Global Compact Network Brazil


Global Compact Network Brazil
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
table of contents
Presidency’s Message
Global Compact Network Brazil:
Structuring and growth
Social sustainability
Environmental Sustainability
Governance and Ethical Sustainability
Cross-Cutting Sustainability
Network Support to Participants
Internal Activities
Global Compact Network Brazil’s participants
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Presidency’s Message
t the same time that the
United Nations prepares
to launch a new global
agenda for Sustainable
Development, the Global Compact
Network Brazil is structuring itself in order to be the main convening actor for the engagement
of the Brazilian corporate sector in such process, liaising with
more the 600 organizations that
are highly committed with corporate sustainability. Such interaction with the private sector will
be focused on the themes for the
Post-2015 Development Agenda and implemented through the
Post-2015 Business Engagement
Architecture framework, with the
strengthening of our communications strategy, in order to be
truly transformative and establish
itself as the largest corporate citizenship initiative in Brazil.
The year of 2014 brought innumerous achievements, such as the
definition and implementation of
a robust strategy, in line with the
UN Global Compact Headquarters
(UNGCHQ) in New York, the consolidation of the current governance
initiative in Brazil in partnership
with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the
structuring of the Secretariat of
the Global Compact Network Brazil, the increase in 18% of Network
members and the inclusion of new
organizations in the Brazilian Steering Committee.
Furthermore, the promotion of
more than a dozen engagement
initiatives, two public consultations
– one on Sustainable Development
Goals and one on the Food and
Agriculture Business Principles and two projects supported by the
UNGCHQ to foster partnerships.
Such actions contributed significantly to the development of the
Local Network regarding its ability
to provide high-level networking
- including contact with eight Global Compact LEAD companies and
eight UN agencies and programs
- and the transformation of ideas
and synergies into collaborative
projects, as an essential path to
put Brazil in the forefront of the
post 2015 agenda.
Gleaming these achievements
culminating in the 11th Year Anniversary of the Global Compact
in Brazil, I conclude my two year
management in a very positive
way. Following its four main strategic pillars - “Growth in Scale and
Quality”; “Empowerment of Local
Network”; “Ensuring Consistency
and Greater Impact on Thematic
platforms”; and “Engaging sustainable business in support of
UN goals” - the Global Compact
will continue to be what I consider
one of the most consistent initiatives involving civil organizations,
businesses and sustainability - a
complex and challenging arrangement, but vital to our future as a
Jorge Soto
President Global Compact
Network Brazil 2013 – 2014
Director of Sustainable
Development at Braskem
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
and growth
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
he year 2014 represents a
turning point for the consolidation of the Executive Secretariat for the Global Compact Network Brazil. The team has
grown – reaching the total of five
professionals -, and has supported
the implementation of the 2014-2016
Strategic Action Plan, elaborated by
the Secretariat and approved by the
Brazilian Steering Committee. Located in the United Nations Shared
Office in Sao Paulo, the Secretariat
has also deepened its relationship
and partnership with the United
Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the host of the initiative in
the country since 2011.
The Network has grown 18% in
participant members, reaching 657
signatories – 58% business (414)
and 42% non-business (243). Although it represents the same 2013
average growth, there has been an
upgrade in the number of companies reporting with Advanced COPs
– from 2% to 16%.
Around ten activities were performed, or directly supported, by the
Executive Secretariat of the Global
Compact Network Brazil, with an
average public of 1,600 people – including signatories and potential
new companies and organizations.
Another 2,000 people have been
reached in more than 30 activities –
such as conferences and workshops
- focused on sustainability, with an
institutional representation from the
Local Network.
Eight United Nations agencies and
programs have been included in the
promotion of these initiatives, which
indicates the consolidation of this
Local Network capacity in being a
facilitator for the dialogue between
the UN and the private sector. This
partnership has been largely guided
by the platform Architects of a better world, launched by the the network in 2013 with support from the
Brazilian Business Council on Sustainable Development (CEBDS) and
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
In 2014 the Global Compact Network Brazil also held two public
consultations: the Food and Agriculture Business Principles, with
participation from Global Compact
Office, and the Dialogue on Means
of Implementation of the Post-2015
Development Agenda - Engaging
with the Private Sector, led globally
by the Global Compact. Both gathered around 150 high-level participants from companies, governments and academy.
As a sign of the strengthening relationship with the UN Global Compact
Headquarters, the GC Network Brazil also hosted two pilot programs,
focused on the mobilization and
training for new partnerships between companies, SMEs, non-profit organizations and the UN. Both
projects had brought a significant
contribution to the Local Network
ability in understanding and promoting high level networking between the most engaged companies
operating in Brazil, including 8 representatives of the Global Compact
LEAD. The main goal of this process
will be the development of projects
that can effectively contribute with
the Post 2015 Development Agenda
Embracing this scenario, a strong
communication strategy was developed and launched in the first
semester of 2014, enhancing the
results outreached by all initiatives and strengthening the Global Compact brand in Brazil. The
communication strategy is not only
empowering the Global Compact
capillarity in a continental country such as Brazil, but also better
communicating the value proposition of this initiative to a network of
more than 600 organizations.
2014 in numbers
3.250 people reached
40 activities
104 new participants
Partnership with 8 UN
agencies and programs
8 Global Compact
LEAD companies
involved in activities
18.232 people reached
through social media
4 events directly
supported by the UN
Global Compact Office
2 pilot programs
7 webinars promoted
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Participants profile
657 total
414 business
243 non business
Construction & Materials 30
5 Others
16 Public Sector Organizartion
Electricity 33
96 Local NGO
Financial Services 22
Food Producers 18
11 Global NGO
7 Local Labor
4 Foundation
14 City
Gas, Water & Multi-utilities 15
General Industries 35
Local Business
45 Association
Health Care Equipment
& Services 50 Global Business
3 Association
Media 17
42 Academic
Software & Computer Services 19
Support Services 49
number of participants
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
The social dimension of sustainability was addressed
through an active Thematic Group, with 15 companies.
Those events showed strong concern from the Local
Network towards human rights principles and its
implementation on business practices.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Debate and launching of the Portuguese version for John Ruggie’s
book “Just Business: multinational corporations and human rights”
(March 29th) – sao paulo-sp
n an increasingly globalized and
borderless world, what is the
role of corporations in the guarantee of the human rights in
communities where they operate?
How can government charge this
responsibility? How should society
be heard? These issues were on
the agenda of the launching of the
Portuguese version of Just Business, by John G. Ruggie.
During the meeting organized by the
Local Network’s Thematic Group
on Human Rights and Labor, led by
Mattos Filho Law Firm and Planeta Sustentável, which were directly
responsible for the translation and
editing of the book in Portuguese,
several panelists pointed out the
challenges to implement the “Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights”, proposed by John
Ruggie during his six-year term as
United Nations special representative for Human Rights.
The event gathered around 55 representatives, some of them from the
government, companies and civil
society. The debate had the pres-
ence of Carlos Márcio Bicalho Cozendey, Secretary of International
Affairs from the Ministry of Finance,
Caio Borges, Human Rights Officer
from the NGO Conectas Direitos
Humanos, and Estaneslau Klein,
Sustainability Coordinator from the
company Samarco.
The company Samarco shared a best
practice to address those issues. Mr.
Estaneslau Klein presented the program “Gestão de Direitos Humanos”
(Human Rights Management),
structured from the tripod: annual risk assessment, due diligence
on Human Rights in the company’s
activities and the constitution of a
Committee that meets in a quarterly basis to analyze and proceed with
the program’s governance.
Participants received the Portuguese version of the book Just
Business and had the chance to
learn more about Ruggie’s Principles in the private sector context.
Another outcome was the promotion by the Local Network of a webinar on Ruggie’s Principles in October 1st, with 50 participants.
What is the role
of corporations
in human rights
assurance in the
communities where
they operate?
How can the
government charge
this responsibility?
How should society
be heard?
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Debate and launching of the Portuguese version for John Ruggie’s
book “Just Business: multinational corporations and human rights”
(March 29th) – sao paulo-sp
Civil society perspective, by Caio
Borges (Conectas Direitos Humanos)
Event organized by the Thematic Group
on Human Rights and Labor from the GC
Network Brazil
Estaneslau Klein (left) addressed Samarco’s Human Rights politics and Jorge
Soto (above) highlighted the importance of Ruggie Principles
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
WEPs Brazil Award (March 31st) – Curitiba-PR
he first edition in Brazil of the
award with the recognition by
the UN Global Compact and
UN Women - creators of the
Women’s Empowerment Principles
– took place in Curitiba, promoted by
Itaipu Binacional, a member of the
Global Compact Network Brazil’s
Steering Committee. A total of 20
organizations, half participants from
UN Global Compact, were awarded
by their role in promoting the culture
of gender equality in their working
environments. The Executive Secretariat of the Global Compact Network Brazil, represented by the advisor Barbara Dunin, integrated the
technical evaluation commission.
With 186 inscriptions received –
many from small and medium enterprises - the winners were:
Itaipu Binacional received the WEPs
Leadership Awards in 2013, which
encouraged the company to create
the WEPs Brazil as a way to spread
the equity culture among Brazilian
companies of all types. A new edition of the award was announced to
be hold in 2016.
Furnas Centrais Elétricas S/A*
Companhia Hidro Elétrica
do São Francisco – Chesf*
Petrobras Distribuidora S/A*
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Renault do Brasil S/A
Auditores Independentes*
Itaú Unibanco S/A*
Kimberly-Clark Brasil
Eletrobras Amazonas Energia*
Masisa do Brasil Ltda
Home Care Cene Hospitalar
Apetit Serviços de Alimentação*
Cruz Vermelha Brasileira –
Filial do Estado do Paraná
Cahetel-TG Comércio de
Alimentos Ltda.*
Fundação Copel de Previdência
e Assistência Social;
Datacoper Software Ltda.
Feito Brasil Indústria de Produtos
Artesanais Ltda.
Ecofábrica Indústria e Comércio
de Produtos Ecológicos Ltda.
*Global Compact Participant
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Launching event – United Nations Guide on LGBT rights at the
workplace (September 30th) – Sao Paulo-SP
he guide – which addresses labor issues related
to lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgender (LGBT)
rights at the workplace through
real life stories – is the result of
a joint construction between UN
agencies (UNDP, ILO and UNAIDS) and 30 representatives of
employers, workers, government,
trade unions and social movements related to LGBT and HIV /
AIDS issues. The Global Compact
Network Brazil was invited to participate on the launching event,
where the executive director Renata Seabra expressed the Network’s
commitment to human rights and
the dissemination of the theme.
The event brought together activists from human rights groups and
companies. As a concrete result of
this engagement, the Network’s
Thematic Group on Human Rights
and Labor host the webinar LGBT
rights and companies on October
31st, with the support of Txai Consulting. Around 50 Global Compact
participants attended.
A empresa, por meio de sua liderança, deve comprometer-se
com os direitos humanos do segmento de lésbicas, gays,
bissexuais, travestis e transexuais, o que implica:
» Observância dos princípios, leis e normas de respeito aos
direitos humanos direta ou indiretamente relacionados ao
segmento LGBT; atuação visando a expansão desses direitos
na sociedade e, voluntariamente, no âmbito da empresa e
seus relacionamentos; afirmação da diversidade humana
Guide features ten
commitments to
allow businesses to
face the prejudice
against LGBT
Promover igualdade de oportunidades e
tratamento justo às pessoas LGBT
Sensibilizar e educar para o respeito
aos direitos LGBT
discriminação e a violência mesmo quando a legislação não
» Engajamento da empresa e de seus/suas empregados/
as no respeito à diversidade sexual, com posturas e práticas
que se concretizem em políticas, processos e procedimentos
que promovam igualdade, tratamento justo e liberdade de
expressão em ambiente respeitoso, livre de assédios e de
práticas de discriminação.
Construindo a igualdade de oportunidades no mundo
do trabalho: combatendo a homo-lesbo-transfobia.
» Engajamento da empresa e sua cadeia de valor no
respeito à diversidade sexual, incentivando e apoiando ações,
que expressem o compromisso com os direitos humanos, a
defesa, proteção e ampliação dos direitos do segmento LGBT.
DireitosHumanosLGBT_P3.indd 68
Promover ambiente respeitoso, seguro
e saudável para as pessoas LGBT
Estimular e apoiar a criação de
grupos de afinidade LGBT
Promover o respeito aos direitos LGBT na
comunicação e marketing
Promover o respeito aos direitos LGBT
no planejamento de produtos, serviços e
atendimento aos clientes
Promover ações de desenvolvimento
profissional de pessoas do segmento LGBT
Promover o desenvolvimento econômico e
social das pessoas LGBT na cadeia de valor
Promover e apoiar ações em prol dos
direitos LGBT na comunidade
31 os 10 Compromissos da empresa com a Promoção dos direitos LGBt fazem parte do manual O compromisso das empresas com os direitos humanos LGBT do
instituto ethos, lançado em 10 de dezembro de 2013 e disponível em
Empoderando vidas.
Fortalecendo nações.
30/07/14 20:17
no relacionamento com todos os stakeholders ou públicos,
Comprometer-se – presidência e
executivos – com o respeito e a
promoção dos direitos LGBT
como valor a ser respeitado e promovido, rejeitando a
gerar exigências específicas sobre a empresa.
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DireitosHumanosLGBT_P3.indd 69
30/07/14 20:20
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
In 2014, the environmental dimension of sustainability
was emphasized by the Global Compact Network
Brazil through the accomplishment of a public
consultancy on Food and Agriculture Business
Principles, led by UN Global Compact. Furthermore,
the local Thematic Group on Energy and Climate
addressed discussions on climate change and global
warming, engaging business and society in the
urgency of the commitment to the issue for the future
of the next generations.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Public consultation on Food and Agriculture Business Principles
(March 11th) – SAo Paulo-SP
razil Network held a public
consultation at Fiesp – Federation of Industries of the
State of Sao Paulo - with the
participation of 60 representatives
from business, trade unions and
non-governmental organizations
from agriculture and agribusiness
sectors. Between authorities were
Alan Bojanic, Brazil’s representative at the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations
(FAO), and Roberto Rodrigues, Advisor for Fiesp and former Ministry
of Agriculture.
Food and Agriculture Business
Principles (FAB Principles), led by
the UN Global Compact. The document contains six guidelines to
promote sustainable agricultural
production and had contributions
from 19 countries. The local Thematic Group on Food and Agriculture, led by Amaggi, has made
the commitment to promote the
FAB Principles within the next few
years. Other companies joining the
group are Basf, Bonsucro, Proforest, Netafim, The Nature Conservancy and Monsanto.
Participants contributed with suggestions regarding the draft of the
The FAB Principles were officially
launched in Rome, on May 13th.
Roberto Rodrigues (Fiesp adviser and
former Minister of Agriculture)
Brazil was one of the 19 countries involved in the global process of public consultations on the FAB Principles
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Climate Change: Series of Seminars – Towards a New Global Agreement
(From August 14th to September 4th) – Campinas-SP
ith the coordination of
Tasso Azevedo, general
coordinator of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Estimating System of Brazil, the
company CPFL Energia held a series of four seminars covering the
main issues related to climate
change such as global agreement,
mitigation and adaptation of climate
change. The event with 112 participants had the support of the local
Thematic Group on Energy and Climate, with the leadership of CPFL
Energia and Editora Abril, through
the initiative Planeta Sustentável.
In addition to Tasso Azevedo, other
renowned scientists have conducted
the debates: Carlos Nobre, Member
of UN Secretary General Scientific Advisory Board; Pavan Sukdev,
founder and president of GIST Advisory; Suzana Kahn Ribeiro, chairman of the Scientific Committee
of the Brazilian Panel on Climate
Change. The recording of the seminar led to a web documentary available for the general public.
Tasso Azevedo and Carlos Nobre
discussed the challenges of the new
global climate agreement
Pavan Sukhdev and Suzana Ribeiro
highlighted opportunities for
reducing carbon emissions
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
3rd Seminar on Climate Change (October 30th) – Sao Paulo-SP
ome of Brazil’s leading experts on climate science
met at the event held at
Editora Abril to discuss the
main points of the synthesis report
of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), released a
couple of weeks before. The initiative had the support and was promoted by the local Thematic Group
on Energy and Climate.
During the one-day course, panelists clarified Brazil’s expectations
for the Lima Climate Change Conference – December 2014, including
the scenario towards the new global climate agreement, to be established by 2015, in Paris.
The content resulting from those
seminars also made possible the
editing of two publications by Planeta Sustentável, focused on the
dissemination of the climate debate for a wider public. Both counted with the network’s international
support: Vozes da Mudança – O
Brasil na economia de baixo carbono/ Revista do Clima (Voices of
change – Brazil and the low carbon
economy) and Heróis do Clima – A
aventura e a ciência por trás do
aquecimento global (Climate Heroes – The adventure and science
behind global warming), available
for download in Portuguese, English and Spanish on the network’s
RC3_CAPA.indd 2-3
Event hosted at editora Abril’s headquarters in São Paulo
Com reportagens de
E depoimentos de
25/11/14 14:16
the Comic book had the support of the
Energy and Climate Thematic Group
of the GC Network Brazil
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Caring for Climate Business Forum
(8th-9th December) – Lima – Peru
Caring for Climate –
brazilian companies*
Banco do Brasil
n the verge of the UN Climate Change Conference,
the Caring for Climate (C4C)
Business Forum brought
together nearly 300 CEOs and other senior representatives from the
private and public sectors from over
30 countries to showcase contributions that business and investors
are making towards climate action.
Some members from the Global
Compact Network Brazil’s Steering
Committee – such as the companies
Braskem, Itaipu Binacional e Grupo
Abril – attended the Forum.
Co-organized by the UN Global Compact, the UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat and the UN Environment
Programme (UNEP) and placing a
special focus on climate challenges
Beraca Sabara Químicos
and opportunities in Latin America,
the second annual Business Forum
served as an important milestone on
the road to Paris (COP21) and helped
set the stage for an ambitious climate agreement in 2015. One of the
most repeated messages through
the meeting was the need to establish a carbon pricing mechanism.
It was highlighted that it should be
global, predictable and robust.
Mr. Jorge Soto, Sustainable Development Director at Braskem and
Global Compact Network Brazil’s
president from 2013-2014, participated on the panel “Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing”.
By the end of 2014, 14 companies
endorsed Caring for Climate and
another two companies signed the
CEO Water Mandate.
Copagaz Distribuidora de Gás Grupo Zahran
CPFL Energia
Grupo Abril - Abril
Itaipu Binacional - Brazil
MDD Comércio e Representações
de Papel Ltda.
Natura Cosméticos
Quinta da Estancia Grande
Visão Sustentável - Dorpas
Assessoria Empresarial
*Em dezembro de 2014
CEO Water Mandate –
brazilian companies*
Banco do Brasil
Opening’ plenary with Margaret Groff, Chief Financial Officer, Itaipu Binacional (on the right)
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Governance and Ethical
The governance and ethical dimension of sustainability
has demanded a growing interest from local
participants, through a diverse Anti-corruption
Thematic Group with 13 members.
Globally the Local Network also contributed with the
Global Compact 10th Principle Working Group, which
celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the 10th Principle
against corruption, in campaigns such as Call to Action.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Workshop – Compliance Systems: Mitigation and Risk Prevention
(March 15th, Curitiba-PR and November 4th, Sao Paulo-SP)
he entry into force of the Business Anti-Corruption Law in
Brazil in January 2014 (Federal Law N° 12.486/2013) challenges and encourages business for
the implementation of compliance
systems. According to it, companies
involved in fraud will respond to civil
and administrative proceedings and
may pay a penalty of 0.1% to 20% of
gross annual revenues. This was the
subject of two workshops promoted
by the local Anti-corruption Thematic Group for several companies – including Global Compact participants
and non-participants.
The first one, held on the Federation
of Industries of Paraná (Fiep), was
promoted jointly by Instituto Ethos,
Sesi Paraná and International Centre for Local Actors Training for Latin America (Cifal). The event brought
together experts and business representatives that had already consolidated programs for transparency
and were engaged against corruption practices.
Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina
(Celesc), a Global Compact participant since 2006, shared its experience with the recent creation of an
Executive Committee of Risk Management. According to Mr. Clairton
Bethlehem da Silva, all matters
dealt within this committee are reported directly to the Board of Directors and to the CEO. The company designed a risk map with 34
dangerous situations, combined
with a long-term plan for risk
management – including internal
control process and auditing.
“... with good
laws and good
transparency and
integrity practices
in business,
governments and
society, corruption
is no longer
something seductive
The second Compliance Workshop took place during a panel at
the Sustainability Booth during
the HSM ExpoManagement, with
curatorship from the Global Compact Brazil Network. The event had
the opening from Georg Kell, UN
Global Compact executive director.
He highlighted that corruption “is
a cancer that requires long treatment, behavior and culture change
and a lot of effort to get rid of it. But
with good laws and good transparency and integrity practices in
business, governments and society, corruption is no longer something seductive”.
The workshop gathered around 50
people interested in how to mitigate risks in their daily operations.
Georg Kell at the opening of the
workshop at HSM Expomanagement
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Online launching in Portuguese – Fighting Corruption in Sport
Sponsorship and Sport Related Hospitality: A Practical Guide for
Companies (June 11th)
he online launching in Portuguese of Fighting Corruption in Sport Sponsorship
and Sport Related Hospitality: A Practical Guide for Companies by Global Compact Network
Brazil coincided with the opening
of the FIFA World Cup.
The 52 pages document points out
the most frequent risks and proposes a methodology to improve transparency and ethics in contracts and
provision of sponsorship accounts
in sport. The guide also addresses
another common type of support,
known as “hospitality actions” – or
exchange of favors and gifts from
sponsors and sports bodies. The
issue has gained prominence in
Brazil due to the intense schedule
of major events related to various
sports, such as the 2016 Olympics
in Brazil.
The translation for the Portuguese
version – available for download
on the Network’s website - was an
initiative of the local Anticorruption
Thematic Group. The next step will
be to facilitate access of this information to small and medium-sized
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Call to Action: Anti-Corruption and the
Post-2015 Development Agenda
Workshop: Compliance at a further glance (December 2nd) – Sao
s a first result of the partnership with the Global
Compact Network Germany, the workshop held at
Brazil-Germany Chamber of Commerce offered an update on current legislation evolution and compliance demands. Furthermore, it
brought together a select group of
compliance managers from different regions and provided a peerto-peer learning platform. Companies shared their experiences
and discussed solutions to current
implementation challenges. Recommendations for future activities in the area of compliance were
also mentioned by participants. GC
Network Brazil was represented in
the panel “Business Development”
by Juliana Breno, from PwC, on behalf of the Thematic Group on Anticorruption.
he Call to Action is an appeal by the private sector
to Governments to promote
anti-corruption measures
and to implement policies that will
establish systems of good governance. The initiative – promoted by
the United Nations Global Compact
and strategic partners – urges Governments to underscore anti-corruption and good governance as
fundamental pillars of a sustainable and inclusive global economy.
Concerned about the urgency of
the theme, the Executive Secretariat of GC Network Brazil mobilized
its participants to sign Call to Action. As a result, Brazil topped the
list of 250 signatories by December
10th 2014, with 34 companies and
organizations. Those names were
announced by occasion of the 10th
anniversary of the 10th Principle
Against Corruption event in New
York, that involved an active contribution from the Ethos Institute and
the Grupo Libra, both members of
the Global Compact Network Brazil’s Steering Committee.
Grupo Libra joined those celebrations with the presentation of good
practices and shared their experience with the subject through the
webinar “Issue leadership: Anti-Corruption”, on December 12th.
call to action:
brazilian organizations
Add Value
Banco Industrial e Comercial S/A
Beraca Sabara Químicos
Camargo & Campos Recursos
Copagaz Distribuidora de Gás S/A
Eletromil Engenharia e Energia
Grupo Abril
Grupo Boticário
Grupo Libra
HI Technologies
Itaipu Binacional
Itaú Unibanco
Laboratorio Sabin de Analises
Light S/A
New Space Processamento
e Sistemas Ltda
Newland Empreendimentos
Nogueira, Elias, Laskowski &
Matias Advogados
Oi S/A
OS-Santa Catarina
Okena Servicos Ambientais LTDA
Sociedade Beneficente Israelita
Brasileira Albert Einstein
Unimed Cuiaba Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Unimed de Avare Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Valpasa Paper Industry
ViiV Innovation
*By December 2014
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
The crosscutting dimension of sustainability included
the main capacity building activities promoted by
GC Network Brazil during 2014. In general, they aim
to promote leadership for sustainability inside the
organizations, as well as participants training for
cross-sector partnerships addressing innovation and
the United Nations goals.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
United Nations Global Compact Partnership Building Program Pilot
(April – September) – Brazil
he United Nations Global
Compact launched this pilot
program dedicated to build
the capacity of the Local
Network to facilitate partnerships
between local participants, LEAD
subsidiaries, country-level UN
Agencies and other relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, the objective
was to build capacity to advance
and promote GC issue platforms,
such as the Business Partnership
Hub and the Social Enterprise and
Impact Investing framework for action. To help implementing the program, the Local Network received
the support of an international
United Nations Volunteer.
One of the deliverables was the capacity building workshop “Cross
Sector Partnering” held in Sao Paulo
for the Local Network participants,
by May 27th, with 100 participants
from 90 organizations. The training
included best practices presentations from Nestle, Intel, Braskem,
Endesa, Unilever, UNDP Brazil e
UNICEF, besides the launching of
the platform Business Partnership
Hub and presentation of the Collaboration Lab project. On the next
day, the Local Network held three
incubation labs working the topics
of health, education, water and sanitation, that gathered the interest
of eight LEAD companies: BASF,
Braskem, Endesa Brasil, Intel, Netafim, Nestlé, Unilever, Vale.
In addition, the partnership pilot
workload methodology was presented internationally on two occasions: at the LN Partnership
Champions Group and at the LN
Exchange Program in coordination
with the Global Compact Network
Bangladesh. As an outcome, the
Local Network team has designed
an acceleration program to promote more and better partnerships,
which supported the launch of the
first Collaboration Lab Brazil.
Workshop “Cross Sector Partnering”
had the support from Global Compact
LEAD companies
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Collaboration Lab Brazil – New partnership models in water
and sanitation (November 18th) – Sao Paulo-SP
rganized by the Global
Compact Network Brazil,
the UN Global Compact
(Social Enterprise and Impact Investing work stream) and
Venture Partners of Brazil, the
launching of the first Collaboration Lab in Brazil brought together nearly 70 representatives from
corporations, social enterprises,
small and medium-sized enterprises, investment funds, Government and civil society. The event
aimed to promote the discovery
of new business models, the prospective of innovation partners and
the access to a set of resources
designed to support partnership
formation and project implementation with a focus on water and
sanitation sustainability with benefits for both business and society.
During the day, participants discussed topics such as research
and development, human capital, investment, infrastructure
and governance. Ideas for several
projects emerged on areas such
as raising awareness of the public and policymakers, value chain
traceability and the development of
acceleration programs to identify
innovative solutions that address
pressing sustainability challenges
in water and sanitation.
The event also shared innovative
partnership models lead by corporations like Natura and innovative
SME’s like Redox and Fluxus.
In the medium-term, the Collaboration Lab Brazil will provide
coaching and business planning
to the ideas and projects resulting
from the event with the support of
an advisory group providing mentorship, knowledge sharing and
community building.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Collaboration Lab Brazil – New partnership models in water
and sanitation (November 18th) – Sao Paulo-SP
Renata Seabra, executive director of the Global
Compact Network Brazil
Facilitators Daniel Izzo (Vox Capital) and Karine Bueno
Marcos Lisboa Cintra (Insper), Pedro Wongtschowski (CNPEM e
EMBRAPII) and Weber do Amaral (VPB/ USP)
Guilherme Castagna (Fluxus Design Ecológico)
Thiago Terada (Beraca)
Business Café helped map potential partnerships
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Debate – Business Leadership and Sustainability (April 9th)
– Sao Paulo-SP
leading researcher in
leadership and sustainability, professor Robert G. Eccles, of Harvard
Business School, participated in
a debate co-organized by Global
Compact Network Brazil and Global Compact LEAD. The event included a presentation of his study
– developed in partnership with the
London Business School – which
showed a comparative analysis of
80 high-performance companies
in sustainability and 80 low-performance companies. Findings over
18 years discovered that the first
group significantly outperformed
the second on accounting performance, with better results among
those companies that directly involved the Board on sustainability
issues and better-linked remuneration of executives to good performance in this area.
Representatives from the UN
Global Compact Office in New
York also presented two important initiatives focused on leadership and partnership. The LEAD
Board Programme – at that time
in its pilot phase – was introduced
as a platform for supporting and
empowering Boards of Directors
to take a proactive and strategic
approach to sustainability. Participants were also introduced to
the UN Global Compact Business
Partnership Hub, an online platform launched in 2013 to gather partners around projects and
solutions at a local level.
Robert G. Eccles presented a study
relating sustainability investments
with companies’ financial returns
the value of sustainability
The study found that a dollar invested in the shares of the sustainable group in 1993 turned into US$ 22,6 in 2010,
while the other was US$ 15,40.
return on equity (ROE)
Return on equity (ROE) of US$ 1 on the sustainable group would be US$ 31,70, compared to US$ 25,70 in the other.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Public Consultation – Inclusive Dialogue on Post-2015 Agenda:
Engaging with the Private Sector (August 27th) – Sao Paulo-SP
In response to the UN Global
Compact call for private sector engagement, the Global Compact Network Brazil
gathered over 80 representatives
of Brazilian companies and civil
society organizations in Sao Paulo
as part of a public consultation on
implementation of the Post-2015
Development Agenda.
The event – organized in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and
the International Finance Corporation (IFC - World Bank Group) – focused on the main challenges and
opportunities for the private sector
in this new global context, with the
adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Outcomes from the consultation
made part of a final report from
the UN Global Compact Headquarters, which is playing a major role
in bringing the voice of the private
sector to the process of developing
the SDGs. The global report Engaging with the Private Sector in the
Post-2015 Agenda was presented to
United Nations secretary-general,
which shows the growing relevance
of the Global Compact Network
Brazil in global governance issues.
UNDG Co-leads in Private Sector Engagement
Series of Dialogues on Means of Implementation
of the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Engaging with the Private Sector
in the Post-2015 Agenda
Consolidated Report on 2014 Consultations
UNDG Co-hosts in Private Sector Engagement
Under the auspices of:
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Public Consultation – Inclusive Dialogue on Post-2015 Agenda:
Engaging with the Private Sector (August 27th) – Sao Paulo-SP
Jorge Chediek (UN/ UNDP Brazil)
Contributions were integrated into the Global Compact report to the UN secretary-general
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Sustainability Booth at HSM ExpoManagement 2014
(3th-5th November) – Sao Paulo-SP
public satisfaction
survey promoted
by HSM
didn’t answer
partly unmet
During three days, 717 people
joined the activities. According to
the satisfaction survey promoted by
HSM, 81% of participants had their
expectations exceeded or met and
18% had it partially met. On overall, the evaluation pointed for the
success of the initiative, with the
following scores for each item: 8.9
(didactics), 9.0 (content), 9.2 (speakers), 9.3 (theme).
There were seven panels with free
entry and the theme was “The future is global.” The program shared
learning on key issues for a more
fair and responsible management,
with the participation of internation-
al guests such as Georg Kell (United
Nations Global Compact Executive
Director), Raj Sisodia (Co-founder
of Conscious Capitalism), Ana Paula Padrão (journalist and entrepreneur) and Ozires Silva (founder of
Embraer). The moderation of the tables was done by representatives of
the local Thematic Groups, emphasizing the Network value proposition
for new participants.
evaluation of the initiative
he biggest executive conference event in Latin America
was strategically seen as a
unique opportunity for the
Global Compact Network Brazil to
scale up its visibility and to share
innovative discussion on sustainability among companies and professionals. Therefore, the network
accepted the challenge to sign the
program curatorship for the Sustainably Booth during the three-day
event at Transamerica Expo Center. The initiative was sponsored by
Braskem, Itaipu Binacional, Petrobras e Samarco.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Sustainability Booth at HSM ExpoManagement 2014
(3th-5th November) – Sao Paulo-SP
Members of the Steering Committee with Raj Sisodia at the Conscious Capitalism panel
Women’s Empowerment panel with Adriana Machado,
Ana Paula Padrão e Ana Fontes
Ozires Silva at the panel on Small
and Medium Business
Panel on Global Warming: Rachel Biderman, Weber Amaral,
Eduardo Matias and Thiago Terada
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Global Compact Network Brazil Annual Meeting (November 4th)
– Sao Paulo-SP
ransparency, ethics and
willingness to work in
partnership were the key
messages of the Annual Meeting of the Global Compact
Network Brazil in 2014, held at
the Transamerica Expo Center.
Throughout the day, around 200
participants of the Global Compact participants discussed topics
such as leadership and innovation,
reaffirming business commitment
with the United Nations in building
and implementing the Post 2015
Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.
Such message was brought by special speakers such as Georg Kell
(United Nations Global Compact
Executive Director) and Jorge Chediek (UN Resident Coordinator and
UNDP Resident Representative in
Brazil). Both encouraged Brazilian
companies to assume their role as
global leaders towards sustainable development. The keynote Silvio
Meira, PhD on computer science
and CEO from Porto Digital, in Recife/Brasil, brought the innovative dimension of sustainability during an
enthusiastic advocacy for diversity,
ethics and creativity on business.
Programming also addressed the
challenges faced by companies in
implementing The Global Compact
Principles and explored the model
proposed by the document Architects of a better world, launched in
2013. Therefore, participants were
motivated to know and join some of
the main Global Compact engagement opportunities.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Global Compact Network Brazil Annual Meeting (November 4th)
– Sao Paulo-SP
Georg Kell, UN Global Compact
Jorge Chediek, Armando Tripodi and Renata Seabra
Alongside the HSM ExpoManagement, meeting included a speech from Silvio Meira (Porto Digital) on innovation
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
“Iniciativa Incluir” - Innovation in markets and business
(Since August 2014)
he Global Compact Network Brazil acted as a strategic partner for the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the project Iniciativa Incluir, designed to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and
creation of opportunities for companies to include people with low
incomes in their business model.
Along with partners from academic
and industry associations, The Local Network has mobilized its signatories to assist the launching of
the initiative in September 23rd and
to join the inscription call for best
practices on inclusive business. The
chosen cases will be published in
2015 to promote inclusive markets
at local and international level. The
Local Network Thematic Group on
Inclusive Economy joined the technical evaluation commission.
Inclusive business models involve people with low incomes in the economic development process
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Network Support
to Participants
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
razil Network team has
been developing a reliable
relationship with its participants through different
communication channels. One of
the main assistance given to participants was related to their Communication on Progress – COP, the
Global Compact mandatory disclosure framework. On average, the
professional responsible for COP
assistance answered twenty people
by phone each week.
Regarding this great demand, the
Local Network organized four webinars, three of them related to
how to submit the COP and the
Communication on Engagement –
COE. Another one was dedicated to
logo policy and voluntary contribution to the Global Compact Foundation and the Local Network. In
total, over 200 people have joined.
By invitation of the Federation of Industries of Paraná (Fiep), the Local
Network also promoted a COP onsite training in Maringá, Paraná,
for a group of 20 high-committed
The Local Network engagement in
Human Rights led to two webinars
on two themes promoted during
the year: The Guiding Principles
on Business and Human Rights (50
participants) and LBGT Rights at
the workplace (50 participants).
Number of COPs
submitted on
the Global Compact
Number of business
delisted from the
Global Compact
Number of new
growth from 2013
to 2014
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Internal Activities
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
n 2013, on the occasion of the 10th
anniversary of the Global Compact Network Brazil, the Steering Committee decided to conduct the first major consultancy
with network participants and their
CEOs to know in depth the views
of members about the governance
of the initiative in the country. The
consultancy was made from January to April as a pro-bono service
from Instituto Superior de Administração e Economia – ISAE/FGV.
The online survey was answered by
136 participants (23% of the Network). Another 18 business leaders – including six CEOs from the
Steering Committee – were personally interviewed.
The consultancy outlined a number
of valuable conclusions on different topics: the Steering Committee
Guidelines, the increase of network
participants, the communication
efficiency, the board performance,
Thematic Groups, the role of the
Executive Secretariat and the value proposition for participants. The
results were shared during two
meetings and helped in the decision
made by the majority of the group
to keep the hosting of the Executive
Secretariat with the United Nations
Development Programme in Brazil,
with the office located in the United
Nations Shared Office in Sao Paulo. This partnership was seen as a
valuable gain for the Global Compact Network Brazil ’s growth in
scale and quality.
Furthermore, different results from
the consultancy have already been
addressed. To strengthen the fund-
ing and the engagement of new
economic sectors in the initiative,
the Steering Committee decided to
expand its vacancies from 35 members to 70 members. By the end of
2014, 39 companies composed the
Steering Committee.
There has also been an increase of
human resources at the Secretariat,
with two new vacancies opened in
the areas of Partnership and Communication. The Partnership specialist gave support for two United
Nations Global Compact pilots. Yet,
the hired journalist assisted on the
implementation of the communications strategy in close collaboration
with the Communications Commission to increase the network’s visibility and awareness among internal and external audiences.
Global Compact
Network brazil
secretariat’s team
Gabriela Almeida (Assistant),
Vanessa Tarantini
(Partnership), Renata Seabra
(Executive Director), Bárbara
Dunin (Advisor), Vera Barracho
(Partnership Broker), Júlia
Tavares (Communications).
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Strategic Partnerships and representativeness
he first Communication
Plan for the GC Network
Brazil was supported by an
in-kind contribution from
Editora Abril for the process of repositioning the Local Network’s
image and identity. As a consequence of this work, all events
hosted by the Network had a specific communication identity shown
in invitations, banners, folders and
website. The first institutional video was produced to engage new
members, disseminate the Ten
Principles and advertise the Network value proposition.
WBCSD Brazil- World Business
Council for Sustainable
The updating of the Brazilian website was another priority, reaching
an average of 2,841 new users/
month and 43 new articles published, which consolidates the
webpage as the main reference in
Portuguese about the Global Compact. Social media channels were
also launched through the year
(Twitter: @PactoGlobalBR, Facebook: PactoGlobalBR, LinkedIn:
Pacto Global – Rede Brasileira)
and Flickr: Pacto Global Rede Brasileira), in close collaboration with
digital media from the United Nations in Brazil.
United Nations Children’s Fund
More than 30 organizations have
requested the use of the We Support - Network logo, strengthening the Network’s identity to its
Ideia Sustentável
Instituto Ethos
The Climate Reality Project
United Nations Development
Programme in Brazil
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Industrial
Development Organization
International Finance Corporation
United Nations Volunteer
United Nations International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Website: 2,841 new users/month
Facebook: 1,100 fans; post reach
average: 1,850 people
Twitter: 400 followers
Local Network We Support
Logo: 30 requests
n 2014, the Local Network has
also succeeded in the building
and strengthening of strategic
partnerships with acknowledged
organizations on sustainability, as
well as other United Nations agencies and programs. Additionally, the
Local Network has started to establish a relationship with Global Compact LEAD companies, an exclusive
group of corporate sustainability leaders from across all regions and economic sectors that represent the cutting edge of the UN Global Compact.
Those companies, with relevant presence in Brazil, are BASF, Braskem,
Endesa Brasil, Intel, Netafim, Nestlé,
Unilever and Vale.
To enhance the effectiveness of the
Local Network, including governance, the executive director Renata Seabra traveled to New York
to align the Brazilian strategy with
the Global Compact Headquarters
team. She also joined the following
meetings: Annual Local Networks
Forum in Addis Abeba, the regional
consultation on Post-2015 Development Agenda and the private sector
in Cartagena (Colombia), the Stockholm World Water Week & CEO
Water Mandate Forum (Sweden).
During the year, there were eight
Steering Committee meetings,
with an average of 30 companies’
representatives per meeting. Most
of them were held in the UN Shared Office in Sao Paulo, with the
exception of one in Campinas (Sanasa) and another one in Brasilia
(UN House).
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Labor Court
Abiquim’s Engagement
he Global Compact Network
Brazil approached a strategic sector for the economy
of Brazil with the participation from the Brazilian Chemical
Industry Association (Abiquim) in
the United Nations Global Compact. The signature ceremony was
held during the opening of the 15th
Congress of Responsible Care,
held in São Paulo on August 12th.
Considered the country’s fourth
largest industrial GDP, the chemical
industry accounts for approximately
10% of the sector’s share in Brazil,
with 976 industrial units throughout the Brazilian territory. According to the abiquim’s chairman of
the board Carlos Fadigas Filho, the
Global Compact can enhance the
contribution of the chemical sector for sustainable development.
“This accession will open more opportunities to strengthen our partnerships with multilateral organizations,” said Carlos Fadigas, also
CEO of Braskem.
razil became the first UN
Global Compact Local Network to hold a participant
from the Labor Court, with
the engagement from the Regional Labor Court of the 15th Region
(Tribunal Regional do Trabalho 15a
Região), based in Campinas, São
Paulo. With this membership, Network Brazil assumes a relevant
political activity, as well as transformative, as the National Policy for
Environmental Responsibility of the
Labor Court included the UN Global
Compact’s ten principles.
The Policy establishes objectives,
instruments and guidelines to be
observed in national institutions
such as the Supreme Council of the
Labor Court, the Superior Court of
Labor and Labor Regional Courts.
Jorge Chediek (UN/UNDP),
Carlos Fadigas (Abiquim),
Jorge Soto (GCNB) and
Francisco Gaetani (Ministry
of the Environment)
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
New board
rom 2013 to 2014, the
Global Compact Network
Brazil’s Steering Committee was headed by Braskem
(presidency), CPFL Energia, Itaipu
Binacional, ISAE/FGV and Petrobras. By the end of the year, a
democratic process elected a new
board with five companies for the
biennium 2015-2016: Grupo Abril
(presidency), Itaú Unibanco, Grupo Libra, Basf and Beraca. For the
first time, the board has a representative of the financial system.
Global Compact Network Brazil’s Steering Committee
board 2013-2014
board 2015-2016
Jorge Soto/ Braskem
Caco de Paula/ Grupo Abril
Armando Tripodi/ Petrobras
Augusto Rodrigues/ CPFL Energia
Heloísa Covolan/ Itaipu Binacional
Norman Arruda Filho/ ISAE/FGV
André Oliveira/ Basf
Marcos Rossa/ Grupo Libra
Denise Hills/ Itaú Unibanco
Ulisses Sabara/ Beraca
Executive Director - Global Compact Network Brazil
Renata Seabra
Global Compact Network Brazil’s Steering Committee team and representatives from the Board in 2013-2014 and 2015-2016
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
global compact network
brazil’s participants
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Global Compact Network Brazil’s
Steering Committee
BPN Brasil Banco Múltiplo S/A
Brasilprev Seguros
e Previdência S/A
Associação Comercial do Paraná
Banco Bradesco
Banco do Brasil
Banco Itaú Unibanco
Banco Santander
Central Nacional Unimed
Whirlpool Latin America
Business Participants
7COMm Informática Ltda.
Braskem S/A
Caixa Econômica Federal
CCAA Franca
Celulose Irani S/A
Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S/A
Academia de Cabala
Centrais Elétricas de Santa
Catarina S/A - Celesc S/A
Add Value Technologies Comércio
e Serviços de Informática Ltda.
Centrais Elétricas Cachoeira
Caixa Econômica Federal
Adespec Adesivos Especiais S/A
AES Brasil
Central Geradora Termelétrica
Endesa Brasil
AES Tiete S/A
AES Uruguaiana
Empreendimentos S/A
Fundação Dom Cabral
Grupo Abril
Grupo Libra
Grupo Pão de Açúcar
Mexichem Brasil Indústria de
Transformação Plástica Ltda.
Amara Brasil Ltda.
Ampla Energia e Serviços S/A
Hospital Albert Einstein
Aon Holdings Corretores
de Seguros Ltda.
Instituto Ethos
Fibria Celulose S/A
ISAE – FGV Paraná
Arcelor Mittal Brasil
Itaipu Binacional
Associação Educadora
e Beneficente
Novozymes Latin America
Banco Bradesco S/A
Banco do Brasil S/A
Itaú Unibanco S/A
Banco Santander S/A (Brasil)
Beraca Sabara Químicos
e Ingredientes S/A
Central Nacional Unimed
Centro Universitário Norte
Paulista -UNORP
Chemtech Serviços de Engenharia
e Software Ltda.
Cia Ultragaz S.A
CINQ Technologies
Clarus Technology do Brasil Ltda.
COELCE - Companhia Energética
do Ceará
Colégio EAG/EAg Tec
Colégio Lacordaire Sant-Anna
SC Ltda.
Colégio Ofélia Fonseca
Companhia de Eletricidade
do Estado da Bahia - COELBA
Companhia de Interconexão
Energética - CIEN
Companhia de Saneamento
Básico do Estado de São Paulo
Companhia Energética
de Minas Gerais
Companhia Energética
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
de Pernambuco - CELPE
Companhia Energética do Rio
Grande Do Norte - COSERN
Companhia Hidro Elétrica
do São Francisco - Chesf
Eletronuclear - Eletrobras
Termonuclear S/A
Eletropaulo Metropolitana
Eletricidade de São Paulo S/A
Comunicarte Marketing
Cultural e Social
Endesa Brasil S/A
Concessão Metroviária do
Rio de Janeiro S/A
Concessionaria Litoral Norte
Copagaz Distribuidora de Gás
S/A - Grupo Zahran
COPEL- Companhia
Paranaense de Energia
Cosil Construções
e Incorporações S/A
Escola Paulista de Direito
Eternit S/A
Faculdades Integradas Santa Cruz
de Curitiba
Federal University of Paraná
PAR Corretora de Seguros e
Administração de Bens S/A
Itapebi Geração de Energia S/A
Klabin S/A
Laboratório Sabin de Análises
Light S/A
Linha Amarela S/A
M. Bigucci Comércio
e Empreendimentos
Imobiliários Ltda.
Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey
Jr. e Quiroga - Advogados
MDD Comércio e Representações
de Papel Ltda.
Natura Cosméticos S/A
NC Energia S/A
Fersol Indústria e Comércio
Neoenergia S/A
CPFL Energia S/A
FH Consultoria Empresarial LTDA.
CTE - Centro de Tecnologia
de Edificações Ltda.
Fiagril Ltda.
New Space Processamento
e Sistemas Ltda.
Cushman and Wakefield
Consultoria Imobiliária Ltda.
Fundação Dom Cabral
Rodovalho Advogados
Furnas Centrais Elétricas S/A
Newland Empreendimentos
Imobiliários Ltda.
Colégio e Faculdades Anchieta
G-Comex Óleo E Gás Ltda.
Nutrimental S/A Indústria
e Comércio de Alimentos
Dinâmica Empresa Junior Engenharia de Produção
Grupo Abril - Abril S/A
Grupo Boticário
Grupo Caixa Seguros
Odontoprev S/A
Grupo Empresarial Melissatur
Dudalina S/A
Oi - Oi S/A
Grupo Mapfre Brasil
Duratex S/A
Grupo Pão de Açúcar - Companhia
Brasileira de Distribuição
Organização Centro Universitário
Augusto Motta - UNISUAM
Cyrela Commercial
Properties - CCP
EDP- Energias do Brasil S/A
Electra Comercializadora de
Energia Ltda.
Elejor - Centrais Elétricas
do Rio Jordão S/A
Elektro Eletricidade
e Serviços S/A
Eletronorte - Centrais Elétricas
do Norte do Brasil S/A
Patmar Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
PATRI Políticas Públicas Ltda.
Instituto Internacional de
Desenvolvimento Gerencial IDG
Petróleo Brasileiro S/A - Petrobras
ISAE - Instituto Superior
de Administração e Economia
da Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Porto Brasil Viagens
Promon S/A
Royal Business & Associados
Itaipu Binacional - Brasil
BRF Brasil Foods S/A
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
SAMA Minerações Associadas S/A
Los Grobo Ceagro do Brasil S/A
Samarco Mineração S/A
Torcomp Usinagem e
Componentes Ltda.
Souza Cruz
SustentaX Engenharia
de Sustentabilidade
Suzano Papel e Celulose
TAM Linhas Aéreas S/A
TGI Consultoria em Gestão Ltda.
Instituto Rompendo em Fé
Fischer Group
Unimed Sul Capixaba Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
TIM Participações S/A
Unimed Amparo Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Blue Public Relations
UNIMED Campinas Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Unimed de Blumenau Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
UNIMED Do Brasil Confederação
Nacional Das Cooperativas
Unimed Grande Florianópolis
Unimed Jundiaí Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Unimed Vitória Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Unimed Volta Redonda
Valpasa Indústria de Papel Ltda.
Via Gutenberg
Visão Sustentável - Dorpas
Assessoria Empresarial S/C Ltda.
Werden Piso Elevado Monolítico
Whirlpool S/A - Home
Appliance Division
Wilson, Sons
Universidade Tuiuti
do Paraná - UTP
Faculdades Integradas do Brasil UniBrasil
Mundi Indústria e Comércio de
Metais Ltda.
OS-ACSC - Organização Social
Associação Congregação Santa
Ayra Consultoria
Acuapura Indústria
e Comércio Ltda.
Imam Publicidade
e Propaganda Ltda.
Opusmultipla Comunicação
Integrada S/A
Promaflex Industrial Ltda.
Açaí do Amapá Agroindustrial
Ltda. (Sambazon)
LITRANS Logística Internacional
de Transportes Ltda.
Antonio Meneghetti Faculdade
Unimed Cuiabá
Unimed Fortaleza - Cooperativa
de Trabalhos Médicos LTDA.
Quinta da Estancia Grande
Anhanguera Educacional S/A
Unimed Santos Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Telefônica Brasil
Semp Toshiba
Endocirúrgica Comércio
de Produtos Médicos Ltda.
Grupo Educacional UNINTER
Recognition Companhia Brasileira
de Automação Bancaria S/A
Investimentos e Participações
em Infra Estrutura S/A - Invepar
Ladeira Miranda Engenharia
e Construção Ltda.
Colégio M2
Hidroazul Indústria
e Comércio Ltda.
Copastur Viagens e Turismo Ltda.
Organizações Atanagildo Cortes
QUAY Consultoria e Sistemas
CART - Concessionaria Auto
Raposo Tavares S/A
Caviglia Indústria de Móveis
Unimed de Avaré
Unimed de São Lourenco
Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico
Governance Technology Ltda.
Design Empreendimentos Ltda.
Estação Business School
Sociedade Beneficente Israelita
Brasileira Albert Einstein
NS Brazil Tecnologia Pisos
e Revestimentos Ltda.
Daiichi Sankyo Brasil
Hospital Visão Laser Oftalmologia
Centro de Estudos da Cultura
e do Meio Ambiente da Amazônia
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
- Rioterra
Universidade Positivo
Amil Participações S/A
Votorantim Industrial S/A
Unimed Planalto Médio
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa
e Ensino - INAPE
Lightsweet Ind. e Comércio
de Alimentos Ltda.
Unimed Erechim Cooperativa
de Serviços de Saúde Ltda.
Cielo S/A
Emflora Empreendimentos
Florestais Ltda.
Polo Saneamento Ambiental
Solarium Indústria
e Comércio Ltda.
Hospital Nossa Senhora
da Luz dos Pinhais
PPW Brasil
Instituto Ambiental Brasil - IAB
Giasa Brasil Indústria e Comércio
de Equipamentos Eletrônicos de
Segurança Ltda.
Catamarã Engenharia
e Empreendimentos Ltda.
Unimed Vale do Sinos
CTEEP - Companhia de
Transmissão de Energia Elétrica
Empresa Brasileira de Tecnologia
e Administração de Convênios
Hom Ltda.
Apetit Serviços de Alimentação
GAP Gestão Ambiental
e Projetos Ltda.
Fab Pisos Elevados Ltda.
Hunter Douglas do Brasil
Grupo ABC
Unimed Anápolis Coop Trabalho
Pontifícia Universidade Católica
do Paraná - PUCPR
Associação Franciscana
de Ensino Senhor Bom Jesus
Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná
Plant Bem Fertilizantes S/A
Academia Brasileira de Coaching
Ecoatitude Comércio
de Papéis Reciclados
e Produtos Ecológicos Ltda.
Máquina da Noticia
Comunicação Ltda.
Condomínio do Aspen Park
Shopping Center II
Grafica e Editora Clichetec
Usina de Açúcar Santa Terezinha
Avenorte Avícola Cianorte Ltda.
Brazilian Institute of Coaching
Vinhos Crevelim Ltda.
Manabi S/A
MPD Engenharia Ltda.
Queiroz Galvão Exploração
e Produção
Design On Divisórias Ltda.
Imagem Corporativa
Comunicação Ltda.
Smart Green Desenvolvimento
de Tecnologias S/A
Sul América Seguros,
Previdência e Investimentos
Rio Norte Saneamento, Locação
e Serviços
Arroba Soluções Integradas em
Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.
Embafort Embalagem Industrial
Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A
Solvi Participações S/A
Renuka Vale do Ivaí S/A
Arauco do Brasil
Mongeral Aegon
Imagem Sistemas
de Informações Ltda.
Multigeo - Mineração, Geologia
e Meio Ambiente
Boldrini Serviços de Energia
Elétrica Ltda.
Vega Engenharia Ambiental S/A
Empresa Brasileira de Correios
e Telégrafos
Taky Empreendimentos
e Participações Ltda.
RRV Engenharia Ltda.
Global Web Outsourcing
do Brasil S/A
B2Br - Business To Business
Informática Ltda.
NFE do Brasil S/A
EBFlora Empresa Brasileira de
Florestamento Ambiental Ltda.
Marca Medica Serviços
Médicos Ltda.
Puriplast Plásticos do Brasil
Farias e Valchi Advogados
Sicredi União Paraná
Plaza Avenida Shopping
Unimed do Estado
de Santa Catarina
Enjin Distribuidora
de Veículos Ltda.
Mazzi de Paula e Ragazzi
Construções Ltda.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Ouroen Stern Corretora
de Seguros
Rava Embalagens Indústria
e Comércio Ltda.
Institutos Paraibanos
de Educação - IPE
Escola Técnica Status
Helenge Sul Comércio
e Representações Ltda.
Eletrobras Distribuição Acre
Sociedade de Abastecimento de
Agua S/A - Sanasa - Campinas
Unimed Chapecó
Unimed Presidente Prudente Cooperativa de Trabalho Médico
Telemachine Telemática Ltda.
Arqtex Convenio Ltda.
Unimed Alto Vale Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
FACENE - Faculdade de
Enfermagem Nova Esperança
Sicoob Norte do Paraná
Frango Seva
Cooperativa Sicredi São Cristóvão
Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Academia Boituvense
de Letras e Artes
Cooperativa de Serviços Médicos Unimed Piracicaba
COHAPAR - Companhia de
Habitação do Paraná
Spice Gourmet
Eficaz Engenharia e Serviços Ltda.
Rio Verde Engenharia e
Construções Ltda.
Faculdade de Engenharia e
Inovação Técnico Profissional FEITEP
Instituto Venturi Para Estudos
Banco Pine S/A
Companhia de Restauro
Hi Technologies
Okena Serviços Ambientais Ltda.
Hidro Metalúrgica ZM Ltda.
Sicoob Cascavel
Granotec do Brasil S/A
Biotecnologia e Ingredientes
Unimed Sorocaba Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Faculdade Metropolitana
de Curitiba - FAMEC
Sistema Correio de Comunicação
Unimed Vales do Taquari
e Rio Pardo
Ipiranga Produtos de Petróleo S/A
Fox Time Recursos Humanos
Biopar Bioenergia do Paraná Ltda.
Brazilian Oleochemical Ltda.
Fotolaser Gráfica e Editora Ltda.
Uniao de Tecnologia
Unimed Vale das Antas RS
Unimed Londrina Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
JB Propaganda e Marketing
Unimed Tubarão - Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico da Região da
Unimed Itabuna - Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Triunfo Participações
e Investimentos
Endura Partners Consultoria
e Participações Ltda.
Eletrobras Amazonas Energia
Grupo 5 Estrelas
Lojas Renner S/A
Empresa Paulista de
Planejamento Metropolitano S/A EMPLASA
Eletrobras Distribuição Alagoas
Indigo Produção e Gerenciamento
de Software S/A
Eletrobras Distribuição Rondônia
Hospital e Maternidade Municipal
São Jose de Ribamar
Citeluz Serviços de Iluminação
Urbana S/A
Eletrobras Distribuição Piauí
The Way Bar, Restaurante
e Refeições Coletivas Ltda.
Grupo Engevix
Italit Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
Banco Industrial e Comercial S/A
M4 Produtos e Serviços S/A
Eletrobras Distribuição Roraima
IBS - Instituto Brasil Sustentável
CEBRACORP - Centro Brasileiro
de Sustentabilidade e Educação
Universo Tintas e Vernizes Ltda.
Ômega Prime Consulting
Consultoria em Gestão Ltda.
W3 Indústria Metalúrgica Ltda.
Danone Ltda.
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Altenburg Indústria Têxtil Ltda.
Centro Universitário Curitiba
EDF Norte Fluminense S/A
Grupo Fleury
Madeira Plástica Ambiental S/A
Orbital Engenharia Ltda.
Posidonia Shipping
WM Transportadora de
Combustível e Cargas Ltda.
Surya Brasil
Uniformes Paraná
Universidade Tecnológica Federal
do Paraná
Farol Brasil Ltda.
Marca Laser Presentes Ltda.
Fertilizantes Heringer S/A
Solon Comércio Demolidora
e Terraplanagem Ltda.
Thesis Engenharia Ltda.
Nogueira, Elias, Laskowski,
Matias Advogados
Zenite Informação
e Consultoria S/A
Rubberart Artefatos
de Borracha Ltda.
Cahetel-TG Comércio
de Alimentos Ltda.
SEFIT - Serviços Especializados
em Fisioterapia do Trabalho
Dinâmica Ecosolution Ltda.
Ingaville Comércios Imobiliários
Alvo Consultoria, Assessoria e
Treinamentos Empresariais Ltda.
Tecverde Engenharia S/A
Sol Propaganda Ltda.
Cambara Eco Hotel
Santos Brasil Participações S/A
Amazônia Cabo Ltda.
Noblu Sports
GIL Equipamentos Industriais Ltda.
Instituto Comnene Palaiologos
de Educação e Cultura
Sinigaglia Contadores Associados
Bank Log
Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S/A
Unimed Itapetininga Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Banco do Estado do Rio Grande
do Sul S/A
Academia Filosófica de Letras,
Ciências e Artes
CBPAK Tecnologia S/A
Primavera Consultoria
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Engeblock Planejamento
e Construções Ltda.
Lojas Americanas S/A
Unimed Cascavel
Aloisio da Silva Lopes Sociedade
de Advogados
Dialog Inovação Sustentabilidade
e Consultoria Ltda.
Rocha e Zubioli Ltda.
NORSUL Engenharia
e Consultoria Ltda.
Banco Regional de
Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul
Grupo Multi Segurança
Sociedade Cooperativa Serviços
Médicos Ltda. - Unimed
Intercos do Brasil Indústria e
Comércio de Cosméticos Ltda.
Celnar Transportes
Rodoviários Ltda.
Exata Engenharia e Meio
Ambiente Ltda.
B2W Digital
Unimed Regional Maringá
Blast Turismo
Unimed Brusque Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
Ecorodovias Infraestrutura
e Serviços S/A
Tristar Turismo
Yerbalatina Ltda.
Companhia de Saneamento
Ambiental de Atibaia
Construção e Comércio
Camargo Correa S/A
Trisoft Têxtil Ltda.
Inplac Indústria de Plásticos S/A
Altanova Industrial
e Comercial Ltda.
Oceanpact Serviços Marítimos S/A
Camargo & Campos
Recursos Humanos
Fixa Brindes Comercial
e Importação Ltda.
QPRO Soluções Integradas
PT Lerrer Comunicação (Portal
Pro Legislativo)
Unimed do Estado de São
Paulo - Federação Estadual das
Cooperativas Médicas - FESP
GTFoods S.A
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Três Corações Alimentos S.A
Moreira Suzuki Lemes & Fujita
Sociedade de Advogados
Servicos.Com Consultoria,
Projetos e Construções
Eco Alternativa Assessoria
Associação Goiana de
Administração - AGAD
Nextrans Transportes Ltda.
AVAPE- Associação para
Valorização e Promoção
de Excepcionais
Parceiros de Campo Grande
Serviços de Carga Ltda.
FA Maringá Ltda.
Non-business Participants
Guindaste Piro Ltda.
6o Oficio de Registro de Títulos e
Documentos na Cidade do Rio de
OPP Brasil
AFG Energy
ProGov Conserv - Programa
de Conservação e Conscientização
Ambiental Ltda.
Companhia de Processamento
de Dados do Estado de São Paulo
ComBio Energia S/A
Ricca RI
TIC Transportes Ltda.
Unimed Jaboticabal Cooperativa
de Trabalho Médico
AAPSA - Associação dos
Administradores de Pessoal
ABIMIP, Associação Brasileira
da Indústria de Medicamentos
Isentos de Prescrição
AIESEC no Brasil
AJA Brasil
ANADESH-Associação Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Econômico
Social e Humano
Triangulo Administradora
de Consórcios Ltda.
APRAG Associação dos
Controladores de Vetores e Pragas
Global Village Telecom S/A
Engpiso - Engenharia & Soluções
Integradas Ltda.
ABRAPP - Associação Brasileira
das Entidades Fechadas de
Previdência Complementar
Construtora Saraiva de Rezende
Sierdovski & Sierdovski Ltda.
Sustainable Carbon
Niwa & Advogados Associados
Unimed Missões/RS - Cooperativa
de Assistência a Saúde
Bom Negócio Indústria e
Comércio de Rações Ltda.
Concessionaria BR-040 S/A
Auto Escola Universo
Casa Das Lixas Ltda.
Associação Comercial do Paraná
Associação Comercial e
Empresarial de Praia Grande
Associação Cultural e Educacional
Nova Opção - ACENO
Associação de Contabilistas de
Rio das Ostras
Bekbkaym Brasil Consultores
Caixa de Previdência dos
Funcionários do Banco do Brasil
Central de Inteligência
e Assessoria Brasil
Centro de Apoio aos Peq.
Empreendimentos Est. RS-Ceape/RS
City of Porto Alegre
Confederação das Associações
Comerciais e Empresariais do
Brasil - CACB
Conselho Federal de Administração
CONTEMPLA - Cooperação
Técnica, Planejamento e
Assistência Social
CREA-PR - Conselho Regional
de Engenharia e Agronomia
do Paraná
Instituto Brasileiro do Crisólita
GS1 Brasil - Associação Brasileira
de Automação
FEBRAFARMA - Federação
Brasileira da Indústria
Federação das Associações
Comerciais e Empresariais do
Estado do Paraná - FACIAP
Associação de Registradores
Imobiliário de São Paulo
Federação das Indústrias
do Estado de Minas Gerais Sistema FIEMG
Employees Association of
FIESP- Federação das Indústrias
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
do Estado de São Paulo
Instituto Socioambiental Invepar
Departamento Nacional - SESI/DN
Fórum Permanente de
Responsabilidade Social Fórum RS
Instituto Sollus
Instituto LOGOdata de Pesquisa
Humana e Tecnológica
Fundação Abrinq pelos Direitos
da Criança e do Adolescente
FUNDAMENTAL - Associação para
o Desenvolvimento Sustentado
GAASV - Grupo De Apoio Aos
Doentes De Aids ‘Solidários
Pela Vida’
German-Brazilian Chamber
of Industry and Commerce
Governo do Município de
Ortigueira, Estado do Paraná,
Hospital Geral de Pedreira
Ingo - Guardians of
the Nature’s Institute
Instituto Brasileiro de Ética nos
Instituto Brasileiro
de Ética nos negócios
Instituto de Estudos Legislativos
Brasileiro (IDELB)
Instituto Educacional Anjinho
da Guarda
Instituto Espirita Dr. Cruz
Instituto Ethos de Empresas
e Responsabilidade Social
Instituto Imer de Estudos Sociais
Instituto Internacional de Pesquisa
Socioambiental Chico Mendes
Instituto Paradigma
Instituto PNBE
de Desenvolvimento
Instituto Quadrix de Tecnologia
e Responsabilidade Social
ITAK - Instituto de Tecnologia
August Kekule
Lions Clube De Curitiba - Centro
Lions Clube de Curitiba Batel
Ordem Dos Advogados do Brasil
57a Subsecção de Guarulhos
Organização da Promoção Social
e da Saúde do Brasil - Obras
Oxigênio Desenvolvimento de
Politicas Publicas e Sociais
S.O.S. Natureza do Brasil
SAMA -Saneamento Básico
do Município de Mauá
FIEP - Federação das Indústrias
do Estado do Paraná
SINAGO - Sindicato dos
Administradores de Goiânia
Sindicato da Indústria
de Calcados, Vestuário e
Componentes para Calcados
de Igrejinha/RS
IBISA - Instituto Brasileiro
de Incentivo Social Ambiental
Associação Educacional Cultural
e Assistencial MIESPERANZA
Associação Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Econômico
e Social | ANADES
AAMAE - Associação de
Assistência a Mulher, ao
Adolescente a Criança Esperança
Portal Empresas Gaúchas
Constituição Para Todos Desenvolvendo a Cidadania
Instituto Brasileiro de Florestas
INclusiva - Agencia
de Negócios Sociais
Instituto GRPCOM
Tempo Ético
Sindicato dos Estabelecimentos
Particulares de Ensino do Estado
do Paraná - Sinepe/PR
Associação dos Bibliotecários
do Distrito Federal
Sumare Fund for Social Work
Associação Desereth
Tottal-Social Development
Instituto Quovis
Trade and Industrial Chamber
of the City of Toledo (ACIT)
GIFE - Grupo de Institutos
Fundações E Empresas
Transparência Brasil
Associação Civil Sociedade
Federação Nacional de
Associações e Grêmios de Bairros
e Órgãos Congêneres - FENAB
Instituto EcoFaxina Limpeza, Monitoramento
e Educação Ambiental
GERAR Geração de Emprego Renda
e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Regional
Conselho Regional de
Administração da Bahia (CRA-BA)
Fundação Fritz Muller
Fundação Brasil Criativo
Serviço Social da Indústria
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
IPED - Instituto pela Produção,
Emprego e Desenvolvimento
Conselho Regional de
Administração do Rio de Janeiro
Conselho Regional de Engenharia,
Arquitetura e Agronomia
do Espirito Santo (Crea-ES)
Africa Chamber for Promotion
and Economic Development
Casa de Francisco de Assis
Junior Chamber International JCI Cascavel
Instituto Akatu
Associação de Assistência
a Criança Deficiente - AACD
Associação Profissional
dos Engenheiros e Arquitetos
de Paranavaí
Associação dos Engenheiros
e Arquitetos de Apucarana
Clube Piratininga
AREA-CM - Associação Regional
de Engenheiros e Arquitetos de
Campo Mourão
Instituto de Organização Racional
do Trabalho IDORT
Brazilian Textile and Apparel
Industry Association
IVG - Instituto Vale das Garças
Instituto Sicoob PR
AEAGRO - Associação
dos Engenheiros Agrônomos
de Guarapuava
Instituto Brasileiro de Gestão
Associação Brasileira dos
Profissionais de Sustentabilidade
Associação Paranaense dos
Engenheiros Ambientais
Governo do Estado do Paraná
Instituto Missão da Paz
Instituto do PVC
Centro de Apoio as Atividades
Populares / MOVSOCIAL
Conselho Municipal dos Direitos
da Criança e do Adolescente
Associação São Lázaro - Brasil
Instituto Kaluana Upiara K’Up
Conservação e Gestão Ambiental
Instituto Cidade Canção
Rede Feminina de Combate
ao Câncer - Regional Maringá
AMA - Associação Maringaense
dos Autistas
Município de Maringá
Instituto Morena Rosa de
Responsabilidade Social, Cultural
e Desenvolvimento Humano
Associação de Mulheres
Empreendedoras AME
Pensamento Nacional
das Bases Empresariais
Associação Paranaense
de Cultura - APC
Associação dos Municípios
do Paraná
Instituto de Reciclagem
do Adolescente
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South
Plastivida Instituto Socioambiental
Dos Plásticos
Prefeitura Municipal de Picuí
Associação Brasileira Movimento
Rio Carioca - Arte, Cultura,
Educação e Projetos
FAMUP - Federação das
Associações de Municípios
da Paraíba
Associação dos Produtores de
Bioenergia do Estado do Paraná ALCOPAR
Governo do Estado da Paraíba
Japanese Brazilian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Parana
Associação de Engenheiros
e Arquitetos de Maringá
IBCO - Instituto Brasileiro dos
Consultores de Organização
Associação Regional
dos Engenheiros e Arquitetos
de Marechal Candido Rondon
Ministério Armada
(Força de Paz Global)
Associação dos Engenheiros,
Arquitetos e Agrônomos
de Arapongas
Instituto Atsushi e Kimiko Yoshii
Academia Alquimia das Letras
Prefeitura Municipal
de Telemaco Borba
Sindicato dos Arquitetos e
Urbanistas no Estado do Paraná
Conselho Regional de
Profissionais de Relações Públicas
da 4a Região
IBF - Instituto Beija-Flor
Instituto Global de Transparência
Publica - Globetica
Instituto Americano de Pesquisa
Medicina e Saúde Pública
Conselho de Arquitetura
e Urbanismo do Paraná
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e
Neutralização de Carbono - CO2 Zero
Prefeitura Municipal de Antonina
AFECE - Associação Franciscana
de Educação ao Cidadão Especial
Observatório Social do Brasil
Associação dos Engenheiros
Agrônomos dos Campos Gerais
Prefeitura Municipal de Imbituva
Instituto Brasileiro de Estudo
e Pesquisas para Otimização
da Tecnologia e Qualidade
Aplicadas - IBEPOTEQ
Instituto de Geração de
Tecnologias do Conhecimento IGETECON
Associação dos Engenheiros
e Arquitetos de Cascavel
Fundação Republicana Brasileira
Prefeitura Municipal
de Foz do Iguaçu
Associação dos Arquitetos,
Agrônomos e Engenheiros
de Foz do Iguaçu
ABEC-PR - Associação Brasileira
de Engenheiros Cartógrafos
Centro Integrado de Estudos e
Programas de Desenvolvimento
Sustentável - CIEDS
Conselho Regional de
Profissionais de Relações Públicas
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Conrerp / 1a Região
Serviço de Apoio às Micro
e Pequenas Empresas do
Tocantins - SEBRAE/TO
Consórcio Intermunicipal Quiriri
Prefeitura Municipal
de Rio Negrinho
Prefeitura Municipal
de São Bento do Sul
Associação Paulista
de Supermercados
Dialog Educação Tecnologia
e Desenvolvimento
Instituto Nacional de
Desenvolvimento e Defesa
Social - INDS
Governo do Estado de São Paulo
Associação Brasileira da Indústria
Química - ABIQUIM
Soberana Nueva Castellania
de Amposta
Tribunal Arbitral Brasileiro
MK Recursos Humanos Ltda.
Associação dos Engenheiros
Arquitetos e Agrônomos do Vale
do Iguaçu
Associação Comercial da Bahia
Tribunal Regional do Trabalho
da 15a Região
Fundação Espaço ECO
Associação de Pais e Amigos
dos Excepcionais de São Paulo
Visão Mundial
Município de Corupá
Instituto Ecológica Palmas
Sereníssima Casa Real
Sefarad y Ducado
de Lucena
ACIM - Associação Comercial
Empresarial de Maringá
Lar Escola da Criança de Maringá
t h e G LO B A L co mpact networ k br az il act ivit y r eport 2014
Rede Brasileira do Pacto Global
Jorge Soto (Braskem)
the Global Compact Network Brazil President
Armando Tripodi (Petrobras), Augusto Rodrigues
(CPFL), Heloísa Covolan (Itaipu Binacional),
Norman Arruda (ISAE/FGV)
the Global Compact Network Brazil
Renata Seabra
the Global Compact Network Brazil
executive director
Editorial Coordination,
Writing and Editing
Júlia Tavares
Bárbara Dunin, Gabriela
Almeida, Renata Seabra,
Vanessa Tarantini, Vera
graphic project
Flávia Sakai (Mondoyumi)
photo credits
Page 3: Alessandra Fratus/ RBPG
Page 9: Wanezza Soares/ Planeta Sustentável
Page 13: Tâmna Waqued/ Fiesp
Page 14: Documentário CPFL
Page 15: Fellipe Abreu/ Planeta Sustentável
Page 16: Andres Wong/ UN Global Compact
Page 18: LolaStudio/ Open Space
Page 22: Nilton Martins/ RBPG
Page 23: Arthur Fujii/ RBPG
Page 24: Arthur Fujii/ RBPG
Page 25: Alessandra Fratus/ RBPG
Page 27: Alessandra Fratus/ RBPG
Page 29: LolaStudio/ Open Space
Page 31: Fellipe Abreu/ RBPG
Page 32: Divulgação/ PNUD
Page 36: Alessandra Fratus/ RBPG
Page 38: Divulgação/Abiquim
Page 39: Bárbara de Oliveira/ PNUD
icons credits
Page 12: Fabio Grande, Edward Boatman, Modik, Mark Caron and
Julieta Felix, all from the Noun Project
Page 17: Loic Poivet and SuperAtic LABS, from the Noun Project

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