[email protected] ED - TILE


[email protected] ED - TILE
Office: 451 Phillips Hall
Phone: (319) 335-2988
Email: [email protected]
Higher Education
Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dissertation: “Whose Voice Is It Anyway?:
Literary Self-consciousness in Sterne, Machado, Lispector and Barth.” Fields of study:
Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature / British and American Literature. August 1990.
M.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Thesis: “A hora da estrela and the Tangible
Reality of Fiction.” Field of study: Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature. August 1986.
B.A. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil). Degree: Letters (English/Portuguese).
December 1983.
Professional and Academic Positions
Institution: University of Iowa
Home Department: Spanish and Portuguese
Areas of teaching: Luso-Brazilian culture, literature, and Portuguese language
Areas of research: Brazilian Literature and culture
Professor, July 2013 -- present
Associate Professor, August 2001– July 2013present
Assistant Professor, August 1998 – July 2001
Visiting Assistant Professor, August 1997 – July 1998
Affiliated Faculty, International Studies, 2003 – present
Member of the Steering Committee:
a) Latin America Studies Program, 1998 – present
b) Caribbean, Diaspora and Atlantic Studies, 2005 - present
Institution: University of Arizona, Tucson
Home Department: Spanish and Portuguese
Areas of teaching: Luso-Brazilian culture, literature, and Portuguese language
Areas of research: Brazilian Literature and culture
Assistant Professor of Portuguese, fall 1990 – spring 1997
Affiliated Faculty: a) Latin American Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
b) Comparative Culture and Literary Studies
c) Women’s Studies
Institution: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Romance Languages)
Graduate Teaching Assistant of Portuguese, fall 1984 – summer 1990
Barbosa 2
Administrative Experience
Interim Chair, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, U of Iowa (summer)
Interim Chair, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, U of Iowa (summer)
Congress Executive Officer, (APSA) American Portuguese Studies
Association, VIII International Congress, University of Iowa
Co-director, Latin-American Studies Program, University of Iowa
Coordenador, Portuguese Program, University of Iowa
Supervisor, Accelerated Beginning and Intermediate Portuguese language
courses, University of Iowa
Member of the Executive Committee, elected. BRASA (Brazilian Studies
Director, Study Abroad Program, Salvador, Bahia (summer)
President, elected. APSA (American Portuguese Studies Association)
Vice President, elected. APSA (American Portuguese Studies Association)
President of the Division of Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature,
elected. MLA (Modern Language Association)
Member of the Executive Committee, Division of Luso-Brazilian Language
and Literature, elected. MLA (Modern Language Association)
Grants, Honors and Awards
Spring 2013. $9,000. USAC (United Studies Abroad Consortium). Off-campus teaching
assignment, semester in Brazil, and to help set a new Study Abroad Program for Portuguese at
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florionópolis. Stipend transferred to the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to offset the costs of hiring someone to teach Portuguese
at Iowa.
October 2012. $2,000. Itamaraty (Ministry of Foreign Relations), Brasília / Consulate General
of Brazil in Chicago. Contribution to support the VIII International Conference of APSA at
the University of Iowa.
June-July 2001. $4,500. National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). “Women in Capoeira: A Brazilian Martial Art/Ritual.” Summer Stipend.
Spring 2013. $8,000. Office for Study Abroad (International Programs), the University of
Iowa. Off-campus teaching assignment, semester in Brazil and help set a new Study
Abroad Program for Portuguese at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC),
Florionópolis. Stipend transferred to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to offset the
costs of hiring someone to teach Portuguese at Iowa.
Barbosa 3
Fall 2012. $6,000. The University of Iowa. Perry A. Helen Bond Fund for Interdisciplinary
Interaction. Conference endowment from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Contribution to support the Eight International Conference of the American Portuguese
Studies Association, University of Iowa, October 4-6, 2012.
Fall 2012. $1,500. The University of Iowa. International Programs (LASP). Contribution to
support the VIII International Conference of APSA at the University of Iowa.
Fall 2012. $1,000. The University of Iowa. DWLLC and Spanish and Portuguese (seed
money). Contribution to support the VIII International Conference of APSA at the University
of Iowa.
Fall 2012. $600. The University of Iowa. Center for Asian and Pacific Studies. Contribution
to support the VIII International Conference of APSA at the University of Iowa.
Spring 2011 – summer 2010. $2,952. The University of Iowa. TILE (“Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage”) Institute. Develop new course. The University of Iowa. Grant funded by the
Office of the Executive Vice-President and Provost.
Summer 2010. $1,000. The University of Iowa. Travel Grant to Brazil to participate in the
10th International Congress of BRASA (Brazilian Studies Association). From the Office of
International Programs.
Fall 2009. Semester on research leave. The University of Iowa. Career Development Award
(“Literature at the Intersections of Language, Culture, and History”).
Summer 2009. $900. The University of Iowa. Travel Grant to Brazil to participate in the
XXVIII LASA International Congress. From the Office of International Programs.
Fall 2006. $4,000. The University of Iowa. From the Office of International Programs.
Curriculum Development Grant. “Writing Brazil in the U.S.” Spring 2006. $500. The University of Iowa. International Programs (Special Projects Fund)
to put together a cultural Event: “Dances of Brazil.” Fall 2003. Semester on research leave. The University of Iowa. Career Development Award
(“Afro-Brazilian Women: The Body Inscribed.”) August 2003. $1500. The University of Iowa. Book subvention. Award to publish Passo e
compasso: Nos ritmos do envelhecer. Office of the Vice-President for Research.
July 2003. Tuition + $1875. The University of Iowa / USAC (University Studies Abroad
Consortium). Award to study Spanish (Alicante, Spain). Office of Study Abroad Programs.
Barbosa 4
Fall 2003. $700. The University of Iowa. Travel Grant to Brazil to conduct research on Chica
da Silva, Pomba Gira and Afro-Brazilian writers. Funded by the Office of International
Programs, University of Iowa.
Fall 2002. $1500 for travel and one course release. The University of Iowa Award. Selected
to participate in the Seminar on “Sex, Economics, Politics: Sexuality as a Social
Phenomenon,” the First Obermann Center Interdisciplinary Research Semester. Summer 2000. $3,386. The University of Iowa. Old Gold Summer Fellowship, Project: Sign,
Symbols and Syncretism in Afro-Brazilian Discourses”). Funded by the Office of the
Summer 1996. $3,000. The University of Arizona. Travel to Brazil to do field research and
collect material about elders in Afro-Brazilian communities in Minas Gerais, Bahia and São
Paulo. Funded by the Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Arizona.
Summer 1991. $4,921. The University of Arizona Two-month summer travel to Brazil to do
research about Clarice Lispector. Funded by the Office of the Vice-President for Research.
August 1996. $600. The University of Arizona, 1996, Travel grant to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
to participate in the “Fifth Conference of the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature.” Funded by the Office of International Studies.
September 1993. $600. The University of Arizona. Travel grant to Hamburg, Germany to
participate in the “Fourth International Congress of Luso-Brazilianists. Funded by the Office
of International Studies.
November 17, 1995. $800. The University of Arizona. Award to support the honoraria for
“The Sounds of Brazil” and the “Barbea Williams Dance Company”. Funded by the Office of the Dean of Humanities, African American Studies and Latin American Studies.
July 1993. The University of Arizona. Teaching award: “Wakonse Teaching Fellow”: Camp Tontozona, June (retreat/ conference for selected fellows from the three Arizona campuses in
recognition of excellence in teaching). Funded by the Teaching Center.
Spring 1988. $1,500. University of North Carolina. Merit award for contributions to
Portuguese division. Awarded by the Department of Romance Languages.
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)
American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA)
Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (ABRALIC)
Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA)
Modern Language Association (MLA)/ Division: Luso-Brazilian
Barbosa 5
1. Peer Reviewed Publications
Books on Literature and/or Cultural Studies
Recitação da passagem: A obra poética de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira. [Rites of Passage:
EAP’s Poetry.] Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Mazza Edições, dezembro de 2009. 272 pp. Print. [An
analysis of the historical, cultural, and linguistic intersections of the African diaspora
in the literary production of this contemporary poet.]
Passo e compasso: Nos ritmos do envelhecer. [Steps and Tempo: The Rhythms of Growing Old.]
Contributing Editor. Porto Alegre, Brazil: EDIPUCRS (Editora da Pontifícia Universidade
Católica do Rio Grande do Sul), novembro de 2003. 317 pp. Print.
[Literary and cultural representations of age/aging in Brazil, Portugal, Angola and
Mozambique. It features eighteen contributors from academic circles of Brazil and the
United States.]
Clarice Lispector: Des/fiando as teias da paixão. Porto Alegre (Brasil): EDIPUCRS, outubro de
2001. 167 p. (Brazilian prose / Gender studies). Print. [A study of gender, race, class, and age.]
Translation of Clarice Lispector: Spinning the Webs of Passion.
Clarice Lispector: Spinning the Webs of Passion. New Orleans: U Press of the South, February
1996. 117 p. Print.
Book Chapters
(Forthcoming) “Performative Devices in Clarice Lispector’s Texts.” In: Performing Brazil. Ed.
Severino Albuquerque and Kathryn Sanchez. Madison: University of Wisconsin. 23 m.p.
(Brazilian literature).
“O mergulho na matéria da palavra’: Clarice Lispector e suas predecessoras brasileiras.” [“Diving into the Word’s Core: Clarice Lispector and Her Predecessors”]. IN: Clarice Lispector:
Novos Aportes Críticos. Org. Cristina Ferreira-Pinto-Bailey e Regina Zilberman. Pittsburgh:
Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2007, p. 165-81. (Brazilian literature /
Gender). Print.
“As personagens femininas de Erico Verissimo.” [Erico Verissimo’s Female Characters]. IN: Caderno de Pauta Simples: Erico Verissimo e a Crítica Literária. Maria da Glória Bordini, org.
Porto Alegre: Instituto Estadual do Livro, 2005. 301-33. (Brazilian Literature/Gender). Print.
“Corredores, labirintos e ritos de passagem para a idade avançada.” [Hallways, Labyrinths, and
Rites of Passage into Aging]. In: Barbosa, Passo e compasso, 2003, p. 65-74. Print.
“Ideologia e identidade na literatura brasileira.” [Ideology, Identity, and Aging in Brazilian
Literature]. In: Barbosa, Passo e compasso, 2003, p. 267-84. Print.
Barbosa 6
“Adélia Prado e Cora Coralina: A via láctea da palavra.” [Adélia Prado and Cora Coralina: The
Word’s Milky Way]. IN: Mulher e Literatura. Org. Constância Duarte, Eduardo de Assis e Kátia
da Costa Bezerra. Belo Horizonte: UFMG Ed., 2002. p. 99-107. (Poetry). Print.
“Dicionário de forquilhas: A poesia de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” [“A Dictionary of Forking Paths: Edimilson de Almeida Pereira’s Poetry”]. IN: Poéticas Afro-Brasileiras. Maria
Nazareth Fonseca and Maria do Carmo Lanna Figueiredo, orgs. Belo Horizonte: EDIPUCMG e
Mazza Editora, 2002. p. 159-90 (Afro-Brazilian poetry). Print.
“Exu: ‘verbo devoluto’.” [Eshu: The Mutant Sign]. IN: Brasil Afro-Brasileiro. Maria Nazareth
Fonseca, org. Belo Horizonte: Editora Autêntica, 2000. p. 153-171. (Afro-Brazilian
literature/culture). Print.
“Espaçamento como registro cultural na obra de Helena Parente Cunha.” [Spacing as a Cultural Register in Cunha’s Work]. IN: Entre resisitir e identificar-se: para uma teoria da prática da
narrativa brasileira de autoria feminina. Org. Peggy Sharpe. Florionópolis, Santa Catarina: Ed.
Mulheres e Goiânia: U Federal de Goiás, 1997. P. 139-153. (Brazilian literature / Gender). Print.
Articles on Literature and/or Cultural Studies
Forthcoming. “Ritos de passagem em contos de Lygia Fagundes Telles.” Dossiê em homenagem
aos 90 anos de Lygia Fagundes Telles. Interdisciplinar - Revista de Estudos de Língua e
Literatura (Universidade de Sergipe, Brasil), no. 18, setembro de 2013. Print.
Also available at:
“‘Dançar o nome com o braço na palavra berço’: A relação vida e obra poética de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” Revista Scripta (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais), v. 15, n.29
(dezembro 2012): p. 235-262. (Afro-Brazilian literature). Print.
“A representação da mulher nas cantigas de capoeira” [Representations of Women in Capoeira
Songs]. Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 19/20 (2011): 463-77.] Print.
Republished by invitation. Previously published in Revue Internationale d’Études Lusophones 1
(Université de Nantes, France, 2006): 137-52. (Afro-Brazilian culture/Gender studies). Print.
“As aves que aqui gorgeiam não gorgeiam como lá”?: As abordagens raciais no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos.” Afro-Hispanic Review 29.2 (2010): 237-50. (Comparative race analysis.) Print.
“Women Novelists in the Early Decades of Brazilian Modernism.” Chasqui: Revista de
Literatura Latinoamericana 37.1 (May 2008): 3-24. (Brazilian literature/Gender studies). Print.
“A mulher na capoeira.” [Women in Capoeira]. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 9
(2005): 9-28 (Afro-Brazilian culture/Gender). Print.
Barbosa 7
“Capoeira: A gramática do corpo e a dança das palavras.” [Capoeira: The Grammar of the Body
and the Dance of the Words]. Luso-Brazilian Review 42.1 (2005): 78-98. (Brazilian culture).
“Co-authored with Paul B. Dixon. “Olhos de Ressaca: As alusões literárias de Clarice Lispector a Machado de Assis.” [“Clarice Lispector’s Literary Allusions to Machado de Assis”]. Santa
Barbara Portuguese Studies 8 (2004): 47-64. Print.
“Gambitos narrativos e encruzilhadas de decifração: discursos de narradores idosos na literatura brasileira.” [Narrative Gambits and Deciphering Crossroads: Old Narrator’s Discourses in Brazilian Literature]. Hispania 85.3 (2002): 517-23. (Brazilian literature / age / language). Print.
“Strategies of Poetic Language in Afro-mineiro Discourses.” Luso-Brazilian Review, 37.1
(2000): 63-82. (Afro-Brazilian culture/literature). Print.
“Cento e oitenta graus na curva evolutiva das emoções: as personagens femininas de Fernanda
Botelho.” [The Female Characters in Fernanda Botelho’s Work”]. Boletim do Centro de Estudos
Portugueses 18-22 (1998): 249-272. (Portuguese Contemporary literature / Gender studies). Print.
“Chorar, verbo transitivo.” [“To Cry, a Transitive Verb”]. Cadernos Pagu: Trajetórias do
Gênero Masculinidades 11 (1998): 321-43. (Gender studies). Print.
“Adão Ventura e o (con)texto afro-brasileiro.” [Adão Ventura in the Afro-Brazilian Context].
Afro-Hispanic Review 16.2 (1997): 19-25. (Afro-Brazilian poetry). Print.
“O plissado plexo de Hilda Furacão.” [The Pleated Plexus of Hilda Furacão]. Boletim do Centro
de Estudos Portugueses 18.75-84 (1994): 107-16. (Gender). Print.
“Nivelamento em Morte e vida severina.” [Leveling in Morte e vida severina]. Hispania 76.1
(1993): 30-37. (Brazilian poetry). Print.
“Brás’s Delirium and G.H.’s Reverie: The Quest for the Origin of Time.” Luso-Brazilian Review
29.1 (1992): 19-27. (Brazilian novel). Print.
“Tristram’s and Memórias’ Parodic and Intertextual Play.” The Comparatist 16 (1992): 24-48.
(British and Brazilian novel). Print.
“Life as an Opera: Dom Casmurro and The Floating Opera.” Comparative Literature Studies
29.3 (1992): 223-37. (Brazilian and American novel). Print.
“A marginalização do corpo “fenecido” nos corredores da sensualidade.” [The Marginalization of
the “Withered” Body]. Limites: Selected Proceedings of the Conference of the Brazilian
Association of Comparative Literature. Vol. II (Niterói, Brazil (1992): 337-42. (Gender / Age
studies). Print.
Barbosa 8
“A hora da estrela and Um sopro de vida: Parodies of Narrative Power.” Chasqui: Revista de
Literatura Latino-americana 20.2 (1991): 116-21. (Gender Studies). Print.
“The Transgression of Literary and Ontological Boundaries According to Clarice Lispector.” Romance Languages Annual 2 (1990): 327-29. (Brazilian novel). Print.
“Machado, Barth e Lispector: em busca do texto subjacente.” [“Machado, Barth, and Lispector: in
Search of the Underlying Text”]. Selected Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Brazilian
Association of Comparative Literature (1990): 327-29. (Brazilian and American novel). Print.
“A hora da estrela and the Tangible Reality of Fiction.” Romance Languages Annual 1 (1989):
223-29. (Brazilian novel). Print.
Encyclopedia Entries on Literature and/or Cultural Studies
“Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” [Accepted in its current form in December 2012]. Dictionary of
Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Franklin W. Knight,
Editors in Chief. New York: Oxford University Press USA, 550 word. Forthcoming in 2013.
João da Cruz e Sousa.” [Accepted in its current form in December 2012]. Dictionary of
Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Franklin W. Knight,
Editors in Chief. New York: Oxford University Press USA, 1100 words. Forthcoming in 2013.
“Miriam Alves.” IN: Who is Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Ed. Jane Eldrige Miller.
London. New York: Routledge Press, 2001. p. 12. Print.
“Marina Colasanti.” IN: Who is Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Ed. Jane Eldrige Miller.
London. New York: Routledge Press, 2001. p. 68-69. Print.
“Helena Parente Cunha.” IN: Who is Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Ed. Jane Eldrige
Miller. London. New York: Routledge Press, 2001. p. 74-75. Print.
“Marilene Felinto.” IN: Who is Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Ed. Jane Eldrige Miller.
London. New York: Routledge Press, 2001. p. 80. Print.
“Carolina Maria De Jesus.” IN: Who is Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Ed. Jane Eldrige
Miller. London. New York: Routledge Press, 2001. p. 106. Print.
“Adélia Prado.” IN: Who is Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Ed. Jane Eldrige Miller.
London. New York: Routledge Press, 2001. p. 262. Print.
“Esmeralda Ribeiro.” IN: Who is Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing. Ed. Jane Eldrige
Miller. London. New York: Routledge Press, 2001. p. 273. Print.
Barbosa 9
“Lamartine Babo.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean Culture.
Ed. Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. p.
129-30. Print.
“Victor Brecheret.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean Culture.
Ed. Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. p.
129-30. Print.
“Humberto Castelo Branco.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean
Culture. Ed. Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge,
2000. p. 226.
“Forró.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean Culture. Ed. Daniel
Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. p. 590. Print.
“Antônio Carlos Jobim.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean
Culture. Ed. Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge,
2000. p. 796-97. Print.
“Lambada.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean Culture. Ed.
Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. p. 829.
“Milton Nascimento.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean
Culture. Ed. Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge,
2000. p. 888. Print.
“Macumba.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean Culture. Ed.
Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. p. 993.
“Monumento aos Bandeirantes.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and
Caribbean Culture. Ed. Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York:
Routledge, 2000. p. 1026. Print.
“Quilombhoje/Cadernos Negros.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and
Caribbean Culture. Ed. Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York:
Routledge, 2000. p. 1227. Print.
“Umbanda.” IN: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin-American and Caribbean Culture. Ed.
Daniel Balderston, Mike Gonzalez and Ana Lopez. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. p.
1505-06. Print.
“Clarice Lispector.” IN: Encyclopedia of the Novel. Ed. Paul E. Schellinger. Chicago: Fitzroy
Dearborn Publishers, 1998. Vol. I, p. 775-776. Print.
Barbosa 10
“Machado de Assis.” IN: Encyclopedia of the Novel. Ed. Paul E. Schellinger. Chicago: Fitzroy
Dearborn Publishers, 1998. Vol. II, p. 789-790. Print.
Critical Anthologies (Ensaios críticos e antologias)
“Esmeralda Ribeiro.” IN: Leitura e Afro-descendência no Brasil: Antologia Crítica:
Contemporaneidade. Ed. Eduardo de Assis Duarte. Vol. 3. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG,
2011, p. 277-291. Print. [4 vol. critical anthology; listed by O Globo as one of the 10 best books
published in Brazil in 2011.]http://oglobo.globo.com/cultura/os-melhores-livros-de-20113534627#ixzz 1iDA7yHea]
“Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” IN: Leitura e Afro-descendência no Brasil: Antologia Crítica:
Contemporaneidade. Ed. Eduardo de Assis Duarte. Vol. 3. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2011,
p. 399-417. Print.
“O corpo inscrito”/ [The Inscribed Body”]. Poemas inéditos. Authors: Andréia Lisboa de Sousa,
Conceição Evaristo, Cristiane Sobral, Esmeralda Ribeiro, Miriam Alves, Ruth de Souza Saleme,
Zula Gibi. Brasil/Brazil: Revista de Literatura Brasileira/A Journal of Brazilian Literature31
(2004): 72-92. Introduction; biographical information on the authors and 19 poems. (AfroBrazilian poetry). Print.
“De Caderno Qvase: Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” [Companion to the interview “`Com modos e truques de ouvir’”]. Poemas inéditos: ‘Plural das coisas’, ‘Lutiê Pedro de Jacó’, ‘Fiscal’, ‘Fortunas’, ‘Verde visto do alto’, ‘Partes não sofridas da carta de uma esposa’, ‘Matemática’, ‘Farmácia dicionário’, ‘Angústia voa como garça’”. Brasil / Brazil: Revista de Literatura
Brasileira / A Journal of Brazilian Literature 19 (1998): , p.75-82. (Afro-Brazilian poetry). Print.
Annotated Bibliographies
“Published Letters to and from Clarice Lispector”;; “Clarice Lispector Interviews Others”;; “Others Interview Clarice Lispector”;; “Biographical Statements (Depoimentos)”;; “Biographical Criticism”;; “Interviews with Others about Lispector and Her Work”;; “Autobiographical Statements”;; and other annotations throughout the book. IN: Clarice Lispector: A BioBibliography. Ed. Diane E. Marting. New York: Greenwood Press, 1993. P. 183-190; 199-209;
213, 214, 215, 219-229; 240, 243, 244, 246, 249, 250, 255, 262, 267, 268, and 281-284.
(Brazilian literature). Print.
“Critical Categories of Lispector’s Texts: An Annotated Bibliography (Periodicals and
Proceedings of Conference in Portuguese and English).” Revista Interamericana de
Bibliografía/American Review of Bibliography 43.3 (1993): 523-570. (Brazilian novel). Print.
Barbosa 11
“`Com modos e truques de ouvir’: Entrevista com Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” [“With Listening Gimmicks and Wiles: An Interview with Edimilson de Almeida Pereira”]. In: Brasil /
Brazil: Revista de Literatura Brasileira / A Journal of Brazilian Literature 19 (1998): 98-130.
(Brazilian Poetry). Print.
“Adélia Prado: Penso em sexo, morte, Deus e poesia. Todo santo dia.” [“Adélia Prado: I Think of Sex, Death, God and Poetry. Every Single Day”]. In: Brasil/Brazil: Revista de Literatura
Brasileira / A Journal of Brazilian Literature 9 (1993): 75-105. (Brazilian poetry / Gender
studies). Print.
Book Reviews on Literature and Cultural Studies (Invited by the Editors)
2013. Forthcoming [accepted in its current form]. Review of Between the Lines: Literary
Transnationalism and African-American Poetics by Monique-Adelle Callahan. Oxford and New
York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Luso-Brazilian Review. Print.
2011. Review of Ponciá Vicêncio by Conceição Evaristo. Tr. Paloma Martinez-Cruz. Austin,TX:
Host Publications, 2007. Review: Latin American Literature and Arts 83 (2011): 325-26. Print.
2010. Review of Colonialism and Race in Luso-Hispanic Literature by Jerome C. Branche.
Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press, 2006. 292 p. Luso-Brazilian Review
(University of Wisconsin) 47:1 (2010): 223-25. Print.
2010. Review of Central at the Margin: Five Brazilian Women Writers, by Renata Wasserman.
Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2007. 214 p. Brasil/Brazil: A Journal of Brazilian
Literature (Brown University) 40 (2010): 107-109. Print.
2009. Review of Landless Voices in Song and Poetry: The Movimento dos Sem Terra of Brazil.
Compiled and annotated by Else R. P. Vieira. Translated by Bernard McGuirk. Nottingham:
Critical, Cultural and Communications Press, 2007. lxix + 243 pp. Bulletin of Spanish Studies
(University of Glasgow, U.K.) LXXXVI (2009): 420-21. Print.
2008. Review of Being and Blackness in Latin America: Uprootedness and Improvisation by Fox,
Patricia D. Gainesville: Florida UP, 2006. 207 p. Luso-Brazilian Review 45:2 (2008): 214-16.
2006. Review of Talking Brazilian: A Brazilian Portuguese Pronunciation Workbook by Mário
A. Perini. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004. 160 p. The Modern Language
Journal (2006): 446-47. Print.
2005. Review of A Palavra Usurpada: Exílio e nomadismo na obra de Clarice Lispector by
Cláudia Nina. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2003. 182 p. Luso-Brazilian Review 41.2 (spring 2005):
193-94. Print.
Barbosa 12
2002. Review of The Collected Stories of Moacyr Scliar. Tr. by Eloah F. Giancomelli.
Albuquerque: University Press of New Mexico, 1999. 475 p. Review: Latin American Literature
and Arts 64 (Spring 2002): 87-88. Print.
2002. Review of Blessed Anastácia: Women, Race, and Popular Christianity in Brazil by John
Burdick. New York/London: Routledge, 1998. 246 p. Ellipsis 2 (2002): 110-14. Print.
2000. Review of Critical Acts: Latin American Women and Cultural Criticism, by Elizabeth
Marchant. 144 p. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1999. Revista Iberoamericana 192
(2000): 684-86. Print.
2000. Review of Brazilian Feminisms, by Solange Ribeiro de Oliveira and Judith Still, ed.
Nottingham, UK: University of Nottingham, 1999. 190 p. Revista Iberoamericana 193 (2000):
916-18. Print.
2000. Review of Urban Voices: Contemporary Short Stories from Brazil, by Cristina FerreiraPinto, ed. Lanham, New York, Oxford: University Press of America, 1999. 250 p. Revista
Iberoamericana 193 (2000): 905-907. Print.
1999. Review of Clarice Lispector: Uma vida que se conta, by Nádia Gotlib. São Paulo: Ática,
1995. 493 p. Ellipsis 1 (1999): 161-63. Print.
1998. Review of Seven Faces: Brazilian Poetry since Modernism, by Charles Perrone. Durham
and London: Duke U Press, 1996. 243 p. Luso-Brazilian Review 31.3 (1998): 88-89. Print.
4. Published Reviews of My Work
[See also “Addendum to Curriculum Vitae” for “Indexed Scholarship” which catalogues
scholarly works that quote, annotate, discuss, and/or list my work.]
Review of “‘O mergulho na matéria da palavra’: Clarice Lispector e suas predecessoras brasileiras,” published in Clarice Lispector: Novos Aportes Críticos. Org. Cristina Ferreira-PintoBailey e Regina Zilberman. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana,
2007, p. 165-81. Reviewed by Lúcia Villares in Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies
and Researchers on Spain, Portugal and Latin-America 86.3 (2009): 148-50.
Review of Passo e compasso: Nos ritmos do envelhecer. Porto Alegre, Brazil: EDIPUCRS, 2003.
317 p. Reviewed by Mary L. Daniel. Luso-Brazilian Review 41.1 (2004): 205-07.
Review of Clarice Lispector: Spinning the Webs of Passion. New Orleans: University Press of the
South, February 1996. 117 p. Reviewed by Susan Quinlan in Ellipsis: Journal of the American
Portuguese Studies Association 1 (1999): 165-68.
Review of Clarice Lispector: Mutações Faiscantes/Sparkling Mutations. Belo Horizonte, Brazil:
GAM Editora, 1997. Reviewed by Eliana Almeida Fonseca (“Uma vida feita de mutações faiscantes”) in O Tempo, Magazine Engenho e Arte, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Dez. 3, 1997, p. 5.
Barbosa 13
Selected Conference Presentations
Invited Presentation: Keynote Speaker/ Featured Speaker
April 18, 2013. Talk/Opening Ceremony: “Labirintos, Redemoinhos e Sorvedouros nos Contos de Lygia Fagundes Telles”. V Colóquio Nacional Mulher em Letras (Abril 18-20), Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
November 15, 2007. Talk: “Blue Highways of Brazilian Modernism.” Part of series of lectures honoring the historian Thomas Skidmore. Invited by Monica Ayala, organizer of the series of
events, Denison University, Granville, Ohio.
February 6-8, 2007. Talk: “Expressive Cultures of Brazil in the Context of the African Diaspora.” Invited by Toni King, Director of Center for Black Studies and Associate Professor of Women
Studies. Part of the program: “Crossing Diasporic Borders: African Cultural Influences in Dance,
Drumming and Ritual.” Denison University, Granville, Ohio.
June 5-7, 2005. Talk: “As Personagens Femininas de Érico Veríssimo.” International Seminar on Erico Verissimo. Teatro Bruno Kiefer/Casa de Cultura Mário Quintana. Invited by Maria da
Glória Bordini. Porto Alegre, Brazil. Sponsored by Copesul Cultural and Secretaria de Cultura do
Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. <www.copesulcultural.com.br.>
February 27, 2003. Talk: “From Mucamas to Mulatas: Race, Gender and Sexuality.” Grinnell College. Part of the series of events “Layers of Brazilian Art” (January 31-April 13). Invited by
Leslie Wright, Faulconer Gallery, Grinnell College, Iowa.
October 9, 2000. “Afro-Brazilian Religions.” Invited by Monica Ayala. Hispanic Heritage Month.
Denison University, Granville, Ohio.
October 10-12, 1997. Talk: Homenagem a Clarice Lispector” and “O sotaque estrangeiro de Clarice Lispector.” Invited by Paul Dixon. Purdue University Conference on Romance
Languages, Literatures & Film. Panel organized to commemorate Lispector’s 20th anniversary of
death. West Lafayette, Indiana.
Other Invited Presentation:
July 22-24, 2010. International Conference. Special Focus Session. Talk about and dialogue with
the author, Edimilson de Almeida Pereira. Décimo Congresso Internacional da Associação de
Estudos Brasileiros (BRASA).(Sessão Destaque # 12: “Um Ato de Espionagem”). Invited by
Peggy Sharpe, President of BRASA, Brasília, DF, Brazil.
October 14-16, 2009. Talk: “Performativity and Performance in Clarice Lispector’s Texts.” 1st
Conference of Brazilian Women Writers in New York. Invited by the Brazilian Endowment for
the Arts. New York Film Academy, and Brazilian Consulate in NY.
Barbosa 14
October 16-17, 1997. Talk: “A Thousand and One Thresholds of Ardors.” Symposium to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Clarice Lispector’s death. Invited by Cristina Pinto-Bailey.
U of Texas, Austin.
December 1, 1997. Talk: “Os labirintos do corpo e da palavra na obra de Clarice Lispector.” Round-table discussion. Invited by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and Fundação
Cultural Clóvis Salgado to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Clarice Lispector’s death. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
June 5, 1998. Talk: “Wounded Narratives: Brazilian Women Writers Between the Wars.” Symposium on Literature Written Between the Two Wars in Portugal and Brazil. Invited by Paulo
Medeiros. University of Utrecht, Netherlands.
February 27, 2003. Featured Speaker. “From Mucamas to Mulatas: Race, Gender and Sexuality.” Grinnell College. Part of the series of events “Layers of Brazilian Art” that took place from January 31-April 13, 2003. Invited by Leslie Wright, Faulconer Gallery, Grinnell College, Iowa.
March 21-22, 1996. Talk: “`Espaçamento’ como registro cultural na obra de Helena Parente Cunha.” Conference: “Resistência e Identidade na Narrativa Contemporânea de Escritoras Brasileiras.” Invited by Peggy Sharpe. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Dec. 27-30. 1993. Talk: Panel discussant in “Construction of National Identities: A Roundtable Discussion.” Invited by Ana Paula Ferreira. Modern Languages Association, Toronto. Invited Participation
March 25-27, 2010. International Conference. Participated in the discussions of the “Conferência Internacional sobre o Futuro da Língua Portuguesa no Sistema Mundial.” Invited by Ministério das Relações Exteriores (State Department). Brasília, DF, Brasil, Palácio do Itamaraty
Presentation in International Conferences
October 4-6, 2012. Paper: “Immodest Demands for a Different World: Representations of the Amazon in American fiction.” VIII Congress of the American Portuguese Studies Association,
the University of Iowa.
October 7-9, 2010. Paper: “The Pulpit Point-of View as a Dramatic Device in Clarice Lispector’s Texts.” 7th International Conference of the American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA).
Brown University, Providence.
Barbosa 15
June 11-14, 2009. Paper: “a Letra e a Voz: A Poesia de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” LASA (Latin America Studies Association), Theme: Rethinking Inequalities. Universidade Católica do
Rio de Janeiro.
27-29 March, 2008. Paper: “Cartografias do Desejo: O Rio de Janeiro e a Amazônia na Literatura Norte-Americana.” BRASA IX (Brazilian Studies Association). Tulane University, New Orleans,
Louisiana. Invitation to participated in the sessions “Intérpretes do Brasil I,” organized by Luiz
October 9-11, 2008. Paper: “Deslocamentos Culturais, Linguísticos e Sociais em Textos de Graciliano Ramos, Clarice Lispector e Marilene Felinto.” Sixth International Conference of the
American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA), Yale University.
October 13-16, 2006. Paper: “‘O Rio da Dúvida’: Roosevelt e a Política Racial Brasileira como Modelo de Integração Social para os Estados Unidos.” Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA),
Nashville, Vanderbilt University.
October 14-16, 2004. Paper: “Mucamas e Mulatas.” Fourth International Congress of the
American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA), University of Maryland, College Park.
June 9-12, 2004. Paper: “A Narrativa de Conceição Evaristo e Marilene Felinto.” VII Congresso Internacional da Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA), Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil.
October 26-30, 2003. Paper: “Nzinga e Sereia: A Mulher na Capoeira.” II Encontro de Literaturas
Africanas de Língua Portuguesa, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Nov. 7-9, 2002. Paper: “O Corpo Inscrito: Escritoras Afro-brasileiras.” APSA Third International
Congress (American Portuguese Studies Association), University of Massachussets, Amherst.
July 29- August 2, 2002. Paper: “A Poesia de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” AATSP (American
Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
July 23-26, 2002. Paper: “Atravessando Fronteiras Diaspóricas: Textos de Marilete Felinto, Toni Morrison e Conceção Evaristo.” VII Congresso da ABRALIC (Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada). Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
July 2-6 2002. Paper: “Globeleza e Outras “Mulatices.” XXIV Congresso (Literatura e Outras Artes na América Latina) do Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. U of Iowa,
Iowa City, Iowa.
22-24 August, 2001. Paper: “A Via Láctea da Palavra: Adélia Prado e Cora Coralina.” Round Table Discussion. IX Seminário Nacional Mulher e Literatura. Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Barbosa 16
October 19-21, 2000. Paper: “Pomba-Gira no Imaginário Popular e Religioso.” Second
International congress of the American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA). University of
July 25-28, 2000. Paper: “Capoeira: a dança das palavras na gramática do corpo.” 7th Congress of
the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature (ABRALIC), Universidade da Bahia,
Salvador, Brazil.
June 18-21, 2000. Paper: “Memória e linguagem: narradores velhos.” 5th International Congress
of the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA), Recife, Brazil.
August 8-13, 1999. Paper: “Exu, mensageiro da palavra.” 6th International Congress of the LusoBrazilian Association. University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
May 19-21, 1999. Paper: “Dislocating Culture, Displacing the Body and Spatializing the Self.” International Congress on Contemporary Lusophone Women Writers.” University of Utrecht, Netherlands.
March 26-28, 1998. Paper: “No rastro das cidadelas.” American Portuguese Studies Association
(APSA) First International Congress, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
Nov. 12-15. 1997. Paper: “Homem que é homem não chora.” [“Big Boys Don’t Cry”]. Panel:
“Masculinidades e a construção da virilidade.” BRASA (Brazilian Studies Association) Fourth
Congress. Washington D.C.
November 12-15, 1997. Paper: “Curriculum Innovations (About courses designed to include all the countries in the Portuguese-speaking world).” Workshop: Redesigning the Curriculum, Revitalizing the Classroom.” BRASA. Washington, D. C. July 30th–August 2nd, 1996. Paper: “De máscaras a tatuagens: língua e literatura em Moçambique.” Fifth International Conference of the Brazilian Association of Comparative
Literature (ABRALIC). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
September 6-11, 1993. Paper: “Velhas sagas e tristes cantos: filamentos gerontológicos na literatura brasileira.” Fourth International Congress of Luso-Brazilianists, the University of
Hamburg, Germany.
August 10-12, 1992. Paper: “A marginalização do corpo ‘fenecido’ nos corredores da sensualidade.” 3rd Congress of the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature (ABRALIC),
Niterói, Brazil.
Barbosa 17
August 8-10. 1990. Paper: “Machado, Barth and Lispector: em busca do texto subjacente.” Second Congress of Comparative Literature, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo
Horizonte, Brazil.
Presentation at National Conferences
March 29-April 1, 2012. Paper: “The Amazon’s Arresting and Catastrophic Lure.” ACLA [American Comparative Literature Association] 2012 Annual Conference: “Collapse/Catastrophe / Change.” Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
December 27-30, 2006. Paper: “Brazil’s Erotic and Exotic Cultural Decoy.” Modern Language Association (MLA), Philadelphia.
July 31-August 4, 2003. Paper: “A literatura de Conceição Evaristo.” AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). PANEL: “Brazilian Literature II: Poetry.” Chicago.
29 June-2 July, 2002. Paper: “A Poesia de Edimilson de Almeida Pereira.” AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
December 27-30, 1999. Paper: “Round Eyes/Sideways Glances: Literary and Cinematic
Representations of Immigrants in Brazil.” Modern Language Association (MLA), Chicago.
November 3-5, 1995. Paper: “Adélia Prado e Cora Coralina: a arte de (des)fiar o cotidiano.” South
Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, Georgia.
April 20-22. 1995. Paper: “The Manifold Standards of Aging.” 48thKentucky Foreign Language
Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
August 7-11, 1995. Paper: “Raça e raízes na poesia de Adão Ventura.” American Association of
Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese (AATSP), San Diego, California.
August 7-12th, 1994. Paper: “A escrita de Fernanda Botelho.” American Association of Teachers
of Spanish and Portugese, Philadelphia.
March 26-28, 1993. Paper: “A Poética e política do espaço no romance brasileiro.” 24th Annual
Convention of the Northeast Modern Languages Association (NEMLA). Philadelphia.
October 3-5, 1991. Paper: “Whose Voice Is It Anyway?: Clarice Lispector’s Parodies of Narrative Power.” Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature. The University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
23-25th April, 1991. Paper: “Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas: Disavowing a Vantage Point.” Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, Lexington.
Barbosa 18
Fall 2002- Fall 2012
New = designed and introduced the course in the Portuguese curriculum
Maximum score: 6:00
# of
38:112 -- Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature: Brazilian
Short Story - New
38:119 – Topics in Language: Speaking
F 2012
Students’ Evaluation
38:119 – Topics in Language: Speaking -- New
S 2012
F 2011
38:120 – Topics in Culture: Crossing Cultural Borders:
Africa, Brazil, and Portugal /Substantially revamped
38:103 – Composition and conversation:
Cinema for Portuguese Conversation
38:115 – Writing Brazil in the US (in English)
Revamped to include a module on Afro-Brazilian studies.
Previously taught in 2007
38:106 – TILE course -- Brazilian Literature since 1900
(Technology: Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage) New
38:101 – Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
38:103 – Composition and conversation:
“Cinema for Portuguese Conversation” 38:020 – Brazilian Literature Translation (in English)
38:120 – Topics: Culture: Contemporary Brazilian Society
38:101 – Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
S 2011
F 2010
S 2010
F 2009
On leave: Career Development Award
S 2009
38:103 – Composition and conversation: “Cinema for New
Portuguese Conversation” 38: 101– Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
F 2008
38:106 – Brazilian Literature since 1900
38:115 – Writing Brazil in the United States
S 2008
38:101 – Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
F 2007
38:020 – Brazilian Narrative in Translation (in English)
38:115 – Writing Brazil in the US (in English)New
38:120 – Topics in Luso-Brazilian Culture: Crossing
Historical Borders - Revamped. Previously taught in 2003
38: 101– Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
38:104 – Introduction to Literary Analysis
38:020 – Brazilian Narrative in Translation (in English)
38:103 – Composition and Conversation: “Brazil in the News”
130:176– LASP Seminar: Gender, Race, Religion and
S 2007
F 2006
S 2006
Barbosa 19
F 2005
S 2005
F 2004
S 2004
F 2003
Popular Culture in Brazil (in English)
38:101 – Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
38:020 – Brazilian Narrative in Translation (in English)
38:103 – Composition and Conversation: “Brazil in the News”
38:101 – Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
38:020 – Brazilian Narrative in Translation (in English)
38:106 – Brazilian Literature II (1900-present)
38:10 –Composition/Conversation: “Brazil in the News” New
130:176– LASP Seminar: Expressive Cultures of Brazil
Co-taught with Laura Graham (Anthropology)
38:114 – Culture and Civilization (in English)
38:102 – Portuguese for Spanish Speakers New
Career Development Award
38:120 – Cross-Cultural Studies: Africa / Brasil/ Portugal New
Taught 2 independent studies (3 students each) and 3 courses in the spring of 2004.
F 2002
38:104 – Introduction to Literary Analysis
Obermann Center. Awarded a course release and travel stipend. Participate in the
“First Interdisciplinary Seminar” (Literature, Sociology, History, Gender, and Cultural Studies)
Students Supervised
A. Graduate Students
with. Mário
USP (U of PH.D. Dissertation (research):
F 2013
Moreira e São Paulo)
“Estética da Lapassiada: Escolhas S 2014
Poéticas e Críticas na Obra de Edimilson
In progress
de Almeida Pereira.”
Received a seven-month scholarship
from CAPES (Federal Agency for
Support and Evaluation of Graduate
Education) to conduct research and
write on the poet Edimilson de
Almeida Pereira, at the University of
Iowa, under Barbosa’s supervision Mentor
Alia Gant Internationa
Assisted the student in applying for F 2012 Completed
grants and conducting research abroad. S 2013
She received the following grants and Su ‘13
Stanley Grant - University of Iowa,
for Lisbon and Aveiro Portugal,
Research Grant, Title: Economic
Barbosa 20
with Eileen
with Russell
Crisis in the European Union:
Comparing Portugal's Economic
Decisions from Colonial Past to
Contemporary Times”
Merit Award Grant - University of
Iowa, for study abroad to Lisbon,
June 9 - July 7, 2013
Need-Based Study Abroad Grant University of Iowa, Lisbon Portugal,
for study abroad to Lisbon, June 9 July 7, 2013
Graduate Student , University of
Iowa, Senate Supplemental Travel
Award for Research
Scholarship Award for Summer
2013 in Portugal - University of
Massachusetts at Dartmouth, Lisbon
Portugal, to study abroad
Ph.D. Dissertation:
“Narratives of the Rainforest: At the Inter-section of Nation, Region, and
a) Seashore/Ballard Fellowship
b) Anne Cleary International
Dissertation Research Fellowship
M.F.A. Thesis: “Lost in Rio: A Su
Translation of
Short Stories by Sônia Coutinho”
B. Undergraduate Students, B.A.
Honors, Research Practicum, Teaching Practicum, and Senior Projects
Work / Project/ Department
Senior Project: European Origins of Brazilian Carnival
Major: International Studies / Minor: Portuguese
Honors Teaching Practicum:
Course: 38:119: Topics in Language (Speaking)
Major: Portuguese
Barbosa 21
Honors Research Thesis:
From the Streets of Rio to the Living-rooms of America: The
Exportation of Vale Tudo
Major: International Studies / Minor: Portuguese
Honors Research Practicum:
F 2011
The History of Brazilian Ethanol Production
Major: Political Science / Minor: Portuguese
Senior Project: The Political Development of Favelas in F 2010
Rio de Janeiro: 1940’s to Present
Major: International Studies / Minor: Portuguese
Research Practicum (ICRU)
Major: International Studies / Minor: Portuguese
Senior Project:
S 2009
Three Case Studies of Cultural Tourism in Bahia/Brazil:
Capoeira, Festa do Bonfim, and Festa de Yemanjá
Major: International Studies / Minor: Portuguese
Senior Project: The Dutch in Brazil
S 2007
Major: International Studies / Minor: Portuguese
Senior Project:
Baroque Architecture in Salvador, Brazil
Major: IS / Minor: PORT
Honors Thesis: Os Caboclos do Candomblé
Major: Portuguese
Research Practicum (ICRU)
Major: Portuguese
Honors Teaching Practicum:
Course: 38:103: Composition and Conversation
Major: Major: International
Honors Teaching Practicum:
Course: 38:103: Composition and Conversation
Major: Portuguese
Honors Thesis:
A Obra Poética e Musical de Vinicius de Moraes e sua
Contribuição à Música Popular Brasileira
Major: Portuguese
S 2007 Completed
S 2003 Completed
S 2001 Completed
S 2000 Completed
F 1998 Defended
Other Contribution to Teaching
A. Study Abroad / Courses taught
Semestre and Year
Spring 2013
Course Title
“Expressive Cultures of Brazil”
Spring 2013
“Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese”
UFSC/ USAC -- Florianopolis, Santa
Catarina, Brazil
UFSC/ USAC -- Florianopolis, Santa
Catarina, Brazil
Barbosa 22
Summer 2004
“Brazilian Literature and Film”
ACBEU -- Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Summer 2005
“Afro-Brazilian Culture”
ACBEU -- Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Independent Studies (graduate and undergraduate students)
To help students complete their majors/minors on time, or prepare for comprehensive exams.
3 credits each.
Allyson Popp
Mariela Alvarez
Josuah Mitchell
Hannah Douglas and
Jared Hendrickson
Theresa Schmidt
Colin Richardson
M. Mercedes Ortiz
Sheree Henlon
Course Number and Title
All courses taught in Portuguese
38:179:021: Special Work: From Portugal to Brazil: The
Development of Brazilian Carnaval
38:179:021: Special Work
Short Stories of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries
38:179:021: Special Work
Translation Project
38:179:021: Special Work: Brazilian Literature: from
Machado de Assis to the Present
38:179:021: Special Work
Introduction to Narrative Analysis
38:179:021: Special Work (two courses)
a) Brazilian Literature II (1900- present)
b) Brazilian Literature I (1500-1900)
38:279:021: Special Work (GR)
Brazilian Literature: 19th and 20th Century
38:279:021: Special Work (GR)
Afro-Brazilian Literature
F 2011
F 2010
F 2008
S 2007
F 2004
S 2004
S 2003
S 2003
Guest Instructor – Other Units at the University of Iowa
Su 2012
Academic Unit: Theater Arts
June 5-8, lecture on June 6, 2012, 10:45am – 12:15pm
Class on:
Gender, Race, and Carnival in Brazil
Theater for Social Outreach: Carnaval Arts Worshop
Invited by:
Loyce Arthur
F 2012
Academic Unit:
Division of Performing Arts, Dance Department
S 2011
Number and Title: 137:157: SCA: Brazilian Carnival, Music and Dance
Lecture/Discussion: From Mucamas to Mulatas: Brazilian Women in Carnaval
S 2010
Invited by:
Armando Duarte
S 2008
Barbosa 23
S 2011
S 2010
Academic Unit:
Henry B. Tippie School of Management
Second Year Executive MBA Programs
6N:235:900: Seminar in International Business
Two days per semester (Saturday, 8:30 am-12:00)
Invited by:
John Fraser
Goals: Overview of Brazilian expressive cultures, history, geography, some language
training background. Group traveling to Brazil to visit in companies as part of
their international experience for the completion of their degree.
Participation in Graduate Committees
Academic Unit
Spanish and Portuguese
Dewi Heru
International Studies
Kimberly Tranel
Su 2012 Defended
Samantha Joyce
S 2010
Spanish and Portuguese
Alfredo Duplat
F 2009
Spanish and Portuguese
Jaime Orego
F 2008
Spanish and Portuguese
Sheree Henlon
S 2007
Spanish and Portuguese
Mamadou Badiane
S 2007
Art and Art History
Kimberly Cleverland S 2007
School of Education
William Medina
S 2004
Division of Performing Arts Irna Priori
S 2004
Division of Performing Arts Daniel Afonso
Su 2003 Defended
Spanish and Portuguese
Sheree Henlon
F 2003
Spanish and Portuguese
María M. Ortiz
F 2003
Spanish and Portuguese
Jaime Cruz-Ortiz
S 2003
Division of Performing Arts Matthew Faerber
Su 2001 Defended
Division of Performing Arts Sérgio Barrenechea
S 2000
Barbosa 24
Course Supervisor
Responsibilities include: conducting meetings, supervising written exams, quizzes, syllabi,
visiting classes, offering instructional guidance, supervising the conversational hour, selecting and
ordering books, writing course descriptions, and solving problems.
Course Number and Title
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
38:101: Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese (2 sessions)
38:101: Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
S 2011
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
S 2010
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
S 2009
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
S 2008
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
S 2007
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
S 2006
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
S 2005
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
F 2005
38:101: Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
S 2004
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
38:101: Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
38:101: Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
F 2002
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
S 2002
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
F 2001
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
S 2012
38:102: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers
F 2011
S 2003
Barbosa 25
S 1999
F 1999
S 1998
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
38:101: Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
38:100: Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
38:100: Accelerated Beginning Portuguese
38:100: Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese
Professional Improvement for Teaching and/or Research, UI
Su 2010S 2011
First TILE (“Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage”) Institute which provided support and training for faculty to implement TILE-based teaching strategies into their courses. June
2011(workshop led by Robert Beichner, North Carolina State University). Fall 2010
(monthly meetings to access progress). Organized by The Center for Teaching and ITSInstructional Services. Funded by the Office of the Executive Vice-President and Provost.
June 5,
Grant Writing Seminar: “Write Winning Grants.” Presented by David Morrison. Richey
Ballroom, 376 IMU (8:00 am-3:00 pm)
LASP group discussion. Part of the NRC grant. Topic: “Public Intellectuals in Latin America.” Faculty members affiliated with Latin American Studies Program, met for discussions of selective readings and with guest speakers every two weeks.
1. To the Profession
Office in Professional Organizations
BRASA: Brazilian Studies Association <www.brasa.org/>
Elected Member of the Executive Committee (Fall 2006-Fall 2010)
Chair of the Interdisciplinary Committee, Brazil Initiative Studies [BIS], (2007, 2008, 2009)
[Scholarship for graduates and undergraduates to conduct research/study language in Brazil]
Member, Interdisciplinary Committee: “Nominating Committee” [Selecting new positions for officers and members of the Executive Committee], (2007-2008)
Barbosa 26
APSA: American Portuguese Studies Association <http://www.portuguese-apsa.com/>
Member: Nominating Committee (fall 2010)
Elected President (2003-2005)
Elected Vice President (2000-2002)
Elected Member of the Executive Committee (1998-2000)
MLA: Modern Language Association <www.mla.org/>
(Division: Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature)
Elected President of the Division (2000-2001)
Elected Member of the Executive Committee (1997-2000)
Advisory Board
2007-present. Travessia: Revista de literatura. U Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil.
2007-present. Ângulo: Revista de literatura e cultura. Lorena, São Paulo, Brazil.
2006-present. CENSIVE: Revue internationale d’études lusophones, Nantes, France.
2006-present. Hispanic Journal, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA.
2000-present. Ellipsis: Journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association, USA.
Specialist Reader
Evaluator of Book Manuscripts
July 2006.
Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures (PSRL)
March 2005.
Editora Mulheres (Florionópolis, Brasil)
October 2004.
Wayne State University Press
March 2002.
Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures (PSRL)
September 1998. Africa World Press.
Evaluator of Articles for Peer-reviewed Journals
June 2009.
Hispanic Journal, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
September 2007.
Luso-Brazilian Review, University of Wisconsin-Madison
November 2004.
Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana
Summer 2004.
Luso-Brazilian Review, University of Wisconsin-Madison
August 2003.
GENRE, University of Oklahoma
August 2003.
Luso-Brazilian Review, , University of Wisconsin-Madison
December 2002.
GENRE, University of Oklahoma
December 2002.
Luso-Brazilian Review, University of Wisconsin-Madison
September 2002.
Modern Language Association of America (MLA)
September 2002.
Luso-Brazilian Review, University of Wisconsin-Madison
February 2002.
Luso-Brazilian Review, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Spring 1999.
Luso-Brazilian Review, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Fall of 1998.
Countours, Duke University
Summer 1998.
The Comparatist, University of South Carolina
Barbosa 27
Fall 2009 and fall 2008. Two rounds of national competition (37 and 47 candidates). BRASA
BIS (Brazilian Initiative Scholarship) for graduates and undergraduates to conduct
research/study language in Brazil.
Conference and Symposium Organizer
Fall 2011- fall 2012: International scope: campus liaison. Coordinating, delegating, applying
for grants, advertising, and working with the Center for Conference and Printing Services at
the University of Iowa to organize all the logistics aspects of hosting APSA’s Eight International Conference, October 4-6, 2012.
(156 + participants and 25 attendees from Brazil, Portugal, England, Netherlands, the United
States, and Canada.)
See also “Grants” and “Awards” I received to help defray the costs of the conference
(total of $11,100)
Fall 2010: International scope: Prepared and presented proposal (after consultation with the
Chair of the Department) for the University of Iowa to host the 8th International Conference of
the American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA) in the fall of 2012 to promote Iowa
City as “UNESCO’s city of literature.” Proposal accepted by the organization. October 14-16, 2004. International scope: member of the organizing committee: APSA
(American Portuguese Studies Association) Fourth International Congress, University of
Maryland. Major contributions: contacted and invited guest speakers and key note speakers,
and co-organized all sessions of Brazilian literature and culture. (105 participants from Brazil,
England, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and the United States.)
November 7-9, 2002. International scope: General Organizer: APSA (American Portuguese
Studies Association) which took place at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. (101
participants from Brazil, England, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and the
United States.)
July 2-6, 2002. International Scope: Member of the organizing committee: “Literatura e Otras Artes en América Latina,” XXXIV Congreso del Intituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, University of Iowa, Iowa City. Also in charge of translating from Spanish
and English into Portuguese all information to be sent to the members about the conference.
Conference Panels (Organized and Chaired)
Fall 2011. For APSA Eight International Conference, University of Iowa (October 2012).
a) “Homecoming Session.” b) “Literature and Other Arts.” November 7-9, 2004. Conference: APSA (American Portuguese Studies Association),
organized ten sessions on Brazilian literature with Regina Zilberman; chaired one session.
July 31-August 4, 2003. Conference: AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish
and Portuguese). Chaired PANEL: “Brazilian Literature II: Poetry.” Chicago.
Barbosa 28
November 7-9, 2002. Conference: APSA (American Portuguese Studies Association). Two
sessions on Afro-Brazilian Literature, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
July 29th-August 2, 2002. Conference: AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish
and Portuguese). Two panels: “Brazilian Literature III: Literatura e Cultura Afro-Brasileira.” Panels I and II. Rio de Janeiro.
December 27, 2000. Convention: Modern Language Association (MLA). “Body and Violence.” Washington D. C.
June 18-21, 2000. Conference: Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA). Two sessions:
“Literatura, Etnia e Identidades” (Afro-Brazilian Literature and Culture);;“Leitura: produção de impressos e recepção de obras.” Fifth International Congress. Recife, Brazil.
October 19-21, 2000. Conference: American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA). Three
sessions: “Reconfigurações e Imagens Afro-Brasileiras”;; “Vozes de Escritoras AfroBrasileiras”;; “Roda de Poesia Afro-Brasileira.” 2nd International Congress. Madison,
March 28-30, 1998. Conference: American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA). Two
sessions: “Edimilson de Almeida Pereira: Poetry Reading and Discussion” by/with the poet himself” and “Edimilson de Almeida Pereira: redimensionando o discurso poético afrobrasileiro.” First International Congress. Yale University.
Dec. 27-30, 1995. Convention: Modern Languages Association (MLA). “Double Binds and Blind Spots: Age, Race, and Class Issues in Luso-Brazilian Literature,” Chicago. August 7-11, 1995. Conference: American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
(AATSP). “Vozes Afro-Brasileiras II,” San Diego.
48th April 2-22, 1995. Conference: Kentucky Foreign Languages. Two sessions: “Portrayals of Aging in Luso-Brazilian Literature I and II.
August 7-11, 1995. Conference: American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
(AATSP). “Vozes Afro-Brasileiras I,” San Diego. Service to the University of Iowa at large
F 2011- F2012. Latin American Studies Program, International Programs. Responsibilities
include: selecting speakers, issuing invitations, advertising events, organizing and
coordinating lectures, workshops, and other events, overseeing LASP’s budget, conducting meeting, and submitting reports.
Faculty Assembly
2011- 2014. Elected, at-large representative in the College of liberal Arts and Sciences
Faculty Assembly. (2011- 2012. Member, Diversity Committee)
Barbosa 29
2007- 2008.
2006 - 2004.
Fall 2001.
Member. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Scholarship Committee.
Member. International Programs Curriculum Development Award.
Member. International Programs, Travel Grant.
Member. University Libraries.
Member. Fulbright-Hayes, International Programs (two panels).
Member. Foreign Language Task, Office of the Provost.
Study Abroad in Brazil, International Programs
A. Florionópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Summer 2012: Academic Consultant for USAC (United Studies Abroad Consortium) of
which the University of Iowa is a member. Preparing the syllabi for all levels of the
Portuguese language instruction for USAC forthcoming program in Brazil.
B. Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Site evaluator:
S 2011 (March 26 - April 1). Meetings with OSA staff and travelling to Brazil to evaluate the
university site (FAE) to establish a semester abroad.
S 2011. (May 17 - 22). Established contacts in FAE and analyzed sites for possible internship
during the semester abroad program for the (IIB) Institute for International Business’ International Perspectives Program (IPP).
C. Summer Program: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Consultant (to the Office for Study Abroad)
Su 2007: coach the new director, provide materials for pre-departure and on-site orientation,
syllabi, language evaluations, placement tests, and advise on the structural part of the program.
Program Director
June 26-August 6, 2006. Participants: 18 students.
June 27-August 8, 2005. Participants: 17 students.
June 29-August 11, 2004. Pilot Program. Participants: 7 students.
Program Initiator
2003: chose locations, visited the site, wrote proposal, the contents of the web site, brochures,
and other advertising texts; prepared all pre-departure and on-site orientation materials; wrote
syllabi, language placement tests, other evaluations, and all other academic components of the
program; made all necessary contacts in Brazil to implement the program.
Undergraduate Advisor (outside home department)
S 2009-2012. International Perspectives Program (IPP), within the Institute for International
Business in the Tippie College of Business (for Portuguese/Business majors).
Barbosa 30
Cultural Liaison and/or Translator
June 23-June 29. Travelled with Associate Provost, Downing Thomas, to the following
universities in Brazil: CEFET (Minas Gerais), UFMG (Minas Gerais), PUC-Campinas (São
Paulo), UNICAMP (São Paulo), UFSC (Santa Catarina). Objectives: visit universities that
expressed interest in developing a relationship; to identify opportunities for UI students and
faculty in all fields; and to promote our availability for the Brazilian student mobility
May 16-26, 2012. Invited by the University of Iowa International Writing Program and the
US Department of State. Travel with American writers Alison Deming, Cornelius Eady, Alan
Heathcock, and Christopher Merrill to Fortaleza, Brasília, and São Paulo during their “Brazil Reading Tour.” May 29, 2012. For Office of Admissions. Welcome page (in Portuguese) about the University
of Iowa for the Brazilian students who are participating in the Program “Science without Borders/Ciência sem Fronteiras.” Requested by Rebecca Hanson, on behalf of International Outreach and Recruitment, the University of Iowa.
Organizer: Cultural Events, Lectures, and Workshops
Spring 2012: Charles A. Hale Memorial Lecture in Latin American Studies. (For LASP and
the Department of History). Speaker: Barbara S. Weinstein, New York University.
1) April 26: Lecture: “Race, Gender, and Brazilian Regional Conflict: The War of São Paulo, 1932.” UCC 1117, 3:30-5:30 pm.
2) April 27: Workshop for LASP and History graduate students and faculty members.
Talk/discussion: “The Color of Modernity: São Paulo and the Making of Race and Gender in Brazil.” Phillips Hall, 12:00-1:30pm.
Spring (March 28) 2012: Workshop for LASP graduate students and faculty members.
Speaker: Horacio Castellano. Talk/Discussion: “Centroamérica: ¿Retorno del Autoritarismo?” Phillips Hall, 12:00-1:30pm.
Fall 2010. (Co-organizer with Ana Merino). Reading/discussion. October 26, 2010. Amílcar
Bettega (IWP Brazilian fiction writer and translator). 315 Phillips Hall. 5;30-7:00 pm.
Spring 2006. Public lecture and class discussion: Diana Brown, Bard College, "Between
Black and White: Umbanda, Candomblé and Brazilian Hybridity," April 6, E205 AJB, 3:004:00 pm, sponsored by Latin American Studies Program.
Spring 2006: Public lecture and class discussion: Floyd Merrell, Purdue University,
“Conformity and Resistance in Brazilian Capoeira and Candomblé,” April 18, E205AJB, 3:00-4:00 pm, sponsored by Latin American Studies Program.
Spring 2006: Public lecture and class discussion: Kenneth P. Serbin, UC San Diego, "Needs
of the Heart: A Social and Cultural History of Brazil's Clergy and Seminaries,” April 27, E205 AJB, 3:00-4:00 pm, sponsored by Latin American Studies Program.
Barbosa 31
Spring 2006: Cultural Event and mini-workshop: Performance, Gingarte Capoeira Group
“Dances of Brazil,” April 29, Old Brick, 4:00-6:00 pm. Sponsors: Latin American Studies
Program and International Programs (Special Funds Project).
Spring 2004. Lecture: “Indian Encounters: Cross-Cultural Referencing in the Bahian
Carnival,” by Barbara Browning (NYU). McBide Hall, April 30, 2004. (Co-organizer with
Laura Graham -- LASP Seminar.)
Spring 2004. Events: Brazilian popular music. Groups “Handphibians and Avenida Brasil. Old Brick, May 1, 2003. (Co-organizer with Laura Graham -- LASP Seminar.)
Spring 2003. A slide lecture: José Neistein. (Executive Director of the Brazilian-American
Cultural Institute, Washington D.C.). “Roots of Modern Art in Brazil: 1913-1962.” Phillips Hall, April 5. Sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
Spring 2001. Lecture/Recital: Maria Teresa (Brazilian performer): “Brazilian Music: Influences and Characteristics.” Harper Hall, February 28. Sponsored by the Department of
Spanish and Portuguese and the School of Music.
Fall 1998. Lectures: Ivete Walty (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brazil) :
“Vozes Indígenas nas Sociedades Latino-Americanas” and Maria Nazareth Fonseca
(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil) --“O Olhar Estrangeiro sobre o Negro do Brasil,” Phillips Hall, September 28. Sponsored by the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese.
Service to the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Officer (Spanish and Portuguese)
Summer 2012. Chair. 6 weeks
Fall 2007. Honors Advisor
Coordinator (Portuguese)
Spring and Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Spring 2004, and half a semester in Spring 2001:
Faculty responsible for overseeing all academic matters regarding the Portuguese Program.
Committees (Spanish)
2011. Financial Aid (spring).
2006. Fifth-Year Review, Eileen Willingham (spring).
2004. Academic and Cultural Activities (Monthly Colloquium).
2003. a) Financial Aid Committee (spring).
b) Academic and Cultural Activities (Monthly Colloquium).
2002. a) Post-tenure Review, Mercedes Niño-Murcia.
b) Academic and Cultural Activities (Monthly Colloquium).
2001. a) Financial Aid (spring).
Barbosa 32
b) Academic and Cultural Activities (Monthly Colloquium).
2000. Academic and Cultural Activities (Monthly Colloquium).
1999. Academic and Cultural Activities (Monthly Colloquium).
1998. Academic and Cultural Activities (Monthly Colloquium).
2012. Fall. Review, Post-tenure, Kathleen Newman (fall).
2012. Review, Third Year, Sarah Wells (spring).
2011. Undergraduate Retention (fall).
2010. a) Review, Promotion and Tenure, Luis Martín-Estudillo (fall).
b) Review, Third Year, Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez (spring).
c) Financial Aid Committee. (spring).
2008-2009. Search. Spanish American Literature (fall and early spring).
2007-2008. Search. Creative Writing (fall and early spring).
2004. a) Review, Fifth Year, Denise Filios (spring).
b) Financial Aid (spring).
2003. Post-Tenure Review, Peer Evaluation, Walter Dobrian (spring).
2002. Financial Aid (spring).
2000. a) Outcomes Assessment. (fall and spring)
b) Search, Visiting Professors (spring).
1999. Outcomes Assessment.
1998. a) Curriculum.
b) General Education Program.
Language Evaluation, Placement Tests (including oral evaluation): Portuguese
Graduate Students
March 2010. Evaluation submitted to Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship. Andrew Saito.
Department of Theater Arts, University of Iowa.
November 2006. Evaluation submitted to Social Science Research Council (SSRC). Tomi
Castle. Anthropology Department, University of Iowa.
November 2006. Evaluation submitted to Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and
Fulbright-Hayes. Jennifer Cabrelli. FLARE, University of Iowa.
February 2006. Evaluation submitted to FLAS. Clint Pecenka. University of Minnesota
(former participant of U of Iowa’s study abroad in Brazil). December 2005. Evaluation submitted to FLAS. Benn Robbins. School of Medicine,
University of Iowa.
November 2005. Evaluation submitted to FLAS. Brent Gardner. Law School, U of Iowa.
October 2004. Evaluation submitted to Fulbright-Hayes. Kimberley Cleverland. Art and Art
History, University of Iowa.
Undergraduate Students
July 2012. Evaluation submitted to U.S. Student Fulbright Program. Sarah Michele Nissen.
English Teaching Assistantship.
May 2012. Evaluation submitted to the Office of the Registrar, the University of Iowa.
Cynthia McAfee. Long-distance Learning.
Barbosa 33
November 2010. Evaluation submitted to Teach for America Admissions. Anthony Bedel.
International Program.
September 2007. Evaluation submitted to Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship. Brett Johnson.
Spanish and Portuguese.
February 2007. Evaluation submitted to CIEE. David B. Saide. Anthropology Department and
International Studies, University of Iowa.
October 2006. Evaluation submitted to Fulbright. Rashid Galandanci (former participant of U
of Iowa’s study abroad in Brazil), Dartmouth College
Miscellaneous Service to the Portuguese Program
F 2011. Search for Visiting Instructor position in Portuguese for spring 2012. Locating and
interviewing candidates (in collaboration with the Mercedes Niño-Murcia).
S 2011. Co-authored (with Judy Liskin-Gasparro): proposal and application; participation in
selecting and ranking candidates. Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA), IP.
F 2010. Contact person for the Atlantico Books Scholarship. Wrote the guidelines and the
web site description to implement the Book scholarship.
2009-2006: Advisor. University of Iowa Portuguese Language Club (student’s association). Supervising monthly activities and guiding the students in writing the constitutional
Service to the Iowa City/Coralville Community and Volunteer Service
Fall 2012. Member of the planning committee. Event: Iowa City’s celebration of “Aging in Brazil,” October 1, 2012. United Nations Day of the Elder. Senior Center, Iowa City. August 2011. Volunteer Service. On Iowa! [To welcome first-year students to campus.]
November 7, 2007. Introductory Remarks: Reading by Conceição Evaristo. Prairie Lights,
Iowa City.
Mid February to early May, 2000. Volunteer work: HACAP Head Start Program, Coralville.
(Organizing and supervising majors and minors in Portuguese to read stories in Portuguese for
Brazilian heritage kids).
Aired on October 16 and 17, 1998. Talk: Radio Talk with Ray Heffner, HUMANITIES AT
IOWA/PERSPECTIVES ON EDUCATION, WSUI/KSUI. Topic: "José Saramago” (Portuguese Novelist, Nobel Prize for Literature).