Instituto São José Salesiano Resende/RJ


Instituto São José Salesiano Resende/RJ
300 is a 2007 film adaptation of the graphic novel 300 by Frank Miller, itself partly inspired by
another film based on the Battle of Thermopylae, "The 300 Spartans".
Since its opening, "300" has attracted controversy over its portrayal of people of the Persian
Empire. Film critic Dimitris Danikas has suggested that the film portrays Persians as "bloodthirsty,
underdeveloped zombies," writing that the filmmakers "are stroking [sic] racist instincts in Europe and
America." American critics, including Steven Rea, have argued that the Persians are a vehicle for an
anachronistic cross-section of Western stereotypes of Asian and African cultures. Dana Stevens of
"Slate" states that as the "bad" side the Persians are depicted as black people, brown people,
homosexual, handicapped and/or deformed in some way.
The film's portrayal of ancient Persians sparked a particularly strong reaction in Iran. The Iranian
Academy of the Arts submitted a formal complaint against the movie to UNESCO, labelling it an attack
on the historical identity of Iran. The Iranian mission to the U.N. protested the film in a press release, and
the Iranian embassies protested its screening in France, Thailand, Turkey and Uzbekistan.
A Warner Bros. spokesman said: "The film '300' is a work of fiction inspired by the Frank Miller
graphic novel and loosely based on a historical event. The studio developed this film purely as a fictional
work with the sole purpose of entertaining audiences; it is not meant to disparage an ethnicity or culture
or make any sort of political statement."
Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 abr. 2007.
1. (Ueg 2007) Considerando as estruturas linguísticas do texto, é CORRETO afirmar:
a) Nas palavras "filmmaker" (20. parágrafo) e "spokesman" (40. parágrafo), os primeiros termos da
composição indicam as atividades que os segundos termos, "maker" e "man", realizam.
b) Os termos "inspired" e "based" (10. parágrafo) e "attracted" e "suggested" (20. parágrafo) indicam que
as ações foram concluídas no passado.
c) Em "underdeveloped" (20. parágrafo), "submitted" (30. parágrafo) e "disparage" (último parágrafo), os
prefixos "under", "sub" e "dis" indicam negação ou oposição.
d) O termo "itself" (10. parágrafo) refere-se a "film adaptation".
e) NRA
2. (Ueg 2007) De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que o filme 300
a) was criticized by film critics of the European, American, Asian and African press vehicles.
b) portrays historical aspects of the Persian and Western cultures in conflict.
c) aroused polemics because of the characteristics it attributes to the people of the Persian Empire.
d) was released in France, Thailand, Turkey and Uzbekistan under strong protests of the people from
those countries.
e) NRA
3. (Ueg 2007) Analisando as informações do texto, é INCORRETO afirmar:
a) Instituições iranianas, juntamente com a Unesco e a ONU, protestaram contra a veiculação do filme
em alguns países.
b) O principal argumento dos produtores em resposta às críticas ao filme é de que se trata de uma obra
de ficção direcionada ao entretenimento.
c) A crítica Dana Stevens entende que o filme em questão apresenta uma visão estereotipada do povo
d) Os três críticos citados no segundo parágrafo compartilham a opinião de que o filme mostra uma
imagem negativa da cultura persa.
e) NRA
... The American took several deep breaths, appearing to stare at the new mosque... Then suddenly he
was moving ahead, toward the open doorway of the mosque.
"No", the kid said. He dared to grab the American's arm.
"Please, it is not permitted."
"Rules were made to be bent." The American puffed and winked.
"Not in Morocco."
"I'd like to go in there, kid."
"But it is not permitted."
"Why not? I'll take off my shoes."
"You are not of the faith."
"In Spain, they let anybody into mosques. What's so special here?"
The kid frowned, "I am very sorry. It is not so much what is special here as what is not special
everywhere else."
The American shrugged. "Well, can't I even look in the door?"
Tony Ardizzone
BLANTON, L. L.; LEE, L. The multicultural workshop. Book 3. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle, 1995, p. 178. [Adaptado].
Grab: agarrar
Shrugged: deu de ombros
4. (Ufg 2007) The American's main wish is to
a) open the door of the Moroccan mosque.
b) compare Moroccan and American rules.
c) go into the new Moroccan mosque.
d) be of the same faith as the Moroccan.
e) know what is special about the mosque.
5. (Ufg 2007) Qual dos enunciados proferidos pelo americano explicita um pedido?
a) Rules were made to be bent.
b) Why not? I'll take off my shoes.
c) In Spain, they let anybody into mosques.
d) What's so special here?
e) Well, can't I even look in the door?
6. (Ufg 2007) The dialogue between the American and the Moroccan kid shows a conflict which is
a) psychological.
b) social.
c) cultural.
d) linguistic.
e) sentimental.