Publications for Ricardo Afonso Roque 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011


Publications for Ricardo Afonso Roque 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Publications for Ricardo Afonso Roque
Afonso Roque, R. (2015). Mimesis and Colonialism: Emerging
Perspectives on a Shared History. History Compass, 13(4), 201211. <a href="">[More
Afonso Roque, R. (2015). Mimetic Governmentality and the
Administration of Colonial Justice in East Timor, ca. 18601910. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 57(1), 6797. <a
Afonso Roque, R. (2014). "Seria preciso que a selvageria se me
pegasse": Afonso de Castro e a "festa das cabecas" em Timor
colonial. Etnográfica, 18(1), 159-184. <a
Afonso Roque, R. (2014). Mimetismos coloniais no imperio
portugues. Etnográfica, 18(1), 101-109. <a
Afonso Roque, R. (2014). Race and the Mobility of Humans as
Things. Science, Technology and Human Values, 39(4), 607617.
Afonso Roque, R. (2013). Review of Simon Harrison, Dark
Trophies: Hunting and the Enemy Body in Modern War, New
York and Oxford, Berghahn, 2012. American Historical
Review, 118(2), 495-496.
Afonso Roque, R. (2013). The Circulation of Stories and
Collections in Colonial Empires (A Circulacao de Historias e
Colecoes nos Imperios Coloniais). In M Bandeira Jeronimo
(Eds.), The Colonial Empire in Questions (Century XIX-XX)
Power, Knowledge and Institutions. (O Imperio Colonial em
Questao (Secs XIX-XX) poderes, saberes e instituicoes, (pp.
455-485). Lisbon, Portugal: Edicoes 70, Lda.
Afonso Roque, R. (2013). The head of Captain Camara:
colonial violence and the collection and repatriation of white
men's remains. In Daniel J. Rycroft (Eds.), World Art and the
Legacies of Colonial Violence, (pp. 133-151). Farnham, UK:
Afonso Roque, R. (2012). A voz dos Bandos: colectivos de
justica e ritos da palavra Portuguesa em Timor-Leste colonial.
Mana: Studies in Social Anthropology, 18(3), 563-594. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Roque, R. (2012). Entangled with otherness: military
ethnographies of headhunting in East Timor. In Ricardo Roque
and Kim A. Wagner (Eds.), Engaging Colonial Knowledge:
Reading European Archives in World History, (pp. 254-278).
United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ladwig, P., Afonso Roque, R., Tappe, O., Kohl, C., Bastos, C.
(2012). Fieldwork Between Folders: fragments, traces, and the
ruins of colonial archives, Working Paper No. 141, (pp. 2 - 27).
Halle, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Roque, R., Wagner, K. (2012). Introduction: Engaging colonial
knowledge. In Ricardo Roque and Kim A. Wagner (Eds.),
Engaging Colonial Knowledge: Reading European Archives in
World History, (pp. 1-32). United Kingdom: Palgrave
Roque, R. (2012). Marriage Traps: Colonial Interactions with
Indigenous Marriage Ties in East Timor. In Francisco
Bethencourt, Adrian J. Pearce (Eds.), Proceedings of the British
Academy: Racism and Ethnic Relations in the PortugueseSpeaking World, (pp. 203-225). Oxford, UK: Oxford University
Roque, R. (2012). Mountains and black races: anthropology's
heterotopias in colonial East Timor. The Journal of Pacific
History, 47(3), 263-282. <a
Roque, R. (2012). The Colonial Command of Ceremonial
Language: Etiquette and Custom-Imitation in NineteenthCentury East Timor. In Laura Jarnagin (Eds.), Portuguese and
Luso-Asian Legacies in Southeast Asia, 1511-2011. Volume 2:
Culture and Identity in the Luso-Asian World. Tenacities and
Plasticities, (pp. 67-87). Singaore: ISEAS Publishing (Institute
of Southeast Asian Studies).
Roque, R. (2011). Engaging Colonial Knowledge: Reading
European Archives in World History. United Kingdom:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Roque, R. (2011). Etnografias Coloniais, Tecnologias
Mimeticas: A Administracao Colonial e os Usos e Costumes em
Timor-Leste no Final do Seculo XIX. In Kelly Silva, Lucio
Sousa (Eds.), Ita Maun Alin… O Livro do Irmao Mais Novo:
Afinidades Antropologicas em Torno de Timor Leste, (pp. 155168). Lisboa, Portugal: Edicoes Colibri.
Roque, R. (2011). Os portugueses e os reinos de Timor no
século XIX [The Portuguese and the kingdoms of Timor during
the nineteenth century]. Oriente, 20, 91-111.
Roque, R. (2011). Stories, skulls, and colonial collections.
Configurations: a journal of literature, science and technology,
19, 1-23.
Roque, R. (2010). A Missao em guerra:a historia oculta da
coleccao de cranios de Timor da Universidade de Coimbra [The
Mission at war: the hidden story of the collection of skulls from
the Timor University of Coimbra]. Antropologia Portuguesa,
26/27(2009 -2010), 259-283.
Roque, R. (2010). Headhunting and Colonialism:
Anthropology and the Circulation of Human Skulls in the
Portuguese Empire, 1870-1930. United Kingdom: Palgrave
Roque, R. (2010). The Unruly Island: Colonialism's
Predicament in Late
Nineteenth-Century East Timor. Portuguese Literary &
Cultural Studies, 17/18, 303-330.
Roque, R. (2008). Historias de cranios e o problema da
classificacao antropologica de Timor: [Stories of skullls and the
problem of the anthropological classification of Timor]. ECadernos CES, 1, 11-33.
Arriscado Nunes, J., Roque, R. (2008). Introducao
(Introduction). In Joao Arriscado Nunes and Ricardo Roque
(Eds.), Objectos Impuros: Experiencias em Estudas sobre a
Ciencia. Porto, Portugal: Edicoes Afrontamento.
Roque, R. (2008). Objectos Impuros: Experiencias em Estudos
Sobre a Ciencia [Impure Objects: Experiments in Science
Studies. Portugal: Flushing Editions.
Roque, R. (2008). Sementes contra a variola: Joaquim Vas e a
traducao cientifica das pevides de bananeira brava (Goa, 18941930). In Joao Arriscado Nunes and Ricardo Roque (Eds.),
Objectos Impuros: Experiencias em Estudas sobre a Ciencia,
(pp. 227-261). Porto, Portugal: Edicoes Afrontamento.
Roque, R. (2007). Skulls without words: the order of collections
from Macao and Timor, 1879-82. Host: Journal of History of
Science and Technology, 1(Summer).
Roque, R. (2006). Colonialidade equivoca: Fonseca Cardoso e
as origens da antropologia colonial portuguesa [Coloniality
equivocal: Fonseca Cardoso and the origins of Portuguese
colonial anthropology]. Portugal nao e um pais pequeno.
Contar o Imperio na Pos-Colonialidade [Portugal is a small
country - Count the empire in postcoloniality, (pp. 83-111).
unspecified: Cotovia.
Roque, R. (2005). Le Foyer, Les Enfants Et Moi: Gerer La
Confiance Dans Des Quotidients Feminins De Pauvrete. In
Casimiro Balsa (Eds.), Confiance et lien social, (pp. 179-193).
Switzerland: Academic Press Fribourg.

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