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Matchmaking event on opportunities for cooperation on
marine renewables between Portugal and The Netherlands
26 de Novembro de 2013
Residência do Embaixador da Holanda
Rua Sacramento à Lapa, 40
O WavEC, Offshore Renewables, vai realizar o seu Seminário anual no próximo dia
25 de Novembro, no Museu da Electricidade, em Lisboa. No dia seguinte, 26 de
Novembro, será organizado com a Embaixada da Holanda um encontro dedicado
à exploração das oportunidades de cooperação entre entidades
portuguesas e holandesas no sector das energias renováveis marinhas.
O objectivo fundamental deste workshop é o desenvolvimento de negócios entre
empresas e entidades portuguesas e holandesas. Serão efectuadas sete curtas
apresentações de empresas holandesas e portuguesas que não fizeram
apresentações no dia anterior. Posteriormente, as entidades presentes terão a
possibilidade de contactar potenciais parceiros em seis rondas de reuniões de vinte
minutos cada. Um intervalo para café e um almoço oferecido pela Embaixada da
Holanda estimularão uma actividade de networking.
Anexamos a estrutura do programa. As apresentações serão feitas pelas empresas
holandesas Teamwork Technologies BV e DNV/TU Eindhoven, e pelas portuguesas
EDP Renovaveis, Solidal, Critical Materials, Emove, e One Ocean. As mesas de
reuniões serão lideradas pelas empresas Ampelmann, Damen Shipyards, ECN,
Hydrographic Maritime Consultants, Imares, ING, Teamwork Technologies BV,
Tocardo da Holanda, e EDP Renovaveis, EnergyIN, Inegi, WavEC Offshore
Renewables e EDP Inovação de Portugal. No final deste documento juntamos uma
breve descrição da cada uma destas empresas.
Para que o evento constitua um sucesso, convidamos as entidades portuguesas
que têm interesses na área das energias renováveis marinhas a participar nesta
sessão e a indicar-nos as empresas com as quais pretendem contactar. O acesso
ao evento será gratuito, mas tem lugares limitados pelo que requer uma
pré-reserva. Sugerimos que a vossa organização se inscreva desde já no evento,
enviando-nos em simultâneo uma breve descrição da actividade que desenvolve,
em particular neste sector.
Para o caso de haver um número muito elevado de inscrições que ultrapasse a
capacidade temporal de realizar todas as reuniões solicitadas, seguiremos o
seguinte critério de prioridades:
1) Tendo em conta que o objectivo fundamental é desenvolver negócios
entre Portugal e Holanda, as empresas terão prioridade nas reuniões
bilaterais, seguindo-se as outras instituições e, por fim, os individuais;
2) As empresas holandesas terão prioridade nas reuniões com
portuguesas. De igual modo, as instituições portuguesas, seguidas de
estrangeiras com escritórios em Portugal, terão prioridade no contacto em
mesas lideradas por empresas holandesas;
3) A ordem de inscrição constituirá o terceiro factor de prioridade.
No caso de não recebermos indicação de empresas que pretenda contactar,
assumiremos que apenas pretende assistir ao evento e desenvolver algum tipo de
networking no intervalo para café e durante o almoço.
REGISTO: [email protected]
Local do Evento:
Residência do Embaixador da Holanda
Rua Sacramento à Lapa, 40
Breve descrição das entidades holandesas participantes no evento de
Ampelmann is a high-tech offshore company focusing on development,
construction and lease of offshore access solutions. More info:
Damen Shipyards Group operates more than 55 shipyards, repair yards and
related companies worldwide. Constant quality and short delivery times, due to
standardized designs and stock-building, are Damen hallmarks. Well-proven
technology, reliable performance and thorough scientific research enable Damen to
offer customers innovative vessels with great Total Cost of Ownership for the
Offshore Wind industry. More info:
ECN is the leading Dutch institute for energy innovation. ECN Wind Energy
develops high-quality knowledge and technology for large-scale cost effective
applications of wind energy and transfer them to the market. More info:
HMC (Hydrographic and Marine Consultants) is an independent engineering and
consultants organization that offers transport and offshore installation engineering,
fatigue analyses, and is a renowned supplier of ship loading instruments, safety
systems and hull monitoring systems. More info:
IMARES (Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies) is the Netherlands
research institute established to provide scientific support that is essential for
developing policies and innovation in respect of the marine environment, fishery
ING - Within ING Commercial Banking our ING Utilities, Power and Renewables
team advises and structures non-recourse debt financing transactions. Our main
point of focus – and key growth area, particularly in Europe – is in renewables. This
includes on- and offshore wind propositions and concentrated and photovoltaic solar
projects. If you are looking for innovative financing structures, and transparent and
efficient financing solutions, please get in touch and let us know how we can help
you. More info:
Teamwork Technology (the developer of the AWS) will present a project for a
new wave energy company and is looking for partners in Portugal and the
Netherlands. More info:
Tocardo is one of the most successful tidal energy companies and produces tidal
and free-flow water turbines. More info:
Breve descrição das entidades portuguesas participantes no evento de
A liderar mesas
EDP Inovação – EDPI is a fully owned subsidiary of the EDP Group (an integrated
energy player, with strong presence in Europe, US and Brazil and the third player in
the world in terms of wind installed capacity) and has the Mission to promote value
adding innovation across the Group. EDPI promotes technology demonstration
projects and venture capital investments in the clean energy / energy efficiency
areas, attracting (globally) and developing innovative ideas / technologies in the
referred area. EDPI’s most important objective is to secure / develop technology
options and future growth vectors for the EDP Group. EDP Innovation deployed
in 2011 Windfloat, a 2 MW floating wind energy prototype, that has produced so far
more than 7 GWh of electricity. More info:
EDP Renováveis (*A confirmar): EDP Renewables is a leading, global renewable
energy company devoted to value creation, innovation and sustainability. EDPR’s
business consists of developing, building and operating top quality wind farms and
solar plants throughout the world. EDPR is the world’s third largest wind energy
company and leverages its experience of operating 8.0 GW of installed capacity.
Energias de Portugal, S.A. (“EDP”), a vertically-integrated utility company,
headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, is the majority shareholder of EDPR. More info:
EnergyIN is a private non-profit association involving the major Portuguese energy
companies, acting as a facilitator for the enhanced cooperation between Portuguese
companies and academia and international partners, stimulating innovative
strategies for competitiveness. More info:
INEGI is an interface Institution between University and Industry, oriented to the
activities of Research and Development, Innovation and Technology Transfer. It
was founded in 1986, among the Department of Mechanical Engineering and
Industrial Management (DEMEGI) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of
Porto. Being a non-profit private association and recognized as being of public
utility, INEGI is currently considered an active agent playing a significant role in the
development of the Portuguese industry, and in the transformation of its
competitive model. More info:
WavEC, Offshore Renewables, is a private nonprofit association created in 2003 to
develop its activities in three areas: applied research, consulting, and pro bono
activities, characteristic of a private non-profit organization, namely the
dissemination and promotion of opportunities associated with the early
development of marine renewable energy in the country, among companies, the
public administration and the general public, and also the training of young people
within curricular internship and advanced training, including Master’s and PhD
theses. The most valuable asset of WavEC is the 400 kW OWC pilot plant (Azores),
providing important field experience and monitoring activities to the centre's staff
More info:
A fazer apresentações
Critical Materials is a high-technology company providing technology and efficient
products for monitoring, diagnosis, prognosis and management of critical
applications of advanced materials for the A&D (AeroSpace & Defence) and Energy
industries. The company envisions that self-healing bio-inspired systems will
revolutionize the design and maintenance of long lasting equipment and moved to
provide the technology and efficient products necessary for this. CMT positions itself
as an enabling technology provider for the “nervous system and bio-brain” of
More info:
Emove is a company that builds and delivers products that contribute to
environmental sustainability and promotes the vision of a better world. EMOVE aims
to become the leading company worldwide in delivering reliable technological
Hidromod is a consulting firm, established in 1992, that develops and
applies technical software applied to environment and engineering. Its main areas
of competence are hydrodynamics, wave climate, water quality, sediment
transport, integrated watershed modeling, effluent dispersion, bathing water quality
in beaches and oil spills. In these areas, computing platforms for data management
and real-time models, appropriate to user needs, are also developed. HIDROMOD
maintains a presence in many areas of research and development and is / was
involved in different projects, both European and national, in order to maintain high
standards of technical competence. More info:
One Ocean is an independent company of naval architecture and engineering that
through an experienced and proactive team of engineers offers a broad portfolio of
services in design and construction of ships and marine structures, ranging from
concept studies to production engineering. Static and dynamic stability, intact and
damage calculations as well as structural design for ships and marine structures are
in our core activity. Detail engineering for structures and piping/systems can be
developed and adapted for each costumer, according the requests and procedures
used by the shipyards