Programme -


Programme -
 RESEARCHERS CROSSING BORDERS: transnational scientific mobility 10th and 11th of September 2015, CICS.Nova, FCSH -­‐ Universidade Nova da Lisboa I&D Building, Av. de Berna 26 Salas Multiuso 2 & 3, 4th Floor Lisbon, Portugal RESEARCHERS CROSSING
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
General Programme, Programa Geral, Programación General 3 Conferências 10/9 (Thursday, Quinta-­‐feira, Jueves) 11/9 (Friday, Sexta-­‐feira, Viernes) 4 4 4 Mesas Redondas, Round Tables 10/9 (Thursday, Quinta-­‐feira, Jueves) 11/9 (Friday, Sexta-­‐feira, Viernes) 5 5 5 Panels, Painéis, Paneles 10/9 (Thursday, Quinta-­‐feira, Jueves) 14:30 – 15:45 10/9 (Thursday, Quinta-­‐feira, Jueves) -­‐ 16:00 – 17:00 11/9 (Friday, Sexta-­‐feira, Viernes) 14:30-­‐16:00 11/9 (Friday, Sexta-­‐feira, Viernes) -­‐ 16:15 – 17:30 6 6 7 8 9 Abstracts, Resumos, Résumenes 10 Painel I (a/b) – Scientific Mobility policies, políticas de mobilidade científica, politicas movilidad cientifica 10 Painel II – International Cooperation and Transnacionalism, Cooperação Internacional e Transnacionalismo, Cooperación International 14 Painel III – Scientific mobility and Identity, Mobilidade Científica e Identidade, Movildad Cientifica e Identidad 17 Painel IV – Student Mobility, Mobilidade Estudantil, Movilidad estudantile 19 Painel V – Gender, Gênero, Género 22 Painel VI – Academic Mobility and Academic Carrer, Mobilidade Acadêmica e Carreira Acadêmica, Movilidad Académica y Carrera académica 25 Painel VII – Knowledge Circulation, Circulação de Conhecimento, Circulación del Conocimiento 28 2
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
General Programme, Programa Geral, Programación General 10 de Setembro (Thursday, Quinta-­‐Feira, Jueves) 9:00 – 10:00 (Sala Multiuso 3) Registration, Credenciamento, Inscripción 10:00 -­‐ 11:30 (Sala Multiuso 3) Opening Conference/ Conferência de Abertura Prof. Eleonore Kofman, MiddleSex University, UK 11:30 -­‐ 11:45 Break, Intervalo, Pausa 11:45 -­‐ 13:00 Conferência – “Scientific Mobility to and from (Sala Multiuso 3) Portugal: Production and Circulation of Knowledge in Highly-­‐Skilled Immigration – Preliminary Results” 13:00 -­‐ 14:30 Lunch, Almoço, Almuerzo 14:30 -­‐ 15:45 Painel I(a) -­‐ Sala Multiuso 3 Painel II -­‐ Sala Multiuso 2 15:45 -­‐ 16:00
Break, Intervalo, Pausa
16:00 -­‐ 17:00 Painel I(b) -­‐ Sala Multiuso 3 Painel III Sala Multiuso 2
17:00 -­‐ 17:30 (Sala Multiuso 3) Network Discussion/Discussão sobre a rede 17:30 -­‐ 19:00 Mesa Redonda – “Políticas e programas institucionais (Sala Multiuso 3)
de mobilidade científica Internacional” 11 de Setembro (Friday, Sexta-­‐Feira, Viernes) 10:00 -­‐ 11:30 Conferência – “Mobilidade Científica Europa e (Sala Multiuso 3)
América Latina: Migração Norte-­‐Sul” 11:30 -­‐ 11:45
Break, Intervalo, Pausa 11:45 -­‐ 13:00 Conferência – “Modelos circulação do conhecimento, (Sala Multiuso 3)
mobilidades científicas e políticas neoliberais “ 13:00 -­‐ 14:30
Lunch, Almoço, Almuerzo
14:30 -­‐ 16:00 Painel IV -­‐ Sala Multiuso 3 Painel V -­‐ Sala Multiuso 2
16:00 -­‐ 16:15
Break, Intervalo, Pausa
16:15 -­‐ 17:30
Painel VI – Sala Multiuso 3 Painel VII -­‐ Sala Multiuso 2
17:30 -­‐ 19:00 Mesa Redonda -­‐ “Mobilidade Científica: Distintas (Sala Multiuso 3)
perspectivas” 3
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Conferências 10/9 (Thursday, Quinta-­‐feira, Jueves) 10:00 -­‐ 11:30 (Sala Multiuso 3)
Opening Conference/ Conferência de Abertura Eleonore Kofman, MiddeleSex University, Uk Modera: Thais França, CICS-­‐Nova.UMinho 11:45 -­‐ 13:00 (Sala Multiuso 3)
Scientific Mobility to and from Portugal: Production and Circulation of Knowledge in Highly-­‐Skilled Immigration – Preliminary Results Thais França e Prof. Beatriz Padilla, CICS.Nova.Minho, Portugal Modera: Hugo Horta, Faculty of Education, University of
Hong Kong
11/9 (Friday, Sexta-­‐feira, Viernes) 10:00 -­‐ 11:03 (Sala Multiuso 3)
Mobilidade Científica Europa e América Latina: Migração Norte-­‐Sul Prof. Beatriz Padilla, CICS.Nova, Portugal, Prof. Susana Sassone, CONICET, Argentina Prof. Sylvia Andree Didou Aupetit & Maria Cecilia Oviedo, RIMAC, México Modera: Maria del Carmen Castillo, INAH 11:45 -­‐ 13:00 (Sala Multiuso 3)
Modelos circulação do conhecimento, mobilidades científicas e políticas neoliberais Prof. Jean Baptiste Meyer, IRD, France Prof. Carolina Mera (UBA/IIGG) Modera: Susana Sassone, CONICET 4
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Mesas Redondas, Round Tables 10/9 (Thursday, Quinta-­‐feira, Jueves) 17:30 -­‐ 19:00 (Sala Multiuso 3)
“Políticas e programas institucionais de mobilidade científica Internacional” Prof. Paulo Pereira, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Dra Paula Vicente, FLAD-­‐Fundação Luso-­‐
Americana; Programa de Mobilidade, Banco Santander-­‐
Totta (a confirmar) Modera: Luís Baptista, Diretor CICS-­‐UNova 11/9 (Friday, Sexta-­‐feira, Viernes) 17:30 -­‐ 19:00 (Sala Multiuso 3)
“Mobilidade Científica: Distintas perspectivas” Prof. Luís Baptista, CICS-­‐Nova; Prof. Ana Delicado, ICS-­‐
UL; Prof. Maria del Carmen Castillo, INAH-­‐Mexico; Erin Taylor, ICS-­‐UL. Modera: Thais França, CICS-­‐Nova.UMinho 5
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Panels, Painéis, Paneles 10/9 (Thursday, Quinta-­‐feira, Jueves) 14:30 – 15:45 Painel I A – Scientific mobility Painel II – Scientific Cooperation and policies (Sala Multiuso 3) Transnationalism (Sala Multiuso 2) Modera: Joana Azevedo, CIES-­‐IUL Modera: Raquel Matias, CIES-­‐IUL; CES-­‐UC 14:30-­‐ Managing academic mobilities to the ¿Cooperación regional en tiempos de 14:45 EU: a comparison between France, competencia global? Contradicciones y Spain and the UK caminos posibles? Mélanie Jolivet (INED), Lama Alma Maldonado (Departamento de Kabbanji (IRD/Ceped, INED), Tatiana Investigaciones Educativas (DIE-­‐CINVESTAV) Eremenko (INED), Amparo Gonzalez (CSIC) 14:45-­‐ The role of migration and higher Otra cara de la migración “sur-­‐norte”: las 15:00 education policies in international científicas y los científicos de la ex Unión academic mobility. The case of Indian Soviética inmigrantes en México y en Brasil researchers Isabel Izquierdo (Universidad Autónoma Maria Villares Varela/Sorana Toma Metropolitana /Universidad Autónoma del (ENSAE and University of Estado de Morelos) Birmingham) 15:00-­‐ “Ciências sem Fronteiras” em Transmobility -­‐ A Cosmopolitan Process? 15:15 debate: uma análise institucional e Discriminations & Auto-­‐discriminations uma avaliação normativa. of/by Transnational Professionals. Raissa Ventura (Universidade de São WAGNER Izabela (Institute of Sociology Paulo) Warsaw University) 15:15-­‐ Debate Debate 15:45 6
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
10/9 (Thursday, Quinta-­‐feira, Jueves) -­‐ 16:00 – 17:00 Painel I B-­‐ Scientific mobility Painel III – Scientific mobility and identity policies (Sala Multiuso 3) (Sala Multiuso 2) Modera: Joana Azevedo, CIES-­‐IUL Modera: Alejandra Ortiz, CIES-­‐IUL 16:00-­‐ Representing Mobility "GLOCADEMICS on the run: Transnational 16:15 Chiara Carrozza (CES) identity and epistemological negotiations Manuela Guilherme, Marie Curie Research Fellow (Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra) 16:15-­‐
La penetración del neoliberalismo: Love and Ryanair: Academic Researchers 16:30 cosmopolitismo y capital humano relocating. en la universidad zombi Alberta Giorgi (CES) David Muñoz (Universidad de Valencia) 16:30-­‐
Debate Debate 17:00 7
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
11/9 (Friday, Sexta-­‐feira, Viernes) 14:30 -­‐ 16:00 Painel IV – Student Mobility (Sala Multiuso 3) Modera: Francisco Canella, UDESC 14:30-­‐ Estudantes brasileiros em Coimbra: 14:45 Política de interculturalidade ou neocolonialismo cultural José Luiz (UFSM/UC) 14:45-­‐ Transnational student mobility in the first 15:00 half of the 20th century. The Romanian case Irina Nastasă-­‐Matei (University of Bucharest/"Petru Maior" University Targu-­‐Mures) 15:00-­‐
15:15 15:15-­‐
15:30 International mobility exposure as a chance for social mobility. The case of a Mexican program under the context of the Bilateral Forum on Higher Education, Innovation and Research (FOBESII for its acronym in Spanish) Alma Maldonado (Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas (DIE-­‐
CINVESTAV)) Estudantes Brasileiros no Ensino Superior em Portugal: O que motiva a escolha de Portugal como país de destino e o retorno ao Brasil? Juliana Iorio (IGOT/ULisboa) 15:30-­‐ Debate 16:00 Painel V -­‐ Gender (Sala Multiuso 2) Modera: Francisco Cuberos, CIES-­‐IUL Mobility for career and competition? Knowledge, gender and research internationalization Helena Pettersson (Umea University) Early-­‐Career Academics and their Spouses/Partners: Gender Arrangements in a Context of Transnational Mobility Martine Schaer (University of Neuchâtel, Laboratory of Transnational Studies) As Mulheres Brasileiras na Mobilidade Científica Transnacional Miriam Santos (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro) Escenarios de movilidad académica en pareja: negociando afectos, dinero y carrera profesional en el marco de las políticas científicas en Colombia Carol Pavajeau Delgado (Universidade Estadual de Campinas / Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) Debate 8
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
11/9 (Friday, Sexta-­‐feira, Viernes) -­‐ 16:15 – 17:30 Painel VI – Academic Mobility and Academic Career (Sala Multiuso 3) Modera: Ana Delicado, ICS-­‐UL 16:15-­‐ Reflexión sobre las perspectivas de fuga, 16:30 circulación, intercambio y ganancia de cerebros: el caso de quienes emigraron a EE.UU. para desarrollar un doctorado o posdoctorado en ciencias exactas y naturales y luego emprendieron el retorno a Argentina Verónica Moreno (IIGG) 16:30-­‐
Path-­‐dependency in International 16:45 Academic Careers Sorana Toma/ Mathias Czaika (ENSAE and University of Oxford) Painel VII – Knowledge Circulation (Sala Multiuso 2) Modera: Margarida Fontes, LNEG Intercultural insights into transnational academic encounters Liudmila Kirpitchenko (European University Institute) Papel da mobilidade internacional de cientistas na construção de um centro de investigação transnacional: um estudo de caso em Portugal Emília Araújo (Universidade do Minho) A influência de dois egressos dos meios acadêmicos alemães nos estudos sobre a imigração no Brasil __ Emílio Willems e Leo Waibel Giralda Seyferth (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) The importance of the international mobility of scientists in the creation of knowledge networks. Pedro Videira (Center for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES)) 16:45-­‐
17:00 Academic mobility and the higher education system: the case of Lebanon Lama Kabbanji (Institut de recherche pour le développement -­‐ IRD-­‐CEPED) 17:00-­‐
17:15 Circularidad migratoria entre Ecuador y España. Transformación educativa y estrategias de movilidad Carmen Gómez y Cristina Vega (Flacso-­‐
Ecuador) Debate Debate 17:15-­‐ 17:30 9
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Abstracts, Resumos, Résumenes Painel I (a/b) – Scientific Mobility policies, políticas de mobilidade científica, politicas movilidad cientifica Managing academic mobilities to the EU: a comparison between France, Spain and the UK Mélanie Jolivet (INED), Lama Kabbanji (IRD/Ceped, INED), Tatiana Eremenko (INED), Amparo Gonzalez (CSIC). This research aims at examining the effects of policies aiming at regulating academic mobilities to the EU selected countries. We provide first an overview of policies and legal frameworks with regards to the mobility of students and academics to France, Spain and the UK since the 90’s. We present more specifically legal frameworks regarding the reception/stay/work conditions at destination of students and academics and their main evolution since the 90’s, as well as the main scholarship/fellowship programs designed in order to attract foreign students and academics. We examine also major national debates on students and academics immigration in the 3 destination countries and analyse the main similarities and differences between them. We will then examine how trends and dynamics of students/academics mobilities have changed over time for our 3 selected countries. To do so, we rely on the following data : -­‐ Statistics on foreign/international students/academics in each of the 3 EU countries -­‐ Statistics on the entry and stay of foreign students/academics at destination (flows: visa/residence permits) -­‐ Statistics on foreign academics working/hosted in universities and research institutions (stock) This allow us to analyse the effect of policies designed to regulate academic mobilities on the trends and dynamics of students and scientific mobility. We also analyse the implementation of the 2005 EU directive designed to manage the mobility of academics (including PhD students) in our different destination countries. 10
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
The role of migration and higher education policies in international academic mobility. The case of Indian researchers Maria Villares Varela/Sorana Toma ENSAE and University of Birmingham [email protected] Governments are increasingly implementing policies aimed at attracting or retaining highly-­‐
skilled migrants. While a growing number of studies examine the effectiveness of these efforts, the actual mechanisms through which policies may affect the aspirations and abilities to migrate of the highly-­‐skilled have not been questioned. This paper explores the roles of migration and higher education policies from both the origin and destination countries in the geographic mobility decisions of researchers, a highly-­‐skilled group that has been specifically targeted by such policies (e.g. scientific visa introduced by the EU). Focusing on Indian researchers and using in-­‐depth qualitative interviews, we examine their decisions to study and/or work abroad, to stay or to return in India. More specifically, the paper asks (i) to what extent are (migration) policies driving Indian researchers’ decisions of whether and/or where to emigrate?, and (ii) do policies attract or block Indian researchers from staying in their initial destination, re-­‐migrating to another country or returning to India? In seeking to answer these questions, we consider not only the role of state migration policies, but also the institutional practices within higher education or research institutions
“Ciências sem Fronteiras” em debate: uma análise institucional e uma avaliação normativa.
Raissa Ventura Universidade de São Paulo [email protected] Os estados nacionais deveriam regular o trânsito da mobilidade científica entre suas fronteiras a partir de políticas de incentivos especiais? Esta pergunta será tratada a partir de uma análise mais detida do programa brasileiro “Ciências sem Fronteiras” (CsF). O CsF, criado no ano de 2011 pela presidente Dilma Rousseff, tem como objetivo promover a consolidação, expansão e internacionalização da ciência e tecnologia (C&T), da inovação e da competitividade brasileira por meio do intercâmbio e da mobilidade internacional de nossos(as) pesquisadores(as). Tal iniciativa é resultado de um esforço conjunto de diversas instituições científicas que juntas buscam evitar a chamada “fuga de cérebros”, suprir a demanda por mão-­‐de-­‐obra qualificada ao setor produtivo e ampliar o conhecimento qualificado como inovador das áreas ditas estratégicas para o país. Esta política pública, ainda que vigente, carrega uma série de questões que permeiam seu desenho institucional. 11
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Dentre elas destaca-­‐se a necessidade de se definir qual é a contrapartida que se espera do pesquisador e pesquisadora contemplado pelo programa. Esta questão ganha ainda mais importância quando analisada através de lentes normativa que focam o problema da definição de quais limites devem ser aplicados para o exercício da coerção do estado em suas fronteiras nacionais. E mais, se circunscrevermos o problema à análise do caso brasileiro e da sua experiência com o CsF, é válido delimitar caminhos de resposta para as seguintes perguntas: É justo que estados que precisam de mão-­‐de-­‐obra qualificada e de tecnologia implementem políticas sociais para a saída daqueles e daquelas com maior potencial ? O estado deve exigir contrapartidas quando subsidia a qualificação destes(as) pesquisadores(as)? Quais são os limites destas exigências? Estas são algumas das questões que guiarão este trabalho. Representing Mobility Chiara Carrozza centro de estudos sociais CES [email protected] Cresswell’s work about the politics of mobility (2010) approaches mobility as the entanglement of three dimensions: movement, representation, and practice; movement is the physical movement of getting from one place to another; representation of movement is what gives it a shared meaning; and, finally, practice refers to the experienced and embodied practice of movement. While the dimensions of movement and practice have been – more or less widely – investigated in the case of scientific mobility, representation appears instead largely neglected. Cresswell reminds that just as there has been a multitude of efforts to measure and model mobility so there has been a plethora of representations of mobility: as adventure, as condemn, as education, as freedom, as modern, as threatening – each of them almost “naturally” associated to a different social phenomena involving some kind of moving. By analysing the governance of scientific mobility in EU policies, the paper aims at addressing how mobility is discursively and materially constituted through the assemblage of actors, procedures, funding, programmes, initiatives, events and services and at identifying the conveyed meanings and values. In particular, the paper discusses the discursive shift from migration to mobility investigating the reconfigurations (developed through exceptions and extensions) of the notion of European citizenship in the case of “third-­‐countries” researchers. 12
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
The empirical material is constituted by a set of 43 documents: a) general documents defining the political and economical agenda (such as the establishing acts of the ERA such as “A Mobility Strategy for the European Research Area” and the decisions about the framework programmes for research and innovation); b) reports on policy implementation (such as the three reports following "A Mobility Strategy for the European Research Area"); c) documents related to initiatives particularly focused on stimulating/supporting scientific mobility and career development (such as the working programmes of several generations of 'Marie Curie Actions') La penetración del neoliberalismo: cosmopolitismo y capital humano en la universidad
David Muñoz Universidad de Valencia [email protected] La extensión del neoliberalismo como referente normativo en la gestión de los sistemas educativos, ha normalizado los discursos empresariales. El conocimiento ha sido desplazado en beneficio de las competencias, que responden a la lógica del capital humano, que va de la mano de la empleabilidad y la activación, y se intenta justificar por las exigencias de la economía del conocimiento. Las universidades deben formar una fuerza de trabajo competitiva, flexible y móvil, capaz de gestionar su propia empleabilidad y dispuesta a asumir los largos periodos de inserción marcados por las becas/prácticas, los bajos ingresos, etc. En nuestra comunicación describimos los contextos en los que tiene lugar la movilidad universitaria, tanto de profesionales como estudiantes. Presentamos en primer lugar una revisión teórica que aborda la implantación del neoliberalismo en la universidad, con especial atención a las consecuencias de su aplicación: extensión de la lógica de las competencias y el capital humano, etc. Complementamos este análisis sobre el impacto de los discursos relacionados con la activación y el nuevo management, con los datos procedentes de la Encuesta de Recursos Humanos en Ciencia y Tecnología. A continuación, mostramos esta extensión de la lógica neoliberal mediante la aproximación cualitativa a los discursos de personas jóvenes, recién tituladas, que han salido del España a buscar empleo. Aunque no son profesionales, se trata de universitarios y universitarias que están sufriendo especialmente los efectos de los procesos de precarización vital y que han estado igualmente expuestos a esta nueva normatividad neoliberal, en la que se intenta normalizar la movilidad internacional. Estas y estos jóvenes universitarios acaban cubriendo malos empleos y empleos de segundo orden del conocimiento fuera de nuestras fronteras. Este hecho no deja de ser un contenido crítico con la sociedad del conocimiento en la que se enmarcan los discursos sobre la activación y la movilidad. 13
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Painel II – International Cooperation and Transnacionalism, Cooperação Internacional e Transnacionalismo, Cooperación International Cooperación regional en tiempos de competencia global? Contradicciones y caminos posibles? Alma Maldonado Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas (DIE-­‐CINVESTAV) [email protected] En esta ponencia discutirá algunas de las principales contradicciones que existen en el ámbito de la cooperación internacional en la educación superior, en particular lo referido a la movilidad académica donde, por un lado, se busca construir espacios regionales que sean competitivos a nivel global, y por otro lado, se debe atender a cómo resolver la competencia interna que cada institución y país tiene que enfrentar. En el caso de América Latina existen algunos esfuerzos que han resultado importantes para promover la cooperación entre las universidades de estos países, sin embargo otros esfuerzos han resultado fallidos y en el fondo el gran tema no resuelto es cómo encontrar un balance en medio de las múltiples contradicciones que surgen en el actual contexto de la competencia mundial por la producción de conocimiento. Un temas principal es qué caminos viables existen para tratar de generar cooperación en términos de movilidad académica en una región tan llena de desigualdades, con uno de los accesos a la educación superior más bajos —en comparación con otras regiones en el mundo— y con instituciones de educación superior con retos tan diversos. Por mencionar un ejemplo, en el marco de la pasada VII Cumbre de las Américas se llevó a cabo el Primer Foro de Rectores de América con presencia de 400 rectores de 35 países (9 y 10 de abril de 2015), bajo el lema: “Prosperidad y educación, el desafío de la cooperación en las Américas, el rol de las universidades”. Este artículo analizará esa y otras iniciativas teniendo como eje las preguntas: ¿Se puede colaborar en la movilidad académica (estudiantil y científica) en medio de una creciente competencia por el talento internacional? ¿qué opciones tiene una región periférica como Latinoamérica donde a su vez algunos países tratan de despuntar en materia de producción de conocimiento? 14
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Otra cara de la migración “sur-­‐norte”: las científicas y los científicos de la ex Unión Soviética inmigrantes en México y en Brasil Isabel Izquierdo Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/ Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos [email protected] La migración de científicas y científicos de la ex URSS hacia Estados Unidos, Israel y Alemania ha acaparado la atención de las y los especialistas a nivel internacional pero, eso no significa que estos grupos sólo hayan emigrado a dichos países, también se encuentran en otras regiones, quizá menos visibles desde el punto de vista cuantitativo pero sin duda importantes, no sólo por la forma en la que llegaron a esos espacios académicos –algunos países implementaron o trataron de llevar a cabo subprogramas o programas específicos de atracción de científicas y científicos de aquella región–, sino también porque este tipo de migraciones rompe con el esquema interpretativo que desde hace varias décadas se ha desarrollado en Latinoamérica: las migraciones “sur-­‐norte”, es decir, el estudio de científicas y científicos latinoamericanos que migran hacia países como Estados Unidos o Canadá, por ejemplo. Las migraciones de científicas y científicos de la ex URSS hacia países de Latinoamérica –
migraciones que podrían considerarse, en el esquema binario tradicional anterior, pero al revés, como migraciones “norte-­‐sur”– muestran distintas experiencias, otros espacios académicos y diferentes desplazamientos geográficos en el mundo de la migración internacional altamente calificada. Estos tipos de movimientos ponen de relieve a los espacios y a las comunidades académicas latinoamericanas como puntos de atracción, ya sea como puentes para dar un “brinco” a otros espacios académicos o como lugares en donde el trabajo científico de las y los inmigrantes se torna para ellas, ellos y para las sociedades en donde instalan sus “espacios de vida”, no sólo posible, sino también fructífero. La ponencia que se pretende presentar, muestra ese proceso, especialmente durante la década de los noventa y dos mil. Transmobility -­‐ A Cosmopolitan Process? Discriminations & Auto-­‐discriminations of/by Transnational Professionals. WAGNER Izabela Institute of Sociology Warsaw University [email protected] Based on multisited (France, Poland, USA, Germany) ethnographic research conducted in life-­‐science labortories, I have elaborated a model of career typical for a 21st century researcher: a trajectory of the Transnational Professional. This field study, started in 2003, 15
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Lisbon, Portugal
indicated a strong interaction between career advancement and geographical mobility; this relationship I define as the Transmobility (Wagner, 2011). Even if official disourse about internationalization or globalization of scientific world confirms this model the participants of the study provided several accounts of situations and professional decisions in which their origin (ethnic, national) played an important role. Contemporary careers in science consist of several stages of which a majority are based on short term contracts. Scientists are under constant competition for next position and subiectum of permanent selections. In official discourse, those selections always depend on specialized knowledge. However, field data do not confirm this rule, showing that other criterias determines selection process (Hughes's „auxiliary characteristics”). This paper will attempt at detecting obstacles that make the process of Transmobility difficult. The practices of discrimination, and especially auto-­‐discrimination (national, ethnic and cultural criteria) will be in the centre of the analysis. Originality of this paper stems from chosen methodology (ethnography -­‐ multisited and longetudinal), theoretical approach (ineteractionist sociology of labor) and most of all -­‐ from chosen topic (hidden processes). According to my knowledge, the problem of influence that the origin and cultural background of the researcher's hold over his or her career is perceived only as a minor element shaping their professional paths. In current and past literature devoted to this professional group little is written about specific aspects of international work places and multicultural functioning of the teams. Issues which will be analyzed are rarely investigated, whereas they constitute an inflammatory topic among studied community of professionals. 16
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
Painel III – Scientific mobility and Identity, Mobilidade Científica e Identidade, Movildad Cientifica e Identidad Love and Ryanair: Academic Researchers relocating. Alberta Giorgi Centro de Estudos Sociais [email protected] Academic researchers are a good test for European citizenship. Their intra-­‐European mobility increased in the last decades, also thanks to European incentives. The importance and the prestige of internationalization and experiences abroad slowly penetrated even in the most protectionist University country-­‐systems. Researchers are likely to experience fewer difficulties in relocating, with respect to other job categories, because of the powerful infrastructure of European research. Last, but not least, they have high levels of education, which surveys positively correlate with the feeling of ‘being a European citizen’. In other words, Europe comes with the job. On the other side, intra-­‐European mobility also bears some difficulties with it: couples living apart, the decrease of permanent positions, which results in frequent relocations from one country to another, problems in accessing local welfare systems and the nightmare of organizing a consistent pension scheme. That is, Ryanair comes with the job, too. In this paper, we firstly analyse the discourse on Academic mobility, internationalization, and ‘brain drain’. Then, we present some statistical and survey data on University researchers Europeanization. Finally, drawing on an original database of in depth interviews addressing female researchers who experienced intra-­‐European mobility, we discuss the experience of Europe of Academic researchers. GLOCADEMICS on the run: Transnational identity and epistemological negotiations Manuela Guilherme, Marie Curie Research Fellow Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra [email protected] This paper will unveil the very preliminary results of the GLOCADEMICS project, a Marie Curie fellowship, which aims to find out about identity and epistemological negotiations between researchers. Its empirical study is carried out in Brazil and its theoretical production reflects north-­‐south discussions on conceptual approaches to multiculturalism and interculturality. The project methodology will be described and critically examined under the light of intercultural issues raised during data gathering. In addition, this paper will offer for discussion a few concepts which are being introduced and developed throughout this study, namely ‘Glocademics’, ‘glocal languages’ and ‘intercultural responsibility’ versus, respectively, ‘internationalization of higher education’, ‘lingua franca’ and ‘intercultural competence’. It will build upon the idea that there have been different 17
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knowledge producing frameworks in the world, profiting from and resisting to unequal relations of power, that correspond to different world and life visions. In the meantime, academics involved in international research projects have attempted to translate and negotiate the complexity of meanings both for work concepts and for interaction principles. This paper therefore aims to give voice to such practices and remaining difficulties at the grassroots level. The “north/south” metaphor shall be adopted here in order to represent different world visions, a variety of knowledge producing frameworks, as well as different perspectives about concepts such as multiculturalism’ and ‘interculturality’. With the unfolding of colonialism and globalization, the North and the South have been de-­‐
territorialized, and therefore permeated every society in both hemispheres, although symbolic representations remain geographically situated. This means that such terms are not universal signifiers either, although they are often paradoxically understood as such despite their own particular reference to difference. In sum, terms such as “multicultural” and “intercultural” are now all becoming quite common around the world, both in the academy and in official policy documents, and deserve scientific attention, even more so with regard to researchers’ mobility and co-­‐operation. 18
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Lisbon, Portugal
Painel IV – Student Mobility, Mobilidade Estudantil, Movilidad estudantile Estudantes brasileiros em Coimbra: Política de Interculturalidade ou neocolonialismo cultural José Luiz de Moura Filho UFSM/CES [email protected] Conforme o documento Education at a Glance 2013, da Organização para Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE), a internacionalização da educação cresce, anualmente, cerca de 7%, dado relevante para qualquer Universidade que busca, além da consolidação como centro de excelência no cenário acadêmico mundial, sua sustentabilidade, inclusive econômica. Nessa tendência, a Universidade de Coimbra construiu, dentre suas políticas de internacionalização, a Iniciativa Alta Sophia, para posicionamento como hub do conhecimento em Língua Portuguesa, buscando atingir 20% de estudantes estrangeiros. Especialmente chineses e brasileiros: aqueles face ao aumento dos interesses na África e América Latina, e estes por ser a UC “a maior universidade brasileira fora do Brasil” (palavras do atual Reitor). Contudo, as apostas da UC impactam tanto a comunidade acadêmica quanto a própria sociedade coimbrã, pois o projeto não se resume a “receber” estudantes estrangeiros: é preciso mesmo recepcioná-­‐los, dando-­‐lhes uma atenção que vai além da vida acadêmica, indispensável à manutenção do convívio harmonioso dos mesmos, entre si e com os demais, colegas e habitantes da cidade, do que têm se ressentido aqueles, a julgar de tentativas anteriores de mediação, via diplomacia tradicional (Consulado). Sem desprezar eventuais problemas, de mesma natureza, enfrentados por estudantes de outras nacionalidades, esse trabalho tenciona ser um momento, inicialmente, de reflexão acerca da estrutura e funcionamento de projetos de intercâmbio acadêmico entre Brasil e Portugal, na perspectiva da correção de seus rumos, já que tal é do máximo interesse daquele, também, que neles vem investindo significativa fatia do orçamento em educação. A compreensão da questão pode ter origem em perspectivas distintas da internacionalização, enquanto diplomacia cultural universitária, para uns, diplomacia universitária, para outros, categorias cujas operacionalidades cabe discutir -­‐ via Revisão Bibliográfica, observação participante e não participante -­‐ já que esta imprescinde da autonomia institucional que aquela não comporta: uma é tradicional, a outra inovadora. 19
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Transnational student mobility in the first half of the 20th century. The Romanian case Irina Nastasă-­‐Matei University of Bucharest/"Petru Maior" University Targu-­‐Mures [email protected] Between late 19th century until 1945, most of the political and cultural elites in Romania were educated at institutions of higher education abroad. This brought benefits not only for the political and institutional development in Romania, but also for the cultural and artistic ones. The academic models from the respective countries – mostly France and Germany, but also Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium – left their mark on the Romanian culture and science, and also on the administration and the political life. The cultural patterns -­‐ as well as the patterns of political or birocratic development -­‐ assumed, at one time or another, in one area or another, in Romania were largely the result of the studies that the Romanian youth undertook at European universities and of their experience of the academic and urban spaces there. Establishing how the knowledge transfer through these students took place – and how studying abroad contributed to Romania’s modernization – is only a pretext of our presentation. A special attention will be given to the Romanian female students abroad – how many had access to education, especially abroad, and which fields of study were „open” for them, and to how they were perceived by both the home and the host country. Another point of interest will be the mobility of the Romanian students belonging to ethnic minority groups – especially Germans, Hungarians and Jews – their prefferences in terms of universities and fields of study, birocratic issues, special regulations, „protective measures” adopted by both home and host countries. Besides the scientific, cultural and professional transfer, our presentation will also deal with the ideological transfer through the Romanian students abroad (especially during the interwar period). International mobility exposure as a chance for social mobility. The case of a Mexican program under the context of the Bilateral Forum on Higher Education, Innovation and Research (FOBESII for its acronym in Spanish) Alma Maldonado Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas (DIE-­‐CINVESTAV) [email protected]
As part of the Bilateral Forum on Higher Education, Innovation and Research (FOBESI for its acronym in Spanish) signed by presidents Obama and Peña on May, 2013 it was created the program “SEP-­‐Bécalos-­‐Universia-­‐Santander”. Its purpose was sending 300 Mexican students from the Bilingual Technological Universities to spend a semester at community colleges in the US (starting last Fall). 20
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This program is relevant because these are non-­‐traditional (low income) students participating in international mobility so this paper will analyze what is the relevance of the experience of these students considering challenging the aspects previously referred in the literature. The main question will be: How does a short-­‐term exposure to an international mobility experience make a difference in low-­‐income students? Estudantes Brasileiros no Ensino Superior em Portugal: O que motiva a escolha de Portugal como país de destino e o retorno ao Brasil? Juliana Iorio IGOT/ULisboa [email protected] Esta comunicação resulta do projecto de doutoramento “Trajectórias de mobilidade estudantil internacional: estudantes brasileiros no ensino superior em Portugal”, que está em desenvolvimento no Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), com financiamento da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, e têm como objectivo ser um primeiro “draft” para compreendermos as motivações que levam os estudantes brasileiros do ensino superior a escolherem Portugal como país de destino. Sabemos que este tipo de mobilidade pode dotar o indivíduo de novas competências e provê-­‐los de redes sociais mais alargadas, que poderão contribuir, no futuro, para os seus percursos profissionais (King, 2010). Mas será que a busca pelo sucesso profissional é mesmo tão importante para aqueles que optam pela mobilidade estudantil internacional? Será que estes estudantes estão realmente preocupados com as suas qualificações, e os seus futuros profissionais, ou existem outros factores que estão no cerne das principais motivações para este tipo de mobilidade? Tendo como base a análise de diversas fontes secundárias de informação, entrevistas qualitativas à alguns dos directores de faculdades em Portugal que mais receberam estudantes desta nacionalidade nos últimos anos, e entrevistas qualitativas realizadas no Brasil à alguns dos estudantes brasileiros que estiveram em Portugal, pretendemos começar a perceber quais as motivações que fazem com estes estudantes escolham Portugal para a prossecução dos seus projectos de estudo internacional, transformando-­‐os, desta forma, nos mais “novos” e distintos actores no cenário da imigração neste país. Desejamos, ainda, descobrir se trata-­‐se de uma migração temporária, da chamada “circulação de cérebros”, procurando, desta forma, também entender o que motiva o retorno desses estudantes ao seu país de origem. 21
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Lisbon, Portugal
Painel V – Gender, Gênero, Género Mobility for career and competition? Knowledge, gender and research internationalization Helena Pettersson Umea University [email protected] The aim of this paper is to problematize an increasing activity in Swedish research; academic mobility and research internationalization. My paper focuses on how gender as a category affects researchers’ navigation in a career system that increasingly requires international research experience. How does the researchers respond to internationalization requirements affecting their career and future in the academy? How does the individual researcher’s private situation affect the opportunity to actually make the move itself feasible? Such a move makes new demands on the individual researcher’s scientific practice, but also everyday practices and affects the individuals’ choice of research and environment. Likewise, one can assume that there are groups of researchers that only emphasizes the research environment solely for research's sake; are these researchers single and dependent on only their own decisions, or do they live in a partner/family relationship? The data is based on in-­‐depth interviews with researchers in science and medicine that has been collected between 2009-­‐2015, and include plant scientists, molecular biologists and physicists. Analytical tools are Pierre Bourdieu's concept of capital, and the concept of research persona (Pettersson 2011; 2015). Mobility is an important practice when knowledge is transferred between researchers and environments of migratory flow. Researchers involved will be carriers of new knowledge, new theories and methods. In the overall discourse figures rarely the individual researcher, the people who actually practice research internationalization and who choose to be mobile.
Early-­‐Career Academics and their Spouses/Partners: Gender Arrangements in a Context of Transnational Mobility Martine Schaer University of Neuchâtel, Laboratory of Transnational Studies [email protected] Transnational mobility is often presented as an indispensable element to a successful academic career, in Switzerland and beyond. At the same time, this institutionalization of transnational mobility for young academics has important effects in (re-­‐)producing or transforming gender inequalities. Some scholars have linked the ‘leak in the pipeline’ to the new normative of mobility (Krais 2002) and research has shown that women academics are less geographically mobile than men and it is mainly family obligations that influence their propensity to circulate (Ackers 2004, Moguérou 2004). 22
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However, little is known to date of how we can fully understand the mechanisms by which these gender effects are (re-­‐)produced, contested or transformed. Research on highly skilled mobility often renders family, social networks, and biographical experiences invisible (‘methodological individualism’). We argue that the incorporation of familial relations and of wider social environments allows taking into account the complex processes underlying mobility patterns and their articulation with gender aspects. Building on the preliminary results of a qualitative study conducted at three universities – the University of Zurich, the University of Cambridge, and the University of California-­‐Los Angeles – this presentation will discuss the mobility experiences of early-­‐career academics and their spouses/partners. The study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with early-­‐career academics and with their spouses/partners. Building on their narratives, we will show how the couples’ gender configurations are negotiated and experienced in a context of mobility. Preliminary results show that gender relations are embedded in complex social processes and evolve over the life course as academics negotiate with their spouses/partners and within institutional contexts in order to pursue their personal and professional prospects. Having kids appear to be a turning point in a shift towards more conformity with hegemonic gender configurations. Moreover, the situation of mobility represents another turning point that constrains gender configurations towards more conformity with hegemonic gender representations. As Mulheres Brasileiras na Mobilidade Científica Transnacional
Miriam Santos [email protected] Universidade Federal rural do Rio de Janeiro Tradicionalmente as migrações de trabalho eram privilégio dos homens, sendo que as mulheres ficavam em casa cuidando dos filhos e da lavoura (as vezes por anos). Enquanto os homens estavam fora tomavam todas as decisões e administravam o dinheiro, contudo quando eles voltavam, eram comumente alijadas da tomada de decisões e da direção da propriedade. No caso das migrações familiares, sua opinião costumava ser ignorada, o marido decidia a migração, o local para onde iriam e quando partiriam. Restava a elas apenas acompanhá-­‐los. Contemporaneamente muitas migrações são protagonizadas por mulheres, elas não só predominam em vários fluxos migratórios, como também são os pontos mais importantes das redes migratórias, desempenhando um papel fundamental ao providenciar moradia, trabalho, redes de ajuda mútua e etc.. No entanto, apesar de predominarem em vários cursos universitários e serem a maioria entre os estudantes universitários brasileiros (53% segundo o censo de 2000), as mulheres não possuem o mesmo destaque nos estudos de pós-­‐graduação e na mobilidade científica transnacional. 23
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No programa Brasil sem Fronteiras, que oferece bolsas de estudo no exterior para alunos de graduação, as mulheres são a minoria, 44,12% , enquanto os homens tem um índice de 55,88% (dados de 2002). Nosso objetivo nesse paper é questionar os motivos dessa exclusão, e examinar as suas causas. Escenarios de movilidad académica en pareja: negociando afectos, dinero y carrera profesional en el marco de las políticas científicas en Colombia Carol Pavajeau Delgado Universidade Estadual de Campinas / Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) [email protected] Esta ponencia pretende evidenciar la intersección entre migración calificada, políticas científicas e institucionales y relaciones de la intimidad, por medio de las trayectorias afectivas y de movilidad académica de cuatro parejas colombianas que se trasladaron al Brasil para hacer sus estudios de postgrado en diferentes áreas en la Universidade Estadual de Campinas-­‐UNICAMP entre los años 2011-­‐2015. El foco central de la ponencia es analizar la relación de las políticas científicas Colombianas encargadas de impulsar y regular la movilidad académica en el país, con las negociaciones, decisiones y estrategias para conseguir migrar en pareja-­‐familia que usaron estas personas, específicamente se pretende dar cuenta de las formas en que estas parejas gestionan afectos, dinero y carrera académica en los escenarios micro-­‐políticos de la vida cotidiana analizando el uso que hacen de las transacciones económicas para generar, sostener o transformar sus vínculos (Zelizer 2009) en medio de sacar adelante su proyecto doctoral, indagando cómo se dan (si se dan) esas buenas combinaciones, que propone Viviana Zelizer (2009). Finalmente, la ponencia pretende poner en debate la tensión entre el proyecto individual profesional y el proyecto afectivo que se dan en este tipo de movilidades académicas de larga duración, en donde cobra un lugar relevante el contexto macro de las políticas científicas en los escenarios micros de negociaciones de la intimidad, aspectos que no han sido reconocidos por las instancias gestoras de los programas y por los estudios existentes en Colombia sobre movilidad académica. 24
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Painel VI – Academic Mobility and Academic Carrer, Mobilidade Acadêmica e Carreira Acadêmica, Movilidad Académica y Carrera académica Reflexión sobre las perspectivas de fuga, circulación, intercambio y ganancia de
cerebros: el caso de quienes emigraron a EE.UU. para desarrollar un doctorado o
posdoctorado en ciencias exactas y naturales y luego emprendieron el retorno a Argentina.
María Verónica Moreno Population, Migration and Development Study Group at Gino Germani Research Institute (UBA)/ FLACSO/ University of Salvador (USAL) [email protected] La presente ponencia se desprende de la elaboración de una tesis de doctorado que indaga acerca de la movilidad de adultos de ambos sexos, entre 34 y 54 años, que emigraron a los EE.UU. para desarrollar un doctorado o posdoctorado en ciencias exactas y naturales y que luego emprendieron la vuelta a Argentina. El objetivo de dicha investigación es analizar ambos movimientos en relación con la dinámica del campo y el sistema científico, tanto argentino como norteamericano. Bajo ese marco, este artículo procura aportar a los estudios sobre migración calificada a partir de la reflexión y el análisis, a la luz de los datos recogidos durante una salida a campo, de las premisas de los principales enfoques conceptuales —fuga, circulación, intercambio y ganancia de cerebros— según la experiencia de sus propios protagonistas. Para ello, se implementó una estrategia metodológica cualitativa y se desarrollaron, hasta el momento, treinta y tres entrevistas semi-­‐estructuradas. Esta muestra intencional está conformada por: veintisiete científicos que atravesaron esta experiencia descripta, tres a otros actores con el mismo nivel educativo, pero con otras vivencias migratorias a fin de reflexionar sobre los movimientos estudiados desde una nueva perspectiva y dos a informantes clave, expertos en la materia. Por medio de esta estrategia se busca, además, hacer una contribución al campo de estudios porque, según las indagaciones preliminares realizadas, las investigaciones empíricas recientes que abordan la materia tienden a: medir la magnitud del fenómeno, priorizar objetivos de cuantificación y señalar las limitaciones relacionadas con las fuentes de datos y el carácter aproximado de las estimaciones (Albornoz et al., 2002; Luchilo, 2010). Por lo tanto, este trabajo pretende aportar —desde otro abordaje metodológico— evidencia empírica sustantiva que contribuya al debate argumentado en torno estas posiciones teóricas y políticas. 25
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Path-dependency in International Academic Careers
Sorana Toma/ Mathias Czaika ENSAE and University of Oxford [email protected] The impact of globalisation and increasing economic integration on the internationalisation of higher education has been primarily discussed with respect to students and their mobility. Less attention has been devoted to academics themselves as the producers of knowledge and providers of educational services, despite the fact that academic careers have long been associated with high levels of geographical mobility. Furthermore, while the importance of prior (student) mobility for subsequent professional migration as a researcher or academic has been acknowledged, the literature on the mobility of student and that of researchers remain segregated. In this paper, our aim is to bridge this divide and to analyse international mobility along academic careers from a longitudinal, biographic perspective. We use data from a recent online survey of approx. 5 000 Indian researchers’ worldwide in order to examine the drivers and dynamics of international mobility among one of the largest academic diasporas. Overall, we find a strong geographic ‘path-­‐dependency’ in academic career trajectories, indicating a high importance of previous career steps in facilitating future career opportunities and mobility steps. We further show how contextual-­‐level dynamics characterizing the Indian higher education system shape researchers’ geographical paths. Last, individual-­‐level factors, such as prior academic performance, social background or gender, may help individuals ‘break the path’. Academic mobility and the higher education system: the case of Lebanon Lama Kabbanji Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD-CEPED)
[email protected]
Recent decades have been characterized by an increase in the volume of international students and academics migrations (King and Raghuram 2013). Countries like the USA, France, Germany, UK, Russia, Japan and Australia still attract significant numbers of foreign “talents”, and others, like China, India and Brazil have recently become important poles of attraction (Freitas and Pécoud 2012) for the same category of migrants. In the Arab region, Gulf States are investing billions of dollars in order to develop their higher education infrastructures and attract an increasing number of international students and academics, in particular from other Arab countries1. Research dedicated to this type of mobility is still scarce: academics (and international students) are the least studied among the major categories of migrants even though they represent a crucial human resource for research and innovation and the development of scientific communities (Auriol 2010). 26
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Furthermore, the role of academic mobility in shaping the higher education systems in origin countries has been neglected (Raghuram 2013). This research project raises the following question: How mobility, as a component of the internationalisation of higher education, affects the shape of the academic fields (private/public) in Lebanon and the positions of the academics within each field? Circularidad migratoria entre Ecuador y España. Transformación educativa y estrategias de movilidad Carmen Gómez y Cristina Vega Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso-­‐Ecuador) [email protected] La salida de profesionales españoles hacia Ecuador, junto a la captación de profesionales extranjeros por parte del Estado ecuatoriano y la estimulación de la salida de ecuatorianos con fines de cualificación –mediante créditos y becas de estudio– estarían produciendo una diversificación e intensificación de movilidades y conexiones transnacionales entre Ecuador y Europa, principalmente España, complejizando los procesos migratorios, haciéndolos multidireccionales y provocando la configuración de nuevas formas de movilidad marcadas por la circularidad de poblaciones cualificadas o en búsqueda de cualificación entre los dos espacios. Durante una investigación llevada a cabo entre febrero y noviembre de 2014, en la que se implementó una encuesta a 184 profesionales españoles insertos en educación superior y residentes en Ecuador, así como 80 entrevistas semi-­‐dirigidas a profesores, investigadores y estudiantes de posgrado españoles y ecuatorianos, surgieron varios hallazgos cuantitativos y cualitativos con respecto al escenario anteriormente descrito. En primer lugar, se abordará la cuestión del volumen de estos flujos de poblaciones cualificadas y los discursos políticos que existen entorno a ellos. En segundo lugar, se indagará sobre las motivaciones de estas poblaciones en su uso de la movilidad y las formas en las que se auto-­‐perciben o no como migrantes. Finalmente, analizaremos la existencia de estrategias diversificadas de llegada y salida que dan cuenta de la gestión de los flujos migratorios en relación a unos marcos de oportunidad específicos de los cuales se aprovechan este tipo de migraciones y que retroalimenta la puesta en marcha de procesos de circularidad migratoria, concepto que hemos utilizado como nuevo paradigma de movilidad de las migraciones cualificadas. 27
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Painel VII – Knowledge Circulation, Circulação de Conhecimento, Circulación del Conocimiento Intercultural insights into transnational academic encounters Liudmila Kirpitchenko European University Institute [email protected] This paper examines transnational academic mobility and migration and focuses on the intercultural insights that transnational encounters of academic migrants can provide. Ever growing processes of academic mobility and accompanying migration play important part in the continuing changes in the teaching and learning processes that academic institutions are undergoing globally. These changes are often termed ‘internationalization of education’ and they are expressed in the transformations in both the curricula and the recruitment practices of students and staff. International dimensions of education have been very important for Australia and thus in December 2013, the new academic mobility program was launched, entitled the New Colombo Plan. The Australian Plan is to supplement the well-­‐established and successful European and North American programs of student and staff exchanges. These global academic mobility programs create increased opportunities for internationalized education which signifies that teaching and learning become not only multicultural by including multiple cultures, but also intercultural by creating opportunities for an increased interaction. Intercultural encounters involve knowledge translation which means much more than a one-­‐way linear diffusion of knowledge. Current global scale of academic mobility creates opportunities for intercultural knowledge interchange, knowledge creation, and knowledge enrichment, all potentially leading to the broadening of cultural imagination and creation of shared cultural meanings. This paper is based on a series of interviews, focus groups and participant observation conducted with Eastern European academic migrants on their perceptions of intercultural encounters at a number of universities in Italy, Canada and Australia. The purpose of this paper is to explore academic interactions of diverse cultures for gaining better understanding of the preconditions for knowledge exchange, transfer, and ultimately creation. These preconditions include intercultural competencies and cosmopolitan dispositions displayed in the interactive practices of academic migrants perceived as important agents of intercultural knowledge flows. 28
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O papel da mobilidade internacional de cientistas na construção de um centro de investigação transnacional: um estudo de caso em Portugal Emília Araújo [email protected] Universidade do Minho Esta comunicação versa sobre a internacionalidade e a transnacionalidade da ciência, a partir da descrição e análise das experiências e dos discursos sobre a mobilidade internacional de investigadores estrangeiros e portugueses pertencentes a um centro de investigação português de excelência, na área das ciências da vida. As mobilidades de cientistas têm suscitado interesses de investigação diversificados. Além das motivações de saída, os estudos tem apresentado conclusões relevantes sobre os países de destino, assim como sobre os efeitos dessa mobilidade no desenvolvimento das carreiras e na produtividade científica. Ressalte-­‐se, ainda, as investigações sobre a importância da mobilidade internacional na dinâmica dos centros de investigação e, portanto, no desenvolvimento da ciência, ao nível de um país. Acrescentemos, também, a literatura que tem considerado a mobilidade como uma condição essencial para a internacionalização e o desenvolvimento da ciência. Assim, não excluindo a discussão de algumas destas dimensões, nesta comunicação pretende-­‐se analisar mais aprofundamente os processos de contacto cultural entre cientistas de várias nacionalidades, tendo em conta, nomeadamente, as suas perspectivas e das narrativas sobre a estadia em Portugal. Analisa-­‐se também as perspectivas e os discursos dos membros da direção do centro, assim como dos coordenadores dos grupos de investigação. Deste modo, estabelece –se um quadro analítico sobre a relação entre a mobilidade internacional, criação de ambientes transnacionais e o grau de notoriedade e reconhecimento associado aos centros de investigação. A pesquisa que está na base da comunicação desenvolve-­‐se através da utilização de uma estratégia metodológica envolve entrevistas realizadas aos diretores e coordenadores dos grupos de investigação neste centro, assim como investigadores. Tratando-­‐se de uma estratégia metodológica de tipo qualitativo, considerou-­‐se a informação recolhida através da observação direta que decorre no próprio centro. O tratamento da informação implicou a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados que iremos apresentar de forma detalhada tendem a enfatizar a associação positiva entre a mobilidade internacional, os processos de construção de uma cultura transnacional e a notoriedade e dinâmica do centro. 29
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A influência de dois egressos dos meios acadêmicos alemães nos estudos sobre a
imigração no Brasil __ Emílio Willems e Leo Waibel
Giralda Seyferth Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro [email protected] A imigração alemã e a colonização estrangeira implementada no Brasil desde o início do século XIX despertaram o interesse de estudiosos estrangeiros de diferentes áreas de conhecimento, com destaque para geógrafos, historiadores e viajantes com formação acadêmica, antes de receber atenção mais acurada de pesquisadores brasileiros. Apesar dos debates acirrados sobre a conveniência da imigração (e seus possíveis resultados), visíveis nos escritos de vários pensadores sociais brasileiros preocupados com a assimilação dos estrangeiros, os estudos sobre o fenômeno migratório são relativamente recentes e, em parte, foram influenciados por dois estudiosos alemães que viveram (temporariamente) no Brasil: o antropólogo Emílio Willems (que lecionou na Universidade de São Paulo e na Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo na década de 1940) e o geógrafo Leo Waibel (que esteve ligado ao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística -­‐ IBGE no mesmo período). Ambos deixaram a Alemanha por causa da ascensão do nazismo e se radicaram nos Estados Unidos após a passagem pelo Brasil. Willems publicou no Brasil dois livros e vários artigos sobre a aculturação e assimilação dos alemães e descendentes, e Waibel escreveu sobre o processo de colonização, no âmbito de um projeto do IBGE que visava dar subsídios à política de continuidade desse processo de ocupação do território através da imigração.Nesta comunicação pretendo analisar a recepção da obra desses autores no campo acadêmico brasileiro e o seu uso na discussão e proposição da política imigratória brasileira. Essa abordagem permite observar a circulação das ideias-­‐ no caso, sobre processos migratórios-­‐ tendo em vista a formação intelectual de ambos na Alemanha e, particularmente, o comprometimento de Willems com os princípios teóricos e metodológicos da Escola de Chicago. The importance of the international mobility of scientists in the creation of knowledge networks. Pedro Videira Center for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES) [email protected] International mobility has become an intrinsic element of scientific careers and scientists perceive mobility as critical for the construction of their human and social capital (Murray 2004; Bozeman et al. 2001). European policies have fuelled this “mobility requirement” by linking it with excellence and competitiveness (Ackers 2008). 30
10th and 11th of September 2015,
CICS.Nova, FCSH – Universidade Nova da Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal
The relevance attributed to mobility is also visible at the country level, particularly in the case of those countries with weaker scientific systems. Policies which encouraged international researchers’ mobility were expected to enable access to advanced knowledge in fields that were absent or underdeveloped in the home country by providing scientists with opportunities to become part of international scientific networks (Mahroum 2000; Jöns 2007) which could be mobilised upon their return. 31

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