A Mind For Murder: the Real-Life Files of a Psychic


A Mind For Murder: the Real-Life Files of a Psychic
A Mind For Murder: the Real-Life Files of a Psychic
by Noreen Renier
2,5 estrelas.
"Mentes Criminosas" ... ou "Assassinas" - como estava na contracapa ... não foi bem aquilo que estava à espera.
Estava à espera de encontrar um relato detalhado sobre as capacidades psíquicas de uma médium, de como é
que elas se processavam e de como é que ela pôde ajudar a polícia a resolver as coisas.
No fundo, era disso que o livro falava, mas ao mesmo tempo não era. Parecia que líamos sempre a mesma coisa...
Casos diferentes, mas a escolha de palavras era sempre a mesma. Ia dar sempre ao mesmo.
Há uma frase no livro que me causa nervos de tantas vezes que já a li. Até me custa escrevê-la aqui, mas é
importante para transmitir bem a ideia. "Não sou eu que resolvo os casos. A polícia resolve, eu apenas forneço as
pistas" ... Aparecia capítulo sim, capítulo não. Uff ALÔO JÁ PERCEBI!
Ao início tinha imensas expetativas em relação ao livro mas depois foi se tornando desinteressante.
Se quiserem lê-lo recomendo que leiam apenas os primeiros capítulos. Não passem do meio do livro. Não vale o
Se quiserem informar-se a sério sobre o assunto, façam uma pesquisa :)|It's been a while since I've used this
website because I just started grad school! Grad school + internship + work = kicking my ass. But I was going
crazy not taking time for myself to read. So on my birthday I splurged and spent $140 on books (primarily used,)
and this was the first one I chose to read. I chose to buy this book because I watched the Psychic Detective shows
years ago. Some were entertaining (some were very disturbing - the case about the nun still sits with me.) So when
I saw it at the used bookstore on my birthday I thought, "Why not?"
First, the layout. It's awful. I hate that they used "file folders" to act as the titles of the chapters. I hate that the use
"magazine clip out font" (like a ransom note) for page headers. I also really hated that they included a passage
from each chapter in the beginning of the chapter, in italics. You go on to read the rest of the chapter and the text
you just read is there, a few pages later. The chapters are really short so I'm not sure what the point is. I'm already
"magazine clip out font" (like a ransom note) for page headers. I also really hated that they included a passage
from each chapter in the beginning of the chapter, in italics. You go on to read the rest of the chapter and the text
you just read is there, a few pages later. The chapters are really short so I'm not sure what the point is. I'm already
reading the book, I'm clearly interested. Why are we doing these weird little previews?
I enjoyed the beginning of the book a lot. We learn about how Noreen discovered her psychic abilities, how she
explored them, and how they grew. We also learned about what her philosophy about psychic abilities. I liked this
section because she seems so willing to do anything to learn more and more about herself - the situations she
gets herself into are entertaining. She explains how she first got into police detective work.
The last half of the book seems disconnected from the first half. The chapters turn into profiles of different cases.
That's ok, I don't mind - but these chapters are basically the same. A crime occurred, Noreen reads for them,
Noreen helps solve the crime. While interesting, it gets repetitive, but it's not like the quality of the text is thrilling.
We get less and less about her thoughts on psychic abilities - does she ever resolve where they come from? Does
she continue to explore them? How does she keep getting police work? What's it like to be profiled in the news
and on tv? I wanted more information, and than the continuos profiles would have been ok with me.
This book was not very impressive but it was more impressive than the last psychic book I read - "There's More to
Life Than This" by Theresa Caputo. But than again, I can't really handle pseudo-Christian psychic shit.|Noreen
Renier is one of the psychics featured on the show Psychic Detectives. She works with police providing clues to
missing persons cases, and cold cases. In this memoir she tells how she discovered her ability, and how she
eventually worked with the FBI.
|The books is just GREAT, it has everything I could want in a psychic's autobiography. When I think about a psychic
I find I always wonder about the same things - what kind of person were they, how did they work, how did they
learn to do what they did and refine their technique to work best with their own nature, how did they deal with
doubters, who influenced them - including their recommended reading, how did they realize they were psychic,
and what was their experience of being a psychic. Noreen answered all of them, in very clear, honest, humble,
sometimes humorous, and always direct terms. I laughed out loud more than once, and I got pretty annoyed at
the people who berated her too. I felt like I was right there with her. Well done.|Great book. Not the best writing
style, but afterall she's not a writer, she's a psychic - and a very good one at that. If you're interested in the occult
aspects of life, this is one to be on the bookshelf.