Vida Boa - capoeirasongs


Vida Boa - capoeirasongs
Vida Boa
cantiga contemporânea
mestre Casquinha
Ê vida boa
sereno que cai no chão
ê vida boa
é a vida no sertão
ê vida boa
sereno que cai no chão
ê vida boa
é a vida no sertão
cai a noite, chega o dia
tem orvalho no chão
tem café quente no bulê
já tem lenha no fogão,
vida boa
ê vida boa
sereno que cai no chão
ê vida boa
é a vida no sertão
a palavra desse povo
vale muito mais que ouro
bom malandro capoeira
digo: a vida é meu tesouro,
vida boa
ê vida boa
sereno que cai no chão
ê vida boa
é a vida no sertão
berimbau traz alegria
traz vida boa também
Deus é pai de nós todos
já dizia pedro cem
ê vida boa
sereno que cai no chão
ê vida boa
é a vida no sertão
estrada de Chão de Batido
Sete-leguas, Riachão
capoeira, mato roçado
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comida nasce no chão,
vida boa
ê vida boa
sereno que cai no chão
ê vida boa
é a vida no sertão
povo humilde, bom de prosa
muita história pra contar
encontrei dona maria
Volta e meia vamos dá,
vida boa
ê vida boa
sereno que cai no chão
ê vida boa
é a vida no sertão
It is a good life
drizzle that falls to the ground
it is a good life
the life in the outback
it is a good life
drizzle that falls to the ground
it is a good life
the life in the outback
the night falls, the day comes
there is dew on the ground
there is hot coffee in the pot
and there is wood in the stove,
a good life
it is a good life
drizzle that falls to the ground
it is a good life
the life in the outback
the word of this people
is worth more than gold
good malandro capoeira
I say: life is my treasure,
a good life
it is a good life
drizzle that falls to the ground
it is a good life
the life in the outback
the berimbau brings joy
and brings good life too
God is the father of us all
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already said by Pedro Cém
it is a good life
drizzle that falls to the ground
it is a good life
the life in the outback
Chão de Batido road
Sete-Leguas, Riachão
capoeira, bush scuffed
food grows from the ground,
a good life
it is a good life
drizzle that falls to the ground
it is a good life
the life in the outback
humble people, good prose
a lot of stories to tell
I encountered Mrs. Maria
Every now and then we give,
a good life
it is a good life
drizzle that falls to the ground
it is a good life
the life in the outback
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