curriculum vitae - marinacostalobo


curriculum vitae - marinacostalobo
Marina Costa Lobo
August 2014
Work Address:
Instituto de Ciências Sociais,
Av. Professor Aníbal Bettencourt
Tel: # 351 - 21 7804774
Fax: # 351 [email protected]
1. Academic Qualifications ……………………………………………………5
2. Research………………………………………………………………….......6
2.1. Publications
2.2. Participation in Scientific Meetings
2.3. Organization of Scientific Meetings
2.4. Research Projects
2.5. Prizes
2.6. Scientific Refereeing
2.7. Scientific Reports
3. Post-Graduate Work………………………………………..………………..21
3.1. Teaching
3.2. Coordination of PhD and Masters Programmes
3.3. Coordination of Courses / Seminars
3.4. Phd and Masters Supervision
3.5. Participation in Juris
3.6. Membership of Post-Graduate Committees
Post-Doc Supervision
3.8. Researcher Supervision
4. Outreach………………………………………………………………………25
4.1. Public Policies and Private Sector, including Reports and Studies
4.2. Knowledge Diffusion to wider Audiences
5. Service to the Academic Community…………………….…………………27
5.1. Participation in Governance Bodies
5.2. Coordination of Scientific Journals
5.3. Participation in Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals
5.4. Membership of the Board of Scientific Associations
5.5. Participation in Evaluation Activities
1. Diplomas and Professional Positions
1.1. Academic Qualifications
Habilitation, Political Science, University of Lisbon.
D.Phil, Politics, Oxford University, St.Antony’s College.
Thesis: “The Emergence of a Prime Ministerial Model: Co-ordination in the
Portuguese Government, 1976-1995.”
M.Phil., European Politics and Society, Oxford University.
B.A., Hons., Durham University, Economics and Politics.
1.2. Tenure-Track Positions
Since 2006-
Associate Researcher, with Tenure, at the Institute of Social Sciences of the
University of Lisbon
Assistant Researcher (5 year contract) at the Institute of Social Sciences at the
University of Lisbon.
Post-Doctorate Fellowship at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of
Lisbon, financed by the Foundation of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science,
2. Research
2.1. Publications
Southern Europe and the Financial Earthquake, coping with the first phase of the
Financial Crisis, edited by Susannah Verney, Anna Bosco and Marina Costa Lobo,
London: Routledge.
Personality Politics? The role of leader evaluations in democratic elections, Book on
Leader Effects in Context, to be published by OUP, co-edited with John Curtice. Can
be ordered online at:
A Cidadania Europeia em Portugal, Lisbon, FFMS.
As eleições legislativas e Presidenciais, 2005-2006 [The Legislative and Presidential
Elections, 2005-2006], Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Co-edited with Pedro
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 3
O Semi-Presidencialismo em Países de Língua Portuguesa [Semi-Presidentialism in
Portuguese Speaking Countries]. Co-edited with Octavio Amorim Neto, Lisbon:
Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 9
Portugal, uma democracia em Construção, Festschrift for David Goldey. [Portugal, a
Democracy under Construction], Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Co-edited
with Manuel Villaverde Cabral and Rui Feijó.
Eleições e Cultura Política, [Elections and Political Culture], Lisbon: Imprensa de
Ciências Sociais. Co-edited with André Freire and Pedro Magalhães.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 2
Em nome da Europa, Portugal and the EU, 1986-2006, [In the name of Europe,
Portugal and the EU, 1986-2006], Cascais: Principia. Co-edited with Pedro Lains.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 5
Portugal at the Polls, Massachussets: Lexington.
Co-edited with André Freire and Pedro Magalhães.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 4
Comportamentos e Atitudes Políticas, 1973-2002 – Inquéritos e Bases de Dados.
Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Co-edited with André Freire, Pedro Magalhães
and Ana Espírito-Santo.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 9
Governar em Democracia: Portugal, 1976-1995 [Governing in Democracy: Portugal,
1976-1995], Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 23
Portugal a Votos [Portugal at the Polls], Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Coedited with André Freire and Pedro Magalhães.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 13
As eleições legislativas de 2002 – Inquérito pós-eleitoral (base de dados),[The 2002
legisaltive elections – post-election survey], Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais,
2003. Co-organized with André Freire, Pedro Magalhães and Ana Espírito-Santo.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 4
O Parlamento Português: uma reforma necessária, [The Portuguese Parliament: a
necessary reform], Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. Co-authored with António
Araújo, André Freire, Cristina Leston-Bandeira e Pedro Magalhães.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
“Partisan Turnout bias and District Magnitude”, in Electoral Studies, with Ignacio
Lago Penas, vol. 32, pp.150-158.
“Semi-presidentialism in Lusophone countries: Diffusion and Operation”, in
Democratization, with Octavio Amorim Neto, vol.21, no.3, pp.434-457.
“Patrimony Voting in Portugal, the 2011 elections”, in Electoral Studies, vol.32,
no.3, pp.460-464.
“The integration hypothesis: how the European Union shapes economic voting”, in
Electoral Studies, vol. 31, no.3, pp.522-528. Co-authored with Michael S. LewisBeck.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 12
Organizer, Special Issue on Economic Voting in Southern Europe Electoral Studies,
vol.31, no.3.
“Introduction: Economic Crisis and Elections, the European Periphery”, in Electoral
Studies, vol.31, no.3. pp. 469-471. Co-authored with Michael S. Lewis-Beck.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 15
“Room for manoeuvre: euroscepticism in the portuguese parties and electorate, 19762005”, in South European Society and Politics, vol. 16, no.1., pp.81-104. Coauthored with Pedro Magalhães.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 6
“Anchoring the Portuguese Voter: Panel Dynamics in a Newer Electorate”, in
Political Research Quarterly, vol.64, no.2, pp.293-208. Co-authored with Michael
S. Lewis-Beck.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 8
“The Clarity of Policy Alternatives, Left–Right and the European Parliament Vote in
2004”, in Journal of European Integration, vol.31, no.5, pp.665-683.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 5
“Portugal’s Semi-Presidentialism (Re)considered: An assessment of the President’s
role in the Policy-making Process, 1976-2006”, in European Journal of Political
Research, vol.48, no.2, pp.234-255. Co-authored with Octavio Amorim Neto.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 22
“Parties and Leader Effects – Impact of Leaders in the Vote for Different Types of
Parties”, in Party Politics, vol. 14, no.3, pp.281-298.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 25
“Short-term voting determinants in a young democracy: Leader effects in Portugal in
the 2002 legislative elections”, in Electoral Studies, 25, pp. 270-286.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 38.
“Economics, ideology and Vote: Southern Europe, 1985-2000”, in European
Journal of Political Research, vol.44, no.4, pp.493-518. Co-authored with André
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 33
“Portuguese Attitudes towards the EU membership, social and political
perspectives”, in South European Society & Politics, Volume 8, No. 1, pp.97-118.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 18
“Economia, ideologia e voto: Europa do Sul, 1985-2000”, in Análise Social, no. 167,
pp.483-506. Co-authored with André Freire and Rui Cabral.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 7
“The role of political parties in Portuguese Democratic Consolidation”, in Party
Politics, vol. 7, no.5, pp. 643-653.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 16
“From «third wave» to «third way»: Europe and the Portuguese Socialists (19751999)”, in Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, vol. 3, no.1, pp.25-35.
Co-authored with Pedro Magalhães.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 13
“Governos partidários numa democracia recente: Portugal, 1976-95” [Party
Governments in a new democracy, Portugal 1976-1995), in Análise Social,
no.154/55, pp.147-174.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 17
“A evolução do Sistema Partidário Português à luz de mudanças económicas e
políticas, (1976-1991)” [Develoments in the portuguese party system between
political and economic change], in Análise Social, no. 139, pp.1085-1116.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 20
Book Chapters
“Introduction” and “Conclusion”, in Lobo, M.C., and Curtice, J., Personality
Politics? The Role of Leader Evaluations in Democratic Elections.
“Party Dealignment and Leader Effects”, in Lobo, M.C., and Curtice, J., Personality
Politics? The Role of Leader Evaluations in Democratic Elections. An analysis of the
relationship between party dealignment and leader effects in Italy, Spain and
“Party and Electoral Leadership” in t´Hart, and Rhodes, R., The Oxford Handbook of
Political Leadership, Oxford: OUP, pp.362-375..
“Uma Cidadania Política, mas pouco” in Costa Lobo, M., ed. A Cidadania Política
em Portugal, Lisboa:FFMS.
“Introdução”, em A Cidadania Política em Portugal, Lisboa:FFMS.
“Xadrez Político” in Cardoso, J.L., Magalhães, P., (eds), Portugal de A a Z, Lisboa,
Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
“A Responsividade Política em Portugal: Retrato de um processo de deterioração em
curso”, in Magalhães, P., Costa Pinto, A., e Sousa, L. (ed.), Qualidade da Democracia
em Portugal, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, forthcoming. Co-authored with
Carlos Jalali e Frederico Ferreira da Silva.
“Regímenes Parlamentarios y Semipresidenciales en la Unión Europea”, in Lanzaro,
Jorge (ed.), Presidencialismo y Parlamentarismo – América Latina y Europa
Meridional, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, pp.213-223.
“El Protagonismo del Primer Ministro en un Régimen Semipresidencial: Portugal
1976-2011”, in Lanzaro, Jorge (ed.), Presidencialismo y Parlamentarismo – América
Latina y Europa Meridional, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y
Constitucionales, pp.337-361.
“Still second-order? European Parliament Elections in Portugal”, in Pinto, A.C.,
Contemporary Portugal, Columbia University Press, a Revised edition of 2003 book.
“Room for Manoeuvre: Euroscepticism in the Portuguese Parties and Electorate
1976-2005, in Verney, Susannah (ed.), Euroscepticism in Southern Europe – A
Diachronic Perspective, New York: Routledge. Co-authored with Pedro Magalhães.
“The Political Institutions of Portuguese Democracy”, in Royo, Sebastián, Portugal
in Twenty-First Century – Politics, Society, and Economics. Plymouth: Lexington
Books, pp. 23-47. With António Costa Pinto and Pedro Magalhães
“Portugal’s Semi-Presidentialism (Re)Considered: An Assessment of the President’s
Role in the Policy Process, 1976-2006”, in Royo, Sebastián, Portugal in Twenty-First
Century – Politics, Society, and Economics. Plymouth: Lexington Books, pp. 49-69.
With Octavio Amorim Neto.
“Mapping the Political Landscape: A Vote Advice Application in Portugal”, in
Cedroni, L. and Garzia, D., Voting Advice Applications in Europe: The State of The
Art, Napoli: Scriptaweb, pp. 143-171. Co-authored with M. Vink and M. Lisi.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 17
“Introdução” e “Conclusão” [Introduction and Conclusion], in Lobo and Amorim
Neto, O semi-presidencialismo em Países de Língua Portuguesa, Lisbon: Imprensa de
Ciências Sociais. Co-authored with Octavio Amorim Neto.
“A escolha de um Primeiro-Ministro: Os Efeitos de Líder nas Legislativas
Portuguesas de 2005”, [Choosing a Prime Minister: Leader Effects in the Portuguese
2005 Legislative Elections] in Lobo, M.C. and Magalhães, P., As Eleições
Legislativas 2005 e Presidenciais 2006, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
“Um sistema partidário sob Pressão: As eleições legislativas e Presidenciais, 20052006”, [A party system under pressure: the legislative and Presidential elections,
2005-2006], Introduction to the book by Lobo, M.C. and Magalhães, P., As eleições
legislativas e Presidenciais, 2005-2006, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
“O semi-Presidencialismo português reconsiderado” [Portuguese SemiPresidentialism Reconsidered] in Lobo, M.C. and Amorim Neto, O., O semipresidencialismo em Países de Língua Portuguesa, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências
Sociais. Co-authored with Octavio Amorim Neto.
“Le Portugal”, in Magnette, P. and de Waele, J.M., in Les démocracies européennes
– aproche comparée des systèmes politiques natiounaux, Paris, Armand Colin. Coauthored with António Costa Pinto e Pedro Magalhães.
União Europeia e os partidos políticos portugueses: da consolidação à qualidade
democrática” [The EU and portuguese political parties: from consolidation to the
quality of democracy], in Lains, P., e Lobo, M.C., Em nome da Europa, Cascais:
Principia, pp. 79-96.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 3
“Left-Right and the European Parliament vote in 2004”, in Marsh, M., Mikhaylov, S.
and Schmitt, H. (ed.), European Elections After Eastern Enlargement – Preliminary
Results from the European Election Studies 2004, Manheim: Manheim Centre for
European Social Research, pp.97-140. With Freire, A. and Magalhães, P.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 12
“Partidos e Líderes: organização partidária e voto no contexto europeu” [Parties and
Leaders: party organization and vote in the European context], in Freire, A. et. al.,
Eleições e Cultura Política, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp.253-273.
“Leader effects in the 2002 elections in a longitudinal perspective”, in Freire, A.,
Lobo, M.C., and Magalhães, P., Portugal at the Polls, Massachussets: Lexington
Books, pp.125-142.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 1
“External Voting in Portugal”, in IDEA Handbook of External Voting, Stockholm:
IDEA, pp.83-87.
“As Eleições ao Parlamento Europeu em Portugal, 1987-1999” [EP Elections in
Portugal, 1987-1999], in Costa Pinto, A. (ed.), Portugal Contemporâneo, Lisbon:
“Les Elections Européenes en Espagne et au Portugal”, in Delwit, P. and Poirier, P.,
Parlement Puissant, Electeurs Absents?, Bruxelles: Editions de l’Université de
“The Presidentialisation of Portuguese Democracy?”, in Webb, P., and Poguntke, T.,
The Presidentialisation of Politics?, Oxford: OUP, pp.269-289.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 23
“Da Terceira vaga à Terceira via – A Europa e os socialistas portugueses (19741999), in Canas, Vitalino (ed.), O Partido Socialista e a Democracia, Oeiras: Celta
Editora. Co-authored with Pedro Magalhães.
“Portuguese Attitudes towards the EU membership, social and political
perspectives”, in Royo, S., and Manuel,P., Spain and Portugal in the European
Union: the first fifteen years, London: Frank Cass, pp.97-119.
“Uma Democracia Despolitizada?”, in Costa Pinto, António (ed.), Os Desafios para
Portugal nos Próximos 30 anos, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda
“Forging a Positive but Instrumental view: Portuguese attitudes towards the EU,
1986-2002”, co-authored with António Costa Pinto, in Dulphy, A., and Manigand,
C., Public opinion and Europe : national identity in European perspective, Paris: PIE
- Peter Lang, pp.165-181.
“O impacto dos líderes partidários: uma escolha entre candidatos pouco populares”,
in Freire, A., Lobo, M.C. and Magalhães, P. (ed.), Portugal a Votos – As eleições
legislativas de 2002, Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp.193-220.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 18
“The Portuguese Socialists and the Third Way”, in Bonoli, G. and Powell, M. (eds.)
Social democratic party policies in contemporary Europe, London: Routledge, 2003,
pp.83-102. Co-authored with Pedro Magalhães.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 8
“Legitimising the EU? Elections to the European Parliament in Portugal, 19871999”, in Costa Pinto, A. (ed.), Contemporary Portugal, Columbia University Press,
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 10
“El incremento del poder del Primer Ministro en Portugal desde 1976”, [The increase
in Prime Ministerial Power in Portugal since 1976] in Goméz, B., Magalhães, P, e
Barreto, A. (ed.), Portugal: democracia y sistema político, Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2003.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 6
“A elite partidária em Portugal, 1976-2002: Dirigentes, Deputados e Membros do
Governo” [Party elites in Portugal, 1976-2002: Leaders, MPs, and Government
Members], (2003), in Costa Pinto, A., and Freire, A., Elites, Sociedade e Mudança
Política, Oeiras: Celta.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 13
“A Presidência do governo: a politização dos serviços do primeiro- ministro
português desde 1976” [The centre of government: the politicisation of prime
ministerial services since 1976], in Actas do Primeiro Encontro de
Ciência Política, Lisbon: Bizâncio, Dezembro 2001.
“Portugal na Europa, 1960-1996 – uma leitura política da convergência económica”,
Barreto, António (ed.), A Situação Social em Portugal: 1960-1995, Lisbon: Imprensa
de Ciências Sociais, pp.611-643.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 14
Election Notes in Peer-Reviewed Journals
“The Trials of a Socialist Government: Right-Wing Victories in Local and
Presidential Elections in Portugal, 2005–2006”, in South European Society and
Politics, vol.11, no.2, pp.287-299. Co-authored with Carlos Jalali.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 5
“Portugal und die EU”, in Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 46/2006, pp.5-14., coauthored with António Costa Pinto.
“The Portuguese 2005 legislative election: Return to the Left”, in West European
Politics, vol.29, no.3, pp.581-588.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 12
“Southern European Election Watch – The Return of the Portuguese Right: the 2001
Local Government Elections and the 2002 Legislative Elections”, in South
European Society and Politics, vol. 7, no.1, pp.72-89
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 8
“Election Report: the Portuguese 2002 Legislative Elections”, in West European
Politics, co-authored with André Freire, vol.25, no.4, pp.221-228.
Citações em Harzing’s Publish or Perish: 18
2.2. Participation in Scientific Meetings
ECPR Glasgow Conference: Panel on the Personalisation of Politics. Paper
Presented: “Leader Effects and Party Characteristics”.
EPSA European Political Science Association Conference, Edinburgh, 19-22 June.
Paper presented: “A small democracy outlier: social mobilization and turnout in
Portugal 2002-2012”
Conference in ISCTE on the 40 years of Democracy in Portugal, 8 May. Paper
presented on EUVOX preliminary data.
Participation in a Panel at the Portuguese Political Science Association, 15 April.
Paper Presented: Attitudes towards the transition towards democracy, 40 years on.
Participation in the CNEP Conference, Marrakech, 14-17 March.
Presentation of the Data from the Quality of Democracy Barometer on Elites, 18
March, at the Institute of Social Sciences, Lisbon.
Political Parties Database Conference meeting, Dusseldorf, 10-11 October.
Speaker at the University of Trento, 30 September, “The Political Effects of the
Crisis in Portugal”, at a Conference organized by Vincenzo della Sala.
Speaker at the University of McGill, “Leader Effects in a Comparative Perspective”,
Montreal, 19 April.
Keynote Speaker at the Portuguese Political Science Association Congress, 1 March
2012. Title of Presentation: “Semi-presidentialism in Portuguese-speaking countries,
diffusion and operation”.
IPSA- International Political Science Association Congress, Madrid. 10-12 July
2012. Title of Presentation: “Social Democracy in Portugal, 1995-2012”.
Iowa University, Shambaugh Conference, Iowa, 22-24 March. Title of Presentation:
“Patrimony Voting in Portugal in the 2011 elections”.
Final Conference of the Portuguese Election Studies Project, 11-15 September 2011.
Title of Presentation: “Leader Effects in a Comparative Perspective”.
APSA- American Political Science Association, 31 August-3 September 2010. Title
of Presentation: “Semi-presidentialism in Portuguese-speaking countries, diffusion
and operation”.
Conference on Presidentialism and Parliamentarism in Latin America and Southern
Europe. Title of Presentation: “The rise of the Prime Minister in a Semi-Presidential
System, Portugal 1976-2006”. Zaragoza, Spain, 17-18 March.
V Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association, Aveiro 12-13 March.
Title of Presentation: “Leader Effects and Weak Partisanship in Southern Europe”.
Conference on “Parliamentarism and Presidentialism face to face”, 11-12
November, Mexico City. Title of Presentation: “A lusophone model of
Seminar at the Pompeu Fabra University, in Barcelona. Title of Presentation:
“Anchoring the Portuguese Voter: Panel Dynamics in a Young Democracy”, coauthored with Mike Lewis-Beck. 27 November.
ECPR Workshops in Lisbon, 14-19 March, at a workshop organized by John Curtice
and myself. Title of Presentation: “Leader Effects in Southern Europe”.
X Luso-Afro-Brazilian Congress 6-7 February University of Braga, Minho. Title of
Presentation: “Portuguese Semi-Presidentialism, 1976-2006”.
INTUNE Conference, Barcelona, 15-17 January. Title of Presentation: “Trust by
Heuristics? Representation and EU Citizenhsip” co-authored with Mariano Torcal
and Eduard Bonet.
Seminar at the University of Aveiro, 2 December. Title of Presentation: “Anchoring
the Portuguese Voter: Panel Dynamics in a Young Democracy”, co-authored with
Mike Lewis-Beck.
INTUNE Conference, Lisbon, 27-29 November. Title of Presentation: “Trust by
Heuristics? Representation and EU Citizenhsip” co-authored with Mariano Torcal
and Eduard Bonet.
APSA Congress, 29 August – 3 September. Title of Presentations: “SemiPresidentialism Revisited: the role of the President of the Republic in portuguese
politSocial Sciences Institute”. Co-authored with Octavio Amorim Neto and,
“Anchoring the Portuguese Voter: Panel Dynamics in a Young Democracy”, coauthored with Mike Lewis-Beck. (Participation in two panels).
CNEP Conference, Maputo- Mozambique, 15-19 July. Title of Presentation: “Macro
Data for the CNEP Project”.
INTUNE Conference, Universidade of Granada, 8-11 May. Title of Presentation:
“First Tables on Representation and EU Citizenhsip” co-authored with Mariano
Torcal and Eduard Bonet.
IV Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association, Lisbon, Gulbenkian,
6-7 March. Title of Presentation: “Semi-Presidentialism Revisited: the role of the
President of the Republic in portuguese politics”. Co-authored with Octavio
Amorim Neto.
CNEP Conference, 17-19 July, Trieste, Italy. Title of Presentation: “Some Issues on
Voting and Political Intermediation”.
Conference on Contextual Effects, 1-2 December, European University Institute,
Florence. Organised by Mark Franklin. Title of Presentation: “Types of Parties and
Voter Characteristics: The impact of leader effects on different types of parties”.
3rd ECPR Standing Group on European Union PolitSocial Sciences Institute, Bilgi
University, Istanbul, 4-6 September. Title of Presentation: “Euroscepticism in
Portugal: Party and Mass Perspectives”, co-authored with Pedro Magalhães.
Conference on the European Election Studies, 11-14 May, Social Sciences Institute,
University of Lisbon. Title of Presentation: “Left-Right and EP vote in 2004
elections" co-authored with André Freire and Pedro Magalhães.
Conference “Portuguese Studies Workshop”, Oxford, 3 June. Title of Presentation:
“From Democratic Consolidation to the Quality of Democracy: Parties and
European Integration”.
APSA Congress. August. Title of Presentation: “Left-Right and the European
Parliament in 2004” co-authored with André Freire and Pedro Magalhães.
CNEP (Comparative National Election Project) Conference, Mateus Palace, Vila
Real, 22-25 de Junho. Title of Presentation: “The CNEP data in Portugal in the 2005
International Conference “Electoral Behaviour and Political Attitudes of the
Portuguese in the European Context”, 27-28 January, Lisbon. Title of Presentation:
Types of Parties and Voter Characteristics: The impact of leader effects on different
types of parties”.
Conference “Les Elections Europeenes 2004- enjeux et débats”- Universidade do
Luxemburgo, 22-23 de Setembro 2004. Title of Presentation: “Spanish and
Portuguese European Elections 2004”.
II Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association, Lisbon, Gulbenkian,
19-20 January. Title of Presentation: “As caracteristicas individuais e a simpatia
partidária em Portugal”.
II ECPR Congress, University of Marburg, Germany, 19-21 September.
Title of Presentation: “The importance of short-term factors in the 2002 Portuguese
legislative elections: issues and candidates”, co-authored with André Freire.
“Portuguese Studies Workshop”, Instituto Camões, Oxford University, 6-9 June.
Title of Presentation: “What was the importance of Leaders in the 2002 Legislative
International Conference“Portugal at the Polls, I, The 2002 legislative elections”,
27-28 January. Title of Presentation: “The impact of Leaders in the 2002 Legislative
elections: Choosing between relatively unpopular candidates”.
International Conference on “The Presidentialisation of Parliamentary
Democracies”, ESF Exploratory Workshops, Lewes, Sussex, 12-14 April.
Organized by Paul Webb (University of Sussex) and Thomas Poguntke (University
of Keele). Title of Presentation: “The Presidentialisation of Portuguese
Conference Fulbright Brainstorm, “Eleições e Democracia”, Lisbon, FLAD, 2-3
Fevereiro 2002. Title of Presentation: “Economy, ideology and vote: the Portuguese
case in a comparative perspective, 1985-1999” co-authored with André Freire.
European Consortium of Political Research Workshops, Institut d’Etudes
Politiques, Universidade de Grenoble, 8-11 April. I Participated in a workshop lead
by Paul Webb and Thomas Poguntke, Alan Powell and Giuliano Bonoli,
subordinado ao tema “Third Ways in Europe”. Title of Presentation: “The
Portuguese Socialists and the Third Way” co-authored with Pedro Magalhães.
European Consortium of Political Research Workshops, Copenhagen University, 923 April. I Participated in a workshop lead by Paul Webb and Thomas Poguntke, on
“The Presidentialisation of Parliamentary Democracies?”.
Title of Presentation: “The Portuguese Prime Minister: A case of
presidentialisation or majoritarian leadership?”
European Consortium of Political Research Workshops, Warwick University, 23-28
March. I Participated in a workshop lead by Dr. Harmel and Dr. Sundberg, on “The
role of parties in democratization”.
Title of Presentation: “The role of Portuguese parties in the process of democratic
2.3. Organisation of Scientific Meetings
Panel Organizer in the ECPR Conference, Glasgow University, 5-6 September, on
Personalisation of Politics.
Member of the Scientific Committee for the Annual Conference of Fundação
Francisco Manuel dos Santos, on “Á procura da Liberdade”, held in Centro Cultural
de Belém, 3-4 October 2014.
Organizer of two panels in the Portuguese Political Science Association meeting in
Coimbra University under the aegis of the Observatory of the Quality of Democracy
Main Organizer of the ICS Annual Conference, “25 de Abril 40 anos depois”, 14
April 2014.
Main organizer of the Annual Conference of Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos,
“Portugal Europeu. E agora?”, which took place in Liceu Pedro Nunes and gathered
90 speakers and more than 1000 attendees, and 1 million viewers via tv and other
media. Lisbon, 13-14 September.
Main Organizer of the Conference “25 anos de Portugal Europeu”, organized for the
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Pátio da Galé, 30 May 2013.
“Portugal, Europa do Sul e a Crise da UE”, International conference at the ICS, 8-9
October 2012.
Final international Conference of the Portuguese Election Studies, 11-15 September
Three panels in the Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association, Aveiro
University, 5-6 March 2010.
Workshop in ECPR at the Lisbon Sessions, 14-19 April 2009. Title of the Workshop:
Leaders and Democratic Elections. With John Curtice.
Interrnational Conference INTUNE, Lisbon, 27-29 November. With Pedro
Magalhães, António Costa Pinto, André Freire and Pedro Tavares de Almeida.
International Conference on the Voting Contexts in Portugal, held at the Social
Sciences Institute, 12-13 March. With Pedro Magalhães and José Pereira.
International Conference, Electoral Behaviour and Political Attitudes – Portugal in
the European Context, held at the Luso American Foundation, Lisbon 27-28 January.
With André Freire, Pedro Magalhães and Ana Espírito Santo.
International Conference, Portugal at the Polls, Legislative Elections in 2002,
FLAD, Lisbon 27-28 January. With André Freire, Pedro Magalhães and Ana Espírito
Conference Fulbright Brainstorm, Elections and Democracy, held at the Luso
American Foundation, Lisbon 2-3 February. With André Freire and Pedro
2.4. Research Projects
Project Leadership
Project Director, of a study of EU Citizenship in Portugal in a multidimensional
way. The project is financed by the European Commission in Portugal and the
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. It groups a number of specialists from
different disciplines (sociology, economics, political science, law) and will produce a
volume on Portugal and EU citizenship in Portugal, to be published in 2013.
Principal Investigator of a Project entitled “Citizens’ Resilience in the most Crisishit countries in a comparative Perspective” submitted to a call in the FP7 framework.
This project includes political scientists, historians and social psychologists from 7
institutions in Europe. Its proposed budget is 2.5 million euros. The project was very
positively evaluated by the European Commission, (13/15) but did not obtain
Core cv member of a project entitled IASPP, “Infrastructure on Social and Political
Attitudes of the Portuguese”. This project is led by Jorge Vala. This project combines
an infrastructure for the study of political behavior and of social attitudes in Portugal,
building on two long-standing projects in the ICS, namely the Electoral Behaviour
project and the European Social Surveys Project.
Principal Investigator of a Project entitled “Personalisation of Politics in XXIst
century”. Project financed with 75.000 euros by the Science and Technology
Project Director of “Bússola Eleitoral” (Electoral Compass) which created a Voting
Advice Application (VAA) in the Portuguese Legislative Elections of 2009.
( This was the first ever VAA created in Portugal and
175,000 individuals responded to the online questionnaire. Project Financed by
Gulbenkian Foundation and Luso-American Foundation (total funds obtained: 30,000
This research links to work I have developed in the electoral studies arena. Yet it is
very new, in that for the first time in Portugal an online political survey was
developed, and with this type of success. Also, we have now characterised with
political statements from official documents twelve parties in the Portuguese
spectrum, which gives us a very rich and complex understanding of Portuguese
parties positioning today.
Co-Director of a project entitled “Electoral Behaviour and Political Attitudes in a
Comparative Perspective” together with André Freire (until 2007) and Pedro
Magalhães. Project financed by the following institutions: Foundation for Science
and Technology, Tinker Foundation, Gulbenkian Foundation, Luso American
Foundation and Government Departments for the Observation of Elections. Total
funds obtained: 500,000 euros. (For more details, please consult
This Project effectively launched the “Portuguese Election Studies”. Since 2002 we
have been responsible for applying post-election surveys in the main elections in
Portugal (Legislative and Presidential), and for publishing several volumes which
characterise the Portuguese elector, in a contextual and a comparative perspective.
Within this project, I have specialised in the topic of leader effects, their magnitude,
their substantive meaning, their relationship to types of parties, and their differential
impact among specific types of elector, both in a longitudinal and comparative
Through the creation of this project I have become involved in a series of
international research projects (see below). This is also the project which has fuelled
most of my publications.
Project Membership
Member of a of a Project entitled “CRISIS AND REFORM IN THE EU
‘PERIPHERY’:Varieties of Capitalism, Quality of Government and the limits of
externally-imposed adjustment” submitted to a call in the H2020 framework. This
project includes political scientists, historians and economists from 7 institutions
in Europe. Its proposed budget is 2.5 million euros and we are waiting for the
results from the EC Commission.
Member of EUVOX, an international project – a Vote Advice Application- for
the European Parliament elections held in June 2014.
Member of an International Project on Party Organization in Europe, led by Paul
Webb of the University of Sussex.
Member of the Project on Quality of Democracy led by Pedro Magalhães, Luis de
Sousa and António Costa Pinto (ICS-UL).
Member of an International Project on Social Democracy in Latin America and
Europe, led by Jorge Lanzaro of the University of Montevideo.
Member of a Project on Economic Voting in Southern Europe, with Michael
Lewis-Beck of the University of Iowa and Paolo Bellucci of the University of
Member of an International, the EES Project (later PIREDEU) led by Mark
Franklin, EUI (For more information see
Member of an International Project INTUNE project, led by Maurizio Cotta. (For
more information see
Member of and International Project Comparative National Election Project, led
by Richard Gunther of the Ohio State University (For more information see
2.5. Prizes
ERICS Prize for international publications in 2014.
ERICS Prize for international publications in 2013.
ERICS Prize for international publications in journals and books in 2012.
Olavo Lima Junior Prize, atributed by the Brazilian Political Science Association, for
the best article published in an English language journal in 2008-2010.
Adelino Amaro da Costa Prize, attributed by the “Instituto Defesa e Liberdade” for
the best study on the Portuguese Parliament.
2.6. Scientific Refereeing
Since 2001-
Elaboration of referee reports for the following journals:
Political Research Quarterly
Journal of Legislative Studies
Party Politics
European Journal of Political Research
South European Society and Politics
Análise Social.
I have also refereed book proposals for
Oxford University Press (2013)
Sage (2014)
Imprensa de Ciências Sociais (since 2006)
2.7. Scientific Reports
Since 2001-
Member of the Team which elaborates the Reports for the biannual Eurobarometer
surveys in Portugal. See This
involves the elaboration of extensive reports on attitudes towards the EU and are a
very rich source of data and information on Portuguese public opinion.
3. Post-Graduate Activities
Guest Lecturer in the FGV- Fundação Getúlio Vargas, EBAPE, to teach a Course on
European Politics and Policies.
Guest Lecturer in the University of Massachussets in Dartmouth, Lisbon Campus. I
teach a course in English on Portuguese Political Development in the XXth Century.
Guest Lecturer in the IESP- Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos, Rio de Janeiro,
for a Course on European Politics and Policies.
Guest Lecturer at the Political Science Degree in ISCTE (Instituto Superior Ciências
do Trabalho e da Empresa). I teach one course per semester. One is in the BA in
Political Science and the other in the MA in Contemporary History.
Lecturer in the Course on Political Institutions for the Doctoral Programme in the
University of Lisbon Doctorate in Political Science.
Lecturer in the Course on Political Institutions for the Master’s Programme in the
Guest Lecturer in the Political Science Degree at the Portuguese Catholic University.
Guest Lecturer at the Law Faculty in the University of Coimbra, Degree of Public
Since 2001, I have taught courses on Elections and Voting Behaviour, Political Systems and
Parties, Comparative European Politics, as well as Introductory political science courses at
graduate and undergraduate level.
3.2. Coordination of PhD and Masters Programmes
Co-ordinator of the Doctorate in Political Science of the University of Lisbon. I have
been responsible for the accreditation of these Courses in the AE3S of the new
Doctorate in Comparative Politics, in operation since 2012.
Director of the Master in Comparative Politics at the Institute of Social
Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
3.3. Coordination of Courses/ Seminars
As the co-ordinator of the Doctorate in Comparative Politics, I was responsible for
the design of the Doctoral Programme.
As a coordinator of the Masters in Comparative Politics I was responsible for the
Design of the Master’s Programme.
3.4. PhD and Master Thesis Supervision
Supervision of Antonio Alves Lopes’ Master thesis. Title: “The role of the President
in two semi-presidential regimes: Cabo Verde and Sao Tome and Principe”.
Supervision of Julio Fazendeiro’s Doctoral Thesis. Title: “Party Membership in two
Third Wave Democracies, the case of Spain and Portugal.
Supervision of Edalina Sanches’ Doctoral Thesis. Title: “The Institutionalisation of
Party Systems in Third Wave Democracies: the case of African countries (Cape
Verde, Mozambique).” Completed in June 2014 – to be defended in November 2014.
Supervision of Ana Margarida Craveiro’s Doctoral thesis. Title: “Patterns of
dissolution of Assemblies in European Semipresidentialism, 1970s-2000s”
Supervision of Joana Miranda’s Master thesis, concluded on 16 June 2009.
Thesis title: “The Reforms of the centre of government since 1995”.
Supervision of Nuno Guedes’ Master thesis, concluded on 16 December 2007.
Title: “The making of a Prime Minister: Social and Political Profiles of European
heads of government”.
Supervision of Inês Carneiro’s Master thesis, concluded on 28 April 2008.
Title: “Parties and State Reforms in Portugal, 1976-2000”.
3.5. Participation in PhD and Masters Juris
Master Thesis by Joana Rodrigues. Oral Exam on 18 July at the Catholic University.
Title: "A Relação entre os Cidadãos e a Assembleia da Republica em Portugal".
Doctoral Thesis by Patricia Silva. Oral Exam on 6 June at University of Aveiro.
Title: “Patronagem Política em Portugal”.
Doctoral Thesis by Filipe Nunes. Oral exam on 19 December at the University of
Lisbon. Title: “A Administração Pública e sua Politização em Portugal”
Doctoral Thesis by Sandra Bermudez. Oral exam on 18 September at the University
Pompeu Fabra. Title: “Individual Determinants of the Vote and Context Variables”.
Doctoral Thesis by Manuel Monteiro. Oral Exam on 14 March at the Univeristy
Lusíada. Title “A Reform of the Electoral System in Portugal”.
Master Thesis by Luís Teixeira. Oral exam on 11 February at the University of
Lisbon. Títle: “Os Verdes Anos: o Ecologismo em Portugal” [The Green Years:
Ecologism in Portugal].
Doctoral Thesis by Solidea Formichelli. Oral exam held on 18 September at the
University of Siena. Title: “Leader Effects across Institutional Contexts”.
Doctoral thesis by Filipe Montargil. Oral Exam held on 11 July at the University of
Evora. Title: “Sociedade de Informação, Democracia e Participação” [The
information society, democracy and participation].
Doctoral thesis by Ana Maria Belchior. Oral exam held on 18 April at the Catholic
University. Title: “A Participação Política em Portugal”, [Political Participation in
Doctoral thesis by Riccardo Marchi. Oral exam held on 10 March.
Title: “As Direitas Radicais em Portugal Durante o Estado Novo, 1945-1974”.
[The Radical Right in Portugal during the Authoritarian Regime, 1945-1974]
Master Thesis by Marco. Oral exam held on 17 June.
Title: “Um partido Revolucionário na Transição para a democracia: O PCP entre
1974 e 1976”. [A Revolutionary party in the transition to democracy: The
Communist Party between 1974 and 1976 in Portugal].
Master thesis by Nuno Joel Nascimento da Silva. Oral exam held on 27 June.
Title: O sistema de Governo Português: A posição e a influência do PrimeiroMinistro. [The Portuguese political system: the influence and the position of the
Since 2004-
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Relações Internacionais [Portuguese
Journal – International Relations].
Member of the Board of the Portuguese Political Science Association elected in 2001
and 2004. Organizer of the II and III Association’s Congresses (2004 and 2006).
3.6. Membership of Post-Graduate Committees
President of the Post-graduate Studies Committee.
and 20102012
Member of the post-graduate Committee of ICS-UL
3.7. Post-doc Supervision
José Pereira (Ph.D EUI).
Ana Espirito Santo (Ph.D. EUI).
Ana Maria Evans (Ph.D. Georgetown University).
2006- 2011
Marco Lisi (Ph.D ISCTE).
3.8. Researcher Supervision
Since 2011
I have been responsible for Research Supervision of Frederico Ferreira da Silva who
is a Master’s Student working on the “Personalization of Politics in the XXIst
Century” Project.
I have been responsible for Research Supervision of several Master’s Students who
were contracted in the Portuguese Election Studies project, namely: Ana Espírito
Santo, Edalina Sanches, José Pereira.
4. Outreach
4.1. Public Policies and Private Sector, including Reports and Studies
Co-ordinator of the Observatory of the Quality of Democracy in Portugal. This
Observatory aims at collecting and diffusing knowledge about the Quality of
Democracy in Portugal. In 2014, in partnership with the Expresso newspaper we ran
a representative survey on attitudes towards the transition to democracy in Portugal,
to mark the 40th Anniversary of the democratization in Portugal. The survey results
were widely disseminated through the media outlets of Expresso, SIC and SIC
noticias. For more information, consult
Co-founder of the Institute of Public Policies – Thomas Jefferson-Correia da Serra.
An Institute which seeks to promote debate about public policies in Portugal and how
to improve them. In this Institute I am responsible for political science projects. For
more information see
Member of the Consultative Council of a Project intitled “Portugal in the European
Institutions” lead by Alexander Trechsel and Richard Rose. This Project is financed
by the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. My role as member of the
Consultative Council involves reading and commenting on draft reports. For more
information see
Since 2010
Member of the Team which elaborates the Reports on Budgetary Transparency in
Portugal. This project promotes transparency of the budgetary process. I have
become involved in the political dimension of the project. Also, I have provided
consultancy to the elaboration of the first Citizen’s Budget, produced by the Ministry
of Finance in order to promote openness towards Civil Society. This advocacy
project is run within the Institute for Public Policies. For more information see
Since 2001-
Member of the Team which elaborates the Reports for the biannual Eurobarometer
surveys in Portugal. See This
involves the elaboration of extensive reports on attitudes towards the EU and are a
very rich source of data and information on Portuguese public opinion.
4.2. Knowledge Diffusion to Wider Audiences
Extensive Interview and liaison with Expresso weekly on the perceptions of the
Portuguese concerning transition to democracy 40 years on. I cooperated in making
the newspaper and the graphs to accompany the interview.
Speaker at a Conference organised by the President of the Republic on the occasion
of the 40th anniversary of democratisation in Portugal. Title of Speech: Political
Legacies and the Future of political institutions in Portugal.
Organizer of the annual Conference for the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos,
on the theme of EU integration. The Foundation has as one of its main goals the
dissemination of academic knowledge to the public. More than 1000 attendees were
present at the conference, and via the media, more than 1 million Portuguese saw the
conference panels.
In 2014 I am once again involved in the organization of the annual Conference, this
time as a member of the Scientific Council.
Regular columnist for the Diário de Notícias and the Jornal de Negócios, both daily
newspapers. The columns for Jornal de Negócios were also published in my personal
blog, Tempo Político.
Since 2006-
Regular presence in Television debates on Portuguese politics.
2002 and
Present in Parliamentary Committees twice in Portugal. On one occasion to discuss
the Reform of Parliament in the Committee for the Reform of the Political System,
and another to explain Portuguese Attitudes towards Europe in the Committee for
European Affairs.
5. Academic Service
5.1.Participation in Governance Bodies
Since 20062014
Member of the Scientific Council of ICS-UL.
Since 20122014
Member of the Library Council of ICS-UL.
5.2.Coordination of Scientific Journals
Journal Editor of South European Society and Politics together with Susannah
Verney and Anna Bosco. This is perhaps the most important area studies journal in
the English language for Southern Europe, and it is ranked in ISI.
5.3.Membership of Scientific Journals’ Editorial Boards
Since 2010-
Member of the Editorial Board of Electoral Studies. [Top Journal, highly ranked by
the ISI, A Journal in the ICS Social Science Index].
Member of the Editorial Board of South European Society and Politics.
Member of the Editorial Board of European Journal of Political Research. .[Top
Journal, highly ranked by the ISI, A Journal in the ICS Social Science Index].
Since 2008-
Member of the Editorial Board of Revista Americana de Estudos Legislativos
[Brazilian Journal – American Journal of Legislative Studies].
Since 2004-
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Relações Internacionais [Portuguese
Journal – International Relations].
5.4. Membership of the Board of Scientific Associations
Member of the Board of the Portuguese Political Science Association
Secretary of the Portuguese Political Science Association and organizer of its two
Congresses in 2002 and 2004
Co-cordinator, together with Oddbjorn Knutsen, Oslo Universirty, of the ECPR’s
Standing Group on “Public Opinion and Voting in a Comparative Perspective”.
5.5. Participation in Evaluation Activities
Member of the H2020 Evaluation Panel for the Call on Political for Europe, AugustSeptember.
Since 2011
Member of the Gulbenkian jury which attributes annual scholarships to international
political science students who wish to spend a period of time in Portugal.
President of the FCT jury for the political science panel which evaluates doctoral and
post-doctoral applications for scholarships.
Since 20052011
Member of the political science committee at the Foundation for Science and
Technology in charge of attributing doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships. This is
the Portuguese government body responsible for financing and evaluating the
national scientific and technology institutions. It supports infra-structures for
scientific research, as well programs, projects and qualification of human resources.

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