

b2b edi:evolve
Gateway automation. A single B2B gateway solution that
provides a self-service dashboard and automatic partner
on-boarding requires a smaller workforce to manage.
Where it took six full-time employees to handle several
non-automated gateways, it might take just two people
after consolidation — cutting labor costs by over half.
Responsive support. Combining
multiple existing B2B gateways into a
single solution that provides functional
and technical application support
services automatically can reduce
labor requirements – and costs — by
almost half. Fewer personnel can
maintain a 24/7 service window and
provide rapid problem resolution.
Happier customers. More business.
Greater ROI.
Fewer licenses. You save a lot
by having one gateway that
does the work of many. instead
of paying for three gateways,
three software licenses and
three gateway maintenance
contracts, you can consolidate
down to one product, one
license and one maintenance
plan, further lowering your total
cost of ownership.
Security and uptime. You can
consolidate down to a secure B2B gateway
and keep business running by ensuring
high availability and dependable disaster
recovery. A single B2B gateway that helps
keep your business from stopping in its
tracks due to a fire or data breach will cut
your cost of ownership a lot better than a
bunch of gateways that won’t.
7 ways B2B gateway
lowers your TCO
The road to digital business success goes through
your B2B gateway. But if you’re relying on several
gateways, reaching your destination gets pricey.
How can you drive down costs? Combine them into
a single B2B gateway that uses automation and
cloud technology. Here are 7 ways consolidation
can take your total cost of ownership to new lows.
Less of everything. Consolidation reduces the
number of B2B gateways, so fewer software
licenses, databases and other resources are
needed. Labor savings alone is substantial. If
it takes three full-time employees to oversee
everything before consolidation, the right
B2B gateway may require just one person
afterwards — reducing costs by at least 50%.
Database economies. Obviously,
a B2B gateway solution that
ensures sound database access
and availability is critical. Keep it
that way but consolidate so that,
instead of maintaining two or three
different databases with multiple
instances, just a single database
and one instance per environment
are necessary. This reduces license
and maintenance costs.
Easy on infrastructure. The lower
the number of B2B gateways, the
less taxing the system is on network
connectivity, load balancing, data
capacity and backup, power supply,
cooling systems and other facility
resources. Consolidating three B2B
gateways down to one means that
many fewer product servers, test
servers and dev servers are required,
saving almost 50%.
Now’s the time to lower your total cost of ownership
through B2B gateway consolidation, cloud services and
greater visibility.
Learn more. Read the white paper, “The B2B Gateway: How to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership.”