distribution of the roller coracias garrulus in portugal, an


distribution of the roller coracias garrulus in portugal, an
Ardeola 52(1), 2005, 173-176
Ana Teresa MARQUES*, Inês HENRIQUES**, Inês CATRY***
& Maria Inês MOREIRA****
The Iberian Peninsula harbours the majority
of the Roller (Coracias garrulus) population
in Western Europe. In Spain, available data
suggest a population fragmentation and a general negative trend (Marti & Del Moral, 2004).
Although residual in an Iberian context, the
Portuguese population also appears to be declining, and once considered Rare in Portuguese
Red List (SNPRNC, 1990), is now classed as
Critically Endangered (ICN, 2004). Recently,
the Portuguese population was estimated in
100-300 pairs (BirdLife International, 2004).
Until the 1970s there are few records of rollers in Portugal. The majority of those observations were made at locations near the coast
and during migration periods (e.g., D’Oliveira,
1928; Reis Junior, 1930; Soares, 1976). Although believed to breed within the country since the beginning of the 20th century, only in
1973 breeding was confirmed in Castelo Branco and Portalegre districts (Soares, 1974).
The information about distribution and
abundance of the Roller in Portugal is relatively
scarce. A National Atlas from the period 1978
to 1984 (Rufino, 1989) was the first attempt to
compile information on rollers distribution but,
since then, few additional data were provided.
The existing data on Roller’s distribution in
Portugal was collected and compiled in order to
make an historical approach on its occurrence
since the first breeding records. Data were obtained from national and regional atlases (Rufino, 1989; Pimenta & Santarém, 1996; Silva,
1998; ICN, in prep.), museums collections (Tamagnini et al., 1933; Serra et al., 1952; Soares,
1976), other publications (Coverley’s, no date;
Reis Junior, 1930; D’Oliveira, 1928; Soares,
1974; Elias, 1995; Costa et al., 2003; Silva,
2003) and field data collection. A national inquiry to ornithologists and birdwatchers was
also organised.
Data from confirmed and probable reproduction were placed in 1/50.000 maps regarding two different periods: 1973-1993 and
1994-2004. Reproduction was defined as probable or as confirmed according to Rufino’s
(1989) criteria. Although distribution maps
were built using data from two national atlases
(Rufino, 1989; ICN, in prep.), which guaranteed a homogeneous searching effort through
Portugal, some precautions must be settled
when analysing the results. In fact, in other
sources, data collection effort was not equal
for the entire country.
According to the distribution maps, breeding
rollers occur in central and southern Portugal,
especially in the inland part of the country.
Data suggest that during the last decade the
distribution area from the central part of the
country, particularly in Portalegre and Évora
districts, has contracted and became fragmented. Nevertheless, the distribution area of the
species has increased in the Beja district, for the
same period.
The fragmentation of the Roller population
in the central part of the country can possibly
be explained by changes in agriculture practices, particularly through the abandonment of
extensive agricultural practices and pastures,
as well as the increasing of agriculture intensification and afforestation. Also a decreasing of
available nesting places may have occurred.
* Rua Agostinho Neto n.o 21, 2815-687 Sobreda, Portugal.
** Rua Heróis do Ultramar n.o 32, 2000-494 Pernes, Portugal.
*** Rua de Campolide n.o 215, 4.o Dto, 1070-030 Lisboa, Portugal.
**** Av. António Sérgio n.o 24, 7780-120 Castro Verde, Portugal.
Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]
In what concerns to Beja district, information
gathered from local farmers, suggests that rollers only settled in that region in the past 10 to
20 years. A plausible explanation for this is related to the crescent availability of nesting places, caused by the agricultural abandonment
and desertification happening in the region
(Pais & Cangarato, 2001), which had consequently led to the deterioration of the houses
left abandoned. Rollers are cavity nesters
(Cramp & Simmons, 1988) and the majority
of nests found in Beja district are in old houses
(Moreira et al., 2004). Because a great part of
this region is characterised by low densities of
trees suitable for this species, few nesting places were available. Possibly the species bred
in that region before, being concentrated in few
areas and nesting at low densities. The deterioration of the houses could have led to a greater availability of nesting places, making it
possible for rollers to breed at higher densities.
In the last 10 years the Roller’s distribution
area in Portugal has been confined to three
main regions: Castro Verde (Beja district), at
the south, and Vila Fernando/Elvas (Portalegre
district) and Castelo Branco/Idanha-a-Nova
(Castelo Branco district), at the central area of
the country. The Castro Verde Special Protection Area is probable the most important area in
the country for the species, as has been previously suggested by Moreira et al. (2004).
This is the main pseudo-steppe area in Portugal
(Moreira, 1999), where the maintenance of extensive agriculture and the increasing availability of nesting places, seems to have benefited
the Roller. Available data for the Castro Verde
SPA estimate a breeding population of 35-40
pairs in 2004 (Henriques et al., 2004). These
data suggests that the value of 100-300 pairs
for the Roller breeding population in Portugal
(BirldLife, 2004) may be overestimated, and
probably is closer to the inferior limit of one
The region of Vila Fernando/Elvas is also
characterized by the extensive cultivation of cereals in a rotation scheme. There are also some
scattered abandoned human structures that are
used by rollers for nesting (Silva, 2003).
FIG. 1.—Breeding distribution of the Roller Coracias garrulus in Portugal, during 1973-1993 and 1994-2004,
in 1/50.000 maps. Filled squares represent confirmed reproduction and unfilled squares probable reproduction.
Portuguese districts: 1-Bragança; 2-Castelo-Branco; 3-Portalegre; 4-Évora; 5-Beja. Current main principal Roller distribution areas: A-Castelo-Branco/Idanha-a-Nova; B-Vila Fernando/Elvas and C-Castro Verde.
[Distribución reproductora de la Carraca Coracias garrulus en Portugal, durante 1973-1993 y 1994-2004,
en mapas 1/50.000. Los cuadrados rellenos son localidades con reproducción confirmada y los vacios con reproducción probable. Los distritos de Portugal son: 1-Bragança; 2-Castelo-Branco; 3-Portalegre; 4-Évora;
5-Beja. Las actuales principales áreas de distribución son: A-Castelo-Branco/Idanha-a-Nova; B-Vila Fernando/Elvas and C-Castro Verde.]
Ardeola 52(1), 2005, 173-176
Finally, the area of Castelo Branco/Idanha-aNova is characterized by a great diversity of habitats, which include typical pseudo-steppes, mediterranean shrubs, holm oaks and pine forests
(Costa et al., 2003). In this area, the majority of
rollers nests were found in cavities from old trees.
The fragmentation observed on the Roller’s
national distribution, as well as its recent classification as Critically Endangered in Portugal
(ICN, in prep.) enhances the importance of investing in research and conservation actions
for the species, such as the conservation of its
habitat, through the promotion of non-intensive
agriculture. Also, the increase of nest site availability through the installation of nest-boxes
could be a positive measure to the species (see
Avilés & Sánchez, 2000).
RESUMEN.—El presente estudio revisa y pone al
día la información existente sobre la distribución de
la Carraca Coracias garrulous en Portugal. La información se obtuvo a partir de atlas nacionales y
regionales, bibliografía científica y datos de campo
tomados por ornitólogos para elaborar el mapa a escala nacional de la distribución de la especie en
Portugal. Dos mapas se han podido elaborar para
los periodos: 1973-93 y 1994-04. Los datos sugieren
la existencia de una fragmentación del área de distribución en la parte central del país, con una reciente expansión hacia el sur en la última década.
Actualmente, la mayor área reproductora de la Carraca está localizada en Castro Verde en el sur y en
Vila Fernando/Elvas y Castelo Blanco/Diana-aNova en la parte central de Portugal.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.—We are grateful to T. Catry,
H. Costa, C. Cruz, R. Doudinho, G. Elias, S. Infante,
A. Monteiro, R. Morgado, C. Pacheco, L. Reino, P.
Rocha, G. Rosa, R. Rufino, L. Silva, P. Silva, R. Silva and A. Vaz for their informations. We also thank
F. Moreira, M. Moreira, G. Rosa and the two referees
for useful comments on the manuscript.
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[Recibido: 15-01-05]
[Aceptado: 15-05-05]

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