Form 7 Curriculum Map


Form 7 Curriculum Map
Form 7 Curriculum Map English (MWE) English (PWE) Autumn Term 2015 Accelerate
d Reading diagnostic Writing diagnostic Shakespeare Reading and Writing Diagnostic Pre/post 1914 Prose fiction The Giver 6 weeks Maths Set 1 Properties of Numbers, Fractions, Area Negative Numbers Sequences Written Calculations Estimating Using Algebra Geometric
al Reasoning Circles Reflection Maths Set 2 Properties of Numbers, Fractions, Area Negative Numbers Sequences Rounding Off and Estimating Using Algebra Geometric
al Reasoning Circles Reflection Portuguese A -­‐Textos dos media e utilitários: BD, notícia, emailpublicidade, entrevista, carta, -­‐Leitura orientada de obras para educação literária.(texto narrativo). -­‐Competências a desenvolver: gramática, expressão e compreensão oral, leitura,escrita. Summer Term 2016 Spring Term 2016 Language: non-­‐fiction reading & writing Travel describe, narrate, entertain Drama text/poetry Averages Formulae Construction and Loci Averages Formulae Construction and Loci Pre and Post 1914 Prose Language: non-­‐
fiction writing/Media Argue, Persuade, Advise Pre&Post 1914 poetry Post 1914 Prose Examination preparation and examinations Poetry Media methods Poetry Creative writing Shakespeare text Examination preparation and examinations Pre/post 1914 Prose fiction Drama/poetry Bearings and Scale Drawings Handling Data Graphically Decimals and Percentages Interpreting and Sketching Graphs Bearings and Scale Drawings Handling Data Graphically Decimals and Percentages Interpreting and Sketching Graphs -­‐Literatura tradicional: contos, fábulas, trava-­‐línguas -­‐Leitura orientada de obras para educação literária.(texto narrativo). Rotation and Combined Transformations Brackets and Equations Enlargement Sequences Pythagoras’ Theorem Drawing Graphs Ratio and Proportion Solving Equations Volume Percentages Probability 3D Objects and Plans Rotation and Combined Transformations Brackets and Equations Enlargement Sequences Pythagoras’ Theorem Drawing Graphs Ratio and Proportion Algebra Review Volume Percentages Probability 3D Objects and Plans Competências a desenvolver:gramática,exp
ressão e compreensão oral, leitura,escrita. Produção de Textos Competências a desenvolver:gramática,expres
são e compreensão oral, leitura,escrita. Texto dramático: Categorias do texto dramático. Dramatização Texto poético: -­‐Versificação -­‐ Produção poética. Portuguese (FL) – Level B1 Portuguese (FL) – Level C1 Portuguese History Unidade I. Eu e os meus Amigos. Unidade II. Eu e a minha Família. Unidade III. Eu e o Português. Unidade IV. Vamos viajar? Em todas as Unidades: -­‐ compreensão e interpretação de textos; -­‐ conhecimento
s gramaticais; -­‐ produção escrita, leitura e produção oral; -­‐ informação cultural; Unidade I. Conhecer Pessoas Unidade II. Comunicar em Português Unidade III. O Mundo Actual Das sociedades recoletoras às primeiras civilizações States of Matter A herança do Mediterrâneo Antigo e sua influência em Portugal – A Romanização Measuring motion Science Plants ICT Binary and control Scratch Colour wheel -­‐ additive and subtractive synthesis Landsca
pe -­‐ drawing from direct observat
ion Art Graphi
c design -­‐ logo Unidade V. Vamos às Compras? Unidade VI. Os meus Tempos Livres. Unidade VII. Eu sou Saudável! Unidade IV. Os Media Unidade V. O Futuro Profission
al Unidade VI. Tempo de Lazer A formação da Cristandad
e Ocidental e a Expansão Islâmica – influência em Portugal Food and Digestion Unidade VIII. A Comunicação e Informação Unidade IX. O meu Futuro Profissional Unidade X. As minhas Férias Em todas as Unidades: -­‐ compreensão e interpretação de textos; -­‐ conhecimentos gramaticais; -­‐ produção escrita; -­‐ informação cultural; -­‐ leitura e produção oral; -­‐ exame; Unidade VII. Vamos ao Teatro? Unidade VIII. Um Belo Poema Unidade IX. Ler em Português Unidade X. Férias em Portugal Cristãos e Muçulmanos na Península Ibérica Mixtures 2D-­‐Design Masters of art copy -­‐ Matisse 3D Kineti
c object
s Circulatory System E-­‐Safety Cultur
al Herita
ge -­‐ Taj mahal mosaic
s Architectu
re and geometry Sound and Light Portugal no contexto europeu dos séculos XII a XIV Respiration Models, Rules and Investigation Interpretativ
e study -­‐ cultural diversity CD cover for a band of your choice Magnetism Reproduction and development Sonic pi & Raspberry pi Objects -­‐ drawing from direct observati
on Egg tempera painting technique -­‐ byzantine era Illustration -­‐ digital and traditional A crise de 1383-­‐
1385 Material Changes Short Film Competition Preparation Scale and enlargem
ent drawing Cerami
cs -­‐ Bordalo Pinheir
o´s imagina
ry Geography Weather and Climate History French PSHE Music Physical Education – Skill developme
nt Games Climate Change Tudor Society and religious strife. School life and system -­‐Grammar Anxieties and worries Children’
s rights Family tradition and Life -­‐Grammar Bullying Cross curricular project “The Age of Enlightenment” New concepts of Kingship, civil war. Plate Tectonics People and Resources Tourism Great Plague and Fire. Voyages of discovery and lost colonies. UK Friends/ Relationsh
ips -­‐Grammar Pastimes and hobbies -­‐Grammar Meeting point for teens -­‐Grammar -­‐ Travelling Grammar Holidays Personal identity Learning to Learn Diversity Relationships Risk: Having Fun, Staying Safe Blues (Performance and Composition) Pre-­‐Season fitness tests: • Illinois Agility Test • Upper & Abdominal stamina tests • Multi-­‐stage Fitness Test • Shoulder & Hip flexibility tests Volleyball skills: • Controlling the height of the dig pass • ´Set´ passing to a team mate with accuracy • Deep underarm serves to the opponents back zone • Using the bump to beat the block Football skills: • Controlling the ball well with the chest and knees • Dribbling under control whilst moving laterally •
Football G •
Basketball B •
Volleyball M Drama (Musicals/Plays) World Music Football skills: • Drive passing the ball • Shooting using the laces Personal best athletics training: •
Learning how to maximise take off board angle in Long jump •
Learning the 180 crouch shot put technique •
Learning the acceleration phase in 30m sprinting •
Learning to manipulate stride length a 2000m race Basketball skills: • Controlling the ball with ‘Flip don’t drop’ •
Volleyball M Athletics M Football M Basketball G Drama (Musicals/Plays) Basketball skills: • Dribbling whilst changing ball height • Using the Javelin pass • The free throw technique Cricket skills: • Learning to catch high balls ‘in the deep’ • Learning to bowl straight and from a run-­‐in • Learning to play a ‘cover drive’ shot Learning to field using a running pick-­‐up and return •
Hockey M Ultimate M Cricket M Please note this curriculum map is a work in progress which may change depending on the needs of students.