The Little Ice Age in the Region of the Sepetiba Bay, Rio de - e-Geo


The Little Ice Age in the Region of the Sepetiba Bay, Rio de - e-Geo
Journal of Coastal Research
SI 56
252 - 256
ICS2009 (Proceedings)
ISSN 0749-0258
The Little Ice Age in the Region of the Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro –
S. D. Pereira†, H. A. F. Chaves‡ and L. G. Coelho‡
†Dept of Oceanography,
State University of Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, 20550-013, Brazil
[email protected]
‡ Dept of Geology,
State University of Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, 20550-013, Brazil
[email protected]
PEREIRA, S. D., CHAVES, H. A. F. and COELHO, L. G., 2009. The Little ice age in the region of the Sepetiba Bay,
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal
Symposium), 252 – 256. Lisbon, Portugal, ISSN 0749-0258
The Sepetiba Bay is an extensive salt water body, with about 305 km2 of water surface, semi-confined, situated
in the southwestern extremity of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Palynological analysis made in a core collected in
the Guaratiba mangrove showed a possible first register of the Little Ice Age in Brazil. In the interval between
2.10 and 1.35 m (corresponding to year 1175 to 1737 AC) there are evidences of a period of time with less
humid climatic characteristics than the previous cooling period, and would be associated with an anomalous
cooling period known around the world as the Little Ice Age, occurring between, approximately, 1550 and 1850.
The small difference found in the time record between the period established by the literature for the Little Ice
Age and the one found in this work is, possibly, due to a not linear climatic variation of the Earth related to the
oscillations in the emission of solar energy. The literature shows an expressive increase in the average annual
frequency of days with rain in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro between 1851 and 1900, as well as higher
temperatures between 1851 and 1871, which can be related to the ending of the Little Ice Age.
ADITIONAL INDEX WORDS: pollen, sediments
The study area (Guaratiba Mangrove) is an integrant part of the
Coastal Complex Guaratiba/Sepetiba, located in the southwestern
extremity of the Rio de Janeiro State. Its North limit is the parallel
of 23000' S; the South limit is the parallel of 23023' S; the West
limit is the meridian of 43037' W; and the East limit is the
meridian of 43032' W (Figure 1).
The tidal plain of Guaratiba, located in the northeast portion of
Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro State, was subdivided, by
BRÖNNIMANN et al. (1981), in Upper Tidal Plain (Seaweed and
Crab Facies) and Lower Tidal Plain (Mangrove Facies, Spartina
Sub-Facies and Salicornia Sub-Facies). The Upper Tidal Plain
region occupies a higher topographical area, characterized by the
absence of superior vegetation, and is only reached by the Spring
tides. It can represent old environments of mangrove that, through
progradation events, were no longer influenced by the normal
tides. The Lower Tidal Plain, dominated by mangrove vegetation
and situated in the intertidal zone, is composed, predominantly by
argillaceous sediments, retained by the characteristic mangrove
root systems, and is rich in organic matter. For HERZ (1991), the
Brazilian mangrove is dated from 5400 to 3800 years A.P., on the
average, representing the origin of the sand banks that support the
Although mangroves are found both in dry climates and in
humid ones, they grow bigger in humid equatorial areas, where the
rains are abundant and distributed throughout the year (KJERFVE,
1990). For LAMEGO (1945), the Sepetiba Bay still corresponds to
an initial phase of the rectification of the coast by sandy banks, as
the most mature phases found at the East, represented by the
lagoons of Maricá, Saquarema, Araruama, Jacarepaguá and others.
The closing of the Sepetiba “bay” would have occurred by the
growth of a great tombolo that would have formed from West to
East, beginning with the deposition of sandy sediments brought by
Guandu and Itaguaí Rivers, prevented from being transported in
the direction of Ilha Grande Island by the islands in the West. The
bottom mud forms a continuous sedimentary body covering,
almost totally, the bottom of Sepetiba Bay (RONCARATI and
BARROCAS, 1978).
The substratum sediments of the Sepetiba Bay are fine clastics,
muddy material, and carbonates. The fine clastics are siltic and
sandy-siltic of external sources, brought by the fresh water canals
of the North/East edges, especially the Guandu River as the main
supplier of material to the bay, and by internal sources, including
the organic matter related to the intense productivity of the
mangroves. The carbonates are calcium carbonate produced by the
organisms of the bay. There are also sands produced by the
erosion of the barrier island. According to the estratigraphy,
basically three types of sediments occur in the Sepetiba Bay:
fluvial sediments, tidal channel sediments and mangrove
sediments. The fluvial sediments are in lenticular bodies that must
represent channel sections with upward gradation from coarser
sediments at the base (with pebbles), and finer ones (sandy) at the
top. They can also be represented by sands and silts, probably of
the flood basin (PONÇANO, 1976 apud FIGUEIREDO JR. et al., 1989)
(Figure 2).
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009
The Little Ice Age in the region of the Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Figure 1. Map of the study area
For MOURA et al. (1982), this coastal lagoon (Sepetiba Bay) is
isolated from the high energy of the Atlantic Ocean by the
Marambaia Barrier Island. The connection with the open sea is
restricted in the West due to the presence of the migmatitics
islands that limit the largest opening of the lagoon. At East, there
is a tenuous communication with the sea, through the Guaratiba
Mouth. Around this place, due to low energy and to the
oscillations of the tides, there is an ample intertidal area, with the
development of flood plains dominated by mangroves.
The Guandu River is the main draining system that brings fresh
water from the continent to the “bay”. More than one set of tidal
channels, many of which improperly called “rivers”, such as the
Piracão and Portinho, integrate the system.
For PONÇANO et al. (1979), the Sepetiba Bay would be one of
the coastal hydrographic basins formed by erosion when the sea
level was about 100 meters below of the current one. Before the
Flandriana Transgression, the sea level would be a little below its
current level, when a sand spur started to emerge from the
Guaratiba Mount in the East. After forming an area above sea
level, the spur presented lateral and vertical accretion by aeolian
sedimentation (dunes), at the same time that sandy bodies grew
around Marambaia Island, forming elongated bars closing small
water ponds gradually filled with sediments. The barrier was
finally closed due to reworking of sediments after the Flandrian
event (when the ocean waters reached the Sepetiba Bay across the
central area of the barrier). The sand sedimentation allowed the
Guaratiba channel to be formed, linking the bay to the ocean at a
lower topographic point of the barrier.
After the Flandriana Transgression, the sea lowered to the
current level, abandoning the inner barrier, and starting the
formation of an outer barrier by the same mechanism already
described. But, the sediments that constitute the outer barrier are a
product of the reworking of the outer Southern face of the inner
barrier. For MOURA et al. (1982), the Sepetiba Bay does not
present great depths, with the depths varying gradually, from East
to West, from 2 to 12 meters, with the West channels being up to
27 meters wide between the Itacuruçá and Jaguanum Islands.
The currents inside of the Sepetiba Bay are characteristically
tidal and present strong values in certain stretches, especially in
the main channel between the Itacuruçá and the Jaguanum Islands,
where they can reach speeds over 1.5 knots (DHN, 1986 apud
BORGES, 1990). In this main passage higher intensity and higher
volume currents also occur (ZEE, 1985). In the study area, the
intensity of currents is less. For BRÖNNIMANN et al. (1981), in the
Sepetiba Bay a current coming from the ocean enters and
surrounds the interior of the lagoon. Such cold and dense water
current, which would belong to the Falklands water system,
penetrates through existing channels between the extreme West of
the barrier and Jaguanum Island, the Jaguanum and Itacuruçá
Islands (the main entrance), and between Itacuruçá Island and the
The distribution of the organisms and the delimitation of the
areas according to their salinities, allow to classify the Sepetiba
Bay as a half-confined system containing environmental
compartments from marine, from the entrance of the bay to
Itacuruçá and Jaguanum Islands, to transitional, from the islands
to Pompeba Point, showing an increasing degree of confinement
and environmental restriction towards the East (BORGES, 1990).
The palinological analyses of the sediments belonging to the
Quaternary period are related to the current taxonomical groups.
Due to the lack of knowledge about extinctions or the rise of new
species in this period, the study of these groups and their
ecological characteristics aims to reconstitute floristic composition
and climatic variations, allowing estimations together with other
Archaeology, etc.) about the environmental evolution of a certain
The Quaternary period, corresponding to the last 1.6 - 2 million
years are known as “the Great Ice Age”. This was a period of great
climatic pulsations, with long intervals of time with very low
temperatures, glaciations of hundreds of thousands of years,
intercalated with hotter and shorter interglacial periods (SALGADOLABORIAU, 1994).
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009
Pereira et al.
Figure 2. Map of the deep sediments textural
The palinologicals studies in Quaternary sediments in Brazil
have contributed in a singular way to the determination of the
flora composition and the changes in the vegetation, as well as to
map of the occurred climatic fluctuations in local, regional and
global level, and in the human interference on the environment
(COELHO, 1999).
The field works occurred between March of 1995 and June of
1996. Seven cores were made through a perpendicular profile to
the shoreline, located in the tidal plain of the Guaratiba Mangrove
- Sepetiba Bay.
The samplings points were chosen in accordance with the
variation of the vegetation, in the Lower Tidal Plain, and with the
distance, in the Upper Tidal Plain, through photo-interpretation
and visual observation.
To obtain the cores, a vibracore was used with aluminum pipes
of 6 meters in length, 3” internal diameter and walls of 3 mm
thick, totalizing 42 meters in length. The set used also includes a
6hp engine, a vibrating handle and a tripod for support and
recovery of the core (PEREIRA et al, 1995).
In sampling point located in the fringe of the mangrove, inside
Sepetiba Bay, the core was obtained with the aid of an aluminum
boat and a raft for the vibracore. The cores were processed in
accordance with FIGUEIREDO JR. (1990). The samples for grain
size analysis were submitted to analysis according to KRUMBEIN &
(1995). The muddy fraction was analyzed using the method of the
pipette (SUGUIO, 1973).
For the palinological studies core D was chosen, located in the
mangrove facies - Lower Tidal Plain. The choice of the core was
based on the sedimentological variation, bigger recovery (5.30
meters) and in the registered period (6130 ± 40 years B.P.). For
the analysis a 400 X, ZEISS Axioscope model microscope was
used, and prepared according to the methodology described by
Ybert et al, 1992.
The isotopic analyses were done on a totally decarbonated rock,
according to the modified methodology of STEYMARK (1961) and
MOOK (1968).
The sediments of the Guaratiba Mangrove are mainly silt and,
at certain depths, very fine sand. The higher clay contents
(between 30% and 60%) are found in the most superficial level of
the cores, in the Upper Tidal Plain, Seaweed Facies. The silt
contents pass from fine silt to coarse silt when the sand content
increases. The results for core D are seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Results of grain size analysis – Core D
O. M.
In a general way, in the cores studied, the sediments present the
highest percentages of organic matter (between 10% and 20%)
next to the surface, diminishing (3% - 5%) towards deeper depths.
These higher contents of organic matter are characteristic of
mangrove ecosystems. The cores located in the Upper Tidal Plain,
Seaweed Facies, present high percentage of organic matter (10% 20%) in all their extension. With exception of core G, located
inside of the Sepetiba Bay (fringe of the mangrove), in the layers
where the muddy sediments predominate, the content of organic
matter increases in the opposite direction of carbonate content.
The calcium carbonate percentages are normally around 5%, not
exceeding 20%, presenting the highest concentrations (19-25%) at
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009
The Little Ice Age in the region of the Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
average depths (1-2 meters), corresponding to the regressive
events where the sediments have greater sand percentage.
The results of the palinological analyses, expressed in pollen
types, accord to GARCIA (1994) and LUZ (1997), allow a division
of the core in four distinct phases:
- 1ª phase (5.30 to 4.50 meters): a peak in the concentration of
some pollen types can be observed such as Palmae,
Myrtaceae, Piptadenia (Leguminosae Mimosoideae),
Moraceae, as well as of spores of Criptógamos. This
probably indicates a humid environment;
- 2ª phase (4.50 to 3.00 meters): an extreme reduction in the
concentration of the pollen cited in the previous phase, and a
significant increase of Combretaceae/Melastomataceae,
Diaresis (Ulmaceae), Clethra (Clethraceae), Phyllanthus
Papilinodoideae), Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae, Gomphrena
(Amaranthaceae), Cyperaceae and Gramineae is observed,
which would correspond to a drier period;
- 3ª phase (3.00 to 1.50 meters): a new increase in the
(Leguminosae Mimosoideae) and Moraceae, with an
expressive decrease of the types cited in the second phase, is
noticed, indicating a possible increase of the humidity;
- 4ª phase (1.50 to 0.10 meters): again there is a reduction of
Palmae, Piptadenia (Leguminosae Mimosoideae) and
Moraceae, along with a strong oscillation in the
concentration of Myrtaceae, Vernonia (Asteraceae),
Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae, Gomphrena (Amaranthaceae),
Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae), Diaresis (Ulmaceae). An
increase of Gramineae and spores, and the disappearance of
Cyperaceae can also be observed. This phase is inside the
relatively recent historical period, and it is possible that the
vegetation has already suffered alterations due to human
In the 3ª phase we can observe an interval with less humid
climatic characteristics, between 2.10 and 1.35 meters,
correspondent to a period of time that extends from
approximately, 775 years B.P. to about 213 years B.P. This is
suggested by the decrease of arboreous types and the behavior of
forests groups, along with one of more open vegetation. Initially, a
reduction of the forests and an increase of the savannah/fields are
noticed. After that, the forest starts to increase and finally, there is
a recovery of the dense forest and a reduction of the
savannah/fields (COELHO, 1999).
This less humid interval can be associated to an anomalous
period of cooling occurred in the whole world, known as the Little
Ice Age, which occurred approximately between the years of 1550
and 1850 (SKINNER & PORTER, 1987; DUFF, 1994; SKINNER &
PORTER, 1995A and 1995B; MERRITTS et al., 1998) ,with its
maximum around 1570 to 1730 (SUPLEE, 1998). This event is
particularly well registered in the Europe where it caused great
problems for agriculture and navigation, although it was a
decrease of only 1º C or 2º C in the global temperature (MERRITTS
et al., 1998). Climatologists and historians find it difficult to agree
on either the start or end dates of this period. Some of them
confine the Little Ice Age to approximately the 16th century to the
mid-19th century. It is generally agreed that there were three
minima, beginning about 1650, about 1770, and 1850, each of
them separated by slight warming intervals.
There are two hypotheses for the cause of the Little Ice Age: the
first one was a period of great volcanism, suggested by the
presence of great concentrations of ashes and acid particles
deposited in Greenland and Antarctica during this time; the
second, and most accepted one, would be due to the result of the
reduction in the emission of solar energy, occurring between 1645
and 1715, during the Minimum of Maunder (FOUKAL, 1990;
1995b; MERRITTS et al., 1998).
Beginning around 1850, the climate began warming and the
Little Ice Age ended. Some global warming critics believe that the
Earth's climate is still recovering from the Little Ice Age and that
human activity is not the decisive factor in present temperature
trends, but this idea is not widely accepted. Instead, mainstream
scientific opinion on climate change is that the warming over the
last 50 years is caused primarily by the increased proportion of
CO2 in the atmosphere, caused by human activity. There is less
agreement over the warming from 1850 to 1950.
The small difference found in the secular register between the
period established by the literature for the Little Ice Age and the
one registered in this work is possibly due to a nonlinear climatic
response of the Earth in relation to the variations in the emission
of solar energy, as cited for MATTHEWS & PERLMUTTER, 1994
(COELHO, 1999).
BRANDÃO (1992) shows an expressive increase in the average
annual frequency of days with rain in the metropolitan area of Rio
de Janeiro between 1851 and about 1900, as well as higher
temperatures between 1851 and approximately 1871, that can be
related to the end of the Little Ice Age (COELHO, op. cit.).
The sediments of the Guaratiba Mangrove are constituted
mainly of silt, going from fine silt to coarse silt as the sand
percentage increases.
It was possible to verify the great influence of the regional
vegetation in the pollen register in all the extension of the study
core, possibly due to airflows and, mainly, to the great number of
rivers that flow into Sepetiba Bay, proceeding from the mountains.
The most humid phase of the core D (from 2.10 to 1.35 meters)
presents an interval of lesser humidity between 775 and 213 years
B.P., possibly corresponding to the Little Ice Age.
This study also made possible the observation of the
environmental impact caused by the action of man in the last 95
years, confirmed by the drastic reduction of the forest vegetation,
due mainly to deforestation.
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The authors thank to the Foundation Carlos Chagas Filho of
Support the Research of the State of the Rio de Janeiro - FAPERJ
through aid to the research - APQ1.
Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009