Surgical planning and neurologic outcome after anterior


Surgical planning and neurologic outcome after anterior
Surgical planning and neurologic outcome after anterior approach to remove a
disc herniation at the C7–T1 level
The study, entitled “Surgical planning and neurologic outcome after anterior approach to remove a
disc herniation at the C7–T1 level in 19 patients”, was performed in participation with different spine
surgery centers in Latin America. Daniel Riew, from the Washington University in Saint Louis, USA –
and also AOSpine Research Chairperson –, was the international mentor in charge of the project.
Principal Investigator:
Asdrubal Falavigna
Caxias do Sul University
Caxias do Sul, Brazil
Co-Principal Investigators:
Orlando Righesso, Caxias do Sul University , Brazil
Olivia Egger de Souza, Caxias do Sul University, Brazil
Pedro Guarise da Silva, Caxias do Sul University, Brazil
Alejandro Betemps, Instituto de Rehabilitación Psicofísica, Argentina
Rangel Guimarães, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Marcus Ziegler, São Lucas Hospital PUC-RS, Brazil
Pablo Vela, Hospital Universitario San Jorge, Colombia
Daniel Riew, Washington University at St. Louis, USA
Results: Data collected from 19 cases indicated that the standard anterior cervical supramanubrial
approach can be used for most C7-T1 discectomies and fusions. Despite the fact that this is a singlelevel discectomy and fusion, the participant researchers consider that a stand-alone cage would be
inadequate. Taking this into consideration, the use of an anterior cervical plate is recommended. Postoperative and radicular pain disappears immediately and, in the majority of the cases with intrinsic
hand motor deficits, normal motor function is re-established.
Status: The project has obtained peer-review acceptance in the Spine Journal, in press.
Sponsor: AOSpine Latin America.
Contact information:
Asdrubal Falavigna
[email protected]