65th Air Base Wing Civilian Personnel E-Newsletter


65th Air Base Wing Civilian Personnel E-Newsletter
65th Air Base Wing
Civilian Personnel E-Newsletter
65th Air Base Wing
Newsletter Date: October 2010
Executive Order (EO) 13473
Civilian Personnel Phonebook:
In our continuing efforts to provide you quality service, the Lajes
Field Civilian Personnel Flight
(DPC) encourages all customers to
call ahead to make an appointment
so that we may better assist your
needs. The section telephone
numbers are listed below:
Civilian Personnel Officer
Monica Ritze
Nora Smits
Gina Cardoso
Ilda Moreira
Nora Smits
Lou Andrade
Isidro Nunes
On 12 August 2009 the federal government, through the US Office of Personnel Management, issued the final rule for Executive Order 13473 which establishes a noncompetitive
appointing authority for certain military spouses to positions in the federal civil service.
This new authority became effective on 11 September 2009 and allows federal agencies to
noncompetitively appoint (1) spouses of military members on active duty (other than for
training) to positions at a duty location (for example to Randolph AFB) for which the
member has permanent change of station orders, (2) to the spouse of a military member
receiving 100% service connected disability received while on active duty, and (3) to the
spouse of a service member killed while performing active duty. If stationed overseas EO
13473 can only be used when the spouse receives PCS Orders back to CONUS.
Eligible spouses may apply for positions for which EO 13473 eligibles are included in the
area of consideration identified on the job announcements. Use the “HOW TO APPLY”
tab on the announcement.
Employee Relations
Carla Leal
MJ Ormonde
Connie Santos
MJ Ormonde
Data Management:
Adriana Castro
Office Assistant:
Veronica Collins
Customer Service
Miguel Janeiro
Launch of Air Force Civilian Service (AFCS) Website
On July 16, the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC), launched a new, interactive civilian recruitment website, www.afciviliancareers.com. The new website
introduces civilian service to those unfamiliar with federal employment and encourages job seekers to consider joining the Air Force Civilian Service (AFCS).
The Air Force is projected to add 21,000 new civilian employees by the end of
fiscal year 2011. This new website was created as a .com site in order to reach
the non-military public by allowing applicants easy access from any computer.
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65th Air Base Wing
Normally, employees must compete for promotion. However, under certain circumstances, employees may be promoted without competition. These circumstances include re-promotion of an employee
downgraded without personal cause and authorized exceptions as follow:
Classification of a position to a higher grade, either by reevaluation, change in standards, or
gradual job enlargement other than through deliberate planned management action.
Completion of approved training programs provided the employee was selected for entry
into the trainee position under the competitive procedures of the Merit Promotion Plan.
 Promotion is neither automatic nor mandatory.
Normalmente os trabalhadores têm que competir para efeitos de promoção. Todavia em certas circunstâncias podem ser promovidos sem competição. Estas circunstâncias incluem a repromoção de trabalhadores despromovidos por razões que não lhes são imputáveis e as seguintes excepções autorizadas:
Classificação do cargo para nível superior, quer por reavaliação, alteração dos padrões de
classificação, ou adição gradual de tarefas não resultante de acção deliberada da gerência;
Conclusão de programas de treino quando o trabalhador tenha sido seleccionado para o
cargo num nível de aprendizagem, de acordo com os processos competitivos do Plano de
Promoções por Mérito.
 As promoções de acordo com as excepções autorizadas supracitadas não são nem
automáticas nem obrigatórias.
Special Emphasis Program Managers (SEPM)
The Civilian Personnel Office is accepting applications for Special Emphasis
Program Managers. The positions are, Black Employment Program Manager,
Hispanic Employment Program Manager, Federal Woman‟s Program Manager, and
People with Disabilities Program Manager. These positions are open to all current
Air Force employees and all active duty military members. The Incumbent will
perform these duties on a collateral basis not to exceed 20% of the incumbent‟s
work time. The incumbent will work with Affirmative Employment personnel who
are available to provide technical guidance and assistance. These positions are open
until filled. For more information please contact Ms. Nora Smits at 535-5152.
65th Air Base Wing
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Information On How U.S. Employees Can Submit A Position description
Classification Appeal
A Classification Appeal can be submitted directly to the Air Force Manpower Agency/Central Civilian Classification (AFMA/MAH) and AFMA will send a courtesy email to the Civilian Personnel
Office to let them know they've received an appeal.
Please contact the Civilian Personnel Office prior to submission for guidance and assistance in preparing your appeal package. For detailed information as to what must be included in your package,
please visit the below links:
For appeal to CPMS http://www.cpms.osd.mil/fas/classification/class_filing_appeal.aspx
For appeal to OPM http://www.opm.gov/classapp/info.asp
The complete package should contain hard copy „original‟ signatures on all documents requiring signature, and should be mailed to the following address:
ATTN: Abbie Hayden
550 E Street East
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4456
What is the Supervisor’s Role in Position Management?
Supervisors must be familiar with the work required to accomplish the Air Force mission in order to
establish and maintain the most effective and economical organization possible. Changes to an organization may be generated, with Air Force approval, by changes in technology, new or changed
mission requirements, restructure of functions, or gain or loss of personnel authorizations. These
times of change provide Supervisors an opportunity to review their unit‟s positions and organizational structures. Applying sound position management principles combined with good management
judgment results in a productive, cost-effective structure which supports sound recruitment and provides an efficient mix of skills to achieve organizational excellence. It is important to avoid illdefined or personalized job structure changes intended to support unnecessary or questionable grade
increases or to reward good employees. Supervisors use performance, incentive, non-monetary or
honorary awards to recognize excellent performance. Position management principles are used to
achieve sound organizational structures designed to create an effective, efficient and quality workforce ready to meet the Air Force mission. Contact your position Classification Section at 535-5152
for assistance.
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65th Air Base Wing
O chefe deve estar familiarizado com o serviço que é necessário executar para cumprir a missão e
para estabelecer e manter a organização o mais eficaz e economicamente possível. Podem surgir
alterações aprovadas pela Forca Aerea, resultantes da implementação de novas tecnologias,
atribuição de novas ou diferentes missões, restruturação de funções e redução ou aumento de pessoal. Estas circunstancias permitem que os chefes revejam os quadros de pessoal e a estruturação
das respectivas organizações. Da aplicação de princípios e sólidos critérios de gestão, resulta uma
estrutura produtiva, economicamente eficaz, que favorece o recrutamento e oferece uma diversidade equilibrada de aptidões com vista a excelentes resultados. É importante evitar alterações a
estruturas de serviço, mal definidas ou personalizadas, com o principal objectivo de fundamentar
promoções desnecessárias ou questionáveis para recompensar bons funcionários. Um chefe deve
utilizar o programa de prémios de desempenho ou de incentivos para premiar o desempenho superior. A gestão de postos de trabalho é utilizada para se obter uma força laboral eficaz e de qualidade pronto a cumprir a missao da Forca Aerea. Se necessitar de ajuda, por favor contacte a Seçcão
de Classificação, telefone 535-5152.
Regional Government Representative
All Portuguese employees are hereby informed that Dra. Paula Ramos, Regional Government Representative in the Labor Committee and Labor Committee Representative in the Standing Bilateral
Commission, assumed new duties as Directora Regional da Solidariedade e Segurança Social
(Regional Director of Solidarity and Social Protection), but will continue to represent the Regional
Government regarding the following matters:
- Complaints submitted to Labor Committee and to Standing Bilateral Commission
- Answering employees with labor concerns
In regards to her new duty location, she can be found in "Direcção Regional da Solidariedade e Segurança Social", at "Solar dos Remédios" (phone: 295204200 fax: 295204253).
Representante do Governo Regional
Informa-se todos os trabalhadores Portugueses que a Dra. Paula Ramos, representante do Governo
Regional na Comissão Laboral e representante da Comissão Laboral na Comissão Bilateral Permanente, assumiu novas funcões como Directora Regional da Solidariedade e Segurança Social, mas
continuará a representar no Governo Regional nos seguintes assuntos:
- queixas a apresentar à Comissão Laboral e à Comissão Bilateral
- e atendimento aos trabalhadores com questões laborais.
Relativamente ao seu novo endereço, ela encontra-se na Direcção Regional da Solidariedade e Segurança Social, no Solar dos Remédios (Tlf. 295204200 Fax 295204253).
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65th Air Base Wing
Work Schedules For Portuguese Civilians
Supervisors are reminded to submit employee‟s work schedules for uncommon tours of duty or
shift work to the Civilian Personnel Flight thirty (30) days prior to the proposed implementation
date to allow for HAAZ coordination and DST approval.
Portuguese employees cannot be assigned to work hours, shifts or days that deviate from their
officially approved work schedules without prior approval of Portuguese authorities. Also, any
work schedules outside Lajes regular duty hours (0800 to 1700, Monday thru Friday) are considered irregular work schedules and must be submitted for approval.
Changes to approved work schedules are only permissible if: (1) the employee is in agreement
and, (2) it is for very limited periods of time or (3) when unforeseen cases take place (illness, accidents, etc). Obviously, vacation cannot be considered as an unforeseen case.
The following information must be provided with your approval requests:
One original plus five (5) copies of the work schedule;
Employee‟s statement concurring or nonconcurring with specific reasons.
When preparing work schedules please refer to section 9.1.5 of LFI 36-101 for guidance.
Approved work schedules must be posted in the work place so that they are available for review
by employees. Proposed work schedules cannot be implemented prior to approval.
Lembramos os chefes de que os horários de trabalho para os trabalhadores portugueses com
horário irregular ou a trabalhar por turnos devem ser enviados ao Escritório de Pessoal Civil trinta
(30) dias antes da data proposta para a sua implementação, para conceder ao Comando da Zona
Aérea Portuguesa tempo para os coordenar e enviar os mesmos para aprovação do Delegado Regional de Trabalho.
Os trabalhadores portugueses não poderão trabalhar em horas, turnos ou dias diferentes dos estipulados nos repectivos horários de trabalho aprovados, sem prévia autorização das autoridades
portuguesas. Além disso, todos os horários de trabalho fora do horário regular das base das Lajes
(08:00 - 17:00, de segunda a sexta-feira) são considerados horários irregulares e devem ser enviados para aprovação.
Apenas são permitidas alterações ao horário de trabalho aprovado nas seguintes situações: (1) se
o trabalhador estiver de acordo e; (2) se as mesmas forem por períodos de tempo muito limitados
ou; (3) para substituir outro trabalhador em casos imprevistos (doenças, acidentes, etc). Como é
óbvio, as férias não são consideradas casos imprevistos.
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65th Air Base Wing
Place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws,
and ethical principles above private gain
Don’t use nonpublic information to benefit
Act impartially to all groups, persons, and
Don’t solicit or accept gifts from persons or
parties that do business with or seek official
action from DoD (unless permitted by an
yourself or anyone else
Give an honest effort in the performance of
your duties
Don’t make unauthorized commitments or
promises that bind the Government
Protect and conserve Federal property
Disclose waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption
to appropriate authorities
Fulfill in good faith your obligations as a citizen, and pay your Federal, State, and local
Comply with all laws providing equal opportunity to all persons, regardless of their race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or
Don’t use Federal property for unauthorized
Don’t take jobs or hold financial interests
that conflict with your Government responsibilities
Don’t take actions that give the appearance
that they are illegal or unethical
Violating ethics principles may result in disciplinary or corrective action, including criminal prosecution. Protect yourself from disciplinary action by seeking the advice of
your agency ethics official.
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65th Air Base Wing
We would like to remind all supervisors that you can award/recognize your employees when
special achievements are accomplished. Why wait for the annual evaluation period to award/
recognize your employee when you can do it right on the spot?
Here are some of the awards/recognition we have available for you:
Time off Award (TOA)
 This award represents time off from duty without loss of pay or charge to leave
 Is awarded for superior accomplishments that contributed to the quality, efficiency, or
economy of government operations
 Supervisor may approve TOA of no more than one working day without review and approval of a higher level official
 The maximum during one leave year is 80 hours; maximum for a single contribution is
40 hours (for Part-time employees please check with CPO)
 Employee must use within one year of receipt or award will be forfeited
Notable Achievement Award (NAA)
 Recognizes a special achievement that resulted in a noteworthy contribution to the Air
 Award amounts range from $25 to $500
 Recommendations need to be reviewed by the squadron resource advisor and approved
by squadron commander
Letter of Commendation
 Used to recognize an employee for unusual achievement or contribution that clearly
exceed duty performance
Letter of Appreciation
 Used to recognize an employee for work performance, an act, or service that is better
than expected
We also have available a variety of Honorary Awards, for example: USAFE Medal of Merit,
Air Force Civilian Achievement Award, Exemplary Civilian Service Award and others. Please
contact the EMR section, extension 535-4160, for details regarding eligibility requirements and
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65th Air Base Wing
Gostariamos de lembrar todos os chefes que podem premiar/reconhecer os seus empregados na altura
em que se realiza acontecimentos especiais. Porquê esperar até á época das avaliações anuais para
premiar /reconhecer os seus empregados, quando pode fazê-lo quando as coisas acontecem.
Aqui vão alguns dos prémios/reconhecimentos que temos disponíveis para si:
Prémio de “Dispensa do Serviço”
 Este prémio representa dispensa do serviço sem perca de salário ou desconto nas ferias
 é atribuído por obra superior que contribua para a qualidade, eficiência, ou economia das
operações do governo
 O chefe pode aprovar este prémio, desde que não exceda um dia de trabalho, sem a revisão ou
aprovação de uma autoridade de nível mais alto
 O máximo durante um ano é 80 horas; o máximo por um única contribuição é 40 horas (para
trabalhadores a tempo parcial, por favor contacte o EPC)
O trabalhador deve usar este prémio no prazo de um ano a contar da data de efectividade do mesmo , caso
contrário perde o direito ao prémio.
Prémio por Empreendimento Notável
 Servem para reconhecer um acontecimento especial que resulte numa contribuição, diigna de
nota, para a Força Aérea
 Os montantes do prémio variam entre 25 e 500 dolares
 as recomendações devem ser revistas pelo conselheiro de recursos do esquadrão e aprovadas
pelo comandante
Carta de Louvor
 Servem para distinguir empregados por uma variedade de feitos ou colaboração que claramente
excedem o seu desempenho professional
Carta de Apreço
 Servem para distinguir empregados por desempenho profissional, acto, ou serviço que foi
melhor do que se esperava
Também temos disponível uma variedade de Prémios Honorários, por exemplo: “USAFE Medal of
Merit, Air Force Civilian Achievement Award, Exemplary Civilian Service Award” e outros. Por favor
contacte a Secção de Relações Trabalhador – Patronato, telefone 535-4160, para informações sobre os
requisitos de elegibilidade e procedimentos.
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65th Air Base Wing
Below are the procedures that need to be followed for on the job accidents of Portuguese National
Supervisor's responsibilities:
Make sure employees report to the emergency room at Praia Health Center or Angra Hospital
Employee is entitled to first aid and full medical care for the effect of the injury, including hospitalization, without cost to the employee
Non-urgent or routine situation: POV, GOV, taxi or bus shall be used for transportation
at the discretion of employee and supervisor
In the event loss of life, limb or eyesight is threatened, call MDG and their ambulance will transport directly to Angra Hospital.
Transportation may also be provided in other cases at the discretion of medical authorities on the scene.
Fatal Accidents:
Body cannot be removed without presence of Portuguese Authorities
Supervisor notifies the Wing Safety office and 65 ABW/CCL (Political Affairs)
65 ABW/CCL will notify HAAZ and other Portuguese authorities
USAFE IMT 50 - Supervisor’s Report of Injury for Portuguese National Employees
Supervisor needs to complete this form within 24 hrs
Fax one copy to the insurance company: 295-214-598
Send original to Civilian Personnel Office
One copy to Safety Office (65 ABW/SE)
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Abaixo providenciamos os procedimentos que devem ser seguidos em relação a acidentes de trabalho de civís
Responsabilidades do Chefe:
enviar o trabalhador para as urgências do Centro Saúde da Praia ou Hospital de Angra
trabalhador tem direito aos primeiros cuidados e assistência médica resultante de acidentes de
trabalho, incluindo hospitalização, sem custos para o próprio
situações de carácter não urgente ou de rotina: fica ao critério do trabalhador e do seu chefe usar,
como meio de transporte, um veículo particular, um veículo do governo, taxi ou urbana
em caso de perigo de vida ou problemas com membros ou a visão, devem contactar o Grupo Médico e a
ambulância transportará o trabalhor directamente para o Hospital de Angra
este tipo de transporte também poderá ser providenciado noutras situações, ao critério das autoridades médicas
presentes no local
Acidentes Fatais:
o corpo do trabalhor não pode ser retirado sem a presença das autoridades Portuguesas
o chefe deve notificar o Gabinete de Segurança e o “65 ABW/CCL” (Consultor Político)
65 ABW/CCL deverá notificar o CZAA e as autoridades Portuguesas
USAFE IMT 50 - Relatório do Chefe sobre Lesões de Trabalhadores Portugueses
o chefe deve completar este impresso no prazo de 24 horas
enviar uma cópia para a companhia de seguros através de fax: 295-214598
enviar o original ao Escritório de Pessoal Civil enviar uma cópia ao Gabinete de Segurança (65
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65th Air Base Wing
Merit System Principles
Merit system principles define a system that is efficient, effective, fair, open to all, free from
political interference, and staffed by honest, competent, and dedicated employees. As the federal government experiences continued change in the management of human resources
(centralization, deregulation, delegation, etc.), it becomes increasingly important that line supervisors and managers incorporate the merit system principles into all of their decision making
processes. For assistance contact the Civilian Personnel Flight.
The merit system principles are:
1. Recruit qualified individuals from all segments of society and select and advance employees
on the basis of merit after fair and open competition.
2. Treat employees and applicants fairly and equitably, without regard to political affiliation,
race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or handicapping condition.
3. Provide equal pay for substantially equal work and reward excellent performance.
4. Maintain high standards of integrity, conduct, and concern for the public interest.
5. Manage employees efficiently and effectively.
6. Retain and separate employees on the basis of their performance.
7. Educate and train employees when it will result in better organizational or individual performance.
8. Protect employees from improper political influence.
9. Protect employees against reprisal for the lawful disclosure of information in
"whistleblower" situations (i.e., protecting people who report things like illegal and/or
wasteful activities).
Payment of Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Expenses
Release from Period of Service Requirement
In accordance with guidance received from Air Force Staff Office of the General Counsel, the
DoD Per Diem Travel and Transportation Allowances Committee, AF/A1PC, and 3AF/JA, employees who apply and are selected for Air Force positions after having served the 12 months
required in their Service Agreement (DD1617) are to be released promptly. Such moves are
considered in the best interest of the Government. Fulfilling the tour of duty as specified in
DD1617 and the Overseas Employment Agreement is required only to become eligible for return transportation to the home of record in the CONUS or, if applicable, to exercise return
rights. Additionally, employees on renewal tours can only be held liable for Renewal Agreement Travel expenses if they don‟t complete 12 months of service IAW JTR, Ch. 5576.
For employees who do not encumber centrally-managed positions, the gaining organization is
responsible for payment of PCS costs. The losing organization is not liable for payment of PCS
costs for employees who apply and are selected for positions at other duty locations.
All other requests for early release from established tour of duty where the employee wishes to
receive paid transportation back to his/her last Permanent Duty Station, home of record, and/or
exercise return rights are to be made IAW JTR, Ch. 5574. Contact the Civilian Personnel
Flight at 535-5137 for further information.
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65th Air Base Wing
2011 US Federal Holidays
Friday, December 31, 2010*
New Year‟s Day
Monday, January 17
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, February 21**
Washington‟s Birthday
Monday, May 30
Memorial Day
Monday, July 4
Independence Day
Monday, September 5
Labor Day
Monday, October 10
Columbus Day
Friday, November 11
Veterans Day
Thursday, November 24
Thanksgiving Day
Monday, December 26***
Christmas Day
*January 1, 2011 (the legal public holiday for New Year‟s Day), falls on a Saturday. For most Federal
employees, Friday, December 31, 2010, will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. (See 5
U.S.C. 6103(b).)
** This holiday is designated as "Washington‟s Birthday" in section 6103(a) of title 5 of the United
States Code, which is the law that specifies holidays for Federal employees. Though other institutions
such as state and local governments and private businesses may use other names, it is our policy to
always refer to holidays by the names designated in the law.
*** December 25, 2011 (the legal public holiday for Christmas Day), falls on a Sunday. For most Federal employees, Monday, December 26, will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. (See
section 3(a) of Executive order 11582, February 11, 1971.)
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In accordance with Article 51 of the Work Regulation, the following Portuguese holidays will
be observed in 2011:
New Years Day
Mardi Gras
Good Friday
Day of Liberty
Day of the Worker
Day of Portugal
Espirito Santo Monday
Corpus Christi
Praia da Vitoria Day
Assumption Day
Founding of the Republic
All Saints‟ Day
Restoration of Independence Day
Immaculate Conception
Christmas Day
1 January
08 March
22 Apr
25 April
1 May
10 June
13 June
23 June
11 August
15 August
5 October
1 November
1 December
8 December
25 December
De acordo com o Artigo 51 do Regulamento de Trabalho, serão observados os seguintes
feriados portugueses durante o ano de 2011:
Ano Novo
Sexta-feira Santa
Dia da Liberdade
Dia do Trabalhador
Dia de Portugal
Segunda Feira E. S.
Corpo de Deus
Feriado Municipal Praia da V.
Dia da Assunção
Implantação da República
Dia de Todos os Santos
Restauração da Independência
Imaculada Conceição
1 Janeiro
08 Março
22 Abril
25 Abril
1 Maio
10 Junho
13 Junho
23 Junho
11 Agosto
15 Agosto
5 Outubro
1 Novembro
1 Dezembro
8 Dezembro

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