Edição 02 - Português pra você | Home


Edição 02 - Português pra você | Home
June 2011
Issue 2
The Portuguese playgroup is
an interactive supervised
toddler’s group for 0 to 5 years
old aimed at stimulating South
African children of multilingual
families (where at least one
parent is fluent in Portuguese)
– to speak and socially interact
in Portuguese.
Although mainly designed for
children, Portuguese-speaking
parents and even
grandparents are more than
welcome to accompany their
young ones during the
playgroup sessions. The
meetings take place every
Wednesday, from 3pm to 5pm
at Homestead Villas,
Welgedacht, Bellville. Please
www.homesteadvillas.co.za for
Contact Us
Mila Olivier
083 229 3866
[email protected]
Movement Lesson
Xavier’s mother, Nadine Gomes,
organized such a lovely
movement class for our kids the
other day! She used her ballerina
skills to entertain our little ones
with songs and play time. Vovó
Irene Gomes sang Portuguese
children’s songs to us. As the
children grow older we would like
to have a Granny’s Day! They
could read stories and share
moments of wisdom with our
angels! Nadine Gomes runs her
ballet school in Boston, Bellville.
More information on 082 692
We Are Online!
Our website is up and running!
www.portuguespravoce.com for
more information about our
playgroup. Any suggestions are
welcome. We would like to
thank all team from the Brazilian
Consulate in Cape Town for
sponsoring our home page.
Our Condolences
We are very sad to hear that our
dedicated nanny Tea has lost 3
members of her family recently. Her
mother, her uncle and her
grandmother died within short
intervals. Tea, we are thinking of you
in this difficult time.
Luciano Carniel went back
to São Paulo, Brazil, and
we are missing him very
much. Luciano was such a
pleasant person to have
around and the children
loved him. He is getting
ready to go back to his
work. He is a manager on
cruise liners. We can
follow his adventures
around the world
accessing his Portuguese
and English blog
Portuguese Playgroup Newsletter
June 2011
Fun In The Pool
Our swimming lesson was remarkable! We should do it more often next summer. It was a warm day and
the temperature of the water was just perfect! The photos say it all!
Portuguese Playgroup Newsletter
Raquel Leal
We want to introduce a member of our group
each newsletter. It is a wonderful way to get to
know a little bit more about each other. This
time our Portuguese teacher Raquel Leal is our
guest. She has been with us since from the
beginning and quickly became our Portuguese
language expert. She is writing our program and
curriculum and we are going to have lots of new
activities to help our children to learn
Portuguese soon. Raquel is from Portugal and
teaches Portuguese at Curro Private School
(Durbanville), CBC St. John’s (Parklands), The
Settlers HS (Bellville) and Parow HS (Parow).
Quem é a Raquel Leal? Who is
Raquel Leal?
De onde você vem? Where do
you come from?
Eu moro na Cidade do Cabo
há um pouco mais de um ano.
Vim para cá através do
Instituto Camões e do
Programa de Ensino de
Português no Estrangeiro para
dar aulas de Língua e Cultura
Portuguesa em escolas sulafricanas. A primeira pergunta
que me fizeram foi “Porquê
África do Sul?” e a minha
resposta foi automática: “E
porque não?”. Depois de treze
meses a viver nesta bela
cidade tenho a certeza que fiz
a escolha certa.
Venho de uma pequena
cidade chamada Lordelo a
20km do Porto, a segunda
maior cidade portuguesa. E,
apesar de estar a viver a mais
de 55 mil km de casa, não
posso dizer que a minha vida
tenha mudado muito: continuo
a ter os mesmos hobbies,
convivo com os novos amigos
que aqui conheci, faço
desporto nos tempos livres,
vou à praia… até o oceano é o
mesmo! Gosto imenso de
ocupar o meu tempo livre a ler
romances, especialmente,
mas também gosto de
passear pela praia ou ir até ao
Waterfront para um cafezinho.
Sempre que posso visito os
museus locais, principalmente
o Planetário que tem sempre
exposições muito
interessantes. Também gosto
de fazer desporto,
nomeadamente natação e
cardio-fitness. Em geral, adoro
a vida sem stress que tenho
aqui e é disso que vou sentir
mais falta quando voltar para
Portugal. Isso e também os
braais e o rugby! Sou fã dos
I have been living in Cape
Town a little over a year now. I
came here to teach the
Portuguese Language and
Culture in South African high
schools under the programme
of Portuguese Teaching
Abroad sponsored by Instituto
Camões. During my first
weeks here, I was asked “why
South Africa?” and I simply
answered “why not?”. Now,
after thirteen months of living
in this beautiful city, I am
certain I made the right choice.
Portuguese Playgroup Newsletter
Stormers e já fui ver vários
jogos ao estádio em
I come from a small town
called Lordelo, located 20km
away from Porto, the second
biggest Portuguese city.
Despite the fact that I am living
more than 55 thousand km
away from home, I cannot say
that my life has truly changed:
I still have the same hobbies, I
go out with my new friends, I
practice sports in my free time,
go to the beach… even the
ocean is the same! During my
free time, I enjoy reading
novels, walk at beach or going
to the Waterfront for a coffee
or just check the new trends in
the stores. Whenever
possible I go to the local
museums, especially the
planetarium which always has
interesting exhibitions. I also
love sports, specially
swimming and cardio-fitness
classes. In general, I love the
fact that my life here is
completely stress-free and that
is what I’ll miss most when I
go back. Well, that and the
braais with friends and the
rugby! I’m a Stormer’s fan and
June 2011
I have been to the stadium in
Newlands to watch them a
couple of times.
Como você conheceu o grupo
Português pra Você? How have
you met the Portuguese for you
O ano passado a Mila
encontrou-me através de uma
das escolas onde dou aulas e
convidou-me para fazer parte
deste projecto cheio de mérito,
no qual me orgulho em
participar. É um projecto
simples que pensa no futuro
das crianças que nascem em
famílias multilingues.Num
mundo cada vez mais multi-
Playtime Sessions
cultural, é importante que as
crianças conheçam as suas
origens e que os pais
reconheçam a importância de
se falar mais do que uma língua
nos dias de hoje. O playgroup
cria uma oportunidade de
aprendizagem natural da língua
portuguesa, proporcionando ao
mesmo tempo momentos de
diversão para as crianças!
Estou a gostar imenso desta
experiência e espero poder
continuar a contribuir para a
aprendizagem destas crianças
durante muito tempo!
Last year, Mila contacted me
through one of my schools and
invited me to take part in this
wonderful project, in which I’m
very proud to participate. It is a
simple idea, but one that thinks
about the future of children born
in multilingual families. In a
growing multicultural world, it is
important that the children know
their origins and that the parents
recognise the importance of
speaking more than one
language in today’s world. The
playgroup creates a natural
learning environment for the
Portuguese language, allowing
at the same time moments of
fun for the children! I love this
experience and I hope I can
continue to contribute to these
children’s learning experience
for a long time.
The couple Eunice and Marcos Rodrigues are bringing so much fun into our playtime sessions. Eunice
sings beautifully and Marcos follows her playing guitar. Their son David is so bright - he knows all lyrics in
Portuguese and English! His younger sister Sarah enjoys observing her lively family!
Portuguese Playgroup Newsletter
Birthday Party
We had lots of fun during Daniel
dos Reis’ birthday. He turned 2 on
27 April and we arranged a
celebration to spoil him. His
Portuguese grandfather Agnelo dos
Reis decorated our playroom with
the flag of Portugal.
It created an uplifting atmosphere
with colorful balloons. The team
from Homestead Villas prepared
delicious cup cakes and quiches
and Daniel enjoyed himself with his
new toys which he received from
his friends. Parabéns, querido!
Portuguese Playgroup Newsletter
June 2011
Our Lovely Grannies
Research suggests that grandparents play a
major role in grandchildren’s lives. They are
friends, role models and mentors for younger
generations. Grandparents share values,
traditions, wisdom, family history and show
our little ones the meaning of love. Kids who
have a strong relationship with their
grandparents have a good sense of family
and security and also tend to do better in
school and feel more comfortable with older
Our Portuguese grannies are always
welcome and we enjoy their presence during
our playtime sessions. They are natural
Portuguese teachers to our children. Thank
grannies Maria do Carmo, Irene Gomes and
Agnelo dos Reis for keeping our language
Portuguese Playgroup Newsletter
Portuguese Playgroup Newsletter