Brazil 10 - Index (Chapter)


Brazil 10 - Index (Chapter)
7 24
©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd
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Many thanks to the travelers who used
the last edition and wrote to us with helpful hints, useful advice and interesting
A Zoe Abrams B Carolina Barros, Annelies
Bossaerts C Diana Caplinska, Emily Chiswick-­
Patterson D Hector Del Olmo L Igor Livshits
M Shaila Mahomed, Helena Marambio, Juan
Miguel Mariatti, Claudio Milletti N Gragnon
Nathalie, Riccardo Negri, Kris Nicolai R Elisa
Renzi, Jenny Robb, Johanna Rydelius S Rafael
Santos, Matan Shacham, Cynthia Smith, Paul
Sorensen, Liam Spencer, Howard Spodek,
Bridget Stap, Paul Steele, Torje Sunde T Yury
Tulchinsky W Tim Wardle, Frans Wildenborg,
Ronald Wolff, Julie Woods
Regis St Louis
Many thanks to new and old friends who
helped with tips and advice. In particular I’d
like to thank Cristiano Nogueira, Jakki Saysell,
Alberto Armendáriz, Marcelo Esteves, Marcio
Zaidan, Vitor Souza, Philip de Wit, Bindu Ma‑
thur, Thiago Mourão, Ian Papareskos, Eduardo
Cruxen, and Kevin Raub. Beijos to Cassandra,
Magdalena and Genevieve for joining me on
the road.
Gary Chandler
Thank you to Bettine Robers in Tefé, Fernanda
Sá Vieira at Mamirauá, Pedro Neto in Manaus,
Karim Abu Bakr in Santarém, Gil Serique in
Alter do Chão, Chris Clark and Claus Pfeiffer in
Novo Airão, and Regis St. Louis and MaSovaida
Morgan at LP. Thank you to my family and
in‑laws for help on the home front, and to Eva
and Leo—kids extraordinaire. And to Liza, who
I love and admire more than I can say—thank
you for everything.
Gregor Clark
Muito obrigado to the countless Brazilians who
generously shared their smiles, thumbs‑up and
local knowledge of Brazil—from Maira, Alex and
family in Minas to Angela and Margarida in Rio
state, and others too numerous to name. Back
in Vermont, big muriqui‑style abraços to Mei‑
gan and Chloe for keeping me happy, helping
me research and embracing life on the road
with me, and to Gaen, who always makes
coming home the best part of the trip.
Bridget Gleeson
Anna Kaminski
I would like to thank MaSovaida for entrusting
me with this chapter, my fellow scribes Kevin,
Paul and Regis for advice while on the road
and everyone who’s helped me along the way.
In particular, Joel for his wonderful hospitality
and assistance in Cuiaba, Gil and Luis for all
their hard work and help in Campo Grande,
Corumbá and Bonito, Bonifacio for guiding
me on the Transpantaneira, Maria and Vini‑
cius in Bonito and Douglas and Vitoria at the
Cristalino Jungle Lodge.
This 10th edition of Lonely
Planet’s Brazil guidebook was
researched and written by
Regis St Louis, Gary Chand­ler,
Gregor Clark, Bridget Gleeson,
Anna Kaminski and Kevin
Raub. Regis, Gary, Gregor,
Bridget, and Kevin also worked
on the previous edition along
with John Noble and Paul
Smith. This guidebook was
produced by the following:
Thanks to my wife, Adriana Schmidt Raub,
who sure does do her best to teach me the
Brazilian dance when I run into roadblocks on
the road (even though I don’t dance)! Maso­
vaida Morgan; and all my partners‑in‑crime.
On the road, Malu Sabatino, Daniella Bar­
bosa, Helena Costa, Rodrigo Angel, Ion David,
Kely Zimath, Thiago Luiz, Marcia Gazola, Edu
Passarelli, Vanessa Carvalho, Mario Saraiva,
Craig Smit, Lucas Mello, Filipe Correia, Joana
Pires, Ana Muller, Roberta Rodrigues, Raissa
Monteiro, Shannon Sims, Sebastian Koch,
Marina Prado, Ana Muller. Marcio & Paula
Hernandez and Julien Leroy.
Climate map data adapted from Peel MC,
Finlayson BL & McMahon TA (2007) ‘Updated
World Map of the Köppen‑Geiger Climate
Classification’, Hydrology and Earth System
Sciences, 11, pp1633–44.
Cover photograph: Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro,
Antonino Bartuccio/4Corners
Destination Editor MaSovaida
Product Editors Kate
Chapman, Martine Power
Senior Cartographer Mark
Book Designer Virginia
Assisting Editors Carolyn
Bain, Judith Bamber, Carly
Hall, Victoria Harrison,
Elizabeth Jones, Helen
Koehne, Katie O’Connell,
Charlotte Orr, Susan Paterson,
Christopher Pitts
Cartographer Julie Dodkins
Cover Researcher Naomi
Thanks to Anita Banh,
Barbara Di Castro, Ryan
Evans, Kate Mathews,
Catherine Naghten, Mazzy
Prinsep, Vicky Smith,
Amanda Williamson
Thank you to the tourism board in Lençóis
for their ongoing assistance with maps and
information about Parque Nacional Chapada
Diamantina, to the posada staff who made
my birthday on Morro de São Paulo special,
and to all of the friendly Brazilian people
who always along my way when I’m traveling
alone in the Northeast.
Kevin Raub
©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd
7 26
Abismo de Anhumas 392
accommodations 702‑3, see
also individual locations
favelas 87
language 717
long‑term rentals 88
Acre 652‑8
activities 24, 25‑7, 40‑2
addresses 342
air travel 711‑12, 713-14, 715
airlines 713
airports 711
Aiuruoca 197
Alagoas 48, 465, 466,
472‑82, 466
accommodations 465
climate 465
highlights 466, 466
transportation 467
travel seasons 465
Alcântara 563
Aleijadinho 185, 186
Algodoal 586‑7
Alter do Chão 18, 597‑601, 18
Alto Paraíso de Goiás 359‑60
Amado, Jorge 441
Amazonas 605‑40
Amazon, the 15, 48,
569‑658, 570‑1, 616, 15,
584‑5, 623-30
accommodations 569
books 583
climate 569
highlights 570‑1, 570‑1
nature reserves 569
safety 581, 587, 597
transportation 573
travel seasons 569
Americana 241
anaconda 630
Anchieta 215
Anchieta Palace 208
Anhangabaú 226
Map Pages 000
Photo Pages 000
animals 623‑30, 693‑9, see
also individual species,
anteaters 625, 694, 625, 694
ants 630
aquariums 69, 382, 391, 467
Aracaju 467‑70
architecture 14, 340‑1, 14,
area codes 21, 708, 709
Armação 298, 299‑300
Arraial d’Ajuda 449‑51
Arraial do Cabo 152‑3,
155, 155
art, see folk art, galleries
As Misões 631
Atins 565, 550
ATMs 706
Avenida Paulista 228‑9, 236‑7,
239‑44, 246‑8, 230-1
Backdoor 445‑64
Bahia 47, 397‑464, 398
beaches 397
climate 397
food 397
highlights 398, 398
transportation 399
travel seasons 397
Baía do Sancho 505
Baía dos Porcos 505, 506‑7
Baixo Augusta 228, 244‑5,
Balneário Camboriú 308‑10
Banespa 229
Barcelos 620
bargaining 706
Barra da Lagoa 295‑6
Barra da Tijuca 77‑83
Barra de Santo Antônio 481
Barra de São Miguel 479
Barra do Camaragibe 481
Barra do Superagüi 276
Barra Funda 248
Barra Grande 436‑7
Barra Velha 453
Barreirinhas 565
bathrooms 709
beach‑buggies 526, 530,
544, 549
beaches 19, 22, 155, 550, 19,
154-5, 550-1
Alagoas 472, 478, 479,
481, 482
Amazon, the 18, 586, 589,
597, 608, 620, 640, 18
Bahia 397, 420, 431, 434,
436, 437, 441, 449, 455
Búzios 160
Ceará 537‑8, 544
Espírito Santo 209, 213, 215
Maranhão 561
Paraíba 513, 514, 525 31
Paraná 273‑5
Paraty 132, 135-6
Pernambuco 496‑7, 505,
507, 506-7
Porto Seguro 445, 447
Praia do Espelho 452
Praia dos Ossos 154-5, 160
Rio de Janeiro 51, 56, 60,
61, 77, 78, 58‑9
Rio de Janeiro state 120,
124, 151, 152, 153, 154-5
Rio Grande do Norte
519‑20, 524, 525-7,
530, 31
Rio Grande do Sul 330
Salvador 407
Santa Catarina 19, 294-5,
298, 299, 308, 312, 19
São Paulo state 254,
256, 259
Sergipe 467
beer 13, 309, 689, 13
breweries 142, 307
Bela Adormecida 621
Belém 573‑83, 574‑5, 582
Belo Horizonte 163‑75, 166
Belo Monte Dam 596
Belterra 592
Bento Gonçalves 321‑3
bicycling 714
Alagoas 472
Paraná 275
Rio de Janeiro 79
Rio de Janeiro state 132
Vale Europeu 307
birds 695‑8, 626, 626‑7,
693, 696, 697
bird‑watching 150, 256, 372,
393, 467, 586
Biribiri 200
Blumenau 13, 303‑8, 304,
Boa Vista 640‑3, 641
boat travel 713, 714, 154‑5,
see also riverboat travel
Alagoas 472, 476
Amazon, the 576, 586,
590, 609, 646, 648
Bahia 432
Fernando de Noronha 505
Iguaçu Falls 278‑9, 285-6
Maranhão 565
Paraná 280, 285
Rio de Janeiro 81
Rio de Janeiro state 132
Santa Catarina 301
São Paulo state 256, 259
Boi‑Bumbá 615, 26
Boiçucanga 254
Boipeba 434‑5
Bom Jardim 371‑2
Bom Jardim da Serra 311
Bombas 298
Bombinhas 298
bonde, see cable cars
Bonito 17, 391‑6, 392, 17
books 660, 666, 689, 693
Amazon, the 583
border crossings 712‑13
Argentina 277, 286, 712
Bolivia 389, 643, 712
Chile 712
Colombia 712
French Guiana 712
Guyana 645, 712
Paraguay 286, 394, 712
Peru 712-13
Suriname 712
Uruguay 332, 713
Venezuela 645, 713
bossa nova 91, 678
Botafogo 60, 86, 98‑9, 106‑7,
116, 66‑7
botos 628, 694, 628
cable cars 75, 308, 405,
542, 59
Cabo Frio 153‑6
cachaça 136
Cachoeira 422‑4, 424‑5
Cachoeira da Serra Azul 372
Cachoeira das Tocas 259
Cachoeira de Roncadeira
Cachoeira do Escorrega 139
Cachoeira do Rappel 605
Cachoeira Tobogã 136
cacique 626
Caeté‑Açu 463
caiman 630
Caldas Novas 351
Camamu 436
Cambará do Sul 328‑30
Caminhos de Pedra 327,
Campeche 299
Campo Grande 382‑7, 384‑5
Campos do Jordão 238
Canal do Jarí 598
Canasvieiras 294‑5
Candomblé 426‑7, 426‑7
Canela 329
Cânion da Fortaleza 328
Canoa Quebrada 544‑6,
550, 550‑1
canoeing, see kayaking
canyoning 359
canyons 328
Capão 463
capoeira 410‑11, 410‑11
courses 407, 499, 549, 411
Salvador 418‑19
car travel 713, 714-15
caracaras 697, 696
Caraíva 449, 453‑5
Caravelas 455‑6
Carimbado 196
Carioca da Gema 58, 109, 58
Carnatal 520
Carnaval 14, 25, 34‑9, 14,
18, 37, 90
Corumbá 389
Maceió 473
Olinda 499, 18
Ouro Preto 179‑80
Paraty 132
Porto Seguro 447
Recife 490, 37
Rio de Janeiro 14, 91, 110,
14, 37
Salvador 409
São João del Rei 187
Casa da Imagem 229
Casarão do Matutu 197
Cascata do Caracol 329
Cascatinha 206
cash 706
Castelo do Garcia d’Ávila
Catedral Metropolitana
338‑9, 14, 341
Catete 65, 68, 66‑7
Amazon, the 609, 617
Gruta da Lapa Doce 460
Gruta da Pedra Furada 471
Gruta do Lago Azul 393, 17
Gruta do Lapão 463
Gruta do Salitre 201‑2
Grutas das Encantadas
Minas Gerais 196
Monte Alegre 600
Paraíba 517
Parque Nacional de
Ubajara 542
Roteiro da Caverna Aroe
Jari e Lagoa Azul 370‑1
Caxambu 195‑7
Ceará 48, 531, 534‑56,
532‑3, 535
accommodations 531
climate 531
food 531
highlights 532, 532‑3
travel seasons 531
Cedro 256
cell phones 20, 709‑10
Centro 68‑71, 87‑8, 99‑101,
107‑8, 116, 72‑3
Centro Cultural
Banco do Brasil 167
Centro Cultural
São Francisco 514
cerrado 358
Cervejaria Bohemia 142
Chapada Diamantina 460
Chapada dos Guimarães
Chica da Silva 200
Chico‑Rei 181
Chico Taquara 196
children, travel with 43‑4
Rio de Janeiro 85
chimarrão 322
chocolate 209, 440
Christ the Redeemer 65,
10‑11, 58-9
Chuí 332
Chuy (Uruguay) 332
Cidade de Goiás 350‑3, 352
Cidade Ecléctica 346
cinema 685‑6
Círio de Nazaré 578, 590
city codes 709
Ciudad del Este
(Paraguay) 286
climate 25‑7, 20, see also
individual regions
climbing 40, see also
Amazon, the 621
Bahia 459
Pedra do Baú 238
Rio de Janeiro 78‑9
Rio de Janeiro state
136‑8, 145
coati 625
Cobija (Bolivia) 657
coffee 145, 246
Colombia 712
Congonhas 185‑7, 198, 198
Congresso Nacional 339,
341, 340‑1
consulates 703‑4
Copacabana 60, 85‑6, 96‑8,
105‑6, 113‑16, 62‑3, 90-1
Corcovado 65
corruption 660
Corumbá 387‑91, 388
Corumbály 387‑91, 388
Cosme Velho 64‑5
Costa da Lagoa 297
Costa de Dentro 300
Costa do Sol 151
Costa Verde 121‑36
capoeira 407, 499,
549, 411
cooking 81, 134, 407‑8
dance 407
language 233, 408
samba 80
credit cards 707
Cristo Redentor 65, 10‑11,
Cristo Rei do Pantanal
cruises, see boat travel,
riverboat travel
Cuiabá 363‑8, 364‑5
cultural festivals, see also
Carnaval, individual
Alter do Chão 599
Cuiabá 365
Domingos Martins 216
Lençóis 461
Manaus 610
Ouro Preto 180
Rio de Janeiro 83
São João 189
São Joaquim 311
Tiradentes 193
Vassouras 146
Cumbuco 538
Curitiba 264‑70, 266
currency 20, 285, 706
customs regulations 703
cycling, see bicycling
dance 410-11, 410-11
festivals 212, 300
dancing 108‑12
Delta do Parnaíba 554‑5
dengue 705
Diamantina 198, 200‑3, 201
disabilities, travelers with
distilleries 136
diving 40‑1, 506
Bahia 428, 434
Fernando de Noronha
505, 507
Mato Grosso do Sul 392
Rio de Janeiro state
124‑5, 132, 152, 157
Santa Catarina 296, 298
dolphins 628, 694, 629
Amazon, the 597, 618, 631
Paraná 276
Pernambuco 508‑9
Rio Grande do Norte 527
Domingos Martins 215‑16
Dom João Vi 667
drinking 22‑3, 322, 689‑90
drinking water 705‑6
driving, see car travel
Dunas de Genipabu 526
DVDs 704
I N D E X B – D
Brasiléia 657‑8
Brasília 14, 47, 333, 335‑49,
334, 336‑7, 344, 14,
accommodations 333,
activities 343
climate 333
drinking 346‑7
entertainment 347
food 333, 345‑6
highlights 334, 334
information 347‑8
nightlife 346-7
shopping 347
sights 335‑43
tours 343
transportation 348-9
travel seasons 333
Brennand Workshop &
Institute 490
breweries 142, 307, see
also beer
budget 21
Bumba Meu Boi 27, 557
business hours 707
bus travel 713, 714, 716
butterflies 630, 691
Búzios 156‑61, 155, 157, 158
7 28
I N D E X E – I
eagles 626, 626
Eclectic City 346
economy 661
electricity 703, 704
Elevador Lacerda 402
embassies 703‑4
Embu 251
emergencies 21
language 720
Encontro das Águas 608‑9
Engenhoca 437
environment 699-700
Belo Monte Dam 596
Goiás 358
Itaipu Dam 287
erva maté 322
Escadaria Selarón 71
Espírito Santo 46, 162,
208‑17, 164‑5
accommodations 162
climate 162
food 162
highlights 164‑5, 164‑5
travel seasons 162
Estação Biológica de
Caratinga 205
Estação das Docas 576
events, see festivals &
exchange rates 21
favela 671
accommodations 87
drinking 103
nightlife 103
tours 81
fazendas 145‑6
Amazon, the 590
Feira de Santana 457
feiras 100
Fernando de Noronha 12,
503‑13, 508‑9, 12,
activities 505‑10
beaches 505
drinking & nightlife 512
food 511‑12
medical services 512
sights 505
sleeping 510‑11
tourist information 512
transportation 512-13
Festa de Iemanjá 427, 427
Festa do Divino Espírito
Santo 357
Map Pages 000
Photo Pages 000
festivals & events 24, 25‑7,
see also Carnaval
art 234
beer 304
Boi‑Bumbá 615, 26
Bumba Meu Boi 27, 557
Carnatal 520
Círio de Nazaré 578
dance 212, 300
Festa de Iemanjá 427, 427
Festa de São João 468
Festa de São
Sebastião 441
Festa do Divino Espírito
Santo 357
Festival Internacional
de Balonismo 331
film 83, 180, 193, 234,
352, 609
food 133, 193, 234
literary 133
Micareta 457
music 202, 216, 234, 515,
539, 609
New Year’s Eve (Reveillon)
27, 83, 234, 409‑13
Oktoberfest 27, 304, 307
Semana Santa 25, 132,
180, 351‑2, 26
surfing 151, 513
film 660, 686, 692
festivals 83, 180, 193,
234, 352, 609
Finnish colonies 140
fishing 463, 633
Flamengo 61, 64, 86‑7, 99,
107, 116, 66‑7
Flecheiras 538
Floresta Nacional (FLONA)
do Tapajós 595‑7
Floresta Nova 504
Floresta Velha 504
Florianópolis 291‑4, 292
Floripa, see Florianópolis
folk art 459
food 22‑3, 687‑90, 704,
242-3, 687, 689
cooking courses 81, 134,
festivals 133, 193, 234
glossary 690
language 718‑20
Pantanal, the 375
pizza 242‑3
tropeiros 356
football 115, 682‑4, 114‑15
Arena Castelão 541
museums 228
Rio de Janeiro 112
Ford, Henry 592, 598
Fordlândia 583, 592, 598
forró 211, 212, 461, 468,
495, 503, 549
Fortaleza 534‑44, 536‑7
Fortalezinha 586
Forte de Santo Antônio da
Barra 406‑8
Foz do Iguaçu 280‑4, 282
Foz do São Francisco
467, 480
fraud 707
free attractions 229
frogs 630, 630
Galés marine reserve 482
Galinhos 524
galleries, see also museums
Centro Cultural Oi Futuro
65, 68
Galeria Milan 233
GaleRio 60
Galos 524
Garapuá 431
gardens, see parks &
Gávea 56‑60, 85, 95‑6,
104‑5, 54‑5
gay travelers 705
Florianópolis 294
Rio de Janeiro 105
Salvador 417
São Paulo 247
German settlements 303
Gil, Gilberto 678, 91
gliding 40, 41, 149, 544, 551
Rio de Janeiro 79‑80
Santa Catarina 311 Glória
65, 68, 72‑3
Goiânia 349‑50
Goiás 47, 333, 349‑60, 334
accommodations 333
climate 333
food 333
travel seasons 333
Goitacá warriors 214
Gostoso 529‑30
Gramado 323‑5, 324
Gran Sabana 644
Gruta de São Thomé 196
Guajará‑Mirim 649‑50, 650
Guarapari 213‑14
Guarda do Embaú 310‑12
Guarujá 254
Guayaramerín (Bolivia)
Guiomard dos Santos,
José 652
hang gliding, see gliding
Hawaizinho 437, 439
health 705‑6
Pantanal, the 378
Higienópolis 228
hiking 40, 41‑2, see also
climbing, mountains
Amazon, the 586, 593,
615, 644
Argentina 287
Bahia 428‑9, 463
Espírito Santo 211
Goiás 358‑9
Iguaçu Falls 279
Maranhão 565
Mato Grosso 370, 371
Minas Gerais 192, 197,
201, 207‑8
Paraná 280, 285
Parque Nacional do
Itatiaia 136-8
Pernambuco 509‑10
Rio de Janeiro 61, 78‑9
Rio de Janeiro state 124,
132, 141, 143, 145, 149
Rio Grande do Sul 328
Santa Catarina 299, 311
São Paulo state 238, 256
history 24, 662‑73
hitchhiking 715‑16
hoatzin 626, 627
holidays 707
horse racing 112
horseback‑riding 132, 185,
216, 328, 394, 459
hot springs 351
hot‑air ballooning 331
Hotel Globo 515
ibis 626, 627
Icaraí de Amontada 546-7,
Icaraizinho 546‑7, 550
Igreja de São Francisco de
Assis (Belo Horizonte)
Igreja de São Francisco de
Assis (Ouro Preto) 178, 13
Igreja de São Francisco
de Assis (São João del
Rei) 187
Igreja de São Matias 563
Igreja Matriz de Santo
Antônio 191
Igreja Nossa Senhora do
Bonfim 403
Igreja NS do Bonfim
355, 471
Iguaçu Falls 11, 277‑87, 281,
11, 278‑9
Iguape 262
Ilha Anchieta 256
Ilha Comprida 262
Ilha de Areia Vermelha 514
Ilha de Itaparica 420
Ilha de Marajó 587‑91
jacana 626
Jacumã 513
jaguars 377, 625, 2, 376‑7
Jamaraquá 596
jangadas472, 476
Japaratinga 481
Jardim Botânico Adolpho
Ducke 607
Jardim Botânico (Rio de
Janeiro) 56‑60, 95‑6,
104‑5, 56
Jardins 228, 236‑7, 239‑44,
Jericoacoara 18, 547‑56,
550, 18, 550
Joanes 588
João Pessoa 514‑19, 515,
jogging 78
Joinville 300‑3, 301, 306
jungle lodges 44, 618
jungle trips 15, 607, 610,
615‑18, 640, 15, see
also boat cruises,
riverboat trips
kayaking 42
Amazon, the 586, 597,
633, 636
Bahia 459, 463
Espírito Santo 211
Mato Grosso do Sul 393
Paraná 271
Rio de Janeiro state 132
kiosks 97
kitesurfing 530, 544,
546, 548
Lago Tarapoto 638
Lago Verde 597
Lagoa 56‑60, 95‑6, 104‑5
Lagoa Betánia 565
Lagoa da Conceição 296‑9
Lagoa das Araras 372
Lagoa de Conceicão 297
Lagoa de Guaraíras 525
Lagoa do Peri 299‑300
Lagoa Gaivota 565
Lagoa Guajiru 565
Lagoa Misteriosa 393
Lagoa Sete Mulheres 565
Lagoa Tropical 565
Lagoinha 538
Lagoinha do Leste 300
Lajedo da Pai Mateus 517
Lajedo de Soledade 517
landscape 691‑3
language 20, 303, 717‑23
courses 233, 408
place names 151
surfing 42
Lapa 71, 75, 88‑119, 102,
108, 116, 72‑3
Laranjeiras 471
Last of the Tribe, The 639
Lavras Novas 185
Leblon 83‑5, 93‑5, 104,
112‑13, 54‑5
legal matters 706
Leme 60, 85‑6, 96‑8,
105‑6, 113‑16
Lençóis 457‑62, 458
Lençóis Maranhenses 17,
565-8, 17
lesbian travelers 705
Florianópolis 294
Rio de Janeiro 105
Salvador 417
São Paulo 247
Leticia (Colombia) 636‑8,
Liberdade 227‑8
lifestyle 675‑6
literature 441, 686
festivals 133
7 29
Litoral Gaúcho 330‑2
Litoral Paulista 255‑62
Little Hawaii 439
live music, see music
Luz 227
macaws 626, 23, 626-7, 697
Maceió 472‑8, 474‑5
Maguarí 596
malaria 705
manatees 628, 628-9
Manaus 606‑14, 608, 616
Mangue Seco 430‑1, 467
maps 706
Maracanã stadium 75, 112,
114-5, 114‑15
Maragogi 482
Maranhão 48, 531, 557‑68,
accommodations 531
climate 531
food 531
highlights 532, 532‑3
travel seasons 531
Marechal Deodoro 479‑82
margays 625, 624
Mariana 183‑4, 198
Marimbus 463
Maringá 138‑40
Alagoas 477, 479
Amazon, the 576, 652, 653
Bahia 405, 419, 459
Ceará 541
Maranhão 559
Mato Grosso do Sul 383
Minas Gerais 200
Rio de Janeiro 76‑7, 100
São Paulo city 223
São Paulo state 251
Sergipe 467
Maromba 138‑40
maté 322
Mato Grosso 47, 361,
363‑73, 362
accommodations 361
climate 361
food 361
highlights 362, 362
travel seasons 361
Mato Grosso do Sul 47, 361,
381‑96, 362
accommodations 361
climate 361
food 361
highlights 362, 362
travel seasons 361
Mauá 138‑40
measures 704
Memorial do Imigrante 236
Memorial Minas Gerais –
Vale 167
Mendes, Chico 655, 656
Mercado Municipal 223
Micareta 457
milagres 470
Milho Verde 203‑14
Minas da Passagem 184
Minas Gerais 46, 162,
163‑208, 164‑5, 198-9
accommodations 162
climate 162
food 162, 170
highlights 164‑5, 164‑5
travel seasons 162
Mineirão & Museu Brasileiro
de Futebol 168
Minhocão 226
Mirante de Geodésia 369
Mirante do Morro do Espia
Mirante dos Golfinhos 508
mission sites 318-19, 631
mobile phones 20, 709‑10
Moema 233
money 20, 21, 285, 706‑7
monkeys 205, 462, 695,
625, 623
Monte Alegre 600
Morretes 270‑1
Morro da Careca 520
Morro da Cruz 148
Morro da Igreja 311
Morro de São Paulo 431‑4
Morro do Pai Inácio 463
Morro do Pico 504, 506
Morro dos Pireneus 355
Morumbi 233
Mosteiro São Bento 229
motorcycle travel
to/from Brazil 713
within Brazil 714‑15
mountain biking
Amazon, the 597
Bahia 459
Paraná 271
Rio de Janeiro state 132
São Paulo state 238
mountains, see also
climbing, hiking
Agulhas Negras 138
Cidade de Pedra 370
Morro da Igreja 311
Morro do Castelo 464
Morro do Pai Inácio
460, 463
Morro do Pico 504, 506
Mt Roraima 644
Pão de Açúcar 11, 61,
141, 10‑11
Pico da Bandeira 207-8
Pico da Caledônia 148-9
I N D E X I – M
Ilha de Paquetá 70
Ilha de Santa Catarina
289‑300, 290
Ilha de São Francisco 298
Ilha do Amor 597
Ilha do Cardoso 254
Ilha do Mel 273‑7, 274
Ilha do Sol 621
Ilha dos Aquários 448
Ilha Grande 15, 121, 124‑8,
155, 124, 15
Ilhabela 259‑62
Ilhéus 440‑4, 442‑3
Imbassaí 430
immigration 710, 711
indigenous groups 454,
639, 642
indigenous people 664,
663, 674, 675
Instituto de Arte Contem‑
porânea Inhotim 175
insurance 706
internet access 706
internet resources 21
airlines 713
Ipanema 51, 56, 83‑5,
89‑93, 102‑4, 112‑13,
54‑5, 4, 58‑9
Iriri 215
Itacaré 437‑40
Itacarezinho 437
Itaím Bibi 233
Itaipu Dam 287
Itatiaia 136‑41, 137
Itaúnas 211‑13
itineraries 28‑33, 28-33
7 30
I N D E X M – P
Pico da Cristal 207
Pico do Calçado 207
Pico do Papagaio 124
Pico do Sol 206
Mt Roraima 644
Muhpan 387
multiculturalism 674‑5
Mundaú 538
muriqui 205
museums, see also galleries
Hotel Globo 515
Instituto de Arte
Inhotim 175
Memorial Minas Gerais –
Vale 167
Mineirão & Museu
Brasileiro de Futebol
Muhpan 387
Museu Afro‑Brasil 232
Museu das Bandeiras 351
Museu das Cavalhadas
Museu das Culturas
Dom Bosco 382
Museu de Arte de São
Paulo 228
Museu do Divino 353
Museu Histórico de
Santa Catarina 291
Museu Histórico
Nacional 69
Museu Imperial 141‑2
Museu Nacional 76, 338
Museu Nacional
da Imigração e
Colonização 300
Museu Náutico da
Bahia 407
Museu Oscar
Niemeyer 265
Oficina Cerâmica
Francisco Brennand
Pinacoteca do Estado 227
music 91, 108‑12, 503,
677‑81, 91, 90-1
festivals 202, 216, 234,
417, 515, 539, 609
Recife & Olinda 495
music festivals
Diamantina 202
Domingos Martins 216
Fortaleza 539
João Pessoa 515
Laranjeiras 471
Manaus 609-10
São Paulo 234
Map Pages 000
Photo Pages 000
Nascente Azul 393
Natal 519‑25, 521, 522
national parks & reserves
699, see also parks &
Arquipélago Mariuá 620
Estação Biológica de
Caratinga 205
Horto Florestal State
Park 238
Jalapão State Park 605
Mamirauá Sustainable
Development Reserve
Parque Estadual da
Guarita 330
Parque Estadual da
Pedra Azul 216
Parque Estadual da
Serra do Papagaio 197
Parque Estadual da
Serra dos Pirineus 355
Parque Estadual de
Itaúnas 211
Parque Estadual do Alto
do Ribeira 260
Parque Estadual Serra
do Intendente 206
Parque Nacional da
Chapada Diamantina
16, 462‑4, 16, 23
Parque Nacional
da Chapada dos
Guimarães 370‑1, 698
Parque Nacional
da Chapada dos
Veadeiros 357‑9
Parque Nacional da
Serra da Bocaina 128
Parque Nacional da
Serra da Capivara 555
Parque Nacional da
Serra do Cipó 204‑6
Parque Nacional da
Serra dos Órgãos 145
Parque Nacional da
Serra Geral 328
Parque Nacional da
Tijuca 79
Parque Nacional de
Aparados da Serra 328
Parque Nacional de
Caparaó 207‑8
Parque Nacional de
Monte Pascoal 455
Parque Nacional de São
Joaquim 311
Parque Nacional de Sete
Cidades 554
Parque Nacional de
Ubajara 542
Parque Nacional do
Iguaçu (Brazil)
278‑9, 285
Parque Nacional do
Itatiaia 136‑8
Parque Nacional do
Jaú 622
Parque Nacional do
Lençóis Maranhenses
17, 17
Parque Nacional
do Pantanal
Matogrossense 373
Parque Nacional do
Superagüi 276
Parque Nacional dos
Lençóis Maranhenses
Parque Nacional Iguazú
(Argentina) 278, 285-7
Parque Nacional Marinho
de Abrolhos 456‑7
Parque Nacional Marinho
de Fernando de
Noronha 504
Parque Natural do
Caraça 206‑7
Parque Unipraias 308
Regua Nature Reserve 150
Reserva Natural Vale 209
Reserva Xixuaú‑Xipariná
Santuário Ecológico
de Pipa 525
Serra do Aracá State
Park 620
Neópolis 480
New Year’s Eve (Reveillon)
27, 83, 234, 409‑13
newspapers 704
Niemeyer, Oscar 14, 234,
265, 340-1
Niterói 70
Nova Friburgo 148‑51, 149
Nova Trento 306
Novo Airão 618‑19
numbers 721
Oficina Cerâmica Francisco
Brennand 490
Oktoberfest 27, 306‑7, 307
Olinda 18, 498‑503, 500, 18
Olivença 444‑5
Olodum 418
Olympic games 661
opening hours 707
otter 628, 628
Ouro Preto 13, 175‑83, 198,
176‑7, 13, 26, 199
Paço do Frevo 487
paddleboarding 42, 296
Amazon, the 599
Mato Grosso do Sul 393
Paraná 275
Rio de Janeiro state 132
Pajuçara 477
Palace Hotel 412
Palácio da Alvorada 343,
Palácio do Itamaraty 339
Palácio do Planalto 339‑42
Palmas 601‑4, 602, 604
Palmeiras 463
Pantanal, the 13, 373‑81,
374, 13, 23, 376‑7, 700
accommodations 380‑2
climate 375
food 375
geography 375
health 378
planning 375‑8
tours 378‑80
Pântano do Sul 300
Pão de Açúcar 11, 61, 141,
Papagaio Island 276
Pará 573‑601
Paracuru 538
paragliding see gliding
Paraíba 48, 483, 513‑18,
accommodations 483
climate 483
food 483
highlights 484‑5, 484‑5
transportation 486
travel seasons 483
Paraná 46, 263‑87, 264
accommodations 263
climate 263
food 263
highlights 264, 264
travel seasons 263
Paranaguá 271‑3, 272
Paranapiacaba 252
Paraty 19, 128‑35, 155, 129,
130‑1, 2, 19, 154‑5
Parintins 615, 4, 26
parks & gardens, see
also national parks &
Bom Jardim da Serra 311
Instituto Reserva
Kautsky 216
Jardim Botânico Adolpho
Ducke 607
Paraná 265, 268, 270
Parque da Luz 227
Parque das Águas 195‑6
Parque do Ibirapuera
229‑32, 234
Parque dos Falcões 467
Parque Moscoso 209
Parque Municipal (Belo
Horizonte) 167
passports 710, 711
Pataxó people 454
Paulista Coast 255‑62
Pedra Azul 216‑17
Pedra do Baú 238
Pedra do Segredo 328
Pelé 670, 682, 684
Pelourinho 402-5, 12
Penedo 140‑1, 479‑82
Penha 298
Pernambuco 48, 483,
486‑513, 484‑5
accommodations 483
climate 483
food 483
highlights 484‑5, 484‑5
transportation 486
travel seasons 483
Petrópolis 141‑5, 142‑3
Piaçabuçu 477
Piauí 48, 554‑5, 532-3
Pico da Bandeira 207
Pico da Cristal 207
Pico do Calçado 207
Pico do Sol 206
Pinacoteca do Estado 227
Pinheiros 232‑3, 237‑8,
245, 248‑50
Pinto Bandeira 323
Pipa 525‑9
piranha 628
pirarucú 628
Pirenópolis 353‑7, 354
Piri 353‑7
pizza 242‑3, 242‑3
Brazil’s regions 45‑8
calendar of events 25‑7
Carnaval 25, 34‑9, 14,
18, 37
children, travel with
43‑4, 85
itineraries 28‑33
Pantanal, the 375, 378
travel seasons 25‑7
plants 698‑9
Poconé 372‑3
politics 660‑1
Pomerode 306, 307
Ponta de Castelhanos 434
Ponta de Cururú 597
Ponta Grossa 544, 550‑1
Ponta Porã 396
Pontal de Coruripe 478
population 661, 675
pororoca 578
Portão do Inferno 369
Porto Alegre 316‑21, 317
Porto Belo 298
Porto de Galinhas 496
Porto de Pedras 481
Porto Seguro 445‑8, 446
Porto Velho 646‑9, 647
Portuguese 717‑23
Pousada Santuário do
Caraça 207
Praça da Matriz 563
Praça da República 226‑7
Praça da Sé 223‑6, 403
Praça Mauá 68‑71, 87‑8
Praia Barra Velha 589
Praia Brava 295
Praia da Armação 299
Praia da Cacimba do
Padre 510
Praia da Caixa d’Água 586
Praia da Joaquina 296, 19
Praia da Lagoinha 295
Praia da Lua 608
Praia da Pipa 525‑9, 31
Praia da Princesa 586
Praia da Trindade 135
Praia de Araruna 589
Praia de Calhau 561
Praia de São Marcos 561
Praia do Espelho 452
Praia do Forte 428‑30
Praia do Francês 478‑9
Praia do Futuro 538
Praia do Leão 505
Praia do Moçambique 295
Praia do Pesqueiro 589
Praia do Rosa 312‑13
Praia do Santinho 295
Praia dos Carneiros 497
Praia dos Castelhanos 259
Praia dos Ingleses 295
Praia dos
Naufragados 299
Praia dos Ossos 160, 154
Praia Garrote 590
Praia Grande 330, 589, 620
Praia Jabaquara 259
Praia Lopes Mendes 124
Praia Mole 296
Praia Mucugê 449
Praia Ponta d’Areia 561
Praias Espelho and
Curuípe 449
Praia Taipu de Fora 436
Prainha 437
Princesa Isabel 669
Prophets, The 185, 198
public holidays 707
Puerto Iguazú (Argentina)
Puerto Nariño (Colombia)
Quebra Frascos 146
rafting 644
rainforest 692‑3
Ramalho, Elba 453
rappelling 392
Recanto Ecológico
Lagoa Azul 372
Recife 18, 487‑98, 488‑9,
492, 37
Recife de Fora 449
Recôncavo 422‑5, 408
Redonda 546
Região dos Lagos 151
Regua Nature Reserve 150
religion 426-7, 661
Resende 437
Xixuaú‑Xipariná 622
reserves, see national
parks & reserves
restaurants 690, see
also food, individual
Reveillon 27, 234
Ribeira 437
Ribeirão da Ilha 299
Rio Arapiuns 598
Rio Branco 652‑5, 653
Rio Claro 368
Rio da Prata 393
Rio de Janeiro 11, 45,
50‑119, 52‑3, 10‑11, 37,
58‑9, 90‑1
accommodations 83‑9
activities 78‑80
Barra da Tijuca 77‑8
Botafogo 60, 86, 98‑9,
106‑7, 116, 66‑7
Catete 65, 68, 66‑7
Centro 87‑8, 99‑101,
107‑8, 116, 72‑3
children, travel with 85
Cinelândia 71, 72‑3
climate 50
Copacabana 60, 85‑6,
96‑8, 105‑6, 113‑16,
62‑3, 90-1
Cosme Velho 64‑5
courses 80, 81
drinking 50, 102‑8
emergencies 117
entertainment 108‑12
festivals 83
Flamengo 61, 64, 86‑7,
99, 107, 116, 66‑7
food 50, 89‑102
Gávea 56‑7, 60, 85, 95‑6,
104‑5, 54‑5
Glória 65, 68, 72‑3
highlights 52‑3, 52‑3
history 51
Humaitá 66-7
7 31
I N D E X P – R
Parque Siqueira Campos
Rio de Janeiro 57, 60, 64,
76, 77, 56
Santa Catarina 303
Parque do Ibirapuera 229,
232, 234
Parque Estadual da Pedra
Azul 216
Parque Estadual de
Itaúnas 211
Parque Estadual de Vila
Velha 268
Parque Estadual do Alto do
Ribeira 260
Parque Estadual do
Jalapão 605
Parque Nacional da
Chapada Diamantina
16, 462‑4, 16, 23
Parque Nacional da
Chapada dos
Guimarães 370‑1, 698
Parque Nacional da
Chapada dos Veadeiros
Parque Nacional da Serra
da Bocaina 128
Parque Nacional da Serra
da Capivara 555
Parque Nacional da Serra
do Cipó 204‑6
Parque Nacional da Serra
dos Órgãos 145
Parque Nacional da
Tijuca 79
Parque Nacional de
Caparaó 207‑8
Parque Nacional de Monte
Pascoal 455
Parque Nacional de Sete
Cidades 554
Parque Nacional de
Ubajara 542
Parque Nacional do Iguaçu
278‑9, 285
Parque Nacional do
Itatiaia 136‑8
Parque Nacional do
Jaú 622
Parque Nacional do
Lençóis Maranhenses
17, 565‑8, 17
Parque Nacional
do Pantanal
Matogrossense 373
Parque Nacional do
Superagüi 276
Parque Nacional Iguazú
(Argentina) 278, 285‑7
Parque Nacional Marinho
de Abrolhos 456‑7
Parque Natural do
Caraça 206‑7
Parque Unipraias 308
7 32
I N D E X R – S
internet resources 117
Ipanema 51, 56, 83‑5,
89‑93, 102‑4, 112‑13,
54‑5, 4, 58-9
Jardim Botânico 56-7,
60, 95‑6, 104‑5, 56
Lagoa 56‑60, 95‑6, 104‑5
Lapa 71, 75, 88‑9, 102,
108, 116, 72‑3
Leblon 83‑5, 93‑5, 104,
112‑13, 54‑5
Leme 60, 85‑6, 96‑8,
105‑6, 113‑16
Maracanã 76-7
media 117
medical services 117
money 117
nightlife 50, 102‑8
Praça Mauá 87‑8
safety 116
Santa Teresa 75, 88‑9,
101‑2, 108, 116, 72‑3
São Cristóvão 76-7
shopping 112‑19
sights 51‑78
tourist information 117
tours 81‑3
transportation 117‑19
travel seasons 50
Urca 60‑1, 86, 98‑9,
106‑7, 116
walking tours 82, 82
Zona Norte 75‑7
Rio de Janeiro state 45,
120‑61, 122‑3
accommodations 126
beaches 120
climate 120
food 120
highlights 122‑3, 122‑3
transportation 121
travel seasons 120
Rio dos Peixes 368
Rio Grande 331‑2
Rio Grande do Norte 48,
483, 519‑30, 484‑5
accommodations 483
climate 483
food 483
highlights 484‑5, 484‑5
transportation 486
travel seasons 483
Rio Grande do Sul 47,
314‑32, 315
accommodations 314
climate 314
food 314
highlights 315, 315
Map Pages 000
Photo Pages 000
transportation 315
travel seasons 314
Rio Javari 640
Rio Mutaca 368
Rio Negro basin 618‑22
Rio São Francisco 469
Rio Triste 372
Rio Vermelho 416
riverboat travel 584‑5, 607,
619, 584-5, see also
boat cruises
road rules 715
robbery 708
rock climbing, see climbing
rock paintings 517
Rondônia 639, 646‑51
Roraima 640‑5
Rota Missões 318
Rousseff, Dilma 673
rubber plantations 598
Sabará 172
Saco de Mamanguá 135‑6
safety 707‑8
Amazon, the 581, 587, 597
stingrays 597, 628
surfing 495
Salto Aponwao 644
Salvador 12, 399‑422, 400,
404‑5, 414, 5, 7, 12, 31
accommodations 412‑15
beaches 407
courses 407‑8
drinking 417
emergencies 419
entertainment 417‑19
festivals 408‑9
food 415‑17
history 401
medical services 419
nightlife 417
safety 420
shopping 419
sights 401‑7
tourist information 420
tours 408
transportation 420-2
Salvaterra 589
samba 677‑8, 91, 58, see
also Carnaval
courses 80
Rio de Janeiro 109
São Paulo 250
schools 36, 38, 110, 677
Sambódromo 77
Santa Bárbara d’Oeste 241
Santa Catarina 19, 46,
288‑313, 289, 19
Santa Elena de Uairén
(Venezuela) 643‑6
Santa Teresa 75, 88‑119,
101‑2, 108, 116, 72‑3
Santarém 591‑5, 592, 595
Santo Amaro 424‑5, 565
Santo Ângelo 319
Santo Antônio de
Lisboa 294
Santos 254
Santuário Dom Bosco 338
São Cristóvão 471‑2
São Domingo 596
São Félix 422‑4
São Gabriel da Cachoeira
São Gonçalo do Rio das
Pedras 203‑17
São João Batista 319
São João del Rei 187‑90,
198, 188
São Joaquim 311
São Jorge 360
São Lourenço Mártir 319
São Luís 557‑64, 558, 560
São Miguel do Gostoso
São Miguel dos
Milagres 481
São Nicolau 319
São Paulo 16, 219‑55,
222‑3, 224‑5,
230‑1, 16
accommodations 234,
Anhangabaú 226
Avenida Paulista 228‑9,
236‑7, 239‑44, 246‑8,
Baixo Augusta 244‑5,
Barra Funda 248
courses 233
drinking 246‑50
entertainment 250
festivals 233‑6
food 238‑46, 242-3
free attractions 229
Higienópolis 228
history 219‑22
information 252
Jardins 228, 236‑7,
239‑44, 246‑8, 230-1
Liberdade 227‑8
Luz 227
nightlife 16, 246-50
Parque do Ibirapuera
Pinheiros 232‑3, 237‑8,
245, 248‑50
Praça da República 226‑7
Praça da Sé 223‑6
shopping 250‑1
sights 222‑33
tours 233
transportation 253-8
Triângulo 226
Vila Madalena
232‑3, 237‑8, 245,
248‑50, 249
walking tours 229, 235,
São Paulo state 46,
218‑62, 220‑1
accommodations 218
climate 218
food 218
highlights 220‑1, 220‑1
transportation 218, 219
São Sebastião 258‑9
São Thomé das Letras 196
Saquarema 151‑2, 155, 154
scams 708
scenic flights 83, 279
scenic railways 22, 195,
252, 270
scenic routes 148, 477
Science, Chico 489
sculpture 185, 422
Semana Santa 25, 180, 26
Rio de Janeiro state 132‑3
Sergipe 48, 465‑72, 466
accommodations 465
climate 465
highlights 466, 466
travel seasons 465
transportation 467
Serra da Capivara 517
Serra dos Órgãos 146
Serra Gaúcha 321‑30
Serra Geral 311
Serra Verde Express 270
Serro 203‑4
sertão 517
shopping 708
language 720
Sítio Arqueológico São
Miguel Arcanjo 319
Sítio do Conde 430
slavery 402, 664‑5, 669
sloths 607, 625, 694, 624‑5
snakes 391, 630
snorkeling 40‑1, see also
Bahia 428, 447
Fernando de Noronha
505, 507, 510
Mato Grosso 371, 372
Mato Grosso do Sul
391, 393
soccer, see football
Soure 589‑91
spiders 630
sports, see also individual
festivals 513
São Paulo 250
Tiririca 437
Tocantins 601‑5
toilets 709
Torres 330‑1
toucans 259, 276, 626,
697-8, 13, 279, 696
tourist information 709
tours 708
train travel 716, see also
scenic railways
Trancoso 451‑3
Transpantaneira 373, 377,
transportation to/from
Brazil 711‑13
transportation within
Brazil 713‑16
Trapiche 471
Travessa do Comércio 71
Triângulo 226
Triple Frontier, the
634‑40, 635
turtles 209, 256, 429,
505, 638
TV 704
TV Tower 338
typhoid 705
vacations 707
Vale da Lua 359
Vale do Amanhecer 346
Vale do Capão 463
Vale do Matutu 197
Vale do Paciéncia 368‑9
Vale do Patí 464
Vale do Rio Claro 369
Vale do Salgadeira 368
Vale do Vai‑Quem‑Quer 605
Vale dos Vinhedos 326‑7,
Vale Europeu 306‑7, 306‑7
Valença 435
Vassouras 145‑6
Vermelha 256
Vila do Abraão 121,
124‑8, 127
Vila do Trinta 504
Vila Ilhabela 259
Vila Madalena 232‑3, 237‑8,
245, 248‑50, 249
Vila Olímpia 233
Tabatinga 634‑6
Tabuleiro 206
Tamandaré 496
tapirs 625, 624
Taquarussú 604‑5
tarantula 630
taxis 348, 716
Teatro Amazonas 606
Tefé 622, 631‑2
telephone services 20,
Templo da Boa Vontade 346
Teresópolis 146‑8, 147
Terra Indígena
Yanomami 642
Terreiro de Jesus 402
Theatro Municipal 226
time 20, 709
language 720
tipping 707
Tiradentes 16, 190‑5, 198,
191, 16, 198‑9
Ubatuba 255‑8
Ubu 215
Urca 60‑1, 86, 98‑9, 106‑7,
Urubici 311
Vila Rosa 440
Vila Velha 268
visas 20, 277, 643‑4, 710
Visconde de Mauá 138‑40
Vitória 208‑11
volunteering 710
walking, see hiking
walking tours
Rio de Janeiro 81-82, 82
São Paulo 234-5, 235
water 705‑6
water parks 351, 449
waterfalls 278‑9
Amazon, the 593, 599,
605, 617, 620, 644
Bahia 463, 464, 23
Goiás 355, 359
Iguaçu Falls 11, 277‑87,
281, 11, 278‑9
Mato Grosso 370, 372
Mato Grosso do Sul 393
Minas Gerais 185, 197,
200, 204, 206
Paraná 285
Rio de Janeiro state 136,
139, 140‑1, 148
Rio Grande do Sul 328,
329, 330
São Paulo state 259
waterslides 136
weather 25‑7
websites 21
weights 704
whales 456, 695
whale-watching 312
wi‑fi 706
wildlife 623‑30, 693‑9,
691, see also
individual species
wildlife reserves 205, 209,
355, 429, see also zoos
wildlife‑watching 22, 41,
455, 633, 655, see also
individual species, wolf
Amazon, the 586, 605
Bahia 462
Pantanal, the 373
Paraná 280
Rio de Janeiro state 152
windsurfing 42, 550
Ceará 546, 549
Rio Grande do
Norte 530
wineries 323, 326-7, 326‑7
wolf-watching 204,
207, 343
women in Brazil 676
women travelers 710
women’s health 705
World Cup 115, 684
World Heritage sites
Basílica do Bom Jesus
de Matosinhos 185
Brasília 47, 333,
335‑49, 334, 336‑7,
344, 340‑1
Cidade de Goiás
350-3, 352
Diamantina 198,
200‑3, 201
Fernando de Noronha
12, 503‑13, 508‑9, 12,
Iguaçu Falls 11, 277-87,
278-9, 281, 11, 278-9
Olinda 18, 498‑503,
500, 18
Ouro Preto 13, 175‑83,
198, 176‑7, 13, 26,
198, 199
Parque Nacional da
Serra da Capivara 555
Parque Nacional do
Jaú 622
Parque Nacional
do Pantanal
Matogrossense 373
Parque Nacional do
Superagüi 276
Reserva Natural Vale 209
Salvador 12, 399‑422,
400, 404‑5, 414, 5,
7, 12, 31
São Cristóvão 471‑2
São Luís 557‑64, 558,
Serra da Capivara 517
Sítio Arqueológico São
Miguel Arcanjo 319
Xapuri 655‑7
Xingó 467
Yanomami land 621, 642
Yanomami people 642
yellow fever 705
Zika virus 705
zip‑lining 359, 636
Zona Norte 75‑7
zoos 591, 577-8, 606-7, see
also wildlife reserves
I N D E X S –Z
stand‑up paddleboarding,
see paddleboarding
stingrays 597, 628
Sugarloaf 141
surfing 40, 42
Alagoas 478
Amazon, the 578
Bahia 437, 438, 439, 445
Ceará 549
festivals 151, 513
language 42
Paraná 273‑5
Pernambuco 505, 510
Rio de Janeiro 80
Rio de Janeiro state 153
Rio Grande do Sul 331
safety 495
Santa Catarina 296, 299
São Paulo state 254, 256
Suriname 712
swimming, see also
Amazon, the 593, 605,
609, 644
Bahia 460
Goiás 355, 359
Mato Grosso do Sul
391, 393
Minas Gerais 200, 208
Paraná 273‑5
Piauí 555
Rio de Janeiro state 136,
139, 148
Rio Grande do Sul 330
Santa Catarina 298
©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd
Map Legend
Bird Sanctuary
Museum/Gallery/Historic Building
Zoo/Wildlife Sanctuary
Other Sight
Courses & Tours
Sento Hot Baths/Onsen
Other Activity
Drinking & Nightlife
Drinking & Nightlife
Post Office
Tourist Information
Other Information
Picnic Area
Capital (National)
Capital (State/Province)
City/Large Town
Border crossing
Cable car/Funicular
Metro station
Petrol station
Subway/Subte station
Train station/Railway
Underground station
Other Transport
Unsealed road
Road under construction
Pedestrian overpass
Walking Tour
Walking Tour detour
Path/Walking Trail
Marine Park
River, Creek
Intermittent River
Dry/Salt/Intermittent Lake
Cemetery (Christian)
Cemetery (Other)
Sight (Building)
Note: Not all symbols displayed above
appear on the maps in this book
©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd
Anna Kaminski
Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul Anna has been traveling extensively
around Latin America for the last 15 years, ever since she’d begun majoring
in the turbulent history of the continent at university, and in Brazil for over
a decade, drawn by the sheer diversity of the country, the lust for life of its
people and the rodizios at their churrascaria restaurants. Having previously
gone in search of big cats in various parts of the Amazon, she finds that the
Pantanal trumps the lot: on this visit alone she had three jaguar sightings. Anna tweets at @
Kevin Raub
São Paulo State, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasília &
Goiás, Pernambuco, Paraíba & Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Piauí & Maran­
hão Kevin grew up in Atlanta and started his career as a music journalist
in New York, working for Men’s Journal and Rolling Stone magazines. He
ditched the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle for travel writing and moved to Brazil, where
he has now traversed 21 of 26 Brazilian states in pursuit of caipi­rinha bliss.
He was also LP’s man on the ground for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. This is Kevin’s 35th
Lonely Planet guide. Follow him on Twitter (@RaubOnTheRoad).
A beat‑up old car, a few dollars in the pocket and a sense of
adventure. In 1972 that’s all Tony and Maureen Wheeler needed
for the trip of a lifetime – across Europe and Asia overland to
Australia. It took several months, and at the end – broke but
inspired – they sat at their kitchen table writing and stapling
together their first travel guide, Across Asia on the Cheap.
Within a week they’d sold 1500 copies. Lonely Planet was born.
Today, Lonely Planet has offices in Franklin, London,
Melbourne, Oakland, Beijing and Delhi, with more than 600 staff and writers. We share Tony’s belief
that ‘a great guidebook should do three things: inform, educate and amuse’.
Regis St Louis
Rio de Janeiro City Regis first visited Brazil back in 2003, and he fell hard for Rio
de Janeiro: its stunning landscapes, dynamic music scene, and the open and
celebratory spirit of the cariocas. Since then he’s traveled all across the country,
celebrating Carnaval in Bahia, Ouro Preto and Rio, watching wildlife in the Pan­
tanal, hunting for the perfect beach in Santa Catarina and traveling the length
of the Brazilian Amazon. His writing has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, the
Telegraph, on and elsewhere. He is also the coordinating author of Lonely Planet’s Rio
de Janeiro guide and South America on a Shoestring. He splits his time between New Orleans and
the tropics. Regis also wrote the Plan Your Trip, Understand and Survival chapters.
Gary Chandler
The Amazon Gary has traveled and written about Latin America for two decades.
He has contributed to over twenty guidebooks to the region, including El Salva­
dor, Honduras, Mexico, and Guatemala. He first covered the Amazon for Lonely
Planet in 2004—this assignment marks his fifth time back. Gary was raised in a
small California ski town, attended UC Berkeley and Columbia University, and
now lives with his wife and fellow travel writer, Liza Prado, and their two children
in Denver, Colorado.
Gregor Clark
Rio de Janeiro State, Minas Gerais & Espírito Santo Gregor’s love of all things
Brazilian began with his first Portuguese class at age 19. In a quarter century of
Brazilian travel, he’s visited virtually every state from the Amazon to the Uru­
guayan border. Highlights of this research trip include spotting wolves and mon­
keys with his two teenage daughters, climbing Papagaio and Mamanguá peaks,
and writing by firelight on chilly Visconde de Mauá evenings. Gregor contributes
regularly to Lonely Planet’s European and Latin American titles. He lives in Vermont (USA).
Bridget Gleeson
Bahia, Sergipe & Alagoas Based in Buenos Aires, Bridget is a travel writer and
occasional photographer. She’s traveled all over South America for work and for
pleasure, but Bahia is still one of her favorite places on the continent. This was
her third time covering the region for Lonely Planet.
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10th edition – June 2016
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