Perfume - Kantoo


Perfume - Kantoo
Exercícios adicionais
Conecte as colunas:
1. Cologne
a. 22-40% essential oils
2. Eau de Toilette
b. 15-22% essential oils
3. After Shave
c. 8-15% essential oils
4. Eau de Parfum
d. 3-8% essential oils
5. Perfume Extract
e. 1-3% essential oils
True or False? (Verdadeiro ou Falso?)
6. "4711 Original Eau de Cologne" was named after the factory's zip code. ( T / F )
7. Grasse, on the French Riviera, is the perfume capital of the world. ( T / F )
8. Perfumes date back more than 4,000 years. ( T / F )
9. The French were the first to make glass bottles for fragrances. ( T / F )
10. An expert who creates fragrances is a “perfumer.” ( T / F )
Circule a palavra que NÃO completa a ideia original:
11. A fragrance can be...
sweet - colorful - woody - floral
12. A perfume can be...
tasty - popular - expensive - strong
13. The source for perfume can be...
flowers - fruits - winds - leaves
14. The notes can be...
base - top - middle - advanced
Passe os verbos entre parêntenses para o tempo verbal "present continuous" e complete as
15. Am I ____________ too much perfume? (to wear)
16. I'm always ____________ perfume on my clothes. (to spray)
17. I am ____________ of buying a perfume for my girlfriend. (to think)
18. She is busy ____________ different scents at the perfume shop. (to smell)
Resolva as cruzadinhas em inglês:
Resolva o caça-palavras:
1. d / 2. c / 3. e / 4. b / 5. a
6. F / 7. T / 8. T / 9. F / 10. T
11. colorful / 12. tasty / 13. winds / 14. advanced
15. wearing / 16. spraying / 17. thinking / 18. smelling

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