Sources Case Studies _CS_ and Factsheets _FS_ DSC


Sources Case Studies _CS_ and Factsheets _FS_ DSC
Sources Case Studies (CS) and Factsheets (FS):
CS 1:
- USDA oilseeds: worlds markets and trade, september 2008
- Paraguay Sojero: soy expansion and its violent attack on local and indigenous communities in
Paraguay, Grupo de Reflexión (GRR), 2006,
- Paulau, T. 2004. Avance del Monocultivo de Soja transgenica en el Paraguay.
- Informe Sombra al Pacto de los Derechos Civiles y Políticos, CODEHUPY, 2006, ,
- La Reforma Agraria en Paraguay, FIAN and la Via Campesina, 2006,
- Los refugiados del modelo agroexportador, Tomas Palau a.o., BASE-IS
([email protected]), 2007. An English summary of 'Refugees of the Agro-export model'
can be found at
- Williams GM, Kroes R, Munro IC. (2000) Safety evaluation and risk assessment of the
herbicide Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, for humans. Regulatory Toxicology
and Pharmacology, 31 (2): 117-165.
- Sobrevivencia -
CS 2:
- The impacts of soybean cultivation system on Brazilian ecosystems, Ulrike Bickel and Jan
Maarten Dros commissioned by the WWF Forest Conversion Initiative, 2003.
- From Rainforest to Chickenbreast; A research report for the Dutch Soy Coalition
commissioned by Friends of the Earth Netherlands and Cordaid, Profundo and
AIDEnvironment, 2006.
- Glaser (2002) in: Eating up the Amazon, Greenpeace International, 2006.
- Levantamento Exploratório sobre a Expansão da soja no Estado do Pará, Caritas Brasileira
Norte 2, August 2005.
- Conflitos no Campo, Commissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), 2003-2008.
- Understanding the soy moratorium: responsible production, Abiove, 2007.
- Personal communication with Robert Horster (Cargill).
CS 3:
- Data: Conflitos de Direitos sobre as Terras Guarani Kaiowá no Estado do Mato Grosso do
Sul, 2001, CIMI-MS, Comissão Pró Índio-SP, Procuradoria Regional da República da 3a
Região, São Paulo: palas Athena.
- Map: (Raphael Lorenzeto de Abre).
FS 1:
- Dros, J.M. (2004). Managing the soy boom, two scenarios of soy production expansion in
South America, commissioned by WWF.
- Wikipedia page on the Cerrado (
Casson, A. (2003). Oil Palm, Soybeans and Critical Habitat Loss, a review prepared for the
WWF Forest Conversion Initiative.
ISA (2007). Map of Brazilian Amazon 2007, special edition, ARPA program, Ministry of the
IBGE, Censo Agropecuário, Brasília, 1975 and 1995/96.
IBGE/SIDRA; banco de dados:
Personal communication with ISPN, June & July 2007
FS 2:
- ILO-Report “I Jornada sobre trabalho escravo”. Brasília, nov. 2002.
- A cadeia produtiva do trabalho escravo no Brasil, Special envoy for human rights of the
President of Brazil & Reporter Brasil, Brasília, 2005.
- Commisão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), Conflitos no Campo 2002 – 2007.
- CPT web site; Reporter Brasil (2007).
- The Impacts of Soybean Cultivation on Brazilian Ecosystems - Three Case Studies
commissioned by the WWF Forest Conversion Initiative, Ulricke Bickel and Jan Maarten
Dros, Amsterdam, October 2003.
- Instituições Signatárias - Pacto nacional pela erradicação do trabalho escravo. Lançamento 19
de maio de 2005 – Atualização 25/05/2007.
- ABIOVE (2007). Responsible Production of Soy, Agribusiness in Brazil. Presentation during
Seminar on two years of the National Pact for Eradication of Slave Labour. Instituto Ethos São Paulo - May 17, 2007.
- LISTA SUJA on website Repórter Brazil.
- Pacto Nacional pela Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo no Brasil, website Repórter Brazil.
- Reporter Brasil (2007). Factsheet – Slave Labor in Brazilian Soy.
- Personal communication with Reporter Brasil, November 2007.
FS 3:
- Commisão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), Conflitos no Campo 2002 – 2007.
- Kessler, J.J., J.M. Dros & I. de Bruin (2007). Analysis of social – economic impacts of trade
of selected global commodi-ties, part II: Background Report 1. Soy commodity in Brazil and
Argentina. Research report commissioned by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment
agency (MNP) – Bilthoven, the Netherlands. March 2007, AIDEnvironment.
- IBGE (
- ABC Politico, February 2005: & Information
provided by CEBRAC, November 2007.
- Rulli, J., S. Semino & L. Joensen (2006). Paraguay Sojero, soy expansion and its violent
attack on local and indienous communities in Paraguay, repression and resistance. Grupo de
Reflexción Rural (GRR), Argentina, March 2006.
- Information provided by CEBRAC, November 2007.