Roteiro de estudos 2º trimestre. Gramática–Literatura


Roteiro de estudos 2º trimestre. Gramática–Literatura
Roteiro de estudos 2º trimestre.
O roteiro foi montado especialmente para reforçar os conceitos dados em aula.Com os exercícios você deve fixar os seus conhecimentos e
encontrar dificuldades que devem ser sanadas com seu professor, nos plantões de dúvidas, com a plataforma Anglo e Apprendi Dúvidas.
A realização apenas dos exercícios propostos neste roteiro não será suficiente para o seu estudo. Você deve realizar todas as leituras de
capítulos propostos nas três etapas deste estudo dirigido e procurar ajuda, caso necessário, para solucionar suas dúvidas.
Orientação de estudos
- Utilize sempre que possível três tipos de memória: visual ( leitura silenciosa) ,auditiva ( leitura em voz alta ), mecânica ( escrita, registro do que
leu ou estudou );
-Tenha sempre o caderno em ordem e organizado para facilitar seu estudo;
-Reveja os conceitos dados em todo seu material;
-Refaça os exercícios do caderno e das apostilas. Estes devem estar corrigidos com precisão;
- Leia atentamente o enunciado para não fugir do é pedido.
- Saiba com clareza o significado das atividades que a questão solicita ( analisar, argumentar, citar, criar,
comentar,criticar,descrever,explicar,identificar,justificar,relacionar) Consulte sempre o dicionário, pois se você “traduzir “ mal o que está sendo
pedido, pode errar a questão mesmo sabendo a matéria;
-Procure usar dicionário para conhecer o significado das palavras;
-Procure pensar algumas palavras ou frases no idioma que está estudando;
-Leia alto, e, se possível, ouça sua pronúncia;
-Esteja atento (a) para : leitura-escrita ortográfica-pronúncia-conversação.
Sugestões específicas para literatura.
-Situe o fato no tempo e no espaço;
-Analise o contexto histórico;
-Conheça as causas para entender os motivos que levaram ao fato;
-Faça a leitura dos paradidáticos.
Agora mãos a obra! Realize as questões com atenção e capricho.
3º EM
Conteúdo: Texto
Read the texts and, in Portuguese, write the main topics.
Tehmina Sethna’s beloved husband has died this past year and she is visiting her son, Sorab, in
his suburban Ohio home. Now Tehmina is being asked to choose between her old, familiar life in
India and a new one in Ohio with her son, his American wife and their child. She must decide
whether to leave the comforting landscape of her native India for the strange rituals of life in a
new country. This is a journey Tehmina, a middle-aged Parsis woman, must travel alone.
The Parsis were let into India almost a millennium ago because of their promise to “sweeten” and
enrich the lives of the people in their adopted country. This is an ancient promise that Tehmina
takes seriously. And so, while faced with the larger choice of whether to stay in America or not,
Tehmina is also confronted with another, more urgent choice: whether to live in America as a
stranger or as a citizen. Citizenship implies connection, participation and involvement. Soon
destiny beckons in the form of two young, troubled children next door. It is the plight of these two
boys that forces Tehmina to choose. She will either straddle two worlds forever and live in a noman’s land or jump into the fullness of her new life in America.
If today be sweet, novel by Thrity Umrigar, celebrates family and community. It is an honest but
affectionate look at contemporary America - the sterility of its suburban life, the tinsel of its
celebrity culture, but also the generosity of its people and their thirst for connection and
communication. Eloquently written, evocative and unforgettable, If today be sweet is a poignant
look at issues of immigration, identity, family life and hope. It is a novel that shows how cultures
can collide and become better for it.
Ask a mayor of a developing country city about his or her most pressing problems, and solid
waste management generally will be high on the list. For many cities, solid waste management is
their single largest budget item and largest employer.
It is also a critical matter of public health, environmental quality, quality of life, and economic
development. A city that cannot effectively manage its waste is rarely able to manage more
complex services such as health, education or transportation. And no one wants to live in a city
surrounded by garbage.
As the world urbanizes, the situation is becoming more acute. More people mean more garbage,
especially in fast growing cities where the bulk of waste is generated. We estimate that cities
currently generate roughly 1.3 billion tons of solid waste per year; with current urbanization
trends, this figure will grow to 2.2 billion tons per year by 2025 – an increase of 70 percent.
Managing waste will also become more expensive. Expenditures that today total $205 billion will
grow to $375 billion. The cost impacts will be most severe in low income countries already
struggling to meet basic social and infrastructure needs, particularly for their poorest residents.
Because it is such a major issue, waste management also represents a great opportunity for
cities. Managed well, solid waste management practices can reduce greenhouse gas emission
levels in a city, including short-lived climate pollutants that are far more potent than carbon
dioxide. A city’s ability to keep solid waste out of drainage ditches can also influence whether a
neighborhood floods after a heavy storm.
Help: figure = number
Leia o cartum e, com suas palavras e em português, explique o que ocorre na história.