

All Saints Parish
124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9
Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921
Email: [email protected] Parish Website:
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pastoral Team/Staff Phone Directory
Fr. John Pirt, Pastor Ext. 22, [email protected]
Judy Vandenberk, Youth Coordinator Ext 24
Olga Ferreira & Anna Garcia, Office Admin, Dial 0
Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson:
Kathleen Steffler 519-280-4990
Finance Chairperson:
Joe Czernai, 205-2935
Cemetery Board:
Dianne Whiting 519-205-1015
Saturday 5:00p.m. English
Sunday 8:30a.m. 10:00a.m. English
11:30a.m. Portuguese
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 3:45pm to 4:30pm
Sacrament of Baptism
Please call the parish office at 245-0644 to register for
the baptismal class which is held on the 1st Wed of the
month at 7:30pm in St. Angela’s Rm
Sacrament of Marriage
Arrangements to be made 8 months in advance by
appointment with Fr. John Pirt.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
1st Thursday of the month from 8:30am-6:15pm
Jerry Vens, Grand Knight 245-4818
Ed Thuss, Financial Secretary 246-1017 Visit
us at
Catholic Women’s League, Co-Presidents
Gwen Lamoureux , 519-245-6216
Gwen Waeijen, 519-245-6987
Rose Valenciuk, Memberships 226-272-4945
Trudy Thuss, Religious Articles 245-1303
Weekly Mass Schedule
Monday, March 23rd
8:00am Mass
8:30-9:00am Adoration with Morning Prayer
Manuel Monteiro – Jacinta Monteiro
Souls of Purgatory – Maria J. Rebelo
Tuesday, March 24th
10:30am Mass ~ Sprucedale Nursing Home
Corle McManus – Steve & Luella Curry
6:30pm Rosary ~ 7:00pm Mass
Frank Van Dongen – Rea Van Dongen
Arthur Arruda – Joe & Connie Arruda & Family
Antonio & Maria Vieira – José & Almerinda
7:30pm Church History (Parish Centre)
Wednesday, March 25th
8:00am Mass ~ 8:30am Rosary
Mario Deanna – Vicki Rosedale
All Day Confessions
Thursday, March 26th
9:30am Mass
Bill Strybosch – Leona Strybosch
6:30pm Terço-7:00pm Missa-7:30pm Via Sacra
José e Leonore Martins – Fatima Luis e familia
Francisco Pedro – Evelina Pedro
Berta Martins – Francisco e Judite DaPonte
Friday, March 27th
9:45am Mass
Mary Sharp – Larry & Olga Peters
Souls of Purgatory – Nick & Lisa Paiva
7:00pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 28th
8:30am Mass
9:00-9:30am Adoration with Morning Prayer
Maria Vieira – Lourdes Azevedo
DATE (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week)
Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 22, 2015
I will place my law within them
and write it upon their hearts;
I will be their God, and they shall be
my people.
— Jeremiah 31:33
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
May we remember in prayer, the priests, deacons,
religious women and men and seminarians of the
Diocese of London. May they be faithful to the charge
given them by the Lord.
Mar 22 – Rev. Murray Sample
Mar 23 – Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Mar 24 – Mrs. Shirley Markham, Parish Nurse
Mar 25 – Rev. Alan Momney
Mar 26 – Dr. Robert Langlois, Pastoral Minister
Mar 27 – Most Rev. Eugene LaRocque
Mar 28 – Brother Janusz Kolbusz, C.S.M.A.
Heavenly Father may the merits and prayers of our
Blessed Mother Mary, and the angels and saints, be
combined with our prayers. Grant the petitions of our
parishioners, especially those who have asked for our
prayers. Please intercede for their physical, emotional
and spiritual needs. Help us to lighten their burdens and
brighten their days. This we ask in the name of Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Knights of Columbus
Family Fish Fry
On Friday, April 17th, 2015
From 5:00pm to 7:00pm
At All Saints Parish Family Centre
Front Street, Strathroy
Kids (under 12)--------$5.00
Please remember in your
Amilicar Cera+, father of
Maria Vagueiro & Dina Cera.
May he and all the faithful
departed rest in peace.
Day of Confessions, March 25
In the season of Lent, as we focus on God’s call to
return to him with all our hearts, we will have the
opportunity to ritualize our desire for change and
renewal. Throughout the diocese on Wednesday,
March 25, very priest in every parish will be
available throughout the entire day to celebrate the
sacrament of penance (reconciliation). Over this
week let us make the journey into the heart of our
relationship with God. Take a long loving look at
the ways God calls you to grow. Take this
challenge and hold it in readiness for the rich
blessing that is manifest in sacrament of penance.
“Do not be afraid to ask God’s forgiveness! He
never tires of forgiving us, like a father who loves
us.” – Pope Francis
Confession times: 9am to 12noon
1:00pm – 4:00pm &
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Dia das Confissões, 25 de Março
No tempo da Quaresma, ao
concentrar-mos no chamamento de Deus para voltar
a ele com todo o nosso coração, teremos a
oportunidade de ritualizar o nosso desejo de mudar
e renovar. Na nossa diocese na quarta-feira, 25 de
Março, todos os sacerdotes em cada paróquia
estaráo disponível durante todo o dia para celebrar o
sacramento da penitência (reconciliação). Durante
esta semana, vamos fazer a viagem ao coração do
nosso relacionamento com Deus. Dê uma olhada as
maneiras em que Deus nos chama a crescer. Faço
este desafio, e mantenha-o em prontidão para as
ricas bênções que se manifesta no sacramento da
penitência."Não tenha medo de pedir perdão a
Deus! Ele não se cansa de nos perdoar, como um
pai que nos ama" ~ Papa Francisco
Horário de Confissões: 9:00 - Meio dia
1:00 - 4:00 da tarde e das 6:00 - 9:00 da noite
SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week)
Today is Solidarity Sunday! Support the Share Lent collection for
Development and Peace.
Pope Francis ends his Joy of the Gospel with this prayer to Mary:
Star of the new evangelization, help us to bear radiant witness to
communion, service, ardent and generous faith, justice and love of the
poor, that the joy of the Gospel may reach to the ends of the Earth,
illuminating even the fringes of our world.
Today, on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Solidarity Sunday, we join the Holy
Father in praying that we may all be radiant witnesses and that through
our support of Development and Peace, the joy of the Gospel may
indeed illuminate even the darkest corners of our world! Your gift can
be placed in the Share Lent envelopes. Thank you for your generosity in
helping to meet the needs of the world.
Hoje é Domingo de Solidariedade! Apoiar a coleção Quaresmal
para o Desenvolvimento e Paz.
Papa Francis termina a sua alegria do evangelho com esta oração a
Estrela da nova evangelização, ajuda-nos a dar testemunho radiante à
comunhão, serviço, fé ardente e generosa, a justiça e o amor dos pobres,
que a alegria do Evangelho chegue até os fins da Terra, iluminando até
mesmo à beira do nosso mundo.
Hoje, no Quinto Domingo da Quaresma, Domingo de Solidariedade,
nos unimos ao Santo Padre em oração para que todos nós possamos
ser testemunhas radiantes e que através do nosso apoio ao
Desenvolvimento e da Paz, a alegria do Evangelho pode realmente
iluminar até os cantos mais escuros do nosso mundo! Sua oferta pode
ser colocada no envelope Quaresmal para o Desenvolvimento e Paz.
Obrigado pela sua generosidade em ajudar as necessidades do
“On the weekend of April 10 and 11, All Saints Parish
is hosting their annual Marriage Prep Weekend. We
have 20 engaged couples taking part in this weekend
preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. In the narthex we
have a tree with hearts representing both the engaged couples
that are participating & the married couples that are helping
this weekend. We ask that you take a heart from the tree and
over the next couple of weeks pray for the couple that is on
your heart. Please pray for a successful weekend and that
God blesses each couple with a strong and happy marriage.”
Wedding Anniversary Mass:
Save the Date
Most Reverend Ronald Fabbro,
C.S.B., Bishop of London invites
all Married Couples to celebrate
the Sacrament of Marriage at the
Wedding Anniversary Mass on
Sunday, May 3, 2015, 2:30pm at
St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica,
London, Ontario. More details to
follow at a later date.
This week at All Saints
Monday, March 23
1:00pm K of C Cards,
Columbian Rm
7:00pm K of C General Meeting
Columbian Room
Tuesday, March 24
1:30pm Al-anon, St. Angela’s
7:30pm Church History,
Parish Centre
8:00pm RCIA, St. Mary’s Rm
Wednesday, March 25th
1:00pm CWL Exec. Meeting,
Columbian Room
Thursday, March 26
6:30pm Senior’s Euchre,
Columbian Rm
7:30pm Finance Committee
St. Angela’s Room
CWL News
Executive Meeting –
March 25th at 1pm
General Meeting – April 7
at 7:30pm with Guest
Speaker Pharmacist
Shelley Stepanuik. We are
collecting personal
toiletries, hygiene products
for the area women’s
homes to be taken to the
convention. Please bring
your donation to the April

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