collies tallywood


collies tallywood
Vinita Dasgupta
Os primeiros trabalhos da artista revelam
profunda paixão em expressar uma
frequentemente a retratos; criou metáforas
de si mesma e uma concretização da sua
feminilidade. Mesmo nesta fase verifica-se
uma atracção pela cultura popular. Logo
não foi uma surpresa o seu trabalho incidir
sobre moda, cinema e símbolos populares.
No entanto, durante este período
podemos observar várias mudanças em
termos de forma, estilo e técnica. O seu
dom natural direcciona-se no sentido
de uma abordagem gestual modernista
à figuração, contudo a artista sente que
o seu estilo surge de forma natural. De
forma a desafiar-se a si mesma, Dasgupta
empreendeu uma viagem numa técnica
mais controlada e começou por introduzir
vários elementos de composição nas suas
obras. À medida que a artista atravessava
uma (re)provação da sua compreensão
pessoal em termos de estilo e técnica,
ficou mais interessada em contar histórias
acerca do mundo e a sua empatia e
relacionamentos sociais.
The early works of the artist reveal a deep
love for expressing an autobiographical
narrative, often using portraits; she created
metaphors of herself and realization of
womanhood. Even at that point one can
locate an attraction towards popular
culture. Thus it was not surprising that
her work has focused on fashion, cinema
and popular icons. . However, in that
period one could notice many changes
in terms of medium, style and technique.
Her natural flair is towards a modernist
gestural approach to figuration, but
possibly the artist felt that that style came
too easily for her. In an effort to challenge
herself, Dasgupta began a journey into a
more controlled, technique, and began to
introduce various compositional elements
in her works. As the artist was going
through a re visitation of her personal
understand of style and technique, she also
became more interested in telling stories
about the world and her social empathies
and engagements.
No entanto a busca continuou e ela
descobriu que para trabalhar com o
imaginário popular precisava de o
representar num conceito de estratificação,
e que o modernismo gestual só poderia
ser controlado e enraizado com hábitos de
controle. A sua (re) descoberta da tradição
de pintura popular de Raghurajpur e
vários aspectos desta pesquisa levaramna ao enraizamento deste controle e a
um refúgio a partir do qual ela poderá
explorar orientações para o futuro. Este
trabalho “The Story Tellers” marca um
importante ponto de viragem na sua
jornada, reflectindo especialmente um
compromisso sustentado pela técnica,
inspiração e conceito.
Yet the search continued, she discovered
that to work with popular imagery
she needed to re-present them with
greater conceptual layering, also that
the gestural modernist within her can
only be controlled through be rooted in
a tradition of control. Her (re) discovery
of the Raghurajpur folk painting tradition
finally lead to many aspects of this search
and control being rooted finding a resting
place from where she can explore future
directions. This body of work ‘The Story
Tellers’ marks an important turning point in
her journey, specially reflecting a sustained
engagement with technique, inspiration
and concept.
Orissa has been a part of the artist’s
childhood, and that nostalgia has played
Orissa fez parte da infância da artista,
e a nostalgia tem desempenhado um
papel importante ajudando Dasgupta
a conseguir culturalmente responder à
tradição artística de Orissa. A tradição de
pintura popular de Raghurajpur ofereceulhe também um acesso diferente ao aspecto
“popular” que estava profundamente
enraizado numa abordagem disciplinada
e controlada da arte ainda assim, robusta,
colorida e profundamente conectada com
a cultura na contemporaneidade. A filosofia
do artesanato atraiu-a profundamente
com suas noções de pormenor, precisão e
o “artesanal”, por outro lado Raghurajpur
ofereceu-lhe uma fuga ao barulho da cultura
popular convencional e um entendimento
alternativo das possibilidades narrativas
da concepção da arte. Desde que (re)
descobriu Raghurajpur há cerca de três
anos atrás, o seu estilo pictórico e artesanal
começaram lentamente a ganhar espaço
nas suas obras. Inicialmente foram apenas
motivos nos limites das suas pinturas
retratando personalidades de Bollywood...
introduzindo-se lenta mas profundamente
no seu trabalho artístico.
O seu encontro com Raghurajpur não a
levou a descartar a sua paixão pessoal
pelas tradições populares urbanas,
resultando numa complexa sobreposição
de ambas. Tirar fotografias das pinturas
de Raghurajpur, colando-as na tela, de
seguida meticulosamente cortando e
enrolando, utilizando depois os rolos para
criar os seus retratos de pintores e artistas
de Rahurajpur, aplicando uma camada final
de tinta para finalizar ajudou Dasgupta a
desenvolver uma linguagem que desafia os
limites da pintura, tornou-a numa criança
do ecletismo pós-moderno e proporcionalhe a terapia meditativa relacionada com o
artesanato que a sua alma tanto procurava.
Apesar do dom natural da artista para a
figuração e uma capacidade de atingir
sentimento com um retrato, o que
an important role in Dasgupta being
able to culturally respond to its artistic
tradition. The Raghurajpur folk painting
tradition also offered her a different access
to the ‘popular’, a ‘popular’ that was deeply
entrenched in a disciplined and controlled
approach to art making yet, robust, colorful
and deeply in dialogue with the culture
of contemporanity. The philosophy of
craftsmanship attracted her deeply along
with its notions of detailing, precision and
the ‘handmade’, moreover Raghurajpur
offered her an escape from the noise of
mainstream popular culture as well as an
alternative understanding of the narrative
possibilities of art making. Since her (re)
visit to Raghurajpur about three years ago,
the pictorial style and craftsmanship slowly
began to find space in her works. Initially
it was just motifs coming into the borders
of her paintings depicting Bollywood
personalities... and slowly it entered deep,
deep into the artwork itself.
The encounter with Raghurajpur did not
lead her throw away her personal love for
the urban popular traditions, instead what
resulted is a complex layering of both.
Taking photographs of the Raghurajpur
paintings, pasting them on canvas, then
painstaking cutting them and making
rolls and then using those rolls to make
her portraits of painters and performers
of Rahurajpur, then using paint to give a
final layer of detailing has help Dasgupta
to develop a language that challenges the
boundaries of painting, makes her a child
of postmodern eclecticism and also gives
her meditative therapy of craftsmanship
that her soul was looking for.
Apart from the artist’s natural flair for
figuration and an ability to strike a chord
with portraiture, what makes her current
body of works significant is the possibilities
of enquiries that open and the complex
layering of folk and urban they embody.
This layering of folk and urban also mirrors
torna o seu trabalho significativo são as
possibilidades de indagação que surgem
das complexas sobreposições de arte
popular e urbana que o seu trabalho
materializa. Esta sobreposição de popular
e urbano espelha também a zona entre
a arte e o artesanato, que marcam a
“fisicalidade” das suas obras.
A inspiração por detrás destes rolos surgiu
de uns brincos que ela descobriu feitos a
partir de latas de Coca-Cola e Fanta cortadas
e laminadas. Este desmembramento e
criação de uma nova identidade trouxe
a Dasgupta a possibilidade de integrar
as pinturas de Raghurajpur no seu
trabalho conseguindo ainda ocultá-las.
Ao longo dos últimos dois anos, além de
pintores e artistas de Raghurajpur, outras
personalidades proeminentes surgiram
no seu trabalho ... quase como uma
continuação do seu objecto de trabalho.
No entanto, ainda que por vezes estes
símbolos convencionais façam parte
do seu trabalho, a sua representação
mudou completamente. Houve uma
fragmentação e realinhamento que
quebra a sua iconicidade posicionando-os
na vulnerabilidade da narrativa popular.
À medida que ela avança profundamente
na compreensão e prática desta prática,
começa a compreender que dentro deste
idioma existe uma grande possibilidade
de ajustamento e experimentação
conceptual. Estas obras têm captado a
imaginação dos espectadores, no entanto
a artista quer mais... anseia encontrar
um equilíbrio entre tornar a sua prática
profundamente pessoal e universal... e a
consolidação das suas obras no diálogo
contemporâneo, aprofundando a sua
paixão pelo artesanato. O “Storytellers”
encontra-se à beira do precipício. Enraizado
mas ainda assim pronto a descolar.
the zone between art and craft that mark
the physicality of her works. The inspiration
behind these rolls has been earrings she
discovered where in Coke and Fanta cans
were cut and rolled. This dismembering
and creation of a new identity opened up
the possibilities for Dasgupta to assimilate
the Raghurajpur paintings into her work
yet masking them. Over the last two years
apart from the painters and performers of
Raghurajpur, other prominent personalities
have come in her work...almost as a
continuation of her earlier subject matter.
However even though sometimes these
popular mainstream icons enter her
work, their representation has completely
changed. There is a fragmentation and
realignment that happens that breaks their
iconicity and positions them within the
vulnerability of popular storytelling.
As she moves deeper into understanding
and practicing this direction in her
practice, she is also beginning to realize
that within this idiom there is a great
possibility of conceptual fine-tuning
and experimentation. These works have
captured the imagination of viewers, yet
the artist is looking for more...eager to talk
a tightrope between making her practice
more deeply personal, and universal....
to entrench her works deep into the
dialog of contemporary, yet go deeper
into her love for craft and the handmade.
The Storytellers is standing on the edge.
Rooted and yet ready to take off.
Story teller II
53,5x53,5 cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
53,5x53,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
53,5x53,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Strory teller II
53,5x53,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
61x61cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
51x51cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
34x35cm (LxA)
New media on board
Storry teller II
30x30cm (LxA)
New media on board
Strory teller II
30x30cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
42x29,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Strory teller II
42x29,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
42x29,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Strory teller II
42x29,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
42x29,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Strory teller II
61x61cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
30,5x30,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Strory teller II
30,5x30,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
30,5x30,5cm (LxA)
New media on board
Strory teller II
48x48cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
48x47cm (LxA)
New media on board
Strory teller II
53x46cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
??x??cm (LxA)
Story teller II - z
53x46cm (LxA)
New media on board
Story teller II
53x46cm (LxA)
New media on board
Vinita Dasgupta
Vinita Dasgupta
Nasceu a 30 de Abril de 1983
Bacharelato em Belas Artes - 2005
Mestrado em Belas Artes - 2008
Born 30th April 1983
Bachelors of Fine Arts - 2005
Master of Fine Arts - 2008
STORY TELLER: histórias contadas e recontadas,
India Feira de Arte organizada pela Galeria Art
Konsult, New Delhi, 2014
‘Story teller: stories told and retold’ at India art fair
organized by Gallery Art Konsult, New Delhi, 2014
BOLLYWOOD REVERIE: Devaneios rústicos de
Bollywood - na Galeria Art Konsult, New Delhi, 2011
BOLLYWOOD REVERIE: Devaneios rústicos de
Bollywood - Mumbai Art Fair apresentada pela
Galeria Art Konsult, 2011
Konsult & Metropolitan Hotel, New Delhi, 2010
Fashion and Attitude/Womanhood under Scanner
- na Open Palm Court, Habitat Centre, New Delhi,
BOLLYWOOD REVERIE: Rustic reveries of Bollywood
– at Gallery Art Konsult, New Delhi, 2011
BOLLYWOOD REVERIE: Rustic reveries of Bollywood
- at Mumbai Art Fair presented by Gallery Art
Konsult, 2011
Konsult & Metropolitan Hotel, New Delhi 2010
Fashion and Attitude/ Womanhood under
Scanner- at Open Palm court, Habitat Centre, New
Delhi, 2009
Participou numa exposição coletiva no Dubai Art
Fair representada pela Galeria Art Lounge Lisboa,
Participou numa exposição coletiva no Dubai
Art Fair representada pela Galeria Cross Borders,
Dubai, 2015
Participou numa exposição coletiva no Dubai Art
Fair representada pela Galeria Lexicon, Dubai, 2015
Participou numa exposição na Art & Deal Auction
organizada pela Galeria Art Konsult, India, 2015
Participou numa exposição coletiva no Dubai
Art Fair representada pela Galeria Cross Borders,
Dubai, 2014
Participou numa exposição coletiva ‘Tvak’ na
Allience Francis representada pela Galeria Shree
Arts, New Delhi, 2014
Participou numa exposição coletiva, India Art Fair
representada pela Galeria Art Lounge Lisboa, 2014
Participou numa exposição coletiva ‘Democracy:
possibilidades e impossibilidades’ curadoria de
Amit Mukhopadhaya na Galeria Art Konsult, New
Dehli, Lisboa, 2014
Participated in a group show at the Dubai Art Fair
represented by artlounge Gallery, Lisbon, 2015
Participated in a group show at the Dubai Art Fair
represented by Cross Borders Gallery, Dubai, 2015
Participated in a group show at the Dubai Art Fair
represented by Lexicon Gallery, Dubai, 2015
Participated in Art & Deal Auction organised by Art
Konsult Gallery, India, 2015
Participated in a group show at the Dubai Art Fair
represented by Cross Borders Gallery, Dubai, 2014
Participated in a group show ‘Tvak’ at the Alliance
Francis represented by GalleryShree Arts, New
Delhi 2014
Participated in a group show at the India Art Fair
represented by Gallery Art Lounge, New Delhi
Participated in group show ‘Democracy:
possibilities and impossibilities’ curated by Amit
Mukhopadhaya at Gallery Art Konsult, New Delhi,
Participated in a group show organized by The
Viewing room, Mumbai 2014
Participou numa exposição coletiva organizada
por Viewing Room, Mumbai, 2014
Participated in a group show at the India Art Fair
represented by Art Konsult Gallery, New Delhi
Participou numa exposição coletiva na India, Art
Fair representada pela Galeria Art Konsult, New
Dehli, Lisboa, 2013
Participated in group show ‘Unseen Places’
organised by gallery Apparao, New Delhi, 2014
Participou numa exposição coletiva ‘Unseen
Places’ organizada pela Galeria Apparo, New Dehli,
Lisboa, 2014
Participated at
Bangladesh, 2013
Participated in Art Bull Auction organized by Art
Bull in 2011 & 2012, New Delhi
Participou na Bienal de Bangladesh, Bangladesh,
Participou em Art Bull Auction organizada pela Art
Bull em 2011 e 2012, New Delhi
Participou em ASYAAF, na Internacional Art Fair
organizada pela Galeria LVS, realizada em Seoul,
Korea em Julho de 2012
Participou na prestigiada exposição coletiva com o
titulo ‘Within Reach’ organizada pela Galeria NVYA,
New Delhi, em Junho de 2012
Participou na India Art Fair, representada pela
Galeria Art Konsult, New Delhi, 2012
Participou na exposição coletiva ‘The dramatics of
diverse interpretations/perspectives’ na Galeria Art
Konsult, New Delhi, 2012
Participou na Exposição anual “Colours” organizada
pela Galeria Art Land, Mumbai, 2012
Participou na exposição de fotografia “New
Documents” curadoria de Rahul Bhattacharya na
Alliance Franchise, New Delhi, 2011
Participou no dez dias residência programa,
organizado pela Galeria Art Konsult em Puri, Orissa
Participou na exposição coletiva ´Museum
Collection II’ e Museum Collection III organizada
pela Galeria Art Konsult, New Delhi, 2011
Participated in ASYAAF, an International art fair
organized by LVS Gallery, held at Seoul, Korea July
Participated in prestigious group show titled
‘Within reach’ organized by gallery NVYA, New
Delhi, June 2012
Participated at the India Art Fair, represented by
gallery Art Konsult, New Delhi, 2012
Participated in group show ‘The dramatics of
diverse interpretations/perspectives’ at gallery Art
Konsult, New Delhi, 2012
Participated in the annual exhibition “Colours”
organized by gallery Artland, Mumbai 2012
Participated in photography show “New
Documents” curated by Rahul Bhattacharya at
Alliance Franchise, New Delhi 2011
Participated in ten days residency programme
organized by gallery Art Konsult in Puri, Orissa 2011
Participated in group show ‘Museum collection II’
& Museum collection III’ at gallery Art Konsult, New
Delhi 2011
Participated in group show organized by H-cube
gallery, Korea 2011
Participated in group show ‘Shifting points of view’
at Art:ifact gallery, London, 2011
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada por
Art Street 27 em Geneva, 2009
Participated at the WILLS FASHION WEEK, New
Delhi 2009.
Participou na exposição ‘Raising The Spirit Levels’
organizada pela Galeria Shiva, New Delhi, 2009
Participated in group show ‘COLORS’ organized by
gallery Artland, Mumbai 2009.
Participou na exposição “Colours of Live”
organizada pela Cancer Patients Aids Association,
Mumbai, 2009
Participated in group show ‘ART FOR SOCIAL
CAUSE’ organized by UNESCO, 2009
Participou na WillsFashion Week, New Delhi, 2009
Participou na exposição “Colours” organizada pela
Galeria ArtLand, Mumbai 2009
Participou na exposição coletiva “Art for Social
Cause” organizada pela Unesco, 2009
Participou na exposição “Project 19” organizada
pela NGO, New Delhi, 2009
Participou na exposição colectiva organizada pela
Galeria Pioneer Art em Galeria Visual Art, Habitat
Centre, New Delhi, 2008
Participou na exposição colectiva organizada pela
Galeria Creativity Art, New Delhi, 2007, 2008
Participou na exposição “Peace” em Art Junction
com curadoria de Naresh Kapuria, New Delhi, 2005
Participou na exposição coletiva “Hiroshima never
again” organizada pela Galeria Arpana, New Delhi,
Participated in exhibition ‘PROJECT 19’ organized
by an NGO, New Delhi 2009
Participated in a group show organized by Pioneer
Art Gallery in Visual Arts gallery, Habitat centre,
New Delhi, 2008
Participated in group show organized by Creativity
art gallery, New Delhi 2007, 2008
Participated in Exhibition “Peace” at Art Junction
curated by Naresh Kapuria, New Delhi, 2005
Participated in group show “Hiroshima-never
again” at Arpana gallery, New Delhi, 2005
Participated in an exhibition “Women and War”
organized by ICRC at Visual Art Gallery, India
Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 2005
Participated in group show organized by UNESCO,
2005, 2006, New Delhi
Participated in group show ‘Ganesha Online’ at
Gallery Positive, New Delhi, 2005
Participated in group show ‘Colours’ organized by
Artland gallery, Mumbai, 2011
Participou na exposição “Women and War ”
organizada pela ICRC na Galeria Visual Art, India
Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 2005
Participated in Group Exhibition ‘The Growth’
curated by Prof. KM Chaudhari at Lalit Kala
Academy, New Delhi 2002 & 2005
Participated in group show ‘Colours of life’ held at
Cymrosa Art gallery, Mumbai, 2011
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
Unesco, New Delhi, 2005,2006
Participated in India Art Fair represented by gallery
Art Konsult, New Delhi 2011
Participou na exposição “Colours” organizada pela
Galeria ArtLand, Mumbai, 2011
Participou na exposição coletiva “Ganesha Online”
organizada pela Galeria Positive, New Delhi, 2005
Participated in group show organized by
AGNIPATH, National Painting Competition, New
Delhi, 2005
Participated at the Singapore Art Fair represented
by gallery BLUE INDIGO, Singapore, 2010.
Participou na exposição “Colours of Life ”
organizada pela Galeria Cymrosa Art, Mumbai 2011
Participated in group show ‘UNTITTLED’ curated
by Farhad Hussain at gallery Art Konsult, New
Delhi 2010
Participou na exposição coletiva “The Growth” com
a curadoria do Prof. KM Chaudhari na Lalit Kala
Academy, New Delhi, 2002, 2005
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
Galeria H-Clube, Korea 2011
Participou na exposição coletiva “Shifting Points
of View” da Arte organizada pela Galeria Ifact,
London, 2011
Participou numa exposição coletiva na India Art
Fair representada pela Galeria Art Konsult, New
Dehli, Lisboa, 2011
Participou numa exposição coletiva em Singapore
Art Fair representada pela Galeria Blue Indigo,
Singapore, 2010
Participou na exposição coletiva ‘Untittled’
curadoria de Farhad Hussain na Galeria Art Konsult,
New Delhi, 2010
Participou na exposição coletiva “Gen Next-IV”
organizada pela Galeria AAKRITI ART, Kolkata, 2010
Participou na exposição “Whole” organizada pela
Galeria Blue Indigo, Singapore, 2010
Participou na exposição “Colours of Life ”
organizada pela Galeria Cymrosa Art, Mumbai
Participou na exposição “Drifters ” curadoria de
Rahul Bhattacharya na Galeria Art Konsult, New
Delhi e Galeria Beyond em Mumbai, 2010
Participated in group show ‘GEN NEXT-IV’
organised by AAKRITI ART Gallery, Kolkata 2010
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
AGNIPATH, National Painting Competition, New
Delhi, 2005
Participated in group show organized by Lease
Plan Fleet Management Group, New Delhi, 2004
Participated in group show organized by YMCA at
AIFACS, New Delhi, 2004
Participated in group show organized by Yuva
Mahotsava, Sahitya Kala Parishad, New Delhi, 2003
Participated in annual exhibitions organized by
College of Art Delhi, New Delhi 2002 to 2005
Participated in exhibition ‘WHOLE’ organized by
gallery BLUE INDIGO, Singapore, 2010
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
Lease Plan Fleet Management Group, New Delhi,
Participated in exhibition ‘COLOURS OF LIFE’
organized by Cymrosa art Gallery, Mumbai, 2010
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
YMCA na AIFACS, New Delhi, 2004
Participated in Summer Show organized by Lalit
Kala Academy, New Delhi 2006
Participated in exhibition ‘DRIFTERS’ curated by
Rahul Bhattacharya at Art Konsult gallery in New
Delhi and gallery Beyond in Mumbai, 2010
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada por
Yuva Mahotsava, Sahitya Kala Parishad, New Delhi,
Participated in group show organized
Dhoomimal Art Gallery, New Delhi 2006
Participated in a group show organized by Art
Street 27 at Geneva, 2009
Participou na exposição anual organizada pelo
College of Art Delhi, New Delhi, 2002 a 2005
Participated in exhibition ‘RAISING THE SPIRIT
LEVELS’ organized by gallery Shiva, New Delhi
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
Galeria Art Land no Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi, 2006
exhibition ‘COLORS
ASSOCIATION, Mumbai 2009
Participou na exposição Summer organizada por
Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi, 2006
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
Galeria Dhoomimal Art, New Delhi, 2006
Participated in group show organized by gallery
Art Land in Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi 2006
Participated in group show ‘Contemporary art of
india’ organized by Heritage School, Gurgaon, New
Delhi 2006
Participated in exhibition “30 minus” at Taj palace
hotel organized by De Montage Arts, New Delhi
Participated in group show ‘6oth milestone’ at
Travencore gallery, New Delhi 2007
Participou na exposição coletiva “Contemporary
Art of India” organizada pela Heritage School,
Gurgaon, New Delhi, 2006
Participou na exposição “30 minuts” no Taj Palace
Hotel organizada pela Montage Arts, New Delhi,
Participou na exposição coletiva “60 th milestone”
organizada pela Galeria Travencore, New Delhi,
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada por
Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi, 2007
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
Galeria Art Element, New Delhi, 2007
Participou na exposição coletiva organizada pela
Galeria Artoholix Art, New Delhi, 2008
Participated in group show organized by Lalit kala
academy, New Delhi, 2007
Participated in group show organized by Art
Element gallery, New Delhi, 2007
Participated in group show organized by Artoholix
art gallery in lodhi Hotel, New Delhi, 2008
“Story Teller: Stories Told & Retold”
Vinita Dasgupta
Galeria Art Lounge
Ricardo Tenreiro da Cruz
Sofia Cruz
Rahul Bhattacharya
Ricardo Tenreiro da Cruz
Salvador Esteves
Design Gráfico
Ana by Image Masters
Impressão e Acabamento
Image Masters
Galeria Art Lounge
Rua António Enes, 9c
1050-023 Lisboa, Portugal
T + 351 213 146 500
+ 351 917 250 181
[email protected]
2ª a 6ª das 9h30 às 19h30
Sábado das 12h às 17h

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