Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst Bone Graft: adbone


Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst Bone Graft: adbone
Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst
Bone Gra5: adbone®TCP 0,5 – 1mm Pacient: Female, 76 years Dr. Luis Loureiro Lisbon -­‐ Portugal Outcome: An odontogenic inflammatory cyst on a 76 year old female pa6ent was extracted. The reconstruc6on of the area was performed with 1 g of adbone®TCP, 0.5 – 1 mm granules with the aim of leveling the osseous crest of the upper jaw for a be@er fiBng of the immediate loading prosthesis. Monthly follow-­‐ups were performed to monitor the rate of osteointegra6on and consequently the reduc6on of the cyst. Radiographic evidence is presented prior to surgery, aHer surgery and with a 5 and 7 month follow-­‐up. Prior to Surgery Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst Prior to Surgery X-­‐Ray Dr. Luis Loureiro -­‐ Portugal Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst Cleaning of the Cyst Dr. Luis Loureiro -­‐ Portugal Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst Filling of the Bone Cyst with adbone®TCP Dr. Luis Loureiro -­‐ Portugal Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst Filling of the Bone Cyst with adbone®TCP Dr. Luis Loureiro -­‐ Portugal Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst Suturing Dr. Luis Loureiro -­‐ Portugal Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst A5er Surgery X-­‐Ray Dr. Luis Loureiro -­‐ Portugal Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst 5 months Follow-­‐up X-­‐Ray Dr. Luis Loureiro -­‐ Portugal Odontogenic Inflammatory Cyst 7 months Follow-­‐up X-­‐Ray Dr. Luis Loureiro -­‐ Portugal