Inglês - Bom Jesus


Inglês - Bom Jesus
Comentário Geral:
Uma prova de fácil resolução, que priorizou a interpretação de textos. Como conteúdos gramaticais, foram
cobrados conjunções (questão 75) e grau do adjetivo (questão 76).
Equipe de Professores de Inglês
Colégio Bom Jesus
As questões 73 e 74 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
RUSSELL, BERTRAND (3rd Earl Russell) (1872–1970), philosopher and peace campaigner. Grandson of Whig prime
minister Lord John Russell, he established his reputation with his work at Cambridge on mathematical logic, resulting in the
publication (with A. N. Whitehead) of Principia Mathematica (1910–13). Removed from his Cambridge lectureship in 1915 for his
open opposition to World War I and his support for conscientious objectors, he was imprisoned in 1918 for seditious writings.
Although he was restored to the Cambridge post in 1919, he gave it up to devote himself to writing. His later works include The
Analysis of Matter (1927) and History of Western Philosophy (1948), as well as a large number of broadcasts and works of popular
philosophy. These made him famous, and as a result he won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1950. An opponent of nuclear
weapons, he was a co-founder of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in 1958 and its first president, and was imprisoned
in 1961 for his CND activities.
(GARDNER, J. & Wenborn, N., Eds. The History Today Companion to British History. London: Collins & Brown, 1995. Adapted)
73 - Consider the following statements about Bertrand Russell:
His grandfather was an important politician.
He opposed the 1914–18 war against Germany.
He worked for the postal service after the war.
He campaigned to improve prison conditions.
He became famous for a book on mathematical logic.
He wrote fiction in later life to support himself.
Which of the statements above are TRUE, according to the text?
Only 1, 3 and 4.
Only 2, 3 and 6.
Only 2, 5 and 6.
Only 3, 4 and 5.
*e) Only 1, 2 and 5.
As alternativas 1 e 5 estão bem claras no texto (linhas 1 e 2 respectivamente). A alternativa 2 implica conhecimento
histórico, porém o candidato poderia utilizar a eliminação, visto que as opções 3, 4 e 6 estão claramente erradas ou não
foram mencionadas no texto.
Alternativa E
74 - According to the text, Bertrand Russell decided to give up his university career because:
he needed more time to found CND.
he opposed government policy.
*c) he wanted to have more time to write.
he lost interest in philosophy.
his first book had made him rich.
A informação da alternativa C está bem clara na linha 4. O aluno também poderia chegar à resposta certa por eliminação,
uma vez que as alternativas A, B, D e E não são mencionadas no texto.
Alternativa C
As questões 75 a 78 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
In recent years there have been suggestions that, instead of raising sheep, Australia should be raising kangaroos, which
(unlike sheep) are native Australian species that are adapted to Australian plants and climates. It is claimed that the soft paws of
kangaroos are less damaging to soil than are the hard hooves of sheep. Kangaroo meat is lean, healthy, and (in my opinion)
absolutely delicious. In addition to their meat, kangaroos yield valuable hides . All of those points are cited as arguments to support
replacing sheep herding with kangaroo ranching.
However, that proposal faces real obstacles, both biological and cultural ones. Unlike sheep, kangaroos are not herd
animals that will docilely obey one shepherd and a dog, or that can be rounded up and marched obediently up ramps into trucks for
shipment to the slaughterhouse. Instead, kangaroo ranchers have to hire hunters to chase down and shoot their kangaroos one by
one. Further problems with kangaroos are their mobility and ability to jump fences: if you invest in promoting growth of a kangaroo
population on your property, and if your kangaroos perceive some inducement to move (such as rain falling somewhere else), your
valuable crop of kangaroos may end up 30 miles away on somebody else’s property. Kangaroo meat is accepted in Germany and
some is exported there, but the sale of kangaroo meat faces cultural obstacles elsewhere. For Australians, kangaroo meat has little
appeal, and they continue to prefer their more traditional types of meat, especially lamb and beef. Many Australian animal welfare
advocates oppose kangaroo harvesting, not taking into consideration the fact that living conditions and slaughter methods are much
crueler for domestic sheep and cattle than for wild kangaroos. The U.S. explicitly forbids the importation of kangaroo meat because
we find the beasts cute, and because a congressman’s wife heard that kangaroos are endangered. Some kangaroo species are
indeed endangered, but ironically the species actually harvested for meat are abundant pest animals in Australia.
(DIAMOND, J. Collapse. New York: Penguin, 2005. Adaptado)
hides = skins
75 - Are these statements TRUE (T) or FALSE (F), according to the text?
( ) Kangaroos do not like sheep.
( ) It costs more to kill a kangaroo than a sheep.
( ) Germany refuses to accept kangaroo meat.
( ) Americans are beginning to appreciate kangaroo meat.
( ) The kangaroos killed for meat are an endangered species.
Mark the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
T – T – T – F – F.
F – T – F – T – F.
*c) F – T – F – F – F.
T – F – F – F – T.
T – F – T – T – F.
1ª sentença: não há essa informação no texto
2ª sentença: A informação encontra-se nas linhas 6, 7 e 8: “Unlike sheep, kangaroos are not herd animals that will docilely
obey one shepherd and a dog, or that can be rounded up and marched obediently up ramps into trucks for shipment to the
slaughterhouse. Instead, kangaroo ranchers have to hire hunters to chase down and shoot their kangaroos one by one.”
Slaughterhouse: abatedouro / matadouro
3ª sentença: A informação sobre aceitação da carne de canguru na Alemanha encontra-se na linha 11.
4ª sentença: A informação contida nas linhas 15 e 16: “The U.S. explicitly forbids the importation of kangaroo meat
because we find the beasts cute, and because a congressman’s wife heard that kangaroos are endangered.” menciona a
proibição explícita nos EUA e há utilização do pronome WE para se referir aos Americanos e sua apreciação pelo animal.
5ª sentença: Informação contida na última linha: ironicamente, as espécies criadas para consumo de carne são uma
peste na Austrália.
Alternativa E
76 -The text mentions advantages of raising kangaroos instead of sheep. Which of the statements below is NOT in the
Kangaroos damage the soil less than sheep.
*b) Kangaroos reproduce faster than sheep.
Kangaroo skins have commercial value.
Kangaroos are well adapted to Australian conditions.
Kangaroo meat is healthy and tastes good.
Todas as informações estão claramente contidas no texto, exceto a letra C, a qual contém informação sobre reprodução
dos cangurus.
Alternativa B
77 - The text mentions obstacles to raising kangaroos for meat. Which of the statements below is NOT in the text?
Kangaroos have to be hunted and killed individually.
Kangaroos can easily escape from a farm.
Animal welfare advocates are against the killing of kangaroos.
*d) Kangaroos eat more vegetation than sheep do.
Some kangaroo species are in danger of extinction.
Todas as informações estão claramente contidas no texto, exceto letra D, que faz uma comparação entre a quantidade de
vegetação consumida por ambos os animais.
Alternativa D
78 - According to the text, Australians do not eat kangaroo meat because:
*a) they do not find it as attractive as other types of meat.
they consider kangaroos to be a tourist attraction.
the price is much higher than for other types of meat.
they believe that kangaroo meat causes heart disease.
a congressman’s wife heard that kangaroos are endangered.
Alternativa A é correta, está contida na linha 11: “For Australians, kangaroo meat has little appeal, and they continue to
prefer their more traditional types of meat, especially lamb and beef.” Não há referência no texto sobre as informações
contidas nas alternativas B, C, D .A alternativa
Alternativa A
E refere-se
à esposa de um congressista americano, e não aos
As questões 79 e 80 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
A team from Northwestern University, Illinois, found that when you eat, not just how you eat, could make a big difference.
Scientists found that when mice ate at unusual hours, they put on twice as much weight, despite exercising and eating as much as
the other mice. The study, in the journal Obesity, is said to be the first to show directly that there is a “wrong” time to eat. Recent
studies have suggested that circadian rhythms, the body’s internal clock, have a role in how our bodies use up energy. However,
this had been difficult to prove definitively.
Deanna Arble, the main author of the study, said: “One of our research interests is shift workers , who tend to be overweight.
This got us thinking that eating at the wrong time of day might be contributing to weight gain”.
The researchers looked at two groups of mice over a six-week period. Both groups were fed a high-fat diet, but at different
times of the mice “waking cycle”. One group of mice ate at times when they would normally be asleep. They put on twice as much
weight. This was despite the fact that they did the same level of activity, and ate the same amount of food, as the other mice. The
researchers believe that the findings may have implications for people worried about their weight.
shift workers = people who work at night
(http// – 08/09/2009. Adapted.)
79 - According to the text, the aim of the study was:
to find out if six weeks of exercising leads to loss of weight.
*b) to see if there is a connection between time of eating and obesity.
to discover the long-term effects of a high-fat diet on obesity.
to compare the speed at which mice and people gain weight.
to discover if riding a bicycle helps humans to lose weight.
A informação está contida na alternativa B, a qual encontra-se na linha 7: “This got us thinking that eating at the wrong
time of day might be contributing to weight gain”.” As demais alternativas estão claramente erradas por não constarem
no texto.
Alternativa B
80 - Are the statements below TRUE (T) or FALSE (F), according to the text?
( ) The study was motivated by a tendency for obesity among shift workers.
( ) There may be a connection between circadian rhythms and the way our bodies use up energy.
( ) Two groups of researchers studied the mice at different times.
( ) The mice that ate when they would normally be asleep gained more weight.
( ) The researchers think that the results are not relevant for people worried about their weight.
Mark the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
F – F – T – F – T.
T – F – T – F – F.
T – T – F – F – F.
*d) T – T – F – T – F.
F – F – F – T – T.
1ª sentença: Verdadeira. A informação está contida nas linhas 6 e 7 do texto: “One of our research interests
is shift workers , who tend to be overweight. This got us thinking that eating at the wrong time of day might
be contributing to weight gain.”
2ª sentença: Verdadeira. A informação consta na linha 4 do texto: “ Recent studies have suggested that circadian
rhythms, the body’s internal clock, have a role in how our bodies use up energy”.
3ª sentença: Falsa. A informação é contrária à do texto, encontrada na linha 8: “The researchers looked at two groups of
mice over a six-week period.”
4ª sentença: Verdadeira. A informação encontra-se nas linhas 9 e 10: “One group of mice ate at times when they would
normally be asleep. They put on twice as much weight.”
5ª sentença: Falsa. A informação é contrária à fornecida na última linha do texto.
Alternativa D

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