FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000 1 ? Busi ness Forum with Pre mier


FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000 1 ? Busi ness Forum with Pre mier
Business Forum with Premier Mike Harris
while jobs and in vest ments have grown.
Building on these strengths, Mr. Harris
de liv ered his mes sage on how he en vi sions
On tario in the fu ture. Mike Har ris’ mes sage
is sim ple, CUT TAXES! Not only did he
pledge to con tinue their pro gram of tax reduc tion to stim u late the econ omy, Mr. Harris urged the Fed eral Gov ern ment to re duce
On tario Pre mier Mike Harris
On Feb ru ary 8, the FPCBP to gether with
the CIBPA and the Indo-Canada Cham ber
of Com merce had the plea sure of host ing a
lunch for the Hon our able Mike Har ris, Premier for the Prov ince of On tario. The event
was held at the To ronto Marriott Eaton Hotel and brought to gether 3 in flu en tial communities in the GTA. Our very own
Charles Sousa gave a spir ited and hu morous in tro duc tion. His ad dress was so well
re ceived that it has been sought af ter by the
Pre mier’s of fice for fu ture use.
Mike Harris became the twenty-second
Pre mier of On tario fol low ing two con sec utive landslide election victories. His com mon sense revolution struck a cord with
peo ple across the prov ince who were tired
of big gov ern ment, waste ful spend ing and
rising unemployment. During his term in
of fice Mike Har ris and his team at Queen’s
Park have ef fec tively cut taxes, re duced red
tape and eliminated barriers to growth.
Dur ing this time, the econ omy has grown
and prospered, un employment has fallen
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
taxes fur ther in up com ing bud gets.
Mr. Har ris voiced con cern that too many
Ontarians are not yet shar ing in the Province’s pros per ity and that only with con sider able Fed eral Gov ern ment tax cuts can every one ben e fit. He sug gests a flat 20% tax
(con tin ued on page 2)
President’s Message
I am pleased to an nounce the for ma tion
of your new Board of Di rec tors as was appointed by the gen eral as sem bly on Febru ary 24, 2000. This year not only marks
the dawn of the new millennium it also
cel e brates the dawn of FPCBP’s 20th anni ver sary. In deed the as so ci a tion has accom plished much in its first 19 years and
the expectations are high for us to con tinue do ing more. We ac cept this chal lenge and ap pre ci ate your sup port to foster our mis sion of build ing aware ness and
promoting our visibility in the business
and pro fes sional com mu nity.
One of our association’s greatest ac complishments is its devotion to ac ademic ex cel lence. We are proud to fos ter
one of the lon gest and larg est bur sary programs in the com mu nity. We con grat ulate the found ing mem bers for hav ing estab lished this pro gram and all sub se quent
boards for main tain ing and build ing upon
its mer its. These ini tia tives as sists our future gen er a tions to ex cel, and, in keep ing
with this spirit, that en cour ages con tin uing ed u ca tion, we are please to an nounce
a re vi sion to the schol ar ship pro gram that
of fers more op por tu nity to a wider se lection of stu dents, es pe cially those in their
last year of high school.
Plans this year also in clude a di rec tory,
which has al ready been de vel oped in draft
form. And, to com ple ment that, we have
now es tab lished a new web site un der our
A. Charles Sousa, FPCBP Pres i dent
own do main to en hance avail abil ity and
provide you with more access to
FPCBP’s fa cil i ties.
We continue to commit to providing
you with a wide variety of business fo rums, from meet ings with the Pre mier to
in for ma tive dis cus sions with ex pert econo mists and busi ness lead ers both in Canada and abroad. This is on top of our annual golf tour na ment set for June 27 and
the annual Gala Awards Dinner sched uled for No vem ber 11th. We are count ing
(con tin ued on page 2)
(con tin ued from page 1)
on your con tin ued spon sor ship for these
two worthy events that ultimately en able rec og ni tion of ac a demic ex cel lence
and busi ness achieve ments. Our goal is
to also en hance our paid mem ber ship in
or der to in vest more in the de liv ery and
daily ad min is tra tion of these pro grams.
We en courage your suggestions and
ap pre ci ate your in put. FPCBP is commit ted to the com mu nity as our mis sion
is to pro mote busi ness ac tiv ity and develop net work ing op por tu ni ties that facil i tate and en hances our po lit i cal vis ibil ity and ad vo cate where pos si ble the
prominence of our community mem bers. To in crease our vis i bil ity re quires
us to entice many more decedents of
Portuguese her i tage who work and reside out side of the com mu nity. It is our
hope, there fore, to en cour age more partic i pa tion and fos ter equal ity among all
mem bers. As such we are proud to announce the for ma tion of a new com mittee, our Women’s Council, so that we
may en sure that all fac ets of our mis sion
are met.
We seek to embellish our group
through a variety of events including
more involvement with other as so ci ations namely ACAPO.
We are also
proud to part ner with Luso Golf an or ga ni za tion that has suc ceeded in rais ing
substantial funds to enhance youth &
FPCBP is honoured by
their plan to donate all proceeds from
their tour na ments to FPCBP’s Schol arship Trust Fund. And we hope to continue build ing upon re la tions with other
Portuguese Business associations in
other parts of the country including a
more prominent role in the European
Un ion Cham ber of Com merce.
In clos ing, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who, as
volunteers, sac ri fice your time and devote your en er gies to the bet ter ment of
our com mu nity. Thank you!
(con tin ued from page 1)
rate across the board. This he says will
stim u late fur ther the Ca na dian and On tario
econ omy. As a per cent age of GDP, Mike
Harris cites that which many already feel
and it is miss ing from their wal lets – bot tom
line he says Ca na di ans pay higher per sonal
in come taxes than any other G-7 na tion.
The Pre mier’s speech was fol lowed by a
short ceremony wherein Premier Harris
was pre sented with a plaque to re mind him
of the valu able con tri bu tions made by our
com mu nity. He fielded ques tions at a press
conference immediately following lunch.
The pre mier was el o quent in his ap pre ci ation of Por tu guese Ca na di ans and thanked
all organizations for co-ordinating this
cross cul tural lun cheon event. FPCBP also
thanks the members of CIPBA and
IndoCanada for their col lab o ra tion. We appre ci ated meet ing with many var ied group
Charles Sousa in tro duces the Premier
mem bers and thank them for mak ing this a
suc cess ful net work ing op por tu nity that was
en joyed by all.
Luis Sal va dor
A CIRV Radio e a Comunidade
em prol de Moçambique
Campanha Radiofónica – Eco de Solidariedade
Foram 10 horas consecutivas de apelo
radiofónico, Domingo, a 5 de Março pas sado, mobilizando imensos recursos e
vontades, invadindo o descanso merecido
das famílias que não hesitaram em prestar o
seu contributo imediato ao povo
moçambicano, vítima das cheias recentes
que fizeram transbordar o Rio Limpopo,
destruindo tudo à sua passagem, matando e
dispersando a população que foi
atrozmente votada ao desabrigo e à miséria.
Acometidos por todo o tipo de tragédias,
nos últimos anos, que minariam qualquer
tipo de esperança e alento, os
moçambicanos estavam, contudo, a
soerguer-se e a organizar-se para um fu turo
melhor quando, implacavelmente, foram
arrasados pelas cheias que, sem o auxílio
internacional imediato, os conduzirão
irremediavel e inevitavelmente à ruína
completa, desvastados pela fome, carência
de água potável e condições sanitárias e
martirizaram demais este povo.
Aparentemente, neste momento, ter-se-à
significativo, de quase 200,000.00 dólares
canadianos, depositados no TD Bank, da
Dundas e Ossington (Mo zam bique Floods
Relief Fund) ou em qualquer dependência
do CIBC, conta #010-00302-20-13533.
Gostaria de salientar, contudo, que muitas
destas contribuições feitas, via VISA, têm
incompatibilidades na sua identificação.
Queria acrescentar, também, que, para além
do imenso esforço, tempo e energia já
dispendidos por todos quantos se
envolveram nesta campanha há que
adicionar a paciência acrescida (e
perdoem-me por não citar o nome dos
demais envolvidos, pois uma página não
chegaria) da Carmen e Cláudia da CIRV
que, depois de um dia inteirinho de intenso
trabalho tem que contactar, pela noite fora,
estas centenas de participantes devolvidos,
afim de confirmar da dos e intenções.
envolvida na campanha radiofónica,
colaborando na cobrança de pagamentos
VISA e através de muitos dos seus
membros que prontamente acorreram à
chamada, apoiando na recolha de da dos
pelo telefone, e mais uma vez, felicita o Sr.
Alvarez e toda a sua equipa pela iniciativa
que irá, seguramente, marcar a diferença.
Palmira Almeida
FPCBP Newsletter - January 2000
Ajuda humanitária a Moçambique
Um grupo de amigos de Moçambique directamente, numa conta aberta no Banco
realizou no dia 11 de Março um jantar, no Pinto Sotto Mayor, em Toronto, com o
Europa Catering Hall para angariação de nome de “Acácia Rubra” e o número de
fundos para as vítimas das cheias em conta 1232719. Neste momento o to tal
líquido da receita a ser enviado, via
Contou com a participação generosa da AMREF Can ada (Af ri can Med i cal and Reartista Rebeca Bagarrão e sua equipa e a search Foundation), já atingiu os CAN
música esteve a cargo de Sound’s Good $12,500
O programa da noite foi apresentado por patrocinaram este apoio, nomeadamente,
Clara Abreu e
conduziram o
leilão silencioso,
depois de um
agradável jantar.
Deste programa,
presença de João
poesia “Negra”
de Noémia de
Sousa e o poema
“Ao Meu Belo
Frank Alvarez, CIRV FM, Seanna Massey, AMREF Ex ec u tive Di rec tor, Eliz a beth Dove,
AMREF As sis tant Di rec tor, Luis Branco
também apresentou, com alma genuína, o CIRV Radio, Jorge Antoniotti (Empire
poema de sua autoria “Quase Um Grito de Life), Unique Travel Agency, Jornal Sta dium, Bento’s Auto & Ser vice Cen tre, Luís
Todos os fundos angariados foram Branco & As so ci ates, To tal Traf fic Ticket
John Carvalho (Remax),
enviados para AMREF Canada (African Defence,
com mu ni ca tions, JF GraphMedical and Research Foundation) uma
ics, Blue Pages Por tuorganização não governamental que
Foods, Sec ond Cup
trabalha há mais de 40 anos no Sul de
África e está neste momento a prestar (Streetsville), Geor gette Nunes, North At assistência médica às populações afectadas lan tic Fish eries, Joe da Costa (Ad di son on
Bay), Jorge Campos, Sol Português, José
pelas cheias.
Fizeram parte da comissão organizadora Lobo Fernandes, CFMT Television,
Luís Branco & Filho (Luís Branco & As so- Manatta Jewel lery, Luís Paiva de Carvalho,
ciates), Alexandre Franco e Clara Abreu Telecom Por tu gal, Edu ar do Mar tins, Royal
(CFMT), Jorge Campos (Mondetta) e Airlines, Ecco La Restaurant, Portuguese
Trade and Tourism Commission, Louro
Palmira Almeida (FPCBP).
Donativos em dinheiro foram feitos, Jew el lers e Labatt.
The Ontario Trillium
The On tario Trillum Foun da tion provides grants to char i ta ble and non-profit
organizations for initiatives in Arts &
Cul ture, En vi ron ment, Hu man & So cial
Services and Sports & Recreation.
Trillium is an agency of the Min is try of
Cit i zen ship, Cul ture and Rec re ation and
re ceives $100 mil lion an nu ally from the
Gov ern ment of On tario.
For more in for ma tion, call Trillium at
[email protected]
Sub mitted by:
Joe Pimentel, Di rec tor
FPCBP Mission
To pro mote busi ness ac tiv ity, fos ter
professionalism, develop networking
op por tu ni ties, en hance po lit i cal vis i bility, encourage academic excellence
and, as the rep re sen ta tive voice, ad vocate the prominence of our members
within and out side the Por tu guese Cana dian Busi ness and Pro fes sional community.
FPCBP Directory
The FPCBP Directory is long over due! The time has come to put this right
and it seems that a prac ti cal Internet oriented ver sion will make its de but first
in www.fpcbp.com , more about this
else where in this News let ter. The bound
hardcopy will be more comprehensive
with listings by name, by busi ness activity and to include advertising and
sponsorships. Our computer fa cilities
are be ing up graded, thanks to the gen erosity of some members, and Jorge
Ribeiro promised his assistance in the
print ing works.
Keep tuned to the website launch and
the up date to fol low in the sum mer in
the FPCBP News let ter Vol. 19.
Carlos Laborde-Basto
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
Diáspora do Azeite
Angariação de fundos para
Campanha Acácia Rubra
No es for ço de boa von ta de e so li da ri eda de tão ca rac te rís ti cos dos Por tu gue ses
há sem pre co i sas que acon te cem. A nossa só cia Ma ria Scott, ten tan do an ga ri ar
fundos para a campanha, solicitou ao
Sr. José Cor re ia (nos so só cio, tam bém,
sempre participativo mas sempre au sen te, na sua in ces san te la bu ta para dar
de co mer a tan tos Por tu gue ses e sim pati zan tes) a res pec ti va par ti ci pa ção. José
Correia não se fez rogado e ofereceu
uma ca i xa de aze i te des ti na da ao le i lão.
Ma ria Scott, na sua azá fa ma cons tan te,
so li ci tou que o aze i te fos se en tre gue, direc ta men te, no Eu ro pa Ca te ring, sen do,
ob vi a men te, des pa cha do para a co zi nha
e, se não fos se o zelo do pes so al do resta u ran te que já ti nha tudo pron ti nho, os
200 par ti ci pan tes do jan tar te ri am sa bore a do, logo ali, o dito tem pê ro.
Eu só me per gun to como é que o Domin gos que foi o fe liz con tem pla do se
sen ti rá ao tem pe rar a sa la da com tal ingre di en te? Será que ele, an tes da re fe ição, fará um minuto de silêncio pelas
azeitonas que pereceram, que por um
se gun do que seja ele sus pi re de alí vio e
gratidão pelas milhas que poupou na
aqui si ção do dito cujo?
A mim parece-me, Manuela, já que
es ta mos, tam bém, na Cam pa nha Edu cação 2000 con tra a fal ta de li te ra cia em
Por tu guês, o alvo não de via atin gir só a
ar ra ia mi ú da, mas tam bém os gra ú dos,
logo, a par tir do lar, de vi am ha bi tu ar-se
a res pe i tar o que é Por tu guês.
E por falar em “Diáspora”
bem-vindos se nho res agen tes de in formação e cultura com a nova edição
Palmira Almeida
Caso pretenda informar-se ou prestar auxílio a
Moçambique poderá consultar:
•Medecins Sans Frontieres
•Oxfam In ter na tional
•Cruz Vermelha Espanhola
•Cruz Vermelha
A toast to Taylor Fladgate fine Port Wines
On April 19th, ICEP in con junc tion with
FPCBP and Body & Soul of Por tu gal were
treated to a taste of Por tu gal’s fin est, with
world re nown Ports by Tay lor Fladgate &
Yeatman. A wide va ri ety of vin tages were
enjoyed by all at the Ontario Club. We
thank members of Body & Soul for the
good com pany and ICEP for or ga niz ing the
event. Our guest host, Mr. Bower, was superb in his de liv ery of fine wines. It was a
cel e bra tion of our Por tu guese “spirit” and
cul ture.
Em nome da Federação, gostaria de
cumprimentar os patrocinadores deste
encontro e o seu distinto convidado, o Sr.
Bower, pela divulgação do já tão famoso
Vinho do Porto, e também agradecer a
iniciativa do ICEP, ao reunir os nossos
membros e o “Body & Soul” que aproveito
para cumprimentar, esperando que, num
fu turo próximo, nasçam e renasçam muitos
outros encontros desta natureza que
venham a projectar, ainda mais, os nossos
valores, nomeadamente o do Vinho do
Porto que já é uma marca nacional e
Só tenho pena que a minha mulher não
tenha estado presente, pois estou
convencido que se lembraria, com uma
certa emoção, de uma viagem que fizemos
em 95 ao Porto, em que comemorámos os
nossos dez anos de casados com um
precioso vinho de 1985.
Aproveito, ainda, para desejar a todos os
Portugueses e à nossa comunidade, em
par tic u lar, os votos de progresso pessoal e
profissional, de preferência, na boa
companhia de um Taylor Fladgate
A. Charles Sousa
Busi ness Tip of the Month! This is brought to you as part of our on-going com mit ment
to help your busi ness grow and pros per. This brief busi ness tip is de vel oped by lead ing
busi ness ex perts.
Federal Government support for innovative
technology development
Small and me dium-size firms (SME) are
one of the main driv ing forces of the Ca nadian econ omy. They em ploy more than 60
percent of the Canadian workforce, and
pro por tion ately de vote more re source to research and development activities than
larger corporations. SMEs (less than 500
employees) are leaders in innovation and
job creation, and have the flexibility to
adapt to changes in the mar ket place more
quickly than larger com pet i tors.
But in dus trial in no va tion is com plex and
dynamic - an interaction of technology,
marketing, regulation, financing and hu man resources. As a SME involved in
R&D, you can tap into the fed er ally funded
Industrial Research Assistance Program
(IRAP) which is de signed to help Ca na dian
companies become more competitive
through tech no log i cal in no va tion.
IRAP is a federally funded innovation
and technology assistance program from
the National Research Council (NRC).
IRAP’s man date is to ad vance the tech nolog i cal com pe tency of Ca na dian com pa nies
to com pete suc cess fully in the global market place. IRAP is a na tion-wide net work of
sci en tists, en gi neers and or ga ni za tions with
ex ten sive tech ni cal, busi ness and in dus trial
expertise. Your first point of con tact with
IRAP is through an In dus trial Tech nol ogy
IRAP’s as sis tance gen er ally falls into two
cat e go ries: i) free ad vi sory ser vices, and ii)
cost-shared fi nan cial sup port.
i) Free Ad vi sory Ser vices. IRAP net work provides assistance in developing
plans and procedures for new technology
and R&D pro jects.
ii) Fi nan cial Sup port. IRAP also as sists
in ac quir ing for eign tech nol ogy and un dertakes fea si bil ity stud ies, tech ni cal anal y sis
and problem solving, to develop specific
technologies from the “proof of concept”
stage to the near-market stage, and also
helps you add skilled em ploy ment
For more in for ma tion, visit the NRC Web
Site at: www.nrc.ca/irap
A. Charles Sousa
FPCBP Newsletter - January 2000
Bolsas de Estudo
Informamos todos os interessados que
as aplicações para concorrer às Bolsas
de Estudo atribuídas pela FPCBP
deverão ser entregues, devidamente
preenchidas, até 1 de Outubro do ano
corrente, afim de poderem ser
distribuídas no nosso Jantar Anual, em
11 de Novembro de 2000, no
Mississauga Con ven tion Cen tre.
Os respectivos formulários para a
aplicação poderão ser recolhidos no
escritório da FPCBP, das 9H00 às
13H00 e caso necessite de qualquer
esclarecimento adicional, não hesite em
contactar-nos pelo telefone (416)
537-8874, fax (416) 537-9706 ou
e-mail [email protected].
A todos os potenciais patrocinadores
e, agradecendo antecipadamente o
vosso interesse e solidariedade,
solicitamos que contactem a comissão
das Bolsas de Estudo, através do Louis
Louro (416-961-4653) ou Daniel
Fernandes (416-823-0665) ou ainda o
nosso escritório, pelo telefone (416)
Palmira Almeida
FPCBP’s Women’s
We are excited to announce that
FPCBP is in process of establishing a
new com mit tee within our or ga ni za tion,
with the pri mary in ten tion of en hanc ing
the interests of Portuguese Canadian
Professional Women. This new com mittee is intended to compliment and
op er ate within the ex ist ing man date of
the Fed er a tion by ex pand ing our sphere
of involvement. To this end we are
seeking your support to facilitate this
venture and once established, will be
en ti tled FPCBP’s “Women’s Coun cil”.
It will abide by the Fed er a tion’s guidelines, structure and by-laws. We will
keep you informed of fur ther de vel opments, which include business forums
with prom i nent women lead ers in business and politics. For more in for mation, and how you can be come in volved
on the com mit tee, please con tact Laura
Lima @ (416) 722-5663.
Laura Lima, Di rec tor
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
2000 Calendar of Events
We thank mem bers for con tin u ing to so licit and pro mote FPCBP’s good cause. By bol ster ing our mem ber ship
we can fur ther en hance our stand ing within the com mu nity. Your phil an thropic ef forts have helped to pro mote
ed u ca tion and busi ness aware ness that ben e fit many and help to so lid ify our prom i nence within the Ca na dian
Busi ness en vi ron ment. Our goal is to sig nif i cantly in crease our level of paid mem bers so we may pro duce better
pro grams and ad vo cate more ap pro pri ately the needs of our busi ness com mu nity. This is in ad di tion to the following:
Busi ness and Pro fes sional Fo rums:
Feb ru ary 8, 2000
Cross-cultural lun cheon with Pre mier Mike Har ris at the To ronto
Marriott Eaton Ho tel
Feb ru ary 24, 2000
March 11, 2000
An nual Gen eral Meet ing at 722 Col lege St. To ronto
Mo zam bique Re lief Fund Ef fort sup port ing the Aca cia Rubra Din ner
at Europa Ca tering and CIRV radiothon
Port Wine Tasting with Tay lor Fladgate & Yeatman in con junc tion with
ICEP & Body Soul of Por tu gal at the On tario Club
An nual Chair man’s Din ner with Eu ro pean Cham ber of Com merce,
fea tur ing H.E. Mr. Jose Manuel Duarte de Je sus, Am bas sa dor of
Por tu gal in Can ada, at the To ronto Hilton
An nual Sata Ex press Char ity Tour na ment by Luso Golf with pro ceeds
to FPCBP Schol ar ship Trust Fund
Women’s Coun cil, Eco nomic Brief ing, Olym pic Com mit tee Presenta
tion, Can di date’s De bate, In ter na tional Fo rum.To be an nounced later.
April 19, 2000
May 16, 2000
May 23, 2000
June to Oc to ber.
Golf Tour na ment
To par tic i pate and spon sor, please and con tact Joe Pinto @ (416) 876-5055
June 27, 2000
Hockley Val ley Golf and Coun try Re sort Cen tre
An nual Awards Din ner
We re mind stu dents to sub mit ap pli ca tions be fore Oc to ber 1, 2000. We also en cour age members to
please sub mit nom i na tions for Busi ness and Pro fes sional Awards as soon as pos si ble.
No vem ber 11, 2000
At The Mississauga Con ven tion Cen tre.
A Private Audience with RTPi
The Fed er a tion of Por tu guese Busi ness &
Pro fes sionals was in vited to meet with representatives from RTPi together with key
mem bers of the com mu nity.
RPTi was represented by Dr. Fernando
Alexandre from Lisbon and Dr. Pedro A.
Bicudo from their North Amer i can del e gation. Community representation was pro vided by notable busi ness and as so ci a tion
leaders, lo cal politicians as well as Por tuguese rep re sen ta tives from U of T & York
The invitation was made by The Por tuguese Consulate and took place on their
pre mises hosted by the Con sul Gen eral and
the Vice Con sul.
The pur pose of the meet ing was to in form
the com mu nity about RTPi’s li cense ap plica tion at CRTC and ob tain sup port from the
com mu nity while seek ing as sis tance in the
RTPi was es tab lished in 1992 to serve the
Por tu guese Com mu nities around the globe.
At pres ent 4 sep a rate sat el lites cover their
transmissions through the universe with 1
set pro gram for ev ery one. RTPi is at tempting to cover North Amer ica where at pres ent they are in 12 million
through ca ble. This does not take into ac count satellite images re ceived through C
Band or dish net works.
The ob jec tive of RTPi is to reach, through
public television, communities across the
world with content pertaining to different
com mu ni ties through out the world. In this
way communities would be better con nected and versed about each group within
their com mon lan guage.
Their recent request to CRTC was de clined, how ever, they will con tinue to pursue this issue with the hopes that some
prog ress can be made. The CRTC news release
The meeting ended with a question and
an swer pe riod where com mu nity mem bers
were permitted to critique, and provide
sug ges tions to RTPi. It was clear that our
community members are frustrated by
some in con sis tent com ments com ing from
RTPi in re gard to their de gree of will ingness to work to gether for a com mon goal.
It ap pears that much work is needed in order that a com mon front be es tab lished to
bring into our com mu nity the pro gram ming
that RTPi has en vi sioned.
In for ma tion about RTPi can be ob tained
by vis it ing their web site at www.rtpi.rtp.pt
Luis M. Sal va dor, Sec re tary
Business Forum
Eugénio Medeiros with the Pre mier
Raimundo Favas, Frank Alvarez, Mike Har ris, Ravi Seethapathy, and others
Rakesh Goenka, VP ICCC, Louis Louro, Carlos Laborde-Basto and others
Pre mier re ceives plaque from FPCBP, ICCC and CIBPA
Josie da Silva, Amilcar Jacinto, Jorge Ribeiro e Joe Pinto
Louis Louro, Charles Sousa, Mike Harris, Robert Sacco, CIBPA, Ravi
Seethapathy, Pres i dent ICCC
All photographs
cour tesy of Eugénio
Medeiros, Medeiros
Charles S. Coffey,
Ex ec u tive Vice Pres i dent,
Royal Bank
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
Business Forum
Arnaldo Santos, Barbara, Ruben Goulart and others
Paul de Melo, Laurie Wil liam son, Garth Waltken, Ron Lenyk
Arnaldo Gar cia, Wal ter Galvão, Manuel Silveira, Johnny Lombardi, Charles
Armindo Silva, Mrs. Alvarez, Frank Alvarez, Charles Sousa, Fernando Costa
Raimundo Favas, Jack Lains, Avelino Fonseca, Brito Fialho, Mark Marques
José Borges, Alexandre Franco, Louis Louro, Nellie Pedro
Jorge Ribeiro, Nuno Ferreira, Luís Sal va dor and others
Charles Coffey, Joe Spina MPP, Carl de Faria MPP, Catherine Courson, RBC VP
and others
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
Convention Centre’s
Grand Opening
FPCBP’S 2000 Annual Golf Tournament
Fed er a tion of Por tu guese Ca na dian Busi ness and Pro fes sionals
722 Col lege St. # 301 To ronto M6G 1C2
Tues day, June 27th 2000
Hockley Val ley Golf & Coun try Club Re sort
Well done by our members Manuel
Silveira and Luis Pimentel, and their
colleagues at MCCC, for a fantastic
gala evening on April 7th. MCCC
opened their doors to lo cal busi ness and
corporate clients for an entertainment
bonanza, full of cross-cultural music,
dance and food among a myriad of vi sual ef fects. We con grat u late them for
wel com ing the many var ied cul tures in
our community and for upholding our
Portuguese traditions within them.
Good Luck and Best wishes for con tinued suc cess.
18 holes pre mium golf course
Power carts
Up scale re sort & fa cil i ties
Reg is tra tion 11:30 AM
Shot gun start 1:00 PM
Fab u lous 12 oz steak Din ner im me di ately fol low ing
Hole in one, car, trips and other prizes will be an nounced
Per golfer: ..............................$150.00
Hole Spon sor (+ 1 golfer): .....$300.00
Foursome: ..............................$575.00
Hole Spon sor (+ 4 golf ers): ....$750.00
Please con tact FPCBP of fice (416) 537-8874
Or Joe Pinto (416) 259-8222
Paul de Melo
David Costa Gets
Congratulations go to Mr. & Mrs.
Denise and Da vid Costa. On April 8th
the two were wed and their cel e bra tion
was joined by many mem bers in a very
fes tive party. It was a fun-filled eve ning
of en ter tain ment that was topped by our
very own David Costa, a prominent
lawyer, a pre vi ous schol ar ship re cip i ent
and past president, who was so over joyed that he sang on stage … and to the
sur prise of many… he was pretty good.
Rock on and Best Wishes!
Foi com grande satisfação e orgulho que
participei na abertura de mais uma época de
proporcionadas pelos Clubes e Associações
Portuguesas da província do Ontário.
Neste Calendário a nossa comunidade
será reconhecida pelo seu valor desportivo
e contributo cul tural.
Jovens e outros de espírito não menos
jovem participarão, vivamente, em vários
encontros, alcançando o seu expoente
máximo no dia de Por tu gal e de Camões.
Graças ao grande empenho dos membros
da ACAPO e do seu presidente, Joe
Eustáquio, e todos os colaboradores é
possível inaugurar esta agenda que exige
um esforço conjunto sincronizado e
Em nome da Federação de Comerciantes
e Profissionais Portugueses desejo a todos
os participantes muito sucesso na
divulgação dos nossos valores.
Um Grande Parabéns!
Queria, também, agradecer a todas as
comunidade e seus adeptos pelo seu
contributo que tanto tem prestigiado a
nossa língua, cultura e identidade.
É com orgulho e um carinho muito es pe cial que a todos dirijo, em nome dos
descendentes Luso-Canadianos, o nosso
A. Charles Sousa
FPCBP’s Future
The FPCBP is proud to an nounce its inten tions to in crease its stu dent and youth
memberships. Fathers and mothers, tell
your chil dren. Un cles and aunts, tell your
nieces and nephews. The Federation is
call ing on its past schol ar ship win ners and
future professionals to contact the of fice
for fur ther in for ma tion.
Here are some ways mem ber ship in the
Fed er a tion can help you in your ca reers:
• Network with established businesses
and pro fes sion als in your com mu nity
• Benefit from the experience of
es tab lished mem bers
Semana de Portugal, organizada pela ACAPO
• Promote
• Make your fam ily proud
• Share your ideas and make your voice
• Es tab lish a pro file in your com mu nity
If you are in ter ested or know of any one
who has been a past re cip i ent of the scholar ship pro gram, please con tact FPCBP at
(416) 537-8874.
Make your in ter ests known to the Fed era tion so that we can better serve our Por tuguese Canadian community. A special
student membership fee is being es tablished!
the well being of the
Por tu guese busi ness com mu nity
Form lasting re lationships with other
pro fes sional peo ple
Have an impact on the future of this
coun try’s econ omy
Become more involved in your
Meet new peo ple
Attend fascinating and informative
busi ness fo rums
Deepen the roots within your cul ture
Laura Lima, Di rec tor
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
Year 2000. Ano da
Educação (Onde já
Na úl ti ma edi ção de FPCBP News letter (Núme ro 17) per fi lá mos esta iní ci ati va, que por ser de gran de im por tân cia
para toda a Co mu ni da de ten ci o na mos ir
re la tan do no nos so bo le tim o pro gres so
al can ça do a cada pas so.
A ses são de es tra te gi a ção de ac ti vi dades re a li zou-se no Sá ba do 5 de Fe ve re iro na Câmara Municipal de Toronto,
das 9:30 a.m. às 16:30 p.m. Sob a ori enta ção de Nancy Du bo is, da Uni ver si dade de To ron to, e com a par ti ci pa ção de
todo o grupo quase a tempo inteiro,
cum priu-se o pro gra ma es ta be le ci do de
de fi nir os ob jec ti vos e as res pec ti vas estra té gi as a se guir. A ses são foi rica na
ex po si ção das ex pe riên ci as mais va ri adas, e pro lí fi ca em opi niões e su ges tões.
Fir mou-se en tão o alvo da cam pa nha, os
me i os pu bli ci tá ri os a mo bi li zar em função de re cur sos hu ma nos e mo ne tá ri os,
e as ini ci a ti vas a em pre en der para an gari ar fun dos e pas sar à fase de im ple mentação. Os participantes, re partidos em
três gru pos, de di cam-se a fun do às ta refas que lhes fo ram atri bu í das.
E as sim sob a liderança de João Li nhares o website (sitio na rede) já em
fase de pro tó ti po em prin cí pi os de Março está a ser testado, e espera-se para
mu i to em bre ve ter o nome cer to a atribu ir ao do ma in (do mí nio). A Pa u la Neves providenciou um numero elevado
de links (elos) e a Pal mi ra Alme i da e a
Pro fes so ra Ma nu e la Ma ru jo fa zem rá pidos pro gres sos com a pu bli ci da de! É de
sa li en tar o ca lo ro so aco lhi men to da Comunicação Social Co mu ni tá ria e a ge ne ro si da de na ofer ta de apo io e re cur sos
à medida que o programa pu blicitário
ve nha a ser ex pli ci ta do.
Concluídos os slo gans e ve ri fi ca da a
efi cá cia dos mes mos em con for mi da de
com os ob jec ti vos está en tão tudo a postos para o lan ça men to pú bli co da ini ci ati va Year 2000 Ano da Edu ca ção!
O elevado grau de entusiasmo demons tra do tan to nas re u niões como nos
inú me ros e-mails (no ta-se) que ao transi ta rem no ci be res pa ço re a fir mam o espí ri to de equipa nes te gru po tão di ver so
e a convicção na missão de devoção
pela nos sa Co mu ni da de.
Eng. Carlos Laborde-Basto
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
2000 Luso Golf Tournament
FPCBP is pleased announce it’s par tic ipa tion with the Luso Golf As so ci a tion. In
ad di tion to pro mot ing their fond ness for the
sport they endeavour to pro mote ed u ca tion
and cite this as the im por tant facet of their
mis sion. Not only do they seek to pro mote
golf, but ultimately their objective, as a
char ity tour na ment, is to raise funds for deserv ing stu dents of Por tu guese back ground.
And to achieve this Luso Golf has cho sen to
do nate all pro ceeds raised (es ti mated at approx i mately $10,000) to FPCBP’s Schol arship Trust Fund. As a ma jor spon sor, Luso
Golf will be hand ing over their bur sary to
selected student at FPCBP’s Annual
Awards Gala in No vem ber. We com mend
the mem bers of Luso Golf for their achievements and ap pre ci ate their on go ing sup port.
We en cour age FPCBP mem bers to join-in
in what prom ises to be a fun-filled tour nament. De tails of Lusogolf’s 2000 Torneio
“Sata Ex press Cup” are as fol lows:
No Sabado, dia 20 de Maio 2000, no
Glen Eagle Golf Club, Hyw 50, Bolton.
Com o patrocinio da Sata Express,
Verdegolf Country Club, Estalagem
Senhora Da Rosa e Rent-A-Car Ilha Verde,
o vencendor ganhara um premio que inclui
uma viagem a Sao Miguel, estadia no ho tel,
uso de um carro de aluguer durante uma
semana e paticipara no “XV Sata Azores
Open”. Montepio Geral oferece tambem
premios incluindo uma televisao e Clas sic
Honda inclui um carro no hole-in-one. Um
jantar dancante e entrega de premios, tera
lugar no memso dia no Portuguese Com munity Centre, 25 Fisherman Drive,
For more in for ma tion con tact Joe Borges
(905) 624-2600 or www.lusogolf.com
José Pinto, Di rec tor
Potential of disabled pays economic dividends
Ef forts to im prove upon so ci ety’s gen erally poor track record of recognizing the
employment con tribution of Canadians
with dis abil i ties are eco nom i cally pru dent,
ac cord ing to an econ o mist study pre sented
at the Wellsizing the Workplace Con ference and Trade Show in Toronto at the
Metro Con ven tion Cen tre. The con fer ence
was the first of its kind in Can ada, bring ing
ma jor cor po ra tions to gether to dis cuss and
recognize the po ten tial con tri bu tion Ca nadians with disabilities can and do make in
the work place.
“There are a number of compelling rea sons, including economic incentives, for
improving society’s track record in em ploy ing per sons with dis abil i ties,” says Anto nio Azeitona, Pro ject Di rec tor In clu sion
Program. “People with mental disabilities
(men tal re tar da tion) make up 1 - 2% of Portuguese community. In real numbers it is
about 2,000 individuals. After highschool
these young adults want to work but are unable to find a job, which forces them into
social assistance. The projects ”Trabalho
and Incluir" tries to create a meaningful
work network and provide placement op por tu ni ties for Por tu guese Ca na di ans. The
pro jects re quire not only the help of ev eryone, but in particular the active in volvement by the busi ness com mu nity. FPCBP,
ACAPO and other grass root groups have
been an in te gral part of these pro jects. Now
it is important that we start opening the
doors for these young peo ple".
Reasons for cautious op timism: despite
be ing well be hind on sev eral key mea sures
of la bour mar ket suc cess, the dis abled commu nity is ac cru ing some ben e fits from the
strength of the North American economy
and tight la bour mar kets. The fed eral budget for 2000 pro vides ad di tional tax in centives to help men tally and phys i cally challenged people and provide programs to
as sist them work ing from home.
For more information on how you can
pre pare your com pany to ben e fit from and
assist in the employment of this capable
workforce, please contact An tonio
Azeitona at (416) 595-9230 ext 232 or
[email protected].
A. Charles Sousa
EUCOCIT - European Union Chamber of Commerce
FPCBP together with EUCOCIT and in
partnership with the chambers of commerce and equiv a lent or ga ni za tions in Toronto of the mem ber states of the Eu ro pean
Union, in vites you to THE FOURTH
This year’s Chairman is our own Mr.
Armindo Silva, FPCBP Past Pres i dent. The
special guest speaker will be H.E. MR.
Am bas sa dor of Por tu gal in Can ada dis cussing THE EUROPEAN UNION AT THE
DAWN OF THE 21st CENTURY: Chal lenges and Risks. The eve nt takes place on
Tuesday, 16 May, 2000 at the Toronto
Hilton ho tel Gov er nor Gen eral’s Suite (2nd
Investment Planning
A importância de um seguro na família
O sque se segue é um simples relembrar,
de como se pode investir de vez enquando,
dois minutos da nossa vida para
ponderarmos sobre a criação e/ou
perservação dos haveres que tanto nos têm
custado ou vão custando a ganhar... Pode
ser que algo do que se segue algum senso
nos faça.
Lembramos que: Na vida ao “Falharmos
em planear, planeamos já em falhar”...
Planear, é começar custe o que custar, por
pôr algum dinheiro a trabalhar para nós, em
vez de sermos nós a trabalhar só para o
dinheiro . “Façamos do nosso dinheiro o
nosso moço”. Como é uso dizer-se na gíria
Como determinar se sim ou não tem
protecção suficiente.
A regra recomendada pelas companhias
seguradoras é, deixar em fundos um
montante de seis vezes o salário anual se os
filhos estão criados, ou de oito vezes se
forem pequenos.
Multiplicamos: O salário/rendimento
anual por 6 ou 8 vezes (depende da idade
dos filhos).
Somamos: Com o total de todos os
débitos, (mortgage, carro e outros
Subtraímos: O total dos seguros de vida
pessoais e grupo.
Floor), 145 Richmond Street West, To ronto.
FPCBP, a mem ber of the Eu ro pean Un ion
Chamber, is pleased to participate in the
Chairman’s Dinner. Last year we nom inated Armindo Silva to the chair of
EUCOCIT to co in cide with Por tu gal’s lead
in Eu rope. Our com bined in volve ment is
intended to en hance history, immigration,
language, commercial relations and long standing cultural exchanges to cement
trans at lan tic ties of cul ture and so ci ety. To
allow these relationships to grow, we be come part of new bridges that are being
built between Canada and the European
Un ion. EUCOCIT has been es tab lished to
O resultado: Será exato, ou a mais, ou a
menos. Onde, duma maneira geral é na
última que há carência.
Artur Sousa
RCAs can help in your suc ces sion!
For business owners thinking of suc cession consider a plan that rolls over your
company’s equity through RCAs. RCAs,
or Retirement Compensation Ar rangements, is in essence a combination of a
whole life policy program that is
self-funded from the company’s equity
holdings that have been transferred to a
trust an nu ity, which in turn sup ports the life
pol icy. This “le ver aged” ar range ment safeguards your shareholder investment while
protecting the company during ownership
trans fer and it also neu tral izes tax im me diately by cre at ing a de duct ible net ex pense.
There are im me di ate cash sav ings and the
ongoing maintenance combined with re duc tion of taxes has neu tral ef fect on cash
there af ter. RCA can best be de scribed as a
de ferred profit shar ing plan that al lows you
to re cover earn ings in fu ture at a re duced
marginal tax rate. For more information
about RCAs, in vest ment & es tate plan ning
con tact your trust & in sur ance rep re sen tative or FPCBP of fices.
A. Charles Sousa
en hance this di a logue with a mu tual aim to
further strengthen ties between EU and
Can ada and to fos ter ed u ca tion and cul tural
links, broaden science and tech nol ogy cooperation, establish business-to–business
contacts and promote people-to-people
Please join us and contact the
FPCBP of fices to re serve your ta ble.
A. Charles Sousa.
Subsídios para
Através deste programa, divulgado
profissionais poderão recrutar e integrar
candidatos subsidiados pelo Governo.
presentemente, a receber o subsídio de
desemprego, ou durante os últimos 3
anos terem qualificado para o mesmo
ou estado ausentes, temporariamente,
por motivo de doença ou licença de
Para mais informações não hesite em
contactar: Maria Do Céu Oliveira,
Abrigo Centre, 900 Dufferin Street,
Suite # 104 (416) 534-3434
Palmira Almeida
Business and
The an nual Awards Din ner will soon
be here (No vem ber 11th) and we seek
your nom i na tions so that we may rec ognize those individuals who you feel
have achieved marked suc cess. These
are individuals who impress you with
devotion to their vocation and special
care to their community. If you or
someone you know is outstanding in
their industry or profession, please let
us know. We are in vit ing nom i na tions
for the Entrepreneur and the Pro fessional of the Year. The awards will be
presented at FPCBP’s Annual Din ner.
We ask that all nom i na tions be mailed
or faxed to our of fices to gether with the
can di date’s pro file.
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
Economia Acelera
As economias da Amer ica do Norte estao
a atrevessar um periodo de aceleracao
nitida. Nos, no departamento de economia
do Scotiabank, recentemente aumentamos
as nossas previsoes de crescimento
economico, tanto para o Can ada, como para
os Estados Unidos. A nossas previsoes sao,
que a economia dos Estados Unidos deve
registar um aumento de 4.8% este ano, e no
Canada havera uma aceleracao de 4.4%.
Tudo indica que estas previsoes possam
ainda ser baixas de mais. No entanto, esta
aceleracao aponta claramente que as taxas
de juro vao continuar a subir, liderada por
aumentos nos Estados Unidos. A Reserva
Federal (fed) dos Estados Unidos
recentemente aumentou as taxas de juro de
curto prazo para 6% — o quinto aumento
desde o Junho 1999.
Estas subidas
destinam-se a abrandar o forte crescimento
economico e a aliviar as possiveis tensoes
inflacionistas. Nos esperamos que a fed
aumente as taxas de juro pelo menos mais
tres vezes este ano, o qual sera seguido pelo
banco cen tral do Can ada.
A economia dos Estados Unidos
expandiu a um ritmo an nual de 7.3% no ultimo trimestre de 1999, a maior evolucao
dos ultimos 16 anos.
A economia
Americana conseguiu assim um aumento
de 4.2% durante todo a ano de 1999. Os
indicadores sugerem uma continuacao de
um elevado nivel de dinamismo. Em partic u lar, o consumo privado cresceu cerca de
5.4% no ano passado — o ritmo mas alto
desde 1984. Tudo indica que houve uma
aceleracao ainda maior no primeiro
trimestre, com a compra de veiculos a
establecer um novo record. A procura
interna mantem-se bastante robusta,
apoiada por aumentos salariais a rondar os
4%, e ate recentemente, a forte subida nas
bolsas de valores.
No Canada, em Janeiro a economia
expandiu 4.7% face ao periodo homologo.
O Canada esta a criar postos de emprego
mais rapidamente que os Estados Unidos.
Durante 2000-01, o Canada deve ter o
crescimento economico mais alto en tre os
paises do G7.
As exportacoes vao
beneficiar de um crescimento economico
mundial mais rapido e sincronizado. A
balanca commercial com os Estados
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
Unidos deve rondar $60 billioes
annualmente em 2000-01, e as vendas alem
mar beneficiarao da aceleracao na
actividade internacional.
O melhoramento das financas federal e
provinciais dao a oportunidade aos
governos para apoiarem o crescimento
economico. Gastar fundos em programas
sociais e em melhoramentos das infra-estruturas estao entre as prioridades.
Reducoes de taxas para individuos e
empresas foram recentemente introduzidas
no orcamento fed eral e vao continuar nos
proximos anos.
As economias do Ontario e da Alberta
darao o maior impulso, crescendo a um
ritmo de 5 e 5.7% respectivamente. No Ontario, o crescimento contiuara a ser
chefiado pela industria “high-tech”.
Companhias com sede no Ontario sao
lideres em “fi bre op tics” e sistemas “wireless” com investimentos significativos
planeados para este ano. A industria
electronica no Ontario tem crescido a um
ritmo de 9% annualmente durante os
ultimos 5 anos. A in du stria automovel — a
maior do On tario — tambem esta em boa
posicao apos investimentos significativos
na ul tima decada. A capacidade de produzir
veiculos aumentou 8% no ultimo ano e
subiu 28% desde 1996. No Ontario estas
fabricas tem um custo de mao de obra, in ferior aos Estados Unidos e uma vantagem de
4% em produtividade.
Carlos Gomes, Economista, Scotiabank
The “ FPCBP dot com” is com ing to
your monitor any day now! The new
website, with the gen er ous and en thu siastic support of Joe Borges of
Waterdale Inc., is ap proach ing the proto type stage, and we ex pect hav ing it up
and run ning some time in May (2000). It
will be “cool”, catchy, in for ma tive and
an important resource for all Por tuguese-Canadian business and pro fession als. There will be a di rec tory, which
will be ex panded and made more com prehensive with ac tive par tic i pa tion of
our mem ber ship.
Cur rent news on any thing and ev erything rel e vant to our mem ber ship, also
with the participation of our students
and young sters we hope, will have its
presence in WWW.FPCBP.COM ; we
invite our students, young men and
women to communicate with the
website committee (see below) to dis cuss pub lish ing news and is sues on ed ucation and training, employment, cul tural
by young Por tuguese-Canadians in academics, cultural, busi ness or sports endeavours.
Our e-mail address has changed:
[email protected] Please up date your address books.
The FPCBP website com mit tee members are Carlos Laborde-Basto (tel. 905
403 4407), Laura Lima (tel.416 722
A Federação acaba de perder um membro
de grande prestígio
É com imenso pesar que encaramos a recente perda do Sr. Gilberto Alves propulsor
da North At lan tic Fish eries que, desde 1986, absorveu uma cadeia de fornecedores,
inaugurando uma fábrica em Nova Scotia, tornando-se uma empresa relevante, que
abrangeu a distribuição, tratamento, embalagem, conserva e produção de derivados.
Grande parte do bacalhau, tão apreciado pelos portugueses, é processado pela North
At lan tic Fish eries e exportado para todo o Mundo. Aos familiares e ami gos, enviamos
as nossas sinceras condolências, lamentando, o vazio deixado pelo Sr. Gilberto Alves.
A. Charles Sousa, Pres i dent
Outcome of FPCBP’s Annual General Meeting
FPCBP’s pres ents its new 2000 Board of Directors
On Feb ru ary 24, 2000 the Fed er a tion of Por tu guese Busi ness and Pro fes sionals
held its An nual Gen eral Meet ing and ap pointed its new Board of Di rec tors, with a
man date to build on FPCBP’s strong foun da tion. These vol un teers are proud to
serve the best in ter ests of its mem bers and work with them to pro mote a non-profit
or gani sa tion in unit ing busi ness and pro fes sional peo ple of Por tu guese or i gin. Its
mis sion is to pro mote busi ness ac tiv ity, fos ter pro fes sion al ism, de velop net work ing
op por tu ni ties, en hance po lit i cal vis i bil ity, en cour age ac a demic ex cel lence and, as
the rep re sen ta tive voice, ad vo cate the prom i nence of its mem bers within and out-
Board of Di rec tors
A. Charles Sousa
Paul de Melo
Manny Gaspar
Luis Sal va dor
Dan iel Fernandes
Rui Gomes
Carlos Laborde-Basto Trustee
Laura Lima
Eugénio Medeiros
José Pimentel
Joe Pinto
Artur Sousa
Palmira Almeida Administrator
Manny Coelho
side the Por tu guese Ca na dian Busi ness and Pro fes sional com mu nity.
FPCBP is gov erned by a board of 12 di rec tors and 3 trust ees. They are ac countable to all mem bers in main tain ing and pro mot ing, through var i ous sub com mit tees,
FPCBP’s im age and to pro vide or gan ised events through out the year. This in cludes,
among other things, monthly busi ness fo rums, an an nual golf tour na ment and es pecially the An nual Awards Gala where rec og ni tion is given to out stand ing achievement in the busi ness com mu nity and in ac a demic ex cel lence. FPCBP is proud to
fos ter the old est and larg est schol ar ship pro gram in the Por tu guese com mu nity.
Louis Louro, Jr.
Past Pres i dents:
Armindo Silva
João Santos
Fernando Costa
João Neves
Frank Alvarez
Nellie Pedro
Arnaldo Santos
Raimundo Favas
Almiro Fonseca
Luís Arruda
Ricardo de Cas tro Lopo
Da vid Costa
Louis Louro, Jr.
Our mem ber ship di rec tory is nearly com plete. Many of you have up dated your ad dress and phone num bers; but, we en cour age those
who have not been con tacted to com plete the reg is tra tion form be low and re turn it to the FPCBP of fice im me di ately. We also wel come
those who wish to be come new mem bers to act quickly so that ev ery one will be in cluded in the di rec tory this year. Please con tact the office ad min is tra tor who would be happy to take down your in for ma tion.
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000

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