Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Purple Hibiscus


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Purple Hibiscus
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Purple Hibiscus
Title: Purple Hibiscus
Author: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 307
Publisher: Harper Perennial, 1446293100
ISBN: 0007189885
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.2 MB
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Fifteen-year-old Kambili’s world is circumscribed by the high walls and frangipani trees of her
family compound. Her wealthy Catholic father, under whose shadow Kambili lives, while
generous and politically active in the community, is repressive and fanatically religious at home.
When Nigeria begins to fall apart under a military coup, Kambili’s father sends her and her
brother away to stay with their aunt, a University professor, whose house is noisy and full of
laughter. There, Kambili and her brother discover a life and love beyond the confines of their
father’s authority. The visit will lift the silence from their world and, in time, give rise to devotion
and defiance that reveal themselves in profound and unexpected ways. This is a book about the
promise of freedom; about the blurred lines between childhood and adulthood; between love
and hatred, between the old gods and the new.
Insightful reviews
Inês: Vou dar-vos um conselho: leiam este livro!
É imperativo que o façam.
Quando temos o hábito de ler, quando o fazemos há muitos anos de forma consistente,
começa a tornar-se cada vez mais difícil deixarmo-nos arrebatar por um livro. Há sempre
alguma coisa que parece falhar: o conteúdo, a forma, as personagens. Já lemos tantas coisas
boas que a fasquia está alta e por ela já só passam os melhores dos melhores.
Chimamanda Adichie não só passou a fasquia como ainda deu um mortal encarpado no ar e
aterrou de pés juntos. Que grande leitura, senhores. Que grande livro, que grande escritora.
Personagens que amamos e odiamos; descrições que nos fazem viver aqueles momentos,
sentir aqueles cheiros, ouvir aqueles sons, provar aquelas comidas; uma história que mistura
religião, cultura, política e relações humanas; uma escrita primorosa que nos transporta para a
realidade nigeriana.
É um livro muito bonito, muito completo que enriquece a estante de qualquer leitor e que nos
marca para sempre. Estejam preparados para isso.
Laura: I'm having trouble writing a review for this book because I enjoyed it so much but I'm not
entirely sure I can fully convey that in my review.
The book is set in Nigeria where there is political unrest and this plays part in the storyline but
without being over the top. The story focuses on a family of four, mother, father and two
children. To the outside world the father is a hugely generous man who likes to share his wealth
around with everyone, but at home he is a religious nut who's physically and verbally abusive to
the people he supposedly loves. So, the family is forever walking around on eggshells just
waiting for another explosion. This has a great effect on the two children who aren't allowed to
lead their own lives for fear of their father's wrath.
Thankfully at one stage the children are allowed to go to their aunties house WHICH is
completely the opposite to their own home..It's full of love and laughter, warmth and fun. For 15
year old Kambili this is hard to adjust to and instead of embracing the new situation she clams
up even more. For her bother Jaja it gives him a new lease on life..A life that they should be
having at their own home.
The father Eugene doesn't like anything that the aunty does for the two children and that in turn
puts them in the firing line for punishment when they are taken home.
Over time Kambili changes and learns to loosen up around her Aunty and her brood. Kambili
learns that life isn't all about religion or keeping Papa happy at all times (but very hard to shake
the habit).
Things take a twist near the end..One..I thought could of happened but I didn't really expect it.
For a debut novel it's a fantastic novel after I'd finished the book I kept thinking about the
characters and what their life might be like later down the track. To me a great novel is one that
can keep you thinking after the last page has been read.
Cheryl: Lovely and heart wrenching tale of a teenage girl who grew up in a privileged, yet
religiously oppressive family led by a dominant, confused father and a docile, conforming
I thought I would dislike this book because by page 16, it seemed to abruptly take me back a
few years. None of that mattered by the time I was rooted in Kambili's narration, in fact, a huge
chunk of the book stayed in a certain period, with smooth transitions at the end. So taken was I
by Adichie's usage of dialect (Igbo and pidgin English scattered throughout the dialogue in just
the right way that it is not confusing) I went around wanting to say, "husband, kedu?" Doggie
Kedu?" all day. Kambili's age isn't mentioned until p. 79, but you didn't even need that
information because you had the strong voice of a young girl who was shy, but observant.
There were lots that Adichie tried to show here: what censorship looks like in a politically
oppressive regime, religious hypocrisy, the rise of feminism...all interwoven nicely within the
voice of a young heroine.
My two favorite characters: Kambili and Aunty Ifeoma (the sassy, boisterous and outspoken
female in a female-oppressed society), and Jaja (Kambili's brother).
Oh and the dashing
Claudia: Hibiscos roxos estarão presentes ao longo de toda a narrativa. A cor roxa lembra-me
sofrimento, nódoas negras, sofrimento no rosto de uma mulher, dor. A Cor do Hibisco é o
apropriado título deste livro publicado em 2003, o primeiro romance de Chimamanda Ngozi
Adichie.O hibisco roxo nasce e cresce na Nigéria assim como as personagens deste livro.Ao
fim de vinte páginas estava completamente apaixonada pela forma como Chimamanda conta
esta história. Pela voz de uma menina nigeriana chamada Kambili conhecemos a realidade
social do seu país. Ela vive numa casa enorme com os seus pais e irmãos. O pai é um homem
extremista em relação à religião. Bastante autoritário, impõe as suas regras e limites sem
permitir nenhum deslize. Caso contrário, united states a violência para fazer vergar os
pecadores. Kambili longe de conhecer outra realidade, cede inocentemente, e respeita as
tradições impostas sem questionar. Até que um dia a escola entra em férias e ela vai passar
um período a casa da sua tia juntamente com o seu irmão Jaja. Nessa temporada, longe de
casa, tudo vai mudar.Emocionei-me várias vezes. Os questionamentos desta menina são os
questionamentos de outras meninas na Nigéria ( ou noutro país qualquer). Não dá para ficar
indiferente e fingir que estas situações não existem. Acontecem todos os dias. Mulheres
submissas, crianças mal tratadas, maridos abusivos. Diferentes crenças resultam em diferentes
actos. Diferentes educações resultam em diferentes formas de ver a vida. Que exista sempre
alguém que nos mostre outro ponto de vista e nos abra a mente para novos
questionamentos.Livro maravilhoso.5 estrelas
Paola: examining this ebook i couldn't keep away from contemplating Philip Larkin's This be the
verse, even though right here one may perhaps upload "religion"and "colonialism" to "mum and
dad". Dad here's a misguided, bigoted psychopath who's as violent along with his relatives as
he's beneficiant with all people who comes his way, and upright in his championing of
Catholicism and political freedom. faith is available in the form of dad Benedict, who turns out as
happy in a person beating sin out of sinners because the worst sadist; and colonialism's results
are peppered everywhere, from the trivial but surprising (every young ones needed to decide
upon an English identify to be Confirmed), to the stunning and tense (not attending your
personal father's funeral simply because he was once no longer a Christian like you).The
storyline doesn't subject too much, besides the radical for me suffered as a result of flatness of
the characters, typically unidimensional - the battered spouse and mom and the monster dad,
the nasty priest and the glorious clever priest, the delightfully optimistic and combative aunt
together with her completely adjusted children, and so on: maybe the single rather advanced
personality is the dutiful son, yet he's left mostly unexplored.So yes, i used to be a section
disappointed, yet by way of the bigger photo Adichie turns out to wish to tackle from Chinua
Achebe's steps, and that i beloved the unconventional for that - so i'm intrigued sufficient to
need to learn extra of this author.
Candi: “I laughed simply because Nsukka’s untarred roads coat vehicles with dirt within the
harmattan and with sticky dust within the wet season. as the tarred roads spring potholes like
shock provides and the air smells of hills and background and the daylight scatters the sand
and turns it into gold dust. simply because Nsukka may possibly loose anything deep inside of
your stomach that will get up in your throat and are available out as a freedom song. As
laughter.”This debut novel by means of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is filled with expressive
prose simply as remarkable as this one uttered by way of Kambili upon her go back stopover at
to the only position that gave her a voice and an opportunity to appreciate what existence might
relatively be open air the judgmental and abusive authority of her religiously enthusiast father,
Eugene. Fifteen-year outdated Kambili and her older brother Jaja lead a wealthy yet sheltered
lifestyles with this authoritarian father and their submissive mother. family abuse and violence
are unfortunately a recurrent subject matter of their household, and lots of incidents left me
feeling relatively angered and sorry for the youngsters and their mother. Kambili narrates,
“Fear. i used to be acquainted with fear, but whenever I felt it, it used to be by no means kind of
like the opposite times, as if it got here in numerous flavors and colors.” regardless of the fear,
however, Kambili respects her father and works very not easy to earn his approval and love. “I
knew that once the tea burned my tongue, it burned Papa’s love into me.” Jaja, at the different
hand, whereas a sufferer of this abuse as well, is brought as having a piece extra of a selfassertive personality, starting with a refusal to take communion at church one Sunday. This
rebellious nature grows particularly swiftly in the course of the book. “Jaja’s defiance appeared
to me now like Aunty Ifeoma’s experimental crimson hibiscus: rare, aromatic with the
undertones of freedom, a distinct form of freedom from the only the crowds waving eco-friendly
leaves chanted at govt sq. after the coup. A freedom to be, to do.”There is a smart distinction
during this novel among the Igbo tradition of the children’s grandfather, Papa Nnukwu, and the
Catholic fervor of Eugene, who's Papa Nnukwu’s son. Eugene is going as far as to name his
personal father “heathen” and “pagan” as a result of his unwillingness to transform to
Catholicism and won't enable Papa Nnukwu in the partitions of his personal home. His young
children usually are not allowed to determine their grandfather store for the very infrequent
numerous minute visits which are accepted to them. Kambili is careworn by means of this and
struggles with the clash among her conviction in her father’s perspectives and along with her
personal deepest strategies approximately her grandfather. “I had tested him that day, too,
taking a look away while his eyes met mine, for symptoms of difference, of Godlessness. I
didn’t see any, yet i used to be yes they have been there somewhere. they'd to be.” while
Kambili and Jaja depart their mom and dad to stick for a number of days in Nsukka with Aunty
Ifeoma, Eugene’s forward-thinking sister and collage professor, they ultimately get a flavor for
what it truly is wish to be out from less than the tension in their father’s watchful eye. Aunty
Ifeoma is a robust presence and her 3 teenagers dwell a totally diversified lifestyles from that in
their cousins Kambili and Jaja. on the dinner table, Kambili thinks “I had felt as though I weren't
there, that i used to be simply looking at a desk the place you'll say something at any time to
anyone, the place the air was once loose so that you can breathe as you wished.” Her cousins
are allowed to talk their brain with no the terror of unreasonable punishment. Catholic fans as
well, this family members doesn't convey any of the fanaticism we see in Eugene. whereas
staying in Nsukka, the kids also are brought to Father Amadi who indicates them a steady and
worrying part to Catholicism. he is taking Kambili lower than his wing and provides her a cause
to eventually use her voice. She learns approximately love and happiness as she develops a
truly robust emotional attachment to Father Amadi. “I had smiled, run, laughed. My chest used
to be full of whatever like bathtub foam. Light. The lightness used to be so candy I tasted it on
my tongue, the beauty of an overripe vivid cashew fruit.” This dating was once the main
poignant a part of the novel, in my opinion. Now for a few minor faults I famous during this book.
I had a bit trouble settling into this initially. It took it slow for me to turn into engaged with the
characters. whereas the writing was once superb, I felt that the characters have been a piece
too slowly developed. even supposing this used to be advised from Kambili’s perspective, I had
a troublesome time attaching myself to her throughout the first a part of the novel. whereas I
definitely felt very sympathetic in the direction of Kambili and her mom and brother, I didn’t
think a true connection yet had a feeling of distance from them. This ultimately replaced extra
alongside within the book, a minimum of with Kambili, yet used to be a detrimental aspect for
me at first. I additionally felt the plot was once a section free at times. occasionally occasions
felt drawn out whereas others have been rushed. probably those little flaws are as a result of
the this being Adichie’s first novel. The Nigerian environment is soaking up and the language is
simply so lovely; i'm very hopeful that any longer paintings written via Adichie can in simple
terms have improved. She did have a fascinating twist to the tale which I loved as well, yet
won’t disclose from now on here. those confident issues all element me towards interpreting
her subsequent piece of writing. 3.5 stars visit crimson Hibiscus.
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