Release TEMPO_2012 (English Version – PDF, 1.3


Release TEMPO_2012 (English Version – PDF, 1.3
5 a 14 de out
goes beyond the theater
The Program has music, dance, intervention and poetry
TEMPO_FESTIVAL das Artes, Festival Internacional de Artes Cênicas
[International Performing Arts Festival], arrives at its 3rd edition as one of the
highlights of the cultural agenda of Rio de Janeiro, from October 5th to 14th.
With more than 20 attractions, it will occupy stages and open air spaces. The
program begins with Catalan artist Angélica Liddell, exponent of the international
scene, with the play “Yo no soy bonita”, on the 5th and 6th, at Espaço Cultural
Sérgio Porto, in Humaitá. The play is part of the trilogy “La Desobediencia”,
composed also by the works “Broken Blossoms” and “Lesiones incompatibles
con la vida”.
On the 5th, members of French group Les Souffleurs will make poetic
interventions at Largo da Carioca and at Central do Brasil. On the 7th, the group
will be at the sands of Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. The same date, the
Dutch multi-media artist, Sander Veenhof, will be the attraction at Oi Futuro,
in Flamengo. The designer became famous after participating in a virtual
exhibition in MoMA, in New York, using augmented reality technology, with the
ManifestAR group. Sander will make a performance joining dance choreography
and the gesture of speaking on the mobile phone.
“Whether you are in Australia, Asia, Europe or the Americas, anyone is invited.
Standing in Rio, moving your phone above your head from left to right, someone
Sander is part of Recorte da Cena Holandesa, the focus of this Festival edition,
which presents exhibitions with geographic social-cultural clippings from
different countries, states and cities- in 2010, Chile and in 2011, Argentina.
Putting together and stimulating artistic creation, Orkater Foundation has a very
important role on the Dutch Scene. On the 8th and 9th, The Sadists group
(gathered by Orkater), will present the show “Alabama Chrome”, at Teatro Glaucio
Gill, in Copacabana, besides giving the workshop “Music in Theater”, on the 9th.
On the 10th and 11th, Via Berlin and Ragazze Quartet, also through Orkater, will
make outdoor presentations of “From Now on Your Name is Pjotr” at EAV Parque
Lage, in Jardim Botânico. In those two works, the deterioration of human
relationships in times of peace or war is highlighted by music. With rock, blues
and country music, in the first play, and with Schubert, in the second play.
Sonority is also a mark of another Dutch group, Wunderbaum, which will show
“Songs at the end of the world” at Espaço Cultural Sérgio Porto. In this story,
a disco club heats up a scientific base in Antartica. The artist Dries Verhoeven
prepares a poetry projection with Händel background sound, at Parque das
Ruínas, where the viewers must use a telescope to read the message of the
installation “Fare thee well!”, which will be above a building 2 km away.
The Dutch Scene Focus will occupy Espaço SESC, in Copacabana, with two
dramatized readings of Dutch authors - “Mac”, by Jibbe Willems, on the 9th,
and “Gif” by Lot Vekemans, on the 10th. Also, on the 11th, the meeting
Netherlands Today will approach the Dutch cultural scene. On the 13th and
14th, Cinedans Festival videodances will be exhibited. Janine Dijkmeijer, the
artistic director, will be present, and will talk to the audience. At the same
space, on the 9th, “ROCCO - a dark full ride”, by the Italian Emio Greco and the
Dutch Pieter C. Scholten, will be presented. The Emio Greco | PC company
transforms the stage into a ring, choreographing dance and boxing and will also
give the workshop “Double Skin/ Double Mind”, on the 8th.
Besides international attractions, TEMPO_FESTIVAL das Artes will have six
Brazilian settings. Daniela Amorim, from Rio, with the preview of “Cine Gaivota“
(Sergio Porto, 10th and 11th) and Cia Hiato, from São Paulo, with the show
“Ficção” (Oi Futuro, from October 12th to 14th), putting artists and relatives
together in family situations. Both continue until the end of October, as well as
the entire version of the play “Noites brancas”, which will have its premiere at
the Festival. The stage setting is inspired in Dostoyevsky’s novel, and is directed
by Thierry Trémouroux, Belgium living in Brazil. The show will be presented on
the 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, at Sede Cia dos Atores, in Lapa. It is a benchmark of
the Festival to develop creative processes throughout the year and propose that
the time of the arts continue beyond the days of the event, as the organizers
Bia Junqueira, Cesar Augusto and Márcia Dias explain.
At Teatro Glaucio Gill, the performance “Pas Deux” (on the 13th and 14th), by
Maurício Lima and Bernardo Zabalaga, co-produced by TEMPO_FESTIVAL, and
tempo festival _ 5 a 14 de outubro de 2012
in New York will do the exact same thing, at the exact same time. Dance in a
synchronous way with the whole world. This is a distributed global flash mob”,
says Sander.
In Galpão Gamboa, localized at the seaport area of the city, a group of Brazilian
actors participate at the artistic residence with French director Vincent
Macaigne, based in the classic “The three sisters”, by Tchekhov. Macaigne will
show the result of the experience, “Autour des trois soeurs - Tonight we are
young so let´s set the world on fire”, at the same space, on the 12th and 13th
October. Then he will continue the stage setting process, which will be performed
at Festival d’Avignon, in France, in 2013.
“My ambition is to meet other artists and begin an idea of creation in Brazil in
a broader sense. We need the theater more than ever”, says the director,
praised by the provocations he promotes in scene. “I like the accident, the
unexpected, there is always a risk to take”, says Vincent, responsible for
polemic readings of Dostoyevsky and Shakespeare’s works.
Vincent’s residence, as well as all the works which compose the Festival, will be
object of study of 11 young artistas-pesquisadores [researcher- artists]. The
team coordinator is the director and playwright Diogo Liberano who, from
August to September, was the curator of the exhibition [mostra hífen de
pesquisa - cena], in Rio. The team was selected to stimulate the public interest
and dialogue with the universities.
At Café Pequeno, in Leblon, from the 11th to 14th, in TEMPO A+, the Festival
promotes a meeting point between the audience and Brazilian and foreign
artists, with theater, performances, films, music and drinks.
With the sponsorship of Prefeitura [City Hall] do Rio, FATE, Oi, through Lei
Municipal de Incentivo à Cultura and Secretaria de Estado de Cultura, through
Lei Estadual de Incentivo à Cultura do Rio de Janeiro, co-sponsorship of Caixa
Econômica and partnership with CCR and SESC Rio, the Festival will have tickets
for R$20.00 and R$1.00, in the charged shows. The attractions and the entire
program can be checked at TEMPO_CONTÍNUO, the Festival site www. There, TEMPO does not stop.
tempo festival _ 5 a 14 de outubro de 2012
the preview “Depois da queda” (on the 11th) , by Felipe Vidal, both from Rio, are
in the program besides UMA Companhia, from Minas, with “Dos Gardênias
Social Club” (on the 13th and 14th). “Pas Deux” was created after the residence
the duo did with Dutch artist Ria Marks, in the 2011 Edition. “Depois da queda”,
that Arthur Miller wrote inspired in his marriage with Marilyn Monroe, brings
Simone Spoladore in its cast. “Dos Gardênias Social Club” promisses to make
the public dance the bolero with the actors. UMA Companhia will give a workshop
on theater improvisation, on the same days of her presentation.
Tempo_Festival 2012
SERVICE - Parque das Ruínas
Address: Rua Murtinho Nobre, 169 - Santa Teresa
Telephone: (21) 2215-0621
Days and time: October 5th to October 14th - 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
(except October 8th)
Performance: Surgir / Sumir | Apparitions / Disparitions –
Les Souffleurs Commandos Poétiques
Central do Brasil, Streets of Centro and Largo da Carioca
October 05th
Time: Between 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
SERVICE – Espaço Cultural Municipal Sérgio Porto
Show: La desobediencia: Yo no soy bonita –
Angélica Liddell / Atra Bilis
Address: Rua Humaitá, 163 - Humaitá
Telephone: (21) 2535-3846
Days: October 5th and 6th
Time: 9:00 PM
Duration: 50 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal ) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
Show: Cine Gaivota – Daniela Amorim
Address: Rua Humaitá, 163 - Humaitá
Telephone: (21) 2535-3846
Days: October 10th and 11th
Time: 9:00 PM
Duration: 70 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal ) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
SHOW: Songs at the End of the World - Wunderbaum
Address: Rua Humaitá, 163 - Humaitá
Telephone: (21) 2535-3846
Days: October 13th and 14th
Time: Saturday 9:00 PM / Sunday 8:00 PM
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
tempo festival _ 5 a 14 de outubro de 2012
Urban intervention:
Fare Thee Well! – Dries Verhoeven
SERVICE – Teatro Oi Futuro Flamengo
Demo: Dance.AR – Sander Veenhof
Address: Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63 - Flamengo
Telephone: (21) 3131-3060
Day: October 6th
Time: 8:00 PM
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
Address: Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63 - Flamengo
Telephone: (21) 3131-3060
Day: October 7th
Time: 6:00 PM
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
Shows: Ficção I, II, III, IV, V, VI – Cia Hiato
Address: Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63 - Flamengo
Telephone: (21) 3131-3060
Days: October 12th to 14th – The show continues after TEMPO_FESTIVAL up
to October 28th
Friday (October 12th) - Ficção I, II, III, IV, V, VI | All the shows
Time: 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM, 10:30 PM
Saturday (October 13th) – Ficção IV, I
Time: 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM
Sunday (October 14th) - Ficção V, II
Time: 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM
Duration: 60 minutes per show
Price: R$30,00 (Passport – All the shows)
R$20,00 (Passport – 2 shows)
R$20,00 (1 show)
Performance: Surgir / Sumir | Apparitions / Disparitions
– Les Souffleurs Commandos Poétiques
Copacabana and Ipanema Beaches
Day: October 07th
Time: from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
tempo festival _ 5 a 14 de outubro de 2012
Performance: Dance.AR – Global Choreography –
Sander Veenhof
SERVICE – Sede Cia dos Atores
Show: Noites Brancas – Thierry Trémouroux
Address: Rua Manoel Carneiro,10 - Lapa
Telephone: (21) 2024-1120
Days: October 07th and 08th /13th and 14th – The show continues after
TEMPO_FESTIVAL up to October 29th .
Time: 8:00 PM
Duration: 100 minutes
Show: Alabama Chrome – Orkater / The Sadists
Address: Praça Cardeal Arcoverde, s/n - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2332-7904
Days: October 8th and 9th
Time: 9:00 PM
Duration: 50 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal)| R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
Workshop: Music in Theatre - Orkater / The Sadists
Address: Praça Cardeal Arcoverde, s/n - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2332-7904
Days: October 9th
Time: 2:00 PM
Duration: 180 minutes
20 people
Price: Free
Show: Depois da Queda – Complexo Duplo / Felipe Vidal
Address: Praça Cardeal Arcoverde, s/n - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2332-7904
Day: October 11th
Time: 8:00 PM
Duration: 160 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
Workshop: Improvisação e Dramaturgia - UMA Companhia
Address: Praça Cardeal Arcoverde, s/n - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2332-7904
Days: October 13th and 14th
Time: 1:00 PM
Duration: 180 minutes
20 people
Show: Dos Gardênias Social Club – UMA Companhia
Address: Praça Cardeal Arcoverde, s/n - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2332-7904
Days: October 13th and 14th
Time: 9:00 PM
Duration: 60 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
tempo festival _ 5 a 14 de outubro de 2012
SERVICE – Teatro Glaucio Gill - Stage
SERVICE – Teatro Gláucio Gill - Mezanino
Show: Pas Deux –
Bernardo Zabalaga and Mauricio Lima
Address: Praça Cardeal Arcoverde, s/n - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2332-7904
Days: October 13th and 14th
Time: 7:00 PM
Duration: 60 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors)
Dramatized Reading: BR_NL DRAMA
MAC – Jibbe Willems
Address: R. Domingos Ferreira, 160 - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2547-0156
Day: October 09th
Time: 07:00 PM
Duration: 110 minutes
Dramatized Reading: BR_NL DRAMA
Gif – Lot Vekemans
Address: Rua Domingos Ferreira, 160 - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2547-0156
Day: October 10th
Time: 07:00 PM
Duration: 100 minutes
Meeting: Netherlands today
Address: Rua Domingos Ferreira, 160 - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2547-0156
Day: October 11th
Time: 08:00 PM
Duration: 180 minutes
Video Exhibition: Cinedans – Dance on screen
With the presence of the artistic director, Janine Dijkmeijer
Address: Rua Domingos Ferreira, 160 - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2547-0156
Days: October 13th and 14th
Time: 06:00 PM
Duration: 110 minutes*
Hyperscape: 8’
Sliced: 1’
* Duration of each video: Diamond Dancers: 8’
Magma: 5’ 20’’
Red Shoes: 10’
Ellipse: 5’ 30’’
Alt I alt: 4’
Deep and Dance: 6’ 20’’
Prototype: 2’
IRC Dance Movement: 3’
Goddess: 1’
Jeu de Société: 4’
Vertiges: 4’
White Swan: 1’
tempo festival _ 5 a 14 de outubro de 2012
SERVICE – Espaço SESC Multiuso
SERVICE – Espaço SESC Arena/ Sala de Ensaio
Workshop: Double Skin / Double Mind –
ICKamsterdam – Emio Greco | PC
Address: Rua Domingos Ferreira, 160 – Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2547-0156
Day: October 8th
Time: 2:00 PM
Duration: 180 minutes
20 people
Show: ROCCO – A dark full ride – ICKamsterdam /
Emio Greco | PC
Address: R. Domingos Ferreira, 160 - Copacabana
Telephone: (21) 2547-0156
Day: October 9th
Time: 08:00 PM
Duration: 60 minutes
Price: R$20,00 (Normal) | R$10,00 (Students & Seniors) | R$5,00
SERVICE – EAV - Parque Lage
Show: From now on your name is Pjotr –
Orkater / Via Berlin and Ragazze Quartet
Address: Rua Jardim Botânico, 414 - Jardim Botânico
Days: October 10th and 11th
Time: 03:30 PM
Duration: 60 minutes
SERVICE – Galpão Gamboa
Show: Autour des Trois Soeurs – Vincent Macaigne
Address: Rua da Gamboa, 279, Zona Portuária
Telephone: (21) 2516-5929
Days: October 12th to 13th
Time: 09:00 PM
Price: R$1
SERVICE – Café Pequeno
Reading + Film + Music + Drinks
Address: Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva, 269 – Leblon
Telephone: (21) 2294-4480
Days: October 11th to 14th *
Time: 06:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Price: R$1
tempo festival _ 5 a 14 de outubro de 2012
SERVICE – Espaço SESC – Arena
Friday (October 12th) - Tribute to Caio Fernando Abreu
06:00 PM– Theater / Première: “Sem Ana, Blues” - with Jean Beppe and
directed by Renato Farias - Grupo 4Pontas
07:30 PM Movies: “Sargento Garcia” - with Marcos Breda and direction by
Tutti Gregianin / “Dama da Noite” - with Gilberto Gawronski and directed by
Mário Diamante
08:00 PM Chat / Café and Drinks: Marcos Breda,
Mário Diamante and Renato Farias
08:30 PM - Theater: “Os Dragões” - Ano VI – with Fernanda Boechat and
directed by Renato Farias - Companhia de Teatro Íntimo
Saturday (October 13th ) - Horror / Comedy + Music
06:00 PM– Movie: “Nervo Craniano Zero” - CIA Vigor Mortis / PR
08:30 PM – Show: Simone Mazzer with the special participation of Silvia
Sunday (October 14th ) - Documentary + Meeting + Show
06:00 PM– Documentary: “Agora Eu Sou Estamira” - Priscila Steinman
06:30 PM- Meeting: Emanuel Aragão, Leonardo Moreira, Pedro Kosovski and
mediated by Manoel Friques
08:00 PM- Show: Mark Lambert and Quinteto Rádio Swing- Mark Lambert,
Maico Lopez, Julio Merlino, Jefferson Lescowich and Renato Massa.
tempo festival _ 5 a 14 de outubro de 2012
Thursday (October 11th ) - Film / Evoé + Dramaturgy / Cobogó
06:00 PM - Film: “Evoé! Retrato de um antropófago” / Zé Celso and Teatro
(Iconoclássics) - Tadeu Jungle and Elaine Cesar
07:30 PM - Chat / Café and Drinks: Isabel Diegues and authors of the
DRAMATURGY Collection, of Editora Cobogó (Publishing house)
08:30 PM - Reading: “Ponto de Fuga”, by Rodrigo Nogueira – with Cristina
Flores, Liliane Rovaris, Luisa Friesi, Michel Blois and Rodrigo Nogueira
apoio cultural
Assessoria de Imprensa
SPS Comunicação
Valéria Veríssimo | [email protected] (21) 2111- 2662 / 9115-6694
Renato Guima | [email protected] (21) 2111-2658 / 9260-0910

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