Exercício de revisão para a 1ª bimestral


Exercício de revisão para a 1ª bimestral
ALUNO (A): ____________________________________________________________________________ Nº _______
DISCIPLINA: INGLÊS – Revisão - Prova
PROFESSOR: Adalberto Soares
SÉRIE: 7º ano
TURNO: Manhã
1. Use “Do” ou “Does” nas INTERROGATIVAS, de
acordo com os
sujeitos das frases:
a) _____ they go to school today?
b) _____ he and she study English after class?
c) _____ that beach stay next to your home?
d) _____ I and my mom like to drink soda?
e) _____ Carlos speak loud in his house?
DATA: ______ /______ / 2016
e) My husband (do/does) not bring my gift today.
f) My son (do/does) not touch in my things.
g) (Do/Does) my family pray for God every day?
h) The Government (do/does) not do his job well.
i) The Health (do/does) not going well.
j) (Do/Does) my sister cook like my mom?
f) _____ Lucy buy a new car every year?
5. Com quais pronomes pessoais o verbo auxiliar “Do”
é usado?
g) _____ my prefer band sing very well?
h) _____ you have good ideas?
6. Com quais pronomes pessoais o verbo auxiliar
“Does” é usado?
i) _____ my friends like to eat crabs?
j) _____ my wife care me very well?
2. Use os pronomes pessoais, de acordo com o verbo
auxiliar (Do ou Does):
a) _____ don’t like to drink beer.
b) _____ doesn’t go the party tonight.
7. Usamos a forma imperativa dos verbos para...?
8. Qual é a estrutura AFIRMATIVA de uma frase
c) _____ doesn’t drive well like his dad.
d) _____ don’t dance a lot at the night club.
e) _____ don’t wake up every day.
9. Qual é a estrutura NEGATIVA de uma frase
f) _____ does not love her mother.
g) _____ does not fight with his wife.
h) _____ does not teach like me.
i) _____ don’t learn more than my sister.
10. Passe as frases para forma:
a) My daughter studies hard every day. (Neg.)
j) _____ does not like to learn about wisdom.
3. Marque a frase que segue a estrutura: S +
VP(simple present) + C.
a) Mike and Jack don’t like to dance the rock.
b) My parents travel to Miami tonight. (Int.)
b) Jason did his homework yesterday.
c) I am not a good student of English.
c) That hotel seems to be very good. (Int.)
d) You were at home after party.
e) Lucy and Tina go to school every day.
d) My students like to learn Math. (Neg.)
4. Marque (Do ou Does) nas frases abaixo:
a) Carla (do/does) not like to drink beer.
b) (Do/Does) Lisa go to her job today?
c) My teachers (do/does) not leave me to talk in class.
Good review! And try to do!
d) (Do/Does) that dog bark very loud?

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