
Session 1 – Treatment of animal waste
15h00 - 15h20 - Good Practices of water use in pig production as a limiting factor for a correct
management and use of pig slurry has fertilizer - the exemple of lactaton and gestation. Luís J.
M. Ferreira; Jorge M. R. Tavares; Cláudia M. dos S. Cordovil; Domingos de Figueiredo
15h20 - 15h40 - Recovery of ammonia nitrogen in livestock and industrial wastes using gas
permeable membranes. Matias B. Vanotti, Ariel A. Szogi, Michael J. Rothrock
15h40 - 16h00 - Start up and operation of aerobic reactor of partial nitritation for swine manure
treatment and simultaneous TOC removal. Marina C. de Pra, Airton Kunz, Ricardo L. R.
Steinmetz, Caroline G. Casagrande, Hugo M. Soares
16h15 - 16h35 - Effect of ultrasonic bath temperature on recovery rate of three veterinary
antibiotics added to swine manure. Parent, Elizabeth; Karam, Antoine; Parent, Léon Etienne
16h35 - 16h55 - Employment of ponds series in post-treatment of UASB reactor in removal of
nutrients and pathogenic organisms in swine wastewater treatment. Pinto, A.C.A.; Rodrigues, L.
S.;Silva, I. J. ; Sperling, M.V.; Lopes, B.C.; Crisóstomo, C.M.
16h55 - 17h15 - Nitrous oxide production in denitrifying trials via nitrite using swine wastewater.
Marisol Belmonte, José Ramón Vázquez-Padín, Mónica Figueroa, José Luis Campos, Ramón
Méndez, Anuska Mosquera-Corral, Gladys Vidal
17h15 - 17h35 - Influence of recirculation rate on carbon and nitrogen removal by the Modified
Ludzak-Ettinger (MLE) process. Marcelo Bortoli; Airton Kunz; Hugo M. Soares
17h35 - 17h55 - Evaluation of the operation of manure the with wastes liquids the swine and
codigestion with dairy cattle the biodigest tube in flexible PVC. Adriane De Andrade Silva; Jorge
de Lucas Junior, Cristiane de Almeida Neves Xavier, Laura Vanessa Cabral da Costa, Camila
Romantine Machado
Session 2 – Sustainable use of organic wastes in the agriculture
15h00 - 15:20 - Compositional modeling of C mineralization of organic materials added to soils.
Serge-Étienne. Karam, Antoine., Léon Etienne
15h20 - 15h40 - Cambisol chemical alterations and growth of teak after tannery sludge
appication. Campos, J.J.; Possato, E.L.; Oliveira, M.P.C.; Tavares, L.S.; Weber, O.L.S.;
Scaramuzza, W.L.M.P
15h40 - 16h00 - Fluorescence and chemometric characterization of sewage sludge MartínezSabater, E., Marhuenda-Egea, F.C., Moral, R., Paredes, C., Bustamante, M.A., Pascual, J.A.,
Suárez-Estrella, F., Moreno, J.
16h15 - 16h35 - Estimation of key agronomic parameters of biosolids by near infrared
reflectance spectroscopy (nirs). Galvez-Sola L., Marhuenda-Egea F.C., Perez-Murcia M.D.,
Pérez Espinosa A., Moreno- Caselles J., Morales, J., Moral R.
16h35 - 16h55 – Use of concentrated vinasse and different sources of nitrogen on fertilization of
sugarcane harvested without burning. André Cesar Vitti
16h55 - 17h15 – Nickel and lead levels in the soil after fertilization with mineral fertilizer and
organic manure. Silva, T.S., Citorino, L.B., Vasconcelos, A.C.P. de, Silva, A. de., Lana, R.M.Q.
17h15 - 17h35 - Levels of phosphorus and sulphur in the Cerrado soil in system of pasture in
applications liquid swine slurry. Ana Carolina Pereira de Vasconcelos; Tales Souza Silva; Jovair
Libério da Cunha; Adriane de Andrade Silva
17h35 - 17h55 - Changes in pH and in chromium content in a cambisol related to tanning
sludge levels. Tavares, L.S.T.; Weber, O.L.S.; Maas, K.D.B.; Valadão, F.C.A.; Scaramuzza, J.F.
Session 3 – Energy generation
15h00 - 15h20 – Influence of solids concentration in the biogas production by pie Mammon in
anaerobic reactor. Carlos Henrique da Costa Brauna, Francisco Suetônio Bastos Mota,
Ronaldo Stefanutti, José Gilmar da Silva do Nascimento, Rafael Barbosa Rios
15h20 - 15h40 – Effect on biohydrogen production from sewage sludge auto-fermentation:
comparison of different pretreatment methods. Pita, F.; Perez, M.
15h40 - 16h00 – Anaerobic digestion for energy recovery from cassava bioethanol residues in
Colombia. Claudia Patricia Pabon Pereira, Maja Singerland, Jules van Lier
16h15 - 16h35 – Evaluation of potencial for reuse of banana wastes by pyrolysis. Eveline Ribas
Kasper Fernandes, Ricardo Katsuei da Silva Afuso, Caroline Carriel Schimitt, Noeli Sellin, Ozair
Souza, Sandra Helena Westrupp Medeiros
16h35 - 16h55 – Biogas production from agro-industrial waste – Possibilities to improve
efficiency. Harald Lindorfer
16h55 - 17h15 – Energy analysis of the experimental process of production of Biodiesel from
oil of chicken. Ricardo Pacheco Bonometo, José Roberto Correa Sagliett, Alisson Teixeira
Bucchi, Antonio Carlos Citolin, Wladimir Rizelio, Heliomar Ribeiro Machado
17h15 - 17h35 – Assessment of potential generation of biogas from waste bamboo of pulp and
paper industry. Ingrid Roberta de França Soares Alves, Fabrícia Maria Santana Silva, Manuela
Cristina Mota Lins, Natally Andrade Fritz de Souza, José Fernando Thomé Jucá.
17h35 - 17h55 – Bioethanol from whole bananas, pulp and peel. Ozair Souza, Marco Aurélio
Schulz, Gustavo Alexandre Achilles Fischer, Elias Luiz de Souza, Noeli Sellin
Session 4 and 5– Energy generation and gas emission
16h15 - 16h35 – Biogas production of dairy cattle manure with different times of storage with air
presence. Camila Romantini Machado; Jorge de Lucas Júnior; Cristiane de Almeida Neves
Xavier; Airon Magno Aires
16h35 - 16h55 - Biogas production from screened poultry litter diluted at 3 and 6% total solids
with swine biofertilizer. Laura Vanessa Cabral Da Costa; Jorge de Lucas Junior, Natasha
Okushiro Panosso; Alex Luiz Sagula; Juliana Bega Junqueira
16h55 - 17h15 - Ammonia volatilisation following surface application of dairy slurry and urea to
a permanent pasture on a volcanic soils of southern chile. Francisco Salazar Sperberg
17h15 - 17h35 - Greenhouse gas emissions from grassland based dairy production systems in
Brazil and the Netherlands. A. Van Den Pol-van Dasselaar, P. Menezes Santos; M.A. Alvares
17h35 - 17h55 - Development and implementation of air pollution mitigation systems for animal
husbandry in The Netherlands. Nico Ogink; André Aarnink; Roland Melse
Session 6 – Pesticide residues in the environment
15h00 - 15:20 - Atrazine leaching in soil submitted of swine wastewater application. Gonçalves,
M.S.; Sampaio, S.C.; Gomes, S.D.; Mallmann, L.S.; Soncella, R.
15h20 - 15h40 - Photocatalytic degradation of bentazone with TiO2. Mariane V. Schneider,
Viviane da Silva Lobo, Mauricio Ferreira da Rosa
15h40 - 16h00 - Assessment of locally produced plant growing media from composting yardwaste using a modified bin system. Samir Al-Ghawas
16h15 as 16h35 - Indigenous knowledge systems and use of organic waste in Philippines
agricultural soil. Gina Villegas-Pangga; Arvin O. Dimaano
16h35 - 16h55 - Organic compound as a source of nitrogen in development of Crambe plants.
Fernanda Bertozzo; Moniki Campos Janegitz; Ana Carolina da Costa Lara; Tatiana Marcondes
Novaes Silva; Ilca Puertas de Freitas e Silva; Hélio Grassi Filho.
16h55 - 17h15 – Evaluation of the kinetics of degradation Basagran®600 using catalytic
processes, photocatalyst, and photo-fenton. Camila Larissa Hinterholz; Mauricio Ferreira da
Rosa; Viviane da Silva Lobo
17h15 - 17h35 – Effects of the use of biofertilizer from swine on atrazine leaching. Suszek, F.L.;
Sampaio, S.C.; Gonçalves, M.S.; Kummer, L.; Smanhotto, A.
Session 7 – Waste management
15h00 - 15h20 – Life cycle inventory of the cellulose nanowhiskers extraction process, focused
on wastewater emmisions. Maria Cléa Brito de Figueiredo, Morsyleide de Freitas Rosa, Ana
Claudia Carneiro da Silva Braid, Aline Cavalcanti e Cavalcante, Luiz Flávio Luciano de Melo
15h20 - 15h40 – Solid waste management with high organic load in Europe and Brazil. Tânia
Forster Carneiro, Ricardo de Lima Isaac, Montserrat Pérez García.
15h40 - 16h00 – Winery and distillery waste management: perspective and potential future
uses. Luis Galvez-Sola, Frutos Marhuenda-Egea, Maria Dolores Perez-Murcia, Aurelia Pérez
Espinosa, Joaquín Moreno-Caselles, Javier Morales, Raul Moral.
Session 8 – Treatment and disposal strategies
17h15 - 17h35 – Start up and acclimatization of sequencing batch reactor for post-treatment of
effluent from poultry industry. Carla Limberger Lopes, Simone Damasceno Gomes, Leonardo
Schultz, Juliana B. R. Mees, Cláudia Cordovil
17h35 - 17h55 – Performance of different relationships of anaerobic reactor diameter: length in
the treatment of starch wastewater. Elisangela Watthier
17h55 - 18h15 – Performance of UASB reactor in two stages followed activated sludge
wastewater improvement of coffee for wet. Marcelo Bruno
18h15 - 18h35 – Inorganic ions interference on the degradation of phenol by Fenton reaction.
Leidi Cecilia Friedrich; Carmem Lúcia Paiva e Silva Zanta, Amilcar Machuleck Jr., Frank
Herbert Quina
Session 9 – Use of animal waste as a fertilizer
15h00 – 15h20 – Agricultural management strategies for cattle slurry based on anaerobic codigestion. M.P. Bernal, C. de la Fuente, J.A. Alburquerque, R. Moral
15h20 - 15h40 – Phosphorus Distribution in a Soil Fertilized with Recovered Manure
Phosphates. Ariel Szogi; Philip J. Bauer; Matias B. Vanotti
15h40 - 16h00 – Characterization chemistry of biofertilizer of poultry litter with or without
separation of solid and liquid fractions biodegrad in anaerobiosis. Camila Romantini Machado;
Airon Magno Aires; Jorge de Lucas Júnior; Ellen Hatsumi Fukayama
16h15 - 16h35 – Effluent from anaerobic digestion of equine manure: strategy of
complementary fertilization in a soybean crop. Tysko, MB., F Mousegne, O Zabala , M.F de
Marotte; A Rolando
16h35 - 16h55 - Nitrogen fertilization in the form of swine deep litter and its effects on
production of dry matter and nutrient accumulation by maize. Alessandro Vieira Veloso;
Alessandro Torres Campos; Matheus Campos Mattioli; Rodrigo César Vasconcelos Santos;
Jacqueline Cardoso Ferreira; Felipe Campos Unes Ticle
16h55 - 17h15 - Behavior of copper and zinc in soil due to successives applications of swine
wastewater. Shaiane Dal Maso Lucas; Naimara Vieira Prado; Silvio César Sampaio
17h15 - 17h35 - Quality of biofertilizers manure of dairy cows of semi-intensive system.
Cristiane De Almeida Neves Xavier; Jorge de Lucas Júnior
17h35 - 17h55 - Recovery and use of N, P and K by reason different types of poultry litter in
common bean. Késia Silva Lourenço; Juliano Corulli Corrêa
Session 10 – Impact on surface and groundwater resources
15:00 as 15:20 - Indicator bacteria transport in runoff due to application of swine wastewater in
the soil. Cosmann, N. J.; Sampaio, S. C.; Pinto, F. G. S.; Palma, D.; Dieter, J., Guerra Jr, J. B.
15h20 - 15h40 - Transport of nutrients in runnof due to implementation of swine wastewater on
the soil. Cosmann, N. J.; Sampaio, S. C.; Palma, D.; Dieter, J., Guerra Jr, J. B.
15h40 - 16h00 - Nitrate in the soil and leaching losses in Dystroferric Red Latosol with
application of swine wastewater in the soybean culture. Shaiane Dal Maso Lucas; Nathalie C.
H. Kessler; Silvio C. Sampaio, Mariana Dal Bosco
Session 11 – Waste valuation
15h00 - 15h20 – Agronomic quality of organic composts from agroindustrial waste. Francieli
Helena Bernardi; Costa, Mônica Sarolli Silva de Mendonça Costa; Luiz Antonio de Mendonça
Costa;Marcos Felipe Martins; Mateus Barbosa
15h20 - 15h40 – Preparation of compoust from agroindustrial waste. Ranferi Maldonado-Torres.
15h40 - 16h00 – Thermochemical pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse for production of
fermentable sugars. Francisca Gleyciara Cavalcante Pinheiro; Adriana Guimarães Costa; João
Paulo Saraiva Morais; André Bezerra dos Santos; Sandra Tédde Santaella; Renato Carrhá
16h15 - 16h35 – Application of bamboo fiber in natura and bone charcoal as adsorbent in the
removal of metrylene blue dye. Gustavo Henrique Fidelis Dos Santos, Alvaro Cesar Dias Alves,
Patricia Caroline Cervelin, Mauricio Marcelo Sinhorim Monarin, Aparecido Nivaldo Módenes,
Marcia Teresinha Veit
16h35 - 16h55 – Evaluation of different procedures for obtaining a protein concentrate from
Mechanically Separated Meat (MSM) Pacu fish. Kauyse Matos Nascimento, Camila Dias de
Amorim, Angela Dulce Cavenaghi, Gustavo Graciano Fonseca
16h55 - 17h15 – Study of value-added compounds present in waste generated after the
microfiltration process of acai. Manuela Cristina Pessanha De Araujo Santiago, Andressa
moreira de Souza, Ana Cristina Miranda Senna Gouvêa, Ronoel Luiz de Oliveira Godoy, Daniel
Simões Couto, Lourdes Maria Corrêa Cabral
17h15 - 17h35 – Biophenols as secondary chemical building blocks from wheat bran. Leonardo
17h35 - 17h55 – Alternative use of waste generated in the manufacturing industry murcott
tangerine juice (Citrus Reticulata). Priscila de Paula Assis, João Oiano-Neto, Jeane Santos da
Rosa, Sidney Pacheco, Andressa Moreira de Souza, Angela Aparecida Lemos Furtado, André
Sousa Dutra

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