Programa de Retomada de Conteúdo – 7º ano 2º Bimestre Inglês


Programa de Retomada de Conteúdo – 7º ano 2º Bimestre Inglês
Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio,
Rua Cantagalo 305, 313, 325, 337 e 339 – Tatuapé – Fones: 2293-9166
Diretoria de Ensino Região LESTE – 5
Programa de Retomada de Conteúdo – 7º ano
2º Bimestre
Orientações :
O trabalho deverá ser todo manuscrito em folha de almaço com exceção da capa, cujo
modelo está disponibilizado no site.
Você deve fazer o desenvolvimento do trabalho dessa forma:
Capa: (Impresso e conforme o modelo disponibilizado no site)
Introdução: Tem a função de apresentar resumidamente ao leitor o tema que será
desenvolvido e de que forma será apresentado ao longo do trabalho.
Desenvolvimento: é só começar a desenvolver o trabalho solicitado.
Conclusão: é a parte mais importante do trabalho, pois você escreverá o que você entendeu,
ou seja, qual conclusão a que você chegou sobre o assunto...
Referencias Bibliográficas: Deve conter a relação de onde foram tiradas as informações:
livros, revista, links e outros.
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Parte I – Pesquisa
Faça uma pesquisa sobre o “Present Simple Tense” indicando:
- o uso deste tempo verbal (com cinco exemplos)
- estrutura da forma afirmativa (com cinco exemplos)
- estrutura da forma negativa (com cinco exemplos)
- estrutura da forma interrogativa (com cinco exemplos)
- uso e posição dos advérbios de frequência (com três exemplos para cada advérbio)
Parte II – Exercícios
1. Leia o texto e responda às questões em inglês.
Hi! My name is Elise and I am 13 years old. I am from Seattle and I have two brothers and
one sister, but she does’t live with me. I live with my mother and my two brothers, and my sister
lives with our father in other city. They live in Oregon. My brothers are 15 and 16 and my sister is
I like to read books and magazines and sometimes play some games on the computer. My
brothers love to play computer games, but they don’t like reading. They play soccer every Sunday
and I go swimming every Saturday morning.
I always do my homework in the afternoon and sometimes I sleep a little.
I never play soccer, because I don’t like this sport.
Sometimes I go to my father’s house to visit him and my sister. I love to go there because
they have a pet. It’s a dog and his name is Otto. I love dogs, but I can’t have one in my house
because my brother is allergic to animal’s fur.
That’s my life, what about yours?
a) Where does Elise live? And her sister?
d) How old are Elise’s brothers and sister?
c) What does Elise like to do? And her brothers?
d) Why Elise can’t have a dog?
2. Ainda de acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Elise _________
) always does her homework on Saturdays
) always does her homework on Sundays
) always does her homework in the afternoon
b) Elise’s sister________
) lives with her mother in Oregon.
) lives with her father in Seattle.
) doesn’t live with her mother.
c) Elise______________
) loves dogs and has one.
) hates dogs and doesn’t have one
) loves dogs but doesn’t have one.
d) Elise__________
) doesn’t play soccer
) doesn’t like swimming
) plays soccer
3. Complete the sentences paying attention to the preposition.
a) I go to school in the ____________________________
b) My mother’s birthday is in __________________________
c) My birthday is on _________________________________
d) I have math classes on __________________________
e) I have dinner at ________________________________
4. Put the words in the correct order:
a) never / on the internet / Kim / talk to / strangers.
b) gives / her / strangers / to / she / sometimes / address.
c) Paul McCartney / Brazil / in / is.
d) Peter / his teeth / always / brushes / in the evening.
5. Read the text about Elliot. Then write negative sentences to correct the false statements
about him.
Elliot is a thirteen-years-old boy. He’s handsome. He
has short black hair and black eyes. He’s also very
nice. He goes to school in the morning. His father
drives him to school and his mom picks him up in the
afternoon. He has many good friends. He always
meets his friends over the weekend. They like to go
to the movies and to hang out at the new bowling
Elliot goes to school in the evening.
He meets his friends every day after school.
Elliot and his friends have lunch together on Sundays.
He has black eyes and has short blond hair.
6. Fill in the blanks with do, does , don´t or doesn´t :
a) __________________ you like those pants ?
b) Bertha ___________________ love cats.
c) ________________ Karl play soccer?
d) They ___________________ eat at school.
e) ________________ Beth like to use sunglasses?
7. A palavra “They” na linha 7 do texto acima, refere-se a
a) Goldilocks and Baby Bear
b) Mother and Father Bear
c) Goldilocks and Mother Bear
d) Father Bear and Baby Bear
8. Ainda referindo-se ao texto “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, podemos dizer que é
a) uma poesia, pela presença de versos e emoção.
b) uma propaganda, pelo uso de imagens e palavras-chave.
c) uma história em quadrinhos, pela presença de figuras e quadros.
d) um diálogo, pela presença de aspas, falas diretas e narração.
The driver
Gustavo works far away from his home. He drives a car to work. It takes him 3 hours to
get there. Gustavo drives. While he drives, he thinks about many things. He thinks about
his little girl. She likes to ride horses. He thinks about his little boy. He plays fireman all the
time. He thinks about his wife. She milks the cows on the farm. Gustavo thinks of things he
has to do when he gets home. He needs to cut the grass. He needs to water the flowers.
He wants to read a story to his little girl. He wants to play a game with his little boy. He
wants to sit with his wife. He wants to tell her about his day.
9. Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) How does Gustavo go to work?
A. By bus
B. By car
C. By horse
D. By train
b) What does Gustavo do when he drives?
A. He sings.
B. He talks.
C. He thinks.
D. He works
c) What does Gustavo think about? Check all that are correct.
A. His car.
B. His little boy.
C. His wife.
D. His work.
10. Responda de acordo com o texto.
a) What does his little boy like to play?
b) What does Gustavo need to do when he gets home?
c) What does Gustavo want to do when he gets home?