OFFSHORE November 2013 - Offshore Center Angola


OFFSHORE November 2013 - Offshore Center Angola
November 2013
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Offshore Center Angola.............................................. 5
Dear Offshore Player,
By the time you are picking up this copy of our
inaugural ‘Offshore News’ magazine from Offshore
Center Angola (OCA), you are probably already no
stranger to Angola, OCA or the momentous market
opportunities that surround us on a day-to-day
basis here in our beautiful country. We truly believe
that this is a time in history like no other, and feel
fortunate that we have the opportunity to define
the present by the things we build, and will build
together as a community with people like you.
In line with our core mission and motto of promoting “Growth through Knowledge and Competence Development”, Offshore Center
Angola is proud to count a number of successful pioneering efforts in our inaugural
year in 2013 - including the launch of our flagship Oil and Gas International Business2Business Event (OGIB Africa) in Luanda. We have been fortunate that since our very
inception as an organisation, we have enjoyed the kind support of many high-level
stakeholders and the industry; through our member-network we have observed
the multiple developments of the national Oil & Gas value-chain, and look forward
to growing from strength-to-strength with the community we are building, whilst
continuously bringing even more international quality resources, to address what
are uniquely Angolan issues.
Effective Networking has been, and will continue to be at the core of our efforts as
we build the Offshore Oil and Gas community through our membership drive. We aspire that it will create a vital engine for economic growth and diversification, meaningful jobs for Angolans, as well as the achievement of ‘national content’ priorities,
which together have become joint priorities for almost all key decision-makers from
the private, public and educational sectors.
We would like to take this chance to warmly welcome you to ‘Offshore News’ and to
our community of entrepreneurs, builders and ‘doers’ here in Angola. We hope that
you will join us - and look forward to the things we will build and achieve together.
Warm regards,
Paulo Jorge Veiga
General Manager, Offshore Center Angola
Downstream in Transformation............................10
Transformação do Downstream...........................12
Maersk Oil committed to presence
in Angola..........................................................................15
Maersk Oil, Compromisso de Presença
em Angola.......................................................................17
Angola an obvious market for
Danish suppliers...........................................................19
Angola, um Mercado Óbvio para
Fornecedores Dinamarqueses...............................20
Growth through Local Entrepreneurship,
with international technical expertise .............21
Unique collaboration across continents
OGIB AFRICA on November 7 in Luanda is
the culmination of close collaboration
through several years...................................................22
Parceria Única entre Continentes
A OGIB ÁFRICA, a 7 de Novembro, em
Luanda, é o culminar de uma estreita parceria
de vários anos..................................................................24
Angolan opportunities attract Danish
energy sector.................................................................26
Oportunidades em Angola Atraem o Sector
da Energia Dinamarquês..........................................27
Based on its successful experience in Nigeria,
Falck will now set up a branch in Angola.........30
Com base na experiência ganha na Nigéria,
a Falck estabelece uma representação
em Angola.......................................................................31
Danish fund supports collaboration with
Angolan companies....................................................34
Fundo Dinamarquês Apoia Colaboração com
Empresas Angolanas..................................................35
Great expectations of Angolan market.............36
Grandes expectativas no mercado
Collaboration on training........................................38
Colaboração na formação........................................39
Offshore News Angola is the magazine
with offshore related news for the Angolan
offshore industry. The target group is
operators, service companies, suppliers,
authorities and educational institutions
within the oil and gas industry, the offshore
wind industry and within the offshore
related maritime industry as well as international partners of Offshore Center Angola.
Offshore News Angola is published 4 times
Offshore Center Angola
Rua Amílcar Cabral nº 102/104, 1º A
Maianga – Luanda
República de Angola
E-mail:[email protected]
Phone: +244 949 749 691
Phone +244 949 749 692
Articles and news:
Please feel free to forward offshore
related articles and personnel information to Offshore Center Angola, however
responsibility cannot be taken for such material. Articles in Offshore News Angola are
brought with copyright and may be quoted
according to existing guidelines/laws.
Articles and photos may not be published
in other connections, without prior written
Caro Offshore Player,
No momento em que tiver presente este primeiro exemplar da nossa revista inaugural ‘Offshore
News’, provavelmente já estará familiarizado
com a Offshore Center Angola e com as múltiplas oportunidades de mercado que rodeiam
o dia-a-dia neste nosso belo e promissor país,
Acreditamos que este é verdadeiramente um
momento crucial da nossa história, provavelmente como nenhum outro, e sentimo-nos
particularmente motivados por ter a oportunidade de definir o presente pela via do que construímos hoje, e pelo que continuaremos a construir juntos com pessoas como você.
Em linha com o nosso principal enfoque de promover o “Crescimento através do
Conhecimento e do Desenvolvimento de Competências”, a Offshore Center Angola
orgulha-se de registar assinaláveis progressos conseguidos neste seu ano inaugural
de 2013 - incluindo a realização do nosso primeiro e pioneiro evento ‘Oil and Gas
Internacional Business2Business’ (OGIB África) em Luanda. Apraz-nos afirmar que
desde a nossa fundação como organização, que temos contado com o apoio de
relevantes entidades públicas e privadas de forma multilateral; e desde a primeira
hora que temos acompanhado os múltiplos desenvolvimentos da cadeia-de-valor
do Petróleo e Gás nacional, através da comunidade que temos vindo a construir –
transferindo para Angola alguns dos melhores recursos e competências internacionais, adereçando desafios exclusivamente nacionais.
Uma network eficaz, sustentada numa base de contactos e fontes credíveis, tem
estado e continuará a estar no centro dos nossos esforços à medida que vamos
construindo a nossa comunidade Offshore de Petróleo e Gás em Angola. Aspiramos
assim, co-criar com os nossos membros e parceiros associados, um ‘ciclo virtuoso’
de mecanismos vitais que contribuam para o crescimento e diversificação da nossa
economia, melhores e mais qualificados empregos para Angolanos, bem como a
realização de prioridades atinentes ao ‘conteúdo nacional’ – que entendemos serem
prioridades comuns a todos os principais decisores e intervenientes dos sectores
público, privado e relevantes instituições de formação e ensino.
Gostaríamos de aproveitar esta oportunidade para mais uma vez lhe darmos as
boas-vindas à ‘Offshore News’ e à nossa comunidade de empreendedores, esperando
que se junte a nós – fortalecendo a nossa coligação de membros, visando continuarmos a construir e a realizar projectos em conjunto.
Calorosa saudação,s,
Paulo Jorge Veiga
Director Geral, Offshore Center Angola
November 2013
Offshore Center Angola
Offshore Center Angola is actively building its membership network to improve commercial links between local and foreign companies in Angola. General Manager Paulo Jorge Veiga and Business Relations Manager Rui Paulo Ferreira believe that promoting
networking will build the crucial links between members that will
become a major source of new business opportunities, and an
engine for creating meaningful jobs for their fellow Angolans.
Why is this a special time for Angola,
and potential investors considering
it? (Rui Paulo Ferreira)
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)
ranking that placed Angola as the
fastest growing economy in the world
in the last decade in 2000-2010 has
already been making its rounds in the
market place, and in recent times we
have seen an explosion of interest from
forward thinking companies from all
around the world. Many of them see
that the long term fundamentals of the
country are uniquely strong - gifts of
nature in natural resources, favourable
climate, great food, and probably most
importantly, the youngest population
on the planet. This is in sharp contrast
to the gloom we seem to be hearing
these days in more mature markets Angola is clearly a market for the future.
There’s just so much left to do, and so
much left to build.
My personal view is that this is truly
a special time to be here because the
priorities in the coming decade are
distinctively different from the previous
one, and are of a much higher order.
Coming out of the post-conflict times,
the country had to take quite a number
of tough choices simply just to make
the pragmatic transition into peace and
stability. Speed and execution were everything, even if the solutions were not
always perfect. But all of that is history
now; everyone I know is taking a longer
term view on things. They are getting
quality conscious, and they’re willing to
pay for it. They want things that work,
and work well. And they’re willing to
invest to see that the right things get
built, and in the right way.
Where do you see the key opportunities in the marketplace in Angola?
(Paulo Jorge Veiga)
It’s very hard to narrow opportunities
down to just a few key areas, simply
Journalist: Jerónimo Carlos
Rui Paulo Ferreira
(Business Relations Manager, Offshore Center Angola)
Paulo Jorge Veiga
(General Manager, Offshore Center Angola)
because for anyone who’s imaginative,
and has been here in Luanda - they
would tell you that they will see opportunities everywhere, already from
the moment you make the drive from
the airport to downtown. However, if
I had to zoom in on a few, it would be
in the downstream markets, where the
opportunities are very under-explored,
and the entry barriers tend to be lower.
We know that predictably in boom
markets, training and human capital
development - particularly managerial
and technical - will be a persistent priority for some time to come. Right now
it’s also a national policy priority for
the government, as a new post-conflict
generation of young Angolans become
economically active, with rising aspirations and a new sense of themselves
and the world at large. Mind you, these
opportunities are not just for training
providers; I’ve seen stakeholders particularly willing to say yes to so many
things, just simply because they have
a strong human capital development
angle to their story.
The Oil and Gas and Offshore sectors make up more than 80% of the
economy, and traditionally most of the
Oil majors have had to bring everything
they needed into the country themselves. Although this might have been
good to kick things off initially, we all
know that it is neither efficient nor sustainable in the longer term. And every
time the majors have gone exploring
recently, they’ve just keep finding more
and more - and raising the targets and
projections. The latest numbers place
it up nearly 40% from now to 3 million
barrels/day by 2020, and we all know
that it’s not going to be a simple feat
to get there. Majors also have a lot of
things in their operations that they
don’t consider to be their core areas
of competence that they want taken
off their hands to concentrate on what
they do best.
For foreign companies considering
a local partner, what do you believe
is the key to great partnerships with
Angolan companies? (Rui Paulo Ferreira)
In line with national strategic priorities
in recent years, preferential treatment
for joint ventures with a strong localisation component, have been prioritised.
As many may already know, choosing
the right partner in a new market is
such a crucial decision, with no easy answers and ‘quick fixes’. Having said that,
I advise many companies coming here
that being sensitive to cultural aspects
of international business is more important than ever. It might sound pretty
obvious, but coming here you’re not in
your home market anymore, and you
should spend some time to understand
the local mind-set and culture. I have
seen so many companies falter on this.
6 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
Paulo Jorge Veiga (General Manager, Offshore Center Angola) and Rui Paulo Ferreira (Business Relations Manager, Offshore Center Angola)
For instance, Angolans are people
that find personal face-to-face contact
important, and when you’re physically
here, things just move so much faster.
I tell a lot of potential companies that
they can probably forget about doing
their business by “remote control”
through all these fancy connectivity
technologies that the rest of the world
have come to love. You have to signal
that you are in Angola and committed.
Speaking Portuguese, hiring Angolans
and taking just that little extra patience
and engagement needed to equip
them with the necessary skills for them
to do their jobs well, also goes a long
What vision do you have for Offshore
Center Angola (OCA) in the near
future? (Paulo Jorge Veiga)
Just like our affiliates, such as, who have been awarded
the Gold Medal in Cluster Management
Excellence in the European Union for
their ground-breaking Networking
and Business2Business concepts, we
believe that there is strong value to
be unlocked through the power of
Networks. Hence our motto, ‘Growth
through Knowledge and Competence
We have spoken to so many people in
Angola in government, large companies, SMEs and even universities; all of
them have unanimously agreed that
effective Networking was the top of
their priority list and crucial to achieving their individual objectives. However,
they also all agreed that there were few
places where they could build the kind
of strategic or commercial connections
they wanted to. Our core mission at Offshore Center Angola is to address this
gap, and create these sorts of spaces for
this high-impact networking to happen,
and in doing so thus advancing the interests of the Oil and Gas and Offshore
sectors as a whole. We strongly believe
that networking will create a vital engine for economic growth, the creation
of meaningful jobs for Angolans, as well
as the achievement of ‘national content’
priorities, which together have become
joint priorities for almost all key decision makers from the private/public/
educational sectors.
The demand and support from the
community for such initiatives thus far
have been immense - and we feel that
the time for action is now!
What final advice would you give to
companies considering Angola as a
market? (Rui Paulo Ferreira)
I would say that above all, companies
should come to Angola with a view
that they would like to invest at least
for the medium term, because truth
of the matter is that things take time
here. It is still a country re-building its
creative capabilities again, so you can’t
really take for granted that things will
move at the speed you are used elsewhere in more developed markets.
The market here has experienced, and
is fairly wary of those who “parachute
in” with fancy PowerPoint proposals
and well-rehearsed speeches, but no
feasible actions or solutions at the end
of it all.
Growth Through Knowledge and
Competence Development
Crescer Através do Conhecimento e
Desenvolvimento de Competências
Finally, on a personal level, come with
a good dose of creativity, good-humour and a patient willingness to discover the country for what it really is.
There is a lot in Angola to experience,
and I have no doubt that in given
time, it will pleasantly surprise you in
ways that you initially did not expect.
This is a country of great rewards, for
those who stay around long enough
to be ready to receive them.
Growth Through Knowledge and
Competence Development
Offshore Center Angola is a member supported cluster organisation based
in Angola, whose primary mission is to advance the interests of member companies in the Oil and Gas sector and related industry verticals in Angola, as per
its motto:
“Growth through Knowledge and Competence Development”
Amongst the activities that Offshore Center Angola
will pursue include:
• Networking and community-building activities
• Competency and human capital development
• Facilitating development of Angolan National Content
• Innovation and sector projects related to Health, Safety
and Environmental Protection (HSSE)
Key Benefits of Membership
(Please note: Event/project specific fees apply)
• Unique opportunity to create professional network with Oil & Gas industry operators, numerous
subcontractors and niche companies
• Participation in networking within the company’s focus areas - with the opportunity to initiate new
network groups
• Ability to contribute editorial articles and advertise in Offshore Center Angola newsletters and the
International Yearbook
• Assistance from Offshore Center Angola specialists to coordinate its own conferences, workshops,
courses and other events
• Ability to draw on Offshore Center Angola’s specialized expertise and network, and support for
development projects in the Oil & Gas sector
• Access to Offshore Center Angola Calendar of Networking events
• Access to Angolan Human Capital Institutes’ calendar of Training events
• Invitation (VIP) to the Annual Oil and Gas Business2Business (OGIB) conferences in Angola and Denmark
• Access to Offshore Center Angola’s Management Consulting expertise
• Access to Offshore Center Angola’s Information systems and IT Network
• Increased Company Profile within and beyond Angola in Offshore Center Angola’s conferences
and marketing efforts
Offshore Center Angola
Rua Amílcar Cabral nº 102/104, 1º A
Maianga – Luanda
República de Angola
Tel.: +244 949 749 691
Email: [email protected]
Downstream in
The African Development Bank is turning its attention to
supporting strategic sectors with new programs to stimulate
economic growth and create jobs ; Oil and Gas downstream
identified as major source of opportunity.
Mr. Septime Martin is the Resident Representative of the African Development
Development Bank in Angola, and has
built an illustrious career previously as
a lead economist with the Bank, as well
as a trusted technical adviser to various
Ministers of Finance and Economy in Africa. He shares his views on the current
Community of Central African States
(ECCAS) and SADC. Most of the ECCAS
countries are oil and gas exporters and
there is a “niche” for further business
opportunities where Angola could play
a greater and leadership role in promoting the national contents development
in a regional perspective in order to
push the regional integration agenda
within the two Regional Economic
Communities (RECs).
Why is National Content a priority for
Angola and the region at present?
Angola has performed recently one of
the highest GDP growth rate due to
oil exports (two digits since 2002 and
after the global economic and financial
crisis in 2008-2009 the recovery has
been gradual and the 2013 projections
stand at 7%). The challenge is that this
rapid growth didn’t create enough jobs
and has kept the economy vulnerable.
National contents development aims at
ensuring oil related local activities promotion in order to create jobs, develop
technical and managerial skills. The
Government of Angola has performed
quite well in this area, but there is a
need to deepen this approach beyond
the upstream and midstream areas.
Also, looking at the regional dimension, Angola is member of Economic
Why has the AfDB identified the Angolan Oil and Gas sector and downstream as a potential focus area?
As mentioned above, there is recently a
great debate in Africa on the “Structural
Transformation of the African Economies” and the lessons learnt from the
past experiences of the natural resources exploitation in the African resource
rich countries. The African Development Bank has approved in 2013 its
Ten Year Strategy (TYS) 2013-2022 with
the objective to position the Institution
at the Center of Africa’s Transformation with focus on two main pillars: (i)
the inclusive growth; and (ii) the green
growth. Five operational priorities have
been also selected: (i) Infrastructure
development; (ii) regional economic
10 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
Resident representative Mr. Septime Martin
integration; (iii) private sector development; (iv) governance and accountability; (v) skills and development.
It is within this background context that
the African Development Bank (AfDB)
has identified the oil and gas downstream activities as areas for discussion
and exploration. Until recently the focus
at the country level was the diversification of the economy outside the oil
and gas sector and the AfDB has also
contributed to this process by assisting
the Ministry of Planning of Angola in
financing a flagship report dedicated
to “the economic diversification of the
Angolan economy”. Now, in order to
expand the Africa’s transformation perspective, it is also important to look into
the oil and gas sector and explore the
potential downstream activities to be
developed at mid and long term. More
importantly it is worthwhile to focus on
the challenges and bottlenecks to be
addressed to allow an effective transformation of the Angolan, central and
southern region economies.
What immediate opportunities does
the AfDB see for creating mutually
beneficial partnerships?
There are lots of opportunities for the
economic development of Angola and
the region. Going back to the priorities defined in the Bank’s TYS, there are
several initiatives and business opportunities in infrastructure, private sector
development, regional integration and
skills development that apply for Angola and the region. It is the right time
to strengthen partnership between the
public, private and financial institutions
to unlock the regional potentialities and
promote a sustainable development
growth. AfDB has launched recently
the Africa50 fund aiming at financing
mega infrastructure and development
projects across Africa. Also the Bank’s
regional resource center based in South
Africa (SARC) will be playing a critical
role in promoting PPPs in the region in
order to address the financing challenges of mega public utilities projects
This all sounds very interesting How can the programs by the AfDB,
particular it’s private division, help
companies in Angola?
The Bank’s private sector division has
been active in Angola since the opening
of the Office in 2011. Several initiatives
are on-going to provide line of credits
to the local financial institutions to be
transferred to SMEs at a competitive
cost for the promotion of private sector
development. As the Angolan private
sector is nascent, there is a need for
capacity building programs to assist the
government in promoting entrepreneurship, SMEs development and adequate financing support and the AfDB
stands ready to support where viable.
Transformação do
O Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento (BAD) está a centrar
a sua atenção no apoio a sectores estratégicos, através de
novos programas de estímulo ao crescimento económico e à
criação de emprego; o downstream do petróleo e gás é identificado como a maior fonte de oportunidades.
O Representante Residente do Banco Africano de Desenvolvimento em
Angola, Sr. Septime Martin, que construiu uma destinta carreira de liderança
enquanto economista na organização, tendo sido igualmente consultor
técnico de vários Ministros de Finanças
e Economia em África, partilha aqui as
suas opiniões sobre os desenvolvimentos actuais.
Porque é que presentemente o
Conteúdo Nacional é uma prioridade
para Angola e para a região?
Angola tem nos últimos anos apresentado elevadas taxas de crescimento
do seu Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), suportado pelas exportações de petróleo
(dois dígitos desde 2002, e após a crise
económica e financeira mundial em
2008-2009 a recuperação foi gradual e
as projeções para 2013 situam-se nos
7%). O problema é que este rápido
crescimento não criou empregos suficientes, mantendo a economia vulnerável. O desenvolvimento do Conteúdo
Nacional, visa assegurar a promoção
de actividades locais relacionadas com
o petróleo, com o objectivo de criar
empregos, desenvolver capacidades
técnicas e de gestão. A performance
do governo angolano nesta área tem
sido muito boa, mas há necessidade de
aprofundar esta vertente, para além das
áreas do upstream e midstream.
Para além disso, olhando para a dimensão regional, Angola é membro da
Comunidade Económica dos Estados
da África Central (CEEAC) e da Comunidade para o Desenvolvimento da África
Austral (SADC). A maioria dos países
da CEEAC são exportadores de petróleo e gás, e há múltiplos “nichos” para
novas oportunidades de negócio, onde
Angola pode desempenhar um papel
relevante e de liderança na promoção
do desenvolvimento do Conteúdo
Nacional também numa perspectiva
regional, de forma a impulsionar a
agenda da integração regional dentro
das duas Comunidades Económicas
Regionais (CERs).
Porque é que o Banco Africano de
Desenvolvimento identificou os
sectores do petróleo e gás angolano
downstream como área de enfoque?
Como mencionado anteriormente, tem
havido recentemente um grande debate em África sobre a “transformação
estrutural das economias africanas”, e
sobre as lições aprendidas das experiências passadas na exploração dos
12 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
recursos naturais nos países africanos
ricos nesses recursos. Em 2013, o Banco
Africano de Desenvolvimento aprovou
a Estratégia Decenal (TYS) 2013-2022
com o objetivo de posicionar a instituição no Centro de Transformação de
África, com foco em dois pilares fundamentais: (i) o crescimento inclusivo, e
(ii) o crescimento verde. Cinco prioridades operacionais também foram
selecionadas: (i) o desenvolvimento de
infraestruturas, (ii) a integração económica regional; (iii) o desenvolvimento
do sector privado, (iv) a governação e a
responsabilidade corporativa; (v) habilidades e desenvolvimento.
É neste cenário que o Banco Africano
de Desenvolvimento (BAD) identificou as actividades do petróleo e gás
downstream como áreas de discussão e
exploração. Até há pouco tempo, o foco
ao nível do país foi na diversificação da
economia fora dos referidos sectores
e o BAD também contribuiu para esse
processo, auxiliando o Ministério do
Planeamento de Angola no financiamento de um relatório principalmente
dedicado à “diversificação económica
da economia angolana”. Agora, com
o objectivo expandir a perspectiva
de transformação de África, também
é importante olhar para o sector do
petróleo e gás e explorar as potencialidades das actividades downstream a
serem desenvolvidas a médio e longo
prazo. Igualmente relevante é o foco
nos desafios e nos impasses que devem
ser resolvidos, para permitir uma transformação efectiva das economias de
Angola e das regiões central e sul.
Quais são as oportunidades imediatas que o BAD vê na criação de parcerias mutuamente benéficas?
Existem muitas oportunidades para o
desenvolvimento económico de Angola
e da região. De acordo com as prioridades anteriormente definidas pela
Estratégia Decenal do BAD, há várias
iniciativas e oportunidades de negócio:
em infraestruturas, no desenvolvimento do sector privado, na integração
regional e no desenvolvimento de
competências que se aplicam a Angola
e à região. Este é o momento certo para
reforçar a parceria entre instituições
financeiras, públicas e privadas, para
se desbloquear as potencialidades
regionais, promovendo o crescimento e
o desenvolvimento sustentável. O BAD
lançou recentemente o fundo Africa50
com o objetivo de financiar mega
infraestruturas e projetos de desenvolvimento em África. Também o centro de
recursos regional do Banco, sediado na
África do Sul (SARC), irá desempenhar
um papel fundamental na promoção
de Parcerias Público-privadas (PPPs) na
região, com o objectivo de enfrentar
os desafios de financiamento de mega
projectos de utilidade pública.
Tudo isto parece ser muito interessante, mas como podem os programas do BAD, e em particular o seu
Departamento Privado ajudar as
empresas em Angola?
instituir linhas de crédito às instituições financeiras locais, que deverão ser
transferidas para as Pequenas e Médias
Empresas (PME’s) a um custo competitivo para a promoção do desenvolvimento do sector privado. Como o sector
privado angolano ainda está ainda
numa fase embrionária, subsiste a necessidade de desenvolver programas de
capacitação para auxiliar o governo na
promoção do empreendedorismo, no
desenvolvimento das PME’s, mormente
através de apoios financeiros adequados – e o BAD está pronto para apoiar.
O departamento privado do BAD tem
sido muito activo em Angola, desde
a abertura do seu escritório em 2011.
Várias iniciativas estão em curso para
14 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
Maersk Oil committed to
presence in Angola
Maersk Oil has made several discoveries that have
attracted worldwide interest
Maersk Oil believes there are great
opportunities in Angola, where the
company has made finds over the past
8 years that have attracted international
attention, including the Chissonga,
Caporolo and Azul discoveries.
”Maersk Oil’s business in Angola is very
important to Maersk Oil. Our key project
in Angola is planned to make important
contributions to the company’s overall
strategic goal of producing 400,000
barrels of oil a day by 2020,” says Anders
Damgaard, Managing Director of
Maersk Oil in Angola.
Maersk Oil became involved in Angola
in 2005, when the company purchased
a share of deepwater Block 16 in the
Lower Congo Basin. 4 years later, the
promising Chissonga field was found,
which is now being developed commercially.
Last year, Maersk Oil also made the
Caporolo discovery in Block 16, and in
early 2012, the Azul discovery in Block
23, which was the first positive well in
the Angolan deepwater presalt. The
company is also planning exploration
wells in Block 8 in the Kwanza Basin.
In total, Maersk Oil operates an acreage
of around 15,000 km2 and holds interests making it the 4th largest acreage
interest holder in Angola.
The entire value chain
”The Chissonga project is particularly
significant for Maersk Oil both because
it’s going to be the first deep water development and the first project outside
Denmark in Maersk Oil’s history that the
company will operate throughout the
upstream value chain, from exploration,
appraisal and development through to
production,” says Anders Damgaard.
Since the exploration well was made in
2009, the company has drilled a total of
3 appraisal wells in the field at a depth
some 5000 mMaersk Oil is now about
to take a decision concerning the concept to be used for future extraction in
Chissonga and is also preparing a Field
Development Plan that is expected to
be completed before the end of 2013.
Oil production is expected to commence 2017 or 2018
Deepwater challenges
Deepwater operations in Angola
involve several challenges. For example, the Chissonga development is a
remote facility located 134 km offshore.
The wells are located in water depths
ranging from 1,200 m to 1,500 m and
require highly specialised equipment.
Chissonga comprises 3 main hydrocarbon accumulations, covering an area of
approximately 175 km2.
”All of those big figures have implications for planning and logistics, but we
also have to ensure safety remains our
top priority, which is a core Maersk Oil
value,” says Anders Damgaard.
Maersk Oil operates in Angola in partnership with national and international
partners. When the company entered
Angola in June 2005, it acquired a 50 %
interest and operatorship of Block 16
with partners Odebrecht Oil and Gas
(15%) and Sonangol P&P (20 %). In 2012
Maersk Oil bought Devon Energy’s 15
% share in Block 16 and thus increased
Maersk Oil’s share to 65 %. In November
2006, it acquired a 50 % interest and
operatorship of Blocks 8 and 23 with
Svenska Petroleum Exploration (30 %)
and Sonangol P&P (20 %).
16 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
Maersk Oil, Compromisso de
Presença em Angola
A Maersk Oil fez várias descobertas em Angola que têm atraído o interesse mundial
A Maersk Oil acredita que há grandes
oportunidades em Angola, onde a
empresa tem realizado várias descobertas ao longo dos últimos 8 anos que
têm atraído a atenção internacional,
incluindo as descobertas nos blocos
Chissonga, Caporolo e Azul.
No total, a Maersk Oil opera numa área
implantada de cerca de 15.000 km2
onde tem participações, tornando-a a quarta maior empresa detentora
de interesses em área implantada em
A cadeia-de-valor
“O presença da Maersk Oil em Angola é
muito importante para a nossa organização. O nosso principal projeto em
Angola prevê trazer importantes contribuições para o objectivo estratégico
global da empresa: produzir 400 mil
barris de petróleo por dia em 2020”, diz
Anders Damgaard, Director Executivo
da Maersk Oil em Angola.
A Maersk Oil localizou-se em Angola em
2005, quando adquiriu uma participação no Bloco 16 na Bacia do Baixo Congo (em águas profundas). Quatro anos
depois, uma promissora descoberta foi
realizada no bloco Chissonga, estando
agora em fase de desenvolvimento
No ano passado, a Maersk Oil fez nova
descoberta no Bloco 16 (Caporolo) e no
início de 2012 no Bloco 23 (Azul) – tendo esta sido a primeira descoberta no
pré-sal em águas profundas de Angola. A empresa também está a planear
explorações nos poços do Bloco 8 na
Bacia do Kwanza.
“O projeto Chissonga é particularmente
significativo para a Maersk Oil; vai ser
o primeiro projecto desenvolvido em
águas profundas e o primeiro projecto
desta natureza na história da Maersk Oil
fora da Dinamarca, onde iremos operar
toda a cadeia-de-valor a montante,
desde a exploração, avaliação e desenvolvimento através da produção”, diz
Anders Damgaard.
Desde que o poço de exploração foi
construído em 2009, a companhia
perfurou um total de três poços de
avaliação na área, a uma profundidade
de cerca de 5.000m. A Maersk Oil está
prestes a tomar uma decisão sobre o
conceito a ser utilizado para a extração
futura do Chissonga e também está a
preparar um Plano de Desenvolvimento
de Campo, que deverá ser concluído
antes do final de 2013. A produção de
petróleo está prevista para começar em
2017 ou 2018.
Desafios em Águas Profundas
Operações em águas profundas em
Angola envolvem vários desafios. Por
exemplo, o desenvolvimento do Chissonga, uma instalação offshore, remotamente localizada a 134 km. Os poços
estão localizados em profundidades em
intervalos de 1.200 a 1.500m, exigindo
equipamento altamente especializado.
O Chissonga compreende três acumulações principais de hidrocarbonetos,
cobrindo uma área de aproximadamente 175 km2.
“Todos estes grandes números têm
exigentes implicações para o planeamento e logística, particularmente a
segurança, que continuará a ser a nossa
prioridade e o maior valor da Maersk
Oil”, diz Anders Damgaard.
A Maersk Oil opera em Angola com parceiros nacionais e internacionais. Quando a empresa se estabeleceu em Angola
em Junho de 2005, adquiriu 50% de
participação e subjacente licença para
explorar o Bloco 16 com a Odebrecht
Oil and Gas (15%) e a Sonangol P&P
(20%). Em 2012, a Maersk Oil comprou
a participação da Devon Energy de 15%
no Bloco 16 aumentando assim a sua
participação para 65%. Em novembro
de 2006, adquiriu 50% de participaçaõ
e licença para explorar os Blocos 8 e 23
com a Svenska Petroleum Exploration
(30%) e a Sonangol P&P (20%).
Unlock and deliver
Maersk Oil, the natural upstream oil and gas partner;
navigating complexity, unlocking potential.
Maersk Oil has the mindset, technical experience and proven
capability to identify exploration opportunities and deliver
these to material production. Collaborating with national and
local authorities, Maersk Oil has an operated production of
600,000 bpd from on- and offshore facilities internationally,
making oil and gas a driver for governments to build nations.
Maersk Oil has:
• 50 years of experience unlocking complex discoveries
with innovative solutions
• A record of long-term partnerships for sustainable success
• An agile and growing organisation with an incident free
mindset and on time delivery.
Maersk Oil entered Angola in 2005 and made its first
commercial discovery in 2009. Since then the organisation
has grown rapidly, now consisting of more than 90 people.
The plan is to double this number within the next two years.
Maersk Oil is part of the A.P. Moller - Maersk Group, present
in 130 countries with more than 100,000 employees.
Learn more at
Angola, an obvious market for
Danish suppliers
One of the world’s leading suppliers of advanced well and drilling
technology considers Angola an obvious market
Welltec is one of the Danish suppliers to
the oil and gas sector that has been represented for the longest time in Angola.
The company has thus profound knowledge of the sector and the country and,
after more than 10 years in Angola,
Welltec is aware of both the advantages
and the drawbacks of this market.
Welltec develops and provides advanced well and drilling technology and
solutions for the oil and gas industry.
In less than 10 years, the company has
grown from being a small sub-supplier
into being one of the world’s leading
companies in its field and today has
branches in 28 countries, including 6
branches in Africa.
In the same way as other suppliers in
the Danish offshore sector, Welltec often joins Danish and foreign operators
when they go to new parts of the world.
Thus Welltec followed Norwegian energy company Statoil when it became
active in Angola in 2002, and Statoil
since became the operator or partner in
relation to most licenses offshore in the
Angolan offshore sector.
To begin with, Welltec was positioned
as a supplier to existing contract hold-
Vice President at Welltec Christian Krüger
For this reason, Welltec has worked
hard to train Angolans in order to have
Angolans in almost all leading positions and to give Angolan engineers the
opportunity to build up international
competences in Welltec’s other locations. Welltec thus makes a substantial
contribution to job creation in Angola,
and this development is a good business case for Welltec because they can
accentuate their focus on local content.
Moreover, European companies must
put in an effort to understand and work
on the basis of local culture in Angola.
Christian Krüger says:
ers, but very soon Welltec’s management realised the importance of being
represented by means of its own branch
in Angola, including local staff, in order
to have the greatest chance of expanding its business.
“As a European company, the first thing
you’ve got to remember is the fact that
the African countries are just as different as are the European ones. For
instance, it’s a different matter to work
in Angola compared to, for instance,
“Local content is critical to Welltec and,
after having grown both our number
of customers and our network after
only a short period of time in Angola,
we quickly decided to set up our own
branch in the country,” says Welltec’s
Vice President Christian Krüger.
Angola is thus in every way an obvious
market for Danish suppliers, believes
Christian Krüger.
Angola, um Mercado Óbvio para
Fornecedores Dinamarqueses
Um dos principais fornecedores mundiais de tecnologia avançada para poços e
perfuração, considera Angola um mercado óbvio
A Welltec é um dos fornecedores dinamarqueses para o setor do petróleo e
gás, que está à mais tempo em Angola.
Ao longo dos seus 10 anos de experiência em Angola, a empresa acumulou um
profundo conhecimento do sector e do
país, estando perfeitamente consciente
quer das vantagens quer das dificuldades deste promissor mercado.
A Welltec desenvolve e fornece tecnologias avançadas para poços, perfuração
e soluções tecnológicas aplicadas para
a indústria de petróleo e gás. Em menos
de 10 anos a empresa cresceu de uma
pequena subfornecedora, para uma das
principais empresas do mundo na sua
área de competência, tendo hoje filiais
em 28 países, incluindo seis em África.
Tal como outros fornecedores no setor
offshore dinamarquês, a Welltec alia-se
frequentemente com outros operadores
dinamarqueses e estrangeiros, quando
estes abraçam desafios em novos mercados. Assim, a Welltec associou-se à
empresa de energia norueguesa Statoil,
quando esta iniciou a sua actividade em
Angola em 2002 e desde então, a Statoil
tornou-se no operador ou parceiro em
relação à maioria das licenças no sector
offshore angolano.
20 ON/OFF NEWS - Angola November 2013
Inicialmente a Welltec posicionou-se
como uma fornecedora para detentores de contractos existentes; contudo,
rapidamente a administração da Welltec
apercebeu-se da importância de estar
representada através da sua própria
organização em Angola, com uma
estrutura de colaboradores locais, com
o objectivo de consolidar e expandir os
seus negócios.
“O ‘conteúdo local’ é central para a Welltec; depois da nossa rede de contactos
e carteira de clientes terem crescido significativamente num curto período de
tempo desde a nossa chegada a Angola,
decidimos incorporar a nossa organização no país”, diz o vice-presidente da
Welltec Christian Krüger.
Neste contexto, a Welltec tem trabalhado muito para desenvolver competências locais, mormente formando e
qualificando quadros técnicos angolanos com a finalidade de os posicionar
na liderança da organização, dando
particularmente oportunidade a engenheiros angolanos de desenvolverem
competências (internacionais) noutros
países onde a empresa também desen-
volve a sua actividade. A Welltec, considera que contribui substancialmente
para a criação de empregos de elevada
especialização em Angola - um desenvolvimento que a Welltec considera ser
um ‘bom negócio’, ao ampliar a excelência e qualidade dos seus serviços
através de talento nacional. Além disso,
a Welltec entende que todas as empresas Europeias presentes em Angola,
devem esforçar-se por compreender
e trabalhar com base na cultura local
Christian Krüger afirma:
“Como empresa europeia, a primeira
coisa que têm que recordar é o facto de
que os países Africanos são tão diferentes como são os Europeus. Por exemplo,
é muito diferente trabalhar em Angola
comparativamente com, por exemplo,
na Nigéria.”
Angola é em todos os sentidos um
mercado óbvio para os fornecedores dinamarqueses, acredita Christian Krüger.
Growth through Local
Entrepreneurship, with
international technical expertise
Founded in 2005 Simples Oil has been providing oil and gas industry specialized services of the
highest international standards.
This ‘100% born-and-bred Angolan company’ has since grown from
strength-to-strength, vastly increasing
the scope of the original contract in
2005. It now boasts diversified operations in specific business areas - covering drilling assets and drill ships, down
hole rental tools, lifting inspection,
logistics, scaffolding, industrial painting,
insulation and other ancillary services.
In addition, it also offers manpower
services, providing the industry with
highly skilled Angolan workers and key
non Angolan professionals.
The group aspires toward the highest
levels of international standards of excellence, with the ambitious vision “not
only to become the leading National
Oilfield Services provider, but also to
provide the full support and logistic
services in the Oil & Gas Industry in Republic of Angola”. The firm takes a very
individualized approach to its clients,
and believes that listening closely to client needs can be a key source of expansion opportunities for its business. As
Co-President Mr. Alberto Mendes says,
“Our business philosophy is to cater for
each of our client’s needs individually. We
understand that businesses have their
own specific requirements and that in a
dynamic environment these are subject
to change, but we take these unknown future changes as a matter of fact and part
of real life, and we aim to accommodate
them effortlessly. We believe that there
are no problems, only solutions and we
strive to remain flexible, positive and focused. With Grupo Simples Oil, petroleum
business in Angola is just made simple.”
Grupo Simples Oil, Lda. welcomes both
new and established businesses to
work with them to develop mutually
beneficial partnerships in Angola. It
believes that through its intimate local
knowledge and network, it can help accelerate the pace and minimize the cost
of establishing a presence in Angola.
In addition, potential partners can look
forward to tapping into a tried, reliable
and trustable network of suppliers and
business partners, as well as navigate
the requirements Angolan regulation
and business practices.
Being a 100% Angolan company also
makes the group deeply committed
to the development of the country;
Grupo Simples Oil Lda. is involved with
closely with the local community, as
pointed out by its Co-President Mr.
Mário Gomes:
“We trust that we can make a transformation by adopting new technologies
and investing in education, as well as
entrepreneurship which will offer new
opportunities to advance economic
development. We are truly proud in our
social commitment by our involvement
in helping to upgrade the standards of
training and education in Republic of
Unique collaboration across continents
OGIB AFRICA on November 7 in Luanda is the culmination of
close collaboration through several years
Over recent years, Denmark and Angola
have built up close collaboration with
the common aim of strengthening
the Angolan offshore oil and gas sector in order to exploit the enormous
energy resources that exist in Angola.
The collaboration was begun in 2010
at delegation meetings in Denmark
and Angola, and the international
business-to-business event OGIB Africa
on November 7 in Luanda is so far the
culmination of this effort.
panies in Denmark. Peter Blach, the
centre’s director, says:
“Over the years, Angola has become
the leading market for Danish offshore
oil and gas companies in Africa on the
basis of the significant deposits in the
country and the conducive business environment that Angola has created over
the past few years. In many ways, there’s
a very good foundation in Angola for
Danish companies with an international
The Danish innovation network and
knowledge centre
represents 90 % of all offshore com-
He adds:
The fact that Danish companies are in
the frame has to do with our experience
22 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
of the North Sea’s complex geology
where we’ve exploited even hard-toreach offshore fields and, as oil and gas
extraction in Angola moves offshore,
we believe Denmark can help ensure an
optimum outcome for Angola.”
Danish companies such as Maersk Oil
have been represented in Angola for
almost 10 years, for instance as the
operator of the Chissonga and Azul
fields, that have attracted international
attention because of their special deep
water wells. Also Welltec, the supplier of
advanced drilling technology, has been
represented in Angola for a decade and,
Peter Blach, director
in recent years, companies involved in
safety training such as Maersk H2S and
Falck Safety Services plus sub-suppliers
such as Dyrup’s Offshore Paints and
Wrist Ship Supply have established offices in Luanda. A range of companies
are thus already well established in
Angola, and many more are on the way.
fields studies and close dialogue with
Sonangol, Offshore Center Angola
helps create the best possible business
environment in the country, and this
has also been reflected in Denmark,
where several companies are considering establishing themselves in Angola
or West Africa.”
Peter Blach explains:
“In order to build even closer ties with
Angola, we’ve made a joint effort to
establish Offshore Center Angola, that’s
to ensure that Danish suppliers and
Angolan partners enter into collaboration. On the basis of market analyses,
OGIB Africa builds on a concept devised
by It provides all
participants with the opportunity to
decide which specific players from the
sector that they would like to meet at
brief, informal meetings with a view to
presenting a business idea, looking for
partners or creating dialogue in some
other way.
“This concept is favourable at a stage
where many new relations are still
being created between Danish and
Angolan players. The participants are
given the chance to be introduced to
all links in the offshore supply chain,
and a brief meeting at OGIB Africa can
quickly open many doors in this unique
collaboration across continents,” says
Peter Blach.
OGIB: Networking across continents
Colaboração Única entre Continentes
O evento OGIB ÁFRICA, a 7 de Novembro em Luanda, é o
culminar de uma estreita colaboração de vários anos
Peter Blach, director
A Dinamarca e Angola têm vindo a
construir nos últimos anos uma estreita
colaboração visando fortalecer o sector
offshore do petróleo e gás Angolano,
com o objectivo de explorar os enormes
recursos energéticos existentes em Angola. A colaboração teve início em 2010
com reuniões entre delegações governamentais, empresariais e a realização de
fóruns de negócios, tanto na Dinamarca
como em Angola; o evento OGIB África,
Oil & Gas International Business2Business no dia 7 de Novembro em Luanda,
constitui mais um resultado tangível
desse esforço.
O centro de conhecimento, inovação e
networking, representa 90% de todas as empresas do sector
offshore do petróleo e gás na Dinamarca.
Segundo o Director da organização,
Peter Blach:
“Nos últimos anos Angola tornou-se o
‘líder de mercado’ em África para as empresas dinamarquesas do sector, não só
face às significativas descobertas anunciadas, mas também o crescente e cada
vez mais propício ambiente de negócios
que Angola construtivamente tem vindo
a consolidar. Em muitos aspectos, Angola oferece excelentes condições para as
empresas dinamarquesas com foco na
internacionalização. “
Peter Blach acrescenta:
“O facto das empresas dinamarquesas
serem internacionalmente reconhecidas, deve-se designadamente à nossa
experiência adquirida na complexa
‘geologia do Mar do Norte’, onde temos
vindo a explorar blocos offshore de
elevada exigência a todos os níveis; com
o crescendo na extracção de petróleo e
gás em Angola, acreditamos que a Dinamarca pode seguramente colaborar com
Angola para garantir melhores e mais
eficientes resultados.”
24 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
As empresas dinamarquesas estão
representadas em Angola há mais de
10 anos; um bom exemplo é a Maersk
Oil, operadora dos Blocos Chissonga e
Azul, que atraiu a atenção internacional,
particularmente com as suas descobertas em águas ultra-profundas; também
a Welltec, fornecedora de tecnologia
avançada de perfuração, está representada em Angola há uma década. Nos
últimos anos, as empresas envolvidas na
formação em segurança, como a Maersk
H2S e a Falck Safety Services, além de
outras subfornecedoras, como a empresa Dyrup (que fornece tintas especiais
para aplicação offshore) e a Wrist Ship
Supply estabeleceram representações
em Luanda. Para além destas empresas
já bem estabelecidas em Angola, muitas
outras estão a caminho.
Angolanos se aproximem, iniciando ou
estreitando colaborações. Com base em
vários estudos de mercado realizados e
um diálogo contínuo e próximo de relevantes entidades e empresas nacionais
como a Sonangol, concluímos que a
Offshore Center Angola poderá contribuir para criar um ambiente de negócios
no país ainda mais propício – facto que
já se reflectiu na Dinamarca, com várias
empresas a estabelecem-se em Angola
e outras a considerarem fazê-lo a prevê
Peter Blach explica:
“Para construir laços ainda mais fortes
com Angola, fizemos um esforço conjunto para apoiar a criação da Offshore
Center Angola, designadamente para
garantir que empresas e entidades
dinamarquesas e potenciais parceiros
O evento OGIB África baseia-se num
conceito desenvolvido pela; um formato que proporciona
a todos os participantes para de forma
personalizada e mesmo informal, interagirem com as empresas e entidades que
entenderem, de forma mais focalizada e
operacional, com vista à apresentação de
ideias de negócio, busca de parcerias ou
simplesmente com a finalidade de iniciar
um diálogo construtivo.
“Entendemos que este conceito é mais
operacional e profícuo – do que outro
tipo de conferências mais tradicionais
– face aos significativos sucessos que temos registado, mormente nas novas relações criadas entre players Dinamarqueses
e Angolanos. Aos participantes é dada a
oportunidade de interagirem com todos
os intervenientes na cadeia-de-valor Oil
& Gas offshore, e uma simples e breve
reunião durante o evento OGIB África,
pode rapidamente abrir portas para mais
uma colaboração ou parceria única entre
continentes”, finaliza Peter Blach.
Angolan opportunities
attract Danish energy sector
The Confederation of Danish Industry is seeing great interest in
Angola among its members, and the Danish energy sector has
much to offer, observes the federations’ director
With its 10,000 member companies, the
Confederation of Danish Industry, DI, is
Denmark’s largest and most important
business organisation. Its members
include Denmark’s largest and most international companies as well as a range
of small and medium-size companies in
many lines of business.
success in growth markets worldwide by
means of advice and establishment of
networks and contacts. This is why the
organisation is making a whole-hearted
effort to enhance collaboration between
Denmark and Angola on developing the
Angolan offshore oil and gas sector.
Global focus on Angola
One of DI’s most important objectives
is to help Danish companies achieve
“Angola is a growing market with a lot
of opportunities in the offshore sector,
26 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
Hans Peter Slente,
Director of the Danish Energy
Industries Federation
and this is currently attracting attention
from the entire world. This is an opportunity for Danish companies with strong
competences in offshore oil and gas that
mustn’t be overlooked,” says Hans Peter
Slente, Director of the Danish Energy
Industries Federation.
Hans Peter Slente adds:
“Individually, and as a collective cluster
with very good traditions for collaboration, Danish companies can offer solutions to a range of the challenges Angola
is facing as the country’s offshore sector
is developed and optimised.”
In 2011 he was part of a business promotion in Angola, where a string of the
leading companies in Denmark’s energy
sector were represented. The Confederation of Danish Industry helped organise
the visit and is also the co-organiser of
the forthcoming OGIB Africa in Luanda in
can provide products and competences
that are sought after in the African
Contacts were made
“In 2011 we received an overwhelmingly warm welcome from authorities
and companies in Angola, and they were
greatly interested in specific, Danish solutions and products. And the Danish companies were also very interested in the
opportunities that Angola had to offer.
Contacts were made that have been built
on later, and we’re now taking things a
step further by the help of an even larger
networking event in Angola in the shape
of OGIB,” says Hans Peter Slente.
However, according to the industry association director, it is not only the Danish
oil and gas sector that has something to
offer Angola. Also other players from the
highly developed Danish energy sector
Hans Peter Slente says:
“Angola has a great need for building
up the country’s power supply as well as
other parts of its energy sector, and Danish companies possess solid professional
and technical competences in a wide
range of fields to do with energy. The
offshore sector is the spearhead of Danish business in Angola, but many other
Danish companies have the chance to
do business in this market.”
He is looking forward to when OGIB
Africa creates the basis for even more
collaboration between Denmark and Angola, and he hopes that more Angolan
business delegations will visit Denmark
in future.
Oportunidades em Angola Atraem o
Sector da Energia Dinamarquês
A Confederação da Indústria Dinamarquesa vê em Angola um grande interesse para os seus
membros, e o sector da energia Dinamarquês tem muito a oferecer nessa matéria, destaca
Hans Peter Slente, director da Confederação das Indústrias de Energia Dinamarquesas
Com mais de 10.000 empresas associadas, a Confederação da Indústria
Dinamarquesa (DI) é a maior e mais
importante organização de empresas
e negócios da Dinamarca. Nos seus
membros incluem-se as mais relevantes
e internacionais empresas da Dinamarca, bem como uma série de pequenas
e médias empresas (PME’s) de diversos
nichos especializados de negócio.
Um dos principais objectivos da DI é
ajudar as empresas dinamarquesas a
alcançar sucesso nos mercados em crescimento em todo o mundo, através de
aconselhamento técnico, promoção de
acções concretas de networking, e projectos específicos de desenvolvimento.
Esta é a razão pela qual, a organização
está a realizar um elevado esforço para
melhorar a colaboração entre a Dinamarca e Angola, particularmente no
desenvolvimento do sector offshore do
petróleo e gás Angolano.
Enfoque Global sobre Angola
“Angola é um mercado em crescimento,
com muitas oportunidades no sector
offshore, e isso está, actualmente, a
atrair a atenção mundial. Esta é também
uma oportunidade para as empresas
dinamarquesas com elevadas competências no sector offshore do petróleo
e gás, que não deve ser desprezada”, diz
o Director da Confederação das Indústrias de Energia Dinamarquesas (parte
integrante da DI).
Hans Peter Slente acrescenta:
“Individualmente e como grupo
(collective cluster) com fortes tradições
de colaboração, as empresas dinamarquesas podem oferecer soluções para
um conjunto de desafios que Angola
enfrenta com o desenvolvimento e a
optimização do sector offshore do país.”
Em 2011, Hans Peter Slente liderou uma
delagção empresarial e de negócios
que visitou Angola, onde uma série de
empresas líderes no sector energético
da Dinamarca fizeram-se representar. A
Confederação da Indústria Dinamarquesa co-organizou a visita e é, também,
co-organizadora do evento “OGIB África”, em Luanda, em Novembro, 2013.
Contactos Estabelecidos
“Em 2011, recebemos uma calorosa recepção de boas-vindas das autoridades
governamentais e empresas angolanas,
e estas demonstraram muito interesse
em soluções e produtos específicos
dinamarqueses. As empresas dinamar-
quesas também ficaram muito interessadas nas oportunidades que Angola
tem para oferecer. Estabeleceram-se
contactos que foram consolidados a
posteriori; e neste momento estamos
a tentar ir mais além, com a ajuda do
evento ‘OGIB África’, em Angola, agora
com uma rede de contactos ainda mais
ampla”, diz Hans Peter Slente.
No entanto, de acordo com o director
da Confederação da Indústria, não
é apenas o sector de petróleo e gás
dinamarquês que tem algo a oferecer a
Angola. Também outros players do sector energético dinamarquês, entre os
mais desenvolvidos do mundo, podem
oferecer produtos e competências que
são procurados neste país Africano de
eleição e excelência.
28 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
Hans Peter Slente diz:
“Angola tem ainda uma grande necessidade de construir infra-estruturas para
o fornecimento de energia ao país, bem
como outras actividades complementares ao sector energético; e as empresas dinamarquesas possuem sólidas
competências técnicas e profissionais
numa ampla gama de soluções no
sector energético. O sector offshore é
a vanguarda dos negócios dinamarqueses em Angola, mas muitas outras
empresas do país têm a oportunidade
de fazer negócios neste mercado.
Hans Peter Slente está confiante que o
evento OGIB África crie mais uma sólida
base para uma fluída colaboração entre
a Dinamarca e Angola, e espera com
muita expectativa, que mais delegações
empresariais e de negócios angolanas visitem a Dinamarca num futuro próximo.
Baker Hughes in Angola
A Long-Term Partner in Angolan Reservoir Recovery
Investing in a Shared Future
Providing the technology advancements and operational excellence necessary to recover Angola’s
vast hydrocarbon resources is only part of Baker Hughes’ commitment to Angola. Equally important
is our pledge to drive the local economy and contribute to social programs designed to improve the
quality of life for Angolans.
Social and economic programs to benefit Angola are at the center of Baker Hughes’ long-term
business plan. As Baker Hughes operations grow in Angola, the company is more dedicated than
ever to recruiting and training an Angolan workforce as well as partnering with local companies,
government ministries and educational institutions to help drive Angola’s economic strength in the
global community.
Baker Hughes is committed to continuously improving its Angolan national content through three
cornerstones: workforce, local suppliers and community.
© 2013 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All rights reserved
Based on its successful experience in
Nigeria, Falck will now set up a branch
in Angola
Vice President
Falck is establishing a branch in Angola with a view to provide
safety training to the Angolan oil and gas sectors
As production of oil and gas increases in
Angola, the risk of emissions, incidents
and damage to equipment and personnel increases as well. The need for training of personnel in firefighting, control
of oil spills and first aid will grow, and
this is the reason for the world’s leading
suppliers of safety and firefighting train-
Hans Jensen,
ing and rescue services for setting up a
branch in Angola.
Since 2009 the company has had training facilities in both offshore and industrial firefighting in Nigeria and, based
on the positive experiences in recent
years, Falck has decided to have a per-
30 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
manent presence in Angola. The aim is
to be able to serve international operators and local companies in Angola.
Falck has recently established an office
in Luanda; the aim is over the coming
years to grow the business in Angola,
where Falck has so far provided fly-in-flyout solutions where experienced tutors
were flown to Angola to train people at
customers’ facilities, but the company
will now establish a permanent facility in
Executive Vice President Hans Jensen,
Falck, explains:
“We believe that Angola, with its growing oil and gas production, has a great
need for the type of training and rescue
services that Falck offers. Our courses are
primarily in safety training of staff working offshore, but we also offer courses
and consultancy in general and industrial firefighting. As the country is rapidly
developing, there’ll be an increasing
need for our expertise and services such
as quality industrial firefighting in potentially challenging environments such as
airports, refineries, petrochemical plants
and other specialized industries.
sight into the local business culture. We’re
establishing ourselves in Angola because
we believe we can create added value by
partnering with local companies.”
Creating added value
Falck is very conscious of the prioritization of ‘national content,’ which is why
the cornerstone of its business development is employing local staff in order to
facilitate the transfer of knowledge and
competences, which was the case in
Nigeria; 4 years after establishing Falck
in Nigeria, only 6 out of 135 employees
are expatriates, which is a highly relevant
objective for Hans Jensen.
The company has used many resources
in recent years to build up a network of
partners, and Falck will join OGIB Africa
in Luanda on November 7, with a view
to develop even further the network of
contacts in Angola.
Hans Jensen adds:
“Falck is a Nordic-based Global company
with significant experience on the fields
of rescue, medical services and safety
training. In our international work, we
often collaborate with local partners who
possess the required experience and in-
Falck’s headquarters are located in
Copenhagen, Denmark. The company is
present in 5 continents, currently represented and operating in 36 countries.
Com base na experiência ganha
na Nigéria, a Falck estabelece-se
em Angola
A Falck estabeleceu-se recentemente em Angola com o objectivo
de oferecer formação em segurança, particularmente para os
sectores do petróleo e gás offshore
de servir operadores internacionais e
empresas locais no país, com os mais
elevados padrões de competência internacionalmente acreditados.
O aumento da produção de petróleo e
gás em Angola tem como consequência o aumento do risco de emissões,
acidentes e danos no equipamento e
no pessoal. A necessidade de formação de técnicos e funcionários de um
modo geral para o combate a incêndios,
controlo de derrames de petróleo e
primeiros socorros é incontornável e
crescente, e esta é a razão pela qual o
maior provedor mundial de formação
em segurança, combate a incêndios,
A Falck estabeleceu recentemente um
escritório em Luanda, cujo objectivo
nos próximos anos é o de aumentar
o volume de negócios em Angola; a
Falck desenvolveu até à data soluções
fly-in-fly-out (onde formadores experientes formaram técnicos e funcionários de clientes angolanos nas suas
instalações), mas a partir de agora a
organização passará a ter instalações
próprias adequadas e permanentes em
serviços de emergência e resgate, decidiu localizar-se em Angola.
Desde 2009 que a Falck implementa os
seus melhores e mais apurados meios
técnicos na realização de treinos de
combate a incêndios, tanto em cenários
industriais como offshore com grande
sucesso na Nigéria, e é com base nessa
experiência muito positiva nos últimos
anos, que a empresa decidiu localizar-se em Angola. O objectivo é ser capaz
O Vice-Presidente Executivo da Falck,
Hans Jensen explica:
“Acreditamos que Angola, com a sua
crescente produção de petróleo e gás,
tem uma grande necessidade do tipo
de serviços de treino, emergência e
resgate que a Falck oferece. Os nossos
cursos são principalmente focados na
formação da segurança dos funcionários que trabalham offshore, mas
também oferecemos cursos específicos, consultoria em geral e combate
a incêndios industriais. Com o desenvolvimento do país, também haverá a
necessidade de prestar outra tipologia
de serviços, designadamente: combate
a incêndios industriais em cenários de
elevada exigência, tais como aeroportos, refinarias, indústria petroquímica e
outras especializadas.
Criação de Valor Acrescentado
A Falck tem utilizado muitos recursos
nos últimos anos para construir uma
rede sólida de parceiros estratégicos,
participando no evento OGIB África em
Luanda, dia 7 de Novembro 2013, visando desenvolver a sua rede de contactos
em Angola.
Hans Jensen acrescenta:
“A Falck é uma empresa Global sediada
nos Países Nórdicos, com uma experiência internacional significativa nas
áreas de emergência, serviços médicos
e formação em segurança em geral. Internacionalmente no nosso trabalho, colaboramos sempre com parceiros locais
que possuem a experiência desejada e
o conhecimento da cultura de mercado
local. Envolvemo-nos com um mercado
de excepção como o angolano, porque
32 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
acreditamos que podemos criar valor
acrescentado em parceria com empresas
A Falck está consciente da importância
do “conteúdo nacional”, razão pela qual
um dos elementos mais importantes
do desenvolvimento dos negócios é a
formação e utilização de mão-de-obra
local, visando facilitar a transferência de
conhecimentos e competências, como
foi o caso na Nigéria: quatro anos após o
início das operações na Nigéria, apenas
6 dos 135 funcionários são expatriados,
o que é um objectivo importante para
Hans Jensen.
A sede Global da Falck está localizada em
Copenhaga, na Dinamarca. A organização está presente nos 5 continentes, com
representação e operações em 36 países.
Through innovative, robotic solutions deployed on e-line,
An operator in Angola was experiencing cement issues in
Welltec enables operators to perform heavy duty well
a production well and needed to run a Cement Bond Log
interventions with much less equipment. When space is
in a 9 5/8" casing. Due to the large casing size, Welltec’s
limited as on many offshore dry tree platforms, jackets
412 Well Tractor® was the only solution that could ac-
and light intervention vessels, Welltec’s unique, down-
complish the job on e-line.
hole robotic solutions offer improved logistics, reduced
At 9,711 ft. the Well Tractor® was activated and suc-
risks and increased operational efficiency resulting in
cessfully tractored the logging tools to target depth. Two
safe and efficient interventions that prolong production.
passes were made and the operation accomplished in
~18 hours. The Well Tractor® conveyed the logging tools
over a distance of 3,609 ft.
Conveyance solutions
Clean-out solutions
for an excellent job on the bond logging. I was very im-
Milling solutions
pressed with the team’s motivation and participation in
Mechanical solutions
all aspects of the job from safety to execution.”
Well completions
Subsea interventions.
Upon completion the operator said: “My compliments
Danish fund supports collaboration
with Angolan companies
Investment Fund for
Developing Countries (IFU)
collaborates intensely with
Danish companies in Angola
Danish companies with an international focus can obtain consultancy
services and venture capital from the
state-owned investment fund IFU – the
Investment Fund for Developing Countries – when they establish themselves
in foreign markets. The fund is involved
in developing countries in Asia, Africa,
Latin America and also in Europe where
Danish companies are looking for new
business, and Angola is among the
most promising markets.
Angola is one of the countries in which
the IFU is recommending Danish companies to invest - especially after the Danish
knowledge centre for the offshore sector,, and IFU carried out
an impartial market survey in 2006-2007
with a view to identifying business opportunities in the African Oil and Gas
sector. Subsequently, the first meetings
with representatives of Angola’s offshore
industry were held, and IFU is ready to
help companies in the preliminary phase
and when they have established themselves in the country.
Brian Muggeridge Andersen, Head
of Regional Office in West Africa, IFU,
“Our ambition is to strengthen Danish
companies’ opportunities for getting a
foothold in the attractive Angolan market – possibly in partnership with a local
partner. We can help companies with
practical things and assist them with
how they collaborate, organise things
and deal with legal issues. In this way, as
a state-owned investment fund, the IFU
helps ensuring there’s a greater chance
of investments becoming successful.”
He adds:
“This means we don’t just help companies obtain venture capital; we also
help them build a dialogue with official
Angola, and we make available our expertise in the setting up of companies
and in how things can be organised.
The earlier in the process that we get involved, the better we can help. We also
have the advantage that we’re owned
by the Danish Government, which is
often very important in a country such
as Angola.”
787 companies in 85 developing
Access to competent advice on sectorspecific business areas and supply of
venture capital are important to Danish
companies, and the IFU’s services are
sought after. In 2012 the IFU entered
into investment deals worth around
€ 70 million with Danish companies.
Including investments through other
34 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
funds administered by the IFU, investments totalled € 77 million.
“After all, the path to success isn’t
always the most obvious one, which is
why we’re making available our competences to all companies that are contemplating international involvement.
We also have a large network and can
help companies build a dialogue with
operators and authorities,” says Brian
Muggeridge Andersen.
Investments granted by the IFU are on a
commercial basis in the shape of share
capital, loans and guarantees for project
companies, and the aim is to create
development in the countries were
investments are made.
In partnership with Danish companies,
the IFU has invested in 787 companies
in 85 developing countries. The agreed
investments total upwards of € 13.5
billion, and the IFU has contributed
around € 1.3 billion. The IFU’s investments have contributed to the creation
of 350,000 jobs in developing countries.
Fundo Dinamarquês Apoia
Colaboração com Empresas Angolanas
O Fundo de Investimento para
Países em Desenvolvimento
colabora intensamente com
empresas dinamarquesas em
As empresas dinamarquesas com foco
na internacionalização podem obter
serviços de consultadoria e capital de
risco do Fundo de Investimento Estatal
(IFU) – Fundo de Investimento para
Países em Desenvolvimento – quando
se estabelecem em mercados externos.
O fundo está presente em Países em
Desenvolvimento na Ásia, África, América Latina e na Europa, onde empresas
dinamarquesas procuram estabelecer
novos negócios e Angola é seguramente
um dos mercados de maior referência.
Angola é um dos países que a IFU recomenda às empresas dinamarquesas para
investir – especialmente após o Centro
Dinamarquês do Conhecimento para
o Sector Offshore,
e a IFU realizarem um estudo de mercado entre 2006-2007, para identificar
oportunidades de negócio no sector do
petróleo e gás no continente africano.
Foram posteriormente realizadas as
primeiras reuniões com representantes
da indústria offshore Angolana, e nessa
esteira, a IFU decidiu apoiar as empresas
que desejem localizar-se em Angola,
quer numa fase preliminar, quer após
estabelecerem-se no país.
relevante no atractivo mercado angolano – preferencialmente em parceria
com um sócio local. Podemos ajudar as
empresas com múltiplas questões práticas, assistindo-as em aspectos gerais
de colaboração, organização e temas de
competência comercial e legal. Deste
modo, como fundo de investimento
estatal, a IFU procura garantir que haja
uma maior oportunidade para que os
investimentos sejam bem-sucedidos. “
Brian Muggeridge Andersen acrescenta:
“Isto significa que nós não ajudamos
apenas as empresas a obter capital
de risco, mas também a dialogar com
os representantes locais em Angola,
disponibilizando a nossa experiência na
criação, organização e estruturação de
empresas. Quanto mais cedo nos envolvermos no processo, melhor podemos
ajudar; temos a vantagem de sermos
uma entidade pública dinamarquesa, o
que consideramos relevante no contexto
de Angola.”
787 empresas em 85 Países em
O acesso a um aconselhamento competente em áreas e nichos específicos
de negócio e a oferta de capital de
risco, são importantes para as empresas
dinamarquesas e os serviços da IFU são
procurados posteriormente. Em 2012, a
IFU entrou em acordos de investimento
no valor de cerca de € 70 milhões com
empresas dinamarquesas; incluindo
investimentos através de outros fundos
administrados pela IFU, os investimentos
atingiram € 77 milhões.
“O caminho para o sucesso em promissores mercados em desenvolvimento
nem sempre é o mais óbvio, por isso
disponibilizamos as nossas competências para todas as empresas que consideram internacionalizar-se. Temos também
uma vasta rede de contactos e podemos
ajudar essas empresas a construir um diálogo com os operadores e autoridades”,
diz Brian Muggeridge Andersen.
Os investimentos concedidos pela IFU
têm uma base comercial, num formato
de capital partilhado, empréstimos e
garantias para as empresas intervenientes no projecto; o objectivo último é
promover o desenvolvimento dos países
onde os investimentos são realizados.
Em parceria com empresas dinamarquesas, a IFU já investiu em 787 empresas,
em 85 Países em Desenvolvimento. Os
investimentos realizados totalizam já um
valor acima dos 13,5 biliões de euros, dos
quais a IFU contribuiu com cerca de 1,3
biliões de euros. Os investimentos da IFU
têm contribuído para a criação de mais
de 350 mil postos de trabalho em países
em desenvolvimento.
Brian Muggeridge Andersen, Chefe da
Representação Regional da IFU na África
Ocidental, explica:
“A nossa ambição é fortalecer as empresas dinamarquesas e suas associadas,
para que estas consigam uma posição
Great expectations of
Angolan market
Danish Maersk H2S Safety Services expects just as much from
the Angolan offshore market as it has achieved in Brazil
According to Peter Skjærbæk, Director
of Maersk H2S Safety Services, Angola
can become as large a market as Brazil
is for the offshore oil sector. The Danish
company operates worldwide and entered the Angolan market in 2012.
Maersk H2S Safety Services provides
protection against the dangerous gas
hydrogen sulphide, H2S, during drilling, testing, workover and production
operations offshore and onshore.
H2S pose a serious danger to human
life, and Maersk H2S Safety Services is
able to ensure, that proper precautions
and preventive measures are taken
against the danger of H2S.
The Danish company was established in
1985 and has since then performed its
services in relation to a wide range of
operations on a worldwide basis.
Currently, Maersk H2S Safety Services
has offices, stocks and other facilities
in Denmark, Italy, Norway, Venezuela,
Brazil and Australia plus operations in
a range of other countries around the
world. At the moment, the company is
contemplating setting up an office in
Angola; this may be either an independent office, or it may be established
in partnership with a local partner chosen by Maersk H2S Safety Services.
Bids for more assignments
“Angola is a new market to us and has
very large future potential, so it’s important for us to establish a local presence,”
Peter Skjærbæk says.
Maersk H2S secured its first order in Angola last year. The assignment was for
Brazilian Petrobras in connection with
their exploration for oil in the area and
had duration of 5 months.
36 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
“At the moment, we’re bidding for 4
different assignments related to oil
exploration in Angola, and we’re in
the process of preparing a bid for yet
another assignment. There’s very great
activity in the Angolan offshore market
and, by the help of our extensive experience and expertise in H2S safety, we
believe there are many opportunities in
this market,” Peter Skjærbæk observes.
Grandes expectativas
no mercado angolano
A empresa dinamarquesa Maersk H2S Safety Services espera
tanto do sector offshore angolano, como do que alcançou no
De acordo com Peter Skjærbæk, diretor
da Maersk H2S Safety Services, Angola
pode tornar-se um mercado tão grande
como o do Brasil, no sector petrolífero
offshore. A empresa dinamarquesa
opera em todo o mundo e entrou em
Angola em 2012.
A Maersk H2S Safety Services fornece protecção contra o perigoso gás
Sulfureto de Hidrogênio (H2S) durante
as actividades de perfuração, testes,
workover e operações de produção
offshore e onshore.
O H2S é um agente muito perigoso
para a vida humana, e a Maersk H2S
Safety Services garante as devidas
precauções e medidas de prevenção
contra o perigo deste gás.
A empresa dinamarquesa foi fundada
em 1985 e desde então tem realizado
os seus serviços para numa ampla rede
de operações a nível mundial.
Actualmente, a Maersk H2S Safety Services tem escritórios, stocks e instalações
na Dinamarca, Itália, Noruega, Venezuela, Brasil e Austrália, para além de operar
noutros países em todo o mundo. Neste
momento, a empresa pondera localizar-se em Angola, de forma independente
ou através de uma joint-venture com um
parceiro local escolhido pela Maersk
H2S Safety Services.
Licitação para mais atribuições
“Angola é um mercado novo para nós e
tem um grande potencial para o futuro,
por isso é importante que possamos
estabelecer uma presença local”, diz
Peter Skjærbæk.
A Maersk H2S garantiu o seu primeiro
contrato em Angola no ano passado,
com a petrolífera brasileira Petrobras no
âmbito da exploração de petróleo local
e teve uma duração de 5 meses.
“Estamos actualmente a desenvolver
quatro diferentes propostas relacionadas com a exploração de petróleo
em Angola e a preparar uma nova
para um outro potencial contracto. Há
muita actividade no mercado offshore
angolano e com a ajuda da nossa vasta
experiência e perícia em segurança com
o gás H2S, acreditamos que haverá mais
oportunidades neste promissor mercado “, observa Peter Skjærbæk.
Collaboration on training
Technical skills development means quality jobs for
Danish EUC Vest believes jobs
can be created for Angolans
through purposeful training
Thorough training of staff is an important cornerstone in the offshore oil and
gas sector, and Danish educational
institutions are pleased to contribute to
training and competence development
of staff in the Angolan oil and gas sector.
Through purposeful courses and further
training, it will be possible to increase
the number of Angolan jobs in the
sector, which is why the Danish educational institution EUC Vest has visited
Angola to meet partners and build
bridges to local educational institutions.
EUC Vest has held a range of meetings
in collaboration with, among others,
Offshore Center Angola, and this effort will go on in the autumn and next
year. One of the aims is to find a model
for training of offshore personnel in
collaboration with local educational
CEO Peter Amstrup from the Danish,
technical educational institution EUC
Vest explains:
“Training is one of the areas in which
Danish companies can help local
companies in Angola. So far foreign
operators have to a large extent used
their own labour, flown in from abroad
to carry out specific assignments, but
we’re convinced that we can ensure
more jobs for Angolans through training of local staff. This is why we’ve spent
a great deal of time establishing a dialogue with relevant partners, and we’ve
already come far.”
Peter Amstrup adds:
“On the basis of Denmark’s 40 years’
experience of extraction from Danish
fields, we’ve built up a lot of knowledge
of how you organise the right training
courses, and we’ll be pleased to share
this knowledge and experiences with
others. Training is definitely a field in
which both Angola and Denmark can
benefit from collaborating.”
Offshore more complicated
Peter Amstrup has taken part in several
meetings with representatives of the
Danish and Angolan offshore oil and
gas sectors in both Denmark and
Angola, and he is convinced that EUC
Vest’s great experience of technical
courses and further training for staff in
the offshore and energy sector can form
the basis of a string of new initiatives in
38 OFFSHORE NEWS ANGOLA - November 2013
“Offshore oil and gas are fields that are
more complicated than onshore oil and
gas, and there’s a need for organising
the right training courses for new staff.
Over the years, EUC Vest has tailormade many courses for the offshore
sector. We’re not contemplating establishing a department in Angola, but
I’m sure our role will be to inspire our
colleagues in Angola and in other countries in south-west Africa and help them
plan and structure training courses,”
says Peter Amstrup.
EUC Vest is based in Denmark’s offshore
town, Esbjerg, and has almost 1,000
students on a range of technical further
training courses. Several of these focus
on the energy sector. Developments in
the Danish offshore oil and gas sector have made EUC Vest increase its
activities in this field since 2008, and the
institution recently opened a new department specially designed for courses
in firefighting and safety training.
Colaboração na formação
A instituição de ensino dinamarquesa EUC Vest acredita
que podem ser criados mais e
melhores empregos para Angolanos, através de formação
A formação do pessoal é um pilar importante no sector offshore do petróleo e gás, e as instituições de ensino
dinamarquesas sentem ‘o dever’ de
contribuir para a formação e desenvolvimento de competências do pessoal
do sector do petróleo e gás em Angola.
Através de cursos específicos e treino
adicional, será possível aumentar o
número de empregos para angolanos
no sector, razão pela qual a EUC Vest já
visitou Angola para encontrar parceiros
e construir pontes com instituições de
ensino locais.
A EUC Vest tem realizado uma série de
reuniões em colaboração, entre outros,
com a Offshore Center Angola, e este
esforço vai continuar durante este e o
próximo ano. Um dos objectivos é encontrar um modelo para a formação dos
pessoal offshore, em colaboração com
as instituições de ensino locais.
O CEO da instituição técnico-educacional dinamarquês EUC Vest, Sr. Peter
Amstrup explica:
“A formação é uma das áreas em que as
empresas dinamarquesas seguramente
podem ajudar as empresas locais em
Angola. Até ao momento, os operadores estrangeiros têm utilizado os seus
próprios colaboradores, vindos de fora,
para realizar tarefas específicas, mas nós
estamos convencidos de que podemos
garantir mais e melhores empregos
para angolanos, através da formação
dos funcionários locais. É por isso que
levámos muito tempo a estabelecer um
diálogo com parceiros relevantes, e já
chegámos muito longe”.
Peter Amstrup acrescenta:
“Com base na experiência de mais de
40 anos de extracção petrolífera no Mar
do norte da Dinamarca, adquirimos
um vasto conhecimento na melhor
forma de organizar cursos de formação
adequados, e teremos muito prazer de
partilhar esse conhecimento e experiência com instituições homólogas em
Angola. A formação é definitivamente
um campo em que tanto Angola como
a Dinamarca podem beneficiar da mútua colaboração. “
Offshore mais Complexo
Peter Amstrup tem participado em
múltiplas reuniões e conferências com
representantes do sector offshore do
petróleo e gás na Dinamarca e Angola,
e está convencido de que a grande
experiência da EUC Vest em cursos
técnicos e formação contínua para os
profissionais dos sectores offshore e
energético, podem criar a base de uma
série de novas iniciativas em Angola.
“A exploração offshore do petróleo e
gás é mais complexa do que os onshore
e há necessidade de organizar cursos
de formação específicos para quadros
técnicos e outros funcionários de um
modo geral. Ao longo dos anos, a EUC
Vest tem realizado muitos cursos feitos
à medida das diferentes necessidades
do sector offshore. Não estamos a
pensar em estabelecer já uma representação em Angola, mas tenho a certeza
que o nosso papel será o de inspirar os
nossos colegas em Angola e noutros
países do sudoeste africano, e ajudá-los a planear e a estruturar cursos de
formação”, diz Peter Amstrup.
A EUC Vest está sediada na Capital
offshore da Dinamarca, Esbjerg, e tem
cerca de 1.000 alunos numa série de
cursos de formação técnica especializada. Vários destes cursos focam-se no
sector Oil & Gas e ergético. O desenvolvimento do sector offshore de petróleo
e gás da Dinamarca fez com que EUC
Vest aumentasse as suas actividades
neste domínio desde 2008, e a instituição abriu recentemente um novo departamento especialmente concebido
para cursos de formação no combate a
incêndios e segurança.
Departamento de Petróleo e Gás
Acompanhamos o seu
negócio, mesmo a
1000m de profundidade
Oil & Gas Department
We attend your business,
even at 1000 meters depth.
Para dar resposta às exigências das empresas do sector petrolífero, o Banco BIC criou
um Departamento exclusivo. Onde as companhias encontram as melhores condições
para operar em Angola e nas suas relações com o exterior. Tudo assegurado por uma
equipa de gestores especializados, fluentes em línguas. Só assim, mesmo quem está
no mar profundo de Angola, tem garantido o nosso elevado nível de serviço.
Banco BIC has created an exclusive department to meet the requirements of companies
working in the oil industry. Here, companies find the best conditions for operating in
Angola and for managing their international relations. The department is run by a
multilingual team of specialist account managers. This way, even when you’re out at sea
in Angola, you can count on our high level of service.