Apresentação do PowerPoint


Apresentação do PowerPoint
CEFAC – Saúde Educação / UNICAMP – Universidade de Campinas
Andréia Marson ; Adriana Tessitore;
Eulália Sakano;
Sakano; Kátia Nemr
Mouth breathing is characterized by the predominant use of the oral cavity during
breathing. It may be a consequence of a habit or a nasal obstruction caused by
congestion of the nasal mucus and anatomic deformities of the nasal fossae.
Frontal Profile
Lateral Profile
To check the effect of speech therapy intervention on the treatment of mouth
breathing and to propose a brief intervention on the treatment of mouth breathing.
Longitudinal prospective study made up by 36 subjects with medical diagnosis of
oral breathing. 23 were male and 17 were female with an average age of 9.8 years.
Three subjects presented occlusion alteration with possible labial sealing, nine
presented occlusion alteration with limitations to labial sealing and five were mouth
breathers due to allergic rhinitis. The patients were from the UNICAMP Hospital,
from the Otorhinolaryngology Ambulatory. A photographical documentation was
done, as well as a clinical assessment and application of a protocol to categorize the
breathing mode, posture (lips and cheeks); forces and praxen (lips, cheeks and
tongue) on the weeks 0, 12 and 24. The therapeutic proposal used was composed by
nasal breathing rehearsal and awareness; maneuvers to warm and vascularize the
orofacial muscles; application of points and motor zones on the face; passive
maneuvers; use of distal impulse; myofunctional exercises and the register of the
patients’ perception of their olfactive conditions and nasal obstructions on a journal.
Week 0
Nasal breathing function was adjusted. Increase on lip, tongue and cheek strength.
Improvement of the praxen: lips pouted to the right, lips pouted to the left, snap and
lip vibration. Vibration and snap of tongue. Simultaneous inflation of the cheeks,
inflation of left and right cheeks alternately. The time with the highest therapeutic
gain was of 12 weeks. From this data it was possible to come up with a protocol
made up of 12 structured sessions using the strategies from this study. A nonparametric two proportion equality test was used, p < 0.05.
Week 12
Week 0
Week 12
The study has demonstrated the use of myofunctional rehabilitation for mouth
breathers was efficient and that the greatest therapeutic evolution happened during
the 12th week.
Clinical Assessment
Breathing Mode
Posture of lips and
Usage of Glatzel mirror
Testimony of the patient
and parents
Strength of the
lips, tongue and
Tongue: use of
spatula + elevation
Praxen of lips,
cheeks and tongue
Week 24
Week 24
Verbal command +
therapist’s modeling
Rehabilitation Protocol
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www.cefac.br - [email protected] - tel.: (11) 3868-0818