Dr. Trannin, Maria Universidade Estacio de Sa Dr. Farinaci, Juliana


Dr. Trannin, Maria Universidade Estacio de Sa Dr. Farinaci, Juliana
Dr. Trannin, Maria
Universidade Estacio de Sa
Dr. Farinaci, Juliana
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
This work is based on and adapted from a
research conducted in March 2012 by the Yale
Project on Climate Change Communication
and the George Mason University Center for
Climate Change Communication*.
Hereby we present the results from a similar
Survey with 1000 undergraduate Students in
Brazil, from private and public Universities.
Our main objective is to raise attention of
Brazilian Government and Scientists to the
Climate Change Communication needs of
Brazilian undergraduate Students.
  Climate
change is expected to increase
the frequency and intensity of extreme
weather events. Consequently, natural
disasters will likely be aggravated
throughout the world. In face of
uncertainties associated with natural
disasters, communication plays an
essential role to plan resilient
communities, capable of preparing for
and recovering from such impacts.
Brazil - context
  Brazil
is the largest country in South
America and the fifth largest in the
world, with 191 M people (IBGE 2010).
  We went from 3,5 M undergraduate
students in 2002 to 6,2 M in 2012
(Instituto Popular 2012)
  And we are still growing....
Brazilian CC Policies
So are our climate change related events,
specially flooding, which have been more and
more common.
  Our Government prepared a Climate Change
Plan (PNMC) in 2008. Nevertheless, the Plan
basically contains biodiversity protection
actions and mitigation suggestions.
  In August 2012, the Government launched a
new Plan, Risks and Natural Disasters, with
investments of circa 9,4 Billion Dollars in
prevention and co-related actions related to
natural disasters, mostly towards communities
at risk.
Environmental Science Education
in Brazil
  Environmental
Education is not a
mandatory discipline at Universities and
although Brazilian Students are already
aware of climate change, the research
will show that they do not feel prepared
for it.
Age 16%
Acima de 40 anos 36-­‐40 9%
31-­‐35 15%
26-­‐30 15%
23-­‐25 12%
20-­‐22 22%
17-­‐19 Menor de 17 anos 11%
Have you had Environmental Science classes? 70% 30% Sim Não In your opinion, what are the three top global challenges nowadays? 71% 69% 28% 28% 20% Vencer a pobreza e a desigualdade social Poluição do ar, da água e dos resíduos despejados Falta de acesso à educação Mudanças climáTcas Desemprego e corrupção 18% Problemas urbanos e superpopulação 17% Perda de recursos naturais How worried are you about Climate Change? Muito preocupado 51% De alguma forma preocupado 43% Um pouco preocupado 1% 5% Nem um pouco preocupado Não sei Do you believe Climate Change is already happening? 94%
Sim Não 2%
Não sei/não tenho certeza Where do you think Climate Change will affect the most? 77%
Os países em desenvolvimento Os países industrializados Ambos, igualmente To what extent Climate Change will affect? 90 Afeterá muito 80 Afetará bastante 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Afeterá um pouco Não afetará Não sei In general how would you esTmate the contribuTon of your current lifestyle to Climate Change?
70 60 50 Muito Moderamente 40 30 Um pouco 20 Nada 10 Não sei 0 Are you afraid of Climate Change and its effects? 70%
Sim 28%
Um pouco Nada 2%
Do you feel prepared for Climate Change? 60%
Sim Um pouco 36%
Nada How prepared for Climate Change are.... 70 60 Nada preparado 50 Um pouco preparado 40 De alguma forma preparado 30 20 10 0 Preparado Não sei How do you get informaTon about Climate Change? nobcias e arTgos na internet 32% televisão 26% jornais 13% 9% jornais e revistas cienbficas 7% professores 6% redes sociais revistas 2% nobcias oficiais do governo 2% radio 1% amigos e ou familia 1% livros 1% Governo Local Empresas Governo Federal Amigos Revistas Rádio e televisão Internet Família Jornais Universidade/
professores CienTstas How much do you trust the following sources of informaTon on Climate Change? 70
Um pouco
Não sei
Do you think our CommunicaTon acTons and tools are adequate at this point in Tme? 53% 41% Sim Um pouco 6% Nada What recommenda-ons would you make to the Government regarding Climate Change? Medidas prevenTvas como reTrada de populações de área de risco 70%
Oficinas e palestras em escolas públicas, especialmente em áreas de risco 66%
Medidas de comunicação de riscos via mídia de massa, como novelas de TV 51%
Inserção do tema na grade do ensino superior 33%
Criação de grupos de informação e discussão on line, com o uso de mídias sociais como o facebook e twiier 30%
Eventos patrocinados com arTstas, para divulgação de medidas prevenTvas 27%
Desenvolvimento de tecnologias para comunicação de risco via celulares Radio PodcasTng e microblogs 20%
Conclusions and Recommendations
  Brazilian
undergraduate students are aware
of Climate Change and they fear it. However,
it is not one of their three top global concerns.
  They rely basically on the internet and TV as
sources of information on Climate Change,
but they don’t consider these sources very
  Scientists and Professors are the ones they
trust the most, although they don’t rely on
them as a source of information on a daily
Conclusions and Recommendations
  There
seems to be a gap between media,
science, government, and the public.
  We suggest a reliable knowledge transfer
platform, which can approach them to
science and engage them into action.
  We will bring Climate-ADAPT and
Connect4Climate experiences to Brazilian
local governments and Universities
*(Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Roser-Renouf,
C., & Hmielowski, J. D. (2012) Climate change
in the American Mind: Americans’ global
warming beliefs and attitudes in March 2012.
Yale University and George Mason University.
New Haven, CT: Yale Project on Climate
Change Communication).
Thank you!
Danke schoen!