Curriculum Vitae W - Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen


Curriculum Vitae W - Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Curriculum Vitae W. Leo M. Wetzels
First names
Willem, Leo, Marie
June 1975
Title MA dissertation
October 1975
Title MA dissertation
June 1981
Title thesis
Thesis Director
MA (Doctoraalexamen) in French Language and Literature
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands (now called Radboud
Highest Honours
Modern French Literature
‘La déchéance de l’humain dans la trilogie romanesque de
Beckett: Molloy, Malone Meurt, l’Innommable’
Indo-European Linguistics
General Linguistics
MA (Doctoraalexamen) General Linguistics
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Highest Honours
Applied Linguistics (Acquisition of French as a second
Problèmes d’acquisition lexicaux pour néerlandophones
apprenant le français (Problems in word-acquisition for Dutch
speakers learning French)
Generative Phonology
Mathematical Psychology
Doctorate in Linguistics
University of Nijmegen.
Highest Honours
Analogie et lexique: Le problème de l’opacité en phonologie
générative (Analogy and the Lexicon: the Opacity Problem in
Generative Phonology)
Bernard Bichakjian
Current positions
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Leerstoel Romaanse talen en Amazonetalen (Chair of Romance
Languages and Languages of the Amazon)
VU University Amsterdam
hoofdgebouw, kamer 12A-23
De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
00 - 31 - (0)20 - 5986458
00 - 31 - (0)20 - 5986500
Associated researcher
Laboratoire de Phonétique et
Phonologie (LPP), CNRS/Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris
Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie
CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle
19, Rue des Bernardins, 75005 Paris, France
[email protected]
Web page
1975 -1984
Courses taught:
1984 January-May
Assistant professor, Nijmegen University, The Netherlands
French language courses
French linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology syntax,
Visiting scholar, department of Linguistics, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA, USA (academic year)
Visiting scholar, department of Linguistics, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA, USA
1985 -1990
Courses taught:
Associate professor Nijmegen University, The Netherlands
French language courses
French linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology syntax,
Phonology and morphology of Italian
Professor, Chair of French Language and Linguistics, VU
University Amsterdam
French linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology syntax,
Phonology and morphology of Spanish
Language acquisition (phonology)
History of French
Courses taught:
2002 – present
Courses taught:
Professor, Chair of Romance Languages and Languages of
the Amazon, VU University, Amsterdam
French linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology syntax,
Phonology and morphology of the Romance languages
Language acquisition (phonology)
History of French
Anthropological linguistics
General linguistics
The Structure of Spanish
2007 - 2009
Directeur de recherche, Laboratoire de Phonétique et
Phonologie (LPP), CNRS/Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris
2009 - présent
Associated researcher, Laboratoire de Phonétique et
Phonologie (LPP), CNRS/Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris
2009 -2014
Associated researcher, Centre d’Études des Langues
Indigènes d’Amérique (CELIA), CNRS, Villejuif.
September 2014
Doctor Honoris Causa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Management (since 1990)
1990 - 1996
1997 - present
2005 - 2007
2006 - 2011
2006 - 2010
2011 - 2014
2011 - 2014
2012 - 2014
2015 - present
Head of the department of French Language and Culture of the
VU University Amsterdam
Head of the Romance languages section (French, Spanish,
Italian) of the VU University Amsterdam
Representative of the VU University at LOT (Landelijke
Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap, Netherlands Graduate School of
Director of the linguistic research program of the Faculty of
Humanities VU University Amsterdam, entitled: Language:
System and Use.
Director of the Research MA in linguistics, VU University
Director Graduate School Faculty of Humanities, VU
University Amsterdam
Coordinator Honours Program Faculty of Humanities Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam
Director of the Research MA in linguistics, VU University
VU representative LOT (Netherlands Graduate School of
Editorships/editorial board memberships
a. current
▪ Editor-in-Chief, Probus, an International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics.
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany.
▪ Associate Editor for the International Journal of American Linguistics (IAL). The
University of Chicago Press.
▪ Member editorial board of the linguistic series Brill's Studies in the Indigenous Languages
of the Americas. Amsterdam, Brill.
▪ Member editorial board Letras de Hoje. PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
▪ Member, Revista D.E.L.T.A. editorial board, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo,
▪ Member, advisory board of the Linguistic Series: Indigenous Languages of Latin America
▪ Member editorial board of Revista de Estudos da Linguagem Faculdade de Letras Da
UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
▪ Member editorial board of Revista Signótica, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal
de Goiás, Brazil.
▪ Consulting editor Revista da Associação Brasileira de Linguistica ABRALIN, Brazil.
▪ Member editorial board História dos Estudos da Língua(gem), Universidade Estadual do
Sudoeste da Bahia, Brazil.
▪ Member editorial board of Revista de Linguïtica Faculdade de Letras, Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil.
▪ Member editorial board of the Revista Eletrônica Língua Viva, Centro de Pesquisa
Linguística da Amazônia (CEPLA), Campus de Guajará-Mirim da Fundação
Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Brazil.
▪ Member editorial board Linguagem: estudos e pesquisas. Departamento de Letras do
Campus Catalão da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Catalão, Brazil.
b. previous
▪ Co-editor of the Linguistic Series Publications in Language Sciences, Walter de Gruyter,
Berlin, Germany.
▪ Member, GLOT editorial board Tijdschrift voor Taalwetenschap (1988-1989).
▪ Member, UFSC Working Papers in Linguistics editorial board, Un. Federal de Santa
Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.
▪ Consulting editor, Journal of Amazonian Languages, University of Pittsburgh, USA (19971998).
▪ Consulting editor Estudos sobre Línguas Indígenas, Universidade Federal do Pará,
Belém, Brazil.
▪ Guest-editor, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, Universidade de Lisboa, special issue on
the phonology of Portuguese, 2003.
Visiting professorships in Brazilian scientific institutions
1984. 01/08-28/08
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador
Professor Convidado “Desenvolvimentos recentes em fonologia”
1984. 29/08-31/08
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis
I Encontro Nacional de Fonética e Fonologia
Conferencista Convidado “Alongamento compensatório e fonologia autossegmental”
1986. 15/09-15/11
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas
Pesquisador Visitante “Fonologia do português brasileiro”
1986. 15/11-15/12
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis
Professor Visitante “Fonologia não-linear”
1990. 01/07-15/12
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas
Pesquisador Visitante “Fonologia do português brasileiro”
1990. 05/12-06/12
Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul
Conferencista Convidado
1991. 01/07-31/08
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Pesquisador Visitante “Fonologia do português brasileiro”
1991. 01/09-02/12
Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional & Faculdade de Letras
Professor Visitante “Fonologia das línguas indígenas brasileiras”
1992. 01/7-15/12
Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional & Faculdade de Letras
Professor Visitante “Fonologia das línguas indígenas brasileiras”
1992. 12/07-17/07
ABRALIN/SBPC Universidade de São Paulo
Conferencista Convidado “As línguas indígenas do Brasil e as teorias fonológicas
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Análise autossegmental do português”
1993. 26/01-19/02
XII Instituto de Verão da ABRALIN, Departamento de Linguística FFLCH-USP, São Paulo
Conferencista Convidado “Desenvolvimentos recentes dos estudos fonológicos”
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Introdução à fonologia métrica e lexical”
1994. 11/09-16/09
I Congresso Internacional da Associação Brasileira de Lingüística, Universidade Federal da
Conferencista Convidado “Acento e peso silábico nas línguas Românicas”
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) ”Fonologia não-linear”
1995. 18/04-20/04
Seminário Internacional de Fonologia, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Letras da PUCRS
Conferencista Convidado “Em defesa do traço [-sonoro]”
Coordenador da mesa “Fonologia e línguas indígenas brasileiras”
1995. 01/08-31/08
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis
Professor Visitante “Tópicos na Fonologia do PdB”
1995. 25/10
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Membro da comissão julgadora da defesa de tese de doutoramento em linguística de SeungHwa Lee
1996. 01/04-30/04
Centro de Estudos de Línguas Amazônicas, Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Campus de
Guajará Mirim.
Professor Visitante “Tópicos de fonologia de línguas Indígenas”
1996. 01/01-31/05
Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió.
Professor Visitante “Tópicos na fonologia do português brasileiro”
1996. 01/08-01/09
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras e
Professor Visitante “Tópicos em fonologia”
1997. 24/02-11/03
XIII Instituto Brasileiro de Linguística, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió
Conferencista Convidado “A silabificação dos glides em português brasileiro”
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) ”A teoria da sílaba nas línguas românicas”
1997. 20/05-22/05
30 Encontro Nacional de Acervos Literários Brasileiros, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Letras
Conferencista Convidado “As línguas não tem dono”
1998. 01/05-31/05
Universidade Estadual de São Paulo (USP)
Professor Convidado “Fonologia do português”
1998. 01/07-01/08
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras e
Linguística, Curso de Férias.
Professor Visitante “Tópicos em fonologia”
1998. 08/09-28/08
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Pós-Graduação em Letras
Professor Visitante “Fonologia autosegmental e fonologia do português brasileiro”
1999. 28/05
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas
Conferencista Convidado “Novas perspectivas da fonologia”
1999. 01/08-31/08 III Encontro do CELSUL, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande
do Sul, Porto Alegre
Professor Convidado “Aspectos da fonologia do português brasileiro”
2000. 19/07-21/07
Universidade Federal de Goiás, Mestrado em Estudos Lingüísticos
Professor visitante (mini-curso) “Optimalidade, acento e ritmo”
2000. 01/08-31/08
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Núcleo de Estudos Indigenistas, Departamento de
Professor Convidado “Aspectos fonológicos de línguas indígenas brasileiras”.
2001. 08/03-13/03
II Congresso Internacional da ABRALIN, XV Instituto da ABRALIN, Universidade Federal
do Ceará
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Tópicos na fonologia, teoria da otimalidade”
2001. 01/10-31/10
Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém
Professor Convidado “Fonética e fonologia da nasalidade em português brasileiro”
2002. 01/04-10/04
II Seminário Internacional de Fonologia, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Letras
Professor Convidado (minicurso) “Tópicos da fonologia do português brasileiro: uma
interpreteção baseada em restricões (OT)”.
Membro da Comissão Julgadora da Defesa de Tese de Doutoramento em Lingüística de
Cláudia Regina Brescancini
2002. 11/04
VIII Semana de Letras, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
Conferencista Convidado “Português do Brasil, língua ou dialeto?”
2003. 08/10-10/10
II Encontro Nacional de Ciências da Linguagem Aplicadas ao Ensino (ECLAE), Universidade
Federal da Paraíba
Professor Convidado “Fonologia lexical”
2004. 15/11-18/12
VIII Congresso Nacional de Fonética e Fonologia, Universidade Federal de São Luiz,
Conferencista Convidado “Análise do sistema nasal Maxacalí”
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “O acento em português e em línguas crioulas baseadas em
2005. 01/01-30/06
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Departamento de Linguística
Professor Convidado “Fonologia do português brasileiro”
2005. 11/02-25/02
IV Congresso Internacional da Associação Brasileira de Lingüística, Universidade de Brasília
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Nasalização e assimilação de nasalidade em português
2005. 16/03-22/03
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Introdução à fonologia teórica”
Membro da comissão julgadora da defesa de dissertação de mestrado da Ana Cristina Cunha
da Silva
2005. 13/06-16/06
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
Conferencista Convidado “O acento primário e secundário em um crioulo português falado
em Sri Lanka”, “Acento e tom em dâw (maku)”, Harmonia nasal em maxacalí (macro-jê)”
2005. 01/06-02/06
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campos de Araraquara
Conferencista Convidado “Acento em um crioulo português falado em Sri Lanka”,
“Nasalidade em português brasileiro”, “Nativização de empréstimos portugueses em
maxacalí, uma língua indígena brasileira”
2005. 03/11-05/11
IV Encontro Internacional sobre Línguas e Culturas Macro-Jê, Universidade Federal de
Conferencista Convidado “Ainda sobre o acento Umutima” e “Harmonia Nasal em Maxacalí”
2007. 09/04-13/04
III Seminário Internacional de Fonologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do
Sul, Porto Alegre
Ministrante “Primary word stress in Brazilian Portuguese and the weight parameter”,
“A silabificação das vogais altas no português”
2008. 15/07-22/12
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Departamento de Linguística
Professor Convidado “Fonologia do português brasileiro”
2009. 09/03-13/03
VI Congresso Internacional da ABRALIN, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa.
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Tópicos de fonologia portuguesa”
2009. 23/05
Probravo II Sis-Vogais, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte
Conferencista Convidado “Sobre a neutralização das vogais médias em sílabas acentuadas em
português brasileiro”
2009. 10/12-11/12
II Simpósio de Linguística e Semiótica, Em Torno da Prosódia, Universidade de São Paulo
Conferencista Convidado “A representação formal da neutralização fonológica e a
neutralização vocálica em contextos tônicos e átonos em português brasileiro”
2010. 08/06-09/06
I Congresso Internacional de Línguas Indígenas da Bahia, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste
da Bahia, Vitória da Conquista-BA
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Nasalidade, harmonia vocálica e consoantes bifásicas nas
línguas indígenas da América do Sul: teorias e problemas de análise”
Conferencista Convidado “(Pré)vocalização das consoantes codais na língua Maxacalí: uma
perspectiva tipológica”
2010. 24/09
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Membro da comissão julgadora da defesa de tese de doutoramento em lingüística de Emerson
Carvalho de Souza
2010. 17/10-21/10
I Congresso Internacional de Dialetologia e Sociolinguística, Universidade Federal do
Maranhão, São Luís.
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “A nasalidade em português brasileiro: da fonética à
representação lexical”
2010. 01/12-06/12
III Congresso Internacional da Associação Internacional de Linguística do Português,
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Instituto de Letras
Presidente de mesa redonda
2010. 13/12
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
Membro da comissão julgadora da defesa de tese de doutoramento em lingüística de Taís
Bopp da Silva.
2011. 01/04-01/09
Programa da Pós-Graduação em Letras, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
Professor Convidado “Fonologia teórica e fonologia do português brasileiro”
2011. 17/06
Dia do patrimônio Brasil-Holanda, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
Conferencista Convidado “Variação fonológica no Estado de Pernambuco”
2011. 07/11-11/11
III Simpósio sobre Vogais/Sis Vogais. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto
Alegre, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Projeto de Descrição Sócio-Histórica das
Vogais do Português (PROBRAVO)
Conferencista Convidado “O sistema vocálico do PB, um conflito entre marcação e contraste
quase decidido”
Professor Convidado (minicurso) ”Tópicos sobre o sistema vocálico do PB”
2012. 25/04-27/04
IV Seminário Internacional de Fonologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do
Sul, Porto Alegre
Conferencista Convidado “Consoantes bifásicas {nasal, oral}: fonetica, fonologia, tipologia”
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Representações fonológicas e representações fonéticas:
mecanismo de aumento de contraste e motivos para processos fonológicos"
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre
Professor Convidado “Vogais Nasais, Vogais Nasalizadas, Ditongos Nasais do Português
Brasileiro – Reconciliando Fonética e Fonologia”
2013. 29/01-07/02
Associação Brasileira de Lingüística (ABRALIN), Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do
Norte, Natal
Conferencista Convidado “A silabificao das vogais altas nas línguas românicas, um estudo
Professor Convidado “Tópicos na fonologia das línguas indígenas sulamericanas: harmonia
vocálica e tom”
2013. 11/06-14/06
III Simpósio Nacional de Letras e Linguística juntamente com o II Simpósio Internacional de
Letras e Linguística, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Campus Catalão
Professor Convidado (mini-curso)
2013. 15/06-19/06
Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goyânia
Professor Convidado (mini-curso) “Tópicos na fonologia das línguas indígenas
2013. 6/11-8/11
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife. IV Simpósio Sobre Vogais
Conferencista Convidado
2013. 18/11-23/11
Semana Internacional de Etnolingüística da Universidade Federal De Rondônia, Campus De GuajaráMirim, Programa De Mestrado Em Ciências Da Linguagem – Ppgmcl e Centro de Pesquisas Lingüísticas
da Amazônia – Cepla, 18-23 de Novembro de 2013.
Conferencista convidado, professor convidado (mini-curso).
2014. 01/02/2014 – 31-01-2015
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Departamento de Linguística.
Professor Visitante.
Memberships of national and international scientific committees/Invited lectures at
international conferences and workshops, etc.
(since 2000)
Invited discussant for the workshop Field Work and Phonological Theory.
LabPhon 7, Seventh Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Max Planck
Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 29 June-1 July, 2000.
Keynote speaker, XXXI Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL),
University of Chicago Illinois, April 2001.
Member Advisory Committee Individual Projects Humanities (19982000).WOTRO (Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research).
Chairman WOTRO Advisory Committee Individual Projects Humanities (20002001) (Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research)
Member Advisory Committee on Endangered Language Research. (1999 - 2000)
NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)
Member LOT (Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap) Scientific Advisory
Committee Typological data Base System, 1999 -present.
Chairman of the WOTRO Policy Advisory Committee (PAC-NL and PACINTERNATIONAL) 2002-2003.
Invited editor of a special issue of the Journal of Portuguese Linguistics,
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. 2003.
External advisor of the research project Falares nordestinos: aspectos fonéticolexicais e morfossintátios financed by the Brazilian CNPq ( = ‘NWO’) by profs
Maria E. Soares and Socorro Aragão Un. of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Invited organizer (with Prof. G. Nick Clements) Workshop on Nasality during the
World Conference in Phonology I, Leiden University Centre for
Linguistics, January 9-11, 2003,
Invited professor, LOT Winterschool in Linguistics. VU University Amsterdam
Member of the International Scientific Committee of PAPI - Phonetics and
Phonology in Iberia.
Member NWO Advisory Committee Programmatic Research, Humanities (20045).
Organizer Workshop Endangered Languages Research and Intellectual Property
Rights for the NWO Symposium Endangered Languages Program, August 26,
Organizer Conference on Languages and Cultures in the Andean/Amazonian
Border Area, August 27-28, 2004. VU University Amsterdam
Director of the academic exchange program in the area of Indigenous Languages and
Cultures of Brazil between the VU University Amsterdam and the Brazilian
Universities: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Universidade Federal de Maceió,
Universidade Federal de João Pessoa, Universidade Federal de Amazonas, Manaus.
Qualification aux fonctions de professeur des universités arrêtée en 2006 par les
sections du Conseil national des universités, France
Invited speaker. CNRS. UMR7018. Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (LPP)
du CNRS, Paris, 13-01-2006.
Invited speaker. CNRS. UMR5610 Recherches en Syntaxe et en Sémantique
(ERSS), Toulouse, 17-03-2006.
Organizer Going Romance, International Conference on Romance Linguistics, VU
Amsterdam, Dec. 2006.
Keynote speaker Seminario de Fonología instrumental: patrones fónicos y
variación, Colégio de Mexico, Mexico City, September 2006.
Member of the permanent scientific committee of the International conference on
Amazonian linguistics AMAZONICAS, 2007 - 2012.
Co-organizer Conference in Amerindian linguistics Amazônicas 1, at the Federal Un.
of Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil, Dec. 2007.
Permanent member of the Organizing committee of Going Romance. 43D7- BDC37A45A324BB46
Invited author for the cover text of the book Phonology in Contemporary Brazil
(Leda Bisol, ed.) published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge,
Co-organizer Conference in Amerindian linguistics Amazônicas 2 at the Federal Un.
of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 24-28 November 2008.
Representative for Europe in the International Association for Portuguese Linguistics
2009-2011. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Co-organizer Conference ‘Tones and Features, in Honor of George Nick Clements’.
University of Chicago Campus, Paris France.
Co-organizer Conference in Amerindian Linguistics Amazônicas 3, at the Un. of
Bogotá, Colombia, March 2010.
Member of the Council of Advice of TKHS (Stichting Tonga, Kulturu Nanga Historia fu
Sranan). Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Member of the Language Sciences and Literature Studies Evaluation Panel for 2010
of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Lisbon,
Member of the Language Sciences and Literature Studies Evaluation Panel for 2011
of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Lisbon,
Invited Speaker Studium Generale ‘Becoming Minority’, Gerrit Rietveld Academie,
Amsterdam. March 12, 2010.
Member of the Language Sciences and Literature Studies Evaluation Panel for 2012
of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Lisbon,
External consultant for the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP),
Brazil, for proposals submitted to the Program for Research, Innovation and
Dissemination Centers (RIDC). 2011.
Member of the scientific committee for the Coloquio Internacional AMAZÓNICAS
IV La Estructura de la Lenguas Amazónicas: Fonología y Sintaxis, Lima, Peru, April
24 – 27, 2012.
Invited professor Laboratorio de Fonética del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas (CSIC) y la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP).
Madrid, Spain. March 2012.
Invited participant/speaker NIAS workshop Atlantic Triangles: Lusophone Colonial
and Postcolonial Crossings, May 2012, NIAS Wassenaar, The Netherlands.
External consultant for the Language Sciences and Literature Studies Evaluation
Panel for 2013 of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT),
Lisbon, Portugal.
Member of the jury for the defence of the doctorate thesis “Catégorisation Lexicale en
Muinane” by Consuelo de Vengoechea. CLLE-ERSS Maison de la Recherche,
Université de Toulouse Le Mirail, Toulouse, France. September 15, 2012.
Chair of the Humanities sub-panel of the FCT Scientific Councils for the evaluation
of PhD programs 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
Invited speaker Réseau Français de Phonologie (RFP), Nantes. July 2013.
Member evaluation committee of the Oficina de Evaluación de la Investigación de
la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Lima, Peru. 2015.
External consultant for the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT),
CNPq, Brazil. 2015.
External consultant. 4º. Ciclo de Avaliação Institucional USP 2010-2014, Assessor
Externo da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (lid Visitatie
Commissie Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, USP) São Paulo. October, 5-9, 2015.
Key-note speaker PAPE, Cambridge June 29-July 1, 2015. “Unraveling the Consonant
Sytem of Puinave”.
External consultant for the Language Sciences and Literature Studies Evaluation
Panel for 2015 of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT),
Lisbon, Portugal.
Research grants awarded (for research grants involving non-Dutch funding agencies, see
list of PhD students below):
1976 (April). Invited Scholar CNRS, Paris. ZWO stagebeurs.
(academic year). Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA, USA. ZWO-stipend.
(first semester) Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA, USA. ZWO-stipend.
Research grant aio (PhD)-project A Formal Theory of Vowel Coalescence,
ZWO visitors grant (Dr. Engin Sezer, Harvard University) for the research
project Vowel Harmony and Vowel Fusion.
Nijmegen University research grant aio-project Nonlinear Studies in the
Historical Phonology of French.
NWO research grant aio (PhD)-project Representing Diphthongs
Holland Institute of Linguistics research grant (PhD project) The Iambic Issue
WOTRO research grant. Project title: The Sound Structure of Brazilian
NWO research grant (vervangingsubsidie) The Sound Structure of Brazilian
WOTRO/NWO Research Program Grant involving 3 PhD students and 2 postdocs. The Nambikwara Indians. A Description of their Languages (Latundê,
Sararé, Sabanê) and of their Cultural Diversity.
NWO Endangered Language Research Program Grant involving 2 PhD
students. A Grammatical Description of the Puinave and Nukak languages
(Western Makú, Colombia).
WOTRO (DGIS) research grant (PhD grant). The Reconstruction of Proto
Eastern Maku (Brazil).
VU Amsterdam research grant. Phonology and Grammar of the Dâw
language (Eastern Maku, Brazil).
WOTRO research grant aio (PhD)-project Fonologia e Gramatica Ingaricó
(Ka?pon, Brasil) (The Phonology and Grammar of Ingaricó (Ka?pon, Brazil)
NWO research grant (postdoc grant) (with Prof. W. Adelaar). Unpublished
Sources for the Amazonian Languages of Brazil: The Natterer and Caspar
Language Data Collections.
NWO visitors grant for Prof. Dr. Valteir Martins, University of Manaus,
Brazil, for research on proto-Maku, loan phonology, and the tone system of
VU University research grant aio (PhD)-project Aymara Morphophonology.
NWO internationalization grant for constructing an international
cooperation network in the area of Amerindian languages and cultures
involving the chair of Amazonian Languages at the VU, the Centre d'Etudes
des Langues Indigènes d'Amérique, CNRS, Paris, the Leiden Centre for
Amerindian Studies, the Anthropology department of the Universidade Federal
do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil, and the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da
Amazônia (National Institute for Amazonian Studies), Manaus, Brazil.
NWO visitors grant for Prof. Dr. Dermeval da Hora Oliveira. Research on
Variable phonological processes in Brazilian Portuguese: A reflection on
prestige and stigma
CNPq (Brazil) research grant, with Prof. dr. Dermeval da Hora Oliveira and
prof. dr Stella Telles, for the construction of a digital language corpus of
spoken rural Brazilian Portuguese, to be hosted by the Federal University of
Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil.
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Universidade Federal da Paraíba,
CAPES, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam “Phonological Variation in Northeastern
Brazil. A Comparative Structural and Sociophonological Study of the Rural
Variety of Tejucupapo and the Urban Variety of Recife”. For a description, see
Research projects
1. Nasal Harmony Systems
Nasal Harmony is a phenomenon that requires segments composing prosodic or
morphological entities (syllables, feet, phonological words, morphemes, affixes, lexical
words, etc.) to agree in nasality. It is uncommon in the Indo-European languages, but occurs
regularly in the indigenous languages of South America, and also in African, Australian, and
Austronesian languages. The project aims at establishing the phonological and morphological
parameters that are cross-linguistically involved in long-distance nasal spreading. As part of
the project, a digital database (NASDAT) was developed by Leo Wetzels, George N.
Clements (CNRS, Paris), and Rob Goedemans (Leiden University). The NASDAT database is
made accessible to the international linguistic community through the website
2. The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics (submitted to Wiley-Blackwell June 2015)
Together with João Costa (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade
Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) en Sergio Menuzzi (Departamento de Letras Clássicas e
Vernáculas Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil) Leo Wetzels
will co-edit The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics for Wiley-Blackwell publishers. The
Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics will be part of the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of X Linguistics series. In 32 chapters, the book presents the state-of-the-art in theoretical and applied
linguistic research in the field of European and Brazilian Portuguese. Aside from the traditional components of the grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) the handbook
contains an overview of the historical evolution of Portuguese, language contact (Portuguese
and Indigenous languages, African languages, English, and Spanish), dialect variation, language variation and change, pragmatics, discourse, and acquisition.
3. Reconstruction of Proto-Nambikwara Sound Structure.
In this project Januacele da Costa (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil),
Dave Eberhard, and Leo Wetzels present a comparative sketch (in terms of phonology,
morphology, and syntax) of the Nambikwara languages of Brazil and propose a reconstruction
of the Proto-Nambikwara sound system as well as a Proto-Nambikwara lexicon. The study is
meant as a contribution to the comparative and historical linguistics of the Amerindian
languages. The ms. containing 216 pages is ready for publication, and available on request.
The research on comparative Nambikwara is part of the larger project supervised by
Leo Wetzels, entitled The Nambikwara Indians. A Description of their Languages (Latundê,
Sararé, and Sabanê) and of their Cultural Identity, funded by WOTRO/NWO. Grammars of
Latundê (S. Telles) and Sabanê (G. Antunes) are completed and published. The monograph on
the Nambikwara cultural identity (E. Reesink) Allegories of Wildness: Three Nambikwara
Ethnohistories of Sociocultural and Linguistic Change and Continuity in Southern Amazonia
was published in 2011 (Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam). The monograph on the
reconstruction of Proto-Nambikwara (J. Costa, D. Eberhard, and L. Wetzels)is under revision.
The grammar of Sararé (C. Borella) is nearing completion. A study of Nambikwara (Lakondê)
prosody (accent and tone) is being carried out by Gabriela Braga (VU dissertation, see
4. The Sound Structure of Brazilian Portuguese.
This comprehensive handbook of the phonology and aspects of the morphology of
Brazilian Portuguese is nearing completion.
Language proficiency
Classical Greek
very good
Leo Wetzels has (co)supervised the following doctorate theses:
financed by
current profession
A Formal Theory of Vowel Coalescence
Leo Wetzels
Wim de Haas, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Nijmegen University
1988 Nijmegen University
Managing Director Oracle Consulting (ICT Company)
financed by
current profession
Nonlinear Studies in the Historical Phonology of French
Leo Wetzels
Haike Jacobs, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Nijmegen University
1989, Nijmegen University
Chair of Romance Linguistics Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen,
The Netherlands
financed by
current profession
Representing Diphthongs
Leo Wetzels
Willebrord Sluyters, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1991 Nijmegen University
Section head for Greece in the Directorat Général for Regional
Policy, European Community, Brussels
Morfologia e Fonologia Lexical do Português do Brasil
(The Lexical Phonology and Morphology of Brazilian Portuguese)
Prof. dr. Luiz-Carlos Cagliari, UNICAMP, São Paulo, Brazil &
Leo Wetzels
Seung-Hwa Lee, Seoul, South Korea
UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil/VU University Amsterdam (6
1996, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
Professor of Linguistics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
research location
current position
research location
current position
research location
current position
Aspectos do Sistema Vocálico do Português (Aspects of the
Portuguese Vowel System)
Prof. dr. Leda Bisol. PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil & Leo
Maria José Blaskovsky Vieira, Porto Alegre, Brazil
PUCRS, Porto Alegre/VU University Amsterdam (1 year)
1997, Pontifície Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto
Alegre, Brazil
Professor of Portuguese Linguistics, Centro Universitário Ritter
dos Reis/UniRitter, Porto Alegre, Brazil
A Nasalização no Português Brasileiro e a Redução dos Ditongos Nasais
Átonos: Uma Abordagem Baseada em Restrições (Nasalisation in
Brazilian Portuguese and the Reduction of Nasal Diphthongs: A
Constraint-based Approach).
Prof. dr. Leda Bisol. PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil & Leo Wetzels
Elisa Battisti, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
PUCRS, Porto Alegre/VU University Amsterdam (1 year)
1997, Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,
Professor of Portuguese Linguistics, Universidade do Caxias do
Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
financed by
current profession
The Iambic Issue
Leo Wetzels
Ruben van de Vijver, Leiden, The Netherlands
Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics
1998 VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Linguistics, Potsdam University, Berlin
Ya:thê, a ultima língua nativa no Nordeste do Brasil, aspectos
morfo-fonológicos e morfo-Sintáticos (Ya:thê, the last native
language of North-Eastern Brazil: morpho- phonological and
morpho-syntactic aspects).
Prof. Dr. Adair Pimentel Palácio, Universidade Federal de Alagoas
(UFAL), Maceió, Brazil & Leo Wetzels
Januacele Francisca da Costa, Maceió, Brazil
1999. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Professor of Linguistics, UFAL, Maceió, Brazil
current position
financed by
research location
Processos Fonológicos Pos-Lexicais e Domínios Prosódicos no
Português do Brasil (Postlexical phonological processes and
prosodic domains in Brazilian Portuguese)
Leo Wetzels
CNPq, Brazil
Lucia Leiria, Porto Alegre, Brazil
PUCRS, Porto Alegre/VU University Amsterdam (1 year)
2000, Pontifície Universidade Católica de Rio Grande do Sul
(PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
current profession
Professor of Portuguese Linguistics, Centro Universitário Ritter
dos Reis/UniRitter, Porto Alegre, Brazil
title :
Fonologia e Gramática Latundê/Lakondê (The phonology and
Grammar of Latundê/Lakondê)
Leo Wetzels
Willem Adelaar
Stella Virginia Telles, Recife, Brazil
WOTRO, The Netherlands
December, 19, 2002. VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Linguistics, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco,
Recife, Brazil
financed by
current profession
financed by
current profession
The Grammar of Sabanê, a Nambikwaran Language
Leo Wetzels
Willem Adelaar
Gabriel Antunes de Araújo, Campinas, Brazil
NWO/WOTRO, The Netherlands
November, 1, 2004. VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Linguistics, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo
(USP), Brazil
financed by
Gramática da Língua Dãw (The Grammar of Dâw)
Leo Wetzels
Willem Adelaar
Silvana Martins, Manaus, Brazil
VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, University of
Manaus, Brazil
December, 8, 2004. VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Linguistics, University of Manaus, Brazil
current profession
financed by
current profession
financed by
current profession
Fonologia e Gramatica Ingaricó (Ka?pon, Brasil)
(The Phonology and Grammar of Ingaricó (Ka?pon, Brazil)
Leo Wetzels
Willem Adelaar
Maria Odileiz Sousa Cruz, Fortaleza, Brazil
WOTRO, The Netherlands
April, 13, 2005. VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Linguistics, Universidade Federal de Roraima, Boa
Vista, Brazil
Reconstrucão do Proto Maku Oriental (The Reconstruction of
Eastern Proto-Maku)
Leo Wetzels
Willem Adelaar
Valteir Martins, Manaus, Brazil
WOTRO, The Netherlands, University of Manaus, Brazil
April 13, 2005. VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Linguistics, University of Manaus, Brazil
financed by
current profession
A Grammar of Wansöjöt (Puinave) Colombia
Leo Wetzels
Willem Adelaar
Jesús Mario Girón H., Bogotá, Colombia
NWO endangered languages program
July 4, 2008
Professor of linguistics, Universidad Externado de Colombia
The Phonology and Grammar of Mamaindé (Northern
Leo Wetzels
Willem Adelaar
David Eberhard, U.S. A.
private funding
December 2009. VU University Amsterdam
financed by
current profession
financed by
current profession
A Grammatical Description of Muylaq'Aymara
Leo Wetzels & Willem Adelaar, Leiden University
Matthew Lee Coler Thayer, Amherst, USA
VU University Amsterdam
December 2010. VU University Amsterdam
O comportamento prosódico, lexical e sintático dos compostos
do português brasileiro (The prosodic, lexical and syntactic
behavior of Brazilian Portuguese compounds)
Luiz Carlos Schwindt (Universidade Federal de Rio
Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil) & Leo Wetzels
Taís Bopp da Silva, Un. Fed. de Rio Grande do
Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
CAPES, Brazil
Amsterdam (1 year) and Porto Alegre, Brazil
December 2010, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
SUL (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Professor of Portuguese Linguistics, Universidade de Pelotas,
RGdoSul, Brazil.
financed by
current profession
financed by
current position
The Morphosyntactic Structure of the Katukina Language and
its Implications for the Theory of Grammatical Relations.
Leo Wetzels & Francesc Queixalos (CELIA, CNRS, Paris)
Zoraide dos Anjos Gonçalvez da Silva (Un. de Brasília, Brazil)
CAPES, Brazil
June 2011. VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Indigenous languages, Universidade Federal de
Rondônia, Porto Velho, Brazil.
financed by
current position
A Reconstrução do Nheengatú desde o Tupinambá
Leo Wetzels & Willem Adelaar
Francesc Queixalos
Aline da Cruz, USP, São Paulo, Brazil
CAPES, Brazil
June 2011. VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Descriptive Linguistics, Universidade Federal de
Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, Brazil.
A língua Krenak: descrição de aspectos
fonológicos e morfossintáticos
Profa. Lucy Seky, UNICAMP
Leo Wetzels
Katia Nepomuceno, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
CNPq, Brazil
Unicamp/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
October 2011. UNICAMP.
financed by
financed by
financed by
financed by
financed by
Diasystème, diachronie et épigraphie maya: Études
comparées dans les langues cholanes
Leo Wetzels & Willem Adelaar
Cédric Becquey, Paris, France
Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France
CNRS, Paris.
Expected 2014, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Fonologia do Saynáwa (Pano) – A língua dos
Índios da Terra Indígena Jamináwa do Igarapé Preto.
Leo Wetzels & Stella Telles (UFP)
Cláudio André Cavalcanti Couto, UFPE, Recife, Brazil
UFPE, Recife, Brazil
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
December 2015, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Descrição fonológica do falar do Quilombo de
Curiaú (Amapá), Brasil
Leo Wetzels & Dermeval da Hora Oliveira
Marlon Miranda, Asunción, Paraguay.
ILAPEC, Macapá, Brazil
Un. de Lisboa, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
December 2015, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
A Basic Grammar of the Bakairi language with a BakairiPortuguese Dictionary
Leo Wetzels & Willem Adelaar
Matt Coler
Geraldo Pinto de Faria Júnior, Tokyo, Japan.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Expected 2016, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
financed by
current profession
A Grammar of Nikak (Maku), Colombia
Leo Wetzels & Willem Adelaar
Dany Mahecha, Bogotá, Colombia
NWO Endangered Languages Program
Expected 2016, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Professor of Anthropology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Sede Amazônia, Colombia
O Processo de Resgate da Identidade Indígena pelo Povo
Pabeba do Estado do Ceará, Brasil
Leo Wetzels
Luiz Lacerda Souza Cruz, Fortaleza, Brazil
UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil
UECE, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Expected 2016, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Professor of psychology UECE, Brazil
financed by
current profession
financed by
Aspectos da fonologia suprassegmental da língua
Lakondê: o tom e o acento (Nambikwara project)
Leo Wetzels & Stella Telles (UFPE)
Ana Gabriela Modesto Braga , Recife, Brazil
UFPE, Recife, Brazil
UFPE, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Expected 2017, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
financed by
(Tejucupapo project) Descrição
fonológica do Português de Recife
Leo Wetzels & Stella Telles (UFPE)
Paula Mendes Costa, Recife, Brazil
UFPE, Recife, Brazil
UFPE, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Expected 2017, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
financed by
A Descriptive Grammar of Shiwiar
Willem Adelaar & Leo Wetzels
Martin Kohlberger, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Universiteit Leiden
Universiteit Leiden
Expected 2016, Universiteit Leiden
financed by
Gramática comparada do Kryol e do Português Guineense
Leo Wetzels
Fernanda Ziober, São Paulo, Brazil
CAPES, Brazil
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Expected 2019, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
financed by
Aspects of the Phonology of Maxacalí
Leo Wetzels & Rui Rothe-Neves (UFMG)
Mario André Coelho da Silva UNICAMP
UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Expected 2018, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Leo Wetzels is supervising/has supervised the following postdoc-research projects
financed by
research location
current position
Vowel Harmony and Vowel Fusion
Dr. Engin Sezer, Harvard University
VU University Amsterdam, 1982
Professor of Turkish Linguistics, Harvard University
Palatalisação nos dialetos do Brasil, um estudo de variação
(Palatalisation in the Dialects of Brazil, a Study in Phonetic
CNPq, Brazil
Prof. dr. Dermeval da Hora Oliveira, Un. Federal da Paraíba, João
Pessoa, Brazil
VU University Amsterdam (July 1999 - December 2000)
Professor of Linguistics, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa,
President of ABRALIN (Associação Brasileira de Lingüística, Brazilian
Linguistic Association).
financed by
research location
current position
financed by
research location
current position
research location
financed by
current position
Allegories of Wildness: Three Nambikwara Ethnohistories of
Sociocultural and Linguistic Change and Continuity in Southern
Edwin Reesink, Leiden, The Netherlands.
VU University Amsterdam, 2000-2002
Professor of Anthropology, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador,
A política indigenista no Estado do Amapá e os problemas
atuais enfrentados pelos indígenas no Estado: Um estudo no
campo da História Oral e História do Tempo Presente
Dr. Simone Pereira Garcia, Universidade Federal do Amapá,
VU University Amsterdam, 2006
ILAPEC, Macapá, Brazil
Professor of Anthropology, Universidade Federal do Amapá,
Macapá, Brazil.
financed by
research location
current position
Proto-Maku Sound Structure
Dr. Valteir Martins, Universidade Estadual de Manaus, Manaus,
VU University Amsterdam, December 2006-April 2007
Professor of Linguistics, State University of Manaus, Brazil
financed by
research location
current position
Tone and Tone Rules in Dâw (Eastern Maku)
Dr. Silvana Martins
State University of Manaus, December 2006-April 2007
VU University Amsterdam
Professor of Linguistics State University of Manaus, Brazil
Co-applicant (with professor W. Adelaar, main applicant)
financed by
research location
current position
research location
current position
research location
current position
research location
current position
Unpublished Sources for the Amazonian Languages of Brazil:
The Natterer and Caspar Language Data Collections
Dr. H. Brijnen, Leiden, The Netherlands 01-03-2005/28-022009.
Leiden University
Assistant professor of Slavic Languages, University of
Variable phonological processes in Brazilian Portuguese: A
reflection on prestige and stigma
Prof. dr. Dermeval da Hora Oliveira, Un. Federal da Paraíba, João
Pessoa, Brazil
VU University Amsterdam (June 2010- July 2011)
Professor of Linguistics, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João
Pessoa, Brazil. President of ABRALIN (Associação Brasileira
de Lingüística, Brazilian Linguistic Association).
(Projeto Tejucupapo) Morfologia e morfonologia do verbo na
fala de Tejucupapo
Dr. Emerson Carvalho, UNICAMP
VU University Amsterdam (November 2012-October 2014)
Postdoc Vrije Universiteit
Acquisição em fonologia
Dra. Ana Vogeley, Un. Federal da Paraíba, João
Pessoa, Brazil
VU University Amsterdam (November 2013-October 2014)
Professor of linguistics, Un. Federal da Paraíba, João
Pessoa, Brazil
a. Monographs
1981 Leo Wetzels. Analogie et lexique: Le problème de l'opacité en phonologie générative.
(Analogy and the lexicon. The Opacity Problem in Generative Phonology) (Review by Paul
Verluyten, 1982, Gramma, Tijdschrift voor taalkunde. Nijmegen)
1986 Leo Wetzels. Analogie et lexique: Le problème de l'opacité en phonologie générative.
Dordrecht : Foris Publications. (revised commercial edition of doctorate thesis).
2000. Leo Wetzels The Nambikwara Indians, A Description of their Languages and of their
Cultural Identity. VU Publication (108 pages).
In preparation: with Januacele da Costa and Dave Eberhard. A Comparative Sketch of the
Nambikwaran Languages and the Reconstruction of the Proto-Nambikwara Sound Structure.
Ms prefinal version Vrije Universiteit.
In preparation: Monograph. The Sound Structure of Brazilian Portuguese. Ms. prefinal
version Vrije Universiteit.
b. Edited volumes
1986 Leo Wetzels and Haike Jacobs (eds.) Gramma, Themanummer Fonologie: Niet-lineaire
Fonologie, een Theorie "In SPE". (Special Issue of Gramma: Non-LinearPhonology a Theory
“in SPE”).
1986 Leo Wetzels et Engin Sezer (eds.). Studies in Compensatory Lengthening. Dordrecht:
Foris. (Review by Bruce Hayes, Linguistics, 1988, nr. 26, 167-173).
1992 Leo Wetzels et Bernadete Abaurre (eds.). Fonologia do Português. Cadernos de Estudos
Lingüísticos. IEL UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil. (Special Issue of the Cadernos de Estudos
Lingüísticos: The Phonology of Portuguese)
1995 Leo Wetzels (ed.). Estudos Fonológicos de Línguas Indígenas Brasileiras. Editora da
UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. (Phonological Studies of Indigenous Languages of Brazil)
1997 Frans Hinskens, Roeland van Hout and Leo Wetzels (eds.). Variation, Change, and
Phonological Theory. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
2002 Haike Jacobs and Leo Wetzels (eds.). Liber Amicorum Bernard Bichakjian. Maastricht,
Shaker Publishers.
2003 Leo Wetzels (ed.). Journal of Portuguese Linguistics. Special issue: Portuguese
Phonology. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
2007 Leo Wetzels (ed.). Language Endangerment and Endangered Languages: Linguistic
and Anthropological Studies with Special Emphasis on the Languages and Cultures of the
Andean-Amazonian Border Area. Indigenous Languages of Latin America series (ILLA).
Publications of the Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies (CNWS).
Leiden University, The Netherlands.
2008 Ana Carla Bruno, Frantomé Pacheco, Francesc Queixalos, and Leo Wetzels (eds.): La
structure des langues amazoniennes, Phonologie et Grammaire I, a. Alignements
morphosyntaxiques, b. Harmonie Nasale. Numéro Spécial de Amerindia 32, Revue
d’ethnolinguistique amérindienne. CELIA/CNRS, Paris
2009. Leo Wetzels & Danièle Torck (Vrije Universiteit) (eds.). Romance Languages and
Linguistic Theory 2006. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
2009. Leo Wetzels & Andrea Calabrese (University of Connecticut, USA) (eds.) Loan
Phonology. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.
2009. Leo Wetzels (ed.) The Linguistics of Endangered Languages - Contributions to
Morphology and Morphosyntax. Invited editor by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific
Research (NWO). LOT Occasional Series. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
2011. Leo Wetzels (with Elisabeth Hume (University of Ohio) and John Goldsmith
(University of Chicago) (eds.), Tones and Features. Berlin. Walter De Gruyter.
2012. Ana Carla Bruno, Frantomé Pacheco, Francesc Queixalos, Stella Telles, and Leo
Wetzels (eds.): La Structure des Langues Amazoniennes, Phonologie et Grammaire II, 1
Nominalisation, 2 Systèmes Prosodiques du Mot. Numéro Spécial de Amérindia 35, Revue
d'ethnolinguistique amérindienne. CELIA/CNRS, Paris.
2015. Heriberto Avelino, Matt Coler, and Leo Wetzels (eds.) The Phonetics and Phonology of
Laryngeal Features in Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Amsterdam, Brill Publishers.
2016. W. Leo Wetzels, Sergio Menuzzi, and João Costa. The Handbook of Portuguese
Linguistics, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.
c. Book chapters
1986. ‘Phonological Timing in Ancient Greek’, in Leo Wetzels & Engin Sezer (eds.), Studies in
Compensatory Lengthening. Dordrecht, Foris: 296-344.
Comment: from 2002
Comment Bruce Hayes Linguistics, 1988, nr. 26, 167-173
1988. (With Haike Jacobs). ‘Early French Lenition. A Formal Account of an Integrated Sound
Change’, in H.van der Hulst and Norval Smith (eds.) Feature Specification and Segmental
Structure. Dordrecht, Foris: 105-129.
1993. ‘La Phonologie de la Flexion Adnominale dans un Dialecte Limbourgeois (Pays-Bas)’, B.
Laks and A. Rialland (eds.), L'Architecture des Représentations Phonologiques. (Série Sciences
du Language du CNRS) : 203-231.
1993. ‘Sur la place de l'accent dans un lexique stratifié du portugais brésilien,’ Du Coté
de chez Zwaan. Amsterdam, Rodopi: 329-348.
1993. ‘Taalkunde en het onderwijs van moderne West-Europese talen in Nederland: Pleidooi
voor het behoud van een cultuurgoed,’ in C. Gussenhoven and E.C. Verhofstadt (eds.) Talen
zonder Grenzen. Verslag van een conferentie georganiseerd door de Verkenningscommissie
Moderne Letteren op 23 oktober 1992 te Amsterdam. Nijmegen, 1993: 43-51.
1995. ‘Estrutura Silábica e Contornos Nasais em Kaingáng,’ Leo Wetzels (ed.) Estudos
Fonológicos de Língüas Indigenas Brasileiras. Editora da UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro: 265-296.
1995. ‘Oclusivas Intrusivas em Maxacalí’, Leo Wetzels (ed.). Estudos Fonológicos de Língüas
Indigenas Brasileiras. Editora da UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro: 85-102.
1995. ‘A Teoria Fonológica e as Língüas Indigenas Brasileiras,’ Leo Wetzels (ed.) Estudos
Fonológicos de Língüas Indigenas Brasileiras. Editora da UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro: 1-27.
1995. (with Willebrord Sluyters) ‘Formação de Raiz, Formação de Glide e 'Decrowding'
Fonético em Maxacalí,’ In Leo Wetzels (ed.) Estudos Fonológicos de Língüas Indigenas
Brasileiras. Editora da UFRJ. Rio de Janeiro: 103-149.
1997. ‘Bakairi and the Feature ‘voice’,’ Boletim da Associação Brasileira de Lingüística.
Homenagem a Aryon Dall’Igna Rodrigues. Janeiro 97: 21-34.
1997. (with Frans Hinskens and Roeland van Hout). ‘Balancing Data and Theory in Studies of
Linguistic Variation and Change,’ Hinskens, van Hout and Wetzels (eds). Variation, Change, and
Phonological Theory. Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 1-37.
2002. ‘Discussion: Fieldwork and Phonological Theory’, Papers on Laboratory Phonology 7:
2002. Les adjectifs pré-nominaux du français: formes longues et formes féminines. Haike
Jacobs & W. Leo Wetzels (eds.) Liber Amicorum Bernard Bichakjian. Maastricht: Shaker
Publications: 273-306.
2002. (with Haike Jacobs). ‘Inleiding Liber Amicorum Bernard Bichakjian’. Haike Jacobs &
W. Leo Wetzels (eds.) Liber Amicorum Bernard Bichakjian. Maastricht: Shaker Publications:
2003. ‘Sobe, Frege, Agride: On Some Irregular Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese’. Dermeval da
Hora e Gisela Collichon (eds.) Teoria Lingüística e Outros Temas. João Pessoa, Editora
Universitária: 270-290.
2006. ‘Introduction: Language Endangerment and Endangered Languages’. W. Leo Wetzels
(ed.), Language Endangerment and Endangered Languages: Linguistic and Anthropological
Studies with Special Emphasis on the Languages and Cultures of the Andean-Amazonian
Border Area. Indigenous Languages of Latin America series (ILLA). Publications of the
Research School of Asian African, and Amerindian Studies (CNWS). Leiden University, The
Netherlands: 1-11.
2006 (with Stella Telles) 2005. ‘Evidentiality and Epistemic Mood in Lakondê’. Eithne Carlin
and Grazyna Rowicka (eds.) What’s in a Verb? Dutch Contributions to the Study of Verbal
Morphology in the languages of the Americas. LOT Publications, Utrecht, The Netherlandss:
2006. (with Jesus Mario Girón) ‘Tone in Wãnsöhöt (Puinave), Colombia’, W. Leo Wetzels
(ed.), Language Endangerment and Endangered Languages: Linguistic and Anthropological
Studies with Special Emphasis on the Languages and Cultures of the Andean-Amazonian
Border Area. Indigenous Languages of Latin America series (ILLA). Publications of the
Research School of Asian African, and Amerindian Studies (CNWS). Leiden University, The
Netherlands: 129-156.
2006. Sobre a Representação da Nasalidade em Maxacali: Evidências de Empréstimos do
Português. Ataliba Castilho, Maria Aparecida Torres de Morais, Sonia Lazzarini Cyrino e
Ruth E. Vasconcellos Lopes, Descrição, História e Aquisição do Português Brasileiro.
Campinas: Pontes/FAPESP: 217-240.
2008. (with Joan Mascaró) ‘An OT analysis of the Basic Voicing Typology and Voice
Assimilation in Dutch’, in Herrera, Z. Esther y Pedro Martin Butragueño (Eds.), Fonología
Instrumental, El Colegio de México, México:129-150.
2009. ‘Word Prosody and the Distribution of Oral/Nasal Contour Consonants in Kaingang’. In
Eithne Carlin and Simon van de Kerke (eds.) Linguistics and Archaeology in the Americas:
The Historization of Language and Society. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands: 253-270.
2009 ‘Nasal Harmony and the Representation of Nasality in Maxacalí: Evidence from
Portuguese Loans. In Andrea Calabrese and W. Leo Wetzels (eds.), Loan Phonology.
Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 241-270.
2009. (with Andrea Calabrese). “Loan Phonology. Issues and Controversies”, In Andrea
Calabrese and W. Leo Wetzels (eds.), Loan Phonology. Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 1-10.
2009. “Introduction to The Linguistics of Endangered Languages”, in W. Leo Wetzels (ed.)
The Linguistics of Endangered Languages - Contributions to Morphology and Morphosyntax.
Invited editor by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). LOT
Occasional Series. Utrecht, The Netherlands: 3-12.
2010. (with Sergio Meira). ‘A Survey of South American Stress Systems. Harry van der Hulst,
Rob Goedemans and Ellen van Zanten (Eds.) A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the
Languages of the World (XLW1) Berlin, Walter de Gruyter: 313-381.
2010. (with Harry van der Hulst and Keren Rice). ‘The languages of Middle America’. Harry
van der Hulst, Rob Goedemans, and Ellen van Zanten (Eds.) A Survey of Word Accentual
Patterns in the Languages of the World (XLW1) Berlin, Walter de Gruyter: 249-312.
2011. (with Dermeval da Hora Oliveira). Uma Reflexão sobre Estilo e Variação Linguística.
C. de Araujo Ramos, et al. Pelos Caminhos da Dialetologia e da Sociolinguística:
Entrelaçando Saberes e Vidas. EDUFMA, São Luís, Brazilië, 186-206.
2011. (with Stella Telles) ‘La Famille Nambikwara’. Emilio Bonvini, Joëlle Busuttil et Alain
Peyraube (eds.), Dictionnaire des langues. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1460-1474.
2011. ‘Aperture Features and the Representation of Vowel Neutralization in Brazilian
Portuguese’. Elisabeth Hume, John Goldsmith, and W. Leo Wetzels (eds.), Tones and
Features. De Gruyter, Berlin: 331-359.
2011. (with E. Hume and John Goldsmith) ‘Preface’ to Elisabeth Hume, John Goldsmith, and
W. Leo Wetzels (eds.), Tones and Features. De Gruyter, Berlin: vii-xii.
2013 (with Ben Hermans) ‘The mora’, Georgios K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Ancient
Greek Language and Linguistics. Leiden, Brill Publishers.
2013 (with Ben Hermans) ‘The Role of the Mora in Phonological Analysis’, Maria Helena de
Paula & Luciane Guimarães de Paula (eds.), Confluências na Linguagem: Língua, Discurso e
Ensino: 15-40.
2014 (with Ben Hermans) ‘Branchingness and Stress in Korlai Portuguese’, René Kager,
Janet Grijzenhout & Koen Sebregts (eds.), Where the Principles Fail. A Festschrift for Wim
Zonneveld on the Occasion of his 64th Birthday:77-88. Published by UIL OTS, Utrecht.
2015 (with Ben Hermans) ‘Syllable Weight, Stress, and the Neutralization of Vowel Length in
Batticaloa Creole Portuguese’, Rafael Núñez-Cedeño (ed.) The Syllable and Stress: Studies in
Honor of James W. Harris. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
2015 (with Stella Telles) . ‘Polysynthesis in Lakondê, a Northern Nambikwaran Language of
Brazil’, Nicholas Evans, Michael Fortescue, and Marianne Mithun (eds.) The Handbook of
Polysynthesis, Oxford University Press.
2015. (with Heriberto Avelino and Matt Coler). The Phonetics and Phonology of Laryngeal
Features. Introduction. Heriberto Avelino, Matt Coler, and W. Leo Wetzels (eds.). The
Phonetics and Phonology of Laryngeal features in languages of the Americas. Amsterdam,
Brill Publishers.
2016 (with Gisela Collichonn) ‘The syllable’, in W. Leo Wetzels, Sergio Menuzzi, and João
Costa (eds.). The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.
2016 (with Luiz-Carlos Schwindt) ‘The phonology and morphology of inflection’, in W. Leo
Wetzels, Sergio Menuzzi, and João Costa (eds.). The Handbook of Portuguese Linguistics,
Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.
d. Articles in refereed journals (reviews are not listed)
1977. ‘Les pronoms clitiques du français. Une étude explicative des mécanismes transformationnels’. Grazer Linguistische Studien, nr. 5: 125-150. (French Clitic Pronouns.
Explaining the Transformational Mechanisms)
1985. ’The Historical Phonology of Intrusive Stops: a Non-Linear Approach,’ Canadian
Journal of Linguistics, 30,3: 285-333.
1986. (with Yip Wester). ‘Niet-lineaire Fonologie, een theorie in SPE’, Inleiding, Leo Wetzels
en Haike Jacobs (eds.), Gramma, themanummer Fonologie: 89-103. (Non-Linear Phonology a
Theory “in SPE”, Introduction).
1986. (with Engin Sezer).’Derived Opacity in Yakut Vowel Harmony', Leo Wetzels and Haike
Jacobs (eds.) Gramma, themanummer Fonologie: 201-224.
1990. ‘Umlaut en Verkleinwoordsvorming in het Limburgs’, Gramma, Nederlands Tijdschrift
voor Taalkunde:139-168. (Umlaut and Diminutive Formation in Limburg Dutch)
1991. ‘Harmonia Vocálica, Truncamento, Abaixamento e Neutralização no Sistema Verbal do
Português: Uma Análise Autosegmental', Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos. IEL/UNICAMP:
25-58. (Vowel Harmony, Truncation, Lowering, and Neutralization in the Portuguese Verb
1992. (with João Moraes). ‘Sobre a Duração dos Segmentos Vocálicos Nasais e Nasalizados em
Português. Um Exercício de Fonologia Experimental’, Wetzels & Abaurre (eds.), Fonologia do
Português, Numero Especial dos Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos. IEL/UNICAMP: 153-166.
(On the Length of Nasal and Nasalized Vowels in Portuguese, an Exercise in Experimental
1992. ‘Mid Vowel Neutralization in Brazilian Portuguese', Wetzels & Abaurre (eds.), Fonologia do Português, Numero Especial dos Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos. IEL/ UNICAMP: 1955.
1992. (with Bernadete Abaurre). ‘Sobre a Estrutura da Gramática Fonológica’, Wetzels
& Abaurre (eds.), Fonologia do Português, Número Especial dos Cadernos de Estudos
Lingüísticos. IEL/UNICAMP: 5-18. (On the Structure of the Phonological Grammar)
1993. ‘Prevowels in Maxacalí: Where they come from,’ Revista da Associação Brasileira de Lingüística, São Paulo: 39-63.
1995. ‘Mid-Vowel Alternations in the Brazilian Portuguese Verb,’ Phonology, 12: 281-304.
1997. ‘The Lexical Representation of Nasality in Brazilian Portuguese,’ Probus, 9.2: 203-232.
1997. ‘Bakairi and the Feature ‘voice’,’ Revista da Associação Brasileira de Lingüística.
Homenagem a Aryon Dall’Igna Rodrigues. Janeiro 97: 21-34.
1997. ‘As Línguas não Têm Dono,’ Anais do 3.0 Encontro Nacional de Acervos Literários
Brasileiras: Ética e Política de Gestão de Acervos Literários (PUCRS-Porto Alegre, Brazil):
144-53. (English version ‘Languages Have no Owners’ also available, Ms. VU University
1999. (with Frans Hinskens and Roeland van Hout). ‘O Balanço entre Dados e Teoria nos
Estudos de Variação e Mudança Lingüísticas’. Letras de Hoje, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil: 745. (translation of previous publication by the editors of the Brazilian journal Letras de Hoje)
2000. ‘Comentários sobre a estrutura fonológica dos ditongos nasais no Português do
Brasil’. Revista de Letras (UFC) no. 22, vol.1/2 : 25-30. (Remarks on the Phonological
Structure of Nasal Diphthongs in Brazilian Portuguese)
2000. ‘Consoantes palatais como geminadas fonológicas no Português Brasileiro’. Revista
de Estudos da Linguagem, Vol.9,2: 5-15. (Palatal Consonants as Phonological Geminates in
Brazilian Portuguese)
2001. (Leo Wetzels first author, with Joan Mascaró) ‘The Typology of Voicing and Devoicing’
Language 77, 2: 207-244.
2002 ‘O traço [voz], privativo ou binário? O testemunho das línguas indígenas Brasileiras Yathé
e Bakairi.’ Leitura, Revista do programa de pós-graduação em letras e linguística LCV-CHLAUFAL: 13-29. (The Feature [voice] Privative or Binary? The Testimony of the Indigenous
Brazilian Languages Yathé and Bakairi)
2003. ‘On the Weight Issue in Portuguese. A Typological Investigation’. Letras de Hoje,
134 : 107-133.
2006. ‘Sound Change and Analogy: The Synchronic Reflexes of the Second Compensatory
Lengthening in Ancient Greek Dialects’. Vera Pacheco & Gladys Cagliari (eds). Revista
Estudos da Língua(gem), 3: 69-89.
2006/7. ‘Primary Stress in Brazilian Portuguese and the Quantity Parameter’. Gorka Elordieta
and Marina Vigário (eds.) Journal of Portuguese Linguistics Vol 5/6, Special Issue on the
Prosody of the Iberian Languages: 9-58.
2008. ‘Thoughts on the Phonological Definition of Nasal/Oral Contour Consonants in Some
Indigenous Languages of South-America’. Revista ALFA 52(2): Abordagens em Fonética e
Fonologia: estudos auditivos, acústicos e perceptivos; modelos de análise fonológica de
ontem e de hoje. 251-278. São Paulo.
2008. (with Ana Carla Bruno, Frantomé Pacheco & Francesc Queixalos). ‘Introduction’. Leo
Wetzels, Ana Carla Bruno, Frantomé Pacheco & Francesc Queixalos (CELIA CNRS Paris)
(eds.): La structure des langues amazoniennes (a. Morpho-Syntactic Alignment, b. Nasal
Harmony). Special Issue Amerindia 32, Revue d’ethnolinguistique amérindienne:1-8.
2008. (with Rob Goedemans) ‘NASDAT, an Electronic Database for the Storage of the
Parameters of Nasal Harmony’. Leo Wetzels, Ana Carla Bruno, Frantomé Pacheco &
Francesc Queixalos (CELIA CNRS Paris) (eds.): La structure des langues amazoniennes (Part
I: a. Morpho-Syntactic Alignment, b. Nasal Harmony). Special Issue Amerindia 32, Revue
d’ethnolinguistique amérindienne:321-344.
2011. (with Dermeval da Hora Oliveira). Róticos: uma “po[h,ɾ,ɽ]ta” entre paraibanos e
paulistanos / Rhotics: a “po[h,ɾ,ɽ]ta” between speakers from Paraíba and São Paulo.
Linguística, Revista da Associação de Lingüística e Filologia da América Latina 24: 51-76.
2012. (with Francesc Queixalós) ‘Introduction’. Leo Wetzels, Ana Carla Bruno, Frantomé
Pacheco & Francesc Queixalos (eds.): La structure des langues amazoniennes (a.
Nominalisations b. Prosodies du mot). Special Issue Amerindia 35, Revue d’ethnolinguistique
2012 (with Ben Hermans) ‘Productive and Unproductive Stress Patterns in Brazilian
Portuguese’, Revista Letras & Letras, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil : 77-114.
2014 (with Stella Telles and Ben Hermans) ‘Onset-sensitive Stress in Umutina’ Revista Delta,
São Paulo, nr 30:704-720.
e. chapters in refereed conference volumes (Selected papers)
1984. ’Paradigm Levelling in Latin and Old French: A Critical View of Rule Inversion,’ in Philip
Baldi (ed.), Papers from the XIIth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. Amsterdam,
John Benjamins: 579-99.
1985. (With Ben Hermans). ‘Aspirated Geminates in Pali,’ Bennis en Hoeksema (eds.),
Linguistics in the Netherlands. Dordrecht, Foris: 213-223.
1986. (With Engin Sezer). ‘On the Interaction of Rounding and Backness Harmony’, in Frits
Beukema and Aafke Hulk (eds.) Linguistics in the Netherlands. Dordrecht, Foris: 209-219.
1987. ‘The Timing of Latent Consonants in Modern French’, in C. Neidle and R. Nuñez Cedeño
(eds.) Studies in Romance Languages, Dordrecht, Foris: 283-318.
1989. ‘Sonority, Manner Features, Major Class Features, Syllable Structure: How Much of the
Same? The Case of Yakut’, in H. Bennis and A. Hulk (eds.) Linguistics in the Netherlands.
Dordrecht, Foris: 173-183.
1991. ‘Contrastive and Allophonic Properties of Brazilian Portuguese Vowels’. In D. Kibbee and
D. Wanner (eds.), New Analyses in Romance Linguistics. Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 77-99.
2002. ‘On the Relation between Quantity-Sensitive Stress and Distinctive Vowel Length. The
History of a Principle and its Relevance for Romance.’ Caroline Wiltshire and Joaquim Camps
(eds.), Romance Phonology and Variation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 219-234.
f. Conference proceedings (non-refereed)
1985. (with Wus van Lessen Kloeke). ‘Dévoisement final et voisement sandhi, une étude de
phonologie comparative,’ Linguistique Descriptive, Phonétique, Morphologie et Lexique. Actes
du XVIIième Congrès International de Linguistique et Philologie Romanes, Volume 3:10041008.
g. Professional publications
2000. (et al.) Endangered Language Research in The Netherlands. An Overview and Proposals,
Prepared by the NWO Advisory Committee on Endangered Language Research. (Ms. NWO 33
h. Dissemination of knowledge: Interviews in newspapers/radio presentations/television
presentations/Linguistic Journals
VU, jaargang 8, nummer 2. Najaar 2001. Taalwetenschap brengt Nambikwaratalen in kaart
voor zij zijn verdwenen (Linguistic Science documents Nambikwara languages before they
disappear), by René Rector.
Intermediair, February 14-02, 2002. Jagen op verdwijnende talen (Hunting for vanishing
languages) by René Rector.
NRC Handelsblad. April 27/28. Geplaagde Talen. Twisten tussen veldwerkers en theoretici
kenmerken taalkunde (Troubled languages. Disputes between fieldworkers and theoretical
linguists characterize linguistics), by Berthold van Manis.
De Gelderlander, 12 Juni, 2002. Een kostbare woordenschat verborgen in het regenwoud (A
precious vocabulary hidden in the rainforest), by John van Oppen
Leids Dagblad, June 15, 2002. Een kostbare woordenschat in het regenwoud; Nederlandse
hoogleraar bestudeert uitstervende Indianentalen (A precious vocabulary in the rainforest.
Dutch professor studies disappearing languages), by John van Oppen.
Limburgs Dagblad. June 15, 2002. Schatbewaarder van de Amazone (Treasurer of the
Amazon), by John van Oppen.
Hypothese. Jaargang 9, nummer 35. Winter 2002. Spreken die mensen een taal? (Do these
people speak a language?), by Michel Phileppens.
Ad Valvas, weekblad van de Vrije Universiteit. December 5, 2002. Indianentaal is toch niet
uitgestorven (Indian language wrongly assumed to be extinct), by YN/WV.
De Gelderlander, December 11, 2002. Uitgestorven Indianentaal herontdekt in regenwoud
(Extinct indigenous language rediscovered in rainforest), by John van Oppen.
Volkskrant, December 14, 2002, De laatste van haar volk (The last of her people), by Henk
van Renssen.
Het Parool, December, 21, 2002. Kruiden plukken bij de Nambikwara (Picking herbs with
the Nambikwara), by Truska Bast.
Nederlands Dagblad, December 28, 2002.Nog één vrouw spreekt het Lakondê (Only one
woman speaks Lakondê), by Herman Veenhof.
Ad Valvas, weekblad van de Vrije Universiteit. January 9, 2003. Ooit iets in het Lakond of
Latund gelezen? (Ever read something in Lakond or Latund?), by Welmoed Visser.
Nederlands Dagblad, Friday, november 21, 2003. Op zoek naar de laatste talen (In search of
the last languages), by Henk Hellema.
Gewoon Bijzonder, Magazine voor relaties van de Vrije Universiteit. Jaargang 1, nummer 1,
januari 2004. Met een notitieblok op zak naar ontwikkelingslanden (With a notepad in their
pocket to the developing countries), by René Rector.
Volkskrant, Saturday August 21, 2004. Talen met nog twee sprekers (Languages with only
two speakers), by Mieke Zijlmans.
BBC television programme on disappearing languages. 2004.
EOS magazine, in collaboration with Scientific American. January 1, 2005. Nog één mens
spreekt Latundê (Only one person speaks Latundê), by René Rector.
Hypothese, NWO blad voor de wetenschap, Jaargang 16, nummer 4, november 2009. Aapnoot-mies in het Puinave, by Mariette Huisjes.
Revista LinguíStica Damulakis, Gean. Entrevista: Leo Wetzels. Revista do Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Volume 10,
número 2, dezembro de 2014. ISSN 1808-835X 1. [
Volkskrant. Saturday, June 6, 2015. Nederlander leert Indianen hun verloren taal. (Dutchman
teaches Indians their lost language). Interview door Mieke Zijlmans.
Radio 1 VRT België. June 9, 2015. Interview, de Tapeba Indianen van Caucaiá, Fortaleza.