The Millionaire And The Cowgirl(Fortune`s Children #2)


The Millionaire And The Cowgirl(Fortune`s Children #2)
The Millionaire And The Cowgirl(Fortune's Children
by Lisa Jackson
Título em português: Era Uma Vez no Verão
Tradução: Michele Gerhardt Macullough
Sinopse: Há dez anos, durante um verão na fazenda do Wyoming, a inocente Samantha Rawlings se entregou de
corpo e alma a um homem cujos olhos azuis prometiam amor eterno. Mas assim que a estação chegou ao fim,
Kyle Fortune partiu, deixando Samantha sozinha e grávida. Até que a mão do destino trouxe Kyle de volta para o
Wyoming. E agora ele terá de reconquistar seu grande amor, e também aprender a ser pai de uma criança que ele
nem sabia que existia...
Asshole hero does everything wrong, is a complete turd, hurts the heroine badly, and still ends up with a HEA.
Gimme a break.
And the heroine...why do these idiot heroines drop their drawers again for jerk heroes who treated them (and are
still treating them) like crap? Ugh!
|The 2nd book in the Fortune's Children series, The Millionaire and the Cowboy, was a good one. According to his
grandmother's will, Kyle Fortune must return to the family's Wyoming ranch to live for six months in order to
inherit it. He hasn't been back in ten years. Not after he had a summer fling with the ranch foreman's daughter,
Samantha. What he doesn't know is that Sam was pregnant with their daughter, Caitlyn, now 9 years old. He
comes face-to-face with his lost love AND the daughter he never knew he had.
Samantha. What he doesn't know is that Sam was pregnant with their daughter, Caitlyn, now 9 years old. He
comes face-to-face with his lost love AND the daughter he never knew he had.
One thing that bothered me was the way the other children in town picked on Caitlyn for being illegitimate.
Maybe that's because the book was published in 1996, and just a sign of the time. Or, it could be the parents of
those children said the terrible things and allowed their children to think that way. I'm not sure, but I do know that
in today's society, even in a small town, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. That said, I admired Kyle for the way he
accepted Caitlyn, after the initial shock. He was gung-ho to accept his role as a parent and never looked back. I
like how cautious Sam was in accepting Kyle, even though I think she didn't make him grovel enough in the end.
Overall, a satisfying read. B- rating.|Samantha Rawlings once again falls for the annoying, selfish egomaniac that is
Kyle Fortune and they all lived happily ever after..(As usual)... And after reading several books like this one, I begin
to wonder why fifty per cent of silhouette's male leads are mostly major douche bags.|Samantha Rawlings had a
short affair when she was 17 with Kyle Fortune, the boy next store when he came to visit for the summer. At
summer's end he went home and before Sam could tell him she was pregnant he married someone else and she
never told him. It's now nine years later and before Kyle can inherit his Grandmothers ranch in Wyoming
according to her will, he must live there for 6 months. When he returns he is not only shocked to realize that he is
in love with Sam, but also that he is a father to Sam's daughter Caitlin.