

January 2014
Nélia Cristina da Costa Mestre
Deep-sea ecotoxicology; laboratory development of high-pressure testing devices for toxicity testing under high pressure;
development of new protocols for toxicity testing methods applied to the deep-sea environment; environmental
threats to fauna of deep-sea mining and deep-sea oil extraction activities; physiological adaptations to extreme
environments (temperature, high-pressure and pollutants) in the different stages of the life cycle of marine
invertebrates; evolutionary ecology; biology and ecology of deep-sea and shallow-water environments; biology and
ecology of hydrothermal vents.
2005–2009 MPhil/PhD in Ocean and Earth Science, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton
(UoS), UK.
2002–2005 Master degree in Marine and Coastal Studies, EMAC V Geosciences – Environmental Management of Coastal
Zones, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente (FCMA), Universidade do Algarve (UAlg), Faro, Portugal.
1997–2001 Degree in Marine Biology and Fishery - Coastal Management, FCMA, UAlg, Faro, Portugal.
Post-doctoral research fellow in the project "Sustainable Use of Marine Resources - MARES" (CENTRO-07ST24-FEDER-002033), co-funded by QREN, Mais Centro - Programa Operacional Regional do Centro and
European Union / European Regional Development Fund.
Post-doctoral research fellow (Post-Doc Individual Fellowships-M3.1.7/F/029/2011, Azores Regional Fund
of Science and Technology) with the project Deep-sea invertebrates’ response to climate change. IMARLARSyS / Department of Oceanography and Fisheries (DOP), University of the Azores, Horta, Portugal.
Post-doctoral research assistant in the project Abyss 2100: The future of deep-sea biodiversity in a world
of climate change. National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Southampton, UK and AMEX UMR CNRS 7138,
‘Systématique Adaptation et Évolution’, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris 6, France.
Development and management of ChEssBase, an online database part of ChEss (Chemosynthetic
Ecosystem Science) which is a field project of the Census of Marine Life programme (CoML). NOC,
Southampton, UK.
Researcher for the project Methane sensor high-pressure testing using IPOCAMP. NOC, Southampton, UK.
Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training Fellow in the project MoMARNet – Monitoring deep seafloor
hydrothermal environments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MRTN-CT-2004-505026). NOC, Southampton, UK.
Invited researcher. Department of Lake Research Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ,
Magdeburg, Germany.
Research fellow in the project LOCOTO: Development of a LOw COst TOol for studies in estuarine
sediments: Application to Paleoclimatology and Paleoenvironment (POCTI/CTA/39733/2001). FCMA, UAlg,
Faro, Portugal.
Research assistant. Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIMA) FCMA, UAlg, Faro, Portugal.
Scientific research training fellow under the “Programa de Estágios do Ensino Superior do PRODEP III”,
financed by Ministério da Educação, Portugal. Département Etudes des Ecosystèmes Profonds (DEEP),
Ifremer, Brest, France.
January 2014
Bathyluck’09 cruise (30-08-2009–30-09-2009) to the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field, Mid-Atlantic
Ridge. R/V PourquoisPas?, manned submersible Nautile, ROV Victor 6000 and AUV AsteriX. Cruise PI: Javier
Escartin (CNRS, IPGP, Paris, France).
ATOS cruise (22-06-2001–22-07-2001) to the Azores Triple Junction, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. R/V L'Atalante and
ROV Victor 6000. VENTOX (EU project – FP5). Cruise PI: Pierre-Marie Sarradin (DEEP, Ifremer, Brest, France).
MARES - Sustainable Use of Marine Resources (CENTRO-07-ST24-FEDER-002033), co-funded by QREN, Mais Centro Programa Operacional Regional do Centro and European Union / European Regional Development Fund.
"Deep-sea invertebrates’ response to climate change" (M3.1.7/F/029/2011) funded by Fundo Regional para a Ciência e
Técnologia, Governo dos Açores.
Abyss 2100: "The future of deep-sea biodiversity in a world of climate change". funded by Fondation Total, France.
ChEss (Chemosynthetic Ecosystem Science) part of CoML (Census of Marine Life programme).
"Methane sensor high-pressure testing using IPOCAMP" funded by NERC Strategic Research Division, National
Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom.
DEEPSETS (Deep-sea & Extreme Environments, Patterns of Species and Ecosystem Time Series) part of MarBEF (Marine
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning) EU Network of Excellence (GOCE-CT-2003-505446).
MoMARNet (Monitoring deep seafloor hydrothermal environments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) EU Marie Curie Research
Training Network (MRTN-CT-2004-505026)
LOCOTO (Development of a Low Cost Tool for studies in estuarine sediments: Application to paleoclimatology and
paleoenvironment - POCTI/CTA/39733/2001) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
VENTOX (Study the toxic environment of hydrothermal vents on the biology of endemic species - EVK3-CT-1999-00003)
funded by EU-FP5.
Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects (2009), Marine Sciences and Technologies
domain. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.
Deep-Sea Research Part I
Grant for students presenting papers at the Fourth International Conference in Africa for
Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry - Mara 2008, Kenya.
Grant from the Postgraduate International Conference Attendance Fund, University of
Southampton, for the participation in Mara 2008, Kenya.
ECSA grant for students presenting papers at the conference ECSA 37 – ERF, Balina,
Grant from the FCT (FACC) for postgraduate students presenting papers in international
meetings. Conference ECSA 37 – ERF, Balina, Australia.
Award to students presenting papers in the II MoMAR Workshop, DOP, Universidade dos
Açores, Portugal.
January 2014
Native language:
Other languages:
Very good
Very Good
Guest lecturer, Reproduction in Marine Invertebrates. UoS, Southampton, UK.
2008 and 2009
Teaching assistant (60 hours), Reproduction in Marine Invertebrates. UoS, Southampton, UK.
Peer-reviewed publications (SCI):
Mestre, N.C., Calado, R., Soares, A.M.V.M. (2014) Exploitation of deep-sea resources: the urgent need to understand the
role of high pressure in the toxicity of chemical pollutants to deep-sea organisms. Environmental Pollution. 185, 369371. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2013.10.021)
Mestre, N. C., Brown, A., Thatje, S. (2013) Temperature and pressure tolerance of larvae of Crepidula fornicata suggest
thermal limitation of bathymetric range. Marine Biology. 160, 4, 743-750. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-0122128-x)
Smith F., Brown A., Mestre N.C., Reed A., Thatje S. (2013) Thermal adaptations in deep‐sea hydrothermal vent and
shallow‐water shrimp. Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography. 92, 234–239.
Cottin, D., Brown, A., Oliphant, A., Mestre, N.C., Ravaux, J., Shillito, B., Thatje, S. (2012) Sustained hydrostatic pressure
tolerance of the shallow water shrimp Palaemonetes varians at different temperatures: Insights into the colonisation of
the deep sea. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology ‐ Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 162, 4, 357‐363.
Glover, A.G., Gooday, A.J., Bailey, D.M., Billett, D.S.M., Chevaldonné, P., Colaço, A., Copley, J., Cuvelier, D., Desbruyères,
D., Kalogeropoulou, V., Klages, M., Lampadariou, N., Lejeusne, C., Mestre, N.C. , Paterson, G.L.J., Perez, T., Ruhl, H.,
Sarrazin, J., Soltwedel, T., Soto, E.H., Thatje, S., Tselepides, A., Van Gaever, S., Vanreusel, A. (2010) Temporal change in
deep‐sea benthic ecosystems: A review of the evidence from recent time‐series studies. Advances in Marine Biology.
58, 1‐95. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-381015-1.00001-0)
Thatje, S., Mestre, N.C. (2010) Energetic changes throughout lecithotrophic larval development in the deep‐sea lithodid
crab Paralomis spinosissima from the Southern Ocean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 386, 1-2,
119‐124.( http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2010.02.015)
Mestre, N.C., Thatje, S., Tyler, P.A. (2009) The Ocean is not deep enough: pressure tolerances during early ontogeny of
the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences. 276, 1657,
717‐726. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2008.1376)
Veiga-Pires, C., Mestre, N.C. (2009) Is it possible to use “twin cores” as a unique sedimentary record? An experimental
design based on sediment color. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 5, 012011.
Book chapter:
Veiga-Pires, C., N.C. Mestre, D. Moura, and T. Boski. 2005. Primeiros resultados obtidos através da utilização de
espectrofotometria em perfis de sedimentos estuarinos: o caso do estuário do Alvor (Portugal). In: Reyes, L.F. and D.
January 2014
Moura (Eds.) Humedales de Iberoamérica, Experiencias de Estúdio y Gestión. CYTED XVII. La Habana, Cuba. pp. 27-36.
(ISBN: 978-959-270-061-1)
Other publications:
Mestre, N.C. 2010. Life in extreme environments. Mediterranean SOS, Athens.
Escartín, J., M. Cannat, and the Bathyluck'09 scientific party. 2009. Bathyluck'09 Cruise (Lucky Strike) Horta-Horta
(Portugal), August 31st - September 29th 2009. NO PourQuoi Pas?, ROV Victor 6000, AUV AsterX. CNRS - Institut de
Physique du Globe de Paris, France, 710 pp.
Sarradin, P.M., D. Desbruyères, D. Dixon, A.J. Almeida, P. Briand, J.C. Caprais, A. Colaço, R. Company, R. Cosson, V. Cueff,
P. Dando, J. Etoubleau, M.C. Fabri, A. Fiala Medioni, F. Gaill, A. Godfroy, J. Gwynn, S. Hourdez, D. Jollivet, A.
Khripounoff, F. Lallier, M. Laulier, N. Le Bris, I. Martins, N.C. Mestre, A. Pruski, P. Rodier, R. Serrão Santos, B. Shillito, F.
Zal, and M. Zbinden. 2001. ATOS cruise, R/V L'Atalante, ROV Victor, June 22nd - July 21st 2001. InterRidge News.
Sarradin, P.M. et les participants à la campagne. 2001. Campagne ATOS (N.O. L'Atalante et Victor 6000, 22 juin-21 juillet).
La lettre Dorsales. 8(12):14-16.
Theses / academic reports:
Mestre, N.C. 2008. Reproductive patterns linking deep-sea and shallow-water invertebrate phylogenies. PhD thesis.
Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics - School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, UK.
154 pages.
Mestre, N.C. 2007. Marine invertebrates under pressure: reproductive patterns and evolutionary perspectives. Graduate
School of NOCS MPhil/PhD Transfer Report, University of Southampton. 49 pages.
Mestre, N.C. 2005. Aplicação da espectrofotometria ao estudo de perfis sedimentares em ambientes estuarinos. MSci
thesis to obtain a Master Degree in Marine and Coastal Science – Coastal Management, University of Algarve. 70 pages.
Mestre, N.C. 2001. Distribution and temporal evolution of macrofauna in an active hydrothermal edifice – Eiffel Tower, in
the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field, in the mid-atlantic ridge. Stage report to obtain the degree in Marine Biology
and Fishery (Licenciatura = BSc). University of Algarve. 52 pages (Written in English, with abstract in Portuguese).
Conference proceedings:
Veiga-Pires, C., N.C. Mestre, D. Moura, H. Martins, and T. Boski. 2005. An attempt to use CIE Lab digital colour to study
sediment profiles from the Alvor estuary, South Portugal; Actas XIV Semana de Geoquímica – VIII Congresso de
geoquímica dos países de língua portuguesa; Vol. 2; 757-760 p.; Aveiro; 2005.
Mestre, N.C., C. Veiga-Pires, and D. Desbruyères. 2002. Distribution and temporal evolution of macrofauna in an
hydrothermal edifice – Eiffel Tower, in the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field, in the mid-atlantic ridge. (p.56) In: R.S.
Santos, J. Escartín, A. Colaço, and A. Adamczewska (Eds.). Towards planning of seafloor observatory programs for the
MAR region (Proceedings of the II MoMAR Workshop). Arquipélago. Life and Marine Sciences. Supplement 3: XII + 64
Invited talks:
Mestre, N.C. Pressure and Temperature tolerances in marine invertebrates. CICLO de PALESTRAS
Quintas do Mar. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 10 November 2011, Lisboa, Portugal.
Mestre, N.C. Pressure and Temperature tolerances in marine invertebrates. Seminário MEIO (Mestrado em Estudos
Integrados dos Oceanos). Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas, Universidade dos Açores, 26 October 2012, Horta,
Scientific meetings:
Hilário, A. Metaxas, A. Colaço, S. Gollner, L. Levin, A. Mercier, N.C. Mestre, and P. Ribeiro. 2012. How far do larvae go?
Dispersal and MPA design in the deep sea (Plenary presentation) 13th Deep-sea Biology Symposium, 3-7 December,
Wellington, New Zealand.
Mestre, N.C., S. Thatje, and P.A. Tyler. 2010. The Ocean is not deep enough: pressure tolerances during early ontogeny of
the blue mussel Mytilus edulis (Oral presentation). 12th Deep-sea Biology Symposium, 7-11 June, Reykjavík, Iceland.
January 2014
Smith, K., N.C. Mestre and T. Thatje. 2010. High-pressure tolerance in larvae of the ditch shrimp Palaemonetes varians
(poster). 12th Deep-sea Biology Symposium, 7-11 June, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Escartín, J., R. García, R. Prados, R. Campos, T. Barreyre and Bathyluck’09 Science Party. 2010. Image seafloor mosaics:
Acquisition, processing, and role on deep-sea observatory planning and implementation, Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-A-10544.
Barreyre, T., J. Escartín, M. Cannat, R. García, MoMAR’08 and Bathyluck’09 Science Party. 2010. Image seafloor mosaics:,
Acquisition, processing, and role on deep-sea observatory planning and implementation, Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-A-8487.
Thatje, S., O. Heilmayer, B. Shillito, C. Osseforth, and N.C. Mestre. 2008. A new approach to study the effects of CO2 in
deep-sea organisms (Poster). 2nd International symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, 6-8 October, Monaco,
Thatje, S., B. Shillito, O. Heilmayer, C. Hauton, C. Osseforth, N.C. Mestre, D. Billett, and P. Tyler. 2008. Discovering the
unknown: experimental laboratory studies in deep-sea organisms (Poster). 2nd Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2
World, 6-8 October, Monaco, France.
Thatje, S., O. Heilmayer, C. Osseforth and N.C. Mestre. 2008. Depth-related metabolism and heart-beat rate of Maja
brachydactyla (Decapoda: Majidae) (Poster). Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, 19-22 September 2008,
Jena, Germany.
Mestre, N.C., S. Thatje, and P.A. Tyler. 2008. The Ocean is not deep enough: pressure tolerances during early ontogeny of
the blue mussel Mytilus edulis (Oral presentation). Mara 2008, Fourth International Conference in Africa for
Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry. 19-25 July 2008, Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya.
Thatje, S., B. Shillito, O. Heilmayer, C. Hauton, C. Osseforth, N.C. Mestre, D. Billett and P.A. Tyler. 2008. Discovering the
unknown: Experimental laboratory studies in deep-sea organisms (Poster). Mara 2008, Fourth International Conference
in Africa for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. 19-25 July 2008, Maasai Mara, Kenya.
Mestre, N.C., S. Thatje, and P.A. Tyler. 2008. The Ocean is not deep enough: pressure tolerances during early ontogeny of
the blue mussel Mytilus edulis (Oral presentation). 8th Larval Biology Symposium. 6-11 July 2008, IPIMAR, Lisbon,
Mestre, N.C. 2007. Marine invertebrates under pressure: Evolutionary perspectives (Oral presentation). MoMARnet 4th
annual meeting. 29-30 November 2007, IGIDL, Lisbon, Portugal.
Mestre, N.C. 2006. Pressure tolerance in early life history stages of marine invertebrates: shallow-water and deep-sea
chemosynthetic environments (Oral presentation). MoMARnet 3rd annual meeting. 20-21 November 2006, NOC,
Southampton, UK.
Copley, J.T. and N.C. Mestre. 2006. Reproductive patterns of crustaceans in chemosynthetic environments beneath
contrasting regimes of surface productivity: a test of Crisp's Rule (Poster). 11th International Deep-Sea Biology
Symposium. 9-14 July 2006, NOC, Southampton, UK.
Mestre, N.C. 2005. Reproduction at MoMARnet hydrothermal vents (Poster). MoMARnet 2nd Annual Meeting. 21-22
November 2005, Brussels, Belgium.
Veiga-Pires, C., N.C. Mestre, D. Moura, and T. Boski. 2005. Working with spectrophotometry on sedimentary cores from
estuaries of South Portugal (Oral presentation). A joint INQUA-IGCP 495 Meeting. 28 June-2 July 2005, Dunkerque,
Participation in the III MOMAR Workshop, Long-Term Monitoring of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. 7-9 April 2005, IGIDL, Lisbon,
Mestre, N.C. and C. Veiga-Pires. 2004. Correlation of estuarine sedimentary cores based on color analysis: an example
from the Algarve region, Portugal (Poster). 32nd International Geological Congress. 20-28 August 2004, Florence, Italy.
Veiga-Pires, C., N.C. Mestre, D. Moura, J. Luis, and T. Boski. 2004. Algarve: a study case for global vs regional climatic
changes in mid latitude estuaries during the Holocene (Poster). 32nd International Geological Congress. 20-28 August
2004, Florence, Italy.
Mestre, N.C. and C. Veiga-Pires. 2004. Characterizing environmental changes through digital color and geochemical data
from estuarine sedimentary cores: a case study from the Algarve region, Portugal (Oral presentation). ECSA37-ERF2004
Conference “Estuaries and Change”. 20 - 25 June 2004, Ballina, Australia.
January 2014
Mestre, N.C. and C. Veiga-Pires. 2004. Estudo da biogeoquímica dos sedimentos estuarinos através da cor: Resultados
preliminares (Oral presentation). II Reunião Científica da Rede CYTED – XVII sobre Zonas Húmidas / 3º SIPRES. 25-28
May 2004, Faro / Castro-Marim, Portugal.
Mestre, N.C. and C. Veiga-Pires. 2004. An attempt to use color as a tool for high resolution correlations between
estuarine sedimentary cores from Algarve, Portugal (Poster). EGU – European Geosciences Union - 1st General
Assembly. 25-30 April 2004, Nice, France.
Veiga-Pires, C., N.C. Mestre, D. Moura, J. Luis, and T. Boski. 2004. An attempt to develop spectrophotometry as a proxy
for sedimentary studies in estuarine environments (Oral presentation). EGU – European Geosciences Union -1st
General Assembly. 25-30 April 2004, Nice, France.
Mestre, N.C. and C. Veiga-Pires. 2004. Regional sea level change study based on estuarine sediment color &
biogeochemistry: Preliminary results (Poster). Seminar IGBP 2004 “Global Change and Sustainability”. 15-17 April 2004,
Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal.
Mestre, N.C., C. Veiga-Pires, and D. Desbruyères. 2002. Distribution and Temporal Evolution of Macrofauna in an Active
hydrothermal edifice – Eiffel Tower, in the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vent Field, in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Poster). II
MoMAR Workshop, 15-17 June 2002, DOP-Horta, Azores, Portugal.
Mestre, N.C., C. Veiga-Pires, and D. Desbruyères. 2002. Distribution and Temporal Evolution of Macrofauna in an Active
hydrothermal edifice – Eiffel Tower, in the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vent Field, in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Poster). XII
Seminário Ibérico de Química Marinha. 2-4 April 2002, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
Member of INDEEP - International network for scientific investigation of deep-sea ecosystems http://www.indeepproject.org/, since January 2011.
Member of the organizing team of the annual meeting LUSO2010 - 4th meeting of Portuguese Students and Researchers
in the United Kingdom, 19 June 2010 in Southampton, UK.
Member of Parsuk (Portuguese Students and Researchers in the United Kingdom) http://www.parsuk.pt/ since 2007.
Member of Interridge http://www.interridge.org/ since 2001.
Training and other aptitudes:
Skipper licence (Carta de patrão local) since October 2011.
Voluntary field work to build nests for the Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea borealis) in Berlengas, project FAME –
Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment, promoted by SPEA, August 2011.
Member of the organizing team of the annual conference “LUSO2010 - 4th meeting of Portuguese Students and
Researchers in the United Kingdom”, Southampton, UK, 19th June 2010.
Long-Range Exploration of the Ridge Crest, An international workshop - InterRidge’s Long-range Exploration Working
Group Workshop, NOC, Southampton, UK, 28-30 June 2010.
Advanced course on Toxicoproteomics, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, 8-12 September 2008.
Translation to Portuguese of the ChEss Program internet site, 2008. (http://www.noc.soton.ac.uk/chess/index_pt.php)
Science communication and media skills for researchers training course, SciConnect, University of Southampton, UK,
Assertiveness and conflict management training course, University of Southampton, UK, 2007.
Elementary first aid certificate + Sea survival certificate (Personal survival techniques + safety and social responsibility),
NOC, Southampton, UK, 2007.
Short course The hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus, DOP, Horta, Portugal, 30 October-1 November 2006.
Short course Geochemical requirements for the origin of life, Stockholm, Sweden, 27-28 April 2006.
Annual Radiation protection course, for Isotope users, University of Southampton, UK, 9-16 November 2006.
January 2014
Short course Hydrothermal environments at mid-ocean ridges: biodiversity and geological / geophysical context, , IPGP,
UPMC, Paris, France, 4-6 October 2005.
Postgraduate Course In Transmission Electron Microscopy, , Biomedical Imaging Unit, Southampton University Hospitals
NHS Trust, UK, 18-22 April 2005.
Health and Safety training course, University of Southampton, UK, 2005.
Statistics course Analysing Biological and Environmental Field Data, July, Highland Statistics Ltd., hosted by the
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, 2003.
Quality of fishery resources course, December, action 3/2002 (POEFDS), promoted by Câmara Municipal de Tavira and
instructed by Bioestratégia, Portugal, 2002.
First level scuba diving course, Club de plongée de l’IFREMER, Brest, France. Certification by the “Fédération Française
d’études et de Sports Sous-Marins, École Française de Plongée” CMAS, 2001.
Scientific Illustration course, instructed by Dr. Pedro Salgado, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, 1998.
Driver licence (B) since February 1998.
Computer specific knowledge: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher), database management (Endnote,
MSAccess), web applications (Aptana Studio), image analysis and SIG (Adelie & AdelieSIG, ArcGIS, ArcView, SigmaScan,
Adobe Photoshop), statistics (Brodgar, STATISTICA, SigmaStat, SigmaPlot, Origin), other scientific software (BestKeeper,
BioEdit, Q-Gene, e-primer3, Colorshop, etc.).