the meaning of a word — part 1


the meaning of a word — part 1
Como pode cair no enem
J. K. Rowling to pen first novel for adults
Author J. K. Rowling has announced plans to publish her first novel for adults, which will be “very different”
from the Harry Potter books she is famous for.
The book will be published worldwide although no date or title has yet been released. “The freedom to
explore new territory is a gift that Harry’s sucess has brought me,” Rowling said.
All the Potter books were published by Bloomsbury, but Rowling has chosen a new publisher for her debut
into adult fiction. “Although I’ve enjoyed writing It every bit as much, my next book will be very different to the
Harry Potter series, which has been published so brilliantly by Bloomsbury and my other publishers around
the world,” she said, in a statement. “I’m delighted to have a second publishing home in Little, Brown, and a
publishing team that will be a great partner in this new phase of my writing life.”
(Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 fev. 2012 [adaptado].)
J. K. Rowling tornou-se famosa por seus livros sobre o bruxo Harry Potter e suas aventuras, adaptados para
o cinema. Esse texto, que aborda a trajetória da escritora britânica, tem por objetivo:
a) informar que a famosa série Harry Potter será adaptada para o público adulto;
b) divulgar a publicação do romance por J. K. Rowling inteiramente para adultos;
c) promover a nova editora que irá publicar os próximos livros de J. K. Rowling;
d) informar que a autora de Harry Potter agora pretende escrever para adultos;
e) anunciar um novo livro da série Harry Potter publicado por editora diferente.
1) Use the translations and fill in the blanks with the most suitable one.
a) She got shocked at the blue banter she heard on that satellite-radio talk show. _______________
b) A cold, dreary day always leaves me blue. _______________
c) The crew sailed off into the blue. ______________
adjective: azul, triste, melancólico, deprimido, anil, lívido, letrado, severo, indecente, profano
verb: azular, dissipar dinheiro
noun: céu, mar, anil, tinta azul
a) It was when he accidentally pinked my shoulder with his fencing sword. ______________
b) Greg was pinking his fingers on the table impatiently. _______________
noun: cravo, cravina, craveiro, cor-de-rosa
verb: enfeitar, ornamentar, ornar, picotar, apunhalar, trespassar, batucar
adjective: vermelho pálido, escarlate, cor-de-rosa
a) She mothered two sons but no daughters. ______________
b) Necessity is the mother of invention. ______________
noun: mãe, madre, origem, progenitora, fonte, freira, chocadeira artificial
verbo: gerar
a) Poetic drama was in flower in Elizabethan England. ______________
b) The plant will flower every other year. _______________
c) His genius flowered at the university. _______________
noun: flor, nata, elite, fina-flor, ornamento, menstruação, auge
verb: florescer, florir, florear, cobrir de flores, despontar
a) They booked tickets for a direct flight from London to New York. ________________
b) His schooling provided him with extensive book knowledge. _______________
c) The Philadelphia syndicate books 25 million dollars a year on horse racing. _______________b
noun: livro, caderno, bloco, registro, talão, livro contábil, texto de peça teatral, letra de ópera c
Adjective: teórica
verb: reservar, registrar, marcar, despachar, inscrever-se, comprar um bilhete, apostar
a) More than 200 students were housed in the dormitory. _______________
b) The library houses 600,000 books. _______________
noun: casa, habitação, edifício, família, prédio, domicílio, parlamento, casa comercial, geração,
lugar de diversão
verb: abrigar, alojar, morar, comportar, hospedar, receber em casa
a) The actor got the bird when he came out on stage. ______________
b) He’s a tough old bird. _________________
noun: pássaro, ave, caça, tipo, fulano, sujeito, vaia
a) He balled the letter in his hands and threw it in the trash. _______________
b) Everyone had a ball at the wedding. ________________
c) The ball was already emptying out before the fire alarm sounded. _______________
noun: bola, esfera, baile, novelo, balão, projétil
verb: aglomerar, embaralhar, pôr em novelos, divertir-se, amassar como uma bola
a) And all she wanted to do was to eye the wonders of nature. ________________
b) She eyed the two strangers with suspicion. _________________
c) They were in the eye of the storm. _________________
noun: olho, olhar, visão, opinião, percepção, senso, sentido, ponto de vista, buraco da agulha, centro, colchete,
percepção, broto
verb: olhar, ver, examinar, contemplar, fitar, mirar, observar
a) Troops are arming on the Iraqi border. ________________
b) The U.S. armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan. ________________
c) A special arm of the government will investigate it. ________________
noun: braço, arma, alavanca, ramificação, manga, armamento, ramal, galho, escudo, autoridade, ramo de árvore,
verb: armar, armar-se, fortalecer, proteger, equipar
David Beckham in 250-million-dollar LA move
Former England soccer captain David Beckham has inked an extraordinary big bucks
move from Spanish giant Real Madrid to America’s Major League Soccer side Los Angeles
Galaxy. The transfer will pull in a lucrative $250 million over the next five years and propel
him into being one of the sport’s highest earners, although he’ll still be $40 million a year
poorer than golf’s Tiger Woods. On the top of his salary, Beckham should be able to net $25
million a year through sponsorship deals; $10 million in merchandising tie-ups, including
shirt sales; and finally, he is poised to sign a unique profit-sharing deal with LA Galaxy to
the tune of a further $10 million. On the top of that, there’s the lure of Hollywood chasing in
on the players dashing looks and global celebrity. He also gets to do what he loves – play
football everyday and score goals.
Beckham broke the news of his departure from Spain’s La Liga championship by announcing he would not accept Madrid’s offer of a two year contract extension. He will instead
head to LA when his current contract expires in the summer. He said in a statement: “I am
proud to have played for two of the biggest clubs in football (Manchester United and Real
Madri) and I look forward to the new challenge of growing the world’s most popular game
in a country that is… passionate about its sport.” He intimated that taking football (soccer
in the USA) to another level was more important than the money, saying “I think potentially
it can go higher in America than anyone can believe… Soccer is huge all around the world
except in America and that’s where I want to make a difference with the kids.”
( – ano 2007)
2) Based on the techniques you are developing, give the correct meaning of the following words:
a) Inked.
c) Net.
b) Side.d) Head.
3) Circle the most suitable meaning for the
underlined words.
a) The path of this tornado was more than 200
miles long and a mile wide.
I) trilha
II) passo
III) trajetória
IV) caminho
b) Most of the U.S. tornadoes take place in the
Midwest and in the Southern states that border
the Gulf of Mexico.
I) fronteira
II) canteiro
III) borda
IV) margem
V) limitar-se com
c) On June 27th, 1954, the USSRs Obninsk
Nuclear Power Plant became the world’s first
nuclear power plant to generate electricity for a
power grid, and produced around 5 megawatts
electric power.
I) planta
II) fábrica
III) semear
IV) usina
V) colocar às escondidas
d) The Hallams were the first to organize a
complete company of actors in Europe (London
in this case) and bring them to the colonies.
They brought a repertoire of the most popular
plays from London, including Hamlet, The
Recruiting Officer, and Richard III.
I) peça
II) folga
III) brincar
IV) jogar
V) tocar
VI) interpretar
4) Understand the different meanings the words have and choose the best option for each one.
a) How much is Tiger Woods’ total net worth?
n. - rede (f), malha (f), armadilha (f)
v. - lançar a rede, cobrir ou proteger com rede, enredar, fazer rede, lucrar
adj. - líquido, livre
b) “A stranger then is still dogging us” (Arthur Conan Doyle).
n. - cão (m) (Zool.)
v. - perseguir
adj. - canino
c) There are a lot of spots to visit in the old city.
n. - mancha (f), lugar (m), anúncio (m), ponto (m), pinta (f), espinha (f)
v. - manchar, notar, marcar
Adding context to Obama’s statements
Here’s a closer look at some of the president’s statements in the context of what he’s
done and what’s happening in Congress.
“This year, I will work with Congress and
our military to finally repeal1 the law that denies
gay Americans the right to serve the country
they love because of who they are.”
Context: As a candidate, Obama promised to end the controversial policy, enacted2
in 1993 when President Clinton couldn’t
persuade Congress to allow lesbians and
gay men to serve openly in the military. But
whether Congress will go along is unclear.
“Congress may not want to devote a lot of
attention to a controversial social issue during an election year,” says Peter Sprigg of
the conservative Family Research Council,
which opposes allowing gays to serve.
1) repeal - revogar, cassar
2) enacted - decretado
5) Find out the best meaning for each word.
a) “Here’s a closer look at some of the president’s statements in the context of what he’s
done and what’s happening in Congress”.
( ) declaração (f)
( ) demonstrativo (m),
( ) extrato de conta (m) (Econ.)
b) “Congress may not want to devote a lot of
attention to a controversial social issue during
an election year,”
( ) devotar
( ) destinar
( ) endereçar
c) “Congress may not want to devote a lot of
attention to a controversial social issue during
an election year,”
( ) questão (f)
( ) exemplar (m)
( ) edição (f)
d) “But whether Congress will go along is unclear”.
( ) indecifrável
( ) ilegível
( ) obscuro
1) Circle the corresponding number of the most
suitable meaning:
I) He has been dropped from the team.
a) s pingo, gota
b) [sing] queda
c) vi cair
d) vt deixar cair, derrubar
e) vi cair de cansaço
f) vt, vi diminuir, cair
g) vt excluir
h) vt romper ligações com alguém
II) Whose side are you on?
a) s lado
b) s fachada lateral
c) (de um lago) beira
d) (de uma montanha) encosta
e) (de uma pessoa) flanco
f) aspecto
III) I got out and examined the right rear wheel.
a) s [sing] (formal) a parte traseira
b) vt criar
c) vi (cavalo) empinar
d) vt erguer
IV) She will have a fit!
a) adj apto, em condições, adequado
b) em boa forma
c) vi caber
d) vt servir
e) vt enquadra-se em uma descrição
f) s ataque (de choro, de riso)
(Collins Cobuild student`s dictionary - Bridge
Bilingual Portuguese)
2) Choose the best meaning of the underlined
I) After chewing gums for several hours, his
jaw hurt
a) A bone that frames the mouth and holds
the teeth
b) Impudent argument or back talk
c) To talk vociferously; jabber.
d) The walls of a pass, canyon, or cavern
e) A dangerous situation or confrontation
II) He fished in both pockets for a coin.
a) To catch or try to catch fish
b) A person, especially one considered deficient in something
c) To look for something by feeling one’s way
d) Any of numerous cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates of the superclass Pisces
e) To seek something in a sly or indirect way
III) There was a bar serving whiskey that had
been watered.
a) A level of excellence
b) The transparency and luster of a gem
c) To irrigate (land).
d) To dilute or weaken by adding water
e) A clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless
liquid, H2O
IV) He is always running to his lawyer.
a) To move or go quickly
b) To go when in trouble
c) To be in operation
d) To compete in a race for elected office
e) To spread rapidly
V) I am made from the dust of the stars and the
oceans flow in my veins. — Rush.
a) To menstruate
b) To undergo plastic deformation without
cracking or breaking
c) The rising of the tide
d) An apparent ease or effortlessness of performance
e) The motion characteristic of fluids