IV Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados - STI


IV Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados - STI
III Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados
IV Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados
Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 08 a 11/04/2008.
Geologic emplacement mode of the volcanic breccia of the Itaúna
Alkaline Rock Body, São Gonçalo, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Akihisa Motoki 1; Susanna Eleonora Sichel 2 ; Rodrigo Soares 1; José Luiz Peixoto Neves 1; José
Ribeiro Aires 3; Eloisa Bauzer Medeiros 4
Departamento de Mineralogia e Petrologia Ígnea/UERJ, [email protected] 1
Departamento de Geologia, UFF, [email protected] 2
ABAST/PETROBRAS, [email protected] 3
DMA/UFF, [email protected] 4
Resumo - Este trabalho mostra observações de campo das rochas piroclásticas do complexo intrusivo de
rochas alcalinas félsicas do maciço Itaúna, São Gonçalo, RJ. O maciço é composto principalmente de rocha fonolítica e
subordinadamente de rochas sieníticas e piroclásticas. O corpo principal fonolítico é intrudido por diques sieníticos de
largura métrica. As rochas piroclásticas ocorrem apenas em uma localidade. Os clastos são compostos inteiramente de
rocha traquítica maciça, com tamanho e tamanho variáveis, desde 1 cm até 1 m e desde angulosa até semi-arredondada.
Não se observam clastos indicativos de pisolito e bomba vulcânica. A matriz apresenta estrutura de soldamento com
fluxo secundário de alto ângulo. Essas observações indicam que as rochas piroclásticas não são tephra ou fluxos
piroclásticos, mas sim, brecha de preenchimento de conduto subvulcânico.
Palavras-Chave: Itaúna, Vulcão, Conduto subvulcânico, Rocha piroclástica, Brecha de conduto, Rocha alcalina.
Abstract - This work shows field observations of the pyroclastic rocks of the Itaúna felsic alkaline intrusive
complex, São Gonçalo, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The massif is constituted mainly by phonolitic rock and
subordinary by syenitic and pyroclastic rocks. The phonolitic main body is intruded by syenitic dykes of metric width.
The pyroclastic rocks take place only at one locality. The clasts are composed entirely of massive trachytic rock of
variable size and form, form 1 cm to 1 m and from angular to semi-rounded. No clasts indicative of pisolito and
volcanic bombs have been observed. The matrix shows welded structure with high-angle secondary flowage. These
observations indicate that the pyroclastic rock is not tephra or pyroclastic flows, but vent-filling tuff breccia.
Keywords: Itaúna, Volcano, Subvolcanic conduit, Pyroclastic rock, Vent breccia, Alkaline rock.
III Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados
1. Introduction
The Itaúna Alkaline Intrusive Rock Body takes place at northeast of the São Gonçalo, State of Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, occupying an area of 3.5 x 2 km (Figure 1). This rock body is made up mainly of phonolitic rock and nepheline
syenitic rock, with local occurrence of pyroclastic rock.
Helmbold (1968) notified the
existence of felsic alkaline rocks at the
Itaúna Massif. Lima (1974) pointed out
occurrence of the volcanic breccia.
Klein et al. (1999a; b; c) interpreted
that the breccia is constituent of
subaerial eruptive deposits, such as
structure, and rheoignimbritic texture
were topics.
The emplacement mode of the
Itaúna breccia is an interesting theme
in terms of comparative studies with
the pyroclastic rock bodies of
Mendanha and Cabo Frio Island. Being
different from the other cases, the
Figure 1. Geologic map of the Itaúna Rock Body: 1. Itatiaia; 2. Tinguá; 3.
Itaúna massif is difficult to access
Mendanha; 4. Itaúna; 5. Rio Bonito; 6. Tanguá; 7. Morro de São João; 8.
because of social security problems
Cabo Frio Island..
and the data are restricted. The present
article shows the results of recent field
observation, lithological description, and petrographical study of the felsic alkaline rocks of the Itaúna Complex
Intrusive Rock Body, with special attention of the volcanic breccia.
2. Phonolitic main rock body
The Itaúna Massif is constituted mainly by phonolitic and syenitic rocks. The border zone is underlain by finegrained massive phonolitic rock of black macroscopic colour. This rock shows parallel cooling joints developed in three
directions with interval of 10 to 20 cm
(Figure 2A). The thin-section shows
aphyric texture containing few nonaltered alkaline feldspar phenocrysts
of 1 mm x 0.2 mm. The mafic
minerals are altered into opaque ones.
phenocrysts, of 0.15 x 0.03 mm, also
take place (Figure 3A). The
groundmass is microcrystalline, filled
by well-oriented alkaline feldspar
microliths of 0.05 x 0.01 mm.
Deuteric or hydrothermal alteration is
not expressive.
To the central part of the
body, the rock becomes causer in
grain-size, lither in macroscopic
colour, and wider in joint interval. The
rock turns gradually into light grey
micro-nepheline syenite. The cooling
joint interval becomes 50 cm to 1 m
(Figure 2B). The microscopic
Figure 2. Felsic alkaline rocks of the Itaúna Intrusive Complex: A) Very finetexture
grained phonolite, Loc. 1; B) micro-nepheline syenite, Loc. 2; C) syenitic
body, Loc. 4; D) micro-syenite dyke, Loc. 5.
(Figure 3B). They are completely
altered into clay minerals. The
interstitial spaces are filled by strongly sericitised alkaline feldspar and fine-grained cancrinita. No relic nepheline is
observed. The cancrinite sometimes show radial texture (Figure 3C). The mafic minerals are altered into opaque ones,
III Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados
however clinopyroxene grains with fresh core also are found. There happen some grains of relatively fresh and
idiomorphic clinopyroxene crystals, of 2 mm x 0.6 mm. These observations indicate notable effects of deuteric or
hydrothermal alteration.
zone exposes the rocks of
intermediate characteristics.
macroscopic colour and the
groundmass causer than the
very fine phonolitic rock of
the Loc. 1. Relatively fresh
idiomorphic alkaline feldspar
phenocryst, of 0.3 x 0.2 mm
in size, are usually observed
(Figure 4D). The mafic
minerals are generally altered
into opaque ones or chlorite.
The microliths are made up of
alkaline feldspar, of 0.1 x
0.02 mm, and the orientation
is not expressive. The
Figure 3. Thin-section images of the felsic alkaline rocks: A) Very fine-grained
phonolite, Loc. 1; B) interstitial texture of micro-syenite, Loc. 2; C) cancrinite
heterogeneous, being strong
of the micro-syenite, Loc. 2; D) fine-grained phonolite, Loc 3. Symbols: Af at some points and almost
alkaline feldspar; Amp - amphibole; Ap - apatite; Cc - cancrinite; Cpx - altered
nothing at other points, even
clinopyroxene with fresh core.
within the same thin section.
3. Syenitic body
Gross-grained syenitic rock occurs in a small area, 200 x 30 m, at the north-western border of the massif
(Figure 2C). On the south-west flank of this massif, two dykes of metric width composed of micro-syenite intrude into
the phonolitic main body (Loc. 5). They contain xenoliths of the very fine-grained phonolitic rock (Figure 3D).
4. Pyroclastic body
Klein et al. (1999a; b; c) commented that the pyroclastic rock has total thickness of 60 m and is composed of
air-fall tuff, volcanic breccia, and densely welded pyroclastic flow, with special attention of accretionnary lapilli, bombsag, and vesicular clasts. These deposits were steeply dipped to the north-east because probably of a later tectonism.
However, our field observations are widely different. The pyroclastic rock is distributed within an extremely
limited area, 20 m E-W and 30 m N-S. The rock contains abundant trachytic clasts with a wide variation in abundance
and size, from 1 cm to 1 m (Figure 4A). Some large clasts show parallel fractures developed in three directions with
interval of 10 to 30 cm, with similar aspects of the very fine-grained phonolitic rock. All of them have massive texture
and no vesicular fragments indicative of volcanic bomb are present.
This outcrop contains also small rounded or semi-rounded clasts of 1 to 4 cm in diameter. They should
correspond to the accretionary lapilli, that is, volcanic pisolite, proposed by Klein et al. (1999a; b; c). However, they are
massive trachyte and do not show spherical growth texture and brittle disintegration behaviour. Therefore, they a re not
accretionary lapilli, but attributed to small rounded trachytic clasts.
The matrix is fully consolidated by high-grade welding. The high-temperature emplacement for the welding is
incompatible with the previous model
of fine tuff, pisolite layers, and tephra
with bomb-sag structure. In addition,
the strong plastic deformation does not
permit the preservation of original
depositional structures.
The structure of strong
welding and secondary flowage is
observed on an intensely weathered
surface of the outcrop, in forms of
orange and white colour bands (Figure
4B). The secondary flowage planes are
steeply dipped, with local attitude of
Figure 4. Pyroclastic rock of the Itaúna massif: A) widely variable clast
N30ºW45E. In spite of notable layering
size and form within the same outcrop; B) eutaxtic texture of the matrix.
III Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados
of the matrix, no expressive granulometric sorting is observed.
5. Emplacement models
The above-mentioned field observations are highly previous works interpreted that the pyroclastic rock forms a
volcanic sequence with total thickness of 60 m (Klein et al., 1999a; b; c), made up of soft air -fall deposit and welded
pyroclastic flow deposits (Figure 5A). However, our observations are widely controversial: 1) extremely restricted
distribution area; 2) very heterogeneous structure. In addition, the previous model has problems in: 3) regional tectonic
history; 4) denudation history elaborated from the fission track datings for apatite.
To solve the above-mentioned contradictions, the authors propose an alternative volcanological model. Some
papers have mentioned that welded pyroclastic rocks also take place as subvolcanic conduits and fissures in denudated
volcanic regions (e.g. Motoki, 1979; Maeda et al., 1983; Miura, 1999; 2005; Bryan, et al., 2000; Torres-Hernández, et
al., 2006; Motoki & Sichel, 2006; Motoki et al., 2007a; b; c). The new idea is based on subvolcanic conduit model, that
is, of vent-filling welded tuff breccia (Figure 5B), and it fits well to all of the characteristics of the pyroclastic rock that
takes place on the Itaúna massif.
Figure 5. Comparative diagrams of the geologic emplacement models for the pyroclastic rock of the Itaúna massif:
A) steeply dipped tephra and pyroclastic flow deposits after Klein et al. (1999a; b; c); B) vent-filling welded tuff
breccia forming a pyroclastic subvolcanic conduit proposed by the present proposal.
Pyroclastic flows and tephra extend tens and hundreds of kilometers covering a wide area. According to the
previous opinion, the volcanic deposits must cover São Gonçalo urban lowland. The pyroclastic flows of high -grade
welding are resistant against weathering and erosion, and they could be easily found by fieldwork and photointerpretation, if present. However, such volcanic deposits are not found on the urban lowland. This fact makes unviable
the model of surface
eruptive deposit (Figure
6A). The vent-filling
model can justify the
distribution area of the
pyroclastic rocks.
Klein et al.
(1999a; b; c) attempted
to justify the steep dip of
the welded tuff by
possible existence of
(Figure 6A). However,
such a tectonism is not
Figure 6. Schematic illustrations for geologic setting of the Itaúna Alkaline Intrusive
known in this region. The
new model attributes the
Complex after: A) Klein et al. (1999a; b; c); B) present paper and Motoki et al.
(2007d; e). The illustration A contains problems of the present surface identification
steep to originally subvertical
and of the absence of pyroclastic flow deposit on the São Gonçalo urban lowland.
III Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados
flowage in the subvolcanic conduit. Later tectonic movement is unnecessary.
The previous works emphasized accretionary lappili and structure as important evidences of the tephra model,
but the recent fieldworks have revealed that they are, in fact, small rounded massive clasts and eutaxitic structure. The
vent-filling welded tuff model dose not need accretionary lappili and bomb-sag.
The phonolitic main body has massive structure, without fabrics indicative of lava flow or lava dome, such as
colonnade, entablature, and clinker. This observation suggests that this rock body is not originated from lava flows, but
attributed to an intrusive body. The granulometric variation between the border zone and the centre can be due to
different magma cooling rate. Therefore, the present denudation level of the Itaúna Felsic Alkaline Complex is not
volcanic edifice, but of magma chamber.
The heterogeneous size, very poor grain-seize sorting, and relatively rounded form of the clasts are not of
surface deposit, but are characteristics of subvolcanic conduit-fill materials (Motoki, 1979; Motoki & Sichel, 2006).
The neighbor alkaline felsic rock bodies, such as the Mendanha massif and the Cabo Frio Island, expose basal
level of magma chamber. The fact points out that a deep regional denudation took place from the time of the
magmatism up to the present. Motoki et al. (2006) estimated the intrusion depth of the syenitic rock bodies of the State
of Rio de Janeiro to be about 3 km, based on the fission track datings for apatite. Therefore, the surface eruptive
materials of the early Tertiary have been eliminated completely by regional denudation. The present outcrops expose
the subvolcanic structure of 3 km from the surface (Figure 6B).
Consequently, it is concluded that the Itaúna Massif does not correspond to volcanic edifice. Its morphologic
elevation may be originated from differential erosion of intrusive rock bodies that form magma chambers level. The
pyroclastic rock constitutes a subvolcanic conduit. In this sense, the extinct volcano called “São Gonçalo Volcano”,
proposed by the Secretary of Sightseeing of the São Gonçalo city government, is not present in scientific sense.
6. Conclusion
The fieldwork and microscopic observations of the rocks of the Itaúna Alkaline Intrusive Rock Body, São
Gonçalo, State of Rio de Janeiro, present the following results:
1. The felsic alkaline complex intrusive rock body of the Itaúna Massif is exposed in an area of 3.5 x 2 km. It is
constituted mainly by fine-grained phonolitic and micro-syenitic rocks, secondary by gross-grained syenitic rocks,
and locally by volcanic breccia.
2. The main intrusive body is composed of fine-grained phonolitic rock and micro-syenite. The central part of the Main
Body is made up of relatively gross rock, micro-syenite, with strong deuteric or hydrothermal alteration. The border
zone is made up of fine-grained phonolitic rock, almost without deuteric alteration.
3. The gross syenite takes place at the west margin of the intrusive complex. The syenitic dykes of metric width are
intrusive into the Main body.
4. The pyroclastic rock takes place only at a locality, within an area of 20 x 30 m. The clasts are constituted entirely by
trachytic or phonolitic rock, and widely variable in size, from 1 cm up to 1 m, and in form, angular to semi-rounded.
No expressive granulometric sorting is observed. Vesicular essential fragments, such as volcanic bomb, are not
5. This rock presents strongly welded structure and developed secondary flowage. The layered structure of the matrix is
steeply dipped.
6. The extremely limited distribution area, steep matrix layering, well-developed welding and secondary flowage,
widely heterogeneous clast size, absence of pisolite and bomb-sag structure, etc. indicate that the pyroclastic rock is
not of surface eruptive deposit, but subvolcanic vent-filling welded tuff breccia.
7. The subvolcanic conduit model fits well to the regional denudation history of 3 km based on fission track datings for
apatite. The volcanic edifice and eruptive deposits have been eliminated completely eliminated by regional
denudation. In this sense, the “São Gonçalo Volcano” is not present in volcanological sense.
7. Acknowledgement
The authors are grateful to the FAPERJ, Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation, of the Rio de Janeiro State
Government, for the financial supports: Category APQ1, “Petrologia, geoquímica e magmagêneses dos corpos alcalinos
da Ilha de Cabo Frio e Morro de São João e seus aspectos ambientais como patrimônios geológicos”; Category IC,
“Geologia e petrografia de corpos subvulcânicos como indicadores de atividades magmáticas subterrâneas e mecanismo
de erupções vulcânicas”.
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