Cats and dogs


Cats and dogs
Cats and dogs
Exercícios adicionais
Circule a palavra que NÃO tem relação com...
1. Dogs > sense of smell – bark – feathers – companions.
2. Cats > meow – furry – gods – vegetarians.
3. Pets > friends – companions – animals – rocks.
4. Persian cats > long hair – round face – Iran – feral.
5. Dalmatian dogs > black spots – breed – domestic – long hair.
Escreva T (True) ou F (False) ao final das afirmativas:
6. The noses of both cats and dogs are unique, like human fingerprints.
7. A baby cat is a puppy and a baby dog is a kitten.
8. Dogs bark and cats meow.
9. Only dogs show their feelings with their tails.
10. Cats were worshipped as gods in Ancient Egypt.
11. Two small dogs were among the survivors of the Titanic.
12. Cats and dogs never get along.
13. Dogs can survive on vegetables but cats are strict carnivores.
14. Cats love getting wet.
15. Cats cannot taste sugar.
Complete com its ou it's conforme for apropriado:
16. The puppy is barking at the kitten and _____ tail is wagging.
17. I can see the kitten is happy because _____ purring.
18. _____ impossible for cats to survive only on vegetables.
19. They have a golden retriever. _____ hair is long and _____ very friendly.
20. My cat enjoys playing with ______ toys.
Cats and dogs
Resolva este caça-palavras:
Resolva estas cruzadinhas em inglês:
2. gato
4. latido
6. carnívoro
7. cachorro
9. miado
10. filhote de cachorro
13. pelo
14. assobio
1. filhote de gato
3. raça
5. mamíferos
8. ronronar
11. patas
12. animal de estimação
15. rabo
Cats and dogs
1. feathers; 2. vegetarians; 3. rocks; 4. feral; 5. long hair.
6. T; 7. F; 8. T; 9. F; 10.T; 11. T; 12. F; 13. T; 14. F; 15. T.
16. its; 17. it's; 18. it's; 19. Its, it's; 20. its.
Cats and dogs
2. gato (cat)
4. latido (bark)
6. carnívoro (carnivore)
7. cachorro (dog)
9. miado (meow)
10. filhote de cachorro (puppy)
13. pelo (fur)
14. assobio (whistle)
1. filhote de gato (kitten)
3. raça (breed)
5. mamíferos (mammals)
8. ronronar (purr)
11. patas (paws)
12. animal de estimação (pet)
15. rabo (tail)

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