A equipa A corre à volta do círculo O coach lança, a equipa A


A equipa A corre à volta do círculo O coach lança, a equipa A
A equipa A corre à volta do círculo
O coach lança, a equipa A sai a atacar contra a equipa B
Jogam 5x4 (contra ataque)
5x5 (ataque posição)
5x6..5x7 (ocupar espaços)
Explosive first step
Atacar o cesto
Lay up
Ganhar faltas
Kick out contra a ajuda defensiva
1 bola-1 passador- 1 cadeira
Receptor com as mãos para a bola:
Penetrar pelo meio
Penetra pela linha final
Jab cross over
Poucos drible
Drill para o poste
Corte pela linha final
Passes picados..peito..lob
Penetra pelo meio…penetra pela linha final
Explosive first step
Fica mais baixo que o defesa
Ataca o cesto
Penetra por qualquer lado
Kick out
C (coach) com 2 bolas
C passa a 1 que penetra para o meio da área pintada.
Para (jump stop) e passa a 2 que tinha cortado para o canto.
Após o passe, 1 abre no perímetro. Recebe passe de C e lança.
A mesma acção , mas com 2 a subir.
1 abre linha de passe no perímetro para lançar
1 penetra para a linha final (“baseline drift” ) na direcção do cesto.
Passa para 2 no canto.
1 sai para fora do perímetro (“relocates”) e recebe para lançar.
Fazer 3 passes antes de lançar.
E lançar 5 vezes antes de acabar o drill.
Todos os jogadores fazem penetração e ajuste na rotação (drive and
X1 faz defesa passiva (dummy defense).
penetra e passa a 2 ou 3
sai para um lugar vago, 3 finta lançamento , penetra e passa a 2.
finta lançamento , penetra e passa a 1 que lança.
e 3 recebem bolas de 4 e 5 e lançam triplos.
1 trabalha para receber a bola, recebe , tripla ameaça ataque à área
pintada com o drible e passa a 2, que pode cortar para o canto ou
ajustar para o meio (ler a defesa). 1, depois de passar, sai para fora
no perímetro e recebe outra bola para lançar.
Usar treinadores como ressaltadores e passadores .
John Calipari University of Memphis
Four main objectives for guards on drives:
1. Create space between themselves and their defender.
2. Go north and south on drives don't belly out (straight to
3. Put your body on the defenders body on the start step.
4. Take your dribble moves right at the defender get them on
heels. If you get beside them or get them on their heels, they
Guard Workout
1. Warm up with 2 ball dribbling.
• Stationary dribbling - Eyes up, be ball quick.
• Control - both low below knees (rhythm/non - rhythm)
• Speed - both balls high (rhythm/non - rhythm)
• High-Low - one ball control dribble, one ball speed dribble
• Add down the floor dribbling (same as above) with a change of
2. 2 free throws.
3. 10 X-Out Lay-ups.
• Start on the right elbow
• One ball control dribble lay-up/dunk on the right side
• Grab your own rebound
• Sprint to the left elbow
• One control dribble lay-up/dunk from the left side using the left
• Grab your rebound and sprint to the right elbow
• Continue until 10 lay-ups/dunks are made
4. 2 free throws.
5. Do the 7 dribble moves with a finish at the basket.
• Start with a low body balance base of support.
• Have a compact economy of motion.
• You make each move one from the right side then one from the left
• Start by spinning yourself a pass and catch down low.
• From here you circle tight and make a good direct or crossover
Mário Silva 2008 71
• Start from just outside the edge of the half court circle.
• After your finish at the basket you spin a pass and open to the big
part of the floor while you catch facing.
• Then using the same move you break a press up the middle to half
• Then make the same move on other side.
• Then go back to the right side and make the next move.
• Do this until you have made all 7 moves on both sides.
Seven dribble moves:
a. Speed dribble - throw the ball out, get their, straight line drive as
quick as possible.
b. Hesitation dribble - fast, slow (higher dribble stand up a little),
straight line drive.
c. In and out - head and shoulder, fake a crossover move, take ball
over and back, keep ball in same hand.
d. Stutter step - at 3 pt. line, squeak feet with a wide stance if
defender is off you shoot a 3 pointer, if not go to basket.
e. Stutter crossover - right to left hand, crossover low, look at basket
on stutter, explode after crossover.
f. Between legs - from right side you drive middle the defense turns
you so you go between the legs left to right hand, the angle you go
through the legs is important, the ball needs to go from back to front
toward the basket slightly.
g. Pull back crossover - using a ball screen by the 3 point line, go in
hard to wing then use 2 pull back dribbles 1 crossover dribble, right
left hand, then explode to basket, rub shoulders with screen.
Key coaching points on dribble moves:
1. When you get to the 3 pt. line use 1 dribble to get to the basket
unless you hesitate to take the help out.
2. Do the moves at full speed game like conditions.
3. Chin ball when shooting lay-ups.
4. Circle tight with the ball on direct and crossover drives. Tighten up
your game. Don't be loose with the ball. Be compact and have an
economy of motion.
5. Start and finish all moves from a low body balance base of
6. Use all moves, but develop a go to and counter move.
7. After move go straight to the basket don't belly out.
8. Make moves right at an imaginary defender. Get the defender on
their heels.
9. Go -when you first catch a pass, your the most open.
10. Use your right hand when going right, and use your left when
going left.
6. 2 free throws.
7. 7 dribble moves pull up and shoot jump shot.
• On all shots off the dribble landing on balance and low is a must
before you shoot the ball.
• Do not float on the jump shot. Straight up and straight down.
8. 2 free throws.
9. 32 point shooting.
• Five spots on the floor: baseline, wing, on top, opposite wing, and
opposite baseline.
• You make 3 moves from each spot.
• The first is a 3 point shot (worth 3 points), the second is a shot fake
one dribble drive to middle shoot jumper (worth 2 points) , and the
third move is a shot fake one dribble drive to middle lay up (worth 1
• So each spot is worth 6 points.
• At the end you shoot 2 free throws (worth 1 point each) for a total
32 points.
• You compete against yourself.
• Make the moves at game speeds be tight with your game.
• The drives to the middle you will be using direct and crossover
so step with the same foot each time.
• The moves from the top you can go either way, but be able to go
10. 2 free throws.
11. 32 point shooting again (spin pass catch facing low and in
threat on balance, shoot and rebound own shot, shoot 20
shots from
game spots at game speeds).
12. 2 free throws.