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Abreu, José Martins, 231–2, 239
adultery, 198
Afonso, Tomé Fernandez, 204–5, 239–40
African: cultural traits in Americas, 246–8;
customary law, 5, 12–14, 37–8, 74, 78,
82, 86, 103–4, 106–7, 111–12; influence
on whites, 188
African diaspora, 12, 243
Africans: and military (guerra preta), 22,
African workers: enslaved, 53, 56–7;
solidarity against enslavement, 55–6
Agostinho, 155–6
Agostinho, Hiume, 116–18
Agostinho, João, 116–18
Agostinho, Lourenço, 198
Alarcão, Henrique Figueiredo, 190, 193
Albuquerque, José Antônio de, 34
Albuquerque, Manoel Vieira de, 218
Albuquerque, Paulo Caetano de, 172–3
alcohol: and caravan trips, 52–3; and
healing ceremonies, 178; and taverns,
146; used to purchase slaves, 53. See also
rum (Brazilian) jeribita
Alencastre, Antônio, 159–60
Alencastro, Luiz Felipe de, 7
Alexandria, Mario de, 63
Almeida, Alexandre da Gama, 73–5
Almeida, Antônio de, 73–5
Almeida, Manoel Joaquim Pinto de, 34–5,
Almeida, Plácido José de, 34–5
Almeida Barboza, José de, 213–14
Almeida Loba, Josefa de, 213
Alvarez, 76
Amado, Sebastião, 109–10
Ambaca (presídio), 24, 33, 61–3
Ambriz, 145–6
Ambuila (Luandan), 35–6
Ambundo, kingdom of, 23–4, 44–6, 175.
See also Holo; Matamba
Amona, Njinga, 23–4
Amuquiama (dembo), 40–1
Ana (Barreto’s slave), 160–1
Ana (slave), 98
Andrada e Silva Menezes, Joaquim José
de, 59
Andrade, Elias Vieira de, 218
Andrade, Francisco Rego de, 200
Andrade, Father Francisco Rezende, 108
Andrade, Francisco Zuzate de, 108, 200
Andrade Câmara, Pedro Matoso de,
197, 200
Andre, Antonio, 80
André, João, 110
Angela (slave), 157
Angélica (slave), 167–8
Angélica, Josefa, 161
Angola: pawnship in, 77–81, 87;
Portuguese influence upon, 12;
relationship with Brazil, 7–8, 245;
relationship with Portugal, 7–8
Angonga, Malengue, 196
animals: and sacrifices, 5, 175, 178, 182,
184, 198
Anjo, Antonio Lopes, 217–18, 219–21,
223–5, 238–40
Antonia (free), 163
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978-0-521-86330-8 - Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Atlantic World: Angola and Brazil during
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Roquinaldo Ferreira
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Antonia (slave), 166
Antonia, Maria, 123–4
António (slave), 161
António, Francisco, 163
António, Luis, 101–2
Antonio, Luiz, 116–17
António, Manoel, 162
Antônio, Sebastião, 110
Antunes, Felipe, 208–9
Antunes da Cunha, Manoel, 37–8
apelidar liberdade (plea for freedom), 81,
84, 100–2, 108, 112–13
Aqua, João, 116–17
Aragão, José Antonio de, 155–6
Araújo, José Caetano de, 217–18
Araújo Soares, João Feliciano, 53
Arnoso, Antonio Leitão, 167
Arruda, Dionisio Gomes de, 116–18
Assamba, Nbomba, 56–7
Assazala, Miguel, 62–3
Assunção, Domingos Ferreira, 37–8, 43–4
Assunção Mello, José de, 34
“Atlantic Community,” 12
Atlantic history: macro-structural, 244–5;
micro-historical, 245
Atlantic Ocean: mobility across, 5, 159–63,
245, 246
Avelino Dias, Cristovão, 203–4
Babo Pinto, José de, 146
Bahia: anti-colonial revolt, 233–4; and
connections with Bight of Benin, 12;
exiles from, 192; mulattoes recruited
from, 153–5; Portuguese troops in,
229–30; slave trade to, 96, 109
Bailundo, 53, 56, 214–15
Baltazar, Ambrózio, 199
Baltazar, João, 199
Bangi, Axila (soba), 78–9
baptism, 107–10, 121–2, 123–5,
153–5, 181
Barbeiro, Raimundo, 139–40
barbers, 95, 131–2, 182
Barboza, Dona Antonia, 176–7
Barboza, José Oliveira: as governor, 42–3,
Barreto, Henriques, 160–1
Barros, Antônio José de, 207, 210, 223,
224, 225
Barros, Feliciano José de, 218
Barros, Gaspar de, 105–6
Bebiana, 62–3
Bengo, 135, 139
Benguela: Africans enslaved in, 56–7,
68, 169–71; anticipated Portuguese
attack, 230–1; Brazilian influence
in, 8, 245; Brazilian sympathizers in,
236–7, 241; donas in, 1; extortion by
officials, 72–3; freemasonry in, 231–2;
gangas in, 183; itinerant traders in,
62; juntas in, 234, 238; licenses to
trade in, 34–5; merchants in, 214–18;
petitions to administration, 69–70, 76–7,
102–3, 116–18; political instability,
225, 229–30; quimbares in, 59; royal
treasury in, 209–10; slaves imprisoned
in, 109–10; slaves sent from, 227; slaves
shipped from, 1, 73–5; sobas in, 39,
53; street vendors in, 133–5; and ties to
Brazil, 203–4; tribunal de mucanos in,
99–101, 104–5, 108; weapons imported
to, 45–8
Benguela, Roza, 161
Bennett, Herman, 12–14, 90, 125, 243
Berlin, Ira, 246–8
Bernardo (carpenter), 156
Bibiana, Dona, 33–4
Bicovo (African man), 72–3
Bié, 198
Bight of Benin, 12, 77–8
Bight of Biafra, 70
Bishop of Luanda, 173–4
Bissau, 20
blacks, free: and anti-pawnship law, 79–80;
as exiles, 192; illegal enslavement, 96–8,
113; and itinerant trade, 59; and licenses
to travel abroad, 162–3; as servants,
94–5; and wage labor, 120. See also
military, Henriques battalion; mulattos
(mixed race) ; quimbares ; quissongos
Boelhower, William, 2
Bonatte, Bartolomeu dos Santos, 111–12
bookkeepers, 131–2
Borges, Catarina, 181
Botelho, Alexandre José. See Botelho de
Vasconcellos, Alexandre José
Botelho de Vasconcellos, Alexandre José,
34, 153–5
branding, 121–2, 157–9, 210
Bravo, Manoel Pereira, 62–3
Braz de Estrada, Pedro (bandit), 29–30
Brazil: commodities from; deportation to,
155–9; education in, 163, 221; exiles
from, 188, 191; family networks with
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978-0-521-86330-8 - Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Atlantic World: Angola and Brazil during
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Roquinaldo Ferreira
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Benguela, 221–2; goods imported from,
223–5; and independence from Portugal,
203–4, 225–40, 241, 246; merchants
from, in Luanda, 34–5; relationship
with Angola, 7–8, 245; and textile
trade, 8
bribery, 225, 237
Briova (African), 77
Brique Esperança (ship), 109
Brique Maria (ship), 221
Brito, Joana Correâ de, 213
Brito, Marcos José de, 231–2
Brito, Mathias Joaquim de, 218
brotherhoods, 91–2, 94–5, 181
Brown, Vincent, 178, 186, 243
Bulhões, Bartolomeu, 90
burglaries, 144, 153
Bushnell, Amy Turner, 243
Cabala, Roza, 69–70
Cabangayala, Lourenço Cambuta, 78–9
Cabinda, 145–6
Caboco, André, 41–2
Cabo Negro, 207–8, 215–16
Cacabaca, Caculo, 82
Cacahenda, Caculo, 139–40
Cacahongo, Caculu, 40–1
Caconda (presídio), 37, 44, 73, 206,
208, 239
Cadornega, Antonio de Oliveira, 38–9,
91–2, 153–5, 195
Caetana, Josefa Maria, 213
Caetano (slave), 37
Calumbala, 76
Calumbi, Joana, 169, 176
Calumbo, 55–6
Cambambe (presídio), 20–2, 41–2
Cambinza, 78–9
Camona, João, 198
Camuanga, 67–8
Camuto (soba), 43–4
Candiango, 123–5
Candido, Mariana, 12–14, 54, 84,
108, 114
Candumbo, Camungo Caunga, 41–2
Canega, 76
Cañizares-Esguerra, Jorge, 243, 248
cannabis, 149
cannibalism, 157–9
Canzino (soba), 40–1
capitães mores: as intermediaries, 42–4;
and pawnship, 79–80; and slave
networks, 70–1; and tribunal de
mucanos, 101–2, 103–4, 106–7
Capuchin missionaries, 139, 149–50
Caquiloange, Quiloange
Quiacassange, 196
caravans, trading, 39, 52–3, 206
Carmo (convent), 89–92, 93–4, 102–3, 156
Carneiro, Father Gervasio Antonio
Pereira, 108
carpenters, 120, 130, 131–2, 152, 156,
Carrilha, Francisca, 89–92
Carvalho, João Teixeira de: accuses M.
Fernandes of witchcraft, 169; inquisition
of, 171–2; and M. Fernandes, 18–19,
173–4; and slave trade, 169–71
Carvalho, José António de, 35–6, 224–5
Carvalho, Narcizo Alves de, 146
Carvalho, Rita de, 94–5
Carvalho Costa, José Coelho de, 153
Carvalho Costa, José de: as governor, 26–9
Carvalho Matozo, Alvaro de, 157
Casanje: relationship with Luanda, 49–51;
relationship with Portugal, 23, 50–1,
195; slave market (feiras), 23, 39–40,
47–9, 50–1, 196; and slave trade,
20–2, 47–9
Cassule, 116–18
Castelo Branco, Nicolau de Abreu: as
governor, 57–8, 105–6, 110, 113,
114–15, 136–8, 145–6, 199, 230–1, 240
Castro, Dona Joana, 178
Catangoa, 123–5
Catarina (free black), 82–4
Catarina (house manager), 94–5
Catholicism, 180
Catoco (soba), 55–6
Catumba, Bembe (sobeta), 123–5
Catumba, Izabel, 116–18
Catumbela, 75–6, 109, 123–5, 214–15
Cavazzi, António de Montecúccolo, 157–9
Cavindaraza (African), 77
Cazanga Island, 173–4
Cazuangongo (dembo), 84
census, military, 128–9
ceremonies (xinguilamentos): and clothing,
184, 185; death, 186; ganga, 177–88;
marital, 185; oath, 197; poisonous
herbs, 197, 198; and witchcraft, 175–6.
See also healing, traditional
chanting, 5
Chaves, Floriano Pires, 34–5
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978-0-521-86330-8 - Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Atlantic World: Angola and Brazil during
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Roquinaldo Ferreira
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Chaves, Manoel Pires, 160–1, 231–2, 239
Chaves, Veríssimo Rodrigues, 222–3
children: die in enslavement, 114; and
education, 141–3; and enslavement,
101–2, 105–6, 114–15, 123–5; as
healers, 12; and kidnapping, 98; and
language, 139; and military recruitment,
191; mixed race, 132–3; orphaned, 211;
and pawnship, 79–80
china, 133–5
Christianity: and lay brotherhoods, 91–2,
181; and slavery, 86–7; and traditional
healing, 182
churches, 111–12
Cidade Alta, 146–7
class: and debt, 68; and women, 1
clerics and priests, 180–1; as inquiridor das
liberdades, 107–10
clothing: ceremonial, 184, 185; loincloths,
59–61; shoes, 59–62; slave, 152–3, 159;
washing, 95, 131–2
Cochrane, Thomas, 10th Earl of
Dundonald (Lord Cochrane), 230–1
Coelho, Verônica Joaquina, 33–4
coffee, 146–7
Coitinho, Ancelmo da Fonseca, 136–8
Coitinho, Antonio da Fonseca, 172–3
Colaço, Manoel Simões, 182, 198
Companhia Real de Pernambuco, 111, 153
Conceição, Joana Maria da, 146
Conceição, Marcos Vaz da, 117
Conceição, Maria Francisca da, 162
Conceição, Tereza Joaquina da, 9
Confederação of Equador, 233–4
Congo: slaves supplied to, 23–4
Contreiras, José Vaz, 67–8
convents: Carmo, 89–92, 93–4, 102–3,
156; as refuge for slaves, 89–92, 93–4
Cordeiro, Manoel José, 162
Cordeiro de Almeida, Suely Creusa, 99
Corrêa, João, 101–2
Corrêa, Silva, 150
Correia, Sebastião Fernandes, 72–3
Cosme, Francisco Damião, 121–2
Cosme, Jacinta, 123–4
Costa, Ana Correa da, 198
Costa, António José da, 214–15, 224
Costa, Antônio Simão da, 109–10
Costa, Dona Leonor Pereira da, 209
Costa, Florência da, 117–18
Costa, Francisco Honorato da, 122–3
Costa, Joaquim, 117–18
Costa, José António da, 224
Costa, Leonor Freire, 219–20
Costa, Possidónio da, 212
Costa Covellos, José da (Bahia born), 34
Costa de Andrade, José da, 26–9
Costa de Andrade, Marcos da, 26–9
Costa Feia, Dona Catarina da, 167–8
Costa Lemos, João da, 229, 231–2
Costa Menezes, Gonçalo da: as governor,
62–3, 101, 115, 130
Costa Pinheiro, Manoel de, 165
Costa Salinas, Marcos, 193
Costa Valle, Manoel da, 115–16
Cota, João Pedro, 102–3
Cota, José Pedro, 161
cows, 5, 104–5
Cozinheiro, Pedro, 118–20
“creole island,” 246–8
crime: burglaries, 144, 153
convicts, 144; hijacking, 194; murder, 1,
5, 76, 113, 120–1, 146–7, 167, 172–3;
ransoming, 55, 83, 98, 116–17. See also
exiles (degredados); punishment
Cruz, Antônio Botelho da, 208–9
Cruz, Frutuoso José da, 224
Cruz, Manoel Ferreira da, 224
Cruz, Manoel José da, 52–3
cubatas, 150
Cunha, Antônio da: as governor, 48–9, 63,
115, 121, 155–6
Cunha, António Gomes da, 213
Cunha, Francisco Vieira da, 218
Cunha, João Paulo, 201
Cunha, João Pereira da, 44, 94–5, 98
Cunha, Manoel Atanzio da, 76–7
Cunha, Sebastião José da, 213
customs. See African, customary law
Damião, Antônio, 66–7
dancing: and drumming party, 183; and
gangas, 5; and oath ceremony, 198
Dande (near Luanda), 80, 135, 140, 199
death: ceremonies, 186; enslaved children,
114. See also mortality
debt: defuntos e ausentes, 211–14;
and effect on mucanos, 103–4; and
enslavement, 66–8, 78
defuntos e ausentes, 211–14
degredados (exiles). See exiles (degredados)
dembos, 37–8, 40–1, 42–3, 82–4
Desengano Feliz (ship), 135, 219–20
Desterro, José, 57–8
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Dias, Cristovão Avelino, 229–30, 231
Dias, Domingos Correia, 75–6
Dias, Jerônimo Corrêa, 52–3, 58
Diniz, Domingos Pereira, 208, 237–8
Diogo, Manoel Felipe, 123–4
Dionizia (slave), 161
discipline. See punishment
divorce, 167–8
Dombe Grande, 99–101, 113–14,
116–17, 209
Domingas, 117–18
Domingos, Miguel, 67–8
Dominguede, 98
Domingues, José Joaquim, 116–17
Domingues, Marsal, 217–18
Dondo, 33
dowries, 185
drumming parties (batuques), 148–9, 175,
183, 185
Dunlo, 123–5
education: in Brazil, 163, 221; children,
141–3; tutors, 9, 141–3, 174, 221
eighteenth century: enslavement
during, 67–8
Eltis, David, 95–6
Encoje, 33
enslavement: and debt, 66–8; and
ransoming, 55, 83, 98, 116–17
Esperança (Mulupa), 99–101
Esteves, Manoel José, 217–18
Estrela, 229
Eugênia, Maria, 146
Euzébio (slave), 152
exiles (degredados): from Bahia, 192;
from Brazil, 188, 191; free blacks,
192; gypsies, 193; missionaries, 194;
mulattos, 192; from Pernambuco, 192;
political, 228; from Portugal, 190, 192;
staff Angolan administration, 8;
whites, 192
Faria, Bento Bernardo de, 160
farms, 135, 156–7
fazendas (goods): carried by foreign
merchants, 31, 33–4; and licenses
to trade, 34–5; from Lisbon, 223–5;
rejected, 56–7
feirantes, 109–10
Felicia (slave), 161
Felipa (free black), 96–8
Felipe (barber), 94–5
Felipe, Simão (slave), 44, 94–5
Fernandes, Inácio, 167
Fernandes, Manoel Alexandre, 61–2
Fernandes, Marcelina José, 62–3
Fernandes, Mariana: arrested by
Inquisition, 18–19, 166, 174–7;
and ganga ceremonies, 177–88;
investigation of, 167; jailed in
Luanda, 177; romantic liaisons,
167–8, 173–4
Fernandes, Sebastião Alexandre, 61–2
Ferreira, Antônio Francisco, 117
Ferreira, Joaquim António, 160, 161
Ferreira, José Gomes, 206
Ferreira, José Nicolau, 160–1
Ferreira, Maria, 134
Ferreira, Miguel Domingos, 109–10
Ferreira, Pedro, 37–8
Fidélis, José, 159–60
Figueira, João, 76
Filgueira, Antonia, 115–16
fish, 120, 121–2, 133–5, 230–1
flogging, 40–1, 113, 149, 157
Florência, 77
Florinda, 118
Fonseca, Joaquim Bento, 232, 237–9
Fonseca, José Ferreira da, 218–19
Fonseca, Pascoal da, 63
food: African, 59–61; beef, 209; Brazilian
influence on, 9; dried fish, 133–5; for
enslaved, 65–6, 121–2; fish, 120, 121–2,
133–5, 230–1; hunger, 66, 112–13,
114; manioc flour, 26, 120, 121–2, 210,
230–1; shortages, 181, 236–7; sold by
taverns, 144
France, 47, 226–7
Francisco, Joaquim, 162
Francisco, José, 162, 221–2
Francisco, Pedro, 163
Franco, Francisco José, 200
Franco, João da Silva, 164
freemasonry, 231–2, 240
Freitas, Francisco de, 193
Freitas, Simão de, 192
Gabriel, Angela, 169, 176
Galanga (soba), 76–7, 206–26
Galvão, Antônio de Freitas, 171–2, 183
Galvão, Natarcia, 183
Gama, Caetano Gonçalves da, 135
gambling, 144, 147
Games, Alison, 3, 7, 246–8
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gangas: in Benguela, 183; ceremonies,
177–88; and dancing, 5; as healers, 5,
12, 178, 182, 185, 186; and marriage,
185; and missionaries, 179, 185; and
oath ceremonies, 197; and whites, 186;
and women, 186
Gaspar, Florinda José, 209
Gaspar, Gregório Pascoal, 182
Gaspar, Joannes José, 209
Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro, 228
Geertz, Clifford, 6
gentios (sobas), 39–40, 73, 85
Gil, André Ferreira, 167–8, 173–4
Gilroy, Paul, 12
Góes, Guiomar de, 163
gold: and price of slaves, 96; shipped from
Brazil; stimulus to slave trade, 26–9;
Gold Coast: European control of, 77
pawnship in, 77–8
Golungo (Luanda region), 42–3, 63
Gombe, 77
Gomes, António Francisco, 161
Gomes, Fernando, 63
Gomes, Francisco Ferreira: administrative
career of, 209–14; and Benguela trading
community, 19, 33–4, 206–26; born
as slave, 206–07; marriage of, 209;
merchant career of, 214–18; military
career, 207–9; and secessionist plot,
203, 204–5, 225–40; shipping network,
135–6, 206, 218–25, 246; slave dealer,
Gomes, José Ferreira, 68, 211, 221, 240
Gomes, Luis Antonio, 219–20
Gomes, Miguel Ferreira, 226–07
Gomes Ribeiro, Luiz, 214
Gonçalves, Hobardo, 69–70
Gonçalves, Marcos, 116–17
Gonga, Marcos, 146–7
Graça, Francisco Paulo da, 223
Graça, José Joaquim Marques da, 62–3
Graham, Richard, 233–4
Great Britain, 47, 206–7
Grinberg, Keila, 136–8
Guerra, Felipe de, 76
Guerra, Manoel Joaquim da, 160–1
Guimarães, Antonio Vieira, 29–30
Guimarães, Francisco Gomes Pereira,
Guimarães, José Pereira da Silva, 32
Guimarães, Manoel da Cunha, 146
Guimarães, Manoel de Souza, 224
Gumbe, 123–5
gunpowder: illegally imported, 218;
purchased by African rulers, 66; used to
purchase slaves, 7, 31–2, 45–8, 53
Gunvulo, 66–7
Gunvuro, 116–17
Gunza, Luiz, 41
Gurgel, Fernando Martins do Amaral:
career of, 18–19; and juramento de
ndua, 197; relationship with Fernandes,
166, 177
gypsies: as exiles, 193
Haiti: revolution, 233–4
Hall, Gwendolyn, 246–8
Halla (African), 77
hammocks, 131, 167–8
Hanha, 206
Hawthorne, Walter, 71
healing, traditional: ceremonies, 5, 178;
and gangas, 5, 12, 178, 181, 184, 185,
186; sought by Angolans, 5, 12; sought
by Christians, 182. See also herbs
health and illness: abortion, 166; and
barbers, 131–2; casuto, 182; depression,
157–9; of enslaved Africans, 65–6;
epidemics, 181; smallpox, 26, 130, 192.
See also healing, traditional
hemp, 149
herbs: healing, 178, 186; poisonous, used
in ceremonies, 197, 198; to ward of
zumbi, 181
Herskovits, Melville, 246–8
Heywood, Linda, 246–8
Holo, 20–2, 36–9, 45, 50–1
Hombo, 70
homens de mar em fora (expatriate
merchants), 26–9
Honorato, Francisco, 58
housing, 150
Ignácia, Francisca Joaquina, 74, 122–3
Imbangala, 11, 23
Inácio, Francisca: asserts free status,
96–8; as ladino, 89–92; and sale of her
husband, 92–5, 125; treated as a slave,
95–6; and tribunal de mucanos, 17–18
Inácio, Jorge: enslavement of, 17–18,
88–9, 95, 120, 125; free status of, 96–8,
120–5; works as free person, 120
Inácio, José, 182
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ingênuos (born of free womb), 12, 15,
72–3, 84–7, 118–20
inquiridor das liberdades: in Benguelan
legal system, 54, 107–10, 112–13
ivory, 53
Izabel, 114–15
Izabel (Simão’s daughter), 179
Jacinta, 115–16
jaga (Casanje ruler), 49–50
Januário, Marcelino, 55–6
Jardim, Manuel Gonçalves, 218–19
Jesuit College, 141, 182
Jesuits, 60–1, 89–92, 93–4, 139, 141–3
Jesus, Josefa Maria de, 221–2
Jesus, Tereza de, 175, 178
João (free black), 102–3
João (Luanda slave), 146
João (murder victim), 113
João, Ana, 67–8
João, Antonio, 105–6
João, Caetano, 113
João, Domingas, 67–8
João, Jacinto, 162
João, Manoel, 162
João, Marta, 115–16
João, Pedro, 113
João, Sebastião, 80
João, Suzana de, 198
Joaquim (black man), 35
Joaquim (Marcelina’s slave), 62–3
Joaquim (slave; Manoel de Salvador’s
friend), 127–8, 152–3
Joaquim, António, 34–5
Joaquim, Francisco, 76
Joaquina (free), 163
Joaquina (slave), 161
Joaquina, Maria, 146–7
Jongo, 99–101
Jorge, Antonio, 98
José, Caetano, 160, 161
José, Damião, 109–10
José, Francisco, 219–20
José da Silva, Alexandre, 33–4
Josefa, 94–5, 98
Juliana, 55–6
juramento de ndua, 197, 198
Kafuxi, Ngola, 40–1
kidnapping: and children, 98; as means of
enslavement, 15, 96–8; and pawnship,
78, 80, 87
kinship ties: and enslavement, 55–6, 101–2,
115–16, 123–5; families and pawnship,
77–8, 81; and judicial proceedings,
70–1; and mucanos trials, 102–3;
and punishment among kin, 155–6;
used to punish enslavers, 116–18; and
witchcraft, 72
knives, 127, 149, 159, 223–5
Lacerda, José Maria Arsénio de, 224
ladinos (slaves), 89–92, 94, 125, 130,
155–6, 160–2
Lambert, David, 7
language: Brazilian influence on, 9;
Portuguese, 139–41; of pumbeiros,
59–61; Quicongo, 112; Quimbundo, 18,
99–101, 107–8, 139–41, 166–7, 186,
196; and tribunal de mucanos, 107–10,
Languenda, Francisco, 116–17
Law, Robin, 12, 77–8, 85, 246
laws: anti-pawnship (1770), 77–8, 79–80,
81–2; efeitos próprios (1784), 220;
knives (1747), 159; weapon (1747), 149.
See also African, customary law
lawyers, 111–12
Lazaro, Josefa, 152
Leal, Antonio Martins, 156
legal system, 197, 198. See also African,
customary law; tribunal de mucanos
Leiras, José Joaquim, 53
leis gentílicas. See African, customary law
Leitão, Caetano Mathias, 126–8, 152–3
Leitão, Manoel Corrêa, 32, 49–50, 196,
197, 200
Lembo (Luanda hinterland), 31, 33
Lemos, Silvestre de, 167
Lester, Alan, 7
letters of freedom, 123–4
Levi, Giovanni, 6
liberto, 146–7
Lima, Diniz Vieira de, 1, 12
Lima, Diogo Vieira de, 73–5
Lima, Roque Vieira de, 58, 108
Lima, Suzana Vieira de, 33–4
Lima e Quina, José Maria de, 136–8
Lisboa, Antonio José da Silva, 161
Lisboa, António Pontes, 213
Lisboa, João Cidade de, 186
Lisbon: control of Benguelan politics, 226;
cortes in, 234; courts in, 115–16; slaves
in, 136–8
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Lobato, Lucrécia Teixeira, 33–4
Lopes, Ana, 176
Lopes, Domingos Rodrigues, 63
Lovejoy, Paul, 246–8
Luanda: administration of, 82, 133–5,
145–6; Africans imprisoned in, 56–8;
and African vassals, 58–9; anti-colonial
revolt, 231, 241; Brazilian influence
in, 8, 9, 245; Brazilian merchants in,
34–5; government expedition of, 22–3;
governors in, 225; itinerant traders in,
62; juntas in, 234; juramento de ndua
in, 198
lay brotherhoods in, 91–2, 94–5; and legal
reform, 111–12
legal system in, 78–9; and linguistic
dynamics, 18; market vendors in, 133–5;
Pereira Bravo family in, 92–5; petitions
to administration, 116–18; police force
in, 126–8, 144; Portuguese control of,
24–5, 102–3; public safety in, 148–52;
racial makeup of, 132–3, 153–5;
relationship with Casanje, 49–51;
relationship with Matamba, 23–4, 44–6,
47–9, 50–1; royal treasury in, 210–11;
slave markets (feiras), 32, 33; slave
population in, 128–9; slaves imprisoned
in, 112–13; slaves shipped from, 1, 96,
166–7; support for sobas, 41–2; taverns
in, 143–8; trading community in, 26–9;
tribunal de mucanos in, 101–2, 105–6,
107–8; weapons stockpiled at, 45–8;
women in, 153–5. See also ladinos
Lembo (Luanda hinterland) ; Massangano
(Luanda hinterland)
Lüdtke, Alf, 6–7
Luiz, Joana, 63
Lunda Empire, 48–9, 93
MacGaffey, Wyatt, 72
Machado, Andreza Bernardo, 63
Machado, Manoel José, 35–6
Machado, Mezia, 63
macotas (aides), 22, 39–41, 104–5
Madalena, Maria, 163
Magalhães, João Jacques de, 36–7
Mahori, 99–101
Maia, José Rodridgues, 215–16
Malagueta, 228–9
manioc flour, 26, 120, 121–2, 210, 230–1
Mann, Kristin, 12, 246
Manoel (Ambacan man), 66–7
Manoel (buys rum from Quicuto), 99–101
Manoel, João, 162
Manoel, José, 224
Mapollo, Caquepunda, 85
Margarida, 183
Maria (African woman), 66–7
Maria (captive), 67–8
Maria (petitioner), 117–18
Maria, Ana, 162
Maria, José, 58
Maria, Josefa, 162
Mariana (Bahia slave), 221–2
Mariana (slave), 161
Mariana, Dona, 76–7
Mariano, Silvério, 231–2
Marimbondo, 77
marketplace, 133–5. See also slave markets
Marma, 76
Marques da Graça, José Joaquim, 218
marriage: adultery, 198; bigamy, 63; as
condition of freedom, 89–92, 94–5;
divorce, 167–8; and gangas, 185;
infidelity, 167–8; inter, 35–6, 153–5, 209;
and juramento oath, 199
Martins, Francisco, 152–3
Martins, João, 164–5
Massanga (female slave), 146–7
Massangano (Luanda hinterland), 31,
57–8, 63, 186
Matamba: relationship with Luanda, 23–4,
44–6, 47–9, 50–1; relationship with
Portugal, 23–4, 44–6, 50–1; and slave
trade, 20–3
Mateus, Antonia, 67–8
Mateus, Maria, 114
Matory, Lorand, 246
Matta, Henrique Francisco da, 155–6, 164
Mattos, Custódio Manoel de, 34–5
Mbwila, 63
Medeiros Bittencourt, Angela de, 156
Mello, Cláudio José de, 139–40
Mello, Miguel Antonio de: as governor,
15, 47, 59–61, 86–7, 99–101, 110–11,
112–13, 115, 130, 131–3, 141–3,
149–50, 157, 194, 210–11; and housing
reform, 151
Melo, Manoel Abreu de, 109–10
Mendes, Luis Antonio de Oliveira, 69
Mendes, Manoel Garcia, 210
Mendonça, Maria, 178
Meneses, Luis Cezar de: as governor, 96
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Menezes, Joaquim José de Andrada e Silva,
59, 216–17
Menezes, Rodrigo Cesar de, 26; as
governor, 36
merchants, 211–14
Merola, Jerônimo, 131–2, 180
Mesquita e Almeida, Alexandre de, 120
micro-history, 3, 6–7
Miguel (sailor), 165
Miguel, Pedro, 101–2
military: census, 128–9; degredados in,
189, 190, 208; expedition to Luanda,
22–3; guerra preta, 22, 215–16;
Henriques battalion, 113, 192, 207–9
mulattos in, 153–5; recruitment in, 191;
soldiers, 85–6
Miller, Joseph, 66–8, 78, 242
Minas Gerais, 153–5
Miranda, Antonio Martins de, 212
Miranda, Joaquim Pinto de, 213
Miranda, Manoel Pinto de, 213
missionaries: in Angola, 102–3, 180–1;
Capuchin, 149–50; on exiles, 194; and
gangas, 179, 185; and language, 139;
slaves work for, 210
Moledo, Manoel Gonçalves, 223, 225
Monteiro, Bernardo José Carneiro, 214
Monteiro, Miguel Antonio, 223–5
moradores (native merchants), 26–9, 30–1
Moraes Joaquim, Inácio José de, 160
Morgan, Philip, 14, 136
mortality: during imprisonment, 40–1; and
slave ships, 220; and witchcraft, 72, 179.
See also murder
Mosher, Jeffrey, 233–4
Mossamedes, 131, 141–3, 213
Mota Feo, Luiz, 61–2
mothers, 123–5
Motta, Anacleto José da, 118–20
Moura, Francisco Luciano Santos, 123–5
Mouto, Thomaz Filgueira Bultran, 115–16
mucanos. See tribunal de mucanos
Muganguelas, 171–2
Muhululu, 99–101
mulattos (mixed race): banned from
sertões, 31, 33; children, 132–3; to
colonize Angola, 155; as exiles, 192;
and licenses to travel abroad, 162–3;
in Luanda, 153–5; merchants, 216–17;
slaves, 132–3
Munamuenho, 70
Muniz, José da Costa, 209
murder, 76, 120–1, 146–7, 167, 172–3; of
João, 113; of Lima, 1; and spells, 5; and
witchcraft, 1, 173
Muxicongo, Engrácia, 175, 176
Muxiloanda, 120
Muxima, 43, 61
Namboangongo (dembo), 82–4
Nbulica, 109
Ndala, Ngola (soba), 40–1
Ndongo kingdom: aided by Brazil, 8;
presídio in, 24
Ndumba, 76
negros calçados, 60–2
Netherlands: and Gold Cost, 77
newspapers: Brazilian, 228–9
Ngolome (soba), 40–1
Nguerepete, 116–17
nineteenth century: enslavement
during, 73–5
Noronha, Fernando Antonio de: as
governor, 84, 86–7, 149
Noronha, João Manoel de, 26–9; as
governor, 30–1
Nossa Senhora da Madre de Deus
(ship), 25
Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia, 111–12
Nossa Senhora da Piedade (ship), 219
Nossa Senhora do Rosário Santo António e
Almas (corveta), 219
Nossa Senhora dos Remédios (church),
93–4, 128, 134–5, 188
Nossa Senhora of Pópulo, 204–5, 239
Nova Colônia de Sacramento, 88–9
Nquinhenguenena, 76
Nwokeji, Ugo, 70
olimbo, 99–101
Oliveira, Francisco Dias de, 215–16
Oliveira, Francisco Marques de, 161
Oliveira, Joaquim Aurélio de, 76–7; as
governor, 230–1
Oliveira, Joaquim Vaz de, 123–4
Oliveira, José Joaquim de, 157, 167–8
Oliveira, Mario Antônio de, 246–8
Oliveira de Figueiredo, Manoel de,
olive oil, 144
Ornelas, Francisco Paim de Câmara,
Our Lady of the Rosary, 91–2
Ouweneel, Arij, 6–7
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Pacheco, Clemente, 192
Pacheco, Francisco Antonio, 117–18
Palhares, Manoel da Silva Machado, 126–8
palm oil, 133–5, 167
Passos, António Teixeira, 224
Paula, Francisco de, 136–8
Paulo, Francisco de, 161
pawnship: in Angola, 77–81, 87; and
enslavement, 77–81; on Gold Coast,
77–8; and kidnapping, 78, 80, 87; law,
79–80, 81, 86; and tribunal de
mucanos, 81–2
Paz, Maria da, 160
Peçanha, Francisco Xavier de Lobão
Machado, 118–20
Pedrinha, Manoel Gonçalves, 213–14
Pedro, Engrácia, 123–4
Pedro, Francisco, 80–1
Pedro, Joana, 114
Penedo (fort), 47, 155
Pensamento Feliz (ship), 223
Pereira, Francisco Coelho, 25–6
Pereira, Jerônimo, 219–20
Pereira, Manoel Corrêa, 32
Pereira, Margarida, 176
Pereira, Narcizo Luiz Alvares, 224–5
Pereira Bravo, Francisco, 92–6; opposes
Inácio’s departure, 96–8; treats Francisca
as slave, 95–6
Pereira Bravo, Marçal, 93
Pereira Bravo, Marcos, 93
Pereira Bravo, Simião, 93
Pernambuco: anti-colonial revolt, 227–8,
229–30, 233–4; exiles from, 192; and
slave trade 96, 109, 153–5
Picanço, Inácio Corrêa, 111–12
Pimenta, Father, 107–10
Pimentel, Belchior Raposo, 42–4
Pingue, 76
Pinheiro Neto, António, 26–9
Pinheiro Neto, Francisco, 26–9
Pinto, João Joaquim, 136–8
piracy, 227
Pontes, António de, 213
Portela, Bernardo Nunes, 138–40
Porto, Francisco Lopes, 183
Portugal: bans weapons importation, 45–8;
and Brazilian independence, 203–4,
241; exiles from, 190, 192; inquisition,
174–7; law, in Angola, 82; law to abolish
slavery, 136–8, 246; military expedition
to Luanda hinterland, 22–3; petitions
to, 118–20; and regulation of legal
system, 103–4; and relationship with
African rulers, 41–2; and relationship
with Brazil, 7–8; and relationship with
Casanje, 23, 50–1, 195; and relationship
with Matamba, 23–4, 44–6, 50–1; and
soba partnerships, 39–40; trade policies
of, 8; and West Africa, 77. See also
“creole island”
Portuguese, 107–10, 139–40, 166–7, 209
prostitution, 131
pumbeiros (traders): enslaved, 62–3;
enslaved free blacks, 63–6, 68; and
Luanda taverns, 143, 146–7; numbers
of, 62; role of, 59–61; slave networks of,
16, 38, 47, 50–1
Pungo Andongo (presídio), 24–5, 33,
39–40, 59–61, 84, 123–4
punishment: among kin, 155–6; and
anti-pawnship law, 79–80, 81, 86;
beating, 118; branding, 121–2, 157–9,
210; corporal, 72–3; deportation as,
157–9; of enslavers, 116–17; flogging,
40–1, 113, 149, 157; public, 75; during
sixteenth century, 70; of sobas, 40–1;
and weapon law, 149
Pussich, João António, 236–7
Putnam, Lara, 5–6, 246
Quango River, 48–9
Quango Valley, 20–2, 87
Quanza, Barra do (region), 80–1
Quanza River, 22–3, 35
Queen Njinga, 29–30
Queiroga, Pasqual Rodrigues de, 186
Quiaculo, 105–6
quibangos, 181
Quibuta, 206
Quicongo, 112
Quicuto, 99–101
Quigangeganga, 116–17
Quigaranganga, 73–5
quilambas (traders), 59
Quilengues, 34–5, 73–5, 80, 210
Quimbala, 117–18
Quimbanda, 206
quimbares (traders), 22, 59
Quimbundo, 18, 99, 107–8, 139–41,
166–7, 186, 196
Quime, 99–101
quino, 240
Quiombela, 170–1, 183
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Quipate, 85
Quisangi (ruler), 55–6
Quissamas, 35, 61, 66, 72–3, 84–7
Quissengi, Francisco, 116–17
quissongos, 59
quitandas, 133–5
quitandeiras (market vendors), 133–5
Quitexi (dembo), 37–8
Quituque, Lourenço, 72
Quixuca, 116–18
Quizamba (soba), 76
race: and capitães mores, 37–8; and
identity, 59–61; and revolt, 233–4; and
status, 59. See also blacks, free; mulattos
(mixed race) ; whites
ransoming, 55, 83, 98, 116–17
Rebello, Mariana, 176–7
Recife, 8, 214, 230
Reis, Francisco Xavier dos, 221–2
Reis, Justiniano José dos, 231–2, 240
religion: African, 181; Catholicism, 180;
Christianity, 86–7, 91–2, 180, 181;
churches, 111–12; Jesuits, 60–1, 89–92,
139, 141–3. See also convents; gangas
revolts, 149–50
Ribeiro, Inácio Leitão, 35–6
Ribeiro, Marcos da Silva, 214
Rio de Janeiro: and ownership of slave
ships, 219–20; slaves shipped to, 88–9,
96, 126–8; and slave trade, 109, 166–7;
and textile trade, 8
rituals: circumcision, 196; genital, 175–6,
Rocha, João Rodrigues da, 182
Rodrigues, Father Pantaleão, 107–8
Rodrigues, Francisco Barboza, 211–12
Rodrigues, João Barboza, 62–3
Rodrigues, Margarete, 77
Rodrigues, Sebastião, 69–70
Rodrigues, Vicência, 188
Rodrigues da Silva, Francisco, 212
Romão, José Nunes, 109, 112–13
Rosário, Manoel do, 150
Roza (African woman), 111–12
Roza, Joaquim António da, 221–2
rum (Brazilian) jeribita: purchased by
African rulers, 66; as ransom, 98; on
slave ships, 121–2; tainted, in taverns,
144; used as currency, 201; used to
purchase slaves, 7, 31–2, 47
Russell-Wood, A. J. R., 111–12
Sacramento e Souza, Manoel de, 163
sailors, 31–2, 146–7
Salava, 117–18
Saldanha Gama, Antônio de: as governor,
15, 56–7, 149
Saldanha Menezes, Ayres de, 190
Salvador: anti-colonial revolt in, 233–4;
Portuguese troops in, 229–30; and
textile trade, 8
Salvador, Manoel de: accused of burglary,
153, 155; arrest of, 126–8; criminal
activities in Luanda, 18; deported to
Brazil, 155–9, 246; legal status of, 163;
testimony against, 152; visits tavern,
Sambalundo, 66–7
Santa Casa de Misericórdia, 38, 111,
Santos, António Francisco dos, 219–20
Santos, Catarina Madeira, 99
Santos, Custódio Dias dos, 109–10
Santos, Francisco do, 62–3
Santos, Joana dos, 57
Santos, João dos, 127
Santos, Joaquim Lopes dos, 236–7
Santos, José dos, 136–8, 231–2
Santos, José Pinheiro dos, 223–5
Santos Moreira, Bernardino José dos, 55–6
seamstresses, 131–2
senzalas (African dwellings), 75–6, 150,
sertanejos: financial obligations of, 68; and
Luanda taverns, 143; robbed, 39–40;
sailors as, 31–2; slave networks of, 16,
50–1; trade of, 31–6, 44–50;
women, 33–4
sertões: colonial officials in, 104–5;
legal system in, 112–13; and mucano
jurisdiction, 106; Portuguese spoken in,
sex: premarital, 199
ship captains, 25–6
Sidbury, James, 243, 248
Silva, Amaro Velho da, 223–5
Silva, Ana Pelarte da, 102–3
Silva, Antonio José da, 120
Silva, Cristina Nogueira da, 136–8
Silva, Domingos Caetano da, 116–18
Silva, Domingos José da, 224
Silva, Domingos Martines da, 68
Silva, Dona Maria da, 120
Silva, Dona Maria Ferreira da, 1
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Silva, Estevão Fernandes da, 32
Silva, Francisca da, 1, 5, 12–14
Silva, Francisco (bandit), 29–30
Silva, Francisco Infante de Siqueira Correa
da, 220–1
Silva, Francisco Pereira da, 153–5
Silva, Ignácio Paulo da, 183
Silva, João, 146
Silva, Joaquim José de, 34–5
Silva, José Antonio da, 229
Silva, José Carneiro da, 218–19
Silva, Luiz Lobo da, 190
Silva, Thomas, 1
Silva Corrêa, Elias Alexandre da, 128–9,
139–41, 143, 145–6, 150, 180
Silva Falcão, Father José Ferreira da, 108
Silva Franco, João da, 155–6
Silva Monteiro, Francisco, 155
Silva Teixeira, José da, 135–6
Simão (Cahoge), 126–8
Simão (slave), 167, 173, 179
Simões, Dona Maria, 118–20
Simões, Manoel, 184
Siqueira, Inês Rodrigues de, 96–8, 120,
slave markets (feiras): caravans to, 39,
52–3; in Casanje, 23, 39–40, 47–9, 50–1,
196; at Dongo, 84; Luanda controlled,
32, 33; trade outside of, 59–61
slave owners: Jesuits, 93–4
slavery: 1761 law to abolish, 136–8;
and legal solutions ( See tribunal de
mucanos); urban, 89–92; and witchcraft,
71–7, 82–4. See also ingênuos (born of
free womb)
slaves: activities of, in Luanda, 129–32;
confiscated from Portuguese; and
education, 141–3; escaped, 39–40,
122–3; as farm laborers, 135; female,
131, 133–5, 142; held for slave trade,
121–2; and hereditary status, 85;
illegal enslavement, 96–8; and lay
brotherhoods, 91–2; and licenses for
Atlantic crossing, 160–2; mixed race,
132–3; mortality, 26; numbers of,
shipped from Angola, 95–6; price of, 96;
and revolts, 149–50; runaway, 139–40,
149, 156, 207–9; as sailors, 135–8;
shipped to Brazil, 1, 206; smuggling of,
207–9, 226–7; travel licenses requested
by, 161; used as payment, 104–5. See
also branding; ingênuos (born of free
womb) ; punishment, flogging
slave ships, 109
slave trade: ban on, in Benguela, 236–7;
and France, 226–7; and Great Britain,
226–7; and ship captains, 25–6
smallpox, 26, 130, 192
smuggling: of slaves, 207–9, 226–7; of
weapons, 45–8
Soares, Manoel, 115–16
sobas (rulers), 38–44; and tribunal de
mucanos, 101–2, 106–7
social control, 148–52
social mobility: and transatlantic travel, 1,
9, 27, 218–25. See also status; wealthy
social stratification: and slave ownership,
Socoval, 73–5, 210
Sofia, 116–17
soldiers. See military
Soma, 116–17
souls. See zumbi (soul)
Sousa, José de, 219–20, 221–2
Souto, Francisco Roque: appointed capitão
mor, 36–9; arrested, 44–6; expedition
to Holo, 20–2, 50–1; marriage of, 35–6;
petitions Portuguese government, 20;
settles in sertões, 31–6; as ship captain,
Souza, Fernão de, 103–4, 194
Souza, Izabelinha de, 174
Souza, Joaquim Vieira da, 221–2
Souza, Lázaro Teixeira de, 68, 160–1
Souza, Manoel de, 225
Souza Coutinho, Francisco Inocêncio de: as
governor, 33, 45–8, 77–8, 104–5, 132–3,
141–3, 145, 186, 194, 223, 225
spells (feitiço): and murder, 5
status: and class, 1, 68; hereditary, 85; and
race, 59; and upward mobility, 214–18,
241; and witchcraft, 72
Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken, 26–9
sumaca Olinda (ship), 218
supernatural. See witchcraft
Sweet, James, 5, 130–1, 178, 186,
189, 245
tailors, 131–2
tattoos, 174–7
Tavares, Lourenço Pereira, 58
Tavares, Manoel, 200
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taverns, 143–8; and alcohol, 146; food
sold at, 144; in Luanda, 143–8; and
sertanejos, 143; violence in, 146–7
taxes: for Benguela hospital, 209; and
branding of slaves, 121–2; collected by
sobas, 39; on imported liquor,
141–3; on slaves, 26–9, 214,
Teixeira, Father Antonio, 108
Teixeira, José da Silva, 135–6
Teixeira, José Joaquim, 117–18
Teixeira, José Luiz, 224
Teixeira, José Rodrigues, 213
Teixeira, Manoel, 148–9
Teodora (slave), 161
Tereza (slave), 126–8
Tereza (mother of Pedro João), 113, 159
textiles: in Brazil, 8; purchased by African
rulers, 66; sold in taverns, 144; used to
purchase slaves, 7, 53. See also textiles
textiles (Indian), 31–2, 133–5, 223–5, 227
Thornton, John, 15, 246–8
tobacco, 223–5, 230–1
Torres, João Manoel de, 105
Torres, José Pereira, 218–19
Tovar, Manoel Vieira de Albuquerque e,
43–4, 228
traders, itinerant: and African vassals, 52,
Trajano (ship), 219–20
treaties: between Matamba and Luanda,
23–4, 44–6
tribunal de mucanos: and anti-pawnship
law, 81–2; in Benguela, 53, 99–101,
104–5, 108; and capitães mores,
113–15; and documenting freedom,
110; and eighteenth century, 107–8;
and enslavement, 68–71, 101–2, 106–7;
expansion of, 118–20; and F. Inácio,
17–18; and junta das missões, 102–3,
104; language, 107–10, 112; and legal
assistance, 111–12; as legal protection
for slaves, 12–14; in Luanda, 101–2,
105–6, 107–8; origins of, 99–101; and
ouvidor, 110–11; shortcomings of,
112–13; unstructured nature, 104–6
Uiaxiba, Quitamba, 196
Umbelina, 160
Upper Guinea, 71
Vansina, Jan, 72, 78, 199
Vasconcellos, José Maria de Almeida
Machado e: as governor, 226
Vasconcelos, Antonio Rebelo de Andrade:
as governor, 108
Vasconcelos, Manoel de Almeida e: and
anti-pawnship law, 79–81; clash with
Namboangongo, 82–4; as governor, 39,
42–4, 61–2, 113–14, 118–20, 199, 223;
and legal protections for slaves, 81–2;
opposes arbitrary enslavement, 84–7
Vasconcelos de Carvalho, José de Almeida:
as governor, 49–50, 53, 58, 104
vassals: freeborn, 16; legal rights of,
85, 87
Vianna, Bernardo Lourenço, 224
Vianna, Manoel Antonio, 102–3
Victorino, Joaquim, 118–20
Vieira, Aurélio Veríssimo, 219–20
Vieira, Francisco, 116–17
Vieira, Mathias Rodrigues, 213
vinegar, 144
Vitoria (healer), 182
Vivêncio, 101–2
volantes (slave ship traders), 145–6, 222–3,
warfare: and enslavement of Africans,
washers, 95, 131–2
water, 121–2
wealthy: estates of, 211, 212–14; on
Luanda city council, 92; merchants,
129, 223; and private militia, 120–1;
and slaves as gifts, 93–4; transatlantic
mobility of, 1, 9, 27, 218–25
weapons: held by slaves, 149; purchased
by African rulers, 66; used to purchase
slaves, 7, 45–8, 53
weather: in Angola, 26; drought, 66, 73–5,
181; natural disasters, 66
West Africa: waning Portuguese influence, 77
whipping (lashes), 40–1, 113, 149, 157
whites: in African ceremonies, 186; African
influence on, 188; and anti-pawnship
law, 79–80; in Benguela, 204–5; as exiles,
192; feared as cannibals, 157–9; as
feirantes, 59–61; and gangas, 186; and lay
brotherhoods, 91–2; and mulattos, 153–5;
pumbeiros perceived as, 59–62; and
trading in Angola, 20–2, 29–30, 31, 33
© in this web service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-86330-8 - Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Atlantic World: Angola and Brazil during
the Era of the Slave Trade
Roquinaldo Ferreira
More information
witchcraft: and Angolan belief system,
5; and case of M. Fernandes, 167;
deportation as punishment, 155–6;
and enslavement, 71–7; and juramento,
199; and kinship ties, 72; and mortality,
72, 179; and murder, 1, 173; and
slavery, 71–7, 82–4; spells (feitiço),
5; and status, 72. See also ceremonies
(xinguilamentos); gangas
women: active in business, 120, 133–5;
and education, 141–3; and enslaved
spouses, 94–5; enslavement of, 58–9;
and gangas, 186; and pawnship, 77–8;
population of, in Luanda, 153–5; as
sertanejos, 33–4; as slave owners,
62–3, 131; sobas, 78–9; and social class
(donas), 1; travel abroad, 163
Xaquigue (soba), 41
Xavier, Francisco Manoel, 111–12
Yanvo, Muata, 93
Zamba (soba), 39
Zamzumba, 77
Zombo, Álvaro, 163
Zombo, Garcia, 163
Zombo, Pedro, 163
zumbi (soul), 5, 179, 181, 182,
184, 186
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