Focus on activity: Kidnapping/ Crime Vocabulary


Focus on activity: Kidnapping/ Crime Vocabulary
Focus on activity: Kidnapping/ Crime Vocabulary
Target audience: Ensino Médio
Lesson link: Upgrade, Units 16, 21, Enem practice
Aim: identifying specific ideas in the text, identifying genre, producing texts based on
previous information
Duration: 45 minutes-1 hour 15 min
Organization: individual work, group work
Material: text worksheets, board, cardboard for posters.
• copies of worksheets (one per student) and templates (one per group)
• Write on the board the word kidnapping.
• Brainstorm vocabulary related to the word. Examples: crime, terrorist, attack, court, defense, jail,
justice, prison, police, safety, etc. Verbs: break in(to), break out, break the law, commit a crime,
escape, get away, flee, investigate, etc.
• Talk about the schoolgirls kidnapping and check what your students know about it.
Learn more about kidnapping:
On April 14, militants kidnapped more than 300 girls from a school in Chibok, in Nigeria. Hundreds
of armed militants riding in pickup trucks and on motorcycles arrived and put the girls into the
trucks, set fire to a room in the school before driving into the forest. About 50 girls were able to
escape. Boko Haram, an Islamist extremist group that has killed thousands of people in a series of
violent attacks in recent years, is responsible for the attack.
A video believed to be from the Boko Haram group was released 4 weeks after they were taken. In
this video, which the State Department believes is legitimate, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau
says the girls wouldn’t be released until imprisoned Boko Haram militants are freed. This would also
appear to be the first indication of what the militants say it would take for them to free the girls.
Based on: <>. Accessed on June 3, 2014.
For further information, check this link:
<>. Accessed on: May 23, 2014.
• Hand students the worksheets, ask them to read and answer the questions.
• Ask students to underline words in the text they brainstormed before (if any).
• Invite volunteers to read their answers.
• Divide students into groups of four-five students.
Photocopiable – Teacher’s copy
• Assign each group to write different texts (short supportive letter to the parents of the victims;
an email to a friend in another country expressing how you feel about this situation; a manifest
against the kidnappers; a complaint to a newspaper about the military attitude towards this case).
The ideas can be repeated among the groups. See possible templates below.
• Ask each group to make a poster and make a poster session on the walls.
• Ask students to identify the genres.
Suggested Support Letter: template to the parents of the victims
First Paragraph (1-3 sentences)
• Statement of support – use words that convey enthusiasm
• Identify the situation by name/title
“I am pleased to support your research proposal titled xxx.”
“Your proposal to do xxx has my enthusiastic support.”
Body Paragraphs (1-3 paragraphs, or more as necessary)
• If applicable, state the goals of the letter
• State what you think can be done about the situation.
• Suggest resources for the problem.
Last Paragraph (1-3 sentences)
• Include a cordial closing. The level of formality should be determined by the level of the personal
relationship between you and the person the letter is addressed to.
I look forward to collaborating with you on this work.
Best of luck with your situation.
Template: <>. Accessed on: June 3, 2014.
Photocopiable – Teacher’s copy
Suggested e-mail template
Suggested Complaint letter template:
• Describe your problem and the outcome you want.
• Include key dates and when the problem occurred.
• Identify what action you’ve already taken or you think you should take to fix the problem.
• Ask for a response within a reasonable time.
[Your name]
[Your address]
[Email and/or phone]
Dear xxxx
Re: Complaint about (insert the name)
State the problem, set location and date you want the problem fixed.
Explain the key details of the problem including when you discovered it and any other steps you’ve
already taken to get it fixed, perhaps a telephone call. Note who you spoke to and any results of
your efforts.
State that you expect to hear from them with a solution by [insert date].
List your business and after hours contact details.
Yours sincerely,
[Your name]
Photocopiable – Teacher’s copy
Wrap up:
• Divide the class into two teams. Team A sits in a group on one side of the classroom, Team B sits on
the other side. Bring two chairs to the front of the room so that when seated, a student is facing
his or her respective team and their back is to the board. One member from each team sits in their
team’s chair. The teacher writes a word, phrase, or sentence on the board related to the kidnapping
topic. The students in the chairs mustn’t see what’s written on the board. Once the teacher says
“go”, the teams have one minute, using only verbal clues to get their seated teammate to say the
item written on the board. The only rule is that they MUSTN’T say the item written on the board, in
full or part. The first student in the hot seat to say the word scores a point for his ∕ her team.
Nigerian schoolgirls recall Boko Haram kidnapping
According to police, 53 girls had escaped from the gunmen as of Friday, and 276 remained missing.
Officials in Borno state identified the girls who had escaped saying some had fled on the day of the
kidnapping, and others got away later.
Check some statements:
“We thought they were soldiers,” a 17-year-old said in a phone interview. “They told us to get out of
our hostels, saying that they had been sent to take us to safety because Boko Haram was attacking
the town.”
How did it happen? Outside, the girls watched, puzzled, as the gunmen broke into a school
kitchen, grabbing pots and utensils. “Suddenly they began to chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ [God is great] as
they set the school buildings on fire,” the girl said. “That was when we realized we were in the hands
of Boko Haram. It was too late to contemplate escape, because we could see from the expression
on their faces that they were ready to shoot any of us who tried to flee. “
“This is a nightmare for us. We keep imagining the worst could happen to our daughters. Shekau’s
announcement that he’s going to sell them as slaves confirmed our worst fear,” said the father of an
abducted girl.
It is said there were reports that the girls had been sold as “brides” for $12 each.
“What surprises us is the indifference of the military, which did nothing to intercept the kidnappers
in their movements from one town to the other with our girls,” Bitrus said. “The free movement of
the kidnappers in a huge convoy with their captives for two weeks without being traced by the
military, which claims to be working diligently to free the girls, is unbelievable.”
Based on: <>. Accessed on: May 14, 2014.Answer Keys
Answer Keys
1. Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa correta:
Quantas meninas foram sequestradas na Nigéria?
( ) 53
( ) 276
( )223
( x ) 329
2. Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) Os homens armados roubaram equipamentos escolares.
b) A escola estava pegando fogo quando os homens de Boko Haram chegaram.
c) Durante o sequestro muitas alunas foram mortas.
d) Os sequestradores disseram que as meninas seriam vendidas como escravas.
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3. Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) As alunas não acreditaram que a cidade estava sendo atacada por Boko Haram.
b) Os homens de Boko Haram enganaram as meninas para raptá-las.
c) Os pais têm pesadelos com as filhas.
d) As alunas foram sequestradas de suas casas quando estavam na cozinha.
4. Assinale a alternativa incorreta:
a) Os militares foram indiferentes à situação.
b) Os sequestradores foram levando as meninas de cidade em cidade.
c) Os militares dizem ter ajudado nas buscas.
d) As reportagens diziam que as “noivas” foram vendidas por $12.
5. Este gênero textual é:
a) descrição
b) exposição
c) relato
d) narração
Photocopiable – Teacher’s copy
Name ___________________________________________ Date ___/___/___
Nigerian schoolgirls recall Boko Haram kidnapping
According to police, 53 girls had escaped from the gunmen as of Friday, and 276 remained missing.
Officials in Borno state identified the girls who had escaped saying some had fled on the day of the
kidnapping, and others got away later.
Check some statements:
“We thought they were soldiers,” a 17-year-old said in a phone interview. “They told us to get out of
our hostels, saying that they had been sent to take us to safety because Boko Haram was attacking the
How did it happen? Outside, the girls watched, puzzled, as the gunmen broke into a school kitchen,
grabbing pots and utensils. “Suddenly they began to chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ [God is great] as they set
the school buildings on fire,” the girl said. “That was when we realized we were in the hands of Boko
Haram. It was too late to contemplate escape, because we could see from the expression on their
faces that they were ready to shoot any of us who tried to flee. “
“This is a nightmare for us. We keep imagining the worst could happen to our daughters. Shekau’s
announcement that he’s going to sell them as slaves confirmed our worst fear,” said the father of an
abducted girl.
It is said there were reports that the girls had been sold as “brides” for $12 each.
“What surprises us is the indifference of the military, which did nothing to intercept the kidnappers
in their movements from one town to the other with our girls,” Bitrus said. “The free movement of the
kidnappers in a huge convoy with their captives for two weeks without being traced by the military,
which claims to be working diligently to free the girls, is unbelievable.”
Based on: <>. Accessed on: May 14, 2014.Answer Keys
1. Leia o texto e assinale a alternativa correta:
Quantas meninas foram sequestradas na Nigéria?
( ) 53
( ) 276
( )223
( ) 329
2. Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) Os homens armados roubaram equipamentos escolares.
b) A escola estava pegando fogo quando os homens de Boko Haram chegaram.
c) Durante o sequestro muitas alunas foram mortas.
d) Os sequestradores disseram que as meninas seriam vendidas como escravas.
3. Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) As alunas não acreditaram que a cidade estava sendo atacada por Boko Haram.
b) Os homens de Boko Haram enganaram as meninas para raptá-las.
c) Os pais têm pesadelos com as filhas.
d) As alunas foram sequestradas de suas casas quando estavam na cozinha.
Photocopiable – Student’s copy
4. Assinale a alternativa incorreta:
a) Os militares foram indiferentes à situação.
b) Os sequestradores foram levando as meninas de cidade em cidade.
c) Os militares dizem ter ajudado nas buscas.
d) As reportagens diziam que as “noivas” foram vendidas por $12.
5. Este gênero textual é:
a) descrição
b) exposição
c) relato
d) narração
Photocopiable – Student’s copy