- Colégio 24 Horas


- Colégio 24 Horas
2ª Série do Ensino Médio _ TD 08 _ 12 de abril
Mirror, Mirror
Most women aren't happy about the way they look. In a recent study at the University of
South Florida, Tampa, 100 women were asked to estimate the size of their waists, thighs,
and hips. More than 95 percent saw themselves as larger than they actually were. The
average woman overestimated her size by 25 percent.
The distorted self-image can also be found in very young girls. In one study, a physician
came across a five-year-old girl who would cry when her mother suggested she get into her
bathing suit for a swim. The girl said she looked fat in a swim suit, when in fact her weight
was normal. Some experts blame media attention and society's fascination with super slim
models for women's unrealistic expectations.
(Modern Housekeeping)
Texto retirado do livro _ Point Out
31. Choose the correct alternative according to the text:
(A) The girl was really heavy.
(B) The girl's mother wanted to wear a bathing suit.
(C) The bathing suit was too large for the girl.
(D) The bathing suit was big enough for her mother.
(E) In fact, the girl wasn't fat.
32. Choose the right alternative according to the text:
(A) Most women think they are slim.
(B) Most women would like to be thinner.
(C) Most women would like to be heavier.
(D) Most women would rather be fat.
(E) Some women would rather be heavy.
33. De acordo com o texto:
I. Um físico estudou um caso de uma menina de 5 anos.
II. A garota se achava gorda em trajes de banho, mas seu peso era normal.
III. As modelos têm expectativas não realistas.
(A) As alternativas I e II são corretas.
(B) Somente a alternativa I é correta.
(C) As alternativas I e III são corretas.
(D) Somente a alternativa II é correta.
(E) Nenhuma das alternativas está correta.
34. "More than 95 percent saw themselves as larger than they actually were." The
underlined word expresses:
(A) contrast.
(B) condition.
(C) similarity.
(D) emphasis.
(E) purpose.
35. Choose the alternative which presents only parts of the human body:
(A) shoulder, hip, slim;
(B) thigh, toes, waist;
(C) hip, back, suit;
(D) heel, ankle, mirror;
(E) mirror, shoulder, ankle.
36. No texto, waist, thighs e hips significam, respectivamente:
(A) ombro, quadris, coxas.
(B) dedos, pés, quadris.
(C) peito, costas, ombros.
(D) cintura, coxas, quadris.
(E) pernas, cintura, costas.
37. De acordo com o texto:
(A) mais de 95% das mulheres estão insatisfeitas com suas medidas físicas.
(B) todas as mulheres não estão contentes com sua aparência.
(C) 25% das mulheres gostariam de ser mais gordas.
(D) muitas mulheres estão felizes com sua aparência.
(E) a sociedade tem verdadeira fascinação pelas top-models com grandes expectativas
38. I like you. In fact, I love you! The underlined expression could be replaced by:
(A) at last.
(B) at least.
(C) at first.
(D) actually.
(E) eventually.
39. The girl said she looked fat. The opposite of the underlined word is:
(A) heavy.
(B) cute.
(C) slim.
(D) overweight.
(E) overcrowded.
40. My sister's weight is normal. The underlined word is:
(A) a verb.
(B) a noun.
(C) an adverb.
(D) a false friend.
(E) an irregular verb.
41. She isn't beautiful. She is actually very thin. The underlined word means:
(A) ultimamente.
(B) recentemente.
(C) atualmente.
(D) finalmente.
(E) realmente.
Choose the alternatives which fill in the blanks correctly:
42. By the time I get home, the children ...................................... .
(A) have been sleeping
(B) has been sleeping
(C) will be sleeping
(D) enjoys sleeping
(E) had been sleeping
43. ............................. they are so poor, they are always neatly dressed.
(A) But
(B) Although
(C) Because
(D) However
(E) Like
44. That man is twice my ........................... .
(A) weight
(B) tall
(C) high
(D) weigh
(E) weak
45. ............................. have the party on Friday.
(A) I would like
(B) I enjoy
(C) I want
(D) I prefer
(E) I'd rather

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