1st Grade - Sant`Anna International School


1st Grade - Sant`Anna International School
Curriculum Guide
Subject Language Arts
Grade: 1st grade
1. Reading
1.1. Reading Literature
Poetry, Fantasy, Realistic Fiction,
Fable, Fairy Tale, Folktale, Readers’
1.2. Reading Informational Texts
Informational Texts
1.1.a. Ask and answer questions about key details in a
1.1.b. Retell stories, including key details, and
demonstrate understanding of their central message
or lesson.
1.1.c. Describe characters, settings, and major events
in a story, using key details.
1.1.d. Identify words and phrases in stories or poems
that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
1.1.e. Explain major differences between books that
tell stories and books that give information, drawing on
a wide reading of a range of text types.
1.1.f. Identify who is telling the story at various points in
a text.
1.1.g. Use illustrations and details in a story to describe
its characters, setting, or events.
1.1.h. Compare and contrast the adventures and
experiences of characters in stories.
1.1.i. With prompting and support, read prose and
poetry of appropriate complexity for grade.
1.2.a. Identify the main topic and retell key details of a
1.2.b. Ask and answer questions to help determine or
clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
1.2.c. Describe the connection between two
individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a
1.2.e. Identify various text features (e.g., headings,
tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons)
to locate key facts or information in a text.
1.2.f. Use the illustrations and details in a text to
Essential Questions
1. How do readers construct meaning from text?
2. How do you figure out a word you do not know?
3. What do readers do when they do not understand
everything in a text?
4. Why do readers need to pay attention to a writer’s
choice of words?
5. How does reading influence readers?
6. Why do readers need to evaluate what they
describe its key ideas.
1.2.g. Identify basic similarities in and differences
between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in
illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).
1.2.h. With prompting and support, read informational
texts appropriately complex for grade
2.1. Print Concepts
Oral Words and Printed Words
Letters, Words, and Sentences
2.2. Phonological Awareness
Isolate and segment phonemes
Initial and final sound
Decodable readers
2.3. Phonics and Word recognition
Short vowels, long vowels, consonant
digraphs, CVC pattern, hard and soft
consonant sounds
Frequency Words
Read aloud texts
2.4. Fluency
Phrasing: Punctuation
 Word Recognition
 Words Connected in Text
 Self-Correct
Recognize the distinguishing features of a
sentence (e.g., first word, capitalization, ending
2.2.a. Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in
spoken single-syllable words.
2.2.b. Orally produce single-syllable words by blending
sounds (phonemes),including consonant blends.
2.2.c. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and
final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single syllable
2.2.d. Segment spoken single-syllable words into their
complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes).
2.3.a. Know the spelling-sound correspondences for
common consonant digraphs.
2.3. b. Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
2.3.c. Know final -e and common vowel team
conventions for representing long vowel sounds.
2.3.d. Read words with inflectional endings.
2.3.e. Recognize and
irregularly spelled words
2.4.a. Read on-level
2.4.b. Read on-level text orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate and expression on successive
3. Writing
3.1.Text Type and Purpose
Writing about us
 Class Story
 Labels and Captions
Descriptive Sentences
3.2. Production and Distribution of
Writing about us: Class Story
4.1. Conventions Of Standard English
Nouns (Singular And Plural)
Adjectives, Verbs and Verb Tenses,
3.1.a. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the
topic or name the book they are writing about, state
an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and
provide some sense of closure.
3.1.b. Write narratives in which they recount two or
more appropriately sequenced events, include some
details regarding what happened, use temporal words
to signal event order, and provide some sense of
3.2.a With guidance and support from adults, focus on
a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from
peers, and add details to strengthen writing as
3.2.b. Participate in shared research and writing
projects (e.g., explore a number of “how-to” books on
a given topic and use them to write a sequence of
3.2.c. With guidance and support from adults, use a
variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing,
including in collaboration with peers.
3.2.d. With guidance and support from adults, recall
information from experiences or gather information
from provided sources to answer a question.
4.1.a. Print all upper- and lowercase letters.
4.1.b. Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
4.1.c. Use singular and plural nouns with matching
verbs in basic sentences
4.1.d. Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present,
Why do writers write?
How do good writers express themselves?
How do writers develop a well-written product?
How does process shape the writer’s product?
How does each step in the writing process
impact your writing?
6. How can writing be evaluated?
7. How can evaluation and reflection be used to
improve writing?
What is the purpose of applying grammar and
mechanic skills?
How do rules of language affect
How does word choice affect meaning?
Why is it important to spell correctly?
Complete Sentences
4.2. Vocabulary Acquisition And Use
Multiple-Meaning Words
Action Words
Context Clues
High-Frequency Words
Story Structure
and future. (e.g., Yesterday I walked home; Today I
walk home; Tomorrow I will walk home).
4.1.e. Use frequently occurring adjectives.
4.1.f. Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g.,
and, but, or, so, because).
4.1.g. Produce/expand complete simple and
compound declarative, interrogative, imperative,
and exclamatory sentences in response to
4.1.h. Capitalize dates and names of people.
4.1.i. Use end punctuation for sentences
4.1.j. Use commas in dates and to separate single
words in series.
4.1.k.Use conventional spelling for words with
common spelling patterns and for frequently
occurring irregular words.
4.2.a. Use sentence-level context a clue to the
meaning of a word or phrase.
4.2.b. Identify frequently occurring root words (e.g.,
look) and their inflectional forms (e.g., looks, looked,
4.2.c. Sort words
into categories (e.g., colors,
clothing) to gain a sense of the concepts the
categories represent.
4.2.d. Define words by category and by one or more
key attributes (e.g., a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger
is a large cat with stripes).
4.2.e. Identify real-life connections between words and
their use (e.g., note places at home that are cozy).
4.2.f. Use words and phrases acquired through
conversations, reading and being read to, and
responding to texts, including using frequently
occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships
(e.g., because).
5.1.a. Follow agreed- upon rules for discussions (e.g.,
listening to others with care, speaking one at a time
about the topics and texts under discussion).
How can you write paragraphs to make a clear
picture for your reader?
How does a speaker communicate so others
will listen and understand the message?
How does a listener understand a message?
Main Idea
Understanding Characters
Sequence of Events
Listen for Enjoyment
Discussion: Take Turns Talking
Conversation: Listen and Respond
5.2. Presentation of Knowledge and
Skills that were adapted from AERO to our school community.
5.1.b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by
responding to the comments of others through
multiple exchanges.
5.1.c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about
the topics and texts under discussion.
5.1.d. Ask and answer questions about what a speaker
says in order to gather additional information or clarify
something that is not understood.
5.1.e. Ask and answer questions about key details in a
text read aloud or information presented orally or
through other media.
5.2.a. Describe people, places, things, and events with
relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.
5.2.b. Add drawings or other visual displays to
descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas,
thoughts and feelings.
How do you listen?
What impact does listening have?
How do you speak effectively?
How does the choice of words affect the
speaker's message and the listener's response?
Guia Curricular
Professor(a): Mrs. Andria Chenatti
Língua Portuguesa
Linguagem oral
Produção de texto
Grade: 1st grade
Escrita de novas palavras
a partir de outras
Álbum de figurinhas
Estrofes de poemas e
Legendas de selos
Selos de animais
Títulos de contos e receitas
1.10. Ordenação de parlendas
1.11. Cruzadinhas
1.12. Listas
1.13. Ordenação de poemas
1.14. Nome de personagens
1.15. Forca
1.16. Quadrinha
1.17. Palavras e imagens
1.18. Lista de ingredientes
1.19. Alfabeto
1.20. Nomes próprios
1.3 . Bingo de nomes
Ordenação de
 Ler diferentes textos, com
autonomia ou com ajuda.
 Ouvir, ler, interpretar e
declamar poemas.
Participar de interações
que envolvam os usos da
linguagem nas diversas
situações do cotidiano
escolar, escutando com
atenção e compreensão.
 Parodiar trovas e recitar
poemas usando tom de
voz e ritmo adequados.
 Levantar hipóteses sobre o
tema ou o assunto dos
 Ler listas de palavras que
pertencem a um mesmo
campo semântico.
 Ajustar a fala ao escrito,
lendo ainda que não seja
de maneira convencional.
 Criar e identificar rimas.
 Completar listas que se
ajustem aos critérios
 Usar estratégias de busca
O que é rima?
Você conhece alguma rima?
Você já conhece poemas
parecidos com o da exposição?
O que você sentiu ou pensou ao
ler esses poemas?
O que é adivinha? Quais
adivinhas você conhece?
Você conhece contos
acumulativos e de repetição ou
Qual festa popular você
Você conhece alguma música
que costuma ser cantada nessa
Quais contos de fadas você
Sabemos que nem todos os
contos de fadas, têm fadas.
Então por que são chamados
Localização de
informações em
Ordenação de cantiga
popular e parlendas
Balões de falas e tirinhas
Letras finais e iniciais de
1.10. Letra maiúscula e
1.11. Palavras aglutinadas.
1.12. Ditado de conto e de
1.13. Ordenação de trechos de
1.14. Jogo da memória
1.15. Leitura e escrita de títulos
de histórias.
2.1. Sarau de poemas
2.2. Recital de quadrinhas
2.3. Conto acumulativo ou de
2.4. Entrevista com idosos
2.5. Enquete sobre o carnaval
2.6. Cantoria de cantigas.
2.7. Reconto de história
3.1. Indicação literária
3.2. Parlenda
3.3. Bilhete
3.4. Quadrinha
3.5. Nomes de personagens
3.6. Adivinhas.
3.7. Parlenda
de informação para a
escrita das palavras.
Transcrever quadrinhas e
Desenvolver estratégias
para a leitura e a escrita
de textos da esfera
Ouvir, ler, interpretar e
reescrever contos
acumulativos e de
Perceber a principal
características dos contos
encadeamento sucessivo
de uma mesma
sequencia de falas ou de
ações em que, a cada
repetição, é agregado
mais um elemento,
resultando, ao final, numa
longa enumeração.
Participar de interações
que envolvam os usos da
linguagem nas diversas
situações do cotidiano
escolar, escutando com
Recitar quadrinhas e
recontar histórias, usando
tom de voz e ritmos
Empregar estratégias de
Cantiga de ninar
3.9. Nome de ruas; endereço
3.10. Bilhete
3.11. Transcrição de parlenda.
3.12. Escrita de legenda para a
3.13. Reprodução de um
trecho do conto
3.14. Transcrição de história
com repetição
4.1. Leitura de diferentes
gêneros textuais.
5.1. Escrita das letras do
alfabeto em letra cursiva
(maiúscula e minúscula).
busca de informação
para a escrita de
Produzir textos de gêneros
familiares, transcrevendo
adivinhas, parlenda,
cantiga, placas com
nome de rua e
elaborando bilhete.
Ler as regras de uma
brincadeira para poder
participar dela.
Ouvir história
desenvolvendo o gosto
pela leitura.
Ouvir, ler, escrever e
cantar marchinhas de
Coletar informações com
os familiares sobre o
carnaval e respeitar os
diferentes pontos de vista
que as pessoas possuem
sobre esse assunto.
Entrevistar pessoas para
colher opiniões e
Identificar o refrão nas
marchinhas e cantigas,
percebendo sua função.
Reconhecer e nomear as
letras do alfabeto.
Conhecer a ordem
Escrever o próprio nome e
os dos colegas, utilizando
a ordem alfabética de
uma agenda de
Reconhecer as letras do
alfabeto maiúsculo e
Elaborar listas de palavras
que pertençam a um
mesmo campo
Identificar e produzir rimas
em contextos de
produção de cantigas.
Produzir textos de gêneros
familiares, transcrevendo
parlendas e redigindo
Ler diferentes textos de
forma autônoma e
Ouvir, ler, escrever e
recontar contos de
Recontar contos clássicos
e cantar cantigas
referentes a eles.
Refletir sobre a estrutura
composicional dos contos
de encantamento.
Localizar e inferir
informações em contos
de encantamento.
Compreender o sistema
de escrita alfabética,
estabelecendo relações
entre fonemas e letras.
Escrever o alfabeto
maiúsculo e minúsculo,
usando a letra cursiva.
Produzir textos de gêneros
familiares, escrevendo
trechos de contos e
reproduzindo textos com
Curriculum Guides
Subject : Mathematics / Matemática
Grade: 1st grade
1. Numbers
Números e Operações
Number and number sense
1.1. Whole Numbers/Números Naturais
 Counting and the Number
System/Contagem e
representação numérica
 Reading and Writing Numbers
 Ordering and Comparing
Numbers/Ordenar e Comparar
 Place Value - The base-ten
number system – Ones and
Tens/Sistema de Numeração
decimal/ Unidade e Dezena
 Ordinal Numbers
Operations on numbers
1.2. Addition and Subtraction/ Adição e
 Computation Whole Numbers
 Whole Number Operations
o Meaning of Operations
o Addition/Adição
o Subtraction/Subtração
 Odd and Even Numbers/Número
ímpar e número par
 Mental Math/Cálculo Mental
 Properties of
 Problem Solving
 Números fracionários
o Meia duzia
o Escrita decimal em preços
1.1.a. Count forward by 1’s to 99, with and
without objects and starting with any number less
than 99, and count by two’s to at least 99.
1.1.b. Group and count objects by twos, tens,
and fives to 100.
1.1.c. Identify, read aloud and write numbers to
1.1.d. Write, compare, and order numbers to at
least 100 using the words equal to, greater than,
less than, greatest, and least and recording the
results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and
< when appropriate.
1.1.e. Use a number line or chart, locate,
compare, and order whole numbers less than 100
and identify the numbers coming before/after a
given number and between 2 given numbers.
1.1.f. Construct models and identify place value
of each digit utilizing standard and expanded
form through 99.
1.1.g. Use ordinal numbers 1st – 20th to identify
position in a sequence.
1.2.a. Use concrete objects to model the addition
of two or three addends and subtraction of
whole numbers related to sums less than 20 and
write the corresponding number sentence
1.2.b. Using concrete models or drawings and
strategies based on place value, add within 100,
including adding a two- digit number and a onedigit number.
1.2.c. Use movement on the number line to
Essential Questions/ Questões Problematizadoras
1. What makes an estimate reasonable?
2. What makes an answer exact?
3. What makes a strategy both effective and
4. What makes a solution optimal?
Grandezas e Medidas
2.1. Physical Attributes
Linear Measurement/Medida Linear
 Calendar/Calendário
 Elapsed Time
 Time/Medida de tempo
 Length/Medida de Comprimento
Systems of Measurement
 Units/Unidades
 Medida de Capacidade
 Temperature/Medida de
 Medida de massa
 Sistema Monetário
demonstrate the inverse relationship between
addition and subtraction
1.2.d. Identify odd and even numbers to 20 and
determine if a set of objects has an odd or even
number of elements.
1.2.e. Recall from memory single digit addition
facts (to 9+9) and the corresponding subtraction
1.2.f. Use the concept of commutative [4 + 2 = 2
+ 4], associative [(4 + 3) + 7 = 4 + (3 + 7)], and
identity [0 + 3 = 3] properties of addition to solve
problems involving basic facts.
1.2.g. Solve and create a story problem that
matches an addition or subtraction expression or
equation using physical objects, pictures, or
1.2.h. Apply strategies, including counting on,
counting back, and doubling, for addition facts
to at least 10.
2.1.a. Name in order the months of the year
and use the calendar to identify days, weeks,
months, and a year
2.1.b Sequence events with respect to time;
e.g., yesterday, today, tomorrow, seasons
2.1.c. Tell time to the hour and half- hour using
digital and analog clocks.
2.1.d. Compare, order, describe, and represent
objects by length.
2.2.a. Estimate and verify by measuring, length,
weight, and capacity using nonstandard units
(e.g., sticks, paper clips, blocks, beans)
2.2.b. Identify the appropriate tool used to
measure length (i.e., ruler), weight (i.e., scale),
time (i.e., clock, calendar) and temperature
(i.e., thermometer
2.2.c. Use a variety of non-standard units to
measure length
1. How are measurement and counting related?
2. How does what we measure affect how we
3. How can space be defined through
3. Patterns, Functions, and
3.1. Patterns Relations and Functions
 Sorting
 Patterns
 Identifying Number Patterns
3.2. Algebraic Models
 Number Sentences
 Number Sentences, Expressions,
and Polynomials
4.1. Geometry Properties
Features of Shapes/Formas Planas e
Formas Espaciais
 Two-Dimensional Figures
 Three-Dimensional Figures
 Composing and decomposing 2-D
shapes/ Composição de figuras
 Describing, identifying, and
comparing 2-D and 3-D shapes /
Classificação de figuras planas e
formas espaciais
 Exploring the relationships between 2D and 3-D shapes/Percepção da
presença de formas planas nas
formas espaciais.
4.2. Vistas e mapas/ Transformation of
 Congruency and Similarity
 Transformations
 Representing Figures
4.3. Localização, posição e itineraries/
Coordinate Geometry
 Describing Spatial Relationships
3.1. a. Sort and classify objects by one or two
attributes in more than one way
3.1.b. Create and explain patterns using
concrete objects, numbers, shapes, and
3.1.c. Identify, describe, and explain the
patterns in repeating situations (adding the
same number, e.g., 2, 5, 8, 11, or skipcounting)
3.2.a. Select and/or write number sentences
to find the unknown in problem- solving
contexts involving single-digit addition and
subtraction using appropriate labels
3.2.b. Create, compare, and describe sets of
objects as greater than, less than, or equal to
4.1.a. Name, sort, and sketch two-dimensional
shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles including
squares) regardless of orientation.
4.1.b. Identify, name, and describe threedimensional objects i.e. cubes and spheres,
regardless of size or orientation
4.2.a. Use position words down/up, left/right,
top/bottom, and between/middle to describe
the relative location of objects
4.2.b. Use the directional words left, and right to
describe movement.
4.2.c. Compose and decompose common twodimensional figures.
4.3.a. Use the positional and directional terms
north, south, east, and west to describe location
and movement
1. How can change be described
2. How are patterns of change related to the
behavior of functions?
3. How do mathematical models/representations
shape our understanding of mathematics?
1. Why do we compare contrast and classify
2. How do decomposing and recomposing
shapes help us build our understand of
3. How can transformations be described
5. Data Analysis and
Probablility/Tratamento de
5.1. Data Representation/ Tratamento de
 Organizing and Representing Data
 Sorting and Classifying/Separação e
 Formulating Questions
 Representing Data/Representando
os dados
o Tables/Tabelas
o Graphs/Gráficos
5.2. Data Analysis
 Interpreting Data
5.3. Probability
 Probability Experimental
Probability/Possibilidades e
Skills that were adapted from AERO to our school community.
**Operations and Numbers – Estimation & Rounding not included
5.1.a. Gather data and represent data using
tallies, tables, picture graphs, and bar-type
5.1.b. Identify a real life situation to gather data
over time.
5.2.a. Analyze and interpret data by using
mathematical language such as more than, less
than, etc.
5.3.a. Conduct simple experiments, record data
on a tally chart or table and use the data to
predict which of the events is more likely or less
likely to occur if the experiment is repeated.
Curriculum Guides
Subject: Science / Ciências
Grade: 1st grade
Ciências/ Ciências
1. Living Environment
/Ciências Naturais
1.1. Organização e Desenvolvimento/
Organization and Development - Diferentes
tempos e lugares
 Seres vivos e seres não vivos – Living and
Nonliving Things
 Differences between Living Things
1.2. Transformação da matéria e energia/Energy
and Matter Transformation
 Transformações dos alimentos
 Alimentos típicos
 Origem dos alimentos – The Origin of Food
 Necessidades básicas dos seres vivos- Needs
and Survival of Living Things
 Alimentação equilibrada – Food Web
1.3. Interdependencia/Interdependence of living
Corpo Humano – Human Body
 Nós e os outros animais – Interactions among
Organisms and their Environment
 Como é o corpo humano
 O tempo passa e o corpo muda/Stages of
Human Development
 Hábitos importantes
 Alimentação e saúde do corpo
 Sentindo o que está a nossa volta/Five
Environment/Diferentes Ambientes
 Onde vivemos
1.1.a. Distinguish between living and nonliving things.
1.1.b. Sort animals and plants by observable characteristics
1.2. a. Identify basic needs of plants and animals: Food,
water, light, air, space.
1.2.b. Describe how all animals depend upon plants
whether or not they eat the plants directly.
1.3.a. Identify different environment s (i.e., pond, forest,
prairie) support the life of different types of plants and
1.3.b. Observe how the living things in an environment
change with the seasons (e.g., trees lose their leaves in the
1.3.c. Identify that senses help humans and other
organisms detect internal and external cues.
1.3.d. Describe how five senses help humans react to their
environment, (e.g., hear a whistle and line up, feel cold air
and put on a jacket)
1.3.e. Act out or construct simple diagrams (pictures or
words) that shows a simple food web.
Essential Questions/Questões
1.1. How does structure relate to
function in living systems?
1.2. How is matter transferred and
energy transferred/transformed in
living systems?
1.3. How do responses to internal and
external cues aid in an organism’s
1.4. How are organisms of the same
kind different from each other? How
does this help them reproduce and
O que existe nos ambientes
Os seres vivos nos ambientes/Interactions
among Organisms and their Environment
Ambientes aquáticos e ambientes
terrestres/Water and Land Environment
Mudanças nos ambientes Nem todos
cuidam dos ambientes./Effects of Changing
Environment on Living Things
1.4. Heredity and Reproduction
Life Cycles/Reproduction
Plant Development and Growth
Resemblance between animals and their
2. Physical Sciences/Ciências Físicas
1.4.a. Describe the major stages that characterize the life
cycle of the frog and butterfly as they go through
1.4.b. Describe plant development and growth.
1.4.c. Describe how plants and animals usually resemble
their parents.
Properties of Matter
Water Cycle/Ciclo da Água
Forms of Energy
Sources of Light
Motion at the Macroscopic
Objects and Position
Different Ways Objects Move
Forces Affecting Motion
Using Force to Move Objects
Project Kite
2.1.a. Identify the materials that make up
an object. (e.g., desk is made up of wood
and metal, bike is made up of metal,
rubber, and plastic)
2.1.b. Identify the observable properties of
different objects, such as color, size, shape,
weight and texture.
2.1.c. Identify matter that can be a liquid or
solid (e.g., water).
2.1.d. Observe and sort objects that are and
are not attracted to magnets.
2.2. Identify natural sources of light (e.g.,
sun, fireflies, deep sea creatures, fire,
lightning) and artificial sources of light (e.g.,
light bulbs, matches, candles).
2.3.a. Describe spatial relationships (i.e.,
above, below, next to, left, right, middle,
center) of objects.
2.1. How do the properties of materials
determine their use?
2.2. How do we know that things have
2.3. How can motion be measured?
2.4. How does force affect motion?
2.3.b. Describe the position of an object by
referencing its location in relation to
another object or background.
2.4.b. Describe and demonstrate how the
position and motion of an object can be
changed by applying force, such as
pushing and pulling.
3. Earth and Space Sciences/Ciências do
3.1. Earth and Sky
3.2. Properties of Earth’s
Materials/Propriedades materiais da
Rocks and Soil/ Tipos de Solo
3.3. Energy in Earth Systems
3.4. Climate and Weather
3.5. Biochemical cycles
 Earth’s Resource
 Use of Natural Resources
Caring for Earth’s Resources
Standards 1.3b and 1.3.c were adapted from the Delaware Science Content Standard
3.1.a. Observe seasonal and weather
changes throughout the school year.
3.2.a. Identify the Earth materials (i.e., rocks,
soil, water, air) found in aquatic and
terrestrial environments.
3.2.b. Use the senses to observe and
then describe the physical properties
of soil components.
3.2.c. Identify the composition of Earth
(including rocks, sand, soil, and water).
3.3.a. Compare temperatures in sunny
and shady places.
3.4.a. Observe and record daily changes
in weather (e.g., clouds or air temperature)
3.4.b. Describe how weather and forecasts
affect people's lives.
3.5.a. Describe various resources that
provide the necessary things that are
used by people in their daily lives.
3.5.b. Describe how some resources can
be used and reused.
3.1. How do changes in one part of the
Earth system affect other parts of the
3.2. How does understanding the
properties of Earth materials and the
physical laws that govern their behavior
lead to prediction of Earth events?
3.3. How does the sun's energy impact
our lives?
3.4. How does the sun interact with the
earth to produce weather and climate?
3.5. Why Are biogeochemical cycles
essential to long-term life on Earth?
Curriculum Guides
Subject : Social Studies / História / Geografia
Themes: Family as context / Tempo de criança e História no Cotidiano / Espaço de criança e Espaço vivido
Grade: 1st grade
1. Time, Continuity,
and Change
Continuidade e
2. Connections and
Conflict/Conexões e
3. Geography
4. Culture/Cultura
1.1. Then and Now/Em outros tempos e
 School
 Toys/Lugar de brincar em outros
 Toys from different cultures/
Brinquedos Indígenas e africanos
 Tools
 Technology
1.1.a. Differentiate between people, places, and
events in the past, present and future.
Essential Questions/ Questões
1. What does “the past” mean?
2. How is the past different from the present?
3. Why is knowing about the past important?
4. How is knowledge about the past
2.1. Character Counts
Classroom Agreements
2.2. Myself and other children/Eu e todas as
 Direitos e deveres da criança
 Diferentes pontos de vista, diferentes
3.1. Human societies and
environment/Deveres para com a natureza
2.1.a Give examples of conflict and
cooperation among individuals and groups.
2.2.a. Identify and describe factors that contribute
to cooperation and factors that may cause
What is conflict?
What is cooperation?
Why do groups of people have conflict?
Why do groups of people cooperate?
How can people work together
3.1.a. Describe ways in which people depend on
the physical environment
4.1.Everyday life/História no cotidiano
 Different types of families/Tipos de
4.1.a. Describe how people in different types of
institutions and organizations (e.g. families, schools,
local religious communities, clubs, etc.) interact
with each other.
4.1.b.Describe how people from different cultures
interact with the environment, such as the use of
resources, shelter and transportation.
1. How can location be explained?
2. What makes one place different from
another place?
3. Why does someone’s physical
environment matter?
4. How can you explain where a place is
1. What is culture?
2. How is it possible to distinguish between
two cultures?
3. How does someone know how to
behave, even when that person is not
told how to?
4. How do different groups of people living
in one place influence a culture?
5. Society and
Identity/Sociedade e
5.1. Character Counts
Classroom Agreements
5.2. Different /História no cotidiano
 Different types of families/Tipos de
 Lazer
5.1.a Recognize culturally and contextually
appropriate and inappropriate social behavior and
the impact of making choices about behavior.
5.1.b Explain why people live in social groups (e.g.
families, communities, and nation).
6. Government
6.1. Character Counts
Classroom Agreements
6.2. Myself and other children/Eu e todas as
 Direitos e deveres da criança
 Diferentes pontos de vista, diferentes
6.1.a Describe rights and responsibilities of the
individual in relation to his or her social group,
including the characteristics of good citizens.
6.1.b. Describe the impact of families and schools
on their lives.
6.2.c Describe rights and responsibilities of the
individual in relation to his or her social group,
including the characteristics of good citizens.
6.2.d Identify qualities that leaders need in order
to meet their responsibilities.
7. Production,
Distribution, and
7.1. Community Helpers/Trabalhadores da
 My Neighborhood
 Escola e a sala de aula
8. Science, Technology
and Society
8.1. Technology
What is technology?
What are objects made of?
6.2.e Describe the impact of families and schools
on their lives.
7.1.a. Describe roles resources play in our daily lives.
7.1.b. Describe how we depend upon people with
specialized jobs.
8.1.b. Describe examples in which tools and
techniques have changed the lives of
1. How are individuals affected by different
social systems?
2. How do different cultures affect people
3. What institutions have the greatest
impact on people?
4. Why do people from different cultures
sometimes seem different?
5. What is the difference between
“tolerance” and “acceptance”?