Untitled - Esfera Escola Internacional


Untitled - Esfera Escola Internacional
Esfera Escola Internacional in São José dos Campos presents the 5th edition of the Esfera
International Seminar. Taking place bi-annually and aimed at teachers, coordinators, directors,
and administrators of Brazilian, bilingual and international schools that desire to broaden their
perspectives and practices, with the belief that together we can nourish the thinking and
understanding processes of students in Preschool, Elementary School and Middle School.
We are expecting between 150-170 educators at the 5th Esfera International Seminar which will
take place on May 1-2, 2015 on the school grounds in São José dos Campos, São Paulo. The
theme for the 2015 seminar will be Teaching for Understanding.
What does it mean to understand something? How do students develop understanding? How
can teachers know how well they understand and support the development of their
understanding? These and other questions will be the connecting thread of reflection sewn
throughout the 5th Esfera International Seminar.
The guest speakers include Tina Blythe, professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education and
Rebeca Anijovich, professor at the University of San Andres in Buenos Aires, specialist in
differentiated instruction and assessment. Other themes that will be presented at the Seminar will
include: Visible Thinking, performances of understanding and differentiated instruction and
assessment. The format will include lectures and workshops focused on a balance between
theory and classroom practices.
Please see the schedule to participate in the 5th Esfera International Seminar! We would be
honored to share our professional development program with you.
Our Keynote Speakers are Tina Blythe, professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
and Rebecca Anijovich, professor at the Universidade San Andrés, in Buenos Aires, with a broad
experience in differentiated instruction and assessment.
Tina Blythe is a teacher, administrator, researcher, consultant and writer.
She teaches at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the
Boston Architectural College, where she is also the Director of Faculty
Development. For sixteen years, she was a researcher at Harvard Project
Zero, where she developed and studied approaches to supporting deep
learning, thinking and understanding for students as well as teachers.
Rebeca Anijovich is a specialist in teacher training from the University of
Buenos Aires. She holds the interim chair of Observation and Practice of
Teaching and Teachers’ Residency at the University of Buenos Aires' Law
School. She also teaches in the graduate and undergraduate programs
in the School of Education, and is co-director of the graduate program
of continuous education of the University of San Andrés. She provides
pedagogical support to institutions and schools in Chile, Ecuador,
Peru, Columbia and Mexico.
8:00 - 8:45
8:45 - 9:00
9:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:45
10:45 - 12:15
12:15 - 13:45
1:45 - 3:15
3:15 - 3:30
3:45 - 4:45
Talk: Tina Blythe (simultaneous translation available)
Coffee Break
Lunch Break (lunch is not provided)
Coffee Break
Talk: Rebecca Anijovich
8:45 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:30
1:30 - 3:00
3:00 - 3:15
3:15 - 4:30
4:30 - 4:45
Talk: Tina Blythe (simultaneous translation available)
Coffee Break
Lunch Break (lunch is not provided)
Coffee Break
Talk: Rebecca Anijovich
Closing ceremony
TALK 1 - Tina Blythe (USA)
What Should We Teach—and How?
An Introduction to the Teaching for Understanding Framework
(This talk will be in English – simultaneous translation available)
Understanding is one of the most time-honored goals of education. It is also one of the most
difficult to achieve. What, exactly, do we want students to understand? And how do we help
them get there? In this plenary, we will consider these questions along with an overview of the
Teaching for Understanding framework, a tool for designing curriculum, instruction, and
assessment that help learners develop a deep and lasting understanding of important concepts.
Created at Harvard Project Zero and the Harvard Graduate School of Education through many
years of research, the Teaching for Understanding framework has been used around the world, in
all disciplines, and at all levels of education from kindergarten through graduate school to create
powerful learning experiences for students.
TALK 2 - Tina Blythe (USA)
Building a Culture of Thinking and Learning for Educators
(This talk will be in English – simultaneous translation available)
If schools are to be places where students learn for understanding, then they must also be places
where the adults around them learn for understanding. When a “culture of thinking” prevails in a
school or classroom, the students, teachers, and administrators are all focused on the processes
and products of learning rather than on merely completing tasks. In this plenary, we’ll discuss the
hallmarks of a culture of thinking as well as tools for developing and sustaining such a culture, with
a particular focus on the professional learning of educators.
TALK 1 - Rebeca Anijovich (ARG)
The relationship between formative assessment, feedback and metacognition
(This talk will be in Spanish – simultaneous translation available)
In order to understand the meaning of feedback, we will consider a perspective of assessment
that goes beyond qualifying learning. We will view assessment as an opportunity to contribute to
the development of student and teacher learning. Feedback also contributes towards greater
student autonomy through the development of metacognitive skills. It is a process of dialogue
and interaction which actively involves students, teachers and school.
TALK 2 - Rebeca Anijovich
Perspectives on the importance of feedback
(This talk will be in Spanish – simultaneous translation available)
In order to understand the importance of feedback, it is necessary to analyze the nature of the
tasks that are proposed to our students.
It is important to consider what we are offering in terms of actions and reflections, what
instructions “translate” what we expect from students and what thinking skills are required.
1. Improving Learning Through Collaborative Analysis of Student and Teaching Work, Tina
Blythe (Workshop in English)
The most powerful source of information about the quality of teaching and learning in a school is
the work that students and teachers do, day in and day out, in classrooms. The collaborative
examination of that work provides important information both about what and how students are
learning and how teaching can be improved. In this workshop, participants will take part in two
different processes (or “protocols”) for examining student and/or teacher work, followed by a
brief discussion of how these processes can be used in schools.
Tina Blythe is a teacher, administrator, researcher, consultant and writer. She teaches at the
Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Boston Architectural College, where she is also
the Director of Faculty Development. For sixteen years, she was a researcher at Harvard Project
Zero, where she developed and studied approaches to supporting deep learning, thinking and
understanding for students as well as teachers. Collaborative inquiry and the collaborative
assessment of student work are central to her work. She consults for schools, districts, and
organizations around the world on issues of curriculum, assessment, and professional development
for educators. She serves as education advisor for the Silk Road Project, an organization founded
by cellist Yo-Yo Ma to promote innovation, learning, and cross-cultural understanding through the
arts. She began her career nearly three decades ago as a classroom teacher in urban public
schools and continues to serve as a regular guest teacher at a Boston-area independent school.
She is the co-author of a number of books including Looking Together at Student Work, 3nd Ed.
(Teachers College Press, 2015); The Facilitator’s Book of Questions (Teachers College Press, 2004);
Teaching as Inquiry (Teachers College Press, 2004); and The Teaching for Understanding Guide
(Jossey Bass, 1998; translated into Spanish, Chinese, Swedish, and Georgian). Her newest book,
Facilitating for Learning: Resources for Teacher Groups of All Kinds (co-authored with David Allen)
will be published in September 2015.
2. As perguntas que favorecem o desenvolvimento das habilidaeds de pensamento,
Rebeca Anijovich (Workshop em Espanhol)
Por quê e para quê perguntam os professores?
Formular perguntas é uma prática habitual para os professores, mas será que refletem sobre a
qualidade das perguntas que estão sendo propostas?
Rebeca Anijovich é Especialista e Mestre em Formação de Formadores da Universidade de
Buenos Aires. É professora titular interina das cátedras Observação e Prática do Ensino e
Residência Docente no professorado de Ciências Jurídicas (Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade de Buenos Aires). É também docente de graduação e pós-graduação da Escola
de Educação e codiretora da pós-graduação de Atualização Académica da Universidade de
San Andrés. É assessora pedagógica e institucional em escolas do Chile, Equador, Peru,
Colômbia e México.
3. A strategy for differentiated instruction in the early years, Anne Taffin d’Heursel
Baldisseri, Mariana Ferraz Boschi and Andrea de Macedo Davis (Workshop in English)
In this practical workshop we will demonstrate a new concept for Early Years settings called Flag
Time. This is a single occasion within a day of ample choice where every child works on what the
teacher has decided is in the child’s best interest, according to their readiness, interest and
learning profile. Groupings are carefully determined from formative, ongoing assessment, taking
into account all aspects of learning and varying according to need. We will provide the
opportunity for teachers to plan Flag Time adapted to their own settings and contexts so that
participants will leave with the knowledge and capacity to incorporate the concept immediately.
Anne Taffin d’Heursel Baldisseri, Ph.D., is Head of Pre-Preparatory at St. Paul’s School, São Paulo,
Brazil and was responsible for organizing the two well-attended Education Conferences at her
school. Anne has co-facilitated a three-day course on Facilitative Leadership, was a fellow at the
Project Zero Classroom, Harvard, in 2013 and has also led workshops at the PZ Perspectives in
Michigan and at the IV Visible Learning Conference in Miami, both related to her collaborative
work with teachers and parents, and on the use of technology to make thinking and learning
visible. Anne is one of the idealizers of Flag Time.
Mariana Ferraz Boschi is Pedagogical Director of Método Chatterbox (inglês para crianças) and
Pedagogical Coordinator at Maple Bear Indaiatuba and was previously Head of Year and
Nursery teacher at St. Paul's School, São Paulo, Brazil. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Education,
from the University of São Paulo (USP). For many years she has focused her studies in the Reggio
Emilia approach to early childhood education and she had the opportunity of studying preschools in northern Italy in loco in 2008 and 2010. Mariana worked for one year at Fundação
Lemann as a teacher trainer for State schools and has also designed support material for teachers
using Khan Academy in Brazil. She has taken part in the Project Zero Institute at Harvard Graduate
School of Education as well as the Teaching for Understanding and Making Thinking Visible online
courses at WIDE World. Mariana facilitates and documents a PLC (Professional Learning
Community) about Flag Time. She implemented Flag Time four years ago in Year 1 and has been
applying it in Nursery classrooms in the past two years.
Andrea de Macedo Davis is class teacher in Pre-Preparatory 3 at St. Paul’s School, São Paulo,
Brazil. She has started her studies on Occupational Therapy at Ithaca College (1999-2002), Ithaca,
NY, with the dream of working with children with disabilities in pre-schools. In 2003 she was
employed at St Pauls School as a teaching support assistant. After working with children
individually she thought she would be more valuable as a class teacher. Therefore she was
offered the opportunity to work as a class teaching assistant one year after. In 2004 she started an
undergraduate degree on Education at PUC. SP. She graduated on 2008 and on the same year
became a class teacher. She attended an online/field work post graduate course at Bishop
Groustest College in Lincoln, England in 2009-2010. On the following year Andrea attended an
online course on Teaching for Understanding at Harvard University, in Boston, USA. Last year, 2002,
she attended another online course on Making Thinking Visible also at Harvard.
Ensinar para Significar o Pensar e o Agir, Helena W. Miascovsky (Workshop em Português)
O workshop tem como objetivo refletir sobre 1. Como possibilitar o protagonismo dos estudantes
no seu processo de aprender, do pensar e do agir no mundo de forma crítica e colaborativa; 2.
O papel da linguagem na significação e ressignificação da aprendizagem.
Helena Wolffowitz Miascovsky é Mestre em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. É Licenciada pela Universidade Mackenzie e é
Tradutora Pública e Intérprete Comercial (Inglês/Português) do Estado de São Paulo de São
Paulo. Integra o Grupo de Pesquisa LACE (PUC-SP) como pesquisadora e formadora, lecionando
em cursos de extensão na COGEAE (PUC-SP). Há 15 anos é Coordenadora Pedagógica de Inglês
no Ensino Fundamental da escola bilíngue Stance Dual School.
5. Thinking about Differentiated Instruction Through a Teaching for Understanding
Framework, Lia Armelin (Workshop in English)
By using the Teaching for Understanding Framework and its visible thinking routines, the presenter
aims to discuss the topic of differentiated instruction, its implications and practices. Additionally,
participants will be invited to take a metacognitive stance at the end of the session to evaluate
the effectiveness of their learning process through the lens of Teaching for Understanding. Thus,
participants will get a chance to experience the routines in action, at the same time they will go
through a learning journey themselves.
Lia Armelin is principal of middle and high school at See-Saw/Panamby Bilingual School and has
worked with bilingual education for the past 13 years. In addition to a degree in Psychology and a
specialization in Psychodrama, she is finishing a Master’s of Science in Education in the field of
curriculum, assessment and instruction at Walden University. Furthermore, for the past 4 years, she
has gone through extensive training in teaching for understanding with courses in the areas of
Visible Thinking, Teaching for Understanding and Differentiated Instruction at Harvard Graduate
School of Education. She still works as a teacher of moral education in grades 6 and 7, with a
focus on fostering self-awareness, understanding and tolerance of others, and global citizenship.
6. O trabalho com as práticas morais num contexto bilíngue, Luciana Zobel Lapa
(Workshop em Português)
Oficina teórico-prática, onde serão compartilhadas algumas propostas realcionadas às práticas
morais, que favorecem as relações interepessoais na escola e o processo de resolução de
conflitos através do diálogo.
Luciana Zobel Lapa – pedagoga e psicóloga pela USP, pós-graduada em Psicopedagogia pela
UNIP e em Relações Interpessoais na Escola e a Construção da Autonomia Moral pela UNIFRAN,
membro do GEPEM - Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação Moral - Faculdade de
Educação/UNICAMP-SP ; Orientadora educacional da Stance Dual School.
7. Desenvolvimento de competências sócio-cognitivas no palco da escola
contemporânea, Cinthia Lourenço, Mara Westin (Workshop em Português)
O cotidiano escolar é palco de inúmeras vivências que proporcionam ao aluno crescimento
intra e interpessoal. A sociedade contemporânea exige novas diretrizes na formação de nossos
jovens. Assim, compartilharemos um conjunto de ações pedagógicas e educacionais que visam
desenvolver atitudes na formação de cidadãos respeitosos e responsáveis por si e pelo seu
Cinthia Lourenço é Orientadora Educacional e Professora Tutora na Esfera Escola Internacional.
Mestre em Psicologia Clínica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Especialista em
Orientação Educacional pela Universidade Católica de Brasília e Teorias da Personalidade pela
Metropolitan State College of Denver. Graduada em psicologia pela Universidade de Taubaté.
Mara Westin é Orientadora Educacional na Esfera Escola Internacional. Graduada em Psicologia,
mestre em Psicologia da Educação, pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Morou
em Toronto, Canada, durante cinco anos, onde aperfeiçoou a língua Inglesa e concluiu a
formação profissional para lecionar em Educação Infantil “Early Chilhood Education”. Morou
também na Alemanha por três anos, somando às oportunidades de vivenciar diferentes culturas.
De volta ao Brasil, engajou-se na atividade de formação de professores, durante sete anos, na
Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, nas áreas de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem
Infantil. Atuou por dois anos na Orientação Educacional do Colégio Engenheiro Juarez
Wanderley (Escola da Embraer).
8. Props Are Powerful: Bringing concepts, stories and language alive, Sarah Elizabeth
Sprague (Workshop in English)
Young learners are sensory seekers! Developmentally, they need to experience, touch, taste and
feel the world around them. We will explore ways props support comprehension, participation,
classroom management and pre-literacy skills while nourishing the emotional health of children
with individual temperaments and needs.
The goal is to offer teachers the opportunity to reflect on the connection between participatory
learning and comprehension. We will examine ways in which hands-on materials are a bridge
creating emotional connections with both content and relationship building, thus aiding learning,
and emotional development.
The workshop participants will engage in hands-on activities roleplaying ways diverse materials
can be implemented in the classroom. The goal is to inspire teachers with new perspectives and
practical tools.
Sarah Elizabeth Sprague is an educator, author, teacher trainer, and developer of materials for
young learners. In Brazil since 2007, her classes promote early learning and pre-literacy through
music, movement, stories, and hands-on learning in preschool, language school and parent-child
settings. She is the author of the series Hide and Seek and co-author of Seek and Find for
MacMillan Brazil. Originally from the United States, where she founded Treasured Times, an
Intergenerational Program that promotes learning through cultural activities with children and
seniors with memory care needs. She resides in Sao Jose dos Campos where she teaches at
Esfera Escola Internacional.
9. Meaningful Language Instruction, Sonja Moll Ferreira (Workshop in English)
In my workshop I will explore the possibilities of learning language in a meaningful and exciting
way, looking at the communicative purpose of text production in the classroom and the teaching
of grammar in context. After a brief overview of the most relevant language teaching and
learning theorists and a quick look at a selection of case studies, there will be time to experiment
with provided learning materials and problem situations to be solved in teams of three to four
workshop participants. Thus, I wish to offer second language teachers in bilingual learning
environments new outlooks on how to engage their students in acquiring language skills
Sonja Moll Ferreira holds a degree in English and Portuguese language studies (Letras) from the
Universidade do Vale do Paraíba and a post-graduation diploma in Ethical Citizenship Education
by the Universidade de São Paulo. She has been active as an EFL teacher for more than twenty
years and has worked as a teacher at Esfera since 2005, where she is also the English Language
coordinator since 2013. She is a Swiss Brazilian and has been living in Brazil since 1992.
10. Differentiated Strategies in Assessment for Learning, Andrea Fernandez, Jaqueline
Weber (Workshop in English)
This workshop aims to explore differentiated strategies to perform pre-assessments, formative
assessments, and summative assessments. Real-life examples will help teachers improve their
learning outcomes and see how differentiated assessment provides direction for improvement,
promotes confidence, and motivates learners to do their best. Different strategies which take into
account the learner's multiple intelligences and learning styles will be shared to develop teacher's
confidence when making valid and effective assessments.
Andrea Fernandez - Graduated in Marketing and Education with a degree in Elementary
Education and Early Childhood Education . She has been working as an educator for 15 years
now. She was director of an English school for children and adolescents, where she developed
the language teaching curriculum and coordinated teacher training groups. She has been
working at St Francis College in São Paulo for 9 years where she has gained solid experience in the
implementation and development of the IB curriculum - International Baccalaureate . As a
primary teacher, she has taught students from the age of 6 to 11 years old and for the past 4 years
has been leading the PYP Exhibition Project. After being officially trained by the IB she has
become an IB Consultant, workshop leader and site visitor.
Jaqueline Weber is a PYP Coordinator and Primary Portuguese Coordinator at St Francis College in
São Paulo. Graduated in psychology and post graduated in International Education at Oxfrod
Brookes University, she has been an educator for over 20 years. Jaqueline joined the international
school setting eleven years ago, first as a primary school teacher and now as the programme
coordinator. In her role as a coordinator she has led a number of staff and parent oriented
workshops on: concept-based learning, international-mindedness and assessment. In 2013, she
became an official IB workshop leader, consultant and site visitor.

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1. Improving Learning Through Collaborative Analysis of Student

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