Surfing CASE: GSAF 2002.07.09.a DATE: Tuesday July 9, 2002


Surfing CASE: GSAF 2002.07.09.a DATE: Tuesday July 9, 2002
CASE: GSAF 2002.07.09.a
DATE: Tuesday July 9, 2002
LOCATION: The attack took place at
Jaboatão of the Guararapes, city of the
region metropolitan of Recife Piedade
Beach in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
NAME: Mário César Carneiro da Silva
DESCRIPTION: He is a 22-year-old male.
WEATHER: At 15h00, the sky was mostly
cloudy, visibility was 6.2 miles [10 km]. Air
temperature was 82.4°F [28°C], dew point was 69.8°F [21°C]. humidity 66%, sea level
pressure was 30.01 inches [1016 hPa, and wind direction was ESE at 11.5 mph
[18.5 km/h]. It had rained throughout the early morning hours.
ENVIRONMENT: Favio Hazin, who has been investigating shark attacks in Recife, notes
that more than half of the shark attacks there have occurred between July and September
when the risk increases due to the food chains, rains and the start or close of the sharks’
breeding season. “Rains along the coast and the new moon, when the amplitude of the tide
increases, also increases the risk,” said Hazin who also reports that 80% of the known
attacks in the last decade occurred during a new or full moon. This incident took place in the
high-risk area where water sports are banned, an area which extends from the port of
Suape to the port of Recife.
TIME: 15h00
NARRATIVE: Mário César Carneiro da Silva was paddling out to where the waves were
breaking 50 metres from shore when he was bitten by the shark. “I didn't see it coming,” he
said. “I felt a strong pressure on my arm and when I looked there was a lot of blood in the
water. I tried to punch him, but he took my arm and pulled me into the water. Eventually, I
wrenched myself free and my hand was gone. A big wave pushed me in to shore.”
Another surfer, 18-year-old Márcio Pereira, said two other people were in the sea when
Mario was bitten. “Suddenly, Mario laid on the board and started screaming 'help, shark,
shark' and showed his arm.”
INJURY: His right hand was severed three centimetres above the wrist.
FIRST AID: A wave brought the injured surfer and his board into waist-deep water, where
Márcio took off his shirt to use as a tourniquet. A truck passing at the time took the injured
man to the hospital.
TREATMENT: The patient was taken by truck to Hospital da Aeronáutica. Due to the
serious nature of the injury, he was transferred to Restauracao Hospital (HR) in Recife,
© Global Shark Accident File, 2002. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
arriving there, conscious, at 16h10. The attending physician, Dr Gustavo Menalau, reports
the edges of the wound are indicative of a crush injury. It is expected that he will remain
hospitalized for three days.
SPECIES INVOLVED: It was thought that a bull shark or tiger shark was involved.
NOTES: On July 12th, Brazilian firemen burned 66 surfboards to warn people against
violating the ban on surfing in waters around Recife where sharks have killed at least 11
people in the past decade. The fire department confiscates about 250 boards a year.
Surfers can get their boards back for a fee of 10 reals (dirs 3.5) for each day they remain at
the deposit, and unclaimed boards are burned after one month. “The surfers ignore the
ruling and surf far from the shore behind the reefs. That’s exactly the area where the shark
attacks happen,” said fire brigade spokesman Cap. Valdy Oliverra.
In a BBC interview in 2004, Mário César Carneiro da Silva said that he would like to surf
again one day. “I'd need a better prosthetic arm. Maybe a mechanical one which allows
hand movement. And of course, I would have to be somewhere that, categorically, does not
have sharks.”
In January, the body of a fisherman was found at Paiva, 30 km from Recife, with shark
bites. That case is still under investigation.
SOURCES: Fábio Guibu of the Agency Leaf, in Recife,
JC, July 10, 2002
CASE INVESTIGATOR: Paulo Mariano Lopes, Global Shark Accident File
Weather at Recife, Brazil, on Wednesday July 9, 2002
© Global Shark Accident File, 2002. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
Estudante tem a mão arrancada em ataque de tubarão em PE
O estudante Mário Cesar Carneiro da Silva, 22, teve a mão direita
arrancada nesta terça-feira por um tubarão quando surfava na
praia de Piedade, em Jaboatão dos Guararapes, município da
região metropolitana de Recife (PE).
O ataque ocorreu por volta das 15h30. Silva contou aos médicos
que estava deitado sobre a prancha, remando para alcançar as
ondas a cerca de 50 metros da areia, quando sentiu uma "pressão
forte" no braço direito.
O surfista afirmou que viu "muito sangue" na água e, quando
levantou o braço, já estava sem a mão. Ele foi levado por um amigo ao Hospital da Restauração,
em Recife.
Segundo o médico-chefe da emergência, Gustavo Menelau, 33, Silva chegou consciente, às
16h10, com uma camisa enrolada no ferimento. No setor, recebeu soro, passou pelo raio-x e foi
encaminhado ao bloco cirúrgico.
De acordo com o médico, o tubarão arrancou a mão do surfista três centímetros acima do pulso.
As bordas do ferimento, disse, apresentavam sinais de esmagamento pela pressão da mordida.
Menelau afirmou que o rapaz não corre risco de morte e que deverá ter alta médica em 48 horas.
O ataque de hoje foi o 34º registrado pela UFPE (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) no
Estado desde 1992.
Um outro caso suspeito ocorrido em janeiro deste ano ainda depende de confirmação. O corpo de
um pescador foi encontrado na praia do Paiva, a 30 km de Recife, com várias mordidas.
Para o especialista em tubarões da universidade, Fábio Hazin, as evidências sobre a ocorrência
de hoje não deixam dúvidas sobre a autoria do ataque.
Segundo ele, "mais da metade" das vítimas de tubarões no Estado foram atacadas entre julho e
setembro, quando o risco aumenta devido às correntes marítimas, às chuvas e à aproximação
das fêmeas para procriação.
"Além disso, as chuvas no litoral e a proximidade da lua nova, quando a amplitude da maré
aumenta, também favorecem os ataques", disse Hazin.
De acordo com o especialista, 80% das ocorrências registradas nos últimos dez anos em
Pernambuco aconteceram em períodos de lua nova ou cheia.
O surfista estava em área considerada de risco, onde a prática de esportes aquáticos é proibida.
A região propensa a ataques tem cerca de 35 quilômetros e vai do porto de Suape, no município
do Cabo de Santo Agostinho, até o porto de Recife.
Student has the hand plucked from shark attack in PE
The student Mario Cesar Carneiro da Silva, 22, had torn his right hand on Tuesday by a shark
while surfing on the beach of Piedade in Olinda, county metropolitan area of Recife (PE).
The attack occurred at around 15.30. Silva told the doctors that he was lying on the surfboard,
© Global Shark Accident File, 2002. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
paddling to reach the waves about 50 meters from the sand, when he felt a "strong pressure" on
the right arm.
The surfer said he saw "a lot of blood" in the water and, when he raised his arm, was already
without the hand. He was taken by a friend to the Hospital of the Restoration, in Recife.
According to the chief doctor of the emergency, Gustavo Menelaus, 33, Silva was aware, at 16.10
with a shirt wrapped around a wound. In industry, received saline, passed through the x-ray and
was referred to the operating theater.
According to the doctor, the shark pulled the surfer's hand three inches above the wrist. The
edges of the wound, he said, showed signs of crushing pressure of the bite.
Menelaus said the boy is not at risk of death and must have medical release within 48 hours.
The attack today was the 34th recorded by UFPE (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) in the
State since 1992.
Another suspected case occurred in January this year still depends on confirmation. The body of
a fisherman was found at the beach Paiva, 30 km from Recife, with several bites.
For the expert in sharks University, Fabio Hazin, the evidence on the occurrence of today leave
no doubt about the authorship of the attack.
He said "more than half" of the victims of sharks in the state were attacked between July and
September, when the risk increases by ocean currents, the rains and the approximation of the
females for breeding.
"Moreover, the rains on the coast and the proximity of the new moon, when the tidal height
increases, also favor the attacks," said Hazin.
According to the expert, 80% of cases registered in the last ten years in Pernambuco occurred in
periods of new moon or full moon.
The surfer was in that area of risk, where water sports are prohibited. The region is prone to
attack about 35 miles and runs from the port of Suape, in the municipality of Cabo de Santo
Agostinho, to the port of Recife.
SOURCE: Fabio Guibu, da Agência Folha, em Recife, July 9, 2002
© Global Shark Accident File, 2002. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
Surfista atacado por tubarão
O estudante estava surfando, ontem, na Praia de Piedade, em Jaboatão dos Guararapes. . Ele
perdeu a mão ea metade do antebraço direito.
O estudante Mário César Carneiro da Silva, 22 anos, foi atacado ontem à tarde por um tubarão
quando surfava na Praia de Piedade, em Jaboatão dos Guararapes. Ele perdeu a mão e metade
do antebraço direito. O jovem foi submetido a uma cirurgia, no Hospital da Restauração (HR),
para regularizar os bordos da ferida e cobrir o osso, que ficou exposto. Ele não corre risco de
morrer e deve ter alta em 48 horas.
O ataque de tubarão a Mário é o primeiro deste ano em Pernambuco eo 42º registrado nos
últimos 10 anos no litoral do Estado, segundo o Corpo de Bombeiros. O último ocorreu no dia 3
de março de 2001, em Boa Viagem, no Recife, e resultou na morte do estudante Carlos Alberto
Brasileiro, 19 anos. Até agora, 11 pessoas morreram atacadas por tubarão.
O surfista Márcio Pereira, 18, que estava na Praia de Piedade, foi o primeiro a socorrer o amigo.
“Era perto de 15h. Ele estava com mais duas pessoas no mar, com a água encobrindo os dois. .
De repente, Mário se deitou na prancha e começou a gritar 'socorro, tubarão, tubarão' ea mostrar
o braço. Uma onda mais forte trouxe a prancha para o raso, com a água batendo na cintura del.
Aí corri pra ajudar. Then ran to help. Tirei minha camisa e amarrei em seu braço”, relatou.
Segundo ele, enquanto esperava ser socorrido, Mário, tremendo, olhava o braço e dizia que
estava fraco e perdendo a visão. “Saí pedindo socorro. Um caminhão que passava na hora levou
meu amigo para o Hospital da Aeronáutica”, contou Márcio. Por causa da gravidade do ferimento,
ele foi transferido para o HR.
O autônomo Carlos Pedro Xavier, que viu o rapaz ser socorrido, disse que onde ele surfava, na
frente do Hospital da Aeronáutica, aparece muito tubarão, quando chove. O barraqueiro João
Inácio da Silva, que vende lanche no local, confirmou.” Há oito anos trabalho por aqui e nunca
tomei um banho de mar nesse trecho por causa dos tubarões.”
O estudante deu entrada no HR às 16h10. O cirurgião-geral Gustavo Menelau, chefe da
emergência, informou que Mário chegou consciente, contando que tinha sido mordido por um
tubarão. “Ele disse que estava surfando quando sentiu uma pressão no braço " Depois já viu o
sangue escorrendo”, comentou o médico. O rapaz entrou imediatamente no bloco cirúrgico. A
operação terminou por volta das 19h e ele foi levado para a sala de recuperação.
Os irmãos Marcos e Lourdes foram os primeiros a chegar no HR. Marcos evitou falar com a
imprensa e não quis ser fotografado. Lourdes contou que a família sempre pedia a Mário para
não surfar onde tem tubarão. “Mas ele não queria saber.” Os pais, que apareceram às 17h50 no
hospital, contaram a mesma coisa. “Vivia dizendo pra ele não surfar nessas praias, mas ele
respondia que o surfe é a vida dele”, disse a mãe, Valdomira Carneiro da Silva.
Evangélica, ela contou que sempre orou muito para o filho deixar de surfar, o que faz desde os 13
anos. “Há uns três anos, quando o surfe foi proibido nessas praias daqui, tomaram a prancha
dele. Fiquei satisfeita. Mas ele voltou a surfar em Porto de Galinhas”, relembrou.
Segundo ela, se fosse obediente, Mário não teria sido atacado por tubarão. “Meu filho não
escutava conselho. E eu não podia fazer nada, a não ser orar, porque ele já tem 22 anos. Quero
ver agora como vai ser para usar o computador e tocar o violão, que adora”, lamentou. O surfista
© Global Shark Accident File, 2002. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
faz supletivo do ensino médio, não trabalha e reside em Massaranduba, Jaboatão dos
Guararapes. O pai, Narciso Vitalino da Silva, estava mais tranqüilo porque o filho está fora de
Surfer attacked by shark
The student was surfing yesterday on the beach of Piedade in dos Guararapes He lost a hand and
half of the right forearm
The student Mario Cesar Carneiro da Silva, 22, was attacked yesterday afternoon by a shark while
surfing on the beach of Piedade in dos Guararapes. He lost a hand and half of the right forearm.
The boy underwent surgery at the Hospital of the Restoration (HR), to smooth the edges of the
wound and cover the bone, which was exposed. He is not at risk of dying and should be discharged
within 48 hours.
The shark attack to Mario is the first this year in Pernambuco and 42 registered in the last 10 years,
in the state, according to the Fire Department. The last one occurred on March 3, 2001, in Boa
Viagem, Recife, and resulted in the death of the student Brazilian Carlos Alberto, 19 years. So far,
11 people were attacked by sharks.
Surfer Márcio Pereira, 18, who was in Praia de Piedade, was the first to rescue his friend. "It was
close to 15h. He was with two people at sea, with water covering them. Suddenly, Mario laid on the
board and started screaming 'help, shark, shark' and show the arm. A stronger wave brought the
board to the shallow, with water lapping at his waist. I took off my shirt and tied his arm, "he
He said while waiting to be rescued, Mario, trembling, looked at the arm and said she was weak
and losing vision. "I went for help.. A truck passing at the time took my friend to the Hospital of the
Air Force, "said Márcio. Because of the severity of the injury, he was transferred to the HR.
The standalone Carlos Pedro Xavier, who saw the boy being rescued, said that where he was
surfing in front of the Hospital of the Air Force, appears very shark, when it rains. The barraqueiro
Joao Inacio da Silva, who sells snacks on site, confirmed. "Eight years of work here and never took
a swim in that sentence because of sharks."
The student was admitted to the HR at 16.10. Surgeon General Gustavo Menelaus, head of
emergency, said Mario came conscious, tell them I had been bitten by a shark. He said he was
surfing when he felt a pressure in the arm Then we saw the blood flowing," said the doctor. The boy
entered the operating room immediately. The operation ended at about 19h and he was taken to
the recovery room.
The brothers Mark and Lourdes were the first to arrive in HR. Marcos avoided talking to the press
and declined to be photographed. Lourdes told that the family has asked not to Mario where you
surf shark. "But he did not know." Parents, who appeared at 17.50 in the hospital, told the same
thing. "He was always telling him not to surf on these shores, but he responded that surfing is his
life, "said the mother, Valdomir Carneiro da Silva.
Evangelical, she said she always prayed a lot for the child to stop surfing, which makes the 13
years since. "About three years ago, when surfing these beaches was banned here, the board took
it. I was pleased. But he came back to surf in Porto de Galinhas," he recalled.
© Global Shark Accident File, 2002. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.
According to her, if obedient, Mario would not have been attacked by sharks. "My son does not
listen to advice. And I could not do anything except pray, because he is 22 years. I see now how it
will be to use the computer and play the guitar, he loves," she lamented. The surfer is a supplement
to school, not working and living in Massaranduba, dos Guararapes. His father, Narciso Vitalino da
Silva, was more relaxed because the child is out of danger.
SOURCE: July 10, 2002, JC,
Surfboard bonfire is a reminder of shark threat
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — In an unusual bonfire on a northeastern beach Thursday, Brazilian
firemen burned 66 surfboards to warn people against violating a ban on surfing in waters where
shark attacks have killed at least 11 people over the last decade.
Surfing is forbidden on some 45 miles (70 kilometers) of shark-infested water around Recife,
1,150 miles (1,870 kilometers) northeast of Rio de Janeiro. But that hasn’t stopped the surfers —
or the attacks.
“The surfers ignore the ruling and surf far from the shore behind the reefs. That’s exactly the area
where the shark attacks happen,” fire brigade spokesman Cap. Valdy Oliverra told the Associated
Press by telephone.
To enforce the ban, the fire department confiscates about 250 boards a year. Surfers can get their
boards back for a fee of 10 reals (dirs 3.5) for each day they remain at the deposit, and unclaimed
boards are burned after one month.
According to a study by a local university, some 40 major shark attacks have been registered
around Recife since 1992, and at least 11 of them have been fatal.
The latest encounter was on July 10, when Mario Cesar Carneiro de Silva was attacked while
surfing off Recife’s Piedade beach. Lifeguards pulled him out, but de Silva lost his right hand in the
Thursday, July 18, 2002
SOURCE: Marcelo Szpilman, page 142
© Global Shark Accident File, 2002. All rights reserved. This report may not be abridged or
reproduced without written permission of the Global Shark Accident File.

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