente o Ressegurador quanto a todas as
reclamações ou sinistros de lesão corporal, envolvendo as seguintes lesões:
Lesões da espinha dorsal (por exemplo, quadriplegia, paraplegia).
Dano cerebral (por exemplo, ataque súbito, convulsão, coma ou
debilitação física/mental)
Queimadura severa resultando em desfiguramento ou cicatrizes
Cegueira total ou parcial em um ou ambos os olhos.
Amputação de um membro ou fraturas múltiplas.
Órgão vital (como coração, pulmões, etc.).
Notwithstanding the above, the course to be adopted by the Reinsured in connection
with the defense or settlement of any claim or claims likely to exceed {AMOUNT} to
the Reinsured's Net Account shall be determined between the Reinsured and the
Leading Reinsurer or its representatives and the Reinsured shall not without the
consent of the Leading Reinsurer or its representatives litigate any such claim or
When so requested in writing, the Company shall afford the Reinsurer or its
A Companhia deverá prontamente comunicar ao Ressegurador todas as
reclamações ou sinistros que envolvam lesões corporais, como segue:
A) Qualquer reclamação ou sinistro com reserva igual ou maior que ___% da
retenção da Companhia neste Contrato,
B) Qualquer reclamação envolvendo as seguintes lesões:
Lesões da Espinha Dorsal (por exemplo, quadriplegia, paraplegia).
Dano cerebral (por exemplo, ataque súbito, convulsão coma ou
debilitação física/mental)
Queimadura severa resultando em desfiguramento ou cicatrizes
Cegueira total ou parcial em um ou ambos os olhos.
Órgão vital (por exemplo, coração, pulmões, etc.).
Amputação de um membro ou fraturas múltiplas.
Danos relativos ao meio ambiente (por exemplo: poluição, depósito de
lixo ou sinistros de causas notórias tais como Agente Laranja, Asbestos ou
Diethylstilbestrol, etc.).
Doença ocupacional ou outra incapacidade relacionada com as condições
ou outros fatores relativos ao próprio trabalho.
Não obstante o mencionado acima, o andamento a ser adotado pelo
Ressegurado, em relação à defesa ou liquidação de qualquer sinistro(s) que
possam exceder a retenção líquida em {MONTANTE}, será determinado entre o
Ressegurado e o Ressegurador Líder ou seus representantes. O Ressegurado
não poderá, sem o consentimento do Ressegurador Líder ou seus
representantes, ir a juízo por conta de tal(is) sinistro(s).
Mediante solicitação por escrito, a Companhia dará oportunidade ao
The Company shall promptly advise the Reinsurer of all bodily
injury losses involving the following major injuries:
Spinal Cord Injuries (quadriplegia, paraplegia).
Brain Damage (seizure, coma or physical/mental impairment).
Severe Burn Injuries Resulting in Disfigurement or Scarring.
Total or Partial Blindness in One or Both Eyes.
Amputation of a Limb or Multiple Fractures.
Major Organ (such as heart, lungs).
The Company shall promptly advise the Reinsurer of all bodily injury claims or losses
involving any of the following:
A) Any claim or loss reserved at ___ % or more of the Company’s retention under this
B) Any claim involving any of the following injuries:
o Fatality
o Spinal Cord Injuries (e.g., quadriplegia, paraplegia).
o Brain Damage (e.g., seizure, coma or physical/mental impairment).
o Severe Burn Injuries Resulting in Disfigurement or Scarring.
o Total or Partial Blindness in One or Both eyes.
o Major Organ (e.g., heart, lungs).
o Amputation of a Limb or Multiple Fractures.
o Environmental - related Damage or Injury (e.g., pollution, waste site or common
cause claims, such as Agent Orange, Asbestos or DES).
o Occupational Disease or other Disability Relating to Working Conditions or JobRelated Factors.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
representatives an opportunity to be associated with the Company, at the expense of
the Reinsurer, in the defense of any claim, suit or proceeding involving this
reinsurance, and the Company and the Reinsurer shall cooperate in every respect in
the defense of such claim, suit or proceeding.
Ressegurador ou seus representantes de se juntarem à Companhia, às expensas
do Ressegurador, na regulação de qualquer sinistro, ação ou processo legal
envolvendo este resseguro. A Companhia e o Ressegurador cooperarão em
todos os aspectos da regulação de tal sinistro, bem como de eventual ação
Nota: pagamento ex gratia não se aplica a mercado brasileiro por ser proibido
pela Circular SUSEP 187/2002 e a Lei do 9.613.
Todas as liquidações, acordos e despesas incluindo pagamentos “ex gratia” *,
em conseqüência de sinistros nos negócios cedidos a este Contrato estarão sob
responsabilidade exclusiva e à critério do Ressegurado que terá a liberdade de
começar, defender, acordar, liquidar ou se retirar de ações judiciais, processos
e acusações, e adotar quaisquer outros meios em relação à regulação de
sinistros, de acordo com o que julgar melhor.
O Ressegurador será responsável por sua participação no sinistro e em todos os
custos e despesas incorridos e relacionados a este, excluindo despesas
administrativas e salários dos funcionários do Ressegurado. O Ressegurador
terá direito à sua participação em quaisquer salvados ou recuperações
relacionados a este sinistro.
Todos os sinistros deverão ser informados nos termos e contas mencionados
em Cláusula específica. Caso o Ressegurado seja atingido por um sinistro
garantido neste Contrato em valor superior ao montante especificado sob o
título “Adiantamento de Sinistros”, os Resseguradores pagarão sua participação
de imediato, caso solicitado pelo Ressegurado. Fica entendido, no entanto, que
qualquer saldo devido aos Resseguradores, no momento da solicitação de
adiantamento, poderá ser debitado do montante a ser pago.
Os Resseguradores têm o direito de inspecionar nos escritórios do Ressegurado
toda documentação original relativa a qualquer sinistro sem, no entanto, se
recusar ou atrasar o pagamento de sua participação no sinistro e/ou despesa.
Este Contrato destina-se a ressegurar uma parte da responsabilidade que possa
ser atribuída ao Ressegurado relativamente às classes de negócios conforme
especificado nos Detalhes do Contrato sob a designação “CLASSE DE
NEGÓCIOS”, sujeito aos termos e condições deste Contrato de resseguro.
Este Contrato destina-se a ressegurar uma parte da responsabilidade que possa
ser atribuída ao Ressegurado relativamente às classes de negócios e território
conforme especificado nos Detalhes do Contrato sob a designação “CLASSE DE
NEGÓCIOS”, e “AMBITO GEOGRÁFICO” sujeito aos termos e condições deste
Contrato de resseguro.
All settlements, compromises and expenses including ex gratia payments, in
consequence of losses on business ceded under this Agreement will be under the sole
management and discretion of the Reinsured which will be at liberty to commence,
defend, compromise, settle or withdraw from legal actions, suits and prosecutions
and adopt any other means in connection with the adjustment of claims as it may
think fit.
The Reinsurer will be liable for its share of the claim and all costs and expenses
incurred in connection therewith excluding office expenses and salaries of officials of
the Reinsured but the Reinsurer will be entitled to its share of any salvages or
recoveries relating to such claim.
All losses shall be dealt with in the accounts provided for in Article 9, but in the event
of the Reinsured sustaining a loss to this Agreement in excess of the amount specified
in the Schedule under the heading "Cash Loss" the Reinsurers shall pay their
proportion of the claim immediately in cash, if so requested by the Reinsured. It is
understood, however, that any balances due in favour of the Reinsurers at the time of
such a request for a cash settlement, may first be deducted from the amount of the
The Reinsurers shall have the right to inspect at the offices of the Reinsured all
original documents relating to any loss, without however refusing or delaying
payment on their part of such loss and/or expenses.
This Agreement is to reinsure a portion of the liability which may attach to the
Reinsured in respect of the classes of business as specified in the attached
Contractual Details under “CLASS OF BUSINESS”, subject to the following terms and
This Agreement is to reinsure a portion of the liability which may attach to the
Company in respect of the classes of business and territories as specified in the
attached Contractual Details under “CLASS OF BUSINESS” and “TERRITORIAL SCOPE”
accordingly subject to the following terms and conditions.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
This Reinsurance shall apply to the business stated in the Risk Details.
This Agreement shall apply to all policies of Insurance and Reinsurance written by the
Reinsured, subject to the exclusions contained in Appendix covering the following:Motor (All Sections including Personal Accident Benefits) including Contractors Plant
and Equipment whether in use as tools of trade or otherwise.
General Third Party Liability.
Workmen's Compensation (including off-duty extensions) and Common Law benefits
including Employers Liability as per legislation in the location of the risks, or per
legislation of the country of the labourer or per legislation of the country of hire.
All Special Acceptances previously agreed to be automatically covered by all
Reinsurers subject no material alteration.
57 A
This Contract shall incept at 00:00. Local Standard Time (month), (day), (year) at the
location of the risk and shall remain in force for an indefinite period, but either party
shall have the right to cancel as of (month), (day), (year) or any (month, day)
thereafter by giving at least _____ days prior written notice by certified or registered
In the event either party cancels in accordance with the paragraph above, the
Reinsurer shall participate in all policies ceded within the terms of this Contract
written or renewed by the Company after receipt of notice of cancellation but prior to
In the event of the termination of this Contract, at the Company's option:
A. The Reinsurer shall remain liable for all cessions in force at termination of this
Contract; however, the liability of the Reinsurer shall cease with respect to losses
occurring subsequent to the first anniversary, natural expiration or cancellation of
each policy ceded, but not to extend beyond 12 months after such termination; or
B. The Reinsurer shall be relieved of all liability hereunder for losses occurring
subsequent to termination of this Contract.
The Reinsurer shall refund to the Company the unearned reinsurance premium
applicable to the unexpired liability (calculated on a pro rata basis), less the
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Versão Livre para o Português
Este Resseguro se aplicará à classe de negócios declarada nos Detalhes do
Este Contrato se aplicará a todas as apólices de seguro e resseguro subscritas
pelo Ressegurado cobrindo os riscos abaixo, porém sujeito às exclusões
contidas nos Detalhes do Contrato:
Automóveis (todas as coberturas, incluindo Acidentes Pessoais) incluindo
maquinaria e equipamentos de empreiteiros em serviço ou em qualquer outra
Responsabilidade Civil Geral.
Seguro de Indenização por Acidentes de Trabalho (incluindo extensões para
além da jornada de trabalho), Responsabilidade Civil do Empregador, de acordo
com a legislação no local dos riscos ou com a do país do trabalhador ou com a
do país de contratação.
Todas as aceitações especiais anteriormente acordadas serão automaticamente
cobertas por todos os Resseguradores, sujeitas a não existência de alterações
Nota: Não traduzida a expressão Common Law por não ser aplicável ao Direito
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas, do dia (dia), (mês) (ano), no local do risco
e permanecerá em vigor por período indefinido, porém ambas as partes terão o
direito de solicitar seu cancelamento em (dia), (mês), (ano), ou qualquer (dia),
(mês) depois de tal prazo com pelo menos ______ dias de antecedência por
meio de aviso escrito por correspondência registrada.
Caso qualquer das partes cancele o Contrato de acordo com o parágrafo acima,
o Ressegurador participará em todas as apólices cedidas nos termos deste
Contrato, aceitas ou renovadas pela Companhia, após o recebimento do aviso
de cancelamento, porém antes do seu término.
Quando do término deste Contrato e por opção da Companhia:
A. O Ressegurador permanecerá responsável por todas as cessões em vigor
ao término deste Contrato; entretanto, a responsabilidade do Ressegurador
cessará com respeito a sinistros ocorridos posteriormente ao primeiro
aniversário, ao término natural ou cancelamento de cada apólice cedida, mas
não se estenderá além de doze meses após tal término; ou
B. O Ressegurador ficará isento de toda a responsabilidade por sinistros
ocorridos após o término deste Contrato.
O Ressegurador reembolsará a Companhia os prêmios de resseguros não
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
57 B
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
commission allowed by the Reinsurer thereon at conclusion of the runoff if option a)
above is elected, or at termination if option b) above is elected. The Reinsurer will
continue to be liable for its proportionate share of the outstanding losses (reported or
unreported) on policies ceded hereunder with a date of loss prior to the conclusion of
the runoff, or termination, as the case may be.
Note: For use in continuous Pro Rata Contracts on a written premium basis, with
Company's option of runoff or cutoff liability at termination.
Attachment of coverage under the primary policy may differ from "Local Standard
Time (month) (day), (year) at the location of the risk." For example, some casualty
coverages attach at "local time at the mailing address of the named insured."
Prior reinsurance coverage may expire on a different basis than "location of risk" or
"mailing address of the named insured," so coordination with prior reinsurance
should be considered.
ganhos relativos à responsabilidade não expirada (calculados em base
proporcional), menos a comissão correspondente, até extinção das apólices, se
a opção “a” acima for escolhida, ou na data término do Contrato se opção
escolhida for a “b”. O Ressegurador continuará responsável por sua
participação proporcional nos sinistros pendentes (avisados ou não) em
apólices cedidas com datas de sinistros anteriores às suas extinções, ou término
do Contrato, conforme o caso.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos proporcionais contínuos em base no prêmio
emitido, com opção da Companhia pela expiração das apólices (“run-off”) ou
término do contrato (“cut-off”), conforme acima.
O início de vigência das apólices de seguro poderá diferir do início de vigência
especificado acima. Por exemplo, algumas coberturas de responsabilidade se
iniciam na “hora e local do endereço para correspondência do segurado
Cobertura de resseguro anterior poderá expirar em uma base diferente da
“local do risco” ou “endereço de correspondência do segurado citado,” neste
caso a adequação ao resseguro anterior será considerada.
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
estabelecido como 24 horas.
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas, do dia (dia), (mês) (ano), no local do risco
e permanecerá em vigor por período indefinido, porém ambas as partes terão o
direito de solicitar seu cancelamento em (dia), (mês), (ano), ou qualquer (dia),
(mês) depois de tal prazo com pelo menos _____ dias de antecedência por
meio de aviso escrito por correspondência registrada.
Caso qualquer das partes cancele o Contrato de acordo com o parágrafo acima,
o Ressegurador participará em todas as apólices cedidas nos termos deste
Contrato, aceitas ou renovadas pela Companhia, após o recebimento do aviso
de cancelamento, porém antes do seu término, e permanecerá responsável por
todas as cessões em vigor ao término deste Contrato; entretanto, a
responsabilidade do Ressegurador cessará com respeito a sinistros ocorridos
posteriormente ao primeiro aniversário, ao término natural ou cancelamento
de cada apólice cedida, mas não se estenderá além de doze meses após tal
O Ressegurador reembolsará a Companhia os prêmios de resseguros não
ganhos relativos à responsabilidade não expirada (calculados em base
proporcional), menos a comissão correspondente, até extinção das apólices. O
Ressegurador continuará responsável por sua participação proporcional nos
sinistros pendentes (avisados ou não) em apólices cedidas com datas de
sinistros anteriores às suas extinções.
This Contract shall incept at 00:00. Local Standard Time (month, day, year) at the
location of the risk and shall remain in force for an indefinite period, but either party
shall have the right to cancel as of (month, day, year) or any (month day) thereafter
by giving at least _____ days prior written notice by certified or registered mail.
In the event either party cancels in accordance with the paragraph above, the
Reinsurer shall participate in all policies ceded within the terms of this Contract
written or renewed by the Company after receipt of notice of cancellation but prior to
termination, and shall remain liable for all cessions in force at termination of this
Contract; however, the liability of the Reinsurer shall cease with respect to losses
occurring subsequent to the first anniversary, natural expiration or cancellation of
each policy ceded, but not to extend beyond 12 months after such termination.
The Reinsurer shall refund to the Company the unearned reinsurance premium
applicable to the unexpired liability (calculated on a pro rata basis), less the
commission allowed by the Reinsurer thereon at conclusion of the runoff. The
Reinsurer will continue to be liable for its proportionate share of the outstanding
losses (reported or unreported) on policies ceded hereunder with a date of loss prior
to the conclusion of the runoff.
Note: For use in continuous Pro Rata Contracts on a written premium basis, with
runoff of liability at termination.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Attachment of coverage under the primary policy may differ from "Local Standard
Time (month, day, year) at the location of the risk." For example, some casualty
coverages attach at "local time at the mailing address of the named insured."
Prior reinsurance coverage may expire on a different basis than "location of risk" or
"mailing address of the named insured," so coordination with prior reinsurance
should be considered.
57 C
This Contract shall incept at 00:00. (Time Zone) Standard Time (month, day, year),
shall apply to losses occurring during the term of this Contract and shall remain in
force until (month, day, year), both days inclusive.
Should this Contract terminate while a loss occurrence is in progress, the entire loss
arising out of the loss occurrence shall be subject to this Contract.
Note: For use in term Property Catastrophe Contracts written on a losses occurring
basis, with extended expiration.
57 D
This Contract shall incept at 00:00. Local Standard Time (month, day, year) at the
location of the risk, shall apply to losses occurring during the term of this Contract
and shall remain in force for an indefinite period, but either party shall have the right
to cancel as of (month, day, year) or an (month, day) thereafter by giving at least
_____ days prior written notice by certified or registered mail.
Note: For use in continuous Per Risk Contracts written on a losses occurring basis.
Attachment of coverage under the primary policy may differ from "Local Standard
Time (month, day, year) at the location of the risk." For example, some casualty
coverages attach at "local time at the mailing address of the named insured."
Prior reinsurance coverage may expire on a different basis than "location of risk" or
"mailing address of the named insured," so coordination with prior reinsurance
should be considered.
57 E
This Contract shall incept at 00:00. Local Standard Time (month, day, year) at the
Página 53 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Nota: Para uso em Contratos proporcionais contínuos em base no prêmio
emitido, com extinção das apólices (“run-off”).
O início de vigência das apólices de seguro poderá diferir do início de vigência
especificado acima. Por exemplo, algumas coberturas de responsabilidade se
iniciam na “hora e local do endereço para correspondência do segurado
citado”. Cobertura de resseguro anterior poderá expirar em uma base diferente
da “local do risco” ou “endereço de correspondência do segurado citado,”
neste caso a adequação ao resseguro anterior será considerada.
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
estabelecido como 24 horas.
Este Contrato terá início às 24 horas (informar fuso horário) do dia (dia, mês,
ano) e será aplicado a sinistros ocorridos durante o prazo deste Contrato,
permanecendo em vigor até 24 horas do dia (dia, mês, ano).
Se este Contrato terminar enquanto um sinistro estiver em curso, todas as
perdas decorrentes desse sinistro estarão cobertas sob este Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Catástrofe de Bens, com prazo definido, à base
de sinistros ocorridos, resultando em prorrogação de vigência.
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
estabelecido como 24 horas.
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas do dia (dia), (mês) (ano), no local do risco e
será aplicado a sinistros ocorridos durante o prazo deste Contrato,
permanecendo em vigor por período indefinido, porém ambas as partes terão o
direito de solicitar seu cancelamento em (dia), (mês), (ano), ou qualquer (dia),
(mês) depois de tal prazo com pelo menos ______ dias de antecedência por
meio de aviso escrito por correspondência registrada.
Nota: Para uso em contratos contínuos não proporcionais por risco, à base de
sinistros ocorridos.
O início de vigência das apólices de seguro poderá diferir do início de vigência
especificado acima. Por exemplo, algumas coberturas de responsabilidade se
iniciam na “hora e local do endereço para correspondência do segurado citado.
Cobertura de resseguro anterior poderá expirar em uma base diferente da
“local do risco” ou “endereço de correspondência do segurado citado,” neste
caso a adequação ao resseguro anterior será considerada.
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
estabelecido como 24 horas.
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas do dia (dia), (mês) (ano) no local do risco e
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 54 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
location of the risk, with respect to losses arising out of loss occurrences commencing
on or after that date on new and renewal policies attaching on or after that date, and
shall remain in force for an indefinite period, but either party shall have the right to
cancel as of (month, day, year) or any (month, day) thereafter by giving at least _____
days prior written notice by certified or registered mail.
Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the Reinsurer shall remain liable for losses
occurring under all policies in force at termination of this Contract until the first
anniversary, natural expiration or cancellation of each policy, but not to extend
beyond 12 months after such termination.
será aplicado a perdas decorrentes de sinistros ocorridos durante o período de
vigência deste Contrato, em apólices novas ou renovadas após seu início e
permanecerá em vigor por período indefinido, porém ambas as partes terão o
direito de solicitar seu cancelamento em (dia), (mês), (ano), ou qualquer (dia),
(mês) depois de tal prazo com pelo menos ______ dias de antecedência por
meio de aviso escrito por correspondência registrada.
Exceto se mutuamente acordado o Ressegurador permanecerá responsável por
sinistros ocorridos sob todas as apólices em vigor entre o término deste
Contrato até seu primeiro aniversário, término natural ou cancelamento de
cada apólice, porém sem a extensão da responsabilidade por período superior a
12 (doze) meses contados após tal término.
Nota: Para uso em contratos contínuos, por risco e à base de apólices iniciadas.
O início de vigência das apólices de seguro poderá diferir do início de vigência
especificado acima. Por exemplo, algumas coberturas de responsabilidade se
iniciam na “hora e local do endereço para correspondência do segurado
Cobertura de resseguro anterior poderá expirar em uma base diferente da
“local do risco” ou “endereço de correspondência do segurado citado,” neste
caso a adequação ao resseguro anterior será considerada
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
estabelecido como 24 horas.
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas (informar o fuso horário) do dia (dia, mês,
ano) e será aplicado a sinistros ocorridos durante o prazo deste Contrato,
permanecendo em vigor até o dia (dia, mês, ano).
Nota: Para uso em contratos de Catástrofe de Acidentes subscritos em base de
sinistros ocorridos.
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
estabelecido como 24 horas.
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas (informar o fuso horário) do dia (dia, mês,
ano) e será aplicado a sinistros ocorridos durante o prazo deste Contrato,
permanecendo em vigor até o dia (dia, mês, ano).
Se este Contrato terminar enquanto a ocorrência de um sinistro estiver em
curso, todas as perdas dele decorrentes estarão sujeitas a este Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Catástrofe de seguros de bens, com prazo
definido, subscritos em base de sinistros ocorridos com prazo de vigência
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
Note: For use in continuous Per Risk Contracts written on a policies attaching basis.
Attachment of coverage under the primary policy may differ from "Local Standard
Time (month, day, year) at the location of the risk." For example some casualty
coverages attach at "local time at the mailing address of the named insured."
Prior reinsurance coverage may expire on a different basis than "location of risk" or
"mailing address of the name insured," so coordination with prior reinsurance should
be considered.
57 F
This Contract shall incept at 00:00. (Time Zone) Standard Time (month, day, year) shall
apply to losses occurring during the term of this Contract and shall remain in force
until (month, day, year), both days inclusive.
Note: For use in term Casualty Catastrophe Contracts written on a losses occurring
57 G
This Contract shall incept AT 00:00. (Time Zone) Standard Time (month, day, year),
shall apply to losses occurring during the term of this Contract and shall remain in
force until (month, day, year), both days inclusive.
Should this Contract terminate while a loss occurrence is in progress, the entire Loss
arising out of the loss occurrence shall be subject to this Contract.
Note: For use on Term Property Catastrophe Contracts written on a losses occurring
basis, with extended expiration.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 55 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
estabelecido como 24 horas.
57 H
This Contract shall incept at 12:01 Local Standard Time (month, day, year) at the
location of the risk, shall apply to losses occurring during the term of the Contract and
shall remain in force for an indefinite period, but either party shall have the right to
cancel as of (month, day, year) or any (month, day) thereafter by giving at least days
prior written notice by certified or registered mail.
Note: For use on Per Risk Contracts written on a losses occurring basis.
Attachment of coverage under the primary policy may differ from "Local Standard
Time (month, day, year) at the location of the risk." For example, some casualty
coverages attach at "local time at mailing address of the named insured."
Prior reinsurance coverage may expire on a different basis than "location of risk" or
mailing address of the named insured," so coordination with prior reinsurance should
be considered.
57 I
This Contract shall incept at 00:00. Local Standard Time (month, day, year) at the
location of the risk, with respect to losses arising out of loss occurrences commencing
on or after that date on new and renewal policies attaching on or after that date, and
shall remain in force for an indefinite period, but either party shall have the right to
cancel as of (month, day, year) or any (month, day) thereafter by giving at least days
prior written notice by certified or registered mail.
Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the Reinsurer shall remain liable for losses
occurring under all policies in force at termination of this Contract until the first
anniversary, natural expiration or cancellation of each policy, but not to extend
beyond twelve months after such termination.
Note: For use on Per Risk Contracts written on a policies attaching basis.
Attachment of coverage under the primary policy may differ from "Local Standard
Time (month, day, year) at the location of the risk." For example, some casualty
coverages attach at "local time at mailing address of the named insured."
Prior reinsurance coverage may expire on a different basis than "location of risk" or
mailing address of the named insured," so coordination with prior reinsurance should
be considered.
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas do dia (dia, mês, ano), no local do risco, e
será aplicado a sinistros ocorridos durante o prazo deste Contrato,
permanecendo em vigor por período indefinido, porém ambas as partes terão o
direito de solicitar o seu cancelamento em (dia, mês, ano) ou qualquer (dia),
(mês) depois de tal prazo, com pelo menos ______dias de antecedência,
através de correspondência registrada.
Nota: Para uso em contratos por risco, subscritos à base de sinistros ocorridos.
O início de vigência das apólices de seguro poderá diferir do início de vigência
especificado acima. Por exemplo, algumas coberturas de responsabilidade se
iniciam na “hora e local do endereço para correspondência do segurado
Cobertura de resseguro anterior poderá expirar em uma base diferente da
“local do risco” ou “endereço de correspondência do segurado citado,” neste
caso a adequação ao resseguro anterior será considerada
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
estabelecido como 24 horas.
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas do dia (dia), (mês) (ano) no local do risco e
será aplicado a perdas decorrentes de sinistros ocorridos durante o período de
vigência deste Contrato, em apólices novas ou renovadas após seu início e
permanecerá em vigor por período indefinido, porém ambas as partes terão o
direito de solicitar seu cancelamento em (dia), (mês), (ano), ou qualquer (dia),
(mês) depois de tal prazo com pelo menos ______ dias de antecedência por
meio de aviso escrito por correspondência registrada.
Exceto se mutuamente acordado o Ressegurador permanecerá responsável por
sinistros ocorridos sob todas as apólices em vigor entre o término deste
Contrato até seu primeiro aniversário, término natural ou cancelamento de
cada apólice, porém sem a extensão da responsabilidade por período superior a
12 (doze) meses contados após tal término.
Nota: Para uso em contratos contínuos, por risco e à base de apólices iniciadas.
O início de vigência das apólices de seguro poderá diferir do início de vigência
especificado acima. Por exemplo, algumas coberturas de responsabilidade se
iniciam na “hora e local do endereço para correspondência do segurado
Cobertura de resseguro anterior poderá expirar em uma base diferente da
“local do risco” ou “endereço de correspondência do segurado citado,” neste
caso a adequação ao resseguro anterior será considerada
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 56 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
estabelecido como 24 horas.
57 J
This Contract shall incept at 00:00. (Time Zone) Standard Time (month, day, year),
shall apply to losses occurring during the term of this Contract and shall remain in
force until (month, day, year), both days inclusive.
Note: For use on Term Casualty Catastrophe Contracts written on a losses occurring
The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a commission equal to the Company's
acquisition costs on the business subject hereto (i.e., agent commissions, taxes,
assessments, and other expenses directly allocable to acquisition of the business
subject hereto) plus _____% of all premiums ceded to the Reinsurer hereunder. The
Company shall allow the same return commission on return premiums
In the event this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, the Reinsurer shall return
to the Company the ceded unearned premium in force at the effective date of
termination, less commission thereon at the average rate for the 12-month period
ending at the effective date of termination. For purposes hereof, the "average rate"
shall be the rate determined by dividing the total commission allowed the Company
on ceded net written premium during the 12-month period ending at the effective
date of termination by the ceded net written premium during the same period.
Note: Commission based on acquisition cost plus an override.
10 A
The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a _____% commission on all premiums ceded
to the Reinsurer hereunder. The Company shall allow the Reinsurer return
commission on return premiums at the same rate.
It is expressly agreed that the ceding commission allowed the Company includes
provision for all dividends, commissions, taxes, assessments, and all other expenses
of whatever nature, except loss adjustment expense.
Note: Flat commission.
Este contrato terá início às 24 horas (informar o fuso horário) do (dia, mês, ano)
e será aplicado a sinistros ocorridos durante o seu período de vigência,
permanecendo em vigor até o dia (dia, mês, ano).
Nota: Para uso em contratos de catástrofe de acidentes, com prazo definido,
subscritos em base de sinistros ocorridos.
NT: Para adaptar à legislação de seguros, o horário de início dos contratos foi
estabelecido como 24 horas.
O Ressegurador pagará à Companhia uma comissão de resseguro igual aos
custos de aquisição sobre os negócios aqui cobertos, dispendidos pela mesma,
neles incluídos: comissões de corretagem, tributos, avaliações e outras
despesas diretamente atribuíveis à aquisição dos negócios aqui cobertos. A este
pagamento será acrescido ___% de todos os prêmios cedidos ao Ressegurador
neste Contrato. A Companhia devolverá ao Ressegurador igual comissão de
resseguro sobre os prêmios devolvidos.
Caso este Contrato seja rescindido, com imediata extinção das novas
obrigações oriundas das apólices resseguradas, a partir da data efetiva de
cancelamento (“cut-off”), o Ressegurador devolverá à Companhia o prêmio
cedido e não ganho, em vigor na citada data, subtraindo-se a respectiva
comissão de resseguro, à taxa média do período de 12 meses findo na referida
data. Para os fins desta cláusula, “taxa média” significa a taxa calculada pela
divisão da comissão total de resseguro, paga à Companhia, referente aos
prêmios líquidos cedidos durante o período de 12 meses, findo na data efetiva
de cancelamento, pelo prêmio líquido cedido durante o mesmo período.
Nota: Comissão de resseguro baseada em custos de aquisição, acrescida de
O Ressegurador pagará à Companhia uma comissão de resseguro de ___%
sobre todos os prêmios a ele cedidos sob este Contrato. A Companhia
devolverá ao Ressegurador igual comissão de resseguro sobre os prêmios
devolvidos ou cancelados.
Fica expressamente acordado que a comissão de resseguro paga à Companhia
inclui provisão para todos os dividendos, comissões de corretagem, tributos,
avaliações e quaisquer outras despesas de qualquer natureza, exceto despesas
de regulação de sinistros.
Nota: Comissão fixa.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
11 A
Both the Reinsured and the Reinsurers agree that all notices, correspondence and
payments to either party in connection with this Reinsurance shall be forwarded
through the Reinsurance Broker in the address bellow, or its branch offices, as
Either the Reinsurer or the Company may request commutation of that portion of any
excess loss hereunder represented by any outstanding claim or claims after _____
years from the date of an occurrence. If both parties desire to commute a claim or
claims, then within sixty (60) days after such agreement, the Company shall submit a
statement of valuation of the outstanding claim or claims showing the elements
considered reasonable to establish the ultimate net loss and the Reinsurer shall pay
the amount requested.
If agreement, as outlined in the paragraph above, cannot be reached, the effort can
be abandoned or alternately the Company and the Reinsurer may mutually appoint
an actuary or appraiser to investigate, determine and capitalize such claim or claims.
If both parties then agree, the Reinsurer shall pay its proportion of the amount so
determined to be the capitalized value of such claim or claims.
If the parties, as outlined in the paragraphs above, fail to agree, they may abandon
the effort or they may agree to settle any difference using a panel of three actuaries,
one to be chosen by each party and the third by the two so chosen. If either party
refuses or neglects to appoint an actuary within _____ days, the other party may
appoint two actuaries. If the two actuaries fail to agree on the selection of a third
actuary within _____ days of their appointment, each of them shall name two, of
whom the other shall decline one and the decision shall be made by drawing lots. All
the actuaries shall be regularly engaged in the valuation of Workers' Compensation
claims and shall be Fellows of the Casualty Actuarial Society or of the American
Academy of Actuaries. None of the actuaries shall be under the control of either party
to this Contract.
Each party shall submit its case to its actuary within _____ days of the appointment of
the third actuary. The decision in writing of any two actuaries, when filed with the
parties hereto, shall be final and binding on both parties. The expense of the actuaries
and of the commutation shall be equally divided between the two parties. Said
commutation shall take place in (City, State), unless some other place is mutually
agreed upon by the Company and the Reinsurer.
Note: Requires mutual agreement to commute.
Página 57 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzido tendo em vista a legislação brasileira exigir a inclusão
de cláusula de intermediário nos casos de resseguro feito com corretor de
resseguro. Naquela cláusula deverá estar estipulado os itens referentes a
comunicações e outros.
Tanto o Ressegurador como a Companhia podem requerer a comutação da
parcela de qualquer sinistro coberto, representada por qualquer pendência de
sinistro(s) após____ anos depois da data de ocorrência. Se as partes assim
concordarem em comutar um ou mais sinistros, a Companhia deverá submeter,
dentro de 60 dias após esta concordância, ao Ressegurador um relatório de
avaliação do(s) sinistro(s) pendente(s), demonstrando os elementos
considerados razoáveis para se estabelecer a perda líquida definitiva, devendo
o Ressegurador efetuar o pagamento do valor solicitado.
Caso as partes não cheguem ao acordo acima previsto, o processo de
comutação poderá ser abandonado ou, alternativamente, a Companhia e o
Ressegurador poderão mutuamente designar um atuário ou avaliador para
pesquisar, determinar e valorar tal (is) sinistro(s). Se as partes então
concordarem com a decisão do profissional nomeado, o Ressegurador pagará
sua parcela do valor calculado para o(s) sinistro(s).
Se as partes não chegarem a um acordo, na forma prevista acima, estas
poderão suspender as tratativas ou solucionar a divergência por meio de uma
banca de três atuários. Cada parte escolherá um atuário e os dois assim
escolhidos designarão o terceiro. Se qualquer uma das partes se recusar ou não
indicar um atuário dentro de ____ dias, a outra poderá escolher os dois
atuários. Se os dois atuários não chegarem a acordo quanto à seleção do
terceiro dentro de ____ dias, após terem sido escolhidos, cada um deverá
indicar dois nomes, dentre os quais o outro eliminará um, sendo a escolha final
realizada por sorteio. Todos os atuários devem estar em atividade regular com
experiência em sinistros de ________________. Nenhum dos atuários poderá
estar sob o controle de qualquer uma das partes deste Contrato.
Cada parte deverá submeter suas razões e fundamentos ao atuário por ele
indicado, dentro de ____ dias após a indicação do terceiro. A decisão por
maioria, quando formalmente apresentada às partes deste Contrato, será final
e obrigará ambas as partes. As despesas da banca do processo de comutação
serão divididas igualmente pela Companhia e o Ressegurador. O mencionado
processo de comutação terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado) , podendo ser
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
11 B
Either the Reinsurer or the Company may request commutation of that portion of any
excess loss hereunder represented by any outstanding Workers' Compensation,
Employers' Liability and Voluntary Compensation claim or claims all including
Occupational Disease and/or Cumulative Trauma after _____ years from the date of
occurrence. Accordingly, within _____ days after receipt by either party of the
request to commute, and the other party agrees, the Company shall submit a
statement of valuation of the outstanding claim or claims showing the elements
considered reasonable to establish the ultimate net loss and the Reinsurer shall pay
the amount requested. Payments by the Reinsurer as above shall constitute a
complete and final release of the Reinsurer in respect of such claim or claims, subject
to the provisions of the Errors and Omissions Article.
If agreement cannot be reached either party may request in writing that the Company
and the Reinsurer mutually appoint an actuary or appraiser to investigate, determine
and capitalize such claim or claims. If both parties then agree, the Reinsurer shall pay
its proportion of the amount so determined to be the capitalized value of such claim
or claims.
If the parties fail to agree on the amount determined in the second paragraph above,
then any difference shall be settled by a panel of three actuaries or appraisers, one to
be chosen by each party and the third by the two so chosen. If the two actuaries or
appraisers fail to agree on the selection of a third actuary or appraiser within _____
days of their appointment, each of them shall name two, of whom the other shall
decline one and the decision shall be made by drawing lots. All of the actuaries or
appraisers shall be regularly engaged in the valuation of Workers' Compensation
claims and none shall be under the control of either party to this Contract.
Each party shall submit its case to its actuary or appraiser within days of the _____
appointment of the third actuary or appraiser. The decision in writing of any two
actuaries or appraisers, when filed with the parties hereto, shall be final and binding
on both parties. The expense of the actuaries or appraisers and of the commutation
shall be equally divided between the two parties. Said commutation shall take place
in (City, State), unless some other place is mutually agreed upon by the Company and
the Reinsurer.
Note: Commutation is enforceable for specific compensation cases.
Página 58 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
mutuamente acordada a alteração do local pela Companhia e o Ressegurador.
Nota: Requer acordo mútuo para comutar.
NT: As carteiras especificadas no texto em inglês foram generalizadas na versão
em português
Tanto o Ressegurador como a Companhia podem requerer a comutação da
parcela de qualquer sinistro coberto, representada por qualquer reserva de
sinistro(s) de ______________, ____________________ e/ou
__________________, após____ anos depois da data de ocorrência. Dessa
forma, dentro de ____ dias após recebimento, por qualquer uma das partes, da
solicitação de comutação, e estando a outra parte de acordo, a Companhia
submeterá um relatório de avaliação da reserva de sinistro(s) demonstrando os
elementos considerados razoáveis para se estabelecer a perda líquida
definitiva, e o Ressegurador pagará o valor solicitado. O pagamento pelo
Ressegurador, conforme acima previsto, constituirá quitação integral e final das
obrigações do Ressegurador em relação a tal(is) sinistro(s), sujeito às
disposições da Cláusula de Erros e Omissões.
Caso não se chegue a um acordo, qualquer uma das partes poderá solicitar por
escrito que ambas mutuamente designem um atuário ou regulador para
investigar, definir e valorar tal(is) sinistro(s). Se as partes então concordarem, o
Ressegurador pagará sua parcela do valor calculado para o(s) sinistro(s).
Se as partes não chegarem a um acordo na forma prevista acima, qualquer
divergência será resolvida por um banca de três atuários ou avaliadores. Cada
parte escolherá um deles e o terceiro pelos dois escolhidos. Se os dois atuários
ou avaliadores não chegarem a acordo quanto à seleção do terceiro membro
dentro de ____ dias de sua escolha, cada um indicará dois nomes, dentre os
quais o outro eliminará um, sendo a escolha final realizada por sorteio. Todos
os atuários ou avaliadores estarão em atividade regular com atuação em
sinistros de ________________. Nenhum dos atuários ou avaliadores poderá
estar sob o controle de qualquer uma das partes deste Contrato.
Cada parte submeterá suas razões e fundamentos ao atuário ou avaliador por
ele indicado, dentro de ____ dias após a indicação do terceiro. A decisão por
maioria, quando formalmente apresentada às partes deste Contrato, será final
e obrigará ambas as partes. As despesas da banca do processo de comutação
serão divididas igualmente pela Companhia e o Ressegurador. O mencionado
processo de comutação terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado), podendo ser
mutuamente acordada a alteração do local pela Companhia e o Ressegurador.
NT: As carteiras especificadas no texto em inglês foram generalizadas na versão
em português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
11 C
Not later than _____ months after the close of any one annual period, the Company
shall advise the Reinsurer of all claims reported for said annual period not finally
settled which are likely to result in a claim under this Contract. The Company and the
Reinsurer or their respective representatives shall, by mutual agreement, determine
and capitalize such claim or claims. Payment by the Reinsurer of its proportion of the
amount or amounts, so mutually agreed, shall constitute a complete and final release
of the Reinsurer in respect of such claim or claims.
If agreement cannot be reached, the Company and the Reinsurer shall mutually
appoint an actuary or appraiser to investigate, determine and capitalize such claim or
claims. If both parties then agree, the Reinsurer shall pay its proportion of the amount
so determined to be the capitalized value of such claim or claims.
If the parties fail to agree, then any difference shall be settled by a panel of three
actuaries, one to be chosen by each party and the third by the two so chosen. If either
party refuses or neglects to appoint an actuary within days, the other party may
appoint two actuaries. If the two actuaries fail to agree on the selection of a third
actuary within _____ days of their appointment, each of them shall name two, of
whom the other shall decline one and the decision shall be made by drawing lots. All
the actuaries shall be regularly engaged in the valuation of Workers' Compensation
claims and shall be Fellows of the Casualty Actuarial Society or of the American
Academy of Actuaries. None of the actuaries shall be under the control of either party
to this Contract.
Each party shall submit its case to its actuary within _____ days of the appointment of
the third actuary. The decision in writing of any two actuaries, when filed with the
parties hereto, shall be final and binding on both parties. The expense of the actuaries
and of the commutation shall be equally divided between the two parties. Said
commutation shall take place in (City, State),unless some other place is mutually
agreed upon by the Company and the Reinsurer.
Note: Commutation is enforceable for all reported claims
11 D
Not later than _____ months after the close of any one annual period, the Company
shall advise the Reinsurer of all claims, both reported and unreported, for said annual
period not finally settled which are likely to result in a claim under this Contract. The
Company and the Reinsurer or their respective representatives shall, by mutual
agreement, determine and capitalize such claims. Payment by the Reinsurer of its
proportion of the amount or amounts, so mutually agreed, shall constitute a
complete and final release of the Reinsurer of all claims, both reported and
No prazo de até ____ meses após o encerramento de qualquer vigência anual, a
Companhia informará ao Ressegurador todos os sinistros avisados referentes à
citada vigência que não tenham sido liquidados de forma final e possam vir a se
tornar indenizáveis por este Contrato. A Companhia e o Ressegurador ou seus
representantes deverão, por acordo mútuo, calcular e valorar tal(is) sinistro(s).
O pagamento por parte do Ressegurador, na forma mutuamente concordada,
constituirá quitação integral e final da responsabilidade do Ressegurador em
relação a tal(is) sinistro(s).
Se um acordo não puder ser alcançado, a Companhia e o Ressegurador deverão
mutuamente designar um atuário ou avaliador para investigar, calcular e
valorar tal(is) sinistro(s). Se as partes então concordarem, o Ressegurador
pagará sua parcela do valor calculado para o(s) sinistro(s).
Se as partes não chegarem a um acordo, qualquer divergência será resolvida
por um banca de três atuários. Cada parte escolherá um deles e o terceiro será
indicado pelos dois escolhidos. Se qualquer uma das partes se recusar ou não
indicar um atuário dentro de ____ dias, a outra poderá escolher os dois
atuários. Se os dois atuários não chegarem a acordo quanto à seleção do
terceiro membro dentro de ____ dias de sua indicação, cada um indicará dois
nomes, dentre os quais o outro eliminará um, sendo a escolha final realizada
por sorteio. Todos os atuários estarão em atividade regular com atuação em
sinistros de ____________. Nenhum dos atuários poderá estar sob o controle
de qualquer uma das partes deste Contrato.
Cada parte submeterá suas razões e fundamentos ao atuário por ele indicado,
dentro de ____ dias após a indicação do terceiro. A decisão por maioria,
quando formalmente apresentada às partes deste Contrato, será final e
obrigará ambas as partes. As despesas da banca do processo de comutação
serão divididas igualmente pela Companhia e o Ressegurador. O mencionado
processo de comutação terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado), podendo ser
mutuamente acordada a alteração do local pela Companhia e o Ressegurador.
Nota: Comutação é obrigatória para todos os sinistros avisados.
NT: As carteiras especificadas no texto em inglês foram generalizadas na versão
em português
No prazo de até _____ meses após o encerramento de qualquer vigência anual,
a Companhia informará ao Ressegurador todos os sinistros, avisados ou não,
referentes à citada vigência que não tenham sido liquidados de forma final e
possam vir a se tornar indenizáveis por este Contrato. A Companhia e o
Ressegurador ou seus representantes deverão, por acordo mútuo, calcular e
valorar tal(is) sinistro(s). O pagamento por parte do Ressegurador, na forma
mutuamente concordada, constituirá quitação integral e final da
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
11 E
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
If agreement cannot be reached, the Company and the Reinsurer shall mutually
appoint an actuary or appraiser to investigate, determine and capitalize such claims. If
both parties then agree, the _____ Reinsurer shall pay its proportion of the amount
so determined to be the capitalized value of such claims.
If the parties fail to agree, then any difference shall be settled by a panel of three
actuaries, one to be chosen by each party and the third by the two so chosen. If either
party refuses or neglects to appoint an actuary within _____ days, the other party
may appoint two actuaries. If the two actuaries fail to agree on the selection of a third
actuary within _____ days of their appointment, each of them shall name two, of
whom the other shall decline one and the decision shall be made by drawing lots. All
the actuaries shall be regularly engaged in the valuation of Workers' Compensation
claims and shall be Fellows of the Casualty Actuarial Society or of the American
Academy of Actuaries. None of the actuaries shall be under the control of either party
to this Contract.
Each party shall submit its case to its actuary within _____ days of the appointment of
the third actuary. The decision in writing of any two actuaries, when filed with the
parties hereto, shall be final and binding on both parties. The expense of the actuaries
and of the commutation shall be equally divided between the two parties. Said
commutation shall take place in (City, State) unless some other place is mutually
agreed upon by the Company and the Reinsurer.
Note: Commutation is enforceable for all claims.
responsabilidade do Ressegurador em relação a tal(is) sinistro(s), tanto avisados
ou não.
Se um acordo não puder ser alcançado, a Companhia e o Ressegurador deverão
mutuamente designar um atuário ou avaliador para investigar, calcular e
valorar tal(is) sinistro(s). Se as partes então concordarem, o Ressegurador
pagará sua parcela do valor calculado para o(s) sinistro(s).
Se as partes não chegarem a um acordo, qualquer divergência será resolvida
por um banca de três atuários. Cada parte escolherá um deles e o terceiro pelos
dois escolhidos. Se qualquer uma das partes se recusar ou não indicar um
atuário dentro de ____ dias, a outra poderá escolher os dois atuários. Se os dois
atuários não chegarem a acordo quanto à seleção do terceiro membro dentro
de ____ dias de sua indicação, cada um indicará dois nomes, dentre os quais o
outro eliminará um, sendo a escolha final realizada por sorteio. Todos os
atuários estarão em atividade regular com atuação em sinistros de
___________. Nenhum dos atuários poderá estar sob o controle de qualquer
uma das partes deste Contrato.
Cada parte submeterá suas razões e fundamentos ao atuário por ele indicado,
dentro de ____ dias após a indicação do terceiro. A decisão por maioria,
quando formalmente apresentada às partes deste Contrato, será final e
obrigará ambas as partes. As despesas da banca do processo de comutação
serão divididas igualmente pela Companhia e o Ressegurador. O mencionado
processo de comutação terá lugar em (Cidade, Estado), podendo ser
mutuamente acordada a alteração do local pela Companhia e o Ressegurador.
Nota: Comutação é obrigatória para todos os sinistros, avisados ou não.
NT: As carteiras especificadas no texto em inglês foram generalizadas na versão
em português.
Na hipótese de existência de sinistro conhecido que envolva o pagamento
periódico de despesas e/ou indenização, aplicar-se-ão as disposições a seguir:
1. Adicionalmente às regras de notificação contidas neste Contrato, a
Companhia submeterá ao Ressegurador a cada (DEFINIR DATA OU
PERIODICIDADE) um extrato indicando a estimativa de perdas incorridas em
cada sinistro, em relação aos quais se espera que sejam efetuados pagamentos
por período superior a _______ e com perdas incorridas, conforme abaixo
calculadas, superiores a $ _________.
2. Para os fins deste Contrato, as perdas incorridas para cada caso serão
calculadas da seguinte forma (com detalhes completos a serem informados ao
(a) Os valores efetivamente pagos, ou estimativa dos pagamentos que serão
realizados, durante o período compreendido entre a data inicial do sinistro até
With respect to any known loss involving periodic payment of expenses and/or
indemnity the following shall apply:
1. In addition to the reporting requirements contained in this Contract, the
Company shall submit to the Reinsurer as of each (month, day) a statement showing
the estimated incurred loss in respect of each such case for which payment is
expected to be made for a period exceeding _____ and the incurred loss as calculated
below exceeds $ _____.
2. For the purposes of this Contract, the incurred loss for each case shall be
calculated as follows (with full details to be advised to the Reinsurer):
(c) The actual amounts paid or estimate of the actual payments that will be made
for the period from the date 1 of the loss to the (month, day) of the fifth _____
succeeding year (which date shall be called the "valuation date"); plus
(b) The estimated or actual amounts to be paid for medical costs and index-linked
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
benefits for the twelve months _____ immediately preceding the "valuation date"
and including _____ the "valuation date" multiplied by the remaining life _____
expectancy or benefit period involved; plus
(c) The estimated or actual amounts to be paid for fixed or non-index-linked
benefits for the period from the "valuation date," being the actual or estimated
amount for the twelve months immediately preceding the _____ "valuation date" and
including the "valuation date" discounted at a compounded annual rate of _____%
for the remaining life expectancy or benefit period involved.
(d) The life expectancy to be used in each case shall be the life expectancy factor used
by the Company in the _____ determination of the reserve carried on its own records.
As of the "valuation date" of any such case or any subsequent (month, day) the
Company may demand payment by the Reinsurer of the amount of the incurred loss
as calculated above that exceeds the applicable retention and the amount due from
the Reinsurer shall be immediately payable and shall be a full and final release of
Reinsurer's liability for such case.
The amount of the loss shall be as determined solely by the above calculations. The
Company's retention shall then be subtracted from this amount and the Reinsurer
shall pay up to the full limit afforded by this Contract to satisfy the remaining amount
of the loss.
If the date at which the Company demands payment is subsequent to the "valuation
date," the calculation of the incurred loss shall be as above except that the actual
payments for each year following the "valuation date" shall be discounted at %
annually back to the "valuation date" and such discounted value shall be added to the
amounts incurred up to the "valuation date" and the discounted value of the most
recent year shall then be multiplied by the remaining life expectancy after that year
to determine the future medical costs and index-linked benefits.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned, all losses known to the Company prior to the
seventh (month, day) following the year of the date of loss occurrence and involving
periodic payment of expenses and/or indemnity shall be finalized at the incurred loss
amount so calculated as of the second (month, day), following the "valuation date."
The Reinsurer's portion shall be immediately payable and shall be a full and final
release of Reinsurer's liability in respect of all such cases known to the Company.
In the event the Company makes payment or is obligated to make payment, prior to
the "valuation date," of an amount exceeding the Company's retention the Company
shall recover from the Reinsurer as provided for in this Contract. When settlement as
called for in this Article is made on or after the "valuation date," such settlement shall
be reduced by the amount of payment previously made by the Reinsurer.
Note: Commutation is on an agreed value basis either 5, 6, or 7 years after, and is
enforceable as respects losses involving periodic payments.
o _______ (dia e mês) do quinto ano subseqüente (data esta designada como
"data de avaliação"); mais
(b) Os valores efetivos ou estimados a serem pagos por custos médicos e
benefícios indexados nos ______ meses imediatamente anteriores à data de
avaliação, inclusive, multiplicados pela expectativa de vida restante ou período
de benefício envolvido; mais
(c) Os valores efetivos ou estimados a serem pagos por benefícios fixos ou não
indexados no período a partir da "data de avaliação", sendo o valor efetivo ou
estimado para os doze meses imediatamente anteriores à data de avaliação,
inclusive, descontado a uma taxa anual composta de _____% pela expectativa
de vida restante ou período de benefício envolvido.
(d) A expectativa de vida a ser utilizada em cada caso será o fator de
expectativa de vida usado pela Companhia no cálculo das reservas registradas
em seus livros.
Na data de avaliação de qualquer um desses casos, ou em qualquer ______ (dia
e mês) subseqüente, a Companhia poderá exigir o pagamento pelo
Ressegurador do valor das perdas incorridas, conforme calculado acima, que
exceda a retenção aplicável, devendo o Ressegurador pagar imediatamente
este valor, constituindo-se o pagamento em quitação integral e final de sua
obrigação em tal caso.
O valor da perda será calculado exclusivamente na forma acima prevista. A
retenção da Companhia será, então, subtraída desse valor e o Ressegurador
pagará a quantia remanescente até o limite previsto neste Contrato.
Não obstante as disposições dos parágrafos acima, todos os sinistros do
conhecimento da Companhia antes do sétimo (dia e mês) subseqüente ao ano
de ocorrência e que envolvam pagamento periódico de despesas e/ou
indenização, serão liquidados pelo montante de perdas incorridas, calculado
conforme acima previsto, no segundo (dia e mês) subseqüente à data de
avaliação. A parte a cargo do Ressegurador será imediatamente paga, sendo
considerada como quitação integral e final de sua obrigação em relação a todos
esses casos conhecidos pela Companhia.
No caso de a Companhia efetuar ou ser obrigada a efetuar pagamentos, antes
da data de avaliação, de valor que exceda sua retenção, poderá recuperar do
Ressegurador na forma prevista neste Contrato. Quando a liquidação,
conforme previsto nesta Cláusula, for feita na data de avaliação ou após, o valor
será deduzido de qualquer pagamento anteriormente feito pelo Ressegurador.
Nota: Comutação em base de valor acordado 5, 6 ou 7 anos após, e obrigatória
em relação a sinistros envolvendo pagamentos periódicos.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
The inspecting party shall maintain the confidentiality of all information reviewed
during any inspection as well as the results of such inspection and shall not disclose
such materials to third parties other than the inspecting party's outside auditors, legal
counsel, or as required in any action brought to enforce the inspecting party's rights
under this Contract, or as required by a London market lead, regulatory agency, court
order or subpoena, provided that the other party is given prior notice of such
regulatory requirement, court order or subpoena.
Note: This Article reciprocally applies to Company as well as Reinsurer. It could be
used in conjunction with a reciprocal Access to Records Article or may be added as a
paragraph of a reciprocal Access to Records Article. Does not specifically discuss
retrocessionaires or intermediaries. Makes reference to London market leads.
All non-public information provided in the course of the Reinsurer's inspection of the
Company's records shall be kept confidential by the Reinsurer as against third parties,
except as respects any legal obligation to provide such information as required by law
or contract.
Note: This Article could be used in conjunction with an Access to Records Article or
may be added as a paragraph of an Access to Records Article. Does not specifically
discuss auditors, intermediaries, legal counsel, or retrocessionaires.
All terms and conditions of this Contract and any materials provided in the course of
inspection shall be kept confidential by the Reinsurer as against third parties, subject
to disclosure pursuant to process of law, unless the Reinsurer has obtained the
Company's prior written consent to divulge the information to third parties, who will
provide a written confirmation agreeing to maintain the confidentiality of the
materials provided. Said confirmation shall be subject to the satisfaction of the
Note: This Article could be used in conjunction with an Access to Records Article or
may be added as a paragraph of an Access to Records Article. Does not specifically
discuss auditors, retrocessionaires, or intermediaries. Does allow information sharing
with other than listed entities if Company's prior consent is obtained.
A parte que efetuar a inspeção de registros e documentos manterá sigilo total
sobre as informações analisadas durante qualquer inspeção, bem como sobre
os seus resultados e não revelará seu conteúdo a terceiros, com exceção aos
auditores independentes, advogados, ou quando for solicitado em qualquer
demanda judicial ou de arbitragem para garantir seus direitos neste Contrato,
ou por solicitação do órgão regulador/ fiscalizador, ordem ou intimação judicial.
Nota: Esta cláusula reciprocamente se aplica à Companhia bem como ao
Ressegurador, podendo ser utilizada juntamente com a Cláusula de Direito de
Inspeção recíproca ou pode ser adicionada como uma parágrafo de uma
Cláusula de Direito de Inspeção Recíproco. Não leva em consideração
especificamente retrocessionários ou corretoras de resseguros.
NT: A referência ao mercado de Londres foi excluída.
Toda informação não-pública fornecida no curso da inspeção do Ressegurador
dos arquivos da Companhia será mantida em sigilo pelo Ressegurador em
relação a terceiros, exceto no que refere a obrigações legais de fornecer tais
informações como solicitado por lei ou contrato.
Nota: Esta cláusula pode ser utilizada juntamente com uma Cláusula de Direito
de Inspeção ou como um de seus parágrafos. Não leva em consideração
especificamente auditores, corretoras de resseguros, advogados ou
Todos os termos e condições desse Contrato e qualquer material fornecidos no
curso da inspeção serão mantidos em sigilo total pelo Ressegurador em relação
a terceiros, exceto em casos de ações judiciais ou arbitragem. Tal sigilo não se
aplica caso o Ressegurador tenha obtido o consentimento por escrito da
Companhia para divulgar as informações a terceiros, os quais se
comprometerão por escrito a manter sigilo sobre informações fornecidas. Tal
compromisso estará sujeito à aprovação pela Companhia.
Nota: Esta cláusula pode ser utilizada juntamente com uma Cláusula de Direito
de Inspeção ou como um de seus parágrafos. Não leva em consideração
especificamente auditores, corretoras de resseguros, advogados ou
retrocessionários. Não permite a divulgação de informações para terceiros,
exceto com prévio consentimento da Companhia.
The Reinsurer, except with the express prior written consent of the Company, shall
not directly or indirectly, communicate, disclose or divulge to any third party, any
knowledge or information that may be acquired either directly or indirectly as a result
of the inspection of the Company's books, records and papers. The restrictions as
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
outlined in this Article shall not apply to communication or disclosures that the
Reinsurer is required to make to its statutory auditors, retrocessionaires, legal
counsel, arbitrators involved in any arbitration procedures under this Contract or
disclosures required upon subpoena or other duly-issued order of a court or other
governmental agency or regulatory authority.
Note: This Article could be used in conjunction with an Access to Records Article or
may be added as a paragraph of an Access to Records Article. Does not specifically
discuss intermediaries. Does allow information sharing with other than listed entities
if Company's prior consent is obtained.
The parties acknowledge there may be portions of this Contract, the treaty
prospectus or the marketing package that may contain confidential, proprietary
information of the Company. The Reinsurer shall maintain the confidentiality of such
information concerning the Company or its business and shall not disclose it to any
third person without prior approval; provided, however, that the Reinsurer may be
required and is permitted under this Contract to disclose such information in answers
to interrogatories, subpoenas or other legal/arbitration processes as well as to the
Company's Intermediaries, to the Reinsurer's retrocessionaires, and applicable
intermediaries, or in response to requests by governmental and regulatory agencies.
In addition, the Reinsurer may disclose such information to its accountants and to its
outside legal counsel as may be necessary.
Note: Stand-alone Article that applies to information found in either the
Contract or marketing submission rather than to a Reinsurer inspecting Company
records. Does not specifically discuss auditors.
Materials contained in this Contract, the treaty prospectus or marketing package,
contain confidential, proprietary information of the Company. These statements and
representations, either written or oral, are intended for the sole use of the parties to
this Contract (or the retrocessionaires, auditors or legal counsel, as may be necessary)
in analyzing and/or accepting a participation in this Contract. Copying, duplicating,
disclosing or using this information for any purpose beyond this expressed purpose
shall not be done without the prior consent of the Company.
Note: Stand-alone Article that applies to information found in either the Contract or
marketing submission rather than to a Reinsurer inspecting Company records. Does
not specifically discuss intermediaries. Does allow information sharing with other than
listed entities if Company's prior consent is obtained.
The Reinsurers shall regard the transactions under this Agreement as strictly
confidential and shall not at any time, during its currency or thereafter, make any use,
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
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Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
either directly or indirectly, of the information afforded of the business and
connections of the Reinsured which shall or may in any way operate to the prejudice
or detriment of the latter.
The Reinsurer shall pay the Company a contingent commission equal to _____% of
the net profit, if any, accruing to the Reinsurer during each accounting period defined
herein. The first accounting period shall be from the effective date of this Contract
through _____, and each subsequent _____ period shall be a separate accounting
period. However, if this Contract is terminated, the final accounting period shall be
from the beginning of the then current accounting period through the date of
termination if this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff
period if this Contract is terminated on a "runoff" basis.
The Reinsurer's net profit for each accounting period shall be calculated in
accordance with the following formula, it being understood that a positive balance
equals net profit and a negative balance equals net loss:
A. Premiums earned for the accounting period; less
B. Ceding commission allowed the Company on premiums earned for the
accounting period; less
C. Expenses incurred by the Reinsurer at _____% of premiums earned for the
accounting period; less
D. Losses incurred for the accounting period; less
E. The Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting
Except as provided in the next paragraph, the Company shall calculate and report the
Reinsurer's net profit for each accounting period within days after the end of the
accounting period. Any contingent commission shown to be due the Company shall
be paid by the Reinsurer as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the
Company's report.
As respects the final accounting period, the Company shall calculate and report the
Reinsurer's net profit within _____ days after the date of termination, and within
_____ days after the end of each _____ thereafter until all losses subject hereto have
been finally settled. Each such calculation shall be based on cumulative transactions
hereunder from the beginning of the final accounting period through the date of
calculation, including the Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately preceding
accounting period. As respects the initial calculation referred to above, any
contingent commission shown to be due the Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer
as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's report.
As respects each recalculation, any additional contingent commission
shown to be due the Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer as promptly as possible
after receipt and verification of the Company's report. Any return contingent
O Ressegurador pagará à Companhia participação nos lucros equivalente a
_____% do lucro líquido, se houver, registrado a seu favor durante cada
período contábil definido neste Contrato. O primeiro período contábil será
contado da data de início deste Contrato até ______ (ESPECIFICAR DATA) e
cada período _____ (ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes
constituirá um período contábil em separado. No entanto, se este Contrato for
extinto, o período contábil final será contado do início do período contábil em
vigor até a data de cancelamento, se este Contrato for cancelado à base de
extinção imediata das futuras obrigações (“cut-off”), ou na extinção natural das
obrigações, se o Contrato for cancelado nessa base (“run-off”).
O lucro líquido do Ressegurador por cada período contábil será calculado de
acordo com a seguinte fórmula, entendendo-se que saldo positivo equivale a
lucro líquido e saldo negativo à perda líquida:
A. Prêmios ganhos no período contábil; menos
B. Comissão de resseguro a que tem direito a Companhia sobre os prêmios
ganhos no período contábil; menos
C. Despesas incorridas pelo Ressegurador, à razão de _____% dos prêmios
ganhos no período contábil; menos
D. Sinistros incorridos no período contábil; menos
E. A perda líquida do Ressegurador, se houver, do período contábil
imediatamente precedente.
Exceto como previsto no próximo parágrafo, a Companhia calculará e
apresentará o lucro líquido do Ressegurador em cada período contábil dentro
de _____ dias após o término do referido período. A participação nos lucros
devida à Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível, após
recebimento e conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia.
Com relação ao período contábil final, a Companhia calculará e apresentará o
lucro líquido do Ressegurador dentro de _____ dias após a data de
cancelamento e dentro de _____ dias após o término de cada _____
(ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes, até que todos os sinistros
cobertos tenham sido liquidados. Cada cálculo será baseado nas transações
acumuladas neste Contrato, do início do período contábil final até a data do
cálculo, incluindo-se a perda líquida do Ressegurador, se houver, no período
contábil imediatamente anterior.
Relativamente ao cálculo inicial acima referido, a participação nos lucros devida
à Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível, após recebimento
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
commission shown to be due the Reinsurer shall be paid by the Company with its
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded unearned premiums at the
beginning of the accounting period, plus ceded net written premiums during the
period, less ceded unearned premiums at the end of the period.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid during the period under consideration, plus the ceded reserves for
losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding at the end of the period, minus the
ceded reserves
for losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding at the beginning of the
accounting period.
Note: Contingent commission with no interim adjustments within the accounting
period, "calendar year accounting" basis.
A 10
The Reinsurer shall pay the Company a contingent commission equal to _____% of
the net profit, if any, accruing to the Reinsurer during each accounting period defined
herein. The first accounting period shall be from the effective date of this Contract
through _____, and each subsequent _____ period shall be a separate accounting
period. However, if this Contract is terminated, the final accounting period shall be
from the beginning of the then current accounting period through the date of
termination if this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff
period if this Contract is terminated on a "runoff" basis.
The Reinsurer's net profit for each accounting period shall be calculated in
accordance with the following formula, it being understood that a positive balance
equals net profit and a negative balance equals net loss:
A. Premiums earned for the accounting period; less
B. Ceding commission allowed the Company on premiums earned for the accounting
period; less
C. Expenses incurred by the Reinsurer at _____% of premiums earned for the
accounting period; less
D. Losses incurred for the accounting period; less
E. The Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting
As respects each accounting period except the final accounting period, the Company
shall calculate and report the Reinsurer's net profit within _____ days after the end of
each accounting period, and within _____ days after the end of each _____ thereafter
until all losses subject hereto have been finally settled. As respects the final
Página 65 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
e conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia.
Em relação a cada recálculo, qualquer participação nos lucros adicional devida à
Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível, após recebimento e
conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia. Qualquer participação nos lucros
que tenha que ser devolvida ao Ressegurador será paga pela Companhia com a
apresentação do seu demonstrativo.
Conforme aqui utilizada, a expressão “prêmios ganhos” significará os prêmios
não ganhos cedidos no início do período contábil, mais os prêmios líquidos
cedidos durante o período, menos os prêmios não ganhos ao final do período.
Conforme aqui utilizada, a expressão “sinistros incorridos” significará sinistros
cedidos e despesa de regulação de sinistros paga durante o período em
consideração, mais as reservas cedidas de sinistro e despesa de regulação
pendente ao final do período, menos as reservas cedidas de sinistro e despesa
de regulação pendente no início do período contábil.
Nota: Participação nos lucros sem cálculos provisórios dentro do período
contábil e na base de “contabilização de ano-calendário”.
O Ressegurador pagará à Companhia participação nos lucros equivalente a
_____% do lucro líquido, se houver, registrado a seu favor durante cada
período contábil definido neste Contrato. O primeiro período contábil será
contado da data de início deste Contrato até ______ (ESPECIFICAR DATA) e
cada período _____ (ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes
constituirá um período contábil em separado. No entanto, se este Contrato for
extinto, o período contábil final será contado do início do período contábil em
vigor até a data de cancelamento, se este Contrato for cancelado à base de
extinção imediata das futuras obrigações (“cut-off”), ou na extinção natural das
obrigações, se o Contrato for cancelado nessa base (“run-off”).
O lucro líquido do Ressegurador por cada período contábil será calculado de
acordo com a seguinte fórmula, entendendo-se que saldo positivo equivale a
lucro líquido e saldo negativo à perda líquida:
A. Prêmios ganhos no período contábil; menos
B. Comissão de resseguro a que tem direito a Companhia sobre os prêmios
ganhos no período contábil; menos
C. Despesas incorridas pelo Ressegurador, à razão de _____% dos prêmios
ganhos no período contábil; menos
D. Sinistros incorridos no período contábil; menos
E. A perda líquida do Ressegurador, se houver, do período contábil
imediatamente precedente.
Com relação a cada período contábil, exceto o período contábil final, a
Companhia calculará e apresentará o lucro líquido do Ressegurador dentro de
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
accounting period, the Company shall calculate and report the Reinsurer's net profit
within _____ days after the date of termination, and within _____ days after the end
of each _____ thereafter until all losses subject hereto have been finally settled. Each
such calculation for each accounting period shall be based on cumulative transactions
hereunder from the beginning of the accounting period through the date of
calculation, including the Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately preceding
accounting period. As respects the initial calculation referred to above, any
contingent commission shown to be due the
Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer as promptly as possible after receipt and
verification of the Company's report. As respects each recalculation, any additional
contingent commission shown to be due the Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer
as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's report. Any
return contingent commission shown to be due the Reinsurer shall be paid by the
Company with its report.
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded unearned premiums at the
beginning of the accounting period, plus ceded net written premiums during the
period, less ceded unearned premiums at the end of the period.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for losses
and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, all as respects losses
occurring during the accounting period under consideration.
_____ dias após o final de cada período contábil e dentro de ____ dias após o
final de cada _____ (ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes, até que
todos os sinistros cobertos tenham sido liquidados.
Com relação ao período contábil final, a Companhia calculará e apresentará o
lucro líquido do Ressegurador dentro de _____ dias após a data de
cancelamento e dentro de _____ dias após o término de cada _____
(ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes até que todos os sinistros
cobertos tenham sido liquidados. Cada cálculo será baseado nas transações
acumuladas neste Contrato, do início do período contábil final até a data do
cálculo, incluindo-se a perda líquida do Ressegurador, se houver, no período
contábil imediatamente anterior.
Relativamente ao cálculo inicial acima referido, a participação nos lucros devida
à Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível, após recebimento
e conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia.
Em relação a cada recálculo, qualquer participação nos lucros adicional devida à
Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível, após recebimento e
conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia. Qualquer participação nos lucros
que tenha que ser devolvida ao Ressegurador será paga pela Companhia com a
apresentação do seu demonstrativo.
Conforme aqui utilizada, a expressão “prêmios ganhos” significará os prêmios
não ganhos cedidos no início do período contábil, mais os prêmios líquidos
cedidos durante o período, menos os prêmios não ganhos ao final do período.
Conforme aqui utilizada, a expressão “sinistros incorridos” significará sinistros
cedidos e despesa de regulação de sinistros paga na data do cálculo, mais as
reservas cedidas de sinistro e despesa de regulação pendente na mesma data,
tudo relativamente a sinistros ocorridos durante o período contábil em
Nota: Participação nos lucros sem cálculos provisórios dentro do período
contábil e na base de “contabilização por ano de ocorrência de sinistro”.
O Ressegurador pagará à Companhia participação nos lucros equivalente a
_____% do lucro líquido, se houver, registrado a seu favor durante cada
período contábil definido neste Contrato. O primeiro período contábil será
contado da data de início deste Contrato até ______ (ESPECIFICAR DATA) e
cada período _____ (ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes
constituirá um período contábil em separado. No entanto, se este Contrato for
extinto, o período contábil final será contado do início do período contábil em
vigor até a data de cancelamento.
O lucro líquido do Ressegurador por cada período contábil será calculado de
acordo com a seguinte fórmula, entendendo-se que saldo positivo equivale a
Note: Contingent commission with no interim adjustments within the accounting
period, "accident year accounting" basis.
A 10
Página 66 de 274
The Reinsurer shall pay the Company a contingent commission equal to _____% of
the net profit, if any, accruing to the Reinsurer during each accounting period defined
herein. The first accounting period shall be from the effective date of this Contract
through ____, and each subsequent _____ period shall be a separate accounting
period. However, if this Contract is terminated, the final accounting period shall be
from the beginning of the then current accounting period through the date of
The Reinsurer's net profit for each accounting period shall be calculated in
accordance with the following formula, it being understood that a positive balance
equals net profit and a negative balance equals net loss:
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 67 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
A. Premiums earned for the accounting period; less
B. Ceding commission allowed the Company on premiums earned for the accounting
period; less
C. Expenses incurred by the Reinsurer at _____% of premiums earned for the
accounting period; less
D. Losses incurred for the accounting period; less
E. The Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting
The Company shall calculate and report the Reinsurer's net profit within _____ days
after the end of each accounting period, and within _____ days after the end of each
_____ thereafter until all losses subject hereto have been finally settled. Each such
calculation shall be based on cumulative transactions hereunder from the beginning
of the accounting period through the date of calculation, including the Reinsurer's net
loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting period. As respects the initial
calculation referred to above, any contingent commission shown to be due the
Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer as promptly as possible after receipt and
verification of the Company's report. As respects each recalculation, any additional
contingent commission shown to be due the Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer
as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's report. Any
return contingent commission shown to be due the Reinsurer shall be paid by the
Company with its report.
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded net written premium for policies
with effective or renewal dates during the accounting period, less the unearned
portion thereof as of the effective date of calculation, it being understood and agreed
that all premiums for policies with effective or renewal dates during an accounting
period shall be credited to that accounting period, unless this Contract is terminated
on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the unearned reinsurance premium (less previously
allowed ceding commission) as of the date of termination shall be returned by the
Reinsurer to the Company.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for losses
and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, it being understood
and agreed that all losses and related loss adjustment expense under policies with
effective or renewal dates during an accounting period shall be charged to that
accounting period, regardless of the date said losses actually occur, unless this
Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the Reinsurer shall have no
liability for losses occurring after the effective date of termination.
lucro líquido e saldo negativo à perda líquida:
A. Prêmios ganhos no período contábil; menos
B. Comissão de resseguro a que tem direito a Companhia sobre os prêmios
ganhos no período contábil; menos
C. Despesas incorridas pelo Ressegurador, à razão de _____% dos prêmios
ganhos no período contábil; menos
D. Sinistros incorridos no período contábil; menos
E. A perda líquida do Ressegurador, se houver, do período contábil
imediatamente precedente.
A Companhia calculará e apresentará o lucro líquido do Ressegurador dentro de
_____ dias após o final de cada período contábil e dentro de ____ dias após o
final de cada _____ (ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes, até que
todos os sinistros cobertos tenham sido liquidados. Cada cálculo será baseado
nas transações acumuladas neste Contrato, do início do período contábil até a
data do cálculo, incluindo-se a perda líquida do Ressegurador, se houver, no
período contábil imediatamente anterior.
Relativamente ao cálculo inicial acima referido, a participação nos lucros devida
à Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível, após recebimento
e conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia.
Em relação a cada recálculo, qualquer participação nos lucros adicional devida à
Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível, após recebimento e
conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia. Qualquer participação nos lucros
que tenha que ser devolvida ao Ressegurador será paga pela Companhia com o
seu demonstrativo.
Conforme aqui utilizada, a expressão “prêmios ganhos” significa prêmios
líquidos subscritos cedidos de apólices com data de inicio ou de renovação
durante o período contábil, menos a parte não ganha na data do cálculo, sendo
entendido e acordado que todos os prêmios das apólices com data de início ou
de renovação durante o período contábil serão creditados àquele período
contábil, a menos que este Contrato seja cancelado à base de extinção imediata
das futuras obrigações (“cut-off”), no qual o prêmio de resseguro não ganho
(menos a comissão de resseguro previamente acordada) na data do
cancelamento será devolvido à Companhia pelo Ressegurador.
Conforme aqui utilizada, a expressão “sinistros incorridos” significará sinistros
cedidos e despesa de regulação de sinistros paga na data do cálculo, mais as
reservas cedidas de sinistro e despesa de regulação pendente na mesma data,
sendo entendido e acordado que todos os sinistros e respectiva despesa de
regulação de apólices com data de início ou de renovação durante o período de
ajuste serão cobrados àquele período contábil, independentemente da data de
ocorrência dos sinistros, a não ser que este Contrato seja cancelado à base de
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Note: Contingent commission with no interim adjustments within the accounting
period, "underwriting year accounting" basis.
A 10
The Reinsurer shall pay the Company a contingent commission equal to _____% of
the net profit, if any, accruing to the Reinsurer during each accounting period defined
herein. The first accounting period shall be from the effective date of this Contract
through _____, and each subsequent _____ period shall be a separate accounting
period. However, if this Contract is terminated, the final accounting period shall be
from the beginning of the then current accounting period through the date of
termination if this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff
period if this Contract is terminated on a "runoff" basis.
The Reinsurer's net profit for each accounting period shall be calculated in
accordance with the following formula, it being understood that a positive balance
equals net profit and a negative balance equals net loss:
A. Premiums earned for the accounting period; less
B. Ceding commission allowed the Company on premiums earned for the
accounting period; less
C. Expenses incurred by the _____% of premiums earned for the accounting period;
D. Losses incurred for the accounting period; less
E. The Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting
The Company shall calculate and report the Reinsurer's net profit within _____ days
after the end of each _____ period within each accounting period, within _____ days
after the end of the accounting period and, as respects the final accounting period
only, within days after the end of each _____ thereafter until all losses subject hereto
have been finally settled. Each such calculation shall be based on cumulative
transactions hereunder from the beginning of the accounting period through the date
of calculation, including the Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately
preceding accounting period. As respects the initial calculation referred to above, any
contingent commission shown to be due the Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer
as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's report. As
respects each subsequent calculation, any additional contingent commission shown
to be due the Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer as promptly as possible after
receipt and verification of the
Company's report. Any return contingent commission shown to be due the Reinsurer
shall be paid by the Company with its report.
Página 68 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
extinção imediata das futuras obrigações (“cut-off”), caso em que o
Ressegurador não será responsável por sinistros ocorridos após a data de
Nota: Participação nos lucros sem cálculos provisórios dentro do período
contábil e na base de “contabilização por ano de subscrição”.
O Ressegurador pagará à Companhia participação nos lucros equivalente a
_____% do lucro líquido, se houver, registrado a seu favor durante cada
período contábil definido neste Contrato. O primeiro período contábil será
contado da data de início deste Contrato até ______ (ESPECIFICAR DATA) e
cada período _____ (ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes
constituirá um período contábil em separado. No entanto, se este Contrato for
extinto, o período contábil final será contado do início do período contábil em
vigor até a data de cancelamento, se este Contrato for cancelado à base de
extinção imediata das futuras obrigações (“cut-off”), ou na extinção natural das
obrigações, se o Contrato for cancelado nessa base (“run-off”).
O lucro líquido do Ressegurador por cada período contábil será calculado de
acordo com a seguinte fórmula, entendendo-se que saldo positivo equivale a
lucro líquido e saldo negativo à perda líquida:
A. Prêmios ganhos no período contábil; menos
B. Comissão de resseguro a que tem direito a Companhia sobre os prêmios
ganhos no período contábil; menos
C. Despesas incorridas pelo Ressegurador, à razão de _____% dos prêmios
ganhos no período contábil; menos
D. Sinistros incorridos no período contábil; menos
E. A perda líquida do Ressegurador, se houver, do período contábil
imediatamente precedente.
A Companhia calculará e apresentará o lucro líquido do Ressegurador dentro de
_____ dias após o final de cada período ______ (ESPECIFICAR PERIODICIDADE)
do período contábil, dentro de ____ dias após o final de cada período contábil
e, apenas com relação ao período contábil final, dentro de _____ dias após o
final de cada _____ (ESPECIFICAR NUMERO DE MESES) subseqüentes, até que
todos os sinistros cobertos tenham sido liquidados. Cada cálculo será baseado
nas transações acumuladas neste Contrato, do início do período contábil até a
data do cálculo, incluindo-se a perda líquida do Ressegurador, se houver, no
período contábil imediatamente anterior.
Relativamente ao cálculo inicial acima referido, a participação nos lucros devida
à Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível, após recebimento
e conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia.
Em relação a cada cálculo subseqüente, qualquer participação nos lucros
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded unearned premiums at the
beginning of the accounting period, plus ceded net written premiums during the
period, less ceded unearned premiums at the end of the period.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid during the period under consideration, plus the ceded reserves for
losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding at the end of the period, minus the
ceded reserves for losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding at the beginning
of the accounting period.
Note: Contingent commission with interim adjustments with the accounting period,
"calendar year accounting" basis.
A 10
The Reinsurer shall pay the Company a contingent commission equal to % of the net
profit, if any, accruing to the Reinsurer during each accounting period defined herein.
The first accounting period shall be from the effective date of this Contract through
_____, and each subsequent _____ period shall be a separate accounting period.
However, if this Contract is terminated, the final accounting period shall be from the
beginning of the then current accounting period through the date of termination if
this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff period if this
Contract is terminated on a "runoff" basis.
The Reinsurer's net profit for each accounting period shall be calculated in
accordance with the following formula, it being understood that a positive balance
equals net profit and a negative balance equals net loss:
A. Premiums earned for the accounting period; less
B. Ceding commission allowed the Company on premiums earned for the
accounting period; less
C. Expenses incurred by the Reinsurer at _____% of premiums earned for the
accounting period; less
D. Losses incurred for the accounting period; less
E. The Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting
The Company shall calculate and report the Reinsurer's net profit within _____ days
after the end of each _____ period within each accounting period, within _____ days
after the end of each accounting period, and within _____ days after the end of each
_____ thereafter until all losses subject hereto have been finally settled. Each such
calculation shall be based on cumulative transactions hereunder from the beginning
of the accounting period through the date of calculation, including the Reinsurer's net
Página 69 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
adicional devida à Companhia será paga pelo Ressegurador tão logo possível,
após recebimento e conferência do demonstrativo da Companhia. Qualquer
participação nos lucros que tenha que ser devolvida ao Ressegurador será paga
pela Companhia com o seu demonstrativo.
Conforme aqui utilizada, a expressão “prêmios ganhos” significará os prêmios
não ganhos cedidos no início do período contábil, mais os prêmios líquidos
cedidos durante o período, menos os prêmios não ganhos ao final do período.
Conforme aqui utilizada, a expressão “sinistros incorridos” significará sinistros
cedidos e despesa de regulação de sinistros paga durante o período em
consideração, mais as reservas cedidas de sinistro e despesa de regulação
pendente ao final do período, menos as reservas cedidas de sinistro e despesa
de regulação pendente no início do período contábil.
Nota: Participação nos lucros com cálculos provisórios dentro do período
contábil e na base de “contabilização de ano-calendário”.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 10
Original em Inglês
loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting period. As respects the initial
calculation referred to above, any contingent commission shown to be due the
Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer as promptly as possible after receipt and
verification of the Company's report. As respects each subsequent calculation, any
additional contingent commission shown to be due the Company shall be paid by the
Reinsurer as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's
report. Any return contingent commission shown to be due the Reinsurer shall be
paid by the Company its report.
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded unearned premiums at the
beginning of the accounting period, plus ceded net written premiums during the
period, less ceded unearned premiums at the end of the period.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid as of the effective date of
calculation, plus the ceded reserves for losses and loss adjustment expense
outstanding as of the same date, all as respects losses occurring during the
accounting period under consideration.
Note: Contingent commission with interim adjustments within the accounting period,
"accident year accounting" basis.
The Reinsurer shall pay the Company a contingent commission equal to _____% of
the net profit, if any, accruing to the Reinsurer during each accounting period defined
herein. The first accounting period shall be from the effective date of this Contract
through _____, and each subsequent _____ period shall be a separate accounting
period. However, if this Contract is terminated, the final accounting period shall be
from the beginning of the then current accounting period through the date of
The Reinsurer's net profit for each accounting period shall be calculated in
accordance with the following formula, it being understood that a positive balance
equals net profit and a negative balance equals net loss:
A. Premiums earned for the accounting period; less
B. Ceding commission allowed the Company on premiums earned for the accounting
period; less
C. Expenses incurred by the Reinsurer at _____% of premiums earned for the
accounting period; less
D. Losses incurred for the accounting period; less
E. The Reinsurer's net loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting
The Company shall calculate and report the Reinsurer's net profit within _____ days
after the end of each _____ period within each accounting period, within _____ days
after the end of each accounting period, and within _____ days after the end of each
Página 70 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 12
Original em Inglês
_____ thereafter until all losses subject hereto have been finally settled. Each such
calculation shall be based on cumulative transactions hereunder from the beginning
of the accounting period through the date of calculation, including the Reinsurer's net
loss, if any, from the immediately preceding accounting period.
As respects the initial calculation referred to above, any contingent commission
shown to be due the Company shall be paid by the Reinsurer as promptly as possible
after receipt and verification of the Company's report. As respects each subsequent
calculation, any additional contingent commission shown to be due the Company
shall be paid by the Reinsurer as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of
the Company's report. Any return contingent commission shown to be due the
Reinsurer shall be paid by the Company with its report.
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded net written premium for policies
with effective or renewal dates during the accounting period, less the unearned
portion thereof as of the effective date of calculation, it being understood and agreed
that all premiums for policies with effective or renewal dates during an accounting
period shall be credited to that accounting period, unless this Contract is terminated
on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the unearned reinsurance premium (less previously
allowed ceding commission) as of the date of termination shall be returned by the
Reinsurer to the Company.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for losses
and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, it being understood
and agreed that all losses and related loss adjustment expense under policies with
effective or renewal dates during an accounting period shall be charged to that
accounting period, regardless of the date said losses actually occur, unless this
Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the Reinsurer shall have no
liability for losses occurring after the effective date of termination.
Note: Contingent commission with interim adjustments within the accounting period,
"underwriting year accounting" basis.
Whenever the word "Dollars" or the "$" sign appears in this Contract, they shall be
construed to mean United States Dollars and all transactions under this Contract shall
be in United States Dollars.
Amounts paid or received by the Company in any other currency shall be converted to
United States Dollars at the rate of exchange at the date such transaction is entered
on the books of the Company.
Página 71 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Sempre que a palavra “dólares” ou o sinal “$” aparecer neste Contrato,
subentende-se dólares norte-americanos e todas as transações neste Contrato
serão em dólares norte-americanos.
Quantias pagas ou recebidas pela Companhia em qualquer outra moeda serão
convertidas para dólares norte-americanos à taxa de câmbio na data em que tal
transação é registrada nos livros da Companhia.
NT: A moeda desta cláusula será alterada para a moeda negociada entre as
partes no Contrato.
O segundo parágrafo, que estabelece conversão na data do registro da
transação pode acarretar um risco cambial para a seguradora.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 12
A 12
Página 72 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
Whenever the word "Dollars" or the "$" sign appears in this Contract, they shall be
construed to mean United States Dollars, except in those cases where the policies are
issued by the Company in Canada in Canadian Dollars they shall mean Canadian
Dollars. All payments made by either party shall be made in United States Dollars,
except that payments made on policies issued in Canada in Canadian Dollars shall be
made in Canadian Dollars. All amounts paid or received by the Company in any other
currency shall be converted into United States Dollars at the rate of exchange at
which they are entered on the books of the Company
Wherever the word "Dollars" or the "$" sign appears in this Contract, they shall be
construed to mean United States Dollars, except in those cases where the policies are
issued by the Company in Canada in Canadian Dollars they shall mean Canadian
Dollars. All payments made by either party shall be made in United States Dollars,
except that payments made on policies issued in Canada in Canadian Dollars shall be
made in Canadian Dollars.
In the event the Company is involved in a loss requiring payment in United States and
Canadian Dollars, the Company's retention and the amount recoverable hereunder
shall be apportioned in the two currencies in the same proportion as the amount of
ultimate net loss in each currency bears to the total ultimate net loss from both
currencies paid by the Company.
Amounts paid or received by the Company in any other currency shall be converted to
United States Dollars at the rate of exchange at the date such transaction is entered
on the books of the Company.
All transactions hereunder shall be in the main currency specified in the schedule.
For the purpose of this Agreement all premiums received and/or claims paid by the
Reinsured in currencies other than the main currency shall be converted into such
currency at the rates of exchange used by the Reinsured for the purpose of their own
accounts, or where there is a specific remittance for a loss settlement at the rates of
exchange used in making such remittance.
Cláusula não traduzida por ser semelhante à BRMA 12 A, porém
considerando, adicionalmente, negócios em dólares canadenses.
All transactions hereunder (being both premiums and claims) shall be conducted in
___________________, the Limit of Liability and Deductible applicable are specified
in the attached Contractual Details.
For the purpose of this Agreement all claims paid by the Reinsured in currencies other
than United States Dollars shall be converted into _____________________ at the
rate(s) of exchange at the time that such itens are entered in the Reinsured's books
for the purpose of determining their Ultimate Net Loss, or where there is a specific
Cláusula não traduzida por ser semelhante à BRMA 12 A, porém
considerando, adicionalmente, negócios em dólares canadenses.
Todas as transações sob este Contrato serão efetuadas na moeda principal
especificada nos Detalhes do Contrato.
Para fins deste Contrato, todos os prêmios recebidos e/ou sinistros pagos pelo
Ressegurado em outras moedas que não a moeda principal serão convertidos
para tal moeda de acordo com as taxas de câmbio utilizadas pelo Ressegurado
para contabilização ou, no caso de remessa específica para liquidação de
sinistro, nas taxas de câmbio usadas quando tais remessas forem efetuadas.
Todas as transações sob este Contrato (tanto prêmios como sinistros) serão
realizadas em ___________________ (DEFINIR A MOEDA). O limite de
responsabilidade e a retenção ou a prioridade aplicáveis estão especificadas
nos Detalhes do Contrato.
Para os fins deste Contrato, todos os sinistros pagos pelo Ressegurado em
outras moedas serão convertidos para ____________________ (REPETIR A
MOEDA ACIMA) à(s) taxa(s) de câmbio da data de seus registros nos livros do
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
remittance for a loss settlement at the rate(s) of exchange used in making such
A 13
It is agreed that underwriting to contractual and/or underwriting limits will be done in
terms of United States Dollar equivalent on the basis of exchange rate(s) in effect at
the time of inception on new, renewal or addition to a risk takes place. In the event
there is a reduction in parity value of the United States Dollar from that existing at the
time the risk was written which resulted in the contractual and/or underwriting limits
being exceeded the Company would be held covered for such excess until next
renewal of the risk at which time underwriting would then conform to the contractual
and/or underwriting United States Dollar limits in effect at the time.
All transactions hereunder shall be in the main currency specified in the schedule.
For the purpose of this Agreement all premiums received and/or claims paid by the
Reinsured in currencies other than the main currency shall be converted into such
currency at the rates of exchange used by the Reinsured for the purpose of their own
accounts, or where there is a specific remittance for a loss settlement at the rates of
exchange used in making such remittance.
All transactions hereunder shall be in {CURRENCY} and all premiums received or
claims paid by the Reinsured in currencies other than {CURRENCY} shall be converted
at the rate of exchange as shown in the books of the Reinsured.
For the purpose of this Reinsurance the term "each and every loss" shall be deemed
to mean "each and every loss and/or occurrence and/or calamity and/or disaster
and/or catastrophe and/or series of any thereof arising out of one event".
“Event” shall mean all individual losses arising out of and directly occasioned by one
Natural Perils Catastrophe involving two or more risks.
However, the duration and extent of any “event” so defined shall be limited to:
72 consecutive hours as regards hurricane, typhoon, windstorm, rainstorm,
hailstorm and/or tornado.
72 consecutive hours as regards earthquake, seaquake, tidal wave and/or
volcanic eruption.
72 consecutive hours as regards any “event” which includes individual loss or
Página 73 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Ressegurado, para determinação da perda líquida definitiva ou, quando houver
remessa específica relativa a um pagamento de sinistro, à(s) taxa(s) de câmbio
usada(s) para efetuar tal remessa.
Fica acordado que a subscrição dentro dos limites contratuais será feita pelo
equivalente em dólar norte-americano com base na(s) taxa(s) de câmbio em
vigor na data de início do risco novo, renovado ou aditado. No caso de haver
uma redução na paridade do dólar norte-americano em relação àquela
existente no momento em que o risco foi aceito, fazendo com que os limites
contratuais sejam excedidos, a Companhia permanecerá coberta em relação a
tal excesso até a próxima renovação do risco, quando a cobertura será
adequada aos limites contratuais em dólares norte-americanos em vigor na
data da renovação.
Todas as transações sob este Contrato serão efetuadas na moeda principal
especificada nos Detalhes do Contrato.
Para fins deste Contrato, todos os prêmios recebidos e/ou sinistros pagos pelo
Ressegurado em outras moedas que não a moeda principal serão convertidos
para tal moeda de acordo com as taxas de câmbio utilizadas pelo Ressegurado
para contabilização ou, no caso de remessa específica para liquidação de
sinistro, nas taxas de câmbio usadas quando tais remessas forem efetuadas.
Todas as transações sob este Contrato serão em ____________ {DEFINIR
MOEDA} e todos os prêmios recebidos ou sinistros pagos pelo Ressegurado em
moedas outras que não ______________ {REPETIR MOEDA} serão convertidos
à taxa de câmbio na data de seu registro nos livros do Ressegurado.
Para fins deste Resseguro, o termo “todo e qualquer sinistro” significará “toda e
qualquer perda e/ou ocorrência e/ou calamidade e/ou desastre e/ou catástrofe
e/ou série de qualquer um destes decorrente de um evento".
“Evento” significa todos os sinistros individuais decorrentes de ou diretamente
ocasionados por uma Catástrofe de Riscos Naturais envolvendo dois ou mais
Entretanto, a duração e a extensão de um “evento” como definido acima, será
limitado a:
72 horas consecutivas com relação a furacão, tufão, vendaval,
tempestade, granizo e/ou tornado;
72 horas consecutivas com relação a terremoto, maremoto, macaréu
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
losses from any of the perils mentioned in (a) and (b) above.
168 consecutive hours for any other “event” of whatsoever nature, which
does not include individual loss or losses from any of the perils mentioned in (a) and
(b) above,
and no individual loss from whatsoever insured peril, which occurs outside these
periods shall be included in that “event”.
The Reinsured may choose the date and time when any such period of consecutive
hours commences.
For the purposes of this Reinsurance the term "loss occurrence" shall be understood
to mean each and every loss and/or series thereof arising out of one event.
However the duration and extent of any one "loss occurrence" so defined shall be
limited to:(a)
72 consecutive hours as regards hurricane, typhoon, windstorm, rainstorm,
hailstorm and/or tornado
72 consecutive hours as regards earthquake, seaquake, tidal wave and/or
volcanic eruption
72 consecutive hours and within the limits of one City, Town or Village as
regards riots, civil commotions and malicious damage
72 consecutive hours as regards any "loss occurrence" which includes
individual loss or losses from any of the perils mentioned in (a), (b) and (c) above
168 consecutive hours for any "loss occurrence" of whatsoever nature which
does not include individual loss or losses from any of the perils mentioned in (a), (b)
and (c) above
and no individual loss from whatever Insured peril, which occurs outside these period
or areas, shall be included in that "loss occurrence".
The Reinsured may choose the date and time when any such period of consecutive
hours commences and, if any event is of greater duration than the above periods, the
Reinsured may divide that event into two or more "loss occurrences" provided that
no two periods overlap and provided no period commences earlier than the above
stated date and time of the first recorded individual loss affecting this Reinsurance in
that event.
Página 74 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
e/ou erupção vulcânica;
72 horas consecutivas com relação a qualquer “evento” incluindo um
sinistro ou sinistros decorrentes de qualquer dos riscos mencionados nos itens
(a) e (b) acima;
168 horas consecutivas para qualquer “evento” de qualquer natureza,
que não inclua um sinistro ou sinistros decorrentes dos riscos mencionados nos
itens (a) e (b) acima.
e nenhum sinistro individual decorrente de qualquer dos riscos cobertos, que
ocorra fora desses períodos, será incluído nesse “evento”.
O Ressegurado poderá escolher a data e hora a partir da qual o período de
horas consecutivas começará.
NT: Esta cláusula também é conhecida como “Cláusula de Horas”.
Para fins deste Resseguro o termo “ocorrência de sinistro” será entendido
como todo e qualquer sinistro e/ou série de sinistros decorrente de um mesmo
No entanto, a duração e extensão de qualquer “ocorrência de sinistro”, como
definida acima, estarão limitadas a:
72 horas consecutivas com relação a furacão, tufão, vendaval,
tempestade, granizo e/ou tornado.
72 horas consecutivas com relação a terremoto, maremoto, macaréu
e/ou erupção vulcânica.
72 horas consecutivas e dentro dos limites de um município, com
relação a tumultos, comoções civis e atos dolosos.
72 horas consecutivas com relação a qualquer “ocorrência de sinistro”
incluindo um sinistro ou sinistros decorrentes de qualquer um dos riscos
mencionados em (a), (b) e (c) acima.
168 horas consecutivas para qualquer “ocorrência de sinistro” de
qualquer natureza, que não inclua um sinistro ou sinistros decorrentes de
qualquer dos riscos mencionados em (a), (b) e (c) acima
e nenhum sinistro individual de qualquer risco segurado que ocorra fora desses
períodos ou áreas será incluído naquela “ocorrência de sinistro”.
O Ressegurado poderá escolher a data e hora a partir da qual o período de
horas consecutivas começará.
O Ressegurado poderá escolher a data e hora a partir da qual qualquer destes
períodos de horas consecutivas começará e, se algum evento for de maior
duração do que os períodos acima, o Ressegurado poderá dividir o evento em
duas ou mais “ocorrências de sinistro” desde que dois períodos não se
sobreponham e que nenhum período comece antes da data e hora
estabelecidas para o primeiro sinistro individual registrado que afete este
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
The words "Loss Occurrence" shall mean all individual losses arising out of and
directly occasioned by one event. However, the duration and extent of any "Loss
Occurrence" so defined shall be limited as stated in the Risk Details and no individual
loss from whatever insured peril, which occurs outside the periods or areas, set out in
the Risk Details, shall be included in that "Loss Occurrence".
The Reinsured may choose the date and time when any such period of consecutive
hours commences and if any event is of greater duration than those periods, the
Reinsured may divide that event into two or more "Loss Occurrences", provided no
two periods overlap an d provided no period commences earlier than the date and
time of the happening of the first recorded individual loss to t he Reinsured in that
For the purpose of this Agreement a risk shall be defined as each insured address per
original Property insurance policy. In case of concessions, the risk definition shall
follow the definition on each original concession agreement.
Once the authorized placement process has been completed, the total percentage
placed will be disclosed by the Company whenever it is informed that a request for
that information has been made by any authorizing reinsurer.
1. Electronic Data Exclusion
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this reinsurance agreement, it is
understood and agreed as follows:
This reinsurance agreement does not insure loss, damage, destruction,
distortion, erasure, corruption or alteration of ELECTRONIC DATA from any cause
whatsoever (including but not limited to COMPUTER VIRUS) or loss of use, reduction
in functionality, cost, expense of whatsoever nature resulting there from regardless of
any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the
ELECTRONIC DATA means facts, concepts and information converted to a form
Página 75 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Resseguro naquele evento.
A expressão "ocorrência de sinistro" significará todos os sinistros individuais
decorrentes de e diretamente relacionados a um único evento. Entretanto, a
duração e a extensão de qualquer "ocorrência de sinistro" assim definida serão
limitadas, conforme consta nos Detalhes do Contrato. Nenhum sinistro
individual, decorrente de qualquer um dos riscos segurados e que ocorra fora
do período ou áreas estabelecidas nos Detalhes do Contrato, será incluído em
tal "ocorrência de sinistro".
O Ressegurado poderá escolher a data e hora a partir da qual qualquer destes
períodos de horas consecutivas começará e, se algum evento for de maior
duração do que os períodos acima, o Ressegurado poderá dividir o evento em
duas ou mais “ocorrências de sinistro” desde que dois períodos não se
sobreponham e que nenhum período comece antes da data e hora
estabelecidas para o primeiro sinistro individual registrado que afete este
Resseguro naquele evento.
Para fins deste Contrato entende-se por “risco” cada endereço segurado
conforme a apólice de seguro de Riscos Patrimoniais. Em se tratando de
concessões, a definição de risco acompanhará a prevista no contrato de
concessão original, se houver, ou na respectiva apólice de seguro.
NT: Tradução adaptada para incluir a possibilidade da definição de risco existir
somente na apólice de seguro contratada
Uma vez concluído o processo de colocação, a Companhia informará o
percentual total colocado, sempre que essa informação for solicitada por
qualquer Ressegurador participante.
Nota: Apenas para “slip” de colocação.
1.Exclusão de Dados Eletrônicos
Não obstante qualquer disposição em contrário neste Contrato de resseguro,
fica entendido e acordado o seguinte:
a) Este Contrato de resseguro não cobre perda, dano, destruição, distorção,
remoção, adulteração ou alteração de DADOS ELETRÔNICOS decorrentes de
qualquer causa (incluindo mas não limitada a VÍRUS DE COMPUTADOR) ou
perda de uso, redução da funcionalidade, custo, despesa de qualquer natureza
deles resultante, independentemente de qualquer outra causa ou
acontecimento que contribua concomitantemente ou não com o sinistro.
A expressão DADOS ELETRÔNICOS significa fatos , conceitos e informações
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 14
Página 76 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
useable for communications, interpretation or processing by electronic and
electromechanical data processing or electronically controlled equipment and
includes programmes, software and other coded instructions for the processing and
manipulation of data or the direction and manipulation of such equipment.
COMPUTER VIRUS means a set of corrupting, harmful or otherwise unauthorised
instructions or code including a set of maliciously introduced unauthorised
instructions or code, programmatic or otherwise, that propagate themselves through
a computer system or network of whatsoever nature. COMPUTER VIRUS includes but
is not limited to „Trojan Horses“, „worms“ and „time or logic bombs“.
However, in the event that a peril listed below results from any of the
matters described in paragraph a) above, this reinsurance agreement, subject to all its
terms, conditions and exclusions, will cover physical damage occurring during this
reinsurance agreement period to property insured by this reinsurance agreement
directly caused by such listed peril.
Listed Perils
convertidas para uma forma utilizável em comunicação, interpretação ou
processamento de dados eletrônicos ou eletromecanicos ou equipamentos
controlados eletronicamente e inclui programas e outras instruções codificadas
para processamento e manipulação de dados ou controle e manipulação de tal
A expressão VÍRUS DE COMPUTADOR significa um conjunto de instruções ou
códigos corruptores, danosos ou não autorizados, introduzidos de má-fé, na
forma de programas ou não, que se propaguem através de um sistema de
computador ou rede de qualquer natureza, tais como “Cavalos de Tróia”,
“vermes” e “bombas-relógio ou bombas lógicas”, dentre outros.
b) Entretanto, no caso de um risco abaixo relacionado resultar de qualquer dos
casos descritos no parágrafo a) acima, este Contrato de resseguro, sujeito a
todos os seus termos, condições e exclusões, cobrirá dano material ocorrido
durante o período de cobertura nele previsto, ao bem segurado, diretamente
causado pelos riscos relacionados abaixo.
Riscos relacionados:
Should the Reinsured incur liability under policies of Workmen's Compensation and
Employers Liability for Industrial Disease or Physical Impairment which does not arise
from a sudden and identifiable accident or event it is understood and agreed that for
the purposes of this Agreement
each employee of an original insured shall be deemed to be a separate loss
occurrence giving rise to an event
each loss occurrence shall be deemed to have occurred on the date the
original insured is advised of the claim following diagnosis of the Industrial Disease or
Physical Impairment by a qualified medical practitioner.
Errors and omissions on the part of the Company shall not invalidate the reinsurance
under this Contract, provided such errors or omissions are corrected promptly after
discovery thereof, but the liability of the Reinsurer under this Contract or any exhibits
or endorsements attached hereto shall in no event exceed the limits specified herein,
nor be extended to cover any risks, perils or classes of insurance or reinsurance
generally or specifically excluded herein.
Erros e omissões por parte da Companhia não invalidarão o resseguro
celebrado neste Contrato, desde que tais erros e omissões sejam corrigidos
imediatamente após a sua descoberta. Porém, a responsabilidade do
Ressegurador neste Contrato ou quaisquer adendos ou endossos a ele
vinculados não poderá, em nenhuma hipótese, exceder os limites nele
especificados, nem ser estendida para cobrir quaisquer riscos ou ramos, de
seguro ou resseguro, genérica ou especificamente, excluídos deste Contrato.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 14
Errors and omissions on the part of the Company shall not invalidate the reinsurance
under this Contract, provided such errors and omissions are corrected promptly after
discovery thereof, but the liability of the Reinsurer under this Contract shall in no
event exceed the limits specified herein
A 14
Any inadvertent delay, omission or error shall not be held to relieve either party
hereto from any liability which would attach to it hereunder if such delay, omission or
error had not been made, provided such omission or error is rectified upon discovery.
A 14
Inadvertent delays, errors or omissions made in connection with this Contract or any
transaction hereunder shall not relieve either party from any liability which would
have attached had such delay, error or omission not occurred, provided always that
such error or omission is rectified as soon as possible after discovery.
The liability of the Reinsurer under this Contract or any exhibits or endorsements
attached hereto shall in no event exceed the limits specified herein, nor be extended
to cover any risks, perils or classes of insurance or reinsurance generally or specifically
excluded herein.
A 14
Any inadvertent delay, omission or error shall not be held to relieve either party
hereto from any liability which would attach to it hereunder if such delay, omission or
error had not been made, provided such delay, omission or error is rectified upon
Inadvertent delays, errors or omissions made in connection with this Contract or any
transaction hereunder shall not relieve either party from any liability which would
have attached had such delay, error or omission not occurred, provided always that
such error or omission is rectified as soon as possible after discovery.
A 14
Any error and/or inadvertent omission in connection with the application of this
Agreement shall not prejudice the rights of either party but shall be corrected
immediately upon discovery so that the parties hereto shall be placed in the same
position as if the error and/or inadvertent omission had not occurred.
Página 77 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Erros e omissões por parte da Companhia não invalidarão o resseguro
celebrado neste Contrato, desde que tais erros e omissões sejam corrigidos
imediatamente após a sua descoberta. Porém, a responsabilidade do
Ressegurador neste Contrato não poderá, em nenhuma hipótese, exceder
os limites nele especificados.
Qualquer atraso, omissão ou erro involuntários não eximira as partes
contratantes das suas respectivas responsabilidades sob este Contrato,
como se tal atraso, omissão ou erro não tivesse ocorrido, desde que tal
omissão ou erro seja corrigido assim que descoberto.
Quaisquer atrasos, erros ou omissões involuntários ocorridos com relação
a este Contrato ou qualquer transação com base no mesmo, não eximirão
as partes contratantes das suas respectivas responsabilidades que seriam
imputáveis se tal atraso, erro ou omissão não tivesse ocorrido, desde que
tal erro ou omissão seja corrigido, tão logo seja possível, após sua
A responsabilidade do Ressegurador neste Contrato ou quaisquer adendos
ou endossos a ele vinculados não poderá, em nenhuma hipótese, exceder
os limites nele especificados, nem ser estendida para cobrir quaisquer
riscos ou ramos, de seguro ou resseguro, genérica ou especificamente,
excluídos deste Contrato.
Qualquer atraso, omissão ou erro involuntários não eximira as partes
contratantes das suas respectivas responsabilidades sob este Contrato,
como se tal atraso, omissão ou erro não tivesse ocorrido, desde que tal
atraso erro ou omissão seja corrigido assim que descoberto.
Quaisquer atrasos, erros ou omissões involuntários ocorridos com relação
a este Contrato ou qualquer transação com base no mesmo, não eximirão
as partes contratantes das suas respectivas responsabilidades que seriam
imputáveis se tal atraso, erro ou omissão não tivesse ocorrido, desde que
tal erro ou omissão seja corrigido, tão logo seja possível, após sua
Qualquer erro e/ou omissão involuntários em relação à aplicação deste
Contrato não prejudicará os direitos de qualquer parte, porém será
corrigido imediatamente tão logo descoberto, para que as partes se situem
na mesma posição como se tal erro e/ou omissão involuntários não
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 78 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
tivessem ocorrido.
Any inadvertent error or omission on the part of either the Reinsured or the
Reinsurers shall not relieve the other party from any liability which would have
attached hereunder, provided that such error or omission is rectified as soon as
possible after discovery. Nevertheless, nothing contained in this Article shall be held
to override specific terms and conditions of this Reinsurance, and no liability shall be
imposed on the other party greater than would have attached hereunder had such
error or omission not occurred.
Any inadvertent error or omission on the part of either the Reinsured or the
Reinsurers shall not relieve either party from any liability which would have attached
to this Reinsurance, and such error or omission shall be rectified immediately upon
discovery. Nevertheless, nothing in this Article shall be held to override any of the
terms and conditions of this Reinsurance and no liability shall be imposed on either
party greater than would have attached hereunder if the error or omission ha d not
It is hereby understood and agreed that any inadvertent delays, omissions or errors
made in connection with this Agreement shall not relieve either of the parties hereto
from any liability which would have attached to them hereunder if such delay,
omission or error had not occurred, provided that rectification is made upon
The Reinsurers shall only be liable if and when the Ultimate Net Loss sustained by the
Reinsured in respect of Interest as defined herein exceeds {PRIORITY} Ultimate Net
Loss each and every loss occurrence.
Reinsurers shall thereupon be liable for the amount of the excess thereof in each and
every such instance, but their liability under this Reinsurance is limited to {LIMIT}
Ultimate Net Loss each and every loss occurrence.
However, it is warranted that two or more risks must be involved in the same loss
occurrence before recovery can be affected hereunder.
Qualquer erro ou omissão involuntários, seja de parte do Ressegurado ou
dos Resseguradores, não isentará a outra parte de qualquer
responsabilidade relativamente a este Contrato, desde que tal erro ou
omissão seja corrigido tão logo possível após sua descoberta. Todavia,
nenhuma disposição presente nesta cláusula terá precedência aos termos
e condições específicos deste Resseguro, e nenhuma responsabilidade
maior será imposta a outra parte da que lhe seria imputada caso tal erro
ou omissão não tivesse ocorrido.
Qualquer erro ou omissão involuntários, seja de parte do Ressegurado ou
dos Resseguradores, não isentará a outra parte de qualquer
responsabilidade relativamente a este Contrato, desde que tal erro ou
omissão seja corrigido tão logo possível após sua descoberta. Todavia,
nenhuma disposição presente nesta cláusula terá precedência aos termos
e condições específicos deste Resseguro, e nenhuma responsabilidade
maior será imposta a outra parte da que lhe seria imputada caso tal erro
ou omissão não tivesse ocorrido.
Fica aqui entendido e acordado que quaisquer atrasos, omissões ou erros
involuntários ocorridos neste Contrato não isentará quaisquer das partes
aqui envolvidas, de qualquer responsabilidade que lhes seria imputada se
tal atraso, omissão ou erro não tivesse ocorrido, desde que a correção seja
feita quando descoberto.
Os Resseguradores somente serão responsáveis se e quando a Perda
Líquida Definitiva do Ressegurado em relação aos Interesses aqui definidos
excederem _____________ {PRIORIDADE} em toda e qualquer ocorrência
de sinistro.
Os Resseguradores, por sua vez, serão responsáveis pelo montante
excedente em toda e qualquer perda, porém sua responsabilidade sob este
Resseguro estará limitada a __________ {LIMITE DO CONTRATO DE
RESSEGURO} em toda e qualquer ocorrência de sinistro.
No entanto, fica garantido que dois ou mais riscos precisam estar
envolvidos em uma mesma ocorrência de sinistro para que possa ser
efetuada qualquer recuperação neste Contrato.
NT: Esta cláusula estipula a recuperação de resseguro apenas após a
definição da Perda Líquida Definitiva
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
The Reinsured may, if he requires, aggregate cargo losses of the same nature
(including liability for such loss or damage, and related expenses including general
average contribution, salvage charges and expenses incurred to avert or minimise
such loss or damage) and treat them as losses arising out of one event provided that
it is not possible to determine the quantum of loss applicable to separate
occurrences or events,
that such losses are in respect of cargo carried in the same vessel for the
same or an overlapping voyage.
The date of loss in such cases shall be deemed to be the date of arrival at the port of
discharge of such cargo or the date of discovery of loss if earlier. If such cargo is
discharged at more than one port, the date of loss shall be deemed to be the date of
arrival at the first port of discharge or the date of discovery of loss if earlier.
Claims paid by the Reinsured in respect of any interests other than cargo as described
above are specifically excluded from the protection afforded by this Clause.
The Reinsurer's liability hereunder in respect of any one such aggregate loss is subject
to the terms and conditions of this reinsurance, and shall not exceed the limit of
indemnity provided herein in respect of each loss.
It is agreed that this Agreement shall not cover:(i)
Any liability assumed by Reinsured on loss or damage directly or
indirectly occasioned by, happening through or in consequence of war, invasion, acts
of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not),
civil war, mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a
popular rising, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped
power, martial law, confiscation or nationalization or requisition or destruction of or
damage to property by or under the order of any Government or public or local
However, it is agreed that, the foregoing paragraph shall not apply
to those classes of business which are written in accordance with the War and Civil
War Exclusion Agreement nor to business outside the scope of those Agreements
unless such lasses of business are not covered by this Agreement.
This Agreement does not cover any liability assumed by the
Reinsured on loss or damage directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through
or in consequence of any act of any person or persons acting on behalf of or in
Página 79 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
O Ressegurado poderá, se solicitar, agregar sinistros de transportes de
mesma natureza (incluindo responsabilidade civil para tal perda ou dano e
suas despesas, inclusive contribuição para avaria grossa, custos de
salvamento e despesas incorridas para evitar ou minimizar tais perdas ou
danos) e tratá-los como sinistros decorrentes de um mesmo evento, desde
não seja possível determinar o valor dos prejuízos aplicável às
ocorrências ou eventos separadamente, e
que tais sinistros sejam relativos à carga transportada na mesma
embarcação em uma mesma viagem ou viagem sobreposta.
A data do sinistro nestes casos será considerada como sendo a data de
chegada no porto de descarga de tal carga ou a data de descoberta do
sinistro, caso esta seja anterior. Se tal carga for descarregada em mais de
um porto, a data do sinistro será a data de chegada no primeiro porto de
descarga ou a data da descoberta do sinistro, caso esta seja anterior.
Sinistros pagos pelo Ressegurado em relação a quaisquer interesses, que
não os descritos acima, estarão especificamente excluídos da proteção
concedida por esta Cláusula.
A responsabilidade do Ressegurador em relação a cada sinistro agregado
estará sujeita aos termos e condições deste resseguro e não excederá o
limite de indenização aqui estabelecido em relação a cada sinistro.
Fica acordado que este Contrato não cobrirá:(i)
Qualquer responsabilidade assumida pelo Ressegurado
em perdas ou danos ocasionados, direta ou indiretamente, por, ocorridos
através de ou em conseqüência de guerra, invasão, atos de inimigos
estrangeiros, hostilidades, ou operações bélicas (sendo guerra declarada
ou não), guerra civil, motim, comoção civil assumindo proporções de ou
resultando em levante popular, revolta militar, insurreição, rebelião,
revolução, poder militar ou usurpado, lei marcial, confisco ou
nacionalização ou requisição ou destruição de ou dano a propriedade por
ou sob a ordem de qualquer Governo ou autoridade pública ou local.
Todavia, fica acordado que o parágrafo precedente não
se aplicará àquelas classes de negócios subscritas de acordo com a Cláusula
de Exclusão de Guerra e Guerra Civil, nem para negócios fora do escopo
dessas Cláusulas, a menos que tais classes de negócios não estejam
cobertas por este Contrato.
Este Contrato não cobre qualquer responsabilidade
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
connection with any organization the objects of which are to include the
overthrowing or influencing of any de jure or de facto government by terrorism or by
any violent means.
Nuclear Energy Risks as per Nuclear Energy Risks Exclusion Clause
(1994) NMA 1975a (as attached).
Obligatory Reinsurances.
Pro Rata Treaty Reinsurances and all forms of Excess of Loss
Reinsurance other than Coinsurance and Facultative Reinsurances from the local
Permanent Accident and Sickness.
Bonds (other than Bankers Blanket), Financial Guarantees and
Marine and Offshore Technology Risks.
Third Party Liability in respect of Contractor's Plant and Equipment
whilst being driven under its own power on the public highway.
Deterioration of Stock in respect of the Machinery Breakdown Section.
Advanced Loss of Profits
Decennale Covers.
Satellite Risks.
This Reinsurance is subject to the exclusions stated in the Risk Details.
This Reinsurance shall be subject to the Express Warranties stated in the Risk Details,
if any.
If this Contract expires while a loss occurrence covered hereunder is in progress, the
Reinsurer's liability hereunder shall, subject to the other terms and conditions of this
Contract, be determined as if the entire loss occurrence had occurred prior to the
expiration of this Contract, provided that no part of such loss occurrence is claimed
against any renewal or replacement of this Contract.
Note: For use in Property Catastrophe Excess of Loss Contracts on a term basis. This
A 59
Página 80 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
assumida pelo Ressegurado em perdas ou danos ocasionados direta ou
indiretamente por, ocorridos através de ou em conseqüência de ato de
qualquer pessoa ou pessoas agindo no interesse de ou em conexão com
qualquer organização cujos objetivos incluam derrubada ou influência em
qualquer governo “de jure” ou “de facto”, por terrorismo ou por qualquer
meio violento.
Riscos de Energia Nuclear de acordo com a Cláusula de
Exclusão de Riscos de Energia Nuclear (1994) NMA 1975a (anexa).
Resseguros Obrigatorios.
Contratos de Resseguro Proporcionais e todas as formas
de Resseguro em Excesso de Danos, exceto Co-Seguros e Resseguros
Facultativos do mercado local.
Invalidez Permanente e Saúde.
Garantias (exceto Global de Bancos), Garantias
Financeiras e Multas.
Riscos Marítimos e de tecnologia “Offshore”.
Responsabilidade Civil Geral relativamente a canteiro de
obras e equipamentos de empreiteiros, enquanto estiverem sendo
movidos por meios próprios em vias públicas.
(ix) Deterioração de Máquinas e Equipamentos armazenados na
Cobertura de Quebra de Máquinas.
Lucros Esperados (ALOP)
(xi) Coberturas Decenais
(xii) Riscos de Satélites.
NT: a Cláusula NMA 1975a (ou outras que venham a ser mencionadas)
deverá ser anexada ao Contrato.
Este Resseguro está sujeito às exclusões contidas nos Detalhes do
Este Resseguro estará sujeito às garantias específicas previstas nos
Detalhes do Contrato, se houver.
Se este Contrato terminar enquanto uma ocorrência de sinistro coberta
estiver em andamento, a responsabilidade do Ressegurador, sujeita aos
seus demais termos e condições, será determinada como se todo o sinistro
tivesse ocorrido anteriormente ao término deste Contrato, desde que
nenhuma parte de tal sinistro seja reclamada em qualquer renovação ou
substituição do mesmo.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Article may be incorporated in the Commencement and Termination or Term Article.
A 59
In the event a loss occurrence covered hereunder is in progress at the end of any
contract year, the entire loss arising out of the loss occurrence shall be charged to the
contract year in which the loss occurrence commenced, subject to the other terms
and conditions of this Contract.
Note: For use in Property Catastrophe Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous,
contract year basis. This Article may be incorporated in the Commencement and
Termination Article.
A 59
Should this Contract terminate while a loss occurrence covered hereunder is in
progress, subject to the other conditions of this Contract, the Reinsurer shall be
responsible for its proportion of the entire loss or damage caused by such loss
Note: For use in Property Catastrophe Excess of Loss Contracts on a term or
continuous basis. This Article may be incorporated in the Commencement and
Termination or Term Article.
A 59
If this Contract should be terminated while the loss covered hereunder is in progress,
it is agreed that, subject to the other conditions of this Contract, the Reinsurer shall
be liable for its proportion of the entire loss or damage resulting from such
occurrence for which the Company is liable up to the limit of this Contract.
Note: For use in Property Catastrophe Excess of Loss Contracts on a term or
continuous basis. This Article may be incorporated in the Commencement and
Termination or Term Article.
A 59
Should this Contract terminate while a loss occurrence is in progress, the Reinsurer
shall be liable for its proportion of all losses resulting from the loss occurrence,
whether arising before or after such termination.
Note: For use in Property Catastrophe Excess of Loss Contracts on a term or
continuous basis. This Article may be incorporated in the Commencement and
Termination or Term Article.
Página 81 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos de Catástrofe de Riscos
Patrimoniais, com prazo determinado. Esta cláusula poderá ser
incorporada à Cláusula de Início e Término ou Cláusula de Vigência.
Na hipótese de uma ocorrência de sinistro estar em andamento no final de
qualquer ano de Contrato, o valor total da perda decorrente do sinistro
será atribuído ao ano do Contrato no qual ocorrência de sinistro teve
início, sujeito a seus outros termos e condições.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos para Catástrofe de
Riscos Patrimoniais em uma base contínua de contrato anual. Esta cláusula
poderá ser incorporada à Cláusula de Início e Término ou Cláusula de
Se este Contrato terminar enquanto uma ocorrência de sinistro coberta
estiver em andamento, sujeito às suas demais condições, o Ressegurador
será responsável por sua proporção no total dos prejuízos decorrentes de
tal sinistro.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos para Catástrofe de
Riscos Patrimoniais em uma base contínua ou de prazo definido. Esta
cláusula poderá ser incorporada à Cláusula de Início e Término ou Cláusula
de Vigência.
Se este Contrato terminar enquanto uma ocorrência de sinistro coberta
estiver em andamento, fica acordado que, sujeito às suas demais
condições, o Ressegurador será responsável por sua proporção no total dos
prejuízos decorrentes de tal sinistro pelo qual a Companhia é responsável,
até o limite deste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos para Catástrofe de
Riscos Patrimoniais em uma base contínua ou de prazo definido. Esta
cláusula poderá ser incorporada à Cláusula de Início e Término ou Cláusula
de Vigência.
Se este Contrato terminar enquanto uma ocorrência de sinistro estiver em
andamento, o Ressegurador será responsável por sua proporção no total
dos prejuízos decorrentes de tal sinistro, tanto surgidos antes como após
tal término.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos para Catástrofe de
Riscos Patrimoniais em uma base contínua ou de prazo definido. Esta
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 59
Should this Contract expire while a loss covered hereunder is in progress, the
Reinsurer shall be responsible for the loss in progress in the same manner and to the
same extent it would have been responsible had the Contract expired the day
following the conclusion of the loss in progress.
Note: For use in Property Catastrophe Excess of Loss Contracts on a term basis. This
Article may be incorporated in the Commencement and Termination or Term Article.
If this Reinsurance should expire or be terminated while a Loss Occurrence covered
by this Reinsurance is in progress, it is understood and agreed that subject to the
other terms and conditions of this Reinsurance, the Reinsurers hereon are responsible
as if the entire loss or damage had occurred prior to the expiration or termination of
this Reinsurance, provided that no part of that Loss Occurrence is claimed against any
renewal or replacement of this Reinsurance.
If this Agreement should expire or be terminated while a loss covered hereunder is in
progress, it is agreed that, subject to the other conditions of this Agreement, the
Reinsurers shall pay their proportion of the entire loss provided that the loss
commenced before the time of expiration or termination of this Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing no such loss may be claimed against any renewal of, or
contract replacing this Agreement.
Original em Inglês
If this Agreement should expire or be terminated whilst an event which may give rise
to a loss hereunder is in progress it is understood and agreed that, subject to the
other conditions of this Agreement, the Reinsurers hereon shall be liable as if the
entire event had occurred prior to the expiration of this Agreement, provided always
that no part of that loss occurrence is claimed against any renewal of this Agreement.
Reinsurers agree that if this Reinsurance should expire whilst a loss to the Reinsured
is in progress, then Reinsurers shall be liable as if the whole loss had occurred during
the currency of this Reinsurance, provided that no part of any loss shall be claimed
against any renewal of this Reinsurance.
Página 82 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
cláusula poderá ser incorporada à Cláusula de Início e Término ou Cláusula
de Vigência.
Se este Contrato terminar enquanto um sinistro coberto estiver em
andamento, o Ressegurador será responsável pelo sinistro em andamento
da mesma forma e na mesma extensão que seria responsável caso o
contrato tivesse expirado no dia seguinte ao da conclusão do sinistro em
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos para Catástrofe de
Riscos Patrimoniais em uma base de prazo definido. Esta cláusula poderá
ser incorporada à Cláusula de Início e Término ou Cláusula de Vigência.
Se este Contrato terminar ou for cancelado enquanto uma ocorrência de
sinistro coberto por ele estiver em andamento, fica entendido e acordado
que, sujeito aos seus demais termos e condições, os Resseguradores serão
responsáveis como se todo o sinistro tivesse ocorrido antes do seu
vencimento ou término, desde que nenhuma parte de tal sinistro seja
reclamada contra qualquer renovação ou substituição do mesmo.
Se este Contrato terminar ou for encerrado enquanto um sinistro coberto
pelo mesmo estiver em andamento, fica acordado que, sujeito às suas
demais condições, os Resseguradores pagarão sua proporção dos prejuízos
totais, desde que este tenha iniciado antes do vencimento ou término
deste Contrato. Não obstante o mencionado, esse sinistro não poderá ser
reclamado em qualquer renovação deste Contrato ou em contrato que o
Se este Contrato expirar ou terminar enquanto um evento que possa
originar um sinistro coberto estiver em andamento, fica entendido e
acordado que, sujeito aos seus demais termos e condições, os
Resseguradores serão responsáveis como se todo o sinistro tivesse
ocorrido antes do término deste Contrato, desde que nenhuma parte deste
sinistro seja reclamada na sua renovação.
Os Resseguradores concordam que, se este Resseguro terminar enquanto
um sinistro estiver em andamento, então os Resseguradores serão
responsáveis como se o todo o sinistro tivesse ocorrido durante a vigência
deste Resseguro, desde que nenhuma parte deste sinistro seja reclamada
na sua renovação.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 16
A 16
Original em Inglês
If this reinsurance should expire whilst a loss and/or occurrence and/or catastrophe
and/or disaster and/or calamity and/or series of losses and/or occurrences and/or
catastrophes and/or disasters and/or calamities arising out of one event is in
progress, it is agreed that subject to the other conditions of this reinsurance, the
Reinsurers shall pay their proportion of the entire loss or damage, provided that the
loss and/or occurrence and/or catastrophe and/or disaster and/or calamity and/or
series of losses and/or occurrences and/or catastrophes and/or disasters and/or
calamities arising out of one event commenced before the time of expiration of this
Reinsurance, provided that no part of that loss is claimed against any renewal of this
This Contract shall protect the Company within the limits hereof, where the ultimate
net loss includes any Extra Contractual Obligations. The term "Extra Contractual
Obligations" is defined as those liabilities not covered under any other provision of
this Contract and which arise from the handling of any claim on business covered
hereunder, such liabilities arising because of, but not limited to, the following: failure
by the Company to settle within the policy limit, or by reason of alleged or actual
negligence, fraud, or bad faith in rejecting an offer of settlement or in the preparation
of the defense or in the trial of any action against its insured or reinsured or in the
preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such action.
The date on which any Extra Contractual Obligation is incurred by the Company shall
be deemed, in all circumstances, to be the date of the original disaster and/or
However, this Article shall not apply where the loss has been incurred due to fraud by
a member of the Board of Directors or a corporate officer of the Company acting
individually or collectively or in collusion with any individual or corporation or any
other organization or party involved in the presentation, defense or settlement of any
claim covered hereunder.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts where % of coverage provided for ECO is
specified in Ultimate Net Loss Article.
This Contract shall protect the Company for any Extra Contractual Obligations within
the limits hereof. The term "Extra Contractual Obligations" is defined as those
liabilities not covered under any other provision of this Contract and which arise from
the handling of any claim on business covered hereunder, such liabilities arising
Página 83 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Este Contrato protegerá a Companhia, dentro dos seus limites, nos casos
em que a perda líquida definitiva incluir quaisquer obrigações
extracontratuais. O termo “obrigações extracontratuais” é definido como
as responsabilidades não cobertas sob qualquer outra disposição deste
Contrato e que decorram da administração de qualquer sinistro que afete
negócios cobertos por este Contrato e tendo sido causadas, mas não
limitadas, pelo seguinte: falha da Companhia em liquidar dentro do limite
da apólice ou, por razão de negligência alegada ou real, fraude ou má-fé
em rejeitar oferta de acordo para liquidação ou na preparação da defesa
ou no julgamento de qualquer ação contra seu segurado ou ressegurado
ou na preparação ou interposição de recurso em conseqüência de tal ação.
A data na qual qualquer obrigação extracontratual for incorrida pela
Companhia será considerada, em todas as circunstâncias, como a data do
acidente e/ou ocorrência original.
No entanto, esta Cláusula não se aplicará caso a perda tenha sido
decorrente de fraude cometida por um membro do Conselho de
Administração ou um executivo da Companhia, atuando individual ou
coletivamente ou em conluio com qualquer indivíduo ou corporação ou
qualquer outra organização ou parte envolvida na apresentação, defesa ou
liquidação de qualquer sinistro coberto por este Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Excesso de Danos onde o % de cobertura para
OEC (obrigação extracontratual) for especificado na cláusula de Perda
Líquida Definitiva.
Este Contrato protegerá a Companhia, dentro dos seus limites, contra
quaisquer obrigações extracontratuais. O termo “obrigações
extracontratuais” é definido como as responsabilidades não cobertas sob
qualquer outra disposição deste Contrato e que decorram da
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
because of, but not limited to, the following: failure by the Company to settle within
the policy limit, or by reason of alleged or actual negligence, fraud, or bad faith in
rejecting an offer of settlement or in the preparation of the defense or in the trial of
any action against its insured or reinsured or in the preparation or prosecution of an
appeal consequent upon such action.
The date on which any Extra Contractual Obligation is incurred by the Company shall
be deemed, in all circumstances, to be the date of the original disaster and/or
However, this Article shall not apply where the loss has been incurred due to fraud by
a member of the Board of Directors or a corporate officer of the Company acting
individually or collectively or in collusion with any individual or corporation or any
other organization or party involved in the presentation, defense or settlement of any
claim covered hereunder.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts where % of coverage and limit provided for ECO is
specified in a separate Article.
“Extra Contractual Obligations” are defined as those liabilities not covered under any
other provision of this Contract and which arise from the handling of any claim on
business covered hereunder, such liabilities arising because of, but not limited to, the
following: failure by the Company to settle within the policy limit, or by reason of
alleged or actual negligence, fraud or bad faith in rejecting an offer of settlement or in
the preparation of the defense or in the trial of any action against its insured or
reinsured or in the preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such
The date on which an Extra Contractual Obligation is incurred by the Company shall
be deemed, in all circumstances, to be the date of the original accident, casualty,
disaster or loss occurrence.
However, coverage hereunder as respects Extra Contractual Obligations shall not
apply where the loss has been incurred due to the fraud of a member of the Board of
Directors or a corporate officer of the Company acting individually or collectively or in
collusion with any individual or corporation or any other organization or party
involved in the presentation, defense or settlement of any claim covered hereunder.
Recoveries, collectibles or retention from any other form of insurance or reinsurance
including deductibles or self-insured retention which protects the Company against
Extra Contractual Obligations shall inure to the benefit of the Reinsurer and shall be
deducted from the total amount of Extra Contractual Obligations for purposes of
Página 84 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
administração de qualquer sinistro que afete negócios cobertos por este
Contrato e tendo sido causadas, mas não limitadas, pelo seguinte: falha da
Companhia em liquidar dentro do limite da apólice, ou por razão de
negligência alegada ou real, fraude ou má-fé em rejeitar uma oferta de
acordo para liquidação ou na preparação da defesa ou no julgamento de
qualquer ação contra seu segurado ou ressegurado ou na preparação ou
interposição de recurso em conseqüência de tal ação.
A data na qual qualquer obrigação extracontratual for incorrida pela
Companhia será considerada, em todas as circunstâncias, como a data do
acidente e/ou ocorrência original.
No entanto, esta Cláusula não se aplicará caso a perda tenha sido
decorrente de fraude cometida por um membro do Conselho de
Administração ou um executivo da Companhia, atuando individual ou
coletivamente ou em conluio com qualquer indivíduo ou corporação ou
qualquer outra organização ou parte envolvida na apresentação, defesa ou
liquidação de qualquer sinistro coberto por este Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais onde o % de cobertura e limite
para OEC (obrigação extracontratual) são especificados numa cláusula em
"Obrigações extracontratuais" são definidas como responsabilidades não
cobertas sob qualquer outra disposição deste Contrato e que decorram da
administração de qualquer sinistro que afete negócios cobertos por este
Contrato e tendo sido causadas, mas não limitadas, pelo seguinte: falha da
Companhia em liquidar dentro do limite da apólice ou, por razão de
negligência alegada ou real, fraude ou má-fé em rejeitar oferta de acordo
para liquidação ou na preparação da defesa ou no julgamento de qualquer
ação contra seu segurado ou ressegurado ou na preparação ou
interposição de recurso em conseqüência de tal ação.
A data na qual qualquer obrigação extracontratual for incorrida pela
Companhia será considerada, em todas as circunstâncias, como a data do
acidente, catástrofe ou ocorrência de sinistro.
No entanto, a cobertura aqui prevista relativamente às obrigações
extracontratuais não se aplicará caso a perda tenha sido decorrente de
fraude cometida por um membro do Conselho de Administração ou um
executivo da Companhia, atuando individual ou coletivamente ou em
conluio com qualquer indivíduo ou corporação ou qualquer outra
organização ou parte envolvida na apresentação, defesa ou liquidação de
qualquer sinistro coberto por este Contrato.
Recuperações, cobranças ou retenção de qualquer outro seguro ou
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 85 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
determining the loss hereunder.
Note: For use in Contracts where the % of coverage provided for ECO is specified
elsewhere in the Contract. Various recoveries, which protect the Company against
ECO, shall inure to the benefit of the Reinsurer.
resseguro, incluindo franquias dedutíveis ou auto-seguro que protejam a
Companhia contra obrigações extracontratuais, beneficiarão o
Ressegurador e serão deduzidas do montante total das obrigações
extracontratuais para determinação da perda referente a esta Cláusula.
A 16
“Extra Contractual Obligations” are defined as those liabilities not covered under any
other provision of this Contract and which arise from the handling of any claim on
business covered hereunder, such liabilities arising because of, but not limited to, the
following: failure by the Company to settle within the policy limit, or by reason of
alleged or actual negligence, fraud or bad faith in rejecting an offer of settlement or in
the preparation of the defense or in the trial of any action against its insured or
reinsured or in the preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such
The date on which an Extra Contractual Obligation is incurred by the Company shall
be deemed, in all circumstances, to be the date of the original accident, casualty,
disaster or loss occurrence.
However, coverage hereunder as respects Extra Contractual Obligations shall not
apply where the loss has been incurred due to the fraud of a member of the Board of
Directors or a corporate officer of the Company acting individually or collectively or in
collusion with any individual or corporation or any other organization or party
involved in the presentation, defense or settlement of any claim covered hereunder.
Recoveries from any other form of insurance or reinsurance, which protects the
Company against claims the subject matter of this Article, shall inure to the benefit of
the Reinsurer.
Note: For use in Contracts where the % of coverage provided for ECO is specified
elsewhere in the Contract.
Insurance or reinsurance recoveries, which protect the Company against ECO, shall be
deducted when determining the total ECO loss under the Contract.
Nota: Para utilização em contratos onde o % de cobertura previsto para
OEC está especificado em outro dispositivo no Contrato. As recuperações
que protejam a Companhia contra OEC serão usadas em benefício do
"Obrigações extracontratuais" são definidas como responsabilidades não
cobertas sob qualquer outra disposição deste Contrato e que decorram da
administração de qualquer sinistro que afete negócios cobertos por este
Contrato e tendo sido causadas, mas não limitadas, pelo seguinte: falha da
Companhia em liquidar dentro do limite da apólice ou, por razão de
negligência alegada ou real, fraude ou má-fé em rejeitar oferta de acordo
para liquidação ou na preparação da defesa ou no julgamento de qualquer
ação contra seu segurado ou ressegurado ou na preparação ou
interposição de recurso em conseqüência de tal ação.
A data na qual qualquer obrigação extracontratual for incorrida pela
Companhia será considerada, em todas as circunstâncias, como a data do
acidente, catástrofe ou ocorrência de sinistro.
No entanto, a cobertura aqui prevista relativamente às obrigações
extracontratuais não se aplicará caso a perda tenha sido decorrente de
fraude cometida por um membro do Conselho de Administração ou um
executivo da Companhia, atuando individual ou coletivamente ou em
conluio com qualquer indivíduo ou corporação ou qualquer outra
organização ou parte envolvida na apresentação, defesa ou liquidação de
qualquer sinistro coberto por este Contrato.
Recuperações de qualquer outro seguro ou resseguro que protejam a
Companhia em sinistros relacionados a este Cláusula beneficiarão o
Nota: Para utilização em contratos onde o % de cobertura previsto para
OEC está especificado em outro dispositivo no Contrato.
As recuperações de seguro ou resseguro que protejam a Companhia contra
OEC serão deduzidas na determinação do valor total da OEC neste
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 86 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
A. This Contract will cover ______% of the Company’s share of any losses arising
from Extra Contractual Obligations and/or Excess Limits Liability incurred by its
reinsured. Such losses are considered to be contractually assumed for purposes of
this Contract.
B. This Contract will extend to cover______% of any Extra Contractual Obligations
and/or Excess Limits Liability the Company pays or is held liable to pay to its reinsured
arising out of, but not limited to, the following:
1. Failure of the Company to agree to pay a claim within the contractual limits or to
provide a defense against such claims;
2. Actual or alleged bad faith, fraud or negligence in investigating or handling a
claim or in rejecting an offer of settlement;
3. Negligence or breach of duty in the preparation of the defense or conduct of a
trial or the preparation or prosecution of any appeal and/or subrogation and/or any
subsequent action resulting there from.
C. “Extra Contractual Obligations” as used in this Contract will mean those liabilities
not covered under any other provision of this Contract for which the Company is
liable to its reinsured or a third party claimant, or that the Company pays or is held
liable to pay as its share of a claims-related Extra Contractual Obligation awarded
against one or more of its co-reinsurers.
D. “Excess Limits Liability” as used in this Contract will mean any amount for which
the Company would have been contractually liable to pay had it not been for the limit
of the Contract.
Note: For use in Contracts where % of coverage for ECO and XPL is specified in this
Este contrato cobrirá ______% da participação da Companhia em
quaisquer perdas decorrentes de obrigações extracontratuais e / ou de
responsabilidade em excesso aos limites incorridas pelo seu ressegurado.
Tais perdas são consideradas como contratualmente assumidas para fins
deste Contrato.
Este Contrato cobrirá ______% de quaisquer obrigações
extracontratuais e / ou responsabilidade em excesso aos limites que a
Companhia pagar ou for responsável por pagar ao seu ressegurado
decorrentes de, mas não limitadas ao seguinte:
Falha da Companhia em concordar em pagar um sinistro dentro
dos limites contratuais ou em preparar defesa contra tais reclamações;
Má-fé real ou alegada, fraude ou negligência na investigação,
administração do sinistro ou em rejeitar uma oferta de acordo de
Negligência ou violação do dever na preparação da defesa ou na
condução de julgamento ou na preparação ou interposição de qualquer
recurso e / ou sub-rogação e / ou qualquer ação subseqüente.
"Obrigações Extracontratuais", conforme utilizado neste Contrato
significará as responsabilidades não cobertas sob qualquer outra
disposição nele prevista, pelas quais a Companhia é responsável, perante o
seu ressegurado ou um terceiro reclamante, ou pague ou seja responsável
por pagar, pela sua parte de uma reclamação relativa à obrigação
extracontratual determinada contra um ou mais dos seus coresseguradores.
D.” Responsabilidade em Excesso aos Limites", conforme utilizado neste
Contrato significará qualquer montante pelo qual a Companhia teria sido
contratualmente responsável por pagar, não fosse o limite do Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em contratos onde o % de cobertura para obrigações
extracontratuais e responsabilidades em excesso aos limites seja
especificado na presente Cláusula.
NT: Cláusula para uso em contratos de retrocessão.
A. This Contract shall cover Extra Contractual Obligations, as provided in the
Retention and Limit Article. “Extra Contractual Obligations” shall be defined as those
liabilities not covered under any other provision of this Contract and that arise from
the handling of any claim on business covered hereunder, such liabilities arising
because of, but not limited to, the following: failure by the Company to settle within
Este Contrato cobrirá obrigações extracontratuais., que serão
definidas como as responsabilidades não cobertas sob qualquer outra
disposição nele prevista e que decorram da administração de qualquer
sinistro nos negócios aqui cobertos, tais responsabilidades decorrendo de,
mas não limitadas ao seguinte: falha da Companhia em liquidar dentro do
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 17
Original em Inglês
Página 87 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
the policy limit, or by reason of alleged or actual negligence, fraud or bad faith in
rejecting an offer of settlement or in the preparation of the defense or in the trial of
any action against its insured or reinsured or in the preparation or prosecution of an
appeal consequent upon such action.
B. This Contract shall cover Loss in Excess of Policy Limits, as provided in the
Retention and Limit Article. “Loss in Excess of Policy Limits” shall be defined as loss in
excess of the policy limit, having been incurred because of, but not limited to, failure
by the Company to settle within the policy limit or by reason of alleged or actual
negligence, fraud or bad faith in rejecting an offer of settlement or in the preparation
of the defense or in the trial of any action against its insured or reinsured or in the
preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such action.
C. An Extra Contractual Obligation and/or Loss in Excess of Policy Limits shall be
deemed to have occurred on the same date as the loss covered under the Company’s
policy, and shall constitute part of the original loss.
D. For the purposes of the Loss in Excess of Policy Limits coverage hereunder, the
word "loss" shall mean any amounts for which the Company would have been
contractually liable to pay had it not been for the limit of the original policy.
E. Loss adjustment expense in respect of Extra Contractual Obligations and/or Loss
in Excess of Policy Limits shall be covered hereunder in the same manner as other loss
adjustment expense.
F. However, this Article shall not apply where the loss has been incurred due to final
legal adjudication of fraud of a member of the Board of Directors or a corporate
officer of the Company acting individually or collectively or in collusion with any
individual or corporation or any other organization or party involved in the
presentation, defense or settlement of any claim covered hereunder.
G. In no event shall coverage be provided to the extent not permitted under law.
Note: For use in Contracts where % of coverage for ECO and XPL is not specified in this
Article, but may be specified elsewhere in the Contract.
limite da apólice ou, em virtude de negligência alegada ou real, fraude ou
má-fé, em rejeitar uma oferta de acordo de liquidação ou na preparação da
defesa ou no julgamento de qualquer ação contra o seu segurado ou
ressegurado ou na preparação ou interposição de recurso em
conseqüência dessa ação.
Este Contrato cobrirá perdas em excesso aos limites da apólice,
que serão definidas como perdas que teriam sido incorridas devido a, mas
não se limitando a, falha da Companhia em liquidar dentro do limite da
apólice ou, em virtude de negligência alegada ou real, fraude ou má-fé, em
rejeitar uma oferta de acordo de liquidação ou na preparação da defesa ou
no julgamento de qualquer ação contra o seu segurado ou ressegurado ou
na preparação ou interposição de recurso em conseqüência dessa ação.
Uma obrigação extracontratual e / ou uma perda em excesso aos
limites da apólice será entendida como tendo ocorrido na mesma data que
o sinistro coberto pela apólice de seguro da Companhia e constituirá parte
do perda original.
Para efeitos da cobertura de perda em excesso aos limites da
apólice aqui prevista, a palavra "perda" significará quaisquer valores que a
Companhia teria sido contratualmente responsável por pagar, não fosse o
limite da apólice de seguro.
Despesas de regulação de sinistro relativas a obrigações
extracontratuais e / ou perda em excesso aos limites da apólice serão
cobertas por este Contrato da mesma forma que as outras despesas de
regulação de sinistros.
No entanto, esta Cláusula não se aplicará quando a perda for
decorrente de fraude comprovada por decisão judicial transitada em
julgado de um membro do Conselho de Administração ou de um executivo
da Companhia atuando individual ou coletivamente ou em conluio com
qualquer individuo ou corporação ou qualquer outra organização ou parte
envolvida na apresentação, defesa ou liquidação de qualquer reclamação
aqui coberta.
Em nenhuma circunstância não será concedida cobertura não
permitida pela lei.
Nota: Para uso em contratos onde o % de cobertura para obrigações
extracontratuais e em excesso aos limites da apólice não seja especificado
na presente Cláusula, mas sim em outra disposição deste Contrato
(Applicable to those reinsurers, excepting Underwriters at Lloyd's London and other
Cláusula não traduzida por não ter sido considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 88 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
reinsurers exempt from Federal Excise Tax, who are domiciled outside the United
States of America.)
A. The Reinsurer has agreed to allow for the purpose of paying the Federal Excise Tax
the applicable percentage of the premium payable hereon (as imposed under Section
4371 of the Internal Revenue Code) to the extent such premium is subject to the
Federal Excise Tax.
B. In the event of any return of premium becoming due hereunder the Reinsurer will
deduct the applicable percentage from the return premium payable hereon and the
Company or its agent should take steps to recover the tax from the United States
A 17
(Applicable to those reinsurers, excepting Underwriters at Lloyd's London and other
reinsurers exempt from Federal Excise Tax, who are domiciled outside the United
States of America.)
A. The Reinsurer has agreed to allow for the purpose of paying the Federal Excise Tax
(one percent) of the premium payable hereon to the extent such premium is subject
to the Federal Excise Tax.
B. In the event of any return of premium becoming due hereunder the Reinsurer will
deduct the aforesaid percentage from the return premium payable hereon and the
Company or its agent should take steps to recover the tax from the United States
Cláusula não traduzida por não ter sido considerada aplicável ao mercado
A 17
If the Reinsurer is subject to the Federal Excise Tax, the Reinsurer agrees to allow, for
the purpose of paying the Tax, up to ____% of the premium payable hereon to the
extent such premium is subject to the Tax. In the event of any return premium
becoming due hereunder, the Reinsurer will deduct from the amount of the return
premium the same percentage as it allowed, and the Company or its agent should
take steps to recover the Tax from the U. S. Government.
A. The Reinsurer has agreed to allow for the purpose of paying the Federal Excise
Tax the applicable percentage of the premium payable hereon (as imposed under
Section 4371 of the Internal Revenue Code) to the extent such premium is subject to
the Federal Excise Tax.
B. In the event of any return of premium becoming due hereunder the Reinsurer
will deduct the applicable percentage from the return premium payable hereon and
the Company or its agent should take steps to recover the tax from the United States
Cláusula não traduzida por não ter sido considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida por não ter sido considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 58
A 58
Original em Inglês
For purposes of this Contract, any loss reimbursement the Company receives under
the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund as a result of a loss occurrence commencing
during the term of this Contract shall be deemed to be salvage received by the
Company. If the salvage amount is based on the Company's losses in more than one
loss occurrence, the salvage amount shall be prorated in the proportion that the
Company's losses in each loss occurrence bear to the Company's total losses arising
out of all loss occurrences to which the salvage applies. If, as a result of such salvage,
the loss to the Reinsurer in any one loss occurrence is less than the amount previously
paid by the Reinsurer, the Company will promptly remit the difference to the
Any return reinstatement premium due the Company as a result of a salvage payment
made to the Reinsurer in accordance with the above paragraph shall be payable by
the Reinsurer concurrently with payment by the Company of the salvage amount.
Any premiums paid by the Company under the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund
shall be deemed premiums paid for inuring reinsurance.
Note: For Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund recoveries on a single occurrence or
aggregate occurrence basis.
Any loss reimbursement the Company receives under the Florida Hurricane
Catastrophe Fund (FHCF) as a result of loss occurrences commencing during the term
of this Contract shall be deemed to be salvage received by the Company in
determining ultimate net loss under this Contract. If the salvage amount is based on
the Company’s losses in more than one loss occurrence and the FHCF does not
designate the amount allocable to each loss occurrence, the salvage amount shall be
prorated in the proportion that the Company’s losses in each loss occurrence bear to
the Company’s total losses arising out of all loss occurrences to which the salvage
applies. If, as a result of such salvage, the loss to the Reinsurer under any excess layer
of this Contract in any one loss occurrence is less than the amount previously paid by
the Reinsurer under that excess layer, the Company shall promptly remit the
difference to the Reinsurer.
Any return reinstatement premium due the Company under any excess layer of this
Contract as a result of a salvage payment made to the Reinsurer under that excess
layer in accordance with paragraph A shall be payable by the Reinsurer concurrently
with payment by the Company of the salvage amount.
Any reimbursement premiums, equalization charge or emergency assessment paid by
the Company under the FHCF shall be deemed to be premiums paid for inuring
NOTE: For use in Excess Catastrophe Contracts with FHCF inuring to the Catastrophe
Página 89 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida por não ter sido considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida por não ter sido considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 58
A 71
A 71
Original em Inglês
Any loss reimbursement the Company receives under the Florida Hurricane
Catastrophe Fund (FHCF) shall apply as follows:
Except as provided in subparagraph 2 below, any such loss reimbursement
shall inure solely to the benefit of the Company and shall be entirely disregarded in
applying all of the provisions of this Contract.
If one or more loss occurrences commencing during the term of this Contract
result(s) in recoveries made by the Company under this Contract and the FHCF, and
such recoveries, together with any other reinsurance recoveries made by the
Company applicable to said loss occurrence(s), exceed the amount permitted by
Florida law, any amount in excess thereof shall reduce the ultimate net loss subject to
this Contract for the loss occurrence(s) to which the recoveries apply.
For purposes hereof, if a loss reimbursement received by the Company under the
FHCF is based on the Company’s losses in more than one loss occurrence and the
FHCF does not designate the amount allocable to each loss occurrence, the
reimbursement shall be prorated in the proportion that the Company’s losses in each
loss occurrence bear to the Company’s total losses arising out of all loss occurrences
to which the recovery applies.
Any reimbursement premiums, equalization charge or emergency assessment paid by
the Company under the FHCF shall be disregarded for purposes of determining
subject premium and ultimate net loss under this Contract.
NOTE: For use in Excess Catastrophe Contracts, with FHCF and Catastrophe
Reinsurance Parallel and Independent.
This Contract shall be governed as to performance, administration and interpretation
by the laws of the State of _______________, exclusive of the rules with respect to
conflicts of law, except as to rules with respect to credit for reinsurance in which case
the applicable rules of all states shall apply.
This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of _______________.
The law of ______ is the proper law of this reinsurance contract. for purposes of
implementing the arbitration provision, including entering judgment upon any award
by the arbitration panel, the company and reinsurer hereby submit themselves to the
Página 90 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida por não ter sido considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida por não ter sido considerada aplicável ao mercado
Este Contrato será regido e interpretado na conformidade das leis
A lei brasileira é a aplicável a este contrato de resseguro.
NT: A parte do original em inglês que faz menção ao processo arbitral não
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
jurisdiction of ______.
A 38
Should the Company, by reason of an inadvertent act, error or omission, be bound to
afford coverage excluded hereunder or should an existing insured extend its
operations to include coverage excluded hereunder, the Reinsurer shall waive the
exclusion(s) with the exception of __________. The duration of said waiver shall not
extend beyond the time that notice of such coverage has been received by the
responsible underwriting authority of the Company plus the minimum time period
thereafter for the Company to terminate such coverage.
Note: Usually found in exclusions article.
A 38
In the event that the Company inadvertently issued or issues any policies falling
within the scope of one or more of the exclusions set forth in the preceding
paragraphs of this article, such policies shall be covered hereunder, provided that the
Company issues, or causes to be issued, the required notice of cancellation within
_____ days after a member of the executive or managerial staff at the Company's
home office having underwriting authority in the class of business involved becomes
aware that they apply to excluded classes unless the Company is prevented by statute
or regulation from canceling said risk within such period, in which case such risk shall
be covered hereunder until the earliest date on which the Company may cancel.
However, should State regulations or statutes not allow the cancellation of such
policy, the Reinsurer agrees to cover such policy at terms to be agreed.
Note: Usually found in exclusions article.
A 38
Policies or coverages excluded under the provisions of this article, except for
__________, which are inadvertently issued or issued in error or issued without the
Company's knowledge and consent shall be covered hereunder provided such policies
are canceled or reinsured elsewhere as soon as possible upon the Company's home
office underwriting management becoming aware that they are excluded.
Note: Usually found in exclusions article.
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Versão Livre para o Português
foi traduzida tendo em vista a boa prática de redação de contratos obrigar
que seja referenciada em Cláusula de Arbitragem.
Caso a Companhia, em decorrência de ato inadvertido, erro ou omissão,
seja obrigada a conceder cobertura excluída neste Contrato ou caso um
segurado amplie suas operações com conseqüente inclusão de cobertura
aqui excluída, o Ressegurador relevará a(s) exclusão(ões) com exceção da
duração dessa concessão não ultrapassará o período mínimo de tempo
para a Companhia cancelar esta cobertura, a partir da data em que tal
cobertura passe a ser do conhecimento do subscritor responsável da
Nota: Usualmente encontrada na parte do Contrato que trata de
Caso a Companhia inadvertidamente subscreva quaisquer apólices com
riscos ou coberturas excluídos neste Contrato, essas apólices estarão por
ele cobertas, desde que a Companhia emita aviso de cancelamento da
apólice dentro de ______ dias após um executivo da matriz da Companhia,
com autoridade de subscrição na classe de negócio envolvida, tomar
ciência de que foram aceitos riscos ou coberturas excluídas. Caso a
Companhia esteja proibida pela legislação de cancelar tal apólice dentro do
prazo acima, tais riscos ou coberturas estarão aqui cobertos até a data
mais próxima em que a Companhia puder efetuar o cancelamento.
Todavia, caso a legislação não permita o cancelamento dessa apólice, o
Ressegurador concorda em dar cobertura à mesma em condições a serem
Nota: Usualmente encontrada na parte do Contrato que trata de
Apólices ou coberturas excluídas pelas disposições deste Contrato, exceto
subscritas inadvertida ou erroneamente ou sem o conhecimento e
consentimento da Companhia, estarão cobertas desde que essas apólices
sejam canceladas ou resseguradas por outro resseguro, tão logo possível
após o subscritor responsável da matriz da Companhia tomar
conhecimento do fato.
Nota: Usualmente encontrada na parte do Contrato que trata de
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 38
Should the Company be bound on a risk excluded by the foregoing exclusions, other
than exclusion(s) __________, either by an existing insured extending its operations
or by an inadvertent acceptance by an agent or otherwise, this Contract will attach in
respect of such risk, but only until discovery by the home office underwriting
department of the Company and for a period of not exceeding _____ days thereafter.
Note: Usually found in exclusions article.
In the event of any loss hereunder the retention of the Reinsured and the
limit of liability of the Reinsurers shall be adjusted by reference to an index, as
hereinafter defined, applying at {DATE} in the manner hereinafter set out. The index
at the above mentioned date shall be called the BASE INDEX.
In respect of any loss settlement(s) made under this Agreement, the
Reinsured shall submit a list of payments comprising such loss settlements(s) showing
the amount(s) paid and the date(s) of payment. However all payments (including legal
costs) to one victim excluding continuing regular payments, shall be aggregated and
the index at the date of payment, as defined below, shall be that applying at the time
that the final payment for compensatory damages is made. The amount of each such
payment, and/or continuing regular payment, shall be adjusted by means of the
following formula:Amount of Payment X Base Index
Index at date of Payment
= Adjusted Payment Value
All actual payments and adjusted payment values shall be separately totaled,
and the retention of the Reinsured, and the limit of liability of the Reinsurers, shall be
multiplied by the fraction:Total of Actual Payment
Total of Adjusted Payment Values
a) Index
In respect of an award resulting in continuing regular payments, the index or
indices to be applied shall be that to which such an award is linked, and for all other
payments the index to be applied shall be that for Wages for the territory in which
the claim is made as appearing in the statistics published by the International
Monetary Fund.
In the event that this publication does not contain a Wages index for the
territory concerned, then the index to be applied shall be that for Consumer Prices
published by the International Monetary Fund.
Página 92 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Caso a Companhia fique responsável por um risco relacionado nas
exclusões deste Contrato, exceto _________ ( LISTAR AS EXCLUSÕES QUE
SERÃO MANTIDAS), quer seja por um segurado já existente ampliar suas
operações ou por uma aceitação inadvertida, este Contrato responderá por
este risco, mas somente até o conhecimento do fato pela área de
subscrição da matriz da Companhia e por um período que não exceda
______ dias após esse conhecimento.
Nota: Usualmente encontrada na parte do Contrato que trata de
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
If the publication does not contain any indices for the territory concerned, then an
alternative publication shall be mutually agreed by the parties hereto.
The index at date of payment shall be the latest available, and/or
the index at the date of the first continuing regular payment and subsequently as
used to adjust.
The date of payment shall be deemed to be as follows:i)
Where no award is made by the Courts the actual date upon which
settlement is agreed by the Reinsured.
The date an award is made by a Court (if no Appeal is made).
The date an award is made by the Appeal Court if the case goes to
Appeal. However, in event that the Appeal Court reduces the damages awarded by
the Lower Court, other than changes in apportionment of liability then Section ii)
above shall apply.
The date from which continuing regular payments commence, or in
the event that such payments are adjusted, the date from which such adjustment
takes effect.
Notwithstanding the above, it is agreed that the provisions of this Article shall apply
to Third Party Bodily Injury losses only. For all other payments, the Adjusted Payment
Value shall be the amount of the actual payment.
This Agreement does not cover any liability for:
Personal Injury or Bodily Injury or loss of, damage to or loss of use of
property directly or indirectly caused by seepage, pollution or contamination.
The cost of removing, nullifying or cleaning up seeping, polluting or
contaminating substances.
Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages.
This Clause shall not extend this Agreement to cover any liability which would not
have been covered under this Agreement had this Clause not been attached. The
provisions of this Clause are only applicable to risks situated in the United States of
America and Canada.
This Reinsurance does not cover any liability for:
Personal Injury or Bodily Injury or loss of, damage to, or loss of use of
property directly or indirectly caused by seepage, pollution or contamination,
provided always that this paragraph (1) shall not apply to liability for Personal Injury
or Bodily Injury or loss of or physical damage to or destruction of tangible property, or
loss of use of such property damaged or destroyed, where such seepage, pollution or
contamination is caused by a sudden unintended and unexpected happening during
the period of this Reinsurance.
Página 93 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 19
A 19
Original em Inglês
Página 94 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
The cost of removing, nullifying or cleaning up seeping, polluting or
contaminating substances unless the seepage, pollution or contamination is caused
by sudden, unintended and unexpected happening during the period of this
Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages.
This Clause shall not extend this Reinsurance to cover any liability which would not
have been covered under this Reinsurance had this Clause not been attached.
Excess of Loss Reinsurance as per Excess of Loss Exclusion Clause.
This Reinsurance in no way applies to protect any liability of the Reinsured other than
in respect of Direct, Facultative and Domestic Retrocession business, as defined in
Article 3. Liability in respect of excess of loss reinsurances is excluded from the
protection of this Reinsurance and cannot be taken into account in arriving at the
amount excess of which liability attaches hereto.
All Liability and/or Casualty Business.
Replaced by BRMA 19 K
Substituída pela BRMA 19 K
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, this reinsurance shall be payable
directly to the Company or to its liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory
successor on the basis of the liability of the Company without diminution because of
the insolvency of the Company or because the liquidator, receiver, conservator or
statutory successor of the Company has failed to pay all or a portion of any claim. It is
agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor of
the Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency of a claim
against the Company indicating the policy or bond reinsured which claim would
involve a possible liability on the part of the Reinsurer within a reasonable time after
such claim is filed in the conservation or liquidation proceeding or in the receivership,
and that during the pendency of such claim, the Reinsurer may investigate such claim
and interpose, at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be
adjudicated, any defense or defenses that it may deem available to the Company or
its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred
by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to the approval of the court, against the
Company as part of the expense of conservation or liquidation to the extent of a pro
rata share of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the
defense undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, qualquer pagamento relativo a
indenização ou benefício correspondente a este resseguro será feito
diretamente à Massa Liquidanda, com base na responsabilidade original da
Companhia, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Fica acordado,
no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar notificação por
escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer reclamação de sinistro
contra a Companhia, indicando a apólice ressegurada, que possa vir a
resultar em responsabilidade por parte do Ressegurador, dentro de um
prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído na Massa Liquidanda.
Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador terá o direito de
investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro esteja sendo julgado
e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser utilizada pela Massa
Liquidanda. Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida
pelo Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte
das despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
by the insolvent Company.
It is further understood and agreed that, in the event of the insolvency of the
Company, the reinsurance under this Contract shall be payable directly by the
Reinsurer to the Company or to its liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory
successor, except as provided by Section 4118(a) of the New York Insurance Law or
except (a) where this Contract specifically provides another payee of such reinsurance
in the event of the insolvency of the Company and (b) where the Reinsurer with the
consent of the direct insured or insureds has assumed such policy obligations of the
Company as direct obligations of the Reinsurer to the payees under such policies and
in substitution for the obligations of the Company to such payees.
Note: This Article does not contain "payable on demand" language and it contains the
word "and" rather than "or" in line 5 of paragraph 3.
A 19
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, this reinsurance shall be payable
directly to the Company, or to its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory
successor on the basis of the liability of the Company without diminution because of
the insolvency of the Company or because the liquidator, receiver, conservator or
statutory successor of the Company has failed to pay all or a portion of any claim. It is
agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor of
the Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency of a claim
against the Company indicating the policy insured which claim would involve a
possible liability on the part of the Reinsurer within a reasonable time after such
claim is filed in the conservation or liquidation proceeding or in the receivership, and
that during the pendency of such claim, the Reinsurer may investigate such claim and
interpose, at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be
adjudicated, any defense or defenses that it may deem available to the Company or
its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred
by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to the approval of the court, against the
Company as part of the expense of conservation or liquidation to the extent of a pro
rata share of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the
defense undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the insolvent Company.
Note: This Article does not contain "payable on demand" language, nor does it contain
any exceptions to payment directly to the liquidator.
Página 95 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
Fica também entendido e acordado que, na hipótese de insolvência da
Companhia, o resseguro previsto neste Contrato será pago pelo
Ressegurador diretamente à Massa Liquidanda, exceto se o Contrato
possuir cláusula de pagamento direto (“cut-through clause”), prevendo
especificamente um outro beneficiário do resseguro.
NT: Cláusula de insolvência adaptada à legislação brasileira em vigor e
aplicável à contrato de resseguro automático. Importante observar as
hipóteses dos incisos 1 e 2, do parágrafo único do artigo 14 da Lei
Complementar 126/2007, que tratam do pagamento direto ao segurado
em casos de resseguro facultativo ou automático.
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, qualquer pagamento relativo a
indenização ou benefício correspondente a este resseguro será feito
diretamente à Massa Liquidanda, com base na responsabilidade original da
Companhia, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Fica acordado,
no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar notificação por
escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer reclamação de sinistro
contra a Companhia, indicando a apólice, que possa vir a resultar em
responsabilidade por parte do Ressegurador, dentro de um prazo razoável
após o sinistro ter sido incluído na Massa Liquidanda. Durante a pendência
de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador terá o direito de investigá-lo e interpor, no
processo em que o sinistro esteja sendo julgado e às suas expensas,
qualquer defesa que pudesse ser utilizada pela Massa Liquidanda. Sujeita à
aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida pelo Ressegurador
poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte das despesas de
liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da Massa, na forma
de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser obtido em benefício
da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência da defesa interposta
pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
NT: Cláusula de insolvência adaptada à legislação brasileira em vigor e
aplicável à contrato de resseguro automático
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 19
A 19
Original em Inglês
Página 96 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Replaced by BRMA 19 L
Substituída por BRMA 19 L
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, this reinsurance shall be payable
directly to the Company or to its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory
successor on the basis of the liability of the Company without diminution because of
the insolvency of the Company or because the liquidator, receiver, conservator or
statutory successor of the Company has failed to pay all or a portion of any claim. It is
agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor of
the Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency of a claim
against the Company indicating the policy or bond reinsured which claim would
involve a possible liability on the part of the Reinsurer within a reasonable time after
such claim is filed in the conservation or liquidation proceeding or in the receivership,
and that during the pendency of such claim, the Reinsurer may investigate such claim
and interpose, at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be
adjudicated, any defense or defenses that it may deem available to the Company or
its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred
by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to the approval of the court, against the
Company as part of the expense of conservation or liquidation to the extent of a pro
rata share of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the
defense undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the insolvent Company.
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, the reinsurance under this Contract
shall be payable directly by the Reinsurer to the Company or to its liquidator,
receiver, conservator or statutory successor, except as provided by Section 4118(a) of
the New York Insurance Law or except (a) where this Contract specifically provides
another payee of such reinsurance in the event of the insolvency of the Company and
(b) where the Reinsurer with the consent of the direct insured or insureds has
assumed such policy obligations of the Company as direct obligations of the Reinsurer
to the payees under such policies and in substitution for the obligations of the
Company to such payees.
Should the Company go into liquidation or should a receiver be appointed, all
amounts due either Company or Reinsurer, whether by reason of premium, losses or
otherwise under this Contract or any other contract heretofore or hereafter entered
between the parties (whether such contract is all assumed or ceded), shall be subject
to the right of offset at any time and from time to time, and upon the exercise of the
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, qualquer pagamento relativo a
indenização ou benefício correspondente a este resseguro será feito
diretamente à Massa Liquidanda, com base na responsabilidade original da
Companhia, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Fica acordado,
no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar notificação por
escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer reclamação de sinistro
contra a Companhia, indicando a apólice ressegurada, que possa vir a
resultar em responsabilidade por parte do Ressegurador, dentro de um
prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído na Massa Liquidanda.
Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador terá o direito de
investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro esteja sendo julgado
e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser utilizada pela Massa
Liquidanda. Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida
pelo Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte
das despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
Na hipótese de insolvência da Companhia, o resseguro previsto neste
Contrato será pago pelo Ressegurador diretamente à Massa Liquidanda,
exceto se o Contrato possuir cláusula de pagamento direto (“cut-through
clause”), prevendo especificamente um outro beneficiário do resseguro.
NT: O último parágrafo do original em inglês, referente ao direito de
compensação entre o Ressegurador e a Massa Liquidanda, foi retirado
tendo em vista estar em desacordo com o previsto na Lei de Falências e
nas Normas de Liquidação. Assim esta cláusula ficou idêntica à versão da
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 19
A 19
Página 97 de 274
Original em Inglês
same, only the net balance shall be due.
Note: This Article does not contain "payable on demand" language in the first
paragraph, and it contains the word "and" rather than "or" in line 5 of the third
paragraph. Offset provision in the final paragraph is for this Contract or any other
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, this reinsurance shall be payable
directly to the Company, or to its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory
successor on the basis of the liability of the Company without diminution because of
the insolvency of the Company or because the liquidator, receiver, conservator or
statutory successor of the Company has failed to pay all or a portion of any claim. It is
agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor of
the Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency of a claim
against the Company indicating the policy insured which claim would involve a
possible liability on the part of the Reinsurer within a reasonable time after such
claim is filed in the conservation or liquidation proceeding or in the receivership, and
that during the pendency of such claim, the Reinsurer may investigate such claim and
interpose, at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be
adjudicated, any defense or defenses that it may deem available to the Company or
its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred
by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to the approval of the court, against the
Company as part of the expense of conservation or liquidation to the extent of a pro
rata share of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the
defense undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the insolvent Company.
Should the Company go into liquidation or should a receiver be appointed, all
amounts due either Company or Reinsurer, whether by reason of premium, losses or
otherwise under this Contract or any other contract heretofore or hereafter entered
between the parties (whether such contract is all assumed or ceded), shall be subject
to the right of offset at any time and from time to time, and upon the exercise of the
same, only the net balance shall be due.
Note: This Article does not contain "payable on demand" language in the first
paragraph, nor does it contain any exceptions to payment directly to the liquidator.
Offset provision in the final paragraph is for this Contract or any other contract.
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, this reinsurance shall be payable
Versão Livre para o Português
cláusula BRMA 19 B.
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, qualquer pagamento relativo a
indenização ou benefício correspondente a este resseguro será feito
diretamente à Massa Liquidanda, com base na responsabilidade original da
Companhia, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Fica acordado,
no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar notificação por
escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer reclamação de sinistro
contra a Companhia, indicando a respectiva apólice, que possa vir a
resultar em responsabilidade por parte do Ressegurador, dentro de um
prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído na Massa Liquidanda.
Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador terá o direito de
investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro esteja sendo julgado
e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser utilizada pela Massa
Liquidanda. Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida
pelo Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte
das despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
NT: O último parágrafo, referente o direito de compensação entre o
Ressegurador e a Massa Liquidanda, foi retirado tendo em vista estar em
desacordo com o previsto na Lei de Falências e nas Normas de Liquidação.
Assim esta cláusula ficou idêntica à versão da cláusula BRMA 19 C.
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, qualquer pagamento relativo a
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
directly to the Company or to its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory
successor on the basis of the liability of the Company without diminution because of
the insolvency of the Company or because the liquidator, receiver, conservator or
statutory successor of the Company has failed to pay all or a portion of any claim. It is
agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor of
the Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency of a claim
against the Company indicating the policy or bond reinsured which claim would
involve a possible liability on the part of the Reinsurer within a reasonable time after
such claim is filed in the conservation or liquidation proceeding or in the receivership,
and that during the pendency of such claim, the Reinsurer may investigate such claim
and interpose, at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be
adjudicated, any defense or defenses that it may deem available to the Company or
its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred
by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to the approval of the court, against the
Company as part of the expense of conservation or liquidation to the extent of a pro
rata share of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the
defense undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the insolvent Company.
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, the reinsurance under this Contract
shall be payable directly by the Reinsurer to the Company or to its liquidator,
receiver, conservator or statutory successor, except as provided by Section 4118(a) of
the New York Insurance Law or except (a) where this Contract specifically provides
another payee of such reinsurance in the event of the insolvency of the Company and
(b) where the Reinsurer with the consent of the direct insured or insureds has
assumed such policy obligations of the Company as direct obligations of the Reinsurer
to the payees under such policies and in substitution for the obligations of the
Company to such payees.
Should the Company go into liquidation or should a receiver be appointed, all
amounts due either Company or Reinsurer, whether by reason of premium, losses or
otherwise under this Contract, shall be subject to the right of offset at any time and
from time to time, and upon the exercise of the same, only the net balance shall be
Note: This Article does not contain "payable on demand" language in the first
paragraph, and it contains the word "and" rather than "or" in line 5 of the third
paragraph. Offset provision in the final paragraph is for this Contract only.
Página 98 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
indenização ou benefício correspondente a este resseguro será feito
diretamente à Massa Liquidanda, com base na responsabilidade original da
Companhia, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Fica acordado,
no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar notificação por
escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer reclamação de sinistro
contra a Companhia, indicando a apólice ressegurada, que possa vir a
resultar em responsabilidade por parte do Ressegurador, dentro de um
prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído na Massa Liquidanda.
Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador terá o direito de
investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro esteja sendo julgado
e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser utilizada pela Massa
Liquidanda. Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida
pelo Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte
das despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
Na hipótese de insolvência da Companhia, o resseguro previsto neste
Contrato será pago pelo Ressegurador diretamente à Massa Liquidanda,
exceto se o Contrato possuir cláusula de pagamento direto (“cut-through
clause”), prevendo especificamente um outro beneficiário do resseguro.
NT: O último parágrafo, referente o direito de compensação entre o
Ressegurador e a Massa Liquidanda, foi retirado tendo em vista estar em
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 19
A 19
Original em Inglês
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, this reinsurance shall be payable
directly to the Company, or to its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory
successor on the basis of the liability of the Company without diminution because of
the insolvency of the Company or because the liquidator, receiver, conservator or
statutory successor of the Company has failed to pay all or a portion of any claim. It is
agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor of
the Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency of a claim
against the Company indicating the policy insured which claim would involve a
possible liability on the part of the Reinsurer within a reasonable time after such
claim is filed in the conservation or liquidation proceeding or in the receivership, and
that during the pendency of such claim, the Reinsurer may investigate such claim and
interpose, at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be
adjudicated, any defense or defenses that it may deem available to the Company or
its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred
by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to the approval of the court, against the
Company as part of the expense of conservation or liquidation to the extent of a pro
rata share of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the
defense undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the insolvent Company.
Should the Company go into liquidation or should a receiver be appointed, all
amounts due either Company or Reinsurer, whether by reason of premium, losses or
otherwise under this Contract, shall be subject to the right of offset at any time and
from time to time, and upon the exercise of the same, only the net balance shall be
Note: This Article does not contain "payable on demand" language in the first
paragraph, nor does it contain any exceptions to payment directly to the liquidator.
Offset provision in the final paragraph is for this Contract only.
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, this reinsurance shall be payable
directly to the Company or to its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory
successor immediately upon demand, with reasonable provision for verification, on
the basis of the liability of the Company without diminution because of the insolvency
of the Company or because the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory
Página 99 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
desacordo com o previsto na Lei de Falências e nas Normas de Liquidação.
Assim esta cláusula ficou idêntica a cláusula 19 E. e, conseqüentemente a
Nota em inglês foi eliminada
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, qualquer pagamento relativo a
indenização ou benefício correspondente a este resseguro será feito
diretamente à Massa Liquidanda, com base na responsabilidade original da
Companhia, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Fica acordado,
no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar notificação por
escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer reclamação de sinistro
contra a Companhia, indicando a respectiva apólice, que possa vir a
resultar em responsabilidade por parte do Ressegurador, dentro de um
prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído na Massa Liquidanda.
Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador terá o direito de
investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro esteja sendo julgado
e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser utilizada pela Massa
Liquidanda. Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida
pelo Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte
das despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
NT: O último parágrafo, referente o direito de compensação entre o
Ressegurador e a Massa Liquidanda, foi retirado tendo em vista estar em
desacordo com o previsto na Lei de Falências e nas Normas de Liquidação.
Assim esta cláusula ficou idêntica a cláusula 19 F.
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, qualquer pagamento relativo a
indenização ou benefício correspondente a este resseguro será feito
diretamente à Massa Liquidanda, com base na responsabilidade original da
Companhia, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Fica acordado,
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 19
Original em Inglês
successor of the Company has failed to pay all or a portion of any claim. It is agreed,
however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor of the
Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency of a claim against
the Company indicating the policy of bond reinsured which claim would involve a
possible liability on the part of the Reinsurer within a reasonable time after such
claim is filed in the conservation or liquidation proceeding or in the receivership, and
that during the pendency of such claim, the Reinsurer may investigate such claim and
interpose, at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be
adjudicated, any defense or defenses that it may deem available to the Company or
its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred
by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to the approval of the Court, against the
Company as part of the expense of conservation or liquidation to the extent of a pro
rata share of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the
defense undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the Company.
It is further understood and agreed that, in the event of the insolvency of the
Company, the reinsurance under this Contract shall be payable directly by the
Reinsurer to the Company or its liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory
successor, except as provided by Section 4118(a) of the New York Insurance Law or
except (a) where this Contract specifically provides another payee of such reinsurance
in the event of the insolvency of the Company and (b) where the Reinsurer with the
consent of the direct insured or insureds has assumed such policy obligations of the
Company as direct obligations of the Reinsurer to the payee under such policies and
in substitution for the obligations of the Company to such payees.
Note: This Article contains "payable on demand" language in line 3 of paragraph 1,
and it contains the word "and" rather than "or" in line 7 of paragraph 3.
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, reinsurance under this Contract shall
be payable on demand, with reasonable provision for verification, on the basis of
claims allowed against the insolvent Company by any court of competent jurisdiction
or by any liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor of the Company
having authority to allow such claims, without diminution because of such insolvency
or because such liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor has failed to
pay all or a portion of any claims. Such payments by the Reinsurer shall be made
directly to the Company or its liquidator, receiver, conservator or statutory successor,
except as provided by Section 4118(a) of the New York Insurance Law or except (a)
where the Contract specifically provides another payee of such reinsurance in the
Página 100 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar notificação por
escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer reclamação de sinistro
contra a Companhia, indicando a apólice ressegurada, que possa vir a
resultar em responsabilidade por parte do Ressegurador, dentro de um
prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído na Massa Liquidanda.
Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador terá o direito de
investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro esteja sendo julgado
e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser utilizada pela Massa
Liquidanda. Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida
pelo Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte
das despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
Na hipótese de insolvência da Companhia, o resseguro previsto neste
Contrato será pago pelo Ressegurador diretamente à Massa Liquidanda,
exceto se o Contrato possuir cláusula de pagamento direto (“cut-through
clause”), prevendo especificamente um outro beneficiário do resseguro.
NT: Foram feitas exclusões e adaptações das mesmas à LC 126/2007. Assim
esta cláusula ficou idêntica à versão da cláusula BRMA 19 E
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, o resseguro previsto neste Contrato
será pago quando solicitado, com prazo razoável para verificação, com
base nos sinistros reconhecidos contra a Companhia insolvente pelo
liquidante, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Tais
pagamentos serão pagos pelo Ressegurador diretamente à Massa
Liquidanda, exceto se o Contrato possuir cláusula de pagamento direto
(“cut-through clause”), prevendo especificamente um outro beneficiário
do resseguro.
Fica acordado, no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
event of the insolvency of the Company, or (b) where the Reinsurer with the consent
of the direct insured or insureds has assumed such policy obligations of the Company
as direct obligations of the Reinsurer to the payees under such policies and in
substitution for the obligations of the Company to such payees.
It is agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor
of the insolvent Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency
of a claim against the insolvent Company on the policy or policies reinsured within a
reasonable time after such claim is filed in the insolvency proceeding and that during
the pendency of such claim the Reinsurer may investigate such claim and interpose,
at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be adjudicated, any
defense or defenses which it may deem available to the Company or its liquidator,
receiver, conservator, or statutory successor.
The expense thus incurred by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to court
approval, against the insolvent Company as part of the expense of liquidation to the
extent of a proportionate share of the benefit which may accrue to the Company
solely as a result of the defense undertaken by the Reinsurer.
A 19
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the insolvent Company.
Note: This Article contains "payable on demand" language in lines
1 and 2 of paragraph 1, and it contains the word "or" rather than "and" in line 9 of
paragraph 1.
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, reinsurance under this Contract shall
be payable on demand, with reasonable provision for verification, on the basis of
claims allowed against the insolvent Company by any court of competent jurisdiction
or by any liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor of the Company
having authority to allow such claims, without diminution because of such insolvency
or because such liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor has failed to
pay all or a portion of any claims. Such payments by the Reinsurer shall be made
directly to the Company or its liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory
successor, except as provided by Section 4118(a) of the New York Insurance Law or
except (a) where the Contract specifically provides another payee of such reinsurance
in the event of the insolvency of the Company, or (b) where the Reinsurer with the
consent of the direct insured or insureds has assumed such Policy obligations of the
Company as direct obligations of the Reinsurer to the payees under such Policies and
Página 101 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
notificação por escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer
reclamação de sinistro contra a Companhia, em apólice ou apólices
resseguradas, que possa resultar em responsabilidade por parte do
Ressegurador, dentro de um prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído
na Massa Liquidanda. Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador
terá o direito de investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro
esteja sendo julgado e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser
utilizada pela Massa Liquidanda.
Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida pelo
Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte das
despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
NT: Foram feitas exclusões e adaptações das mesmas à LC 126/2007. Assim
esta cláusula ficou idêntica à versão da cláusula BRMA 19 E
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, o resseguro previsto neste Contrato
será pago quando solicitado, com prazo razoável para verificação, com
base nos sinistros reconhecidos contra a Companhia insolvente pelo
liquidante, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Tais
pagamentos serão pagos pelo Ressegurador diretamente à Massa
Liquidanda, exceto se o Contrato possuir cláusula de pagamento direto
(“cut-through clause”), prevendo especificamente um outro beneficiário
do resseguro.
Fica acordado, no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar
notificação por escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer
reclamação de sinistro contra a Companhia, em apólice ou apólices
resseguradas, que possa resultar em responsabilidade por parte do
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 19
Original em Inglês
Página 102 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
in substitution for the obligations of the Company to such payees.
It is agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor
of the insolvent Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency
of a claim against the insolvent Company on the policy or policies reinsured within a
reasonable time after such claim is filed in the insolvency proceeding and that during
the pendency of such claim the Reinsurer may investigate such claim and interpose,
at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be adjudicated, any
defense or defenses which it may deem available to the Company or its liquidator,
receiver, conservator, or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred by the
Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to court approval, against the insolvent
Company as part of the expense of liquidation to the extent of a proportionate share
of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the defense
undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the insolvent Company.
Should the Company go into liquidation or should a receiver or conservator be
appointed, all amounts due either Company or Reinsurer, whether by reason of
premium, losses or otherwise under this Contract or any other contract heretofore or
hereafter entered between the parties (whether such contract is all assumed or
ceded), shall be subject to the right of offset at any time and from time to time, and
upon the exercise of the same, only the net balance shall be due.
Note: This Article contains "payable on demand" language in line 2 of the first
paragraph, and it contains the word "or" rather than "and" in line 10 of the first
paragraph. Offset provision in the final paragraph is for this Contract or any other
Ressegurador, dentro de um prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído
na Massa Liquidanda. Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador
terá o direito de investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro
esteja sendo julgado e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser
utilizada pela Massa Liquidanda.
Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida pelo
Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte das
despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
NT: O último parágrafo, referente o direito de compensação entre o
Ressegurador e a Massa Liquidanda, foi retirado tendo em vista estar em
desacordo com o previsto na Lei de Falências e nas Normas de Liquidação.
Assim esta cláusula ficou idêntica à versão da cláusula BRMA 19 K.
In the event of the insolvency of the Company, reinsurance under this Contract shall
be payable on demand, with reasonable provision for verification, on the basis of
claims allowed against the insolvent Company by any court of competent jurisdiction
or by any liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor of the Company
having authority to allow such claims, without diminution because of such insolvency
or because such liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor has failed to
pay all or a portion of any claims. Such payments by the Reinsurer shall be made
directly to the Company or its liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory
successor, except as provided by Section 4118(a) of the New York Insurance Law or
except (a) where the Contract specifically provides another payee of such reinsurance
in the event of the insolvency of the Company, or (b) where the Reinsurer with the
No caso de insolvência da Companhia, o resseguro previsto neste Contrato
será pago quando solicitado, com prazo razoável para verificação, com
base nos sinistros reconhecidos contra a Companhia insolvente pelo
liquidante, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência ou por falha do
liquidante em pagar total ou parcialmente qualquer sinistro. Tais
pagamentos serão pagos pelo Ressegurador diretamente à Massa
Liquidanda, exceto se o Contrato possuir cláusula de pagamento direto
(“cut-through clause”), prevendo especificamente um outro beneficiário
do resseguro.
Fica acordado, no entanto, que o liquidante da Massa deve apresentar
notificação por escrito ao Ressegurador da pendência de qualquer
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
consent of the direct insured or insureds has assumed such policy obligations of the
Company as direct obligations of the Reinsurer to the payees under such policies and
in substitution for the obligations of the Company to such payees.
It is agreed, however, that the liquidator, receiver, conservator, or statutory successor
of the insolvent Company shall give written notice to the Reinsurer of the pendency
of a claim against the insolvent Company on the policy or policies reinsured within a
reasonable time after such claim is filed in the insolvency proceeding and that during
the pendency of such claim the Reinsurer may investigate such claim and interpose,
at its own expense, in the proceeding where such claim is to be adjudicated, any
defense or defenses which it may deem available to the Company or its liquidator,
receiver, conservator, or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred by the
Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to court approval, against the insolvent
Company as part of the expense of liquidation to the extent of a proportionate share
of the benefit which may accrue to the Company solely as a result of the defense
undertaken by the Reinsurer.
Where two or more reinsurers are involved in the same claim and a majority in
interest elect to interpose defense to such claim, the expense shall be apportioned in
accordance with the terms of this Contract as though such expense had been incurred
by the insolvent Company.
Should the Company go into liquidation or should a receiver or conservator be
appointed, all amounts due either Company or Reinsurer, whether by reason of
premium, losses or otherwise under this Contract, shall be subject to the right of
offset at any time and from time to time, and upon the exercise of the same, only the
net balance shall be due.
Note: This Article contains "payable on demand" language in line 2 of the first
paragraph, and it contains the word "or" rather than "and" in line 10 of the first
paragraph. Offset provision in the final paragraph is for this Contract only.
In the event of the insolvency of the Reinsured, reinsurance under this Agreement
shall be payable by the Reinsurer on the basis of the liability of the Reinsured, without
diminution because of such insolvency, directly to the Reinsured or its liquidator,
receiver or statutory successor, in accordance with the legal rules applying in the
Reinsured's country for companies in liquidation. Nothing contained herein shall
create any obligation for the Reinsurer or establish any rights against the Reinsurer in
favour of the Reinsured's policyholder or any other person not party to the
Agreement. The Reinsurer shall be notified in writing of any pending claim likely to
invoke the reinsurance afforded by this Agreement within a reasonable time after
such claim is filed in the insolvency proceeding. The Reinsurer shall have the right to
investigate each such claim and interpose, at its own expense, in the proceedings
where the claim is to be adjudicated, any defence which it may deem available to the
Página 103 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
reclamação de sinistro contra a Companhia, em apólice ou apólices
resseguradas, que possa resultar em responsabilidade por parte do
Ressegurador, dentro de um prazo razoável após o sinistro ter sido incluído
na Massa Liquidanda. Durante a pendência de tal sinistro, o Ressegurador
terá o direito de investigá-lo e interpor, no processo em que o sinistro
esteja sendo julgado e às suas expensas, qualquer defesa ou defesas que
possa considerar como passíveis de uso à Massa Liquidanda.
Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então incorrida pelo
Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda, como parte das
despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de credores da
Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que vier a ser
obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em decorrência
da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Quando dois ou mais resseguradores estiverem envolvidos no mesmo
sinistro e a maioria das partes interessadas optar por interpor defesa a tal
sinistro, a despesa será dividida, de acordo com os termos deste Contrato,
como se tivesse sido incorrida pela Companhia insolvente.
NT: O último parágrafo, referente o direito de compensação entre o
Ressegurador e a Massa Liquidanda, foi retirado tendo em vista estar em
desacordo com o previsto na Lei de Falências e nas Normas de Liquidação.
Assim esta cláusula ficou idêntica à versão da cláusula BRMA 19 K e L.
No caso de insolvência do Ressegurado, o resseguro sob este Contrato será
reembolsável pelo Ressegurador com base na responsabilidade original do
Ressegurado, sem diminuição por conta da insolvência, diretamente à
Massa Liquidanda, de acordo com a leis e normas brasileiras aplicáveis a
empresas em liquidação. Nada neste Contrato criará qualquer obrigação
para o Ressegurador ou estabelecerá quaisquer direitos contra o
Ressegurador em favor de algum segurado original do Ressegurado ou
qualquer outra pessoa que não seja parte deste Contrato. O Ressegurador
será notificado por escrito de qualquer sinistro pendente que possa afetar
o resseguro deste Contrato dentro de um prazo razoável após este sinistro
ter sido incluído no processo de liquidação. O Ressegurador terá o direito
de investigar o sinistro e interpor no processo em que tal sinistro estiver
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Reinsured or its liquidator, receiver, or statutory successor. The expense thus incurred
by the Reinsurer shall be chargeable, subject to court approval, to the insolvent
Reinsured as part of the expense of liquidation to the extent of a proportionate share
of the benefit that may accrue to the Reinsured solely as a result of the defence
undertaken by the Reinsurer.
A 20
It is agreed that this Contract excludes all liability of the Company arising by contract,
operation of law, or otherwise, from its participation or membership, whether
voluntary or involuntary, in any insolvency fund. "Insolvency Fund" includes any
guaranty fund, insolvency fund, plan, pool, association, fund or other arrangement,
howsoever denominated, established or governed, which provides for any
assessment of or payment or assumption by the Company of part or all of any claim,
debt, charge, fee, or other obligation of an insurer, or its successors or assigns, which
has been declared by any competent authority to be insolvent, or which is otherwise
deemed unable to meet any claim, debt, charge, fee or other obligation in whole or in
The Reinsurers may at any time during normal office hours inspect and take copies of
the Reinsured's records and documents which relate to business covered under this
Reinsurance. It is agreed that the Reinsurers' right of inspection shall continue as long
as either party has a claim against the other arising out of this Reinsurance.
The Reinsurers may at any time during normal office hours inspect and take copies of
such of the Reinsured's records and documents which relate to business covered
under this Agreement. It is agreed that the Reinsurers rights of inspection shall
continue as long as either party has a claim against the other arising out of this
The Reinsurers shall regard the transactions under this Agreement as strictly
confidential and shall not at any time, during its currency or thereafter, make any use,
either directly or indirectly, of the information afforded of the business and
connections of the Reinsured which shall or may in any way operate to the prejudice
or detriment of the latter.
No further particulars shall be required by the Reinsurer but the books of the
Página 104 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
sendo julgado, às suas expensas, qualquer defesa que pudesse ser utilizada
pela Massa Liquidanda. Sujeita à aprovação do liquidante, a despesa então
incorrida pelo Ressegurador poderá ser cobrada da Massa Liquidanda,
como parte das despesas de liquidação a ser incluída no quadro geral de
credores da Massa, na forma de uma cota proporcional do resultado que
vier a ser obtido em benefício da Massa Liquidanda, exclusivamente em
decorrência da defesa interposta pelo Ressegurador.
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Os Resseguradores poderão a qualquer tempo, durante as horas usuais de
trabalho do Ressegurado, inspecionar e tirar cópias dos registros e
documentos do Ressegurado que se relacionem aos negócios cobertos por
este Resseguro. É acordado que os direitos dos Resseguradores de
inspecionar continuarão enquanto cada parte tenha uma reclamação
contra a outra advinda deste Resseguro.
Os Resseguradores poderão a qualquer tempo, durante os horários usuais
de trabalho do Ressegurado, inspecionar e tirar cópias dos arquivos e
documentos do Ressegurado relacionados aos negócios cobertos neste
Contrato. É acordado que o direito de inspeção dos Resseguradores
continuará enquanto uma das partes tenha uma reclamação contra a outra
advinda deste Contrato.
Os Resseguradores considerarão as transações neste Contrato como sendo
estritamente confidenciais e não deverão, a qualquer tempo, durante ou
após sua vigência, fazer uso, tanto direta quanto indiretamente, das
informações proporcionadas pelos negócios e contatos do Ressegurado
que sejam ou possam usados para prejudicar ou causar dano a este último.
Não poderão ser solicitados maiores detalhes pelos Resseguradores a não
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Reinsured, so far as they concern the insurances or Reinsurances falling within the
scope of this Reinsurance, shall be open to the inspection of an authorized
representative of the Reinsurer at any reasonable time during the continuance of this
Reinsurance or of any liability hereunder.
This clause shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this insurance
inconsistent therewith
In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage, liability or expense directly
or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from
ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any
nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel
the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or
contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear
assembly or nuclear component thereof
any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or
fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.
This Reinsurance shall apply to all policies and binders of insurance and/or
reinsurance written and retained net by the Reinsured in their Fire Department either
Direct or by way of Facultative Reinsurance.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary this Reinsurance
Loss or damage occasioned by or through or in consequence directly or
indirectly of any of the following occurrences, namely:(a)
war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike operations
(whether war be declared or not) civil war;
mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportion of or amounting
to a popular rising, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or
usurped power, or any act of any person or persons acting on behalf of or in
connection with any organization the objects of which are to include the
overthrowing or influencing of any de jure or de facto government by terrorism or by
any violent means.
Nuclear Energy Risks as per the NUCLEAR ENERGY EXCLUSION (Reinsurance)
(1994) - NMA 1975a
Página 105 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
ser os livros do Ressegurado, desde que eles refiram-se aos seguros e
resseguros dentro do escopo deste Resseguro, que deverão ser abertos à
inspeção de um representante autorizado dos Resseguradores em
qualquer horário usual de trabalho, durante a vigência deste Resseguro ou
enquanto houver qualquer obrigação neste.
Esta cláusula será soberana e sobrepor-se-á a qualquer outro item contido
neste Contrato que esteja em desacordo com a mesma.
1) Sob nenhuma hipótese este seguro cobrirá perda, dano,
responsabilidade ou despesa causados direta ou indiretamente por, ou
contribuídos por, ou decorrentes de:
i) Radiações ionizantes de, ou contaminação por, radioatividade de
qualquer combustível nuclear ou de qualquer dejeto nuclear ou da
combustão de material nuclear;
ii) Propriedade radioativa, tóxica, explosiva ou outra propriedade perigosa
ou contaminante de qualquer instalação, reator ou outra unidade nuclear
ou seus componentes nucleares;
iii) Qualquer arma de guerra que empregue fissão e/ou fusão atômica ou
outra reação similar, ou ainda força ou substância radioativas.
Este Resseguro será aplicado a todas as apólices e certificados de seguro
e/ou resseguro subscritos e retidos líquido pelo Ressegurado no seu
departamento de ____________ tanto de forma direta quanto através de
resseguro facultativo.
Não obstante qualquer disposição ao contrário, este Resseguro exclui:
Perdas ou danos ocasionados por, através de ou em conseqüência
direta ou indireta de qualquer das seguintes ocorrências:
guerra, invasão, atos de inimigos estrangeiros,
hostilidades ou operações bélicas de guerra civil (declarada ou não);
motim, comoção civil assumindo a proporção de ou
resultando em um levante popular, levante militar, insurreição, rebelião,
revolução, poder militar ou usurpado, ou qualquer ato de pessoa ou
pessoas agindo em nome de ou em conexão a qualquer organização cujos
objetivos incluam a derrubada ou influência de qualquer governo de
direito ou de fato através de terrorismo ou de qualquer outro meio
Riscos de energia nuclear de acordo com a EXCLUSÃO DE ENERGIA
NUCLEAR (Resseguro) (1994) - NMA 1975a
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 106 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
A 21
(insert the title of heading of the
Reinsurance Contract which is the subject of the ILA
e.g. "First Catastrophe Excess Reinsurance Contract")
(hereinafter referred to as the "Contract")
(insert the name(s) of the Company(ies)
(hereinafter referred to individually or
collectively as the "Company")
(insert the name of the Reinsurer)
(hereinafter referred to as the "Subscribing Reinsurer")
Under the terms of the Contract, which is attached to this Agreement, the Subscribing
Reinsurer agrees to participate in a _____% share of the interests and liabilities of the
Reinsurer(s) described in the Contract. The participation of the Subscribing Reinsurer
shall be several and not joint with any other reinsurers participating in the Contract.
This Agreement shall become effective __________ and shall expire _____.
Signed in (duplicate, triplicate, or whatever is appropriate)
in (City, State), this day of (month), (year).
(Subscribing Reinsurer)
Signed in (duplicate, triplicate, or whatever is appropriate)
in (City, State), this day of (month), (year).
Note: Period of Contract is identified.
________________________________________________ doravante
denominado como “Contrato”
doravante denominada individual ou
coletivamente como “Companhia”
doravante denominado como “Ressegurador Subscritor”
Sob os termos do Contrato, que está anexado a este documento, o
Ressegurador Subscritor concorda em participar com _____% dos
interesses e responsabilidades do(s) Ressegurador(es) relacionado(s) no
Contrato. A participação do Ressegurador Subscritor será individual e não
conjunta com quaisquer outros resseguradores participantes no Contrato.
A vigência deste documento iniciará em ____________ e terminará em
Assinado em ________ cópias (QUANTAS CÓPIAS FOREM APROPRIADAS)
em _________________(CIDADE, ESTADO), em _____ (DIA,MÊS, ANO).
_____________________________ (NOME DO RESSEGURADOR)
Por ______________________(RESSEGURADOR SUBSCRITOR)
Cargo _______________________
________________________ (NOME DA COMPANHIA)
Por ____________ ______
Cargo _________________
Nota: A vigência do Contrato precisa estar estabelecida
A 21
(insert the title or heading of the
Reinsurance Contract which is the subject of the ILA,
e.g., "First Catastrophe Excess Reinsurance Contract")
(hereinafter referred to as the "Contract")
doravante denominado como “Contrato”
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
(hereinafter referred to individually
or collectively as the "Company")
(insert the name of the Reinsurer)
(hereinafter referred to as the "Subscribing Reinsurer")
Under the terms of the Contract, which is attached to this Agreement, the Subscribing
Reinsurer agrees to participate in a _____% share of the interests and liabilities of the
Reinsurer(s) described in the Contract. The participation of the Subscribing Reinsurer
shall be several and not joint with any other reinsurers participating in the Contract.
Signed in (duplicate, triplicate, or whatever is appropriate)
in (City, State) this day of (month, year).
(Subscribing Reinsurer)
Signed in (duplicate, triplicate, or whatever is appropriate)
in (City, State), this day of (month, year).
Note: Period of Contract is not identified.
Página 107 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
doravante denominada individual ou
coletivamente como “Companhia”
doravante denominado como “Ressegurador Subscritor”
Sob os termos do Contrato, que está anexado a este documento, o
Ressegurador Subscritor concorda em participar com _____% dos
interesses e responsabilidades do(s) Ressegurador(es) relacionado(s) no
Contrato. A participação do Ressegurador Subscritor será individual e não
conjunta com quaisquer outros resseguradores participantes no Contrato.
Assinado em ________ cópias (QUANTAS CÓPIAS FOREM APROPRIADAS)
em _________________(CIDADE, ESTADO), em __________(DIA,MÊS,
_____________________________ (NOME DO RESSEGURADOR)
Por ______________________(RESSEGURADOR SUBSCRITOR)
Cargo _______________________
________________________ (NOME DA COMPANHIA)
Por ____________ ______
Cargo _________________
A 21
ENDORSEMENT NO. (Insert Number)
This Endorsement attaches to and forms a part of the Interests and Liabilities
Agreement entered into between
(insert name(s) of Company(ies)
(hereinafter referred to individually or collectively as the "Company")
(insert the name of the Reinsurer)
(hereinafter referred to as the "Subscribing Reinsurer")
It is hereby mutually agreed that effective
Nota: A vigência do Contrato não precisa estar estabelecida
ENDOSSO NO. (Inserir o Número)
O Endosso em anexo faz parte dos interesses e responsabilidades deste
Contrato efetuado entre __________________________ (inserir o(s)
nome(s) da Companhia(ias) (doravante denominada individualmente ou
coletivamente como “Companhia”)
_________________________ (inserir o nome do Ressegurador)
(doravante denominado como “Ressegurador”)
Fica acordado entre as partes que a partir de ___/ ___ / ____ (inserir data)
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
the participation of the Subscribing Reinsurer in the interests and liabilities of the
Reinsurance described in the Contract entitled (identify contract) is changed from
_____% to _____% as respects in force, new, and renewal business.
Signed in (duplicate, triplicate, or whatever is appropriate)
in (City, State),this _____ day of (month, year)
(Subscribing Reinsurer)
Signed in (duplicate, triplicate, or whatever is appropriate)
in (City, State),this _____ day of (month), (year).
If "new and renewal" only, delete "in force".
If "new" only, delete "in force" and " renewal".
If "in force" only, delete, "new and renewal".
A 22
If a loss occurrence involves more than one insured or policy and more than one
reinsurance contract period, the limit and retention as respects the claim or claims
covered under this Contract shall be the percentage of the limit and retention of this
Contract that the amount of the covered claim or claims bears to the total of all
claims in the loss occurrence.
{NAME OF BROKER} are hereby recognised as the Intermediary negotiating this
Agreement for all business hereunder. All communications and documents relating
thereto shall be transmitted to the Reinsured and the Reinsurers through {NAME AND
Página 108 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
a participação do Ressegurador nos interesses e responsabilidades do
Resseguro descrito no Contrato intitulado ___________ (identificar o
contrato) fica modificada de _____% para _____% com relação aos
negócios em vigor, novos e renovados.
Assinado em ____ vias (duas, três, ou quantas sejam apropriadas)
em ___________,_______(Cidade, Estado), no dia ___/___/___ ((inserir
__________________________ (assinatura do responsável)
Responsável____________________ (nome da pessoa)
Cargo ___________________
Assinado em ____ vias (duas, três, ou quantas sejam apropriadas)
em ___________,_______(Cidade, Estado), no dia ___/___/___ (inserir
__________________________ (assinatura do responsável)
Responsável ____________________(nome da pessoa)
Cargo ___________________
Nota: Se “novos e renovados” apenas, excluir “em vigor”.
Se “novos” apenas, excluir “em vigor” e “renovados”.
Se “em vigor” apenas, excluir “novos e renovados”.
Se uma ocorrência de sinistro envolver mais de um segurado ou apólice e
mais de um período de vigência da cobertura de resseguro, o limite e a
retenção referentes ao sinistro ou sinistros cobertos por este Contrato
serão obtidos com base em percentual do limite e da retenção deste
Contrato, percentual este calculado pela relação entre o valor dos sinistros
cobertos por este Contrato e o valor total de todos os sinistros envolvidos
na mesma ocorrência.
(Nome do Corretor de resseguros) fica aqui reconhecido como o
intermediário de todos os negócios sob este Contrato. Todas as
comunicações e documentos aqui relacionadas serão transmitidas para o
Ressegurado e Resseguradores através de (Nome e Endereço do corretor
de resseguros).
Nada nesta cláusula poderá ser entendido como limitando ou restringindo
a relação direta entre Ressegurado e Resseguradores.
NT: Esta cláusula não estipula que o risco de crédito dos pagamentos de
resseguros será assumido pelo Ressegurador, conforme estabelecido na Lei
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 23
A 23
Original em Inglês
{NAME AND ADDRESS OF BROKER} are recognised as the Broker for this Reinsurance,
through whom all communications and payments relating thereto shall be
transmitted to both parties.
(Intermediary Name) is hereby recognized as the Intermediary negotiating this
Contract for all business hereunder. All communications (including but not limited to
notices, statements, premium, return premium, commissions, taxes, losses, loss
adjustment expense, salvages and loss settlements) relating thereto shall be
transmitted to the Company or the Reinsurer through (intermediary Name and
Address). Payments by the Company to the Intermediary shall be deemed to
constitute payment to the Reinsurer. Payments by the Reinsurer to the Intermediary
shall be deemed to constitute payment to the Company only to the extent that such
payments are actually received by the Company.
(Intermediary name) is hereby recognized as the Intermediary negotiating this
Página 109 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Complementar 126 de 2007, sendo assim poderá ser utilizada apenas nos
contratos em que o corretor de resseguro não estiver autorizado a receber
ou coletar valores.
O último parágrafo foi acrescentado à tradução para atender à mesma lei.
(Nome do Corretor de resseguros) fica aqui reconhecido como o
intermediário de todos os negócios sob este Contrato através do qual
todas as comunicações e pagamentos relacionadas serão transmitidas para
ambas as partes.
Nada nesta cláusula poderá ser entendido como limitando ou restringindo
a relação direta entre Ressegurado e Resseguradores.
NT: Esta cláusula não estipula que o risco de crédito dos pagamentos de
resseguros será assumido pelo Ressegurador, conforme estabelecido na Lei
Complementar 126 de 2007, sendo assim poderá ser utilizada apenas nos
contratos em que o corretor de resseguro não estiver autorizado a receber
ou coletar valores.
O último parágrafo foi acrescentado à tradução para atender à mesma lei.
(Nome do Corretor de resseguros) fica aqui reconhecido como o
intermediário de todos os negócios sob este Contrato. Todas as
comunicações (incluindo, mas não limitando a avisos, extratos, prêmio,
devolução de prêmio, comissões, impostos, sinistros, despesas com
regulação de sinistro, salvados e liquidações de sinistros) aqui relacionadas
serão transmitidas à Companhia ou ao Ressegurador através de (Nome e
Endereço do corretor de resseguros). Os pagamentos efetuados pela
Companhia ao intermediário serão considerados quitados perante o
Ressegurador. Os pagamentos efetuados pelo Ressegurador ao
intermediário somente serão considerados quitados quando efetivamente
recebidos Companhia.
Nada nesta cláusula poderá ser entendido como limitando ou restringindo
a relação direta entre Ressegurado e Resseguradores.
NT: Esta cláusula poderá ser utilizada no caso da corretora de resseguro
estar autorizada a receber ou a coletar valores, conforme estabelecido na
Lei 126/2007
O último parágrafo foi acrescentado à tradução para atender à mesma lei.
(Nome do Corretor de resseguros) fica aqui reconhecido como o
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 70
Original em Inglês
Contract for all business hereunder. All communications relating thereto shall be
transmitted to the Company and the Reinsurer through (intermediary Name and
Note: This Article does not make specific provision for the Reinsurer to assume the
credit risk of payments to the Intermediary.
{NAME AND ADDRESS OF BROKER} are recognised as the Broker negotiating this
Reinsurance through whom all premiums, losses, documents and communications
relating thereto shall be transmitted to both parties.
Not withstanding anything contained herein to the contrary it is agreed that the
indemnity provided herein shall not apply to compensation for damages in respect of
judgments delivered or obtained by a court of competent jurisdiction located at
The interest amounts provided for in this Article will apply to the Reinsurer or to the
Company in the following circumstances:
1. Loss payment owed by the Reinsurer to the Company shall have a due date to the
Company of 90 calendar days following the date of the billing/proof of loss.
2. Payment of any premium shall be due to the Reinsurer within 90 calendar days of
the date specified in this Contract. Any premium adjustments will be due by the
debtor party within 150 calendar days of the expiry of this Contract.
3. Payment on return of premiums, commissions, profit sharing, or any amounts not
provided in paragraphs 1 or 2 above, shall have the due date as specified in this
Contract. If no due date is specified, the due date shall be 90 days following the date
of billing.
4. Failure by the Reinsurer or Company to comply with their respective payment
obligations within the time periods as herein provided will result in a compound
interest penalty payable at a rate equal to the 90 day Treasury Bill rate as published in
the Money Rate Section or any successor section of the Wall Street Journal on the
first business day following the date a remittance becomes due, plus 1% per annum,
Página 110 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
intermediário de todos os negócios sob este Contrato. Todas as
comunicações aqui relacionadas serão transmitidas para a Companhia ou
Ressegurador através de (Nome e Endereço do corretor de resseguros).
Nada nesta cláusula poderá ser entendido como limitando ou restringindo
a relação direta entre Companhia e Resseguradores.
NT: Esta cláusula não estipula que o risco de crédito dos pagamentos de
resseguros será assumido pelo Ressegurador, conforme estabelecido na Lei
Complementar 126 de 2007, sendo assim poderá ser utilizada apenas nos
contratos em que o corretor de resseguro não estiver autorizado a receber
ou coletar valores.
O último parágrafo foi acrescentado à tradução para atender à mesma lei.
(Esta Cláusula não foi traduzida por não fazer provisão específica para o
Ressegurador assumir o risco de crédito para pagamentos por intermédio
do corretor de resseguros.)
Não obstante qualquer disposição em contrário, fica acordado que as
indenizações decorrentes deste Contrato não serão utilizadas para
compensação de valores relativos a decisões judiciais obtidas em tribunal
competente localizado em __________________ (DEFINIR OS NOMES DOS
Os valores de juros previstos nesta cláusula se aplicarão ao Ressegurador
ou à Companhia nas seguintes circunstâncias:
1. O pagamento de sinistro devido pelo Ressegurador à Companhia será
feito dentro de 90 dias corridos, a contar da data especificada na nota de
débito / concordância do segurado aos termos da regulação do sinistro.
2. O pagamento de qualquer prêmio será devido ao Ressegurador dentro
de 90 dias corridos, a contar da data especificada neste Contrato. Qualquer
ajustamento de prêmio será pago pela parte devedora dentro do prazo de
150 dias corridos do término deste Contrato.
3. O pagamento pela devolução de prêmios, comissões, participação de
lucros ou quaisquer valores não previstos nos parágrafos 1 e 2 acima, terão
a data de vencimento conforme especificada neste Contrato. Caso essa
data não tenha sido especificada, será definida como sendo 90 dias
corridos após a data mencionada na nota de débito.
4. O não cumprimento, pelo Ressegurador ou pela Companhia, de suas
respectivas obrigações de pagamento dentro dos prazos aqui
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
to be compounded and adjusted quarterly. Any interest which occurs pursuant to this
Article shall be calculated by the party to which it is owed. The accumulation of the
number of days that any payment is past due will stop on the date that the
Intermediary, where applicable, receives payment.
5. The validity of any claim or payment may be contested under the provisions of this
Contract. If the debtor party prevails in an arbitration or any other proceeding, there
shall be no interest penalty due. Otherwise, any interest will be calculated and due as
outlined above.
6. If a Reinsurer advances payment of any claim it is contesting, and prevails in the
contest, the Company shall return such payment plus pay interest on same,
calculated as per the provisions of this Article.
7. Any interest which occurs pursuant to this Article may be waived by the party to
which it is owed. Further, any interest which is calculated pursuant to this Article that
is $100 or less shall be waived. Waiver of
such interest, however, shall not affect the waiving party's right to similar interest for
any other failure by the other party to make payment when due under this Article.
8. Nothing in this Article shall diminish any legal remedies which either party may
have against the other.
A 70
The interest penalties provided for in this Article shall apply to the Reinsurer or to the
Company in the following circumstances:
A. Payments due from the Reinsurer to the Company shall have as a due date the
date on which the agreed proof of loss is received by the Reinsurer, and shall be
overdue _____ days thereafter. Payment to the Intermediary is deemed to be
payment to the Company for purposes of this Article.
B. Payments due from the Company to the Reinsurer shall have a due date of the
date specified in this Contract. Payments shall be overdue _________ days thereafter.
Página 111 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
estabelecidos, resultará em penalidade de cobrança de juros compostos de
__________ (ESCOLHER O INDICE DA TAXA DE JUROS), no primeiro dia útil
após a data de vencimento do débito, acrescidos da taxa de 1% por ano, a
ser calculada e ajustada trimestralmente. Quaisquer juros decorrentes da
aplicação desta cláusula serão calculados pelo credor. A contagem
cumulativa dos dias de inadimplência de qualquer valor vencido cessará na
data em que a Companhia receber o correspondente pagamento ou, no
caso do Ressegurador, quando ele mesmo ou, se for o caso, o corretor de
resseguros receber o correspondente pagamento.
5. A validade de qualquer reclamação ou pagamento poderá ser
contestada nos termos deste Contrato. Se o posição do devedor prevalecer
em uma arbitragem ou em qualquer outro procedimento de resolução de
disputas, não será devido qualquer valor relativo à penalidade. Caso
contrário, qualquer penalidade será calculada e devida conforme descrito
6. Se um Ressegurador antecipar o pagamento de qualquer sinistro que
esteja sendo contestado e sua posição vier a prevalecer na contestação, a
Companhia devolverá o respectivo valor, acrescido de juros calculados
conforme as disposições desta cláusula.
7. Quaisquer juros decorrentes da aplicação desta cláusula poderão ser
dispensados pela parte credora. Além disso, quaisquer juros relativos a
esta cláusula, de valor igual ou inferior a $ _______, serão
automaticamente dispensados. A dispensa desses juros, contudo, não
significará a perda de direitos do credor a quaisquer outras reparações que
lhe vierem a ser devidas nos termos desta cláusula.
8. Nenhum aspecto desta cláusula poderá limitar quaisquer ações legais
que qualquer parte possa ter contra a outra.
NT: O parágrafo 4 foi adaptado à legislação brasileira no que se refere ao
uso de corretor de resseguros
A penalidade na forma de juros prevista nesta cláusula se aplicará ao
Ressegurador ou à Companhia nas seguintes circunstâncias:
A. Os pagamentos devidos pelo Ressegurador à Companhia terão como
data de vencimento aquela em que a documentação acordada de
regulação for recebida pelo Ressegurador e serão considerados em atraso
____ dias a contar dessa data. Caso haja corretor de resseguros, os
pagamentos feitos pelo Ressegurador a este somente serão considerados
quitados quando recebidos pela Companhia.
B. Os pagamentos devidos pela Companhia ao Ressegurador terão como
data de vencimento aquela especificada neste Contrato. Esses pagamentos
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Premium adjustments shall be overdue ________ days from the expiry of this
C. The Company shall provide a copy of the original insured's proof of loss, and a
copy of the claim adjuster's report(s) or other evidence of indemnification. If,
subsequent to receipt of this evidence, the information contained therein is
insufficient or not in accordance with the contractual conditions, then the payment
due date as defined in paragraph A, will be deemed to be the date upon which the
Reinsurer received additional information necessary to approve payment of the claim
or the claim is presented in an acceptable manner. Interest as stipulated in paragraph
D shall be payable should a disputed claim be ultimately settled and if the period set
out in paragraph A is exceeded, but only to the extent that the final loss payment
exactly tracks with the original proof of loss.
D. Overdue amounts shall bear simple interest from the overdue date at a rate
determined by the (Interest Rate Index, e.g., LIBOR monthly) for the first day of the
calendar month in which the amount becomes overdue as published in
________(publication), plus _____%, to be calculated _______(frequency). If the
interest generated for 100% in respect of any overdue payment as outlined in
paragraph A or B is less than ________% of the amounts in dispute or
$_________whichever the greater, and/or the overdue period is _______(time
period) or less, then interest penalty shall be waived.
E. For the purposes of this Article, reinsuring Lloyd's Underwriters shall be viewed as
one entity.
A 70
The interest amounts provided for in this Article shall apply to the Reinsurer or to the
Company in the following circumstances:
A. Payments from the Reinsurer to the Company shall have as a due date the date on
which the proof of loss or demand for payment, including delivery of bordereaux or
summary reports, is received by the Reinsurer, and shall be overdue ______days
thereafter; for the purpose of this paragraph A only, payments received by the Local
Intermediary within such deadline shall not be considered overdue.
B. Payments from the Company to the Reinsurer shall have as due dates the dates
specified in the Contract. Payments shall be overdue ______ days thereafter.
Página 112 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
serão considerados em atraso _____ dias a contar dessa data. Os
ajustamentos de prêmios serão considerados em atraso ____ dias após o
término deste Contrato.
C. A Companhia fornecerá cópias da concordância do segurado aos termos
da regulação do sinistro, do seu relatório de regulação ou outra evidência
de indenização. Caso, após a análise desses documentos, se conclua que as
informações não são suficientes ou não atendem às condições contratuais,
então a data de vencimento referida no parágrafo “A” passará a ser aquela
em que o Ressegurador vier a receber as informações adicionais
necessárias à aprovação do pagamento do sinistro ou aquela em que o
sinistro seja apresentado de forma satisfatória. Os juros, conforme
estipulados no parágrafo “D”, serão devidos no caso em que um sinistro
em disputa seja pago de forma final e se o prazo constante do parágrafo
“A” for excedido, mas somente se o pagamento final do sinistro for
posterior à concordância do segurado aos termos da regulação do sinistro.
D. Os valores dos pagamentos em atraso serão onerados com juros
simples, contados das datas de seus vencimentos, à taxa de __________
(ESCOLHER O INDICE DA TAXA DE JUROS) no primeiro dia do mês a partir
do qual o valor se configurou em atraso, acrescidos de ______% ao mês. Se
os juros gerados, relativamente a qualquer pagamento em atraso,
conforme indicado nos parágrafos A ou B, forem menores que _____% dos
valores devidos ou menores que o valor de $ _______, o que for maior,
e/ou o período de atraso for de ______ dias ou menor, então a multa pelo
atraso será dispensada.
E. Para os efeitos desta cláusula, os subscritores do Lloyd’s serão
considerados como uma única entidade.
NT: O item A foi adaptado à legislação brasileira no que se refere ao uso de
corretor de resseguros
A parte referente a correção foi adaptada aos padrões brasileiros
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 70
Original em Inglês
Premium adjustments shall be overdue ______ days from the Contract due date or
_____ days after the continuation or renewal date, whichever is greater. For the
purpose of this paragraph B only, payments received by the U.S. Intermediary within
such deadlines shall not be considered overdue.
C. The Company shall provide a proof of loss and a copy of the claim adjuster's
report(s) or other evidence of indemnification. As respects catastrophe losses, the
Company shall provide proof of loss. If, subsequent to receipt of this evidence, the
information contained therein is insufficient or not in accordance with the contractual
conditions, then the payment due date as defined in paragraph A shall be deemed to
be the date upon which the Reinsurer received additional information necessary to
approve payment of the claim and the claim is presented in an acceptable manner.
This section of paragraph C is only for the purpose of establishing when a claim
payment is overdue, and shall not alter the provisions of the Notice of Loss and Loss
Settlements Article or other pertinent contractual stipulations. Interest as stipulated
in paragraph D shall be payable should a disputed claim be ultimately settled and if
the period set out in paragraph A is exceeded, but only for the amount of the final
settlement of the disputed claim.
In the event arbitration is necessary to settle a dispute, the arbitration panel shall
have the authority to make a determination awarding interest to the prevailing party.
Interest, if any, awarded by an arbitration panel shall supersede the interest amounts
outlined above.
D. Overdue amounts shall bear simple interest from the overdue date a rate
determined by the (Interest Rate Index, e.g., LIBOR monthly) for the first business day
of the calendar month in which the amount becomes overdue, as published in
_____(publication), plus _______% per annum, to be calculated _____(frequency). If
the interest generated for ______% in respect of any overdue payment as outlined in
paragraph A or B is less than ______% of the amounts overdue or $______ whichever
the greater, and/or the overdue period is one week or less, then the interest amount
shall be waived.
F. For the purpose of this paragraph D, reinsuring Lloyd's Underwriters shall be
viewed as one entity.
Note: Identical to BRMA 70B except reference to "Intermediary" is to "local
Payments from the Reinsurer to the Company shall have as a due date the
date on which the proof of loss or demand for payment is received by the Reinsurer,
and shall be overdue ______ days thereafter. For the purpose of this paragraph only,
payments received by the local Intermediary within the ______ day deadline shall not
be considered overdue. Payments due from any Reinsurer to the Company shall not
be considered overdue if the Reinsurer requests, in writing, that such payment be
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 70
Original em Inglês
made by drawing on a letter of credit or other similar method of funding that has
been established for this Contract, provided that there is an adequate balance in
place, and further provided that such advice to draw is received by the local
Intermediary within the ______day deadline set forth above.
Payments from the Company to the Reinsurer shall have as a due date the
date specified in this Contract and shall be overdue ______days thereafter. Premium
adjustments shall be overdue ______days from the Contract due date or ______days
after the expiration or renewal date, whichever is greater. The Company shall provide
the Reinsurer a proof of loss and a copy of the claim adjuster's report(s) or any other
evidence of indemnification. If, subsequent to receipt of this evidence, the
information contained therein is insufficient or not in accordance with the contractual
conditions of this Contract, then the payment due date as specified above shall be
deemed to be the date upon which the Reinsurer received the additional information
necessary to approve payment of the claim and the claim is presented in an
acceptable manner. This paragraph is only for the purpose of establishing when a
claim payment is overdue, and shall not alter the provisions of the Loss Notices and
Settlements Article or other pertinent contractual stipulations.
Overdue amounts shall bear simple interest from the overdue date at a rate
determined by the (Interest Rate Index, e.g., LIBOR monthly) for the first business day
of the calendar month in which the amount becomes overdue, as published in
_____(publication), plus ______%, to be calculated _____(frequency). If the sum of
the compensating additional amount computed in respect of any overdue payment is
less than ______% of the amount overdue or $______, whichever is greater, and/or
the overdue period is _____(time period) or less, then the interest amount shall be
For the purpose of this Article, reinsuring Underwriting Members of Lloyd's, London,
shall be considered to be one entity
Payments from the Reinsurer to the Company shall have as a due date the date on
__________ which the proof of loss or demand for payment is received by the
Reinsurer, and shall be overdue ______days thereafter. For the purpose of this
paragraph only, payments received by the Intermediary within the ______day
deadline shall not be considered overdue. Payments due from any Reinsurer to the
Company shall not be considered overdue if the Reinsurer requests, in writing, that
such payment be made by drawing on a letter of credit or other similar method of
funding that has been established for this Contract, provided that there is an
adequate balance in place, and further provided that such advice to draw is received
by the Intermediary within the ______day deadline set forth above. Payments from
the Company to the Reinsurer shall have as a due date the date specified in this
Contract and shall be overdue______days thereafter. Premium adjustments shall be
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
overdue ______days from the Contract due date or ______days after the expiration
or renewal date, whichever is greater. The Company shall provide the Reinsurer a
proof of loss and a copy of the claim adjuster's report(s) or any other evidence of
indemnification. If, subsequent to receipt of this evidence, the information contained
therein is insufficient or not in accordance with the contractual conditions of this
Contract, then the payment due date as specified above shall be deemed to be the
date upon which the Reinsurer received the additional information necessary to
approve payment of the claim and the claim is presented in an acceptable manner.
This paragraph is only for the purpose of establishing when a claim payment is
overdue, and shall not alter the provisions of the Loss Notices and Settlements Article
or other pertinent contractual stipulations. Overdue amounts shall bear simple
interest from the overdue date at a rate determined by the (Interest Rate Index, e.g.,
LIBOR monthly) for the first business day of the calendar month in which the amount
becomes overdue, as published in (publication), plus______%, to be calculated
(frequency). If the sum of the compensating additional amount computed in respect
of any overdue payment is less than ______% of the amount overdue or $______,
whichever is greater, and/or the overdue period is (time period) or less, then the
interest amount shall be waived. For the purpose of this Article, reinsuring
Underwriting Members of Lloyd's, London, shall be considered to be one entity.
70 G
The provisions of this Article shall not be implemented unless specifically invoked, in
writing, by one of the parties to this Contract.
In the event any premium, loss or other payment due either party is not received by
the Intermediary named in the Intermediary Article (hereinafter referred to as the
“Intermediary”) by the payment due date, the party to whom payment is due may, by
notifying the Intermediary in writing, require the debtor party to pay, and the debtor
party agrees to pay, an interest penalty on the amount past due calculated for each
such payment on the last business day of each month as follows:
1. The number of full days which have expired since the due date or the last
monthly calculation, whichever the lesser; times
2. 1/365ths of the ______(Interest Rate Index, e.g., LIBOR monthly) as quoted in
______ (publication) on the first business day of the month for which the calculation
is made; times
3. The amount past due, including accrued interest.
It is agreed that interest shall accumulate until payment of the original amount due
plus interest penalties have been received by the Intermediary.
The establishment of the due date shall, for purposes of this Article, be determined as
As respects the payment of routine deposits and premiums due the
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Reinsurer, the due date shall be as provided for in the applicable section of this
Contract. In the event a due date is not specifically stated for a given payment, it shall
be deemed due ______ days after the date of transmittal by the Intermediary of the
initial billing for each such payment.
Any claim or loss payment due the Company hereunder shall be deemed due
______ business days following transmittal to the applicable subscribing reinsurer of
written notification that payment has been received from subscribing reinsurers
constituting at least ______% of the interests and liabilities of all subscribing
reinsurers participating under this Contract, who are active as of the due date; it
being understood that said date shall not be later than ______ days from the date of
transmittal by the Intermediary of the
initial billing for each such
As respects any payment, adjustment or return due either party not
otherwise provided for in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of this paragraph, the due date shall
be as provided for in the applicable section of this Contract. In the event a due date is
not specifically stated for a given payment, it shall be deemed due ______ business
days following transmittal of written notification that the provisions of this Article
have been invoked.
For purposes of interest calculations only, amounts due hereunder shall be deemed
paid upon receipt by the Intermediary.
Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting or prohibiting a subscribing reinsurer
from contesting the validity of any claim, or from participating in the defense or
control of any claim or suit, or prohibiting either party from contesting the validity of
any payment or from initiating any arbitration or other proceeding in accordance with
the provisions of this Contract. If the debtor party prevails in an arbitration or other
proceeding, then any interest penalties due hereunder on the amount in dispute shall
be null and void. If the debtor party loses in such proceeding, then the interest
penalty on the amount determined to be due hereunder shall be calculated in
accordance with the provisions set forth above unless otherwise determined by such
proceedings. If a debtor party advances payment of any amount it is contesting, and
proves to be correct in its contestation, either in whole or in part, the other party
shall reimburse the debtor party for any such excess payment made plus interest on
the excess amount calculated in accordance with this Article.
Interest penalties arising out of the application of this Article that are $______ or less
from any party shall be waived unless there is a pattern of late payments consisting of
three or more itens over the course of any 12-month period.
As respects subparagraph 2 of the fourth paragraph of this Article, a subscribing
reinsurer shall be deemed not to be active when it ceases assuming new or renewal
reinsurance business through the Intermediary, is declared insolvent or put in
liquidation, conservatorship or rehabilitation by a competent regulatory authority or
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 70
Original em Inglês
court or has a reduction in its statutory surplus of ______% or more from its statutory
surplus as of the effective date of this Contract.
The provisions of this Article shall not be implemented unless specifically invoked, in
writing, by one of the parties to this Contract.
In the event any premium, loss or other payment due either party is not received by
the Intermediary named in the Intermediary Article (hereinafter referred to as the
“Intermediary”) by the payment due date, the party to whom payment is due may, by
notifying the Intermediary in writing, require the debtor party to pay, and the debtor
party agrees to pay, an interest penalty on the amount past due calculated for each
such payment on the last business day of each month as follows:
The number of full days which have expired since the due date or the last
monthly calculation, whichever the lesser; times
1/365ths of the ______(Interest Rate Index, e.g., LIBOR monthly) on the first
business day of the month for which the calculation is made; times
The amount past due, including accrued interest.
It is agreed that interest shall accumulate until payment of the original amount due
plus interest penalties have been received by the Intermediary.
The establishment of the due date shall, for purposes of this Article, be determined as
As respects the payment of routine deposits and premiums due the
Reinsurer, the due date shall be as provided for in the applicable section of this
Contract. In the event a due date is not specifically stated for a given payment, it shall
be deemed due ______ days after the date of transmittal by the Intermediary of the
initial billing for each such payment.
Any claim or loss payment due the Company hereunder shall be deemed due
______ business days after the proof of loss or demand for payment is transmitted to
the Reinsurer. If such loss or claim payment is not received within the ______ days,
interest will accrue on the payment or amount overdue in accordance with the
second paragraph of this Article, from the date the proof of loss or demand for
payment was transmitted to the Reinsurer.
As respects any payment, adjustment or return due either party not
otherwise provided for in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of this paragraph, the due date shall
be as provided for in the applicable section of this Contract. In the event a due date is
not specifically stated for a given payment, it shall be deemed due ______ days
following transmittal of written notification that the provisions of this Article have
been invoked.
For purposes of interest calculations only, amounts due hereunder shall be deemed
paid upon receipt by the Intermediary.
Nothing herein shall be construed as limiting or prohibiting a subscribing reinsurer
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Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 70
Original em Inglês
from contesting the validity of any claim, or from participating in the defense or
control of any claim or suit, or prohibiting either party from contesting the validity of
any payment or from initiating any arbitration or other proceeding in accordance with
the provisions of this Contract. If the debtor party prevails in an arbitration or other
proceeding, then any interest penalties due hereunder on the amount in dispute shall
be null and void. If the debtor party loses in such proceeding, then the interest
penalty on the amount determined to be due hereunder shall be calculated in
accordance with the provisions set forth above unless otherwise determined by such
proceedings. If a debtor party advances payment of any amount it is contesting, and
proves to be correct in its contestation, either in whole or in part, the other party
shall reimburse the debtor party for any such excess payment made plus interest on
the excess amount calculated in accordance with this Article.
Interest penalties arising out of the application of this Article that are $______ or less
from any party shall be waived unless there is a pattern of late payments consisting of
three or more itens over the course of any 12-month period.
The interest amounts provided for in this Article will apply to the Reinsurer or to the
Company in the following circumstances:
1. If a loss payment owed by the Reinsurer to the Company is not received within
______ calendar days following the date on which payment is due, and/or
2. If any premium payment owed by the Company to the Reinsurer is not received
within ______ calendar days following the date on which payment is due, and/or
3. If any premium adjustment agreed by either party to the other is not received
within ______ calendar days following the expiry or anniversary of this Contract,
4. If any return of premiums, commissions, profit sharing, or any amounts not
provided in subparagraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, are not received in accordance with the
date specified in this Contract or if no date is specified, within ______ calendar days
following the date the debtor party received the billing.
Failure by the Reinsurer or Company to comply with their respective payment
obligations within the time periods as herein provided will result in a compound
interest penalty payable at a rate equal to the ______(Interest Rate Index, e.g., LIBOR
monthly) as published in ______ (publication) on the first business day following the
date a remittance becomes due, plus ______% per annum, to be compounded and
adjusted quarterly. Any interest which occurs pursuant to this Article shall be
calculated by the party to which it is owed. The accumulation of the number of days
that any payment is past due will stop on the date that the Intermediary, where
applicable, receives payment.
The validity of any claim or payment may be contested under the provisions of this
Contract. If the debtor party prevails in an arbitration or any other proceeding, there
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Versão Livre para o Português
Os valores de juros de multa previstos nesta cláusula se aplicarão ao
Ressegurador ou à Companhia nas seguintes circunstâncias:
1. Se um pagamento por perdas, devido pelo Ressegurador à Companhia,
não for por esta recebido dentro de ___ dias corridos, a contar da data em
que o seu vencimento ocorreu, e/ou
2. Se qualquer pagamento de prêmio, devido pela Companhia ao
Ressegurador, não for por este recebido dentro de ___ dias corridos, a
contar da data em que o seu vencimento ocorreu, e/ou
3. Se qualquer ajuste de prêmio, devido por qualquer uma das partes,
não for recebido dentro de ___ dias corridos, a contar da expiração ou
aniversário deste Contrato, e/ou
4. Se quaisquer reembolsos de prêmios, comissões, participação de
lucros ou quaisquer valores não previstos nos subparágrafos 1, 2 e 3 acima
não forem recebidos nos vencimentos especificados neste Contrato ou, se
nenhuma data de vencimento tenha sido especificada, dentro de ___ dias
corridos, a contar da data em que a Parte devedora recebeu a fatura
Falha pelo Ressegurador ou pela Companhia em cumprir com suas
respectivas obrigações de pagamento nos prazos aqui estabelecidos,
acarretará a cobrança de uma penalidade de juros compostos, devidos a
uma taxa equivalente a ___ (Indexador de Taxas de Juros; por exemplo:
LIBOR mensal) conforme publicado em _______ (nome da publicação) no
primeiro dia útil após a data de vencimento, acrescido de __% por ano a
ser calculado e ajustado trimestralmente. Quaisquer juros que venham a
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
shall be no interest penalty due. If the creditor party prevails, any interest penalty due
as outlined above shall be calculated and payable as of the date of resolution of the
arbitration or proceeding.
If a Reinsurer advances payment of any claim it is contesting, and prevails in the
contest, the Company shall return such payment plus pay interest on same,
calculated as per the provisions of this Article.
Any interest which occurs pursuant to this Article may be waived by the party to
which it is owed. Further, any interest which is calculated pursuant to this Article that
is $______ or less shall be waived. Waiver of such interest, however, shall not affect
the waiving party’s right to similar interest for any other failure by the other party to
make payment when due under this Article.
Nothing in this Article shall diminish any legal remedies which either party may have
against the other.
This Agreement shall apply the laws of the country as specified in the attached
Contractual Details in relation to the 'custom & practices of reinsurance', as the
proper law of this Agreement. The jurisdiction of this Agreement shall be as specified
in the attached Contractual Details under “JURISDICTION”.
The validity construction and performance of this Agreement is to be governed by
English Law and Jurisdiction. {OR STATE COUNTRY}
LIABILITY EXCLUSION "B" 1/12/90 (in respect of risks attaching on or after 1st January
This Reinsurance excludes claims in respect of sums which any original assured
becomes liable to pay to any other party, unless arising from those policies
underwritten by the original Insurer on a "claims made" or "losses discovered" basis,
and then only where the original claim, or notification of the event giving rise to the
claim, is "made" or loss "discovered" during the period of this contract.
Notwithstanding the foregoing this clause shall not exclude claims arising from
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Versão Livre para o Português
ocorrer em decorrência desta cláusula serão calculados pela Parte credora.
A contagem dos dias de atraso de um pagamento cessará no dia em que o
Corretor de resseguros, se for o caso, receber dito pagamento.
A validade de qualquer reclamação ou pagamento poderá ser contestada,
na conformidade deste Contrato. Se a Parte devedora prevalecer numa
arbitragem ou qualquer outro processo decisório, não ocorrerão juros de
multa. Entretanto, se a Parte credora prevalecer, qualquer juro de multa,
conforme indicado anteriormente, será calculado e reembolsável a contar
da data da resolução da arbitragem ou de outro processo decisório.
Se um Ressegurador adiantar quaisquer pagamentos de uma reclamação
que estiver contestando, e vier a prevalecer no litígio, a Companhia deverá
restituir tal pagamento, acrescido de juros sobre o mesmo, calculados de
acordo com as disposições desta cláusula.
Quaisquer juros gerados segundo os critérios desta cláusula poderão ser
relevados pela Parte à qual for devido. Além disso, quaisquer juros
calculados segundo os critérios desta cláusula e cuja soma for de US$
___.00 ou menos, serão relevados automaticamente. O perdão desses
juros, entretanto, não modificará os direitos da Parte credora sobre juros
semelhantes, pelo não cumprimento de qualquer outro compromisso
vencido, segundo as disposições desta cláusula.
Nenhum aspecto desta cláusula reduzirá quaisquer processos jurídicos que
qualquer das partes possa vir a ter contra a outra.
A lei e a jurisdição brasileiras são as aplicáveis a este Contrato.
NT: Cláusula adaptada para à legislação brasileira.
A validade jurídica do Contrato nas fases de conclusão e execução será
regido pela Lei e Jurisdição brasileiras.
NT: Cláusula adaptada para à legislação brasileira.
EXCLUSÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE CIVIL “B” 1/12/90 ( em relação a riscos
entrando em ou após 1º de Janeiro de 1991)
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
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Versão Livre para o Português
The ownership, management, operation or chartering of marine or inland
waterway vessels, craft or units;
the construction, repair or demolition of marine or inland waterway vessels,
craft or units and all related components;
operations in respect of bridges, tunnels, sea walls, marine terminals, ports,
harbours, wharves, piers, jetties, docks, berths, pontoons, marinas, fish farms,
stevedores, divers, marine agents and boat dealers;
offshore exploration, drilling or production, including all related construction
construction, refurbishment, conversion or demolition, but in respect of
onshore risks only where policies contain a discovery or cut-off clause effective no
more than 36 months after expiry of the policy and any completed operations cover
afforded therein;
the ownership, management or operation of aircraft or airports;
construction of aircraft and all related components:
transit, and storage in the ordinary course of transit, of cargo by sea or air,
and by land conveyance other than pipeline;
onshore workers' compensation or employers' liability losses arising from the
following perils:
Fire, lightning, explosion, structural collapse, windstorm, hail, flood, seismic activity,
volcanic eruption, collision, riots, strikes, civil commotion, malicious damage;
any cover for physical loss, damage or consequential loss contingent thereon
effected by an original assured on behalf of another party.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, this contract excludes:
directors' and officers' liability;
liability under the Securities Exchange Act;
professional indemnity and errors and omissions, unless directly related to:
owning or handling ships, cargoes or goods in transit; classification societies
or marine
The Reinsurers' liability hereunder is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions
of this contract, and shall not exceed the limit of indemnity provided herein in respect
of each loss.
The Reinsurers hereby agree to indemnify the Reinsured for that part of its Ultimate
Net Loss which exceeds the amount of Underlying Loss as stated in the Risk Details on
account of each and every Loss Occurrence and the sum recoverable under this
Reinsurance shall be up to but not exceeding the Limit of Indemnity stated in the Risk
Details Ultimate Net Loss on account of each and every Loss Occurrence.
The Underlying Loss shall be retained net by the Reinsured and not reinsured in any
Os Resseguradores concordam em indenizar o Ressegurado pelo valor da
perda líquida definitiva que exceder a retenção do Ressegurado, conforme
especificado nos Detalhes do Contrato decorrente de toda e qualquer
ocorrência de sinistro. A importância recuperável sob este Resseguro
poderá alcançar, mas não exceder, o Limite do Contrato declarado nos
Detalhes do Contrato
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
way other than under the underlying excess of loss reinsurances, if any, on an each
and every Loss Occurrence basis, recoveries under which shall be disregarded in
computing the Underlying Loss and Ultimate Net Loss hereunder.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Reinsured has effected
reinsurance protection in respect of its net retention, on an Aggregate basis, any
recovery hereunder shall be for the sole benefit of the Reinsured and shall not affect
recovery hereunder.
A 25
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including post-judgment interest.
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, and office and other overhead expenses.
Note: Includes post-judgment interest only.
A 25
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including a) pre-judgment interest,
unless included as part of the award or judgment; and b) post-judgment interest.
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, and office and other overhead expenses.
Note: Includes pre-judgment interest and post-judgment interest.
A 25
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including a) pre-judgment interest,
unless included as part of the award or judgment; b) post-judgment interest; and c)
legal expenses and costs incurred in connection with coverage questions and legal
actions connected thereto.
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
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Versão Livre para o Português
A retenção será retida líquida pelo Ressegurado e não será ressegurada de
nenhuma outra forma que não seja através de proteção de excesso de
danos. Neste caso, e tendo sido contratada à base de ocorrência, suas
recuperações serão desconsideradas no cálculo do prejuízo retido e da
perda líquida definitiva deste Contrato.
Não obstante o anteriormente mencionado, caso o Ressegurado tenha
contratado proteção de resseguro para sua retenção líquida, em base
agregada, qualquer recuperação efetuada ocorrerá em benefício único do
Ressegurado e não afetará a recuperação sob o presente Contrato.
“Despesa com Regulação de Sinistro” significa todos os custos e despesas
atribuídos a uma reclamação específica, incorridas pela Companhia na
investigação, determinação, regulação, liquidação, litígio, defesa ou
recurso, incluindo custas judiciais em geral, de garantias judiciais e juros de
mora decorrentes do processo judicial.
A despesa de regulação acima mencionada não inclui despesas não
alocadas, que englobam, mas não se limitam, a salários e despesas com
empregados e outras despesas administrativas internas.
Nota: Inclui somente juros de mora decorrentes do processo judicial.
“Despesa com Regulação de Sinistro” significa todos os custos e despesas
atribuídos a uma reclamação específica, incorridas pela Companhia na
investigação, determinação, regulação, liquidação, litígio, defesa ou
recurso, incluindo custas judiciais em geral, de garantias judiciais e (a) juros
de mora contratuais, exceto se já considerados na decisão judicial e (b)
juros de mora decorrentes do processo judicial.
A despesa de regulação acima mencionada não inclui despesas não
alocadas, que englobam, mas não se limitam, a salários e despesas com
empregados e outras despesas administrativas internas.
Nota: Inclui somente juros de mora contratuais e decorrentes do processo
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 122 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, and office and other overhead expenses.
Note: Includes pre-judgment interest, post-judgment interest, and declaratory
judgment expense.
A 25
A 25
A 25
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including a) pre-judgment interest,
unless included as part of the award or judgment; b) post-judgment interest; c) legal
expenses and costs incurred in connection with coverage questions and legal actions
connected thereto; and d) a pro rata share of salaries and expenses of Company field
employees, and expenses of other Company employees who have been temporarily
diverted from their normal and customary duties and assigned to the field adjustment
of losses covered by this Contract.
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, other than (d) above, and office and other overhead
Note: pre-judgment interest, post-judgment interest, declaratory judgment expense,
and field employee expense.
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including a) pre-judgment interest,
unless included as part of the award or judgment; b) post-judgment interest; and c) a
pro rata share of salaries and expenses of Company field employees, and expenses of
other Company employees who have been temporarily diverted from their normal
and customary duties and assigned to the field adjustment of losses covered by this
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, other than (c) above, and office and other overhead
Note: Includes pre-judgment interest, post-judgment interest, and field employee
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 25
A 25
Original em Inglês
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including a) post-judgment interest; and
b) a pro rata share of salaries and expenses of Company field employees, and
expenses of other Company employees who have been temporarily diverted from
their normal and customary duties and assigned to the field adjustment of losses
covered by this Contract.
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, other than (b) above, and office and other overhead
Note: Includes post-judgment interest and field employee expense.
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including a pro rata share of salaries and
expenses of Company field employees, and expenses of other Company employees
who have been temporarily diverted from their normal and customary duties and
assigned to the field adjustment of losses covered by this Contract.
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, except as in the paragraph above, and office and other
overhead expenses.
Note: Includes field employee expense.
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including a) legal expenses and costs
incurred in connection with coverage questions and legal actions connected thereto;
and b) a pro rata share of salaries and expenses of Company field employees, and
expenses of other Company employees who have been temporarily diverted from
their normal and customary duties and assigned to the field adjustment of losses
covered by this Contract.
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, other than (b) above, and office and other overhead
Note: Includes declaratory judgment expense and field employee expense.
Página 123 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 25
A 15
Original em Inglês
"Loss Adjustment Expense" means all costs and expenses allocable to a specific claim
that are incurred by the Company in the investigation, appraisal, adjustment,
settlement, litigation, defense or appeal of a specific claim, including court costs and
costs of supersedeas and appeal bonds, and including a) post-judgment interest; b)
legal expenses and costs incurred in connection with coverage questions and legal
actions connected thereto; and c) a pro rata share of salaries and expenses of
Company field employees, and expenses of other Company employees who have
been temporarily diverted from their normal and customary duties and assigned to
the field adjustment of losses covered by this Contract.
Loss adjustment expense does not include unallocated loss adjustment expense.
Unallocated loss adjustment expense includes, but is not limited to, salaries and
expenses of employees, other than (c) above, and office and other overhead
Note: Includes post-judgment interest, declaratory judgment expense, and field
employee expense.
This Contract shall protect the Company, within the limits hereof, in connection with
ultimate net loss in excess of the limit of its original policy, such loss in excess of the
limit having been incurred because of failure by it to settle within the policy limit or
by reason of alleged or actual negligence, fraud, or bad faith in rejecting an offer of
settlement or in the preparation of the defense or in the trial of any action against its
insured or reinsured or in the preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent
upon such action.
However, this Article shall not apply where the loss has been incurred due to fraud by
a member of the Board of Directors or a corporate officer of the Company acting
individually or collectively or in collusion with any individual or corporation or any
other organization or party involved in the presentation, defense or settlement of any
claim covered hereunder.
For the purpose of this Article, the word "loss" shall mean any amounts for which the
Company would have been contractually liable to pay had it not been for the limit of
the original policy.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts where % of coverage provided for XPL is
specified in the Ultimate Net Loss Article.
Página 124 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Este Contrato protegerá a Companhia, dentro dos limites aqui
estabelecidos, em relação à perda líquida definitiva em excesso ao limite
da apólice de seguro, desde que tal perda seja decorrente de falha da
Companhia em liquidar o sinistro dentro do limite da apólice ou por razão
de negligência, alegada ou real, fraude ou má-fé em recusar um acordo de
indenização, na preparação da defesa, no julgamento de qualquer ação
contra seu segurado ou na preparação e promoção de um recurso em
conseqüência de tal ação.
No entanto, esta Cláusula não se aplicará caso a perda tenha sido incorrida
devido a fraude cometida por um membro do Conselho de Administração
ou executivo da Companhia, atuando individual, coletivamente ou em
conluio com qualquer indivíduo, corporação, qualquer outra organização
ou parte envolvida na apresentação, defesa ou liquidação de qualquer
sinistro coberto por este Contrato.
Para os fins desta Cláusula, a palavra “perda” significa qualquer quantia
pela qual a Companhia estaria contratualmente responsável por pagar, não
fosse pelo limite da apólice de seguro.
Nota: Para uso em contratos de excesso de danos onde o % da cobertura
para excesso ao limite da apólice de seguro é especificado na cláusula de
Perda Líquida Definitiva.
NT: Foi retirado da cláusula a possibilidade de cobertura também para
qualquer resseguro aceito pela Companhia.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 15
This Contract shall protect the Company, within the limits hereof, in connection with
loss in excess of the limit of its original policy, such loss in excess of the limit having
been incurred because of failure by it to settle within the policy limit or by reason of
alleged or actual negligence, fraud, or bad faith in rejecting an offer of settlement or
in the preparation of the defense or in the trial of any action against its insured or
reinsured or in the preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such
However, this Article shall not apply where the loss has been incurred due to fraud by
a member of the Board of Directors or a corporate officer of the Company acting
individually or collectively or in collusion with any individual or corporation or any
other organization or party involved in the presentation, defense or settlement of any
claim covered hereunder.
For the purpose of this Article, the word "loss" shall mean any amounts for which the
Company would have been contractually liable to pay had it not been for the limit of
the original policy.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts where % of coverage and limit provided for XPL is
specified in a separate Article.
A 15
A. This Contract shall protect the Company for any loss in excess of the limit of the
Company’s original policy, such loss in excess of the limit having been incurred
because of failure by the Company to settle within the policy limit or by reason of
alleged or actual negligence, fraud or bad faith in rejecting an offer of settlement or in
the preparation of the defense or in the trial of any action against its insured or
reinsured or in the preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such
B. ______% of the loss coming within the scope of this Article in respect of Loss in
Excess of Policy Limits shall be included in the calculation of the Ultimate Net Loss
under this Contract.
C. For purposes of the first paragraph, the word “loss” shall mean any amounts for
which the Company would have been contractually liable to pay had it not been for
the limit of the original policy.
D. Recoveries, collectibles or retention from any other form of insurance or
reinsurance including deductibles or self-insured retention which protect the
Company against claims the subject matter of this Article shall inure to the Reinsurer
and shall be deducted from the total amount of Loss In Excess of Policy Limits for
purposes of determining the loss hereunder.
Página 125 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Este Contrato protegerá a Companhia, dentro dos limites aqui
estabelecidos, em relação à perda em excesso ao limite da apólice de
seguro, desde que tal perda seja decorrente de falha da Companhia em
liquidar o sinistro dentro do limite da apólice ou por razão de negligência,
alegada ou real, fraude ou má-fé em recusar um acordo de indenização, na
preparação da defesa, no julgamento de qualquer ação contra seu
segurado ou na preparação e promoção de um recurso em conseqüência
de tal ação.
No entanto, esta Cláusula não se aplicará caso a perda tenha sido incorrida
devido a fraude cometida por um membro do Conselho de Administração
ou executivo da Companhia, atuando individual, coletivamente ou em
conluio com qualquer indivíduo, corporação, qualquer outra organização
ou parte envolvida na apresentação, defesa ou liquidação de qualquer
sinistro coberto por este Contrato.
Para os fins desta Cláusula, a palavra “perda” significa qualquer quantia
pela qual a Companhia estaria contratualmente responsável por pagar, não
fosse pelo limite da apólice de seguro.
Nota: Para uso em contratos proporcionais onde a proporção de cobertura
e o limite contratual é especificado em cláusula separada.
NT: Foi retirado da cláusula a possibilidade de cobertura também para
qualquer resseguro aceito pela Companhia.
Este Contrato protegerá a Companhia por qualquer perda em
excesso ao limite da apólice de seguro, tendo esta perda ocorrido por falha
da Companhia em liquidar o sinistro dentro do citado limite ou por motivo
de negligência alegada ou real, de fraude ou de má fé em rejeitar uma
oferta de acordo para liquidação ou na preparação da defesa ou no
julgamento de qualquer ação contra o seu segurado ou ressegurado ou na
preparação ou interposição de um recurso na seqüência de tal ação.
______% do montante decorrente da presente Cláusula
relativamente à perda em excesso aos limites da apólice será incluído no
cálculo da Perda Liquida Definitiva de acordo com este Contrato.
Para efeitos do primeiro parágrafo, a palavra "perda" significará
quaisquer valores que a Companhia teria sido contratualmente
responsável por pagar, não fosse o limite da apólice de seguro.
Recuperações, cobranças ou retenção de qualquer outro seguro
ou resseguro, incluindo franquias dedutíveis ou auto-seguro que protejam
a Companhia contra sinistros cobertos por esta Cláusula, beneficiarão o
Ressegurador e serão deduzidas do montante total da perda em excesso
aos limites da apólice para determinação da perda aqui prevista.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
E. However, this Article shall not apply where the loss has been incurred due to the
fraud of a member of the board of directors, or a corporate officer of the Company,
acting individually or collectively or in collusion with a member of the board of
directors, a corporate officer or a partner of any other corporation or partnership.
Note: For use in Contracts where the % of coverage for XPL is specified in this Article
and not in UNL. Various recoveries which protect the Company against the subject
matter of this Article shall be deducted from the Company’s UNL for purposes of
determining net loss.
A 15
A. This Contract shall protect the Company for any loss in excess of the limit of the
Company’s original policy, such loss in excess of the limit having been incurred
because of failure by the Company to settle within the policy limit or by reason of
alleged or actual negligence, fraud or bad faith in rejecting an offer of settlement or in
the preparation of the defense or in the trial of any action against its insured or
reinsured or in the preparation or prosecution of an appeal consequent upon such
B. ______% of the loss coming within the scope of this Article in respect of Loss in
Excess of Policy Limits shall be included in the calculation of the Ultimate Net Loss
under this Contract.
C. For purposes of the first paragraph, the word “loss” shall mean any amounts for
which the Company would have been contractually liable to pay had it not been for
the limit of the original policy.
D. Recoveries from any form of insurance or reinsurance which protects the
Company against claims the subject matter of this Article shall inure to the benefit of
the Reinsurer.
E. However, this Article shall not apply where the loss has been incurred due to the
fraud of a member of the board of directors, or a corporate officer of the Company,
acting individually or collectively or in collusion with a member of the board of
directors, a corporate officer or a partner of any other corporation or partnership.
Note: For use in Contracts where the % of coverage for XPL is specified in this Article
and not in UNL. Insurance or reinsurance recoveries which protect the Company
against the subject matter of this Article shall be deducted from the Company’s UNL
for purposes of determining net loss.
Página 126 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
No entanto, esta Cláusula não se aplicará caso a perda tenha sido
decorrente de fraude cometida por um membro do Conselho de
Administração ou um executivo da Companhia, atuando individual ou
coletivamente ou em conluio com um membro do Conselho de
Administração, um executivo ou um sócio de qualquer corporação ou
Nota: Para uso em contratos onde o % de cobertura para perda em excesso
aos limites da apólice seja especificado na presente Cláusula e não na
clausula de Perda Liquida Definitiva (PLD). Diversas recuperações que
protejam a Companhia contra o previsto na presente Cláusula serão
deduzidas da PLD da Companhia para fins de determinação de sua perda
Este Contrato protegerá a Companhia por qualquer perda em
excesso ao limite da apólice de seguro, tendo esta perda ocorrido por falha
da Companhia em liquidar o sinistro dentro do citado limite ou por motivo
de negligência alegada ou real, de fraude ou de má fé em rejeitar uma
oferta de acordo para liquidação ou na preparação da defesa ou no
julgamento de qualquer ação contra o seu segurado ou ressegurado ou na
preparação ou interposição de um recurso na seqüência de tal ação.
______% do montante decorrente da presente Cláusula
relativamente à perda em excesso aos limites da apólice será incluído no
cálculo da Perda Liquida Definitiva de acordo com este Contrato.
Para efeitos do primeiro parágrafo, a palavra "perda" significará
quaisquer valores que a Companhia teria sido contratualmente
responsável por pagar, não fosse o limite da apólice de seguro.
Recuperações de qualquer outro seguro ou resseguro que
protejam a Companhia contra sinistros cobertos por esta Cláusula,
beneficiarão o Ressegurador.
No entanto, esta Cláusula não se aplicará caso a perda tenha sido
decorrente de fraude cometida por um membro do Conselho de
Administração ou um executivo da Companhia, atuando individual ou
coletivamente ou em conluio com um membro do Conselho de
Administração, um executivo ou um sócio de qualquer corporação ou
Nota: Para uso em contratos onde o % de cobertura para perda em excesso
aos limites da apólice seja especificado na presente Cláusula e não na
clausula de Perda Liquida Definitiva (PLD). As recuperações de seguro ou
resseguro que protejam a Companhia contra o previsto na presente
Cláusula serão deduzidas da PLD da Companhia para fins de determinação
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Página 127 de 274
Original em Inglês
Versão Livre para o Português
de sua perda líquida.
A 26
As a condition precedent to recovery hereunder, the Company shall advise the
Reinsurer promptly of all losses which, in the opinion of the Company, may result in a
claim hereunder and of all subsequent developments thereto which, in the opinion of
the Company, may materially affect the position of the Reinsurer.
A 26
The Company shall advise the Reinsurer promptly of all losses which, in the opinion of
the Company, may result in a claim hereunder and of all subsequent developments
thereto which, in the opinion of the Company, may materially affect the position of the
The Company shall advise the Reinsurer promptly of all losses which, in the opinion of
the Company, may result in a claim hereunder and of all subsequent developments
thereto which, in the opinion of the Company, may materially affect the position of the
Inadvertent omission or oversight in dispatching such advices shall in no way affect the
liability of the Reinsurer. However, the Company shall notify the Reinsurer of such
omission or oversight promptly upon its discovery.
A 26
A 27
Como condição anterior a qualquer recuperação sob este Contrato, a
Companhia avisará imediatamente ao Ressegurador todos os sinistros que,
na opinião da mesma, possam resultar em uma reclamação a este Contrato
e de todo desenvolvimento subseqüente que possa afetar materialmente a
posição do Ressegurador.
A Companhia avisará prontamente ao Ressegurador todos os sinistros que,
na opinião da mesma, possam resultar em uma reclamação a este Contrato
e de todo desenvolvimento subseqüente que possa afetar materialmente a
posição do Ressegurador.
A Companhia avisará prontamente ao Ressegurador todos os sinistros que,
na opinião da mesma, possam resultar em uma reclamação a este Contrato
e de todo desenvolvimento subseqüente que possa afetar materialmente a
posição do Ressegurador.
A omissão inadvertida ou atraso no envio de tal aviso não afetará de
nenhuma maneira a responsabilidade do Ressegurador. Todavia, a
Companhia notificará ao Ressegurador dessa omissão ou atraso
imediatamente após sua descoberta.
O termo “ocorrência de sinistro” significará a soma de todos os sinistro
The term "Loss Occurrence" shall mean the sum of all individual losses directly
individuais diretamente ocasionados por qualquer desastre, acidente ou
occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss or series of disasters, accidents or
losses arising out of one event which occurs within the area of one state of the United perda ou série de desastres, acidentes ou perdas decorrentes de um
evento que ocorra dentro de um mesmo estado ou estados contíguos um
States or province of Canada and states or provinces contiguous thereto and to one
dos outros. Todavia, a duração e extensão de qualquer “ocorrência de
another. However, the duration and extent of any one "Loss Occurrence" shall be
sinistro” será limitada a todos os sinistros individuais garantidos pela
limited to all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
Companhia, ocorridos durante qualquer período de 168 horas consecutivas
of 168 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by the same event
decorrentes de e/ou diretamente causados pelo mesmo evento exceto nos
except that the term "Loss Occurrence" shall be further defined as follows:
casos em que o termo “ocorrência de sinistro” seja definido como:
(i) As regards windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, including ensuing
(i) Com relação a tempestade, granizo, tornado, furacão, ciclone, incluindo
collapse and water damage, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
decorrente desmoronamento e danos causados por água, todos os
during any period of 72 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by
sinistros individuais garantidos pela Companhia ocorridos durante
the same event. However, the event need not be limited to one state or province or
qualquer período de 72 horas consecutivas decorrentes de e/ou
states or provinces contiguous thereto.
diretamente ocasionados pelo mesmo evento. Todavia, o evento não
(ii) As regards riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, vandalism and malicious
precisará estar limitado a um estado ou estados contíguos.
mischief, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
(ii) Com relação a tumulto, tumulto decorrente de greve, comoção civil,
of 72 consecutive hours within the area of one municipality or county and the
municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising out of and directly occasioned by vandalismo e ato doloso, todos os sinistros individuais garantidos pela
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
the same event. The maximum duration of 72 consecutive hours may be extended in
respect of individual losses which occur beyond such 72 consecutive hours during the
continued occupation of an assured's premises by strikers, provided such occupation
commenced during the aforesaid period.
(iii) As regards earthquake (the epicenter of which need not necessarily be within the
territorial confines referred to in the opening paragraph of this Article) and fire
following directly occasioned by the earthquake, only those individual fire losses
which commence during the period of 168 consecutive hours may be included in the
Company's "Loss Occurrence."
(iv) As regards "Freeze," only individual losses directly occasioned by collapse,
breakage of glass and water damage (caused by bursting of frozen pipes and tanks)
may be included in the Company's "Loss Occurrence.
"Except for those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in (i) and (ii) above, the Company
may choose the date and time when any such period of consecutive hours
commences provided that it is not earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of
the first recorded individual loss sustained by the Company arising out of that
disaster, accident or loss and provided that only one such period of 168 consecutive
hours shall apply with respect to one event.
However, as respects those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in (i) and (ii) above, if the
disaster, accident or loss occasioned by the event is of greater duration than 72
consecutive hours, then the Company may divide that disaster, accident or loss into
two or more "Loss Occurrences" provided no two periods overlap and no individual
loss is included in more than one such period and provided that no period
commences earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded
individual loss sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss.
No individual losses occasioned by an event that would be covered by 72 hours
clauses may be included in any "Loss Occurrence" claimed under the 168 hours
Página 128 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Companhia ocorridos durante qualquer período de 72 horas consecutivas
dentro da área de um município ou municípios contíguos decorrentes de
e/ou diretamente ocasionados pelo mesmo evento. A duração máxima de
72 horas consecutivas poderá ser estendida com relação a sinistros
individuais que ocorram além desse período durante a ocupação
continuada de um local do segurado por grevistas, desde que tal ocupação
tenha início durante o período mencionado.
(iii) Com relação a terremoto (cujo o epicentro não precisa
necessariamente estar contido no limite territorial referido no parágrafo
de abertura desse Artigo) e incêndio subseqüente diretamente ocasionado
pelo terremoto, somente aqueles sinistros de incêndio individuais que
tenham início durante o período de 168 horas consecutivas podem ser
incluídos na “Ocorrência de Sinistro” da Companhia.
(iv) Com relação a “geada”, somente sinistros individuais diretamente
ocasionados por colapso, quebra de vidro e danos causados pela água
(causados por explosão de canos congelados e tanques) podem ser
incluídos na “Ocorrência de Sinistro” da Companhia.
“Exceto para aquelas “Ocorrências de Sinistro” referidas nos itens (i) e (ii)
acima, a Companhia poderá escolher a data e o período quando qualquer
período de horas consecutivas tenham início desde que estas não sejam
anteriores àquela data e período da ocorrência do primeiro registro de
sinistro individual suportado pela Companhia decorrente daquele desastre,
acidente ou perda e desde que somente um dos períodos de 168 horas
consecutivas será aplicado com relação a um evento.
Todavia, com relação aquelas “Ocorrências de Sinistro” referidas nos itens
(i) e (ii) acima, se o desastre, acidente ou perda ocasionado pelo evento for
de maior duração que 72 horas consecutivas, então a Companhia poderá
dividir aquele desastre, acidente ou perda em duas ou mais “Ocorrências
de Sinistro” desde que nenhum dos dois períodos seja ultrapassado e
nenhum sinistro individual seja incluído em mais de um desses períodos e
desde que nenhum período tenha início antes da data e período da
ocorrência do primeiro registro de sinistro individual suportado pela
Companhia decorrente daquele desastre, acidente ou perda.
Nenhum dos sinistros individuais ocasionados por um evento que estaria
coberto por cláusulas de 72 horas pode ser incluído em qualquer
“Ocorrência de Sinistro” reclamada sob a provisão das 168 horas.
NT: Na tradução da definição do termo “ocorrência de sinistro” a
conjunção “and” foi traduzida por “e/ou” por ser mais utilizada. Caso seja
utilizado o original em inglês, o texto deverá sofrer alteração para
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 27
Original em Inglês
The term "Loss Occurrence" shall mean the sum of all individual losses directly
occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss or series of disasters, accidents or
losses arising out of one event which occurs within the area of one state of the United
States or province of Canada and states or provinces contiguous thereto and to one
another. However, the duration and extent of any one "Loss Occurrence" shall be
limited to all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
of 168 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by the same event
except that the term "Loss Occurrence" shall be further defined as follows:
(i) As regards windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, including ensuing
collapse and water damage, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
during any period of 72 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. However, the event need not be limited to one state or province or
states or provinces contiguous thereto.
(ii) As regards riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, vandalism and malicious
mischief, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
of 72 consecutive hours within the area of one municipality or county and the
municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. The maximum duration of 72 consecutive hours may be extended in
respect of individual losses which occur beyond such 72 consecutive hours during the
continued occupation of an assured's premises by strikers, provided such occupation
commenced during the aforesaid period.
(iii) As regards earthquake (the epicenter of which need not necessarily be within
the territorial confines referred to in the opening paragraph of this Article) and fire
following directly occasioned by the earthquake, only those individual fire losses
which commence during the period of 168 consecutive hours may be included in the
Company's "Loss Occurrence."
(iv) As regards "Freeze," only those individual losses directly occasioned by collapse,
breakage of glass, water and/or liquid damage due to burst pipes, tanks or pressure
vessels, damage to machinery or equipment, stock and/or work in progress due to
freeze; and/or individual losses arising directly out of lack of supply of power, current,
coolant and/or fuel due to frozen pipes and/or frozen feedlines may be included in
the Company's "Loss Occurrence."
Except for those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in (i) and (ii),
the Company may choose the date and time when any such period of consecutive
hours commences provided that it is not earlier than the date and time of the
occurrence of the first recorded individual loss sustained by the Company arising out
of that disaster, accident or loss and provided that only one such period of 168
consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one event.
However, as respects those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in (i) and (ii), if the
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disaster, accident or loss occasioned by the event is of greater duration than 72
consecutive hours, then the Company may divide that disaster, accident or loss into
two or more "Loss Occurrences" provided no two periods overlap and no individual
loss is included in more than one such period and provided that no period
commences earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded
individual loss sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss.
No individual losses occasioned by an event that would be covered by 72 hours
clauses may be included in any "Loss Occurrence" claimed under the 168 hours
Note: For Contracts covering Boiler and Machinery.
A 27
The term "Loss Occurrence" shall mean the sum of all individual losses directly
occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss or series of disasters, accidents or
losses arising out of one event which occurs within the area of one state of the United
States or province of Canada and states or provinces contiguous thereto and to one
another. However, the duration and extent of any one "Loss Occurrence" shall be
limited to all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
of 168 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by the same event,
except that the term "Loss Occurrence" shall be further defined as follows:
(i) As regards windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, including ensuing
collapse and water damage, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
during any period of 72 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. However, the event need not be limited to one state or province or
states or provinces contiguous thereto.
(ii) As regards riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, vandalism and malicious
mischief, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
of 72 consecutive hours within the area of one municipality or county and the
municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. The maximum duration of 72 consecutive hours may be extended in
respect of individual losses which occur beyond such 72 consecutive hours during the
continued occupation of an assured's premises by strikers, provided such occupation
commenced during the aforesaid period.
(iii) As regards earthquake (the epicentre of which need not necessarily be within
the territorial confines referred to in the opening paragraph of this Article) and fire
following directly occasioned by the earthquake, only those individual fire losses
which commence during the period of 168 consecutive hours may be included in the
Company's "Loss Occurrence."
(iv) As regards "freeze," only individual losses directly occasioned by collapse,
breakage of glass and water damage (caused by bursting frozen pipes and tanks and
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
melting snow) may be included in the Company's "Loss Occurrence."
Except for those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in (i) and (ii) above, the Company may
choose the date and time when any such period of consecutive hours commences,
provided that it is not earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the first
recorded individual loss sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster,
accident or loss, and provided that only one such period of 168 consecutive hours
shall apply with respect to one event.
However, as respects those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in (i) and (ii) above, if the
disaster, accident or loss occasioned by the event is of greater duration than 72
consecutive hours, then the Company may divide that disaster, accident or loss into
two or more "Loss Occurrences," provided that no two periods overlap and no
individual loss is included in more than one such period, and provided that no period
commences earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded
individual loss sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss.
[It is understood that losses arising from a combination of two or more perils as a
result of the same event shall be considered as having arisen from one "Loss
Occurrence."] Notwithstanding the foregoing, the hourly limitations as stated in
above shall not be exceeded as respects the applicable perils and no single "Loss
Occurrence" shall encompass a time period greater than 168 consecutive hours.
A 27
The term "Loss Occurrence" shall mean the sum of all individual losses directly
occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss or series of disasters, accidents or
losses arising out of one event which occurs within the area of one state of the United
States or province of Canada and states or provinces contiguous thereto and to one
another. However, the duration and extent of any one "Loss Occurrence" shall be
limited to all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
of 168 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by the same event
except that the term "Loss Occurrence" shall be further defined as follows:
As regards windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, including ensuing
collapse and water damage, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
during any period of 72 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. However, the event need not be limited to one state or province or
states or provinces contiguous thereto.
(ii) As regards riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, vandalism and
malicious mischief, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during
any period of 72 consecutive hours within the area of one municipality or county and
the municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising out of and directly
occasioned by the same event. The maximum duration of 72 consecutive hours may
be extended in respect of individual losses which occur beyond such 72 consecutive
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Original em Inglês
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hours during the continued occupation of an assured's premises by strikers, provided
such occupation commenced during the aforesaid period.
(iii) As regards earthquake (the epicenter of which need not necessarily be within
the territorial confines referred to in the opening paragraph of this Article) and fire
following directly occasioned by the earthquake, only those individual fire losses
which commence during the period of 168 consecutive hours may be included in the
Company's "Loss Occurrence."
(iv) As regards "Freeze," only individual losses directly occasioned by collapse,
breakage of glass and water damage (caused by bursting of frozen pipes and tanks)
may be included in the Company's "Loss Occurrence."
For all "Loss Occurrences" the Company may choose the date and time when any
such period of consecutive hours commences provided that it is not earlier than the
date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded individual loss sustained by the
Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss and provided that only one such
period of 168 consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one event, except for
those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) above where only
one such period of 72 consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one event,
regardless of the duration of the event.
No individual losses occasioned by an event that would be covered by 72 hours
clauses may be included in any "Loss Occurrence" claimed under the 168 hours
Note: NMA 2244 (BRMA 27A) amended (ANT draft 1992 year-end). No reinstatement
for the same event.
A 27
The term "Loss Occurrence" shall mean the sum of all individual losses directly
occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss or series of disasters, accidents or
losses arising out of one event which occurs within the area of one state of the United
States or province of Canada and states or provinces contiguous thereto and to one
another. However, the duration and extent of any one "Loss Occurrence" shall be
limited to all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
of 168 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by the same event
except that the term "Loss Occurrence" shall be further defined as follows:
(i) As regards windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, including ensuing
collapse and water damage, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
during any period of 72 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. However, the event need not be limited to one state or province or
states or provinces contiguous thereto.
(ii) As regards riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, vandalism and malicious
mischief, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
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Versão Livre para o Português
of 72 consecutive hours within the area of one municipality or county and the
municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. The maximum duration of 72 consecutive hours may be extended in
respect of individual losses which occur beyond such 72 consecutive hours during the
continued occupation of an assured's premises by strikers, provided such occupation
commenced during the aforesaid period.
(iii) As regards earthquake (the epicenter of which need not necessarily be within
the territorial confines referred to in the opening paragraph of this Article) and fire
following directly occasioned by the earthquake, only those individual fire losses
which commence during the period of 168 consecutive hours may be included in the
Company's "Loss Occurrence."
(iv) As regards "Freeze," only individual losses directly occasioned by collapse,
breakage of glass and water damage (caused by bursting of frozen pipes and tanks)
may be included in the Company's "Loss Occurrence."
For all "Loss Occurrences," other than (ii) above, the Company may choose the date
and time when any such period of consecutive hours commences provided that it is
not earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded individual
loss sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss and
provided that only one such period of 168 consecutive hours shall apply with respect
to one event, except for any "Loss Occurrence" referred to in sub-paragraph (i) above
where only one such period of 72 consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one
event, regardless of the duration of the event.
As respects those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in (ii) above, if the disaster, accident
or loss occasioned by the event is of greater duration than 72 consecutive hours, then
the Company may divide that disaster, accident or loss into two or more "Loss
Occurrences" provided no two periods overlap and no individual loss is included in
more than one such period and provided that no period commences earlier than the
date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded individual loss sustained by the
Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss.
No individual losses occasioned by an event that would be covered by 72 hours
clauses may be included in any "Loss Occurrence" claimed under the 168 hours
Note: NMA 2244 (BRMA 27A) amended (ANT draft 1992 year-end).No reinstatement
for the same event except for riots.
A 27
The term "Loss Occurrence" shall mean the sum of all individual losses directly
occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss or series of disasters, accidents or
losses arising out of one event which occurs within the area of one state of the United
States or province of Canada and states or provinces contiguous thereto and to one
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
another. However, the duration and extent of any one "Loss Occurrence" shall be
limited to all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
of 168 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by the same event
except that the term "Loss Occurrence" shall be further defined as follows:
As regards windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, including ensuing
collapse and water damage, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
during any period of 72 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. However, the event need not be limited to one state or province or
states or provinces contiguous thereto.
(ii) As regards riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, vandalism and
malicious mischief, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during
any period of 72 consecutive hours within the area of one municipality or county and
the municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising out of and directly
occasioned by the same event. The maximum duration of 72 consecutive hours may
be extended in respect of individual losses which occur beyond such 72 consecutive
hours during the continued occupation of an assured's premises by strikers, provided
such occupation commenced during the aforesaid period.
(iii) As regards earthquake (the epicenter of which need not necessarily be within
the territorial confines referred to in the opening paragraph of this Article) and fire
following directly occasioned by the earthquake, only those individual fire losses
which commence during the period of 168 consecutive hours may be included in the
Company's "Loss Occurrence."
(iv) As regards "Freeze," only individual losses directly occasioned by collapse,
breakage of glass and water damage (caused by bursting of frozen pipes and tanks)
may be included in the Company's "Loss Occurrence."
For all "Loss Occurrences," other than (ii) above, the Company may choose the date
and time when any such period of consecutive hours commences, provided that it is
not earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded individual
loss sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss and
provided that only one such period of 168 consecutive hours shall apply with respect
to one event, except for any "Loss Occurrence" referred to in sub-paragraph (i) above
where only one such period of 72 consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one
As respects those "Loss Occurrences" referred to in (ii) above, the Company may
choose the date and time when any such period of consecutive hours commences. If
the disaster, accident or loss occasioned by the event is of greater duration than 72
consecutive hours, then the Company may divide that disaster, accident or loss into
two or more "Loss Occurrences" provided no periods overlap and no individual loss is
included in more than one such period and provided that no period commences
earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded individual loss
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Original em Inglês
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sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss.
No individual losses occasioned by an event that would be covered by 72 hours
clauses may be included in any "Loss Occurrence" claimed under the 168 hours
Note: NMA 2244 Amended. (BRMA 27a). No reinstatement for the same event except
riots. Company may elect time and place for commencement of riot.
A 27
The term “Loss Occurrence” as used in this Contract shall mean each accident,
casualty, disaster or loss, or series of accidents, casualties, disasters or losses, arising
out of or caused by one event.
For purposes of determining the Ultimate Net Loss subject to this Contract as respects
loss or liability associated with the date change to the year 2000, or any other date
change, including leap year calculations, the date related losses of the Company shall
not be aggregated and considered as one event, accident or Loss Occurrence.
However, this provision shall not apply to any Loss Occurrence that otherwise would
be covered by this Contract.
A 27
The term “Loss Occurrence” as used in this Contract shall mean the sum of all
individual losses directly occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss or series of
disasters, accidents or losses arising out of one event which occurs within the area of
one state of the United States or province of Canada and states or provinces
contiguous thereto and to one another. However, the duration and extent of any one
“Loss Occurrence” shall be limited to all individual losses sustained by the Company
occurring during any one period of 168 consecutive hours arising out of and caused
by the same event except that the term “Loss Occurrence” shall be further defined as
(i) As respects the perils of tornado, cyclone, hurricane, windstorm, and hail,
including ensuing collapse and water damage, all individual losses sustained by the
Company occurring during any period of 72 consecutive hours and arising out of or
caused by the same event. However, the event need not be limited to one state or
province or states or provinces contiguous thereto.
(ii) As respects the perils of riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, vandalism
and malicious mischief, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
during any period of 72 consecutive hours within the area of one municipality or
county and the municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising out of and
directly caused by the same event. The maximum duration of 72 consecutive hours
may be extended in respect of individual losses which occur beyond such 72
consecutive hours during the continued occupation of any assured's premises by
O termo "Ocorrência de Sinistro" utilizado neste Contrato, significará cada
acidente, desastre ou perda, ou série de acidentes, desastres ou perdas
resultantes de ou causados por um evento.
Para determinação da Perda Liquida Definitiva prevista neste Contrato, em
relação à perda ou responsabilidade associada com a mudança de data no
ano 2000 ou em qualquer outra alteração de data, incluindo cálculos de
anos bissextos, as perdas relacionadas a datas não serão agregadas e
consideradas como um evento, acidente ou ocorrência de sinistro. No
entanto, esta disposição não se aplicará a qualquer ocorrência de sinistro
que, não fosse isto, estaria coberta por este Contrato.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 27
Original em Inglês
strikers, provided such occupation commenced during the aforesaid period.
(iii) As respects the peril of earthquake, (the epicenter of which need not necessarily
be within the territorial confines referred to in the opening paragraph of this Article),
and fire following caused by the earthquake, only those individual fire losses which
commence during the period of 168 consecutive hours may be included in the
Company’s “Loss Occurrence.”
(iv) As regards the peril of “freeze,” only individual losses directly occasioned by
collapse, breakage of glass and water damage (caused by bursting of frozen pipes and
tanks) may be included in the Company’s “Loss Occurrence.”
As respects all Loss Occurrences, the Company may choose the date and time when
any such period of consecutive hours commences, provided that it is not earlier than
the date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded individual loss sustained by
the Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss, and provided that only one
such period of 168 consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one event, except for
those Loss Occurrences referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) above where only one
such period of 72 consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one event.
No claim arising out of the perils as covered under the 72 hours clauses, i.e. those
referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) above, may be included in any claims made
under the 168 hours clause.
For purposes of determining the Ultimate Net Loss subject to this Contract as respects
loss or liability associated with the date change to the year 2000, or any other date
change, including leap year calculations, the date related losses of the Company shall
not be aggregated and considered as one event, accident or Loss Occurrence.
However, this provision shall not apply to any Loss Occurrence that otherwise would
be covered by this Contract.
A. The term “loss occurrence” shall mean the sum of all individual losses directly
occasioned by any one disaster, accident or loss or series of disasters, accidents or
losses arising out of one event which occurs within the area of one state of the United
States or province of Canada and states or provinces contiguous thereto and to one
another. However, the duration and extent of any one “loss occurrence” shall be
limited to all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during any period
of 168 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by the same event,
except that the term “loss occurrence” shall be further defined as follows:
As regards windstorm, hail, tornado, hurricane, cyclone, including ensuing
collapse and water damage, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring
during any period of 72 consecutive hours arising out of and directly occasioned by
the same event. However, the event need not be limited to one state or province or
states or provinces contiguous thereto.
As regards riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, vandalism and
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Original em Inglês
malicious mischief, all individual losses sustained by the Company occurring during
any period of 72 consecutive hours within the area of one municipality or county and
the municipalities or counties contiguous thereto arising out of and directly
occasioned by the same event. The maximum duration of 72 consecutive hours may
be extended in respect of individual losses which occur beyond such 72 consecutive
hours during the continued occupation of an assured’s premises by strikers, provided
such occupation commenced during the aforesaid period.
As regards earthquake (the epicentre of which need not necessarily be within
the territorial confines referred to in the introductory portion of this paragraph) and
fire following directly occasioned by the earthquake, only those individual fire losses
which commence during the period of 168 consecutive hours may be included in the
Company’s “loss occurrence.”
As regards “freeze,” only individual losses directly occasioned by collapse,
breakage of glass and water damage (caused by bursting frozen pipes and tanks) may
be included in the Company’s “loss occurrence.”
B. For all those “loss occurrences,” other than those referred to in subparagraph 2 of
paragraph A above, the Company may choose the date and time when any such
period of consecutive hours commences, provided that it is not earlier than the date
and time of the occurrence of the first recorded individual loss sustained by the
Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss, and provided that only one
such period of 168 consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one event, except for
any “loss occurrence” referred to in subparagraph 1 of paragraph A above where only
one such period of 72 consecutive hours shall apply with respect to one event,
regardless of the duration of the event.
C. As respects those “loss occurrences” referred to in subparagraph 2 of paragraph A
above, if the disaster, accident or loss occasioned by the event is of greater duration
than 72 consecutive hours, then the Company may divide that disaster, accident or
loss into two or more “loss occurrences,” provided no two periods overlap and no
individual loss is included in more than one such period and provided that no period
commences earlier than the date and time of the occurrence of the first recorded
individual loss sustained by the Company arising out of that disaster, accident or loss.
D. No individual losses occasioned by an event that would be covered by 72 hours
clauses may be included in any “loss occurrence” claimed under the 168 hours
E. Losses directly or indirectly occasioned by:
Loss of, alteration of, or damage to; or
A reduction in the functionality, availability or operation of;
a computer system, hardware, program, software, data, information repository,
microchip, integrated circuit, or similar device in computer equipment or noncomputer equipment, whether the property of the policyholder of the Company or
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Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
28 A
28 B
Original em Inglês
not, do not in and of themselves constitute an event unless arising out of one or more
of the following perils:
fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft or vehicle impact, falling objects,
windstorm, hail, tornado, cyclone, hurricane, earthquake, volcano, tsunami, flood,
freeze or weight of snow.
Note: NMA 2244c, which provides for reinstatement in the event of riot, includes
paragraph E. to exclude cyber risks from the definition of loss occurrence except for
listed perils.
Accepted for inclusion 11/02
The Reinsured shall also be entitled to retain as at {ANNIVERSARY DATE} of each year
an amount equivalent to a percentage, as specified by local legislation, of the
outstanding losses in the Reinsured's books as at that date. The outstanding loss
reserve so retained shall be released to the Reinsurers as at {ANNIVERSARY DATE} of
the succeeding year or years until all outstanding losses for the underwriting year in
question have been settled. As at {ANNIVERSARY DATE} of each year the Reinsured
shall pay to the Reinsurers interest at the rate specified in the Schedule of the
outstanding loss reserve retained during the preceding 12 months.
All loss settlements made by the Company, whether under policy terms and
conditions or by way of compromise, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and the
Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such
settlement in accordance with this Contract.
The Reinsurer shall also be liable for its proportionate share of loss adjustment
expense incurred by the Company under policies subject hereto.
Nothing in this Article shall be construed as meaning that loss and loss adjustment
expense are not recoverable hereunder until the final loss to the Company has been
The date of loss as defined in the Company's original insurance policies shall apply as
respects any losses reported under this Contract.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts.
All loss settlements made by the Company, whether under policy terms and
conditions or by way of compromise, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and the
Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such
settlement in accordance with this Contract.
The Reinsurer shall also be liable for its proportionate share of loss adjustment
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Versão Livre para o Português
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, quer sob os
termos e condições da apólice ou por meio de acordo, obrigarão o
Ressegurador, que concorda em pagar ou aprovar, conforme for o caso,
sua cota de cada pagamento conforme previsto neste Contrato.
O Ressegurador também será responsável pela sua cota proporcional das
despesas de regulação de sinistro incorridas pela Companhia nas apólices
objeto deste Contrato.
Esta Cláusula não será interpretada como impeditiva à recuperação de
sinistro e despesas de regulação antes da apuração, pela Companhia, do
valor final da perda.
A data do sinistro, como definida nas apólices de seguro da Companhia,
será considerada em relação a quaisquer sinistros informados neste
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, quer sob os
termos e condições da apólice ou por meio de acordo, obrigarão o
Ressegurador, que concorda em pagar ou aprovar, conforme for o caso,
sua cota de cada pagamento conforme previsto neste Contrato.
O Ressegurador também será responsável pela sua cota proporcional das
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
expense incurred by the Company under policies subject hereto.
Nothing in this Article shall be construed as meaning that loss and loss adjustment
expense are not recoverable hereunder until the final loss to the Company has been
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts.
28 C
All loss settlements made by the Company, whether under policy terms and
conditions or by way of compromise, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and the
Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such
settlement in accordance with this Contract.
The Reinsurer shall also be liable for its proportionate share of loss adjustment
expense incurred by the Company under policies subject hereto.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts.
28 D
All loss settlements made by the Company, within the terms and conditions of the
policy, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and the Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow,
as the case may be, its share of each such settlement in accordance with this
The Reinsurer shall also be liable for its proportionate share of loss adjustment
expense incurred by the Company under policies subject hereto.
Nothing in this Article shall be construed as meaning that loss and loss adjustment
expense are not recoverable hereunder until the final loss to the Company has been
The date of loss as defined in the Company's original insurance policies shall apply as
respects any losses reported under this Contract.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts.
28 E
All loss settlements made by the Company, within the terms and conditions of the
policy, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and the Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow,
as the case may be, its share of each such settlement in accordance with this
The Reinsurer shall also be liable for its proportionate share of loss adjustment
expense incurred by the Company under policies subject hereto.
Nothing in this Article shall be construed as meaning that loss and loss adjustment
expense are not recoverable hereunder until the final loss to the Company has been
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despesas de regulação de sinistro incorridas pela Companhia nas apólices
objeto deste Contrato.
Esta Cláusula não será interpretada como impeditiva à recuperação de
sinistro e despesas de regulação antes da apuração, pela Companhia, do
valor final da perda.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, quer sob os
termos e condições da apólice ou por meio de acordo, obrigarão o
Ressegurador, que concorda em pagar ou aprovar, conforme for o caso,
sua cota de cada pagamento conforme previsto neste Contrato.
O Ressegurador também será responsável pela sua cota proporcional das
despesas de regulação de sinistro incorridas pela Companhia nas apólices
objeto deste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, de acordo com
os termos e condições da apólice, obrigarão o Ressegurador, que concorda
em pagar ou aprovar, conforme for o caso, sua cota de cada pagamento
conforme previsto neste Contrato.
O Ressegurador também será responsável pela sua cota proporcional das
despesas de regulação de sinistro incorridas pela Companhia nas apólices
objeto deste Contrato.
Esta Cláusula não será interpretada como impeditiva à recuperação de
sinistro e despesas de regulação antes da apuração, pela Companhia, do
valor final da perda.
A data do sinistro, como definida nas apólices de seguro da Companhia,
será considerada em relação a quaisquer sinistros informados neste
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, de acordo com
os termos e condições da apólice, obrigarão o Ressegurador, que concorda
em pagar ou aprovar, conforme for o caso, sua cota de cada pagamento
conforme previsto neste Contrato.
O Ressegurador também será responsável pela sua cota proporcional das
despesas de regulação de sinistro incorridas pela Companhia nas apólices
objeto deste Contrato.
Esta Cláusula não será interpretada como impeditiva à recuperação de
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts.
28 F
All loss settlements made by the Company, within the terms and conditions of the
policy, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and the Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow,
as the case may be, its share of each such settlement in accordance with this
The Reinsurer shall also be liable for its proportionate share of loss adjustment
expense incurred by the Company under policies subject hereto.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts.
29 A
All loss settlements made by the Company, under policies subject hereto, whether
under policy terms and conditions or by way of compromise, shall be binding upon
the Reinsurer, and, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of loss, the Reinsurer agrees to
pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such settlement in accordance with
this Contract.
In addition to ultimate net loss, the Reinsurer shall also be liable for, and shall pay, its
share of loss adjustment expense incurred in connection therewith in the proportion
that the Reinsurer's share of ultimate net loss bears to the total ultimate net loss.
In the event a verdict or judgment is reduced by any process, other than by the trial
court, resulting in an ultimate savings to the Reinsurer, or a judgment is reversed
outright, the expenses and costs incurred in securing that reduction or reversal shall
be prorated between the Company and the Reinsurer in the same proportion that
each benefits from that reduction or reversal. However, the expense incurred up to
the time of the original judgment or verdict shall be shared in proportion to each
party's interest in such verdict or judgment.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts in conjunction with Ultimate Net Loss Article
where loss adjustment expense is excluded from ultimate net loss and loss adjustment
expense is in addition to limit.
29 B
All loss settlements made by the Company, under policies subject hereto, whether
under policy terms and conditions or by way of compromise, shall be binding upon
the Reinsurer, and, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of loss, the Reinsurer agrees to
Página 140 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
sinistro e despesas de regulação antes da apuração, pela Companhia, do
valor final da perda.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, de acordo com
os termos e condições da apólice, obrigarão o Ressegurador, que concorda
em pagar ou aprovar, conforme for o caso, sua cota de cada pagamento
conforme previsto neste Contrato.
O Ressegurador também será responsável pela sua cota proporcional das
despesas de regulação de sinistro incorridas pela Companhia nas apólices
objeto deste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, por apólices
cobertas por este Contrato, quer sob os termos e condições da apólice ou
por meio de acordo, obrigarão o Ressegurador, e, após recebimento de
comprovação concreta do sinistro, este concorda em pagar ou aprovar,
conforme for o caso, sua parte de cada pagamento conforme previsto
neste Contrato.
Além da perda líquida definitiva, o Ressegurador também será responsável
por, e pagará, sua parte na despesa de regulação do sinistro incorrida na
proporção que sua parte na perda líquida definitiva guardar para o total
dessa perda.
Em caso de decisão jurisdicional proferida em grau de recurso reduzir o
valor fixado em decisão judicial ou arbitral de primeiro grau, resultando de
maneira definitiva em economia para o Ressegurador, ou se uma decisão
for totalmente revogada, as despesas e custos, incorridos para obter tal
redução ou revogação, serão divididos entre a Companhia e o
Ressegurador na mesma proporção que cada um deles se beneficiar da
redução ou revogação. Todavia, a despesa incorrida até o momento da
decisão jurisdicional original será dividida na proporção de cada parte
nessa decisão.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos em conjunto com a
Cláusula de Perda Líquida Definitiva quando a despesa de regulação de
sinistro não faz parte da perda líquida definitiva e é tratada em paralelo ao
limite contratual.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, por apólices
cobertas por este Contrato, quer sob os termos e condições da apólice ou
por meio de acordo, obrigarão o Ressegurador, e, após recebimento de
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such settlement in accordance with
this Contract.
In addition to ultimate net loss, the Reinsurer shall also be liable for, and shall pay, its
share of loss adjustment expense incurred in connection therewith in the proportion
that the Reinsurer's share of ultimate net loss bears to the total ultimate net loss.
In the event a verdict or judgment is reduced by any process, other than by the trial
court, resulting in an ultimate savings to the Reinsurer, or a judgment is reversed
outright, the expenses and costs incurred in securing that reduction or reversal shall
be prorated between the Company and the Reinsurer in the same proportion that
each benefits from that reduction or reversal. However, the expense incurred up to
the time of the original judgment or verdict shall be shared in proportion to each
party's interest in such verdict or judgment.
The date of loss as defined in the Company's original insurance policies shall apply as
respects any losses reported under this Contract.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts in conjunction with Ultimate Net Loss Article
where loss adjustment expense is excluded from ultimate net loss and loss adjustment
expense is in addition to limit.
29 C
All loss settlements made by the Company, within the terms and conditions of the
policy, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of
loss, the Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such
settlement in accordance with this Contract.
In addition to ultimate net loss, the Reinsurer shall also be liable for, and shall pay, its
share of loss adjustment expense incurred in connection therewith in the proportion
that the Reinsurer's share of ultimate net loss bears to the total ultimate net loss.
In the event a verdict or judgment is reduced by any process, other than by the trial
court, resulting in an ultimate savings to the Reinsurer, or a judgment is reversed
outright, the expenses and costs incurred in securing that reduction or reversal shall
be prorated between the Company and the Reinsurer in the same proportion that
each benefits from that reduction or reversal. However, the expense incurred up to
the time of the original judgment or verdict shall be shared in proportion to each
party's interest in such verdict or judgment.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts in conjunction with Ultimate Net Loss Article
where loss adjustment expense is excluded from ultimate net loss and loss adjustment
Página 141 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
prova satisfatória do sinistro, este concorda em pagar ou aprovar,
conforme for o caso, sua parte de cada pagamento conforme previsto
neste Contrato.
Além da perda líquida definitiva, o Ressegurador também será responsável
por, e pagará, sua parte na despesa de regulação do sinistro incorrida na
proporção que sua parte na perda líquida definitiva guardar para o total
dessa perda.
Em caso de decisão jurisdicional proferida em grau de recurso reduzir o
valor fixado em decisão judicial ou arbitral de primeiro grau, resultando de
maneira definitiva em economia para o Ressegurador, ou se uma decisão
for totalmente revogada, as despesas e custos, incorridos para obter tal
redução ou revogação, serão divididos entre a Companhia e o
Ressegurador na mesma proporção que cada um deles se beneficiar da
redução ou revogação. Todavia, a despesa incorrida até o momento da
decisão jurisdicional original será dividida na proporção de cada parte
nessa decisão.
A data do sinistro, como definida nas apólices de seguro da Companhia,
será considerada em relação a quaisquer sinistros informados neste
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos em conjunto com a
Cláusula de Perda Líquida Definitiva quando a despesa de regulação de
sinistro não faz parte da perda líquida definitiva e é tratada em paralelo ao
limite contratual.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, de acordo com
os termos e condições da apólice, obrigarão o Ressegurador que, após
recebimento de comprovação concreta do sinistro, concorda em pagar ou
aprovar, conforme for o caso, sua cota de cada pagamento conforme
previsto neste Contrato.
Além da perda líquida definitiva, o Ressegurador também será responsável
por, e pagará, sua parte na despesa de regulação do sinistro incorrida na
proporção que sua parte na perda líquida definitiva guardar para o total
dessa perda.
Em caso de decisão jurisdicional proferida em grau de recurso reduzir o
valor fixado em decisão judicial ou arbitral de primeiro grau, resultando de
maneira definitiva em economia para o Ressegurador, ou se uma decisão
for totalmente revogada, as despesas e custos, incorridos para obter tal
redução ou revogação, serão divididos entre a Companhia e o
Ressegurador na mesma proporção que cada um deles se beneficiar da
redução ou revogação. Todavia, a despesa incorrida até o momento da
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
expense is in addition to limit.
29 D
All loss settlements made by the Company, within the terms and conditions of the
policy, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of
loss, the Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such
settlement in accordance with this Contract.
In addition to ultimate net loss, the Reinsurer shall also be liable for, and shall pay, its
share of loss adjustment expense incurred in connection therewith in the proportion
that the Reinsurer's share of ultimate net loss bears to the total ultimate net loss.
In the event a verdict or judgment is reduced by any process, other than by the trial
court, resulting in an ultimate savings to the Reinsurer, or a judgment is reversed
outright, the expenses and costs incurred in securing that reduction or reversal shall
be prorated between the Company and the Reinsurer in the same proportion that
each benefits from that reduction or reversal. However, the expense incurred up to
the time of the original judgment or verdict shall be shared in proportion to each
party's interest in such verdict or judgment.
The date of loss as defined in the Company's original insurance policies shall apply as
respects any losses reported under this Contract.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts in conjunction with Ultimate Net Loss Article
where loss adjustment expense is excluded from ultimate net loss and loss adjustment
expense is in addition to limit.
29 E
All loss settlements made by the Company, under policies subject hereto, whether
under policy terms and conditions or by way of compromise, shall be binding upon
the Reinsurer, and, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of loss, the Reinsurer agrees to
pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such settlement in accordance with
this Contract.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts in conjunction with Ultimate Net Loss Article
where loss adjustment expense is included in ultimate net loss.
Página 142 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
decisão jurisdicional original será dividida na proporção de cada parte
nessa decisão.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos em conjunto com a
Cláusula de Perda Líquida Definitiva quando a despesa de regulação de
sinistro não faz parte da perda líquida definitiva e é tratada em paralelo ao
limite contratual.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, de acordo com
os termos e condições da apólice, obrigarão o Ressegurador que, após
recebimento de comprovação concreta do sinistro, concorda em pagar ou
aprovar, conforme for o caso, sua cota de cada pagamento conforme
previsto neste Contrato.
Além da perda líquida definitiva, o Ressegurador também será responsável
por, e pagará, sua parte na despesa de regulação do sinistro incorrida na
proporção que sua parte na perda líquida definitiva guardar para o total
dessa perda.
Em caso de decisão jurisdicional proferida em grau de recurso reduzir o
valor fixado em decisão judicial ou arbitral de primeiro grau, resultando de
maneira definitiva em economia para o Ressegurador, ou se uma decisão
for totalmente revogada, as despesas e custos, incorridos para obter tal
redução ou revogação, serão divididos entre a Companhia e o
Ressegurador na mesma proporção que cada um deles se beneficiar da
redução ou revogação. Todavia, a despesa incorrida até o momento da
decisão jurisdicional original será dividida na proporção de cada parte
nessa decisão.
A data do sinistro, como definida nas apólices de seguro da Companhia,
será considerada em relação a quaisquer sinistros informados neste
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos em conjunto com a
Cláusula de Perda Líquida Definitiva quando a despesa de regulação de
sinistro não faz parte da perda líquida definitiva e é tratada em paralelo ao
limite contratual.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, por apólices
cobertas por este Contrato, quer sob os termos e condições da apólice ou
por meio de acordo, obrigarão o Ressegurador, e, após recebimento de
comprovação concreta do sinistro, este concorda em pagar ou aprovar,
conforme for o caso, sua parte de cada pagamento conforme previsto
neste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em contratos de excesso de danos em conjunto com a
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
29 F
All loss settlements made by the Company, under policies subject hereto, whether
under policy terms and conditions or by way of compromise, shall be binding upon
the Reinsurer, and, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of loss, the Reinsurer agrees to
pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such settlement in accordance with
this Contract.
The date of loss as defined in the Company's original insurance policies shall apply as
respects any losses reported under this Contract.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts in conjunction with Ultimate Net Loss Article
where loss adjustment expense is included in ultimate net loss.
29 G
All loss settlements made by the Company, within the terms and conditions of the
policy, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of
loss, the Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such
settlement in accordance with this Contract.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts in conjunction with Ultimate Net Loss Article
where loss adjustment expense is included in ultimate net loss.
29 H
All loss settlements made by the Company, within the terms and conditions of the
policy, shall be binding upon the Reinsurer, and, upon receipt of satisfactory proof of
loss, the Reinsurer agrees to pay or allow, as the case may be, its share of each such
settlement in accordance with this Contract.
The date of loss as defined in the Company's original insurance policies shall apply as
respects any losses reported under this Contract.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts in conjunction with Ultimate Net Loss Article
where loss adjustment expense is included in ultimate net loss.
Página 143 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula de Perda Líquida Definitiva quando a despesa de regulação de
sinistro for incluída na perda líquida definitiva.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, por apólices
cobertas por este Contrato, quer sob os termos e condições da apólice ou
por meio de acordo, obrigarão o Ressegurador, e, após recebimento de
comprovação concreta do sinistro, este concorda em pagar ou aprovar,
conforme for o caso, sua parte de cada pagamento conforme previsto
neste Contrato..
A data do sinistro, como definida nas apólices de seguro da Companhia,
será considerada em relação a quaisquer sinistros informados neste
Nota: Para uso em contratos de excesso de danos em conjunto com a
Cláusula de Perda Líquida Definitiva quando a despesa de regulação de
sinistro for incluída na perda líquida definitiva.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, de acordo com
os termos e condições da apólice, obrigarão o Ressegurador que, após
recebimento de comprovação concreta do sinistro, concorda em pagar ou
aprovar, conforme for o caso, sua cota de cada pagamento conforme
previsto neste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em contratos de excesso de danos em conjunto com a
Cláusula de Perda Líquida Definitiva quando a despesa de regulação de
sinistro for incluída na perda líquida definitiva.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pela Companhia, de acordo com
os termos e condições da apólice, obrigarão o Ressegurador que, após
recebimento de comprovação concreta do sinistro, concorda em pagar ou
aprovar, conforme for o caso, sua cota de cada pagamento conforme
previsto neste Contrato.
A data do sinistro, como definida nas apólices de seguro da Companhia,
será considerada em relação a quaisquer sinistros informados neste
Nota: Para uso em contratos de excesso de danos em conjunto com a
Cláusula de Perda Líquida Definitiva quando a despesa de regulação de
sinistro for incluída na perda líquida definitiva.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
All loss settlements made by the Reinsured, provided same are within the terms of
the original Policies or so deemed by a court of competent jurisdiction and within the
terms of this Agreement, shall be unconditionally binding upon the Reinsurers and
amounts falling to the share of the Reinsurers shall be payable by them upon
reasonable evidence of the amount payable being given by the Reinsured.
All loss settlements made by the Reinsured, provided same are within the terms and
conditions of the original policies in respect of the business covered hereunder and
within the terms and conditions of this Reinsurance, shall be binding upon the
Reinsurers and amounts falling to the share of the Reinsurers shall be payable by
them upon reasonable evidence of the amount paid being given by the Reinsured.
All loss settlements made by the Reinsured shall be unconditionally binding upon the
Reinsurers provided such settlements are within the terms and conditions of the
Original Policies and/or Contracts and within the terms and conditions of this
Agreement and Reinsurers shall pay the amounts due from them upon presentation
of reasonable evidence of the amounts paid by the Reinsured. All other settlements
shall be subject to the agreement of the Reinsurers hereunder.
It is understood and agreed that as regards losses arising under Policies and/or
Contracts covering on a "Losses Discovered" or "Claims Made" basis, that is to say
Policies and/or Contracts in which the date of discovery of the loss or the date when
the claim is made determines under which Policy or Contract the loss is collectible,
such losses are covered hereunder irrespective of the date on which the loss occurs
provided that the date of the discovery of the loss, in respect of Policies and/or
Contracts on a "Losses Discovered" basis or the date the claim is made, in respect of
Policies and/or Contracts on a "Claims Made" basis, falls within the period of this
For the purpose of the foregoing the date of the first discovery of a loss occurrence or
the date a claim is first made, shall be the date applicable to the entire loss and the
Reinsurer shall be liable for their proportion of the entire loss irrespective of the
expiry date of this Reinsurance provided that such date falls within the period of this
A 30
It is agreed that when perils other than fire are written in conjunction with a fire line,
Página 144 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Todas as liquidações de sinistros feitas pelo Ressegurado, desde que
estejam de acordo com os termos das apólices de seguros ou assim
consideradas pelos tribunais competentes e dentro dos termos deste
Contrato, serão incondicionalmente aceitas pelos Resseguradores e os
montantes relativos às participações destes serão pagos após
comprovação satisfatória do montante pago pelo Ressegurado.
Todos os pagamentos de sinistros feitos pelo Ressegurado com relação aos
negócios cobertos por este Contrato, desde que dentro dos termos e
condições das apólices de seguros e deste Resseguro, serão aceitas pelos
Resseguradores e os montantes relativos às participações destes serão
pagos após comprovação satisfatória do montante pago pelo Ressegurado
Todos os pagamentos de sinistro efetuados pelo Ressegurado serão
incondicionalmente aceitos pelos Resseguradores, desde que tais
pagamentos estejam de acordo com os termos e condições das apólices
e/ou contratos de seguros e conforme os termos e condições deste
Contrato, e os Resseguradores pagarão os valores por eles devidos
mediante comprovação satisfatória dos valores pagos pelo Ressegurado.
Todos os outros pagamentos estarão sujeitos à anuência dos
Resseguradores deste Contrato.
Fica entendido e acordado que, com relação aos sinistros ocorridos em
apólices e/ou contratos à base de “Sinistros Conhecidos” ou “Reclamações
Feitas”, entende-se que a data de descoberta do sinistro ou a data em que
o sinistro é reportado determina sob qual apólice ou contrato o sinistro
será recuperado, sendo que tais perdas estão aqui cobertas aqui
independentemente da data em que o sinistro ocorra desde que a data da
sua descoberta, em relação a apólices ou contratos na base de “Sinistros
Conhecidos” ou a data em que o sinistro é reportado, em relação as
apólices e/ou contratos em base de “Reclamações Feitas”, esteja dentro de
período deste Resseguro.
Para os fins acima, a data da primeira descoberta de uma ocorrência de
sinistro ou a data em que um sinistro é reportado pela primeira vez, será a
data aplicável a todo o sinistro e o Ressegurador será responsável pela sua
proporção do sinistro inteiro independentemente do final da vigência
deste Resseguro, desde que tal datas esteja dentro do período deste
Fica acordado que, quando outros riscos forem aceitos juntamente com
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 30
A 30
Original em Inglês
Página 145 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
these perils shall not be ceded except in conjunction with the fire line and then, as
respects each peril, only for an amount not to exceed the amount ceded on the fire
It is agreed that when perils other than fire are written in conjunction with a fire line,
these perils shall not be ceded except in conjunction with the fire line and then, as
respects each peril, only for an amount not to exceed the amount ceded on the fire
In ceding reinsurance on any policy covering risks at two or more locations, the
reinsurance allotted to the Reinsurer shall extend proportionately to all locations. In
such a case, the Company shall comply with provisions of the minimum net retention
requirement in respect to one location, but shall not be required to do so in respect
to the other locations.
In ceding reinsurance on any policy comprising two or more items pertaining to one
specific location, the reinsurance allotted to the Reinsurer shall extend
proportionately to all such items, unless otherwise presented to the Reinsurer and
accepted by it.
cobertura de incêndio, esses riscos não serão cedidos exceto se em
conjunto com o de incêndio e, relativamente a cada risco, somente por um
montante não superior ao cedido na cobertura incêndio
Fica acordado que, quando outros riscos forem aceitos juntamente com
cobertura de incêndio, esses riscos não serão cedidos exceto se em
conjunto com o de incêndio e, relativamente a cada risco, somente por um
montante não superior ao cedido na cobertura incêndio
Em qualquer apólice que cubra riscos de dois ou mais locais, o resseguro
cedido ao Ressegurador será estendido proporcionalmente a todos os
locais. Nesse caso, a Companhia utilizará a retenção líquida mínima
estabelecida para um dos locais, retenção esta que será a mesma para os
demais locais.
Em qualquer apólice que cubra dois ou mais itens segurados em um
mesmo local, o resseguro cedido ao Ressegurador será estendido
proporcionalmente a todos os itens, a menos que outra forma seja
ofertada e aceita pelo Ressegurador.
It is agreed that when perils other than fire are written in conjunction with a fire line,
these perils shall not be ceded except in conjunction with the fire line and then, as
respects each peril, only for an amount not to exceed the amount ceded on the fire
In ceding reinsurance on any policy covering risks at two or more locations, the
reinsurance allotted to the Reinsurer shall extend proportionately to all locations. In
such a case, the Company shall comply with provisions of the minimum net retention
requirement in respect to one location, but shall not be required to do so in respect
to the other locations.
In ceding reinsurance on any policy comprising two or more itens pertaining to one
specific location, the reinsurance allotted to the Reinsurer shall extend
proportionately to all such items, unless otherwise presented to the Reinsurer and
accepted by it.
When a risk is insured by the Company under more than one policy, the Company
shall cede to the Reinsurer all or any part of the last policy or policies issued by the
Company on the risk and shall pay to the Reinsurer the same rate of premium
received by the Company under that particular policy or policies reinsured hereunder.
In the event of loss, the Reinsurer shall participate pro rata in the liability of the
Company on the risk in the proportion the total amount ceded hereunder bears to
the total liability under all policies on the risk in effect at the time of the loss.
Fica acordado que, quando outros riscos forem aceitos juntamente com
cobertura de incêndio, esses riscos não serão cedidos exceto se em
conjunto com o de incêndio e, relativamente a cada risco, somente por um
montante não superior ao cedido na cobertura incêndio
Em qualquer apólice que cubra riscos de dois ou mais locais, o resseguro
cedido ao Ressegurador será estendido proporcionalmente a todos os
locais. Nesse caso, a Companhia utilizará a retenção líquida mínima
estabelecida para um dos locais, retenção esta que será a mesma para os
demais locais.
Em qualquer apólice que cubra dois ou mais itens segurados em um
mesmo local, o resseguro cedido ao Ressegurador será estendido
proporcionalmente a todos os itens, a menos que outra forma seja
ofertada e aceita pelo Ressegurador.
Quando um mesmo risco for segurado em mais de uma apólice, a
Companhia cederá ao Ressegurador toda ou qualquer parte das apólices
por ela emitidas para o citado risco e pagará ao Ressegurador a mesma
taxa de prêmio recebida naquelas apólices resseguradas. Em caso de
sinistro, o Ressegurador participará em base proporcional à
responsabilidade da Companhia no risco, na mesma relação que o
montante total cedido guardar para a responsabilidade segurada total em
todas as apólices em vigor na data do sinistro.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this reinsurance or any
endorsement thereto, it is agreed that this reinsurance excludes loss, damage, liability,
cost or expense of any nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising
out of or contributed to or by any of the following, regardless of any other cause or
event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss;
1) Fungus or Microbial Contamination,
2) Any request, demand or order to test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain,
treat, detoxify or neutralize, or in any way respond to, assess the effect of Fungus or
Microbial Contamination, or
3) Any claim or suit by or on behalf of a governmental authority for damages
because of testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, removing, containing, treating,
detoxifying or neutralizing, or in any way responding to, or assessing the effects of
Fungus or Microbial Contamination.
For purposes of this Endorsement;
“Fungus” shall mean any species of organisms of the kingdom Fungi, or Mycota
including yeasts, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds, and mushrooms.
“Microbial Contamination” shall mean any contamination, either airborne or surface,
which arises out of or is related to the presence of Fungus or Spores, including,
without limitation, Aspergillus, Cladesporium, Penicillium and Stachybotrys
“Spores” shall mean any reproductive body produced by or arising out of any Fungus.
A 31
Except for customary differences in terms for unauthorized and/or foreign reinsurers,
and except for percentage participations, the Company represents that this Contract
is offered on the basis of equal terms for all reinsurers. The phrase "equal terms"
means that all of the terms, conditions, and provisions of this Contract are identical
for each reinsurer hereon. In the event any reinsurer to this Contract is afforded more
favorable terms than those herein set forth, this Contract, at the option of the
Reinsurer, shall be construed as containing the more favorable terms afforded such
reinsurer, as though such terms were actually provided herein from the date they
were granted to such other reinsurer
Página 146 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Não obstante qualquer disposição em contrário neste Contrato ou
qualquer alteração a ele, fica acordado que este resseguro exclui perda,
dano, responsabilidade, custo ou despesa de qualquer natureza, direta ou
indiretamente causados por, resultantes de, decorrentes de ou que
contribua para ou por qualquer uma das causas mencionadas abaixo,
independentemente de qualquer outra causa ou evento contribuindo
simultaneamente ou em qualquer outra seqüência à perda;
Fungos ou contaminação microbiana,
Qualquer pedido ou ordem para testar, monitorar, limpar,
remover, conter, tratar, desintoxicar ou neutralizar, ou de qualquer forma
agir para ou avaliar o efeito de fungos ou contaminação microbiana, ou
Qualquer reclamação ou ação judicial ou a favor de uma
autoridade governamental por danos causados por testes, monitoramento,
limpeza, remoção, contenção, tratamento, desintoxicação ou
neutralização, ou de qualquer forma agindo ou avaliando os efeitos de
fungos ou contaminação microbiana.
Para efeitos da presente cláusula;
"Fungos" significará qualquer espécie de organismos do reino “Fungi” ou
”Mycota” incluindo leveduras, ferrugens, mangras, bolores, mofos e
"Contaminação microbiana", significará qualquer contaminação, por ar ou
superfície, que decorra de ou seja relativo à presença de fungos ou
esporos, incluindo, mas não limitado a, aspergillus, cladesporium,
penicillium e stachybotrys chartarum.
"Esporos" significará qualquer organismo reprodutor produzido por ou
decorrente de qualquer fungo.
Exceto com relação aos percentuais de participação, a Companhia garante
que este Contrato é oferecido na base de mesmos termos para todos os
resseguradores. A expressão “mesmos termos” significa que todos os
termos, condições e disposições deste Contrato são idênticos para cada
ressegurador aqui participante. No caso de qualquer ressegurador deste
Contrato for beneficiado com termos que lhe sejam mais favoráveis que os
aqui indicados, este Contrato, por opção de cada Ressegurador, será
interpretado como contendo os termos mais favoráveis concedidos àquele
ressegurador, como se tais termos fossem de fato aqui fornecidos a partir
da data que forem concedidos ao citado ressegurador.
NT: Foi excluída na tradução a menção a ressegurador não autorizado, por
não ser permitida pela legislação.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 32
This Contract applies only to that portion of any policy which the Company retains net
for its own account, and in calculating the amount of any loss hereunder and also in
computing the amount or amounts in excess of which this Contract attaches, only loss
or losses in respect of that portion of any policy which the Company retains net for its
own account shall be included.
The amount of the Reinsurer's liability hereunder in respect of any loss or losses shall
not be increased by reason of the inability of the Company to collect from any other
reinsurer(s), whether specific or general, any amounts which may have become due
from such reinsurer(s), whether such inability arises from the insolvency of such other
reinsurer(s) or otherwise.
Inter-company reinsurance among the companies collectively called the "Company"
shall be entirely disregarded for all purposes of this Contract.
A 32
This Contract applies only to that portion of any policy which the Company retains net
for its own account, and in calculating the amount of any loss hereunder and also in
computing the amount or amounts in excess of which this Contract attaches, only loss
or losses in respect of that portion of any policy which the Company retains net for its
own account shall be included.
The amount of the Reinsurer's liability hereunder in respect of any loss or losses shall
not be increased by reason of the inability of the Company to collect from any other
reinsurer(s), whether specific or general, any amounts which may have become due
from such reinsurer(s), whether such inability arises from the insolvency of such other
reinsurer(s) or otherwise.
A 32
This Contract applies only to that portion of any policy which the Company retains net
for its own account, and in calculating the amount of any loss hereunder and also in
computing the amount or amounts in excess of which this Contract attaches, only loss
or losses in respect of that portion of any policy which the Company retains net for its
own account shall be included.
The amount of the Reinsurer's liability hereunder in respect of any loss or losses shall
not be increased by reason of the inability of the Company to collect from any other
reinsurer(s), whether specific or general, any amounts which may have become due
from such reinsurer(s), whether such inability arises from the insolvency of such other
reinsurer(s) or otherwise.
Página 147 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Apesar do titulo da Cláusula, a mesma permite a existência de diferentes
condições de resseguro negociadas por cada ressegurador.
Este Contrato se aplica somente à parte correspondente à retenção líquida
da Companhia em qualquer apólice. Neste caso, no cálculo da perda
relativa a sinistro coberto, bem como no cômputo do montante em
excesso à prioridade deste Contrato, somente as perdas relativas à parte
da retenção líquida da Companhia serão incluídas.
O montante da responsabilidade do Ressegurador, com relação a qualquer
sinistro, não será aumentado devido à inabilidade da Companhia em
recuperar de qualquer outro ressegurador, seja específico ou geral,
quaisquer valores que sejam devidos por tal ressegurador, seja essa
inabilidade decorrente de insolvência deste outro ressegurador ou
qualquer outro motivo.
O resseguro entre companhias, coletivamente denominadas neste
Contrato de “Companhia”, será totalmente desconsiderado para todos os
Este Contrato se aplica somente à parte correspondente à retenção líquida
da Companhia em qualquer apólice. Neste caso, no cálculo da perda
relativa a sinistro coberto, bem como no cômputo do montante em
excesso à prioridade deste Contrato, somente as perdas relativas à parte
da retenção líquida da Companhia serão incluídas.
O montante da responsabilidade do Ressegurador, com relação a qualquer
sinistro, não será aumentado devido à inabilidade da Companhia em
recuperar de qualquer outro ressegurador, seja específico ou geral,
quaisquer valores que sejam devidos por tal ressegurador, seja essa
inabilidade decorrente de insolvência deste outro ressegurador ou
qualquer outro motivo
Este Contrato se aplica somente à parte correspondente à retenção líquida
da Companhia em qualquer apólice. Neste caso, no cálculo da perda
relativa a sinistro coberto, bem como no cômputo do montante em
excesso à prioridade deste Contrato, somente as perdas relativas à parte
da retenção líquida da Companhia serão incluídas.
O montante da responsabilidade do Ressegurador, com relação a qualquer
sinistro, não será aumentado devido à inabilidade da Companhia em
recuperar de qualquer outro ressegurador, seja específico ou geral,
quaisquer valores que sejam devidos por tal ressegurador, seja essa
inabilidade decorrente de insolvência deste outro ressegurador ou
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Inter-company reinsurance among the companies collectively called the "Company"
shall be entirely disregarded for all purposes of this Contract.
Permission is hereby granted the Company to carry underlying (identify) reinsurance
and recoveries made hereunder shall be disregarded for all purposes of this Contract
and shall inure to the sole benefit of the Company.
A 32
This Contract applies only to that portion of any policy which the Company retains net
for its own account, and in calculating the amount of any loss hereunder and also in
computing the amount or amounts in excess of which this Contract attaches, only loss
or losses in respect of that portion of any policy which the Company retains net for its
own account shall be included.
The amount of the Reinsurer's liability hereunder in respect of any loss or losses shall
not be increased by reason of the inability of the Company to collect from any other
reinsurer(s), whether specific or general, any amounts which may have become due
from such reinsurer(s), whether such inability arises from the insolvency of such other
reinsurer(s) or otherwise.
Permission is hereby granted the Company to carry underlying (identify) reinsurance
and recoveries made hereunder shall be disregarded for all purposes of this Contract
and shall inure to the sole benefit of the Company.
A 32
This Contract applies only to that portion of any policy which the Company retains net
for its own account (prior to deduction of any underlying reinsurance specifically
permitted in this Contract), and in calculating the amount of any loss hereunder and
also in computing the amount or amounts in excess of which this Contract attaches,
only loss or losses in respect of that portion of any policy which the Company retains
net for its own account shall be included.
The amount of the Reinsurer's liability hereunder in respect of any loss or losses shall
not be increased by reason of the inability of the Company to collect from any other
reinsurer(s), whether specific or general, any amounts which may have become due
from such reinsurer(s), whether such inability arises from the insolvency of such other
reinsurer(s) or otherwise.
This Reinsurance applies only to that portion of any insurance or reinsurance which
Página 148 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
qualquer outro motivo.
O resseguro entre companhias, coletivamente denominadas neste
Contrato de “Companhia”, será totalmente desconsiderado para todos os
Fica garantida permissão à Companhia para contratar resseguro para
proteção da sua própria retenção. As recuperações feitas sob este
resseguro serão desconsideradas para todos os fins deste Contrato e
beneficiarão unicamente a Companhia.
Este Contrato se aplica somente à parte correspondente à retenção líquida
da Companhia em qualquer apólice. Neste caso, no cálculo da perda
relativa a sinistro coberto, bem como no cômputo do montante em
excesso à prioridade deste Contrato, somente as perdas relativas à parte
da retenção líquida da Companhia serão incluídas.
O montante da responsabilidade do Ressegurador, com relação a qualquer
sinistro, não será aumentado devido à inabilidade da Companhia em
recuperar de qualquer outro ressegurador, seja específico ou geral,
quaisquer valores que sejam devidos por tal ressegurador, seja essa
inabilidade decorrente de insolvência deste outro ressegurador ou
qualquer outro motivo.
Fica garantida permissão à Companhia para contratar resseguro para
proteção da sua própria retenção. As recuperações feitas sob este
resseguro serão desconsideradas para todos os fins deste Contrato e
beneficiarão unicamente a Companhia.
Este Contrato se aplica somente à parte correspondente à retenção líquida
da Companhia em qualquer apólice (antes da dedução de qualquer
proteção de resseguro de sua retenção, especificamente permitida por
este Contrato). Neste caso, no cálculo da perda relativa a sinistro coberto,
bem como no cômputo do montante em excesso à prioridade deste
Contrato, somente as perdas relativas à parte da retenção líquida da
Companhia serão incluídas.
O montante da responsabilidade do Ressegurador, com relação a qualquer
sinistro, não será aumentado devido à inabilidade da Companhia em
recuperar de qualquer outro ressegurador, seja específico ou geral,
quaisquer valores que sejam devidos por tal ressegurador, seja essa
inabilidade decorrente de insolvência deste outro ressegurador ou
qualquer outro motivo.
Este Resseguro se aplica somente à parte de qualquer seguro ou resseguro
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
the Reinsured retains net for its own account, and in calculating the amount of any
loss hereunder and also computing the amount or amounts in excess of which this
Reinsurance attaches, only loss or losses in respect of any insurance or reinsurance
which the Reinsured retains net for its account shall be included.
This Reinsurance shall only protect that portion of any business covered hereunder
which the Reinsured acting in accordance with its established practices, retains net
for its own account.
Reinsurers' liability hereunder shall not be increased due to an error or omission
which results in an increase in the Reinsured's normal net retention nor by the
Reinsured's fail re to reinsure in accordance with its normal practice, nor by the
inability of the Reinsured to collect from any other reinsurers any amounts which may
have become due from them whether such inability arises from the insolvency of
such other reinsurers or otherwise.
This Reinsurance applies only to that part of the original policies which the Reinsured
retain net for their own account, and in computing the Ultimate Net Loss, only loss or
losses in respect of such net retained part of the original policies shall be included.
The amount of Reinsurers' liability in respect of any loss or losses shall not be
increased by reason of the inability of the Reinsured to collect from any other
Reinsurers whether specific or general, any amounts which may have become due
from them whether such inability arises from the insolvency of such other Reinsurers
or for any other reason whatsoever.
This Agreement shall only protect that portion of any insurance or reinsurance which
the Reinsured, acting in accordance with its established practices retains net for its
own account. Reinsurers' liability hereunder shall not be increased due to an error or
omission which results in an increase in the Reinsured's normal net retention nor by
the Reinsured's failure to reinsure in accordance with its normal practice, nor by the
inability of the Reinsured to collect from any other Reinsurers any amounts which
may have become due from them, whether such inability arises from the insolvency
of such other Reinsurers or otherwise.
This Agreement applies only to that part of the Original Policies and/or Contracts
which the Reinsured retain net for their own account, and in computing the Ultimate
Net Loss, only loss or losses in respect of such net retained part of the Original
Página 149 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
que o Ressegurado retenha líquida, por sua própria conta. Ao calcular o
montante de qualquer perda aqui prevista, bem como ao computar o(s)
montante(s) em excesso à prioridade deste resseguro, somente o(s)
sinistro(s) relativo(s) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro, que o Ressegurado
retenha líquido por sua conta, será(ao) incluído(s).
Este Resseguro somente protegerá a parte de quaisquer negócios aqui
cobertos, os quais o Ressegurado, agindo de acordo com suas normas
operacionais, retenha por sua própria conta.
A responsabilidade da Resseguradora deste Contrato não se ampliará
devido a erro ou omissão que resulte em aumento da retenção líquida
usual do Ressegurado, nem pela falha deste em contratar resseguro
conforme sua prática usual, nem pela incapacidade do Ressegurado em
receber de outros resseguradores quaisquer quantias que possam ser
devidas ou por decorrência da insolvência de tais resseguradores ou por
outra razão.
Este Resseguro somente se aplica à parte das apólices que o Ressegurado
retenha de forma liquida por sua própria conta e, ao computar a Perda
Liquida Definitiva, somente sinistros em relação à parte liquida das apólices
serão incluídas.
O montante da responsabilidade do Ressegurador, com relação a qualquer
sinistro, não será aumentado devido à inabilidade do Ressegurado em
recuperar de qualquer outro ressegurador, seja específico ou geral,
quaisquer valores que sejam devidos, seja essa inabilidade decorrente de
insolvência deste outro ressegurador ou qualquer outro motivo.
Este Contrato somente protegerá a parte de qualquer seguro ou resseguro
que o Ressegurado, agindo de acordo com suas normas operacionais,
retenha por sua própria conta. A responsabilidade da Resseguradora deste
Contrato não se ampliará devido a erro ou omissão que resulte em
aumento da retenção líquida usual do Ressegurado, nem pela falha deste
em contratar resseguro conforme sua prática usual, nem pela incapacidade
do Ressegurado em receber de outros resseguradores quaisquer quantias
que possam ser devidas ou por decorrência da insolvência de tais
resseguradores ou por outra razão.
Este Contrato somente se aplica à parte das apólices e/ou contratos que o
Ressegurado retenha de forma liquida por sua própria conta e, ao
computar a Perda Liquida Definitiva, somente sinistros em relação à parte
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Policies and/or Contracts shall be included.
The amount of Reinsurers' Liability in respect of any loss or losses shall not be
increased by reason of the inability of the Reinsured to collect from any other
reinsurers here on whether specific or general, any amounts which may have become
due from them whether such inability arises from the insolvency of such other
reinsurers or due to the cancellation of any reinsurance by the Reinsured or by such
other reinsurers for whatsoever reason, or for any other reason whatsoever.
A 33
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, if there is an award or judgment
involving a dispute under this Contract, or the Company enters into a settlement or
commutation agreement with an individual reinsurer or reinsurers, neither the
Company nor the settling reinsurer(s) is under any obligation to disclose the existence
of the award, judgment, settlement, or agreement, or its terms, nor to offer its terms
to any other reinsurer(s).
This Reinsurance excludes claims for
products liability, unless written on a "claims made" basis within general
liability policies; this exclusion of products liability shall not apply to marine vessels,
craft, offshore installations or aircraft
directors' and officers' liability
liability under the Securities Exchange Act
professional indemnity and errors and omissions, unless directly related to:
owning or handling ships, cargoes or goods in transit
classification societies or marine surveyors.
As regards interests which at time of loss or damage are on shore, no liability shall
attach hereto in respect of any loss or damage which is occasioned by war, invasion,
hostilities, acts of foreign enemies, civil war, rebellion, insurrection, military or
usurped power, or martial law or confiscation by order of any government or public
This War Exclusion Clause shall not, however, apply to interests which at time of loss
or damage are within the territorial limits of the United States of America (comprising
the fifty States of the Union and the District of Columbia and including Bridges
between the U.S.A. and Mexico provided they are under United States ownership),
Canada, St. Pierre and Miquelon, provided such interests are insured under policies,
endorsements or binders containing a standard war or hostilities or warlike
operations exclusion clause.
A 56
Página 150 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
liquida das apólices e/ou contratos serão incluídas.
O montante da responsabilidade do Ressegurador, com relação a qualquer
sinistro, não será aumentado devido à inabilidade do Ressegurado em
recuperar de qualquer outro ressegurador, seja específico ou geral,
quaisquer valores que sejam devidos, seja essa inabilidade decorrente de
insolvência deste outro ressegurador ou devido a cancelamento de
qualquer resseguro, pelo Ressegurado ou pelos resseguradores, ou por
qualquer outro motivo.
Não obstante qualquer outra disposição em contrário, se existir sentença
ou decisão judicial envolvendo litígio pertinente a este Contrato ou a
Companhia entrar em acordo de liquidação ou comutação com um ou
vários resseguradores, nem a Companhia nem o(s) ressegurador(es)
envolvido(s) nesta liquidação estará(ão) obrigado(s) a divulgar a existência
de sentença, julgamento, liquidação ou acordo, ou seus termos, nem
oferecê-los a qualquer outro ressegurador.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
The Reinsured undertakes to advise the Reinsurers as soon as possible of any
circumstances likely to give rise to a claim hereunder together with any estimate of
the Reinsurer's liability and thereafter keep the Reinsurers fully informed of any
developments regarding the claim.
The Reinsured undertakes to advise the Reinsurers as soon as possible of all
circumstances likely to give rise to a claim or claims hereunder and shall include
revised estimates at the end of each calendar year and undertakes insofar as is
reasonably possible to co-operate with the Reinsurers or their representatives in the
conduct and settlement of such claim or claims and in the estimating of claims
In calculating the liability of the Reinsurers hereunder all loss payments made by the
Reinsured within the conditions of the original insurance and falling within the scope
of this Agreement shall be binding on the Reinsurers. The Reinsurers shall not be
bound by ex- gratia payments made without their prior consent.
The Reinsured undertake to advise the Reinsurers as soon as possible of any
circumstances likely to give rise to a claim hereunder.
A 34
This Contract excludes nuclear energy risks whether written directly or by
way of reinsurance or via pools or associations. Under this Contract the term "nuclear
energy risks" means any first or third party insurance (other than workers'
compensation or employers' liability) in respect of:
(a) nuclear reactors and nuclear power stations or plants;
(b) any other premises or facilities concerned with the production of nuclear energy
or the production or storage or handling of nuclear fuels or nuclear waste;
(c) any other premises or facilities eligible for insurance by any local nuclear pool or
association but only to the extent of the requirements of the local pool or association;
(d) nuclear or radioactive fuel, or nuclear or radioactive waste.
However, this exclusion shall not apply:
(a) to any insurance or reinsurance in respect of the construction, erection or
installation of buildings, plant and other property (including contractor's plant and
Página 151 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
O Ressegurado compromete-se a informar aos Resseguradores, tão logo
seja possível, quaisquer circunstâncias que possam dar origem a sinistro
neste Contrato, juntamente com uma estimativa da obrigação dos
Resseguradores e, a seguir, mantê-los totalmente informados dos
desdobramentos do sinistro.
O Ressegurado compromete-se a informar aos Resseguradores, tão logo
seja possível, quaisquer circunstâncias que possam dar origem a um ou
mais sinistros neste Contrato e incluir estimativas revistas, ao final de cada
ano e, na medida do possível, se compromete a cooperar com os
Resseguradores ou seus representantes na condução e liquidação de tal(is)
sinistro(s) e na estimativa das reservas de sinistros.
Ao calcular a responsabilidade dos Resseguradores neste Contrato, todos
os pagamentos de sinistros, feitos pelo Ressegurado dentro das condições
do seguro original e do âmbito deste Contrato, obrigarão os
Resseguradores. Os Resseguradores não serão obrigados por pagamentos
"ex gratia" feitos sem o seu prévio consentimento.
NT Nota: pagamento ex gratia não se aplica a mercado brasileiro por ser
proibido pela Circular SUSEP 376/2006 e a Lei do 9.613.
O Ressegurado compromete-se a informar aos Resseguradores, tão logo
seja possível, quaisquer circunstâncias que possam dar origem a um
sinistro neste Contrato
1. Esse Contrato exclui riscos de energia nuclear quer aceitos diretamente
ou por meio de resseguro ou através de “pools” ou associações. O termo
“riscos de energia nuclear”, neste Contrato significa qualquer seguro para
o segurado ou para terceiros (exceto acidentes de trabalho ou
responsabilidade civil do empregador) referente a:
(a) reatores nucleares e estações ou instalações de energia nuclear;
(b) qualquer outro local ou instalações relacionados com a produção de
energia nuclear ou a produção ou estoque ou manuseio de combustível ou
resíduo nuclear;
(c) qualquer outro local ou instalações que possam ser segurados por
qualquer “pool” ou associação nuclear local mesmo dentro dos limites de
cobertura do “pool” ou associação locais;
(d) combustível ou resíduo nuclear ou radioativo.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
equipment used in connection therewith):
(b) for the storage of nuclear fuel - prior to the commencement of storage;
(c) as regards reactor installations - prior to the commencement of loading of nuclear
fuel into the reactor, or prior to the initial criticality, depending on the
commencement of the insurance or reinsurance of the relevant local nuclear pool or
(d) to any machinery breakdown or other engineering insurance or reinsurance not
coming within the scope of 2(a) above, nor affording coverage in the "high
radioactivity" zone;
(e) to any insurance or reinsurance in respect of the hulls of ships, aircraft or other
(f) to any insurance or reinsurance in respect of loss of or damage to (including any
expenses incurred therewith) nuclear or radioactive fuel or nuclear or radioactive
waste while in transit as cargo.
A 34
This Contract shall exclude Nuclear Energy Risks whether such risks are written
directly and/or by way of reinsurance and/or via Pools and/or Associations.
For all purposes of this Contract Nuclear Energy Risks shall be defined as all first party
and/or third party insurances (other than Workers’ Compensation and/or Employers'
Liability) in respect of:
i) Nuclear reactors and nuclear power stations or plants;
ii) Any other premises or facilities whatsoever related to or concerned with:
a) the production of nuclear energy; or
b) the production or storage or handling of nuclear fuel or nuclear waste.
iii) Any other premises or facilities eligible for insurance by any local nuclear pool
and/or association but only to the extent of the requirements of the local pool and/or
association, it being the intention always that Reinsurers shall follow the fortunes of
the Company insofar as the Company complies with the requirements of any such
local pool and/or association.
However, this exclusion shall not apply:
a) to any insurance or reinsurance in respect of the construction, erection or
Página 152 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
2. Todavia essa exclusão não se aplica:
(a) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro relativo a construção, montagem ou
instalação de prédios, instalações ou outra propriedade (incluindo
canteiro, bens e equipamentos do empreiteiro utilizados na obra);
(b) ao local de armazenagem de combustível nuclear - antes do início do
(c) no que diz respeito ao prédio dos reatores - antes do início da carga do
combustível nuclear no reator ou anteriormente à fase crítica inicial,
dependendo do início do seguro ou resseguro do respectivo pool ou
associação nuclear local;
(d) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro de quebra de máquina ou outro risco
de engenharia não abrangido no escopo de 2(a) acima, não concedendo
cobertura à zona de alta radioatividade;
(e) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro relativos a cascos marítimos,
aeronáuticos ou de outros meios de transporte;
(f) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro relativos a perda ou dano (incluindo
quaisquer despesas decorrentes) de combustível ou resíduo nuclear ou
radioativo enquanto em trânsito como carga.
NT: A palavra “pool” foi mantida conforme mencionada no Novo Dicionário
Aurélio da língua portuguesa / Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira, 3. Ed.
– Curitiba: Positivo, 2004, p. 1600
Esse Contrato excluirá riscos de energia nuclear quer tais riscos sejam
aceitos diretamente e/ou por meio de resseguro e/ou através de “pools”
ou associações.
Para todos os fins e efeitos deste Contrato, riscos de energia nuclear são
todos os seguros para o segurado ou para terceiros (exceto acidentes de
trabalho ou responsabilidade civil do empregador) referente a:
(i) reatores nucleares e estações ou instalações de energia nuclear;
(ii) qualquer outro local ou instalação de alguma forma relacionada ou
referente à:
a) produção de energia nuclear; ou
b) produção, estoque ou manuseio de combustível ou resíduo nucleares;
(iii) qualquer outro local ou instalações que possam ser segurados por
qualquer “pool” ou associação nuclear local mesmo dentro dos limites de
cobertura do “pool” ou associação locais, pretendendo-se sempre que os
Resseguradores sigam a sorte da Companhia da mesma forma que a
Companhia cumpra com as exigências de qualquer destes “pool” ou
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
installation of buildings, plant and other property (including contractor's plant and
equipment used in connection therewith):
i) for the storage of nuclear fuel - prior to the commencement of storage;
ii) as regards reactor installations - prior to the commencement of loading of nuclear
fuel into the reactor, or prior to the initial criticality, depending on the
commencement of the insurance or reinsurance of the relevant local nuclear pool
and/or association.
b) to any Machinery Breakdown or other Engineering insurance or reinsurance not
coming within the scope of (a) above, nor affording coverage in the "high
radioactivity" zone.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Clause, certain liabilities the type of which by
market practice and custom have not been declared to the Japanese Nuclear Pool are
covered hereunder.
A 34
This Contract shall exclude Nuclear Energy Risks whether such risks are written
directly and/or by way of reinsurance and/or via Pools and/or Associations.
For all purposes of this Contract Nuclear Energy Risks shall be defined as all first party
and/or third party insurances (other than Workers' Compensation and/or Employers'
Liability) in respect of:
i) Nuclear reactors and nuclear power stations or plants;
ii) Any other premises or facilities whatsoever related to or concerned with:
a) the production of nuclear energy or
b) the production or storage or handling of nuclear fuel or
nuclear waste.
iii) Any other premises or facilities eligible for insurance by any local Nuclear Pool
and/or Association but only to the extent of the requirements of the local Pool and/or
Association, it being the intention always that Reinsurers shall follow the fortunes of
the Company insofar as the Company complies with the requirements of any such
local Pool and/or Association.
However, this exclusion shall not apply:
a) to any insurance or reinsurance in respect of the construction, erection or
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Versão Livre para o Português
associação locais;
Todavia essa exclusão não se aplica:
(a) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro relativo a construção, montagem ou
instalação de prédios, instalações ou outra propriedade (incluindo
canteiro, bens e equipamentos do empreiteiro utilizados na obra):
(i) ao local de armazenagem de combustível nuclear - antes do início do
(ii) no que diz respeito ao prédio dos reatores - antes do início da carga do
combustível nuclear no reator ou anteriormente à fase crítica inicial,
dependendo do início do seguro ou resseguro do respectivo pool ou
associação nuclear local;
(b) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro de quebra de máquina ou outro risco
de engenharia não abrangido no escopo de (a) acima, não concedendo
cobertura à zona de alta radioatividade;
NT: A palavra “pool” foi mantida conforme mencionada no Novo Dicionário
Aurélio da língua portuguesa / Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira, 3. Ed.
– Curitiba: Positivo, 2004, p. 1600
O ultimo parágrafo desta Cláusula não foi traduzida por fazer referencia
específica ao Pool de Riscos Nucleares Japonês, ficando idêntica a BRMA
Esse Contrato excluirá riscos de energia nuclear quer tais riscos sejam
aceitos diretamente e/ou por meio de resseguro e/ou através de “pools”
ou associações.
Para todos os fins e efeitos deste Contrato, riscos de energia nuclear são
todos os seguros para o segurado ou para terceiros (exceto acidentes de
trabalho ou responsabilidade civil do empregador) referente a:
(i) reatores nucleares e estações ou instalações de energia nuclear;
(ii) qualquer outro local ou instalação de alguma forma relacionada ou
referente à:
a) produção de energia nuclear; ou
b) produção, estoque ou manuseio de combustível ou resíduo nucleares;
(iii) qualquer outro local ou instalações que possam ser segurados por
qualquer “pool” ou associação nuclear local mesmo dentro dos limites de
cobertura do “pool” ou associação locais, pretendendo-se sempre que os
Resseguradores sigam a sorte da Companhia da mesma forma que a
Companhia cumpra com as exigências de qualquer destes “pool” ou
associação locais;
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
installation of buildings, plant and other property (including contractor's plant and
equipment used in connection therewith):
i) for the storage of nuclear fuel - prior to the commencement of storage;
ii) as regards reactor installations - prior to the commencement of loading of nuclear
fuel into the reactor, or prior to the initial criticality, depending on the
commencement of the insurance or reinsurance of the relevant local Nuclear Pool
and/or Association.
b) to any Machinery Breakdown or other Engineering insurance or reinsurance not
coming within the scope of (a) above, nor affording coverage in the "high
radioactivity" zone.
NUCLEAR ENERGY RISKS EXCLUSION (MARINE) This reinsurance shall exclude Nuclear Energy Risks whether such risks are written
directly and/or by way of reinsurance and/or via Pools and/or Associations.
For all purposes of this reinsurance Nuclear Energy Risks shall be defined as all first
party and/or third party insurances (other than Workers' Compensation and/or
Employers' Liability) in respect of:
Nuclear reactors and nuclear power stations or plant;
Any other premises or facilities whatsoever related to or concerned with:
the production of nuclear energy or
the production or storage or handling of nuclear fuel or nuclear
Any other premises or facilities eligible for insurance by any local Nuclear
Pool and/or Association but only to the extent of the requirements of the local Pool
and/or Association, it being the intention always that the Reinsurer shall follow the
fortunes of the Reinsured insofar as the Reinsured complies with the requirements of
any such local Pool and/or Association;
Nuclear and/or radioactive fuel or nuclear and/or radioactive waste.
However, this Exclusion shall not apply.
to any insurance or reinsurance in respect of the construction, erection or
installation of buildings, plant and other property (including contractor's plant and
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Versão Livre para o Português
Todavia essa exclusão não se aplica:
(a) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro relativo a construção, montagem ou
instalação de prédios, instalações ou outra propriedade (incluindo
canteiro, bens e equipamentos do empreiteiro utilizados na obra):
(i) ao local de armazenagem de combustível nuclear - antes do início do
(ii) no que diz respeito ao prédio dos reatores - antes do início da carga do
combustível nuclear no reator ou anteriormente à fase crítica inicial,
dependendo do início do seguro ou resseguro do respectivo pool ou
associação nuclear local;
(b) a qualquer seguro ou resseguro de quebra de máquina ou outro risco
de engenharia não abrangido no escopo de (a) acima, não concedendo
cobertura à zona de alta radioatividade;
NT: A palavra “pool” foi mantida conforme mencionada no Novo Dicionário
Aurélio da língua portuguesa / Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira, 3. Ed.
– Curitiba: Positivo, 2004, p. 1600
A Cláusula BRMA 34-B, ao ter seu ultimo parágrafo retirado ficou idêntica a
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
equipment used in connection therewith).
for the storage of nuclear fuel -prior to the commencement of
as regards reactor installations - prior to the commencement of
loading of nuclear fuel into the reactor, or prior to the initial criticality, depending on
the commencement of the insurance or reinsurance of the relevant local Nuclear Pool
and/or Association.
to any Machinery Breakdown or other Engineering insurance or reinsurance
not coming within the scope of (a) above, nor affording coverage in the "high
radioactivity" zone;
to any insurance or reinsurance in respect of the Hulls of ships and/or aircraft
and/or conveyances;
to any insurance or reinsurance in respect of loss of or damage to (including
any expenses incurred therewith) nuclear and/or radioactive fuel or nuclear or
radioactive waste whilst in transit as cargo
(World-wide excluding USA. and Canada) This Agreement shall exclude Nuclear Energy Risks whether such risks are written
directly and/or by way of reinsurance and/or via Pools and/or Associations.
For all purposes of this Agreement Nuclear Energy Risks shall mean all first party
and/or third party insurances or reinsurances (other than Workers' Compensation
and/or Employers' Liability) in respect of:
All Property on the site of a nuclear power station.
Nuclear Reactors, reactor buildings and plant and equipment therein on any site
other than a nuclear power station.
All Property, on any site (including but not limited to the sites
referred to in (i) above) used or having been used for :a)
The generation of nuclear energy; or
The Production, Use or Storage of Nuclear Material
Any other Property eligible for insurance by the relevant Nuclear
Insurance Pool and/or Association but only to the extent of the requirements of the
local Pool and/or Association.
The supply of goods and services to any of the sites, described in (i)
to (iii) above, unless such insurances or reinsurances shall exclude the perils of
irradiation and contamination by Nuclear Material.
Except as undernoted, Nuclear Energy Risks shall not include :(i)
Any insurance or reinsurance in respect of the construction or
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Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
erection or installation or replacement or repair or maintenance or decommissioning
of Property as described in (i) to (iii) above (including contractors' plant and
Any Machinery Breakdown or other Engineering insurance or
reinsurance not coming within the scope of (i) above;
Provided always that such insurance or reinsurance shall exclude the perils of
irradiation and contamination by Nuclear Material.
However, the above exemption shall not extend to :1.
The provision of any insurance or reinsurance whatsoever in respect of:(a)
Nuclear Material;
Any Property in the High Radioactivity Zone or Area of any
Nuclear Installation as from the introduction of Nuclear Material or - for reactor
installations - as from fuel loading or first criticality where so agreed with the relevant
local Nuclear Insurance Pool and/or Association.
The provision of any insurance or reinsurance for the undernoted perils:-Fire, lightning, explosion;
-Aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped there from;
-Irradiation and radioactive contamination;
-Any other peril insured by the relevant local Nuclear Insurance Pool and/or
in respect of any other Property not specified in (1) above which directly
involves the Production, Use or Storage of Nuclear Material as from the introduction
of Nuclear Material into such Property.
"Nuclear Material" means:(i)
Nuclear fuel, other than natural uranium and depleted uranium,
capable of producing energy by a self-sustaining chain process of nuclear fission
outside a Nuclear Reactor, either alone or in combination with some other material;
Radioactive Products or Waste.
"Radioactive Products or Waste" means any radioactive material
produced in, or any material made radioactive by exposure to the radiation incidental
to the production or utilization of nuclear fuel, but does not include radioisotopes
which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable for any scientific,
medical, agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose.
"Nuclear Installation" means:(i)
Any Nuclear Reactor;
Any factory using nuclear fuel for the production of Nuclear
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Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 35
Original em Inglês
Material, or any factory for the processing of Nuclear Material, including any factory
for the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel; and
Any facility where Nuclear Material is stored, other than storage
incidental to the carriage of such material.
"Nuclear Reactor" means any structure containing nuclear fuel in such an
arrangement that a self-sustaining chain process of nuclear fission can occur therein
without an additional source of neutrons.
"Production, Use or Storage of Nuclear Material" means the production,
manufacture, enrichment, conditioning, processing, reprocessing, use, storage,
handling and disposal of Nuclear Material.
"Property" shall mean all land, buildings, structures, plant, equipment, vehicles,
contents (including but not limited to liquids and gases) and all materials of whatever
description whether fixed or not.
"High Radioactivity Zone or Area" means:(i)
For nuclear power stations and Nuclear Reactors, the vessel or
structure which immediately contains the core (including its supports and shrouding)
and all the contents thereof, the fuel elements, the control rods and the irradiated
fuel store; and
For non-reactor Nuclear Installations, any area where the level of
radioactivity requires the provision of a biological shield.
(1) This reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reassured as
a member of, or subscriber to, any association of insurers or reinsurers formed for the
purpose of covering nuclear energy risks or as a direct or indirect reinsurer of any
such member, subscriber or association.
(2) Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) of this Clause it is
understood and agreed that for all purposes of this reinsurance all the original
policies of the Reassured (new, renewal and replacement) of the classes specified in
Clause II of this paragraph (2) from the time specified in Clause III in this paragraph (2)
shall be deemed to include the following provision (specified as the Limited Exclusion
Limited Exclusion Provision.*
It is agreed that the policy does not apply under any liability coverage, to (injury,
sickness, disease, death or destruction (bodily injury or property damage with respect
to which an insured under the policy is also an insured under a nuclear energy liability
policy issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association, Mutual Atomic Energy
Liability Underwriters or Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada, or would be an
insured under any such policy but for its termination upon exhaustion of its limit of
II. Family Automobile Policies (liability only), Special Automobile Policies (private
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
passenger automobiles, liability only), Farmers Comprehensive Personal Liability
Policies (liability only), Comprehensive Personal Liability Policies (liability only) or
policies of a similar nature; and the liability portion of combination forms related to
the four classes of policies stated above, such as the Comprehensive Dwelling Policy
and the applicable types of Homeowners Policies.
III. The inception dates and thereafter of all original policies as described in II above,
whether new, renewal or replacement, being policies which either (a) become
effective on or after 1st May, 1960, or (b) become effective before that date and
contain the Limited Exclusion Provision set out above; provided this paragraph (2)
shall not be applicable to Family Automobile Policies, Special Automobile Policies, or
policies or combination policies of a similar nature, issued by the Reassured on New
York risks, until 90 days following approval of the Limited Exclusion Provision by the
Governmental Authority having jurisdiction thereof.
(3) Except for those classes of policies specified in Clause II of paragraph (2) and
without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) of this Clause, it is
understood and agreed that for all purposes of this reinsurance the original liability
policies of the Reassured (new, renewal and replacement) affording the following
Owners, Landlords and Tenants Liability, Contractual Liability, Elevator Liability,
Owners or Contractors (including railroad) Protective Liability, Manufacturers and
Contractors Liability, Product Liability, Professional and Malpractice Liability,
Storekeepers Liability, Garage Liability, Automobile Liability (including Massachusetts
Motor Vehicle or Garage Liability).shall be deemed to include, with respect to such
coverages, from the time specified in Clause V of this paragraph (3), the following
provision (specified as the Broad Exclusion Provision):
Broad Exclusion Provision.*
It is agreed that the policy does not apply:
Under any Liability Coverage, to (injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction
(bodily injury or property damage
(a) with respect to which an insured under the policy is also an insured under a
nuclear energy liability policy issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association,
Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters or Nuclear Insurance Association of
Canada, or would be an insured under any such policy but for its termination upon
exhaustion of its limit of liability; or
(b) resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and with respect to
which (1) any person or organization is required to maintain financial protection
pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or any law amendatory thereof, or (2) the
insured is, or had this policy not been issued would be, entitled to indemnity from the
United States of America, or any agency thereof, under any agreement entered into
by the United States of America, or any agency thereof, with any person or
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Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
II. Under any Medical Payments Coverage, or under any Supplementary Payments
Provision relating to (immediate medical or surgical relief, (first aid, to expenses
incurred with respect to (bodily injury, sickness, disease or death (bodily injury
resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and arising out of the
operation of a nuclear facility by any person or organization.
III. Under any Liability Coverage to (injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction
(bodily injury or property damage resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear
material, if
(a) the nuclear material (1) is at any nuclear facility owned by, or operated by or on
behalf of, an insured or (2) has been discharged or dispersed there from;
(b) the nuclear material is contained in spent fuel or waste at any time possessed,
handled, used, processed, stored, transported or disposed of by or on behalf of an
insured; or
(c) the (injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction (bodily injury or property
damages out of the furnishing by an insured of services, materials, parts or
equipment in connection with the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or
use of any nuclear facility, but if such facility is located within the United States of
America, its territories, or possessions or Canada, this exclusion (c) applies only to
(injury to or destruction of property at such nuclear facility (property damage to such
nuclear facility and any property thereat.
IV. As used in this endorsement:
Hazardous properties" include radioactive, toxic or explosive properties; "nuclear
material" means source material, special nuclear material or byproduct material;
"source material," "special nuclear material," and "byproduct material" have the
meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or in any law amendatory
thereof; "spent fuel" means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or liquid,
which has been used or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reactor; "waste" means any
waste material (1) containing byproduct material and (2)resulting from the operation
by any person or organization of any nuclear facility included within the definition of
nuclear facility under paragraph (a) or (b) thereof; "nuclear facility" means
(a) any nuclear reactor,
(b) any equipment or device designed or used for (1) separating the isotopes of
uranium or plutonium, (2) processing or utilizing spent fuel, or (3) handling,
processing or packaging waste,
(c) any equipment or device used for the processing, fabricating or alloying of
special nuclear material if at any time the total amount of such material in the
custody of the insured at the premises where such equipment or device is located
consists of or contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 or any
combination thereof, or more than 250 grams of uranium 235,
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Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
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Versão Livre para o Português
(d) any structure, basin, excavation, premises or place prepared or used for the
storage or disposal of waste, and includes the site on which any of the foregoing is
located, all operations conducted on such site and all premises used for such
operations; "nuclear reactor" means any apparatus designed or used to sustain
nuclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of
fissionable material;
(With respect to injury to or destruction of property, the word "injury" or
"destruction" ("property damage" includes all forms of radioactive contamination of
property. (includes all forms of radioactive contamination of property.
V. The inception dates and thereafter of all original policies affording coverages
specified in this paragraph (3), whether new, renewal or replacement, being policies
which become effective on or after 1st May, 1960, provided this paragraph (3) shall
not be applicable to
(i) Garage and Automobile Policies issued by the Reassured on New York risks, or
(ii) statutory liability insurance required under Chapter 90, General Laws of
Massachusetts, until 90 days following approval of the Broad Exclusion Provision by
the Governmental Authority having jurisdiction thereof.
(4) Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) of this Clause, it is
understood and agreed that paragraphs (2) and (3) above are not applicable to
original liability policies of the Reassured in Canada and that with respect to such
policies this Clause shall be deemed to include the Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion
Provisions adopted by the Canadian Underwriters' Association of the Independent
Insurance Conference of Canada.
*NOTE: The words printed in italics in the Limited Exclusion Provision and in the
Broad Exclusion Provision shall apply only in relation to original liability policies which
include a Limited Exclusion Provision or a Broad Exclusion Provision containing those
A 35
1. This Reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reassured,
directly or indirectly and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, from any Pool of Insurers or
Reinsurers formed for the purpose of covering Atomic or Nuclear Energy risks.
2. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) of this Clause, this
Reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reassured, directly or
indirectly and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, from any insurance against Physical
Damage (including business interruption or consequential loss arising out of such
Physical Damage) to:
Nuclear reactor power plants including all auxiliary property on the site, or
II. Any other nuclear reactor installation, including laboratories handling radioactive
materials in connection with reactor installations, and "critical facilities" as such, or
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
III. Installations for fabricating complete fuel elements or for processing substantial
quantities of "special nuclear material", and for reprocessing, salvaging, chemically
separating, storing or disposing of "spent" nuclear fuel or waste materials, or
IV Installations other than those listed in paragraph (2) III above using substantial
quantities of radioactive isotopes or other products of nuclear fission.
3. Without in any way restricting the operations of paragraphs (1) and (2) hereof,
this Reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive contamination
accruing to the Reassured, directly or indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer,
from any insurance on property which is on the same site as a nuclear reactor power
plant or other nuclear installation and which normally would be insured therewith
except that this paragraph (3) shall not operate
(a) where Reassured does not have knowledge of such nuclear reactor power plant
or nuclear installation, or (b) where said insurance contains a provision excluding
coverage for damage to property caused by or resulting from radioactive
contamination, however caused. However on and after 1st January 1960 this subparagraph
(b) shall only apply provided the said radioactive contamination exclusion provision
has been approved by the Governmental Authority having jurisdiction thereof.
4. Without in any way restricting the operations of paragraphs (1), (2) and (3)
hereof, this Reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive
contamination accruing to the Reassured, directly or indirectly, and whether as
Insurer or Reinsurer, when such radioactive contamination is a named hazard
specifically insured against.
5. It is understood and agreed that this Clause shall not extend to risks using
radioactive isotopes in any form where the nuclear exposure is not considered by the
Reassured to be the primary hazard.
6. The term "special nuclear material" shall have the meaning given it in the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954 or by any law amendatory thereof.
7. Reassured to be sole judge of what constitutes:
(a) substantial quantities, and
(b) the extent of installation, plant or site.
Note: Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) hereof, it is
understood and agreed that
(a) all policies issued by the Reassured on or before 31st December 1957 shall be
free from the application of the other provisions of this Clause until expiry date or
31st December 1960 whichever first occurs whereupon all the provisions of this
Clause shall apply,
(b) with respect to any risk located in Canada policies issued by the Company on or
before 31st December 1958 shall be free from the application of the other provisions
of this Clause until expiry date or 31st December 1960 whichever first occurs
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Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
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Versão Livre para o Português
whereupon all the provisions of this Clause shall apply.
A 35
1. 1. This Agreement does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reinsured
as a member of, or subscriber to, any association of insurers or reinsurers formed for
the purpose of covering nuclear energy risks or as a direct or indirect reinsurer of any
such member, subscriber, or association.
2. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph 1 of his clause it is
agreed that for all purposes of this Agreement all the original liability contracts of the
Reinsured, whether new, renewal or replacement, of the following classes, namely,
Personal Liability.
Farmers' Liability.
Storekeepers' Liability.
which become effective on or after 31st December 1984, shall be deemed to include,
from their inception dates and thereafter, the following provision:
Limited Exclusion Provision.
This Policy does not apply to bodily injury or property damage with respect to which
the Insured is also insured under a contract of nuclear energy liability insurance
(whether the Insured is unnamed in such contract and whether or not it is legally
enforceable by the Insured) issued by the Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada or
any other group or pool of insurers or would be an Insured under any such policy but
for its termination upon exhaustion of its limits of liability.
With respect to property, loss of use of such property shall be deemed to be property
3. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph 1 of this clause it is
agreed that for all purposes of this Agreement all the original liability contracts of the
Company, whether new, renewal or replacement, of any class whatsoever (other than
Personal Liability, Farmers' Liability, Storekeepers' Liability or Automobile Liability
contracts), which become effective on or after 31st December 1984, shall be deemed
to include, from their inception dates and thereafter, the following provision:
Broad Exclusion Provision.
It is agreed that this Policy does not apply:
(a) to liability imposed by or arising under The Nuclear Liability Act; nor
(b) to bodily injury or property damage with respect to which an Insured under this
Policy is also insured under a contract of nuclear energy liability insurance (whether
the Insured is unnamed in such contract and whether or not it is legally enforceable
by the Insured) issued by the Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada or any other
insurer or group or pool of insurers or would be an Insured under any such policy but
for its termination upon exhaustion of its limit of liability; nor
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
(c) to bodily injury or property damage resulting directly or indirectly from the
nuclear energy hazard arising from:
(i) the ownership, maintenance, operation or use of a nuclear facility by or on
behalf of an Insured;
(ii) the furnishing by an Insured of services, materials, parts or equipment in
connection with the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any
nuclear facility; and
(iii) the possession, consumption, use, handling, disposal or transportation of
fissionable substances or of other radioactive material (except radioactive isotopes,
away from a nuclear facility, which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to
be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose)
used, distributed, handled or sold by an Insured.
As used in this Policy:
1. The term "nuclear energy hazard" means the radioactive, toxic, explosive or
other hazardous properties of radioactive material;
2. The term "radioactive material" means uranium, thorium, plutonium,
neptunium, their respective derivatives and compounds, radioactive isotopes of other
elements and any other substances that the Atomic Energy Control Board may, by
regulation, designate as being prescribed substances capable of releasing atomic
energy, or as being requisite for the production, use or application of atomic energy;
3. The term "nuclear facility" means:
(a) any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self-supporting
chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of plutonium, thorium and uranium or any
one or more of them;
(b) any equipment or device designed or used for (i)separating the isotopes of
plutonium, thorium and uranium or any one or more of them, (ii) processing or
utilizing spent fuel, or (iii) handling, processing or packaging waste;
(c) any equipment or device used for the processing, fabricating or alloying of
plutonium, thorium or uranium enriched in the isotope uranium 233 or in the isotope
uranium 235, or any one or more of them if at any time the total amount of such
material in the custody of the Insured at the premises where such equipment or
device is located consists of or contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium
233 or any combination thereof, or more than 250 grams of uranium 235;
(d) any structure, basin, excavation, premises or place prepared or used for the
storage or disposal of waste radioactive material; and includes the site on which any
of the foregoing is located, together with all operations conducted thereon and all
premises used for such operations.
4. The term "fissionable substance" means any prescribed substance that is, or
from which can be obtained, a substance capable of releasing atomic energy by
nuclear fission.
Página 163 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 164 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
5. With respect to property, loss of use of such property shall be deemed to be
property damage.
A 35
(1) This reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reassured as
a member of, or subscriber to, any association of insurers or reinsurers formed for the
purpose of covering nuclear energy risks or as a direct or indirect reinsurer of any
such member, subscriber or association.
(2) Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) of this Clause it is
understood and agreed that for all purposes of this reinsurance all original Boiler and
Machinery Insurance or Reinsurance contracts of the Reassured shall be deemed to
include the following provisions of this paragraph;
This Policy does not apply to "loss," whether it be direct or indirect, proximate or
(a) from an Accident caused directly or indirectly by nuclear reaction, nuclear
radiation or radioactive contamination, all whether controlled or uncontrolled; or
(b) from nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination, all
whether controlled or uncontrolled, caused directly or indirectly by, contributed to or
aggravated by an Accident.
3. However, it is agreed that loss arising out of the use of Radioactive Isotopes in
any form is not hereby excluded from reinsurance protection.
4. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1) hereof, it is
understood and agreed that
(a) all policies issued by the Reassured effective on or before 30th April, 1958, shall
be free from the application of the other provisions of this Clause until expiry date or
30th April, 1961, whichever first occurs, whereupon all the provisions of this Clause
shall apply,
(b) with respect to any risk located in Canada policies issued by the Reassured
effective on or before 30th June, 1958, shall be free from the application of the other
provisions of this Clause until expiry date of 30th June, 1961, whichever first occurs,
whereupon all the provisions of this Clause shall apply.
A 35
(1) This reinsurance does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reassured as
a member of, or subscriber to, any association of insurers or reinsurers formed for the
purpose of covering nuclear energy risks or as a direct or indirect reinsurer of any
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 165 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
such member, subscriber or association.
(2) Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1)of this Clause it is
understood and agreed that for all purposes of this reinsurance all original Boiler and
Machinery Insurance or Reinsurance contracts of the Reassured shall be deemed to
include the following provisions of this paragraph;
This Policy does not apply to "loss," whether it be direct or indirect, proximate or
(a) from an Accident caused directly or indirectly by nuclear reaction, nuclear
radiation or radioactive contamination, all whether controlled or uncontrolled; or
(b) from nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination, all
whether controlled or uncontrolled, caused directly or indirectly by, contributed to or
aggravated by an Accident.
(3) However, it is agreed that loss arising out of the use of Radioactive Isotopes in
any form is not hereby excluded from reinsurance protection.
(4) Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph (1)hereof, it is
understood and agreed that policies issued by the Reassured effective on or before
31st December, 1958, shall be free from the application of the other provisions of this
Clause until expiry date or 31st December, 1961, whichever first occurs, whereupon
all the provisions of this Clause shall apply.
A 35
1. This Agreement does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reinsured
directly or indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, from any Pool of Insurers
or Reinsurers formed for the purpose of covering Atomic or Nuclear Energy risks.
2. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraph 1 of this clause, this
Agreement does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reinsured, directly or
indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer, from any insurance against Physical
Damage (including business interruption or consequential loss arising out of such
Physical Damage) to:
(1) Nuclear reactor power plants including all auxiliary property on the site, or
(2) Any other nuclear reactor installation, including laboratories handling radioactive
materials in connection with reactor installations, and critical facilities as such, or
(3) Installations for fabricating complete fuel elements or for processing substantial
quantities of prescribed substances, and for reprocessing, salvaging, chemically
separating, storing or disposing of spent nuclear fuel or waste materials, or
(4) Installations other than those listed in (3) above using substantial quantities of
radioactive isotopes or other products of nuclear fission.
3. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this clause,
this Agreement does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive contamination
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 36
Original em Inglês
accruing to the Reinsured, directly or indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer,
from any insurance on property which is on the same site as a nuclear reactor power
plant or other nuclear installation and which normally would be insured therewith,
except that this paragraph 3 shall not operate.
(a) where the Reinsured does not have knowledge of such nuclear reactor power
plant or nuclear installation, or
(b) where the said insurance contains a provision excluding coverage for damage to
property caused by or resulting from radioactive contamination, however caused.
4. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this
clause, this Agreement does not cover any loss or liability by radioactive
contamination accruing to the Reinsured, directly or indirectly, and whether as
Insurer or Reinsurer, when such radioactive contamination is a named hazard
specifically insured against.
5. This clause shall not extend to risks using radioactive isotopes in any form where
the nuclear exposure is not considered by the Reinsured to be the primary hazard.
6. The term "prescribed substances" shall have the meaning given it by the Atomic
Energy Control Act R.S.C. 1974 or by any law amendatory thereof.
7. Reinsured to be sole judge of what constitutes:
(a) substantial quantities, and
(b) the extent of installation, plant or site.
8. Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this
clause, this Agreement does not cover any loss or liability accruing to the Reinsured,
directly or indirectly, and whether as Insurer or Reinsurer caused:
(a) by any nuclear incident as defined in the Nuclear Liability Act or any other
nuclear liability act, law or statute, or any law amendatory thereof or nuclear
explosion, except for ensuing loss or damage which results directly from fire, lightning
or explosion of natural, coal or manufactured gas;
(b) by contamination by radioactive material.
NOTE: Without in any way restricting the operation of paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this
clause, paragraph 8 of this clause shall only apply to all original contracts of the
Reinsured, whether new, renewal or replacement, which become effective on or after
December 31, 1992.
The Company and the Reinsurer may offset any balance or amount due from one party
to the other under this Contract or any other contract heretofore or hereafter entered
into between the Company and the Reinsurer, whether acting as assuming reinsurer or
ceding company. This provision shall not be affected by the insolvency of either party
to this Contract.
Página 166 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
A Companhia e o Ressegurador poderão compensar qualquer diferença ou
valor devido de uma parte para a outra neste Contrato ou qualquer outro
contrato anterior ou futuro firmado entre as partes, quer atuando como
ressegurador ou companhia cedente. Essa provisão não será afetada pela
insolvência de qualquer das partes em cumprir este Contrato.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 167 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
A 36
The Company and the Reinsurer may offset any balance or amount due from one party
to the other under this Contract or any other contract heretofore or hereafter entered
into between the Company and the Reinsurer, whether acting as assuming reinsurer or
ceding company. However, in the event of the insolvency of any party hereto, offset
shall only be allowed in accordance with applicable law.
A Companhia e o Ressegurador poderão compensar qualquer diferença ou
valor devido de uma parte para a outra sob esse Contrato ou qualquer
outro contrato, firmado anterior ou posteriormente entre as partes, quer
atuando como ressegurador ou companhia cedente. Todavia, no caso de
insolvência de qualquer das partes, a compensação será permitida somente
de acordo com a lei aplicável.
A 36
The Company and the Reinsurer shall have the right to offset any balance or amounts
due from one party to the other under the terms of this Contract. The party asserting
the right of offset may exercise such right any time whether the balances due are on
account of premiums or losses or otherwise.
A 36
The Company and the Reinsurer, each at its option, may offset any balance or
balances, whether on account of premiums, claims and losses, loss expenses or
salvages due from one party to the other under this Contract; provided, however, that
in the event of the insolvency of a party hereto, offsets shall only be allowed in
accordance with applicable statutes and regulations.
A 36
The Company and the Reinsurer, each at its option, may offset any balance or
balances, whether on account of premiums, claims and losses, loss expenses or
salvages due from one party to the other under this Contract or under any other
reinsurance contract heretofore or hereafter entered into between the Company and
the Reinsurer, whether acting as assuming reinsurer or as ceding company; provided,
however, that in the event of the insolvency of a party hereto, offsets shall only be
allowed in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations
Each party to this Agreement together with their successors or assigns shall have and
may exercise, at any time, the right to offset any agreed balance or balances due the
other (or, if more than one, any other). Such offset may include agreed balances due
under this Agreement and any other agreements heretofore or hereafter entered into
between the parties handled through the brokers specified in the INTERMEDIARY
Clause regardless of whether such balances arise from premiums, losses or otherwise,
A Companhia e o Ressegurador terão o direito de compensar qualquer
diferença ou valor devido de uma parte para a outra sob esse Contrato. A
parte que reivindicar o direito de compensação poderá exercer tal direito a
qualquer tempo, quer a diferença devida esteja na conta de prêmios,
sinistro ou em qualquer outra conta.
NT: Esta cláusula restringe a compensação aos valores de um mesmo
contrato apenas.
Apesar de não mencionada, a compensação de saldos, em caso de
insolvência de uma das partes, ficará limitada pela legislação em vigor.
A Companhia e o Ressegurador, cada um à sua própria opção, poderão
compensar qualquer diferença ou diferenças, quer na conta de prêmios,
reclamações e sinistros, despesas de regulação ou salvados devidas de uma
parte a outra neste Contrato. Entretanto, no caso de insolvência de uma das
partes, as compensações serão somente permitidas de acordo com a
legislação e normas aplicáveis.
A Companhia e o Ressegurador, cada um à sua própria opção, poderão
compensar qualquer diferença ou diferenças, quer na conta de prêmios,
reclamações e sinistros, despesas de regulação ou salvados, devida de uma
parte a outra neste Contrato ou sob qualquer outro contrato de resseguro
firmado anterior ou posteriormente entre as partes, quer agindo como
ressegurador ou como companhia cedente. Entretanto, no caso de
insolvência de uma das partes, as compensações serão somente permitidas
de acordo com a legislação e normas aplicáveis.
Cada parte deste Contrato, bem como seus sucessores ou designados, terão
e poderão exercer, a qualquer tempo, o direito de compensar qualquer
saldo ou saldos acordados devidos pela outra parte (ou, se houver mais de
uma, a qualquer uma). Tal compensação pode incluir saldos acordados
devidos por este Contrato e quaisquer outros contratos firmados anterior
ou posteriormente entre as partes, negociados pelos corretores de
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
and regardless of capacity of any party, whether as assuming insurer and/or ceding
insurer, under the various agreements involved, provided however, that in the event
of insolvency of a party hereto, offsets shall only be allowed in accordance with the
provisions of the applicable law, statute or regulation governing such offset shall
A 37
A 37
All amounts ceded hereunder shall be subject to the same gross rates and to the
same clauses, conditions, and modifications of the Company's policies, subject to the
limits, terms and conditions of this Contract.
All reinsurance under this Contract shall be subject to the same rates, terms,
conditions, waivers and interpretations, and to the same modifications and
alterations as the respective policies of the Company. However, in no event shall this
be construed in any way to provide coverage outside the terms and conditions set
forth in this Contract. The Reinsurer shall be credited with its exact proportion of the
original premiums received by the Company, prior to disbursement of any dividends,
but after deduction of premiums, if any, ceded by the Company for inuring
Nothing herein shall in any manner create any obligations or establish any rights
against the Reinsurer in favor of any third party or any persons not parties to this
A 37
All reinsurance under this Contract shall be subject to the same rates, terms,
conditions, waivers and interpretations, and to the same modifications and
alterations as the respective policies of the Company. However, in no event shall this
be construed in any way to provide coverage outside the terms and conditions set
forth in this Contract. The Reinsurer shall be credited with its exact proportion of the
original premiums received by the Company, prior to disbursement of any dividends,
but after deduction of premiums, if any, ceded by the Company for inuring
reinsurance. As respects indivisible premium multiple peril policies reinsured
hereunder, _____% of the total basic policy premium shall be considered subject
Nothing herein shall in any manner create any obligations or establish any rights
against the Reinsurer in favor of any third party or any persons not parties to this
Página 168 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
resseguros especificados na Cláusula de Intermediário, independentemente
se tais saldos decorram de prêmios, sinistros ou de outra forma, e
independentemente da capacidade de qualquer parte, quer como
ressegurador e/ou cedente, de acordo com os vários contratos envolvidos.
Entretanto, no caso de insolvência de uma parte deste Contrato, as
compensações somente serão permitidas conforme as disposições da lei,
estatuto ou normas aplicáveis.
Todos os valores aqui cedidos estarão sujeitos às mesmas taxas brutas e às
mesmas cláusulas, condições e alterações das apólices de seguro da
Companhia, respeitados os limites, termos e condições deste Contrato.
Todos os resseguros sob este Contrato estarão sujeitos às mesmas taxas,
termos, condições, concessões e interpretações, bem como às mesmas
modificações e alterações das respectivas apólices de seguro da
Companhia. Entretanto, em nenhuma hipótese será concedida cobertura
fora dos termos e condições estabelecidos neste Contrato. O Ressegurador
terá direito à sua proporção do prêmio de seguro recebido pela
Companhia, antes do desembolso de quaisquer dividendos, mas após a
dedução de prêmios cedidos pela Companhia a outros resseguros, se
houver, que beneficiem este Contrato.
Nada aqui contido criará ou estabelecerá quaisquer obrigações ou direitos
contra o Ressegurador a favor de quaisquer terceiros ou pessoas que não
façam parte deste Contrato.
Todos os resseguros sob este Contrato estarão sujeitos às mesmas taxas,
termos, condições, concessões e interpretações, bem como às mesmas
modificações e alterações das respectivas apólices de seguro da
Companhia. Entretanto, em nenhuma hipótese será concedida cobertura
fora dos termos e condições estabelecidos neste Contrato. O Ressegurador
terá direito à sua proporção do prêmio de seguro recebido pela
Companhia, antes do desembolso de quaisquer dividendos, mas após a
dedução de prêmios cedidos pela Companhia a outros resseguros, se
houver, que beneficiem este Contrato. Com relação a prêmios indivisíveis
de apólices de multiriscos aqui resseguradas, ______% do prêmio
comercial total da apólice será considerado prêmio deste Contrato
Nada aqui contido criará ou estabelecerá quaisquer obrigações ou direitos
contra o Ressegurador a favor de quaisquer terceiros ou pessoas que não
façam parte deste Contrato.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
The liability of the Reinsurers for amounts ceded to them under this Agreement
commences simultaneously with that of the Reinsured and shall be identical in every
way with that of the Reinsured. An insurance effected by the Reinsured wherein the
Reinsured is named as the Insured either alone or jointly with another party, shall be
deemed to be an insurance coming within the scope of this Agreement
notwithstanding that no legal liability may arise in respect thereof by reason of the
fact that the Reinsured is named as the Insured or one of the Insureds. All cessions
hereunder shall be subject to the same clauses and conditions as the original policies,
except in so far as they are contrary to the terms of this Agreement. The Reinsurers
agree to follow the settlements of the Reinsured and pay as may be paid by them, it
being understood that the intention of this Agreement is that the Reinsurers shall
follow the fortunes of the Reinsured in all respects.
The Reinsured shall have absolute discretion in fixing the amount of its retention on
any one risk and in determining what constitutes one risk.
Nothing contained in this Agreement to the contrary will prevent the Reinsured from
revising the amount of its retention provided it has no knowledge of the risk having
been affected by a loss.
This Agreement shall be subject where applicable to the provisions of the Special
Conditions, if any, embodied in the attached Schedule.
Long term risks shall be ceded for period of 12 months at a time other than CAR/EAR
The Reinsured may submit to the Reinsurers for their consideration details of any risk
falling outside the scope of this Agreement, and if accepted by the Reinsurers, such
risks shall be considered as coming within the scope of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall be deemed to be subject to the same terms, clauses and
conditions as the original policies and/or contracts as far as they may be applicable
hereto and shall pay as may be paid thereon, but subject nevertheless to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
This Agreement shall furthermore be subject to the provisions of any Special
Conditions embodied in the attached schedule.
The deposit premium, or flat premium, as applicable, shall be paid by the Reinsured
to the Reinsurers in the manner stated in the Risk Details.
The payment of any adjustment premium due between the parties, which shall be
calculated in accordance with the terms of the Premium Article, shall be payable
immediately thereafter.
Página 169 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
A responsabilidade dos Resseguradores sobre os montantes a eles cedidos
neste Contrato começará simultaneamente e será idêntica a do
Ressegurado. Qualquer seguro feito pelo Ressegurado em que ele próprio
seja o único segurado ou cossegurado com outra parte, será considerado
como seguro dentro do escopo deste Contrato, garantindo-se que
nenhuma responsabilidade legal surgirá em relação a tal seguro pelo fato
de o Ressegurado ser também o segurado ou um dos cossegurados. Todas
as cessões de resseguro deste Contrato estarão sujeitas às mesmas
cláusulas e condições das apólices de seguro, exceto se as mesmas forem
contrárias aos termos deste Contrato. Os Resseguradores concordam em
seguir a liquidação e em pagar o sinistro nos mesmos termos adotados
pelo Ressegurado, ficando entendido que o objetivo deste Contrato é que
os Resseguradores sigam a sorte do Ressegurado em todos os seus
O Ressegurado será o único responsável por fixar o valor de sua retenção
em cada risco e em determinar o que constitui um risco.
Nada neste Contrato impedirá o Ressegurado de rever o valor de sua
retenção, desde que não tenha conhecimento de que o risco tenha sido
afetado por um sinistro.
Este Contrato estará sujeito, onde aplicável, às disposições das Condições
Especiais, se houver, incorporadas nos Detalhes do Contrato.
Riscos de longo prazo deverão ser cedidos por períodos de 12 meses,
exceto os de Riscos de Engenharia.
O Ressegurado poderá submeter aos Resseguradores, para sua análise,
detalhes de quaisquer riscos que estejam fora do escopo deste Contrato e,
se por eles aceitos, tais riscos serão considerados cobertos por este
Este Contrato será interpretado como sujeito aos mesmos termos,
cláusulas e condições das apólices e/ou dos contratos de seguro, na
medida em que aqueles forem aplicáveis, e seguirá as liquidações originais,
porém sujeito aos termos e condições aqui estabelecidos.
Além disso, este Contrato estará sujeito às disposições de quaisquer
condições especiais constantes nos Detalhes do Contrato.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
This Reinsurance shall apply to losses occurring during the period stated in the Risk
The rights and obligations under this Reinsurance shall remain in full force until the
effective date of expiry or termination after which the liability y of the Reinsurers
shall cease absolutely except in respect of losses occurring during the period of the
Reinsurance the claims for which remain unsettled at that date.
This Agreement applies to risks attaching during the period as specified in the
attached Contractual Details under “PERIOD”.
This Reinsurance shall be effective in respect of all loss or losses occurring during the
period commencing {INCEPTION DATE} and ending {EXPIRY DATE} both days inclusive,
Local Standard Time.
This Reinsurance covers all losses as herein defined occurring during the period
commencing with the {INCEPTION DATE} and ending with the {EXPIRY DATE} both
days inclusive, Local Standard Time at the place where the loss occurs.
A 39
This Contract excludes loss and/or damage and/or costs and/or expenses arising from
seepage and/or pollution and/or contamination, other than contamination from
smoke. Nevertheless, this exclusion does not preclude payment of the cost of
removing debris of property damaged by a loss otherwise covered hereunder, subject
always to a limit of 25% of the Company's property loss under the applicable original
A 39
A. This reinsurance excludes all loss and/or liability accruing to the Company as a
result of:
1. bodily injury or property damage arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened
discharge, dispersal, release or escape of pollutants:
a. that are (or that are contained in any property that is):
Página 170 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Este Resseguro se aplica a sinistros ocorridos durante a vigência
especificada nos Detalhes do Contrato.
Os direitos e obrigações sob este Resseguro continuarão em pleno vigor
até a data de seu vencimento ou término, após a qual a responsabilidade
dos Resseguradores cessará completamente, exceto com relação a
sinistros ocorridos durante a vigência do contrato e relativos a reclamações
pendentes naquela data.
NT: Esta cláusula se aplica a contratos a base de sinistros ocorridos (“losses
Este Contrato se aplica a riscos iniciados durante sua vigência, conforme
especificado nos Detalhes do Contrato sob a denominação “VIGÊNCIA”.
NT: Esta cláusula se aplica a contratos a base de riscos iniciados (“risk
Este Resseguro vigorará para todo sinistro ocorrido durante a vigência,
iniciando às 24 hs de _________ e terminando às 24 hs de ________,
horário oficial de Brasília (DF).
Este Resseguro cobre todos os sinistros, como definidos neste Contrato,
que ocorram durante a vigência, iniciando às 24 hs de _________ e
terminando às 24 hs de ________, horário oficial no local onde o sinistro
Este Contrato exclui perda e/ou dano e/ou custos e/ou despesas
decorrentes de vazamento e/ou poluição e/ou contaminação, exceto
contaminação por fumaça. Todavia, esta exclusão não impede o
pagamento do custo de remoção de entulho de bens danificados por um
sinistro coberto, sujeito sempre ao limite especificado na apólice de
NT: a tradução feita evitou fixar um sublimite de remoção de entulho, que
passa a seguir a apólice de seguro.
Cláusula não traduzida, por ter sido
considerada muito especifica
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 39
Original em Inglês
being transported or towed by, or handled for movement into, onto or from the
insured auto, or otherwise in the course of transit;
ii. being stored, disposed of, treated or processed in or upon the insured auto;
b. before the pollutants (or any property in which the pollutants are contained) are
moved from the place where they are accepted by the insured for movement into or
onto the insured auto; or
c. after the pollutants (or any property in which the pollutants are contained) are
moved from the insured auto to the place where they are finally delivered, disposed
of or abandoned by the insured;
2. any governmental direction or request that the insured test for, monitor, clean
up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize pollutants.
B. Paragraph A above does not apply to environmental restoration coverage
required by the Motor Carrier Act of 1980, or similar mandatory laws.
C. Subparagraph A(1)(a)(ii) above does not apply to fuels, lubricants, fluids, exhaust
gases or other similar pollutants that are needed for or result from the normal
electrical, hydraulic or mechanical functioning of the insured auto or its parts, if:
1. the pollutants escape or are discharged, dispersed or released directly from an
auto part designed by its manufacturer to hold, store, receive or dispose of such
pollutants; and
2. the bodily injury or property damage does not arise out of the operation of a
cherry picker or similar device mounted on an automobile or truck chassis and used
to raise or lower workers, air compressors, pumps and/or generators, including
spraying, welding, building cleaning, geophysical exploration, lighting and well
servicing equipment.
D.Paragraphs A(1)(b) and A(1)(c) above do not apply if:
1the pollutants (or any property in which the pollutants are contained) are upset,
overturned or damaged as a result of the maintenance or use of an insured auto; and
2.the discharge, dispersal, release or escape of the pollutants is caused directly by
such upset, overturn or damage.
E."Pollutants" mean any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant,
including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste. Waste
includes material to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.
A. This reinsurance excludes all loss and/or liability accruing to the reinsured company
as a result of:
1. bodily injury or property damage arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened
discharge, dispersal, release or escape of pollutants:
a. at or from premises owned, rented or occupied by a named insured;
b. at or from any site or location used by or for a named insured or others for the
Página 171 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
A. Este resseguro exclui toda perda e/ou responsabilidade que afete a
companhia como resultado de:
1. dano corporal ou material decorrente da real, alegada ou ameaça de
descarte, dispersão, liberação ou escape de poluentes:
a. em ou de locais pertencentes, alugados ou ocupados pelo segurado;
b. em ou de qualquer planta ou local usado pelo ou para o segurado ou
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
handling, storage, disposal, processing or treatment of waste;
c. which are at any time transported, handled, stored, treated, disposed of, or
processed as waste by or for a named insured or any person or organization for
whom a named insured may be legally responsible; or
d. at or from any site or location on which a named insured or any contractors or
subcontractors working directly or indirectly on behalf of a named insured are
performing operations:
(i) if the pollutants are brought on or to the site or location in connection with such
operations; or
(ii) if the operations are to test for, monitor, clean up,
remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize the pollutants;
2. any governmental direction or request that a named insured test for, monitor,
clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize pollutants.
B. Subparagraphs A(1)(a) and A(1)(d)(i) above do not apply to bodily injury or
property damage caused by heat, smoke or fumes from a hostile fire.
C. "Hostile fire" means a fire which becomes uncontrollable or breaks out from where
it was intended to be.
D. "Pollutants" means any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant,
including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste. Waste
includes material to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.
A 39
The following exclusion applies to all new, renewal or replacement policies which
become effective on or after January 1st, 1986.
"Renewal policies" as used above shall also mean the next anniversary date on or
after January 1st, 1986 in respect of policies issued for a period of more than one
This Contract does not cover any liability arising from vehicles known by the Company
to be used for the transportation of:
Hazardous chemicals including but not limited to acids, alkalis, gases, oils,
pesticides, herbicides and polychlorinated biphenyls (P.C.B.'s).
Petroleum products including but not limited to gasoline, oils and liquid
petroleum gas (L.P.G.).
Industrial or other wastes.
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Versão Livre para o Português
outrem para o manuseio, armazenamento, eliminação, processamento ou
tratamento de resíduos;
c. que sejam a qualquer tempo transportados, manuseados, armazenados,
tratados, eliminados ou processados como resíduos pelo ou para o
segurado ou qualquer pessoa ou organização pela qual o segurado possa
ser legalmente responsável; ou
d. em ou de qualquer planta ou local na qual o segurado ou qualquer
contratante ou subcontratante trabalhando direta ou indiretamente em
nome do segurado esteja operando;
(i) se os poluentes forem trazidos à ou para a planta ou local relacionado
com tais operações; ou
(ii) se as operações forem para teste de, monitoramento, limpeza,
remoção, contenção, tratamento, desintoxicação ou neutralização de
2. qualquer instrução ou requisição governamental para que o segurado
testar, monitorar, limpar, remover, conter, tratar, desintoxicar ou
neutralizar poluentes.
B. Os subitens (A.1.a) e (A.1.d.i) acima não se aplicam a dano corporal ou
material causado por aquecimento, fumaça ou gases de um incêndio hostil.
C. “Incêndio hostil” significa um incêndio que tenha início de forma
descontrolada ou escape do local programado para acontecer.
D. “Poluentes” significa qualquer irritante ou contaminante sólido, líquido,
gasoso ou térmico, incluindo fumaça, vapor, fuligem, gases, ácidos, sais
alcalinos, químicos e resíduos. Resíduos incluem materiais a serem
reciclados, recondicionados ou recuperados.
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 39
Original em Inglês
Other dangerous substances referred to in the Transportation of Dangerous
Goods Act.
The above exclusion does not apply to the following:
Petroleum tankers or trailers owned and/or operated by Contractors for the
sole purpose of refueling their construction machinery.
Tar tankers or trailers owned and/or operated by Contractors.
Vehicles operated by fuel dealers in rural areas not exceeding three tanker
Vehicles operated by farmers for transporting herbicides, pesticides,
fertilizers, gasoline or oil for their own use.
Wholesale or retail delivery of packaged goods that are harmful through
inhalation of their vapours, by skin contact or ingestion.
The following exclusion applies to all new, renewal or replacement policies which
become effective on or after January 1st, 1987.
"Renewal policies" as used above shall also mean the next anniversary date on or
after January 1st, 1987 in respect of policies issued for a period of more than one
Pollution/Environmental Liability Exclusion Clause This Contract does not cover any
liability for:
A. Bodily injury or property damage arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened
discharge, dispersal, release or escape of pollutants:
1) At or from premises owned, rented or occupied by an Insured;
2) At or from any site or location used by or for an Insured or others for the
handling, storage, disposal, processing or treatment of waste;
3) Which are at any time transported, handled, stored, treated, disposed of, or
processed as waste by or for an Insured or any person or organization for whom the
Insured may be legally responsible; or
4) At or from any site or location on which an Insured or any contractors or
subcontractors working directly or indirectly on behalf of an Insured are performing
a) if the pollutants are brought on or to the site or location in connection with such
operations; or
b) if the operations are to test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify
or neutralize the pollutants.
B. Any loss, cost or expense arising out of any governmental direction or request that
an Insured test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize
Página 173 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 39
A 39
Original em Inglês
C. Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages arising directly or indirectly out of
the discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any pollutants.
"Pollutants" means any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant,
including smoke, vapour, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste. Waste
includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.
Sub-paragraphs 1) and 4) a) of paragraph A. of this exclusion do not apply to "bodily
injury" or "property damage" caused by heat, smoke or fumes from a "hostile fire." As
used in this Exclusion, a "hostile fire" means one which becomes uncontrollable or
breaks out from where it was intended to be.
The following exclusion applies to all new, renewal or replacement policies which
become effective on or after January 1st, 1986.
"Renewal policies" as used above shall also mean the next anniversary date on or
after January 1st, 1986 in respect of policies issued for a period of more than one
This Contract does not cover any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, nor any
cleanup cost incurred resulting from any spill, discharge or seepage of a
This exclusion does not apply to loss or damage to the property insured caused by an
insured peril or to expenses covered under the following Debris Removal Clause:
"Debris Removal: The Insurer will indemnify the Insured for expenses incurred in the
removal of debris of the property insured, occasioned by loss or damage to such
property, for which loss or damage insurance is afforded under this Form.
The Insurer will indemnify the Insured for expenses incurred in the removal of debris
or other property which is not insured by this Form but which has been blown by
windstorm upon a location specified on the Declarations Page.
Debris removal expense shall not be considered in the determination of actual cash
value for the purpose of applying the Coinsurance Clause."
It is warranted that "pollution" or "contamination" shall not be included as a peril
insured under any policy issued by the Company.
1) Loss, damage, liability, cost or expense arising out of the actual, alleged, or
threatened discharge, dispersal, release, or escape of pollutants:
a) At or from premises owned, rented or occupied by a named Insured;
b) At or from any site or location used by or for a named Insured or others for the
handling, storage, disposal, processing or treatment of waste;
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Este resseguro exclui toda perda e/ou responsabilidade que afete a
companhia como resultado de:
Perda, dano, responsabilidade, custo ou despesa decorrente da
real, alegada ou ameaça de descarte, dispersão, liberação ou escape de
a) em ou de locais pertencentes, alugados ou ocupados pelo segurado;
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
c) Which are at any time transported, handled, stored, treated, disposed of,
processed as waste by or for a named Insured or any person or organization for
whom you may be legally responsible; or
d) At or from any site or location on which a named Insured or any contractors or
subcontractors working directly or indirectly on behalf of a named Insured are
performing operations;
i) if the pollutants are brought on or to the site or location in connection with such
operations; or
ii) if the operations are to test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat,
detoxify or neutralize the pollutants.
2) Any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense arising out of any governmental
direction or request that a Insured test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat,
detoxify or neutralize the pollutants.
“Pollutants” means any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant,
including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste. Waste
includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.
A 40
Section A:
(a) All business derived directly or indirectly from any Pool, Association or Syndicate
which maintains its own reinsurance facilities
(b) Any Pool or Scheme (whether voluntary or mandatory) formed after March 1,
1968 for the purpose of insuring property whether on a country-wide basis or in
respect of designated areas. This exclusion shall not apply to so-called Automobile
Insurance Plans or other Pools formed to provide coverage for Automobile Physical
Section B:
It is agreed that business written by the Company for the same perils, which is known
at the time to be insured by, or in excess of underlying amounts placed in the
following Pools, Associations or Syndicates, whether by way of insurance or
reinsurance, is excluded hereunder:
Industrial Risk Insurers, Associated Factory Mutuals; Improved Risk Mutuals; Any
Página 175 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
b) em ou de qualquer planta ou local usado pelo ou para o segurado ou
outrem para o manuseio, armazenamento, eliminação, processamento ou
tratamento de resíduos;
c. que sejam a qualquer tempo transportados, manuseados, armazenados,
tratados, eliminados ou processados como resíduos pelo ou para o
segurado ou qualquer pessoa ou organização pela qual o segurado possa
ser legalmente responsável; ou
d. em ou de qualquer planta ou local na qual o segurado ou qualquer
contratante ou subcontratante trabalhando direta ou indiretamente em
nome do segurado esteja operando;
(i) se os poluentes forem trazidos à ou para a planta ou local relacionado
com tais operações; ou
(ii) se as operações forem para teste de, monitoramento, limpeza,
remoção, contenção, tratamento, desintoxicação ou neutralização de
Qualquer perda, dano, responsabilidade, custo ou despesa
decorrente de qualquer instrução ou requisição governamental para que o
segurado testar, monitorar, limpar, remover, conter, tratar, desintoxicar ou
neutralizar poluentes.
“Poluentes” significa qualquer irritante ou contaminante sólido, líquido,
gasoso ou térmico, incluindo fumaça, vapor, fuligem, gases, ácidos, sais
alcalinos, químicos e resíduos. Resíduos incluem materiais a serem
reciclados, recondicionados ou recuperados.
NT: O primeiro parágrafo foi incluído para dar sentido à clausula.
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 176 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Pool, Association or Syndicate formed for the purpose of writing Oil, Gas or PetroChemical Plants and/or Oil or Gas Drilling Rigs, United States Aircraft Insurance
Group, Canadian Aircraft Insurance Group, Associated Aviation Underwriters,
American Aviation Underwriters.
Section B does not apply:
(a) Where the Total Insured Value over all interests of the risk in question is less
than $250,000,000.
(b) To interests traditionally underwritten as Inland Marine or stock and/or contents
written on a blanket basis.
(c) To Contingent Business Interruption, except when the Company is aware that
the key location is known at the time to be insured in any Pool, Association, or
Syndicate named above, other than as provided for under Section B(a).
(d) To risks as follows:
Offices, Hotels, Apartments, Hospitals, Educational Establishments, Public Utilities
(other than railroad schedules) and builder's risks on the classes of risks specified in
this subsection (d) only.
Where this clause attaches to Catastrophe Excesses, the following Section C is added:
Section C:
Nevertheless the Reinsurer specifically agrees that liability accruing to the Company
from its participation in:
(1) The following so-called "Coastal Pools": Alabama Insurance Underwriting
Association; Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association; Louisiana Insurance
Underwriting Association; Mississippi Insurance Underwriting Association; North
Carolina Insurance Underwriting Association ; South Carolina Windstorm and Hail
Underwriting Association Texas Catastrophe Property Insurance Association
(2) All "Fair Plan" business for all perils otherwise protected hereunder shall not be
excluded, except, however, that this reinsurance does not include any increase in
such liability resulting from:
(i) The inability of any other participant in such "Coastal Pool" or "Fair Plan" to meet
its liability.
(ii) Any claim against such "Coastal Pool" or "Fair Plan" or any participant therein,
including the Company, whether by way of subrogation or otherwise, brought by or
on behalf of any insolvency fund (as defined in the Insolvency Fund Exclusion Clause
incorporated in this Contract).
A 40
Section A:
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
(a) All business derived directly or indirectly from any Pool, Association, or
Syndicate which maintains its own reinsurance facilities.
(b) Any Pool or Scheme (whether voluntary or mandatory) formed after March 1,
1968 for the purpose of insurance property whether on a country-wide basis or in
respect of designated areas. This exclusion shall not apply to so-called Automobile
Insurance Plans or other Pools formed to provide coverage for Automobile Physical
Section B:
It is agreed that business written by the Company for the same perils, which is known
at the time to be insured by, or in excess of underlying amounts placed in the
following Pools, Associations or Syndicates, whether by way of insurance or
reinsurance, is excluded hereunder:
Industrial Risk Insurers, Associated Factory Mutuals Improved Risk Mutuals Any Pool,
Association or Syndicate formed for the purpose of writing Oil, Gas or Petro-Chemical
Plants and/or Oil or Gas Drilling Rigs, United States Aircraft Insurance Group,
Canadian Aircraft Insurance Group, Associated Aviation Underwriters, American
Aviation Underwriters.
Section B does not apply:
(a) Where the Total Insured Value over all interests of the risk in question is less
than $250,000,000.
(b) To interests traditionally underwritten as Inland Marine or stock and/or contents
written on a blanket basis.
(c) To Contingent Business Interruption, except when the Company is aware that
the key location is known at the time to be insured in any Pool, Association, or
Syndicate named above other than as provided for under Section B(a).
(d) To risks as follows:
Offices, Hotels, Apartments, Hospitals, Educational Establishments, Public Utilities,
(other than railroad schedules) and builder's risks on the classes of risks specified in
this subsection (d) only. Where this clause attaches to Catastrophe Excesses, the
Section C is added:
Section C:
Nevertheless the Reinsurer specifically agrees that liability accruing to the Company
from its participation in:
(1) The following so-called "Coastal Pools":
Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association
Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association Louisiana Insurance Underwriting
Association Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association North Carolina Insurance
Underwriting Association
South Carolina Windstorm and Hail Underwriting Association Texas Catastrophe
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 178 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Property Insurance Association
(2) All "Fair Plan" and "Rural Risk Plan" business for all perils otherwise protected
hereunder shall not be excluded, except, however, that this reinsurance does not
include any increase in such liability resulting from:
(i) The inability of any other participant in such "Coastal Pool" and/or "Fair Plan"
and/or "Rural Risk Plan" to meet its liability.
(ii) Any claim against such "Coastal Pool" and/or "Fair Plan" and/or "Rural Risk Plan"
or any participant therein, including the Company, whether by way of subrogation or
otherwise, brought by or on behalf of any insolvency fund (as defined in the
Insolvency Fund Exclusion Clause incorporated in this Contract).
Note: For use in Contracts effective on or after January 1, 1991.
The Reinsured shall pay a deposit premium of {AMOUNT} in {NUMBER} equal
instalments in advance at {DATES}.
As soon as possible after the expiry of this Agreement the above deposit premium
shall be adjusted to an amount equal to a rate of {RATE} % applied to the Reinsured's
Gross Net Retained Premium Income as defined below, subject however to a minimum
premium of {AMOUNT}. The payment of any adjustment due between the parties shall
be made at once.
The term Gross Net Retained Premium Income shall mean the gross premiums
accounted for by the Reinsured on business protected hereunder during the period of
this Agreement, less only returned premiums and premiums paid for reinsurances
recoveries under which inure to the benefit hereof.
O Ressegurado pagará um prêmio depósito de __________ {VALOR}, como
adiantamento, em {NÚMERO} parcelas iguais em ___________ {DATAS}.
Tão logo seja possível, após o vencimento deste Contrato, o prêmio
depósito acima será ajustado a um montante igual à taxa de _____ {TAXA}%
aplicada à Receita Líquida Retida de Prêmio Bruto do Ressegurado como
definida abaixo, sujeito, no entanto ao prêmio mínimo de _________
{VALOR}. O pagamento de qualquer ajustamento devido entre as partes
será feito de uma só vez.
O termo Receita Líquida Retida de Prêmio Bruto significará os prêmios
brutos contabilizados pelo Ressegurado nos negócios protegidos por este
Contrato durante seu período de vigência, deduzindo somente os prêmios
de cancelamento e restituição e os prêmios pagos para coberturas de
resseguro que beneficiem este Contrato.
The premium payable to the Reinsurers under this Agreement shall be a proportionate O prêmio pago aos Resseguradores neste acordo será uma parte
proporcional dos Prêmios Brutos recebidos pelo Ressegurado em relação
share of the original Gross Premiums received by the Reinsured in respect of the
business covered hereunder, less only the Reinsurers’ proportion of any cancellations aos negócios aqui cobertos, deduzidas somente as proporções dos
or returns of premium.
Resseguradores de quaisquer cancelamentos ou restituição de prêmios.
The Reinsurers shall pay to the Reinsured upon the Gross Premiums defined above
Os Resseguradores pagarão ao Ressegurado, sobre os Prêmios Brutos
commission at the rates specified in the Schedule. The Reinsurers shall also bear their definidos acima, comissão com base no percentual especificado nos
Detalhes do Contrato. Os Resseguradores também participarão de
proportion of any taxes for which the Reinsured may be liable to the extent specified
quaisquer impostos pelo qual o Ressegurado poderá ser responsável, na
in the Schedule.
proporção especificada nos Detalhes do Contrato.
The rate of premium payable by the Reinsured to the Reinsurers and all other
A taxa de prêmio a ser pago pelo Ressegurado aos Resseguradores e todas
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
conditions regarding the computation and/or payment of premium shall be as
specified in the attached schedule.
The premium payable to Reinsurers shall be at a rate of {RATE} % of the Gross Net
Retained Premium Income accounted for by the Reinsured during the period hereof,
on Interest as covered hereby, subject to a Minimum and Deposit Premium of
{AMOUNT} payable in two equal instalments of {AMOUNT} due on {DATES}.
As soon as practicable after the {EXPIRY DATE} the Reinsured shall submit a statement
of their actual Gross Net Retained Premium Income, whereupon the premium paid for
this Reinsurance shall be adjusted accordingly. Should the premium so computed be
more than the Minimum and Deposit Premium stipulated above, the Reinsured
undertake to pay the difference but should it be less there will be no return of
premium to the Reinsured.
The term "Gross Net Retained Premium Income" shall mean the Gross Premiums less
return premiums, and premiums in respect of reinsurances, recoveries under which
inure to the benefit of this Reinsurance, in respect of the Reinsured's net retention on
Interest covered hereby.
A deposit premium, as stated in the Risk Details, shall be paid by the Reinsured to the
Reinsurers .
As soon as possible after the expiry of this Reinsurance the above deposit premium
shall be adjusted to an amount equal to the rate stated in the Risk Details applied to
the Reinsured's Premium Income as stated in the Risk Details, subject, however, to a
minimum premium of the amount stated in the Risk Details.
Alternatively, a flat premium shall be paid by the Reinsured to the Reinsurers in the
manner stated in the Risk Details.
The Reinsured shall be entitled to retain as Premium Reserve a percentage, as
specified by local legislation and mentioned in the Schedule, of the premium credited
to the Reinsurer in each quarterly account. This reserve shall be retained by the
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Versão Livre para o Português
as outras condições relacionadas ao cálculo e/ou pagamento do prêmio
deverão ser especificados nos Detalhes do Contrato.
O prêmio a ser pago aos Resseguradores será calculado com base na taxa de
_____ % da Receita Liquida Retida de Prêmio Bruto contabilizada pelo
Ressegurado durante o período de vigência das coberturas garantidas neste
Contrato, sujeito ao Prêmio Mínimo e de Depósito de _________ devido em
_____ parcelas iguais de _________{MONTANTE} devidas em
Tão logo seja possível, após ________ {DATA DO TÉRMINO DA VIGÊNCIA} o
Ressegurado submeterá um relatório da sua Receita Líquida Retida de
Prêmio Bruto apurada, à qual será aplicada a taxa de ajustamento
especificada nos Detalhes do Contrato para definição do prêmio ajustado.
Caso o prêmio ajustado seja maior do que o Prêmio Mínimo e de Depósito
estipulado acima, o Ressegurado compromete-se a pagar a diferença.
Porém se for menor não haverá restituição de prêmio ao Ressegurado.
O termo "Receita Líquida Retida de Prêmio Bruto" significará os prêmios
brutos menos as restituições e cancelamentos de prêmio, e prêmios em
relação a outros resseguros, cujas recuperações beneficiem este Contrato,
em relação à retenção líquida dos interesses aqui cobertos.
NT: A cláusula original em inglês faz menção a pagamento em duas parcelas,
sendo que a versão em português está com o número de parcelas em
Será pago, pelo Ressegurado aos Resseguradores, prêmio depósito,
conforme consta nos Detalhes do Contrato.
Tão logo seja possível, após o término de vigência deste Contrato, o prêmio
depósito acima mencionado será ajustado com base na taxa prevista no
Detalhes do Contrato aplicada à receita de prêmios do Ressegurado,
conforme definido nos citados detalhes sujeito, entretanto, a um prêmio
mínimo ali também especificado.
Alternativamente, um prêmio fixo será pago pelo Ressegurado aos
Resseguradores conforme especificado nos Detalhes do Contrato.
NT: Esta cláusula permite que nos Detalhes do Contrato seja definido se o
Contrato terá um premio depósito ajustável (primeiro e segundo
parágrafos) ou um prêmio fixo sem ajustamento (último parágrafo).
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Reinsured for twelve months and released to the Reinsurer in the account for the
corresponding quarter of the following year.
The Reinsured shall pay to the Reinsurers on such Reserve Fund interest at the rate
specified in the Schedule, such interest to accrue from the date on which the
respective amounts are credited to the Reserve Fund.
In the event of termination of this Agreement the Reinsured shall be entitled to retain
only sufficient balances to cover the amount of outstanding liability and such
balances to be released commensurately with the reduction of this liability until all
the obligations of the Reinsurer under this Agreement have been fully discharged.
This insurance (reinsurance) is subject to the Institute Radioactive Contamination
Exclusion Clause 1/10/90 provided that
if fire is an insured peril
where the subject matter insured or, in the case of a reinsurance, the subject
matter insured by the original insurance, is within the U.S.A., its islands, onshore
territories or possessions
a fire arises directly or indirectly from one or more of the causes detailed in
Sub-Clauses 1.1 and 1.2 of the Institute Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause
any loss or damage arising directly from that fire shall, subject to the
provisions of this insurance (reinsurance), be covered, EXCLUDING however any loss
damage liability or expense caused by nuclear reaction nuclear radiation or
radioactive contamination arising directly or indirectly from that fire.
For the purpose of this Reinsurance currencies other than the currency in which this
Reinsurance is written shall be converted into such currency at the rates of exchange
used in the Reinsured's books or where there is a specific remittance for a loss
settlement at the rates of exchange used in making such remittance.
The Reinsured shall keep at their office registers in which shall be entered all risks
ceded hereunder. An entry in such a register constitutes a cession hereunder and
shall be binding upon Reinsurers.
In the event of the Reinsured sustaining a loss before an entry has been made in such
a register, the Reinsured shall nevertheless be entitled to claim from the Reinsurers in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
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Versão Livre para o Português
Para fins deste Resseguro, quaisquer moedas diferentes daquela em que o
Resseguro foi contratado serão convertidas para a moeda do Contrato às
taxas de câmbio usadas nos registros contábeis do Ressegurado, ou,
quando se tratar de uma remessa específica para pagamento de um
sinistro, às taxas de câmbio usadas ao fazer tal remessa.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 41
In the event of a claim under this Contract, it is agreed that the amount of liability
hereunder is reduced from the time of the occurrence of the loss by the sum payable
on such a claim. However, the amount so exhausted is immediately reinstated from
the time of the occurrence of the loss.
For each amount so reinstated, the Company agrees to pay an additional premium
calculated at pro rata of the annual earned reinsurance premium hereon, being pro
rata both as to the fraction of the face value of this Contract (i.e., the fraction of
$_____) so reinstated and as to the fraction of the unexpired term hereunder at the
time of occurrence. Nevertheless, the liability of the Reinsurer shall not exceed
$_____ in any one loss occurrence, nor $_____ in all in any one contract year.
Note: Prorated as to amount and time.
A 41
Each claim hereon reduces the amount of indemnity under this Contract from the
time of occurrence of the loss by the amount of the claim paid but such amount is
hereby reinstated from the time of occurrence of the loss in consideration of the
payment by the Company of an additional premium calculated by applying to the
premium earned hereon the following formula:
Premium Earned x Amount Reinstated x Unexpired Time
Face Amount of Contract 365
Subject to a minimum of _____% as to time.
Nevertheless, the Reinsurer's liability hereunder shall never exceed $__________ in
respect of any one loss occurrence and $__________ in respect of all loss occurrences
during the term of this Contract.
Note: Prorated as to amount and time subject to a minimum % as to time.
A 41
Each claim hereon reduces the amount of indemnity provided under this Contract
from the time of the loss occurrence by the amount paid. However, the amount so
reduced shall be immediately reinstated. For each amount so reinstated the Company
shall pay the Reinsurer an additional premium calculated at pro rata of the
reinsurance earned premium payable under this Contract. Such premium shall be pro
rata both as to the fraction of the face value of this Contract so reinstated and as to
the fraction of the unexpired term hereunder at the time of the loss occurrence
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Versão Livre para o Português
No caso de uma reclamação neste Contrato, fica acordado que o montante
de responsabilidade nele previsto será reduzido, na data da ocorrência do
sinistro, pelo valor a ser pago nessa reclamação. Todavia, o valor então
reduzido será imediatamente reintegrado, a partir da data da ocorrência
do sinistro.
Para cada valor reintegrado, a Companhia concorda em pagar um prêmio
adicional calculado à base pró-rata do valor do prêmio ganho anual de
resseguro, tanto da fração reintegrada do limite deste Contrato (por ex. a
fração de $ ________) quanto da fração do prazo não expirado a partir da
data da ocorrência. No entanto, a responsabilidade do Ressegurador não
excederá a $ __________ em qualquer ocorrência de sinistro, nem a $
__________ em qualquer contrato anual como um todo.
Nota: Pro-rata de valor e tempo.
Cada sinistro coberto reduz o limite de garantia deste Contrato, na data da
ocorrência do sinistro, do valor da reclamação paga. Esse valor será
reintegrado na data da ocorrência do sinistro, mediante pagamento pela
Companhia de prêmio adicional calculado pela aplicação da seguinte
Prêmio Ganho x Valor Reintegrado x Tempo não expirado
Limite de Garantia
Sujeito a um período mínimo de tempo de ______%.
Não obstante, a responsabilidade do Ressegurador não deverá exceder a $
________ (LIMITE DE GARANTIA) com relação a qualquer ocorrência de
sinistro e a $ _________ (VALOR TOTAL COBERTO PELO CONTRATO) com
relação a todas as ocorrências de sinistro durante o período de vigência
deste Contrato.
Nota: Pro-rata de valor e tempo, sujeito a um % mínimo de tempo.
Cada sinistro coberto reduz o limite de garantia concedido, neste Contrato,
do valor pago na data da ocorrência do sinistro. Todavia, o valor então
reduzido será imediatamente reintegrado. Para cada valor reintegrado, a
Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador um prêmio adicional calculado na base
proporcional do valor do prêmio ganho anual de resseguro deste Contrato.
Esse prêmio será proporcional tanto da fração do limite reintegrado deste
Contrato bem como da fração do tempo não expirado na data da
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
subject to a minimum of _____% as to time. Nevertheless, the Reinsurer's liability
hereunder shall never exceed $ (being _____% of $_______) any one loss occurrence
nor $ (being _____% of $__________) for all loss occurrences during the term of this
Note: Prorated as to amount and time subject to a minimum % as to time and subject
to a coinsurance limit.
A 41
In respect of all business the subject matter hereof, in the event of the whole or any
portion of the indemnity under this Contract being exhausted by loss, the amount so
exhausted shall be automatically reinstated from the time of the occurrence of the
loss (or from the time of discovery of the loss in respect of ______________
Nevertheless, the Reinsurer's liability hereunder shall never exceed $__________ in
respect of any one loss occurrence nor more than $__________ in respect of all losses
occurring or discovered during the term of this Contract.
For each amount so reinstated the Company agrees to pay to the Reinsurer an
additional premium calculated at pro rata of the fraction of $__________ so
reinstated times _____% of the premium as defined in _______________.
Note: Prorated as to amount and stated percent as to time. Discovery included.
A 41
In the event all or any portion of the reinsurance hereunder is exhausted by loss, the
amount so exhausted shall be reinstated immediately from the time the loss
occurrence commences hereon. For each amount so reinstated the Company agrees
to pay an additional premium equal to the product of the following:
The percentage of the occurrence limit reinstated (based on the loss paid by the
Reinsurer); times
The percentage of the term of this Contract which is unexpired at the time of
reinstatement (beginning at the time the loss occurrence commences hereon); times
The earned reinsurance premium for the term of this Contract (exclusive of
reinstatement premium).
Provisional statements of reinstatement premium due the Reinsurer (based on the
estimated earned reinsurance premium for the term of this Contract) shall be
prepared by the Company and submitted to the Reinsurer as promptly as possible
after the Company requests payment by the Reinsurer of an amount exceeding:
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Versão Livre para o Português
ocorrência do sinistro, sujeito a um mínimo de ______%. Não obstante, a
responsabilidade do Ressegurador não excederá a $ _________ [sendo
___% de $ _____ (LIMITE DE GARANTIA)] em qualquer ocorrência de
sinistro, nem a $ __________ [sendo ______% de $ ______(VALOR TOTAL
COBERTO PELO CONTRATO)] para todas as ocorrências de sinistro durante
o período de vigência deste Contrato.
Nota: Pro-rata valor e tempo sujeito a um % mínimo de tempo e à
participação da Companhia, expressa em %.
Com relação aos negócios objetos deste Contrato, no caso de todo ou
parte do limite de garantia ser consumido por um sinistro, o valor então
consumido será automaticamente reintegrado na data de ocorrência do
sinistro [ou da data da descoberta do sinistro relativamente à classe de
negócios de _____________ (DEFINIR A CLASSE)].
Todavia, a responsabilidade do Ressegurador não deverá exceder a $
____________ (LIMITE DE GARANTIA) com relação a qualquer ocorrência
de sinistro, nem a $ ____________ (VALOR TOTAL COBERTO PELO
CONTRATO) em relação a todas as perdas ocorridas ou descobertas
durante o período de vigência deste Contrato.
Para cada valor reintegrado a Companhia concorda em pagar ao
Ressegurador um prêmio adicional calculado na base proporcional da
fração reintegrada de $ ______ multiplicado por ______% do prêmio
como definido em ______
Nota: Proporcional ao valor e indicando o percentual referente ao tempo.
Prevê também calculo com base na data de descoberta .
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 41
A 41
Original em Inglês
25% of the Reinsurer's incurred loss; and
50% of the Reinsurer's incurred loss; and
75% of the Reinsurer's incurred loss.
Thereafter, provisional statements of reinstatement premium due the Reinsurer shall
be prepared by the Company and submitted to the Reinsurer periodically at the
discretion of the Company and/or as requested by the Reinsurer and/or when the
Company calculates the earned reinsurance premium for the term of this Contract.
Any reinstatement premium shown to be due the Reinsurer (less prior payments, if
any) shall be remitted by the Company with each of its provisional statements.
As promptly as possible after the loss paid by the Reinsurer and the earned
reinsurance premium hereunder have been finally determined, the Company shall
prepare and submit to the Reinsurer a final statement of reinstatement premium due.
Any reinstatement premium shown to be due the Reinsurer (less prior payments, if
any) shall be remitted by the Company with its statement. Any return reinstatement
premium shown to be due the Company shall be remitted by the Reinsurer as
promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's final statement.
Notwithstanding anything stated herein, the liability of the Reinsurer hereunder shall
not exceed _____% of $__________ as respects loss or losses arising out of any one
loss occurrence, nor shall it exceed _____% of $__________ in all during the term of
this Contract.
Note: Prorated as to amount paid and time with provisional premium calculations on
a scheduled basis and a coinsurance limit.
Each claim hereon reduces the amount of indemnity under this Contract from the
time of occurrence of the loss but such amount is hereby reinstated from the time of
occurrence of the loss in consideration of the payment by the Company of an
additional premium calculated by applying to the premium earned hereon:
(a) For the first $__________ reinstated, the product of the percentage of the face
amount of this Contract so reinstated and the percentage of the term of this Contract
expired at the time of occurrence of the loss;
(b) For the second $__________ reinstated, the percentage of the face amount of
this Contract so reinstated.
Nevertheless, the Reinsurer's liability hereunder shall never exceed $__________ for
any one loss occurrence and $__________ for all losses
during the term of this Contract.
Note: First reinstatement prorated as to amount and time.
Second reinstatement prorated as to amount and 100% as to time.
Each claim hereon reduces the amount of indemnity under this Contract from the
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cada sinistro coberto reduz o limite de garantia deste Contrato, na data da
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
time of occurrence of the loss but such amount is hereby reinstated from the time of
occurrence of the loss in consideration of the payment by the Company of an
additional premium calculated by applying to the premium earned hereon, the
percentage of the face amount of this Contract so reinstated. Nevertheless, the
Reinsurer's liability hereunder shall never exceed $__________ for any one loss
occurrence and $__________ for all loss occurrences during the term of this Contract.
Note: Prorated as to amount and 100% as to time.
A 41
Each loss hereon reduces the amount of indemnity provided hereunder, but the
amount so exhausted shall be reinstated and for each amount so reinstated, the
Company agrees to pay to the Reinsurer an additional premium calculated pro rata by
applying to 100% of the premium earned hereon the percentage that the amount
reinstated bears to $__________.
Nevertheless, the Reinsurer's liability shall never be more than $__________ in
respect of any one loss occurrence, nor more than $__________ in respect of all
losses occurring during the term hereof.
Note: Prorated as to amount and 100% as to time.
In the event of the whole or any portion of the liability under this Contract being
exhausted by loss, the amount so exhausted shall be automatically reinstated from
the time of the occurrence of the loss; and the Reinsured agrees to pay to the
Reinsurer for each amount so reinstated an additional premium calculated at pro rata
of the annual earned premium hereon, being pro rata as to the fraction of the face
value of this Contract (i.e., the fraction of $__________) reinstated. Nevertheless, the
Reinsurer's liability hereunder shall never be more than $__________ in respect of
any one loss occurrence nor more than $__________ in respect of all losses during
the term of this Contract.
Note: Prorated as to amount and 100% as to time.
In the event all or any portion of the reinsurance hereunder is exhausted by loss, the
amount so exhausted shall be reinstated immediately from the time the loss
occurrence commences. For each amount so reinstated the Company agrees to pay
an additional premium equal to the product of the following:
The percentage of the occurrence limit reinstated (based on the loss actually paid by
the Reinsurer); times
The earned reinsurance premium for this Contract (exclusive of reinstatement
A 41
A 41
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Versão Livre para o Português
ocorrência do sinistro, porém este limite será reintegrado a partir da
referida data, mediante pagamento pela Companhia de prêmio adicional
calculado aplicando-se ao prêmio ganho, aqui determinado, o percentual
do valor reintegrado do limite de garantia deste Contrato.
Todavia, a responsabilidade do Ressegurador não excederá a $ _________
(LIMITE DE GARANTIA) para qualquer ocorrência de sinistro e a $ ______
(VALOR TOTAL COBERTO PELO CONTRATO) para todos os sinistros
ocorridos durante o período de vigência deste Contrato.
Nota: Reintegração pro-rata valor.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Provisional statements of reinstatement premium due the Reinsurer (based on the
estimated earned reinsurance premium for this Contract) shall be prepared by the
Company and submitted to the Reinsurer as promptly as possible upon written
request by the Reinsurer.
Thereafter, provisional statements of reinstatement premium due the Reinsurer shall
be prepared by the Company and submitted to the Reinsurer periodically at the
discretion of the Company or as requested by the Reinsurer or when the Company
calculates the earned reinsurance premium for this Contract. Any reinstatement
premium shown to be due the Reinsurer (less prior payments, if any) shall be
remitted by the Company with each of its provisional statements.
As promptly as possible after the loss paid by the Reinsurer and the earned
reinsurance premium for this Contract have been finally determined, the Company
shall prepare and submit to the Reinsurer a final statement of reinstatement
premium due. Any reinstatement premium shown to be due the Reinsurer (less prior
payments, if any) shall be remitted by the Company with its statement. Any return
reinstatement premium shown to be due the Company shall be remitted by the
Reinsurer as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's final
Notwithstanding anything stated herein, the liability of the Reinsurer hereunder shall
not exceed _____% of _______________ as respects loss or losses caused by any one
loss occurrence, nor shall it exceed _____% of _______________ in all during the
term of this Contract.
Note: Prorated as to amount paid and 100% as to time with provisional premium
calculations upon Reinsurer request and a coinsurance limit.
A 41
A 41
The Reinsurer agrees that in the event of the whole or any portion of the liability
hereunder being exhausted by loss, the amount so exhausted shall be automatically
reinstated from the time of occurrence of such loss, provided always that the
Reinsurer's liability hereon shall not exceed the indemnity specified in ___________
in respect of any one loss, nor more than ___________ times such amount in all, that
is to say, _________ full reinstatements, or $__________ in all. Reinstatement shall
be free for each of the ____________ full reinstatements.
Note: Free reinstatements with an aggregate limit.
The Reinsurer's liability in respect of excess loss hereunder during any one annual
period of this Contract shall be limited to $__________ in the aggregate as respects
all loss on business covered hereunder as a result of all loss occurrences during any
one annual period of this Contract.
Note: Free reinstatements with an aggregate limit.
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
In the event of any portion of the indemnity given hereunder being exhausted, the
amount exhausted shall be automatically reinstated from the time of commencement
of any loss occurrence to the expiry of this Agreement without payment of any
additional premium.
However, in respect of General Third Party Liability losses the Reinsurers' liability shall
never be more than {AMOUNT} in all during the term of this Agreement.
In the event of loss or losses occurring under this Reinsurance it is hereby mutually
agreed to reinstate this Reinsurance to its full amount of {LIMIT} from the time of
such loss or losses until expiry of this Reinsurance. Such reinstatement shall be made
subject to an additional premium calculated at 100% of the full annual premium,
reduced pro rata in the same proportion that the amount of loss bears to the full limit
of this Reinsurance.
But nevertheless the Reinsurer shall never be liable for more than {LIMIT} in respect
of any one loss, as defined nor for more than {TOTAL AMOUNT OF LIMIT PLUS ALL
REINSTATEMENTS} in respect of all losses during the period of this Reinsurance.
Such reinstatement shall include any reinstatement of losses sustained by the
Reinsured in respect of War Risks which shall be subject of the provisions of the "War
Inclusion Clause".
Reinsurers agree that in the event of the whole or any portion of the liability
hereunder being exhausted by loss, the amount so exhausted shall be automatically
reinstated from the time of occurrence of such loss provided always that Reinsurers'
liability hereon shall not exceed {LIMIT} any one loss nor more than {LIMIT PLUS ALL
REINSTATEMENTS} in all during the period of this Reinsurance, that is to say
{NUMBER} full reinstatement(s).
In consideration thereof, the Reinsured shall pay an additional premium computed at
100% of the final premium hereunder for a full loss or pro-rata for a lesser amount
reinstated and shall be paid when losses hereunder are settled. If a loss settlement is
made prior to the rendering of the Reinsured's statement of Premium Income in
accordance with Article 13 hereof, the Reinstatement Premium shall be provisionally
computed on the Deposit Premium for this Reinsurance.
In the event of the whole or any portion of the Limit of Indemnity given here under
being exhausted it is hereby agreed to reinstate this Reinsurance to its full amount
from the time of the commencement of any Loss Occurrence to the expiry of this
Reinsurance, subject to the payment of a Pro Rata additional premium unless stated
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
otherwise in the Risk Details.
The term “Pro Rata” shall mean the proportion that the Limit of Indemnity reinstated
bears to the amount of Limit of Indemnity hereon and shall be irrespective of the date
of loss.
The additional premium shall be paid by the Reinsured when the loss settlement is
made. If the loss settlement is made prior to the adjustment premium (where
applicable) the reinstatement premium shall be calculated provisionally on the
deposit premium.
Nevertheless, the Reinsurers shall never be liable for more than the Limit of
Indemnity stated in the Risk Details in respect of any Loss Occurrence, nor more than
this amount plus the multiple of such limit derived from the number of permitted full
reinstatements as stated in the Risk Details, in all during the period of this
Losses shall be considered chronologically but this shall not preclude the Reinsured
from making provisional collections in respect of losses which may ultimately not be
recoverable hereon.
Reinsurers agree that in the event of the whole or any portion of the indemnity
hereunder being exhausted by loss, the amount so exhausted shall be automatically
reinstated as specified in the attached Contractual Details under “REINSTATEMENT”
from the time of commencement of any loss to the expiry of this Agreement, subject
to payment of an additional premium (if any) as specified in the attached Contractual
Details under “REINSTATEMENT”. Payment of such additional premium, if any, shall
be paid when the loss or losses hereunder are settled (simultaneous settlement).
Furthermore, such additional premium shall be in respect of a total loss, lessor
amounts shall be calculated in proportion. If a loss settlement is made prior to the
submission of the Reinsured’s Gross Net Premium Income then the Additional
Premium shall be provisionally calculated on the ANNUAL DEPOSIT PREMIUM subject
to adjustment when the applicable Gross Net Premium Income is known. The liability
of the Reinsurers hereunder shall never exceed the LIMIT as specified in the attached
Contractual Details, nor the “REINSTATEMENT, Limit in All” specified in the
Contractual Details during the period of this Agreement.\
This Agreement shall be deemed to be subject to the same terms, clauses and
conditions as the Original Policies and/or Contracts as far as they may be applicable
hereto and shall pay as may be paid thereon, but subject nevertheless to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
Nothing herein shall in any manner create any obligations or establish any rights
against the Reinsurers in favour of any third party or any persons not parties to this
Página 187 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 42
The Company will cede to the Reinsurer its proportionate share of the unearned
premium on the business in force at the inception of this Contract for the business
described herein. Additionally, the Company will cede to the Reinsurer its
proportionate share of the net subject written premium on all policies written or
renewed with an effective date on or after the inception of this Contract.
"Net subject written premium" as used in this Contract will mean the gross written
premium of the Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, plus
additions, less return premium for cancellations and reductions, and less premium for
reinsurance that inures to the benefit of this Contract.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts on a written premium basis covering in force, new,
and renewal business.
A 42
The Company will cede to the Reinsurer its proportionate share of the net subject
written premium on all policies written or renewed with an effective date on or after
the inception of this Contract for the business described herein.
"Net subject written premium" as used in this Contract will mean the gross written
premium of the Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, plus
additions, less return premium for cancellations and reductions, and less premium for
reinsurance that inures to the benefit of this Contract.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts on a written premium basis covering new and
renewal business only.
A 42
The Company will cede to the Reinsurer its proportionate share of the net subject
earned premium on all policies in force at the inception of this Contract or written or
renewed with an effective date thereafter for the business described herein.
"Net subject earned premium" as used in this Contract will mean the gross earned
premium of the Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the
earned portion of premium for reinsurance that inures to the benefit of this Contract.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts on an earned premium basis covering in force,
new, and renewal business.
A 42
The Company will cede to the Reinsurer its proportionate share of the net subject
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Versão Livre para o Português
A Companhia cederá ao Ressegurador sua cota proporcional do prêmio
não ganho nos negócios em vigor na data de início deste Contrato para os
negócios aqui descritos. Além disto, a Companhia cederá ao Ressegurador
sua cota proporcional do prêmio líquido aceito em todas as apólices
subscritas ou renovadas com data de início em ou após o início de vigência
deste Contrato.
“Prêmio líquido aceito” como utilizado neste Contrato significará o prêmio
bruto aceito pela Companhia em todas as classes de negócios aqui
resseguradas, considerando as inclusões, excluindo devolução de prêmio
por cancelamentos, restituições e os prêmios de resseguros que
beneficiem este Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em contratos proporcionais na base de prêmio aceito
cobrindo negócios em vigor, novos e renovados.
A Companhia cederá ao Ressegurador sua cota proporcional do prêmio
líquido aceito em todas as apólices subscritas ou renovadas com data de
início em ou após o início de vigência deste Contrato para os negócios aqui
“Prêmio líquido aceito” como utilizado neste Contrato significará o prêmio
bruto aceito pela Companhia em todas as classes de negócios aqui
resseguradas, considerando as inclusões, excluindo devolução de prêmio
por cancelamentos, restituições e os prêmios de resseguros que
beneficiem este Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em contratos proporcionais na base de prêmio aceito
cobrindo somente negócios novos e renovados.
A Companhia cederá ao Ressegurador sua cota proporcional do prêmio
ganho liquido de todas as apólices em vigor, na data de início de vigência
deste Contrato, subscritas ou renovadas com data de início após o início de
vigência deste Contrato para os negócios aqui descritos.
“Prêmio líquido ganho” como utilizado neste Contrato significará o prêmio
bruto ganho pela Companhia, para todas as classes de negócios
resseguradas, excluindo a parte ganha do prêmio de resseguro que
beneficie este Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em contratos proporcionais na base de prêmio ganho
cobrindo negócios em vigor, novos e renovados.
A Companhia cederá ao Ressegurador sua cota proporcional do prêmio
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
earned premium on all policies written or renewed with an effective date on or after
the inception of this Contract for the business described herein.
"Net subject earned premium" as used in this Contract will mean the gross earned
premium of the Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the
earned portion of premium for reinsurance that inures to the benefit of this Contract.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts on an earned premium basis covering new and
renewal business only.
A 43
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer _____% of its net written premium for the term of this Contract.
The Company shall pay the Reinsurer a minimum and deposit premium of $ _____ in
__________ equal installments of $__________ on __________.
Within _____ days after the expiration of this Contract, the Company shall provide a
report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due hereunder, computed in
accordance with the first paragraph, and if the premium so computed is greater than
the previously paid minimum and deposit premium, the balance shall be remitted by
the Company with its report.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, _______________ shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a term basis, with a minimum and
deposit premium, and net written premium base.
A 43
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder during each contract year, the
Company shall pay the Reinsurer _____% of its net written premium for the contract
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Versão Livre para o Português
ganho liquido de todas as apólices subscritas ou renovadas com data de
início em ou após o início de vigência deste Contrato para os negócios aqui
A Companhia cederá ao Ressegurador sua cota proporcional do prêmio
líquido ganho em todas as apólices aceitas ou renovadas com data de início
em ou após a data de início deste Contrato para os negócios aqui descritos.
“Prêmio líquido ganho” como utilizado neste Contrato significará o prêmio
bruto ganho pela Companhia para todas as classes de negócios
resseguradas, menos a parte do prêmio ganho de resseguro que tiver
efeito para o benefício deste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em contratos proporcionais na base de prêmio ganho
cobrindo negócios novos e renovados somente.
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador, como prêmio para o resseguro aqui
contratado, ______% do prêmio líquido subscrito no período deste
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador um prêmio mínimo e de depósito de
$ ______ (VALOR) em ______(NÚMERO) parcelas iguais de $ ______
(VALOR) nas seguintes datas: ______.
Dentro de ______ dias após o término deste Contrato, a Companhia
providenciará relatório para o Ressegurador demonstrando o prêmio aqui
devido, apurado de acordo com o primeiro parágrafo. Se o prêmio então
apurado for maior que o prêmio mínimo e de depósito previamente pago,
a diferença será remetida pela Companhia juntamente com esse relatório.
“Prêmio líquido subscrito” como aqui utilizado é definido como o prêmio
bruto subscrito pela Companhia para as classes de negócios aqui
resseguradas, excluindo cancelamentos, devoluções de prêmios e os
prêmios cedidos pela Companhia para resseguros que beneficiem este
Contrato. No cálculo do prêmio líquido subscrito, _____________
(demonstre o cálculo do prêmio que será a base para este resseguro, tal
como: prêmio emitido menos cancelamentos e restituições menos cessões
proporcionais) será considerado como prêmio da carteira protegida pelo
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos por período
determinado, com um prêmio mínimo e de depósito, e o prêmio líquido da
carteira protegida.
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador, como prêmio para o resseguro aqui
contratado, durante cada ano de contrato, ______% do prêmio líquido
subscrito para o ano de Contrato.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
The Company shall pay the Reinsurer an annual minimum and deposit premium of
$__________ in __________ equal installments of $__________
on __________.
Within _____ days after the end of each contract year, the Company shall provide a
report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due hereunder for the contract
year, computed in accordance with the first paragraph, and if the premium so
computed is greater than the previously paid minimum and deposit premium, the
balance shall be remitted by the Company with its report.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, __________ shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with a minimum and
deposit premium, and net written premium base.
A 43
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer _____% of its net earned premium for the term of this Contract.
The Company shall pay the Reinsurer a minimum and deposit premium of
$__________ in __________ equal installments of $__________ on __________.
Within _____ days after the expiration of this Contract, the Company shall provide a
report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due hereunder, computed in
accordance with the first paragraph, and if the premium so computed is greater than
the previously paid minimum and deposit premium, the balance shall be remitted by
the Company with its report.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as gross earned premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the earned portion of
premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to the benefit of this
Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, (recite extraction
calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a term basis, with a minimum and
deposit premium, and net earned premium base.
Página 190 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador um prêmio mínimo e de depósito
anual de $ ______ (VALOR) em ______ (NÚMERO) parcelas iguais de $
______ (VALOR) nas seguintes datas: _______.
Dentro de ______ dias após cada aniversário do Contrato, a Companhia
providenciará relatório para o Ressegurador demonstrando o prêmio aqui
devido para o citado período, apurado de acordo com o primeiro
parágrafo. Se o prêmio então apurado for maior que o prêmio mínimo e de
depósito previamente pago, a diferença será remetida pela Companhia
juntamente com esse relatório.
“Prêmio líquido subscrito” como aqui utilizado é definido como o prêmio
bruto subscrito pela Companhia para as classes de negócios aqui
resseguradas, excluindo cancelamentos, devoluções de prêmios e os
prêmios cedidos pela Companhia para resseguros que beneficiem este
Contrato. No cálculo do prêmio líquido subscrito, __________ (demonstre
o cálculo do prêmio que será a base para este resseguro, tal como: prêmio
emitido menos cancelamentos e restituições menos cessões
proporcionais)será considerado como prêmio da carteira protegida pelo
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos em base contínua, com
um prêmio mínimo e de depósito e prêmio líquido da carteira protegida.
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador, como prêmio para o resseguro aqui
contratado, ______% do prêmio líquido ganho no período deste Contrato.
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador um prêmio mínimo e de depósito de
$ ______ (VALOR) em ______ (NÚMERO) parcelas iguais de $ ______
(VALOR) nas seguintes datas: ______.
Dentro de ______ dias após o término deste Contrato, a Companhia
providenciará relatório para o Ressegurador demonstrando o prêmio aqui
devido, apurado de acordo com o primeiro parágrafo. Se o prêmio então
apurado for maior que o prêmio mínimo e de depósito previamente pago,
a diferença será remetida pela Companhia juntamente com esse relatório.
“Prêmio líquido ganho” como aqui utilizado é definido como o prêmio
bruto ganho pela Companhia para as classes de negócios aqui
resseguradas, excluindo a parte ganha dos prêmios cedidos pela
Companhia para resseguros que beneficiem este Contrato. No cálculo do
prêmio líquido ganho, ___________(demonstre a base de cálculo) será
considerado como prêmio da carteira protegida pelo contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos por período
determinado, com um prêmio mínimo e de depósito, e na base de prêmio
líquido ganho da carteira protegida.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 191 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
A 43
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder during each contract year, the
Company shall pay the Reinsurer _____% of its net earned premium for the contract
The Company shall pay the Reinsurer an annual minimum and deposit premium of
$__________ in _________ equal installments of $__________ on __________.
Within _____ days after the end of each contract year, the Company shall provide a
report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due hereunder for the contract
year, computed in accordance with the first paragraph, and if the premium so
computed is greater than the previously paid minimum and deposit premium, the
balance shall be remitted by the Company with its report.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as gross earned premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the earned portion of
premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to the benefit of this
Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, (recite extraction
calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with a minimum and
deposit premium, and net earned premium base.
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador, como prêmio para o resseguro aqui
contratado, durante cada ano de contrato, ______% do prêmio líquido
ganho para o ano de Contrato.
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador um prêmio mínimo e de depósito
anual de $ ______ (VALOR) em ______ (NÚMERO) parcelas iguais de $
______ (VALOR) nas seguintes datas: _______.
Dentro de ______ dias após cada aniversário do Contrato, a Companhia
providenciará relatório para o Ressegurador demonstrando o prêmio aqui
devido para o citado período, apurado de acordo com o primeiro
parágrafo. Se o prêmio então apurado for maior que o prêmio mínimo e de
depósito previamente pago, a diferença será remetida pela Companhia
juntamente com esse relatório.
“Prêmio líquido ganho” como aqui utilizado é definido como o prêmio
bruto ganho pela Companhia para as classes de negócios aqui
resseguradas, excluindo a parte ganha dos prêmios cedidos pela
Companhia para resseguros que beneficiem este Contrato. No cálculo do
prêmio líquido ganho, ___________ (demonstre a base de cálculo) será
considerado como prêmio da carteira protegida pelo contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos em base contínua, com
um prêmio mínimo e de depósito, e na base de prêmio líquido ganho da
carteira protegida.
A 43
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer _____% of its net written premium for the term of this Contract, subject to
a minimum premium of $__________.
The Company shall pay the Reinsurer a deposit premium of $__________ in
__________ equal installments of $__________ on __________.
Within _____ days after the expiration of this Contract, the Company shall provide a
report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due hereunder, computed in
accordance with the first paragraph, and any additional premium due the Reinsurer
or return premium due the Company shall be remitted promptly.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, (recite extraction factor) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a term basis, with a deposit premium
greater than the minimum premium, and net written premium base.
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador, como prêmio para o resseguro aqui
contratado, ______% do prêmio líquido subscrito no período deste
Contrato, sujeito a um prêmio mínimo de $_____(VALOR).
A Companhia pagará ao Ressegurador um prêmio depósito de $ ______
(VALOR) em ______ (NÚMERO) parcelas iguais de $ ______ (VALOR) nas
seguintes datas: ______.
Dentro de ______ dias após o término deste Contrato, a Companhia
providenciará relatório para o Ressegurador demonstrando o prêmio aqui
devido, apurado de acordo com o primeiro parágrafo. Qualquer prêmio
adicional devido ao Ressegurador ou prêmio a ser devolvido à Companhia
será liquidado imediatamente.
“Prêmio líquido subscrito” como aqui utilizado é definido como o prêmio
bruto subscrito pela Companhia para as classes de negócios aqui
resseguradas, excluindo cancelamentos, devoluções de prêmios e os
prêmios cedidos pela Companhia para resseguros que beneficiem este
Contrato. No cálculo do prêmio líquido subscrito, ____________
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 192 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
(demonstre o fator da base de cálculo) será considerado como prêmio da
carteira protegida pelo contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos por período
determinado, com um prêmio depósito maior que o prêmio mínimo, e
prêmio líquido subscrito da carteira protegida.
A 43
A 43
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder during each contract year, the
Company shall pay the Reinsurer _____% of its net written premium for the contract
year, subject to an annual minimum premium of $__________.
The Company shall pay the Reinsurer an annual deposit premium of $__________ in
__________ equal installments of $__________ on __________.
Within _____ days after the end of each contract year, the Company shall provide a
report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due hereunder for the contract
year, computed in accordance with the first paragraph, and any additional premium
due the Reinsurer or return premium due the Company shall be remitted promptly.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, (recite extraction factor) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with a deposit
premium greater than the minimum premium, and net written premium base.
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer _____% of its net earned premium for the term of this Contract, subject to
a minimum premium of $__________.
The Company shall pay the Reinsurer a deposit premium of $__________ in
_________ equal installments of $__________ on __________.
Within _____ days after the expiration of this Contract, the Company shall provide a
report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due hereunder, computed in
accordance with the first paragraph, and any additional premium due the Reinsurer
or return premium due the Company shall be remitted promptly.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as gross earned premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the earned portion of
premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to the benefit of this
Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, (recite extraction
calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a term basis, with a deposit premium
greater than the minimum premium, and net earned premium base.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 43
A 43
A 43
Original em Inglês
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder during each contract year, the
Company shall pay the Reinsurer _____% of its net earned premium for the contract
year, subject to an annual minimum premium of $__________.
The Company shall pay the Reinsurer an annual deposit premium of
$__________ in _________ equal installments of $__________ on __________.
Within _____ days after the end of each contract year, the Company shall provide a
report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due hereunder for the contract
year, computed in accordance with the first paragraph, and any additional premium
due the Reinsurer or return premium due the Company shall be remitted promptly.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as gross earned premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the earned portion of
premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to the benefit of this
Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, (recite extraction
calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with a deposit
premium greater than the minimum premium, and net earned premium base.
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer _____% of its unearned premium applicable to subject business in force at
inception, and _____% of its net written premium thereafter.
At inception, the Company shall report its unearned premium applicable to subject
business in force at inception. The premium due the Reinsurer, at the rate shown in
the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with its report.
Within _____ days after the end of each __________, the Company shall report its
net written premium for the __________. The premium due the Reinsurer, at the rate
shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with its report.
Within _____ days after the end of each calendar quarter, the Company shall
calculate and report the unearned reinsurance premium as of the end of the calendar
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, (recite extraction calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with a flat rate, net
written premium base, and incoming unearned premium.
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Página 193 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 43
A 43
Original em Inglês
Reinsurer _____% of its net written premium.
Within _____ days after the end of each __________, the Company shall report its
net written premium for the __________. The premium due the Reinsurer, at the rate
shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with its report.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, (recite extraction calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with a flat rate, and
net written premium base.
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer _____% of its net earned premium. Within _____ days after the end of each
__________, the Company shall report its net earned premium for the __________.
The premium due the Reinsurer, at the rate shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid
by the Company with its report.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as gross earned premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the earned portion of
premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to the benefit of this
Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, (recite extraction
calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with a flat rate, and
net earned premium base.
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer _____% of its net earned premium.
Within _____ days after the end of each __________, (including each __________ of
the year following the date of termination if this Contract is terminated on a "runoff"
basis), the Company shall report its net earned premium for the __________. The
premium due the Reinsurer, at the rate shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by
the Company with its report.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as gross earned premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the earned portion of
premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to the benefit of this
Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, (recite extraction
calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with a flat rate, and
net earned premium base. Provision for termination on a runoff basis.
Página 194 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 43
A 43
Original em Inglês
As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer _____% of its excess limits net written premium for policies with limits
greater than the retentions shown in Article _______________.
Within _____ days after the end of each __________, the Company shall report its
excess limits net written premium for the __________ The premium due the
Reinsurer, at the rate shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with
its report.
Within _____ days after the end of each calendar quarter, the Company shall
calculate and report the unearned reinsurance premium as of the end of the calendar
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with excess limits
As provisional premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall
pay the Reinsurer _____% of its unearned premium applicable to subject business in
force at inception, and _____% of its net written premium thereafter.
At inception, the Company shall report its unearned premium applicable to subject
business in force at inception. The provisional premium due the Reinsurer, at the rate
shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with its report.
Within _____ days after the end of each __________, the Company shall report its
net written premium for the __________. The provisional premium due the
Reinsurer, at the rate shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with
its report.
Within _____ days after the end of each calendar quarter, the Company shall
calculate and report the unearned reinsurance premium as of the end of the calendar
quarter, at the provisional rate shown in the first paragraph.
The provisional premium paid by the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through _________, and each subsequent
__________ period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is
terminated, the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then
current adjustment period through the date of termination if this Contract is
terminated on a "cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff period if this Contract is
terminated on a "runoff" basis.
The adjusted premium for each adjustment period shall be equal to
Página 195 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 43
Original em Inglês
100/__________ths of the Reinsurer's losses incurred for the adjustment period, but
the adjusted premium shall not exceed %, nor be less than _____%, of the Company's
net earned premium for the adjustment period.
The Company shall calculate and report the adjusted premium for each
adjustment period within _____ days after the end of the adjustment period, and
within _____ days after the end of each __________ period thereafter until all losses
occurring during the adjustment period have been finally settled. If the adjusted
premium exceeds the reinsurance premiums previously paid for the adjustment
period (exclusive of the unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of the
calculation, it being understood and agreed that said unearned portion shall be
returned to the Company if this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis), the
Company shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report. If the adjusted
premium is less than reinsurance premiums previously paid for the adjustment period
(exclusive of the unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of the calculation),
the Reinsurer shall remit the difference to the Company as promptly as possible after
receipt and verification of the Company's report.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean losses and loss adjustment expense paid
by the Reinsurer as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for
losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, all as respects
losses occurring during the adjustment period under consideration.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, (recite extraction calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as the Company's gross earned
premium for the classes of business subject to this Contract, less only the earned
portion of premiums, if any, ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to
the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, (recite
extraction calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with provisional
premium adjusted to losses loaded, no interim calculations within the adjustment
period, incoming unearned premium, and "accident year accounting" basis.
As provisional premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall
pay the Reinsurer _____% of its unearned premium applicable to subject business in
force at inception, and _____% of its net written premium thereafter.
At inception, the Company shall report its unearned premium applicable to subject
business in force at inception. The provisional premium due the Reinsurer, at the rate
shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with its report.
Página 196 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Within _____ days after the end of each __________, the Company shall report its
net written premium for the __________. The provisional premium due the
Reinsurer, at the rate shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with
its report.
Within _____ days after the end of each calendar quarter, the Company shall
calculate and report the unearned reinsurance premium as of the end of the calendar
quarter, at the provisional rate shown in the first paragraph.
The provisional premium paid by the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through __________, and each subsequent
__________ period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is
terminated, the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then
current adjustment period through the date of termination if this Contract is
terminated on a "cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff period if this Contract is
terminated on a "runoff" basis. The adjusted premium for each adjustment period
shall be equal to 100/__________ths of the Reinsurer's losses incurred for the
adjustment period, but the adjusted premium shall not exceed _____%, nor be less
than _____% of the Company's net earned premium for the adjustment period.
Within _____ days after the end of each within each adjustment period, the Company
shall calculate and report the adjusted premium for the period from the beginning of
the then current adjustment period through the __________ under consideration,
based on the Reinsurer's losses incurred and the Company's net earned premium for
the adjustment period as of the date of the calculation.
If the adjusted premium exceeds the reinsurance premiums previously paid for the
same period (including the unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of the
calculation), the Company shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report.
Within _____ days after the end of each adjustment period, and within _____ days
after the end of each period thereafter until all losses occurring during the
adjustment period have been finally settled, the Company shall calculate and report
the adjusted premium for the adjustment period. If the adjusted premium exceeds
the reinsurance premiums previously paid for the adjustment period (exclusive of the
unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of the calculation, it being
understood and agreed that said unearned portion shall be returned to the Company
if this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis), the Company shall remit the
difference to the Reinsurer with its report. If the adjusted premium is less than
reinsurance premiums previously paid for the adjustment period (exclusive of the
unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of the calculation), the Reinsurer
shall remit the difference to the Company as promptly as possible after receipt and
verification of the Company's report.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean losses and loss adjustment expense paid
Página 197 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 43
Original em Inglês
by the Reinsurer as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for
losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, all as respects
losses occurring during the adjustment period under consideration.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, (recite extraction calculation) considered subject premium.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as the Company's gross earned
premium for the classes of business subject to this Contract, less only the earned
portion of premiums, if any, ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to
the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, (recite
extraction calculation) shall be considered subject premium.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with provisional
premium adjusted to losses loaded, interim calculations within the adjustment period,
incoming unearned premium, and "accident year accounting" basis.
This is an example of an Article which provides for an advance premium by applying
the reinsurance rate to the incoming portfolio. There are other possibilities such as a
deposit premium at inception.
As provisional premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall
pay the Reinsurer _____% of its net written premium. Within _____ days after the
end of each __________, the Company shall report its net written premium for the
__________. The provisional premium due the Reinsurer, at the rate shown in the
first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with its report.
The provisional premium paid by the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through __________, and each subsequent
__________ period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is
terminated, the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then
current adjustment period through the date of termination.
The adjusted premium for each adjustment period shall be equal to
100/__________ths of the Reinsurer's losses incurred for the adjustment period, but
the adjusted premium shall not exceed _____%, nor be less than _____% of the
Company's net earned premium for the adjustment period.
The Company shall calculate and report the adjusted premium for each adjustment
period within _____ days after the end of the adjustment period, and within _____
days after the end of each __________ period thereafter until all losses under policies
with effective or renewal dates during the adjustment period have been finally
settled. If the adjusted premium exceeds the reinsurance premiums previously paid
Página 198 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
for the adjustment period (exclusive of the unearned portion thereof as of the
effective date of the calculation), the Company shall remit the difference to the
Reinsurer with its report. If the adjusted premium is less than reinsurance premiums
previously paid for the adjustment period (exclusive of the unearned portion thereof
as of the effective date of the calculation), the Reinsurer shall remit the difference to
the Company as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean losses and loss adjustment expense paid
by the Reinsurer as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for
losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, it being
understood and agreed that all losses under policies with effective or renewal dates
during an adjustment period shall be charged to that adjustment period, regardless of
the date said losses actually occur, unless this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff"
basis, in which event the Reinsurer shall have no liability for losses occurring after the
effective date of termination under policies with effective or renewal dates during the
final adjustment period.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, __________ shall be considered subject premium.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as the Company's net written
premium for policies with effective or renewal dates during the adjustment period,
less the unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of calculation, it being
understood and agreed that all premiums for policies with effective or renewal dates
during an adjustment period shall be credited to that adjustment period, unless this
Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the unearned reinsurance
premium as of the effective date of termination shall be returned by the Reinsurer to
the Company.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with provisional
premium adjusted to losses loaded, no interim calculations within the adjustment
period, and "underwriting year accounting" basis.
A 43
As provisional premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall
pay the Reinsurer _____% of its net written premium.
Within _____ days after the end of each __________, the Company shall report its
net written premium for the __________. The provisional premium due the
Reinsurer, at the rate shown in the first paragraph, shall be paid by the Company with
its report.
Página 199 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
The provisional premium paid by the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through __________, and each subsequent
__________ period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is
terminated, the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then
current adjustment period through the date of termination.
The adjusted premium for each adjustment period shall be equal to
100/__________ths of the Reinsurer's losses incurred for the adjustment period, but
the adjusted premium shall not exceed _____%, nor be less than __________% of the
Company's net earned premium for the adjustment period.
Within _____ days after the end of each __________ within each adjustment period,
the Company shall calculate and report the adjusted premium for the period from the
beginning of the then current adjustment period through the __________ under
consideration, based on the Reinsurer's losses incurred and the Company's net
earned premium for the adjustment period as of the date of the calculation. If the
adjusted premium exceeds the reinsurance premiums previously paid for the same
period (including the unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of the
calculation), the Company shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report.
Within _____ days after the end of each adjustment period, and within _____ days
after the end of each __________ period thereafter until all losses occurring during
the adjustment period have been finally settled, the Company shall calculate and
report the adjusted premium for the adjustment period. If the adjusted premium
exceeds the reinsurance premiums previously paid for the adjustment period
(exclusive of the unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of the calculation,
it being understood and agreed that said unearned portion shall be returned to the
Company if this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis), the Company shall remit
the difference to the Reinsurer with its report. If the adjusted premium is less than
reinsurance premiums previously paid for the adjustment period (exclusive of the
unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of the calculation), the Reinsurer
shall remit the difference to the Company as promptly as possible after receipt and
verification of the Company's report.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean losses and loss adjustment expense paid
by the Reinsurer as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for
losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, it being
understood and agreed that all losses under policies with effective or renewal dates
during an adjustment period shall be charged to that adjustment period, regardless of
the date said losses actually occur, unless this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff"
basis, in which event the Reinsurer shall have no liability for losses occurring after the
effective date of termination under policies with effective or renewal dates during the
final adjustment period.
"Net written premium" as used herein is defined as gross written premium of the
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 43
Página 201 de 274
Original em Inglês
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less cancellations and
return premiums, and less premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which
inures to the benefit of this Contract. For purposes of calculating net written
premium, __________ shall be considered subject premium.
"Net earned premium" as used herein is defined as the Company's net
written premium for policies with effective or renewal dates during the adjustment
period, less the unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of calculation, it
being understood and agreed that all premiums for policies with effective or renewal
dates during an adjustment period shall be credited to that adjustment period, unless
this Contract is terminated on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the unearned
reinsurance premium as of the effective date of termination shall be returned by the
Reinsurer to the Company.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts on a continuous basis, with provisional
premium adjusted to losses loaded, interim calculations within the adjustment period,
and "underwriting year accounting" basis.
A. As premium for the reinsurance provided hereunder, the Company shall pay the
Reinsurer ______% of its net earned premium for the term of this Contract, subject to
a minimum premium of $______ (or a pro rata portion thereof if the term of this
Contract is less than ______ months).
B. The Company shall pay the Reinsurer a deposit premium of $______ in ______
equal installments of $______ on ______. However, if this Contract is terminated
prior to ______, no deposit premium installments shall be due after the effective date
of termination.
C. Within ______ days after the termination or expiration of this Contract, the
Company shall provide a report to the Reinsurer setting forth the premium due
hereunder, computed in accordance with paragraph A, and any additional premium
due the Reinsurer or return premium due the Company shall be remitted promptly.
D. “Net earned premium” as used herein is defined as gross earned premium of the
Company for the classes of business reinsured hereunder, less the earned portion of
premiums ceded by the Company for reinsurance which inures to the benefit of this
Contract. For purposes of calculating net earned premium, ______ shall be
considered subject premium.
The Reinsured shall pay to the Reinsurers the Premium as specified in the Contractual
Details under “ANNUAL PREMIUM”, payable as specified under PAYMENT TERMS.
Reinsurers will pay tax (except when they are exempt from said taxes), as specified in
the Contractual Details under “DEDUCTIONS”, on the premium as specified in the
Contractual Details under “PREMIUM”.
If this Agreement is placed on an adjustable premium basis then as soon as may be
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 44
A 44
Original em Inglês
practicable after the expiry of this Agreement, the Reinsured shall render a statement
of their applicable written Gross Net Premium Income written in United States Dollars
in respect of business covered hereunder during the period hereon. The total
Premium due to Reinsurers shall be adjusted to an amount equal to the Adjustable
Rate(s) as specified in the Contractual Details under “PREMIUM, ADJUSTABLE
RATE(S)”. Should the premium so calculated be more than the ANNUAL DEPOSIT
PREMIUM, the Reinsured shall pay the difference, but should it be less there will be
return of premium to the Reinsured, subject nevertheless to the ANNUAL MINIMUM
PREMIUM specified in the Contractual Details.
For the purpose of the foregoing, the Reinsured's Gross Net Premium Income written
for in currencies other than United States Dollars shall be converted into United
States Dollars using the method described in the CURRENCY CONVERSION Clause
The term 'Gross Net Premium Income written' shall be understood to mean the total
gross premium income corresponding to the applicable cover hereunder, including all
charges, less returns, cancellations and premiums paid for reinsurances, recoveries
under which inure to the benefit hereof, written during the period of this Agreement.
In the event of this Reinsurance being subject to a Reinsurer Downgrade Review
Clause, such provision is either stated in the Risk Details or attached to the Placing
The Company agrees to cede and the Reinsurer agrees to accept cessions of surplus
liability, as hereinafter defined, over and above the Company's net retention on
policies, contracts and binders of insurance and reinsurance (referred to herein as
"policies") heretofore issued or which may hereafter be issued by the Company's
_______________ Department, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations
hereinafter set forth.
Note: For use in Surplus Contracts
If "new and renewal" only, delete "heretofore issued or."
If "in force" only, delete, "or which may hereafter be issued."
This Article may be used as an alternative to Business Covered Article.
The Company shall cede to the Reinsurer and the Reinsurer shall accept from the
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Versão Livre para o Português
A Companhia concorda em ceder e o Ressegurador em aceitar cessões de
excedente de responsabilidade, como definido a seguir, superiores à
retenção líquida da Companhia em apólices, contratos e certificados de
seguro e resseguro (aqui definidos como “apólices”), já subscritos ou a
serem subscritos pelo departamento _______________ da Companhia,
sujeito aos termos, condições e limites aqui estabelecidos.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excedente de Responsabilidade
Para cobertura apenas de apólices, contratos e certificados novos ou
renovações, elimine “já subscritos ou”.
Para cobertura apenas de apólices, contratos e certificados em vigor,
elimine “ou a serem subscritos”.
Esta cláusula poderá ser usada como uma alternativa para a Cláusula de
Riscos Cobertos.
NT: Apesar de a cláusula prever cobertura para resseguros aceitos pela
Companhia, a legislação brasileira não permite Seguradoras a aceitar
resseguro, apenas retrocessão.
A Companhia cederá ao Ressegurador e este aceitará 100% (cem por
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Company 100% of the first surplus liability, as hereinafter defined, of the Company on
risks insured under policies in force at or becoming effective or renewed at and after
(hour) (date) (year), covering the lines of business set forth below, subject to the
terms, conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth:
A policy written on an installment premium, report form or continuous basis shall be
considered renewed as of the end of each annual period commencing with the
inception date of the policy.
The term "policies" as used herein means the Company's binders, policies and
contracts providing insurance and reinsurance on the lines of business covered under
this Contract.
Note: For use in Surplus Share Contracts.
If "new and renewal" only, delete "in force at or."
If "in force" only, delete "or effective or renewed at and after." This Article may be
used as an alternative to Business Covered Article.
A 44
By this Contract the Company obligates itself to cede to the Reinsurer and the
Reinsurer obligates itself to accept _____% quota share reinsurance of the Company's
net liability under policies, contracts and binders of insurance or reinsurance
(hereinafter called "policies") in force at and becoming effective at and after (hour)
(date) (year), including renewals, and classified by the Company as _______________.
"Net liability" as used herein is defined as the Company's gross liability remaining
after cessions, if any, to __________.
The liability of the Reinsurer with respect to each cession hereunder shall commence
obligatorily and simultaneously with that of the Company, subject to the terms,
conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth.
Note: For use in Quota Share Contracts.
If "new and renewal" only, delete" in force at and."
If "in force" only, delete "and becoming effective at and after" and "including
This Article may be used as an alternative to Business Covered Article.
Página 203 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
cento) da responsabilidade excedente da Companhia, como definido neste
Contrato, nos riscos segurados pelas apólices em vigor em ou com início de
vigência ou renovadas em ou depois das (hora) (dia/mês/ano) cobrindo as
classes de negócios estabelecidas abaixo, sujeito aos termos, condições e
limitações estabelecidos neste Contrato:
Uma apólice subscrita com vigência mensal, por averbação ou aberta será
considerada renovada ao final de cada período anual começando a partir
da data de início de vigência da apólice.
O termo “apólice” aqui referido significa os certificados, apólices e
contratos da Companhia que concedam cobertura de seguro e resseguro
em classes de negócios abrangidas por este Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em contratos de excedente de responsabilidade.
Se “novos e renovações” somente, retirar “em vigor em ou”.
Se “em vigor” somente, retirar “ou com inicio de vigência ou renovadas em
ou depois das (hora) (dia/mês/ano)”.
Esta cláusula poderá ser usada como uma alternativa à Cláusula de Riscos
Por este Contrato a Companhia se obriga a ceder ao Ressegurador e este se
obriga a aceitar _____ % em resseguro de quota-parte da responsabilidade
líquida da Companhia em apólices, contratos e certificados de seguro ou
resseguro (a partir de agora referidos como “apólices”) em vigor em ou
com início de vigência em ou depois das (hora) (dia/mês/ano), incluindo
renovações, e classificados pela Companhia como _________________
“Responsabilidade líquida” aqui utilizada é definida como a
responsabilidade bruta remanescente da Companhia após cessões de
resseguro, se houver, em excedente de responsabilidade e facultativos.
A responsabilidade do Ressegurador com relação a cada cessão aqui
prevista começará obrigatória e simultaneamente com a da Companhia,
sujeita aos termos, condições e limitações estabelecidos neste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Quota - Parte.
Se “novos e renovações” somente, retirar “em vigor em ou”.
Se “em vigor” somente, retirar “ou com inicio de vigência em ou depois das
(hora) (dia/mês/ano)” e” incluindo renovações”.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 44
By this Contract the Company obligates itself to cede to the Reinsurer and the
Reinsurer obligates itself to accept _____% quota share reinsurance of the Company's
gross liability under policies, contracts and binders of insurance or reinsurance
(hereinafter called "policies") in force at and becoming effective at and after (hour)
(date) (year), including renewals, and classified by the Company as _______________.
The liability of the Reinsurer with respect to each cession hereunder shall commence
obligatorily and simultaneously with that of the Company, subject to the terms,
conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth.
Note: For use in Quota Share Contracts.
If "new and renewal" only, delete "in force at and."
If "in force" only, delete "and becoming effective at and after" and "including
This Article may be used as an alternative to Business Covered Article.
A 61
This Contract is to indemnify the Company in respect of the net excess liability that
may accrue to the Company as a result of any loss or losses that occur during the
term of this Agreement, or as respects policies affording coverage on such a basis,
claims made or losses discovered during the term of this Contract, under any policies
classified by the Company as Casualty business in force at the inception hereof or
written or renewed thereafter by or on behalf of the Company, subject to the terms
and conditions herein contained.
Note: For use in Casualty Excess of Loss Contracts.
If "new and renewal" only, delete "in force at the inception hereof or."
If "in force" only, delete "or written or renewed thereafter."
"Net excess liability" should be defined somewhere in the Contract.
This Article may be used as an alternative to Business Covered Article.
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Versão Livre para o Português
Esta cláusula poderá ser usada como uma alternativa à Cláusula de Riscos
Por este Contrato a Companhia se obriga a ceder ao Ressegurador e este se
obriga a aceitar _____ % em resseguro de quota-parte da responsabilidade
bruta da Companhia em apólices, contratos e certificados de seguro ou
resseguro (a partir de agora referidos como “apólices”) em vigor em ou
com início de vigência em ou depois das (hora) (dia/mês/ano), incluindo
renovações, e classificados pela Companhia como _________________
A responsabilidade do Ressegurador com relação a cada cessão aqui
prevista começará obrigatória e simultaneamente com a da Companhia,
sujeita aos termos, condições e limitações estabelecidos neste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Quota - Parte.
Se “novos e renovações” somente, retirar “em vigor em ou”.
Se “em vigor” somente, retirar “ou com inicio de vigência em ou depois das
(hora) (dia/mês/ano)” e” incluindo renovações”.
Esta cláusula poderá ser usada como uma alternativa à Cláusula de Riscos
Este Contrato indenizará a Companhia relativamente ao excesso da
responsabilidade liquida que lhe poderá ser imputada como resultado de
sinistro(s) que ocorra(m) durante o período de vigência deste Contrato ou
relativamente às apólices que dêem cobertura à base de reclamação ou de
sinistros conhecidos durante o período de vigência deste Contrato, em
apólices, classificadas pela Companhia como de responsabilidade civil, em
vigor no início de vigência aqui estabelecido, ou subscritas ou renovadas
pela ou em nome da Companhia, sujeito aos termos e condições
estabelecidos neste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos para responsabilidade
Se “novo e renovado” somente, apague “em vigor na data de ou”.
Se “em vigor” somente, apague “ou subscrito ou renovados”.
Excesso de Responsabilidade estará definido em algum lugar neste
Esta cláusula poderá ser utilizada como uma alternativa para a Cláusula de
Negócios Cobertos.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 61
The Reinsurer hereby reinsures the excess liability of the Company resulting from
losses that occur during the term of this Contract under the Company's policies,
contracts and/or binders of insurance or reinsurance written through the Company's
__________ Department, in force at the inception of this Contract or written or
renewed during the term of this Contract, subject to the following terms and
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts.
If "new and renewal" only, delete "in force at the inception of this Contractor."
If" in force" only, delete "or written or renewed during the term of this Contract."
"Excess liability" should be defined somewhere in the Contract.
This Article may be used as an alternative to Business Covered Article.
A 61
By this Contract the Reinsurer agrees to reinsure the excess liability that may accrue
to the Company under its policies, contracts, and binders of insurance or reinsurance
(referred to herein as "policies") in force at the effective date hereof or issued or
renewed on or after that date, and classified by the Company as __________, subject
to the terms, conditions and limitations hereafter set forth.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts.
If "new and renewal" only, delete "in force at the effective date hereof or."
If "in force" only, delete "or issued or renewed on or after that date."
"Excess liability" should be defined somewhere in the Contract.
This Article may be used as an alternative to Business Covered Article.
The Reinsured agrees to cede and the Reinsurers agree to accept by way of
reinsurance a share of business, whether direct or as coinsurance or by way of
facultative reinsurance, underwritten by the Reinsured, as set out in the Schedule
attached to and forming part of this Agreement on risks situated in {COUNTRY}
including their interests abroad except for Personal Accident, Cash in Transit, Personal
Página 205 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
O Ressegurador, por meio deste Contrato, ressegura o que exceder a
responsabilidade da Companhia decorrente de sinistros ocorridos, durante
a sua vigência, nas apólices, contratos e/ou certificados de seguro e
resseguro, subscritos pelo Departamento ___________________ da
Companhia e em vigor na data de início deste Contrato ou subscritos ou
renovados durante a sua vigência, sujeito aos seus demais termos e
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos.
Para cobertura apenas de apólices, contratos e certificados novos ou
renovações, elimine “em vigor na data de inicio deste Contrato ou”.
Para cobertura apenas de apólices, contratos e certificados em vigor,
elimine “ou subscritos ou renovados durante a sua vigência”.
Responsabilidade da Companhia estará definido em algum lugar neste
Esta cláusula poderá ser utilizada como uma alternativa para a Cláusula de
Riscos Cobertos.
Por este Contrato o Ressegurador concorda em ressegurar o excesso ao
limite de responsabilidade da Companhia em suas apólices, contratos,
certificados de seguro ou resseguro (aqui referidos como “apólices”) em
vigor na data de início deste Contrato ou subscritas ou renovadas em ou
após essa data, e classificados pela Companhia como ________ ____
(DEFINIR AS CLASSES DE NEGÓCIOS), sujeito aos termos, condições e
limitações estabelecidos neste Contrato.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos.
Se “novo e renovação” somente, retire “em vigor na data de início deste
Contrato ou”.
Se “em vigor” somente, retire “subscritas ou renovadas em ou após essa
“O excesso ao limite de responsabilidade” deverá ser definido em Clausula
Esta cláusula poderá ser utilizada como uma alternativa para a Cláusula de
Negócios Cobertos.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Effects and Travel Insurance which may be situated World-wide.
This reinsurance is only to pay the excess of an Ultimate Net Loss to the Reinsured of
{PRIORITY} each and every loss occurrence with a limit of liability to the Reinsurers of
{LIMIT} each and every loss as more fully defined in Article V1.
The Reinsurers hereby agree to indemnify the Reinsured for that part of their
Ultimate Net Loss which exceeds the amount stated in the schedule under the
heading "EXCESS" in respect of each and every loss with a limit of liability to
Reinsurers of the amount stated in the schedule under the heading "LIMIT" Ultimate
Net Loss each and every loss.
The term "each and every loss" where used herein shall be understood to mean all
individual accidents or occurrences arising out of and directly occasioned by one
In consideration of the payment of premium as specified in the attached Contractual
Details under “PREMIUM” and subject to the other terms and conditions of this
Agreement, the Reinsurers shall indemnify the Reinsured for that portion of the
liability attaching to the Reinsured as set out in the Contractual Details under “LIMIT”,
which represents the excess of the amount(s) as specified in the Contractual Details
under “DEDUCTIBLE” Ultimate Net Loss each and every loss, each and every risk.
The liability of the Reinsurers under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount(s) as
specified in the attached Contractual Details under “LIMIT” Ultimate Net Loss each
and every loss each and every risk.
A 45
Within _____ days after the close of each __________, the Company will furnish the
Reinsurer with a report summarizing the earned premium ceded less commission,
losses paid, loss adjustment expense paid, monies recovered, and net balance due
either party. In addition, the Company will furnish the Reinsurer a __________
statement showing the total reserves for outstanding losses including loss adjustment
expense, a breakdown by American Insurance Association catastrophic code numbers
for paid and outstanding catastrophe losses and loss adjustment expense, and such
other information as may be required by the Reinsurer for completion of its NAIC
annual statements.
The net balance will be paid within _____ days after the close of the respective
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Versão Livre para o Português
Os Resseguradores concordam em indenizar o Ressegurado pela parte da
perda líquida definitiva que exceder o montante estabelecido nos Detalhes
do Contrato sob o título ____________ (ESPECIFICAR O ITEM)
relativamente a toda e qualquer perda até o limite de responsabilidade dos
Resseguradores no montante previsto sob o tópico ____________
O termo “toda e qualquer perda” quando aqui utilizado significará todos
os acidentes ou ocorrências individuais decorrentes de ou diretamente
causados por um evento.
NT: Na tradução da definição do termo “toda e qualquer perda” a
conjunção “and” foi traduzida por “ou” por ser mais utilizada.
Mediante pagamento do prêmio especificado nos Detalhes do Contrato
sob a designação “PRÊMIO” e, sujeito aos demais termos e condições
deste Contrato, os Resseguradores indenizarão o Ressegurado pela parte
da sua responsabilidade, conforme previsto sob o título “LIMITE”, o qual
representa o excesso do(s) valor(es) especificado(s) sob o titulo
“PRIORIDADE” e aplicada sobre a perda líquida definitiva em todo e
qualquer sinistro, todo e qualquer risco.
A responsabilidade dos Resseguradores, de acordo com este Contrato, não
excederá o(s) valor(es) especificado(s) nos Detalhes do Contrato sob o
título “LIMITE”.
Até _____ dias após o fechamento de cada __________ (PERIODICIDADE),
a Companhia fornecerá ao Ressegurador um conta resumindo o prêmio
ganho cedido menos comissão, sinistros pagos, despesas de regulação de
sinistros pagas, recuperações e saldo líquido devido por uma das partes.
Além disso, a Companhia fornecerá ao Ressegurador um relatório
__________ (PERIODICIDADE) demonstrando as reservas totais para os
sinistros pendentes incluindo despesas de regulação e outras informações
necessárias ao Ressegurador para atendimento ao órgão fiscalizador.
O saldo líquido será pago em _____ dias após o fechamento do respectivo
_______________ (PERIODICIDADE). Caso o pagamento devido pelo
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
__________. Should payment due from the Reinsurer exceed __________ as respects
any one loss, the Company may give the Reinsurer notice of payment made or its
intention to make payment on a certain date. If the Company has paid the loss,
payment will be made by the Reinsurer immediately. If the Company intends to pay
the loss by a certain date and has submitted a satisfactory proof of loss or similar
document, payment will be due from the Reinsurer twenty-four (24) hours prior to
that date, provided the Reinsurer has a period of five (5) working days after receipt of
said notice to dispatch the payment. Cash loss amounts specifically remitted by the
Reinsurer as set forth herein will be credited to its next __________ account.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts on an earned premium basis, where remitting time
is different from reporting time.
A 45
Within _____ days after the close of each __________, the Company will furnish the
Reinsurer with a report summarizing the earned premium ceded less commission,
losses paid, loss adjustment expense paid, monies recovered, and net balance due
either party. In addition, the Company will furnish the Reinsurer a __________
statement showing the total reserves for outstanding losses including loss adjustment
expense, a breakdown by American Insurance Association catastrophic code numbers
for paid and outstanding catastrophe losses and loss adjustment expense, and such
other information as may be required by the Reinsurer for completion of its NAIC
annual statements.
Amounts due the Reinsurer will be remitted with the __________ report. Amounts
due the Company will be remitted within _____ days following receipt of the report.
Should payment due from the Reinsurer exceed __________ as respects any one loss,
the Company may give the Reinsurer notice of payment made or its intention to make
payment on a certain date. If the Company has paid the loss, payment will be made
by the Reinsurer immediately. If the Company intends to pay the loss by a certain
date and has submitted a satisfactory proof of loss or similar document, payment will
be due from the Reinsurer twenty-four (24) hours prior to that date, provided the
Reinsurer has a period of five (5) working days after receipt of said notice to dispatch
the payment. Cash loss amounts specifically remitted by the Reinsurer as set forth
herein will be credited to its next __________ account.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts on an earned premium basis, where remitting
time is the same as reporting time.
Página 207 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Ressegurador exceda ________ (VALOR) relativamente a um sinistro, a
Companhia poderá notificar o Ressegurador do pagamento efetuado ou de
sua intenção de fazê-lo em uma determinada data. Se a Companhia já
houver pagado o sinistro, o Ressegurador efetuará o reembolso
imediatamente. Se a Companhia pretender pagar o sinistro em uma
determinada data e tiver submetido prova satisfatória do sinistro ou
documento similar, pagamento será devido pelo Ressegurador vinte e
quatro (24) horas antes daquela data, desde que o Ressegurador tenha um
período de cinco (5) dias úteis após o recebimento da solicitação para
efetuar o pagamento. Os adiantamentos de sinistros devidamente
remetidos pelo Ressegurador, como aqui estabelecidos, serão creditados
na próxima conta __________________(PERIODICIDADE).
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais a base de prêmio ganho, em
que o prazo de pagamento é diferente do prazo de apresentação da conta.
NT. Foi retirada a parte referente a exigência de informação de código de
catástrofe da Associação Americana de Seguros por não ser aplicável.
Até _____ dias após o fechamento de cada __________ (PERIODICIDADE),
a Companhia fornecerá ao Ressegurador uma conta resumindo o prêmio
ganho cedido menos comissão, sinistros pagos, despesas de regulação de
sinistros pagas, recuperações e saldo líquido devido por uma das partes.
Além disso, a Companhia fornecerá ao Ressegurador um relatório
__________ (PERIODICIDADE) demonstrando as reservas totais para os
sinistros pendentes incluindo despesas de regulação e outras informações
necessárias ao Ressegurador para atendimento ao órgão fiscalizador.
Valores devidos ao Ressegurador serão remetidas com a conta
__________________ (PERIODICIDADE).
Valores devidos à Companhia serão remetidas em até _____ dias após o
recebimento da conta. Caso o pagamento devido pelo Ressegurador
exceda ________________ (DETERMINAR VALOR) em relação a qualquer
sinistro, a Companhia poderá dar ao Ressegurador uma comunicação do
pagamento feito ou de sua intenção de fazer-lo em uma determinada data.
Se a Companhia tiver pagado o sinistro, o pagamento será feito pelo
Ressegurador imediatamente. Se a companhia pretender pagar o sinistro
em uma determinada data e tiver apresentado comprovação concreta do
sinistro ou documento similar, o pagamento será devido pelo ressegurador
vinte e quatro (24) horas antes daquela data, desde que o ressegurador
tenha um período de cinco (5) dias úteis após o recebimento da solicitação
para efetuar o pagamento. Adiantamentos de sinistros devidamente
remetidos pelo Ressegurador, conforme aqui estabelecido, serão
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 45
Within _____ days after the close of each __________, the Company will furnish the
Reinsurer with a report summarizing the written premium ceded less return premium
and commission, losses paid, loss adjustment expense paid, monies recovered, and
net balance due either party. In addition, the Company will furnish the Reinsurer a
__________ statement showing the unearned premium, the total reserves for
outstanding losses including loss adjustment expense, a breakdown by American
Insurance Association catastrophic code numbers for paid and outstanding
catastrophe losses and loss adjustment expense, and such other information as may
be required by the Reinsurer for completion of its NAIC annual statements.
The net balance will be paid within _____ days after the close of the respective
__________. Should payment due from the Reinsurer exceed as respects any one
loss, the Company may give the Reinsurer notice of payment made or its intention to
make payment on a certain date. If the Company has paid the loss, payment will be
made by the Reinsurer immediately. If the Company intends to pay the loss by a
certain date and has submitted a satisfactory proof of loss or similar document,
payment will be due from the Reinsurer twenty-four (24) hours prior to that date,
provided the Reinsurer has a period of five (5) working days after receipt of said
notice to dispatch the payment. Cash loss amounts specifically remitted by the
Reinsurer as set forth herein will be credited to its next __________ account.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts on a written premium basis, where remitting time
is different from reporting time.
A 45
Within _____ days after the close of each __________, the Company will furnish the
Reinsurer with a report summarizing the written premium ceded less return premium
and commission, losses paid, loss adjustment expense paid, monies recovered, and
net balance due either party. In addition, the Company will furnish the Reinsurer a
__________ statement showing the unearned premium, the total reserves for
outstanding losses including loss adjustment expense, a breakdown by American
Página 208 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
creditados na próxima conta _________________ (PERIODICIDADE).
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais a base de prêmio ganho, em
que o prazo de pagamento é diferente do prazo de apresentação da conta.
NT. Foi retirada a parte referente a exigência de informação de código de
catástrofe da Associação Americana de Seguros por não ser aplicável.
Até _____ dias após o fechamento de cada __________ (PERIODICIDADE),
a Companhia fornecerá ao Ressegurador um conta resumindo o prêmio
emitido cedido menos devolução de prêmio e comissão, sinistros pagos,
despesas de regulação de sinistros pagas, recuperações e saldo líquido
devido por uma das partes. Além disso, a Companhia fornecerá ao
Ressegurador um relatório __________ (PERIODICIDADE) demonstrando o
prêmio não ganho, as reservas totais para os sinistros pendentes incluindo
despesas de regulação e outras informações necessárias ao Ressegurador
para atendimento ao órgão fiscalizador.
O saldo líquido será pago em _____ dias após o fechamento do respectivo
_______________ (PERIODICIDADE). Caso o pagamento devido pelo
Ressegurador exceda ________ (VALOR) relativamente a um sinistro, a
Companhia poderá notificar o Ressegurador do pagamento efetuado ou de
sua intenção de fazê-lo em uma determinada data. Se a Companhia já
houver pagado o sinistro, o Ressegurador efetuará o reembolso
imediatamente. Se a Companhia pretender pagar o sinistro em uma
determinada data e tiver submetido prova satisfatória do sinistro ou
documento similar, pagamento será devido pelo Ressegurador vinte e
quatro (24) horas antes daquela data, desde que o Ressegurador tenha um
período de cinco (5) dias úteis após o recebimento da solicitação para
efetuar o pagamento. Os adiantamentos de sinistros devidamente
remetidos pelo Ressegurador, como aqui estabelecidos, serão creditados
na próxima conta __________________(PERIODICIDADE).
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais a base de prêmio emitido, em
que o prazo de pagamento é diferente do prazo de apresentação da conta.
NT. Foi retirada a parte referente a exigência de informação de código de
catástrofe da Associação Americana de Seguros por não ser aplicável.
Até _____ dias após o fechamento de cada __________ (PERIODICIDADE),
a Companhia fornecerá ao Ressegurador um conta resumindo o prêmio
emitido cedido menos devolução de prêmio e comissão, sinistros pagos,
despesas de regulação de sinistros pagas, recuperações e saldo líquido
devido por uma das partes. Além disso, a Companhia fornecerá ao
Ressegurador um relatório __________ (PERIODICIDADE) demonstrando o
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Insurance Association catastrophic code numbers for paid and outstanding
catastrophe losses and loss adjustment expense, and such other information as may
be required by the Reinsurer for completion of its NAIC annual statements.
Amounts due the Reinsurer will be remitted with the report __________, Amounts
due the Company will be remitted within _____ days following receipt of the report.
Should payment due from the Reinsurer exceed __________ as respects any one loss,
the Company may give the Reinsurer notice of payment made or its intention to make
payment on a certain date. If the Company has paid the loss, payment will be made
by the Reinsurer immediately. If the Company intends to pay the loss by a certain
date and has submitted a satisfactory proof of loss or similar document, payment will
be due from the Reinsurer twenty-four (24) hours prior to that date, provided the
Reinsurer has a period of five (5) working days after receipt of said notice to dispatch
the payment. Cash loss amounts specifically remitted by the Reinsurer as set forth
herein will be credited to its next __________ account.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts on a written premium basis, where remitting time
is the same as reporting time.
A 46
The Reinsurer shall maintain legal reserves with respect to unearned premiums and
claims hereunder. The Company shall furnish to the Reinsurer semi-annually a list of
outstanding claims in which the Reinsurer is interested, showing the amount of loss
reserves set up by the Company in respect of both the gross amount and the
Reinsurer's share of each and every such claim.
Note: For use in excess of loss Contracts where reserves are carried for both
outstanding losses and unearned premium. Contains provision for a semi-annual
statement of claims.
A 46
The Reinsurer shall maintain legal reserves with respect to claims hereunder. The
Company shall furnish to the Reinsurer semi-annually a list of outstanding claims in
which the Reinsurer is interested, showing the amount of loss reserves set up by the
Company in respect of both the gross amount and the Reinsurer's share of each and
every such claim.
Note: For use in excess of loss Contracts where only outstanding loss reserves are
carried. Contains provision for a semi-annual statement of claims.
Página 209 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
prêmio não ganho, as reservas totais para os sinistros pendentes incluindo
despesas de regulação e outras informações necessárias ao Ressegurador
para atendimento ao órgão fiscalizador.
Valores devidos ao Ressegurador serão remetidas com a conta
__________________ (PERIODICIDADE).
Valores devidos à Companhia serão remetidas em até _____ dias após o
recebimento da conta. Caso o pagamento devido pelo Ressegurador
exceda ________________ (DETERMINAR VALOR) em relação a qualquer
sinistro, a Companhia poderá dar ao Ressegurador uma comunicação do
pagamento feito ou de sua intenção de fazer-lo em uma determinada data.
Se a Companhia tiver pagado o sinistro, o pagamento será feito pelo
Ressegurador imediatamente. Se a companhia pretender pagar o sinistro
em uma determinada data e tiver apresentado comprovação concreta do
sinistro ou documento similar, o pagamento será devido pelo ressegurador
vinte e quatro (24) horas antes daquela data, desde que o ressegurador
tenha um período de cinco (5) dias úteis após o recebimento da solicitação
para efetuar o pagamento. Adiantamentos de sinistros devidamente
remetidos pelo Ressegurador, conforme aqui estabelecido, serão
creditados na próxima conta _________________ (PERIODICIDADE).
Nota: Para uso em Contratos Proporcionais a base de prêmio emitido, em
que o prazo de pagamento é o mesmo do prazo de apresentação da conta.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 46
A 46
Original em Inglês
Página 210 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
The Reinsurer shall maintain legal reserves with respect to unearned premiums and
claims hereunder.
Note: For use in excess of loss or pro rata Contracts where reserves are carried, for
both outstanding losses and unearned premium.
The Reinsurer shall maintain legal reserves with respect to claims hereunder.
Note: For use in excess of loss or pro rata Contracts where only outstanding loss
reserves are carried.
In the event of this Reinsurance not being renewed, if requested by the Reinsured
prior to expiry of this Reinsurance, it is hereby agreed to extend this Reinsurance to
cover the liability of the Reinsured in respect of losses occurring during the twelve
month period immediately following expiry of this Reinsurance arising under Policies
and/or Contracts written or renewed by the Reinsured prior to expiry of this
Reinsurance. In the event of the Reinsured exercising this option an Additional
Premium to be mutually agreed, shall be payable to the Reinsurer. Notwithstanding
anything contained in the foregoing in the event of the Reinsured and the Reinsurer
failing to agree on the amount of Additional Premium mentioned above this
Reinsurance shall terminate at the end of the period stated in the Reinsuring Clause.
The Reinsurer shall be credited with its proportionate share of salvage or subrogation
recoveries (i.e., reimbursement obtained or recovery made by the Company, less the
actual cost, excluding salaries of officials and employees of the Company, of obtaining
such reimbursement or making such recovery) on account of claims and settlements
involving reinsurance hereunder.
A 47
A 47
The Reinsurer shall benefit proportionately in all salvages, subrogations and
O Ressegurador será creditado da sua parte proporcional dos salvados ou
ressarcimentos (i.e., reembolso obtido ou recuperação feita pela
companhia, menos o custo de obter tal reembolso ou de fazer tal
recuperação, excluídos salários de dirigentes e empregados da
Companhia), relativamente a pagamentos de sinistros e indenizações
envolvendo o resseguro aqui previsto.
O Ressegurador se beneficiará proporcionalmente em todos os salvados,
ressarcimentos e recuperações.
A 47
The Reinsurer shall be subrogated, as respects any loss for which the Reinsurer shall
actually pay or become liable, but only to the extent of the amount of payment by or
the amount of liability to the Reinsurer, to all the rights of the Company against any
person or other entity who may be legally responsible in damages for said loss. The
Company hereby agrees to enforce such rights, but in case the Company shall refuse
or neglect to do so, the Reinsurer is hereby authorized and empowered to bring any
Relativamente a qualquer sinistro pelo qual tenha efetuado um pagamento
ou seja responsável e limitado ao valor do pagamento ou de sua
responsabilidade, o Ressegurador será sub-rogado de todos os direitos da
Companhia contra qualquer pessoa ou entidade que possa ser legalmente
responsabilizada pelos danos decorrentes do sinistro. A Companhia
concorda em fazer valer tais direitos, e caso se recuse ou se negue a fazê-
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
appropriate action in the name of the Company or its policyholders, or otherwise to
enforce such rights.
Any recoveries, salvages or reimbursements applying to risks covered under this
Contract shall always be used to reimburse the excess carriers (from the last to the
first, beginning with the carrier of the last excess), according to their participation,
before being used in any way to reimburse the Company for its primary loss.
In the event there are any salvages, recoveries or reimbursements recovered
subsequent to a loss settlement, it is agreed that if the loss adjustment expense
incurred in obtaining salvage or other recoveries is less than the amount recovered,
such expense shall be borne by each party in the proportion that each party benefits
from the recoveries, otherwise, the amount recovered shall first be applied to the
reimbursement of the expense of recovery and the remaining expense shall be borne
by the Company and the Reinsurer in proportion to the liability of each party for the
loss before such recovery had been obtained.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts when loss adjustment expense is prorated.
A 47
The Reinsurer shall be subrogated, as respects any loss for which the Reinsurer shall
actually pay or become liable, but only to the extent of the amount of payment by or
the amount of liability to the Reinsurer, to all the rights of the Company against any
person or other entity who may be legally responsible in damages for said loss. The
Company hereby agrees to enforce such rights, but in case the Company shall refuse
or neglect to do so, the Reinsurer is hereby authorized and empowered to bring any
appropriate action in the name of the Company or its policyholders, or otherwise to
enforce such rights.
Any recoveries, salvages or reimbursements applying to risks covered under this
Contract shall always be used to reimburse the excess carriers (from the last to the
first, beginning with the carrier of the last excess), according to their participation,
before being used in any way to reimburse the Company for its primary loss.
All salvages, recoveries or reimbursements, after deduction of loss adjustment
expense applicable thereto, recovered or received subsequent to a loss settlement
under this Contract shall be applied as if recovered or received prior to the aforesaid
settlement, and all necessary adjustments shall be made by the parties hereto,
provided always, that nothing in this Article shall be construed to mean that losses
under this Contract are not recoverable until the Company's ultimate net loss has
Página 211 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
lo, o Ressegurador fica desde já autorizado a, e com poderes para, iniciar
qualquer ação apropriada, em nome da Companhia ou de seus segurados,
ou de outra forma fazer valer seus direitos.
Quaisquer recuperações, salvados ou reembolsos que se apliquem aos
riscos aqui cobertos serão sempre utilizados para reembolsar os
resseguradores de excesso de danos (do último para o primeiro,
começando sempre com o ressegurador da última faixa), de acordo com
sua participação, antes de ser considerado para reembolsar a Companhia
por sua parte no prejuízo.
Na eventualidade de haver salvados, recuperações ou reembolsos obtidos
após a liquidação do sinistro, fica acordado que, se as despesas de
regulação de sinistros incorridas na obtenção de valor decorrente de
salvados ou outras recuperações for menor que o valor recuperado, tal
despesa será suportada por cada parte na proporção em que cada uma se
beneficie das recuperações. Todavia, o valor recuperado será
primeiramente considerado no reembolso da despesa de recuperação e o
saldo restante será suportado pela Companhia e pelo Ressegurador, na
proporção da responsabilidade de cada um no sinistro antes de tal
recuperação ter sido obtida.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos onde as despesas de
regulação de sinistro são rateadas entre as partes.
Relativamente a qualquer sinistro pelo qual tenha efetuado um pagamento
ou seja responsável e limitado ao valor do pagamento ou de sua
responsabilidade, o Ressegurador será sub-rogado de todos os direitos da
Companhia contra qualquer pessoa ou entidade que possa ser legalmente
responsabilizada pelos danos decorrentes do sinistro. A Companhia
concorda em fazer valer tais direitos, e caso se recuse ou se negue a fazêlo, o Ressegurador fica desde já autorizado a, e com poderes para, iniciar
qualquer ação apropriada, em nome da Companhia ou de seus segurados,
ou de outra forma fazer valer seus direitos.
Quaisquer recuperações, salvados ou reembolsos que se apliquem aos
riscos aqui cobertos serão sempre utilizados para reembolsar os
resseguradores de excesso de danos (do último para o primeiro,
começando sempre com o ressegurador da última faixa), de acordo com
sua participação, antes de ser considerado para reembolsar a Companhia
por sua parte no prejuízo.
Após a dedução da despesa de regulação de sinistro, aqui prevista, todos
os salvados, recuperações ou reembolsos recuperados ou recebidos
posteriormente à indenização de um sinistro, coberto por este Contrato,
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
been ascertained.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts when loss adjustment expense is included in
ultimate net loss.
A 47
The Reinsurer shall be credited with salvage or subrogation recoveries (i.e.,
reimbursement obtained or recovery made by the Company, less loss adjustment
expense incurred in obtaining such reimbursement or making such recovery) on
account of claims and settlements involving reinsurance hereunder. Salvage thereon
shall always be used to reimburse the excess carriers in the reverse order of their
priority according to their participation before being used in any way to reimburse
the Company for its primary loss. The Company hereby agrees to enforce its rights to
salvage or subrogation relating to any loss, a part of which loss was sustained by the
Reinsurer, and to prosecute all claims arising out of such rights.
Note: For use in Excess of Loss Contracts when loss adjustment expense is included in
ultimate net loss.
All salvages, recoveries or payments recovered or received subsequent to any loss
settlement hereunder shall be applied as if recovered or received prior to the
aforesaid settlement, and all necessary adjustments shall be made by the parties
hereto. Nothing in this clause shall be construed to mean that a recovery cannot be
made hereunder until the Reinsured's Ultimate Net Loss has been ascertained.
This Agreement does not cover any loss or damage occasioned by seepage and/or
pollution and/or contamination.
Notwithstanding the above, if insured property is the subject of direct physical loss or
damage occasioned by an otherwise insured peril, the physical loss or damage to such
property (including business interruption) directly occasioned by ensuing seepage
and/or pollution and/or contamination may be included in the Reinsured's loss.
However the Reinsured may not include the costs of clean up or decontamination of
the environment (land, air or water) in such loss.
Página 212 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
serão considerados como se recuperados ou recebidos tivessem sido,
antes da referida indenização, e todos os ajustamentos necessários serão
feitos pelas partes. Nada nesta Cláusula será interpretado de forma que os
sinistros cobertos por este Contrato não sejam recuperáveis até que a
perda líquida definitiva da Companhia tenha sido apurada.
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos onde a despesa de
regulação de sinistro esteja incluída na perda líquida definitiva.
O Ressegurador será creditado dos salvados ou ressarcimentos (i.e.,
reembolso obtido ou recuperação feita pela companhia, menos as
despesas de regulação de sinistros incorridas na obtenção de tal reembolso
ou tal recuperação), relativamente a pagamentos de sinistros e
indenizações envolvendo o resseguro aqui previsto.Os salvados serão
sempre utilizados para reembolsar os resseguradores de excesso de danos,
na ordem inversa da prioridade da sua faixa, de acordo com sua
participação e antes de ser considerado para reembolsar a Companhia por
sua parte no prejuízo. A Companhia concorda em fazer valer seus direitos
relativamente aos salvados ou ressarcimentos com relação a qualquer
sinistro, independentemente de qual perda seja responsabilidade do
Ressegurador, e dar prosseguimento a todas as demandas oriundas de tais
Nota: Para uso em Contratos de Excesso de Danos onde a despesa de
regulação de sinistro está incluída na perda líquida definitiva.
Todos os salvados, recuperações ou pagamentos, recuperados ou
recebidos posteriormente à indenização de sinistro aqui prevista, serão
considerados como se recuperados ou recebidos tivessem sido, antes da
referida indenização, e todos os ajustamentos necessários serão feitos
pelas partes. Nada nesta Cláusula será interpretado de forma que uma
recuperação não possa ser efetuada antes que a perda líquida definitiva do
Ressegurado tenha sido apurada.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 48
A 48
Original em Inglês
This Reinsurance excludes any loss arising from seepage, pollution or contamination
on land unless such risks are insured solely on a sudden and accidental basis. This
contract also excludes liability in respect of disposal or dumping of any waste
materials or substances.
These exclusions shall not apply to coverage provided in respect of:
control of well policies where such seepage, pollution or contamination
follows a well out of control above the surface of the ground or water bottom;
liability under
Offshore Pollution Liability Agreement
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act,
Federal Water Quality Improvement Act,
Arctic Waters Pollution Protection Act,
Seepage, pollution or contamination covered by Protection and
Aviation policies subject to clauses no less restrictive than AVN 46B.
As respects all business the subject matter hereof, where the coverage has been
agreed upon between the Company and the Reinsurer, this Contract shall cover selfinsured obligations of the Company assumed by it as a self-insurer including selfinsured obligations in excess of any valid and collectible insurance available to the
Company to the same extent as if all types of insurance covered by this Contract were
afforded under the broadest forms of policies issued by the Company provided, such
self-insured obligations are within the scope of underwriting criteria furnished by the
Company to the Reinsurer.
An insurance or reinsurance wherein the Company hereby reinsured and/or its
affiliated and/or subsidiary companies are named as the Insured or Reinsured party,
either alone or jointly with some other party, shall be deemed to be an insurance or
reinsurance coming within the scope of this Contract, notwithstanding that no legal
liability may arise in respect thereof by reason of the fact that the Company hereby
reinsured and/or its affiliated and/or subsidiary companies are named as the Insured
or Reinsured party or one of the Insured or Reinsured parties.
As respects all business the subject matter hereof, this Contract shall cover selfinsured obligations of the Company assumed by it as a self-insurer including selfinsured obligations in excess of any valid and collectible insurance available to the
Company to the same extent as if all types of insurance covered by this Contract were
afforded under the broadest forms of policies issued by the Company provided, such
Página 213 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 48
A 48
Original em Inglês
self-insured obligations are within the scope of underwriting criteria furnished by the
Company to the Reinsurer.
An insurance or reinsurance wherein the Company hereby reinsured and/or its
affiliated and/or subsidiary companies are named as the Insured or Reinsured party,
either alone or jointly with some other party, shall be deemed to be an insurance or
reinsurance coming within the scope of this Contract, notwithstanding that no legal
liability may arise in respect thereof by reason of the fact that the Company hereby
reinsured and/or its affiliated and/or subsidiary companies are named as the Insured
or Reinsured party or one of the Insured or Reinsured parties.
Note: Does not contain phrase "where the coverage has been agreed upon between
the Company and the Reinsurer."
As respects all business the subject matter hereof, where the coverage has been
agreed upon between the Company and the Reinsurer, this Contract shall cover selfinsured obligations of the Company assumed by it as a self-insurer including selfinsured obligations in excess of any valid and collectible insurance available to the
Company to the same extent as if all types of insurance covered by this Contract were
afforded under the broadest forms of policies issued by the Company, provided such
self-insured obligations are within the scope of underwriting criteria furnished by the
Company to the Reinsurer.
For the purpose of this Contract "self-insured obligations" are defined as insurable
exposures of the Company on which the Company has issued an actual policy subject
to the provisions stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article.
An insurance or reinsurance wherein the Company hereby reinsured and/or its
affiliated and/or subsidiary companies are named as the Insured or Reinsured party,
either alone or jointly with some other party, shall be deemed to be an insurance or
reinsurance coming within the scope of this Contract, notwithstanding that no legal
liability may arise in respect thereof by reason of the fact that the Company hereby
reinsured and/or its affiliated and/or subsidiary companies are named as the Insured
or Reinsured party or one of the Insured or Reinsured parties.
As respects all business the subject matter hereof, this Contract shall cover selfinsured obligations of the Company assumed by it as a self-insurer including selfinsured obligations in excess of any valid and collectible insurance available to the
Company to the same extent as if all types of insurance covered by this Contract were
afforded under the broadest forms of policies issued by the Company, provided such
self-insured obligations are within the scope of underwriting criteria furnished by the
Company to the Reinsurer.
For the purpose of this Contract "self-insured obligations" are defined as insurable
exposures of the Company on which the Company has issued an actual policy subject
Página 214 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 48
A 49
Original em Inglês
to the provisions stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article.
An insurance or reinsurance wherein the Company hereby reinsured and/or its
affiliated and/or subsidiary companies are named as the Insured or Reinsured party,
either alone or jointly with some other party, shall be deemed to be an insurance or
reinsurance coming within the scope of this Contract, notwithstanding that no legal
liability may arise in respect thereof by reason of the fact that the Company hereby
reinsured and/or its affiliated and/or subsidiary companies are named as the Insured
or Reinsured party or one of the Insured or Reinsured parties.
Note: Does not contain phrase "where the coverage has been agreed upon between
the Company and the Reinsurer."
A policy issued by the Company wherein the Company is named as the insured either
alone or jointly with another party shall, subject to the other terms and conditions of
this Contract, be deemed to be a policy coming within the scope of this Contract,
notwithstanding that no legal liability may arise in respect thereof by reason of the
fact that the Company is the insured or one of the insureds.
Any such policy shall have been issued prior to loss on the same form and at the same
premium as if the insured and the Company were dealing at arm's length and claims,
if any, under such policy shall be settled strictly in accordance with the policy
(This Article only applies to reinsurers domiciled outside of the United States and/or
unauthorized in any state, territory, or district of the United States having jurisdiction
over the Company).
It is agreed that in the event of the failure of the Reinsurer hereon to pay any amount
claimed to be due hereunder, the Reinsurer hereon, at the request of the Company,
will submit to the jurisdiction of a court of competent jurisdiction within the United
States. Nothing in this Article constitutes or should be understood to constitute a
waiver of the Reinsurer's rights to commence an action in any court of competent
jurisdiction in the United States, to remove an action to a United States District Court,
or to seek a transfer of a case to another court as permitted by the laws of the United
States or of any state in the United States. It is further agreed that service of process
in such suit may be made upon (Name and Address), and that in any suit instituted,
the Reinsurer will abide by the final decision of such court or of any appellate court in
the event of an appeal.
The above-named are authorized and directed to accept service of process on behalf
of the Reinsurer in any such suit and/or upon the request of the Company to give a
written undertaking to the Company that they will enter a general appearance upon
the Reinsurer's behalf in the event such a suit shall be instituted.
Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory or district of the United States
Página 215 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 49
A 49
Original em Inglês
which makes provision therefore, the Reinsurer hereon hereby designates the
Superintendent, Commissioner or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for
that purpose in the statute, or his successor or successors in office, as its true and
lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit or
proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the Company or any beneficiary hereunder
arising out of this Contract of reinsurance, and hereby designates the above-named
as the person to whom the said officer is authorized to mail such process or a true
copy thereof.
(Applicable if the Reinsurer is not domiciled in the United States of America, and/or is
not authorized in any State, Territory or District of the United States where
authorization is required by insurance regulatory authorities).
It is agreed that in the event the Reinsurer fails to pay any amount claimed to be due
hereunder, the Reinsurer, at the request of the Company, will submit to the
jurisdiction of any court of competent jurisdiction within the United States. Nothing in
this Article constitutes or should be understood to constitute a waiver of the
Reinsurer's rights to commence an action in any court of competent jurisdiction in the
United States, to remove an action to a United States District Court, or to seek a
transfer of a case to another court as permitted by the laws of the United States or of
any state in the United States.
Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory or district of the United States
which makes provision therefore, the Reinsurer hereby designates the party named in
its Interests and Liabilities Agreement, or if no party is named therein, the
Superintendent, Commissioner or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for
that purpose in the statute, or his successor or successors in office, as its true and
lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit or
proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the Company or any beneficiary hereunder
arising out of this Contract.
(Applicable if the Reinsurer is not domiciled in the United States of America, and/or is
not authorized in any State, Territory or District of the United States where
authorization is required by insurance regulatory authorities).
It is agreed that in the event the Reinsurer fails to pay any amount claimed to be due
hereunder, the Reinsurer, at the request of the Company, will submit to the
jurisdiction of any court of competent jurisdiction within the United States. Nothing in
this Article constitutes or should be understood to constitute a waiver of the
Reinsurer's rights to commence an action in any court of competent jurisdiction in the
United States, to remove an action to a United States District Court, or to seek a
transfer of a case to another court as permitted by the laws of the United States or of
any state in the United States.
Página 216 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 49
A 49
Original em Inglês
Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory or district of the United States
which makes provision therefore, the Reinsurer hereby designates the
Superintendent, Commissioner or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for
that purpose in the statute, or his successor or successors in office, as its true and
lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit or
proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the Company or any beneficiary hereunder
arising out of this Contract.
(This Article applies to Reinsurers domiciled outside the United States of America
and/or unauthorized in any state, territory, or district of the United States of America
that has jurisdiction over the Company and in which a subject suit has been
instituted. This Article is not intended to conflict with or override the parties'
obligation to arbitrate their disputes in accordance with the Arbitration Article).
In the event any Reinsurer hereon fails to pay any amount claimed due hereunder,
such Reinsurer, at the request of the Company, shall submit to the jurisdiction of a
court of competent jurisdiction within the United States and shall comply with all
requirements necessary to give that court jurisdiction. Nothing in this Article
constitutes or should be understood to constitute a waiver of the Reinsurer's right to
commence an action in any court of competent jurisdiction in the United States, to
remove an action to a United States District Court, or to seek a transfer of a case to
another court as permitted by the laws of the United States or of any state in the
United States. Service of process in such suit may be made upon Mendes and Mount,
750 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York 10019-6829, or another party specifically
designated in the applicable Interests and Liabilities Agreement attached hereto. In
any suit instituted against it upon this Contract, the Reinsurer shall abide by the final
decision of such court or of any appellate court in the event of an appeal.
The above named are authorized and directed to accept service of process on behalf
of the Reinsurer in any such suit and/or upon the request of the Company to give a
written undertaking to the Company that they shall enter a general appearance upon
the Reinsurer's behalf in the event such a suit is instituted.
Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory, or district of the United States
that makes provision therefore, the Reinsurer hereby designates the Superintendent,
Commissioner, or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for that purpose in
the statute (or his successor or successors in office) as its true and lawful attorney
upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit, or proceeding
instituted by or on behalf of the Company or any beneficiary hereunder arising out of
this Contract, and hereby designates the above named as the person to whom the
said officer is authorized to mail such process or a true copy thereof.
(This Article only applies to reinsurers domiciled outside of the United States and/or
Página 217 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
unauthorized in any state, territory, or district of the United States having jurisdiction
over the Company. The foregoing is not intended to conflict with, or override, the
obligation of the parties hereto to arbitrate their disputes as provided by the
Arbitration Article).
It is agreed that in the event of the failure of the Reinsurer hereon to perform its
obligations under this Contract, the Reinsurer hereon, at the request of the Company,
will submit to the jurisdiction of a court of competent jurisdiction within the United
States. Nothing in this Article constitutes or should be understood to constitute a
waiver of the Reinsurer's rights to commence an action in any court of competent
jurisdiction in the United States, to remove an action to a United States District Court,
or to seek a transfer of a case to another court as permitted by the laws of the United
States or of any state in the United States. It is further agreed that service of process
in such suit may be made upon (Name and Address), and that in any suit instituted,
the Reinsurer will abide by the final decision of such court or of any appellate court in
the event of an appeal.
The above-named are authorized and directed to accept service of process on behalf
of the Reinsurer in any such suit and/or upon the request of the Company to give
written undertaking to the Company that they will enter a general appearance upon
the Reinsurer's behalf in the event such a suit shall be instituted.
Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory or district of the United States
which makes provision therefore, the Reinsurer hereon hereby designates the
Superintendent, Commissioner or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for
that purpose in the statute, or his successor or successors in office, as its true and
lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit or
proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the Company or any beneficiary hereunder
arising out of this Contract of reinsurance, and hereby designates the above-named
as the person to whom the said officer is authorized to mail such process or a true
copy thereof.
Note: Wording complies with Illinois requirements.
(Applicable if the Reinsurer is not domiciled in the United States of America, and/or is
not authorized in any State, Territory or District of the United States where
authorization is required by insurance regulatory authorities)
A. This Article will not be read to conflict with or override the obligations of the
parties to arbitrate their disputes as provided for in the Arbitration Article. This Article
is intended as an aid to compelling arbitration or enforcing such arbitration or arbitral
award, not as an alternative to the Arbitration Article for resolving disputes arising
out of this Contract.
B. In the event the Reinsurer fails to pay any amount claimed to be due hereunder,
the Reinsurer, at the request of the Company, will submit to the jurisdiction of a court
Página 218 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 49
Original em Inglês
of competent jurisdiction within the United States. Nothing in this Article constitutes
or should be understood to constitute a waiver of the Reinsurer’s rights to commence
an action in any court of competent jurisdiction in the United States, to remove an
action to a United States District Court, or to seek a transfer of a case to another
court as permitted by the laws of the United States or of any state in the United
States. The Reinsurer, once the appropriate Court is accepted by the Reinsurer or is
determined by removal, transfer or otherwise, as provided for above, will comply
with all requirements necessary to give said Court jurisdiction and, in any suit
instituted against any of the Subscribing Reinsurers upon this Contract, will abide by
the final decision of such Court or of any Appellate Court in the event of an appeal.
C. Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory or district of the United
States which makes provision therefore, the Reinsurer hereby designates the party
named in its Interests and Liabilities Agreement, or if no party is named therein, the
Superintendent, Commissioner or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for
that purpose in the statute, or his or her successor or successors in office, as its true
and lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit
or proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the Company or any beneficiary hereunder
arising out of this Contract.
It is agreed that in the event of the failure of the Underwriters hereon to pay any
amount claimed to be due hereunder, the Underwriters hereon, at the request of the
Insured (or Reinsured), will submit to the jurisdiction of a court of competent
jurisdiction within the United States. Nothing in this Article constitutes or should be
understood to constitute a waiver of Underwriters' rights to commence an action in
any court of competent jurisdiction in the United States, to remove an action to a
United States District Court, or to seek a transfer of a case to another court as
permitted by the laws of the United States or of any state in the United States. It is
further agreed that service of process in such suit may be made upon, and that in any
suit instituted against any one of them upon this Contract, Underwriters will abide by
the final decision of such court or of any appellate court in the event of an appeal.
The above-named are authorized and directed to accept service of process on behalf
of Underwriters in any such suit and/or upon the request of the Insured (or
Reinsured) to give a written undertaking to the Insured (or Reinsured) that they will
enter a general appearance upon Underwriters' behalf in the event such a suit shall
be instituted.
Further, pursuant to any statute of any state, territory or district of the United States
which makes provision therefore, Underwriters hereon hereby designate the
Superintendent, Commissioner or Director of Insurance or other officer specified for
that purpose in the statute, or his successor or successors in office, as their true and
lawful attorney upon whom may be served any lawful process in any action, suit or
Página 219 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 72
A 72
A 72
A 72
Original em Inglês
proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the Insured (or Reinsured) or any beneficiary
hereunder arising out of this Contract of insurance (or reinsurance), and hereby
designate the above-named as the person to whom the said officer is authorized to
mail such process or a true copy thereof.
Reinsurers shall be bound unconditionally by all loss settlements made by the
Reinsured, including compromise settlements, provided such settlements are within
the terms and conditions of the original policies and of this Reinsurance and amounts
falling to the share of the Reinsurers shall be payable by them upon reasonable
evidence of the amount paid being given by the Reinsured.
If any provision of this Contract should be invalid under applicable laws, the latter
shall control but only to the extent of the conflict without affecting the remaining
provisions of this Contract.
If any law or regulation of the Federal, state or local government of the United States
of America or the rulings of officials having supervision over insurance companies
should render the undertaking of this Contract illegal within the jurisdiction of such
authority, the Company may upon written notice to the Reinsurer suspend, abrogate
or amend this Contract insofar as it relates to such jurisdiction, to the extent
necessary to comply with such law, regulation or ruling. Such suspension, abrogation
or amendment of a portion of this Contract will in no way affect any other portion
If any law, regulation or decision of a body of competent jurisdiction shall render
illegal or prohibit the performance of any obligations hereunder as to any one or
more jurisdictions or types of businesses, the Company or the Reinsurers may cancel
this Contract immediately insofar as it relates to such prohibited or illegal activities by
giving written notice to such effect, provided, however, that this Contract shall
otherwise remain in full force and effect.
If any provision of this Contract shall be rendered illegal or unenforceable by the laws,
regulations or public policy of any state, such provision shall be considered void in
such state, but this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision
of this Contract or the enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.
Página 220 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Se qualquer disposição deste Contrato for invalidada pela legislação em
vigor, a legislação prevalecerá, mas somente em relação em conflito, sem
prejuízo das demais disposições deste Contrato.
NT: Esta clausula é desnecessária tendo em vista a legislação brasileira, que
já prevê este principio no Novo Código Civil, mantida todavia para chamar
atenção para este fato
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Se qualquer disposição deste Contrato for entendida como ilegal ou
inaplicável face às leis, normas ou regulamentos, tal disposição será
considerada nula, não afetando todavia a validade ou a aplicabilidade de
qualquer outra disposição deste Contrato.
NT: Esta clausula é desnecessária tendo em vista a legislação brasileira, que
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 221 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
já prevê este principio no Novo Código Civil, mantida todavia para chamar
atenção para este fato
A 72
A 72
If any law or regulation of the Federal, state or Local Government of the United States
of America or the rulings of officials having supervision over insurance companies
should render the undertaking of this Contract illegal within the jurisdiction of such
authority, the Company may upon written notice to the Reinsurer suspend, abrogate
or amend this Contract insofar as it relates to such jurisdiction, to the extent
necessary to comply with such law, regulation or ruling. Such suspension, abrogation
or amendment of a portion of this Contract will in no way affect any other portion
Note: This Article restricts the illegality of the undertaking to the situs of the risk.
If any provision of this Contract shall be rendered illegal or unenforceable by the laws,
regulations or public policy of any state, such provision shall be considered void in
such state, but this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision
of this Contract or the enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.
However, in no event shall the operation of this Article increase the liability of the
Reinsurer beyond the scope and limit of liability originally agreed upon by the
Company and the Reinsurer as set forth in this Contract.
A 72
Should the law of a political entity having jurisdiction over a party to this Contract be
in conflict with a portion or portions of this Contract such portion or portions shall be
amended to the extent necessary to conform with the law, and the balance of this
Contract shall remain unaltered and binding between the parties.
The subscribing Reinsurers' obligations under contracts of reinsurance to which they
subscribe are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their
individual subscriptions. The subscribing Reinsurers are not responsible for the
subscription of any co-subscribing Reinsurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or
part of its obligations.
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Se qualquer disposição deste Contrato for entendida como ilegal ou
inaplicável face às leis, normas ou regulamentos, tal disposição será
considerada nula, não afetando todavia a validade ou a aplicabilidade de
qualquer outra disposição deste Contrato. Contudo, em nenhuma hipótese
a observância desta cláusula ampliará a responsabilidade do Ressegurador
além do escopo e limite de responsabilidade inicialmente acordados entre
a Companhia e o Ressegurador, conforme estabelecidos neste Contrato.
NT: Esta clausula é desnecessária tendo em vista a legislação brasileira, que
já prevê este principio no Novo Código Civil, mantida todavia para chamar
atenção para este fato
No caso da legislação que tenha jurisdição sobre um dos contratantes
entrar em conflito com parte ou partes deste Contrato, esta(s) poderá(ão)
ser modificada(s) de forma a ser(em) adaptada(s) a ambas as legislações,
mas a essência deste Contrato permanecerá inalterada e válida entre os
NT: Esta clausula é desnecessária tendo em vista a legislação brasileira, que
já prevê este principio no Novo Código Civil, mantida todavia para chamar
atenção para este fato
As obrigações dos Resseguradores que subscrevem este Contrato são
independentes e não solidárias e são limitadas exclusivamente à extensão
de suas participações individuais. Os Resseguradores não são responsáveis
pela aceitação da parte de outro ressegurador que, por qualquer razão,
não cumpra todas ou parte de suas obrigações.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 10
Original em Inglês
The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a _____% provisional commission on all
premiums ceded to the Reinsurer hereunder. The Company shall allow the Reinsurer
return commission on return premiums at the same rate.
The provisional commission allowed the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through _____, and each subsequent _____
period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is terminated,
the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then current
adjustment period through the date of termination if this Contract is terminated on a
"cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff period if this Contract is terminated on a
"runoff" basis.
The adjusted commission rate shall be calculated as follows and be applied to
premiums earned for the period under consideration:
A. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____%
or greater, the adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall be
B. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is less
than _____%, but not less than _____%, the adjusted commission
rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%, plus _____% of the
difference in percentage points between _____% and the actual ratio of losses
incurred to premiums earned;
C. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____%
or less, the adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall be
If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any period is greater than
_____%, the difference in percentage points between the actual ratio of losses
incurred to premiums earned and ____% shall be multiplied by premiums earned for
the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next adjustment period as
a debit to losses incurred. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any
period is less than _____%, the difference in percentage points between _____% and
the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned shall be multiplied by
premiums earned for the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next
adjustment period as a credit to losses incurred.
Except as provided in the next paragraph, the Company shall calculate and report the
adjusted commission on premiums earned within _____ days after the end of each
adjustment period. If the adjusted commission on premiums earned is less than
commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same
period, the Company shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report. If the
adjusted commission on premiums earned is greater than commissions previously
allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same period, the Reinsurer
Página 222 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
O Ressegurador creditará à Companhia uma comissão provisória de
_____% sobre todos os prêmios cedidos por este Contrato. A Companhia
creditará ao Ressegurador a comissão sobre prêmios devolvidos, na
mesma proporção.
A comissão provisória paga à Companhia será ajustada periodicamente de
acordo com as regras aqui estabelecidas. O primeiro ajustamento irá da
data de início de vigência deste Contrato até _____ (DEFINIR DATA), e cada
período _____ (PERIODICIDADE) subseqüente constituirá um período de
ajuste em separado. No entanto, se este Contrato for terminado, o período
final de ajuste irá do início do então período corrente de ajuste até a data
de cancelamento se este for à base de imediata extinção das novas
obrigações oriundas das apólices resseguradas (“cut-off”) ou o término do
período de “run-off” se o cancelamento for à base de extinção natural de
todas as responsabilidades ( “run-off”).
O percentual ajustado de comissão será calculado da seguinte forma, e
aplicado sobre os prêmios ganhos no período em consideração:
A. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for
______% ou maior, o percentual ajustado de comissão para o período em
consideração será de ______%;
B. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for
menor que _____%, mas maior ou igual a ______%, o percentual ajustado
de comissão para o período em consideração será de ______%, mais
______% da diferença em pontos percentuais entre ______% e o
coeficiente efetivo de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos;
C. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for
_____% ou menor, o percentual ajustado de comissão para o período em
consideração será de _____%.
Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos em qualquer
período for maior que _____%, a diferença em pontos percentuais entre o
coeficiente efetivo de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos e _____%
será multiplicada pelos prêmios ganhos no período e o produto será
transportado para o próximo período de ajuste a título de débito à conta
de sinistros incorridos. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre
prêmios ganhos em qualquer período for menor que _____%, a diferença
em pontos percentuais entre _____% e o coeficiente efetivo de sinistros
incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos será multiplicada pelos prêmios ganhos
no período e o produto será transportado para o próximo período de
ajuste como crédito à conta de sinistros incorridos.
Exceto como previsto no próximo parágrafo, a Companhia calculará e
apresentará a comissão ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos dentro de _____
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
shall remit the difference to the Company as promptly as possible after receipt and
verification of the Company's report.
As respects the final adjustment period, the Company shall calculate and report the
adjusted commission on premiums earned within _____ days after the date of
termination, and within _____ days after the end of each _____ thereafter until all
losses subject hereto have been finally settled. Each such calculation shall be based
on cumulative transactions hereunder from the beginning of the final adjustment
period through the date of adjustment, including, as respects losses incurred, any
debit or credit from the preceding adjustment period. If the adjusted commission on
premiums earned for the final adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is less
than commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the
same period, the Company shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report.
If the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the final adjustment period as of
the date of adjustment is greater than commissions previously allowed by the
Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same period, the Reinsurer shall remit the
difference to the Company as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of
the Company's report.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid during the period under consideration, plus the ceded reserves for
losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding at the end of the period, minus the
ceded reserves for losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding at the beginning
of the period, plus the debit or minus the credit from the preceding adjustment
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded unearned premiums at the
beginning of the adjustment period under consideration, plus ceded net written
premiums during the period, less ceded unearned premiums at the end of the period.
It is expressly agreed that the ceding commission allowed the Company includes
provision for all dividends, commissions, taxes, assessments, and all other expenses
of whatever nature, except loss adjustment expense.
Note: Sliding scale commission with no interim calculations within the adjustment
period, "calendar year accounting" basis.
Página 223 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
dias após o final de cada período de ajuste. Se a comissão ajustada sobre
prêmios ganhos for menor que as comissões previamente creditadas pelo
Ressegurador sobre o mesmo período, a Companhia remeterá a diferença
ao Ressegurador juntamente com o demonstrativo. Se a comissão ajustada
sobre prêmios ganhos for maior que as comissões anteriormente
creditadas pelo Ressegurador sobre prêmios ganhos no mesmo período, o
Ressegurador deverá remeter a diferença para a Companhia tão logo
possível após recebimento e verificação do demonstrativo da Companhia.
Em relação ao período final de ajuste, a Companhia calculará e apresentará
a comissão ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos dentro de _____ dias após a
data de término do Contrato, e dentro de ____ dias após o término de
cada ____ (PERIODICIDADE) subseqüente, até que todos os sinistros
cobertos tenham sido liquidados. Cada demonstrativo será baseado nas
transações acumuladas neste Contrato, do início do período final de ajuste
até a data do ajustamento, incluindo, no que se refere aos sinistros
incorridos, qualquer débito ou crédito do período de ajuste anterior. Se a
comissão ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos no período final de ajuste na data
do ajustamento for menor que as comissões previamente creditadas pelo
Ressegurador sobre o mesmo período, a Companhia remeterá a diferença
ao Ressegurador juntamente com seu demonstrativo. Se a comissão
ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos no período final de ajuste na data do
ajustamento for maior que as comissões previamente creditadas pelo
Ressegurador sobre prêmios ganhos no mesmo período, o Ressegurador
remeterá a diferença para a Companhia tão logo possível após
recebimento e verificação do demonstrativo da Companhia.
A expressão “sinistros incorridos” são os sinistros cedidos e suas despesas
de regulação, pagos durante o período em consideração, mais as reservas
de sinistro cedidos e suas despesas de regulação pendentes ao final do
período, menos as reservas de sinistros cedidos e suas despesas de
regulação pendentes no início do período, mais o débito ou menos o
crédito do período de ajustamento anterior.
A expressão “prêmios ganhos” são os prêmios não ganhos cedidos no início
do período de ajuste em consideração, mais os prêmios líquidos subscritos
cedidos durante o período, menos os prêmios não ganhos ao final do
Fica expressamente acordado que a comissão de resseguro creditada à
Companhia inclui provisão para todas as participações de resultado e
comissões das apólices de seguro, impostos, tributos e quaisquer outras
despesas de qualquer natureza, exceto despesas de regulação de sinistros.
Nota: Comissão escalonada sem cálculos intermediários dentro do período
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 10
Original em Inglês
The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a _____% provisional commission on all
premiums ceded to the Reinsurer hereunder. The Company shall allow the Reinsurer
return commission on return premiums at the same rate.
The provisional commission allowed the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through _____, and each subsequent _____
period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is terminated,
the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then current
adjustment period through the date of termination if this Contract is terminated on a
"cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff period if this Contract is terminated on a
"runoff" basis.
The adjusted commission rate shall be calculated as follows and be applied to
premiums earned for the period under consideration:
A. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or greater, the
adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%;
B. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is less than _____%, but not less
than _____%, the adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall
be _____%, plus _____% of the difference in percentage points between _____% and
the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned;
C. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or less, the adjusted
commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%.
If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any period is greater than
_____%, the difference in percentage points between the actual ratio of losses
incurred to premiums earned and _____% shall be multiplied by premiums earned for
the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next adjustment period as
a debit to losses incurred. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any
period is less than _____%, the difference in percentage points between _____% and
the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned shall be multiplied by
premiums earned for the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next
adjustment period as a credit to losses incurred.
Except as provided in the next paragraph, the Company shall calculate and report the
adjusted commission on premiums earned within _____ days after the end of each
adjustment period, and within _____ days after the end of each _____ thereafter
until all losses subject hereto have been finally settled. Each such calculation shall be
based on cumulative transactions hereunder from the beginning of the adjustment
period through the date of adjustment, including, as respects losses incurred, any
debit or credit from the preceding adjustment period. If the adjusted commission on
premiums earned for the adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is less than
Página 224 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
de ajuste, na base de “contabilização de ano-calendário”.
O Ressegurador creditará à Companhia uma comissão provisória de
_____% sobre todos os prêmios cedidos por este Contrato. A Companhia
creditará ao Ressegurador a comissão sobre prêmios devolvidos, na
mesma proporção.
A comissão provisória paga à Companhia será ajustada periodicamente de
acordo com as regras aqui estabelecidas. O primeiro ajustamento irá da
data de início de vigência deste Contrato até _____ (DEFINIR DATA), e cada
período _____ (PERIODICIDADE) subseqüente constituirá um período de
ajuste em separado. No entanto, se este Contrato for terminado, o período
final de ajuste irá do início do então período corrente de ajuste até a data
de cancelamento se este for à base de imediata extinção das novas
obrigações oriundas das apólices resseguradas (“cut-off”) ou o término do
período de “run-off” se o cancelamento for à base de extinção natural de
todas as responsabilidades ( “run-off”).
O percentual ajustado de comissão será calculado da seguinte forma, e
aplicado sobre os prêmios ganhos no período em consideração:
A. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for
______% ou maior, o percentual ajustado de comissão para o período em
consideração será de ______%;
B. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for
menor que _____%, mas maior ou igual a ______%, o percentual ajustado
de comissão para o período em consideração será de ______%, mais
______% da diferença em pontos percentuais entre ______% e o
coeficiente efetivo de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos;
C. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for
_____% ou menor, o percentual ajustado de comissão para o período em
consideração será de _____%.
Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos em qualquer
período for maior que _____%, a diferença em pontos percentuais entre o
coeficiente efetivo de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos e _____%
será multiplicada pelos prêmios ganhos no período e o produto será
transportado para o próximo período de ajuste à título de débito à conta
de sinistros incorridos. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre
prêmios ganhos em qualquer período for menor que _____%, a diferença
em pontos percentuais entre _____% e o coeficiente efetivo de sinistros
incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos será multiplicada pelos prêmios ganhos
no período e o produto transportado para o próximo período de ajuste
como crédito à conta de sinistros incorridos.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same
period, the Company shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report. If the
adjusted commission on premiums earned for the adjustment period as of the date of
adjustment is greater than commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on
premiums earned for the same period, the Reinsurer shall remit the difference to the
Company as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's
As respects the final adjustment period, the Company shall calculate and report the
adjusted commission on premiums earned within ___ days after the date of
termination, and within ____ days after the end of each ___ thereafter until all losses
subject hereto have been finally settled. Each such calculation shall be based on
cumulative transactions hereunder from the beginning of the final adjustment period
through the date of adjustment, including, as respects losses incurred, any debit or
credit from the preceding adjustment period. If the adjusted commission on
premiums earned for the final adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is less
than commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the
same period, the Company shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report.
If the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the final adjustment period as of
the date of adjustment is greater than commissions previously allowed by the
Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same period, the Reinsurer shall remit the
difference to the Company as promptly as possible after receipt and verification of
the Company's report.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for losses
and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, all as respects losses
occurring during the adjustment period under consideration, plus the debit or minus
the credit from the preceding adjustment period.
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded unearned premiums at the
beginning of the adjustment period under consideration, plus ceded net written
premiums during the period, less ceded unearned premiums at the end of the period.
It is expressly agreed that the ceding commission allowed the Company includes
provision for all dividends, commissions, taxes, assessments, and all other expenses
of whatever nature, except loss adjustment expense.
Note: Sliding scale commission with no interim calculations within the adjustment
period, "accident year accounting" basis
Página 225 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Exceto como previsto no próximo parágrafo, a Companhia calculará e
apresentará a comissão ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos dentro de _____
dias após o final de cada período de ajuste, e dentro de ______ dias após o
término de cada _____ (PERIODICIDADE) subseqüente até que todos os
sinistros sujeitos a este Contrato tenham sido totalmente liquidados. Cada
cálculo será baseado em transações cumulativas desde o início do período
de ajuste até a data do ajustamento, incluindo, com relação aos sinistros
incorridos, qualquer débito ou crédito do período de ajuste anterior. Se a
comissão ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos, no período de ajuste na data do
cálculo, for menor que as comissões previamente creditadas pelo
Ressegurador para o mesmo período, a Companhia remeterá a diferença
ao Ressegurador juntamente com o seu demonstrativo. Se a comissão
ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos, no período de ajuste na data do cálculo,
for maior que as comissões previamente creditadas pelo Ressegurador
sobre prêmios ganhos no mesmo período, o Ressegurador remeterá a
diferença para a Companhia tão logo possível, após recebimento e
verificação do demonstrativo.
Em relação ao período final de ajuste, a Companhia calculará e apresentará
a comissão ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos dentro de _____ dias após a
data de término do Contrato, e dentro de ____ dias após o término de
cada ____ (PERIODICIDADE) subseqüente, até que todos os sinistros
cobertos tenham sido liquidados. Cada demonstrativo será baseado nas
transações acumuladas neste Contrato, do início do período final de ajuste
até a data do ajustamento, incluindo, no que se refere aos sinistros
incorridos, qualquer débito ou crédito do período de ajuste anterior. Se a
comissão ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos no período final de ajuste na data
do cálculo for menor que as comissões previamente creditadas pelo
Ressegurador sobre o mesmo período, a Companhia remeterá a diferença
ao Ressegurador juntamente com seu demonstrativo. Se a comissão
ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos no período final de ajuste na data do
cálculo for maior que as comissões previamente creditadas pelo
Ressegurador sobre prêmios ganhos no mesmo período, o Ressegurador
remeterá a diferença para a Companhia tão logo possível, após
recebimento e verificação do demonstrativo.
A expressão “sinistros incorridos” são os sinistros cedidos e suas despesas
de regulação, apurados na data do calculo, mais as reservas de sinistro
cedidos e suas despesas de regulação pendentes apuradas na mesma data,
todas relativamente a sinistros ocorridos durante o período de ajuste em
questão, mais o débito ou menos o crédito do período de ajustamento
A expressão “prêmios ganhos” são os prêmios não ganhos cedidos no início
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 10
Original em Inglês
The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a _____% provisional commission on all
premiums ceded to the Reinsurer hereunder. The Company shall allow the Reinsurer
return commission on return premiums at the same rate.
The provisional commission allowed the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through _____, and each subsequent _____
period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is terminated,
the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then current
adjustment period through the effective date of termination.
The adjusted commission rate shall be calculated as follows and be applied to
premiums earned for the period under consideration:
A. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or greater, the
adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%;
B. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is less than _____%, but not less
than _____%, the adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall
be _____%, plus _____% of the difference in percentage points between _____% and
the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned;
C. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or less, the adjusted
commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%.
If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any period is greater than
_____%, the difference in percentage points between the actual ratio of losses
incurred to premiums earned and _____% shall be multiplied by premiums earned for
the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next adjustment period as
a debit to losses incurred. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any
period is less than _____%, the difference in percentage points between _____% and
the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned shall be multiplied by
premiums earned for the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next
adjustment period as a credit to losses incurred.
Within _____ days after the end of each adjustment period the Company shall
calculate and report the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the
Página 226 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
do período de ajuste em consideração, mais os prêmios líquidos subscritos
cedidos durante o período, menos os prêmios não ganhos ao final do
Fica expressamente acordado que a comissão de resseguro creditada à
Companhia inclui provisão para todas as participações de resultado e
comissões das apólices de seguro, impostos, tributos e quaisquer outras
despesas de qualquer natureza, exceto despesas de regulação de sinistros.
Nota: Comissão escalonada sem cálculos Intermediários dentro do período
de ajuste, na base de “contabilização por ano-ocorrência”.
O Ressegurador creditará à Companhia uma comissão provisória de
_____% sobre todos os prêmios cedidos por este Contrato. A Companhia
creditará ao Ressegurador a comissão sobre prêmios devolvidos, na
mesma proporção.
A comissão provisória paga à Companhia será ajustada periodicamente de
acordo com as regras aqui estabelecidas. O primeiro ajustamento irá da
data de início de vigência deste Contrato até _____ (DEFINIR DATA), e cada
período _____ (PERIODICIDADE) subseqüente constituirá um período de
ajuste em separado. No entanto, se este Contrato for terminado, o período
final de ajustamento será do início do período de ajustamento atual até a
data efetiva do término.
O percentual ajustado de comissão será calculado da seguinte forma, e
aplicado sobre os prêmios ganhos no período em consideração:
D. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for
______% ou maior, o percentual ajustado de comissão para o período em
consideração será de ______%;
E. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for
menor que _____%, mas maior ou igual a ______%, o percentual ajustado
de comissão para o período em consideração será de ______%, mais
______% da diferença em pontos percentuais entre ______% e o
coeficiente efetivo de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos;
Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos for _____%
ou menor, o percentual ajustado de comissão para o período em
consideração será de _____%.
Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos em qualquer
período for maior que _____%, a diferença em pontos percentuais entre o
coeficiente efetivo de sinistros incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos e _____%
será multiplicada pelos prêmios ganhos no período e o produto será
transportado para o próximo período de ajuste à título de débito à conta
de sinistros incorridos. Se o coeficiente de sinistros incorridos sobre
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
adjustment period. If the adjusted commission on premiums earned is less than
commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the
adjustment period, the Company shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its
report. If the adjusted commission on premiums earned is greater than commissions
previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the adjustment period,
the Reinsurer shall remit the difference to the Company as promptly as possible after
receipt and verification of the Company's report.
In the event the adjusted commission calculation for any adjustment period is based
partly on ceded reserves for losses and/or loss adjustment expense, the adjusted
commission shall be recalculated within _____ days after the end of each subsequent
_____ until all losses under policies with effective or renewal dates during the
adjustment period have been settled. Any balance shown to be due either party as a
result of any such recalculation shall be remitted promptly by the other party.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for losses
and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, plus the debit or minus
the credit from the preceding adjustment period, it being understood and agreed that
all losses and related loss adjustment expense under policies with effective or
renewal dates during an adjustment period shall be charged to that adjustment
period, regardless of the date said losses actually occur, unless this Contract is
terminated on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the Reinsurer shall have no liability for
losses occurring after the effective date of termination.
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded net written premiums for
policies with effective or renewal dates during the adjustment period, less the
unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of calculation, it being understood
and agreed that all premiums for policies with effective or renewal dates during an
adjustment period shall be credited to that adjustment period, unless this Contract is
terminated on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the unearned reinsurance premium
(less previously allowed ceding commission) as of the effective date of termination
shall be returned by the Reinsurer to the Company.
It is expressly agreed that the ceding commission allowed the Company includes
provision for all dividends, commissions, taxes, assessments, and all other expenses
of whatever nature, except loss adjustment expense.
Note: Sliding scale commission with no interim calculations within the adjustment
period, "underwriting year accounting" basis.
Página 227 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
prêmios ganhos em qualquer período for menor que _____%, a diferença
em pontos percentuais entre _____% e o coeficiente efetivo de sinistros
incorridos sobre prêmios ganhos será multiplicada pelos prêmios ganhos
no período e o produto transportado para o próximo período de ajuste
como crédito à conta de sinistros incorridos.
A Companhia calculará e apresentará a comissão ajustada sobre prêmios
ganhos para o período de ajuste dentro de _____ dias após o término de
cada período de ajuste. Se a comissão ajustada sobre prêmios ganhos for
menor que as comissões previamente pagas pelo Ressegurador para o
período de ajuste, a Companhia deverá remeter a diferença para o
Ressegurador juntamente com seu demonstrativo. Se a comissão ajustada
sobre prêmios ganhos for maior que as comissões previamente pagas pelo
Ressegurador para o período de ajuste, o Ressegurador deverá remeter a
diferença para a Companhia tão logo seja possível após recebimento e
verificação do demonstrativo.
Caso o cálculo da comissão ajustada, para qualquer período de ajuste,
tenha sido baseado parcialmente em reservas de sinistros cedidos e/ou
despesas de regulação de sinistros, a comissão ajustada será recalculada
dentro de _____ dias após o término de cada _____ subseqüente até que
todos os sinistros de apólices com data de início ou renovação durante o
período de ajuste tenham sido liquidados. O saldo pendente devido por
qualquer parte, como resultado de reavaliação, será remetido
imediatamente à outra parte.
A expressão “sinistros incorridos” significa sinistros e despesas de
regulação de sinistros cedidos, pagos, apurados na data do cálculo, mais as
reservas cedidas de sinistro e despesas de regulação pendentes apuradas
na mesma data, mais o débito ou menos o crédito do período de ajuste
anterior, sendo entendido e acordado que todos os sinistros e suas
despesas de regulação nas apólices com data de início ou de renovação
durante o período de ajuste serão considerados para aquele período de
ajuste, independentemente da data de ocorrência dos sinistros, a não ser
que este Contrato seja terminado na base de imediata extinção das novas
obrigações oriundas das apólices resseguradas (“cut-off”), no caso em que
o Ressegurador não será responsável por sinistros ocorridos após a data de
A expressão “prêmios ganhos” significa prêmios líquidos emitidos cedidos
para apólices com datas de início ou de renovação durante o período de
ajuste, menos a parte não ganha a partir da data efetiva do cálculo, sendo
entendido e acordado que todos os prêmios para apólices com datas de
início ou de renovação durante um período de ajuste serão creditados
àquele período de ajuste, a não ser que este Contrato seja terminado na
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 228 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
base de imediata extinção das novas obrigações oriundas das apólices
resseguradas (“cut-off”)”, no caso em que o prêmio de resseguro não
ganho (menos a comissão previamente cedida), na data do término será
devolvido à Companhia pelo Ressegurador.
Fica expressamente acordado que a comissão de resseguro creditada à
Companhia inclui provisão para todas as participações de resultado e
comissões das apólices de seguro, impostos, tributos e quaisquer outras
despesas de qualquer natureza, exceto despesas de regulação de sinistros.
Nota: Comissão escalonada sem cálculos intermediários dentro do período
de ajuste, na base de “contabilização de ano de subscrição”.
A 10
The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a _____% provisional commission on all
premiums ceded to the Reinsurer hereunder. The Company shall allow the Reinsurer
return commission on return premiums at the same rate.
The provisional commission allowed the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through _____, and each subsequent _____
period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is terminated,
the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then current
adjustment period through the date of termination if this Contract is terminated on a
"cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff period if this Contract is terminated on a
"runoff" basis.
The adjusted commission rate shall be calculated as follows and
be applied to premiums earned for the period under consideration:
A. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or greater, the
adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%;
B. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is less than _____%, but not
less than _____%, the adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration
shall be _____%, plus _____% of the difference in percentage points between _____%
and the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned;
C. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or less, the adjusted
commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%.
If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any adjustment period is
greater than _____%, the difference in percentage points between the actual ratio of
losses incurred
to premiums earned and _____% shall be multiplied by premiums earned for the
period and the product shall be carried forward to the next adjustment period as a
debit to losses incurred. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any
adjustment period is less than _____%, the difference in percentage points between
_____% and the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned shall be multiplied
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
by premiums earned for the period and the product shall be carried forward to the
next adjustment period as a credit to losses incurred.
The Company shall calculate and report the adjusted commission on premiums
earned within _____ days after the end of each _____ within each adjustment period,
and within _____ days after the end of each adjustment period. Each such calculation
shall be based on cumulative transactions hereunder from the beginning of the
adjustment period under consideration through the date of adjustment, including, as
respects losses incurred, any debit or credit from the preceding adjustment period. If
the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the adjustment period as of the
date of adjustment is less than commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on
premiums earned for the same period, the Company shall remit the difference to the
Reinsurer with its report. If the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the
adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is greater than commissions
previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same period, the
Reinsurer shall remit the difference to the Company as promptly as possible after
receipt and verification of the Company's report.
As respects the final adjustment period, the Company shall recalculate the adjusted
commission within _____ days after the end of each __________ following the end of
the final adjustment period until all losses subject hereto have been finally settled.
Each such calculation shall be based on cumulative transactions hereunder from the
beginning of the final adjustment period through the date of adjustment, including, as
respects losses incurred, any debit or credit from the preceding adjustment period. If
the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the final adjustment period as of
the date of adjustment is less than commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer
on premiums earned for the same period, the Company shall remit the difference to
the Reinsurer with its report. If the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the
final adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is greater than commissions
previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same period, the
Reinsurer shall remit the difference to the Company as promptly as possible after
receipt and verification of the Company's report.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid during the period under consideration, plus the ceded reserves for
losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding at the end of the period, minus the
ceded reserves for losses and loss adjustment expense outstanding at the beginning
of the period, plus the debit or minus the credit from the preceding adjustment
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded unearned premiums at the
beginning of the period under consideration, plus ceded net written premiums during
the period, less ceded unearned premiums at the end of the period.
It is expressly agreed that the ceding commission allowed the Company includes
provision for all dividends, commissions, taxes, assessments, and all other expenses
Página 229 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 10
Original em Inglês
of whatever nature, except loss adjustment expense.
Note: Sliding scale commission with interim calculations within the adjustment period,
"calendar-year accounting" basis.
The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a _____% provisional commission on all
premiums ceded to the Reinsurer hereunder. The Company shall allow the Reinsurer
return commission on return premiums at the same rate.
The provisional commission allowed the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through _____, and each subsequent _____
period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is terminated,
the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then current
adjustment period through the date of termination if this Contract is terminated on a
"cutoff" basis, or the end of the runoff period if this Contract is terminated on a
"runoff" basis.
The adjusted commission rate shall be calculated as follows and be applied to
premiums earned for the period under consideration:
A. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or greater, the
adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%;
B. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is less than _____%, but not less
than _____%, the adjusted commission; rate for the period under consideration shall
be _____%, plus _____% of the difference in percentage points between _____% and
the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned;
C. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or less, the adjusted
commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%.
If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any period is greater than
_____%, the difference in percentage points between the actual ratio of losses
incurred to premiums earned and _____% shall be multiplied by premiums earned for
the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next adjustment period as
a debit to losses incurred. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any
period is less than _____%, the difference in percentage points between _____% and
the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned shall be multiplied by
premiums earned for the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next
adjustment period as a credit to losses incurred.
The Company shall calculate and report the adjusted commission on premiums
earned within _____ days after the end of each _____ within each adjustment period,
within _____ days after the end of each adjustment period, and within _____ days
after the end of each _____ thereafter until all losses subject hereto have been finally
settled. Each such calculation shall be based on cumulative transactions hereunder
from the beginning of the adjustment period under consideration through the date of
Página 230 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 10
Original em Inglês
adjustment, including, as respects losses incurred, any debit or credit from the
preceding adjustment period. If the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the
adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is less than commissions previously
allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same period, the Company
shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report. If the adjusted commission
on premiums earned for the adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is
greater than commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned
for the same period, the Reinsurer shall remit the difference to the Company as
promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's report.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for losses
and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, all as respects losses
occurring during the adjustment period under consideration, plus the debit or minus
the credit from the preceding adjustment period.
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded unearned premiums at the
beginning of the period under consideration, plus ceded net written premiums during
the period, less ceded unearned premiums at the end of the period.
It is expressly agreed that the ceding commission allowed the Company includes
provision for all dividends, commissions, taxes, assessments, and all other expenses
of whatever nature, except loss adjustment expense.
Note: Sliding scale commission with interim calculations within the adjustment period,
"accident year accounting" basis.
The Reinsurer shall allow the Company a _____% provisional commission on all
premiums ceded to the Reinsurer hereunder. The Company shall allow the Reinsurer
return commission on return premiums at the same rate.
The provisional commission allowed the Company shall be adjusted periodically in
accordance with the provisions set forth herein. The first adjustment period shall be
from the effective date of this Contract through _____, and each subsequent _____
period shall be a separate adjustment period. However, if this Contract is terminated,
the final adjustment period shall be from the beginning of the then current
adjustment period through the effective date of termination.
The adjusted commission rate shall be calculated as follows and be applied to
premiums earned for the period under consideration:
A. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or greater, the
adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%;
B. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is less than _____%, but not less
than _____%, the adjusted commission rate for the period under consideration shall
be _____%, plus _____% of the difference in percentage points between _____% and
the actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned;
Página 231 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
C. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned is _____% or less, the adjusted
commission rate for the period under consideration shall be _____%.
If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any period is greater than %,
the difference in percentage points between the actual ratio of losses incurred to
premiums earned and _____% shall be multiplied by premiums earned for the period
and the product shall be carried forward to the next adjustment period as a debit to
losses incurred. If the ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned for any period is
less than _____%, the difference in percentage points between _____% and the
actual ratio of losses incurred to premiums earned shall be multiplied by premiums
earned for the period and the product shall be carried forward to the next adjustment
period as a credit to losses incurred.
The Company shall calculate and report the adjusted commission on premiums
earned within _____ days after the end of each _____ within each adjustment period,
within _____ days after the end of each adjustment period, and within _____ days
after the end of each _____ thereafter until all losses subject hereto have been finally
settled. Each such calculation shall be based on cumulative transactions hereunder
from the beginning of the adjustment period under consideration through the date of
adjustment, including, as respects losses incurred, any debit or credit from the
preceding adjustment period. If the adjusted commission on premiums earned for the
adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is less than commissions previously
allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned for the same period, the Company
shall remit the difference to the Reinsurer with its report. If the adjusted commission
on premiums earned for the adjustment period as of the date of adjustment is
greater than commissions previously allowed by the Reinsurer on premiums earned
for the same period, the Reinsurer shall remit the difference to the Company as
promptly as possible after receipt and verification of the Company's report.
"Losses incurred" as used herein shall mean ceded losses and loss adjustment
expense paid as of the effective date of calculation, plus the ceded reserves for losses
and loss adjustment expense outstanding as of the same date, plus the debit or minus
the credit from the preceding adjustment period, it being understood and agreed that
all losses and related loss adjustment expense under policies with effective or
renewal dates during an adjustment period shall be charged to that adjustment
period, regardless of the date said losses actually occur, unless this Contract is
terminated on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the Reinsurer shall have no liability for
losses occurring after the effective date of termination.
"Premiums earned" as used herein shall mean ceded net written premiums for
policies with effective or renewal dates during the adjustment period, less the
unearned portion thereof as of the effective date of calculation, it being understood
and agreed that all premiums for policies with effective or renewal dates during an
adjustment period shall be credited to that adjustment period, unless this Contract is
terminated on a "cutoff" basis, in which event the unearned reinsurance premium
Página 232 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
(less previously allowed ceding commission) as of the effective date of termination
shall be returned by the Reinsurer to the Company.
It is expressly agreed that the ceding commission allowed the Company includes
provision for all dividends, commissions, taxes, assessments, and all other expenses
of whatever nature, except loss adjustment expense.
Note: Sliding scale commission with interim calculations within the adjustment period,
"underwriting year accounting" basis.
It is understood and agreed that the cover under this Agreement is extended to
include any Special Acceptances which may have been agreed as expiring or may
subsequently be agreed between the parties hereto.
Any mutually agreed modifications to this Agreement (whether by Addendum /
Endorsement or correspondence) shall be binding on both parties and shall be
deemed to form a part of this Agreement, and shall be attached hereto
Section 1
Either part shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately by giving the
other party notice:
if the performance of the whole or any part of this Agreement be prohibited or
rendered impossible de jure or de facto in particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the preceding words in consequence of any law or regulation which is or
shall be in force in any country or territory or if any law or regulation shall prevent
directly or indirectly the remittance of any payments due to or from either party.
if a State Insurance Department or other legal authority orders the other party to
cease writing business.
if the other party has become insolvent or unable to pay its debts or has lost the
whole or any part of its paid up capital.
if there is any material change in the management or control of the other party,
if the country or territory in which the other party resides or has its Head Office or is
incorporated shall be involved in armed hostilities with any other country whether
war be declared or not or is partly or wholly occupied by another power.
If the other party shall have failed and refuses after due notice in writing to comply
with any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Section 2
After the date of termination, under either Section 1 above, the liability of
the Reinsurer hereunder shall cease outright other than in respect of losses which
have occurred prior thereto.
All notices of termination served in accordance with any of the provisions of
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Versão Livre para o Português
Fica entendido e acordado que a cobertura deste Contrato fica ampliada
para incluir quaisquer Aceitações Especiais que tenham sido acordadas no
contrato em renovação ou entre as partes deste Contrato.
Quaisquer modificações neste Contrato, mutuamente acordadas (quer por
Adendo / Endosso ou outro documento), serão obrigatórias para ambas as
partes e serão consideradas como parte deste Contrato e incluídas ao
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Section 1 above shall be by telex, telefax or any other means of instantaneous
communication that provides a permanent record of such communication and shall
be deemed to be served upon dispatch or where communications between the
parties are interrupted upon attempted dispatch.
All notices of termination served in accordance with any of the provisions of
Section 1 above shall be addressed to the party concerned at its head office or at any
other address previously designated by that party.
In the event of termination in accordance with the provisions of Section 1
above the exact premium payable hereunder shall be calculated upon the Gross Net
Premium Income, or Earthquake Aggregates (whichever is applicable hereunder) of
the Reinsured up to the date of termination or pro rata temporis of the Minimum
Premium, whichever is the greater.
In the event of termination in accordance with the provisions of Section 1
above, reinstatement premiums (if any) payable in respect of losses falling to
reinsurers carrying exposure prior to the date of termination shall be payable in full to
those reinsurers carrying the exposure. Likewise reinstatement premiums (if any)
payable in respect of losses falling to reinsurers carrying exposure after the date of
termination shall be payable in full to those reinsurers carrying the exposure.
Either party shall have the right to terminate this Reinsurance immediately
by giving the other party notice:(a)
If the performance of the whole or any part of this Reinsurance be prohibited
or rendered impossible de jure or de facto in particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the preceding words in consequence of any law or regulation which is or
shall be in force in any country or territory or if any law or regulation shall prevent
directly or indirectly the remittance of any or all or any part of the balance of
payments due to or from either party.
If the other party has become insolvent or unable to pay its debts or has lost
the whole or any part of its paid up capital.
If there is any material change in the ownership or control of the other party.
If the country or territory in which the other party resides or has its head
office or is incorporated shall be involved in armed hostilities with any other country
whether war be declared or not or is partly or wholly occupied by another power.
If the other party shall have failed to comply with any of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
All notices of termination in accordance with any of the provisions of this
paragraph shall be by Telex or Telegram and shall be deemed to be served upon
dispatch or where communications between the parties are interrupted upon
attempted dispatch.
All notices of termination served in accordance with any of the provisions of
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 235 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
this Article shall be addressed to the party concerned at its head office or at any other
address previously designated by that party.
In the event of this Reinsurance being terminated at any date other than that
stated in Article III then the premium due to the Reinsurer shall be calculated upon
the premium income of the Reinsured up to date of termination or pro rata temporis
of the annual minimum premium, whichever is the greater. The rights and obligations
of both parties to this Reinsurance shall remain in full force until the effective date of
A 63
Either the Company or the Reinsurer may terminate this Contract at any time by the
giving of _____ days notice in writing to the other party upon the happening of any
one of the following circumstances:
A State Insurance Department or other legal authority orders the other party
to cease writing business, or
One party has become insolvent or has been placed into liquidation or
receivership (whether voluntary or involuntary), or there has been instituted against
it proceedings for the appointment of a receiver, liquidator, rehabilitator,
conservator, or trustee in bankruptcy, or other agent known by whatever name, to
take possession of its assets or control of its operations, or
One party's policyholders' surplus has been reduced by whichever is greater,
either 50% of the amount of surplus at the inception of this Contract or 50% of the
amount at the latest anniversary, or has lost any part of, or has reduced its paid-up
capital, or
One party has become merged with, acquired or controlled by any company,
corporation, or individual(s) not controlling the party's operations previously, or
One party has reinsured its entire liability under this Contract without the
terminating party's prior written consent.
In the event of such termination, the liability of the Reinsurer shall be terminated in
accordance with the termination provisions of this Contract.
However, if the terminating party is the Company, the Company shall have the right,
by the giving of prior written notice, to relieve the Reinsurer of liability for losses
occurring subsequent to the date of termination of this Contract. In such event, the
Reinsurer shall return the unearned portion of any premiums paid hereunder and the
minimum premium provisions, if any, shall be waived.
Tanto a Companhia quanto o Ressegurador poderão terminar este
Contrato a qualquer momento, mediante aviso por escrito com _____dias
de antecedência à outra parte, caso ocorra qualquer uma das seguintes
(a) O Órgão Fiscalizador ou outra autoridade legal determine que a outra
parte deixe de aceitar negócios;
(b) Uma parte se torne insolvente ou seja colocada em liquidação ou
intervenção (voluntária ou involuntária), ou tenha sido instituída contra ela
procedimento de indicação de diretor fiscal, liquidante ou outro agente
conhecido por qualquer outro nome a administrar seus ativos ou controlar
suas operações, ou esteja em procedimento de recuperação judicial;
(c) O patrimônio líquido de uma das partes tenha sido reduzido em 50%
do seu valor no início deste Contrato ou 50% do seu valor no ultimo
aniversário, o que for maior, ou tenha perdido parte ou tenha reduzido seu
capital integralizado;
(d) Uma das partes tenha sido incorporada, adquirida ou tenha passado
a ser controlada por qualquer outra companhia, corporação ou indivíduo(s)
que não a controlavam anteriormente; ou
(e) Uma parte tenha ressegurado integralmente sua responsabilidade
relativa a este Contrato sem o consentimento, por escrito, da outra parte.
Ocorrido o término, a responsabilidade do Ressegurador será extinta de
acordo com as disposições de término deste Contrato.
Entretanto, se a parte que solicite o término do Contrato for a Companhia,
esta terá o direito, mediante aviso prévio por escrito, de liberar o
Ressegurador da responsabilidade por sinistros ocorridos posteriormente à
data de término deste Contrato. Neste caso, o Ressegurador devolverá a
parcela de prêmios não ganhos de quaisquer prêmios pagos e as
disposições de prêmio mínimo, se existirem, serão desconsideradas.
NT: Clausula também conhecida como “Morte Súbita” (Sudden Death).
A alínea (b) em português foi adaptada a legislação brasileira
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 63
Either the Company or the Reinsurer may terminate this Contract at any time by the
giving of _____ days notice in writing to the other party upon the happening of any
one of the following circumstances:
A State Insurance Department or other legal authority orders the other party
to cease writing business; or
The other party has become insolvent or has been placed into liquidation or
receivership (whether voluntary or involuntary), or there has been instituted against
it proceedings for the appointment of a receiver, liquidator, rehabilitator,
conservator, trustee in bankruptcy or other agent known by whatever name, to take
possession of its assets or control of its operations; or
The other party's policyholders' surplus has been reduced by whichever is
greater, either _____% of the amount of surplus at the inception of this Contract or
_____% of the amount at the latest anniversary, or has lost any part of, or has
reduced its paid in capital; or
The other party has become merged with, acquired or controlled by any
company, corporation or individual(s) not controlling the party's operations at the
inception of this Contract; or
The other party has reinsured its entire liability under this Contract without
the terminating party's prior written consent.
Notwithstanding any other termination provision of this Contract, if this Contract is
terminated under the provisions of this Article either party shall have the right to
terminate liability for losses occurring subsequent to termination of this Contract. In
such event, the Reinsurer shall return the unearned portion, if any, less any
commission allowed thereon, of premiums paid hereunder and the minimum
premium provisions, if any, shall be waived.
Note: Some jurisdictions may impose a penalty if cancellation by the Reinsurer is on a
cutoff basis.
A 68
Notwithstanding Errors and Omissions provisions, if any, to the contrary, coverage
hereunder shall apply only to losses reported by the Company to the Reinsurer within
_____ years from the expiration of this Contract.
Note: This Article may stand by itself or be incorporated into another article, e.g.,
Commencement and Termination, Loss Notice. For use in Term Contracts, when
written on a per risk, per insured or per occurrence basis.
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Versão Livre para o Português
Tanto a Companhia quanto o Ressegurador poderão terminar este
Contrato a qualquer momento, mediante aviso por escrito com _____dias
de antecedência à outra parte, caso ocorra qualquer uma das seguintes
O Órgão Fiscalizador ou outra autoridade legal determine que a
outra parte deixe de aceitar negócios;
B. A outra parte se torne insolvente ou seja colocada em liquidação ou
intervenção (voluntária ou involuntária), ou tenha sido instituída contra ela
procedimento de indicação de diretor fiscal, liquidante ou outro agente
conhecido por qualquer outro nome a administrar seus ativos ou controlar
suas operações, ou esteja em procedimento de recuperação judicial;
C. O patrimônio líquido da outra parte tenha sido reduzido em ___% do
seu valor no início deste Contrato ou __% do seu valor no ultimo
aniversário, o que for maior, ou tenha perdido parte ou tenha reduzido seu
capital integralizado;
D. A outra parte tenha sido incorporada, adquirida ou tenha passado a
ser controlada por qualquer outra companhia, corporação ou indivíduo(s)
que não a controlavam no início deste Contrato; ou
E. A outra parte tenha ressegurado integralmente sua responsabilidade
relativa a este Contrato sem o consentimento, por escrito, da parte que
notifica o término.
Não obstante qualquer outra disposição de término deste Contrato, se o
mesmo terminar nos termos desta cláusula, ambas as partes terão direito
de encerrar a responsabilidade relativa a sinistros ocorridos
posteriormente ao término deste Contrato. Neste caso, o Ressegurador
devolverá a parcela de prêmios não ganhos, se houver, menos a comissão
acordada, e as disposições de prêmio mínimo, se existirem, serão
NT: A nota desta clausula não foi traduzida por não se aplicar a legislação
Não obstante as disposições em contrario da Cláusula de Erros e Omissões
se houver, a cobertura deste Contrato será aplicada somente a sinistros
notificados pela Companhia ao Ressegurador dentro de _____ anos, a
partir do seu cancelamento.
Nota: Esta cláusula poderá ser utilizada isoladamente ou ser incorporada a
outra Cláusula, como por exemplo, Inicio e Término, Notificação de
Sinistro, etc. Para uso em contratos de prazo definido, quando aceitos em
base por risco, por segurado ou por ocorrência.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 68
Notwithstanding Errors and Omissions provisions, if any, to the contrary, coverage
hereunder shall apply only to losses for which the Company has provided the
Reinsurer with written initial notification within _____ years from the expiration of
this Contract.
Note: This Article may stand by itself or be incorporated into another article, e.g.,
Commencement and Termination, Loss Notice. For use in Term Contracts, when
written on a per risk, per insured or per occurrence basis.
A 68
Notwithstanding Errors and Omissions provisions, if any, to the contrary, coverage
hereunder shall apply only to losses for which the Company has provided the
Reinsurer with written initial notification within _____ years from the expiration of
this Contract. If a claim arising out of an occurrence is reported during this period, all
subsequent claims arising out of the same occurrence will be deemed reported under
this paragraph regardless of when notification of loss is provided.
Note: This Article may stand by itself or be incorporated into another article, e.g.,
Commencement and Termination, Loss Notice. For use in Term Contracts, when
written on a per occurrence basis.
A 68
Notwithstanding Errors and Omissions provisions, if any, to the contrary, coverage
hereunder shall apply only to events notified by the Company to the Reinsurer, with
full particulars, within _____ years from the expiration of this Contract. Notice of an
event shall include:
1. The approximate time and location of the event.
2. The date of loss as established under this Contract.
3. The names of any original insureds who have been identified by the Company, at
the time of notice, as being involved in the event.
4. The types of policies involved, claims-made, losses discovered or occurrence.
5. The original policy limits and periods.
6. The names of any known claimants.
7. The current indemnity, medical and expense reserves and any payments made.
Note: This Article may stand by itself or be incorporated into another article, e.g.,
Commencement and Termination, Loss Notice. For use in Term Contracts, when
written on a per event basis.
Página 237 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Não obstante as disposições em contrario da Cláusula de Erros e Omissões
se houver, a cobertura deste Contrato será aplicada somente a sinistros
que a Companhia tenha feito uma notificação inicial ao Ressegurador em
até _______ anos após o seu cancelamento.
Nota: Esta cláusula poderá ser utilizada isoladamente ou ser incorporada a
outra Cláusula, como por exemplo, Inicio e Término, Notificação de
Sinistro, etc. Para uso em contratos de prazo definido, quando aceitos em
base por risco, por segurado ou por ocorrência.
Não obstante as disposições em contrario da Cláusula de Erros e Omissões
se houver, a cobertura deste Contrato será aplicada somente a sinistros
que a Companhia tenha feito uma notificação inicial ao Ressegurador em
até _______ anos após o seu cancelamento. Se um sinistro decorrente de
um evento for avisado durante este período, todas as reclamações
subseqüentes originadas do mesmo evento serão consideradas notificadas
sob esta Cláusula, independentemente de quando tenham sido
Nota: Esta cláusula poderá ser utilizada isoladamente ou ser incorporada a
outra Cláusula, como por exemplo, Inicio e Término, Notificação de
Sinistro, etc. Para uso em contratos de prazo definido, quando aceitos em
base por ocorrência
Não obstante as disposições da Cláusula de Erros e Omissões, em
contrário, se houver, a cobertura deste Contrato será aplicada somente a
eventos notificados pela Companhia ao Ressegurador, com todos os
detalhes, em _____anos após o término deste Contrato. A notificação de
um evento incluirá:
A hora e a localidade aproximada do evento
A data do sinistro como estabelecida neste Contrato
Os nomes de quaisquer segurados originais, os quais tenham sido
identificados pela Companhia, no momento da notificação, como estando
insolvente no evento.
Os tipos de apólices envolvidas, reclamações feitas, sinistros
descobertos ou ocorrências.
Os limites e períodos originais da apólice
Os nomes de quaisquer reclamantes conhecidos.
A indenização atual, reservas médicas e de despesas, e quaisquer
pagamento feitos.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 238 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Nota: Esta cláusula poderá ser considerada isoladamente ou ser
incorporada a outra Cláusula, por exemplo, Começo e Término, Notificação
de Sinistro. Para uso em contratos de prazo definido, quando subscritos em
uma base por eventos.
A 50
A 50
A 50
In consideration of the terms under which this Contract is issued, the Company
undertakes not to claim any deduction of the premium hereon when making
Canadian tax returns or when making tax returns, other than income or profits tax
returns, to any state or territory of the United States of America or to the District of
In consideration of the terms under which this Contract is issued, the Company will
not claim a deduction in respect of the premium hereon when making tax returns,
other than income or profits tax returns, to any state or territory of the United States
of America or the District of Columbia
In consideration of the terms under which this Contract is issued, the Company will
not claim a deduction in respect of the premium hereon when making tax returns,
other than income or profits tax returns, to any state or territory of the United States
of America, the District of Columbia or Canada.
This Agreement shall apply to losses occurring during the period commencing on
{DATE} and ending on {DATE}.
Either party shall have the right to terminate this Reinsurance immediately by giving
the other party notice:
if the performance of the whole or any part of this Reinsurance be prohibited
or rendered impossible de jure or de facto in particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the preceding words in consequence of any law or regulation which is or
shall be in force in any country or territory or if any law or regulation shall prevent
directly or indirectly the remittance of any or all or any part of the balance of
payments due to or from either party;
if the other party has become insolvent or unable to pay its debts or has lost
the whole or any part of its paid up capital;
if there is any material change in the ownership or control of the other party;
if the country or territory in which the other party resides or has its head
office or is incorporated shall be involved in armed hostilities with any other country
whether war be declared or not or is partly or wholly occupied by another power;
if the other party shall have failed to comply with any of the terms and
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Este Contrato se aplicará a sinistros que ocorrerem durante o período
iniciando em __/ __/ __ {DATA} e terminando em __/ __/ __ {DATA}.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
conditions of this Reinsurance.
All notices of termination in accordance with any of the provisions of this paragraph
shall be by Telex or Telegram and shall be deemed to be served upon dispatch or
where communications between the parties are interrupted upon attempted
All notices of termination served in accordance with any of the provisions of this
Article shall be addressed to the party concerned at its head office or at any other
address previously designated by that party.
In the event of this Reinsurance being terminated at any date other than that stated
in Article 1 then the premium due to the Reinsurers shall be calculated upon the
premium income of the Reinsured up to the date of termination or pro rata temporis
of the annual minimum premium whichever is the greater. The rights and obligations
of both parties to this Reinsurance shall remain in full force until the effective date of
Either party shall have the right to terminate this Reinsurance immediately by giving
the other party written notice:
(a) If the performance of the whole or any part of this Reinsurance be prohibited or
rendered impossible de jure or de facto in particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the preceding words in consequence of any law or regulation which is or
shall be in force in any country or territory or if any law or regulation shall prevent
directly or indirectly the remittance of any or all or any part of the balance of
payments due to or from either party;
(b) If the other party has become insolvent or unable to pay its debts or has lost the
whole or any part of its paid up capital;
(c) If there is any material change in the ownership or control of the other party;
(d) If the country or territory in which the other party resides or has its head office or
is incorporated shall be involved in armed hostilities with any other country whether
war be declared or not or is partly or wholly occupied by another power;
(e) If the other party shall have failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions
of this Reinsurance.
All notices of termination shall be deemed to be served upon dispatch or where
communications between the parties are interrupted upon attempted dispatch and
shall be addressed to the party concerned at its head office or at any other address
previously designated by that party.
In the event of this Reinsurance being terminated at any date other than the expiry
date stated in the Risk Details, then the premium due to the Reinsurers shall be pro
rata temporis of the Premium calculated in accordance with Premium Article, or as
may otherwise be stated in the Risk Details.
Página 239 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately by giving
the other party notice by telex or telegram which shall be deemed to be served upon
dispatch or where communications between the parties are interrupted upon
attempted dispatch:i)
If the performance of the whole or any part of this Agreement be prohibited
or rendered impossible de jure or de facto in particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the preceding words in consequence of any law or regulation which is or
shall be in force in any country or territory or if any law or regulation shall prevent
directly or indirectly the remittance of any or all or any part of the balance of
payments due to or from either party.
If the other party has become insolvent or unable to pay its debts or has lost
the whole or any part of its paid up capital.
If there is any material change in the management or control of the other
If the country or territory in which the other party resides or has its head
office or is incorporated shall be involved in armed hostilities with any other country
whether war be declared or not or is partly or wholly occupied by another power or
be in a state of civil war, provided that the circumstances detailed herein render the
performance of the whole or any part of this Agreement impossible.
If the other party shall have failed to comply with any of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
All notices of termination in accordance with any of the provisions of this paragraph
shall be by cable, telex or any other means of instantaneous communication and shall
be deemed to be served upon dispatch or where communications between the
parties are interrupted upon attempted dispatch.
In the event of this Agreement being terminated at any date other than its normal
expiry date then the premium due to the Reinsurers shall be calculated upon the
premium income of the Reinsured up to the date of termination or where applicable
pro rata temporis of the minimum premium.
It is hereby understood and agreed that this Reinsurance shall apply to losses
occurring on risks situated in {COUNTRY} and incidental interests abroad.
This Reinsurance shall apply to losses occurring on risks situated within the territory
or territories stated in the Risk Details
This Agreement shall apply to risks written and located in {COUNTRY/IES}, including
incidental extensions world-wide.
Página 240 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Fica entendido e acordado que este Resseguro se aplicará a sinistros
ocorridos em riscos situados no Brasil e eventuais interesses no exterior.
Este Resseguro se aplicará a sinistros ocorridos em riscos situados dentro
do território ou territórios declarados nos Detalhes do Contrato
Este Contrato será aplicado a riscos subscritos e localizados no Brasil,
incluindo eventuais extensões em todo o mundo.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 51
A 51
A 51
Original em Inglês
The territorial limits of this Contract shall be identical with those of the Company's
This Contract shall apply to risks located in the United States of America, its
territories, its possessions, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of
Columbia, and incidental foreign exposures.
This Contract shall apply to risks located in the United States of America, its
territories, its possessions, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of
Columbia, Canada, and incidental foreign exposures.
A 51
This Contract shall be worldwide in its geographical scope
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the general, specific and/or specific
conditions contained within this Agreement, it is hereby understood and agreed that
this Agreement does not cover loss and damage caused directly or indirectly by acts
of terrorism, regardless of the intention of these acts, and provided that these acts
are duly certified by the appropriate authority.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this reinsurance or any
endorsement thereto it is agreed that this reinsurance excludes loss, damage, cost or
expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in
connection with any act of terrorism regardless of any other cause or event
contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss.
For the purpose of this endorsement an act of terrorism means an act, including but
not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or
group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any
organization(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or
similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put
the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
This endorsement also excludes loss, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature
directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action taken
in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any act of terrorism.
If the Reinsurers allege that by reason of this exclusion, any loss, damage, cost or
expense is not covered by this reinsurance the burden of proving the contrary shall be
upon the Reassured.
A 56
Página 241 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
O âmbito territorial deste Contrato será idêntico ao das apólices da
Este contrato será aplicado aos riscos localizados no Brasil e eventuais
exposições no exterior.
NT: Cláusula adaptada à legislação brasileira.
Este contrato será aplicado aos riscos localizados no Brasil e eventuais
exposições no exterior.
NT: Cláusula adaptada à legislação brasileira.
Este contrato possuirá âmbito geográfico mundial.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 52
Original em Inglês
In the event any portion of this endorsement is found to be invalid or unenforceable,
the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.
This Contract is solely between the Company and the Reinsurer, and in no instance
shall any insured, claimant or other third party have any rights under this Contract.
A 52
This Contract is solely between the Company and the Reinsurer, and in no instance
shall any other party have any rights under this Contract except as expressly provided
otherwise herein.
A 52
This Contract is solely between the Company and the Reinsurer, and in no instance
shall any other party have any rights under this Contract except as expressly provided
otherwise in the Insolvency Article
A 53
It is the mutual intention of the parties to exclude risks, other than Offices, Hotels,
Apartments, Hospitals, Educational Establishments and Public Utilities (except
Railroad Schedules), and Builders Risks on the above classes, where at the time of
cession, the Total Insured Value over all interests exceeds $250,000,000. However,
the Company shall be protected hereunder, subject to the other terms and conditions
of this Contract, if subsequent to cession being made, the Company becomes
acquainted with the true facts of the case and discovers that the mutual intention has
been inadvertently breached; on condition that the Company shall at the first
opportunity, and certainly by next anniversary of the original policy, exclude the risk
in question.
It is agreed that this mutual intention does not apply to Contingent Business
Interruption or to interests traditionally underwritten as Inland Marine or to Stock
and/or Contents written on a blanket basis except where the Company is aware that
the Total Insured Value of $250,000,000 is already exceeded for buildings, machinery,
equipment and direct use and occupancy at the key location.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, it is the mutual intention
of the parties in respect of Bridges and Tunnels to exclude such risks where the Total
Insured Value over all interests exceeds $250,000,000.
It is understood and agreed that this Clause shall not apply hereunder where the
Company writes 100% of the risk.
Note: For use in Pro Rata Contracts.
Página 242 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Este Contrato é celebrado exclusivamente entre a Companhia e o
Ressegurador e em nenhuma hipótese qualquer segurado, reclamante ou
outro terceiro terá quaisquer direitos sob o mesmo.
Este Contrato é celebrado exclusivamente entre a Companhia e o
Ressegurador e em nenhuma hipótese qualquer outra parte terá quaisquer
direitos sob o mesmo, exceto quando expressamente estabelecido neste
Este Contrato é celebrado exclusivamente entre a Companhia e o
Ressegurador e em nenhuma hipótese qualquer outra parte terá quaisquer
direitos sob o mesmo, exceto quando expressamente estabelecido na
Cláusula de Insolvência.
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 53
A 54
Original em Inglês
It is the mutual intention of the parties to exclude risks, other than Offices, Hotels,
Apartments, Hospitals, Educational Establishments and Public Utilities (except
Railroad Schedules), and Builders Risks on the above classes, where at the time of
cession, the Total Insured Value over all interests exceeds $250,000,000. However,
the Company shall be protected hereunder, subject to the other terms and conditions
of this Contract, if subsequent to cession being made, the Company becomes
acquainted with the true facts of the case and discovers that the mutual intention has
been inadvertently breached; on condition that the Company shall at the first
opportunity, and certainly by next anniversary of the original policy, exclude the risk
in question.
It is agreed that this mutual intention does not apply to Contingent Business
Interruption or to interests traditionally underwritten as Inland Marine or to Stock
and/or Contents written on a blanket basis except where the Company is aware that
the Total Insured Value of $250,000,000 is already exceeded for buildings, machinery,
equipment and direct use and occupancy at the key location.
It is understood and agreed that this Clause shall not apply hereunder where the
Company writes 100% of the risk.
All above ground transmission and distribution lines, including wire, cables, poles,
pylons, standards, towers, other supporting structures and any equipment of any
type which may be attendant to such installations of any description, for the purpose
of transmission or distribution of electrical power, telephone or telegraph signals and
all communication signals whether audio or visual.
This exclusion applies to all equipment other than those on or within 300 meters (or
1,000 feet) from an insured structure.
This exclusion applies both to physical loss or damage to the equipment and all
business interruption, consequential loss and/or other contingent losses related to
transmission and distribution lines, other than contingent property damage/business
interruption losses (including expenses), arising from loss and/or damage to lines of
third parties.
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including loss adjustment
expense, paid or to be paid by the Company on its net retained liability after making
deductions for all recoveries, salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring
reinsurance, whether collectible or not; provided, however, that in the event of the
insolvency of the Company, payment by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance
with the provisions of the Insolvency Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to
mean that losses under this Contract are not recoverable until the Company's
ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense is part of ultimate net loss.
Página 243 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including loss adjustment
expense, and _____% of loss in excess of policy limits, paid or to be paid by the
Company on its net retained liability after making deductions for all recoveries,
salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring reinsurance, whether collectible or
not; provided, however, that in the event of the insolvency of the Company, payment
by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency
Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to mean that losses under this Contract are
not recoverable until the Company's ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense and loss in excess of policy limits are
part of ultimate net loss.
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including loss adjustment
expense, _____% of loss in excess of policy limits and _____% of extra contractual
obligations, paid or to be paid by the Company on its net retained liability after
making deductions for all recoveries, salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring
reinsurance, whether collectible or not; provided, however, that in the event of the
insolvency of the Company, payment by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance
with the provisions of the Insolvency Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to
mean that losses under this Contract are not recoverable until the Company's
ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense, loss in excess of policy limits, and extra
contractual obligations are part of ultimate net loss.
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including loss adjustment
expense, and _____% of extra contractual obligations, paid or to be paid by the
Company on its net retained liability after making deductions for all recoveries,
salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring reinsurance, whether collectible or
not; provided, however, that in the event of the insolvency of the Company, payment
by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency
Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to mean that losses under this Contract are
not recoverable until the Company's ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense and extra contractual obligations are
part of ultimate net loss.
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, excluding loss adjustment
expense, paid or to be paid by the Company on its net retained liability after making
deductions for all recoveries, salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring
reinsurance, whether collectible or not; provided, however, that in the event of the
A 54
A 54
Página 244 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
O termo “Perda Líquida Definitiva” significa a perda efetiva, incluindo a
despesa de regulação de sinistro, paga ou a ser paga pela Companhia por
sua responsabilidade líquida retida após serem feitas deduções por todas
as recuperações, salvados, sub-rogações e todos as reclamações sobre
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
insolvency of the Company, payment by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance
with the provisions of the Insolvency Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to
mean that losses under this Contract are not recoverable until the Company's
ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense is not part of ultimate net loss.
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including _____% of loss in
excess of policy limits, but excluding loss adjustment expense, paid or to be paid by
the Company on its net retained liability after making deductions for all recoveries,
salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring reinsurance, whether collectible or
not; provided, however, that in the event of the insolvency of the Company, payment
by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency
Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to mean that losses under this Contract are
not recoverable until the Company's ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense is not part of ultimate net loss, but loss
in excess of policy limits is part of ultimate net loss.
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including _____% of loss in
excess of policy limits and _____% of extra contractual obligations, but excluding loss
adjustment expense, paid or to be paid by the Company on its net retained liability
after making deductions for all recoveries, salvages, subrogations and all claims on
inuring reinsurance, whether collectible or not; provided, however, that in the event
of the insolvency of the Company, payment by the Reinsurer shall be made in
accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency Article. Nothing herein shall be
construed to mean that losses under this Contract are not recoverable until the
Company's ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense is not part of ultimate net loss, but loss
in excess of policy limits and extra contractual obligations are part of ultimate net
Página 245 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
resseguro aplicáveis, coletáveis ou não; condicionado, entretanto, a que,
no evento da insolvência da Companhia, o pagamento pelo Ressegurador
será de acordo com as disposições da Cláusula de Insolvência. Nada
contido neste Contrato poderá ser interpretado para significar que os
sinistros neste Contrato não são recuperáveis até que a Perda Líquida
Definitiva da Companhia tenha sido definida.
Nota: Para uso onde a despesa de regulação de sinistro não é parte da
Perda Líquida Definitiva.
O termo “ Perda Líquida Definitiva” significa a perda efetiva, incluindo a
despesa de regulação de sinistro, e _______% do sinistro que exceder os
limites da apólice, porém excluindo a despesa de regulação de sinistro,
paga ou a ser paga pela Companhia por sua responsabilidade líquida retida
após serem feitas deduções por todas as recuperações, salvados, subrogações e todos as reclamações sobre resseguro aplicáveis, coletáveis ou
não; condicionado, entretanto, a que, no evento da insolvência da
Companhia, o pagamento pelo Ressegurador será de acordo com as
disposições da Cláusula de Insolvência. Nada contido neste Contrato
poderá ser interpretado para significar que os sinistros neste Contrato não
são recuperáveis até que a Perda Líquida Definitiva da Companhia tenha
sido definida.
Nota: Para uso onde a despesa de regulação de sinistro não é parte do
sinistro líquido máximo, porém o sinistro que exceder os limites da apólice
é parte da Perda Líquida Definitiva.
O termo “ Perda Líquida Definitiva” significa a perda efetiva incluindo a
despesa de regulação de sinistro, e _______% do sinistro que exceder os
limites da apólice e ________% das obrigações extracontratuais, porém
excluindo a despesa de regulação de sinistro, pagos ou a serem pagos pela
Companhia por sua responsabilidade líquida retida após serem feitas
deduções por todas as recuperações, salvados, sub-rogações e todos as
reclamações sobre resseguro aplicáveis, coletáveis ou não; condicionado,
entretanto, a que, no evento da insolvência da Companhia, o pagamento
pelo Ressegurador será de acordo com as disposições da Cláusula de
Insolvência. Nada contido neste Contrato poderá ser interpretado para
significar que os sinistros neste Contrato não são recuperáveis até que a
Perda Líquida Definitiva da Companhia tenha sido definida.
Nota: Para uso onde a despesa de regulação de sinistro não é parte da
Perda Líquida Definitiva, porém o sinistro que exceder os limites da apólice
e obrigações extracontratuais são parte da Perda Líquida Definitiva.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including _____% of extra
contractual obligations, but excluding loss adjustment expense, paid or to be paid by
the Company on its net retained liability after making deductions for all recoveries,
salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring reinsurance, whether collectible or
not; provided, however, that in the event of the insolvency of the Company, payment
by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency
Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to mean that losses under this Contract are
not recoverable until the Company's ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense it not part of ultimate net loss, but extra
contractual obligations is part of ultimate net loss.
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including pre-judgment interest,
but excluding loss adjustment expense, paid or to be paid by the Company on its net
retained liability after making deductions for all recoveries, salvages, subrogations
and all claims on inuring reinsurance, whether collectible or not; provided, however,
that in the event of the insolvency of the Company, payment by the Reinsurer shall be
made in accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency Article. Nothing herein shall
be construed to mean that losses under this Contract are not recoverable until the
Company's ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense is not part of ultimate net loss, but
prejudgment interest is part of ultimate net loss.
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including pre-judgment interest
and _____% of loss in excess of policy limits, but excluding loss adjustment expense,
paid or to be paid by the Company on its net retained liability after making
deductions for all recoveries, salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring
reinsurance, whether collectible or not; provided, however, that in the event of the
insolvency of the Company, payment by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance
with the provisions of the Insolvency Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to
mean that losses under this Contract are not recoverable until the Company's
Página 246 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
O termo “ Perda Líquida Definitiva” significa a perda efetiva incluindo a
despesa de regulação de sinistro, e _______% das obrigações
extracontratuais, porém excluindo a despesa de regulação de sinistro,
pagos ou a serem pagos pela Companhia por sua responsabilidade líquida
retida após serem feitas deduções por todas as recuperações, salvados,
sub-rogações e todos as reclamações sobre resseguro aplicáveis, coletáveis
ou não; condicionado, entretanto, a que, no evento da insolvência da
Companhia, o pagamento pelo Ressegurador será de acordo com as
disposições da Cláusula de Insolvência. Nada contido neste Contrato
poderá ser interpretado para significar que os sinistros neste Contrato não
são recuperáveis até que a Perda Líquida Definitiva da Companhia tenha
sido definida.
Nota: Para uso onde a despesa de regulação de sinistro não é parte da
Perda Líquida Definitiva, porém obrigações extracontratuais são parte da
Perda Líquida Definitiva.
O termo “ Perda Líquida Definitiva” significa a perda efetiva, incluindo
participações pré-julgamento, porém excluindo a despesa de regulação de
sinistro, pagas ou a serem pagas pela Companhia por sua responsabilidade
líquida retida após serem feitas deduções por todas as recuperações,
salvados, sub-rogações e todos as reclamações sobre resseguro aplicáveis,
coletáveis ou não; condicionado, entretanto, a que, no evento da
insolvência da Companhia, o pagamento pelo Ressegurador será de acordo
com as disposições da Cláusula de Insolvência. Nada contido neste
Contrato poderá ser interpretado para significar que os sinistros neste
Contrato não são recuperáveis até que a Perda Líquida Definitiva da
Companhia tenha sido definida.
Nota: Para uso onde a despesa de regulação de sinistro não seja parte da
Perda Líquida Definitiva, porém a participação pré-julgamento é parte da
Perda Líquida Definitiva.
O termo “ Perda Líquida Definitiva” significa a perda efetiva incluindo
participações pré-julgamento e ____% do sinistro que exceder os limites da
apólice, porém excluindo a despesa de regulação de sinistro, pagas ou a
serem pagas pela Companhia por sua responsabilidade líquida retida após
serem feitas deduções por todas as recuperações, salvados, sub-rogações e
todos as reclamações sobre resseguro aplicáveis, coletáveis ou não;
condicionado, entretanto, a que, no evento da insolvência da Companhia,
o pagamento pelo Ressegurador será de acordo com as disposições da
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense is not part of ultimate net loss, but prejudgment interest and loss in excess of policy limits are part of ultimate net loss.
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including pre-judgment interest,
_____% of loss in excess of policy limits, and _____% of extra contractual obligations,
but excluding loss adjustment expense, paid or to be paid by the Company on its net
retained liability after making deductions for all recoveries, salvages, subrogations
and all claims on inuring reinsurance, whether collectible or not; provided, however,
that in the event of the insolvency of the Company, payment by the Reinsurer shall be
made in accordance with the provisions of the Insolvency Article. Nothing herein shall
be construed to mean that losses under this Contract are not recoverable until the
Company's ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense is not part of ultimate net loss, but prejudgment interest, loss in excess of policy limits and extra contractual obligations are
part of ultimate net loss.
A 54
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the actual loss, including pre-judgment interest
and _____% of extra contractual obligations, but excluding loss adjustment expense,
paid or to be paid by the Company on its net retained liability after making
deductions for all recoveries, salvages, subrogations and all claims on inuring
reinsurance, whether collectible or not; provided, however, that in the event of the
insolvency of the Company, payment by the Reinsurer shall be made in accordance
with the provisions of the Insolvency Article. Nothing herein shall be construed to
mean that losses under this Contract are not recoverable until the Company's
ultimate net loss has been ascertained.
Note: For use where loss adjustment expense is not part of ultimate net loss, but prejudgment interest and extra contractual obligations are part of ultimate net loss.
Página 247 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula de Insolvência. Nada contido neste Contrato poderá ser
interpretado para significar que os sinistros neste Contrato não são
recuperáveis até que a Perda Líquida Definitiva da Companhia tenha sido
Nota: Para uso onde a despesa de regulação de sinistro não seja parte da
Perda Líquida Definitiva, porém a participação pré-julgamento e o sinistro
que exceder os limites da apólice são parte da Perda Líquida Definitiva.
O termo “ Perda Líquida Definitiva” significa a perda efetiva incluindo
participações pré-julgamento e ____% do sinistro que exceder os limites da
apólice e ________% das obrigações extracontratuais, porém excluindo a
despesa de regulação de sinistro, pagos ou a serem pagos pela Companhia
por sua responsabilidade líquida retida após serem feitas deduções por
todas as recuperações, salvados, sub-rogações e todos as reclamações
sobre resseguro aplicáveis, coletáveis ou não; condicionado, entretanto, a
que, no evento da insolvência da Companhia, o pagamento pelo
Ressegurador será de acordo com as disposições da Cláusula de
Insolvência. Nada contido neste Contrato poderá ser interpretado para
significar que os sinistros neste Contrato não são recuperáveis até que a
perda líquida definitiva da Companhia tenha sido definida.
Nota: Para uso onde a despesa de regulação de sinistro não seja parte da
perda líquida definitiva máximo, porém a participação pré-julgamento, o
sinistro que exceder os limites da apólice e obrigações extracontratuais são
parte da perda líquida definitiva
O termo “Perda Liquida Definitiva” significa a perda efetiva incluindo
participações pré-julgamento e _____% das obrigações extracontratuais,
porém excluindo a despesa de regulação de sinistro, pagos ou a serem
pagos pela Companhia por sua responsabilidade líquida retida após serem
feitas deduções por todas as recuperações, salvados, sub-rogações e todos
as reclamações sobre resseguro aplicáveis, coletáveis ou não;
condicionado, entretanto, a que, no evento da insolvência da Companhia,
o pagamento pelo Ressegurador será de acordo com as disposições da
Cláusula de Insolvência. Nada contido neste Contrato poderá ser
interpretado para significar que os sinistros neste Contrato não são
recuperáveis até que a perda líquida definitiva da Companhia tenha sido
Nota: Para uso onde a despesa de regulação de sinistro não seja parte da
perda líquida definitiva, porém a participação pré-julgamento e obrigações
extracontratuais são parte da perda líquida definitiva.
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" shall mean the sum paid or payable by the Reinsured in
settlement of losses or liability, including all legal costs and expenses of litigation, if
any, after making deductions for all recoveries, all salvages and all claims upon other
reinsurances whether collected or not and shall include all adjustment expenses
arising from the settlement of claims other than the salaries of employees and the
office expenses of the Reinsured.
All salvages, recoveries and payments recovered or received subsequent to a loss
settlement under this Agreement shall be regarded as if recovered or received prior
to the said settlement and all necessary adjustments shall be undertaken by the
parties hereto.
Nothing, however, in this Clause shall be construed to mean that losses are not
recoverable from Reinsurers until the Ultimate Net Loss to the Reinsured has been
Recoveries made by the Reinsured from underlying excess of loss reinsurance, if any,
shall be disregarded for the purposes of this Agreement and shall not be taken into
account when computing the Reinsured’s ultimate net loss and net retained lines
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" shall mean the sum actually paid by the Reinsured in
respect of any Loss Occurrence including expenses of litigation, if any, and all other
loss expenses of the Reinsured, (excluding, however, office expenses and salaries of
employees of the Reinsured) but salvages and recoveries, including recoveries from
all other reinsurances, other than underlying excess of loss reinsurances, whether
collected or not, shall be first deducted from such loss to arrive at the amount of
liability, if any, attaching hereunder.
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" shall mean the sum actually paid by the Reinsured in
settlement of losses or liability after making deductions for all recoveries, all salvages
and all claims upon other reinsurances other than underlying reinsurances, including
all adjustment expenses arising from the settlement of claims other than the salaries
of employees and the office expenses of the Reinsured. All salvages, recoveries or
payments recovered or received subsequent to a loss settlement under this
Agreement shall be applied as if recovered or received prior to the aforesaid
settlement and all necessary adjustments shall be made by the parties hereto.
Provided always that nothing in this clause shall be construed to mean that losses
under this Agreement are not recoverable until the Reinsured's Ultimate Net Loss has
been ascertained.
Original em Inglês
Página 248 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
O termo “perda líquida definitiva” significa o total pago ou reembolsável
pelo Ressegurado na liquidação de sinistros ou responsabilidade, incluindo
todos os custos legais e despesas de litígio, se houver, após deduzir todos
os ressarcimentos, todos os salvados e todos os sinistros a cargo de outros
resseguros, quer cobrados ou não, e incluirá todas as despesas de
regulação decorrentes do pagamento de sinistros que não sejam os
salários dos empregados e despesas administrativas do Ressegurado.
Todos os salvados, ressarcimentos e pagamentos ressarcidos ou recebidos
após um pagamento de sinistro por este Contrato será considerado como
ressarcido ou recebido antes do citado pagamento e todos os ajustes
necessários serão assumidos pelas partes deste Contrato.
Nada, entretanto, nesta Cláusula será interpretado no sentido de que os
sinistros não são recuperáveis dos Resseguradores até que tenha sido
determinada a perda líquida definitiva para o Ressegurado.
Os ressarcimentos feitos pelo Ressegurado através do correspondente
resseguro de excesso de danos, se houver, serão desconsiderados para os
objetivos deste Contrato e não serão considerados quando se calcular a
perda líquida definitiva do Ressegurado e linhas líquidas retidas neste
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" shall mean the sum actually paid by the Reinsured in
respect of any loss occurrence including expenses of litigation, if any, and all other
loss expenses of the Reinsured (excluding, however, office expenses and salaries of
officials of the Reinsured) but salvages and recoveries, including recoveries from all
other reinsurances, other than any underlying reinsurances, shall be first deducted
from such loss to arrive at the amount of liability, if any, attaching hereunder.
All salvages, recoveries or payments recovered or received subsequent to any loss
settlement hereunder shall be applied as if recovered or received prior to the
aforesaid settlement, and all necessary adjustments shall be made by the parties
hereto. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to mean that a recovery cannot be
made hereunder until the Reinsured's Ultimate Net Loss has been ascertained.
It is understood and agreed that the Reinsured have underlying reinsurances,
recoveries under which inure to their sole benefit.
The term "Ultimate Net Loss" means the sum which the Reinsured actually pay in
settlement of claims and/or suit and/or in satisfaction of judgments, including
expenses of litigation and/or all other loss expenses of the Reinsured (except
expenses of their offices and salaried employees) after deduction of salvages and/or
recoveries, including recoveries under other Reinsurances.
All salvages, recoveries or payments recovered or received subsequent to a loss
settlement under this Reinsurance shall be applied as if recovered or received prior to
the aforesaid settlement and all necessary adjustments shall be made by the parties
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby agreed that
nothing in this Clause shall be construed to mean that losses are not recoverable from
the Reinsurer until the Ultimate Net Loss to the Reinsured has been determined.
The amount of the Reinsurer's liability in respect of any loss or losses shall not be
increased by reason of the inability of the Reinsured to collect from any other
Reinsurers, whether specific or general any amounts which may have become due
from them whether such inability arises from the insolvency of such other Reinsurers
or otherwise. The Reinsured may include in his Ultimate Net Loss his proportion of a
"one loss occurrence" as defined in respect of Policies on an aggregate basis such
proportion being determined by ascertaining the percentage which such individual
loss occurrence bears to the total amount of the aggregate losses involved and
applying such percentage to the amount paid, or payable by the Reinsured. Such
calculations to be based on the figures available at the time the Reinsured settles the
original claim, subject to any subsequent readjustment.
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 55
Original em Inglês
(Applies only to a Reinsurer who does not qualify for full credit with any insurance
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.)
As regards policies or bonds issued by the Company coming within the scope of this
Contract, the Company agrees that when it shall file with the insurance regulatory
authority or set up on its books reserves for unearned premium and losses covered
hereunder which it shall be required by law to set up, it will forward to the Reinsurer
a statement showing the proportion of such reserves which is applicable to the
Reinsurer. The Reinsurer hereby agrees to fund such reserves in respect of unearned
premium, known outstanding losses that have been reported to the Reinsurer and
allocated loss adjustment expense relating thereto, losses and allocated loss
adjustment expense paid by the Company but not recovered from the Reinsurer, plus
reserves for losses incurred but not reported, as shown in the statement prepared by
the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Reinsurer's Obligations") by funds withheld,
cash advances or a Letter of Credit. The Reinsurer shall have the option of
determining the method of funding provided it is acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.
When funding by a Letter of Credit, the Reinsurer agrees to apply for and secure
timely delivery to the Company of a clean, irrevocable and unconditional Letter of
Credit issued by a bank and containing provisions acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves in an amount
equal to the Reinsurer's proportion of said reserves. Such Letter of Credit shall be
issued for a period of not less than one year, and shall be automatically extended for
one year from its date of expiration or any future expiration date unless thirty (30)
days (sixty (60) days where required by insurance regulatory authorities) prior to any
expiration date the issuing bank shall notify the Company by certified or registered
mail that the issuing bank elects not to consider the Letter of Credit extended for any
additional period.
The Reinsurer and Company agree that the Letters of Credit provided by the
Reinsurer pursuant to the provisions of this Contract may be drawn upon at any time,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, and be utilized by the Company
or any successor, by operation of law, of the Company including, without limitation,
any liquidator, rehabilitator, receiver or conservator of the Company for the following
purposes, unless otherwise provided for in a separate Trust Agreement:
to reimburse the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, the payment
of which is due under the terms of this Contract and which has not been otherwise
to make refund of any sum which is in excess of the actual amount required
to pay the Reinsurer's Obligations under this Contract;
to fund an account with the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations. Such
Página 250 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 251 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
cash deposit shall be held in an interest bearing account separate from the
Company's other assets, and interest thereon not in excess of the prime rate shall
accrue to the benefit of the Reinsurer;
to pay the Reinsurer's share of any other amounts the Company claims are
due under this Contract.
In the event the amount drawn by the Company on any Letter of Credit is in excess of
the actual amount required for (a) or (c), or in the case of (d), the actual amount
determined to be due, the Company shall promptly return to the Reinsurer the excess
amount so drawn. All of the foregoing shall be applied without diminution because of
insolvency on the part of the Company or the Reinsurer.
The issuing bank shall have no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the
propriety of withdrawals made by the Company or the disposition of funds
withdrawn, except to ensure that withdrawals are made only upon the order of
properly authorized representatives of the Company.
At annual intervals, or more frequently as agreed but never more frequently than
quarterly, the Company shall prepare a specific statement of the Reinsurer's
Obligations, for the sole purpose of amending the Letter of Credit, in the following
If the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations exceed the
balance of credit as of the statement date, the Reinsurer shall, within thirty (30) days
after receipt of notice of such excess, secure delivery to the Company of an
amendment to the Letter of Credit increasing the amount of credit by the amount of
such difference.
If, however, the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations are
less than the balance of credit as of the statement date, the Company shall, within
thirty (30) days after receipt of written request from the Reinsurer, release such
excess credit by agreeing to secure an amendment to the Letter of Credit reducing
the amount of credit available by the amount of such excess credit.
Note: Covers unearned premium, outstanding losses and IBNR.
A 55
(Applies only to a Reinsurer who does not qualify for full credit with any insurance
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.)
As regards policies or bonds issued by the Company coming within the scope of this
Contract, the Company agrees that when it shall file with the insurance regulatory
authority or set up on its books reserves for unearned premium and losses covered
hereunder which it shall be required by law to set up, it will forward to the Reinsurer
a statement showing the proportion of such reserves which is applicable to the
Reinsurer. The Reinsurer hereby agrees to fund such reserves in respect of unearned
premium, known outstanding losses that have been reported to the Reinsurer and
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
allocated loss adjustment expense relating thereto, and losses and allocated loss
adjustment expense paid by the Company but not recovered from the Reinsurer, as
shown in the statement prepared by the Company (hereinafter referred to as
"Reinsurer's Obligations") by funds withheld, cash advances or a Letter of Credit. The
Reinsurer shall have the option of determining the method of funding provided it is
acceptable to the insurance regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the
Company's reserves.
When funding by a Letter of Credit, the Reinsurer agrees to apply for and secure
timely delivery to the Company of a clean, irrevocable and unconditional Letter of
Credit issued by a bank and containing provisions acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves in an amount
equal to the Reinsurer's proportion of said reserves. Such Letter of Credit shall be
issued for a period of not less than one year, and shall be automatically extended for
one year from its date of expiration or any future expiration date unless thirty (30)
days (sixty (60) days where required by insurance regulatory authorities) prior to any
expiration date the issuing bank shall notify the Company by certified or registered
mail that the issuing bank elects not to consider the Letter of Credit extended for any
additional period.
The Reinsurer and Company agree that the Letters of Credit provided by the
Reinsurer pursuant to the provisions of this Contract may be drawn upon at any time,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, and be utilized by the Company
or any successor, by operation of law, of the Company including, without limitation,
any liquidator, rehabilitator, receiver or conservator of the Company for the following
purposes, unless otherwise provided for in a separate Trust Agreement:
to reimburse the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, the payment of
which is due under the terms of this Contract and which has not been otherwise paid;
to make refund of any sum which is in excess of the actual amount required to
pay the Reinsurer's Obligations under this Contract;
to fund an account with the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations. Such
cash deposit shall be held in an interest bearing account separate from the
Company's other assets, and interest thereon not in excess of the prime rate shall
accrue to the benefit of the Reinsurer;
to pay the Reinsurer's share of any other amounts the Company claims are due
under this Contract.
In the event the amount drawn by the Company on any Letter of Credit is in excess of
the actual amount required for (a) or (c), or in the case of (d), the actual amount
determined to be due, the Company shall promptly return to the Reinsurer the excess
amount so drawn. All of the foregoing shall be applied without diminution because of
insolvency on the part of the Company or the Reinsurer.
The issuing bank shall have no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 253 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
propriety of withdrawals made by the Company or the disposition of funds
withdrawn, except to ensure that withdrawals are made only upon the order of
properly authorized representatives of the Company.
At annual intervals, or more frequently as agreed but never more frequently than
quarterly, the Company shall prepare a specific statement of the Reinsurer's
Obligations, for the sole purpose of amending the Letter of Credit, in the following
If the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations exceed the balance of
credit as of the statement date, the Reinsurer shall, within thirty (30) days after
receipt of notice of such excess, secure delivery to the Company of an amendment to
the Letter of Credit increasing the amount of credit by the amount of such difference.
If, however, the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations are less than
the balance of credit as of the statement date, the Company shall, within thirty (30)
days after receipt of written request from the Reinsurer, release such excess credit by
agreeing to secure an amendment to the Letter of Credit reducing the amount of
credit available by the amount of such excess credit.
Note: Covers unearned premium and outstanding losses, but not IBNR.
A 55
(Applies only to a Reinsurer who does not qualify for full credit with any insurance
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.)
As regards policies or bonds issued by the Company coming within the scope of this
Contract, the Company agrees that when it shall file with the insurance regulatory
authority or set up on its books reserves for losses covered hereunder which it shall
be required by law to set up, it will forward to the Reinsurer a statement showing the
proportion of such reserves which is applicable to the Reinsurer. The Reinsurer
hereby agrees to fund such reserves in respect of known outstanding losses that have
been reported to the Reinsurer and allocated loss adjustment expense relating
thereto, losses and allocated loss adjustment expense paid by the Company but not
recovered from the Reinsurer, plus reserves for losses incurred but not reported, as
shown in the statement prepared by the Company (hereinafter referred to as
"Reinsurer's Obligations") by funds withheld, cash advances or a Letter of Credit. The
Reinsurer shall have the option of determining the method of funding provided it is
acceptable to the insurance regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the
Company's reserves.
When funding by a Letter of Credit, the Reinsurer agrees to apply for and secure
timely delivery to the Company of a clean, irrevocable and unconditional Letter of
Credit issued by a bank and containing provisions acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves in an amount
equal to the Reinsurer's proportion of said reserves. Such Letter of Credit shall be
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
issued for a period of not less than one year, and shall be automatically extended for
one year from its date of expiration or any future expiration date unless thirty (30)
days (sixty (60) days where required by insurance regulatory authorities) prior to any
expiration date the issuing bank shall notify the Company by certified or registered
mail that the issuing bank elects not to consider the Letter of Credit extended for any
additional period.
The Reinsurer and Company agree that the Letters of Credit provided by the
Reinsurer pursuant to the provisions of this Contract may be drawn upon at any time,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, and be utilized by the Company
or any successor, by operation of law, of the Company including, without limitation,
any liquidator, rehabilitator, receiver or conservator of the Company for the following
purposes, unless otherwise provided for in a separate Trust Agreement:
to reimburse the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, the payment of
which is due under the terms of this Contract and which has not been otherwise paid;
to make refund of any sum which is in excess of the actual amount required
to pay the Reinsurer's Obligations under this Contract;
to fund an account with the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations. Such
cash deposit shall be held in an interest bearing account separate from the
Company's other assets, and interest thereon not in excess of the prime rate shall
accrue to the benefit of the Reinsurer;
to pay the Reinsurer's share of any other amounts the Company claims are
due under this Contract.
In the event the amount drawn by the Company on any Letter of Credit is in excess of
the actual amount required for (a) or (c), or in the case of (d), the actual amount
determined to be due, the Company shall promptly return to the Reinsurer the excess
amount so drawn. All of the foregoing shall be applied without diminution because of
insolvency on the part of the Company or the Reinsurer.
The issuing bank shall have no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the
propriety of withdrawals made by the Company or the disposition of funds
withdrawn, except to ensure that withdrawals are made only upon the order of
properly authorized representatives of the Company.
At annual intervals, or more frequently as agreed but never more frequently than
quarterly, the Company shall prepare a specific statement of the Reinsurer's
Obligations, for the sole purpose of amending the Letter of Credit, in the following
If the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations exceed the balance
of credit as of the statement date, the Reinsurer shall, within thirty (30) days after
receipt of notice of such excess, secure delivery to the Company of an amendment to
the Letter of Credit increasing the amount of credit by the amount of such difference.
If, however, the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations are less
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 55
Original em Inglês
than the balance of credit as of the statement date, the Company shall, within thirty
(30) days after receipt of written request from the Reinsurer, release such excess
credit by agreeing to secure an amendment to the Letter of Credit reducing the
amount of credit available by the amount of such excess credit.
Note: Covers outstanding losses and IBNR, but not unearned premium.
(Applies only to a Reinsurer who does not qualify for full credit with any insurance
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.)
As regards policies or bonds issued by the Company coming within the scope of this
Contract, the Company agrees that when it shall file with the insurance regulatory
authority or set up on its books reserves for losses covered hereunder which it shall
be required by law to set up, it will forward to the Reinsurer a statement showing the
proportion of such reserves which is applicable to the Reinsurer. The Reinsurer
hereby agrees to fund such reserves in respect of known outstanding losses that have
been reported to the Reinsurer and allocated loss adjustment expense relating
thereto, and losses and allocated loss adjustment expense paid by the Company but
not recovered from the Reinsurer, as shown in the statement prepared by the
Company (hereinafter referred to as "Reinsurer's Obligations") by funds withheld,
cash advances or a Letter of Credit. The Reinsurer shall have the option of
determining the method of funding provided it is acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.
When funding by a Letter of Credit, the Reinsurer agrees to apply for and secure
timely delivery to the Company of a clean, irrevocable and unconditional Letter of
Credit issued by a bank and containing provisions acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves in an amount
equal to the Reinsurer's proportion of said reserves. Such Letter of Credit shall be
issued for a period of not less than one year, and shall be automatically extended for
one year from its date of expiration or any future expiration date unless thirty (30)
days (sixty (60) days where required by insurance regulatory authorities) prior to any
expiration date the issuing bank shall notify the Company by certified or registered
mail that the issuing bank elects not to consider the Letter of Credit extended for any
additional period.
The Reinsurer and Company agree that the Letters of Credit provided by the
Reinsurer pursuant to the provisions of this Contract may be drawn upon at any time,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, and be utilized by the Company
or any successor, by operation of law, of the Company including, without limitation,
any liquidator, rehabilitator, receiver or conservator of the Company for the following
purposes, unless otherwise provided for in a separate Trust Agreement:
(a) to reimburse the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, the payment of which is
due under the terms of this Contract and which has not been otherwise paid;
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 55
Original em Inglês
(b) to make refund of any sum which is in excess of the actual amount required to pay
the Reinsurer's Obligations under this Contract;
(c) to fund an account with the Company for the Reinsurer's
Obligations. Such cash deposit shall be held in an interest bearing account separate
from the Company's other assets, and interest thereon not in excess of the prime rate
shall accrue to the benefit of the Reinsurer;
(d) to pay the Reinsurer's share of any other amounts the Company claims are due
under this Contract.
In the event the amount drawn by the Company on any Letter of Credit is in excess of
the actual amount required for (a) or (c), or in the case of (d), the actual amount
determined to be due, the Company shall promptly return to the Reinsurer the excess
amount so drawn. All of the foregoing shall be applied without diminution because of
insolvency on the part of the Company or the Reinsurer.
The issuing bank shall have no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the
propriety of withdrawals made by the Company or the disposition of funds
withdrawn, except to ensure that withdrawals are made only upon the order of
properly authorized representatives of the Company.
At annual intervals, or more frequently as agreed but never more frequently than
quarterly, the Company shall prepare a specific statement of the Reinsurer's
Obligations, for the sole purpose of amending the Letter of Credit, in the following
If the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations exceed the balance
of credit as of the statement date, the Reinsurer shall, within thirty (30) days after
receipt of notice of such excess, secure delivery to the Company of an amendment to
the Letter of Credit increasing the amount of credit by the amount of such difference.
If, however, the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations are less
than the balance of credit as of the statement date, the Company shall, within thirty
(30) days after receipt of written request from the Reinsurer, release such excess
credit by agreeing to secure an amendment to the Letter of Credit reducing the
amount of credit available by the amount of such excess credit.
Note: Covers outstanding losses, but not unearned premium or IBNR.
(Applies only to a Reinsurer who does not qualify for full credit with any insurance
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.)
As regards policies or bonds issued by the Company coming within the scope of this
Contract, the Company agrees that when it shall file with the insurance regulatory
authority or set up on its books reserves for unearned premium and losses covered
hereunder which it shall be required by law to set up, it will forward to the Reinsurer
a statement showing the proportion of such reserves which is applicable to the
Reinsurer. The Reinsurer hereby agrees to fund such reserves in respect of unearned
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
premium, known outstanding losses that have been reported to the Reinsurer and
allocated loss adjustment expense relating thereto, and losses and allocated loss
adjustment expense paid by the Company but not recovered from the Reinsurer, as
shown in the statement prepared by the Company (hereinafter referred to as
"Reinsurer's Obligations") by funds withheld, cash advances or a Letter of Credit. The
Reinsurer shall have the option of determining the method of funding provided it is
acceptable to the insurance regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the
Company's reserves.
When funding by a Letter of Credit, the Reinsurer agrees to apply for and secure
timely delivery to the Company of a clean, irrevocable and unconditional Letter of
Credit issued by a bank and containing provisions acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves in an amount
equal to the Reinsurer's proportion of said reserves. Such Letter of Credit shall be
issued for a period of not less than one year, and shall be automatically extended for
one year from its date of expiration or any future expiration date unless thirty (30)
days (sixty (60) days where required by insurance regulatory authorities) prior to any
expiration date the issuing bank shall notify the Company by certified or registered
mail that the issuing bank elects not to consider the Letter of Credit extended for any
additional period.
The Reinsurer and Company agree that the Letters of Credit provided by the
Reinsurer pursuant to the provisions of this Contract may be drawn upon at any time,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, and be utilized by the Company
or any successor, by operation of law, of the Company including, without limitation,
any liquidator, rehabilitator, receiver or conservator of the Company for the following
purposes, unless otherwise provided for in a separate Trust Agreement:
to reimburse the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, the payment of
which is due under the terms of this Contract and which has not been otherwise paid;
to make refund of any sum which is in excess of the actual amount required
to pay the Reinsurer's Obligations under this Contract;
to fund an account with the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, plus
reserves for incurred but not reported losses. Such cash deposit shall be held in an
interest bearing account separate from the Company's other assets, and interest
thereon not in excess of the prime rate shall accrue to the benefit of the Reinsurer;
to pay the Reinsurer's share of any other amounts the Company claims are
due under this Contract.
In the event the amount drawn by the Company on any Letter of Credit is in excess of
the actual amount required for (a) or (c), or in the case of (d), the actual amount
determined to be due, the Company shall promptly return to the Reinsurer the excess
amount so drawn. All of the foregoing shall be applied without diminution because of
insolvency on the part of the Company or the Reinsurer.
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 55
Original em Inglês
The issuing bank shall have no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the
propriety of withdrawals made by the Company or the disposition of funds
withdrawn, except to ensure that withdrawals are made only upon the order of
properly authorized representatives of the Company.
At annual intervals, or more frequently as agreed but never more frequently than
quarterly, the Company shall prepare a specific statement of the Reinsurer's
Obligations, for the sole purpose of amending the Letter of Credit, in the following
if the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations exceed the balance
of credit as of the statement date, the Reinsurer shall, within thirty (30) days after
receipt of notice of such excess, secure delivery to the Company of an amendment to
the Letter of Credit increasing the amount of credit by the amount of such difference.
if, however, the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations are less
than the balance of credit as of the statement date, the Company shall, within thirty
(30) days after receipt of written request from the Reinsurer, release such excess
credit by agreeing to secure an amendment to the Letter of Credit reducing the
amount of credit available by the amount of such excess credit.
Note: Covers unearned premium and outstanding losses, but not IBNR except for
(Applies only to a Reinsurer who does not qualify for full credit with any insurance
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.)
As regards policies or bonds issued by the Company coming within the scope of this
Contract, the Company agrees that when it shall file with the insurance regulatory
authority or set up on its books reserves for losses covered hereunder which it shall
be required by law to set up, it will forward to the Reinsurer a statement showing the
proportion of such reserves which is applicable to the Reinsurer. The Reinsurer
hereby agrees to fund such reserves in respect of known outstanding losses that have
been reported to the Reinsurer and allocated loss adjustment expense relating
thereto, and losses and allocated loss adjustment expense paid by the Company but
not recovered from the Reinsurer, as shown in the statement prepared by the
Company (hereinafter referred to as "Reinsurer's Obligations") by funds withheld,
cash advances or a Letter of Credit. The Reinsurer shall have the option of
determining the method of funding provided it is acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.
When funding by a Letter of Credit, the Reinsurer agrees to apply for and secure
timely delivery to the Company of a clean, irrevocable and unconditional Letter of
Credit issued by a bank and containing provisions acceptable to the insurance
regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves in an amount
equal to the Reinsurer's proportion of said reserves. Such Letter of Credit shall be
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Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada
aplicável ao mercado brasileiro
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
issued for a period of not less than one year, and shall be automatically extended for
one year from its date of expiration or any future expiration date unless thirty (30)
days (sixty (60) days where required by insurance regulatory authorities) prior to any
expiration date the issuing bank shall notify the Company by certified or registered
mail that the issuing bank elects not to consider the Letter of Credit extended for any
additional period.
The Reinsurer and Company agree that the Letters of Credit provided by the
Reinsurer pursuant to the provisions of this Contract may be drawn upon at any time,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, and be utilized by the Company
or any successor, by operation of law, of the Company including, without limitation,
any liquidator, rehabilitator, receiver or conservator of the Company for the following
purposes, unless otherwise provided for in a separate Trust Agreement:
to reimburse the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, the payment of
which is due under the terms of this Contract and which has not been otherwise paid;
to make refund of any sum which is in excess of the actual amount required
to pay the Reinsurer's Obligations under this Contract;
to fund an account with the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, plus
incurred but not reported losses. Such cash deposit shall be held in an interest
bearing account separate from the Company's other assets, and interest thereon not
in excess of the prime rate shall accrue to the benefit of the Reinsurer;
to pay the Reinsurer's share of any other amounts the Company claims are
due under this Contract.
In the event the amount drawn by the Company on any Letter of Credit is in excess of
the actual amount required for (a) or (c), or in the case of (d), the actual amount
determined to be due, the Company shall promptly return to the Reinsurer the excess
amount so drawn. All of the foregoing shall be applied without diminution because of
insolvency on the part of the Company or the Reinsurer.
The issuing bank shall have no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the
propriety of withdrawals made by the Company or the disposition of funds
withdrawn, except to ensure that withdrawals are made only upon the order of
properly authorized representatives of the Company.
At annual intervals, or more frequently as agreed but never more frequently than
quarterly, the Company shall prepare a specific statement of the Reinsurer's
Obligations, for the sole purpose of amending the Letter of Credit, in the following
If the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations exceed the balance
of credit as of the statement date, the Reinsurer shall, within thirty (30) days after
receipt of notice of such excess, secure delivery to the Company of an amendment to
the Letter of Credit increasing the amount of credit by the amount of such difference;
If, however, the statement shows that the Reinsurer's Obligations are less
Página 259 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
A 55
Original em Inglês
than the balance of credit as of the statement date, the Company shall, within thirty
(30) days after receipt of written request from the Reinsurer, release such excess
credit by agreeing to secure an amendment to the Letter of Credit reducing the
amount of credit available by the amount of such excess credit.
Note: Covers outstanding losses, but not unearned premium, nor IBNR except for
(Applies only to a Reinsurer who does not qualify for full credit with any insurance
regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Company's reserves.)
As regards policies or bonds issued by the Company coming within the scope of this
Contract, the Company agrees that when it shall file with the insurance regulatory
authority or set up on its books reserves for losses covered hereunder which it shall
be required by law to set up, it will forward to the Reinsurer a statement showing the
proportion of such reserves which is applicable to the Reinsurer. The Reinsurer
hereby agrees that it will apply for and secure delivery to the Company of a clean,
irrevocable and unconditional Letter of Credit, issued by a bank, and containing
provisions acceptable to the insurance regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over
the Company's reserves in an amount equal to the Reinsurer's proportion of reserves
in respect of known outstanding losses that have been reported to the Reinsurer and
allocated loss adjustment expense relating thereto, and losses and allocated loss
adjustment expense paid by the Company but not recovered from the Reinsurer, as
shown in the statement prepared by the Company (hereinafter referred to as
"Reinsurer's Obligations"). Under no circumstances shall any amount relating to
reserves in respect of incurred but not reported losses be included in the amount of
the Letter of Credit.
The Letter of Credit shall be issued for a period of not less than one year, and shall be
automatically extended for one year from its date of expiration or any future
expiration date unless thirty (30) days prior to any expiration date the issuing bank
shall notify the Company by certified or registered mail that the issuing bank elects
not to consider the Letter of Credit extended for any additional period.
The Reinsurer and Company agree that the Letters of Credit provided by the
Reinsurer pursuant to the provisions of this Contract may be drawn upon at any time,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, and be utilized by the Company
or any successor, by operation of law, of the Company including, without limitation,
any liquidator, rehabilitator, receiver or conservator of the Company for the following
purposes, unless otherwise provided for in a separate Trust Agreement:
to reimburse the Company for the Reinsurer's Obligations, the payment of
which is due under the terms of this Contract and which has not been otherwise paid;
to make refund of any sum which is in excess of the actual amount required
to pay the Reinsurer's Obligations under this Contract;
Página 260 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
Cláusula não traduzida, pois não foi considerada aplicável ao mercado
Cláusulas Contratuais de Resseguro para referência
Original em Inglês
Página 261 de 274
Versão Livre para o Português
to fund an account with the Company for the Reinsurer's
Obligations. Such cash deposit shall be held in an interest bearing account separate
from the Company's other assets, and interest thereon not in excess of the prime rate
shall accrue to the benefit of the Reinsurer.
In the event the amount drawn by the Company on any Letter of Credit is in excess of
the actual amount required for (a) or (c), the Company shall promptly return to the
Reinsurer the excess amount so drawn. All of the foregoing shall be applied without
diminution because of insolvency on the part of the Company or the Reinsurer.
The issuing bank shall have no responsibility whatsoever in connection with the
propriety of withdrawals made by the Company or the disposition of funds
withdrawn, except to ensure that withdrawals are made only upon the order of
properly authorized representatives of the Company.
At annual intervals, or more f

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