Asociación Diexman Uruguay


Asociación Diexman Uruguay
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 1
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Henrik Klemetz
Claudio Galaz
Arnaldo Slaen
Ontario DX Club
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Joan Coba
Paschoal Francisco Fideli
Dario Gabrielli
Glenn Hauser
Glenn Hauser
Migdiel Cruz
Migdiel Cruz
Dr.Eduardo Adami
Mauricio Pimenta
Ivan Alejandro Istlahuaca
Ontario DX Club
Adinei, PY2ADN
Glenn Hauser
Glenn Hauser
Ontario DX Club
Bulgarian DX blog
Alberto Suarez Tata
Glenn Hauser
Dino Bloise
Migdiel Cruz
Migdiel Cruz
Migdiel Cruz
Migdiel Cruz
Daniel Wyllyans
Gilmar de Moura Gaspar
Alberto Suarez Tata
Glenn Hauser
Dino Bloise
Migdiel Cruz
Rafael Rodríguez R
Alokesh Gupta
Allan Stern
Claudio Galaz
Fran Jr
Carlos Gonçalves
Anker Petersen
Cesar Perez Dioses
José Ronaldo Xavier
Ivan Lopez Alegria
Zacharias Liangas
Dan Ferguson
John Grimmett
Ivan Lebedevsky
Rodolfo Tizzi
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Rudolf Grimm
Hironori Takeuchi
RCW Radio
RCW Radio
Noticias del GRA
New file uploaded to odxa
Pesquisa DX Clube Sem Fronteiras
Ultimas novedades en el blog de Pere Justo
Degen 1121
Logs June 1-2, 2014
Logs June 3, 2014
Ruidos eléctricos
Ultima noticia acerca de la prueba o ensayo del empleo de la onda corta
Liga desliga funcionando mal
Ayer y hoy platicabamos de las captaciones
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Encontro da Confraria do Ferro de Solda em Americana (agosto de 2014)
Logs June 3-4, 2014
Logs June 5, 2014
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Infos DX
Logs June 5-6, 2014
Frecuencia al Dia
Canal TV "Una Voz con Todos"
Divulgador de la ciencia y la técnica - Ing. José de la Herrán
Shortwave Central: QSL Report: June 2014
Copa Do Mundo Nas Ondas Curtas Brasil 2014
Encontro de Radioamadores
fenómenos electromagnéticos
Logs June 6-7, 2014
Radioafición. Amateuradio
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 2
Henrik Klemetz
RCW Radio
No servirá un tuit para enviar un reporte pero quizás para pedir una dirección electrónica:
En uno de los tuits se dice que RCW emite desde San Francisco, Chile.
Claudio Galaz
RCW Radio
El email para los informes de recepcion es [email protected] o me lo mandan a mi y yo se los reboto a ellos.
Arnaldo Slaen
Noticias del GRA
Otorgaron autorización a la Radio Pública de Carreras
El 13 de mayo la Autoridad Federal de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (AFSCA) emitió el acta de directorio Nº 48 mediante la cuál le asignó
formalmente autorización para funcionar a La Radio Pública de Carreras.
La regulación de radios y TV en Paraguay atentaría contra la Constitución
El plan de la Conatel de incluir en la nueva legislación o en un reglamento la emisión de música paraguaya en las radios y la fijación de porcentajes
de producción nacional y extranjera de los canales de TV violaría la Constitución Nacional, a criterio del constitucionalista Jorge Seall Sasiain. En el
caso de la protección al menor sería factible la regulación de los horarios, según el experto.
Radio Panamericana celebra 42 años de existencia en el aire de Bolivia
La emisora nació el 17 de julio de 1972 gracias a la visionaria inquietud del industrial Miguel Dueri. Radio Panamericana, la red de mayor presencia
en el país y fuera de las fronteras, estuvo de aniversario. El pasado jueves 17 de julio celebró 42 años de vida institucional, 42 años en el corazón de
los bolivianos.
España cuenta con más emisoras ilegales que estaciones autorizadas
La radiodifusión española ha llegado a un punto de difícil gestión: el sector tiene más emisoras ilegales (unas 3.000) que legales (alrededor de
2.000). A esta situación no son ajenas las grandes cadenas, que han ido poco a poco habilitando emisoras sin tener licencia. La Asociación
Española de Radiodifusión Comercial (AERC), en la que están representados los principales operadores privados, se han propuesto limpiar el
espectro a partir de septiembre. El presidente de este organismo y de Onda Cero, Javier González Ferrari, abogó ayer por exigirle a la Administración
un “día D” y una “hora H” para el cierre de las piratas. “Pero antes”, advirtió, “tenemos que hacer hacer examen de conciencia y poner orden en
nuestra propia casa”.
El AFSCA evalúa propuestas para adjudicar 189 FM en la provincia de Córdoba
La delegación Córdoba del Afsca (Administración Federal de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual) realizará hoy el acto de apertura de propuestas
para adjudicar 189 frecuencias de radio de frecuencia modulada. Las licencias están repartidas así: 115 para medios con fines de lucro y 74 sin
fines de lucro, orientadas, por ejemplo, a instituciones intermedias y asociaciones civiles.
Cambio de dueños en emisoras estadounidenses
Tomás Martínez y Mercedes Soler están vinculados por una unión matrimonial de casi tres décadas, pero también integran una sociedad
empresarial. Esta destacada pareja de los medios de comunicación hispanos –Martínez es el máximo ejecutivo de Radio Caracol y Soler es
presentadora de CNN en Español– posee la empresa Solmart Media, que acaba de anunciar la adquisición de dos estaciones de radio en el suroeste
de Florida.
Radio Australia y la Cruz Roja tienen protocolo para enfrentar catástrofes
Cuando sobreviene un desastre natural, la Corporación de Difusión Australiana pasa el micrófono a la Cruz Roja Australiana. Australia es un país
propenso a una serie de desastres naturales, como inundaciones, ciclones e incendios. Hace más de 80 años que la Corporación de Difusión
Australiana, que agrupa las emisoras nacionales de radio y televisión, informa acerca de estas emergencias.
Radio del Lago celebra 23 años en el aire de Futrono
El 12 de julio del año 1991, la familia Guarda Maier echó a andar el sueño familiar de crear una emisora radial en la comuna de Futrono, con la que
los vecinos se pudiesen identificar.
Tras quince días de marcha blanca, en la que la emisora transmitía programación local desde las 9.00 hasta las 18.00 hrs. a cargo del actual
Director Rolf Guarda Maier junto a las voces emblemáticas de Mirta Bebar y Gabriel Márquez, nació Radio del Lago Fm.
LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires presentó el nuevo ciclo “Acordes de Provincia”
Se trata de una nueva propuesta de Radio Provincia (AM 1270) que incluirá un ciclo de conciertos en vivo con la Camerata Académica del Teatro
Argentino de La Plata
la provincia de Buenos Aires (AM 1270), con la presencia en el hall central de la emisora de la Camerata Académica del Teatro Argentino de La
Plata. El ciclo se emitirá un viernes por mes y estará bajo la dirección del Maestro Bernardo Teruggi.
Esto ha sido un resumen de cada noticias,, por los artículos completos dirigirse al link:
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 3
Ontario DX Club
New file uploaded to odxa
Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the odxa group. File : /ODXADX.pdf
Uploaded by : luckywimpy [email protected] Description : A small start for June.
You can access this file at the URL:
To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:
Regards, luckywimpy [email protected]
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Pesquisa DX Clube Sem Fronteiras
Encuesta DX Clube Sem Fronteiras - Mejores Emisoras y Programas
Vamos premiar las emisoras en el 2º Encontro de Diexista y Radioaficionados de Pernambuco en 22/11/2014
Para visualizar o formulário clique no link:
Forte 73' e boas escutas!. Antonio Avelino – Diretor DX Clube Sem Fronteiras Tel.: 55 (81) 9741-3846 E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
DX Clube Sem Fronteiras, Caixa Postal, 77 - CEP- 55002-970, Caruaru - Pernambuco - Brasil
Joan Coba
Ultimas novedades en el blog de Pere Justo
Amigos brasileños, les invito a visitar mi blog donde podrán conocer las siguientes novedades correspondientes al mes de mayo:
-Reseña de la obra Las cartas de la Pirenaica. Memoria del antifranquismo de los autores Armand Balsebre y Rosario Fontova. Obra muy interesante
para conocer la historia de Radio España Independiente, más conocida como La Pirenaica.
-Tarjeta QSL-e de Evangelische Missions Gemeiden, transmitiendo desde Alemania.
-Tarjeta QSL-e de la emisora pirata italiana Radio Tango Italiana, con emisión continua de tangos.
-Tarjeta QSL de AWR (Radio Adventista Mundial), vía Austria.
-Tarjeta QSL de Radio Free Asia, vía Islas Marianas.
-Tarjeta QSL-e de FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Company), desde las Islas Filipinas.
-Tarjeta QSL de Radio Habana de Cuba.
-Carta de verificación de Mikes, emisora horaria finlandesa.
Espero que les gusten. Saludos desde España. Pere Justo
Paschoal Francisco Fideli
Prezados colegas, Já tínhamos uma data firme para a FENARCOM 2014, mas decidimos em não realizar a feira neste ano.
2014 é um ano atípico, e após contatarmos mais de 400 empresas, potenciais expositores do Brasil e exterior, não tivemos a adesão mínima
para que o evento pudesse ser realizado. Muitas empresas estão cancelando e segurando investimentos previstos para esse ano.
Sem a adesão mínima de expositores o evento (que tem um custo altíssimo) não se paga.
Vamos começar já a trabalhar o evento para 2015.
Atenciosamente, *Erwin Hübsch Neto, PY2QI / KK4CGD **
**Organizador FENARCOM -- Feira Internacional de Radiocomunicação*
Dario Gabrielli
Degen 1121
Dear friends, My name is Dario and I write from North of Italy in Europe
With very pleasure one month ago I buy from my friend the receiver DEGEN / KAITO DE 1121 and I want inform you that is very nice and good even if
sometime I make difficult to use it.
Reading the instruction booklet that is enclosed in the packing, even ifit's enough comprehensive the notes are not clear and over all are insufficient
to understand all the function of radio model. I see that the sign of key market are not clear so I have difficult to learn the use of radio and sometimes
I'm in difficulty to learn the exact way touse various operation to use the radio.
For example In those days I find the problem with my machine is I will always pause my MP3 recorder in order to write reception report when I was
listening to programme recording, at this moment, the recorder will shut down automatically though there is enough power in battery.
May you help me to solve this problem ?
Besides I'll want to know the mean of various sign that exists on theMP3 recorder screen.
I want inform that the version of Radio that I've buy is December 20^th , 2006.
Hoping in your news I say good bye and I inform my postal and eMail addresses: GABRIELLI Dario - ITALY .
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 4
Glenn Hauser
Logs June 1-2, 2014
** CHINA. 15540, June 2 at 1336, CNR1 jammer, fair with VOT het on hi side; none in the 16s or 17s. See also TIBET [non] 18930 (Glenn Hauser,
** CUBA [and non]. 15400, June 2 at 1257, nice music from HCJB in Indonesian, I thought, wrapping up with addresses in Bali and Singapore, but
Aoki shows Rawang at 1230-1300 after Indonesian until 1230. Then hit at *1258 by carrier, SAH and modulation from the RHC leapfrog of 15340
over 15370 until HCJB off at 1300*. Meanwhile, I found that RHC was modulating on 15340 but not 15370, just a carrier, until both were
modulating after 1300.
11760, June 2 at 1348 tuneby, RHC is off tho it was on a few minutes earlier; cuts back on circa 1351 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GUAM. 9880, June 2 at 1211, piano concerto vs pointless Cuban pulse jamming at roughly equal level, then more classical piano, 1219 vocal
music, 1220 announcement in Korean, so it`s KSDA which conveniently inserts a Korean hour between two CRI Burmese broadcasts on 9880 from
Kunming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. 9690, June 2 at 1349, S Asian vocal music, poor signal, but AIR GOS at 1330-1500 is finally unblocked by WRMI moving BS away (Glenn
** MEXICO [and non]. Sporadic E opening underway at tune-in to channel 2, June 1 at 2139 UT; peaks more to the SSE than SSW, so maybe XHY-TV
Mérida, Yucatán is in the CCI mix. Main show is a movie with sombreros and violins.
XHY has an easily accessible webcast via SIPSE, but I find no match. I do find, however, that since last summer, XHY has changed from Televisa: local
as in, to ``Gala TV Mérida``, i.e. the Televisa-9 network, but presumably with some local programming too. They have another webcast
linked for XHCCU in Chetumal QR (which is channel 13, so never mind).
By 2150, the dominant show I am seeing on 2 is about OVNIs = UFOs, ``Tercer Milenio``. 2155 an unknown bug in UR; 2157 fade-out, 2202 algo
fades back in.
2148 on 2, another fade-in; now it`s a drama on Televisa-7, net bug UR
2252 on 2, now a talk show with Televisa-2 star net bug in LR
2259 on 4, something with loud Spanish audio, video without CCI; discussing theatre, film; show logo is CONTRA CAMPO. Googling that finds it
belongs to the Foro network (Televisa-4) and last week was about Cannes
2323 on 2, large font on screen very briefly in two lines: NICA RAGUA, in and out. Of course, I would love this to be Managua on double-hop, but not
much to go on, as a Mexican could have done that in connexion with the Mundial or something. Couldn`t get a webcast to work.
UT June 2, resuming monitoring:
0106 on 2, f bug in LR = Foro TV, Televisa-4 net; also at 0129
0129 on 4, loud audio again, maybe same station as before, ads; 0131 for BUD LIGHT HOY
0132 on 4, Televisa-5 net bug LR; things are so volatile, can`t be sure the 0129 and 0132 notes are from same station
0152 on 3 and 5, algo on these two channels, mostly vacant earlier
0203 on 2, heavy CCI here
0225 on 2, good video, but audio JBA, defect? Interview; bug in lower left in a circle, probably for program rather than station/network
0227 on 3, action drama, Televisa-5 bug in LR
0318 on 2, f bug in LR = Televisa-4
0400 on 2, still CCI from Es, but lightning storm is approaching here
June 2 at 2035 UT tune-in, another Es opening, with CCI on 2 in Spanish southward; 2042 make out Azteca-13 bug in UR, and some video on 3, but
nothing further develops (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. 1640, June 2 at 0604 UT, KZLS is in open carrier, dead air except for constant hum; still so at 0631 UT. Maybe STL knocked out by
storm. Too much noise to pull anything else thru it, but would likely be WTNI/KBJA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA [and non]. After a T-storm wave passed thru Enid, we find three adjacent FM frequencies with open carrier/dead air on the PL-880:
lost power and/or STL somewhere along the line, or is it just a Monday morning pause, as the transmitters are kilowatting:
88.9, K205FW, Enid, the Oasis Network 250-watt translator, its new callsign per WTFDA database while FCC FM Query still shows it as K206CA which
could only apply to is former frequency 89.1.
89.1, presumably KMUW Wichita KS, the usual signal audible here with the translator moved, or possibly KYCU Clinton OK
89.3, presumably KIEL Loyal OK.
These three still exhibit dead carriers at final check 0625 UT. Meanwhile more much-needed rain to come overnight totalling 3.5 inches here (Glenn
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020-, June 2 at 1158, JBA carrier can still be pulled thru, despite WRMI on new 5015 which is plenty weak, and so is 5025
Cuba at this late hour; SIBC cutoff at exactly 1159:00*. A few minutes earlier also had carrier on 4755 from presumed Micronesia, but it must have
gone off first (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 18930, June 2 at 1341, JBA signal likely CNR1 jamming against RFA Tibetan via KUWAIT; except I can`t make a match to CNR1 on
15540 or 11785; maybe is that but way out of synch, otherwise Kuwait itself on its Monday-only frequency during this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 5
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1723 monitoring: brought up the Area 51 webcast at 0300 UT Monday June 2: it`s running, but silently; abruptly at
0308, WOR is joined in progress. Then I check 5110v-CUSB, and can barely hear music, not WOR in the noise level. Wonder what happened.
Next: Tuesday 1100 & Wednesday 1315 on WRMI, 9955, q.v.
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 2100 & probably Thursday 2100 on WBCQ, 7490
** U S A. Analyzing the updated June 1 WRMI graphic frequency schedule, we find significant changes affecting WORLD OF RADIO. WOR airtimes
have not changed, but there is no longer a NW beam part of the time on 9955 --- the entire 24 hours are on the 160 degree beam, away from the rest
of North America. Previously, one WOR airing was during the 315-degree beam, Wednesdays at 1315. That and other times remain: Thu 0330, 1230,
Tue 1100.
9495, that curious extra frequency carrying WRMI programming, mostly DX shows, at 00-01 UT, has been dropped. Officially labeled as a FSI (Family
Radio) channel, it`s replaced by 5015, presumably still with WORLD OF RADIO UT Sundays at 0030, but usually the previous edition.
The major change is more and more WRMI airtime for Brother Scare --- get him while the getting i$ good! I`ve added up all the `C` blox (ugly olivegreen color-coded), and guess what, they total exactly 700 hours per week, surely no coincidence = 100 transmitter-hours per day, or on the average
4+ transmitters at once. But this does not include another 112 hours per week of BS on the beautiful blue 9955 RMI frequency itself (84 hours a
week = 12 hours per day), and via Radio Africa Network, 28 hpw = 4 hpd for a grand total of 812 hours per week via Okeechobee, or averaging almost
5 transmitters at once.
The major additions are 5950 and 11825 which are with BS for 24 hours a day each! Here`s the condensed schedule:
kHz UT xmtr-azimuth
5015 05-22 3-160
7730 22-02 1- 44
11565 22-06 9-151
15190 04-08 7- 87
5950 00-24 14-181
9955 05-10 10-160
11730 00-05 4-160
15770 12-21 9- 44
7570 01-11 11-315
9955 14-21 10-160
11825 00-24 12-315
The 5 MHz frequencies are for the Caribbean, where presumably they hold up during the daytime at a certain close range. They are inaudible here, not
even a carrier, e.g. at 1946 UT June 2. (Nor is Cuba audible on 5025 or any 6 MHz frequency in the daytime.) BTW, all 14 transmitters are in use at
one time or another now except: 5 and 6. IIRC, #6 was the one out of service, permanently?
The big sig toward us on 11825 means a major clash with ChiCom CNR1 jamming and VOA Chinese via Philippines at 09-13: we could still hear that
underneath WRMI at 1205 June 2. Also bothered is NHK Japanese only 10 kHz away on 11815. We`ll no longer be able to hear the Holy Qur`an
music service from Riyadh on 11820 at 18-23 UT, nor probably without QRM the Kazakh service of Iran on 11820 at 0120-0220.
Some good news is that WRMI has dropped 9690 for the BS service, reaudiblizing All India Radio GOS in English at 1330-1500. I`m urging Jeff not
to resume 9690 in another season (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, June 2 at 1945, WTWW-3 is in Spanish. Website schedule has finally been updated to show: ``Transmitter 3, 7 days, The Bible
World Wide, 12 PM CDT till 9 PM CDT, Frequency 12.105``, i.e. 17-02 UT, no more in the mornings, but no details of languages replacing longoutdated info. We`ve reported various languages hit-and-miss, but not tried it monitor the entire 9 hours which may not be reliable anyway (Glenn
** U S A. 17775, June 2 at 1340, KVOH with strong signal but rather distorted musical modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Glenn Hauser
Logs June 3, 2014
** BOLIVIA. 4716.64 approx., June 3 at 0121, R. Yura in better than usual, fair signal with music and YL speaking Spanish, but rough modulation,
audio cutting out (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BOLIVIA. 5952.4, June 3 at 0104, R. Pio XII sounds non-Spanish in W&M conversation, ACI from 5950 WRMI, a new mutual problem. CP signals
are above average tonight, and this puts a het upon WRMI in return. Chuck Bolland was also listening a few minutes earlier and complains of splatter;
of course, he`s right across Lake Okeechobee from WRMI which is suddenly on 5950, 24 hours a day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6771.6 approx., June 3 at 0056 checking for nameless pirate (?) playing old time radio shows, per numerous reports from
further east. At first nothing, but fade in briefly with some jazz, out again. Chris Smolinski of hfunderground and Ed Insinger in NJ say it seems to be
running 24/7 with music in the daytime and ``Feature Story News`` on the hour. Such scheduling is atypical of pirates (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-AM, June 3 at 0055, music with big wow on it artificially imposed; 0116 talking about desigining QSLs with pictures,
SINPO 25232; 0118 sweep tone and swing(?) music; 0129 mentions `Grass Cutter Sunshine Show` (?), how he is not into techo-music; 0130
suggests making one or two generic e-QSL cards. ``Let us know if that`s OK`` - [email protected] ``Nothing personal`` if QSL
response is slow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU [and non]. 5980, June 3 at 0058, JBA carrier again vs Cuban pulse jamming surely not intended for R. Chaski but such are the risks of ever
using a R. Martí frequency. Cuts off at 0113:04*, which is 18 seconds later than last check two sesquidays ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** SRI LANKA. 11905, June 3 from *0114:15 carrier, 0114:49 music, 0115:18.5 mistimesignal reapplied by SLBC, poor signal opening morning
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 6
service; if it`s Tuesday, this must be Bangla (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 9770 // 9870, June 3 at 0108, Voz de Turquía manages to transmit stilted Spanish on both scheduled frequencies tonight (Glenn
** U S A. 5015, UT Tue June 3 at 0050, WRMI`s new frequency ex-9495, with DX program in Spanish; outro already at 0054, as `La Rosa de Tokio`,
which means it started at 0000. Sufficiently fair signal here, AND it`s // much stronger 11730, contrary to frequency schedule which shows TOM
there from 0000, but the BS did not really start until 0100 on 11730 as 5015 went off for a few hours. Hope this continue to be the case, including
UT Sundays for WORLD OF RADIO at 0030.
9955, UT Tue June 3 at 0109, checking WRMI`s main channel, surprised to hear Radio Free Grenada, in English, when it was on 15105 --- axually a
clip during `Historias de Radio` program, more English clips and rapid narration in Spanish also mentions later move to 15045. After 0115 mostly
music fill, maybe some of it Grenadan at first. 0130 on to `Frecuencia al Día`. Not much jamming at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 5110v-CUSB and 9330-CUSB, June 3 at 0124, WBCQ missing from both, but 7489.95 is still on with BS, only fair signal (Glenn Hauser,
Migdiel Cruz
Ruidos eléctricos
Para el tema de los ruidos eléctricos en radios, aquí una solución de un radioaficionado del tercer mundo, así se denomina:
Migdiel Cruz
Ultima noticia acerca de la prueba o ensayo del empleo de la onda corta
Ultima noticia acerca de la prueba o ensayo del empleo de la onda corta en los momentos de emergencia, es decir, el empleo de las comunicaciones
en onda corta en ayudas humanitarias....
En el siguiente sitio, se muestran las emisoras y sus horarios-frecuencias que estarán utilizando en éste simulacro o pruebas, al parecer hay QSL de
parte de las emisoras y/o la HFCC.
Dr.Eduardo Adami
Liga desliga funcionando mal
Colegas, Tenho dois rádios que estão com o liga desliga meio emperrado, tipo mal contato, acho que seja o tempo, umidade e tempo de uso.
O que posso usar? O que vocês fazem para esta manutenção?
Grato pela ajuda, Dr.Eduardo Adami - Médico do Trabalho - [email protected] - [email protected]
Mauricio Pimenta
Vendo este lindo e ZERO auto rádio para carro , marca Buster modelo BR-1180 novo na caixa , com radio AM / FM / entrada para cartão de
memoria e pen drive . Veja mais detalhes clicando neste link . Lembrando que nao sou anunciante de mercado livre apenas o modelo igual ao meu .
Vendo por apenas 100,00 .
Vendo este lindo rádio VHF marca KENWOOD modelo TMTM-261 com escuta aviação , todo original com suporte , todo funcionando , rádio novíssimo ,
transmissão de 136 a 174 mhz , recepçao de 118 a 174 mhz .Quem comprar ira fica super satisfeito . Rádio sem detalhes , preço de ocasião .
Aproveitem ! Envio mais fotos aos interessados .
Vendo este lindo rádio PX Cobra 19 DX , o famoso Cobrinha que marcou época , rádio de coleçao super conservado e funcionandos os 40 canais ,
exemplar todo original . Somente venda . Envio mais fotos aos interessados .
Mauricio Pimenta Cunha - Radioamador Licenciado pela Anatel - Estação PY4ID - Contatos : (33) 8873-2525 oi / (33) 9173-2525 Tim
E-mail [email protected]
Site :
Facebook :
Ivan Alejandro Istlahuaca
Ayer y hoy platicabamos de las captaciones
Ayer y hoy platicabamos de las captaciones con radios economicos de fabricacion china...para muestra un voz de frecuencia
real es 6175 khz pero el display esta mal...jeje
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 7
Ontario DX Club
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Regards, hikerdxer [email protected]
Adinei, PY2ADN
Encontro da Confraria do Ferro de Solda em Americana (agosto de 2014)
Olá, pessoal. Em nome do CRAM e também da cidade de Americana convido os colegas para nosso sexto encontro do CRAM, que acontecerá aqui
em Americana-SP no dia 16 (sábado) ou 17 (domingo) de agosto. A confirmação da data só será possível após a Anatel decidir se teremos ou não
exames de ingresso e promoção de classe. Como todos sabem, a Anatel não mais realiza exames aos domingos (por absoluta falta de verba para
pagar as diárias dos agentes!), portanto se houver exames, o encontro ocorrerá no dia 16 de agosto, sábado. Caso não sejam confirmados os
exames (ou até lá a Anatel tenha firmado um novo termo de cooperação com a Labre), o encontro ocorrerá no domingo, dia 17 de agosto. Mas de
qualquer forma teremos nossa tradicional festa!
Tentamos realizar esse encontro nos primeiros meses do ano, mas diversos fatores acabaram atrapalhando nossos planos, em especial as
atividades da copa do mundo. Como em julho teremos férias escolares, optamos por realizar o encontro em agosto, no único final de semana que
tínhamos disponível para o recinto.
Vale a pena relembrar que a Labre-SP vem batalhando incansavelmente para que os exames sejam realizados, mas a decisão final depende da
Anatel. Ao diligente presidente estadual da Labre-SP Marcelo Motoyama PY2FN e toda sua equipe, nossos agradecimentos.
Mais informações no comunicado oficial na página do CRAM:
Assim que tivermos a definição da data, postaremos nas listas. Participem e divulguem entre os colegas!
Contamos com a presença de todos vocês! - 73, Adinei, PY2ADN
Glenn Hauser
Logs June 3-4, 2014
** CHINA. CNR1 jamming, Tuesday June 3, a big ex-day in China, but jamming seems no worse than usual, which is heavy:
15115, June 3 at 1310, CNR1 jammer, good with CCI, VOA Chinese via Thailand; always a big collision audible here at 13-14
15195, June 3 at 1310, CNR1 jammer, fair; vs RFA Tibetan via Tajikistan, no sign of it here
15265, June 3 at 1310, CNR1 jammer, fair with het, CCI, vs RTI Chinese via Tainan, always off-frequency, I think rather than the jammer
15550, June 3 at 1308, CNR1 jammer, fair, het on lo side = V. of Tibet, 15548 via Tajikistan at 1300-1315 per Aoki
15560, June 3 at 1308, CNR1 jammer, poor, het on lo side = V. of Tibet, 15557 via Tajikistan at 1240-1304 per Aoki, too late?
17480, Tue June 3 at 1305, CNR1 jammer, very good: must be vs BBC Uzbek via Thailand at 1300-1330 but supposedly only Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri
17510, June 3 at 1305, CNR1 jammer, good; none in the 16s, 18s. 17510 is the BBC Uzbek 1300-1330 frequency via Oman on Mon/Tue/Sat per
17740, June 3 at 1401, CNR1 jammer, good; no target, anything in Aoki
18980, June 3 at 1358, CNR1 jammer, good, none now in the 17s, 16s, 14s, 13s, 12s. Vs RFA Tibetan via Kuwait at 13-14 on Tue & Fri, Aoki
CNR1 jamming, Wednesday June 4:
13795, June 4 at 1327, CNR1 jammer, very poor; no target in Aoki
13830, June 4 at 1327, CNR1 jammer, very poor but // 17575; target is R. Free Asia, Tibetan via Tajikistan at 11-14
15535, June 4 at 1354, CNR1 jammer, poor, vs V. of Tibet 15537
15540, June 4 at 1325, CNR1 jammer, poor, vs V. of Tibet 15542
15565, June 4 at 1325, CNR1 jammer, poor, vs V. of Tibet 15563
15570, June 4 at 1354, CNR1 jammer, poor, vs V. of Tibet 15568
17480, June 4 at 1322, CNR1 jammer, fair, a few seconds behind 17575
17575, June 4 at 1320-1330*, CNR1 jammer, good, vs BBC Uzbek via Oman at 1300-1330 Sun/Wed/Thu/Fri; none in the 12s
18990, June 4 at 1325, very poor signal unseems // 17480 or 17575, so maybe RFA Tibetan via Kuwait itself; however at 1347 now it`s CNR1
jammer, very good with flutter, // 13830 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 9820, June 3 at 1402, RHC is just barely modulated, but unusually stronger than // 9550 which both stay on past 1300.
15340, June 3 at 1310 and 1358, RHC absent from here, but going strong on 15370; ditto June 4 at 1327. One major transmitter down? Maybe
more frequencies missing at other dayparts. Tsk2, no 15310, 15400 leapfrogs
17580 & 17730, June 4 at 1348, RHC seems absent here too, but JBA carriers. Propagation unfavorable to `close` signals while East Turkestan,
Spain are good on this band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KUWAIT [and non]. 15540, June 3 at 2010, R. Kuwait with western pop music, even qualifying as the SSOB among stations outside North
America. Tuning upward from 15000, 19m is empty! till I get to a very weak signal on 15515, I suppose Australia which starts at 2000. All the singlehop US stations are above 15540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 8
** RWANDA. 17800, June 4 at 0616, DW relay is VG in the summer nightmiddle, English discussion of TB in Africa; // weaker 15700, and an echo
apart altho both are Kigali, 295 and 280 degrees respectively, per Aoki, which also shows both are *jammed by China (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1723 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday June 4 following the Cyprus show, from 1315 on WRMI-10, 9955. Not as strong
as it used to be on WRMI-11, but still sufficient. Expect to have #1724 ready for first airing UT Thursday 0330 on same. Then:
Thursday 1230 on WRMI 9955
Thursday 2100 on WTWW 9475
Thursday 2100 on WBCQ 7490v [but so far only with previous edition]
UT Friday 0326v on WWRB 5050
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Saturday 2330 on WTWW 9930
UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI 5015 [NEW, maybe also 11730, previous show?]
UT Sunday 0400 on WTWW 5830
UT Monday 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB [no-show last week]
Tuesday 1100 on WRMI 9955
Wednesday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Wednesday 1315 on WRMI 9955
** U S A. 9955, June 3 at 1259 checking WRMI, hear a brief burst of `Radiogram`-like tones. Wonder what that`s about? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A. 12105, June 3 at 2008, WTWW-3 is in Portu- or rather Brazuguese during this hour; June 4 at 1905 in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED. 12120.5-SSB, June 3 at 1315, 2-way in Spanish discussing some commodity in kilos, with ``engine noise`` in background, and
RTTY QRM in foreground (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Glenn Hauser
Logs June 5, 2014
** BOLIVIA [and non]. 6135-, June 5 at 0118, R. Santa Cruz is dominant with rock music, but heavy het from 6135+, R. Aparecida, BRASIL in talk
which matches its // 11855v. This time I trot the keyboard out to the 90-degree-F porch to check the het note, and it is within a few Hz of A4 = 440
Hz, as I estimated last time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BOLIVIA. 6155.12 approx., June 5 at 0100, very poor signal with some modulation on the hi side of channel. I am confident this is Radio Fides,
reactivated, as reported by Thomas Nilsson May 27 on 6155.14 and by Anker Petersen, June 3 on 6155.13. MUCH weaker than Radio Santa Cruz. R.
Fides does have a well-developed website with lots of news, and info about their 75 years on the air --- but internal
search gets zero hits on 6155, 9625 or onda corta, so SW is not exactly a priority with them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 5999.6, June 5 at 0102, RNB is back on here to het RHC 6000.0, and to barely match the audio to // 6180 in the clear (Glenn Hauser,
** CUBA. 11760, June 5 at 0057, VG signal from RHC only; if Iran is still on there, it`s buried. VIRI had asked Latin American listeners to send
recordings of the collision in order to figure out what to do about it (like move??) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 9963.7, June 5 at 0104, R. Cairo big but virtually unmodulated carrier in Arabic service is also way off-frequency as sometimes happens
** MEXICO. Sporadic E from Mexican TV stations is trying to get going, but just barely pokes above channel 2 video MUF, June 5 at 0026 UT, enough
to see it`s an ad for phones/devices with 800 toll-free number in Mexican style, and Azteca-13 bug in UR, out again.
0140 UT June 5 on 2, another brief fade-in of weak CCI, f bug in LR, i.e. Televisa net-4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980+, June 5 at 0059, R. Chaski is slightly on the hi side, maybe 5980.05, vs evil Cuban pulse jamming; cuts off around 0113:17* but
not sharp, perhaps due to fading or another carrier from somewhere to confuse things. That amounts to 13 seconds later than last check 48 hours
ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 6972.5-USB, June 5 at 0119, as I am scanning for pirates, instead find a military net, the strongest and probable NCS sounding like A1BS,
truncated callsign? Others heard are A2CV, and YL A2FU, A1FT. Finally decide the first character is 8, not A, since they never say alfa, but do use
fonetix for the suffix. Then some mentions of complete calls starting with NF, e.g. NF81BS, etc. So make the others NF82CV, NF82FU, NF81FT. That
means US Coast Guard Auxiliary as I`ve researched previously elsewhere, DXLD 14-08, 4819.5-USB, Feb 14 at 0103. Harold Frodge in MI had also
heard NF81BS, ``8000.3/USB, UNID Net; 0125-0155*, 27-Mar; NF81BS control (coastal AL)`` as in DXLD 14-14, and he also heard NF82CV.
Searching the 6972.5 frequency in the UDXF yg gets no significant hits, but on January 19, 2008, 6792.5 was a HARRP moonbounce test frequency
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 9
and 6972.5 was transposed by mistake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9495, June 5 at 0040, WRMI reactivated here, Thaïs & Jeff in Spanish during a `Viva Miami` episode; and at 0055 recheck stuff about
Venezuela, so `Acontecer Venezolano` from 0045, the only ``external service`` concerning that country, and not under the control of Maduro.
Venezuelan DXers have been unsuccessful in getting any info out of Radio Nacional about the status of their own big SW project in the middle of the
country. We suspect it`s stalled if not abandoned.
Around 0035 June 5 I had checked new 5015 and 11730 to confirm whether they were in // with RMI programming, as had been the case as of June
2, but now both are with Brother Scare! Quick check of the WRMI graphic schedule shows another revision as of June 4: 5015 has now been
converted to a third 24-hour TOM frequency along with 5950 and 11825, and it`s via transmitter #14, which was formerly the one used on 9495;
and now 9495 is back on the schedule but via transmitter #9.
Unfortunately all this came to light after I had recorded WOR 1724, explaining that we would be on new 5015 and maybe 11730 as of UT Sunday at
0030 --- but now back on 9495, apparently. I don`t spot any other major changes on the grid, but there may be some further adjustments.
First broadcast of WOR 1724 confirmed on 9955, UT Thursday June 5 at 0331, slight jamming, none on webcast. Next: 1230 Thursday on 9955;
2100 Thursday on WTWW 9475 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5110-CUSB, June 5 at 0104, WBCQ back on with unscheduled replay of an old `Allan Weiner Worldwide` as his ``darling wife`` joins
him to talk about candy. Rather sad, considering her demise in the meantime. The other transmitters are active tonight, each with separate
programming, 7490v and 9330v-CUSB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Ontario DX Club
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Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the odxa group.
File : /MediaPrograms.pdf Uploaded by : hikerdxer [email protected] Description : Media Programs, June edition
You can access this file at the URL:
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Regards, hikerdxer [email protected]
Bulgarian DX blog
Infos DX
NDONESIA(non) The HFCC's International Radio for Disaster Relief Project is still on track for a major test of international shortwave broadcasters.
Twelve international broadcasters and shortwave transmission providers have accepted the invitation to the Trial. The HFCC states that the test will
focus to CIRAF zone 54, Indonesia. The quality of reception of all Jakarta Trial programmes is continuously monitored at IBB Monitoring stations at
Jakarta and Singapore. Monitoring checks are at 10 min. intervals and brief sound example is taken. Results will be made available to all articipants.
Shortwave listeners and DX-hobbyists have been invited to send in reception reports to stations or to the HFCC. Reception reports will be confirmed
by special QSL cards. Updated schedule for June 5/6, during the Jakarta Trial:
0200-0230 on 21840 SHP 100 kW / 329 deg to SEAs Radio Australia
0230-0530 on 15650 NAK 250 kW / 150 deg to SEAs BBC World Service DRM mode?
0500-0530 on 21840 SMG 250 kW / 090 deg to SEAs Vatican Radio
0530-0600 on 15650 TRM 250 kW / 120 deg to SEAs Sri Lnka Broadcasting Corp.
0600-0630 on 15650 BOC 100 kW / 200 deg to SEAs First Response Radio
0630-0700 on 15650 BOC 100 kW / 200 deg to SEAs FEBC Manila
0730-0800 on 21840 MDC 250 kW / 085 deg to SEAs Malagasy Global Business
0800-0830 on 15650 PHT 250 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Voice of America,alt.tx UDO
0830-0900 on 15650 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg to SEAs Radio Japan NHK World
0900-0930 on 15650 UDO 250 kW / 280 deg to SEAs Voice of America,alt.tx PHT
1000-1030 on 15650 BGL 500 kW / 120 deg to SEAs All India Radio
1030-1100 on 21840 BEI 250 kW / 215 deg to SEAs China Radio International
1100-1130 on 15650 TWR 100 kW / 248 deg to SEAs KTWR Agana
USA(non) Frequency change of Radio Free Asia in Cantonese via Tinian Isl
1400-1500 NF 13585 TIN 250 kW / 287 deg to EaAs Mon, ex 13635, re-ex 12095
1400-1500 NF 13595 TIN 250 kW / 287 deg to EaAs Tue, ex 13700, re-ex 12095
1400-1500 NF 13585 TIN 250 kW / 287 deg to EaAs Wed, ex 13635, re-ex 12095
1400-1500 NF 13595 TIN 250 kW / 287 deg to EaAs Thu, ex 13700, re-ex 12095
1400-1500 NF 13585 TIN 250 kW / 287 deg to EaAs Fri, ex 13635, re-ex 12095
1400-1500 NF 13635 TIN 250 kW / 287 deg to EaAs Sat, ex 13585, re-ex 12095
1400-1500 NF 13700 TIN 250 kW / 287 deg to EaAs Sun, ex 13595, re-ex 12095
Frequency changes or Radio Taiwan International via Issoudun
FRANCE(non) Frequency changes or Radio Taiwan International via Issoudun:
2000-2100 NF 5915 ISS 250 kW / 210 deg to SoEu Spanish, ex 3965
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 10
2100-2200 NF 5915 ISS 250 kW / 050 deg to WeEu German, ex 3965. Videos on July 21:
Updated schedule of AIR Vividh Bharati and AIR National Channel
INDIA New updated schedule of AIR Vividh Bharati and AIR National Channel
AIR Vividh Bharati from July 21
0100-0435 on 9380 ALG 250 kW / 188 deg to SoAs Hindi, additional frequency
0100-0435 on 9870 BGL 500 kW / 035 deg to SoAs Hindi
0900-1200 on 6100 DEL 250 kW / 134 deg to SoAs Hindi DRM
0900-1200 on 9380 ALG 250 kW / 188 deg to SoAs Hindi, additional frequency
0900-1200 on 9870 BGL 500 kW / 035 deg to SoAs Hindi
1320-1740 on 9870 BGL 500 kW / 035 deg to SoAs Hindi
AIR National Channel from July 21
1320-0040 NF 9380 ALG 250 kW / 188 deg to SoAs Hindi/English news*,ex 9470
1320-0040 on 9425 DEL 250 kW / 334 deg to SoAs Hindi/English news*
*5 minutes bulletin at 1430, 1530, 1630, 1730, 1830, 1935, 2030, 2135, 2230
Frequency change of Radio Free Asia in Korean from July 16
USA(non) Frequency change of Radio Free Asia in Korean from July 16
1700-1900 NF 15425 TIN 250 kW / 325 deg to EaAs, ex 5820
Parallel freq 9975 TIN 250 kW / 329 deg to EaAs. Videos from July 20:
RNZI Mailbox ending on August 4
Sad to say that the RNZI Mailbox program is ending on August 4 after 65 years of service to international radio listeners.
Funds are being redirected into the core Pacific news and information services that are actually directed at the target audience for which RNZI is
funded. This will strengthen RNZI's services to the Pacific.
RNZI Mailbox is broadcast fortnightly, so the penultimate edition is today (Monday) at 1130, 1330 and 1630 UTC; plus tomorrow at 0330 UTC.
The current shortwave schedule of Radio New Zealand may be found here.
Also listen at:
Por mas infoprmacion visitar el link:
Alberto Suarez Tata
Aquí encontraran un link con informaciones de la radioaficion, a disfrutarlo
Glenn Hauser
Logs June 5-6, 2014
** BOLIVIA. 6155+, June 6 at 0048, no signal at all from R. Fides, unlike last night, altho 6135-, R. Santa Cruz is at least as strong with that awful
Brazilian het, so assume Fides is gone again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 5999.6, June 5 at 0544, RNB is on, hetting 6000.0 RHC. But not at 0125 check June 6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11815.04 approx., June 6 at 0057, poor signal in Brazuguese, so R. Brasil Central, Goiânia, has reactivated, slightly on the hi side;
4985, if on, totally blocked as usual by RTTY. 11815 also has splash from the 11825 WRMI BigSig (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11854.84 approx., June 6 at 0058, R. Aparecida on the lo side for a change, very poor in Brazuguese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CANADA. UNIDENTIFIED: Channel 2, June 5 at 1651 UT, a bit of Es reaches VHF TV after 6m map showing activity only from the northeast, where I
am pointed: bug in lower right seems to have the word NEW in it, just a glimpse and gone.
Channel 2, June 5 at 1700 UT, another brief fade-in now with a bug in the upper left looking like the letter Z in a square; ideas? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** CUBA. 15340, June 5 at 1303 and 1343, RHC is missing for the third morning in a row, but still on 15370, which is certainly sufficient (Glenn
Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also BRAZIL 5999.6
** CUBA [and non]. 9490, June 6 at 0100, Cuban NA is fair over wall-of-noise jamming, just after WRMI-9 has closed 9495, but 0101 opening talk
from R. República via FRANCE is buried in the jam. Could the DentroCubans have eased up jamming during the anthem shared with the gusanos?
Naaaah. Looks like the Directorio is not going to move back to WRMI despite much higher signal levels into Cuba available from Okeechobee than
Issoudun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 11
** EGYPT. 9965.0, June 6 at 0102, R. Cairo is back on frequency tonight, with suppressed Arabic modulation, whine (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, slightly on the lo side, pirate with good signal, June 6 at 0103, ``All My Exes are in Texiz``, 0105 pause and next
song yodeling about a muleskinner; some transmission breaks, or are they just modulation breaks? NO difference when it`s SSB. 0110 `Mountain
Dew` song; 0116 another yodeling cowboy song about Texas, and finally rambling announcement: ``Hope the lyrix sound familiar --- This is W-R-R,
Whisky Redneck Radio, transmitting in the name of the temple of the screaming electron. Can you hear me now? Ha, ha, ha! I`ll bet you a dollar that
you can hear me now``, some reference to Sesame Street; ID again as W-R-R, says ``could have better audio but we like to have things LOUD!!!``
Whistling. ``Let`s go``, but some dead air. 0119 start a song, then cut to another one, gospel about Angel of Death, 0124 musing on dying (Glenn
** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, KOSU, June 5 at 2016 UT during NPR ATC, suddenly goes silent for about 3 minutes. Not the first time KOSU has had such
problems since moving out of Stillwater, and this was during a report which referred to the government of Vietnam as ``tiny``! And I wanted to get
who said that inanity for The Tiny Trap.
While we`re at it: another major network flub via KFOR-TV 27 OKC: on NBC Nightly News, June 5 circa 2245 UT, Brian Williams introduced a report
about the Moncton shooter by explaining that New Brunswick is the Canadian province *north* of Maine! Yes, there is a sliver of NB around
Edmundston which is directly north of Maine, but broadly speaking it`s eastward, certainly Moncton. I`ll bet on Canadian TV they don`t feel the need
to explain that Maine is south (or west) of NB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 15355, June 6 at 0128, good signal with serious ME vocal music, so R. Sultanate of Oman has again failed to QSY at 0000 to 9500,
where nothing is to be heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PERU. 5980+, June 6 at 0048, JBA carrier vs pulse jamming and more QubaRM from 5990 China relay splash; sharp cutoff perceived at
0113:21* which is 4 seconds later than last night`s anomaly, but 17 seconds later than three nights ago, which is more like it on the average (Glenn
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7730, June 5 at 0540, Brother Scare is back on this WRMI frequency, only fair, much weaker than // 7570 beamed
USward. Revised June 4 graphic schedule now shows 7730 with TOM at 22-06 on transmitter #1, 222 degrees (except RTI relay somehow involved
with red Family Radio at 03-04). 7730 BS was formerly only at 22-02, IIRC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1724 monitoring: confirmed Thursday June 5 at 1230 after gh WRMI ID, on 9955; if not for local storm noise, would be
sufficient signal tho beamed away. Also confirmed VG at 2100 Thursday June 5 on WTWW 9475;
AND on WBCQ 7490 webcast also at 2100 June 5, this time playing the new edition while the previous edition would have played 24 hours earlier.
Also confirmed on 5050 WWRB, UT Friday June 6 at 0328:22 after a pause, but overmodulated and distorted. Please turn it down, Dave. Sounds a
little better, I find, with BFO on. Stream not working nor is the alternate one. Next:
Saturday 0630 & 1430 on Hamburger Lokalradio 7265-CUSB
Saturday 2330 on WTWW 9930
UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI 9495 (maybe previous edition; not on 5015)
UT Sunday 0400 on WTWW 5830
UT Monday 0300 on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB, etc.
** U S A. 9495, UT Friday June 6, WRMI-9 remains active here with alternative RMI programming, i.e. `Frecuencia al Día` after 0000, and `Historias
de Radio` after 0030, same episode I heard before about Radio Free Grenada (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5085 & 5830, June 5 at 0545, both WTWW-2 and WTWW-1 are off. Maybe another problem with the leaky water cooling pump.
12105, June 6 at 0055, WTWW-3 is in Russian this hour, presumably about to go into English for final hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** U S A. 3215, June 5 at 0547, I notice that WWCR-1 is off, while 4840 and 5890 are on as usual; and neighbor WWRB 3185 also on and
propagating. Quite unusual for 3215 to be absent, currently scheduled 01-09 UT but with expendable filler unpaid `Worldwide Country Radio` at 0506 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 7490-, June 5 after 2300 UT, I still have the main WBCQ stream running after checking WORLD OF RADIO at 2100, and I am hearing
classical music! Presumably also transmitted on 7490, instead of scheduled `World Jewish News`. I bet it`s the default filler from WHVW 950 in
Hyde Park NY. Yes: At 2359, J. P. Ferraro, Allan Weiner`s old ``Pirate Joe`` pal, wraps up the Evening Concert, which is indeed on the 14+month old
program schedule for 6-8 pm at
5109.76 approx., UT Friday June 6 at 0059, WBCQ The Planet IS and ID loop, 0100 into another AWWW CUSB playback not on the schedule (Glenn
** U S A. 7505.22 approx., June 6 at 0054, very poor carrier here, probably the WRNO exciter, such as a ham radio transmitter. Meant to remeasure
after 0100 with full strength, but not done until 0300 when it`s about 7505.2, within margin of error (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6772.5-AM, June 6 at 0122, JBA carrier, presumably the spot tonight for the mysterious old-time-radio station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 12
UNIDENTIFIED. 7500-USB, June 6 at 0052-0053, 2-way contact in non-Spanish language; vaguely reminds me of Romanian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 13870, June 5 at 0534-0536* humbuzz only, fair with flutter, seems like a broadcast carrier perhaps overrun, but nothing
scheduled around here altho IBB and NHK use frequency elsewhen. Weaker than 13850 Cairo music which is not too distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
Dino Bloise
Frecuencia al Dia
FRECUENCIA AL DÍA - No. 381, Junio 6, 2014 - En esta emisión: Chile | Televisores ofrecen nuevas tecnologías de cara al Mundial de Brasil 2014. La
competencia en la industria de los televisores se hace cada vez más intensa. El Mundial de fútbol Brasil 2014 arrancará el 12 de junio y se extenderá
hasta el 13 de julio del año en curso. Ya las grandes marcas entran fuerte en el mercado nacional con la última tecnología. Reporte con Cristian
García. -Escúchanos 24/7, 365 días desde:
Ademas los siguientes temas:
Ruben Walter Suárez: El Mundo de las Telecomunicaciones, desde Uruguay*** Alonso Mostazo: Pronóstico de la Propagación HF para el mes de
Junio*** El Informe Chasqui DX por Pedro F. Arrunátegui*** Colombia: Falleció Luisa Mahé de Bernal, fundadora de Radio Santa Fe (1070
Khz)*** República Dominicana: Falleció el Dr. Romeo Bournigal, HI3BRR*** Frecuencia Análisis: Las noticias más importantes sobre
telecomunicaciones y tecnología*** El Informe DX por Luís Gerardo Loyola.
-Escúchanos cualquier día, a cualquier hora haciendo click en nuestra página web de Programas DX:
-Síguenos en Facebook: -Twitter: @FrecuenciaAlDia -Nuestro correo electrónico: [email protected]
Dino Bloise - Productor: Frecuencia Al Día.
Copyright 2014 Frecuencia Al Día / Dino Bloise. Viernes, Junio 6, 2014 @ 00:05 UTC
Este mensaje es enviado por DINO BLOISE. Con respeto a las leyes nacionales e internaciones las cuales nos rigen y siendo respetuosos con la
privacidad de su persona, este correo puede ser removido enviando un mensaje "Cancelar Suscripción" al correo frecuenciaaldia[a]
Este envío no es considerado Spam, mientras se incluya la forma de ser removido.
-Frecuencia Al Día, El más internacional-
Migdiel Cruz
Canal TV "Una Voz con Todos"
Les comparto el dato del programa que fue transmitido por el Canal TV "Una Voz con Todos", se trata de la vida de Don José de la Herrán. Un
ingeniero de la época dorada de la Radio en México. Sólo alcancé a ver su colección de 6000 bulbos, mencionó su vida en la XEW, mostró su
colección de radios, proyectores de cine...etc. Hay que solicitar que lo retransmitan. 73
Migdiel Cruz
Divulgador de la ciencia y la técnica - Ing. José de la Herrán
Aquí tiene un link que Divulga la ciencia y la técnica - Ing. José de la Herrán, espero lo disfruten:
Migdiel Cruz
Shortwave Central: QSL Report: June 2014
Un buen aporte para estar al día con las QSL's, Direcciones, Tips, etc...
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 13
Migdiel Cruz
RESPUESTA, del Canal UNA VOZ CON TODOS, respecto a la difusión del programa Maestros Olvidados: La vida y obra de uno de los pioneros y
científicos mexicanos. .... Así que colegas a estar pendientes, en varias ciudades este canal está en transmisión abierta y por los sistemas de SKY,
cable, DISH??....etc.
Una Voz Con Todos
Hola, el programa de Maestros Olvidados tendrá su repetición este domingo 8 a las 13:30 y 20:30 hrs. Te invitamos a consultar nuestra carta de
programación en
Daniel Wyllyans
Copa Do Mundo Nas Ondas Curtas Brasil 2014
A Fifa confirmou a lista de rádios que estão habilitadas a fazer a cobertura da Copa do Mundo. Ao todo, são 21 emissoras no Brasil que adquiriram o
direito de transmissão da competição.
Confira a lista de rádios brasileiras autorizadas a transmitir os jogos:
TV Globo Radio Globo S.A. (Rádio Globo Rede)
Rádio Gaúcha S/A
Rádio Excelsior S.A. (CBN)
Rádio EBC- Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (Rádio Nacional-RJ)
Rádio Cultura de Miracema (Tocantins)
Radio Jovem Pan
Rádio e Televisão Bandeirantes Ltda.
Rádio Brasil Sul (Londrina-PR)
Fundação Santo Antonio –(Rádio Sociedade AM 970 e Princesa FM 96,9 – Feira de Santana/BA)
TV e Rádio Jornal do Commércio (Recife-PE)
Rádio Itatiaia (Belo Horizonte-MG)
Rádio Paiquerê (Londrina-PR)
Rádio 105 Brazil (Jundiaí/SP)
Rádio Olinda Pernambuco
Rádio Transamérica de São Paulo
Rádio TUPI S.A. (Rio de Janeiro)
Rádio Metropolitana FM (Salvador/BA)
Rádio Verdes Mares (Ceará)
Rádio Liberdade de Caruaru
Rádio Clube do Pará
Rádio Jornal de Sergipe
A Rádio Bandeirantes AM 840 FM 90.9 de São Paulo, anuncia em sua programacao a formacao da Cadeia Verde Amarela com mais de 190
emissoras ,Tem a Jovem pam e suas afiliadas Globo Radio e afiliadas etc....serao muitas na verdade. Mas Oficial e 21 emissoras.
73S Daniel Wyllyans Nova Xavantina MT
Gilmar de Moura Gaspar
Encontro de Radioamadores
Convidados a todos para o 5º Encontro de Radioamadores na Casa do Radioamador de Ribeirão Preto/SP, que acontecerá no próximo domingo
(08/06/2014) dás 8 ás 12h. Confram:
73, Gilmar - PY2GMG - Casa do Radioamador de Ribeirão Preto/SP
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 14
Alberto Suarez Tata
fenómenos electromagnéticos
Interesante su explicación en fenómenos electromagnéticos, en el programa “Mundo Desconocido—
Glenn Hauser
Logs June 6-7, 2014
** ANTARCTICA. 15476 [non], June 6 from 1630 or so I am checking the LRA36 webcast Horacio Nigro told us about,
Seems a bit less exotic now; indeed they are on the `air` other than during the SW hours of 1830-2130 M-F. Lo-fi music alternating with YL talking
about ecological matters; 1705 finally Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BOLIVIA. 6155.04 approx., June 7 at 0112, JBA carrier, presumed R. Fides which was inaudible 24+ hours earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** BRAZIL. 5999.6, June 7 at 0114, no het upon RHC 6000.0, so RNB is off again from its extra frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BRAZIL. 11815.02 approx., June 7 at 0122, poor music from still reactivated R. Brasil Central, also some oversplash from 11825 WRMI (Glenn
** CUBA. 15340, June 6 at 1312, no signal here from RHC for the fourth morning in a row, while 15370 remains active. Beginning to think they have
intentionally dropped 15340 for some reason (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT. 11710.04 approx., June 7 at 0123, R. Cairo Spanish service with no modulation, which therefore cannot be distorted; just the big het from
Argentina above it
12070, June 7 at 0123, R. Cairo Spanish, overmodulated, extremely distorted signal with splatter/pulses out to about plus/minus 15 kHz
9315, June 7 at 0125, R. Cairo Spanish, fair signal and no modulation
9965.0, June 7 at 0125, R. Cairo Arabic, not off-frequency, good signal and quite readable atop the whine level (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** IRAN. 11820, June 7 at 0121, VIRI IS preceding Kazakh service, fair but no amount of sidetuning or selectivity can get rid of the 11825 BS splash
** KUWAIT. 12115, June 7 at 0119, very poor signal vs CODAR in talk with Burmese intonation, as it`s RFA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** MEXICO. Bits of analog sporadic E from south, UT June 7:
0040 on 2, fade-in soccer; 0047 one of the teams is PORtugal per scorebug in UL; other one off screen, but Perú mentioned; preliminary to Mundial?
0158 on 4, turn on TV again to find fair video here but whine on audio, soon fading
0159 on 2, still soccer, now MEXICO vs PORTUGAL, from somewhere in the daytime (? Or daylight-like stadium), soon gone
0330 on 2, traces of video (Glenn Hauser, OK, D X LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6772.9-AM, June 6 at 0537, old-time radio drama, far better signal from this still unID pirate(?) than I have had before, fair at
S9+12, but can`t stay awake much longer.
6771.12 approx., June 7 at 0129, JBA AM carrier, presumably the variable OTR station (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NORTH AMERICA. 6925-USB, June 7 at 0103, turn the PL-880 back on to where it was tuned 23+ hours ago, and here`s another pirate with
music; XLR8 IDs at 0105, 0110, 0116 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. RF 31 and // RF 32 intercity relay, KXOK-LD, 31-1, Enid OK, as of June 6 at 1435 UT check remains active but with NO SOUND! ever
since this was first noted May 20 as in DXLD 14-21. Apparently nothing but a few silenced infomercials over and over.
Full-screen color bars on both the subchannels 31-2 and 31-3, no sound there either, instead of M-FOX and Azteca as still claimed on the PSIP IDs.
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 15
What a sorry excuse for a TV station (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OKLAHOMA. During tropo opening from Wichita [see USA], June 6 UT, I am nevertheless distracted by some Tulsans off the side of antenna:
1624 on RF 42, KMYT-DT [My TV] as 41-1; GetTV as 41-2, ZUUS as 41-3. ( has 41-2 as ZUUS and no 41-3)
1628 on RF 22, turns out to be KOKI-DT Tulsa, not KSNC Great Bend (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** OMAN. 9500, June 7 at 0126, RSO with music, poor, back on proper frequency tho it would be better on 15355 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** PERU. 5980, June 7 at 0105, JBA carrier from R. Chaski but no jamming audible for a change. Cut off at 0113:26.5*, which is 5.5 seconds later
than yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 18980, June 6 at 1315, very poor signals making a medium speed SAH (~10 Hz), but little audio discernible; however, not // CNR1
jammer on 11785, so either out of synch and/or really the target, RFA Tibetan via KUWAIT, which chex as on this frequency during this hour on Fridays
(and Tuesdays) per Aoki.
BTW, the only other frequencies in the complex RFA jumparound schedule depending on day of week and which hour between 11 and 14 UT, are now:
18930, 18990, 19000 and 19010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 5110-v-CUSB, June 7 at 0106, no signal audible from WBCQ, but a JBA reduced carrier at 0115, so maybe it was also on earlier.
9330-CUSB, June 7 at 0106, this WBCQ transmitter is way out of whack: huge distorted buzz, with talk modulation on USB, not LSB, somewhat
readable, with a word ``relationships``, presumably still GFRN. Off the air at recheck 0125, as well it should be until fixed.
7489.88 approx., June 7 at 0109, WBCQ with Brother Scare already on here, so `Allan Weiner Worldwide` must have run shorter than usual (Glenn
** U S A. 7505.2, June 7 at 0109, WRNO music with big sig, off freq (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 12105, June 7 at 0118, poor signal from preacher presumed PPP, not // 9475 which is still bigsig, as is 5085. 12105 usually holds up too
this late across terminator, but not tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Heavy tropo with humidity near 100%, but nothing much further than Wichita KS, allowing me to explore what several stations are doing
with subchannels, morning of June 6, UT:
1437 on RF26, KSAS 24-2 Wichita with ATN ID on PSIP (Antenna TV), same programming as on RF27, KFOR 4-2 OKC, but which labels theirs as ANTTV.
1430 on RF28, no NTSC signal visible, as it was a few weeks ago, the last analog left, KWKD-LP, Wichita, Daystar. With this heavy opening, it should
be seen if extant. See below 1455 on RF45, KSNW 3-2 Wichita with Telemun[do]; I notice during some breaks the 3 KSN ID bug appears lower-right with some PSAs, while KTUZ29 OKC Telemundo has real commercials during same steamy novela.
1536 on RF10 and RF21, KAKE-DT is the PSIP on all four channels, i.e. duplicating 10-1 with KAKE ABC, and 10-2 with MeTV bug in LR, and Wichita
below it.
1600 on RF45, KSNW 3-2 has ID slide showing some other channels for Telemun[do], but too quick and too tiny to read: presumably also the other
main stations in the original KSNetwork in Garden City, Great Bend, if not Topeka and Joplin too.
1615 bandscan finds a number of `bad` signals on other RF channels, some intriguing: 22, 30, 36; at 1623 on 49, 47 too
1627 on RF 28, a bad signal; this may well be Wichita`s KWKD, finally with DTV CP on replacing analog; see above. (Or spoiler KTPX Ion in Okmulgee
OK megawatt!; see OKLAHOMA)
1630, bad signals on RF 20, 19, 17, 11
1650, bad signal on RF 43
1754 on RF 45, KSNW 3-1 and Telemun 3-2 are still in at almost noon CST; Hepburn map had predicted intensification of Wichita-area tropo
between 12 and 18 UT today rather than burning off; correct
1757 on RF 8, KPTS Wichita is now decoding unlike earlier, including Create on 8-3. Time for lunch (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Dino Bloise
Radioafición. Amateuradio
RADIOAFICIÓN. AMATEURADIO: #hamradio nirvana. A #SDR rig with knobs and without PC. A new era is starting? SunSDR-MB1 Control Panel: #hamr Fuente: IK6REB - W2DZZ @IK6REB
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 16
Migdiel Cruz
Colegas, les invito a buscar 9996.00 KHz y 14996.00 KHz desde las 02:00 UTC hasta después de las 4:00 UTC, la señal horaria RMW desde Rusia
llegando con buena señal en CW, si su radio tiene modo CW y Narrow les ayudará mucho para separarla de la potente WWV.
Una interesante captación, escuché al programa (casi la segunda parte) "Amigos de la Onda Corta" de Radio Exterior de España, por los
21610 KHz, frecuencia que casi no lograba captar en este horario (12:00 UTC)...
Recepción de FEBC Manila, Filipinas, el día de hoy 5 Junio 2014 a las 12:00 UTC por los 9920 KHz, se puede escuchar el jamming de "sirena" al
fondo. 73 DE XE-SWL-24-01, Magdiel Cruz.
Se recibe señal de DRM en 17675 KHz, de Radio New Zealand International; señal 4-5 ,dB , no alcanza a decodificarse por el software Dream, pero
si pone sus datos: 15.48 kbps EEP AAC+ Mono, RNZI, English varied. New Zealand. 73 de XE-DWL-24-01, con el Alinco DX-R8T, modo IQ.
01:27 UTC.
12070 Radio Cairo en español, pero audio muy saturado, que lo hace ilegible, señal de portadora muy fuerte! Hasta antes de las 2:00 UTC.
Radio Aparecida, 9630 khz un poco legible 35233, 11855 khz 35443 mejor, rezando, y turn off a las 2:00 utc
Son las 01:28 UTC del 06 de junio, en la frecuencia free o pirate de los gringos, hay actividad ¡¡¡ una que se identifica algo como X L R A... hay ruido,
pero esa es la pista... 6925 USB. Alguien la capta o identifica mejor?
Rafael Rodríguez R
Family Radio via WRMI??? al momento una fuerte señal, con la programaciòn de Family Radio a través de los 5015 Khz banda de 60
metros. Nueva frecuencia? se trata de la misma emisora reportada por el amigo Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas? Si alguien puede chequearla
espero comentarios. Hola colegas al momento (01 Junio) llegando con una excelente señal la programacion de Family Radio a través de los
5015 Khz, banda de 60 metros. Señal originada desde WRMI; a travès de la pagina de Facebook de Radio Miami señalan el aumento en 72
horas de transmision y la utilizacion de esta nueva frecuencia a partir del 1 de Junio
Alokesh Gupta
EIT Start EIT Finish Broadcaster
Transmitter Location
Frequency (kHz)
09:00 09:30 Radio Australia
09:30 12:30 BBC
Nakhon Sawan
12:00 12:30 Radio Vatican
Santa Maria di Galeria
12:30 13:00 Sri Lanka BC
Sri Lanka
13:00 14:00 First Response Radio
14:30 15:00 MGLOB
Talata Volonondry
15:00 15:30 IBB (Radio free Asia)
Tinang or Udon Thani
15:30 16:00 NHK Japan
16:00 16:30 IBB (Radio free Asia)
Tinang or Udon Thani
17:00 17:30 All India Radio
17:30 18:00 RTC
18:00 18:30 KTWR
The bolded times overlap, for a possible test to see if the receivers automatically switch to the transmitter carrying the Emergency Warning.
IBB also runs Voice of America.
EIT is the time where the conference is being held.
I have asked Radio Australia If they are transmitting in DRM for the above time. Their transmitters are DRM capable.
Alan (Via DRMNA YG)
All India Radio is offering a special limited edition QSL card for IRDR (International Radio for Disaster Response) trial special broadacast on 5th June
(Thursday) & 6th June 2014 (Friday)
1000-1030 UTC (1530-1600 IST) 15650 kHz All India Radio Bangalore 500 kW, 4/4/0.5 at 120 deg
Please send your reception reports at : [email protected]
Relays on S/W & M/W This Weekend
Atlantic 2000 International 32nd anniversary show!: Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 8th of June from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC on 6005 and
9485 kHz (+ stream). email: [email protected]
Swedish DX Federation: This weekend the 8th of June there will be a relay from the Swedish DX Federation via 1485 kHz, time 19.00 -20.00UTC.
Radio Caroline Interview: A Interview with Radio Caroline North can be heard also via the internet
Radio City: Radio City weekly relays via 1485 kHz between 19.00 - 20.00UTC
Good Listening
73s - Radio Merkurs - Jaunumi
Cienījamie radioklausītāji! Šodien plkst. 15.00 un rīt 18.februārī 09.00 un 15.00 izskanēs Kārļa Vahšteina pirms vairāk kā divdesmit gadiem
sagatovota intervija, par kurā stāstīto viens otrs Latvijā ir aizmirsis! Uz sadzirdēšanos!
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 17
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday 8th of June from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC (10:00 to 11:00 CEST) on 6005 and 9485 kHz.
The programme will be streaming at the same time on our website. For this 32nd anniversary show, all correct and detailed reception reports will be
confirmed by a special QSL-card.
Atlantic 2000 émettra sur 6005 et 9485 kHz ce dimanche 8 juin de 08:00 à 09:00 TUC (10:00 à 11:00 heure de Paris). L'émission sera diffusée à la
même heure sur notre site internet. A l'occasion de notre 32ème anniversaire, les rapports d'écoute complets et détaillés seront confirmés par une
carte QSL spéciale.
Allan Stern
11175 USB 1534z: HF-GCS Station "Andrews" wkg "Red River" (Barksdale AFB) for radio check only. (03/Jun/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
14.300 USB 1553z: Intercontinental Traffic Net taking check-ins, including W4HQ, (02/June/2014) (Al Stern, Florida)
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL - [email protected]
Claudio Galaz
R.LAS MADRES. 02/06 0432 UT. Presentaciones de murgas uruguayas, id y avisos de la emisora. SINFO: 35433.
1380 desde o Sul do Brasil.. Óla: Eu tenho uma pergunta. Eu ouvi uma estação de rádio brasileira em 1380 por debaixo de rádio Corporación do
Chile. Certamente é uma estação do sul do Brasil. Qual poderia ser?
Podes fazer referência a Lista Emissoras Onda Média do DX Clube do Brasil:
Os estados mais ao sul possuem as abreviaturas PR, SC e RS.
Lo que yo he podido escuchar en Montevideo, en mayo de 2013, es Radio Cultura Taperense:
La frecuencia de 1380 kHz siempre es especialmente ruidosa para mi recepcion, tanto en Montevideo como en mi casa de fin de semana,
70 km al este. - 73! - Rodolfo Tizzi (Montevideo – Uruguay)
Pode ser a radio da minha cidade. Radio frequencia de garopaba-SC. Uma vez ela foi escutado lá na Bahia - Anderson José Torquato
Olá amigo Cláudio. Possivelmente pode ser uma dessas três:
RÁDIO FREQUÊNCIA AM 1380 KHZ – GAROPABA – RS (Antonio Avelino - Brasil)
R.SAGO 03/06 0408 UT. Noticias sobre inundaciones en Osorno, el pedido de alerta a las autoridades, la suspensión de clases y otras
informaciones. SINFO: 44333 con leve interrupción de una emisora que emite música cristiana sin ID.
1110 R.LA FRONTERA 02/06 0520 UT. Vía Temuco. Música del recuerdo en castellano i.e: Camilo sesto, Raphael, et al. Sin ID SINFO: 43443 con
leve interrupciones de R.La Ciudad por 5 segundos cada 7 minutos.
1600 R.LLANCOLÉN 02/06 0535 UT. Vía Concepción. Música en castellano. SINFO: 42432 con fading y es identificable 25 segundos por cada
minuto frente a la interferencia permanente de Radio Nuevo Tiempo desde Santiago de Chile.
R.LATINA 03/06 0348 UT. Avisos de las campañas de la Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor en Lima e interior del país. SINFO: 44333 con
leve QRM de Splendid de Argentina.
1600 UNID. 01/06 2338 UT. Cumbias serranas y baladas en castellano. SINFO: 22422 con fading profundos y que es posible identificar 15 a 22
segundos cada 5 minutos. Por lo cual no se pudo identificar de manera directa, hasta desaparecer de manera casi completa cerca de las
0014 UT del 02/06.
1050 RNU 02/06 0455 UT. Programa acerca de Cine, como repetición de la semana anterior. SINFO: 43433 con fading leve de 25 segundos por
cada minuto e interrupción permanente de LV27 de Argentina.
Claudio Galaz - Rx: Tecsun Pl- 660 - Ant: hilo 40 mts. - Qth: Barraza Bajo, IV Región, Chile.
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 18
Fran Jr
Amigos, no final de semana 2 emissoras piratas da cidade de São Paulo estiveram fora do ar, com isso abriu espaço no dial para tentativas de DX,
apesar da propagação ruim consegui efetuar escutas interessantes:
Prata FM - 104.9 Mhz - Águas da Prata SP
Jovem Pan FM - 94.3 Mhz - São José dos Campos SP
Amigos, na madrugada passada (05 Julio)a propagação esteve muito boa na faixa de FM, e com alguns buracos no dial devido a radios piratas fora
do ar consegui sintonizar 4 emissoras da Rede Jovem Pan de cidade diferentes:
89.9 Mhz – Campinas
94.3 Mhz - São José dos Campos 98.3 Mhz – Taubaté
100.9 Mhz - São Paulo
73's Fran - São Paulo SP - Sony XDR-F1HD - Antena interna Yagi 5 elementos
Carlos Gonçalves
3255 BBC, Meyerton, 1833-1848, 01/6, Serviço Mundial, em inglês, dirigido à África Austral, texto; 25331.
3320 SAUK/R.Sonder Grense, Meyerton, 1848-1912, 29/5, africânder, texto; 45433.
4835 VL8A, Alice Springs, Territ.º do Norte, 2115-2140, 29/5, inglês, texto, noticiário das 2130; 35332.
4910 VL8T, Tennant Creek, T. do Norte, *2130-2145, 01/6, inglês, notícias das 2130, info. meteo., às 2139, conversa; 34331. // VL8A em
4835 , não a VL8K em 5025.
5025 VL8K, Katherine, T. do Norte, *2130-2150, 01/6, cf. VL8T, até às 2140, ao que se seguiu a rubrica Breakfast, c/ chamadas de ouvintes,
música pop'; 35332.
9710 R.Austrália, Shepp. VIC, 1006-1058*, 02/6, crioulo da N.ª Guiné Papua, texto, chamadas de ouvintes, notícias das 1030; 25433. Sinal c/
SINPO igual, em // 9475.
12065 idem, idem, 1101-1145, 02/6, emissão em inglês dirigida ao Pacífico, notícias,..., entrevistas; 25433, em perda.
12080 R.Austrália, Brandon QL (10 kW), 1005-1032, 02/6, crioulo da N.ª Guiné Papua, texto, chamadas de ouvintes, notícias das 1030; 15431.
15515 idem, idem, 2132-2155, 31/5, emissão em inglês dirigida ao Pacífico, entrevista, noticiário, às 2145; 25433.
19000 idem, idem, *2259-2332, 31/5, cf. // emissão em inglês dirigida ao Pacífico, texto, notícias, às 2300; 35444 (!).
4775 R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2133-2145, 016/6, anúncios comerciais, IDs da estação e infos. horárias, seguindo-se revista desportiva;
4805 R.Dif.ª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2251-22302, 01/6, relato de jogo de futebol; 35332.
4875 R.Dif.ª de Roraima, Boa Vista RR, 2135-2148, 016/6, canções; 33331, QRM de CODAR. Melhor sinal às 2225, altura em difundia propag.
4885 R.Cclub do Pará, Belém PA, 0907-desvane. total 0925, 01/6, text, aparentemente, missa; 15341.
4925,2 R.Educação Rural, Tefé AM, 2249-2259, 01/6, relato de jogo de futebol, anúncios comerciais; 35332.
5035 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2142-2154, 01/6, missa; 35332. // 6135,35, 9630 (algo sobremodulada), 11854,9.
5939,8 R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, 2108-2121, 01/6, música de banda (metais), infos. horárias, canções relig.; 45433; // 9664,85.
6000,05 R.Guaíba, Pt.º Alegre RS, 2114-2125, 01/6, texto, relatos informativos; 24331, QRM adjacente.
6120 SRDA, São Paulo SP, 2210-2220, 31/5, "espectáculo" ao vivo (propag. relig., entenda-se), tradução de frases p/ castelhano; 34332.
6180 R.Nacional da Amazónia, Parque do Rodeador DF, 0932-desvan. total 1025, 30/5, conversa e chamadas de ouvintes; 25332.
6135,3 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 0935-desvan. total 1010, 01/6, texto, música; 15331.
6135,35 idem, 2143-2155, 01/6, missa; 43431. // 5035, 9630, 11854,9.
9515 R.Marumby, Curitiba PR, 2055-2112, 01/6, noticiário, Programa Musica Evangélico, às 2100; 34433, QRM adj. e na mesma freq.
9565,1 SRDA, Curitiba PR, 2117-2129, 31/5, D.Miranda c/ propag.; 24431, QRM adj. e em 9565.
9663,85 R.Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, 2110-2126, 29/5, anúncios da emissora, canções relig.; 45433.
9664,85 idem, 2110-2122, 01/6, cf. // 5939,8 supra; 54433, QRM adjacente.
9818,7 R. 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP, 2058-2114, 01/6, anúncios de programação, ID da estação e anúncio de freqs., recitação do terço, às 2100;
43432, QRM adj. da CHN, em 9820.
11735 R.Transmundial, St.ª M.ª RS, 1233-1255, 01/6, texto, cnações, entrevistas; 14431, QRM adjacente.
11764,7 SRDA, Curitiba PR, 1231-2150, 01/6, propag. relig., pregador vociferando, tradução de frases p/ o castelhano; 14431, QRM adjacente.
11764,7 idem, 1830-1847, 01/6, pregador vociferando propag. relig., música; 35433.
11854,9 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1036-1110, 02/6, propag. relig. c/ os progrs. Especial Pentecostes e, às 1038, Caminhando com Maria, ID
da estação e anúncio das freqs., ás 1100; 25432, QRM adj. às 1100.
11895 R.Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS, 2106-2116, 01/6, progr. Momento de Oração; 25342. Pràticamente inaudível em // 9550, mercê de QRM.
6160 CKZN, São João da Terra Nova, 2244-2256, 01/6, inglês, entrevista; 34432, QRM adjacente.
5910 Alcaraván R via A Voz da tua Consciência, Lomalinda, 2246-2258, 01/6, canções; 35332.
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 19
5066,3 R.Télé Candip, Bunia, 1835-1910, 30/5, música pop' africana; 35433. Ùltimamente, o sinal tem sido francamente bom, atendendo à
potência envolvida.
7237,2 R.Etiópia, Geja Jawe, 1731-1748, 30/5, francês, texto, música; progr. em língual local (?), às 1800; 33432, QRM adjacente até às 1800;
modulação abafada, durante a emissão em francês.
9680 RRI, Cimanggis, 1013-desvan. total 1130, 02/6, indonésio, conversa, música e canções, notícias das 1100; 35433.
4780 R.TV de Djibouti, Doralé, 1840-1904, 30/5, dialecto local, texto, chamadas de ouvintes, música; 45433.
9835 Sarawak FM via RTM, Kajang, 1014-desvan. total 1145, 02/6, malaio, canções, cânticos corânicos precedendo as 1100 h, seguindo-selhes o noticiário; 25433.
9635 R.Mali, Kati, 1216-1255, 01/6, dialecto local, texto, música e canções locais, noticiário em francês, às 1300; 35433.
12085 Voz da Mongólia, Khonkhor, 1009-1059*, 02/6, mandarim, canções; progr. em japonês, às 1030, texto e música; 35433. Às 1100, a freq.
foi ocupada pela R.Austrália.
9700 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 1802-1858*, 31/5, inglês, notícias, histórias curtas; 45444; forte QRM adj., às 1830.
9700 idem, 1008-1203, 02/6, inglês, noticiário desportivo,..., sinal de ID, ás 1058, noticiário das 1100, etc.; 35444, mas em perda acelerada.
4955 R.Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 2250-2300, 01/6, quíchua, texto; 35332.
3904,8 R.Alice, HOL, 2140-..., 31/5, inglês, música pop', na sua maioria, e canções holandesas; 45333.
6210 R.Mustang, HOL, 2148-..., 02/6, música pop'; 45444.
6220 R.Tips & Elvis, D (?), 2147-..., 31/5, inglês, música pop', texto; 55444.
6260 R.Flying Dutchman, HOL, 2205-..., 30/5, música pop'; 45332.
6280 R.Akai, HOL, 2202-..., 30/5, holandês/inglês, canções alemãs, texto, canções italianas; 45332.
6284,8 R.Focus Int'l, G, 2150-..., 31/5, inglês, música pop'; 35332, QRM esporádico, de tráfego em BLÚ.
6284,9 R.Carmen, HOL, 2145-2152*, 02/6, música pop'; 45433.
6295 Não identif., holandesa?, 2143-..., 02/6, música pop'; 35332.
6300 R.Powerliner In'l, HOL, 2158-..., 30/5, holandês/inglês, música pop', texto; 45332.
6322,1 R.Verona, HOL, 2210-..., 30/5, canções holandesas; 35332.
6384,9 R.Mazda, HOL, 2130-..., 29/5, holandês/inglês, música pop', texto, anúncios de fecho, canções holandesas; 45433.
6430 R.Powerliner Int'l, HOL, 2202-..., 31/5, música pop'; 45433.
6940 Little Feat R, G, 2205-..., 31/5, inglês, música pop', anúncios do end.º electr.º; 35332
6950 Premier R, IRL, 2201-..., 31/5, música pop'; 45433.
15050 R.Waves Int'l, F, 2130-2136*, 31/5, canções americanas, onde prodominou o chamado "c&w"; 25332.
4975 R.Uganda, Kampala, 1818-1835, 01/6, dialecto local, texto, incl. entrevistasM 45333. SINPO de 55343, às 2100.
9635 R.Voz do Vietname, Son Tay, 1011-1055, 02/6, vietnamita, texto; 23431, QRM do MLI (ausente, todavia, no espaço 1035-1050, aprox.);
5915 ZNBC-Radio 1, Lusaka, 2119-2129, 01/6, dialecto local, canções africanas, texto; 35332.
Bons DX e 73. Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL.
Anker Petersen
Dear DX-friends, Herewith a few loggings from Skovlunde done on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire:
3320.00 2225-2235 AFS 02.06 R Sonder Grense, Meyerton Afrikaans ann, pop songs 35333 AP-DNK
4716.72 0035-0045 BOL 03.06 R Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura Spanish ann, Bolivian folksongs 25232 AP-DNK
4774.91 0040-0050 PRU 03.06 R Tarma, Tarma Spanish talk 25232 AP-DNK
4835.02 2115-2140 AUS 23.05 VL8A, Alice Springs, NT English ann, pop songs, news 35222. Carrier, but no audio on 4910. No signal
on 2325, 2485 or 5025 AP-DNK
5015.00 0040-0050 USA 03.06 Family R, via WRMI, Okeechobee, FL (New frequency !) Spanish religious debate by a woman and some men,
musical interlude 35233. The English programme had not faded in at -2200* AP-DNK
6155.13 0020-0035 BOL 03.06 R Fides, La Paz (presumed) Reactivated ! Spanish talk by some persons 24232 sideband QRM from 6150 and
6160. At 2240 only carrier heard, but no audio AP-DNK
6159.99 0020-0035 CAN 03.06 CKZN, St. John's, New Foundland English interview 45233 AP-DNK
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 20
Cesar Perez Dioses
QSL de Radio Thailand en 9390 khz, del dia 05 de Marzo del 2014 a las 12.35 UTC, con buena señal en Inglès.
Radio Thailand QSL CARD from IBBTx station in Udonthani on March 3rd, 2014 on 9330 khz at 12h35 UTC in English language, good signal.
José Ronaldo Xavier
12085 05/03 1005 MNG VOMongolia,Ulan Bator,CC,fv.presents a slow Chinese lang.; Mongolian song; fv.:addr.,e-mail;follow a song;end
chinese edition at 1029. Immediatily,start a Japanese prgr.:IS,Id.,1030 to 1059;25432.
SWL: Jose Ronaldo Xavier (JRX) - Receiver: Degen DE1101 - Antenna: Longwire - Locality: Cabedelo - Brazil
Ivan Lopez Alegria
Saludos: les dejo foto de una nueva tarjeta especial que recién me llegó. 73 desde la Capital Cora. (NDXC-001 XE1012SWL)
Buen día, otro par de fotos; tarjetas recibidas el año pasado. 73 desde Tepic.
Zacharias Liangas
Please reply to [email protected]. Are in Litohoron again near the wire mesh using the metallic mesh as antenna!. Asing the PL380
15390 CNR Uighur 0940 with Turkish song then a Greek buzuki song in background while man is talking then back to a Turkish song 38/10
21670 Saudi Arab Intl in indoensdian wit relig program 0942 40/20 (good)
15130 R Libertry in Russian 0949 , fair – poor 28/16
15200 TWR agana in Indo or dialect 0951 24/3 poor
15290 NHK 0953 just marginal
Sarawak 9835 has been heard from cva 15 00 to as late as 2320 with fair-good signal Also Wai on 11665 with good signal on 2330+
15165 RA 0315 mixed with CNR
my radio shack: (all my pages )
Dan Ferguson
Nakhon Sawan
Santa Maria di Galeria
Country Org
Vatican City
Sri Lanka
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 21
Bocaue or Zambales?
Talata Volonondry
Ban Dung, Ud.Thani Prov.
Talata Volonondry
First Response R, via FEBC
MGLOG Madagascar
MGLOG Madagascar
alt time for 0730-0800
John Grimmett
21840 MGLOG Madagascar at sign-on 0730. Faint but audible, improving somewhat over time. English and French discerned.
QTH: Seoul - Receiver: GS750 - Antenna: 15 meter inverted V dipole with Daiwa CNW-419 tuner.
Ivan Lebedevsky
SW Log for 31.05.2014
15.28 utc, 13.800 kHz, Voice of Andes, in russian, good signal
16.20 utc, 13.745 kHz, Radio Liberty, in russian, good signal
16.24 utc, 11.620 kHz, All India Radio, in russian, good signal
16.26 utc, 11.645 kHz, Voice of Korea, in english, good signal
16.30 utc, 12.045 kHz, Radio Japan, in japanese, medium signal
16.34 utc, 12.070 kHz, Deutsche Welle, in amharic, medium signal
16.36 utc, 12.085 kHz, Radio Australia, in english, good signal
16.38 utc, 12.095 kHz, BBC World Service, in english, good signal
Rodolfo Tizzi
Luego de algunos meses de haber olvidado la modalidas, volvi a hacer escucha este amanecer de la frecuencia de 7033
kHz en LSB. Alli pueden recibirse, cuando la ultimamente esquiva propagación lo permite, imagenes en SSTV (Television
de Barrido Lento) transmitidas por varios radioaficionados japoneses en ruedas locales.
Antônio Avelino da Silva
Algumas escutas:
Seq. Frequência (kHz) Data Hora UTC ITU Emissora/Detalhes/SINPO
01 6195 19/07/2014 0920 J Rádio Japão (NHK), Música, comentário sobre as férias dos estudantes no Japão, 45554
02 9630 19/07/2014 0930 B Rádio Aparecida, Clube dos Sócios, viva aos aniversariantes, parabéns a todos os ouvintes da Rádio
Aparecida, 34443
03 9645 19/07/2014 0935 B Rádio Bandeirantes, Campeonato Brasileiro Série A, Formula 1, comentário esportivo. 23332
04 11665 19/07/2014 0943 MLA RTM Wai Sarawak FM, mx, om, em idioma Malaio, 34443
05 11780 19/07/2014 0950 B Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, mx de João Paulo e Daniel “Só da você na minha vida”, Renê e Ronaldo “Fonte
de Desejos”, 34443 06 - 11955 19/07/2014 2345 ROU Rádio România Internacional (RRI), mx, lección de Romano, hace um
par de años que tuvimos el curso, 45554 07 - 9710 20/07/2014 0015 CHN Rádio Internacional da China (CRI), Entrevista com a
Tatiana, que trabalhou na Embaixada do Brasil na China, Acordes do Oriente, 55555 08 - 9620 20/07/2014 0025 E Rádio Exterior da Espanha
(REE), mx do cantor Pedro Pastor, ele promete qualidade em seu álbum, 55555 09 - 9575 20/07/2014 0035 MRC Rádio Mediterranee, mx árabes,
34443 10 - 9475 20/07/2014 0043 USA WTWW, om falando em idioma inglês, 23332 11 - 9590 20/07/2014 0052 CHN Radio Internacional de
China (CRI), Políticos de América Latina en China,Canción de Beijing mx “El Encuentro”, 45554 12 - 9870 20/07/2014 0057 IND AIR New Delhi
(Vividh Bharati), fv falando em idioma Hindi, 34443 13 - 9885 20/07/2014 0104 TJK Rádio Free Ásia, fv falando em idioma Tibetano, 34443 14 9925 20/07/2014 0110 D Mighty KBC Radio, om falando em idioma alemão, 23332 15 - 11620 20/07/2014 0115 IND All India Radio, mx em
idioma Urdu, 34443 16 - 9605 20/07/2014 0122 KOR KBS World Radio, px Buzón del Radioescucha, Radionovela Sonata de Invierno, 34443 17 11640 20/07/2014 0130 UAE Rádio Free Ásia, om, fv falando em idioma Uyghur, 23332 18 - 11760 20/07/2014 0136 CUB Radio Havana Cuba
(RHC), comentario sobre la Revolución Cubana, 23332 19 - 6000 20/07/2014 0155 CUB Radio Havana Cuba, mx, om falando em idioma inglês,
23332 20 - 6060 20/07/2014 0200 ARG Radio Nacional, om falando em espanhol, 22222, 21 - 6090 20/07/2014 0205 G Caribbean Beacon
(University Network), om falando em idioma ingles, 34443 22 - 11995 20/07/2014 2015 RTW Radio Taiwán Internacional (RTI), Bajo la Lupa, El
Cartero, presentación de Andrea y Sol, Volvemos a la vida normal después del mundial en Brasil, Carta de Diana, desde Cuba, 55555 23 - 5935
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 22
20/07/2014 0227 USA WWCR University, fv falando em idioma inglês, 34443 24 - 11815 20/07/2014 0959 B Rádio Brasil Central, mx Forró nº 1
(Luiz Gonzaga e Gal Costa), px Programa Goiás Caboclo com Jason Abrão, id da emissora, 34443 25 - 11855 20/07/2014 1005 B Rádio
Aparecida, px Nossa Missão, dia internacional da amizade, 34443 26 - 17540 20/07/2014 1010 CHN Rádio Internacional da China (CRI), fv
falando em idioma chinês, 34443 27 - 17550 20/07/2014 1550 IRN Voz da República Islâmica do Iran (IRIB), fv falando em idioma árabe, 45554
28 - 17615 20/07/2014 1600 F Radio França Internacional (RFI), om falando em idioma Hausa, 34443 29 - 17640 20/07/2014 1605 G BBC
World Service, id da emissora, fv falando em idioma inglês, 55555 30 - 17715 20/07/2014 1610 E Radio Exterior da España (REE), José Maria, el
asesinato del Jesuita, una semana antes Radio Exterior había hecho una entrevista, estudió en colegio jesuita, 55555 31 - 17800 20/07/2014
1615 D Deutsche Welle (DW), fv, om falando em idioma Amárico (Amharic), 34443 32 - 17540 20/07/2014 2142 J Rádio Japão (NHK), px Ponto
de Encontro, apresentação de Kasue e Roberto Maxuel, mx, 33333 33 - 17745 20/07/2014 2150 ROU Radio Romania Internacional (RRI), ha
enviado informe de recepción Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, de Bandeirantes, Paraná, Brasil, Mx orquestrada, informando los horários y fecuencias. 34 9335 20/07/2014 2155 MRA Rádio Free Ásia, mx, crianças falando, fv falando em idioma chinês, 45554 Nome: Antonio Avelino da Silva
(PY7048SWL) Local das escutas: Caruaru, Pernambuco – Brasil Receptor: DEGEN DE 1103 Antena: Telescópica
Rudolf Grimm
Confirmação recebida: 1170 kHz Radio Bandeirantes, Campinas SP. Caríssimos, Permitam-me compartilhar uma experiência de hoje. O objetivo é,
além do relato, tentar mostrar que buscar se confirmar sinais captados de estações de ondas médias continua vivo.
Recebi hoje uma confirmação que em princípio não se trata em ser ‘aquele ‘ DX. Mas confirmações é um assunto que apaixona. Pode ser uma
emissora de ondas curtas da Ásia, ou uma emissora de ondas médias que transmite a 100 km de onde estamos, sempre é uma figurinha a mais no
imenso e interminável álbum de ‘figurinhas de estações’ a se perseguir. Na verdade são cartões QSL, cartas confirmatórias, e-mails confirmatórios,
ou mesmo as respostas preparadas (‘prepared cards’, ou simplesmente ‘ppc’, na linguagem universal). E dizem que ir atrás de figurinhas é coisa de
criança. Então eu continuarei a ser criança!
Enviei recentemente alguns informes de recepção para emissoras de fora de São Paulo – Capital que ficam até cerca de 100 km de onde moro,
captadas entre 11h00 e meio-dia, um horário um tanto difícil para ondas médias, para preencher algumas ‘páginas de figurinhas’ deste ‘grande
álbum’. Uma destas que ouvi e busquei confirmar foi a Rádio Bandeirantes de Campinas 1170 kHz, que chega em São Bernardo com sinais
razoáveis, plenamente audíveis e compreendidos mesmo no horário não muito adequado para melhores resultados.
O ppc que uso, segue um padrão que eu mesmo desenvolvi, baseado em experiências de outros que também o utilizam, cuidando das informações
necessárias para serem avaliadas e confirmadas, que ao serem enviados sempre são acompanhados de um informe de recepção. No exterior,
principalmente na Europa, o ppc continua sendo bem aplicado, com bom retorno. No Brasil o processo até é compreendido pelos gestores das
emissoras que recebem estes cartões, mas muitos continuam resistentes em devolve-los carimbados e assinados. Porém, continuamos insistindo.
Enviei vários informe de recepção + ppcs em 30.05, depois das 16h00, portanto, após a coleta interna das correspondências para despacho, que
ocorre em regra até as 15h00. Sete dias depois, recebi um SEDEX (imaginem! o valor gasto na resposta), contendo o ppc carimbado (mas sem a
assinatura) e vários adesivos da emissora. O carimbo aplicado no ppc está em algum escritório da emissora, pelos dados informativos nele contido.
A assinatura também deveria estar aposta, porém neste caso o carimbo reflete a informação esperada. O ppc passou pela emissora e me foi
devolvido carimbado, este foi enviado ao Diretor / Gerente Geral, um dos dois atuou para que a confirmação fosse levada a efeito, portanto, não
insistirei em pedir algo adicional além do que recebi.
Também enviei um SAE (envelope auto-endereçado), para facilitar a resposta, mas da forma como a resposta veio, me fez sentir bastante respeitado
pela Bandeirantes de Campinas, porque, entenderam que a resposta deveria chegar rapidamente a mim e de forma segura. Gesto nobre e raro!
As imagens do material recebido está em . Aguardo mais algumas confirmações de outras emissoras que estão até
100 km de onde moro, que ainda não as possuo. É uma expectativa viva e saudável, que nos anima na continuidade da manutenção de contato com
as emissoras sintonizadas.
Ondas médias sempre foram atraentes. Há no Brasil pelo menos 3000 emissoras que estão no dial de OM, o mesmo dial-padrão no qual
pesquisamos. Portanto. nas noites e madrugadas podemos encontrar novidades, e entendo que devo voltar a ouvir as ondas médias depois da meianoite, quando muitas desligaram seus transmissores. Parece que depois da meia-noite o sinal muda de qualidade, por certo por conta disso.
Para quem desejar manter contato com a Rádio Bandeirantes de Campinas 1170 kHz:
Rádio e TV Bandeirantes de Campinas Ltda. Av. Engº Antonio Francisco de Paula Souza 2799, Jd. São Gabriel, 13045-541 Campinas SP
Emissora religiosa em 9.955 kHz - via WRMI. Rubens, A transmissão por 9955 kHz que você ouviu, sem dúvida é da WRMI. Quanto ao programa
sintonizado, você pode consultar os blocos que são levados ao ar por 9955 kHz no site da WRMI:
Clicar em Programming – Programacion, e depois em ‘Click here to see WRMI’s current program schedule for 9955 kHz...’ na parte superior central
do bloco informativo. Dar apenas o desconto no fuso horário para assimilar qual programa está no ar no momento da sintonia.
Voltando à página informativa (WRMI Programming – Programación), ali estão listados vários programas que são transmitidos, os detalhes dos
objetivos dos mesmos, e também os endereços para contato. Dá para se tentar confirmar diversos programas, inclusive de emissoras internacionais
que deixaram as ondas curtas próprias há pouco tempo.
No bloco que você ouviu, sendo Miami -4 h UTC (1 hora de diferença em relação ao horário de Brasilia), entendo que você ouviu duas transmissões:
‘Bible Commentary’ e depois ‘Christ Gospel Broadcasting’.
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 23
Hironori Takeuchi
HLAZ 28-feb-2014, 12:30 UTC, 1566 kHz, el programa en japonés. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "HLKX 1188 kHz", que he
recibido en 91 días, junto con una pegatina, para un informe de recepción con 1 IRC por correo aéreo.
QSL: Voz de Mongolia,
Mongolia 17-mayo-2014, 10:29 UTC, 12085 kHz, el programa en japonés. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Mongolia - Tsogt-Ovoo,
Umnugobi", que he recibido en 14 días para un informe de recepción por correo aéreo.
QSL: Radio Vaticano a través de Tinian,
Tinian 12-abr-2014, 04:06 UTC, 21560 kHz, el programa en chino. Tarjeta QSL con datos completos "Papa de
todos - Papa Francisco: el hombre y su mensaje" recibido en 49 días, junto con una pegatina, para un informe de recepción por correo aéreo.
Estimados amigos, un placer el poder estar nuevamente por este medio junto a todos ustedes.
En primer lugar agradecer nuevamente todos los comentarios, asimismo ver con suma alegría que el sitio de la ADU esta siendo visitado con
mucha regularidad por todos ustedes, y eso que se tiene pendiente actualiza la pagina con gran material que esta pendiente y que como todo, por
falta de tiempo, y como dicen por allí mano de elefante, queriendo abarcar de todo un poco y al final no se completa una tarea especifica, pero
bueno, es lo que la vida me da, la ADU por un lado y cumpliendo con la cofeccion del presente boletín con la mayor regularidad que puedo, además
el poder acompar al amigo Dino Bloise en su programa Frecuencia al Dia, estar junto a la comisión de la Union de Radio Telegrafistas del Uruguay, y
ahora con una nueva propuesta para el futuro de estar confeccionando algún materil para algunas emisoras comunitarias de Montevideo, aunque
esto ultimo esta en muy en pañales, pero bueno, sin quejas, como dicen por aquí sarna con gusto no pica. Y lo importate es saber que uno ama esto,
criado con una radio desde pequeño, habiendo elejido la carrera de la Escuela de Comunicaciones del Ejercito, el poder haber recibirme como era
mi intención, ser un Especialista en Comunicaciones Militares, y de allí una enormidad de posibilidades en mi carrera hasta que me retire, haber
ocupado un puesto en Radiogoniometria, que era búsqueda y contacto de equipos, ya sea en cualquier frecuencia y modo, en fin, haber sabido de
equipos Deltas Mux de microondas, el poder haber viajado por el mundo en lo que me gusta, estar en Mozambique, Angola, Republica Democratica
del congo en dos oportuidades, en Haiti enseguida del terremoto, en fin, tener experiencias en comunicaciones únicas en lo militar, y en lo personal
siempre llevando mi hobby de escucha a todas partes del mundo, el haber podido activar estación en HF (onda corta) como estación oficial, y que
muchos radioaficionados alrededor del mundo pudiesen estar en contacto en español con regiones que nunca se ubieran pensado, mas aun
estando en comunicación con una estación oficial de las Fuerzas Armadas de Uruguay en operaciones de paz para la ONU.
Tambien haber compartido experiencias muy poco usuales, como estar al fente de radios internas para las unidades militares como
entretenimiento, priemro en un equipo de AM en Mozambique, y después las restantes ya con equipos de FM, funcionando siempre como algo
interno, con nuetsra música, con las actividades internas, y los comentarios por supuesto que ocurrían dia a dia en las diferentes bases, que decir,
rodeado del mundo de las comunicaciones.
Agradecido de haber comunicado desde diferentes partes del mundo hacia el país por HF y comunicando a los integrantes de la Unidad con
sus parientes en el país, ahora ya en desuso por las nuevas tecnologías, aunque después del terremoto de Haiti cayeron todas las comuicaciones,
menos la radio en HF, y bueno, de 12 paises trabajando para la ONU, solo tres países pudieron comunicarse dentro y fuera de Haiti hacias su país de
origen y otros, y fueron los EEUU, Canadá y Uruguay, por lo que nos lleno de orgullo en su momento. Además agregemos que Uruguay es el único que
cuenta al dia de hoy con militares que contiuan con la telegrafia, por lo cual la comunicación en la distancia se multiplica por dos fácilmente, pero
bueno, experiencias y mas experiencias, únicas vividas, con mucho amor, y orgullo para quienes elegimos esta vida amando las comunicaciones.
Despues hay muchas cosas, como el poder montar una antena satelital para teléfono, y comunicarse desde cualquier punto, mientras el
resto nos observa con admiración, mientras uno sabe que lo único que hace es realizar con su trabajo que se ha preparado para ello.
Bueno, les pido disculpas por todos estos comentarios, pero comencé a escribir y me agarro la nostalgia, ya casi dos años de mi retiro
obligatorio por edad de mi trabajo, y por supuesto, ahora dedicado completamente a este mi amor de toda la vida, el diexismo, aunque ahora lo vivo
desde otro punto de vista, fui cazador de las ondas cortas como decía el programa en español de Radio Suecia, lograr escuchar una emisora en FM
desde Jamaica y haberla confirmado, confirmar Vanautu, Isla Fiji. La lengendaria emisora Kyoi Rock, las africanas, escuchar Benin y confirmarla y asi
muchas tantas, lo mismo que radioaficionados, pero bueno, hoy en una función mas social, tratar de estar al dia y dar toda esa información que me
llega y compartirla, es algo que aprendi a disfrutar y me hace feliz, y por suerte el tiempo va pasando y me alegro cada dia mas, porque veo el apoyo,
como se va sumando gente, en fin, el hobby no esta muerto, ha cambiado y esta mas vivo que nunca, escuchamos otras cosas, solamente hay que
adaptarse, claro, a veces nos cuestan los cambios y nos asustan un poco, pero aquí estamos todos de pie defendiendo este hermoso hobby.
Gracias por leer estas palabras y pido su comprensio, es un estado de animo pero quería comparti también que esto me da alegría y me
hace vivir a pleno, gracias a todos y cada uno por estar, hasta la próxima. Rubén Walter Suárez.
Asociación Diexman Uruguay - 24

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