The Spiritual Doctrine of Jesus Christ (ENG)


The Spiritual Doctrine of Jesus Christ (ENG)
Sã Doutrina Espiritual do Sétimo Dia
The Spiritual Doctrine of Jesus Christ (ENG)
Enviado por Isaque Galdino de Araujo
Atualizado em 06-Mar-2010 - Notícias - Página Internacional
- English Version
This message was prepared specially for all Spiritual Believers, whom are spread across the world. In Brazil we have
adopted the official name of Sã Doutrina Espiritual do Sétimo Dia (Spiritual Sound Doctrine of the Seventh-day),
commonly referred to as Sã Doutrina (Sound Doctrine). We strongly believe the Spiritual Doctrine of Christ can be
practiced in other countries and it is our goal to meet such brothers.
There are some of our brothers in other countries like Paraguay, although these brothers migrated from Brazil to that
country. The objective of this international page is to find Spiritual Believers whose revelation of the Doctrine has
occurred in their own countries.
It is going to be a very great joy for us if we achieve this objective. We believe the same way we have reached the
revelation of the Spiritual Doctrine here in Brazil, somehow the Holy Ghost intercession might have operated somewhere
else in the actual world. Therefore we will have a greater number of brothers and we will be more stimulated in our
walk.We understand Spiritual Believers as those brothers whom received the revelation from the Holy Ghost of our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ and understand to be necessary to serve God in newness of spirit searching and following the
education of the Holy Scriptures (Holy Bible) and recognizing it as the only inspiration source for communion with the
Spiritual Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. For a better identification, it’s important to say that:1We reject all
knowledge sources but the Holy Bible;2We don’t adopt any spiritism’s practices. We are, instead,
spirituals, according to the Holy Bible; 3We deem on the Spiritual Resurrection of the believers. We don’t believe
and we totally discard the belief of reincarnation; 4We have adopted the 10 Commandments of the Holy Bible as
immutable parameters to reach God; 5We obey the holy doctrine of the New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ and
the greatest basis of the doctrine are The Eternal Judgment, The Spiritual Resurrection, The Communion with God and
His Son through the Holy Ghost promise;6The summary of our belief is translated by the lesson of Christ: You shall love
God over all things and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. See below our main features in Brazil.
1 Origin: 2 Doctrine: 3 Belief: 4 Pratices 4.1 Practices: Cult 4.2 Practices: Ministeries and Offices 4.3 Practices:
Organization 5 Politics:6 Social Assistence: 7 Events:1- Origin:Our origin is defined by the dogma of our oral tradition and
it is described by the Book of Visions of one of the firsts prophets of our doctrine – João Pozza -, as a revelation
that happened in Bernardino de Campos (SP-Brazil), through a 12 years old girl in a spiritual rapture which took 13
minutes, when it was revealed to her, all orientation and spiritual instruction to be reaffirmed here on earth; the
God’s Kingdom, through the Spiritual Christianity; religious doctrine based on the Our Lord Jesus Christ’s
– Jesus of Nazareth - Resurrection.The facts were also researched by Luiz Gállio from Tupã (SP-Brazil) and his
report is very similar with the one produced by João Pozza. The first churches to be organized as a legal entity were from
the ‘30s and the ‘60s, Garça and Dracena, respectively in the state of São Paulo.So far the doctrine has
been spread among several Brazilian states, mainly in São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Rondonia
and Pará where is the majority of its members. 2- Doctrine:The doctrine basis of Sã Doutrina (Sound Doctrine) is
centered in the morale teachings of Christ, among them He emphasizes the love to God and your neighbors as to
yourself; the Charity practice, which is the supreme love demonstration.Its objective is to take the word, commandments,
ordinances; and the teachings of The Lord Jesus Christ to all human beings, based on His Gospel and the Holy
Scriptures; no distinction about social class, nationality, gender, race, color or religious belief.The Sã Doutrina (Sound
Doctrine) and its members recognize, accept and proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ as their only Savior and Lord; and the
existence of The Holy Trinity, formed by The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost, as its maximum creed and belief. 3Belief:The Sã Doutrina (Sound Doctrine) believes in only one God, who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, who
loves all His creatures and creates a personal relationship with them through the praying power; that Living God; creator
of the universe and all things that is within. It believes in God as an eternal being, who expresses Himself as three
eternal, distinct and inseparable people that are: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It believes and accepts The
Lord Jesus Christ, as their Savior and only Lawyer before The Creator Father.It believes that Christ is The Son of God
who came to Earth to bring the salvation and the sin’s release. It believes in the resurrection; and that the
experience with Christ transforms and enhances the human being, who becomes a new being.It believes that the faith in
The Lord Jesus Christ; and the imitation of His acts, provides the salvation and the eternal life to the human beings. It
believes that are the works what justifies the faith; and that’s why it must have consistency between faith and the
way of acting; and that the salvation is a gift that everyone can get through faith and works; through the walking in the
strait way complying with the 10 commandments (chapter 20 of Exodus, verses 2 through 17) and the ordinances of The
Creator Father. These are the 10 commandments:1- I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of
Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me;2- Thou shalt not make unto thee any
graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water
under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them;3- Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD
thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain; 4- Remember the sabbath day, to
keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in
it thou shalt not do any work; 5- Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the
LORD thy God giveth thee; 6-Thou shalt not kill;7- Thou shalt not commit adultery; 8- Thou shalt not steal;9- Thou shalt
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Sã Doutrina Espiritual do Sétimo Dia
not bear false witness against thy neighbour;10- Thou shalt not covet any thing that is thy neighbour's.It believes that
salvation implies in spirit’s justification; and that in this terrene world everybody passes through a way that can be
broad or narrow; abrupt or smooth; where it processes the spirit purification; that must be always conducted to pursue
the spiritual perfection.It has the understanding that every human being is a church, if built to God; he or she is also the
God’s Temple. 4- Practices:4.1- Practices: CultThe way of cult of the Sã Doutrina (Sound Doctrine) involves the
prayer, the reading of Bible texts (followed explanation and sermon of the preacher), the song of canticles; our canticles
are celestial inspirations, which are received by the gift of the Holy Ghost; we don’t use the hymnals which are
common to other gospel denominations. The Spiritual Cult is made of three communications which embraces the Gospel
Preaching to the Dead (Harvest), the Spiritual Resurrection (Charity) and the Holy Ghost Receiving (Promise). It realizes
special cult at noon on Saturdays (dedicated day to the Lord - Sabbath); with the audition of a preaching, by the
shepherd or another chosen person. It practices the next sacraments as grant and Divine Grace: The Baptism, The Cult
representing the break of the spiritual bread, Marriage (the blessing of the rings), gifts (penance or thanks); and prayer
for the sick and needed.The cults are done meeting the norms within the Christian evangelism known and accepted in
Brazil in compliance with the teachings contained in:Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 13 (Harvest: when the gospel
is preached to the dead to purify their sins); First Epistle of Paul to Corinthians, chapters 13, 14 and 15 (Charity: when
the purified spirits are resurrected);Gospel according to John, chapter 14, verses 15 and 16 (Promise: when we receive a
heavenly message); meeting the three communications with the Holy Ghost; according to the Holy Scriptures. 4.2Practices: Ministries and OfficesThe Sã Doutrina (Sound Doctrine) has a ministry made of volunteers, without payment,
according to the needs of each congregation, namely: • Shepherd – is the main deacon, responsible for each
congregation management, congregation is also named flock, he is also responsible for daily spiritual cults, baptisms and
weddings; he is responsible for preaching the teachings to the brothers and to take care of the spiritual interests and the
congregation welfare as well; • Deacon – brothers who help the shepherd in his daily tasks, mainly to chair
the cults, he is chosen between the brothers by his bible understanding and spiritual development; The Shepherd is
chosen by the brothers through oral description of visions or though election of the brothers.The Sã Doutrina (Sound
Doctrine) recognizes the “Shepherd”, “Prophet”, “Singer”, and
“Preacher” titles as "Spiritual gifts" given to those brothers who can develop the spiritual understanding and
the “Master” title is given only to the Celestial Father. 4.3- Practices: OrganizationThe Sã Doutrina
Espiritual do Sétimo Dia (Spiritual Sound Doctrine of the Seventh-day) is an indefinite non-profit religious Civil Society
Organization, with unlimited number of brothers; the congregations meet in two ways: the smaller congregations meet in
homes and the bigger congregations meet in churches or temples; they are always under the administration and spiritual
orientation of a Shepherd Office. Legally we adopt an administration composed by a Management Board and a
Supervisory Board.The entity collects donations to the needed only; it does not distribute its surplus funds to its
administrators or members; at no time; by any means; but instead uses them to help to pursue its social and religious
goals; for the benefit of the brothers, in national territory. 5- Politics:The Sã Doutrina (Sound Doctrine) believes in what is
written on Bible as “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's”. It
is an apolitical religious organization, and it does not encourages any of its members to have connections neither support
nor repudiation demonstration to causes, parties, candidates to public office, non-governmental organizations nor any
other kind of institution. It encourages its members to fulfill their citizen duties according to their own conscience. 6Social Assistance:The Sã Doutrina (Sound Doctrine) maintains two social assistance facilities for needed elderly named
Lar Beneficente Sã Doutrina Espiritual do Sétimo Dia (Spiritual Sound Doctrine of the Seventh-day Charity Home) in the
cities of Campinas and Dracena (both in the state of São Paulo) sheltering brothers from several places of our country. In
many cities where we have a more organized structure, it is maintained good social assistance services like the Caixas
de Coletas (Charity Collection Boxes) for the needed in the cities of São Paulo-SP, Campinas-SP and Dourados-MS.7Events:The Sã Doutrina (Sound Doctrine) regularly performs Bible Study Meetings for Youths, Women and Children to
encourage its doctrinal basis learning. Every two years happens the National Meeting, when is presented works driven to
these groups. Thank you for visiting our International Page. Back again.Isaque Galdino de Araujo [email protected] The EndCURIOSIDADES
Por Isaque Galdino
Eis os países que falam o inglês de forma oficial:
Antigua e Barbuda, Austrália, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Canadá, Ilhas Fidji, Gâmbia, Gana, Granada,
Guiana, Índia, Irlanda, Jamaica, Quênia, Kiribati, Libéria, Malawi, Malta, Ilhas Marshall, Ilhas Maurícias, Micronésia,
Namíbia, Nova Zelândia, Nigéria, Paquistão, Ilhas Palau, Panamá, Papua Nova Guiné, Filipinas, Ruanda, Saint Kitts e
Nevis, Santa Luzia, São Vicente e Granadinas, Seychelles, Serra Leoa, Cingapura, África do Sul, Suazilândia, Tanzânia,
Trinidade e Tobago,Reino Unido (Inglaterra, Escócia, País de Gales e Irlanda do Norte), Estados Unidos da América,
Vanuatu, Zâmbia e Zimbabwe. O inglês é a língua internacional mais usada em todo o mundo. Existem milhões de
pessoas que são nativas em países onde o inglês não é a língua oficial, mas que, por força da necessidade, aprenderam
a língua inglesa e fazem dela sua principal ferramenta de trabalho. Os contratos comerciais do mundo inteiro são
redigidos em inglês. Esta herança foi dada ao mundo devido a revolução industrial iniciada na Inglaterra e posteriormente
devido ao grande poder comercial, financeiro e militar dos Estados Unidos da América. O autorIsaque Galdino, crente
espiritual desde que nasci e atualmente resido em Rio Claro-SP.Como eu nunca havia feito documento oficial de
tradução, foi algo novo para mim. Tive que pesquisar vários termos usados no "mundo cristão americano" que não utilizo
no meu dia-a-dia. Utilizei a versão bíblica inglesa mais comum e conservadora que é a do Rei Thiago (King James
Version). Ela é como se fosse a nossa João Ferreira de Almeida;
Foi um projeto bastante desafiador e fiquei bastante contente em poder participar, fazendo assim crescer o meu
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Sã Doutrina Espiritual do Sétimo Dia
conhecimento da língua inglesa.
Muito obrigado pela oportunidade.
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Produzido em: 2 October, 2016, 09:49

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