CASA Trending Words Event Participants


CASA Trending Words Event Participants
Advances in Spatial Analysis &
e-Social Science
Event Participants
Trending Words
-, rt, &, @rollohome, #casa,, de, e,
gis, r$, #imoveis, pra, para,
@kennethfield, #venda,, casa - Porto Alegre - #RS, #Venda, #Casa, R$ 330000, Anderson. #imoveis
12-Apr-10 23:05 | vendasnaweb
vou tomar banho tbm, pra depois ligar para #casa e para @jaqcarioca.... e depois estudar mais um poquinho,
neah.... #provafisicaquarta
13-Apr-10 00:05 | maykelnazare
ain ain mó comedia meu pai estorando boombinha ake em #casa , UDSHAUIDHAS . nao tem nda pra faze
mesmo hohoho alok'
13-Apr-10 00:28 | gigiowinckler
#Casa [daqui a pouco tô de volta] ๑(•.•)๑
13-Apr-10 00:49 | Fanny_Ribeiro
13-Apr-10 00:52 | Fanny_Ribeiro
#ubizu #casa opa, inauguracao bombando de loja na ministro x oscar freire, em frente ao pao de acucar
13-Apr-10 01:50 | bicada
@carolvmartins Amanhã vou dormir aí na sua #casa de novo tah ?!
13-Apr-10 01:54 | cvbraga
Ya quiero acostarme y no moverme hasta mañana.. Pero no, hay cosas q hacer en #casa
13-Apr-10 02:37 | chaiNisse
#killa! I need a #chinchilla! Bc its cold as #winta en mi #casa I need some brats #bra where them brats...... #bra?
@mr_cade @jay_doubleyew
13-Apr-10 02:43 | HelloImKevn
Aprendendo KATA - - Pra peça #CASA.
13-Apr-10 03:40 | Giselle_09 - Contagem - #MG, #Venda, #Casa, R$ 210000, ACAZ FELIPE. #imoveis
13-Apr-10 03:41 | vendasnaweb - Contagem - #MG, #Venda, #Casa, R$ 210000, ACAZ FELIPE. #imoveis
13-Apr-10 03:43 | imoveismg
Una #casa de ganar y tirar
13-Apr-10 07:12 | Globaliza_T
RT @Globaliza_T: Una #casa de ganar y tirar
13-Apr-10 07:14 | pisoscom
Kingston GIS on the road this week: off to UCL for #CASA conf #gisruk. @jimmyaus en route to #AAG. others on
fieldwork with 2nd years
13-Apr-10 07:25 | kennethfield
#verde #casa #consejo |
verde del día: No tires tus viejos pares de medias, puede ser...
13-Apr-10 07:50 | recyecology
@rollohome @kennethfield I feel a #casa tweetfest on the horizon
13-Apr-10 07:52 | StevenFeldman
@StevenFeldman where is the #casa event? No one here!
13-Apr-10 08:32 | rollohome
#gisruk for GISRUK main conference, #casaconf for CASA conference? (Though I've seen #casa too today)
13-Apr-10 08:57 | jeremy_morley
And so #casa starts with a 20min logistic lecture on how to register. The scary thing? That it's actually required!
13-Apr-10 09:47 | rollohome
ITO is one of the top 500 most popular surnames in the world! ITO World...#casa
13-Apr-10 09:58 | rollohome
RT @rollohome: ITO is one of the top 500 most popular surnames in the world! ITO World... #casa
13-Apr-10 10:01 | EEPaul
@rollohome keep the #casa tweets coming. Would like to have attended but holiday and #be2campBIFM10 got
in first.
13-Apr-10 10:04 | EEPaul
Articulo: Los Fantasmas De La Casa De Orates
#Casa #Fantasmas #Orates
13-Apr-10 10:06 | articulosgratis
Articulo: Paseos En El Cent #Abuelos #Casa #Centro
13-Apr-10 10:09 | articulosgratis
Articulo: Trabajar Desde Casa Es Una #Casa #Desde #Negocio
13-Apr-10 10:09 | articulosgratis
@rollohome you can find a hi-res version of the top 500 surnames cloud here: #casa
13-Apr-10 10:16 | spatialanalysis
Cheers - @rollohome you can find a hi-res version of the top 500 surnames cloud here: #casa
/via @spatialanalysis
13-Apr-10 10:21 | rollohome
Varied applications of 'name geogrpahies' is a real eye-opener. Valuable application of "weak ties". Recommend #casa
13-Apr-10 10:23 | rollohome
geocomputational inductive clustering gneralisation at #casa means I am way out of my depth
13-Apr-10 10:26 | StevenFeldman
Skyscrappers required lifts, telephones and revolving doors to be invented before they were feasible...apparently.
#casa cool
13-Apr-10 10:56 | rollohome
#partiu para o @cinema em #casa rsrsrsrs'
13-Apr-10 11:02 | ThiSiilva_
' Logo menos cola na #casa da cultura co my brother @Jean_lp pra solicitar um horario pros mutxatxos!
#podepá (:
13-Apr-10 11:07 | Murilinhooow
Skyscraper require times of "irrational exuberance" to be built: M Batty @ #casa excellent review of competition
demands of skyscrapers
13-Apr-10 11:08 | rollohome
I recall a fair amount of this presentation from #casa event last year. The recap is helpful however! And plenty of
new stuff however...
13-Apr-10 11:18 | rollohome
@rollohome #casa could you elaborate on funding debate with @stevenfeldman . Thanks for the tweets.. I
admire your persistance #lonetweeter
13-Apr-10 11:29 | AntArch
Really enjoying the map rendering from Kiril Stanilov. Wonder what he uses. #casa. No idea what he's talking
about. Urbanisation patterns?
13-Apr-10 11:44 | rollohome
Metronomic apparently. Anyone know that? Or is that just for the analysis? #casa
13-Apr-10 11:46 | rollohome
Despite ref. to Churchills "the further you look back." quote got no future predictions of london growth even with
"exact model fit" #casa
13-Apr-10 12:02 | rollohome
@rollohome It's plain old ArcGIS, apparently! Impressive. #casa
13-Apr-10 12:14 | oobr
My #casa talk done, now for lunch, then listening to more presentations this afternoon. Shame we are inside on
such a sunny day.
13-Apr-10 12:15 | oobr
@rollohome Always a balancing act between simplicity & usefulness. The model does fit pretty well in most cases
which is encouraging. #casa
13-Apr-10 12:17 | oobr
@oobr Hi Ollie, are the #casa presentations going to be put online? Some sound very interesting.
13-Apr-10 12:34 | GeoGraphicIE
Com esse friozinho e chuva, que tal dar uma renovada na #casa, #dicas legais #Bananacraf:
13-Apr-10 12:38 | zygGifts
Interesting morning of presentations #casa conf. Great urban devt modelling & viz. Skyscrapers fascinating from
Prof Batty too.
13-Apr-10 12:48 | kennethfield
Nice long equation on screen. Wilson not going to elaborate given 'everyone is familiar with it.' #casa Mmm.
13-Apr-10 13:16 | kennethfield
Cheung 'most people from a gis background love spatial statistics' #casa I disagree. Most gis now driven by non
experts & non scientists
13-Apr-10 13:49 | kennethfield
Never imagined I would see a map of london with scale bar in milimetres #casa first time for everything
13-Apr-10 13:58 | kennethfield - Campo Grande - #MS, #Aluguel, #Casa, R$ 500, Genoveva. #imoveis
13-Apr-10 13:59 | vendasnaweb
@kennethfield I guess you're sitting closer than I am - found that a very hard presnetation to see (or follow)
lunch perhaps? #casa
13-Apr-10 14:08 | rollohome
Now here I might start to agree with @stevefeldman. Tweetometer - what ever. #Casa. Hold on - we may find
13-Apr-10 14:14 | rollohome
IMHO @rollohome @AntArch some of this stuff is not in the clouds its away with the fairies, just an opinion of
course #casa
13-Apr-10 14:22 | StevenFeldman
#casa quote "I deplore the term mashup, the sooner we can kill it the better"
13-Apr-10 14:33 | StevenFeldman
Una nueva #casa gracias a una buena #reforma: Combinar #estilos.
13-Apr-10 14:34 | ELMueble
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Miss Groupie (10), Danni Carlos (2) and Motor Hellvis (1) #Casa de Rock
13-Apr-10 14:35 | spmripper
#casa mood maps - "sometimes the questions they ask are just bizarre" - so why bother?
13-Apr-10 14:35 | StevenFeldman
No, the actual value of tweetometer is not revealed. Now we get a review of maptube. Again. We had this
last year I seem to remember. #casa
13-Apr-10 14:37 | rollohome
#casa BBC presenter "this is not a scientific survey" - so why should we take any notice of it?
13-Apr-10 14:38 | StevenFeldman
ROFL RT @StevenFeldman: IMHO @rollohome @AntArch some of this stuff is not in the clouds its away with
the fairies, just an opinion #casa
13-Apr-10 14:42 | AntArch
#casa to launch survey mapper so everyone can create their own "not scientific" survey and fling it on a map (but
not a dead mashup)
13-Apr-10 14:43 | StevenFeldman
Hudson-smith disagrees with Milton & says all #casa work is mashups. Harry Hill style fight?
13-Apr-10 15:22 | kennethfield
Andy Huddson-Smith "what if...?". We will get the answer? TOTEM @ #casa
13-Apr-10 15:23 | rollohome
what if we knew the geography of every object? #casa what if objects could tweet? hellllpppppp
13-Apr-10 15:23 | StevenFeldman
RT @kennethfield: Pure gis research really needs a reality check #casa some lost in a dark hole. Some way too
spurious. <Not sure abt "some"
13-Apr-10 15:27 | StevenFeldman
the Internet of things will coolide with @vicchi 's Theory of Stuff #casa
13-Apr-10 15:29 | StevenFeldman
@kennethfield: Quote of day so far from @stevenfeldman: I'm not an academic but even I can tell that's crap
13-Apr-10 15:29 | kennethfield
Well, I couldn't see the point of twitter - so who am I to question the concept of TOTeM. #casa
13-Apr-10 15:31 | rollohome
Andy Huddson-Smith talking about Tales of Things launches Friday @talesofthings #casa Facebook for things?
Tweeting objects?
13-Apr-10 15:34 | StevenFeldman
"not everyone has an iPhone" ahh good to know our academic friends are living in the real world #casa
13-Apr-10 15:35 | StevenFeldman
Hudson Smith giving talk on £1.4m @talesofthings #casa a lot of money to create hitchhikers guide to galaxy.
Google goggles has head start
13-Apr-10 15:38 | kennethfield
Woops! "If I tag all my stuff with talesofthings and geocodes I don't want everyone to know where my stuff is!"
13-Apr-10 15:42 | StevenFeldman
RT @StevenFeldman: "not everyone has an iPhone" ahh good to know our academic friends are living in the real
world #casa
13-Apr-10 15:43 | chaitanyakuber
RT @rollohome: Well, I couldn't see the point of twitter - so who am I to question the concept of TOTeM. #casa <
anyone could question this
13-Apr-10 15:43 | StevenFeldman
#casa "We are going to allow people to ask the world anything with @surveymapper We are hiding the science"
Better to hide the scientists
13-Apr-10 15:47 | StevenFeldman
@kennethfield suspect i wont get invited back to #casa
13-Apr-10 15:49 | StevenFeldman
Syeinitz at #casa "communication is not visualisation"
13-Apr-10 16:04 | StevenFeldman
"If your visualisation moves it has no meaning". Sense at last @ #casa. "If it has music, it's worse": Steinitz.
13-Apr-10 16:05 | rollohome
Steinitz cutting CASA down to size with reality check dose. Brilliant. Incisive. Finally we get some sense #casa
13-Apr-10 16:07 | kennethfield
RT @rollohome: "If your visualisation moves it has no meaning". Sense at last @ #casa. "If it has music, it's
worse": Steinitz.
13-Apr-10 16:08 | StevenFeldman
loves the twitter conference back channel- it's like being there without needing to buy the train ticket #casa
13-Apr-10 16:10 | archaeogeek
Carl Steinitz: "I feel like a grumpy old man" after his rant against "visualisation". I'm with him on that #casa
13-Apr-10 16:12 | rollohome
David Maguire squeezes in the ESRI geo design 'sell' to the panel discussion. Surprise. #casa
13-Apr-10 16:14 | rollohome
Maguire mentions ESRI #casa. Is he on a retainer?
13-Apr-10 16:18 | kennethfield
Hang on, now goodchild mentions geodesign #casa expecting Jack d to wander in any minute
13-Apr-10 16:21 | kennethfield
Academic freedom to explore blue skies crashes into harsh economic reality of public finances #casa
13-Apr-10 16:22 | StevenFeldman
Mike Goodchild confronts my cynicism and explains the ethos of Geodesign - OK, so it's more than an ESRI
sales pitch. Apologies #casa
13-Apr-10 16:24 | rollohome
@augustohideki tem que sair da toca neh #bee ? #casa - #academia - academia - casa n vai rolar nda msm!!!!
13-Apr-10 16:24 | leandro_ngm
The panel seem to reflect a lot of the coffee discussions - what is the value of this exciting technology coming out
of #CASA, or just Why?
13-Apr-10 16:28 | rollohome
Want to see/hear this! RT @kennethfield: tales from gis. What Goodchild, maguire, rhind, Clarke & steinitz. make
of today's offerings? #casa
13-Apr-10 16:29 | AntArch
¬¬ ..quero ir para casa ...!!!!#casa
13-Apr-10 16:29 | felipehidalgo
#casa surely semantic web, linked data and ontology is one of the answers
13-Apr-10 16:41 | AntArch
"To those of you who make things which go round & round & up & down, are you really getting better results?"
Steinitz wraps up #casa
13-Apr-10 16:42 | StevenFeldman
David Rhind, ex-DG of Ordnance Survey - "OpenStreetMap is a brilliant achievement" #casa
13-Apr-10 16:42 | oobr
Steinitz complexity is making gis worse. #casa
13-Apr-10 16:43 | kennethfield
RT @ rollohome: Twitter is a disease: Carl Steinitz. He is so right. #casa. The dangers of information overload.
13-Apr-10 16:48 | mattartz
I hate when I only find out about an interesting event like because all my twitter friends are
there on the day #casa
13-Apr-10 16:49 | harry_wood
Carl Steinitz: "Twitter is a disease". Well, it's certainly an addiction. Have spent most of the day on the #casa
13-Apr-10 16:51 | oobr - Saquarema - #RJ, #Venda, #Casa, R$ 110000, LUCIANO CORRETOR. #imoveis
13-Apr-10 16:53 | imoveis_rj
Tá muito frio, tô com sono, com preguiça...#casa
13-Apr-10 17:02 | Dieesz - Saquarema - #RJ, #Venda, #Casa, R$ 110000, LUCIANO CORRETOR. #imoveis
13-Apr-10 17:08 | vendasnaweb - Brasilia - #DF, #Venda, #Casa, R$ 450000, LUCY. #imoveis
13-Apr-10 17:37 | imoveisdf - Brasilia - #DF, #Venda, #Casa, R$ 450000, LUCY. #imoveis
13-Apr-10 17:45 | vendasnaweb
13-Apr-10 17:54 | rcdjpa
@osbornec does it spin? Or have musack? If so, sorry, not interested ;-) #casa
13-Apr-10 17:54 | rollohome
indo para #casa descançar .. hehe =) . Vou assistir #24horas , #twoandahalfman , #thebigbangtheory ,
#howimetyourmother e #house .
13-Apr-10 17:57 | djjuninhopardo
Enjoyable reception #casa #gisruk. Chewed over days events with friends & colleagues. Looking forward to rest
of week. Hope its 'useful'
13-Apr-10 18:24 | kennethfield
My #TweetOMeter and @SurveyMapper were highly praised today at #casa conference today. Thanks everyone
for the compliments!
13-Apr-10 18:30 | frogo
3ª chamada para a Decoração irreverente: #decoracao
#interiores #casa #lar #havefun
13-Apr-10 18:31 | GizaSousa
13-Apr-10 18:37 | weberrodolfo
em #casa
13-Apr-10 18:57 | rcdjpa
Saindo :* #casa
13-Apr-10 19:11 | ferzinho
Linda #casa no bairro Santa Amélia #Pampulha #BH @redemorar RD6016V: via @addthis
13-Apr-10 19:17 | JFrancischetti
RT @JFrancischetti: Linda #casa no bairro Santa Amélia #Pampulha #BH @redemorar RD6016V: via @addthis
13-Apr-10 19:18 | riodoce
RT @JFrancischetti: Linda #casa no bairro Santa Amélia #Pampulha #BH @redemorar RD6016V: via @addthis
13-Apr-10 19:20 | RedeMorar
@chrisjackson321 banter better than content #casa
13-Apr-10 19:23 | StevenFeldman
e essa tarde que não passa... quero #casa!
13-Apr-10 19:24 | deisinha
e pra quem #nãogostadenada é melhor ficar em #casa e procurar alguma coisa pra fazer...
13-Apr-10 19:35 | mannulops